more questions

2001-06-11 Thread Jim Richards

One of the problems I'm having with  and probably
more with the XML nature of JSP is that  form elements
have to be within  tags, and no in an include
used by .

I have common components that different forms use, but have to do
either a cut-n-paste(tm) or use <%@ include ... %> instead?

Any thoughts?

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: template:put and get

2001-06-10 Thread Jim Richards

I decided to do the second option, it works quite well. I don't like the
idea of putting the while  tag into the  because
that'd make the template file confusing for someone trying to maintain it
(the image tag would never appear in the source for the included file, the
developer could spend ages trying to work out what's going on)

>JR> but replace the page="" with the . Trouble is you can't nest 
>JR> tags. One options is to do the html without the jsp, and have
>JR> height="23" border="0"/>
>JR> but that doesn't look great, but I can't think of anything else. The 
>JR> seems to hide the content away somewhere away in the request, and I don't want to
>JR> create 20 little html/jsp pages for the different headers that I have.
>JR> Any ideas?
>You can place whole html:img tag to the template:put tag as its
>content and cut content and direct attributes.

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

template:put and get

2001-06-09 Thread Jim Richards

I've got a situation where I want to include a header file with

and then in the header file have

but replace the page="" with the . Trouble is you can't nest 
tags. One options is to do the html without the jsp, and have

but that doesn't look great, but I can't think of anything else. The 
seems to hide the content away somewhere away in the request, and I don't want to
create 20 little html/jsp pages for the different headers that I have.

Any ideas?

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: JSP expressions inside custom tags

2001-06-08 Thread Jim Richards



You need to have the <%= %> present the whole string, not just the single part.

At 10:56 AM 8/06/01 +0200, you wrote:
>I am evaluating struts for a new project. One problem I wasn't able to solve
>was the integration of JSP expressions inside the attributes of
>custom tags.
>My code looks like this:
> <% String name = ((PElement)pelement).getName(); %>
>   ^^^ Here is my problem!
>The links always contain the <%= name %> string instead of the evaluated
>expression. I tried it with different quoting techniques but without luck.
>What is the correct solution here?
Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: New Windows, Struts, IE 5 and sessions dying

2001-05-31 Thread Jim Richards

At 07:04 PM 1/06/01 +1200, you wrote:
>Summary: Any known bugs and workarounds with Multiple Windows in IE5,
>Servlet Sessions and Struts 1.0b1?

A few things to note. Have a look to see if the redirect is forcing :80 (port 80)
onto the end of the URL, this can cause the session get lost in the ether.
Upgrade to struts-b2 and it'll go away.

Another thing to note is that on NT you can have each IE run in a separate process,
which gives it its own set of cookies, which will also loose the session value.

I think it's probably the first one though, as you'd be using  to 
the URL for the javascript, and up until struts-b2 it would add the port into the 
and confuse the browser. This happens in Netscape Navigator as well.

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: Potential Security Flaw in Struts MVC

2001-05-31 Thread Jim Richards

At 11:53 PM 30/05/01 -0700, you wrote:
>A good way of removing the bucketloads :-} from your Action classes is to
>subclass ActionServlet and implement processActionPerform to do the logon

It's not just for login though, that was the example I used, every action that
generates a form needs to do this. Mostly it is checking against URL

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: Potential Security Flaw in Struts MVC

2001-05-30 Thread Jim Richards

>> In the case at hand, nothing stops your user from logging on (so your
>> security checks won't catch anything) and then hand typing a URL with
>> query string parameters that maliciously or accidentally try to change
>> things in the system.  If the user is successful at doing this, it's shame
>> on the app developer for listening to request parameters that you
>> shouldn't.

This is a good point. I'm finding my Actions and Forms have bucketloads
(and that's the technical term for it) of 

User user;
if ((user = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute("user") == null)
return mapping.getMapping("index");

and on, and on and on. I'd like to try and find a good way to simplify this
as best that I can. (This example is required if the session times out,
other examples appear when a browser auto-fills in a URL and the
user submits it without the form fields. etc. Very bad karma in that

>> Of course, you need to take other defensive measures as well (like using
>> the transaction control support to avoid accidental or malicious resubmits
>> of the same data).

I've seen this in the example application, is there any documentation on
using it (as best as possible).


Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: Possible to access Init Params from JSP??

2001-05-24 Thread Jim Richards

George Craig wrote:
> Yes you can. Here is how to do it:
> <%=
> application.getInitParameter(SOME_KEY)
> %>

Does this actually work? I've had report that in Tomcat and JRUN,
it doesn't seem to return the values. Has anyone used it?

Re: subclassing ActionServlet?

2001-05-24 Thread Jim Richards

I made a sub-class of ActionServlet an overloaded the initXXX()
method that created the connecion pool. I did this because
my database manager beans needed access to the connection
pool parameters.

The other choice is to use something like a singleton or factory
bean pattery that generates the objects (or returns an instance
to an already created one) as you need it. The down side is
it may not have the initialisation parameters it needs.

> Hello struts-users,
> My webapp needs bunch of beans that should be available
> all the time and accessible from all JSP pages, so I guess I
> have to create the beans at the startup time and set them to
> the application context.
> How should I do this? My candidates are,
> 1) create a subclass of ActionServlet and do it there,
> 2) create a subclass of Servlet (unrelated to ActionServlet)
> and do it there.
> Which is better, or are there any other standard ways?
> I don't see any examples that use subclasses of ActionServlet,
> and I am wondering if there are some reasons not to.
> Thanks in advance,
> - kazumi

Re: Iterating on an Iterator?

2001-05-23 Thread Jim Richards

 takes a collection and can do that for you.

>Our object model provides an Iterator interface to walk along
>lists (properties of an object or lists of objects).
>Does anyone know how can I take advantage of a tag library to
>accept an iterator an iterate using Iterator.hasNext() and

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: Architecture for a form-wizzard

2001-05-23 Thread Jim Richards

>I`m building a site that uses a application form that spans over several
>pages. How should I design this application?
>1. With formBeans for every page
>2. One formBean for the entire application form

What I find I am doing is building a separate form bean for each page
that just represents the data for that page, and having a bean in the
session the represents the data for all the pages within that transaction.

The each form has a pre-action which populates the form from the
session bean, and a post-action which sets data back into the
session bean. The post-action then forwards onto the next
pre-action for the next form.

So something like

PreForm1Action -> form1.jsp -> PostForm1Action -> PreForm2Action -> form2.jsp -> 

this seems to work okay for now.

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: Indexed Grid Representation on a Form

2001-05-17 Thread Jim Richards

> So reading your comments, Jim, it sounds like your using code analagous to
> this but your implementation uses a map instead (?)

Yeah, I use them in form fields, for , radio buttons
and checkboxes.

> BTW, now that I'm using html field names like customerContactName[0].title,
> I find that conventional javascript to set focus doesn't work - I get
> javascript errors.  Any ideas how to reference these fields?

You can reference the javascript like


Because JavaScript thinks the name is a valid JavaScript construct
and so trys to look it up in its DOM model.

Re: Indexed Grid Representation on a Form

2001-05-17 Thread Jim Richards

It should be:

 <% int i = 0; %>
 <% i++ ; %>


You need to replace the whole string. The exception would have been from
the BeanUtils not able to understand what the [i] would have meant. If you
have an iterator in a scriptlet, then you need to always use a scriptlet
to access it. Usually. Mostly.

I had a feeling there was a change made to iterate recently to give you
an index value, but I can't remember what it was.

I usually use a Map and have the key as the integer value in the index
for the entry. Works well when you don't have liner numbering in the
list of key/value pairs.

Re: is it a bug of CheckboxTag

2001-05-14 Thread Jim Richards

> Another thing is that you shouldn't call .jsp pages directly. They
> should always be called through an Action first. From the exmaple,
> the subscription page is called through (I think)
> to populate the form, and then forward to the .jsp page.

I should clarify this a bit. You shouldn't call .jsp pages directly
that need to be populated by the database or elsewhere. Generic
.jsp pages that just display data, content or whatever can be done
fine by calling them directly if the beans are pre-populated (eg, 
a session or application scope bean).

But if they are an editing form, eg, user details or content
editor then they should have an Action populate them first.

Re: is it a bug of CheckboxTag

2001-05-14 Thread Jim Richards

Set the value to true in the ActionForm reset() method.

Another thing is that you shouldn't call .jsp pages directly. They
should always be called through an Action first. From the exmaple,
the subscription page is called through (I think)
to populate the form, and then forward to the .jsp page.

