Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2012-02-24 Thread lkcl luke
[mozilla people, please feel free to skip to the bottom of this, for
the conclusion - the rest is detail]

right: i've just learned something very exciting: one of the pyjamas
contributors, a very intelligent individual, anthony, has been working
with the webkit-gtk team to create a gobject-introspection port of
pyjamas-desktop.  he has a number of the examples already working.

to emphasise the significance of this:

* the damaged event handling which was added in by the webkit gtk team
3 years ago (without design consultation, after mark rowe ordered the
removal of the original fully-working event handling without good
justification) has been removed.

 the new event handling infrastructure is, i gather, no longer
dependent *at all* on gobject signals.  it should be along the exact
same lines as the pythonwebkit bindings: a direct callback, directly
called from the webkit event infrastructure.

 that means that event callbacks will no longer result in race
conditions, instability and so on, which i warned you about, last

* anthony has direct first-hand experience of what's needed to make
the gobject bindings actually useful and useable.  he will therefore
be able to explain to the webkit-gtk team why mark rowe's
under-informed objections to various absolutely essential features
are, in fact, absolutely essential.  in the intervening years (!!  i
can't quite get over the fact that the original work was done in
2008...) the webkit-gtk team may have actually encountered some of the
problems themselves.

the bottom line is that i have much more confidence in the
webkit-gobject bindings, thanks to anthony's involvement, that anthony
can help the webkit-gtk team to stabilise the webkit-gobject bindings,
through the use of pyjamas-desktop as a massively-comprehensive 100%
code-coverage testing environment.  it is therefore *not* my
recommendation that the OLPC team revert to the use of python-hulahop
for their web browser "activity".

this effectively leaves the python-hulahop code completely orphaned,
and only relevant to the pyjamas-desktop "xulrunner" port.

the question is, therefore: is it useful for the mozilla foundation to
have a second test environment - by way of having the pyjamas-desktop
"xulrunner" port still active?  the reason i ask is because as has
been demonstrated by that window focus bug, it looks like there's some
memory corruption which has been completely missed, thanks to the
narrow "drive" of the mozilla foundation to concentrate exclusively on
firefox releases.  but if the testing via hulahop was included on a
regular basis, by the mozilla foundation, then it is not hard to
conclude that that memory corruption bug would have been noted and
fixed much earlier.

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2012-02-21 Thread lkcl luke
hi todd, thanks for responding here.

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 11:41 PM, Todd Whiteman  wrote:

> PyXPCOM supports all XulRunner versions from 1.9.1 through to XulRunner 9.0
> - versions are tagged in hg here:

 ... but debian has *already* moved on beyond xulrunner 9.0.  the
opportunity to compile a version of xpcom and hulahop that can be
released at the same time as firefox - and uses the same shared
xulrunner library - has already gone.

> Komodo is the prime example of an application using PyXPCOM successfully,
> using versions 1.9.1, 2.0.0 and currently using 7.0.0 in Komodo 7.

 yes but it's maintained as an entirely separate version of
xulrunner, which is compiled for installation in a completely separate
location.  i.e. if you install komodo i believe you get something like
/usr/lib/komodo/xulrunner-7 *not* /usr/lib/xulrunner-7/{libraries}

 so yes this is a "solution" - have

> For Canvas DrawImage problem - it looks like PyXPCOM does not support the
> "optional_argc" IDL/xpcom setting. This should get a bug report it, as I'd
> imagine it's fixable in pyxpcom.

 yes.  i started looking at what would be involved - the optional_argc
is a flag that goes into the type library: flags get picked up by
pyxpcom and i did track down that yes, that bit of the flag is simply
completely ignore in pyxpcom.  however that shouldn't be a problem: it
*should* be possible to just specify all 9 args (in the DrawImage
case) but even there i am _still_ getting "error invalid" return

 anyway this is OT... slightly... ok it's not quite OT, but it's
getting into detail.

>> On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 7:59 PM, Brendan Eich  wrote:
>>  so, to summarise:
>>  * python-xpcom not being part of mozilla-central is causing
>> python-xpcom to be "out of sync" (for example that massive PRBool ->
>> bool update)
> The Mozilla applications (Firefox, Thunderbird, ...) do not use the Pyxpcom
> code - so I don't think they should have to maintain it. The Mozilla code is
> changing fast nowadays,

 yes.  that's causing problems.  it's too fast for distributions to
keep up, and it's too fast for non-funded, non-full-time,
non-fully-paid-up-employee-supported projects to be able to cope with.

 it's worth reiterating that the OLPC team have got so sick of this
situation that the key developer responsible for the web browser
"activity" pulled the plug on mozilla-foundation-sponsored technology.

 to reiterate: mozilla foundation technology will *not* be present in,
nor will it ever be endorsed by, OLPC.

> and it shouldn't have to wait on smaller projects
> like Pyxpcom to become compatible.

smaller projects??  i'm not very impressed by the view that says that
"smaller projects" which utilise mozilla foundation technology are
quotes "unimportant".

where exactly should the line be drawn?  what qualifies as a "smaller
project", such that the mozilla foundation does not care one bit about
whether it works or does not work?

if someone would like to write an official explanation for posting on
the pyjamasdev mailing list, that the official position of the mozilla
foundation is that they are entirely on their own and, as python
programmers with no c and c++ experience whatsover they must download
tens of megabytes of source code and must learn to compile it
themselves _and_ maintain the release cycle on it, i'll be happy to
forward it on.  i ain't writing it.

> Pyxpcom has not been updated for Mozilla central (XulRunner 11+) yet. Komodo
> (ActiveState) has plans for continued Pyxpcom use, so I'm sure that it will
> get updated some time in the future. If anyone else has need of it sooner -
> they too can fix the Pyxpcom code and contribute the changes back... this is
> how Open Source projects work.

 yehhhs they could *if* they had the time and/or money to do
so, _and_ the skillset to tackle *more* technology areas than are
covered by *TEAMS* of full-time-funded people [the mozilla foundation
fully-paid-up employees].

 the skillset required to take this on really is larger than that
which even those people who normally contribute to mozilla are used
to.  not only do you have to know the xulrunner codebase, but also you
have to know python, you have to know GTK, you have to know how XPCOM
works, you have to have a vague understanding that it's similar to
microsoft COM.

 to expect the average programmer to be able to just... randomly take
that on "for fun" and "for free" is just nuts, todd!

 i mean... i can't quite believe what you're suggesting here [i'm
speaking rhetorically here, allow me a little leeway, ok? :) ]

>>  * python-xpcom is middleware so *cannot* have comprehensive tests
> Note that Pyxpcom does have its own set of tests to test the Python XPCOM
> functionality:
> so being middleware is not a testing problem.

 ok, the problem is this: xpcom's testing covers xpcom codepaths.  as

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2012-02-21 Thread Todd Whiteman

Note: Resent (as I needed to subscribe to sugar-devel).

On 12-02-21 02:32 PM, lkcl luke wrote:

pyxpcom is still actively maintained by toddw (activestate). I'm not clear
on what sugar/olpc actually desire here: the pyxpcom code works about as
well as it ever did.

  there are only two versions still running that people can actively
use, that have been confirmed as working:

  * python-xpcom with xulrunner 1.9.1 (and 1.9.2) - the changes made
which broke things were the xpcom interface changes.  i'm extremely
grateful to todd for getting xpcom up-and-running again but it's taken
this long for it to happen!
  * python-xpcom with xulrunner 9.0.  this i tested with
pyjamas-desktop last week: it works as perfectly as it ever did (with
only one outstanding bug for code that's not really properly paid
attention to, out of thousands of functions and properties that's not
bad! the function i'm referring to is Canvas2D DrawImage.  it just...
doesn't work, period.)

