Re: [spectre] Dispatches from Ukraine: Tactical Media Reflflections and Responses

2022-07-18 Diskussionsfäden xname
really did manage to do it properly, so we were laughing, and making 
fun.. (really?)

and if someone, anyone, who thinks that it was bad as you were 
culturally "colonisied" by Disneyland in the 80s and therefore were 
dreaming of living in Soviet Union, I can only say one thing - please 
mind, this is a very very dangerous idea as you should now rather 
become aware of that you have been brainwashed by Russia's imperialism, 
who has been running a very sophisticated propaganda machine for almost 
a century long..

and if you still think, here can be "multiple perspectives", I also 
would recommend to apply for residency in Russia, could be an 
interesting and useful experience... But also coming to Poland or 
Baltic countries may 'heal'... it's quite an adrenaline living here in 
these difficult times, following the news on Ukrianan Telegram every 
day hour by hour, while reading Western intellectuals' messages full of 
unnecessary tolerance and critic, or utopian pacifism promotion.


On 18/07/2022 00:26, xname wrote:

Hello Ryszard,

Thanks for your email, and for sharing your view and experience.

I'd clarify here: my childhood desire was towards the unknown, that 
which was not described, as no one was telling us what was really going 
on in Russia, all we had was the fake American dream (which included 
the commodification of female bodies) and literature from the past. I 
am also aware that I was very lucky and privileged growing up in a 
house full of any sorts of books, also having access to many libraries.

My anecdote was in response to Rasa, to highlight that there are 
multiple perspectives and modalities for cultural appropriation (and 

I am not disputing what was better or worse, or whose childhood was 
happier. The idea was to acknowledge that also in the West some had a 
curiosity or a wish that that which was not the status quo could be 
better than the real they had to experience.

And I am not at all saying that being under Russian influence is in any 
way a good thing, I am simply saying that the game at stake is a power 
game, it is unfortunately not about anyone's freedom, or better 
interest, but profit.

I am sorry if my email was unclear and you had the impression I was 
trying to decide where to move to, it couldn't be further away from 
what I was trying to express.

Best wishes

Eleonora X, PhD.

On 2022-07-17 21:47, Ryszard Kluszczyński wrote:

Dear Eleonora,

let me quote you:
"During my childhood, in Milan in the 80s, I had an opposite experience 
than yours: my country had been culturally colonised by the US (cinema 
TV clothing etc), and they did think they were better. Most people did 
not notice at all they were colonised, because they had been 
brainwashed. As I happened to dislike American cinema and Disney's 
total animation, but I did read a lot of Italian and French and Russian 
literature and philosophy, I must say it did happen to me during my 
childhood to wish I was in the Soviet Union instead, hoping that that 
would be a better alternative from the dumb hypnotic imperialism that 
had subsumed my contemporaries."

During my childhood in Poland in the 60s, I was not so happy as you in 
the 80s. You could have decided what to read. The Soviet-Russian 
censorships deprived me of such possibilities.
You were happy to avoid the experioence what it really means to live in 
the colonised country, colonised society. But it doesn't mean you 
should not try to imagine and understand what it is really.
Anyway you can try to realise your desire from your childhood. You can 
move to Russia to become the resident. But resident not just visitor.
I understand if you don't decide to do it. A French famous film actor 
who did it once (to avoid paying taxes in France) is already back as I 

Good luck whatever you decide to do


Prof. Ryszard W. Kluszczynski, PhD.
Chair of Department of New Media and Digital Culture
University of Lodz
171/173 Pomorska Street
90-236 Lodz
tel  +426655133

On 17 Jul 2022, at 18:00, xname  wrote:
During my childhood, in Milan in the 80s, I had an opposite experience 
than yours: my country had been culturally colonised by the US (cinema 
TV clothing etc), and they did think they were better. Most people did 
not notice at all they were colonised, because they had been 
brainwashed. As I happened to dislike American cinema and Disney's 
total animation, but I did read a lot of Italian and French and Russian 
literature and philosophy, I must say it did happen to me during my 
childhood to wish I was in the Soviet Union instead, hoping that that 
would be a better alternative from the dumb hypnotic imperialism that 
had subsumed my contemporaries.


phantasmata and illusions



phantasmata and illusions

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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Re: [spectre] Dispatches from Ukraine: Tactical Media Reflflections and Responses

2022-07-17 Diskussionsfäden xname

Hello Ryszard,

Thanks for your email, and for sharing your view and experience.

I'd clarify here: my childhood desire was towards the unknown, that 
which was not described, as no one was telling us what was really going 
on in Russia, all we had was the fake American dream (which included the 
commodification of female bodies) and literature from the past. I am 
also aware that I was very lucky and privileged growing up in a house 
full of any sorts of books, also having access to many libraries.

My anecdote was in response to Rasa, to highlight that there are 
multiple perspectives and modalities for cultural appropriation (and 

I am not disputing what was better or worse, or whose childhood was 
happier. The idea was to acknowledge that also in the West some had a 
curiosity or a wish that that which was not the status quo could be 
better than the real they had to experience.

And I am not at all saying that being under Russian influence is in any 
way a good thing, I am simply saying that the game at stake is a power 
game, it is unfortunately not about anyone's freedom, or better 
interest, but profit.

I am sorry if my email was unclear and you had the impression I was 
trying to decide where to move to, it couldn't be further away from what 
I was trying to express.