At the top of the .jsp page you can then put something like
(and this is from memory, so I'm not sure of the exact 

JeanX wrote:
> Jim Richards wrote at 2001-05-15 14:48:00,
> >JeanX wrote:
> >> If I uncheck a checkbox, there is no corresponding parameter pair in request.
> >> So I can not get the right status of certain form.
> >> How to resolve it ?
> >
> >In you ActionForm reset method you need to set all the checkbox values
> >to false, as reset() is called before the form is populated.
> >
> >That way, the only values that get sent are the ones that need to be
> >set to true, and the ActionForm is correctly set.
> So if I wanna some checkbox default true,
> How can I do?

Re: is it a bug of CheckboxTag

2001-05-14 Thread Jim Richards

JeanX wrote:
> If I uncheck a checkbox, there is no corresponding parameter pair in request.
> So I can not get the right status of certain form.
> How to resolve it ?

In you ActionForm reset method you need to set all the checkbox values
to false, as reset() is called before the form is populated.

That way, the only values that get sent are the ones that need to be
set to true, and the ActionForm is correctly set.

Re: 2 newbie questions..

2001-05-12 Thread Jim Richards

The mapping that is sent to your object has the global mappings,
and the local ones as well.

As for your second question, I'm not sure but the example application
was done very early and it wouldn't surprise me if the class is not
used at all. Have you tried a global search? If it's not used anywhere
then it might be a hang over from earlier iterations of the code.

>Quick questions from a newbie.. When the mapping is local to a
>particular action, the Action class should call findForward on the mapping
>that's passed in.  But if the mapping is a global one, it should call
>findForward on the instance of ActionServlet (called servlet) that is passed
>down from the parent Action class.  Is this correct?  Or does the
>ActionMapping that's passed in to the perform() method already contain the
>global mappings?  The reason I ask if because I really don't like the idea
>of having access (and having to use) member variables of a parent class.  It
>makes my OO alarms go off.  The example Struts application uses the
>"servlet" object, instead of the ActionMapping instance.

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: Philosophical question(s) related to STRUTS

2001-05-10 Thread Jim Richards

As a profession developer I have taken to learning how to use Struts
for several reasons (besides being Java, and thus way cool).

It's free. It doesn't cost me anything to develop or deploy.

Open Source. If the development team die in a freak accident
from caffeine overdose at something like JavaOne then I can
continue to apply my own patches to it. If Oracle disappeared
tomorrow (or Cisco?) then who is going to apply patches, provide
support and have further releases?

if you end up developing your own framework, that's great
but why re-invent the wheel? Does it matter if it doesn't become
sanctioned? Your own framework won't become sanctioned? I developed
my own framework when Turbine was being developed and
discovered that amount of work it took was huge. I could have
adopted Turbine an done all the development with that (I
didn't because Turbine is huge and I was starting out with
JavaServlets, and the best way I learn is to do it myself.)

> 1) Is SunMicro going to be supporting STRUTS from a financial and/or
> marketing standpoint ?
> I only saw one tiny, tiny mention of STRUTS in the JAVAONE outline of
> presentations I just got in the mail.
> That bothers me.
> 2) If the answer to #1 is unknown, will JSP/Java serverside professional
> developers take the time to learn STRUTS and employee it in their web
> applications ?
> 3) If the answer to #1 is unknown, will corporations and consulting firms
> decide to committ to STRUTS in lieu of their own frameworks and methodology
> ?
> I am wading thru the one-inch thick documentation and I must say I am really
> impressed with the work done so far.
> However, as a consultant, I must be concerned about spending too much time
> with this if it is not going to become a popular or sanctioned approach in
> the webdev marketplace.
> Thoughts / feedback anyone ?

Re: Initialization of Request-Scoped Objects

2001-05-10 Thread Jim Richards


What I do (antd I think it this is from the example app as well, maybe
subscription.jsp) is to put at the beginning of the .jsp file (this is
from memory, don't have the code handy)

Where editFormCode is set up as a forward in the struct-config.xml file.

This way, if the form bean has not been set up, it forwards the code
through the form bean.

This technique is useful for things like checking a user bean has been 
set in the session as well.

> Jeff Trent wrote:
> When is called, I have a chance within reset() to initialize my 
>request-scoped objects.  However, if myAction.jsp is called instead then I can't seem 
>to find a way to get initialized.  Are there any methods called in my Action class 
>when the
> .jsp file is invoked instead of the .do file?

Re: FW: Design Error? Bean repopulation...

2001-05-10 Thread Jim Richards

I had this problem, and worked out a solution that seemed workable.
The main thing to remember with the  tags is the
the name part should always be the name of the form bean, and
the property be relative to that, otherwise the BeanUtils won't
be able to repopulate the form.

I tend to store my collections in SortedMap's and use the
primary key of the database table as the index into the
SortedMap (This means, each bean has a getId() which is an integer,
and the Bean has the comparable interface to sort them). Then when
I do the iterate, I iterate over the keys of the map and return just
the Map.Entry values. Then when I do the  I have
something like (this if from memory, based on your code, it might
take a few hacks to get right, I think you'll need a useBean for
the retailerForm, can remember)


<%!-- or, if the bean identity id id, and so we use getId)( --%>


I use this method all the time, it works great.

Here's another message with a copy of the code I use

> - I have a number of beans held in a Vector.
> - In my ActionForm I have a two getters for this vector - one returns the
> vector and one returns elements of the vector - so something like this:
> public RetailerBean getRetailerBean( int index )
> {
> return (RetailerBean)retailers.elementAt( index );
> }
> and
> public Vector getRetailers()
> {
> return retailers;
> }
> This works fine to populate using the following type of iterate tag:
> -->
> However, it doesn't repopulate the beans when I do a submit.  This is
> because the generated html is something like:
> rather than:
> which would allow my beans to be repopulated.
> The outcome of this is that I have to create arrays for all properties of my
> beans in my ActionForm and take the values from there.  This seems like
> bodge-heaven and not at all object-oriented.
> If the form can be populated directly from the beans then surely it should
> work the other way too.

Re: How do you use indexed properties with html:input?

2001-05-09 Thread Jim Richards

At 12:12 PM 9/05/01 +, you wrote:
>I *guess* that the html: tags require a form bean (please correct me if 
>this is wrong) so they won't work with dynamically created page elements 
>like input text fields.
>I did the following and it works, got the idea from Scott Walter (thanks) - 

I do a different thing. I have the data stored in a SortedMap and have the setter
and getter methods like this (where templateEntries is the SortedMap):

public TemplateEntry getEntry(int orderId) {
return (TemplateEntry) templateEntries.get(new Integer(orderId));

public void setEntry(int i, TemplateEntry templateEntry) {
templateEntries.put((new Integer(i)), templateEntry);

and then the fields in the form are generated from an iterate loop
over the SortedMap, each templateEntry bean having an id (the primary
key in the database table). This way the id's don't have to be
sequential (it's not an array index) and it's pure struts tags.

They end up looking like this (there's alot of deeper stuff here, I don't have
the time to make a clean example at the moment), what's important
is the  and  bits. I'll leave the rest as an
execise for the reader.


: "/>

: "/>

Yes, I'll write a huge article once the project is over on what the hell I
did, because I don't think I'll fully understand what I have done until

(Just did some way cool stuff with some JavaScript that generates a date
widget for user input)

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: Forward to an Action

2001-05-08 Thread Jim Richards


instead of 


Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: Struts and DAO pattern. Expensive?

2001-05-07 Thread Jim Richards

> I need to confess I'm lost. The PetStore approach sounds cleaner in some
> sence, but also sounds too repetite in other, and mostly, sounds way to
> expensive (or it isn't?).

Struts uses a connection pool. So when you do a getConnection() you're
actually pulling one out from a pool of shared connection objects, so
there is no real problem with generating a new connection.

In my application I have manager objects will deal with data beans, and
these managers have methods that all look the same (open connection, select
data, build bean, close up, return). Yes it's a lot of cut and paste. I'd
prefer to have used EJBs but the project size doesn't warrant such expense
(time and effort, not money).

Re: pleae help..submit button only allows 1 parameter to be sent with the request

2001-05-02 Thread Jim Richards

Do you have multiple submit buttons, and your action treats the data differently?

You can use hidden fields, so that all the data is sent with the form
fields. Then your action can determine which fields to use based
on the valud of the submit button.

If you have the same input field name and different values then you
can either use some funky JavaScript to set the hidden fields
values, or give them different names. This second option may break
your form beans though.

At 11:36 AM 2/05/01 +0200, Dudley Butt@i-Commerce wrote:
>I want to be able to send more than one parameter when the submit button is
>currently i have this...
><--- I want more
>parameters to be sentis this possible?
Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: struts at webappcabaret

2001-04-26 Thread Jim Richards

Michael Mok wrote:
> The servlet engine to use is Tomcat 3.1.