PyXPCOM supports all XulRunner versions from 1.9.1 through to XulRunner 
9.0 - versions are tagged in hg here:

Komodo is the prime example of an application using PyXPCOM 
successfully, using versions 1.9.1, 2.0.0 and currently using 7.0.0 in 
Komodo 7.

For Canvas DrawImage problem - it looks like PyXPCOM does not support 
the "optional_argc" IDL/xpcom setting. This should get a bug report it, 
as I'd imagine it's fixable in pyxpcom.

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 7:59 PM, Brendan Eich  wrote:
  so, to summarise:

  * python-xpcom not being part of mozilla-central is causing
python-xpcom to be "out of sync" (for example that massive PRBool ->
bool update)

The Mozilla applications (Firefox, Thunderbird, ...) do not use the 
Pyxpcom code - so I don't think they should have to maintain it. The 
Mozilla code is changing fast nowadays, and it shouldn't have to wait on 
smaller projects like Pyxpcom to become compatible.

Pyxpcom has not been updated for Mozilla central (XulRunner 11+) yet. 
Komodo (ActiveState) has plans for continued Pyxpcom use, so I'm sure 
that it will get updated some time in the future. If anyone else has 
need of it sooner - they too can fix the Pyxpcom code and contribute the 
changes back... this is how Open Source projects work.

  * python-xpcom is middleware so *cannot* have comprehensive tests

Note that Pyxpcom does have it's own set of tests to test the Python 
XPCOM functionality:
so being middleware is not a testing problem.

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2012-02-21 Thread lkcl luke
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 7:59 PM, Brendan Eich  wrote:
> I asked Benjamin Smedberg, who replied as follows:

 thank you for notifying the right people, brendan.
 related bugreports:

> "
> pyxpcom is still actively maintained by toddw (activestate). I'm not clear
> on what sugar/olpc actually desire here: the pyxpcom code works about as
> well as it ever did.

 right.  when it doesn't result in segfaults it's absolutely superb,
there's no question of that!

 there are only two versions still running that people can actively
use, that have been confirmed as working:

 * python-xpcom with xulrunner 1.9.1 (and 1.9.2) - the changes made
which broke things were the xpcom interface changes.  i'm extremely
grateful to todd for getting xpcom up-and-running again but it's taken
this long for it to happen!

 * python-xpcom with xulrunner 9.0.  this i tested with
pyjamas-desktop last week: it works as perfectly as it ever did (with
only one outstanding bug for code that's not really properly paid
attention to, out of thousands of functions and properties that's not
bad! the function i'm referring to is Canvas2D DrawImage.  it just...
doesn't work, period.)

 the problem is that because python-xpcom and hulahop gets so little
testing, on a sort-of "yes i have time right now, nobody else is doing
it or has done it for almost 2 years so i'll give it a shot" style of
testing, the various gnu/linux distros have *already* moved on!

 so *already*, nobody gives a stuff about xulrunner 9.0!

 but xulrunner 10.0 is broken, and xulrunner 11 has moved on even
further and python-hulahop and python-xpcom don't even compile / link
against xulrunner 11!

 this is what i mean when i say that xpcom needs to be *reinstated*
from its third party status *back* to a fully-comprehensively tested
piece of code, as part of standard release cycles (see below for more
on that).

> It has limited automated tests, though...

 yes, because... it's middleware, and up until pyjamas-desktop came
along _and_ hulahop came along, there wasn't really any
declarative-style programming environment which could be used to
properly give python-xpcom a workout.

> arguing about
> whether it is "third party" is a bit irrelevant, especially since the code
> is still hosted on

 well, its status is severely downgraded, and python-xpcom itself
*doesn't* actually test the xulrunner GTK front-end, does it?

 whereas python-hulahop, which is a pygtk c-code-based widget, and
thus, being also a GTK widget, *does* flex the "xulrunner gtk muscles"
so to speak.

 this is where things go wrong, because it activates *different*
codepaths from that which iceweasel (aka firefox) activates.  case in

> If they have additional automated tests as part of pyjamas-desktop, are they
> asking us to run thoses tests on our release infrastructure?

 well, there are actually two projects that use hulahop.  ok, in the
case of OLPC that's no longer the case because the lack of attention
to python-xpcom resulted in them pulling the plug 6 months ago.

1) olpc-sugar web browser
2) pyjamas-desktop

the olpc-sugar web browser "activity" as they call it is very very
basic, but it uses python-bindings to History, python bindings to
"Load Event Notification" etc. etc. and basically does everything that
you'd expect a real web browser to be, including show progress
notification and so on... just all from python *not* java, not
javascript and not even c: it really really is all python.

the pyjamas-desktop environment is a leeetle different: it utilises
the *ENNNTTRE* HTML5 DOM API (aka NPAPI) and when i say the entire
DOM API i am not arseing about here i really mean EVERYTHING.  NPAPI
Timers, NPAPI objects (all of them), NPAPI events (*all* of them),
NPAPI properties - everything from getElementsByTagName to onmouseover
to XMLHttpRequest.

and this is done solely and exclusively from python, using python-xpcom.

but as it's effectively turning the DOM API into a Widget Set API
(equivalent to python-wxwidgets, pygtk2 and pyqt4) it makes _less_
usage of the things like progress notification etc. because it's using
the exact same hulahop plugin purely as a "full-screen window".  a
blank sheet, effectively.

the point is: the two projects *don't* have anything in common (not
even shared developers).  the only thing that *was* in common was the
fact that they shared python-hulahop.

and unfortunately, the situation got so bad that the OLPC developers
decided to pull hulahop 6 months ago: david was in fact so pissed off
and felt so let down by the mozilla foundation that he now flatly
refuses to even use firefox.  at all.

> Or just pay some set of attention to the bugs filed?

 well the problem is that because there's no active testing as part of
releases, there are codepaths that simply don't get tested, memory
corruption that corrupts "unused" areas of 

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2012-02-21 Thread lkcl luke
[summary to brendan and chris: chris, brendan, hi, i'm cc'ing you on
this because the OLPC team have been forced into making a decision to
move away from using xulrunner technology, as a direct result of the
decision made to reduce python-xpcom to third party status: it's taken
this long for the lack of support from the mozilla foundation for this
code to "fall by the wayside", and catching up is going to be a
complete bitch.  unfortunately, the replacement code being used,
webkit with gobject bindings - which i designed - was "revision 0.0"
and has severe fundamental design flaws which the OLPC team will
*only* encounter much much later down the road, by which time it will
be too late for them to back out of].

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 3:17 PM, Gonzalo Odiard  wrote:
> I have read you.

 ok, good.  sorry, you didn't say that, earlier.

> you don't need repeat.


> In first place, is really bad have this information now, and not 8 months
> ago,

 well... tough.  i wasn't consulted or informed of the decision, yet
those people who are on the olpc sugar-devel mailing list will have
seen my contributions and discussions some time back, discussing the
fact that pyjamas-desktop uses hulahop, and how incredibly grateful i
was - am - that the OLPC team went to the trouble of writing hulahop.

 so it was only pure chance that i encountered the discussion at all.

> a lot of work was spent porting Browse to webkit,
> and the result is no so bad like you say.

 gonzalo: despite saying that you've read what i wrote, you're telling
me that you haven't absorbed what i wrote.  i said that - and this is
from direct first-hand experience - that it is *only* when you have
applications that are a bit larger than "simpull web pagizzz" that you
end up with crashes and instability.

