
2003-03-21 Thread modena
Hi i've a simple question: is possible obtain the languages supported from
application? With the MessageResources class i could obtain the message in a
particular language, if it is supported from application. For example if i've
the properties file for the french languages i could obtain a message in this
language...but how i know the language supported of my application ( in fact the
file properties that there are in my application ). Is stupid try to obtain the
message in all language for example try to obtain the message in french and if
exists i know that there is a file properties for obtain the list
of file properties of application?
Thank in advantage.

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2003-03-19 Thread modena
Hi i've a simple question about StrutsMenu and Display tag library...
It's possible to use StrutsMenu and Display tag for realize commercial products?
Thank in advance

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Struts Menu

2003-03-14 Thread modena
Hi i've a simple question:
there is a possibility to add parameter at link created with Struts Menu? for
example i've an Action that add an attribute to request, i would like that this
attribute is added to link generated from Struts's possible?

example of code:


and in menu-config i've


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Re: simple question

2003-03-14 Thread modena
Thank you, you have been very kind.

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Re: simple question

2003-03-14 Thread modena
Thank, but with this i must crete an's possible avoid to create
an ActionForm for an form?
Thank for help

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simple question

2003-03-14 Thread modena
Hi, there is a possibility to send an object in the request if i don't pass it
with parameter of the link?
for example:




this obviously don't work...but there is a system to obtain this whit a Struts
I should pass a String value to action, but this must be not visible in the url.
In particular my action don't know the page that call it and for this... 
I try to pass it as message, but this don't work..
Any idea?
Thanks in advance

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Re: html:link and parameters to session

2003-03-12 Thread modena
Try to see the jakarta taglibs..there are a tag for manage the session.

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Re: Errors in html corrected..

2003-03-12 Thread modena
you're code appear rigth..try to use explicit parameter:

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Re: Errors in html corrected..

2003-03-12 Thread modena
I'm read only your preavious mail..Which error do you obtain?
i don't understand your problem..explain its

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Re: Errors in html corrected..

2003-03-12 Thread modena
I think that the attribute action in tag form should be / if in struts
config you use path="/find"..try it

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urgent:projecting with tiles

2003-03-12 Thread modena
Hi, i've an question about tiles..
i would use tiles for my application, but i have an problem.
If i use tiles instead of frame but i face this problem: how obtain the
"definition" of page?
Example, i have in my application the login page and if an page call the login
page i would that the module of login will put into body of this page( manteins
header,footer an menu )..for this i append at the all link an parameter that
rappresent the definition of page, in an action i use this definition for create
an new definition and put the login module in the body. Now i have another
problem: if there is an error in a action i would reload the page that call this
action and display an error message. But the page not contains the logic,
contains only tag that iterate on collection of element passed from preavious
action. For this the action that have an error must call the preavious action
and not preavious action must know the url for call the preavious
action ( path,param and definition of preavious page). For this i add another
parameter at all my link, this parameter conteins the preavious url.
example of a complect url:

it's very orrible..but how i know the definition of page and the preavious url
if i not add this in the link?
i think to save this in session, but first this is very heavy for my server and
second if a client save the link and call my page with this savedlink???
i think to use the attribute input in action element, but some page dont't have
this ( example action of menage language could call from some jsp...)
i think to extends TilesRequestProcessor for adding at request an collection
conteins the preavious url and definition, but this function if my client
browsing normaly my site..if my client save the url and call my site with this
don't work...

there is an soluction of this problem?Somebody to explain the tecnics that use
in your application for solve these problem?
Thanks in advance,

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Re: GET/POST in Actions & Form Validation

2003-03-07 Thread modena
You can set validate="false" and call the validation method from action if you
try it.

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error in action

2003-03-07 Thread modena
Hi, if i've an a page that call an action if in this action i've an error how i
return to page that invoked the action? i try to use mapping.getInputForward(),
but this return me the path of my action...i try to save the url but have a
problem (see my preavious mail Problem mapping/url)...there is an method like
sorry for my stupid question,thanks.

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Problem mapping/url

2003-03-07 Thread modena
Hi, i've a problem with i retrieve the mapping of url in a jsp? for
example i have an jsp as index and an action-mapping as it:

now in another jsp call and i see index.jsp in my browser, the url in
my browser is .../ but if i try to obtain this url (with
request.getRequestURI() )i obtain /index.jsp and not that i would..
It's possible in a jsp retrieve the url that i see in my browser (in this case instead of the real url???
i'm new to Struts..sorry for my stupid question.

