Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] IP addr assigned to LMS

2018-11-23 Thread pavowren

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Starting LMS with command line including --httpaddr
> might be the answer for you.
> However, I'm not sure that pCP provides an easy way to do that from the
> web interface.

just tried this by modifying the /etc/default/logitechmediaserver and
LMS did bind to
but again, i had no trouble accessing and playing local music via
desktop browser (of course it has the hotspot nearby).
strange thing is there at the pi itself, there was no audio!
despite the fact on the browser, LMS shows a track is playing

so ultimately i believe this is a networking issue, more specifically
one of the default gateway.
as long as the wifi hotspot is available (and its default gateway),
everything works.
but one would think that LMS with a locally attached music should be
able to play without internet.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] IP addr assigned to LMS

2018-11-23 Thread pavowren

BosseJ wrote: 
> Yes, it sound strange.
> First, LMS does get any IP-address by itself, the OS on the device (the
> PI3B+) does by dhcp broadcast on the connected interfaces. LMS uses
> whatever IP-address the OS reports, but LMS is not designed to handle
> dual networks as far as I know (it can, but may be confused sometimes).
> When you say that you have both ethernet and wifi connected on the
> PI3B+, you have dual network interfaces on that machine active at the
> same time. If you haven't set any static IP-address on either ethernet
> or wifi on the PI3B+ and you still get IP-addresses when connected, then
> you have at least two dhcp-servers on you network. And they are probably
> not the same since they provide IP-addresses from different sub-nets.
> Or I may have misunderstood your network, of course :-)
> Some clarifying answers would help I think:
> 1. Into what kind of device is the other end of the ethernet cable
> connected? A switch - what other devices are connected to that then? A
> router - is it the same as the wifi hotspot or something else?
> 2. What kind of device is the mobile hotspot? Your mobile smartphone? A
> 3G/4G router?
> (I am trying to clarify how many internet connections you have and the
> rough layout of your network.)
> 3. What application is "My Music" and on what device are you running
> that? (My Music is a menu item on the web GUI on LMS, is that what
> you're referring to? Where do you then run the browser to the LMS web
> GUI?)
> Also, to clarify your network, please log in to your Pi3B+ using ssh
> (for example Putty on a Windows PC) from some local computer.
> In the terminal ssh-window, run command > 

  >   > sudo route

> >  and show us the result.
> Next, run command > 

  >   > ifconfig

> > , both with and without the ethernet cable attached and show the
> results.
> Hopefully it will be a bit clearer and maybe somewhat easier to
> provide useful advice.

ok here are network info with/without the hotspot:

with hotspot present
pi@raspberryPi:~ $ ifconfig
eth0: flags=4163  mtu 1500
inet  netmask  broadcast
inet6 fe80::7cfc:82aa:8dfb:d773  prefixlen 64  scopeid
ether b8:27:eb:fd:ab:5a  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
RX packets 590  bytes 58461 (57.0 KiB)
RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
TX packets 72  bytes 9625 (9.3 KiB)
TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

lo: flags=73  mtu 65536
inet  netmask
inet6 ::1  prefixlen 128  scopeid 0x10
loop  txqueuelen 1000  (Local Loopback)
RX packets 96364  bytes 15265974 (14.5 MiB)
RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
TX packets 96364  bytes 15265974 (14.5 MiB)
TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

wlan0: flags=4163  mtu 1500
inet  netmask  broadcast
inet6 fe80::5aed:ac0e:fc8d:62e0  prefixlen 64  scopeid
ether b8:27:eb:a8:fe:0f  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
RX packets 18948  bytes 12339175 (11.7 MiB)
RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
TX packets 17827  bytes 1628806 (1.5 MiB)
TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

pi@raspberryPi:~ $ ip route show
default via dev wlan0 src metric 303 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src metric
202 dev wlan0 proto kernel scope link src
metric 303

LMS info:
Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 - 1530185314 @ Thu Jun 28 14:19:19
CEST 2018
Hostname: raspberryPi
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8 
Platform Architecture: armv7l-linux
Perl Version: 5.24.1 - arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int
Audio::Scan: 0.95
IO::Socket::SSL: 2.044
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite
Total Players Recognized: 1

Player Model: SqueezeLite
Player Type: squeezelite
Firmware: v1.9.0-1105
Player IP Address:
Player MAC Address: b8:27:eb:fd:ab:5a


with hotspot absent

pi@raspberryPi:~ $ ifconfig
eth0: flags=4163  mtu 1500
inet  netmask  broadcast
inet6 fe80::7cfc:82aa:8dfb:d773  prefixlen 64  scopeid
ether b8:27:eb:fd:ab:5a  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
RX packets 1937  bytes 361811 (353.3 KiB)
RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
TX packets 2968  bytes 3940366 (3.7 MiB)
TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

lo: flags=73  mtu 65536
inet  netmask
inet6 ::1  prefixlen 128  scopeid 0x10
loop  txqueuelen 1000  (Local Loopback)
RX packets 123678  bytes 19464288 (18.5 MiB)
RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
TX packets 123678  bytes 19464288 (18.5 MiB)
TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