> Of course, only few developers are using it, then do not have a real field
> use.


 whereas the pyjamas-desktop project has 100% code-coverage of EVERY
feature present in the DOM bindings, and thus if there is even the
slightest error or even one tiny, tiny function missing, the problems
are encountered pretty much within 5 minutes of testing.

 usually it's enough to run the example,
example, the JSONRPC example, the Mail example and the SVGCanvas
example.  that pretty much covers about 99.5% of the functionality, in
under 5 minutes.

> The decision to move to webkit was based in:
> * the number of problems with gecko
> * many other projects using webkit. In general more clients for a library,
> means more eyes and more bugs solved.

 in general, yes, but "in general" means for a nice, easy, simple
library which doesn't require gigabytes of source code downloads,
doesn't involve having to know TWELVE separate and distinct
programming technologies in order to even get to grips with the code,
let alone understand what's involved in the design decisions behind
the gobject bindings.

 the number of people in the world who actually understand the issues
involved is one: me (because i designed the code, and the successor
bindings, pythonwebkit).  the number of people in the world who have
the intelligence to be able to fix these MASSIVELY complex issues is
about three, possibly four.  the number of people _listening_ to what
i'm saying is however zero, and the number of offers of money to _fix_
the problems is also zero.

 now, if this (pythonwebkit or hulahop) was sponsored by the mozilla
foundation, or by google, it would be fine, because you could have
someone paid to sit for 3-4 weeks to fix and maintain the code (either
the hulahop code or the gobject bindings)

... but that isn't the case, here, is it?

the mozilla foundation *deliberately* moved pyxpcomext to 3rd party
status - that was a decision taken by brendan because he misunderstood
the importance of python-xpcom, believing it to be solely and
exclusively useable inside the python 

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2012-02-21 Thread Gonzalo Odiard
I have read you. You don't need repeat.
In first place, is really bad have this information now, and not 8 months
a lot of work was spent porting Browse to webkit,
and the result is no so bad like you say.
Of course, only few developers are using it, then do not have a real field
The decision to move to webkit was based in:
* the number of problems with gecko
* many other projects using webkit. In general more clients for a library,
means more eyes and more bugs solved.
* all the other comments in this thread...


On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 11:51 AM, lkcl luke  wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Gonzalo Odiard 
> wrote:
> > You was replying a thread from Jun/2011. In this time the developers
> worked
> > in a Browse
> > version based in webkit.
>  yes.  i'm aware of that.  i strongly recommend reverting the changes made.
>  read what i wrote.
>  actually read what i wrote.
>  please read what i have written.
>  allow me to repeat it because it appears that you have not read what
> i have written.
> it says "subtle instabilities will result as a direct consequence of
> fundamental design flaws in the webkit gobject bindings".  it also
> says "excessive memory usage and CPU usage will also result".
>  webkit with gobject introspection is *NOT* ready for public usage as
> it is fundamentally flawed.
>  as i am the *DESIGNER* of the webkit gobject introspection bindings
> who has followed their progress i know what i am talking about.
> l.
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2012-02-21 Thread lkcl luke
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Gonzalo Odiard  wrote:
> You was replying a thread from Jun/2011. In this time the developers worked
> in a Browse
> version based in webkit.

 yes.  i'm aware of that.  i strongly recommend reverting the changes made.

 read what i wrote.

 actually read what i wrote.

 please read what i have written.

 allow me to repeat it because it appears that you have not read what
i have written.

it says "subtle instabilities will result as a direct consequence of
fundamental design flaws in the webkit gobject bindings".  it also
says "excessive memory usage and CPU usage will also result".

 webkit with gobject introspection is *NOT* ready for public usage as
it is fundamentally flawed.

 as i am the *DESIGNER* of the webkit gobject introspection bindings
who has followed their progress i know what i am talking about.

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2012-02-21 Thread Gonzalo Odiard
You was replying a thread from Jun/2011. In this time the developers worked
in a Browse
version based in webkit.


On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 4:06 AM, lkcl luke  wrote:

> ok: one of the issues that i ran into on the original (flawed)
> webkit-gobject development work, as well as the ports of pythonwebkit
> to gtk and directfb, was quite how integrated the whole thing had to
> be.  there are now something like *eight* separate language bindings
> to webkit (including at least two javascript ones), each of which is
> in a separate state of development and even present *different*
> versions of the same underlying DOM API.
> it would appear that webkit2 has "injected bundles" which is a stupid
> way of saying "you can install a shared library dynamically into
> webkit using dlopen".
> basically this means that it will at some point be able to - *without*
> having any dependency or *any* interaction with the webkit team - add
> language bindings and other features to webkit.
> i strongly, strongly, strongly advise the OLPC team to WAIT until such
> time as such code has been written, before proceeding with the use of
> webkit in OLPC.
> of course you are entirely free to do whatever you find to be most
> useful to you, choosing instead to learn for yourselves why webkit1's
> gobject introspection bindings are fundamentally flawed and spending
> significant time doing so.
> l.
> ___
> Sugar-devel mailing list
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2012-02-20 Thread lkcl luke

ok: one of the issues that i ran into on the original (flawed)
webkit-gobject development work, as well as the ports of pythonwebkit
to gtk and directfb, was quite how integrated the whole thing had to
be.  there are now something like *eight* separate language bindings
to webkit (including at least two javascript ones), each of which is
in a separate state of development and even present *different*
versions of the same underlying DOM API.

it would appear that webkit2 has "injected bundles" which is a stupid
way of saying "you can install a shared library dynamically into
webkit using dlopen".

basically this means that it will at some point be able to - *without*
having any dependency or *any* interaction with the webkit team - add
language bindings and other features to webkit.

i strongly, strongly, strongly advise the OLPC team to WAIT until such
time as such code has been written, before proceeding with the use of
webkit in OLPC.

of course you are entirely free to do whatever you find to be most
useful to you, choosing instead to learn for yourselves why webkit1's
gobject introspection bindings are fundamentally flawed and spending
significant time doing so.

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2012-02-20 Thread lkcl luke
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 5:07 PM, Jonas Smedegaard  wrote:
> On 12-02-17 at 05:33am, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
>> better news: i've just confirmed that:
>> a) the removal of js_push_context and pop context was a spurious
>>    error, those functions are now restored, confirmed as compiling and
>>    existing (untested)
>> b) the "usual" critical pyjamas-desktop tests, Helloworld,
>>    JSONRPCExample, KitchenSink and Mail all have the exact same
>>    behaviour as they used to, way back before the xpcom API breakage
>>    [where we all had to wait for todd whiteman to update pyxpcom]
>> this is really really good news because it means that the people who
>> have been keeping an eye on the debian packaging of hulahop and have
>> been going "arse! it's fecked!" quite a lot will now be happy that it
>> all works, and i am confident that within a few weeks/months people
>> will be able to do "apt-get install pyjamas-desktop python-hulahop"
>> again and have it all work.
> This is indeed quite exciting.  Looking at your patch now and hopefully
> able to release a working Hulahop for Debian.

 ok.  right, update:

 * hulahop works perfectly with xulrunner 9.0
 * hulahop compiles with no modifications for xulrunner 10.0.0 but
segfaults (two bugs)
 * hulahop _and_ xpcom require updates (PRBool->bool) for xulrunner
10.0.2 but segfaults (two bugs)
 * hulahop and xpcom with xulrunner 11 i haven't yet investigated

the first bug is "solved" by compiling with --disable-jemalloc

the second bug is related to window focus, and appears to either be
solved for later versions (> 10.0.2) or is still under investigation:
with the disconnect between the various trees and releases it's hard
to tell without assistance from the mozilla team which patches are
current, relevant etc.

bottom line is: if you can live with xulrunner 9, it works perfectly,
and is quite recent.  and it's a lot better than webkit1.

i really cannot stress enough how much webkitgtk with gobject
introspection "looks" ok from the outside but is actually
fundamentally flawed at the design level.

you are entirely free to completely ignore this advice and entirely
free to do whatever is most useful to you.

