award-winning doc Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War pr [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]emières in Toronto June 26th

2001-06-07 Thread Jim Yarker


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Snezana Vitorovich) 

Dear friends,

I am sending the press
release for movie theatre première of the documentary Yugoslavia: The
Avoidable War that was shown on History Television last April. A number
of people had complained that, since they do not have pay TV, they could not
see it. So here it is in Toronto's Bloor Cinema on June 26th. 

Note: this will be a
one-time screening. After the screening you will have the chance to meet one of
the producers, Mr. George Bogdanich as well the author Scott Taylor.

The advance sale of the
tickets is available at the following locations in


Serbica Books 2465 Dundas
St.W tel:416-539 0476

Mosaic Tour 2510 Yonge St #203 416-489 0699

Toronto Travel 427 Donlands
Ave. 416-461 8171

Slavia Travel 1425 Dundas
St. E unite 202, Mississauga 905-602 0365 

Ma Belle Beauty Salon
24,Mabelle Ave. 416-236 0847 

Bloor Optical 2235 Blor St.
W. tel: 416-769 699

Lily's European
Delicatessen 978 Pape Ave tel:416-421-0306 

Also if you would like to
reserve tickets, please send me an e-mail and your ticket will be waiting at
Bloor Cinema ticket office so that you can pick it up just before the


Hope to see you at the
Bloor Cinema on June 26! Please bring your friends and children to this evening
of learning and sharing. The victims of this unjust, illegal and
avoidable war deserve our respect, support and commitment to truth
in history. Thank you, Snezana 


Press Release


Wednesday, June 6, 2001

New York's Frontier Theatre
and Film Inc. presents the award-winning documentary

Yugoslavia: The
Avoidable War

Date: Tuesday, June 26,

Time: 7:30 PM 

Place: Bloor Cinema, 506
Bloor St. West at Bathurst

Admission: $10, students $5

Yugoslavia: The Avoidable
War is co-produced by George Bogdanich and German TV producer Martin Lettmayer.

TORONTO - The documentary
traces how crucial mistakes by the West, particularly Germany and the US led to
the violent break-up of Yugoslavia in 1991, culminating in the devastating NATO
bombing campaign of 1999.

Yugoslavia: The
Avoidable War traces the role of Western intelligence agencies in arming
separatist groups in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo and reveals how Western
governments supported different sides in an ethnic conflict while portraying
themselves as peacemakers. Most compelling are the candid statements of the
decision-makers themselves, including former EC Mediator Lord Peter Carrington,
former US Secretaries of State James Baker and Lawrence Eagleburger, as well as
Germany's former foreign minister, Hans Dietrich Genscher, UN Commanders Lewis
MacKenzie and Sir Michael Rose, former Newsweek military correspondent Col.
David Hackworth, author Susan Woodward, former Nuremberg prosecutor Walter
Rockler, historian Nora Beloff, Canadian diplomat James Bissett, author Scott
Taylor and many other participants and observers.

The LA Weekly called the
film truly accomplished, adding: The numerous strategic
missteps by the West and the endless political doublespeak are carefully
detailed. The tragedy of the situation seems to multiply before your eyes as
the film clearly proves that so much of the bloodshed could have easily been

Winner Best Social
Documentary at the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival,
September 1999.

This special screening is sponsored by
Association of Serbian Women and WILPF ( Women International League for Peace
and Freedom , Toronto Chapter)

For more information ,
please call Snezana Vitorovich at 416-928-0043 or



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Things You Can't Say in America [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-08 Thread Jim Yarker


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Left Coast
by Alexander Cockburn

June 8, 2000

Things You Can't Say in America
FDR knew about the attack on Pearl Harbor

John Flynn made a
sound case for Roosevelt's foreknowledge in 1946. Relying on public
documents, the historian Charles Beard did it magisterially in 1948, with his FDR and the Coming of the War 1941. John
Toland wrapped it with Infamy in the early 1980s. John
Stinnett made the case all over again a year ago with Day of Deceit. I can guarantee to you
that about five years down the road, after the National Archives have released
another truckload of documents, someone will be triumphantly writing that the
case has finally been made, and someone else will be whining that
once again the conspiracy mongers are at work.

There's no mystery as to why this should be. As Flynn and Beard both
understood, FDR's manipulation of the attack on Pearl Harbor goes to the very
heart of executive abuse of the warmaking power. Not matter how mountainous the
evidence, the case will always officially be non proven, a
conspiracy theory. For the same reason, despite a hundred proofs, it
remains officially non proven, time and time, that US leaders order
the assassination of foreign leaders. By now, it should be as soundly based in
American historiography as…as…Johnson's manipulation of Tonkin Gulf in the
Vietnam War that the White House requisitioned (with only partial success) the
deaths of Trujillo, Lumumba, Castro, the Diem brothers, Chou En Lai, Qaddafi,
and perhaps even the Swedish leftish prime minister, Olof Palme, though
this one has never been properly settled or even mooted.

But because the actual practice of executive assassination runs counter
to every official pretension of US honor and fair dealing, instances of its use
or intended use have to be discounted. It's like torture, as a tool of US
foreign policy in the field. Another no no. When the New York Times' Ray Bonner reported that a US intelligence
official might have been present at a torture session in Central America his
career went into a rapid nose dive from which it took years to recover and only
at the expense of Bonner's political backbone.

Other examples? The role of the CIA in supervising and protecting
smugglers of cocaine into this country in the 1980s. I write as the coauthor
(with CounterPunch coeditor
Jeffrey St. Clair) of Whiteout, a book on this same topic,
subtitled The CIA, Drugs and the Press.
Even though the CIA's Inspector General has himself issued reports ratifying
the validity of these charges, the average press story will, to this day, refer
to vague charges never conclusively established.

The fate of Charles Beard tells us the cost that challenges to these
core Lies of State can extort. Earlier in the century, Charles A. Beard was the
lodestar of liberal American historiography. Books such as his Economic
Interpretation of the Constitution and Rise
of American Civilization were among the most influential of this
century. But they were respectable. They did not challenge core beliefs. The
1910 edition of his textbook American
Government and Politics snooted isolationist ideas and talked
placidly of cooperation with other power in military expeditions.

By the 1930s Beard was changing. In 1936 he was writing that
Having rejected the imperialist 'racket' and entertaining doubts about
our ability to make peace and goodness prevail in Europe and Asia, I think we
should concentrate our attention on tilling our own garden. His last two
books, American Foreign Policy in the
Making, 1932-1940 and the above-mentioned FDR
and the Coming of the War 1941 were written to prove that though
the appearance of FDR's foreign policy was the pursuit of peace,
the reality was the quest for war.

The liberals who had hailed him in earlier decades turned upon him with
a vengeance. In June, 1948, The Nation
entrusted Perry Miller, eminent professor history at Harvard, with the
urgent task of demolishing Beard's FDR and
the Coming of the War 1941. Miller dutifully fell to his task, in a
700 word dismissal which ignored Beard's painstaking documentation and
concluded thus, As must every historian of this generation, I account
myself a child of Beard. But in the presence of this work I can only pray to
whatever divinity presides over the profession that I may not grow old and
embittered and end by projecting my personal rancor into the tendency of

Frida Kirchwey, editor of The Nation,
felt that Beard required another, more extended thrashing and assigned
Perry Miller the task of a longer profile of Beard. In September of 1948,
after homage to Early Beard, Miller sank talons of venom into Late Beard,
reporting that his friends plead that his deafness and isolation on a
Connecticut farm shut him off from conversation, and that he nursed the
scorpions of spiritual loneliness... He played into the isolationist line and
into the party line. One 

RE: 3 Years Too Late: UN To Issue Kosovo Anti-Terrorism Regulation [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-09 Thread Jim Yarker


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Once the last Romanies and Serbs are have been driven out, we can expect
some hate crimes regulations as well.

-Original Message-
From: Rick Rozoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2001 4:05 AM
Subject: 3 Years Too Late: UN To Issue Kosovo Anti-Terrorism Regulation


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UN Newservice
Friday, June 8, 2001

United Nations mission in Kosovo to issue
anti-terrorism regulation
8 June - Following an extraordinary session of the
Interim Administrative Council, the head of the United
Nations mission in Kosovo, Hans Haekkerup, said today
he would promulgate a regulation designed to curb

According the UN Interim Administration Mission in
Kosovo (UNMIK), the new Regulation on the Prohibition
of Terrorism and Related Offences will be the third
part of a package designed to combat terrorism and
armed violence in Kosovo and to prevent its export
outside the territory. Under the regulation, any
person who commits an act of terrorism could face a
prison sentence of between 10 and 40 years.

In addition, anyone who dispatches or transfers armed
groups, equipment, explosives, arms, ammunition and
other material for terrorism purposes inside or
outside Kosovo could face a 10 to 15 year prison
sentence. Collecting funds or recruiting people for
terrorist purposes, and providing or receiving
training in carrying out terrorist acts could result
in up to 15 years in prison, UNMIK said.

The regulation also covers such offences as preparing
an act of terrorism; attempting, inciting or aiding
others to do so; and participating in a terrorist

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RE: FYROM: IWPR Spy Arrested, Released [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-10 Thread Jim Yarker


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Latifi, who has extensive
contacts with international diplomats and others
engaged in the crisis,...

Well, I believe THAT, anyway...