Best wishes

Eleonora X, PhD.

On 2022-07-17 21:47, Ryszard Kluszczyński wrote:

Dear Eleonora,

let me quote you:
"During my childhood, in Milan in the 80s, I had an opposite experience 
than yours: my country had been culturally colonised by the US (cinema 
TV clothing etc), and they did think they were better. Most people did 
not notice at all they were colonised, because they had been 
brainwashed. As I happened to dislike American cinema and Disney's 
total animation, but I did read a lot of Italian and French and Russian 
literature and philosophy, I must say it did happen to me during my 
childhood to wish I was in the Soviet Union instead, hoping that that 
would be a better alternative from the dumb hypnotic imperialism that 
had subsumed my contemporaries."

During my childhood in Poland in the 60s, I was not so happy as you in 
the 80s. You could have decided what to read. The Soviet-Russian 
censorships deprived me of such possibilities.
You were happy to avoid the experioence what it really means to live in 
the colonised country, colonised society. But it doesn't mean you 
should not try to imagine and understand what it is really.
Anyway you can try to realise your desire from your childhood. You can 
move to Russia to become the resident. But resident not just visitor.
I understand if you don't decide to do it. A French famous film actor 
who did it once (to avoid paying taxes in France) is already back as I 

Good luck whatever you decide to do


Prof. Ryszard W. Kluszczynski, PhD.
Chair of Department of New Media and Digital Culture
University of Lodz
171/173 Pomorska Street
90-236 Lodz
tel  +426655133

On 17 Jul 2022, at 18:00, xname  wrote:
During my childhood, in Milan in the 80s, I had an opposite experience 
than yours: my country had been culturally colonised by the US (cinema 
TV clothing etc), and they did think they were better. Most people did 
not notice at all they were colonised, because they had been 
brainwashed. As I happened to dislike American cinema and Disney's 
total animation, but I did read a lot of Italian and French and 
Russian literature and philosophy, I must say it did happen to me 
during my childhood to wish I was in the Soviet Union instead, hoping 
that that would be a better alternative from the dumb hypnotic 
imperialism that had subsumed my contemporaries.


phantasmata and illusions

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Re: [spectre] Dispatches from Ukraine: Tactical Media Reflflections and Responses

2022-07-17 Diskussionsfäden xname

Dear Rasa,

Thanks for sharing, and I send you all blessings from London.

The way I read Heats' questions is different, as imho it is always good 
to know who is funding a project and whether those involved as somewhat 
"objects" of the publication have the tools (ie can read the story) to 
participate in the discussion.
It is also fair to remember that the Netherlands has a certain 
reputation of having journalists thrilled to get involved and enunciate 
sentences about "other people's wars" (possibly moved by the kick in 
adrenaline to temporarily forget their lingering depressive boredom, 
eventually stemming from a Ritalin infused society...). This isn't 
obviously about Geert but the general tendency of a small privileged 
society who gives itself credits to comment on other people's non 
privileged societies from shiny institutes with ergonomic chairs and 
fast bandwidth, eventually staring at the ducks swimming through large 
windows facing the canal.

But this is also a partial story infected of stereotypes.

Because the discussion is of course much more complex.

Every time there is a war, there is someone, some "parts", that are 
making money because of the world. Big money.
There is also another reality: the function of weapons is to kill and 
make war.
If you add weapons to the table, you'll increase the "phase space" of a 
war. By no means increasing weapons diminishes war.
Such weapons have also another function, that of making a few rich. It 
is numerical.

These are simple facts, not judgment, not theory.

During my childhood, in Milan in the 80s, I had an opposite experience 
than yours: my country had been culturally colonised by the US (cinema 
TV clothing etc), and they did think they were better. Most people did 
not notice at all they were colonised, because they had been 
brainwashed. As I happened to dislike American cinema and Disney's total 
animation, but I did read a lot of Italian and French and Russian 
literature and philosophy, I must say it did happen to me during my 
childhood to wish I was in the Soviet Union instead, hoping that that 
would be a better alternative from the dumb hypnotic imperialism that 
had subsumed my contemporaries.

Saying that Biden and the United States are worried about "freedom" and 
the freedom of Ukraine, makes me grimly grin.
First of all, the US has done the same several times, for example when 
it invaded Afganistan. Where they fighting for peace?
Secondly, NATO's incessant expansion was clearly tilting any possible 
balance, or that which was left and gave stability during the cold war, 
the binomial function that divided the world but somehow also kept it 

And you know what happens when you have a dickhead on the one hand, and 
another dickhead on the other: things suddenly crack!
Especially if these two dickheads who are toying with the future of the 
world basically don't care about the future at all because they are old 
and they shall retire rather than approach international politics 
without any logic or fear because there is nothing better than a great 
big final collective showdown, rather than a slow lonely end in the 

But there is more: as much as making more weapons is not obviously going 
to stop the war, there is also a linguistic issue at play, or better a 
semiotic one. This war has reintroduced the cult for words such as 
courage, nation, heroism, all masculine virtues connected to patriotism. 
But, personally, I don't believe in national identity, I don't want 
borders, I don't care about patriotism, I despise it. And maybe there 
are some women in Ukraine who think so too.