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2012-02-17 Thread Jonas Smedegaard
On 12-02-17 at 05:33am, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> better news: i've just confirmed that:
> a) the removal of js_push_context and pop context was a spurious 
>error, those functions are now restored, confirmed as compiling and 
>existing (untested)
> b) the "usual" critical pyjamas-desktop tests, Helloworld, 
>JSONRPCExample, KitchenSink and Mail all have the exact same 
>behaviour as they used to, way back before the xpcom API breakage 
>[where we all had to wait for todd whiteman to update pyxpcom]
> this is really really good news because it means that the people who 
> have been keeping an eye on the debian packaging of hulahop and have 
> been going "arse! it's fecked!" quite a lot will now be happy that it 
> all works, and i am confident that within a few weeks/months people 
> will be able to do "apt-get install pyjamas-desktop python-hulahop" 
> again and have it all work.

This is indeed quite exciting.  Looking at your patch now and hopefully 
able to release a working Hulahop for Debian.

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

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Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2012-02-16 Thread Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
better news: i've just confirmed that:

a) the removal of js_push_context and pop context was a spurious error,
   those functions are now restored, confirmed as compiling and existing
b) the "usual" critical pyjamas-desktop tests, Helloworld, JSONRPCExample,
   KitchenSink and Mail all have the exact same behaviour as they used to,
   way back before the xpcom API breakage [where we all had to wait for
   todd whiteman to update pyxpcom]

this is really really good news because it means that the people who have
been keeping an eye on the debian packaging of hulahop and have been going
"arse! it's fecked!" quite a lot will now be happy that it all works, and
i am confident that within a few weeks/months people will be able to do
"apt-get install pyjamas-desktop python-hulahop" again and have it all work.




Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2012-02-16 Thread Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton


ok, for a given definition of "success" :)

i had to comment out the js_push_context and js_pop_context
(could not be arsed to deal with those) - you might find that
you have to put in some #includes for spidermonkey, and if you
ask nicely on this bugreport you may get an answer:

please can i advise you to get onto that bugreport (728055) and
say thank you to josh matthews for kindly pointing out the existence
of XRE_InitEmbedding2?

other changes i made include:

* removing calls to set up NS_XPCOM_COMPONENT_REGISTRY
* changing #include and reference to nsIDOMWindow2 to just nsIDOMWindow
* commenting out the javascript push and pop.

other than that, it works!  amazing.  and this is with the standard
debian packaging for xulrunner-9.0-dev out of debian/testing as of
yesterday.  yes, that _includes_ python-xpcom (aka pyxpcom).


can i strongly STRONGLY recommend that you cease the use of webkit and
return to using hulahop?

you are entirely free to completely ignore this advice, and to see how
far it gets you to be using webkit with gobject introspection.

actually, in some ways it would be incredibly useful an exercise because
you will then have a clear idea of the serious and fundamental flaws that
are inherent in webkit's gobject bindings.  i will be more than happy to
help accelerate the OLPC projects' understanding of the situation, as long
as you agree to release a public and detailed technical description of the
issues encountered onto the webkit-dev mailing list.

preferably without mentioning where you got the advice from, because the
webkit developers will treat you like shit if you even mention my name.


Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2012-02-16 Thread Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Marco Pesenti Gritti> writes:

> On 21 June 2011 23:23, Daniel Drake> wrote:
> > You could have been even more convincing if you had used this API:
> >
> > (yes, its webkit1, but it looks excellent from a GTK perspective, and
> > a breath of fresh air after seeing what mozilla put you through with
> > hulahop etc!)
> The reason I posted an example of the cross platform API is that I
> think it's what really set it apart from gtkmozembed. We would be
> using (directly or indirectly) the same API everyone else is using
> which means 1 it will be complete, 2 it will be stable, 3 it will be
> maintained by the core webkit developers.

 a word of caution: the core webkit developers do not like to receive
 input from free software developers: you are entirely at their
 mercy.  they seek to gain complete control over the codebase.

 if your code does not fit with what they have dictated it shall do,
 your project is in jeapordy if you become dependent on them.

 this may sound really... bizarre, but it is direct experience.  i worked
 extremely hard to create the webkit gobject bindings (which you have
 been discussing and i see using) and mark rowe worked extremely hard to
 destroy the efforts to make them available in a useful and useable

 unfortunately, mark rowe's efforts succeeded, and the free software
 community has lost the benefit of my experience and efforts to bring you
 useful and useable gobject bindings, for which i deeply apologise.

 it will be years before the damage done by mark rowe is fully 

> > So, let me see if my understanding lines up with yours.
> >
> > WebKit2 provides an API specification, and all of the different
> > frontends (Qt/GTK/...) implement that API, with only the minor tweaks
> > needed to make it fit in to the platform?
> Yes.
> > In your example, WKViewCreate() must have been provided as a
> > GTK-specific thing, as it returns a GtkWidget. And the other platforms
> > would provide their own platform-specific implementation?
> Yes.
> > If I understand it correctly, the webkitgtk developers are aiming to
> > provide both options. First, the cross-platform API implemented to
> > return a GTK+ widget (looks like they've made great progress there).
> > Secondly, a refresh of the GObject-style API, implemented based on top
> > of that cross-platform API.
> >
> > This is what seems to be suggested here:
> > Do you agree with that interpretation?
> That's also my understanding.
> > As you suggest I do plan to get closer to the upstream development to
> > really get a grip on this, but firstly, I'd be interested in your
> > opinion on 2 further points:
> >
> > 1. If my understanding above is correct, do you think Browse should go
> > with the cross-platform API, or the upcoming GObject-style one?
> I went back and forward on this. I was annoyed about introducing an
> extra layer (compared to direct python bindings of the cross-platform
> API), since there is already plenty of them in that stack.
> Though I think I'm now pretty convinced using the GObject API is the
> best approach for Sugar. It's more practical because there are people
> working on GObject but not direct python bindings.

 that's incorrect.  i wrote the direct python bindings over a year ago:

 the gobject bindings approach is fundamentally flawed and unfortunately
 you will not find this out until you begin to try *significant* usage of the

 the number of _actual_ projects that make significant usage of python
 DOM bindings to webkit, in the world, is a total of one (1) application:

 even in the microsoft world, the total number of actual projects that actually
 make comprehensive (100%) use of python COM bindings to MSHTML (Trident) is
 one (1) - pyjamas-desktop.  i spoke to eric of the microsoft IE team about
 2 years ago and he expressed surprise at what had been done, and confirmed
 that never, in his entire career working with IE, had anything quite so
 comprehensive as pyjamas-desktop ever been done.

 and it's necessary!  you simply cannot have javascript-equivalent python
 bindings to the DOM that are not fully without fail absolutely cast-iron
 guaranteed without one single exception absolutely and 100% identical _to_
 the javascript bindings.

 this was where the shit hit the fan when creating the gobject bindings to
 webkit, because mark rowe decided SIEG HEIL! I AM GOD! YOU WILL OBEY MY WHIM
 and unfortunately every free software project that tries to use the gtk
 gobject bindings will encounter serious fundamental problems as a result
 of his bullying.