-Original Message-
From: Rick Rozoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2001 8:23 AM
Subject: FYROM: IWPR Spy Arrested, Released [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


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International War And Peace Reporting

Sunday, June 10, 2000
IWPR Editor Detained in Macedonia
(Special Alert, 9-Jun-01)
At approximately 9:00 AM on Saturday, June 9, IWPR
assistant editor in Macedonia Veton Latifi was
arrested at a police checkpoint on the road towards
Kumanovo at the outskirts of Skopje, the Macedonian
Latifi, 26, a regular contributor to IWPR's Balkan
Crisis Report who also works for the Albanian
programme of the Macedonian state television, was
travelling in a shared taxi with four other passengers
and was the only one taken to the police station,
after a review of identity cards.
It is an order, Latifi was told by one of the
officers as he was taken in a special windowless van
to the police station.
During his detention, Latifi's mobile telephone,
computer disks, press cards, and other material
related to his work as a journalist were seized. He
was not allowed to make any telephone calls. Police
regularly pointed guns at him, and several times he
was threatened verbally. Definitely he will die
[sic], a member of the police special forces said.
After nearly two hours, he was released without
explanation. Some of his computer disks were retained.

This is the second time Latifi, who has extensive
contacts with international diplomats and others
engaged in the crisis, has had trouble with the
Macedonian authorities since the crisis erupted in the
country. A month ago, police arrested his father in
Kumanovo and detained him for one night without
The incident occurs in the context of increasing
fighting between Macedonian forces and the National
Liberation Army.
The Institute for War  Peace Reporting condemns this
effort to intimidate a working journalist.

United States Instititute of Peace
Albanian-language Media
Blue Sky Radio, Kosovo
Central Europe Online - Balkans Today
Exile Images
Greek Helsinki Monitor
Human Rights Watch
Intl Crisis Group
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights
Orthodox Church, Kosovo
Serbian Information Ministry
US State Dept
World Press Review
Yahoo! News/Kosovo
IWPR gratefully acknowledges support from:
Department for International Development UK (DFID)
The European Union
Ford Foundation
Freedom Forum
Open Society Institute
Press Now
Swedish International Development and Cooperation
Agency (SIDA)
(c) Institute for War  Peace Reporting
Lancaster House, 33 Islington High Street, London N1
Tel: +44 (207) 713 7130 Fax: +44 (207) 713 7140

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URGENT: Let Korean Voices Be Heard! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-17 Thread Jim Yarker


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(nb: see
background info on Korea Truth Commission below  jy)

KOREAN VOICES BE HEARD! The U.S. State Department has
informed the Korea Truth Commission that it is unlikely to issue
visas to North Korean witnesses at this time. A delegation of
10 citizens of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has been scheduled to
attend the Korea International War Crimes Tribunal in New York on June 23.
Washington is trying to suppress the truth about U.S. war crimes in Korea
before, during and after the 1950-53 war. Phone calls and letters demanding
that the U.S. reverse its position and grant visas to the North Koreans should
be sent to Secretary of State Colin Powell, telephone (202) 647-6878 and fax
(202) 647-7388.

A sample letter: 

June 13, 2001

Secretary of State 
Washington, DC 

Secretary of State Colin

I am writing to express
my concern and disappointment over the denial of visas to eleven citizens from
the Democratic People's Republic of Korea who wish to attend the Korean War
Crimes Tribunal on June the 23rd in New York City. It is incredibly important
that these eleven delegates be allowed to travel to the United States to share
their experiences and knowledge with the people of the US during this historic

It is time that the US
takes responsibility for the horrific events and atrocities that were committed
during the Korean War and allow the truth to be known. By closing the doors to
these delegates, the US is showing that after 50 years, it still has plenty to
hide from the citizens of the US and the international community. The United
States claims to be an open and democratic country yet this display of
repression shows that this does not apply to individuals who may not say what
the government wants to hear. 

I am urging you to grant
the North Korean delegation visas and the opportunity to share the truth with
the international community. 


Your Name 

Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011



phone: 212 633-6646
fax: 212 633-2889
To make a tax-deductible donation, 
go to


U.S. Government on trial for war crimes against

Come to the Korea Truth Commission




10 AM TO 6PM 




633-6646 website 

Program will include: Testimony from survivors of U.S. Troop
Attacks The Importance of Nogun-ri in today's fight for justice Star Wars and
Bush's disdain for peace and reunification Sanctions in the context of
international war crimes law - by Ramsey Clark 

To volunteer, make financial contributions, get
literature or get more information; 



Since a 1999 Associated
Press series about U.S. troops attacking and killing innocent civilians during
the Korean war, news of 160 attacks on unarmed civilians, in the north and in
the south, has surfaced. At Nogun-ri, the most notorious account, villagers
were pinned beneath a bridge as US forces strafed from aircraft and fired
machine guns and mortars. More than 400 people were killed. The Pentagon
inquiry of Nogun-ri concluded that it was a rare occurrence caused by poor
training. Then-president Clinton expressed regret but offered no apology. The
truth is that of the millions of non-combatants who died during the 3-year war,
many tens of thousands were killed just like this. 


When the economy of south
Korea crumbled in 1998 the U.S. dominated IMF and World Bank moved in with
harsh austerity measures. Job losses, union busting, and cuts in services
spread, while U.S. companies took over banks and businesses. The 37,000 U.S.
troops, and the bases that still dominate south Korea gave U.S. bankers and
businessmen the leverage to turn the economic crisis to their advantage by
dictating the terms of the bailout. The brutal military campaign of 1950/53 had
paved the way for them. 


Washington arbitrarily
divided Korea in 1945 and moved the troops in to enforce it. Since that time,
tens of thousands of Koreans have been unable to see their aging parents, their
siblings or other loved ones. Today those troops aren't even accountable to the
Korean justice system for many crimes committed by them against Korean people.
The U.S. Military often refuses to turn offenders over to Korean authorities,
based on the provisions of the Status Of Forces Agreement, which gives the


2001-06-18 Thread Jim Yarker


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Fink Tanks

  Brookings Institute
  1998 funding: Corporate and Private 38%; Endowment: 30%; Sales
  18%; Foundations 14%; Government 2% 
  1998 spending: $23 million 
  Citations in
  major media 1999:
  Some of the
  current board members: William Ford, Teresa Heinz, Michael Jordan (CEO of
  CBS/Westinghouse), Vincent Trosiino (former CEO or State Farm) 
  Cato Institute
  1998 Spending: $11.8 million 
  Citations in
  major media 1999:
  Some of the
  current board members: Rupert Murdoch, John Malone (CEO of Tele-Communications
  Heritage Foundation
  1998 funding: Private 47%; Foundations 21%; Endowment 21%; Sales
  7%; Corporate 4% 
  1998 spending: $26 million 
  Citations in
  major media 1999:
  Some of the
  current board members: Steve Forbes, Richard Scaife (Carnegie-Mellon fortune),
  Holland Coors 
  American Enterprise Institute
  1998 funding: Corporate 29%; Private 27%; Foundations 26%; Sales
  1998 spending: $14 million 
  Citations in
  major media 1999:
  Some of the
  current board members: Edward Rust (CEO of State Farm Insurance), William
  Stavropoulos (Chairman of Dow Chemical), Christopher Galvin (CEO of
  Motorola), Harvey Golub (CEO of American Express) 
  1985-1998 Grants from Foundations to Think Tanks
  (Place of recipient in total
  grants given by foundation, organization, amount in millions of dollars)
  Bradley Foundation:
  1. AEI. 12.3
  2. Heritage. 11.1
  69. Brookings. 1.2
  166. Cato. 0.5
  Smith-Richardson Foundation:
  5. Brookings.
  8. AEI. 1.3
  Olin Foundation:
  6. Heritage. 6.4
  7. AEI. 6.2
  66. Cato. 0.7
  76. Brookings. 0.6
  Sarah Scaife Foundation
  1. Heritage.
  5. AEI. 3.7
  30. Cato. 1.6

How do lobbyists differ from think tanks?
Corporations pay for lobbyists, whereas the people who own and run corporations
finance think tanks. There is one other major difference: donations to think
tanks are tax deductible. 

The four most sited think tanks  the
Brookings Institute, the Cato Institute, the Heritage Institute, the American
Enterprise Institute  are all paid for by the same people and organizations.
Large, rabidly conservative foundations like the Olin Foundation and the
Bradley Foundation and Americas richest private citizens pour millions of
dollars into them annually and get back ideologically appropriate analysis. 

Think tanks are an unknown entity to the
vast majority of the population. We read references to them in the newspapers
and no TV roundtable would be complete without at least one talking head from a
major think tank coming via satellite from DC, yet they remain rather elusive
institutions. The only information we get is in the brief tag line, which
disingenuously informs us whether the tank is conservative, liberal or

Even label think tank is meant to
conjure images of objective intellectuals analyzing statistics in soundproof
rooms far from the din of partisan politics. We are supposed to believe that
they are simply analyzing the hard facts, rather than telling us which issues
to analyze. 

But the real twisted thing is they dont
just define the issues Americans think about, they brag about it! Michael
Joyce, the president of the Bradley Foundation (a generous contributor to all
of the think tanks mentioned above) said, Its true that many people do not
know where certain ideas come from, but the important thing is that they agree
with them. In keeping with this statement, think tanks main goal is to define
which issues get discussed, thereby controlling what is thought about them. 

In its mission statement, the aggressively
conservative Heritage Foundation openly admits its purpose is to formulate and
promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free
enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American
values, and a strong national defense. 

Heritages staff and departments pursue
this mission by performing timely, accurate research on key policy issues and
effectively marketing these findings to our primary audiences: members of
Congress, key congressional staff members, policymakers in the executive
branch, the nations news media, and the academic and policy communities. 