wlan0: flags=4099  

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] IP addr assigned to LMS

2018-11-23 Thread pavowren

BosseJ wrote: 
> Even if you could define a gateway statically on the ethernet network,
> where should it point? You don't have any other routers you wrote and I
> got the impression that your only internet access is via the mobile
> hotspot (the mobile phone)? I assume that your PC and laptop have the
> same general solution as the PI3B+, ie wireless to your mobile (for
> internet access) and ethernet cable to your powerline backbone for
> access to your LMS/Jivelite device (the PI3B+). I assume you have
> manually set IP-addresses on the ethernet side on the PC and laptop
> also.
> It makes some sense that you can access the LMS on the PI3B+ from your
> PC/laptop via (ie via the powerline backbone) since I
> believe LMS listens on all interfaces. But why it should stop working
> when you remove the wireless connection is beyond me. And why the local
> playback from a locally attached USB-drive should stop when the wireless
> to the phone is disconnected is also incomprehensible to me. Perhaps ssh
> in to your LMS and monitor the LMS server log (eg 'sudo tail -f
> /var/log/squeezeboxserver/server.log') and then stop hotspot and see
> what the LMS has to say about that.
> Perhaps you should ask on a Raspian 9 forum. It is too difficult to
> "debug" this without Raspian experience. Sorry, I can't help.

you have sized up the situation correctly and thus, your questions are
exactly mine.
that in itself is some consolation.
i would have thought my situation would be quite common (at least not
uncommon) given all the purported cord cutters.

at this point, i've concluded it's a networking issue in raspian9 and
pursue that line,
not necessarily any flaws in squeezelite or lms.

thank you for your thoughts and feedback...

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] IP addr assigned to LMS

2018-11-23 Thread pavowren

BosseJ wrote: 
> Look at the commandline for starting Squeezelite. If no server is
> specified Squeezelite searches for a server via the network and of
> course the LMS server replies via the network interface it received the
> call on.
> From the Squeezelite man-page:
> > 

  >   > -s [:]
  > Connect  to  the  specified Logitech Media Server, otherwise uses automatic 
discovery to find server on the local network. This option should only be 
needed if automatic discovery does not work, or the server is not on the local 
network segment (e.g. behind a router).

> > 
> Try to tell Squeezelite to attach to localhost since they both reside
> on the same PI3B+, by adding parameter > 

  >   > -s localhost

> >  on the commandline to start Squeezelite.

tried it already with both localhost,, even (with
LMS set to
same behavior:
all works fine via desktop browser interface 
but not locally at the pi itself.

of course, dr. murphy is active today, even when i take the mobile
hotspot down to the remote corner of the house,
wifi is strong and the pi is able to connect, weakly but still connect.

at this point, my issue is academic but i'm sure curious as to why and
how this gateway thing works or not work

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] IP addr assigned to LMS

2018-11-23 Thread pavowren

DJanGo wrote: 
> Hi,
> there is a lot of information and a lot is missing..
> the way to change the ip must be in /etc/default/logitechmediaserver
> otherwise you may end with nothing when there is a update.
> DONT modifying the /etc/default/logitechmediaserver !
> each NIC can have must have its own gateway! I dont know where you read
> that other -nonsense- and who wrote that.
> but for sure that gateway must exist! You didnt wrote something about
> that (another device in 192.168.1.x Network).
> If there isnt any other device in that net you cant add a gateway.
> Thats a good way to mess things up
> > 

  >   > /etc/network/interfaces

> > is the right place!
> > 

  >   > auto eno1
  > iface eno1 inet static
  > address
  > netmask

> > 
> So my question is "who" should use the Address the pi onl
> or some other devices?

apparently, with Raspian 9, /etc/dhcpcd.conf is used rather than
as stated before, specifying "any" gateway for eth0 renders wifi to not
function at all.
when the pi connects to the hotspot, wlan0 gets its gateway assigned to
the hotspot and all's ok.

as for, it is used by any other device on the lan; e.g.,
windows desktop and laptop with ethernet cables so that
i can ssh into the pie.   and of course, i can use the browser to view

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] IP addr assigned to LMS

2018-11-24 Thread pavowren

d6jg wrote: 
> When you control squeezelite via web browser which interface do you
> connect to? 
> Look in LMS settings / information. Are there two instances of your Pi
> there as players? 
> I’d say that Jivelite is somehow trying to control squeezelite on the
> wrong interface?

on the browser, i connect to LMS using
that's the static ip addr of raspberrypi's eth0.
LMS shows only one player, squeezelite, at

i didn't expect jivelite to be doing any network requests. it's just UI
for squeezelite.
that's why i'm picking on squeezelite.
tried to turn on debug but of course, it doesn't work. i specified the
-d log=debug option for squeezelite but
the log file is empty. but of course...

