[sqlite] Re: Does SQLite support user-defined data-types ?

2007-01-30 Thread Igor Tandetnik


I'm starting with SQLite and I would like to know if it is possible to
create user-defined data-types through the following SQL command:
create type MyType ... ?


Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: How to specify collating sequences in an expression.

2007-02-01 Thread Igor Tandetnik


  (2)  How do other SQL engines do this kind of thing?

MS SQL Server supports

a=b collate CollationName

syntax. There are a few examples at


This article also specifies a rather complicated set of rules for
determining which collation should be used for a given comparison.

MS SQL also supports defining multiple indexes on the same table and
field(s), differing only in collation (and the optimizer is smart
enough, most of the time, to use these indexes appropriately). I haven't
tried it with SQLite, maybe it's also supported.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: How to specify collating sequences in an expression.

2007-02-01 Thread Igor Tandetnik


  (2)  How do other SQL engines do this kind of thing?

MS SQL Server supports

a=b collate CollationName

syntax. There are a few examples at


This article also specifies a rather complicated set of rules for
determining which collation should be used for a given comparison.

MS SQL also supports defining multiple indexes on the same table and
field(s), differing only in collation (and the optimizer is smart
enough, most of the time, to use these indexes appropriately). I haven't
tried it with SQLite, maybe it's also supported.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: special characters in sqlite3_bind_text

2007-02-02 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Dixon Hutchinson

I am having a problem with single quotes in a C program.

Consider a simple table

Lets say I use sqlite3_prepare to prepare the following string:
   "SELECT rowid FROM table WHERE comp=?;"

Shouldn't that be

SELECT rowid FROM t WHERE comp=?;

Should I be calling sqlite3_mprintf("abc'def") and passing that string
off to bind?

No you shouldn't. You should pass the text to sqlite3_bind_text as is, 
with no escaping. The problem is elsewhere.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS my_table

2007-02-05 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Cecilia VIGNY 

I'm using SQLite with a PHP program and I would like to execute this
SQL request : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS clients;

When I test my program, this error occures :
Warning: sqlite_query(): near "EXISTS": syntax error in  on line

IF EXISTS clause is supported with SQLite v3.3.0 and up. It appears that 
you are using an earlier version.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: newbie ask saving

2007-02-05 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Hariyanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have 2 table:

1. Table A :
name varchar(15);

2. Table B :
no  smallint,   (Foreign key)
Address varchar(20);

Usually I use this step when I save data :
- insert A (name) VALUES ("Mr.X");
- x = Select no_id FROM A where name = 'Mr.X'
- Insert B (no_id, Alamat, Telp) VALUES (x, 'x', '123');

Can't you use sqlite3_last_insert_rowid API?

Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: Newbie SQL question

2007-02-06 Thread Igor Tandetnik

A.J.Millan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does exist some method to erase records and to obtain the number of
records at the same time?

It is to say:

SELECT count() FROM someTable WHERE some-condition;
DELETE FROM someTable WHERE some-condition;

in only one statement?

See sqlite3_changes, sqlite3_total_changes

Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: help with understanding the C interface

2007-02-06 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Patrick X <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

int sqlite3_open(
 const char *filename,   /* Database filename (UTF-8) */
 sqlite3 **ppDb  /* OUT: SQLite db handle */
int sqlite3_open16(
 const void *filename,   /* Database filename (UTF-16) */
 sqlite3 **ppDb  /* OUT: SQLite db handle */

the above functions have me a little confused.  So sqlite3_open, does
it returns a pointer to the open database or just the success or error
code or both.

It returns an error code via return value, and also returns a database 
handle by storing it in *ppDb. That's what it means for ppDb to be an 
OUT parameter.

Second, if it returns a pointer to the open db is it needed to be
stored in memory to pass it to the close or other functions within

The client of SQLite needs to store sqlite3* handle. The handle is 
passed to most SQLite API calls to identify a particular database 
connection (the client may open more than one, to the same or different 
files). When the client is done with this database connection, it calls 
sqlite3_close passing the handle. After that, the handle is invalid and 
doesn't need to be stored any longer.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Busy timeout and prepare statements

2007-02-07 Thread Igor Tandetnik

McDermott, Andrew

I'm seeking some clarification regarding set_busy_timeout().  If I set
this to some positive value does this work when using prepared
statements (prepare, step, reset) or only when using sqlite3_exec().

Busy timeout does apply to sqlite3_step (prepare and reset cannot 
encounter busy state).

Note that sqlite3_exec is implemented in terms of sqlite3_step et al.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: ATTACH and :memory: databases

2007-02-07 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Dave Gierok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I would like to attach a :memory: database to another :memory:
database.  How is this possible

As far as I can tell, this is not possible. Why would you want to? What 
are you trying to achieve?

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Leading zeros in strings

2007-02-08 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Robert Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Issued from the 3.3.12 comand-line:




Same query, slightly different table definition:




Should there be a difference between declaring a column as type
'text' and type 'string' ?

Read about SQLite type model here:


In particular the notion of column type affinity.

Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: SQL syntax issue?

2007-02-08 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Sherlock, Ric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

But gives and error with the following statement (it will run fine on
the same tables in Access)

  SELECT clients.cl_lname, clients.cl_title, price_profiles.pp_year,
prices.pr_mfd, prices.pr_price
  FROM (clients LEFT JOIN price_profiles ON clients.cl_id =
price_profiles.pp_client) LEFT JOIN prices ON price_profiles.pp_id =

  SQL error: no such column: clients.cl_lname

Known SQLite limitation. Just drop the parentheses, you don't need them 

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Need help on build query.

2007-02-09 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Artem Yankovskiy 

I like delete some of table.

DROP TABLE tableName;


Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: converting 1,234,567 to a number

2007-02-10 Thread Igor Tandetnik

T&B  wrote:

I have some imported data, where some fields contain numbers with
commas denoting thousands separators. How can I change these to
actual numbers?

I tried using CAST, which only works with later SQLite versions, but
it doesn't seen to know the comma as the thousands marker. For
sqlite> SELECT CAST('1,234,567' AS REAL);

Your best bet is probably to clean up the data before passing it on to 
SQLite. Just strip non-digit characters and convert to a number in 
whatever language your application is written. SQL is ill suited for 
string manipulation.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Re: Need help on build query.

2007-02-11 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Artem Yankovskiy 

I know about DROP TABLE.
I have not knew when compatibility DROP TABLE and

DROP TABLE (select name from sqlite_master where...)
did not work.
Can I build resembling query?

No. You will have to run the select, store table names in memory, then 
build and run a separate DROP TABLE query for each table name.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: New (ish) to C== and new to SQLite error with prepare.

2007-02-13 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Paul Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt;
const char **pzTail;

rc = (sqlPrepareAdd)(newdb,

Make it

sqlite3_stmt* pStmt;
const char* pzTail;
rc = (sqlPrepareAdd)(newdb,
 getDBVersion.c_str(),getDBVersion.length(), &pStmt, &pzTail);

When you pass in pointers, they should actually point to a valid
locaction in memory.

Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: UPDATE base on certain values

2007-02-13 Thread Igor Tandetnik

jose isaias cabrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I would like is to do something like this,

   ID = '88' if not = '88',

Just have

ID = '88'

Overwriting a value with the same value is harmless.

   parent = '1171291314642' if null,

parent = ifnull(parent, '1171291314642')

Same idea. Unless "parent" is null, this just does parent=parent

   children = '',
   login = 'blah',
   notes = 'blah-blah' if null,
   status = 'o'
   WHERE ProjID = '88';

Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: another

2007-02-14 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Anderson, James H (IT)

If I run the following sql

create table table_C as

  from table_A A,
   table_B B
where A.col_3 = B.col_4

The table_C is created with the following column names:


It seems to me sqlite should strip off the alias qualifier and create
the table as


What do you think it should do for something like

create table C as
select A.col, B.col
from A, B;

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: SQL query - TOP

2007-02-16 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Allan, Mark  wrote:


It would appear that the "TOP" syntax is not supported by SQLite
(maybe just a Microsoft thing?).