To paraphrase, they exist to market their
agenda to Congress and then convert it into law. Heritage often drafts bills
that then are sponsored by conservative legislators. However, Heritage (and all
think tanks) includes at the bottom of every press release that they are a
non-partisan, tax-exempt organization. 

This asterisk is extremely important.
Because of it, newspapers can quote them with a clean conscience. Thus, think
tanks talking heads provide reporters with convenient statistics and expert
quotes on everything from welfare reform to NATO expansion, qualified only with

FW: RCWP statement on Land Reform Bill [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-21 Thread Jim Yarker
Title: There is virtually nothing to lose


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-Original Message-
From: Viktor V. Bourenkov
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001
2:17 PM
To: RedNet mailing list
Subject: RCWP statement on Land
Reform Bill

Statement of the CC of RCWP of 18 June 2001 
On pushing the Land Code through the Duma

There is virtually nothing to lose

Acting impudently and unceremoniously, the reactionary
pro-president majority in the State Duma is imposing the Land Code on the country,
which introduces free trading of land.

Commenting on this event, Prime Minister M.Kasyanov stated
that this important step lays one more “brick in the base of economic reforms
in Russia.”

This is really so. Making land trade possible is an act as unpopular
as the liberalisation of the prices, privatisation of the industry or the home
ownership reform. As in all the previous reforms, all the chatter concerning
the search for a “assiduous owner,” “attracting investments” are a propagandist
fraud of the right from the “we’ll give two cars each”

Their aim is to enter a new stage of dividing the people into
masters and slaves— through land ownership relations.

For the new lords it is no longer sufficient to have bank
accounts, Mercedes cars and luxurious apartments; they want to own forests,
agricultural fields, and whole residential areas. They want to renew the
breathing space for the Russian financial speculators, brought up on
hierarchies of the Short-term State Bonds [the system resulting in state debts
that lead to state bankruptcy], and for their foreign tutors.

This land reform should more correctly be called not a brick, but
a stone— hanging around people’s neck. Majority of population is not in
possession of money to “move” into the last resort, the free plot of four
square metres at the graveyard.

Russian Communist Workers’ Party states that the government’s
version of the Land Code is against the will of the people, is directed against
Russia, and is being imposed forcibly on the society. In fact, this is a step
towards the civil war.

Soon, there will be nothing to lose.

It is necessary to prepare for an appropriate response in order to
get back everything that the marauders took away from the people.

  Sec. CC RCWP

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on the soccer game massacre [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-21 Thread Jim Yarker


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bomb kills 23 at a soccer match in Iraq, including four brothers in one family.
Making friends in the MidEast. This is not a United Nations no fly
zone - it is insisted upon by the US and Britain. The sanctions kill
thousands more every month, mostly poor women and children. Vaccines for
children withheld irrationally. So-called 'smart sanctions' proposed by
Britain, might be a modest improvement, but the problem is the Iraqi economy is
dead, the people can't even afford essentials.

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Barry Lituchy on the Albanian Mafia/Nato connection [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-22 Thread Jim Yarker


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Interview starts at 21:40 on the clip. To cue, click Play in the RealPlayer window, then click Seek
to and enter the values of 21 minutes and 40 seconds.

Lituchy interviewed by Dennis Bernstein on Flashpoints, June 22nd

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FW: [JUGOINFO] Mis-informing... 3: Dubrovnik 1992 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-27 Thread Jim Yarker


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-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 9:46 AM
Subject: [JUGOINFO] Mis-informing... 3: Dubrovnik 1992

Subject:to the Guardian re the Dubrovnik Hoax: Christopher Hope
   Date:Tue, 26 Jun 2001 07:43:40 -0500
   From:john_peter maher [EMAIL PROTECTED]

26 June 2001

To The Editor
The Guardian

re Christopher Hope on Dubrovnik, again

Since 1991 the press has dozens of times printed the hoax that the Pearl
of the Adriatic was reduced to rubble. Those stories were fakes. Again
the Guardian's Christopher Hope revives the hoax. It really is dejà vu
all over again. The purpose is to whip up support for shipping more
Serbs off to the Hague.

On 25 March 1992 I visited Dubrovnik to see for myself the truth about
the war. The Old City of Dubrovnik was never destroyed. It was barely

Captain Shuttleworth, an English officer of the EEC (now EU) and British
journalist Boris beloff have confirmed my assessment.So has Susan L
Woodward. 1995. Balkan Tragedy Chaos and Dissolution after the Cold War
The Brookings Institution:

An assault on Dubrovnik (beginning in early October), which was
protected under the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO), was particularly significant in creating
antagonism toward Serbia and the Army: the Croatian government had
calculated in using sharpshooters on the Dubrovnik walls to provoke a
YPA attack on the city, knowing that Dubrovnik would attract ?

Roof tiles blown off by concussion had all been replaced when I visited
the city THREE MONTHS after the ?destruction?.
Dubrovnik?s destruction was an invention of PR companies in the hire of
the war criminals who broke up Yugoslavia without negotiations. The big
bombardment was from PR fakers, not navy guns.-like the Kuwaiti
incubator babies hoax used by President Bush Ist in order to stoke up
war fever. PR liars Hill  Knowlton, Ruder Finn, and Waterman Associates
have earned millions in fanning the flames of this war.

The ?Serb-dominated federal navy? off Dubrovnik was commanded by Admiral
Stane Brovet, a Slovene. The target was not the Old City, but the
Napoleonic fort of St. Sergius far above Dubrovnik and hotels outside
the city walls, where Croatian forces were billeted and because of the
presence of refugees, had set up gun positions from which they fired on
the federal forces in order to provoke death and destruction. Zagreb?s
aim was to provoke a Western attack on the Serbs. On 5 December 1991,
Croatian forces mounted a mortar on a flat bed truck running up and down
the Stradun taking potshots at naval forces in order to provoke

The ?Dubrovnik burning? pictures were shot with long lenses. This
compresses perspective, making it look like there is no distance between
objects that are quite separated in real space. Thus, the columns of
smoke billowing up from the harbor and from modern hotels outside the
walls, where Croatian forces had used a gun positions to provoke naval
return fire.  The production is a worthy successor to Hitchcocks? lady
showering in the film ?Psycho.?

That smoke was also from piles of  tyres set alight by Croat
secessionists and from fuel tanks of two pleasure boats burning in the
Old Harbor outside, of course, the walls. Dubrovnik?s Old City never
burned. Bullet holes along Stradun were from gunfire inside the walls,
at ground level at close range in a fight on the street between rival
Croatian factions. Scaffolding was set up in front of facades in
anticipation of the shooting to come. Video tapes of gunfire along the
ancient walls, run backward, show clearly that the gun smoke is from
outgoing, not incoming fire.

My videotapes of Dubrovnik from 25 March 1992, have been aired on
Chicago Cable Access TV, Channel 19. Want to see them?

This war is the latest chapter in the predation of Orthodox lands by the
Western Church. (I?m RC, by the way.) The only building in the Old City
of Ragusa to be gutted by explosives and fire had housed a priceless
collection of medieval manuscripts and icons belonging to the Serb
Orthodox Church. It was not navy guns that did the damage, but plastique
and incendiary devices planted on the spot by Croatian fascist forces .
Ca 7,000 Croat refugees from Dubrovnik have taken refuge-in Belgrade.

Professor J. P. Maher

P. S.

A refugee from once independent Ragusa, now incorporated in Titoist, now
fascist Croatia, has written me:

I hope people will at last learn the truth about Dubrovnik. Reporters
should discuss with some of us who have been driven out of Dubrovnik

FW: [IAC] Ramsey Clark Returns from Yugoslavia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-01 Thread Jim Yarker


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-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Action Center
Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2001 8:52 PM
Subject: [IAC] Ramsey Clark Returns from Yugoslavia

International Action Center
National: 39 West 14th Street, #206
New York, NY 10011
(212) 633-6646 Fax: (212) 633-2889
Bay Area: 2489 Mission St., Rm. 28
San Francisco,CA 94110
(415) 821-6545 Fax: (415) 821-5782
Web page:
Ramsey Clark, Chairperson

June 29, 2001

Dear Friend of Yugoslavia and of Truth, We are writing
because we need your help! Former U.S. Attorney General and
human rights activist Ramsey Clark is in Belgrade With him
is IAC West Coast coordinator Gloria La Riva, a videographer
who produced the world-renowned film, NATO Targets.  Both
had been under NATO bombs twice in 1999 to show their
solidarity with Yugoslavia. They returned two days ago to
again show support for the struggle against the
re-colonization of Serbia.

Mr. Clark had attempted on June 26 to fly to Belgrade to
confer on former President Slobodan Milosevic's defense. But
the Yugoslav ambassador to the U.S., Milan Propic, refused
to grant a visa. The delay prevented a meeting before the
kidnapping and abduction of Milosevic. Ambassador Propic
actually defied orders from the federal government of
Yugoslavia to issue Mr. Clark a visa. Propic was following
orders from other masters - - those running the U.S. Even
after landing in Belgrade, collaborators in Zoran Djindjic's
police force tried to put them back on the plane. Finally,
representatives of the Foreign Ministry were able to get
through to Mr Clark. A crime ordered by Washington took
place June 28 in Belgrade - - the 612th anniversary of the
battle of Kosovo Polje - - a battle that even in defeat
became a national symbol of heroic struggle against
occupation and enslavement.

Mr. Milosevic, who was the elected president of Yugoslavia
when this heroic land resisted 78 days of U.S./NATO bombing,
was turned over to those same NATO powers by collaborators
in the current government. They are selling the president
and the national honor to the criminals who bombed and
sanctioned the people of Yugoslavia. All people of honor
must resist these acts.