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] IP addr assigned to LMS

2018-11-24 Thread pavowren

d6jg wrote: 
> This is where using the Pi as a router and a mobile as the gateway falls
> down.
> You would find that what you are trying to achieve will work perfectly
> if you used a proper 4g router but I appreciate that means swapping SIM
> cards around. It is as you have surmised all to do with the lack of
> gateway. A 4g router will always specify a default gateway to its dhcp
> clients even if there is no internet connection.
> You could probably get a Pi to work as a router in the same way but
> perhaps not with LMS on board and not using the phone as the gateway
> over WiFi

naturally i want to keep things simple; i.e., neither 4g router nor pi
as a router.
consider this:
i boot the pi without wifi, only eth0 (without gateway), and using
desktop browser over lan, all works as expected.
so browser is really a functional equivalent to squeezelite running on
why is squeezelite having trouble to connecting to a localhost server?

i tried this.  kill squeezelite.  verify LMS is listening on
started squeezelite with specific arg -s
still it can't connect!

i believe i mentioned this before.
i can add a "dummy" router to the lan, assign it as the gateway. then
squeezelite works!
BUT when the hotspot comes around, it won't work; i.e., no internet
it seems to be an either/or situation.
and clearly a networking issue within raspian.

i've posed a similar question on the raspian forum and hopefully
some network gurus can help...

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] IP addr assigned to LMS

2018-11-24 Thread pavowren

DJanGo wrote: 
> Networking sounds soo easy but everytime something sounds easy mostly it
> isnt. :o:cool:

yes, my networking knowledge is limited but not at zero level.
please consider these points:

- ALL devices connect to internet via the mobile hotspot. i was very
pleasantly surprised how well this works, as they say seamlessly.
- even lan-connected (i.e. ethernet wired) devices use the hotspot for
internet, so the raspberryPi does not have to be a router, bridge or
access point.
- lan is strictly private and used for direct connections to local
devices, such as, printer, raspberryPi and local network storage.
- without the hotspot, via a browser over lan connection, i have no
trouble connecting to LMS and playing its local music.
- THE (and only) problem is that at raspberryPi itself (it has a local
display managed by jivelite), if i attempt to play music, squeezelite
cannot connect to LMS!

how idiotic is that?
LMS is bound to and the player, squeezelite, is told that its
server is at
and they can talk to each other? 
apparently, they can since as i said, i can play music if i use a
desktop browser
but not at the pi itself.

that is why even a networking neophyte says 
it's gotta be software, specifically squeezelite since it is the
component that's failing!
but why?

time to leave networking and pick on squeezelite

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] IP addr assigned to LMS

2018-11-24 Thread pavowren

BosseJ wrote: 
> In addition to reviewing your network you should review how you mount
> the USB-drive: try to do it manually, as basic as possible to remove any
> hidden dependencies to network (whatever they may be).
> How do you add music to the USB-drive? Using Samba (SMB export)? That
> could be a source for network dependency.
> As for the network, it is not surprising that it gets confused when you
> have a key component such as the internet gateway walking around in the
> house and appearing randomly :-)
> Try to make all network connections manually and static, even for the
> wifi on the PI3B+: use dhcp for ip-address only but set the route
> manually to have it persistent.
> Do you have NetworkManager active on the Raspian/PI3B+? Disable that and
> set everything manually.
> If you can get an extra data SIM from your mobile operator cheap (or for
> free), the advice to use a 4G router is excellent. That would stop the
> internet gateway from disappearing and reappearing randomly :-) And your
> phone could use the same wifi network when at home (no need for a mobile
> hotspot function). Your PC & laptop would be happy with a permanent
> gateway. You could keep your powerline backbone only as a fallback for
> access to LMS.

usb works wonderfully and simple to implement on LMS.
i use winSCP from the desktop.

my hotspot is provided by t-mobile. i did not know about data sim.
can it coexist with the cell sim?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] IP addr assigned to LMS

2018-11-24 Thread pavowren

d6jg wrote: 
> Actually I think I have seen this before now I think about it.
> I was building a piCorePlayer player which was initially wired. After
> build I switched to wireless and I recall I had to uninstall and
> reinstall Jivelite to get it to recognise that I was now using a
> different interface. 
> Since you want LMS on the LAN interface try dropping the WiFi connection
> and reinstall Jivelite when only the LAN is operative.

as i recall, i built jivelite from scratch (via
surely i shouldn't have to do it again.  
isn't there some magical config file that would tell jivelite to use lan
instead of wlan?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] IP addr assigned to LMS

2018-11-24 Thread pavowren

bpa wrote: 
> If you want see what is going on - enable logging and look at log.
> For example, run squeezelite with "-d slimproto=info" to check that it
> connects to the LMS.

thanks for that.
i was reading the doc wrong.
here's what the log says:

[14:46:50.504244] slimproto:883 connecting to
[14:46:50.504824] slimproto:908 unable to connect to server 0
[14:46:55.505206] slimproto:908 unable to connect to server 0
[14:47:00.505734] slimproto:922 connected
[14:47:00.505918] slimproto:933 local player

1. is server 0 at
2. is 3483 special port for players?
3. so did it eventually connect?  it says "connected".