Tomcat 3.1 has lots of buggies in it, you're better off
using a 3.2.x version or go straight to a 4.0, although
I think 4.0 is still in beta.

Re: Why isn't ActionsErrors throwable?

2001-04-26 Thread Jim Richards

Because exceptions are slow, and can only handle one error
at a time. The design as it is, allows for multiple action
errors to be returned to a page for display.

Exceptions should be for catastrophic errors that cause
the system to barf. Having a blank password doesn't really
fit within that framework.

> The question is: Why doesn't ActionErrors extends
> Throwable? Does it make sense to make a change in the
> framework class org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors
> and make it throwable?

RE: why does struts use forward instead of redirect

2001-04-25 Thread Jim Richards

In your code you can, I don't think there is a run-time parameter between them
because it would affect code quite drastically if you switched from forwards
to redirects.

At 08:40 AM 25/04/01 +0100, you wrote:
>Can you switch between the two, i.e. make struts use redirect?

>>At 11:13 PM 24/04/01 -0400, you wrote: 
>>Anyone know why struts uses forward instead of redirect?
>A redirect sends a request back to the browser, thus generating another
>connection between the client and server. Forward keeps it internal
>to the server, which also means you can re-use the request object.

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: why does struts use forward instead of redirect

2001-04-24 Thread Jim Richards

>At 11:13 PM 24/04/01 -0400, you wrote: 
>Anyone know why struts uses forward instead of redirect?

A redirect sends a request back to the browser, thus generating another
connection between the client and server. Forward keeps it internal
to the server, which also means you can re-use the request object.

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: help with JavaScript and text box.

2001-04-09 Thread Jim Richards


document.requisition['requisitionLines.requiredOnDate'].value = "the new 

Alex Colic wrote:
> Hi, I have a text box mapped to a bean via:
> My form is called requisition.
> If I try to set the value of the text box via JavaScript I have to access
> the box via
> form.object or requisition.requsitionLine.requiredOnDate.
> JavaScript can't find the box due to the numerous '.'.
> Is there a way around this to access the box. Any help is appreciated.
> Regards
> Alex

Re: servlet context attribute?

2001-04-07 Thread Jim Richards

"Young, Wayne" wrote:
> Ok, that gets me closer.  I created the servlet & put the following code in
> the init() method.
> // Store the lookup service in the servlet context
>LookupService lookupService = new LookupService();
> I need to get access to this attribute in a class that has nothing to do
> with servlets. Is there a method call I can make?

Not really no, you might want to look up the definition of the
single design pattern. I don't have the references here, but the
basic idea is to not create the object as you done about but have

LookupService lookupService = LookupService.getInstance();

and then

public class LookupService {

private static LookupService instance = null;

public LookupService getInstance() {
if (instance == null)
instance = new LookupService();

return instance;

so you can grab the objcet any where and be assured there is
only one instance that you are sharing. You of course then need
to make sure that the methods are synchroni(s|z)ed.

Re: Newbie datasource Q

2001-03-27 Thread Jim Richards

What specific operation are you trying to do? Since you don't have autocommit
set to true, you may be having transaction problems.

I found it helpful to create a file with the same operations
as creating the datasource (with the same parameters), a connection and 
doing a sample select statement. It helped to confirm where errors
might be happening.

JOEL VOGT wrote:

> later on in a servlet I have
> javax.sql.DataSource dataSource = servlet.findDataSource(null);
> con = dataSource.getConnection();
> When I try to use this however, I get an java.sql exception :
> 'no data found'

never ending iterate tag questions

2001-03-24 Thread Jim Richards

I've now got the  tag to work, but I'm confused about how it
works with the collection attribute. I've seen examples for people where they

... do something with bean ...

but the documentation

indicates that it should be used thus:

... do something with bean ...

The difference here being the "=" inside the scriptlet for the collection attribute.
When I don't have the "=" as the documentation suggests, I get

Unable to convert a String to java.lang.Object for attribute collectio

and if I do use the "=", which seem to be the correct way, looking at the generated
Java code, I get the correct response.

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

RE: Alternative Frameworks - continued

2001-03-21 Thread Jim Richards

At 10:25 PM 20/03/01 -0800, you wrote:
>Have you looked into vs ...?

The main problem there is that a lot of the development tools are
beta, and finding an ISP that will host it is also difficult. It will
be at least 12 months before it has settled down.

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: Confusion : Usage of Struts

2001-03-21 Thread Jim Richards

What happens to javascript
validations? Where do we fit them in the comlete
They don't happen at the moment. Part of the Struts 1.1 plan is to look
at some forms of
autogeneration of JavaScript validation. A few people have implemented
their own system
for this.

Who takes care of whether
is it a normal application or struts application. does the container do
this ? 
There is no real difference, struts is normal ;-) When the web container
is set up it
need to know that a path ending in .do is part of struts, as are .jsp

If we have to code the
struts-jsp and a corresponding bean for every form then where is the
convenience ? Are we not trading one problem with
I'm not sure what you mean, but there is some shortcut
methods you can handle with
the form input/output part. If you read the taglib documentation you'll
see examples
of this.

Under what circumstances
do I need to extend ActionServlet and use that ?

When you need something that it doesn't provide. For example
I extend ActionServlet to
implement setting up singleton objects for database access.

I have a gut feeling that
struts application will be slow as it involves one extra component at the
server side for every single GUI developed ? 
Milliseconds slower ;-)

Can some body who is
deeply involved with struts development reply.

I'n not that deeply involved, but they are valid questions.

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: PostgreSQL problems.

2001-03-17 Thread Jim Richards

I've finally got the problem sorted out. It was rather obscure, but I think
I could have only solved it because of the "Joy of Open Source(tm)".

When I built my postgresql.jar file, I only put .class files into it, not realising
there were some file to be put in as well. I was getting
an error during ActionServlet loading because there are documented "not supported"
errors that would throw an SQLException, but since the was not
there an extra NullPointerException was being thrown (because the ResourceBundle
was null, because there were no .proerties file) and this rippled through the system
and broke init().

I've rebuilt my postgresql.jar file and the system loads, I can access the database
and we'll all live happily ever after.

At 11:30 PM 14/03/01 +1100, Jim Richards wrote:
>At 01:28 PM 14/03/01 +0100, you wrote:
>>We are currently using PostgreSQL as a database in a productive system together
>>with struts. We tried with Interbase before, but ran into many many
>>difficulties. So we switched to PostgreSQL and everything went well from then
>>What specific kind of problems do you have?

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: PostgreSQL problems.

2001-03-14 Thread Jim Richards

At 01:51 PM 14/03/01 +0100, you wrote:
>This does not sound at all like a PostgreSQL problem.
>Doesn't the error also show up, when you remove the datasource section?

No. That's the catch, it loads and runs if there's no datasource
section in the struts-config.xml file (although you need to comment
out the database code, or not access it).

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: PostgreSQL problems.

2001-03-14 Thread Jim Richards

At 01:28 PM 14/03/01 +0100, you wrote:
>We are currently using PostgreSQL as a database in a productive system together
>with struts. We tried with Interbase before, but ran into many many
>difficulties. So we switched to PostgreSQL and everything went well from then
>What specific kind of problems do you have?


Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

PostgreSQL problems.

2001-03-14 Thread Jim Richards

I'm still getting problems with PostgreSQL (documented previously several
times). Has anyone used it successfully as a database.

Yes, I've got the settings correct, the JDBC string correct, lots of other
things. I really need someone who actually has it working to put their
hand up and say "yes, it does work, this is how I did it."


Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: Business Object Bean Persistence Strategies

2001-03-08 Thread Jim Richards

My approach is to have:

JSP <-> Struts Form/Action  <-> Business Rules  <-> Database

The busines rules are set up as singleton object on servlet
startup. I've subclassed the ActionServlet and overloaded
the datasource init method, there I set up the four business
rule classes and put them into application scope, on
creation the business classes get their datasource reference.

The objects I pass around are data beans that model the database
closely (similar to entity EJBs). 

So for logon, I have a User() object where I set the
user_id and password from the logon form, then the action
class will call User user = UserManager.logon(User user)
which will either find the user and return a fully filled
user object or throw and exception (I might change that though).

UserManager has other methods for logoff, update and create. So the
action code doesn't need to send the dataconnection because
that ties the Action too closely to the data store (what happens
if the authentication changes to LDAP or unix password/username
or database password/username?).

It also means I can reuse the business rules for another project
that might not be struts based. (But whay would I do that ;-)

Michael McCallister wrote:
> What strategies or patterns do people use to manage persistence of business
> object data in a Struts application when there is no EJB layer and there is
> a desire to keep the business objects as independent of the web portion of
> the application as possible?  Do you use the Struts DataSource and pass
> either it or a Connection as a parameter to bean methods that take
> responsibility for managing persistence?  Do you follow the J2EE blueprint
> and create separate Data Access Objects to support persistence?  Are you
> using an open-source framework to manage persistence?  This seems like a
> common problem, but I haven't seen much talk about common solutions.
> Mike

Database pooling code

2001-03-07 Thread Jim Richards

Has anyone got the database pooling code/DataSource to work or specifically
had it fail?