SQLite supports LIMIT and OFFSET clauses. To select  rows starting 
from th one (it appears that's what you are doing), do


Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Update and insert questions

2007-02-16 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Jim Crafton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yeah I think you're right. I changed the code to *not* use the bind
functions, and just dump the values directly into the SQL statement (
I think this was a case of me trying to be too clever), and that works
like a charm now.
So I guess the moral of this is to use bind cautiously :)

Realize that you can parameterize both the SET and the WHERE clauses, as 

SET LastName=?, FirstName=?, Address=?, Age=?
WHERE LastName=? AND  FirstName=? AND
 Address=? AND  Age=?;

Now you have a query with 8 parameters you can bind independently, to 
the same or different values.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: compare open table and attached database table

2007-02-18 Thread Igor Tandetnik

fangles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello, I am trying to compare a currently opened database table with
a table from an attached database. Both tables have identical
structures but the attached table has an extra record.

The first lists records from the internal table NOT CONTAINED IN the
attached table
The second lists records NOT CONTAINED IN the internal table

Select a.displayas AS displayas FROM addresses a INNER JOIN
RemoteDb.addresses b ON a.displayas <> b.displayas

This query doesn't do what you think it does. Once you get past the 
little syntax problem, you'll get displayas from every record in 
addresses table, each repeated multiple times.

Make it

select displayas from main.addresses
where displayas not in (select displayas from RemoteDb.addresses)

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: What is wrong with this SELECT CASE statement?

2007-02-18 Thread Igor Tandetnik


Trying to update my mmdd integers to months with a SELECT CASE

INTEGER) * 100)

But no updates take place.

UPDATE is a statement, not an expression. It cannot appear nested in 
another statement. You want

   WHEN 1 THEN 'January'
   WHEN 2 THEN 'February'

Also, the expression in the CASE can be simplified to


Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Looking for equivalent syntax

2007-02-19 Thread Igor Tandetnik

P Kishor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What is wrong with your original statement? You never mentioned
whether that worked on not... did you try it? (listed again below)

Well, have _you_ tried it? SQLite doesn't support this syntax.

You could update it to the more standard-ish syntax like so

UPDATE C1_credDerivEvent
SET a.CDEvent = a.CDEvent || ',' || b.CDEvent
FROM C1_credDerivEvent a JOIN C1_tmp_credDerivEvent b ON
 a.CDId  = b.CDId JOIN tmp_events c ON b.CDEvent = c.CDEvent

SQLite doesn't support this syntax either. FROM clause is not part of 
UPDATE statement.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Looking for equivalent syntax

2007-02-19 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Anderson, James H (IT)

I'm trying to convert the following statement in Sybase syntax into
equivalent sqlite syntax:

update C1_credDerivEvent
   set a.CDEvent = a.CDEvent || ',' || b.CDEvent
  from C1_credDerivEvent a,
   C1_tmp_credDerivEvent b,
 where a.CDId= b.CDId
   and b.CDEvent = c.CDEvent

update C1_credDerivEvent
   set CDEvent = CDEvent || ',' ||
   (select b.CDEvent
from C1_tmp_credDerivEvent b
where C1_credDerivEvent.CDId = b.CDId)
where exists (
   select * from C1_tmp_credDerivEvent b, tmp_events c
   where C1_credDerivEvent.CDId = b.CDId and b.CDEvent=c.CDEvent

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Looking for equivalent syntax

2007-02-19 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Igor Tandetnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

update C1_credDerivEvent
   set CDEvent = CDEvent || ',' ||
   (select b.CDEvent
from C1_tmp_credDerivEvent b
where C1_credDerivEvent.CDId = b.CDId)
where exists (
   select * from C1_tmp_credDerivEvent b, tmp_events c
   where C1_credDerivEvent.CDId = b.CDId and b.CDEvent=c.CDEvent

This one is shorter, and requires only one subselect per row:

update C1_credDerivEvent set CDEvent = ifnull(
   CDEvent || ',' || (select b.CDEvent
   from C1_tmp_credDerivEvent b, tmp_events c
   where C1_credDerivEvent.CDId = b.CDId
   and b.CDEvent=c.CDEvent),

If the nested select produces an empty set, it will be treated as NULL,
which will force the concatenation to be NULL, and the update will
degenerate into a no-op (SET CDEvent=CDEvent).

It's not necessarily faster though. If SQLite can use indexes to satisfy
the WHERE clause in the first statement, it doesn't need to look at
every record. If only a small portion of all records actually needs
updating, the first query may run faster even though a second lookup is
necessary for those records that do get updated after all. The second
query requires a linear scan of C1_credDerivEvent table, and a lookup
for every record.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: What query?

2007-02-19 Thread Igor Tandetnik

erw2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a table with a following data:
IdNo1   No2

11001   11
21002   11
31003   12
41004   12
51004   12
61005   12
71006   13
81007   13
91008   14
...     ...

Now, I would like to select only the rows when No2 change. So the
of such query should look like:

IdNo1   No2

11001   11
31003   12
71006   13
91008   14
...     ...

select min(Id), min(No1), No2
from TableName
group by No2;

Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: Re: Looking for equivalent syntax

2007-02-20 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Anderson, James H (IT)

In order to improve my understanding, I'd like to ask 2 questions re
sql, below.

1. what is the relationship between the "select * from where" within
"where exists" and the "select yadayadayada from where" within the

No direct relationship. However, the conditions in the two selects are 
designed to be similar enough, so that when EXISTS test succeeds by 
finding a suitable row, the select in SET would extract a field from 
that same row.

2. why is it not necessary to include the "b.CDEvent=c.CDEvent" which
present in the "where exists" in the "where" within the set?

Now that I think of it, it might be necessary to join to tmp_events in 
the SET clause after all. Suppse the data looks like this:

select CDId from C1_credDerivEvent;

select CDId, CDEvent from C1_tmp_credDerivEvent;

select CDEvent from tmp_events;

Here a select that uses all three tables would produce 20. A select that 
omits tmp_events would produce two records with the values 10 and 20, 
from which SQLite would just pick the first one. This could be 10, 
giving a wrong answer.

So to be on the safe side, make it

update C1_credDerivEvent
   set CDEvent = CDEvent || ',' ||
   (select b.CDEvent
from C1_tmp_credDerivEvent b, tmp_events c
where C1_credDerivEvent.CDId = b.CDId and b.CDEvent=c.CDEvent)
where exists (
   select * from C1_tmp_credDerivEvent b, tmp_events c
   where C1_credDerivEvent.CDId = b.CDId and b.CDEvent=c.CDEvent

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Unexpected Query Results

2007-02-21 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  The table has 180 rows and 31 columns. What I need to do is extract
the records and group them by two columns (one as a sub-group of the
other). However, even one 'group by' retrieves only three records,
the last one for each group:

Yes, that's what GROUP BY does. One representative for each group.

  What I expected was all 180 records, with 60 in each of the 'cat'
fields (second field above).

select * from voting order by cat;

  Ultimately, I need to group them by the second field (name ==
'cat') and within each of those, sub-group them by the third field
(name == 'pos').

select * from voting order by cat, pos;

Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: Using AVG() Correctly

2007-02-21 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  I have a table, 'voting,' with 31 columns. For each of 28 REAL
columns I need to calculate averages both by groups and total. I
sqlite> select AVG(pos) from voting where cat = 'eco';

and 0.0 was returned.