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Urgent, TilesRequestProcessor

2003-03-05 Thread modena
Hi, i've a problem with TilesRequestProcessor;
i insert in my struts-config.xml the definition of my classes:

and requestP extends  TilesRequestProcessor (i don't understand whi if i use
tiles plug-in i don't exstend RequestProcessor..)
in this class i overload the processPreprocess and processForwardConfig methods,
now if i call an jsp page this processor dont't work (i use System.out for see
if it work..), it's work if i use TilesAction...whi?

example of my page:
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld" prefix="tiles" %>

and in my struts-config.xml:

in my tiles-defs.xml:

in this case i use an TilesAction and i see the System.out from my processor(my
processor work),but if i don't use the TilesAction:

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld" prefix="tiles" %>

the processor don't work...whi?


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2003-01-31 Thread modena
Hi i've a problem:
i use the struts's tag  in my jsp and mapping.findForward("..."); in 
my Action but the url-rewrite doesn't work...
In an Action i set an session variable and my code in all project is(for 
in jsp

in struts-config.xml

in facoltaA (in  public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping...)):
return mapping.findForward("success");

With ms explorer 6 this function,but with netscape or opera if i disable cookie 
this don't work...whi?
Where mistake?
I thank for the help.

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2003-01-30 Thread modena
Good day, my problem is the following: I use the Eric Fesler's taglib for 
realize dynamic link in this way:

 Vis. Corsi Insegn.

where IDFacolta is an parameter that I get from the request and CorsoStudioId
is a value that I get from my taglibrary (this iterate on a collection that i
pass with the controller). Now I want to know if  is possible use the tag < 
html: link> of struts with a HashMap, but using an only HashMap and passing 
this between the varied jsp/ action in the request (because I want to pass 
some parameter that it haven't displayed in the url). Before i usying:

HashMap mappaold= (HashMap) request.getAttribute ( "map");
 // I recover the values from the "old" HashMap 

 HashMap mappa = new HashMap();

Here I use more HashMap one for any cycles (es: 100 cycles= 
100HashMap :<  ). .I'd like to know if it' s possible to use only one and if
yes how?Or,if this are impossible, how i can pass other parameter from this 
jsp and its controller if i don't put this parameter on the link?
I thank for the help.
p.s. Sorry for my english.

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Parameter and html:link

2003-01-30 Thread modena
Good day, my problem is the following: I use the Eric Fesler's taglib for 
realize dynamic link in this way:

 Vis. Corsi Insegn.

where IDFacolta is an parameter that I get from the request and CorsoStudioId
is a value that I get from my taglibrary (this iterate on a collection that i
pass with the controller). Now I want to know if  is possible use the tag < 
html: link> of struts with a HashMap, but using an only HashMap and passing 
this between the varied jsp/ action in the request (because I want to pass 
some parameter that it haven't displayed in the url). Before i usying:

HashMap mappaold= (HashMap) request.getAttribute ( "map");
 // I recover the values from the "old" HashMap 

 HashMap mappa = new HashMap();

Here I use more HashMap one for any cycles (es: 100 cycles= 
100HashMap :<  ). .I'd like to know if it' s possible to use only one and if
yes how?Or,if this are impossible, how i can pass other parameter from this 
jsp and its controller if i don't put this parameter on the link?
I thank for the help.
p.s. Sorry for my english.

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2003-01-30 Thread modena
Good i can pass other parameter from jsp and its controller if i don't 
put this parameter on the link?(see my previous mail  for more 
Example i have:

 Vis. Corsi Insegn.

It' possible send in the request another parameter that not contained in the 
link(example other than CorsoStudioId and IDFacolta can i pass IDP...?)
I thank for the help.
p.s. Sorry for my english.

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2003-01-30 Thread modena
Good day, my problem is the following: I use the Eric Fesler's taglib for 
realize dynamic link in this way:


Vis. Corsi Insegn.


where IDFacolta is an parameter that I get from the request and CorsoStudioId
is a value that I get from my taglibrary (this iterate on a collection that i
pass with the controller). Now I want to know if  is possible use the tag < 
html: link> of struts with a HashMap, but using an only HashMap and passing 
this between the varied jsp/ action in the request (because I want to pass 
some parameter that it haven't displayed in the url). Before i usying:

HashMap mappaold= (HashMap) request.getAttribute ( "map");
 // I recover the values from the "old" HashMap 


HashMap mappa = new HashMap();

Here I use more HashMap one for any cycles (es: 100 cycles= 
100HashMap :<  ). .I'd like to know if it' s possible to use only one and if
yes how?Or,if this are impossible, how i can pass other parameter from this 
jsp and its controller if i don't put this parameter on the link?
I thank for the help.
p.s. Sorry for my english.