I've been having problems (documented previously) and I've read about a few others
who can't seem to get the pooling to work as well, and I want to get an idea
of specifically where the problem might lie in order to fix it.

You are the simulacrum of my dreams
 and the signifier of my desires

Mr Grumpy ... come and visit his home!

Re: Problem for connecting DB

2001-03-06 Thread Jim Richards

Can you send the top few lines from the exception stack trace?

I think I have a similar problem with a different set up
(solaris/postgreSQL). I have a feeling the database
code just doesn't work.

"Wang, Meng" wrote:
> Dear Jim,
> Thank you for your rapid response.  Here is the specific information:
> Web server: tomcat321
> database:   ACCESS
> OS: Window 2000
> JDK:JDK1.3
> --
> 1. For testing purpose, I put database under my application root directory
> and setup DSN in ODBC.
> 2. I initiate the database config in the struts-config.xml:
> autoCommit="false"
> description="Example Data Source Configuration"
> driverClass="sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"
>  key="abc"
> password=""
>user=""  />
> 3. The codes in the Action class for connecting the database is:
> try {
>   DataSource ds = servlet.findDataSource("abc");
> .
> The problem is:  can NOT find the data source.  Is there any more thing to
> do for connecting the database?
> Thanks a lots!!

Re: Problem for connecting DB

2001-03-06 Thread Jim Richards

Can you be more specific? What web server, what database,
what's your environment? What JDK are you running? What
problems did you get?

"Wang, Meng" wrote:
> Hi, I tried to use struts to connect the relational database and experoenced
> some difficulties.  Is there some example to show that?  Thanks

Re: startup problems

2001-02-28 Thread Jim Richards

I've now got the beta-1 build and it works fine with the PostgreSQL driver,
which I'm very happy about.

Mosy things seem to be working fine, I've got my own ActionServlet extending
the base one, overloaded the initDataSources() method so I can create my
own database singleton objects for reference within each Action, to access
the database.

All is well. For now.

I think what might be useful for me now is getting some time together to
read all the new documentation again.

Jim Richards wrote:
> >I'm sure earlier today when I started with the new version I didn't get the load 
>error, and
> >something I've done has freaked it out. But as you'll see I haven't done that much 
> >freak it out.

Re: Stupd question about Struts and EJB.

2001-02-27 Thread Jim Richards

EJBs come in two flavours (as opposed to flavors), session beans and entity
Session beans represent business logic and rules, entity beans represent a
row in the database.

The model that you'd use is to have Actions do the basic processing of form
elements into data beans (just regular beans, nothing special), but no business
The Action then calls a session bean with the data bean to do something 
(eg. usdate user details in the database). The session bean connects to the
database with an entity bean (or more than one depending on the database

Visually, you'd have

JSP =>  Action  =>  Session Bean=> Entity Bean  => Database

Hope that helps.

At 06:37 AM 27/02/01 -0500, you wrote: 
> I am in the process of convincing my company to go with MVC and Struts. As
> with any thing new, people are sometimes resistant 
> to change. One of the opposition questions I am getting is, how will this
> work with EJB(problem is I don't know too much about EJB currently).  Do the
> EJB's references just go in the Form and Action Bean and every thing else
> behaves the same? Are there any obvious points that I can bring up on the
> subject? 
> Any help on this subject would be much appreciated!
> Thanks, Cameron Ingram

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: job scheduler with struts

2001-02-25 Thread Jim Richards

Depending on what you want to do, you could put your code into an
action, fix it with a URL like 


and then run a job that calls the page. If you're on UNIX get the Perl
module LWP, which installs command line scripts, one called GET
which will call a URL for you, so then your script line in cron would be

GET http://localhost/ >> /tmp/thingy.log

If you're on NT, although it should work I'm not sure. There is an
implementation of "at" for NT in the NT resource kit. Otherwise you
might have to look at other options.

Just be aware if you do't secure the page, then anyone will be able to
call it.

Mihir Parekh wrote:
> We need to implement a job scheduler (similar to unix cron job). Is
> there a open source schedule which can be used with struts?  Any
> pointers on implementing servlet based scheduler?
> Thanks,
> Mihir

Re: more than one formclass for a one jsp ?

2001-02-24 Thread Jim Richards

At 07:37 AM 23/02/01 -0500, you wrote: 

> Hi, 
> I wanted to have more than one form class for   a  one jsp file.  Because in
> my one jsp file,  i have a information of 4 tables. So i want to transfer the
> information to 4  formclasses?  Is it possible?

If what I think you are doing is wanting to have the four form classes
handle all the data from a form in one go, no I don't think so. A form can
only have one action attribute, so there's no way to split the data appart.

You can have four forms within the jsp page, and each one has it's own action, 
but only one can be used at a time. You won't be able to submit to all four at

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: database locks.. (OT)

2001-02-20 Thread Jim Richards

The usual thing to check for are: Are you using the
database conneciton pool? Are you closing your database
connection? Do use you transactions at all? Do you commit your
work? Do you have autocommit turned on?

Anand Raman wrote:
> I am trying to implement a multi page form and in some scenario the
> application is hanging because of a database lock which is not going
> away after some DML.

Re: Problem with installing Structs WAR files

2001-02-19 Thread Jim Richards

Tomcat will unwrap the .war files for loading when running, and delete them
when finished as a convenience. If you want to keep them you'll need
to unjar them yourself first, with something like

cd $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps
mkdir struts-documentation
cd struts-documentation
jar xvf ../struts-documentation.war

>  I have copied the WAR files in the Struts < /webapps > directory to Tomcat
>< webapps > directory (struts-blank.war, struts-documentation.war,
>struts-example.war, struts-template.war, 
>struts-test.war, struts-upload.war) . I'm using Tomcat 4.0-b1 , and
>  I have started Tomcat and the WAR files all are unpacked. I could open
>http://localhost:8080/struts-documentation,... But after I stopped Tomcat,
>all the JSP files in struts-example/ , struts-documentation/,... were
>deleted. What's wrong? Please help me!

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: Indexed bean property names and Javascript

2001-02-18 Thread Jim Richards

One thing to try in your code is to reference the element as:


Laine Donlan wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone has had experience using javascript with form
> elements containing nested properties.  Basically I am trying to avoid
> looping through the forms elements and matching names to find the
> element I want.  However I am having a problem with javascript not
> liking form elements names with "."'s in them.
> i.e.
> A form generated by the text tag like the following:
> cannot be accessed by javascript using the
> form.someBean.someProperty.value.
> Has anyone had success doing anything like this, or am I missing
> something all together?  Thanks in advance.

Re: startup problems

2001-02-17 Thread Jim Richards

>I'm sure earlier today when I started with the new version I didn't get the load 
>error, and
>something I've done has freaked it out. But as you'll see I haven't done that much to
>freak it out.

I think I'm onto something now. I commented out the database connection
code I had:

And now it doesn't get the error. Which is really odd because the startup comment
with Tomcat indicated it loaded without a problem. The database is running, and
the postgresql driver is in the CLASSPATH of tomcat.

New org.apache.struts.util.GenericDataSource
Set org.apache.struts.util.GenericDataSource properties
 GenericDataSource[activeCount=0, autoCommit=false, closed=false, 
description=Cyberlancers Data Source Configuration, driverClass=org.postgresql.Driver, 
loginTimeout=0, maxCount=10, minCount=1, password=grumpy, readOnly=false, 
url=jdbc:postgresql://, useCount=0, user=grumpy])
Pop org.apache.struts.util.GenericDataSource

The url and username/password works with the JDBC test that come with PostgreSQL 7.0.3 
I'm using, and other simple tests that I've done.

You are the simulacrum of my dreams
 and the signifier of my desires

Mr Grumpy ... come and visit his home!

startup problems

2001-02-17 Thread Jim Richards

I'm currently running Tomcat 3.2.1, Solaris7 and J2SE with JDK 1.3 and I have
been getting this problem for a few days now. I've got the 2217 build installed.
When I start Tomcat this is the log of messages I get (I commented out struts-example
and documentation for this test). (The run script bounces the web server and does a run
start of tomcat, rather then a start/stop).

I'm sure earlier today when I started with the new version I didn't get the load 
error, and
something I've done has freaked it out. But as you'll see I haven't done that much to
freak it out.