The query looks good. What's the data in the pos column? Could it be 
that the average is indeed zero?

  What I need to do with the data from table 'voting' is (in Python
using psqlite2) is to calculate the average of each of 28 numeric
columns for each of the three 'pos' column values within each of the
three 'cat' column values.

select cat, pos, avg(col1), avg(col2), ...
from voting
group by cat, pos;

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: how to get field names of empty tables ?

2007-02-23 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

is there an SQL statement to get the field-names of empty tables ?

PRAGMA table_info(tableName);

Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: Re: how to get field names of empty tables ?

2007-02-23 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Igor Tandetnik wrote:

Stef Mientki

is there an SQL statement to get the field-names of empty tables ?

PRAGMA table_info(tableName);

I had seen that command,
but I wrote something about that these commands could only be run from
the command line.

No. You can run it just like you run any statement, and it produces a 
resultset with one row for each column in the tableName table.

sqlite3 command line application is not black magic. It uses public 
SQLite API only. You can look at the source code and see for yourself, 
if you are so inclined.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: trigger with conditions

2007-02-26 Thread Igor Tandetnik

anis chaaba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can you tell how can i trigger with conditions such as:
create trigger foo
if (NEW.VALUE = 'something')
insert into tables values..


create trigger foo after update on someTable
when new.value = 'something'

Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: Quotes in SQLite ?

2007-02-27 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This might be a stupid question,
but how do you store quotes in textstrings ?

Is it really so that you have to replace,
both single and double quotes,
each time you read or write something ?

You need to escape single quotes if you insist on putting string 
literals directly into queries. No other characters need to be escaped. 
See also sqlite3_mprintf.

However, I recommend using parameterized queries and binding your 
strings to parameters. Then you don't need to worry about escaping at 

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Re: Quotes in SQLite ?

2007-02-27 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Igor Tandetnik wrote:

You need to escape single quotes if you insist on putting string
literals directly into queries. No other characters need to be

I've to translate doublequotes too,
possibly because I'm using double quotes around textfields ??,
Is that wrong ?

You should not be using double quotes around string literals in the 
first place. It is not valid SQL. SQLite allows it as an extension, but 
it might lead to unexpected results (if the string literal enclosed in 
double quotes just accidentally happens to be the same as a column name, 
it will be interpreted as a column reference). Just don't do it.

See also sqlite3_mprintf.

where can I find that (looked in the SQL wiki, but couldn't find it)


However, I recommend using parameterized queries and binding your
strings to parameters. Then you don't need to worry about escaping at

Sorry don't know what "parameterized queries" and "binding strings to
parametrs" are,

See sqlite3_bind*

can you give me link where I can find some more information.


Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: How to change or add fields to a table ?

2007-02-27 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Are there SQL commands to add or change the fields of an existing
table, or should the table completely be rebuild ?

Some limited changes may be done with ALTER TABLE statement:


For anything else, you would need to create a new table and migrate 

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Re: How to change or add fields to a table ?

2007-02-27 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

thanks Igor,
for the fast answer.
(should have found that myself ;-)

But there's a strange thing here I don't understand:
somewhere on the ALTER TABLE documentation it says:
  "to rename or add a new column ..."

It should be parsed this way:

... allows the user to rename, or add a new column to, an existing 

That is, you can rename an existing table, or add a new column to an 
existing table.

On the other hand I fear that I can only change the name of the Table.
If the later is true, why isn't possible to change the name of a
column (shouldn't be difficult to implement) ?

Please feel free to submit a patch.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Insert

2007-02-28 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Christian POMPIER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Could i make to insert 10 000 row in my table with a loop ?


Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: Re: Insert

2007-02-28 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Christian POMPIER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

De : Igor Tandetnik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Christian POMPIER

Could i make to insert 10 000 row in my table with a loop ?


But what is the good syntax ?

The syntax of the INSERT statement is described here:


The syntax for creating a loop can be found in a manual for your 
programming language of choice.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Performance problem

2007-03-01 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Stephen Toney 

select count(*) from keyword a, keyword b where a.key=b.key and
a.value='music' and b.value='history';

0|0|TABLE keyword AS a WITH INDEX value
1|1|TABLE keyword AS b WITH INDEX value

4,318 records have value='music' and 27,058 have value='history'.

Try running ANALYZE statement. The optimizer might be able to choose 
better plan after that.

If this doesn't help, try this query:

select count(*) from keyword a, keyword b where a.key=b.key and
a.value='music' and b.value||''='history';

Using an expression in place of b.value prevents the optimizer from 
using an index on it, at which point it hopefully would use one on 
b.key. This would result in O(M log N) performance, where M=4318 (the 
number of records with value='music') and N is the total number of 
records. The query plan used now results in O(M*M') where M=4318 and 
M'=27058 - a much worse complexity.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: C

2007-03-01 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Lloyd  wrote:

How can I make an array of bit fields? something like, using the 16
of a short as an array of bits

You can't. But, if you can use C++ rather than C, there's std::bitset 
class that does just that.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Performance problem

2007-03-01 Thread Igor Tandetnik


Stephen Toney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

select count(*) from keyword a, keyword b where a.key=b.key and
a.value='music' and b.value='history';

4,318 records have value='music' and 27,058 have value='history'. The
keys are 12-byte strings. That doesn't seem like an extreme case to

The result should be 116,836,444.
A faster approach would be:

   SELECT (SELECT count(*) FROM keyword WHERE value='music')*
  (SELECT count(*) FROM keyword WHERE value='history');

You seem to be overlooking a.key=b.key condition.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: subselect

2007-03-01 Thread Igor Tandetnik

kokenge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is such a simple SQL statement. So sorry for the question, but I
can't get it to work.
I'm trying to get a list of employees and the last time they worked
on a job.
FIles are.
employee file : with empl_num = employee number
job_history file : with empl_num,  job_num, and last_date = last date
the employee worked on a job
Each employee has worked many jobs during his employment . so
employee to job_history is 1 to many
The sql is very simple and for some reason I keep getting a error
saying the it can't reference stuff in the subselect to the file in
the Select? I have it working in all my other databases.
FROM employee
JOIN job_history
ON   job_history.empl_num = employee.empl_num
AND job_history.last_date = (SELECT max(j1.last_date)
FROM job_history as j1
WHERE j1.empl_num = employee.empl_num)
Just to simple - so what am I doing wrong

I don't get any syntax errors for this statement. The problem must be in 
something you don't show. Quote the exact error message.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: subselect

2007-03-01 Thread Igor Tandetnik

kokenge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here is my exact sql as executed:
 This works
SELECT employee.empl_num
FROM employee
JOIN job_history
ON   job_history.empl_num = employee.empl_num

 This does not work
SELECT employee.empl_num
FROM employee
JOIN job_history
ON   job_history.empl_num = employee.empl_num
AND  job_history.last_date = (
SELECT MAX(j1.last_date)
FROM job_history AS j1
WHERE j1.empl_num = employee.empl_num )
Here is my error message
Error : SQL logic error or missing database
 no such column: employee.empl_num
Here is my table layout
# Table structure for table: employee
CREATE TABLE employee ( empl_num INT(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, dept_id
first_name VARCHAR(22), middle_name VARCHAR(22), last_name
VARCHAR(22), addr1 VARCHAR(22), addr2 VARCHAR(22), city VARCHAR(22),
state CHAR(3), zip VARCHAR(10), country VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT
'USA', phone VARCHAR(17), e_mail VARCHAR(40), password VARCHAR(16)
NOT NULL, password_hint VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, dial_log_id
VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, pass_id VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL ); #
# Table structure for table: job_history
CREATE TABLE job_history ( job_num INT, empl_num INT , last_date DATE
); # 

Everything just works for me. I've just copied and pasted all statements 
as shown into sqlite3 session.

I'd check the code for typos, very carefully.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Any way to know the numbers of rows affected by a cmd?

2007-03-01 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Anderson, James H (IT)

For a select, the number of rows selected.

Just count them as you step through them.

For an update, the number of rows updates.

For a delete the number of rows deleted.

sqlite3_changes, sqlite3_total_changes

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Custom collate - on field or index or both?

2007-03-02 Thread Igor Tandetnik

jp  wrote:

So, is creating an index with "collate" useless if you
didn't specify the collate at the table level?

Not entirely useless: the index may still be used to satisfy "ORDER BY 
field COLLATE collation" clause. Also, Dr. Hipp appears to be working on 
allowing syntax like "WHERE field = expr COLLATE collation" to expicitly 
specify collation for individual comparisons.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: sqlite3_total_changes() and multiple connections

2007-03-03 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Ron Stevens  wrote:

I have multiple database connections opened against the same database
and I'm having problems with sqlite3_total_changes(). The docs state:

"This function returns the total number of database rows that have be
modified, inserted, or deleted since the database connection was
created using sqlite3_open()."

but it seems like only changes made through the connection I call the
function on are counted.

This is correct.

Is there any way to get the total number of
changes made through all opened connections?

Get the numbers for each connection, and add them up.

Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: Newbie question about LIKE and ESCAPE

2007-03-03 Thread Igor Tandetnik

A.J.Millan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I need a simple search, say:

SELECT someField IN someTable WHERE name LIKE '%xyzetc%';

After some search in this list, I'm a bit more confused that before.
example after reading literally:

The escape mechanism for LIKE has never been implemented in

I don't know where you are reading this. In any case, this information 
is obsolete. ESCAPE clause works since SQLite 3.1.0

Can someone unveil me the correct syntax for that query?

For what query? You only need ESCAPE if you want to look for strings 
that themselves contain % or _ characters. Do you? What exactly are you 
trying to achieve?

For example, this query retrieves all rows where someField contains '%' 

SELECT * FROM someTable WHERE someField LIKE '%\%%' ESCAPE '\';

Can I use some like:

SELECT someField IN someTable WHERE name LIKE 'xyzetc' ESCAPE

No. ESCAPE should be followed by a string consisting of exactly one 

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Why it does not work properly?

2007-03-04 Thread Igor Tandetnik

woj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Now, when I run a query:
SELECT Mieszalnia.IdMat, Mieszalnia.Partia, Mieszalnia.Kont,
Mieszalnia.Uk, Max(Mieszalnia.Data) FROM Mieszalnia;
I always get:
IdMat   Partia  KontUk  Data
6 3 3 sl1 1172135769

In this result there is indeed max from Data field but rest of the
fields fit not...

When a SELECT statement involves aggregate functions, all column 
references in the SELECT must be either parameters to some aggregate 
functions, or else be also mentioned in GROUP BY clause. SQLite allows, 
as an extension, departure from this rule, but the row from which values 
for columns that are neither aggregated nor grouped by are taken is 
random and unpredictable.

Specifically, in the query you show, there's no guarantee that values 
for IdMat, Partia and so on would be taken from the same row from which 
Max(Data) comes. Even if SQLite really wanted to help you out here, it 
is impossible in general. Consider:

SELECT IdMat, Max(Data), Min(Data) from Mieszalnia;

Which value of IdMat would you expect to see in response to such a 
query? Should it come from the row with the largest value of Data, with 
the smallest, or some other?

There are many ways to formulate the query you seem to want. E.g.

select IdMat, Data from Mieszalnia
order by Data desc limit 1;

select IdMat, Data from Mieszalnia
where Data = (select max(Data) from Mieszalnia);

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Re: Why it does not work properly?

2007-03-05 Thread Igor Tandetnik

woj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thank's for your reply. I didnt realize this, but of course it is
logical. So, now I think how to select not only one row (what seems
to be easy) but set of rows from previously mentioned data where only
these rows are picked up with largest Data value for each IdMat, so
correct version of querry:
SELECT Mieszalnia.IdMat, Mieszalnia.Partia, Mieszalnia.Kont,
Mieszalnia.Uk, Max(Mieszalnia.Data) FROM Mieszalnia GROUPED BY

I'm not sure if this was meant as a question or a statement. In case it 
was in fact a question, consider this:

select IdMat, ..., Data from Mieszalnia m1
where not exists (
   select * from Mieszalnia m2
   where m2.IdMat = m1.IdMat and m2.Data > m1.Data

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Sqlite3_prepare() question

2007-03-05 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Dennis Volodomanov

I'm converting sqlite3_mprintf() into sqlite3_prepare_v2() and the SQL
for that was like this:

"SELECT *, Table1.ID AS _ID FROM Table1 LEFT JOIN Table2 ON
Table2.ID=Table1.ID %s"

and I was putting a "WHERE _ID=1", for example, in the %s

Now, I'm trying to do the same:

"SELECT *, Table1.ID AS _ID FROM Table1 LEFT JOIN Table2 ON
Table2.ID=Table1.ID ?1"

and then sqlite3_bind_text

No, you can't do that. You can only use a parameter in place of, say, an 
integer constant or a string literal. You can't replace whole SQL 

My question is, can I do it like this or do I have to something like:

"SELECT *, Table1.ID AS _ID FROM Table1 LEFT JOIN Table2 ON
Table2.ID=Table1.ID WHERE _ID=?1" and bind only the _ID parameter in
this case?

This would work.

The issue is that I don't know beforehand what can be in
WHERE statement and how many parameters it might have - it's formed

Parameters cannot change a structure of the query. If you need to do 
this, then you have to build the query in a string, with sprintf or 
similar, then prepare. Of course you can still use parameters in place 
of any literals you may need in the query.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: What is wrong with this simple query (offset)?

2007-03-06 Thread Igor Tandetnik


Why does this query give a syntax error near offset?

WHERE TYPE = 'table'
offset 2

The syntax doesn't allow OFFSET on its own, but only together with 
LIMIT. Make it

-- or
LIMIT 2, -1

-1 means no limit.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Re: What is wrong with this simple query (offset)?

2007-03-06 Thread Igor Tandetnik


I take it there is no way to make it not return the field name.

I'm not sure what you mean by "not return the field name". My wild guess 
is you are using sqlite3 command line utility. In this case, type

.header OFF

before running the query.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Re: Re: What is wrong with this simple query (offset)?

2007-03-06 Thread Igor Tandetnik


I am not using the sqlite3 command line utility, but a VB adapted
version of
the regular sqlite3.dll. I take it should be no problem to do the
same with
that. Is there a pragma for this?

Nothing in SQLite API forces any kind of field names to be part of query 
resultset. If you see such a header, it must have been produced by 
whatever wrapper or adapter you are using. Consult the documentation or 
contact the authors of the same.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: A few (probably) simple questions ...

2007-03-06 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What's the difference between ON and WHERE,
the 2 statements below return exactly the same ?

SELECT   Patient_text.*, Opnamen.*
 FROM   Patient as P
 INNER JOIN Patient_text, Opnamen
 ON P.PatNr = Patient_text.PatNr
 WHERE  P.PatNr = '1'

SELECT   Patient_text.*, Opnamen.*
 FROM   Patient
 INNER JOIN Patient_text, Opnamen
 WHERE  Patient.PatNr = Patient_text.PatNr
   AND  Patient.PatNr = '1'

These two queries are equivalent. The difference between ON and WHERE 
becomes important when the query involves outer joins.