But ultimately it is all very sad and I don't have any answers, I am 
just as confused by the many viewpoints, and of course it is great that 
the Dutch are using some of their funding to make a well designed 
English publication in homage to the people who are dying - and perhaps 
they are also trying to make some theory about what's happening, but I 
did wonder where the money was coming from too as sometimes oppressors 
(or weapons producers) hire and finance their own opposition, that 
happens all the time, so instead of having someone against them, the 
opponents become their employees, it's a brilliant strategy wildly used 
in the UK too to make things appear as if they had a broad critical 
spectrum, as if there was freedom of speech.

So, if I was Geert, I'd have just shared the info immediately rather 
than reacting in a defensive tone.

In the end, I don't speak Russian, altho I did try to study it when I 
was in primary school, and it took a long time to find a book as there 
was no manual, no books, no recordings, nothing. But I did learn the 
alphabet and the first word I looked up, which stayed with me forever, 
was мир -/mir/, PEACE.

My 2 cents

Paolo Fabbri, my professor of semiotics, used to say that 'peace' is an 
active process, which requires more energy and force because it has to 

Re: [spectre] Dispatches from Ukraine: Tactical Media Reflflections and Responses

2022-07-15 Diskussionsfäden xname
Very good questions!! Sent from the street Original message From: heath bunting Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2022, 3:21 pmTo: Geert Lovink Cc: spectre Subject: Re: [spectre] Dispatches from Ukraine: Tactical Media Reflflections and Responsesgeertwho are the funders of this project (any non-aligned countries) ?are ukrainian citizens (not 'shocked' but liberated) from the donbas region including in this project ?is this publication available to russian speaking ukrainian citizens oris the russian language banned in his publication as-well as in ukraine ?regardsheathOn Fri, 15 Jul 2022, Geert Lovink wrote:> > Theory on Demand #44> Dispatches from Ukraine:> Tactical Media Reflections and Responses> > edited by Maria van der Togt and 1 &23%#719> > This publication marks the first results of the Tactical Media Room Ukraine project, launched in> February 2022 in Amsterdam after the shocking Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Tactical Media> Room is a network of activists, journalists, scholars, and artists linked by the exchange of ideas> and practices—all aimed at supporting Ukrainian media and confronting Russian state propaganda.> Together, the network of experts initiated a screening and a series of meetings that took place> mainly in Amsterdam. Based on these meetings, Dispatches from Ukraine: Tactical Media Reflections and> Responses showcases initiatives, critique, and essays that provide insights into the ways information> circulates in time of war.> > This edition also aims at overcoming the Eurocentric approach through inviting Ukrainian journalists,> artists, and thinkers to share their observations and personal experience of living through war in> the digital age. It allows the collected reflections to be grounded and situated within the certain> context of Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian long-lasting conflicts. While on the one hand,> perspectives on info-war and the array of urgents matters at a distance are presented, on the other> hand, this publication also focuses on what is missing from outside of the war-zones.> > Contributors> Elmaz Asan, Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi, Andrii Dostliev, Lia Dostlieva, Olexii Kuchanskyi, Karyna Lazaruk,> Geert Lovink, Lera Malchenko, Svitlana Matviyenko, Maria Plichta, Ellen Rutten, Sander Steffann, Marc> Tuters, Michał ‘rysiek’ Woźniak.> > Printed on Demand ISBN: 978-94-92302-86-1> > Contact> > Institute of Network Cultures> Email:> Web:> > Order a copy or download this publication free of charge at> > This publication is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- NoDerivatives 4.0> International.> > Order a print copy HERE> Download the .pdf HERE> > > > >__SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep EuropeInfo, archive and help:
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[spectre] BOOK OUT \0/ Il Segno Audiovisivo. Cinema d'animazione e nuovi linguaggi

2022-04-14 Diskussionsfäden xname

Dear all,

I am very happy to announce that my first book, "Il Segno Audiovisivo. 
Cinema d'animazione e nuovi linguaggi" ("The audiovisual sign. Animated 
film and new languages"), is OUT now:

The book is available in all Italian bookshops and online. I have a few 
copies at hand so if you are in UK contact me for prompt delivery.

And yes, it is in Italian only for now

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[spectre] REBUS at Guthman Musical Instrument Award

2021-12-02 Diskussionsfäden xname

Dear all,

(apologies for X posting)

I am happy to share that my musical instrument REBUS has been selected 
as semifinalist for the Guthman Musical Instrument Award.

More about the instrument:

As one of the finalists will be selected by the public, if you like the 
project it would be great if you could cast your vote here:

Voting closes on December 7th!!!

Thank you,
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[spectre] Nebularosa 02 - Electromagnetic Interactions - 27 June 2020

2020-06-28 Diskussionsfäden xname

Dear all,

I am very happy to invite you to an event where REBUS, the musical 
instrument and interactive system I have developed during my PhD, will 
be played live for the first time.

The program includes Eleonora Oreggia aka xname on Rebus, Marta 
Zapparoli improvising with a range of antennas and Dorit Chrysler, 
theremin player and founder of the New York Theremin Society, with a 
special production for this event. The evening will start with a 
conversation between the three artists moderated by Emily Bick from The 

REBUS is a digital compositional tool and interactive system with 
extensive potential applications in electronic music, media art, dance, 
theatre and performance. It radically innovates the 100 years old 
Theremin technique, generating an electromagnetic field that forms an 
immaterial interface which can be manipulated by the hands

and the human body.

REBUS is the result of 7 years of intense study in Computer Science and 
Electronic Engineering at Queen Mary University of London. Hardware and 
software are designed by yours truly xname. The software runs on BELA 
(, all sounds are programmed in C++. The event is organised by 
IKLECTIK ARt Lab and Nebularosa Records with kind support from Arts 
Council England, Centre for Public Engagement QMUL and UK Research and 

Date: Saturday 27 June – Conversation 20:00 – 20:30 | Online concert 
20:30 – 22:00

Venue: IKLECTIK YouTube Channel, Facebook Page and Twitch channel

I would be very pleased if you would like to join me in this strangely 
remote and anyway contactless event.
Email me privately if you wish to receive a GUEST PASS allowing internal 
access to the Zoom talk.

The entire event will be streamed live:

BOOM \0/


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[spectre] Make Music with Lights :: workshop and performance in Berlin

2017-10-20 Diskussionsfäden xname

there are a couple of places still available for this workshop starting 
tomorrow in Berlin

Participation to the workshop includes entrance to the evening program at 

where I will perform some psychedelic noise and melodic broken techno.

Unique opportunity for those in Berlin 

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[spectre] nebularosa records || nebulullaby compilation

2016-04-14 Diskussionsfäden xname
Hash: SHA1

Hello everybody,

I am very happy to announce Nebularosa Records, a new London-based record label
publishing experimental noise, techno, industrial and algorithmic electronic 
that challenges the established modes of music production, releasing music in 
and digital download.

Debut album:
a compilation of electronic lullabies

Press release:


Launch party:

Please join us on 23rd April 2016 at Apiary Studios from 4pm to 2am.
Kids free+1!


Supported by Arts Council England, Centre for Public Engagement at Queen Mary
University of London, Centre for Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths University of
London, Atau Tanaka and MetaGesture Music, European Research Council.

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[spectre] resembles project Virtual Entity

2015-09-21 Diskussionsfäden xname
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Dear all,

this email is to let everyone know that one of my software projects,
Virtual Entity, initiated at the end of 2007, and fairly widespread on the
Internet and presented at festivals, tech events, Institutes and Universities, 
has been barely reproduced by a startup called:

which pretends to have invented the NEW thing in archiving, metadata and

The system technically works pretty much the same and the logic behind it
is identical, but, whereas I made a poetic art project, they are making a
busyness. Mine was a working prototype, whereas they have built a huge

I've contacted the founders who just acknowledged the similarities between
the two projects and offered me to write a blog post on their site. They
affirm they were not aware of the project, which in my opinion doesn't
matter (although, to be honest, on a second look, is quite hard to
believe). In fact, before declaring you have invented something, 
you should make your research.

In any case, we don't think a blog post is enough to declare the origin of the
idea and we are currently investigating more exciting options towards a 
collaboration with Ascribe.

Funnily enough, the whole project constructs a narrative where the inventor 
is a CREATOR rather than a owner, so it is interesting that this is happening 
right now.


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[spectre] Agostino Di Scipio – Public Lecture - 23 Febrary 2015

2015-02-03 Diskussionsfäden xname
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sorry for >< posting :: feel free to >>  thank you

- ---

Dear All,

As part of my PhD research I have invited Agostino Di Scipio to present his 
amazing work at Queen Mary University of London. This is a free and open event, 
all welcome!! 

23 February 2015 h 18:00
Queen Mary University of London
Arts One Lecture Theatre
Mile End Campus
E1 4NS London

Event page:



::: The place of computing in situated sonic interactions of performers, 
machines, and environment :::

In this presentation I address the place and meaning of computing resources in 
the context of the hybrid technological infrastructures necessary in 
sound-making practices, and the surrounding physical space where such practices 
take place. I illustrate examples from personal experience with sound 
installation and performance works based where the structural coupling is 
elaborated between the room acoustics and the technical equipment (including 
pro- and consumer-level electroacoustic transducers, and mechanical 
resonators). While the approach may fit well in a broader scenario of artistic 
practices in which data from various sources in the environment are admitted as 
component parts of the computing process, the particular perspective I try to 
elaborate bears almost exclusively on sound and auditory perception. Sound is 
experienced as the only interface in a network of situated interactions having 
both energetic and informational dimensions. It is suggested that, in such a 
context, a notion of ‘computing’ seems to materialise that can’t be reduced to 
‘information processing’ (safe if we fully subscribe to an utterly 
reductionistic epistemology), and gets closer to a view of ‘embodied and 
situated cognition’ rooted in the biology of cognition and the phenomenology of 
the living.

::: Biographical note ::: 

Agostino Di Scipio (Naples, Italy, 1962) composer, sound artist, scholar. 
Graduated in Composition and Electronic Music from the Conservatory of 
L’Aquila, and studied Computer Music at CSC, University of Padova. Di Scipio 
explores original methods in the gener­ation and transmission of sound, often 
featuring phenomena of emergence and chaotic dynamics. His works include live 
electronics performance (often with musical instruments, too) and installation 
works designed as “man-machine-environonment” net­works of purely sonic 
interactions (e.g. the Audible Ecosystemics series, and the more recent Modes 
of Interference series). His output includes two stage works mixing poetry 
reading and electroacoustics. His music is available on various labels (RZ 
Edition, Chrysopeé Electronique, Wergo, Neuma, etc.). With pianist Ciro 
Longobardi, Di Scipio published a full-concert realization of John Cage’s 
Electronic Music for Piano, presented at the 2012 Venice Biennale. With 
saxophonist Mario Gabola, he forms the Upset duo, in the context of which he 
explores recycled analog circuitry (Upset, Viande Records). A recent special 
issue of Contemporary Music Review collects various perspectives on Di Scipio’s 

 Artist-in-residence of DAAD, Berlin (2004-2005) and other international 
residency programs, Di Scipio served as full-time professor in Electroacoustic 
Composition at the Conservatory of Naples (2001-2013), and today holds the same 
position in L’Aquila. Edgar-Varèse-Professor at Technische Universität, Berlin 
(2007-2008), guest professor in various institutions in Europe and North 
America. In 2013, Di Scipio delivered the opening keynote speech of the Int’l 
Computer Music Conference (Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia). 
His writings focus on a variety of subjects, specially including cognitive and 
political implications of music technologies (e.g. the volume Pensare le 
tecnologie del suono e della musica, Naples 2013). Di Scipio served as guest 
editor of the Journal of New Music Research for a special issue on Iannis 
Xenakis, and was the editor of various volumes including Xenakis’s Universi del 
suono (Milan 2003) and Michael Eldred’s Heidegger, Holderlin & John Cage (Rome 

This lecture is part of the ‘Artists presentations series’ organised by the 
students of the Media and Arts Technology programme funded by the EPSRC. Thanks 
to Queen Mary University of London.

Students website:

Programme website:

- ---

Brought to you by _xname_

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2014-09-14 Diskussionsfäden xname
hello folk,

we received a lot of interest and a good number of lullabies,
BUT the selection is still open!!!
Send your lullaby by 23 September...

xname (and nebula)

On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 08:33:17PM +0200, xname wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> with apologies for cross posting  >>> <<<  feel free to forward >>> >>> >>>
> //
> \\\ an interstellar cloud of dust 
> open call for experimental noise industrial electronic techno and procedural 
> lullabies 
> Lullabies exist since antiquity in every culture and part of the world.
> Their repetition induces variations in the brain state, favouring the 
> transition between waking and sleep, or the oscillation in their liminal 
> threshold, recalling a pre-human state, that of the uninformed existential 
> field, the a-subjectivity (Deleuze, 1995) of the not yet human fluctuating in 
> the womb, where sounds are muffled and scanned by the rhythms of the hearts, 
> the two hearts temporarily connected into a single - almost supernatural - 
> body.
> Did it all explode at one time...Or, are the nebulae perpetually being form 
> from debris in space..? (Feynman 1999) 
> October 2014
> we encourage the use of free open source software and diy open hardware 
> however, any technique implementing an interesting and original process 
> or new extravagant musical instruments will be accepted. 
> send your track to:
> subject: experimental lullaby
> deadline: 23 September 2014
> BIO (max 50 words)
> TECH (max 150 words)
> FORMAT (flac/aif/wav)
> LICENSE (preference *)
> Please include source code and/or schematics where relevant.
> Add max two pictures clarifying the process (ie signal flow and/or physical 
> connections) and, eventually, one visual art work illustrating the track.
> Growing in size and complexity ... living things, masses of atoms, DNA, 
> protein ... dancing a pattern ever more intricate. Out of the cradle onto the 
> dry land ... here it is standing ... atoms with consciousness ... matter with 
> curiosity. Stands at the sea ... wonders at wondering ... a universe of atoms 
> ... an atom in the universe. (Feynman 1999) 
> Newborns, it seems, are predisposed to noise music, specifically that of a 
> fuzzy, warm, and liquid timbre. It's only later that we begin to favor 
> harmony and melody.
> (Timoty Gabriele, 2011) 
> References
> Deleuze. Pure Immanence. Essays on a life. 1995. 
> Feynman, Gottlieb, Leighton. Feynman's Tips on Physics. 1999.
> Gabriele. The Science of Sleep: The Electronic Lullaby. Popmatters, 2011.
> //
> \\
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
> HxgAnijLma53Ng7Zg+MjuZirb2zw1fjE
> =PYhH
> __
> SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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2014-06-02 Diskussionsfäden xname
Hash: SHA1

with apologies for cross posting  >>> <<<  feel free to forward >>> >>> >>>

\\\ an interstellar cloud of dust 

open call for experimental noise industrial electronic techno and procedural 

Lullabies exist since antiquity in every culture and part of the world.
Their repetition induces variations in the brain state, favouring the 
transition between waking and sleep, or the oscillation in their liminal 
threshold, recalling a pre-human state, that of the uninformed existential 
field, the a-subjectivity (Deleuze, 1995) of the not yet human fluctuating in 
the womb, where sounds are muffled and scanned by the rhythms of the hearts, 
the two hearts temporarily connected into a single - almost supernatural - body.

Did it all explode at one time...Or, are the nebulae perpetually being form 
from debris in space..? (Feynman 1999) 

October 2014

we encourage the use of free open source software and diy open hardware 
however, any technique implementing an interesting and original process 
or new extravagant musical instruments will be accepted. 

send your track to:
subject: experimental lullaby
deadline: 23 September 2014

BIO (max 50 words)
TECH (max 150 words)
FORMAT (flac/aif/wav)
LICENSE (preference *)

Please include source code and/or schematics where relevant.
Add max two pictures clarifying the process (ie signal flow and/or physical 
connections) and, eventually, one visual art work illustrating the track.


Growing in size and complexity ... living things, masses of atoms, DNA, protein 
... dancing a pattern ever more intricate. Out of the cradle onto the dry land 
... here it is standing ... atoms with consciousness ... matter with curiosity. 
Stands at the sea ... wonders at wondering ... a universe of atoms ... an atom 
in the universe. (Feynman 1999) 

Newborns, it seems, are predisposed to noise music, specifically that of a 
fuzzy, warm, and liquid timbre. It's only later that we begin to favor harmony 
and melody.
(Timoty Gabriele, 2011) 

Deleuze. Pure Immanence. Essays on a life. 1995. 
Feynman, Gottlieb, Leighton. Feynman's Tips on Physics. 1999.
Gabriele. The Science of Sleep: The Electronic Lullaby. Popmatters, 2011.


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2014-06-02 Diskussionsfäden xname
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with apologies for cross posting  >>> <<<  feel free to forward >>> >>> >>>

\\\ an interstellar cloud of dust 

open call for experimental noise industrial electronic techno and procedural 

Lullabies exist since antiquity in every culture and part of the world.
Their repetition induces variations in the brain state, favouring the 
transition between waking and sleep, or the oscillation in their liminal 
threshold, recalling a pre-human state, that of the uninformed existential 
field, the a-subjectivity (Deleuze, 1995) of the not yet human fluctuating in 
the womb, where sounds are muffled and scanned by the rhythms of the hearts, 
the two hearts temporarily connected into a single - almost supernatural - body.

Did it all explode at one time...Or, are the nebulae perpetually being form 
from debris in space..? (Feynman 1999) 

October 2014

we encourage the use of free open source software and diy open hardware 
however, any technique implementing an interesting and original process 
or new extravagant musical instruments will be accepted. 

send your track to:
subject: experimental lullaby
deadline: 23 September 2014

BIO (max 50 words)
TECH (max 150 words)
FORMAT (flac/aif/wav)
LICENSE (preference *)

Please include source code and/or schematics where relevant.
Add max two pictures clarifying the process (ie signal flow and/or physical 
connections) and, eventually, one visual art work illustrating the track.


Growing in size and complexity ... living things, masses of atoms, DNA, protein 
... dancing a pattern ever more intricate. Out of the cradle onto the dry land 
... here it is standing ... atoms with consciousness ... matter with curiosity. 
Stands at the sea ... wonders at wondering ... a universe of atoms ... an atom 
in the universe. (Feynman 1999) 

Newborns, it seems, are predisposed to noise music, specifically that of a 
fuzzy, warm, and liquid timbre. It's only later that we begin to favor harmony 
and melody.
(Timoty Gabriele, 2011) 

Deleuze. Pure Immanence. Essays on a life. 1995. 
Feynman, Gottlieb, Leighton. Feynman's Tips on Physics. 1999.
Gabriele. The Science of Sleep: The Electronic Lullaby. Popmatters, 2011.


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[spectre] dusty mariee live stream :: sick lincoln performance tonight

2013-05-23 Diskussionsfäden xname

I would like to attract your attention to my new Net art piece 'Dusty
Mariee', commissioned as part of the Barbican Centre's Dancing Around
Duchamp season, and invite you to join the private view happening tonight
in the Net and in my house, a flat in the iconic Balfron Tower in London.

Live streaming from May 14 to June 9
(take it as a durational performance)

::Private view::
May 23rd H 18 - 21
Site specific performance by Sick Lincoln
live coded sound processing algorithms on the Large Glass
The film 'Who is La Mariee?'
London, and its noise

Play from the browser here:
(Firefox and Chrome should work in all platforms)
Point player (videolan, mplayer) to URL:

Talk to me:

Come and join us in the Net!


This event is supported by Queen Mary University of London


Dusty Mariee is a live, continuous, audio-video stream broadcasted to the
Internet from my apartment on the 19th floor of the Balfron Tower, the
iconic example of brutalist architecture designed by Erno Goldfinger
in 1963. The stream represents the large glass that separates my personal
space from the external world, that is to say: private and public life.
The camera focuses on the dust stratifying on the surface of the glass,
while London and the artist inhabiting the flat appear as projections,
phantom shadows over the much more stable, yet ever-changing, image of the
dust, representing time and matter. Contact microphones on the surface of
the window transform the glass into a very powerful long distance zoom: at
random, the construction captures and reproduces the sounds that the city
of London emits through the Net, transforming the glass into a gigantic
microphone, producing a 'sounding' of both audible and visible
multi-scalar dimensions of an environment.

But who, or what, is La mariee?


Dusty Mariee uses a Large Glass,
a contact microphone, a Gumstix,
a Linux Kernel, a Debian server,
Icecast, Gstreamer, Ogg/Theora,
Git, Javascript, the Balfron tower,
a mixer, and some derelict electronics.

Thanks to Antonios Galanopoulos for technical support.

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[spectre] NEM - Networked and Electronic Media

2012-08-02 Diskussionsfäden xname
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hello spectres, sorry for >< 

this email is to attract your attention to the 'call for art' of NEM Summit:

if you think you would like to influence, contaminate or even subvert with your 
art and vision the 'fast paced evolution of the networked and electronic media 
industry' (!!) - or should you simply wish to show something incisive outside 
of the usual new media art circles, then this call may be for you.

confused? drop me a line off-list,
i will answer eventually.

may the Net be with you,
best, Xname

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[spectre] SuperCollider Symposium 2012

2012-04-13 Diskussionsfäden xname
 Bovermann • Simon Katan • Yorgos 
Diapoulis • Scott Nobles

Tuesday to Thursday (April 17th — April 19th), 12 noon to 6pm
Private view (for sc2012 ticket holders and guests) Monday April 16th


This event was funded by Queen Mary University of London and The PRS Foundation 
for New Music
Thanks to all the people who made this possible:

### May the algorithm be with you! 

((you cannot miss it)

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[spectre] Virtual Entity goes HTTP

2011-02-24 Diskussionsfäden xname
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sorry for X
- --


I am very happy to announce that in the context of the UK launch of REFF book
Virtual Entity will be displayed for the first time as an installation at 
Furtherfield Gallery in London.

Virtual Entity Tryptic featuring Virtual Entity Alpha:
- - url support
- - mac install
- - web application
- - realtime fluxus visualisation

Furtherfield Gallery (formerly HTTP)
Unit A2 Arena Design Centre, 71, Ashfield Road, London N4 1NY

 Private View from 6.30 Friday 25th February 2011

 Exhibition Open

12-5pm Thurs- Sat (or by appointment), 25th February - 26th March 2011

The Net will never be the same!


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[spectre] REFF - The reinvention of the real through critical practices of remix, mash-up, re-contextualization, reenactment

2010-11-10 Diskussionsfäden xname
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Dear Spectres,

please find below the press release of this book just published in Italy by 
Derive Approdi <>
under the title "REFF. La reinvenzione del reale attraverso pratiche critiche 
di remix, mashup, ricontestualizzazione, reenactment."
English version upcoming *hopefully* soon :)


- - sorry for cross posting - 

The reinvention of the real through critical practices of remix, mash-up, 
re-contextualization, reenactment

Foreword by:  Bruce Sterling

This book chronicles the intense experience of REFF, the RomaEuropa 
FakeFactory, told through the contributions and works of the wide network of 
artists, intellectuals, journalists, teachers, lawyers and activists who 

The fake competition RomaEuropa FakeFactory ( was an act of 
artivism, in favor of free culture and non-proprietary rights for authors. This 
network confronted the themes of art and hacking, political activism and 
technology, copyright and intellectual property and extended to access, 
cultural politics, crowdsourcing, open source models, peer-to-peer economic 
governance and the reinvention of the real. 

The story begins with the section “VOICES”: a collection of more than 30 
theoretical works on the themes of Free Culture, remixing as creative practice, 
the re-contextualization of urban spaces and knowledge sharing from 
international scholars such as Richard Barbrook, Andy Cameron, Stephen Kovats, 
The Yes Men, 0100101110101101.ORG, Jasmina Tešanović, Massimo Canevacci 
Ribeiro, Antonio Caronia.

A catalog of the works presented by 32 artists, writers, designers, hackers and 
architects from all over the world follows in the section entitled “VISIONS”. 
These contributions give a voice to the unexplored scenarios of contemporary 
reality representing the worlds of innovation, appropriation and a continuous 
artistic and political reinvention bringing to light examples of new production 
models based on freely available contents, knowledge, connections and the 
possibility of reproducing, remixing and arranging contents, forms and objects; 
new technological practices, new forms social interaction; new opportunities 
for building unedited, self-determined imaginaries. 

The REFF experiment is more than its content, designing a new possibility for 
publishing: the book comes  fully integrated with a digital dimension through 
the use of Augmented Reality in the form of QRCodes and Fiducial Markers. These 
devices transform the experience of reading, enhancing it with an interactive 
dimension through the REFF network and global social networks, in a way that is 
completely uncensored. The software is deposited on paper as hypertext, making 
it clickable, expandable, commentable and reactive, opening a virtually 
unlimited space for comparison between authors and readers on issues and 
debates on the book, dissolving the traditional boundaries that separate them. 
This book develops a new prototype of infinite potential for the intersection 
between digital and paper dimensions and, thanks to a special application, is 
available on the web or via smartphone: it is ubiquitous and cross-media 
publishing, a new way to "write on the world".

The REFF project aims to advance the experience of similar publications by 
offering an Open Source tool – thanks to a publishing platform created by 
FakePress and used for the first time in the making of the REFF book – this 
tool is freely available to anyone looking to create their own cross-media 

REFF is an artistic, cultural, political example act. A truly Augmented 
Reality. A multi-strata object that entices to be discovered, read and used 
with more “sense” up to the performative one, beyond the e-book.

This book is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 
ShareAlike 2.5 Italy.

Info – -

AUTHORS, ARTISTS & CURATORS (in alphabetical order)


Richard Barbrook, Tatiana Bazzichelli, Germana Berlantini, Mike Bonanno, 
Loretta Borrelli, Andy Cameron, Massimo Canevacci, Francesca Canu, Carlo Cappa, 
Antonio Caronia, Dario Carrera, Stefano Coletto, Fiorello Cortiana, Umberto 
Croppi, Marco Fagotti, Marc Garret, Alex Giordano, Maria Hellström Reimer e 
Milica Lapčević, Lorenzo Imbesi, Stephen Kovats, Simona Lodi, Francesco 
"Warbear" Macarone Palmieri, Federico Monaco, Movimento ScambioEtico, Andrea 
Natella, Eleonora Oreggia aka xname, Luigi Pagliarini, Federico Ruberti, Marco 
Scialdone, Guido Scorza, Valentina Tanni, Jasmina Tešanović, Cristina Trivellin 
e Martina Coletti


0100101110101101.ORG, Antoni Abad, Alterazioni Video, Apparati Effimeri, David 
Benqué, Jens Brand, Alex Dragulescu, Amy Francescini (Future Farmers), Flyer 

[spectre] The permanence of knowledge

2009-02-06 Diskussionsfäden xname
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Hello spectros,

I am happy to paste here a link to an article I wrote last year, whose
translation to English I just reviewed.

This is an interview to Edoardo De Carli, my teacher of Italian and
English at the high school in Milan. When we wrote together this text,
the topic was not as trendy as it is now, still important to us.

De Carli, nicknamed 'dec' or 'edc', was well known in our school for coming
to the examitions wearing sun glasses, so we could not know where he was
looking and at what... For the first 30 minutes we were not allowed to
open the dictionary, and the latin text would start making sense by itself.

Over the last ten years we met only in cyberspace.


"Reform or reforms? Apparently, each new government brings in reforms
with the result that the long-term investment becomes more uncertain,
fragmentary, precarious. Moreover, school's adaptation to the situation
became a coward attempt to survive, a 'do it yourself' management
disguised as school autonomy. The aspects of the reform that have caused
more disorder have been precisely school autonomy (at the end the
different cycles give results that diverse you cannot guarantee any
cohering quality level), and the abolition of the "September
exams" (students not proficient in maximum three subjects could be
re-examined on September and either pass or repeat the year). That was
the cherry on the cake: students definitely turned into customers, and
the idea that it is the shop that should provide the product one is
looking for was confirmed. The sense of responsibility of the human
being forging his destiny with his own hands was lost."

This text was originally published in Italian on
English translation by Chiara Resmini (reviewed by the author).

Italian here:

About the difficulties of translating, I will write another article,

This text is dedicated with gratitude to all those who I learned from.


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[spectre] KillerTV, Imaginary Property and HTV-the_Ijsberg present: The 33.000 Issue Launch

2009-01-29 Diskussionsfäden xname
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Killer TV,  Imaginary Property and HTV - the Ijsberg present:

The 33.000 Issue Launch

Undermining the borders between text and image, between private property and 
public space through the design of "imaginary" advertisements and (ironically) 
deconstructing some of the basic  conventions of a magazine, Imaginary Property 
is curating the 77  issue of HTV-de IJsberg, investigating new fields of 
image-production beyond the hard-coded notions of the commercial versus the 

January 31st 2009
Theatrum Anatomicum - Waag Society - Amsterdam

Doors Open at 14:30 
Broadcast from 15

Join us in irc:
channels: #imp  and   #tm09salon

Presentations by Kim de Groot, Zeljko Blace , Lilia Perez, Eleonora Oreggia, 
Florian Schneider, Dirk Vis and guests. Presentor: Lucas Evers. Live interviews 
and remote connections with Alterazioni Video, Graham Harwood, Pirates of the 
Amazons and others. The discussion will be developed between Amsterdam, Milan, 
New York, Berlin, Bombai, and any other ubiquitous space.
Join us on irc to ask your questions, or call imp_agency via skype.

The program will be mirrored and interactively connected  Critical Consumer 
Practice at Transmediale.

This event is a collaboration between:

HTV De IJsberg, a free bi-monthly arts paper based in Amsterdam.

killertv, a testbed, streaming laboratory and interactive television in 
progress, offering debate and presentations on a regular basis about digital 
culture and technological society.

Imaginary Property, a new research project of the Design department at Jan van 
Eyck Academie in Maastricht. Imp agency is set up as a realm of experimentation 
at the intersections of design-theory and image-production, and a laboratory 
where emerging concepts and terminologies are set to a series of tests.

Jan van Eyck Academie is an institute for research and production in the fields 
of fine art, design and theory, based in Maastricht in the south of The 

Waag Society is a medialab based in Amsterdam that researching creative 
applications of technology for social innovation in the field of healthcare, 
arts & culture, education and the public domain.

Transmediale, the international festival for contemporary art and digital 
culture in Berlin.

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Re: [spectre] Open call for new media art submissions

2007-11-28 Diskussionsfäden xname
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> one question: how do you define the "Nordic new media artists" ?

did you know about the 3B test?

Bold, Blonde and Blue eyes...

> degree of latitude? some nationalities?

or is Nordic related to media???




> On Tue, Nov 27, 2007 at 01:56:22PM +0200, Live Herring info wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Live Herring ???08
> > The Jyv??skyl?? Art Museum
> > October 29 - November 16, 2008 Jyv??skyl??, Finland
> > 
> > All Nordic new media artists are invited to submit new media art works 
> > of all genres, digital prints and workshop proposals to an open new 
> > media art exhibition.
> > 
> > Submission start date: October 15, 2007
> > Submission of works closing date: April 30, 2008
> > No submission or participation fee.
> > 
> > Live Herring ???08 exhibition searches for Nordic new media art of all 
> > genres from net art to installation and from computer generated art to 
> > sound works. A list of selected work / artists will be announced on the 
> > Live Herring website ( at June 15, 2008. Live 
> > Herring is also looking for workshop proposals.
> > 
> > Please, pass this message on!
> > 
> > 
> > More info:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > __
> > SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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> >
> > 
> __
> SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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