It seems to load everything without a problem, which is odd. As the messages indicate 
the form beans and mappings are loaded without hitch. At the bottom is has

cannot load servlet name: action

When I run a simple jsp page, that references the formBean I get this error (the 
full stack is at the end)

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find ActionMappings or ActionFormBeans 
at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.FormTag.lookup(
at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.FormTag.doStartTag(

a test JSP page works (just loading the libs and doing output). It only seems
to be with the forms and associated beans.

Most of the configuration code is a copy from the example application, most of
the mods I have done (eg. database servlet) I have commented out to try and
get this to work. The .tld files are there as I can do things like 

and so on.

I've checked package names, I've taken out nifty bits of code, I've checked
classes are compiled and where they expect to be. I've checked file

My jsp form (which is an include) is this

and my configuration parameters are:

I'm stumped. Any help would be great. If you need more data then I'll include what I 

#   Output of Tomcat 3.2.1

root@splat$ ./
/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl restart: httpd restarted
Using classpath: 

2001-02-18 02:24:00 - Ctx(  ): Set debug to 1
2001-02-18 02:24:00 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( )
Starting tomcat. Check logs/tomcat.log for error messages
2001-02-18 02:24:00 - Ctx( ): XmlReader - init   
2001-02-18 02:24:00 - Ctx( ): Reading 
2001-02-18 02:24:03 - Ctx( ): Loading -2147483646 
2001-02-18 02:24:04 - Ctx( ): Loading 2 action
register('-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.0//EN', 
resolveEntity('-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.0//EN', 
'') Resolving to alternate 
New org.apache.struts.util.GenericDataSource
Set org.apache.struts.util.GenericDataSource properties
 GenericDataSource[activeCount=0, autoCommit=false, closed=false, 
description=Cyberlancers Data Source Configuration, driverClass=org.postgresql.Driver, 
loginTimeout=0, maxCount=10, minCount=1, password=grumpy, readOnly=false, 
url=jdbc:postgresql://, useCount=0, user=grumpy])
Pop org.apache.struts.util.GenericDataSource
New org.apache.struts.action.ActionFormBean
Set org.apache.struts.action.ActionFormBean properties
Call org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.addFormBean(ActionFormBean[logonForm])
Pop org.apache.struts.action.ActionFormBean
New org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward
Set org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward properties
Call org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.addForward(ActionForward[success])
Pop org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward
New org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping
Set org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping properties
New org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward
Set org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward properties
Call org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping.addForward(ActionForward[false])
Pop org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward
Call org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.addMapping(ActionMapping[path=/logon, 

Re: Help with Exception

2001-02-15 Thread Jim Richards

> > Sorry about not cutting out the previous messages, but the
> > discussion is sort-of relevant to what I'm having problems with.
> > I'm getting
> >
> > javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find ActionMappings or 
>ActionFormBeans collection
> >
> > I can run the example, and I can run a test page with nothing but
> > a few tags (eg: ) but no forms/beans/etc. And I get the
> > above error. I've checked struts-config.xml.
> >
> > I can only think I've missed something.
> >
> Have you configured the controller servlet to be ?  If you do not 
>do this, none of
> the servlet context attributes created by the controller servlet (including the two 
>mentioned in the
> exception) will have been created if the first request you submit is to a JSP page.
> If that's not the issue, what servlet container are you running on.  Some have 
>problems with
> load-on-startup -- check the installation documentation for platform specific 

Yes, sorry. I'm using Tomcat 3.2.1 on Solaris, with J2SE 1.3. I have load-on-startup
set to 1 (and my database container set to 2). I get an odd error when Tomcat starts
in that it says (and this is from memory, don't have the extact message here) it
can't load servlet: action. Now I assume this is the action servlet that is the
struts one in the web.xml. But, it was a cut and paste job with modifications
from the example web.xml, so I'd expect it to work. The servlet mapping seems

Help with Exception

2001-02-15 Thread Jim Richards

Sorry about not cuttng out the previous messages, but the
discussion is sort-of relevant to what I'm having problems with.
I'm getting

javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find ActionMappings or ActionFormBeans 

I can run the example, and I can run a test page with nothing but
a few tags (eg: ) but no forms/beans/etc. And I get the
above error. I've checked struts-config.xml.

I can only think I've missed something.





and the jsp file (which is an include) has:

At 10:16 AM 9/02/01 -0800, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
>Toby wrote:
>> The actions class in struts set the MAPPINGS_KEY to
>> "org.apache.struts.action.MAPPINGS" along with a MESSAGES_KEY, LOCALE_KEY,
>> FORWARDS_KEY and ERROR_KEY.  I cannot find the "" file
>> anywhere in the jakarta-tomcat or struts directories and assumed this is why I
>> am getting this error message.  Does anyone know where I could find these
>> files?
>Have you defined your ActionServlet instance to be  in the
>web.xml file?  If you haven't, and then try to access a JSP page first, the
>controller servlet will not have been initialized, and the context attributes it
>needs will not have been created yet.
>> Toby wrote:
>> > I am able to run the struts-test example and the hello-world example from
>> > Bluestone, but nothing else.  I will take a closer look at the
>> > struts-config.xml file.
>> >
>> > Ted Husted wrote:
>> >
>> > > Are you able to run the Struts applications provided in the
>> > > distribution?
>> > >
>> > > The action mappings are provided through the struts-config.xml in the
>> > > application's WEB-INF folder.
>> > >
>> > > *** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***
>> > >
>> > > On 2/5/2001 at 8:21 PM Toby wrote:
>> > >
>> > > >Hi,
>> > > >I'm new to Tomcat and Struts.  I can get the basic hello world struts
>> > > > examples to run in my environment.  But when I try something more
>> > > > sophisticated, I receive the following error message concerning the
>> > > > ActionMappings.  I believe I have a Context Path problem, but am not
>> > > > sure how to resolve it.  Can anyone help?
>> > > >
>> > > > Error: 500
>> > > > Location: /struts-logon/logon.jsp
>> > > > Internal Servlet Error:
>> > > >
>> > > > javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot retrieve ActionMappings under
>> > > >key
>> > > > "org.apache.struts.action.MAPPINGS"
>> > > >  at
Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: AW: JDBC Connection Pooling

2001-02-15 Thread Jim Richards

I'm trying to do the same thing here, but I'm not sure on a few
of the details.

I've got a servlet called DatabaseContainer, which will handle all
the database connections and populating Beans to send back
to the Actions.

What I can't work out is, once I've get the DataSource, how does the
Action know about the DatabaseContainer? At the moment I've

getServletContext().setAttribute("DatabaseContainer", this);

and so in the Action, I can call

DatabaseContainer database = (DatabaseContainer) 

But this doesn't seem right. Since Craig doesn't like singleton objects
hanging around, and I don't feel like I want to extend ActionServlet,
this seems like the only way (since getServlet() is depreciated in the
2.2 spec).

Any ideas?

>> The problem I'm facing is a bit diffrent as I want to access the
>> Connection Pool from a servlet that is started upon startup
>> of the servlet engine (similar to the struts example application).
>> In order to be able to access the DataSource, I tried to subclass
>> the ActionServlet class and to access the data source that way.
>> However, my servlet engine (Tomcat 3.2.1) complains that it is unable
>> to start this new Action servlet...
>> Any ideas how to solve this problem?
>There are three things you will need to do:
>* Make sure that both the Struts controller servlet and your own
>  servlet are marked .
>* Use values for the  attribute that cause the
>  Struts controller servlet to be initialized first (for example, use a
>  "1" as the value for the controller servlet, and "2" for yours).
>  I'm not positive that Tomcat 3.2 respects this, but it is supposed to.
>* The Struts controller servlet makes the data source it initializes
>  available as a servlet context attribute, as well as available via a
>  method call.  You can therefore grab it by calling:
>DataSource ds = (javax.sql.DataSource)
>  getServletContext().getAttribute(Action.DATA_SOURCE_KEY);
>  in any other servlet (or JSP page) that is part of the same web app.

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: Old questions that die hard

2001-02-11 Thread Jim Richards

Ted Husted wrote:
> Jim Richards wrote:
> >The other thing I haven't found reference to yet is
> >client side validation (but I also haven't looked that hard either)
> It's on the 1.1 TODO list.
> And, of course, we're glad that you've checked in again!

I did notice that you had your name down for the client
side validation. I'd be interested in your thoughts, and
ideas because this is something I've done a lot of
recently (not in Struts/JSP though) ...

Re: Old questions that die hard

2001-02-11 Thread Jim Richards

Ted Husted wrote:
> Jim Richards wrote:
> >The other thing I haven't found reference to yet is
> >client side validation (but I also haven't looked that hard either)
> It's on the 1.1 TODO list.
> And, of course, we're glad that you've checked in again!