> More flexible
> because you could use it from any language with gobject-introspection
> bindings. More consistent with the rest of the stack.


Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2012-02-16 Thread Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Daniel Drake> writes:

> There have been various discussions in the past suggesting a move from
> mozilla to webkit for the Browse activity and related components, but
> I've never really been convinced: there is always a cost to switching,
> and convincing-looking numbers from webkit supporters tended to be
> countered with convincing-looking numbers from mozilla supporters.

daniel, hi,

it's just been brought to my attention just how fed up the mozilla
foundation's codebase has become.  i'm the lead developer of pyjamas,
and have been tracking the situation as it goes from bad to worse to
just completely f*g useless for quite some time.

as of xulrunner-1.9.1, there was one outstanding bug which, if it had
been fixed as described in the bugreport just below, would have made
the use of hulahop absolutely perfect for pyjamas-desktop... ok, not
absolutely perfect, but passably so.

as you can see, a decision was made to go with a "solution" which
made the code _worse_ to work with.  a band-aid, made out of ignorance
rather than intelligent evaluation and decision-making, that actually
broke python-xpcom.

there appears to be within the mozilla foundation an insanity that says
"we are gods, javascript is our lord and saviour, any other programming
language or the use of any other programming language can go take a
running jump".

i'm further deeply disappointed and angered to hear that you have found
evidence that embedding of the gecko / xulrunner engine is _also_ prevented,
prohibited and actively discouraged.

it begs the question, "what the bloody hell are the mozilla foundation playing

anyway - leaving that aside, i thought you should know that yes there is
an alternative option in the form of webkit, but that it is equally fraught.

all in all i think that the free software community is completely and utterly
failing to get with the picture with respect to browser engine technology,
and that it is pretty ironic that MSHTML (microsoft's web browser engine
technology) just works out-of-the-box and yet the U.S. Dept of Justice and
the E.U. Monopolies and Mergers Commission tried to force microsoft *not* to
have MSHTML pre-installed.

anyway - end that, allow me to outline what's possible with what's already
out there.

> === WebKit ===
> What I'd like to do now is spec out a project for someone to take on,
> moving Browse to WebKit in a way that can be clearly justified for the
> community.
> But, WebKit is totally new to me so I have many open questions. Can
> anyone help me answer them? I'll be collecting the results into a wiki
> page (to form the above spec).
> 1. I've only made half the argument above. Mozilla is bad, but why is
> WebKit the solution? The key questions here are: is it embeddable?


> Does it work well when embedded? Do the developers support it being
> embedded?

 no they do not.  mark rowe applied evasive dictatorship - bullying
 and "technical goal-post moving" that was shown later to be thoroughly
 hypocritical, allowing identical code which he earlier rejected with
 unreasonable arguments failing completely to even read counter-arguments
 or explanations as to why particular decisions had been taken.
 if you have the time, you can see evidence of his
 shockingly-bad behaviour here:

 the outcome of what he did has had severe knock-on ramifications as the
 webkitgtk code which is now in the webkit main tree has severe technical
 flaws that i am "banned" i.e. "actively prevented and prohibited" from
 discussing, outlining and helping with, on both and also
 the webkit-dev mailing list.

 i have been posting various descriptions to help give hints to help fix
 some of these issues under accounts named "webkit censorship bypass" but
 the level of technical expertise is sufficiently high in order to fix these
 issues that they are "dismissed" as "ramblings" and are completely ignored.

 the consequences are that there are fundamental flaws in both webkitgtk
 and pywebkitgtk which cannot be "fixed" without some serious redesign
 work that will take the inexperienced webkitgtk developers several weeks
 to understand, and several weeks to implement.

> Does anyone have experience here? 


> The name "WebKit" makes it sound
> nice and modular, and the fact that WebKit itself isn't a browser
> would seem to support these arguments, but it would be nice being able
> to argue this on a more solid basis.


 it's good... but... the code has been developed "piece-meal".  the mainline
 webkit tree has gobject bindings support, through which you can use gobject
 "introspection" to have python bindings on top of that...

 ... but the gobject bindings themselves (which are to the DOM) are... well,
 they're shit basically.  and i can say that, because i wrote them.  they
 were the "first version", and you know what "first versio

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-24 Thread Marco Pesenti Gritti
On 24 Jun 2011, at 15:56, Lucian Branescu  wrote:

> On 24 June 2011 15:13, Marco Pesenti Gritti  wrote:
>> On 24 Jun 2011, at 13:08, Lucian Branescu  wrote:
 I would like to see a lot of experimentation with html activities
 outside the platform before we even consider integrating. There is
 just too much unknown and possibilities, the ideas in this area needs
 to be proven first.
>>> I don't really see what integration with Sugar needs to be achieved
>>> that isn't possible using the same APIs as any other activity. A
>>> html/js/node equivalent of sugar-toolkit would be useful, but I don't
>>> see any integration necessary beyond that.
>> I didn't mean integration of the HTML activities stuff with Sugar but 
>> integration (inclusion) of the HTML activities stuff in the Sugar platform.
> Right. But that first requires a sugar-web-toolkit to exist :) The way
> I see it, after one such toolkit has been written, it can be decided
> whether or not to bundle it with Sugar.

I don't see it any differently, I'm not sure if/where we are disagreeing :)

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-24 Thread Lucian Branescu
On 24 June 2011 15:13, Marco Pesenti Gritti  wrote:
> On 24 Jun 2011, at 13:08, Lucian Branescu  wrote:
>>> I would like to see a lot of experimentation with html activities
>>> outside the platform before we even consider integrating. There is
>>> just too much unknown and possibilities, the ideas in this area needs
>>> to be proven first.
>> I don't really see what integration with Sugar needs to be achieved
>> that isn't possible using the same APIs as any other activity. A
>> html/js/node equivalent of sugar-toolkit would be useful, but I don't
>> see any integration necessary beyond that.
> I didn't mean integration of the HTML activities stuff with Sugar but 
> integration (inclusion) of the HTML activities stuff in the Sugar platform.

Right. But that first requires a sugar-web-toolkit to exist :) The way
I see it, after one such toolkit has been written, it can be decided
whether or not to bundle it with Sugar.
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-24 Thread Marco Pesenti Gritti
On 24 Jun 2011, at 13:08, Lucian Branescu  wrote:
>> I would like to see a lot of experimentation with html activities
>> outside the platform before we even consider integrating. There is
>> just too much unknown and possibilities, the ideas in this area needs
>> to be proven first.
> I don't really see what integration with Sugar needs to be achieved
> that isn't possible using the same APIs as any other activity. A
> html/js/node equivalent of sugar-toolkit would be useful, but I don't
> see any integration necessary beyond that.

I didn't mean integration of the HTML activities stuff with Sugar but 
integration (inclusion) of the HTML activities stuff in the Sugar platform.

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-24 Thread Lucian Branescu
On 24 June 2011 14:10, Daniel Drake  wrote:
> On 24 June 2011 13:08, Lucian Branescu  wrote:
>> Just nitpicking, but gtk2/pygi is a perfectly good option as well, and
>> it may even work with sugar-toolkit (depending on the status of
>> python-gobject and sugar-toolkit).
> According to a conversation I had with Tomeu and J5 (pygi developers),
> pygi introspection to gtk2 libraries does not work well and is
> unsupported. Also, mixing pygi with pygtk is impossible and will fall
> over immediately. According to them, pure gtk3 is the only solution.

Hmm, that's quite different from my last talk with them. I was told
that gtk2 is fine and that since py-gi is based on pygobject, there's
a chance it might work with pygtk2.