Tens of thousands of people gathered in Belgrade June 29 to
protest this crime. They are not necessarily supporters of
Mr. Milosevic or his policies. However, they all find it
shameful that the person who led the defense of their
country was sold out for a handful of coins. Similar loans
to other countries in Eastern Europe have been Trojan
horses, increasing their dependency and deepening their
poverty as their riches are taken away.

A second bombing campaign of Yugoslavia is now underway.
The phony tribunal established by the NATO countries at the
Hague is planning months of bombardment with daily media
lies and horror stories. Each new tale is designed to
justify NATO's war on a sovereign country that had no troops
outside its own borders. Countless arrests of other patriots
who dared to stand up to NATO lie ahead.

All those who defend Yugoslavia from aggression, all who
fight for peace will lose if Washington, Berlin and their
allies succeed in blaming Milosevic for the war against
Yugoslavia. They are desperately trying to use the case
against Milosevic to escape blame themselves.

The International Action Center has taken on the vital task
of organizing within the United States itself a movement to
protest this illegal abduction and to remind the world of
the real crimes committed by NATO. We are rushing a book to
the printer that gives an accurate record of NATO's bombing
and destruction of Yugoslavia. Regular press releases,
internet work, and gathering testimony is essential in the
days ahead. Otherwise, the lies of the warmakers will go
unanswered and unopposed.

This is a critical moment. We need your help to continue to
defend Yugoslavia. Please make a generous donation to assist
this work. A tax deductible contribution of $50 or more can
be made out to the People's Rights Fund / Truth for
Yugoslavia Campaign. Credit card donations can be made on
line at

At a meeting in New York on Thursday, July 5 we will hear
first hand from Mr. Clark and see video footage of the mass
demonstrations shot by Ms. La Riva. (See enclosure for more
details) This meeting will also include the participation of
leaders of the European anti-NATO movement#8212;uniting
those on both sides of the Atlantic who 

FW: [C-I] Fw: CPC release on the Milosevic Extradition [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-02 Thread Jim Yarker


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-Original Message-
From: mart
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 12:37
News; New Worker Online; Miroslav Antic; Marcellino; iac; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Gordon Flett; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Bob Petrovich; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Communards; wolfgang mueller; Eleanor;
Rick Rozoff; Vladimir Krsljanin; Mrs. Jela Jovanovic;
Subject: [C-I] Fw: CPC release on
the Milosevic Extradition

Forward from mart.

Please distribute widely.

- Original Message - 

From: Communist Party of Canada


Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 12:33 PM

Subject: CPC release on the Milosevic Extradition

July 2, 2001

For Immediate Release

Canadian Communist Leader Denounces Illegal Extradition of

Figueroa, leader of the Communist Party of Canada, has strongly condemned the
unlawful extradition of former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to face
war crime charges before the International Tribunal at The Hague. 

The illegal abduction of Milosevic violated not only the Constitution of the
Federal Republic, the decisions of its Parliament, and the ruling of its
Constitutional Court; it has also been condemned by the current Yugoslav
President Kostunica himself, Mr. Figueroa said. 

This act, taken under immense and unprecedented economic and political
pressure from the U.S. government, constitutes a shameful denial of elementary
democratic rights and due process. It also reveals the true character of the
International War Crimes Tribunal as an instrument of political vengeance and
the imposition of a winners justice, the Communist leader added.

The trial of Milosevic will be nothing more than a show trial to further
demonize and punish all Yugoslavs who resisted NATO aggression, and who
continue to oppose the trampling of their sovereignty and the imposition of a
New World Order as dictated from Washington.

Why is it that this nominally U.N. court continues to target those who
resist U.S. imperialism and aggression, while real war criminals like Arial
Sharon -- who was directly responsible for 1982 massacre of thousands of
Palestinian refugees in Sabra and Chatilla camps -- and Henry Kissinger -- who
as National Security Adviser to the U.S. government oversaw the slaughter of
thousands of innocent civilians in Vietnam, Cambodia, East Timor and Chile --
have never been brought to account for their crimes against humanity?

It is certain that President Milosevic will never receive a fair trial at The
Hague tribunal, which is under the financial and political control of the NATO
countries and private corporations. The pending trial of Milosevic, by all
counts illegal and illegitimate, can only worsen the situation in Yugoslavia
and dangerously destabilize the Balkan region as a whole.

Mr. Figueroa demanded that the Hague Tribunal immediately release President
Milosevic, and that no other Yugoslav nationals be sent to The Hague. Instead,
he called for the establishment of a truly impartial committee of investigation
into all allegations of murder and genocide in the Balkans. 

The CPC leader also called on the Yugoslav and Serbian authorities to end the
arbitrary kidnapping, arrest, harassment and persecution of former Yugoslav
leaders, soldiers, and working people and for the immediate release of the 250
members of the Socialist Party of Serbia and United Left who have been arrested
on trumped up political charges. 

Instead of applauding this vengeful and illegal abduction, Canada should
demand that all war criminals responsible for the Balkan calamity be brought to
justice, including the NATO leaders themselves who launched a flagrant and
murderous aggression against the people of Yugoslavia, and who continue those
crimes today in Macedonia, using Albanian mercenaries and other proxy forces. 


For more information,
contact Miguel Figueroa at 416-469-2446.

Communist Party of Canada
290A Danforth Ave.,
Toronto, Ont. M4K 1N6
416-469-2446 (voice)
416-469-4063 (fax)

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FW: Marxists and Neolib Economists Debate Globalization in Cuba [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-02 Thread Jim Yarker


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-Original Message-
Bob Everton
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 5:27 PM
Subject: san: Marxists and Neolib Economists Debate Globalization in Cuba

Subject: What is Globalization? Cuba: Jan 2001

- In our countries we don't have economic policies, commented the
president of the
National College of Economists of Bolivia, we sign annual statements of
intent between the government and the IMF.

An excellent review of presentations by a range of economists -
neo-classical to Marxist and shades in between at the 2nd Meeting on
Globalisation and Problems of Development  held in Cuba,  January 24-28th,
by the National  Association of Cuban Economists and  the Association of
Economists  of Latin America and the Caribbean. Talks focused on What is
Globalization?, Globalization and Crisis,  meaning of Seattle,  Cuba, and
solutions  to problems  through  taxation, regional integration and the
future of socialism among  other things.


Globalisation -- understanding and resisting the monster
By Dick Nichols

HAVANA, Cuba -- What happens when you pour into one pot more than 800
economists from 58 countries representing nearly every viewpoint on the
analytical and political spectrum? That's what occurred here on January
24-28 when some bold cooks, the National Association of Cuban Economists and
the Association of Economists of Latin America and the Caribbean, held their
Second Meeting on Globalisation and Problems of Development.

The resulting stew was not as unpalatable as might have been feared when
Chilean neo-classical economists are added to Latin American Marxists of
various stripes, and dollops of every other school as well.

The conference, a direct initiative of Cuban President Fidel Castro, began
with a presentation from Ignacio Ramonet, the editor-in-chief of Le Monde
Diplomatique. For Ramonet, globalisation represents a new phase in the world
economy in which finance capital and the multinational firm dominate,
turning compete or perish into a universal imperative.

In economics, globalisation has killed the national market and led to the
takeover of the public by the private, Ramonet said. In politics it has
confiscated democracy, destroyed the basic values of the bourgeois
revolution and established the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the
World Bank as a planetary executive. In culture it means the
universalisation of banality and violence.

Ramonet was passionate in his support for global movements and campaigns,
such as the revolt at Seattle, the proposal of US economist James Tobin for
a tax on short-term international capital movements, the Campaign to Abolish
Third World Debt and the demand that First World governments devote 0.7% of
gross domestic product to Third World development.

What is globalisation?

Ramonet was followed by Jan Kregel of the United Nations Council on Trade
and Development, who outlined how development as an issue for the
international community had totally dropped off the agenda. However,
Ramonet's extreme globalisation thesis was the target of all the
subsequent discussion.

Globalisation is predominantly a cultural phenomenon, argued Jaime Loring,
from Spain's University of Cordoba. Others stressed that there's nothing in
recent economic statistics for international trade, foreign investment and
even the concentration of capital that hasn't been equalled or topped in
previous periods. The most virulent comment was to come from Canadian
analyst of the transnational firm, Frederic Clairmont: globalisation was a
vile buzzword designed to drug the peoples with the feeling that
struggle against the world-system is useless.

However, while less apocalyptic in tone than Ramonet, most of the Marxist
analysts present accepted that a qualitative change in world economy has
taken place over the past 15 years. They differed, however, in the aspects

For many, including the governor of the Central Bank of Cuba, Francisco
Soberon Valdes, the central feature is the ballooning of global financial
transactions of all sorts, and the terrible dangers posed by a stock
market crash, a trading house bankruptcy or loan default by a Third World

With a candour that no capitalist central banker could permit himself,
Soberon told of the response he had received when he asked former IMF
director Michel Camdessus and James Leach, the chairman of the banking
committee of the US Congress, what measures were in train to control the
activities of such operations as Long Term Capital Management. (In 1998 this
US hedge 

FW: Tribunal Finds U.S. Guilty of War Crimes in Korea [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-03 Thread Jim Yarker


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-Original Message-
From: Gregory Elich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 9:37 AM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Tribunal Finds U.S. Guilty of War Crimes in Korea

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 5, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper

After 50 Years of Suffering


Koreans from north and south present evidence

By John Catalinotto
New York

Fifty years of enforced silence were broken on June 23 when Korean victims
of U.S. war crimes finally had the chance to tell an International War
Crimes Tribunal about what had happened to them.