I did notice that you had your name down for the client
side validation. I'd be interested in your thoughts, and
ideas because this is something I've done a lot of
recently (not in Struts/JSP though) ...

Old questions that die hard

2001-02-10 Thread Jim Richards

I've been out of the Struts loop for a few weeks (or months, or years based on
Internet time) and I am impressed that almost everything is ready for a 1.0
release, which means Craig's comments below still stand, re: Multipage forms
and forms built dynamically. The other thing I haven't found reference to yet is
client side validation (but I also haven't looked that hard either)

I'll have to start digging deep again.

Craig wrote:
>My thinking on multi-page forms is definitely not totally finished yet, but my
>operating assumption has been that you'd have separate actions for each page, so
>you could therefore direct errors back to the individual pages.  The logical
>"grouping" of the actions could happen by subclassing a common base class that
>represented the shared logic.  You would declare the same form bean for all of
>these actions, and you'd store this bean in session scope.  (As a side benefit,
>you can also use "next" and "previous" logical forward names directly, without
>having to calculate which page you are on in sequence, and then know what the
>next and previous logical names are.)
>It is still messy, because the validation method (at least) needs to know what
>fields came from what pages, and there is no convenient way to communicate that
>information so that it only needs to be specified once.  I think that a final
>solution to this is probably going to need to wait for a 1.1 time frame, when we
>can figure out how to deal with it cleanly.  I believe that the current approach
>works quite well for single page forms (with the outstanding issue of people
>that want to deal with dynamic sets of properties, rather than fixed ones, which
>will need to be a separate extension if we decide to support it).

Mary had a crypto key
 she kept it in escrow
  and everything that Mary said
the Feds were sure to know.

Re: Data Validation

2001-02-04 Thread Jim Richards

>Has anyone thought about adding data validation tags to the Struts taglibs?

This came up quite some time ago. I have a requirement for this sort
of thing, and posted a library with example for doing validation
(not sure where it is now).

It work on the client side in JavaScript and you specify the 
function you want to use for validation, and the message 
to display, it piles them all up and displays it in a window.alert()
with all the errors, and jumps to the first field with the
error. It mostly works as there are some freaky things with hidden
fields it doesn't like.

Re: war files, and form action question

2000-12-07 Thread Jim Richards

"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:

> Tomcat only knows how to auto-expand WAR files if you store them in the webapps 
> -- not if they are elsewhere in your filesystem.

I'll assume this is a feature.

> Yes there has, compared to Struts 0.5 ... the validate() method now takes arguments. 
> I'm
> going to add a deprecated validate() method to so you will at least 
> warned about this.
> Note also that the parameters to the perform() method are different in 1.0 versus 
>0.5 as
> well.  I just added a deprecated perform() method to warn people about this one.

Well, it worked in the build from a few weeks ago (a 1.0 model). I had read
about the change in validate, but since I didn't get a warning on the compile
I thought I was safe. Also the javadoc perform method signature matched
my one.

I thought it might have been something like the configuration.

war files, and form action question

2000-12-06 Thread Jim Richards

I've got two questions,

this is more to do with my tomcat configuration, but I can't get the
documentation and exmaples to load as .war files, currently I have
in tomcat.xml (renamed form server.xml)

Context path="/struts-documentation"
 reloadable="true" >

this is also inside a  tag. It works if I expand the 
.war file out under htdocs/struts-documentation, but otherwise not. How do
I change the this to make it work?

The other question is I had a test application that was working,
but the the 6-Dec-2000 build it doesn't seem to call the
form validate method anymore. Have there been any changes
since the middle of November that missed by me on the configuration
file or Action class? My struts-config.xml looks like (the important
bits anyway)

where MultipageAction and MultipageForm are the ralavant
beans, the first page is page1.jsp and the follwing page
is page2.jap then success.jsp







Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

design question

2000-12-06 Thread Jim Richards

As I understand it, is the basic design of struts generally to avoid
any direct java code in the .jsp files, and do everything through tags?

And although we can so things within <% %> tags, it is not

Just wondering before I embark on my project, if it's worth including the
design of any extra tags, or just doing the things I want in <% %> ...

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: EJB references

2000-12-06 Thread Jim Richards

You probably need to create a helper class that does all this work, 
keeps the references as public variables and create it as a singleton in
the init of the servlet, and store it as an application wide variable
so you can access it easily and have references to all the session beans.

I can't remember the deal though with synchronisation and EJBs, you
had better check on that as there will be a high possibility of 
multiple threads (servlets) accessing it at the same time.

At 08:37 AM 6/12/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Jim and Alex,
>I think both of you understood me wrong. I am not planning to access EJBs
>from JSP pages at all. I will have a lot of session EJBs to manipulate
>Entity EJBs. But, the suggested approach accessing them from servlets was:

[snip ...]
Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: Article on JavaWorld

2000-12-05 Thread Jim Richards

If you're prepared to be patient, I need both of these, and
can work on them but I won't be able to start unitl January
on the development of it.

The AutoBean idea (as an idea) is something I use already
in Cold Fusion, and have done before in PL/SQL.

The client side validator, as I posted before I have a good
JavaScript validation library I can use, and am happy
for it to be included.

"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
> The "AutoBean" concept has been requested several times, often in the guise of
> "beans with dynamic properties" so that you don't have to create a form bean
> with individual getters and setters.  I'd like to explore this concept in depth
> in Struts 1.1, which will give us time to make sure that a complete and coherent
> set of support for such beans can be included (for example, all the custom tags
> that know how to extract bean properties should now how to extract them from an
> AutoBean, without the page developer having to do anything).
> The "Validator" concept is interesting.  Besides the server-side format checking
> that is being done here, I would also like to see the option for the form tags
> to generate client-side JavaScript code (if requested) to check as many things
> like this as you can on the client side, to improve the user experience.

Re: Nesting form inside ifParameterEquals

2000-12-05 Thread Jim Richards

You can use java script. I posted a message about this 
to the struts-dev mailing list a few days ago. I don't
have the email, but you can find it in the mail archives,
which I don't have a reference for either.

> Nikolaus Rumm wrote:
> Hello,
> what I wanted to do is...
> However, under struts 0.5 the tag's body and thus the form tag is not evaluated, but 
>the whole page is skipped. Is there a way to dynamically alter the action of a 
>struts:form tag ?
> Regards
> Nikolaus

Re: Question about errors tag

2000-12-05 Thread Jim Richards

[big snip ...]

> Is there another way to accomplish the same thing, without tacking the error
> on to the redirect URL?

Probably not, no. I can't see where you'd store the errors. In the session
would cause problems with synchronisation, and on the redirect URL
could cause buffer problems (with more then 1024 bytes of errors).

You could store it in the session, if you used a unique identifier
to store them, and pass that identifier through to the redirected

I'd think you need to look at *why* you don't want the action URL
displayed in the first place. You could always be sneaky and use a
hidden frame to force the URL to always be the same.

Re: EJB references

2000-12-05 Thread Jim Richards

I'll be using ELB's for my application when I start building it
in a few weeks time (still in the design stage). I expect to
be using only EJBs from a action servlet, that are session
beans, and those session beans use entity beans. From previous
work I found there was too much overhead using the entity beans
directly in the generation of a html page, and you rarely
needed that direct conncetion to the database anyway.

As for the references, I'm not sure what you mean. I'll be putting
things like the JNDI and connection information into to web.xml
as startup parameters.

"Boulatian, Misak" wrote:
> Hi all,
> The application we design is quite large. I am still trying to figure out
> the question on EJB references. From the Craig Mcc.'s comment I could put
> those in one startup servlet. Is it a viable solution? I am going to have
> many session references. Where am I going to store those references (in
> servlet context)? How can I make those available to action classes? Or I can
> put only the handle in the servlet context and call lookup in every action
> class (any scalability problems with this approach?). I cannot believe that
> none of you worked in large applications and will not be using EJBs for
> business logic and did not go over this kind of issue.
> I appreciate response,
> Misak Boulatian

Re: Submitting forms to alternate actions

2000-12-04 Thread Jim Richards

With JavaScript you can specify the form action, so you'd have 
something like:

You can also mess around with the form onSubmit action, but I was
having trouble trying to determine which button was clicked through
that method. This seemed a lot cleaner.

Steven Peterson wrote:
> Hi all:
> I have used struts to set up a simple application.  My problem comes up
> when I want to submit a form to different actions, depending on which
> button the user presses.  If the contents of the form were not
> important, I could simply GET a different URL (each mapped to a
> different action) for each button.  However, when I need the contents of
> the form so that the form must be POSTed, then I am stuck --  as far as
> I can tell, there is only one url that a form can be posted to.   Is
> there a way to override the form's coded post action based on which
> button is pressed?
> - Steve
> --
> Steven Peterson, President
> Frontier Productions, Inc.
> 310 Wesley Drive
> Chapel Hill, NC 27516
> Tel: 919-942-1386
> Fax: 919-933-2677

Re: book ideas

2000-11-30 Thread Jim Richards

I'd prefer (and this is personal preference only) more on the development of
models and application frameworks then actual introduction code.