Not having gtk2 support is quite nasty, and it changes a lot of plans.
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-24 Thread Daniel Drake
On 24 June 2011 13:08, Lucian Branescu  wrote:
> Just nitpicking, but gtk2/pygi is a perfectly good option as well, and
> it may even work with sugar-toolkit (depending on the status of
> python-gobject and sugar-toolkit).

According to a conversation I had with Tomeu and J5 (pygi developers),
pygi introspection to gtk2 libraries does not work well and is
unsupported. Also, mixing pygi with pygtk is impossible and will fall
over immediately. According to them, pure gtk3 is the only solution.

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-24 Thread Lucian Branescu
On 22 June 2011 12:54, Marco Pesenti Gritti  wrote:
> On 21 June 2011 23:23, Daniel Drake  wrote:
>> 2. In order to get Browse, Help and Wikipedia up and running on
>> webkit, do you see the need for a hulahop equivalent? Or some kind of
>> sugar-level web widget abstraction? Or just direct calls into webkit.
> I'm not sure. I think hulahop in principle is pretty much equivalent
> to WebKitGtk + PyGi. In practice though I suspect there are going to
> be differences on the amount of code required to write something like
> Wikipedia and Help. If it's too much, people will just cut/paste the
> whole Browse, which I think we should avoid.
> The way I would approach it, is to first port Browse basing it
> directly on WebKitGtk. Then port Help or Wikipedia and see if it make
> sense to share code. If it's generic enough to be upstreamed we should
> try to. If it's sugar specific, adding it to sugar-toolkit would
> probably make sense (a common toolbar implementation for example?).

In my porting of Browse from hulahop to pywebkitgtk, the code got a
lot smaller. WebKit's API is in fact much nicer and much more complete
than what hulahop offers, the latter requiring direct XPCOM usage. No
need for a hulahop-webkit.

On 22 June 2011 19:02, Daniel Drake  wrote:
> The biggest finding that came from outside this thread is that if
> Browse is to move to pygi to access webkit, the Sugar python bits that
> it uses must also be gtk3/pygi. No mixing with pygtk2 is possible. So
> we have a prerequisite on sugar (or at least parts of it?) being moved
> to gtk3/pygi first.

Just nitpicking, but gtk2/pygi is a perfectly good option as well, and
it may even work with sugar-toolkit (depending on the status of
python-gobject and sugar-toolkit). In the worst case, gtk2/pygi would
have to be used with a port of sugar-toolkit to pygi. There is no need
to bother with gtk3.

Also, it'll be much easier to move Surf from pygtk2/pywebkitgtk to
gtk2/pygi than to gtk3/pygi anyway.

On 23 June 2011 13:16, Marco Pesenti Gritti  wrote:
> On 22 June 2011 19:02, Daniel Drake  wrote:
>> I think this is exciting and definitely a good area to explore, but at
>> this point I'm trying to keep it separate from the "rescue Browse"
>> operation. I outlined the reasoning here:
> I totally agree with you there.
> I would like to see a lot of experimentation with html activities
> outside the platform before we even consider integrating. There is
> just too much unknown and possibilities, the ideas in this area needs
> to be proven first.

I don't really see what integration with Sugar needs to be achieved
that isn't possible using the same APIs as any other activity. A
html/js/node equivalent of sugar-toolkit would be useful, but I don't
see any integration necessary beyond that.
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-23 Thread Marco Pesenti Gritti
On 22 June 2011 19:02, Daniel Drake  wrote:
> I think this is exciting and definitely a good area to explore, but at
> this point I'm trying to keep it separate from the "rescue Browse"
> operation. I outlined the reasoning here:

I totally agree with you there.

I would like to see a lot of experimentation with html activities
outside the platform before we even consider integrating. There is
just too much unknown and possibilities, the ideas in this area needs
to be proven first.

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-22 Thread NoiseEHC

Unless you are proposing that all of Sugar moves to C as a base; that
may have its merits but is a separate discussion, and not one I'm
going to get involved with. Feel free to start a new thread / Feature

I am not proposing anything. I just showed an option that no one 
considered. I mean that I thought that no one considered... :)

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-22 Thread Daniel Drake
2011/6/22 NoiseEHC :
> Why do not you implement the new Browse in C/C++?

Sugar is developed as a Python-based platform.

> It would have three advantages:
> 1. It could reuse an existing WebKit browser's code.
> 2. It would not depend on incomplete/unmaintained python bindings.
> 3. It would be fast. At least it would not use 60M of python runtime memory
> per process.

The implementation plan I propose tackles all of those points.

I am proposing that webkit is embedded into an application, so it is
an existing browser, not a new one. If you think things like managing
back/forward would be difficult, take a quick look at the webkitgtk
API and think again. Or look at the webkit minibrowser.

The push for pygi means no depending on python bindings that need maintenance.

The move to pygi is expected to drop memory usage and improve startup time.

> Of course it would require reimplementing some simple toolbar and children
> would not be able to look into the browser's codebase (only though the web)
> but I think it would be an interesting option to consider. At least the 3.
> point could be important enough for the most used application in Sugar...

Yes, it would be a huge drop in maintainability, and the maintainance
problem is exactly why I dragged myself into this problem.

Unless you are proposing that all of Sugar moves to C as a base; that
may have its merits but is a separate discussion, and not one I'm
going to get involved with. Feel free to start a new thread / Feature

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-22 Thread NoiseEHC

The biggest finding that came from outside this thread is that if
Browse is to move to pygi to access webkit, the Sugar python bits that
it uses must also be gtk3/pygi. No mixing with pygtk2 is possible. So
we have a prerequisite on sugar (or at least parts of it?) being moved
to gtk3/pygi first.

Why do not you implement the new Browse in C/C++?
It would have three advantages:
1. It could reuse an existing WebKit browser's code.
2. It would not depend on incomplete/unmaintained python bindings.
3. It would be fast. At least it would not use 60M of python runtime 
memory per process.
Of course it would require reimplementing some simple toolbar and 
children would not be able to look into the browser's codebase (only 
though the web) but I think it would be an interesting option to 
consider. At least the 3. point could be important enough for the most 
used application in Sugar...

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-22 Thread Daniel Drake
On 22 June 2011 12:54, Marco Pesenti Gritti  wrote:
> I'm not sure. I think hulahop in principle is pretty much equivalent
> to WebKitGtk + PyGi. In practice though I suspect there are going to
> be differences on the amount of code required to write something like
> Wikipedia and Help. If it's too much, people will just cut/paste the
> whole Browse, which I think we should avoid.
> The way I would approach it, is to first port Browse basing it
> directly on WebKitGtk. Then port Help or Wikipedia and see if it make
> sense to share code. If it's generic enough to be upstreamed we should
> try to. If it's sugar specific, adding it to sugar-toolkit would
> probably make sense (a common toolbar implementation for example?).

Thanks for your input on this. I've summarised all the collected info
so far here:

The biggest finding that came from outside this thread is that if
Browse is to move to pygi to access webkit, the Sugar python bits that
it uses must also be gtk3/pygi. No mixing with pygtk2 is possible. So
we have a prerequisite on sugar (or at least parts of it?) being moved
to gtk3/pygi first.

> The hardest case are activities which implement their content view in
> html and the rest using native widgets. Just some thoughts:

I think this is exciting and definitely a good area to explore, but at
this point I'm trying to keep it separate from the "rescue Browse"
operation. I outlined the reasoning here:

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-22 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
On 15 June 2011 05:58, Daniel Drake  wrote:
> There have been various discussions in the past suggesting a move from
> mozilla to webkit for the Browse activity and related components, but
> I've never really been convinced: there is always a cost to switching,
> and convincing-looking numbers from webkit supporters tended to be
> countered with convincing-looking numbers from mozilla supporters.
> But now I believe there is a new reason for the switch to WebKit: necessity.