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2003-01-29 Thread modena
Good day, my problem is the following: I use the Eric Fesler's taglib for 
realize dynamic link in this way:


Vis. Corsi Insegn.

where IDFacolta is an parameter that I get from the request and CorsoStudioId 
is a value that I get from my taglibrary (this iterate on a collection that i 
pass with the controller). Now I want to know if  is possible use the tag < 
html: link> of struts with a HashMap, but using an only HashMap and passing 
this between the varied jsp/ action in the request (because I want to pass 
some parameter that it haven't displayed in the url). Before i usying:

HashMap mappaold= (HashMap) request.getAttribute ( "map");
 // I recover the values from the "old" HashMap 


HashMap mappa = new HashMap();

Here I use more HashMap one for any cycles (es: 100 cycles= 
100HashMap :<  ). .I'd like to know if it' s possible to use only one and if 
yes how?Or,if this are impossible, how i can pass other parameter from this 
jsp and its controller if i don't put this parameter on the link?
I thank for the help.
p.s. Sorry for my english.

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2003-01-29 Thread modena
Good day!
I'm new to struts and i need to help..:

String url = ""+request.getParameter("IDFacolta")
Vis. Corsi Insegn.


where corsoSIter is an customtag that i create for iterate on a collection 
of "course of study"(i pass it and IDFacolta in the request from my first 
Action)and IDFacolta is an ID that i need to next jsp.Now i need
to pass to action the CorsoSId(the user's select course from jsp) and the 
IDFacolta.I tryed to pas an HashMap:
HashMap mappaOld=(HashMap)request.getAttribute("mappa");
/*the Attribute mappa contains now only IDFacolta and the next HashMap i would 
like to contains the IDFacolta and the CorsoSId that my user will select from 


HashMap mappa = new HashMap();
Vis. Insegn.


This is corectly,but i create an HashMap for each cycle..i'd like using only 
one's very heavy using more HashMap for each page in my 
Plese help very important.
Sorry for the my horrible English.
Thanks in advance

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RE: with Parameter

2003-01-29 Thread modena

> a bit out of context but after looking at u r jsp it seems that u are packing
> too much logic in u r jsp..cant u prepare the link parameers in u r action
> and 
> set them on the form...
> and then in the jsp just acces that property of form...

Thanks,but i don't understand..i pass an collection of "course of study" and an 
IDFaculty(as hidden) and my tag iterate on than and show it in a i 
need to pass to another control the ID of selected course and the IDFaculty.I 
realyze it with an HashMap..but i'd like use only one(see my code)...
how prepare the link before to know the selected course?
Sorry for the my horrible English.
Thanks in advance

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with Parameter

2003-01-29 Thread modena
Good day!
I'm new to struts and i need to problem is:


String url = ""+request.getParameter("IDFacolta")
Vis. Corsi Insegn.


where corsoSIter is an customtag that i create for iterate on DB.Now i need to 
pass to action the CorsoSId and the IDFacolta(this is another parameter from 
another controller).I tryed to pas an HashMap:

HashMap mappaOld=(HashMap)request.getAttribute("mappa");


HashMap mappa = new HashMap();
Vis. Insegn.


This is corectly,but i'd like using only one's very heavy using 
more HashMap for each page in my WebApplication...
Plese help very important.
Tanks Alessio.

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Urgent..Problem wirh tag

2003-01-28 Thread modena
Good day!
I'm new to struts and i need to problem is:


String url = ""+request.getParameter("IDFacolta")
Vis. Corsi Insegn.


where corsoSIter is an customtag that i create for iterato on DB.Now i need to 
pass to action the CorsoSId and the IDFacolta(this is another parameter from 
another controller).I tryed to pas an HashMap:

HashMap mappaOld=(HashMap)request.getAttribute("mappa");


HashMap mappa = new HashMap();
Vis. Corsi Insegn.


This is corectly,but i'd like using only one's very heavy using 
more HashMap for each page in my WebApplication...
Sorry for my horrible english...
Plese help very important.
Tanks Alessio.

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