Coverage of PostgreSQL as well (it has transaction, which are quite
crucial to the EJBs, otherwise you get MySQL's serialised table locking
which is not great).

Use of EJBs through the MVC framework. Where to use session
beans (both types) and when to use entity beans (ie. should
entity beans be attached to the session object (no, not really)
but only accessed through the session beans, and the session beans
return ordinary Java Beans to the servlet.

Security context in relation to attaching a profile to the 
whole application.

Not a reprint of the documentation that comes with any of the main
downloads, as this just duplicates content and kills more trees.

Other EJB/J2EE containers (eg. Enhydra/Jonas).

Wait till Tomcat 4.0 is stable and Struts 1.0, otherwise you'll
have major dead space in the book.

(Although a paper book will always be somewhat out of date)

If you focus on frameworks/ideas/concepts rather then deep
examples you'll find the book lasts a lot longer, which is
why Knuth's books are still valid resources today but my
Java 1.0 Beta2 books are wasted space.

At 10:59 AM 30/11/00 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi Everybody,
>I'm (already) working in a book in JSP and Tag Libraries development for New
>Riders Publishing.
>The idea of the book is:
>- An introduction on Servlets and JSP
>- Deep in Tag coding
>- Design and Architectural issues (major challenges when designing web apps
>with Servlets, JSP, Pet Shop Model 2 approach, Struts Model 2 approach, the
>role of tags in process encapsulation and reuse, how tags affect system
>design and how the Servlet/JSP architecture responds to that, etc.). EJBs
>are treated as subsidiary (calm down!) since it's too broad a subject and
>very well covered in many other books.
>- Deep in Struts (a couple of chapters to discuss the model, the usage
>scenarios and of course the taglibs)
>- Jakarta Taglibs (a broad coverage)
>- Commercial taglibs (the commercial case)
>- Appendixes on TOMCAT (I focus in TOMCAT), MySQL, Caucho Resin and Jrun
>(examples are provided also on these), jBoss
>- Many, many, MANY examples on everything.
>Questions are:
>1. What do you think of this coverage ?
>2. What would you like to see on paper ? My sources on the design issues are
>a number of articles (for instance that one from Jason Hunter questioning
>JSP), some reference books and the lists (not to mention experience, of
>3. On the side of Struts, what do you like to see there ? What do you think
>is not yet said or well said about Struts ? 
>4. And on the design issues on Servlet/JSP architecture(s) ?
>Thank you all for your attention on this,
>Wellington Silva
Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: HttpSession.getAttribute() missing?

2000-11-27 Thread Jim Richards

Then you've got the wrong .jar file in your classpath, or earlier
in your classpath.

You can either edit your CLASSPATH environment variable setting,
or remove the offending .jar file from your system. You'll then
need to include the correct .jar file (depends on your server
setup) that includes the latest classes.

What server are you using?

> The HttpSession it's going after is in the Jswdk version 1.0.1.Could it mean 
>putValue() instead?

Re: How to make ActionForm handle extended properties

2000-11-27 Thread Jim Richards

> Currently, every form field has to have equivalent field in ActionForm bean,
> with both getter and setter method. This requires that a new ActionForm be
> generated for each new Struts form (with additional fields).
> Our applicaiton requires 'extensibility', ie. HTML/JSP designer should be
> able to add new fields to the form without breaking serverside Java code,
> including Struts.
> I've made some minor changes to Struts 0.5 to achieve such extensibility.
> Basically, it use a Hashtable to save and retrieve extra fields that do not
> appear in the ActionForm.

This is something I really need. I have my user profile fields generated
from a database template table, so that it might contain data for
a "First Name", "Last Name", "Address 1", "Address 2". TO make it reusable
the next application might use "Full Name" and the application knows
how to read the template table and display the correct type of 
text field and JavaScript validation function.

I thought using String[] getXXX and setXXX(String[]) methods
might have worked, but didn't.

Re: need some explanations

2000-11-23 Thread Jim Richards

It's really only for an example. It you want real
object persistence, you'll need to develop your
owne layer. Something like EJB's will make this much,
much easier. Or some direct JDBC code perhaps.

Vilavanh Messien wrote:
> I analyzed the struts example in order to develop my own small application.
> Unfortunatelaty, I don't really understand how the user's information are
> saved
> in the "database.xml" file.
> The DatabaseServlet must write the information in the "database.xml" when
> the destroy() method
> is called.
> My question is how to make the destroy() method perform ?
> How can I do to pass some arguments to the DatabaseServlet ?
> Thanks
> Vilavanh

Re: Chaining controllers and passing parameters

2000-11-22 Thread Jim Richards

 > One of the ideas I've been thinking about (for a Struts 1.1 
timeframe) is to
 > support a more "workflow" oriented mechanism for defining actions. 
The thought
 > would be that an application developer would decompose the business 
functions of
 > the application into discrete "tasks", and then glue them together with
 > "scripts" defined in the struts config file.  Struts could then include a
 > standard Action that executes the script -- the net effect would be 
to reduce
 > (or possibly eliminate) the need to write Action classes yourself. 
In such an
 > environment, chaining functions together would become as simple as 
writing the
 > appropriate tasks into a config file.
 > Does this sound like an interesting direction to pursue?

I'd actually -1 on that. although I don't know how loud my voice
would be.

The reasons would be that it'd create another layer, a scripting
language that we'd define. It'd make it harder for new people to
learn and cause bloat in the framework. At the moment, it's
a lightweight yet still extendible framework that allows
for the customisation we might need. We'd then need to work
to make it a fully featured XML/etc based language, that
yes would be useful, but I don't think should be done.

Instead, we could create the tasks, but still allow the Action
class to define which class is called and how, with our defined
arguments. But wouldn't this clash with business oriented session
EJBs, which should supply this function?

Re: Anybody have Dreamweaver definitions for struts?

2000-11-22 Thread Jim Richards

>Just wondering if any of you have created Dreamweaver extension files or 
>property inspectors for the struts tags.

Just make sure you use the lastest nightly build as the structure
of the tag files has been split into 4 files, for form, bean, template and
logic, which each have their own XML namespace.

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: thought on design

2000-11-21 Thread Jim Richards

> The server-side enhancement is that the validate() method is now called with the 
>request and
> the current mapping so that you have more context for making your validation 
>decisions --
> for example, you can go retrieve the user's session and get state information you've 
> there.

Oh, I thought that was there from v0.5. That'd make sense.

> Support for auto-generating client side validation JavaScript is not there, and is 
> to be in the final 1.0 release.

Well, perhaps I should to learn how the tags are built
so I can start doing this then. I have an itch. I had
a look at them, they don't seem too hard.

> I agree with using client-side validation where you can, to improve the UI by 
> errors earlier.  My caution is that you should plan on re-performing these checks as
> appropriate on the server side.  Don't assume that your JavaScript validation 
>actually took
> place.

Oh, not at all. But different people prefer different
things for their validation. Server side validation
should be for things like, "does the user exist?"
where as client should be, "is a user name entered?"

It's a balance and trade between the two. We need to
work out a good way of doing this. I don't want to
see struts become too bloated with functionality.

> This would worsen performance (handling exceptions is not particularly cheap) versus 
> current approach.

> Also, there are also many sorts of error checks that depend on more than one field 
>("field B
> is required if field A is present, otherwise it must be blank").  The HTTP and 
>servlet specs
> provide no guarantees on what order the request parameters are presented, so where 
>do you
> put the checks for this?  In many cases, you are going to need a global validate() 
>method of
> some sort anyway.

Um, yes. Good point. I didn't think of that.

I'll try and get my JavaScript validation library together,
clean it up and put it on my web site (which needs a good clean
up anyway).

And then write some stuff about how we could look at a client
side validation, that works with a server side one.

Re: thought on design

2000-11-21 Thread Jim Richards

> In 1.0, the validation model for the server side has been significantly enhanced.  
> idea of auto-generating JavaScript validation code for the things you can check on 
> client side is attractive, but won't make Struts 1.0 (unless someone really hurries
> and creates it :-).

Hmm ... I am using a nightly build from about a week ago,
I'll have to dig into it to see how this enhanced validation
works (or is it not in there yet).

> I would caution you that, even if you implement client-side JavaScript validations,
> your server side logic should not rely on them.  After all, the user can easily turn
> off JavaScript, and/or write an application that simulates a browser's interactions
> with the server but tries to bypass your edits.