Aside from just Web browsers, how about supporting HTML5/JS activities
more directly?

Karma[0] looks very cool[1], but unfortunately it looks like a dormant project.

I think we can create a lot of potential[2] by integrating WebKit into
Sugar, rather than just having a Web browser on top.



Sridhar Dhanapalan
Technical Manager
One Laptop per Child Australia
M: +61 425 239 701
A: G.P.O. Box 731
 Sydney, NSW 2001
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-22 Thread Marco Pesenti Gritti
On 21 June 2011 23:23, Daniel Drake  wrote:
> You could have been even more convincing if you had used this API:
> (yes, its webkit1, but it looks excellent from a GTK perspective, and
> a breath of fresh air after seeing what mozilla put you through with
> hulahop etc!)

The reason I posted an example of the cross platform API is that I
think it's what really set it apart from gtkmozembed. We would be
using (directly or indirectly) the same API everyone else is using
which means 1 it will be complete, 2 it will be stable, 3 it will be
maintained by the core webkit developers.

> So, let me see if my understanding lines up with yours.
> WebKit2 provides an API specification, and all of the different
> frontends (Qt/GTK/...) implement that API, with only the minor tweaks
> needed to make it fit in to the platform?


> In your example, WKViewCreate() must have been provided as a
> GTK-specific thing, as it returns a GtkWidget. And the other platforms
> would provide their own platform-specific implementation?


> If I understand it correctly, the webkitgtk developers are aiming to
> provide both options. First, the cross-platform API implemented to
> return a GTK+ widget (looks like they've made great progress there).
> Secondly, a refresh of the GObject-style API, implemented based on top
> of that cross-platform API.
> This is what seems to be suggested here:
> Do you agree with that interpretation?

That's also my understanding.

> As you suggest I do plan to get closer to the upstream development to
> really get a grip on this, but firstly, I'd be interested in your
> opinion on 2 further points:
> 1. If my understanding above is correct, do you think Browse should go
> with the cross-platform API, or the upcoming GObject-style one?

I went back and forward on this. I was annoyed about introducing an
extra layer (compared to direct python bindings of the cross-platform
API), since there is already plenty of them in that stack.

Though I think I'm now pretty convinced using the GObject API is the
best approach for Sugar. It's more practical because there are people
working on GObject but not direct python bindings. More flexible
because you could use it from any language with gobject-introspection
bindings. More consistent with the rest of the stack.

> 2. In order to get Browse, Help and Wikipedia up and running on
> webkit, do you see the need for a hulahop equivalent? Or some kind of
> sugar-level web widget abstraction? Or just direct calls into webkit.

I'm not sure. I think hulahop in principle is pretty much equivalent
to WebKitGtk + PyGi. In practice though I suspect there are going to
be differences on the amount of code required to write something like
Wikipedia and Help. If it's too much, people will just cut/paste the
whole Browse, which I think we should avoid.

The way I would approach it, is to first port Browse basing it
directly on WebKitGtk. Then port Help or Wikipedia and see if it make
sense to share code. If it's generic enough to be upstreamed we should
try to. If it's sugar specific, adding it to sugar-toolkit would
probably make sense (a common toolbar implementation for example?).

The hardest case are activities which implement their content view in
html and the rest using native widgets. Just some thoughts:

* I'm not really convinced about using the web page exclusively as a
DOM tree and try to manipulate it outside the sandbox. I'm not going
to elaborate much on that to not digress, suffice to say that you
wouldn't be able to use stuff like the canvas with that approach.
* I like the idea of activities based exclusively on the web stack,
using a local nodejs server to communicate with the system, but it's a
lot of work. Using the cross platform API to write the viewer would be
the most sensible approach, so it doesn't really affect Browse anyway.
* Injecting javascript is a bit of an hack but it might be a
practical/low cost solution. WebKitGtk doesn't seem to have something
like iOS stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString but it looks like it
should be easy to add. I'm not sure about browser -> application
communication, maybe we could use window.postMessage and some hooks in
WebKitGtk to listen to those. It could even be abstracted as
sendMessage/addMessageListener kind of API, in both directions, using
json messages.

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-21 Thread Gonzalo Odiard
> 2. In order to get Browse, Help and Wikipedia up and running on
> webkit, do you see the need for a hulahop equivalent? Or some kind of
> sugar-level web widget abstraction? Or just direct calls into webkit.
>From the point of view of the activity, Wikipedia and Help are using the
same code of Browse.
There are other activities like SocialCalc trying to use more interaction
between python and dom/javascript,
but are a pile of hacks.

I think there are work in webkit2 to implement DOM, but I don't know if is
merged in F15.
Right now you can execute javascript, but to get a value is also a hack
(changing the title and getting
the value from the python property) You can see this in the read activity in

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-21 Thread Daniel Drake
On 14 June 2011 23:52, Marco Pesenti Gritti  wrote:
> On 14 June 2011 20:58, Daniel Drake  wrote:
>> 1. I've only made half the argument above. Mozilla is bad, but why is
>> WebKit the solution? The key questions here are: is it embeddable?
>> Does it work well when embedded? Do the developers support it being
>> embedded?
> With WebKit2, this all you need to load a web page into a GtkBox
> WKViewRef web_view = WKViewCreate(WKContextGetSharedProcessContext(), 0);
> WKPageLoadURL(WKViewGetPage(web_view), WKURLCreateWithUTF8CString(PAGE_URL));
> gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(box), GTK_WIDGET(web_view), TRUE, TRUE, 0);
> gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(web_view));

You could have been even more convincing if you had used this API:
(yes, its webkit1, but it looks excellent from a GTK perspective, and
a breath of fresh air after seeing what mozilla put you through with
hulahop etc!)

> "WebKit2 will provide a stable C-based non-blocking API that is mostly
> platform agnostic. In order to achieve the goal of a non-blocking API,
> several techniques are used to make the API usable while still
> providing a comprehensive set of features to the embedder."

So, let me see if my understanding lines up with yours.

WebKit2 provides an API specification, and all of the different
frontends (Qt/GTK/...) implement that API, with only the minor tweaks
needed to make it fit in to the platform?

In your example, WKViewCreate() must have been provided as a
GTK-specific thing, as it returns a GtkWidget. And the other platforms
would provide their own platform-specific implementation?

This is nice from a cross-platform perspective, but I do really like
what has been done with WebKit1:
i.e. they have provided a really nice fully GObject-style API that
lets you put a web browser in your app. For those of us who are
experienced with glib/gobject/GTK+ and do all our other work with
those technologies, this API is probably preferable to the
cross-platform one, simply because it is more familiar from the

If I understand it correctly, the webkitgtk developers are aiming to
provide both options. First, the cross-platform API implemented to
return a GTK+ widget (looks like they've made great progress there).
Secondly, a refresh of the GObject-style API, implemented based on top
of that cross-platform API.

This is what seems to be suggested here:
Do you agree with that interpretation?

As you suggest I do plan to get closer to the upstream development to
really get a grip on this, but firstly, I'd be interested in your
opinion on 2 further points:

1. If my understanding above is correct, do you think Browse should go
with the cross-platform API, or the upcoming GObject-style one?

2. In order to get Browse, Help and Wikipedia up and running on
webkit, do you see the need for a hulahop equivalent? Or some kind of
sugar-level web widget abstraction? Or just direct calls into webkit.