Some 600 people attended the historic gathering at the Interchurch Center of
Riverside Church. Large delegations of Koreans came from South Korea, Japan,
Canada and Germany, as well as from all over the U.S. Most evidence was
presented in Korean and English to the multinational audience.

The U.S. State Department had refused visas to a delegation of 11 lawyers
bringing evidence from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The South
Korean government had barred some witnesses from boarding planes to the
U.S., sparking protests in Seoul.

Tribunal organizers saw this as proof that both Washington and Seoul fear
the impact of the truth about the U.S.'s colonial relationship with Korea.

The testimony of victims from North Korea was presented via videotape.

Listening intently to the evidence were over two dozen jurists from 17
countries. Twelve of these countries participated in the 1950-1953 war
against Korea. After four sessions of deliberating over the testimony, this
jury unanimously found the U.S. government and military guilty of 19 counts
of war crimes committed against Korea from 1945 until 2001.

Korea Truth Commission formed after No Gun Ri exposé

The tribunal was the culmination of over a year's work by the Korea Truth
Commission, which had been formed after the exposure of U.S. atrocities
against Korean civilians at No Gun Ri during the Korean War.

The KTC enlisted the aid in the U.S. of the International Action Center and
Veterans for Peace, and the cooperation of many other organizations
internationally. Yoomi Jeong of the KTC and Sara Flounders of the IAC
co-chaired the tribunal.

Former South Korean Supreme Court Justice Byun Jung Soo and former U.S.
Attorney General Ramsey Clark--who drafted the original indictment against
the U.S. at the KTC request--were the chief prosecutors.

Opening the prosecution, Byun noted that U.S. crimes have been suppressed
and covered up and should be revealed in detail. People from North and
South Korea have come together in the tribunal movement, he said. They hope
the tribunal work will serve as an example for those who want the
reunification of the two Koreas.

Clark pointed out that the U.S. military went into Korea in September 1945
to stop Soviet troops and they divided the Korean people in half, putting
into power a military government in the south that used brutal means to
eliminate every form of sympathy with Koreans in the north.

When war broke out in 1950, the U.S. declared North Korea Indian
Territory, Clark said. This was a racist term meaning a free-fire zone. The
invading troops killed 3.5 million civilians in three years. Washington has
kept up the torture of economic sanctions since.

Clark explained the KTC's decision to focus not only on the U.S. slaughter
of civilians during the 1950-1953 Korean War, but also on the periods that
preceded and followed it: first, the repression and murder of leftists from
1945 to 1950, and later the U.S. occupation of the south and economic
sanctions against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the north
following the 1953 truce.

1945-1950: Crimes against peace

Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, legal representative of the Partnership for Civil
Justice in Washington, presented the prosecution's brief for the 1945 to
1950 period. She instructed the jury that during this period the U.S.
committed crimes against peace, which were defined at Nuremberg as the
most serious of all war crimes.

As an example of the political persecution and outright slaughter by the
U.S.-backed military regime in the south during this period, the tribunal
heard the testimony of witness Lee Do Young regarding the massacre of a
quarter of the population of Cheju Island after an uprising in the spring of
1948. The island lies off the southern coast of the Korean peninsula.

Lee said he was still frightened that the regime might punish him for
presenting his testimony. Indeed, Seoul stopped some of the Cheju witnesses
from coming to the tribunal.

Lee's own father, who had worked 

RE: I do not love Yugoslavia so much [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-03 Thread Jim Yarker


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And it

Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 10:31
Subject: I do not love Yugoslavia


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Serbia's Prime Minister Eyes EU 

By HANS GREIMEL, Associated Press Writer SALZBURG, Austria (AP) - Serbian 
Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic primed his republic for possible European Union 
membership Monday, downplaying political turmoil in Yugoslavia and
cooperation in international war crimes trials.Speaking on the sidelines of 
the European Economic Summit, being held in Salzburg through Tuesday, 
Djindjic said EU membership for Serbia might be achieved only through a 
breakup with Montenegro, the junior partner in the Yugoslav federation.``I do 
not love Yugoslavia so much ... that I can't stand the thought that it 
doesn't exist,'' Djindjic said.Djindjic said Serbia, the larger of the two 
remaining Yugoslav republics, would try to develop a concrete plan for EU 
membership by 2004 and aim to launch accession talks within 10 years.Although 
admitting that Yugoslavia might not be able to meet the EU's strict 
membership rules any time soon, Djindjic said accepting Serbia was in the 
EU's interest because it would contribute to stability and prosperity in 
southeastern Europe, a region that has brought war, organized crime and waves 
of refugees to Western Europe's doorstep.``It's more expensive to have us 
outside than to have us inside,'' Djindjic said.Brushing off the collapse of 
the Yugoslav federal government as no more important than a ``soccer game,'' 
Djindjic said the formation of a new Cabinet would do little to change the 
country's overall landscape.Yugoslav Prime Minister Zoran Zizic and his 
Montenegrin allies in the federal government resigned last week in protest of 
former President Slobodan Milosevic's extradition to the U.N. war crimes 
tribunal - an extradition arranged by Djindjic.Yugoslav President Vojislav 
Kostunica and other Serb pro-democracy leaders still are jockeying to
form a 
new Cabinet.Milosevic's handover brought pledges for $1.28 billion in aid 
from the United States and other Western donors.Djindjic defended the 
decision to turn over Milosevic, saying it was part of his government's 
obligation to confront its past.Although Djindjic said Serbia would continue 
to cooperate with international war crimes investigations, he balked at 
whether Serb authorities would help apprehend Bosnian Serb wartime leader 
Radovan Karadzic.``It's a problem for international forces,'' Djindjic said. 
``Not all problems are our problems.'' 

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RE: Milosevic: Trial Aims To Justify NATO's War Crimes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-03 Thread Jim Yarker


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Have you visited eBayTM lately?  The Worlds Marketplace where you can
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I agree.  When Kosta was doing some research, he came upon an article I
found really interesting, in date of Aug. 10th, 1991, I believe.  It's a GM
thing taken off the wires AP/Reuter/CP.

The final paragraph is:

Also yesterday, Serbia's parliament annulled international agreements that
forgave Second World War reparations, and demanded $96-billion in
reparations from Germany, Bulgaria, and Hungary.

...thus making it really clear who was going to do hard time in a New World
Order slammer, if the New World Order got its way.

History WILL absolve him.

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: Milosevic: Trial Aims To Justify NATO's War Crimes


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Have you visited eBayTM lately?  The Worlds Marketplace where you can
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consumer electronics to movies, find it all on eBay.  What are you
waiting for?  Try eBay today.

  This guy has to be the bravest, boldest and most principled
motherf..around!  Definitely someone to look up to.

On 3 Jul 01, at 2:38, Rick Rozoff wrote:


 --- ListBot Sponsor --
 Have you visited eBayTM lately?  The Worlds Marketplace where you can
 buy and sell practically anything keeps getting better.  From
 consumer electronics to movies, find it all on eBay.  What are you
 waiting for?  Try eBay today.

 July 3, 2001
 War crimes court charges Milosevic

 THE HAGUE, Netherlands (CNN) -- Former Yugoslav
 President Slobodan Milosevic has appeared before the
 U.N. war crimes tribunal to be formally charged with
 crimes against humanity.

 Milosevic -- the first head of state to face trial in
 The Hague -- did not have legal representation, having
 said he did not recognise the authority of the

 He told the tribunal: I consider this tribunal false
 and the indictment false. It is illegal so I have no
 need to appoint counsel.

 At his first appearance before the tribunal on
 Tuesday, not guilty pleas were entered on Milosevic's
 behalf by the court after he refused to enter one

 He faces charges of crimes against humanity stemming
 from the Yugoslav campaign against ethnic Albanian
 separatists in Kosovo.

 The case was adjourned until August 27 but the trial
 was not expected to begin hearing evidence until next

 Presiding judge Richard May told Milosevic he could
 re-consider his decision not to appoint counsel as the
 proceedings were expected to be long and complex.

 When Milosevic was asked if he wanted the indictments
 read out he replied: That's your problem.

 His response was regarded as a waiver of his rights by
 the court and the indictments were not read out.

 Milosevic also refused to enter a plea, saying: This
 trial aims to produce false justification for war
 crimes of NATO committed in Yugoslavia.

 CNN's Christiane Amanpour said Milosevic appeared in
 court with his jaw jutted forward, he looked defiant,
 and he kept looking at the public gallery.

 Throughout the hearing, Milosevic tried to make
 speeches, both in English and his native language, but
 the judge cut him off politely, saying this was not
 the time for speeches.

 Amanpour said Milosevic regards himself as a hero and
 NATO as the villains with the U.N. tribunal an arm of

 Milosevic believes he was transferred illegally to The
 Hague and that he was essentially kidnapped from his

 He is accused of crimes against humanity for actions
 carried out by the Yugoslav Army and Serbian security
 forces in Kosovo in 1999, including murder,
 deportation and prosecution of people on political,
 racial and ethnic grounds. He faces life in prison if
 convicted of any of the four charges.

 Milosevic's advisors have said he feels he was acting
 in the best interests of his country.

 Since his extradition last Thursday, Milosevic has
 spoken to his wife three times during what were
 described as seven-minute conversations.