The client side validation is only for simple things,
that validate() would do, such as checking for number
format, empty strings, valida credit card number, post
code and so on. The action bean would still need to check
that, say a credit card was valid (rather then just a number).

>> Also, I couldn't work out how to get the request attributes
>> to be sticky between the next and previous pages (think
>> and it's param() functions). It's probably something to do
>> with the response, but I don't have the docs handy.
> Sticky checkboxes have been fixed in 1.0 by adding a reset() method to the ActionForm
> class.  You should reset any boolean properties to false in the reset() method, which
> is called before the property populator -- which will set the checkbox back to true 
> it was indeed checked.

Hmm, I was thinking more about text fields and so on
between multipage forms, not rebuilding the current
form with the previous data.

> I will take a look at your example, but there is a subtle philosophical issue that 
> affected the way ActionForm beans are specified in Struts.
> Basically, an ActionForm is part of the presentation layer, not the model layer.
> Their primary purpose is to encapsulate the current set of inputs that a user last
> entered -- whether or not they are valid -- so that you can create an error page that
> faithfully represents what *was* entered, and points out what needs to be changed
> (just like GUI apps do).  Otherwise, you're going to force the user to have to
> re-enter some of the fields, and that will not make you a popular person with your
> user community.

I suppose what I'd like is rather then having validate()
being called, when each property has it's setXXX method
called, the setXXX method does the simple validation, and
throws a ProperyVetoException with the error message
text as part of the Exception. Then if a try block
cathces this, stacks up the error messages and calls
the page again with these errors. It seems that from
what I've seen, most validate() methods are the same.

Re: thought on design

2000-11-21 Thread Jim Richards

Duffey, Kevin wrote:

> I actually do a different design for validating forms. I place a hidden
> field before each field I want validated, with a name of validate and a
> value of RegExp names that determine the type of validation to be done. In
> the JS, I loop through all elements, and if the type==hidden and
> name==validate, I get the value, tokenize it into , separated items, then

[snip ...]

Yeah, that works. I was thinking about the Regular expression
but that's only supported in JavaScript1.2 and I usually
have a requirement of earlier browsers. My code also allows
for generic validation functions (what if you need a ","
in your validation RegExp?). Although regular expressions
can do a lot, they can't do everything.

Having hidden fields can cause problems at the server
side depending on the technology you use. Since JSP
and Servlets are flexible in the parameters, it's a
horses for courses. But for both of us, the validate
seems to be the wrong thing.

Re: Struts + Design Philosophy

2000-11-21 Thread Jim Richards

> users. What I am asking is, will STRUTS gracefully support a 2 stage
> approach to forms - 1 stage to construct and fill in values, and a second
> one to gather responses and process ?

This is something I am looking at, have a look at the
simple JavaScript validation page I posted yesterday
(well, yesterday my time).

I think we can improve on the ActionForm.validate()
style of doing things.

thought on design

2000-11-21 Thread Jim Richards

Having had a look at struts for few weeks now, I have
some thoughts based on other work I've done and what I'd
like to see/do implemented.

Just to start with, I do like it. It'll make development
cleaner and easier. I would have done something similar
based on Cold Fusion's fusebox model probably.

The validation method in ActionForm.validate seems to me to
being too simple. I'm used to JavaScript validation that is
fairly similar (see attached html file). I do notice that
there is some mention of this in the TODO list.

The main problem I see so far with validate is how it will
work for mulitpage forms. The only way I can see that
it'd work is by having a hidden field (or form submit value
that would specify the page number and an if statement
in the validate method that would check just the required
values. This would tie the validate too closely to the HTML

If you look at the example I've attached, you'll see that
there are references to the pages in MultipageForm and
MultipageAction, as well as validation that is tied to the
pages. (The code could be cleaner, eg. more messages
from the .properties file, better error checking,
and cleaning out unused beans, formatting of the code ;-)

I could write the code so it checks that a parameter is
specified, but this will cause problems with check boxes and
multiple select.

Also, I couldn't work out how to get the request attributes
to be sticky between the next and previous pages (think
and it's param() functions). It's probably something to do
with the response, but I don't have the docs handy.

What I'd like to see is better use of the Bean style, where
we use PropertyVetoException and similar. It does mean
writing a more stubborn bean container. But it'll be useful
when it comes to using Beans developed for instant graphical
interfaces. Since all my work has been back end work, I've
only just got into Beans now after a long time in Servlets,
EJB and Java 1.0 AWT programming.

Have fun ...

Title: Form Validation

Not required/not validated phone number: 
Not required/validated: 
Text field: 
4 digit number (credit crad/postcode) 
Phone number: 
Credit Month: 
Credit Year: 


Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: Pages being cached

2000-11-21 Thread Jim Richards

(This has been cross posted to tomcat-user, as it seems to be a
tomcat issue rather then a struts issue.)

I have found that this behaviour is *not* replicated when using 
Tomcat's built in HTTP server. I need to do some deep
experimentation, and install tomcat-3.2b8 as well.

I'll let you all know how it goes.

>>> I'm getting weird behaviour with my struts code, and with the example
>>> application.
>>Once during testing I noticed that pages seemed to be served at random..
>>Then I shut down httpd and then shut down tomcat.
>>Thereafter I restarted tomcat and then restarted htttpd.
>>Then everything worked.
>>So I've concluded that when I want to restart tomcat, I've to
>>first stop httpd, then tomcat, then start tomcat and then start httpd.
>>I'm not sure if I should restart tomcat when I just want to restart httpd.
>I have to restart Tomcat and Apache to get anything to work. It doesn't
>help. Once my application has compiled the three pages it has in it,
>(that is viewed them) it starts freaking out. Going through the documentation
>doesn't seem a problem, so long as that's all I do. It happens with the
>example application, with everything.

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: Pages being cached

2000-11-20 Thread Jim Richards

>> I'm getting weird behaviour with my struts code, and with the example
>> application.

>Once during testing I noticed that pages seemed to be served at random..
>Then I shut down httpd and then shut down tomcat.
>Thereafter I restarted tomcat and then restarted htttpd.
>Then everything worked.
>So I've concluded that when I want to restart tomcat, I've to
>first stop httpd, then tomcat, then start tomcat and then start httpd.
>I'm not sure if I should restart tomcat when I just want to restart httpd.

I have to restart Tomcat and Apache to get anything to work. It doesn't
help. Once my application has compiled the three pages it has in it,
(that is viewed them) it starts freaking out. Going through the documentation
doesn't seem a problem, so long as that's all I do. It happens with the
example application, with everything.

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Pages being cached

2000-11-18 Thread Jim Richards

I'm getting weird behaviour with my struts code, and with the example

Currently I've got Tomcat 3.2b6 running, with the latest nightly build of 
struts (17-11-2000, that's the 17th November, 2000) and the examples,
documentation and test data all run. (Which I must say, took a very
long time to get a configuration other then a standard install right.)

JDK 1.3, Solaris7 ... all the latest patches.

(On a side note, I don't think tomcat loads .war files unless then are
in the $TOMCAT/webapps directory and the AutoLoad interceptor
is turned on.)

I have virtual hosts set up, and contexts usually set as something sensible
(usually /context). I've got Apache web server and mod_jk.

I've found that after loading about 2 or 3 pages from the example, or my
own (three page) application, pages start coming out of order, just 
by clicking on links or submitting forms. The weirdest behaviour is when
I might be viewing the documentation on one virtual host and context, and a
page from my example application (on a different virtual host and context)
will appear in its place. Or the example application will appear instead
of my application.

It's not the browser because I have the cache set to zero, and for it to
compare the document on the network to local every time.

Anyone seen similar?

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Application frameworks

2000-11-10 Thread Jim Richards

(sorry if you've already got this from another list, I'm trying to canvas
as many ideas as I can)

I've been looking at several application frameworks over the last few days,
and was wondering what people were using?

In general I'd like to have my servlet generate XML output (perhaps using
ECS?) that is picked up by an XSLT engine (perhaps Cocoon?) for display
to the user to keep the content apart from the system. So far I've come across

Turbine Quite well developed but requires a large amount of 
knowledge to get your head around (although that's *my*
opinion). I understand the model, but I want to use EJB for 
database connectivity, and Cocoon for front end processing
which AFAIK has not been integrated fully yet (unless the
docs haven't been updated).

Enhydra A full enterprise application environment. Also has the same
problem as Turbine; large system with lots of work done
on it. It uses a process where your HTML pages use
 tags that are replaced by the content.
Which doesn't seem as flexible as I want. (Although there
is a good separation between business/display/database.)

Struts  A smaller project, designed with news models in mind. Although
not fully developed I don't know if Cocoon XML transformation
will work with it.

Any ideas?

thanks ...
Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML