Hello Ryszard,

Thanks for your email, and for sharing your view and experience.

I'd clarify here: my childhood desire was towards the unknown, that which was not described, as no one was telling us what was really going on in Russia, all we had was the fake American dream (which included the commodification of female bodies) and literature from the past. I am also aware that I was very lucky and privileged growing up in a house full of any sorts of books, also having access to many libraries.

My anecdote was in response to Rasa, to highlight that there are multiple perspectives and modalities for cultural appropriation (and rejection).

I am not disputing what was better or worse, or whose childhood was happier. The idea was to acknowledge that also in the West some had a curiosity or a wish that that which was not the status quo could be better than the real they had to experience.

And I am not at all saying that being under Russian influence is in any way a good thing, I am simply saying that the game at stake is a power game, it is unfortunately not about anyone's freedom, or better interest, but profit.

I am sorry if my email was unclear and you had the impression I was trying to decide where to move to, it couldn't be further away from what I was trying to express.

Best wishes

Eleonora X, PhD.

On 2022-07-17 21:47, Ryszard KluszczyƄski wrote:

Dear Eleonora,

let me quote you:
"During my childhood, in Milan in the 80s, I had an opposite experience than yours: my country had been culturally colonised by the US (cinema TV clothing etc), and they did think they were better. Most people did not notice at all they were colonised, because they had been brainwashed. As I happened to dislike American cinema and Disney's total animation, but I did read a lot of Italian and French and Russian literature and philosophy, I must say it did happen to me during my childhood to wish I was in the Soviet Union instead, hoping that that would be a better alternative from the dumb hypnotic imperialism that had subsumed my contemporaries."

During my childhood in Poland in the 60s, I was not so happy as you in the 80s. You could have decided what to read. The Soviet-Russian censorships deprived me of such possibilities. You were happy to avoid the experioence what it really means to live in the colonised country, colonised society. But it doesn't mean you should not try to imagine and understand what it is really. Anyway you can try to realise your desire from your childhood. You can move to Russia to become the resident. But resident not just visitor. I understand if you don't decide to do it. A French famous film actor who did it once (to avoid paying taxes in France) is already back as I heard.

Good luck whatever you decide to do


Prof. Ryszard W. Kluszczynski, PhD.
Chair of Department of New Media and Digital Culture
University of Lodz
171/173 Pomorska Street
90-236 Lodz
tel  +426655133

On 17 Jul 2022, at 18:00, xname <xn...@xname.cc> wrote:
During my childhood, in Milan in the 80s, I had an opposite experience than yours: my country had been culturally colonised by the US (cinema TV clothing etc), and they did think they were better. Most people did not notice at all they were colonised, because they had been brainwashed. As I happened to dislike American cinema and Disney's total animation, but I did read a lot of Italian and French and Russian literature and philosophy, I must say it did happen to me during my childhood to wish I was in the Soviet Union instead, hoping that that would be a better alternative from the dumb hypnotic imperialism that had subsumed my contemporaries.


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