Why isn't ALIAS supported in the JOIN-line, or am I doing something
wrong ? 
SELECT   Patient_text.*, Opnamen.*
 FROM   Patient
 INNER JOIN Patient_text, Opnamen AS O
 WHERE  Patient.PatNr = Patient_text.PatNr
 ANDPatient.PatNr = '1'

What exactly do you believe is not supported? Do you get an error with 
this statement? It looks good to me.

In the SQL help on the web, I read:
"/join-op/ ::= *, *|* *[*NATURAL*]* *[*LEFT *|* RIGHT *|* FULL*]*
*[*OUTER *|* INNER *|* CROSS*]* JOIN*"
But when I try a RIGHT JOIN, I get an error message ???

SQLite doesn't support right outer joins at this time, only left joins. 
By the way, SQL syntax supported by SQLite is documented here


And here are the limitations: http://www.sqlite.org/omitted.html

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Re: A few (probably) simple questions ...

2007-03-06 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Why isn't ALIAS supported in the JOIN-line, or am I doing something
wrong ? 
SELECT   Patient_text.*, Opnamen.*
 FROM   Patient
 INNER JOIN Patient_text, Opnamen AS O
 WHERE  Patient.PatNr = Patient_text.PatNr
 ANDPatient.PatNr = '1'

What exactly do you believe is not supported? Do you get an error
with this statement? It looks good to me.

I get the following error ":: no such table: Opnamen" (running from

Well, a logical follow up question is, do you actually have a table 
named Opnamen in your database? Also, I'm somewhat surprised you don't 
mention Opnamen in the WHERE clause. Do you really want a full cartesian 

Yes, and the above quote is from
where nothing is said about not supporting "RIGHT",

That's why I pointed you to http://www.sqlite.org/omitted.html.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Re: Re: A few (probably) simple questions ...

2007-03-06 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I get the following error ":: no such table: Opnamen" (running from

Well, a logical follow up question is, do you actually have a table
named Opnamen in your database?

"INNER JOIN Patient_text, Opnamen
works as expected.

Can't reproduce. Can you show a small complete sample - a series of 
CREATE TABLE statements followed by the query that reports syntax error?

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Case Insensitive Equality Searches

2007-03-08 Thread Igor Tandetnik


If I want to do "SELECT * FROM table WHERE field = value", how can I
do this matching text only and not case?

If you always need case insensitive comparison, the easiest way is to 
assign NOCASE collation to the field when creating the table:

create table mytable (field char collate NOCASE, ...)

If you need only this comparison to be case insensitive, you can do

SELECT * FROM table WHERE upper(field) = upper(value);

Reportedly, the latest CVS code for SQLite also supports

SELECT * FROM table WHERE field=value collate NOCASE;

This will probably make it into the next release.

Note that NOCASE collation in SQLite only recognizes letters A through Z 
as being equal to a through z. It doesn't support any other characters, 
e.g. accented Latin characters or characters from other scripts. If you 
need any kind of linguistically correct collation, you need to provide 
one yourself (luckily SQLite supports custom collations).

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Argh, this must be a very stupid question ...

2007-03-08 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In the (windows) commandline version of sqlite:
how do I open / connect an existing database ?

Run it with database file name on the command line:

sqlite3.exe mydb.db

Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: How do I know what DBs I have attached?

2007-03-09 Thread Igor Tandetnik

jose isaias cabrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I would like to know is, how do I know if I have a db attached 

Realize that a set of attached DBs is a property of a connection (a 
sqlite3* handle), not some kind of persistent state of the database. You 
seem to be under impression that when two processes open the same DB 
file, and one process attaches another DB file, the other process can 
somehow query SQLite and find out that this happened. This is not the 

So, if you want to know if _you_ have attached a DB, just keep track of 
ATTACH DATABASE commands you have issued on your connection. If you want 
to know if someone else attached a DB to one you also happen to have 
open, SQLite can't help you there.

Also, can different clients ATTACH to the same DB and REPLACE unique
RECORDS without any problem?

Well, only one connection can modify a particular database file at the 
same time. It doesn't matter if you open the file directly, or attach it 
to an existing connection. If two processes attempt the modifying 
operation at the same time, one of them will proceed and the other will 
be locked out.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Is there an inverse for .import?

2007-03-09 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Anderson, James H (IT)

I need to "export" a table to a file in the same format as used by
.import, but I don't see any such cmd.


Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: are nested joins possible ?

2007-03-09 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I thought this would work,

 FROM Patient_Text
 FROM Patient
 ON Patient.PatNr = Opnamen.PatNr
 ON Patient.PatNr = Patient_Text.PatNr
But I get an error on the second use of Patient.PatNr.

The whole subselect is treated as a single table, you can't address 
individual tables that went into it anymore. You can give the subselect 
an alias:

 FROM Patient_Text
 FROM Patient
 ON Patient.PatNr = Opnamen.PatNr
 ) AS Patient
 ON Patient.PatNr = Patient_Text.PatNr

However, in this particular case you'll have a problem, since the result 
of subselect contains two columns named PatNr (one from Patient and one 
from Opnamen). So Patient.PatNr will be ambiguous. You could explicitly 
name columns in the subselect and give them aliases, then refer to them 
as SubselectAlias.ColumnAlias. But this way you won't be able to use * 

And of course, this particular query can be rewritten as

 FROM Patient_Text  JOIN Patient ON Patient.PatNr = Patient_Text.PatNr
   JOIN Opnamen ON Patient.PatNr = Opnamen.PatNr;

It will also likely be much more efficient: all these nested subselects 
pretty much disable SQLite optimizer.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: What is wrong with this UPDATE?

2007-03-10 Thread Igor Tandetnik



near ",": syntax error

Make it

else ADDED_DATE end),
else START_DATE end);

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Re: How do I know what DBs I have attached?

2007-03-10 Thread Igor Tandetnik

jose isaias cabrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Perhaps, this should be the case.  It would not be so hard to keep a
table of connections that are attached or open with a table.

You don't want an otherwise read-only connection have to write to the 
database. This will harm concurrency.

Well, only one connection can modify a particular database file at
the same time. It doesn't matter if you open the file directly, or
attach it to an existing connection. If two processes attempt the 

operation at the same time, one of them will proceed and the other
will be locked out.

Is there a way of telling the DB to UPDATE records after the actual
connection has completed its processing?  Something like UPDATE queue?

I'm not sure I understand the question. Update records after which of 
possibly multiple connections has completed its processing?

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Re: Re: How do I know what DBs I have attached?

2007-03-10 Thread Igor Tandetnik

jose isaias cabrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

jose isaias cabrera

Perhaps, this should be the case.  It would not be so hard to keep a
table of connections that are attached or open with a table.

You don't want an otherwise read-only connection have to write to the
database. This will harm concurrency.

Oh, I agree.

I'm confused. Didn't you just say that it would be a good idea for every 
connection to be recorded in some table in the database? Wouldn't that 
require every connection to write to the database as part of opening or 

The reason why I want to do it, is to not attach, if
there one attached, already.  For the exact reason that you point out. 
Since I have a few users that will update this DB at any moment, 
that could do it at the same time, I want to have a catch for that 

As soon as you try to update, if another update is already in progress, 
you'll get an error from SQLite. Wouldn't that be sufficient to "catch 
the problem"?

Let us say that I have a few users that would connect to this DB to
update it at any moment. Say user one connects to do an update to his
data.  At millisecond later, user2 connects to do an update to his
data, and here is the question, can user say say something like,

UPDATE TAble  after database is not busy.

Not quite, but you can retry again some time later. See also 
sqlite3_busy_handler, sqlite3_busy_timeout.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Meta Information: How to retrieve the column names of a table ?

2007-03-11 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Marten Feldtmann 

How can I get all the names of a table without doing a query against
the table ?

PRAGMA table_info(table-name);

I need all the names of columns within tables/views, the column index
within the
raw table.

What's "column index" and "raw table"? I'm not familiar with the terms.

With that information I may use sqlite3_column_meta_data to get
additional information
about the coumns ...

What's sqlite3_column_meta_data? It doesn't seem to be mentioned in 

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: results from a prepared select statement

2007-03-14 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Rafi Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Now my question is how do I know, after sqlite3_step, if I got results
at all.

sqlite3_step returns SQLITE_ROW if you got a row of results, SQLITE_DONE 
if no more rows, and SQLITE_ERROR in case of error. If resultset is 
empty, you'll just get SQLITE_DONE on the first call.

I would like my application to have this information before
trying to retrieve the results by using sqlite3_column* functions.

You can only use sqlite3_column* functions if the previous call to 
sqlite3_step returned SQLITE_ROW.

From the other side, if I retrieve those results in a loop, I would
like to now how many rows I need to retrieve?

You can't know that until you retrieve them all. SQLite engine itself 
doesn't know that. Just keep going until you get SQLITE_DONE.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Re: Meta Information: How to retrieve the column names of a table ?

2007-03-14 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

PRAGMA table_info(table-name);

And it also works for views, as just found out by trial and error ;-)
Is this standard SQL behavior ?

PRAGMA statement is not part of standard SQL. I don't believe there is a 
standardized way to access metadata. Every DBMS provides its own syntax.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: to quote or not ?

2007-03-14 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So I would expect that I now can always double quote the selection
fields, but unfortunately that doesn't seem to be true.

From a graphical design, I get for instance:

SELECT "Opnamen.PatNr", "Opnamen.Datum"

Opnamen, PatNr and Datum are three separate identifiers, and have to be 
quoted separatedly (if at all), as in "Opnamen"."PatNr". "Opnamen.PatNr" 
is a single identifier, distinct from Opnamen.PatNr (which is two 
identifiers separated by period).

To illustrate, consider these valid SQL statements:

create table Opnamen (PatNr, "Opnamen.PatNr");
insert into Opnamen values (1, 2);
   Opnamen.PatNr, "Opnamen"."PatNr",
   "Opnamen.PatNr", Opnamen."Opnamen.PatNr"
from Opnamen;

The last query should return a single row with values (1, 1, 2, 2)

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Adding columns of records and updating the result to a record

2007-03-15 Thread Igor Tandetnik

jose isaias cabrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have a system that links two or more records to one head record
using a column called ProjID, where ProjID has the unique recNO of the 
record. Anyway, what I would like to do is something like this... 


recNo is unique.  What I would like to do is to keep the head record
(1 and 5, on this instance) updated as the other children values get
updated. Updated means, the Invoice sum of all the child records on 
the Invoice

column of the head record, and the same for the Fund column.

This is a very bad design. Relational model doesn't easily incorporate 
this notion of "special" records. All records in a table should be 

I suggest removing these "head" records from the table altogether. You 
can always calculate them whenever necessary, like this:

select ProjId, sum(Invoice), sum(Fund)
from tableName
group by ProjId;

You can make this query into a view if you are so inclined.

If, for some reason, you insist on storing these totals in the database 
persistently, create a separate table containing just those totals 
records. Use triggers to update these totals whenever something changes 
in the main table. Again, do not put totals records in the main table.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: 2 questions concerning select statement

2007-03-19 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Rafi Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1. When I prepare a select statement for later execution, may I
use a question mark instead of a table and later "bind" different
table names

No. You can only use a parameter where an expression would be valid.

2. In "order by" clause may I use a column which is part of the table
but nor part of the result?

Yes. In fact, you can use any expression, not just a column name.

Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: multithread problem

2007-03-20 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Rafi Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1. Should I open the database explicitly in the amin part and also in
the thread?

In my experience, SQLite works best when every thread opens its own 

2. should I create the tables in the thread or can I create them in
the main thread and modify them in the other?

You can create tables on any thread, it doesn't matter.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: data type problem

2007-03-20 Thread Igor Tandetnik

qinligeng-9Onoh4P/[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

if you create a table use following statement (script generated from
MS SQL Server 2000) CREATE TABLE [XTollData] (
[DutyID] [char] (32) NOT NULL ,
[CarNumber] [char] (10) NULL

SQLite3_Column_decltype will treat DutyID as data type 'char' but not

SQLite ignores length restriction. Any cell may store a string of 
arbitrary length (or, indeed, any other supported data type). For more 
details, see http://sqlite.org/datatype3.html

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Raise not working.

2007-03-20 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Laurent LAVAUD  wrote:

I have a problem to get < RAISE > function working.

When the trigger is triggered by an insert, i only want to execute
the < update > and skip the first insert.

create trigger checkdrop before INSERT on blocked when (select
count(*) from blocked where id=new.id) > 0

What is this 'when' doing here?

update blocked set hits = hits + 1 where id = new.id;

RAISE is a function, not a statement. Make it


Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: Question about multithreading

2007-03-22 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Gil Delavous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

However, what happens when a thread calls a method from the main
thread, this one using its own sqlite connection?

The question doesn't make any sense to me, sorry. Methods don't belong 
to threads. Any function in a program can, in principle, be executed by 
any thread at any time, including by multiple threads simultaneously.

For example:

Main thread:
void main::query_something() {
// query something using main thread's sqlite connection

Print thread:
void print::print_result() {
int value = main->query_something();

What makes you think these classes are somehow affine to a particular 
thread? They are not. When you call query_something from print_result, 
the same thread that executed print_result now executes query_something, 
whether it's a "main" thread (whatever that means) or otherwise.

If it's your intention that all methods from class main be called on one 
thread, and all methods of print be called on another, it's up to your 
program to ensure that. You need some kind of inter-thread communication 
mechanism, e.g. a producer/consumer queue.

As my main thread has tons of utility methods called from other

You seem to say "thread" when you mean "class", and this lies at the 
heart of your confusion. Realize that the two are entirely different, 
largely unrelated concepts.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Holding sqlite connection

2007-03-22 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Gil Delavous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I was wondering if its better to open a sqlite database connection
when my application launches, use it all along the process life, and 

it when it exits... or if its better to open/close the database
connection each time a method has to query/store data, thus leaving 
the database

not open all the time.

There is no downside to keeping the database open. On the other hand, 
when SQLite opens the database it reads and parses its schema, which 
takes some (short) time, so you usually don't want to do it too often.

As my application is multithreaded (each thread open its own, global
connection too) I'm not sure if holding connections is the best way to
avoid conflicts (I sometimes have SQLITE_MISUSE errors).

Just holding a connection open doesn't cause conflicts by itself - you 
need to actually execute some statement.

SQLITE_MISUSE error doesn't indicate a conflict (SQLITE_BUSY does) - it 
means you are doing something wrong, like trying to execute a statement 
that was already finalized. In other words, SQLITE_MISUSE signals a bug 
in your program. Find it and fix it.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: SPAM: Re: Question about multithreading

2007-03-22 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Voxen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So, from my example, let say thread A created the object "main", and
thread B created the object "print".

When thread B calls the method from object "main" (as shown by the
example), my question was to know if the sqlite connection opened by
object "main" can be considered as shared with thread B

Of course.

much like if
I used this connection pointer directly from thread B?

There's no "like" - you do use connection pointer directly from thread 
B. The fact that the piece of code thread B currently executes is a 
method of an object that happened to be created by thread A is 

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Clarification of bound parameter usage

2007-03-22 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Ian Frosst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The problem here though, is that I'm doing the prepare/step/finalize
each time I want to execute the query, even though the only thing
that is going to change are the values.  Can I write a loop which
prepares the SQL, using named parameters, then in a loop just call
sqlite3_bind_*/step/reset, finalizing after all of my calls have been

Of course. That's precisely what parameters are for.

Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: Re: Re: Question about multithreading

2007-03-22 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Voxen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There's no "like" - you do use connection pointer directly from
thread B. The fact that the piece of code thread B currently
executes is a method of an object that happened to be created by
thread A is immaterial.

That clears things and it shows me I need to open/close the database
locally when a method is called by several threads.

Well, you can have each thread open a connection, then pass it along as 
a parameter to whatever function the thread needs to call. This way, the 
method would always operate on a connection associated with whatever 
thread were calling it, and you won't have to keep opening and closing 
connections all the time.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Missing tables in sqlite_master

2007-03-22 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Christian Mattar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've been having trouble with SQLite in PHP. Basically I want to
iterate over all table of a database. I use the following query:

$handle = sqlite_open("db.sqlite");
$result = sqlite_query($handle, "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE
type='table' ORDER BY name");
$tables = sqlite_fetch_array($result);

Unfortunately, it only returns the first table name in the result.


"Fetches the next row from the given result handle. If there are no more 
rows, returns FALSE, otherwise returns an associative array representing 
the row data."

You need to call it repeatedly to retrieve all the rows.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Store and retreive 0D0A (CRLF) in string field

2007-03-25 Thread Igor Tandetnik

fangles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When I have text pasted into an sqlite string field, it is stored
okay but when I retrieve a string, it is truncated at the first CR

SQLite doesn't truncate anything. Whatever you put in you get out. If 
you see a truncation, it is either done by whatever wrapper you use on 
top of SQLite, or simply an artifact of the way you inspect the data 
(e.g. you look at the string in a debugger, and the debugger just 
happens to show only the first line).

Use sqlite3_column_bytes[16] to convince yourself that SQLite gives you 
the complete string.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: The IN keyword

2007-03-28 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Jonas Sandman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Still, can this be done without knowing how many extensions there are
on beforehand?

Something like this perhaps:

SELECT * FROM Files WHERE :extension like '%!' || extension || '!%';

and build extension list like !mp3!avi!ogg!

Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: Index usage for inequalities and GROUP BY

2007-03-28 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Brownie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a table and indices as follows;

CREATE TABLE employee(name TEXT,salary INTEGER,job TEXT);
CREATE INDEX idx_emp_salary_job ON employee(salary,job);
CREATE INDEX idx_emp_job ON employee(job);

When I use the following query, SQLite seems to use idx_emp_salary_job
for both WHERE and GROUP BY.

SELECT job, COUNT(name) FROM employee WHERE salary=100 GROUP BY job;
0|0|TABLE employee WITH INDEX emp_salary_job ORDER BY

But when modify this query as follows, SQLite seems to use
idx_emp_salary_job for WHERE only. Not used for GROUP BY.

SELECT job, COUNT(name) FROM employee WHERE salary>=100 GROUP BY job;
0|0|TABLE employee WITH INDEX emp_salary_job

Because index on (salary, jobs) is not helpful here. This index lists 
rows ordered by salary, and for each distinct value of salary rows are 
ordered by job. Your first query narrowed down to a single value of 
salary, at which point the index gave you rows ordered by job and group 
by was trivial. But now that you have multiple salary values, SQLite has 
to sort on job anyway.

See if this query gets better performance:

SELECT job, COUNT(name) FROM employee WHERE +salary>=100 GROUP BY job;

Unary plus would suppress the index involving salary, so one on (job) 
should be used.

Another thing to try is to create an index on (job, salary) rather than 
(salary, job).

So, I modify it by using WHERE EXISTS and subqueries.

(SELECT * FROM employee WHERE salary>=100) GROUP BY job;

This statement doesn't make any sense. The subselect doesn't depend on 
the outer select in any way, so it would be executed once and EXISTS 
clause will either produce 1 or 0. Assuming there are indeed records 
with salary >= 100, this query is equivalent to

SELECT job, COUNT(name) FROM employee GROUP BY job;

which is quite different from the original query.

0|0|TABLE employee WITH INDEX emp_job ORDER BY
0|0|TABLE employee WITH INDEX emp_salary_job

It seems to use indices for both WHERE EXISTS and GROUP BY.

Why not? They are separate, largely unrelated queries.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: what's the fastest way to get the record count of a table?

2007-03-28 Thread Igor Tandetnik

qinligeng-9Onoh4P/[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I want to check the record count of a table every 5 seconds.
It seems there's only one way to get a table's record count:
select coun(*) from ATable

but if the table gets big(1,000,000 rows), it will get slow.
Any good idea?

Store record count in a separate table, use triggers to keep it 
up-to-date as rows get added and deleted in the main table.

In fact, instead of polling, you can use the same triggers to notify you 
of changes, e.g. by having them call a custom function.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Python-Sqlite Unicode characters

2007-03-29 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Kostas5904  wrote:


When I ask a value from the user and I try to store it into the same
I run the following code
 a="insert into %s (%s) values %s" % (table,cols,values)

and I get the error:

pysqlite2.dbapi2.OperationalError: near
"'\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03ce\u03bd\u03b7\u03c2'": syntax error

Inspect the value of 'a' variable right before execute() call. You'll 
find it's all wrong. The values must be in parentheses, string literals 
must be quoted. While we are at it, in SQL string literals should be 
quoted with single quotes. SQLite allows double quotes as an extension, 
but it is bad practice to rely on that.

Better still, use parameterized query and bind your values to 
parameters. Your approach is wide open to SQL injection attack. Consider 
what happens if I type the following into the dialog field:

sometext", 3); delete from names1; --

See what kind of statement you are going to construct and run given this 

Even if I'm not being malicious, consider what happens if I innocently 
put text containing quotes into the description field.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: create or update question

2007-04-03 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Eric S. Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm trying to figure out how to do do the following:

if the record exists
  Update record with calculation ( a = a + v)
  insert record with default values

It seems like the "insert or replace into" capabilities is close to
what I need but I can't figure out how to update with a default on
the first record and update with a calculation on existing records.

I can't think of any way to avoid two requests. Run the update 
statement, use sqlite3_changes to check whether any row has actually 
been updated. If not, run the insert.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: SQL help

2007-04-03 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Clark Christensen 

I have a table, as described below, where I need to find out if the
tech_id in question has at least some modules in a particular
collection (coll_id), and they're all complete.

select coalesce(min(is_complete), 0) from tech_modules
where tech_id=? and coll_id=?;

This returns 0 if there's at least one record with is_complete=0 (min 
will select it), or if there are no matching records at all (min will 
produce NULL, coalesce will convert it to 0).

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Novice help

2007-04-03 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Raju Penmetsa 

I downloaded all the Windows binary files of SQlite on the download
page of sqlite.org. I extracted all of them into separate folders.
Now, when I open sqlite3.exe in a DOS window and type - "sqlite3
new.db", it should create a new db if there is none already existing,
It is not creating anything for me Or I am not able to find where it
is creating one.

It delays actually creating the file until you create the first table. 
Run a valid CREATE TABLE statement.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: What query should I use?

2007-04-04 Thread Igor Tandetnik

erw2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a table with a following data:

IdText1   Text2   Text3   Text4
11001 11 test03   test13
21002 11 test01   test11
31003 12 test04   test12
41004 12 test02   test34
51004 12test06   test56
61005 11test17   test67
71005 12test07   test57
81006 13 test05   test98
91007 13 test02   test93
10   1008 14 test01   test03
...   .....   ..

Now, I would like to select only the rows when Text2 change. So the
result of such query should look like:

IdText1   Text2   Text3   Text4
11001 11  test03   test13
31003 12  test04   test12
61005 11 test17   test67
71005 12  test07   test57
81006 13  test05   test98
10   1008 14  test01   test03
...   .....   ..