 Milosevic's allies in Belgrade say that the 

on the anniversary of the Lumumba assassination [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-03 Thread Jim Yarker


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  July 3, 2001
  on Democracy NOW! 
  [listen to the entire program at 14.4] 


eagerly ended a more than one decade break in relations with its old colonial
ruler Saturday, welcoming Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt on the first visit by
a Belgian leader since end of the the Cold War. At the same time, Congolese
Prime Minister Joseph Kabila and his Ugandan counterpart Yoweri Museveni will
meet in Tanzania on Wednesday for the first time to talk about the peace
process in the Congo, which has been wracked by a regional war involving six
countries - including Uganda - since 1998. 

a fitting moment for reflection, coming nearly forty-one years to the day after
the Congo's independence from Belgium. It's also 76 years after the birth of
Patrice Lumumba, the first Prime Minister of the Congo. 

the new movie by Haitian-born film maker Raoul Peck, tells the story of Patrice
Lumumba, who rose to power in 1960 as a leader the Congo's independence
movement and was assassinated just over six months later in January 1961. 

pan-Africanism and his vision of a united Congo gained him many enemies. Both
Belgium and the United States actively sought to have Lumumba overthrown or
killed. Belgium was determined to maintain control over its former colony,
while the United States sought to protect its access to the Congo's vast
resources. The two countries turned to an ambitious young Colonel named Mobutu
Sese Seko, who helped betray Lumumba and was implicated in his assassination. 

went on to rule the Congo with U.S. support for more than thirty years before
he was ousted in 1997, after stealing billions from his country people. 

legacy of Lumumba's assassination in the Congo, potentially one of the richest
countries in Africa, is especially bitter. Six foreign armies are now fighting
in the Congo and an estimated 2 million people have died from fighting, disease
and starvation since Rwanda and Burundi invaded the Congo in 1998. Patrice
Lumumba's dream for the future of the Congo is today a walking nightmare. 

words are from the last letters Patrice Lumumba wrote, a note to his wife:
All during the length of my fight for the independence of my country, I
have never doubted for a single instant the final triumph of the sacred cause
to which my companions and myself have consecrated our lives. 

are not alone. Africa, Asia, and free and liberated people from every corner of
the world will always be found at the side of the Congolese 

will one day have its say, but it will not be the history that Brussels, Paris,
Washington or the United Nations will teach, but that which they will teach in
the countries emancipated from colonialism and its puppets. Africa will write
its own history, and it will be, to the north and to the south of the Sahara, a
history of glory and dignity. 

Lumumba premiered last week in New York at the Human Rights Watch
International Film Festival I had a chance to speak to Raoul Peck. We sat
upstairs as the film played in the theater below us. 


 Raoul Peck, director of Lumumba 

Related link: 

 Zeitgeist Film


the New York Times' review of Raoul Peck's film Lumumba last week,
the role of the United States and the CIA in the assassination of the first
Prime Minister of the Congo is relegated to a single sentence. The role of
U.S., Belgian and other mining corporations in supporting the dismembering of
the Congo and aiding the rise of Joseph Mobutu escapes the New York Times'
version of history entirely. 

history books treat the crisis in the Congo as a Cold War struggle between the
U.S. and the USSR. But there was another struggle, one among Western business
interests for access to the Congo's vast mineral wealth. It was these struggles
that help to explain U.S. support for Belgium intervention in the Congo during
the Eisenhower Administration - and U.S. support for UN intervention under
President Kennedy. 


 David Gibbs, Professor of Political Science at
 the University of Arizona and author of The
 Political Economy of Third World Intervention: Mines, Money and U.S.
 Policy in the Congo Crisis 
 Elombe Brath, head of the Patrice Lumumba
 Coalition. He is also a producer at WBAI (99.5 fm in New York), where he
 hosts a show, Africaleidescope, which airs on Thursday nights
 from 9-10pm. 

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RE: [TW] Milosevic hearing transcript - Comment from Italian TV. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK][WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-04 Thread Jim Yarker
Title: FW: [TW] Milosevic hearing transcript - Comment from Italian TV.


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And you
can disagree with the ruling “pro-democracy” forces in Serbia as long as you
don’t try to demonstrate against them and for Milosevic (that’s banned) and you
can vote down extradition proposals, naively exercising your authority as a
federal legislator, as long as you don’t expect your vote to be enforced.

And you
can defend Yugoslavia’s sovereignty and defend the Serbs against defamation on
the “Tribunal Watch [sic]” list, as long as you don’t mind being branded a “Cetnik”
by the racist dumbass “list owner” and don’t, say, call the people with whom
you disagree “Ustashas,” in which case you’d be “put on notice,” and then
bounced if you’re not repentant.  

Enjoy your
trip through the Looking Glass.


From: Jonathan Knight
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2001
1:18 PM
Subject: RE: [TW] Milosevic
hearing transcript - Comment from Italian TV.


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A true sign of the fair hearing
he will receive. He can defend himself as long as he doesn't say anything!


From: John Jay
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 8:45
Subject: FW: [TW] Milosevic
hearing transcript - Comment from Italian TV. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


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From: Luciano Di Cocco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [TW] Milosevic hearing transcript
Date: Tue, Jul 3, 2001, 7:16 pm

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FW: [JUGOINFO] Guerres latentes et stratégie améri [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]caine des Contras

2001-07-04 Thread Jim Yarker


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-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2001 1:55 PM
Subject: [JUGOINFO] Guerres latentes et stratégie américaine des Contras

Nikolaï von KREITOR

Guerres latentes et stratégie
américaine des Contras

Parmi les éléments clefs de la doctrine de Reagan, introduite au
début des années 80, il y avait l'application de la tactique de la
guerre indirecte, par le truchement de groupes criminels,
agissant au titre de marionnettes (cf. les termes War by
proxy, guerre par procuration, et Contras strategy, stratégie
des contras). Cette stratégie a été appliquée à grande échelle au
Nicaragua, un pays qui, pendant plusieurs années consécutives, a
subi une attaque de la part des Etats-Unis, par le biais d'unités
composées de bandits (les Contras), entièrement financées,
armées et entraînées par les Etats-Unis.

En vue d'examiner la stratégie américaine consistant à mener des
guerres indirectes (la stratégie des Contras) à la lumière de la
législation internationale positive, il faut préalablement se
référer à la décision de la Cour Internationale de La Haye, qui
constitue un précédent valable. En 1986, cette Cour a condamné
les actes de terrorisme international, tels qu'ils avaient été mis
en forme par la politique étrangère américaine à la suite de la
Doctrine Reagan. Au cours du procès Nicaragua against the
US, la Cour internationale a dit que les Etats-Unis avaient
violé la législation internationale, à la suite d'actes d'agression
prouvés. La sentence de la Cour a été énoncée comme suit:
(3) Considérant que les Etats-Unis, en entraînant,
fournissant, finançant, équipant et armant les forces des
Contras, et également en encourageant, maintenant et
organisant des opérations militaires et para-militaires contre
le Nicaragua et sur le territoire de ce pays, ont agi contre la
République du Nicaragua, en contrevenant de manière flagrante
les normes de la législation internationale communément
acceptée, en intervenant dans les affaires intérieures d'autres
(4) [La Cour] estime dès lors que les Etats-Unis d'Amérique
ont commis des attaques armées contre Puerto Sandino le 13
septembre et le 14 octobre 1983, et ont également commis
d'autres actes d'intervention, tels que mentionnés dans le
paragraphe 3 de la présente sentence, y compris l'usage de la
force militaire contre la République du Nicaragua, en
contrevenant de manière flagrante les normes de la législation
internationale communément acceptée, qui rejettent les
interventions dans les affaires intérieures d'autres pays (1).

L'élément, la composante, de violence est particulièrement
évidente dans le cas d'une intervention soutenue par l'usage de la
force - dans sa forme ouverte, par un usage direct de la force
militaire, ou dans sa forme latente, par le soutien apporté aux
actions terroristes et subversives se déroulant sur le territoire
d'un autre Etat (3).

En outre, il nous semble bon de rappeler ici que, durant les
sessions du Premier Tribunal Russell International, qui
examinait les crimes de l'armée américaine au Vietnam, le
célèbre philosophe britannique Lord Bertrand Russell, de
concert avec Jean-Paul Sartre, a déclaré, en tant que
représentant principal de ce Tribunal, que les Etats-Unis
considéraient le Vietnam de la même façon que Hitler avait
considéré l'Espagne. Si Lord Russell était toujours vivant, il
ajouterait aujourd'hui que les Etats-Unis considèrent la
Yougoslavie comme Hitler considérait l'Espagne.

Dans son message adressé au Second Tribunal Russell
International, qui examinait les crimes contre la paix et contre
l'humanité, ainsi que les crimes de guerre américains en
Amérique latine, Lord Russell a déclaré: Les formes modernes
d'agression internationale consistent à établir des régimes
marionnettes, servant les intérêts d'Etats étrangers. La
caractéristique principale de ces régimes marionnettes réside
dans leur fonction, qui est de garantir la continuité des
investissements étrangers (soit l'expansionnisme géopolitique
étranger). Ces gouvernements marionnettes liquident
brutalement tous les opposants politiques qui osent dénoncer le
comportement collaborationniste de ces marionnettesS Les
Etats-Unis emploient la CIA dans ce sens et dépensent des
millions de dollars pour acheter, tuer ou renverser les
gouvernements qui résistent à l'impérialisme américain (4).

L'établissement de régimes marionnettes est historiquement
l'une des méthodes traditionnelles, bien éprouvée, de la
politique américaine pour détruire la souveraineté des pays et
pour réduire les peuples en esclavage. Dans cette optique, il est
désormais nécessaire de considérer ces méthodes comme des
actes d'agression, relevant de 

RE: Yugoslavia: Treason, Blackmail, Gangsterism [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-04 Thread Jim Yarker


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Isn't the Aussie Guardian a progressive pub? CPA, n'est-ce pas?

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2001 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: Yugoslavia: Treason, Blackmail, Gangsterism


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  A refreshing change from, what I assume to be, a main-stream

On 4 Jul 01, at 15:53, Rick Rozoff wrote:


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 The Guardian (Australia)
 Wednesday, July 4th, 2001.

 Yugoslavia: Treason, blackmail, gangsterism

 Treason, blackmail, kidnapping and gangsterism are the
 only fitting words to describe the actions of the
 Federal Government of Yugoslavia in the kidnapping of
 Milosevic which involved a British military plane and
 bribery by the European Union and the US.
 The operation was marked by the disregard of a ruling
 by the High Court of Yugoslavia that suspended the
 Governmentís decree authorising the extradition of
 Milosevic and others.
 The Government in effect tore up the Yugoslav
 Constitution which specifically rules out the
 extradition of Yugoslav citizens to other countries.
 It then, together with British and American
 authorities, organised the spiriting away of Slobodan
 Milosevic from his Belgrade prison in a bread delivery
 van. He was delivered to an American base from where
 he was flown to The Hague in a British military plane.
 All this was associated with the billion dollar bribe
 of the Yugoslav Government by the European Union and
 the US.
 Milosevic is now to be arraigned before NATOís
 kangaroo court in The Hague.
 Belgrade is in turmoil following the illegal
 extradition of Milosevic. Even before Mr. Milosevic
 was secretly taken from his prison, huge Belgrade
 crowds reacted angrily to the news that the Yugoslav
 Government cabinet had issued a decree authorising
 the extradition of Milosevic and other Yugoslav
 citizens to NATO's so-called War Crimes Tribunal.
 Between 100,000 to 200,000 people rallied and marched
 in Republic Square in Belgrade.
 Speakers were saying this is treason to the Serbian
 nation. The Constitution is the highest legal
 obligation of any state and by breaking the
 Constitution one betrays the nation. They are saying
 that all Serbian people and others loyal to Yugoslavia
 must unite and take back their government and throw
 out those who have betrayed the nation to Washington,
 which dangles false bribes to humiliate the Serbian
 people, says an urgent message from Jared Israel
 (journalist of Emperor's Clothes) who was on the phone
 to Belgrade as the rally went on.
 At the rally people were speaking with one voice. They
 said: Abolish the decree! Serbian and Yugoslav
 governments should resign!
 Nobody should be extradited to The Hague! Those who
 adopted this illegal decree should be criminally
 charged! There must be general elections on all levels
 because the government has committed treason and lied
 and therefore nobody any longer supports them.
 The President of Yugoslavia, Vojislav Kostunica
 claimed that he had found out about the transportation
 of Mr Milosevic from the media [sic] and that his
 deportation was illegal.
 International reaction:
 International reaction to the events in Belgrade was
 swift and furious. Despite attempts of western media
 outlets to present the case as a just and
 well-deserved outcome, alternative voices hit the
 Internet to express their views. Demonstrations were
 organised and petitions and protests sent to  Yugoslav
 Momir Bulatovic, President of the Socialist People's
 Party (SNP) of Montenegro, a major party in the ruling
 coalition, announced that the Prime Minister and six
 Ministers would quit the federal government in
 The SNP Vice President, Mr Jovanovic, told the media
 that the Serbian Government's decision to hand over
 Milosevic in defiance of the Federal Constitutional
 Courtís ruling amounted to a coup.
 What happened is that Djindjic suspended the
 constitutional system of Yugoslavia. Djindjic
 introduced dictatorship, and the responsibility for
 that lies on him and all others who did nothing to
 prevent this.
 As another official of the Yugoslav Socialist Party

RE: Toronto Star Editorial on illegal decree... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-04 Thread Jim Yarker


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The Kostunica government deserves credit for adopting a cabinet
decree on Saturday...

but as we've seen, he's far too modest to take the credit

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2001 9:02 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; activistlist; Eternera Mailing List
Subject: Toronto Star Editorial on illegal decree... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


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  [Courtesy of a disgusting paper, with despicable editors parading
as progressive...]

No place to hide
Thus do despots fall.

Two years ago, Slobodan Milosevic was undisputed master of
Yugoslavia. A notorious Balkan nationalist, he seduced his people
with dreams of a Greater Serbia, delivered nothing but ethnic
hatred, war, disintegration, sanctions and ruin, yet remained in
power. He seemed untouchable.

Not so today. Milosevic has been replaced by a reformist
democrat, President Vojislav Kostunica. He was ousted in a
remarkable popular uprising last October.

On April 1 Milosevic was arrested by fellow Serbs, charged with
corruption, jailed, served with a warrant to face United Nations
accusations of crimes against humanity, and now is fighting
extradition to the U.N. war crimes tribunal at The Hague. After
more than a decade of self-imposed isolation, Serbia is rejoining
the family of nations.

Milosevic's fate is a powerful caution to other political leaders who
may imagine themselves to be above the rule of law.

His comfortable world changed in May, 1999 when a Canadian
jurist serving as U.N. chief war crimes prosecutor, Madam Justice
Louise Arbour, made legal history by issuing the indictment
against him and his cronies for crimes in Kosovo, where thousands
of ethnic Albanians were killed by Serb forces and hundreds of
thousands driven from their homes. That made him the first political
leader in office to be so charged.

At the time, Milosevic sneered that the court would never touch
him, claiming its reach did not extend to Serbia. How wrong he
was. The law proved more powerful than his bluster. Arbour's
indictment, no less than the North Atlantic Treaty Organization air
campaign to prevent Milosevic's army from rampaging through
Kosovo, shattered his credibility with Serbs and ultimately his

Today, a broken man, Milosevic sits in a Belgrade prison fighting
extradition, pitying himself and threatening suicide.

Yugoslavia's international obligation as a U.N. member state is to
co-operate with The Hague tribunal, said Nebojsa Covic, a
Kostunica ally. We must no longer allow ourselves to be
Milosevic's hostages.''

The Kostunica government deserves credit for adopting a cabinet
decree on Saturday promising to send Milosevic to The Hague for
trial for his role in Balkan campaigns of ``ethnic cleansing'' and
terror that killed 250,000 or more. The decree is meant to override
the Yugoslav parliament's refusal to change the law prohibiting
such extradition. Parliament is still thick with holdover Milosevic

Judges and prosecutors must now co-operate fully with The Hague,
which yesterday requested Milosevic's extradition. Cabinet's
decree recognizes that international law takes precedence over
national law in war crimes cases. This gesture took political
courage, because many Serbs still oppose Milosevic's extradition,
though few want him back in office.

It should spur the United States, Canada and other countries to
pledge $1.5 billion or more in aid to Yugoslavia, to begin rebuilding
its war- and sanctions-shattered economy. A donors' conference
will be held in Brussels this coming weekend. Belgrade has earned
some help.

The sooner democratic Yugoslavia can regain its feet, and rejoin
the European community of nations, the better.

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RE: Jamaican History: Sean Gervasi 1980 report[WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK] [WWW.ST...

2001-07-16 Thread Jim Yarker


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A Jamaican friend was telling me that her phonetic spelling of Seaga was

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: Jamaican History: Sean Gervasi 1980 report[WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


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Dear Kole,
Thank you so much for your kind words. Last weekend the NYTimes had an
article about some poor woman whose son was killed and how devoted she and
her neighbors in Kingston, Jamaica are  to  their political savior, Seaga;
the Times even did a phonetic spelling of it, so readers would learn this
name again as a soon-to-be household word. He's not Kostunica, he is
Djindjic. So now its Yugoslavia in Jamaica, not just in Zimbabwe. Not just
Yugoslavia. Destabilization is the name of the game, and it's an old game.
If Patterson isn't developing good ties with Venezuela, he should be. I
am trying to find out more information about Jamaica and I will keep

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unpublished letter to NYT on Holocaust artifacts [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-17 Thread Jim Yarker


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July 3, 2001

Letters to the Editor

New York Times

229 West 43rd St

New York, NY 10036-3959


FAX. (212) 556-3622

To the Editor:

The removal of Holocaust artifacts from the
Ukraine discussed in your op-ed piece (The Wrong Way to Protect the Jewish
Past, July 3rd) is not the only scandal of this nature facing major Holocaust
museums today. In November 2000
the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. cut a deal with the
unelected Premier of the Serbian Republic in Bosnia, Milorad Dodik, which
improperly transferred Holocaust archives and artifacts out of Bosnia. At least 25,000 Jews and hundreds of
thousands of Serbs, Gypsies, and anti-fascist Yugoslavs were murdered at
Jasenovac by the Croatian Nazi wartime régime. That the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum now wishes to
transfer these archives this year back into the hands of a Croatian government
which is tied to and upholds the very same Nazi past is an outrage to Survivors
and another stain on the reputation of Holocaust institutions. 

Jim Yarker

Administrative Director

Jasenovac Research Institute

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FW: you will find this article interesting [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-20 Thread Jim Yarker


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Sopranos fanatics, this one is for you.  Tony Soprano's autographed
Suburban is available for purchase on eBayTM.  James Gandolfini has
personally signed the vehicle.  Find this and over 800 other Sopranos
items for sale on eBay.

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 4:43 PM
Subject: you will find this article interesting

Western foundations in Ukraine
Wooing pro-American elite starts at school

By Kirill Frolov
19.48.2001, 15:48

Full story: Americans persist with propaganda campaigns against Belarus and
[printable version]

The United States and its NATO allies are seeking to exercise full control
over Ukraine's cadres, intellectual resources and elite via a well-oiled and
ramified system of foundations and public organizations in Ukraine. There
several dozen such organizations.

Apart from Freedom House, which Bogdan Khmelnitsky mentions in his article,
there are Pilip Orlik Foundation, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the Moscow
branch of Keston College also known as Center for Study of Religion and
Communism Ltd., and, of course, organizations created by George Soroz.

The wooing of the future elite starts at school. Speaking in an interview
with Kiev-based Zerkalo nedeli paper as early as 1997, Soroz Foundation
Ukrainian branch chief Bogdan Gavrilishin claimed that his outfit had
published over 90 titles of school history textbooks devoted to
anti-colonial (i.e., anti-Russian) themes. One of these mentions four (!)
Russian-Ukrainian wars.

The fostering of pro-American elite continues in major universities. For
example, the Atlantic Center, actually the press service of the NATO
representation in Ukraine, has for several years been based in the Kiev
University. The Kiyevo-Mogilyanskaya Academy, which trains managerial
personnel, is under the same sort of tutelage. The Academy students had a
rare piece of luck, what with Zbigniew Brzezinsky himself, honorary
of the city of Lvov, delivering them a lecture.

Directed by the U.S. Embassy, these organizations openly interfere in the
Ukrainian political process.

A well-known student of the Russian emigre community, Mikhail Nazarov,
asserts the U.S. side was very selective about its financing of
organizations, with only those that favored partition of historical Russia
eligible for aid. All others, including supporters of a
Russian-Belarussian-Ukrainian federation, were given no aid whatsoever and
their very existence was glossed over in silence.

But let us go back to modernity. The early operation to play up Yushchenko
and fan the cassette scandal was run by the Ukrainian branch of Radio
Liberty and Zerkalo nedeli, Kiev's biggest Russian-language newspaper
characterized not otherwise than the mouthpiece of the U.S. Embassy.

The Zerkalo nedeli cropped up as the Ukrainian outgrowth of the U.S.
Russian-language newspaper Novoye Russkoye Slovo. Today, ZN is the
of Yushchenko and his bloc, which is made up of Rukh and the Reforms and
Order party.

In spring 2001, George Soroz wrote President Kuchma an open letter, in which
he declared that he was wrapping up his operations in Ukraine pending
Kuchma's departure from his post. Soroz suggested that he go as soon as
possible and stated his support for Yushchenko and Timoshenko. A forthright
man he is. Well, Ukraine will manage without him somehow. Particularly
without his textbooks. But dozens of other foundations, public organizations
and charities are still in place.

According to information from Kiev sources, there are plans to launch a
number of actions shortly with the aim of playing up former Prime Minister
Yushchenko. One of these will be inducing the collapse of a number of
commercial banks (Ukraina Bank among others), which cater to the
agro-industrial complex. After that the Kinakh Government will be accused of
inability to ensure wage payments in the countryside, which under Yushchenko
were solely at the expense of Western credits.

Kiev observers put forward the following story of Yushchenko's political
career. It is asserted that after the death of his political father,
National Bank Governor Viktor Getman, young politician Yushchenko was left
without a chaperon and found the new patron in former Deputy Prime
Nikolai Zhulinsky, one of the most rabidly anti-Russian politicians in

Yet another dark side of the Brzezinsky plan involves operation of
Ukrainian pro-fascist organizations like UNA-UNSO. In accordance with
information from Kiev sources, Brzezinsky ordered precisely that
to become the leader of nationalist 

FW: Killing of a Protester [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-20 Thread Jim Yarker


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-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Brian
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 5:28
Subject: san: Killing of a

July 20, 2001

Francesco Scarlata, Consulate General

Italian Consulate

Cons. Gen. 136 Beverly Street

Toronto, Ontario

M5T 1Y5

Dear Mr. Scarlata,

It was with dismay that I heard of the
killing of a protester in Genoa, Italy.

The protester was, it is my
understanding, shot in the head.

I must protest, in the most strongest
terms, the use of what can best be described

as extra-judicial executions to deal with
expressions of dissent.

If there are allegations of illegal
activities at a protest, the proper method to deal with such
allegationsare through arrests and a fair and impartial trial of those
accused of criminal

activities. It is never appropriate
to use deadly force to deal with those willing to speak


I look forward to reading of charges
being laid against the officer responsible for the

death of the protester. Any other
response is a public acceptance of the use of

murder as a political tool.


(Rev.) Brian Burch

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FW: Aug 6 - March for Disarmament and Hiroshima Day vigil [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-21 Thread Jim Yarker


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Sopranos fanatics, this one is for you.  Tony Soprano's autographed
Suburban is available for purchase on eBayTM.  James Gandolfini has
personally signed the vehicle.  Find this and over 800 other Sopranos
items for sale on eBay.

-Original Message-
From: Toronto Disarmament Network [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 12:04 AM
Subject: Aug 6 - March for Disarmament and Hiroshima Day vigil

More than fifty years after the devastating atomic
bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world is still
threatened by nuclear war.  The U.S. government's
proposal for a Missile Defence Shield will provoke a
new global arms race and it must be stopped!

Come to the Toronto March for Disarmament and
Hiroshima Day Vigil.

Monday, August 6.
6:30 pm at Liberal Party Headquarters (corner of St.
Mary and Yonge, Toronto.)
March to the City Hall Peace Garden, for a Hiroshima
Day vigil.

Organized by the Hiroshima Day Coalition and the
Toronto Disarmament Network.

For more information, phone 416-535-6586 or email

Toronto Disarmament Network
900 Dufferin Street
P.O. Box 24001
Toronto, ON  M6H 4H6

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

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RE: Belarus: State Department Appoints Its Kostunica [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-21 Thread Jim Yarker


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'as the Sorosite
independent media kick into gear and neo-fascist
skinheads are recruited into OTPOR-type assault

and watch for some others to kick into gear in support of the Belarus
Otpor - Znet, British pseudo-trotskyists, Western anti-globalization
Beautiful People, DSA/CofC hacks, etc - all's fair when it comes to toppling
Stalinist bureaucracies.

-Original Message-
From: Rick Rozoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 3:40 PM
Subject: Belarus: State Department Appoints Its Kostunica


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Goncharik, 61, said he had no objection to Belarus
joining the European Union and NATO.

[The suitcases full of Deutschmarks and US dollars are
no doubt already arriving in Minsk, as the Sorosite
independent media kick into gear and neo-fascist
skinheads are recruited into OTPOR-type assault
squads: All the earmarks of NATO democracy for export.
When does the Belarus Parliament building go up in

Sunday July 22, 1:44 AM
Belarus opposition agrees on single election candidate
MINSK, July 21 (AFP) -
The opposition in the former Soviet republic of
Belarus announced Saturday it would field a single
presidential candidate against hardline leader
Alexander Lukashenko and predicted victory if the
elections were fair.
We appeal to all political forces, organisations and
citizens to support us for the sake of the future of
Belarus, said new opposition candidate Vladimir
He will lead a bid on September 9 to topple
Lukashenko, whose authoritarian regime has come under
fire at home and abroad with charges of political
opponents ending up in prison or disappearing.
The new five-man opposition team have said they
believe their alliance can win if the vote was free
and fair.
But foreign observers are much more cautious about the
opposition's prospects.
Despite his tough image, Lukashenko, 46, a former
Soviet collective farm boss who has ruled here since
1994, enjoys a popularity rating of 43.8 percent and
Goncharik only 10.3 percent, according to opinion
If we win, society will become democratic and the
economy will be reformed, said Goncharik, once a
communist official of the former state-controlled
Soviet trade union movement and now leader of his
country's largest trade union.
Goncharik, 61, said he had no objection to Belarus
joining the European Union and NATO.
However, observers say Russia would firmly resist any
idea of a former Soviet constituent republic such as
its neighbour Belarus joining the Atlantic Alliance -
and Belarus is heavily dependent on Russia
Goncharik gained the backing of the four other
opposition leaders, who will withdraw from the race at
the beginning of August when the electoral commission
confirms who can run.
All five of us will work in a united team and combine
our efforts, he said.
Sergei Kalyakin, a communist, said he believed other
candidates sharing the ideas of the main opposition
would join the anti-Lukashenko alliance.
Others in the new oppositon alliance are former prime
minister Mikhail Chigir, former defence minister Pavel
Kozlovsky and a former mayor of the northwest city of
Grodno, Semyon Domash.
The opposition boycotted last October's parliamentary
elections which were marred by irregularities,
according to the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
Western powers have kept Lukashenko's regime isolated
because of what they consider human rights violations
and undemocratic practices.
Several political opponents to Lukashenko have ended
up in prison, on disputed charges, or disappeared.
The economy has remained practically unreformed since
Belarus became independent with the dissolution the
Soviet Union in 1991.
The oppposition is at the mercy of a president who
governs by decree and can change the rules of the game
at any time.
Its only opportunity to get its voice heard is on
neighbouring Russian television, which is watched in
But the opposition is openly supported from Washington
which has demanded an investigation into the
disappearance of regime opponents.
On Friday four women pleaded in Washington for
international support over their husbands, who have
been jailed, disappeared or died in suspicious
The opposition is pinning its hopes on forcing the
vote to a second round, which it believes it could
grow into a protest movement against Lukashenko that
will topple him.
Foreign observers are much