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] IP addr assigned to LMS

2018-11-24 Thread pavowren

d6jg wrote: 
> Actually I think I have seen this before now I think about it.
> I was building a piCorePlayer player which was initially wired. After
> build I switched to wireless and I recall I had to uninstall and
> reinstall Jivelite to get it to recognise that I was now using a
> different interface. 
> Since you want LMS on the LAN interface try dropping the WiFi connection
> and reinstall Jivelite when only the LAN is operative.

over at jivelite forum, bunch of people were talking about this!
how did you uninstall/reinstall jivelite exactly?  'cause i made it some
months ago following

snooping around the .jivelite directory, i found SlimDiscovery.lua which
had the following line:
that's the wlan0 address which the hotspot dynamically assigned.
of course, when hotspot goes away, this addr is no longer around.
so i changed it or but neither worked.  jivelite
fails to connect to LMS.
do i need to somehow compile this .lua file?

when i took the mobile hotspot near the pi,
this file magically returned to what it was,
i assume jivelite is doing this but why and how?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] IP addr assigned to LMS

2018-11-25 Thread pavowren

BosseJ wrote: 
> Perhaps you could ask Ralphy in the JiveLite thread in these forums,
> if there is any way to force JiveLite to always use the eth0
> IP as the LMS server and never the wireless IP?
> Assuming you compiled from the Github sources, Ralphy's fork, and not
> from Googlecode archive (Triode's original sources).
> BTW, it seems as JiveLite only communicates with the LMS server and the
> LMS server then controls the Squeezelite player software. There seems to
> be no direct connection between JiveLite and Squeezelite. This explains
> why you only loose control ability on the local display of the PI3B+,
> but never on the PC/laptop browser to the LMS web gui. LMS listens on
> all interfaces, if wlan fails it doesn't matter for the  eth0 traffic.
> However, JiveLite chooses one interface for communication with LMS and
> sticks with that. Besides, JiveLite seem to prefer the wlan, perhaps
> because that is the only network route which can provide DNS replies.
> (You could, as a test for this speculation, setup a small DNS server
> elsewhere on your network just to provide replies, a small footprint
> caching DNS will be fine. Then start the PI3B+ without the hotspot
> available and see what gives - check the JiveLite configs for LMS server
> IP etc.)
> edit: you see in this source from Github:
> that
> JiveLite monitors the resolv.conf for changes. That's why it overwrites
> the LMS server address in the lua probably when the Pi3B+ connects to
> the hotspot.

yes, i was over at the jivelite forum and it seems some folks had a
similar (but not quite mine) situation where they removed the ethernet
connection, began using wifi and then, jivelite would fail to connect to
lms.  common solution was re-installation or reset with wifi present.  i
was about to follow suit but now believe it would be futile in my case. 
as you point out, problem is jivelite's persistence for wifi. even after
hotspot goes away, it retains the wifi address, so of course, it cannot
connect.  yes, it should be able to handle the simplest configuration
where all are co-resident in the same machine!

as for trying out a 'dummy' dns server, i will look into using a local
router if it can be set up as such.
otherwise, do you know of a windows10 software that can do this quick
and dirty?

this old retired brain is getting a real workout, hopefully keeping the
synapses alive...

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] IP addr assigned to LMS

2018-11-25 Thread pavowren

BosseJ wrote: 
> Hmm, I always find it hard to follow my advice :-( 
> I am not a windows user (well, some perhaps, but by no means with any
> administrator skills) so I cannot really recommend a dns caching server
> for windows with confidence, but I could hint at one that seems to do
> what's expected for a simple test:
> I guess there's a few hours learning curve even for that, but you seem
> to have skills so maybe it goes faster for you.
> Other solutions to (temporarily) add a dns server to your backbone LAN
> would be to install dnsmasq on some *nix based device. Perhaps your NAS
> (which I think you mentioned earlier)? That would also open up the
> possibility to run dnsmasq as a combined dns/dhcp server on your
> backbone which would ease future expansions, such as adding more
> devices. 
> You could probably also install dnsmasq on your PI3B+, but that would
> further complicate things I'm afraid (you would need to force dnsmasq to
> only listen on etho and not lo or wlan0).

thanks guys for your valuable, thoughtful ideas!
d6jg/BosseJ, let me mull over your suggestions but for now,
i 'seem' to have come up with a working solution.

1) plugged in an old linksys router (running dd-wrt) and gave it lan addr.  i did this once before but hated the idea of it
being ON all the time.
2) specified this to be the gateway/router for eth0.  previously this
was a serious problem since when hotspot was nearby, it would not be
used; i.e., no internet and could not stream spotify.
3) solution for #2 was to specify "interface wlan0 / metric 100"
(suggested by epoch1970) in /etc/dhcpcd.conf indicating that we prefer
wifi over wired interface.  with this, now when hotspot appears, pi has
internet access.

and the setup is working out for now... but the questions remain:
1) why can't jivelite deal with the simplest setup of all components
being in the same box? why not default to localhost when any connection
2) how can i get rid of the linksys router, a 'dummy' gateway?  
3) jivelite being UI for the player squeezelite, why is it talking
directly to LMS?  i imagined the design was