How should this query look like?

select * from tableName t1
where t1.Text2 != (
   select t2.Text2 from tableName t2
   where t2.Id < t1.Id
   order by t2.Id desc limit 1

Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: Math functions

2007-04-04 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Nathan Biggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does anyone know if there is a floor function in sqlite, or of a way
to implement it.

cast(expr as integer) truncates towards zero, in case it helps.

Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: What query should I use?

2007-04-05 Thread Igor Tandetnik

woj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for your reply, the query you have suggested works fine, but
there is missing the first row, so the result look:

IdText1   Text2   Text3   Text4
 31003 12  test04   test12
 61005 11 test17   test67
 71005 12  test07   test57
 81006 13  test05   test98
 10   1008 14  test01   test03
 ...   .....   ..

but of course there is an EXACT answer for my question - there are
selected only the rows when Text2 changes... How to get also always
the first row from original data set?

select * from tableName t1
where coalesce(
t1.Text2 != 
   (select t2.Text2 from tableName t2

where t2.Id < t1.Id
order by t2.Id desc limit 1),

Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: Math functions

2007-04-05 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Brad Stiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 4/4/07, Nathan Biggs

Does anyone know if there is a floor function in sqlite, or of a way
to implement it.

Well, the suggestions about extending SQLite are probably quicker,
but if a SQL solution is required for portability, you can try
something like this:  

select case when @float >= 0.0 then cast(@float as int) else
cast(@float-1 as int) end 

This would give wrong answer if @float is negative and whole.

Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: Currency Formatting within SQLite

2007-04-06 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Mitchell Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I know it's a long shot but is it possible to use the Windows API
GetCurrencyFormat() function to format currency strings?

I need a layer between my database and report generator to properly
format currency (money) strings for various countries.

I assume you want to have SQLite format values for you (though you are 
talking about a layer above the database which seems to suggest 
otherwise). You can install a custom function - see 
sqlite3_create_function[16]. This function can do whatever you want, 
including calling GetCurrencyFormat. Then you can do something like

select FormatCurrency(currencyValue) from ...;

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Re: Currency Formatting within SQLite

2007-04-06 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Mitchell Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes, I know about creating a function but I'm wondering if I can hook
into the already-existing Windows API function for it. Currency
formatting is quite complicated (much more than just storing a
currency "symbol") and Windows has already done the leg work - I just
need to see gain access to the API function for it.

I don't understand. You can install a custom function into SQLite 
engine - the function that you implement. This function can then be used 
in any SQL statement. Within implementation of that function, you can 
happily use GetCurrencyFormat or any other API. What again seems to be 
the problem?

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: sqlite3.exe .import command

2007-04-06 Thread Igor Tandetnik


I get a message that 13 fields were expected but only one found.  The
file I am importing is comma delimited text with one line per record. 
could find no documentation on format expectations of the .import 

I believe it expects TABs by default, but you can change it with

.separator ,

I would appreciate help on this particular problem and also a URL for
any documentation of the sqlite3.exe program.

There's a built-in help accessible with ".help" command. Not very 
extensive, but usually sufficient.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Re: Re: Currency Formatting within SQLite

2007-04-06 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Mitchell Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The only problem is my lack of understanding on how implementing
custom functions in SQLite works. I'm sure your idea is sound I just
don't know the details of implementing it. For instance, is this
something that has to be compiled into the DLL, or is it database file

It can be compiled into any piece of code that can call 
sqlite3_create_function[16] API. Custom functions are not permanent, 
they exist within a particular database connection, the one whose handle 
you pass as the first parameter to sqlite3_create_function.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: Nested SELECT : Alternative syntax please ?

2007-04-08 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Jaime Castells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Actually, Jay, I've bumped into cases where you couldn't avoid a
query.  Here's an example that works in SQLite:

SELECT COUNT(funky_values)
FROM (SELECT substr(locations.code, 5,9) AS funky_values FROM
WHERE locations.code LIKE 'B%')

WHERE funky_values LIKE '1%'

select count(*) from locations
where locations.code like 'B___1%';

-- or

select count(*) from locations
where locations.code like 'B%' and
   substr(locations.code, 5, 9) like '1%';

Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: Nested SELECT : Alternative syntax please ?

2007-04-08 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Jaime Castells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hmm, I think the only time you really can't avoid a nested query is
when you 
want to do a grouping function on the result of a grouping function. 
count the number of customers who have more than a certain number of
Something like:

FROM (SELECT cust.id, COUNT(order.id) AS order_count FROM cust, order
WHERE order.cust_id=cust.id GROUP BY cust.id)
WHERE order_count>10

select count(cust.id) from cust
where (
   select count(*) from order
   where order.cust_id = cust.id) > 10;

Igor Tandetnik

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[sqlite] Re: Re: Nested SELECT : Alternative syntax please ?

2007-04-08 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Jay Sprenkle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 4/8/07, Igor Tandetnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jaime Castells

Hmm, I think the only time you really can't avoid a nested query is
when you
want to do a grouping function on the result of a grouping function.
count the number of customers who have more than a certain number of
Something like:

FROM (SELECT cust.id, COUNT(order.id) AS order_count FROM cust,
order WHERE order.cust_id=cust.id GROUP BY cust.id)
WHERE order_count>10

select count(cust.id) from cust
where (
select count(*) from order
where order.cust_id = cust.id) > 10;

I think you could also do that with this:

select cust.id, count(*)
from order
inner join order on order.cust_id = cust.id
group by cust.id
having count(*) > 10

This returns a list of customers that have more than 10 orders. Jaime 
wanted a count of such customers, not a list of them. His original query 
produces a single number.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: SQLite and nested transactions

2007-04-09 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Darren Duncan wrote:

I will clarify that child transactions are just an elegant way of
partitioning a larger task, and that parent transactions always
overrule children; even if a child transaction commits successfully,
a rollback of its parent means there are no lasting changes.

Because of this, and the fact that a transaction is basically a
guarantee that all or none of the enclosed statements are executed, it
is much simpler to implement nested transactions using a counter and
the existing transaction API in a set of wrapper functions. There is 

need to maintain all the intermediate state information.

Support for nested transactions should allow one to roll back the child 
transaction to the point where it has started, but still commit the 
overall transaction. Consider:

BEGIN parent;
insert into t values ('a');
BEGIN child;
insert into t values ('b');
insert into t values ('c');
COMMIT parent;

As a result of this sequence, the table should have two new rows with 
values 'a' and 'c', but not 'b'. As far as I can tell, this is 
impossible to implement in terms of existing SQLite API.

Igor Tandetnik 

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[sqlite] Re: SQLite and nested transactions

2007-04-09 Thread Igor Tandetnik

Griggs, Donald

Regarding:  "...As Igor pointed out this does not resemble a full
implementation of transactions, as nested transactions can be
and rolled back independently of the outer parent transaction."

Nonetheless, it would seem, just from the couple of pages below, that
some DB vendors find the less-than-full implementation of nested
transactions to be useful for at least some purposes.

(I.e., an implementation in which inner transactions do little more
adjust counters.  If anything is rolled back, then entire outer
transaction is rolled back.)

I make no claim to being an expert here -- I'm just a googler.  ;-)

[quotes from documentation that only deal with COMMIT snipped]

The interesting question is not what happens on commit of a nested 
transaction (the answer is "nothing much" for all reasonable DBMS), but 
what happens on _rollback_. A full implementation would roll back to the 
state at which nested transaction originated, and keep the enclosing 
transaction(s) open. A simple implementation would roll back all 
outstanding transactions and discard all changes.

Igor Tandetnik 

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