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] IP addr assigned to LMS

2018-11-22 Thread pavowren

i have been looking into this issue for couple of weeks now and feel i'm
at least zeroing into it.
here's the setup:
- LMS installed on a raspberryPi3B+ along with squeezelite and jivelite
- media is local at /mnt/usb
- ethernet connection and wi-fi via a mobile hotspot

when hotspot goes away, My Music fails attempting to connect to

- as expected, i have no problem connecting to LMS from a local browser
- BUT it has the old ip addr assigned by the hotspot
Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 - 1530185314 @ Thu Jun 28 14:19:19
CEST 2018
Hostname: raspberryPi
Server IP Address:
- yet, via browser, all works including viewing My Music but not at the
raspberryPi itself (jivelite)

- how does LMS gets its ip addr assigned?  can i make it static to local
eth0 addr,
- since all components are local to raspberryPi, why should ip addr
matter at all?
- lastly, how does brower access work as expected but local access does
not? very frustrating to say the least...

any insights would be greatly appreciated...
hong son

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] IP addr assigned to LMS

2018-11-22 Thread pavowren

BosseJ wrote: 
> Yes, it sound strange.
> First, LMS does get any IP-address by itself, the OS on the device (the
> PI3B+) does by dhcp broadcast on the connected interfaces. LMS uses
> whatever IP-address the OS reports, but LMS is not designed to handle
> dual networks as far as I know (it can, but may be confused sometimes).
> When you say that you have both ethernet and wifi connected on the
> PI3B+, you have dual network interfaces on that machine active at the
> same time. If you haven't set any static IP-address on either ethernet
> or wifi on the PI3B+ and you still get IP-addresses when connected, then
> you have at least two dhcp-servers on you network. And they are probably
> not the same since they provide IP-addresses from different sub-nets.
> Or I may have misunderstood your network, of course :-)
> Some clarifying answers would help I think:
> 1. Into what kind of device is the other end of the ethernet cable
> connected? A switch - what other devices are connected to that then? A
> router - is it the same as the wifi hotspot or something else?
> 2. What kind of device is the mobile hotspot? Your mobile smartphone? A
> 3G/4G router?
> (I am trying to clarify how many internet connections you have and the
> rough layout of your network.)
> 3. What application is "My Music" and on what device are you running
> that? (My Music is a menu item on the web GUI on LMS, is that what
> you're referring to? Where do you then run the browser to the LMS web
> GUI?)
> Also, to clarify your network, please log in to your Pi3B+ using ssh
> (for example Putty on a Windows PC) from some local computer.
> In the terminal ssh-window, run command > 

  >   > sudo route

> >  and show us the result.
> Next, run command > 

  >   > ifconfig

> > , both with and without the ethernet cable attached and show the
> results.
> Hopefully it will be a bit clearer and maybe somewhat easier to
> provide useful advice.

thanks folks for your responses!
first, let me clarify my goals and network configuration.
since i've recentlly cut the cord, my internet connection is via mobile
hotspot (galaxy s8+ running oreo 8.1).

- my raspberry pi 3b+ is running raspbian 'stretch'
- it has eth0 connection with static ip address, specified
in /etc/dhcpcd.conf
- eth0 has NO router or gateway specification.  in fact, if i do specify
it, wifi will not work.  i read elsewhere that the system can have only
one gateway, so this make sense i suppose since when wlan0 gets its
dynamic address from the hotspot, it also gets its gateway assigned as
- my LAN has no router or switch. desktop, laptops and the pi all use
the powerline ethernet adapters, so it's simply a backbone with no hub.
i have already tried putting in a physical router but to no benefit.
- when hotspot is available, pi always gets assigned and
everything is beautiful. spotify streaming works and i can play music
stored on the usb stick attached to the pi.
- jivelite is the interface to the soft player squeezelite, and this is
"My Music" i was referring to.

BUT here's the problem:
- when i take the hotspot away (to downstairs to work on the desktop),
of course as expected, i cannot stream spotify.
- but i should be able to play local music (it's on a usb stick plugged
into the pi itself), but cannot.  when i click on My Music icon, it
displays that spinning wheel and the statement "Connecting...  to
raspberryPi" or something close to it.  and it times out eventually.

so my goal is to be able to move the hotspot away and still be able to
listen to local music.
when hotspot returns, spotify and internet radio all work as expected.
not a huge deal but still irritating... and i keep thinking it should
just work!

i hope i have described the situation a bit better this time.
tomorrow, i will ssh into pi and provide the routing info.

Paul, your idea about --httpaddr is something i wanted to
'cause LMS has the "old" hotspot as its addr and now when the hotspot is
gone, of course it won't and can't respond.
do you happen to know where in Raspian the LMS execute command lies?

i'm curious how LMS decides to bind to wifi addr rather than the static

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Only streaming from Internet is not working; all else ok.

2019-02-26 Thread pavowren

d6jg wrote: 
> I’d get the NUC wired. It’s never a good idea to run a server wirelessly
> and I wouldn’t mind betting your WiFi is the bottleneck. 
> There is only one WiFi hop for local content but two for internet
> streaming.

yes, wi-fi certainly is not preferable to wired.
yet, the hot spot is speeding at around 3 mbps and i'd assume that is
more than sufficient for radio streaming 64kbps.
unfortunately, wifi hotspot is my only option to internet; recently i
got so irritated with the local isp, i cut the cord totally!

i'm thinking it's some kind of network configuration issue, just don't
know what.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Only streaming from Internet is not working; all else ok.

2019-02-27 Thread pavowren

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Regarding proxying through LMS ... it is a setting in LMS itself.
> Settings/Player/your player name/Audio/Streaming Method
> If it is already set to "Proxied streaming" then that might be your
> problem ... if it is not then try it.
> Note - if WiFi speed/contention is the underlying issue and LMS is only
> on WiFi then this would probably makes things worse since an extra hop
> is being introduced - but it is easy to try.

player is set for "Direct Streaming" as it should be.
both the RPi (squeezelite) and NUC (LMS) are connected to the same LAN,
so of course, local music playback is fine.
it's just the internet streaming that's the issue.
when playing a radio station, sqzlite shows "Connecting..." 

problem i believe lies in networking.
here's the server log for this morning right after powering on:

2019-02-27 06:22:41 squeezeboxserver_safe started.
[19-02-27 06:22:42.4184] main::init (387) Starting Logitech Media Server
(v7.9.1, 1522157629, Fri Mar 30 12:25:29 CEST 2018) perl 5.026002 -
[19-02-27 06:22:42.5335] Slim::Utils::IPDetect::_init (140) Warning:
Couldn't call connect() - falling back to
[19-02-27 06:22:42.7006] Slim::Formats::XML::gotErrorViaHTTP (339)
Error: getting
Couldn't resolve IP address for:
[19-02-27 06:22:42.7007] Slim::Plugin::Sounds::Plugin::_gotSoundsError
(83) Error: Unable to cache Sounds & Effects menu from SN: Couldn't
resolve IP address for:
[19-02-27 06:22:42.7221] Slim::Formats::XML::gotErrorViaHTTP (339)
Error: getting
Couldn't resolve IP address for:
[19-02-27 06:22:42.7222]
Slim::Plugin::InternetRadio::Plugin::_gotRadioError (67) Unable to
retrieve radio directory from SN: Couldn't resolve IP address for:
[19-02-27 06:22:42.7223] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_error (565)
Unable to login to SN: Couldn't resolve IP address for:
[19-02-27 06:22:42.7224] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_init_error
(185) Unable to login to, sync is disabled:Couldn't
resolve IP address for:
[19-02-27 06:22:42.7226] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_init_error
(201) sync init failed: Couldn't resolve IP address
for:, will retry in 900

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Only streaming from Internet is not working; all else ok.

2019-02-27 Thread pavowren

d6jg wrote: 
> Are you actually saying that your Pi was connected to your NUC by LAN
> cable and not originally by WiFi and that the NUC had both WiFi (to the
> Hotspot) and LAN to the Pi?
> If so then the NUC was probably sending its internet packets via the LAN
> cable - the fastest connection.
> You need to explain more about your networking setup.

ok, good folks, let me step back and paint a clearer picture.

OLD setup:
little RPi had everything on it; LMS, music on usb stick, SqueezeLite,
Jivelite, the works.
and it worked fine for a while. then, it started acting up in various
ways, e.g., LMS just stops playing, volume drops, hdmi display became
non-touch, etc.
so i decided to trim it all the way since i was buying a brand new Intel
NUCi7 kit.

NEW setup:
LMS runs on the new NUC with music on a SSD.
RPi runs squeezelite and jivelite.

RPi and NUC are on the same LAN with a Linksys router (NO internet, i
cut the cord to Windstream).
RPi has no wifi now.
NUC has wifi connection to the mobile hotspot (T-Mobile) averaging now
about 0.6 Mbps (normally up to 20 Mbps) after using up my monthly

be able to run both LMS and Roon on NUC.  
they have been successfully installed but there are

1) Roon Bridge and SqueezeLite cannot coexist with the Allo DigiOne
output device.
if i stop SqueezeLite, Roon works; otherwise, it does not see it.
2) forgetting Roon for a moment, LMS has problems getting to
Firefox has no problems going anywhere including
i've installed linux packages from the terminal without any problems.
so, i know the internet access via wifi works.
it would seem LMS is the only guy with issues.

i have pursued the network interface metric angle without success so
any more ideas for me to try will be most welcome...

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Only streaming from Internet is not working; all else ok.

2019-02-27 Thread pavowren

bpa wrote: 
> What is the IP gateway address set on the RPI ?
> What is the IP gateway address set on the NUC ?
> Internet radio will play directly from a player and not through LMS - if
> Rpi cannot access internet - internet streams won't play but yet will be
> able to communicate with other devices onLAN.
> LMS WebUI timer is often irrelevant - it is not synced to player
> progress at start.

well, you are absolutely correct about RPi streaming radio directly, not
via LMS.
i re-enabled wifi and RPi has no problems playing internet radio!

however, if only i can get Spotty to install on LMS, i can test Spotify
which i'm assuming (confidently?) will be streamed by LMS.

thank you for your note!

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Only streaming from Internet is not working; all else ok.

2019-02-28 Thread pavowren

d6jg wrote: 
> Quite clearly the Pi has no route to the internet when not connected by
> WiFI.
> When only connected by LAN what is its default gateway? No in you info
> above.
> How are IP addresses obtained on the LAN? DHCP or Static. If DHCP where
> from ?

All devices on LAN have static addresses including a Linksys router  
which serves as only AP, so that my phones and tablets can get to other

As shown below, default gateway on RPi is NUC (
but i've had it at Linksys. It didn't seem to matter either way. RPi
cannot get to the internet via NUC
which has the ONLY path to internet via the mobile hotspot.
Thus, my feeble attempts to "bridge" NUC's wired and wifi.

for RPi,
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface UG20200
eth0   U 20200

for NUC,
groundie@NUCi:~$ route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface UG60000
wlp0s20f3   <<<==  t-mo hotspot at ..43.1 U 1000   00
eno1   U 10000
eno1   U 60000

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Only streaming from Internet is not working; all else ok.

2019-02-28 Thread pavowren

d6jg wrote: 
> Why didn't you tell us all this in the first place ?
> I can't see how you will ever get that to work. 
> You should be able to configure a bridge on the NUC but if the hotspot
> isn't on how will the NUC ever know how to route the packets? It will
> failover to the only available connection - the LAN.
> You would be far better off using the Linksys Wireless Router as it is
> intended (with DHCP etc) and then stick another Wireless Access Port
> configured in client mode on its WAN port to connect to the hotspot
> (when available) OR get a router with a SIM card option on WAN side.

thanks for your persistence.
i am now pursuing your suggestion #1.
unfortunately, what i've learned that usb-tethering on t-mobile is quite
bad, speedwise.
someone complained of throttling down to 0.3mbps or something.

so, please give me some options for specific routers that can wirelessly
connect (for WAN port) to a hotspot.
or at least, some links where i can read up on this particular setup.
thanks to all for bringing up to this point; i'm not there yet but
believe on the right track.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Only streaming from Internet is not working; all else ok.

2019-02-27 Thread pavowren

d6jg wrote: 
> I assume your SIM is actually in a mobile phone then?
> If so simplify the network
> Move the SIM card into a Wireless Dongle and connect that to the WAN
> port of the Linksys or get a Router that will take a SIM card as its WAN
> interface.
> Your problem is routing related. Stuff that you want to go over the WiFi
> is going over the LAN.

well, networking sometimes works or not works in mysterious ways!
first the good news:
i was finally able to install Spotty; for whatever reason, it would
simply not stick.
i enable it on the plugin page and click to restart LMS, but it would
come right back unchecked but now, at the top of the page.
this went on all morning until just now.  
anyway, i can now stream Spotify (with no stuttering) from LMS with/out
wifi enabled on RPi.
yes, for radio, it does require local wifi on RPi as you pointed out

bad news:
i need the hotspot for internet radio; was hoping to locate it in just
one place, near LMS.
so, what exactly did i do to make it work?
i really don't know.

i did change the metric (using ifmetric) for ethernet interface greater
than wlan but
that made things much worse.  i couldn't browse the net nor could i
connect to NUCi over LAN.
so i undid the change and now, the routing table looks like this:

groundie@NUCi:~$ route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
default _gateway0.0.0.0 UG60000
link-local U 1000   00
eno1   U 10000
eno1   U 60000

and somehow, it all works.
being an ex-engineer, i wish i understood why.
perhaps you have an explanation...

n.b. as for the sim card, it is not a data-sim.  it is in the phone and
i certainly do not want to mess with it at this point.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Only streaming from Internet is not working; all else ok.

2019-02-28 Thread pavowren

d6jg wrote: 
> If the Linksys has a proper WAN port
> Then this will work in Client mode

ok, i have just ordered the WAP.
here's my current understanding:
my Linksys router will remain as it is in AP mode but now its WAN port
will link to the new WAP's ethernet port.
WAP will operate in client mode to the mobile hotspot.
now, all devices on LAN should have internet access.
does this sound right?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Only streaming from Internet is not working; all else ok.

2019-03-02 Thread pavowren

d6jg wrote: 
> Yes that is correct. The issue if there is one will be the new WAP
> reconnecting to the WiFi hotspot on demand.
> You may have to keep the new WAP switched off - no affect on anything
> internal but no internet - until you have switched on the hotspot then
> switch on the new WAP.
> Set the Linksys WAN port to get a DHCP assigned address from the
> hotspot.
> Also make sure that the AP built into the Linksys uses a different
> Channel to the new WAP and hotspot.
> You may also need to set the DNS server address in the DHCP part of the
> Linksys if its DNS relay doesn't work correctly - I'd opt for
> and (Google's open DNS servers) which should work through the
> hotspot.
> Normally the DHCP in the Linksys will give clients its own address (e.g
> as their DNS server.
> EDIT. This will of course mean that the phone running the hotspot won't
> be able to connect to the internal devices but will have internet
> access.
> EDIT2. When you have got it all working give the NUC a reserved address
> in DHCP or set it as a static IP outside the DHCP range.

hi, just installed a brand new WAP, TL-WA801ND.
fairly quick setup for Client mode with static IP addr
it connects to mobile hotspot successfully; i can see it listed on the
its ethernet port is directly connected to the WAN port of Linksys with
WAN connection type set to DHCP and LAN static ip addr

of course, all my local LAN connections work as before but
i am not getting to the internet via WAP.
i test this by disabling all wifi connections on my desktop and with
only the LAN wired connection, i can not get to internet.

there are few settings & behaviors i don't understand:
1) on Linksys, its status shows WAN ip addr to be (its LAN
addr) despite the DHCP connection type. 
why is this?  shouldn't it get it from the attached WAP?
2) on WAP, i've tried to set its ip setting to what it calls "smart IP
(DHCP)" which i understood that it would be assigned one from the
but that setting didn't seem to help either.

hope you can shed some light...

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Only streaming from Internet is not working; all else ok.

2019-03-02 Thread pavowren

d6jg wrote: 
> It should not be Change it to be something like
> for setup purposes.
> It should pick up its real address from the hotspot but to set it up it
> should be different from internal addresses.
> You are nearly there.

well, i took a break, had dinner and came down to the office and noticed
WAP had disappeared from the hotspot.
it is not listed as one of the connected devices as before.  i only see
this desktop.
tried rebooting but made no difference.
may have to factory reset and try again...

wrt setting WAP ip addr to ..1.2, i did so for 2 reasons:
1) it allows me to sign into and see its management pages.
2) user manual stated something like this: 
"we recommend you configure this AP with the same subnet and subnet
mask, but different IP addr from your root AP/Router."

in any case, i set it ..2.2 and it did not make a difference.
but then, that's expected since it's not even attaching to the hotspot!
go figure...

earlier when it did connect to hotspot,
i saw it was assigned; hotspot itself is at ..43.1.

i'm going to try factory reset and start over...

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Only streaming from Internet is not working; all else ok.

2019-02-26 Thread pavowren

recently i removed LMS (and its local music on usb stick) from obviously
overloaded raspberryPi.
now, LMS v7.9.1 is running on the new Intel NUC i7.
rPi and NUC are on the same LAN.
NUC is using a wi-fi hotspot for internet access.

rPi streams local music just great.
however, internet radio is not streaming; just says "Connecting..."
despite the fact on the LMS web page, everything looks fine; the radio
station data is shown and clock is ticking.
it would seem LMS and rPi are not talking once the streaming begins...

when i had Spotty plugin working, Spotify playback was constantly
"Buffering..." and of course, sound was stuttering a lot.
at first, i thought it was a DNS issue but log shows otherwise.
what else should i look into?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Only streaming from Internet is not working; all else ok.

2019-02-26 Thread pavowren

Paul Webster wrote: 
> From SSH session on RPi ... can you reach internet?

yes, internet is accessible overall; 
browser works normally and from terminal, i have installed packages...
even browsing TuneIn works (which i'm assuming requires online access).

as i stated, the LMS web page shows the rPi player and timer going.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Only streaming from Internet is not working; all else ok.

2019-02-26 Thread pavowren

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Installing packages on the RPi is a good sign of internet access working
> but all of the rest are intermediated by LMS on the other computer and I
> think LMS guesses on the progress meter.
> For fun ... you might find that changing the LMS configuration so that
> it proxies radio streams will sidestep your problem.

can you suggest a proxy site? and how would i indicate just radio
can i specify with wildcards, e.g. opml.radiotime/*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS and TIDAL PLUGIN?

2021-05-18 Thread pavowren

Tidal plugin works just fine but how about Connect?
Is there a separate plugin or am I missing something?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS and TIDAL PLUGIN?

2021-05-18 Thread pavowren

mherger wrote: 
> > Tidal plugin works just fine but how about Connect?
> > Is there a separate plugin or am I missing something?
> Unfortunately TIDAL never responded to my mails wrt. TIDAL Connect. The 
> API is not available to me.

hi michael, i found HiTide at
after install, i had to stop squeezelite.service; output device is used
in exclusive mode.
i had it streaming this afternoon but now tidal service is failing to

tomorrow, i will have to either do a clean install or investigate the

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS and TIDAL PLUGIN?

2021-05-20 Thread pavowren

mherger wrote: 
> > hi michael, i found HiTide at
> They're using binaries somebody extracted from a commercial product. We 
> can't do that.

yeah, if that's the case, not good.
hopefully that someone actually built it for rpi4, not cut and paste.
in any case, on my setup, it is behaving quite erratically, working, not
working and
working again

tidal connect is reasonably new, so perhaps they will open it up with a
proper sdk.

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