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-19 Thread Daniel Drake
On 17 June 2011 18:13, Martin Langhoff  wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 1:00 PM, Marco Pesenti Gritti  
> wrote:
>> Did you test epiphany? I think that would give you a pretty decent
>> idea of what is achievable without putting work into WebKit itself.
> Not in a while. Earlier builds on Ubuntu were very unstable and buggy.
> Just installed on F15 - will try out.

I also saw crashes with WebKit-based epiphany when I tried it a few
months ago, but those issues do seem to be fixed now. I switch to
Epiphany on my F15 desktop in response to this episode and haven't
seen any crashes so far - I'm very happy with it.

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-17 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 1:00 PM, Marco Pesenti Gritti  wrote:
> Did you test epiphany? I think that would give you a pretty decent
> idea of what is achievable without putting work into WebKit itself.

Not in a while. Earlier builds on Ubuntu were very unstable and buggy.

Just installed on F15 - will try out.

-- -- Software Architect - OLPC
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-17 Thread Marco Pesenti Gritti
On 17 June 2011 17:51, Martin Langhoff  wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 6:52 PM, Marco Pesenti Gritti  
> wrote:
>> With WebKit2, this all you need to load a web page into a GtkBox
> So that's my understanding of WebKit -- it's easily embeddable.
> I am not sure whether the API is as complete or as good as we want it.

I think the WebKit2 API must be complete or Apple wouldn't have been
able to build Safari on the top of it. What I'm not sure is if the gtk
backend implementation is complete/polished enough.

> IOWs, it's likely not a trivial job to get a good polished result.

Absolutely not trivial. It would be probably quicker to get a working
browser by forking firefox or chrome, but then maintenance would be
quite a burden.

> Just from using the various webkit-based browsers in existence in
> recent Fedoras and Ubuntus -- while both Safari and Webkit are
> outstanding (and backed by large dev teams), Surf limited but workable
> (a few versions back, need to test latest!...) everything else has
> been very unstable and disappointing.

Did you test epiphany? I think that would give you a pretty decent
idea of what is achievable without putting work into WebKit itself.

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-17 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 6:52 PM, Marco Pesenti Gritti  wrote:
> With WebKit2, this all you need to load a web page into a GtkBox

So that's my understanding of WebKit -- it's easily embeddable.

I am not sure whether the API is as complete or as good as we want it.
IOWs, it's likely not a trivial job to get a good polished result.

Just from using the various webkit-based browsers in existence in
recent Fedoras and Ubuntus -- while both Safari and Webkit are
outstanding (and backed by large dev teams), Surf limited but workable
(a few versions back, need to test latest!...) everything else has
been very unstable and disappointing.


-- -- Software Architect - OLPC
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-14 Thread Marco Pesenti Gritti
On 14 June 2011 20:58, Daniel Drake  wrote:
> 1. I've only made half the argument above. Mozilla is bad, but why is
> WebKit the solution? The key questions here are: is it embeddable?
> Does it work well when embedded? Do the developers support it being
> embedded?

With WebKit2, this all you need to load a web page into a GtkBox

WKViewRef web_view = WKViewCreate(WKContextGetSharedProcessContext(), 0);
WKPageLoadURL(WKViewGetPage(web_view), WKURLCreateWithUTF8CString(PAGE_URL));
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(box), GTK_WIDGET(web_view), TRUE, TRUE, 0);

Quite an improvement over mozilla :) More importantly, from

"WebKit2 will provide a stable C-based non-blocking API that is mostly
platform agnostic. In order to achieve the goal of a non-blocking API,
several techniques are used to make the API usable while still
providing a comprehensive set of features to the embedder."

A couple of important points here:

1 The API is stable, something that mozilla never guaranteed even
between minor releases.
2 The API is the same every other WebKit2 based browser will be using,
it's not a special, incomplete subset of the API for embedders (I
would say that was the crux of the problem with gtkmozembed).

My main worry is not about embeddability really but about the quality
of the gtk specific bits. I'm not sure I trust libsoup for example.
Motorola and Igalia are working on those

It would probably be a good idea to talk with them about status/plans.
Testing MiniBrowser should be interesting too, it builds very easily
on F15.

Hope that helps,
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-14 Thread Lucian Branescu
On 14 June 2011 20:58, Daniel Drake  wrote:
> 2. What is the state of Surf?
> This is the existing webkit-based browser for Sugar. Does it work
> well? Is it reliable? What are the gaping holes?

It works reasonably well. I couldn't implement cookies for example,
because that requires libsoup bindings. libsoup folks recommended I
use pygi. There are a few other gaps in functionality.

Surf is forked from Browse a few versions back (I think 119). Some new
features could be backported from newer Browse, but overall I consider
the Surf codebase in a reasonable state, just incomplete.

> 3. What is the safe of pywebkitgtk in F14, F15, F16?
> This is the backend library used by Surf, right? Is this still the
> right answer for creating a webkit-based app using Python + GTK?
> Does it work well on Fedora 14, or do we need a newer distro?
> I remember at one point there being some pretty key problems with
> pywebkitgtk causing Surf development to halt. What were these issues
> and have they been overcome?

pywebkitgtk is unmaintained, and its author has moved to pygi.
Switching to pygi shouldn't be hard at all from what I've seen, it's
an almost entirely automated process.

> IIRC those pywebkitgtk-related problems were going to be solved with a
> move to GObject introspection, which wasn't mature back in that
> timeframe. But it is mature and usable now. But does this require us
> to move to GTK+-3?

pygi itself is much more mature, indeed. However, last year there were
significant problems with using sugar-toolkit together with pygi,
since sugar-toolkit uses (used?) static bindings. I don't know what
the status is now, the issues may no longer exist. iirc, part of the
reason pygi was merged in pygobject was to better support static
bindings based on pygobject.

It doesn't require moving to GTK3, which is entirely orthogonal to pygi afaik.

> Does WebKit/webkitgtk work for both GTK+-2 and GTK+-3? Any pros/cons
> of one over the other?

I don't know about the state of their GTK3 port, but I believe they're
working on it.

On 14 June 2011 22:05, C. Scott Ananian  wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 4:42 PM, Daniel Drake  wrote:
>> On 14 June 2011 21:35, Peter Robinson  wrote:
>>> Would a skinned version of Firefox Mobile work for what is needed?
>> No, as we need collaboration, journal access, etc. But (I didn't
>> include this argument as I lost the link) this response matches what I
>> read from mozilla developers: if you want to build a mozilla-based
>> product, fork the mozilla codebase and write your application inside
>> there.
> I did work on that; you can certainly make a firefox extension that
> supports collaboration, journal access, etc.  My firefox activity did
> some of what's necessary.  Firefox can speak dbus, etc.

Yes, if mozilla is desired, the way to go is to extend xulrunner, not
embed it. An alternative chrome and a couple of extensions for sugar
integration would provide that.
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-14 Thread C. Scott Ananian
On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 4:42 PM, Daniel Drake  wrote:
> On 14 June 2011 21:35, Peter Robinson  wrote:
>> Would a skinned version of Firefox Mobile work for what is needed?
> No, as we need collaboration, journal access, etc. But (I didn't
> include this argument as I lost the link) this response matches what I
> read from mozilla developers: if you want to build a mozilla-based
> product, fork the mozilla codebase and write your application inside
> there.

I did work on that; you can certainly make a firefox extension that
supports collaboration, journal access, etc.  My firefox activity did
some of what's necessary.  Firefox can speak dbus, etc.

That said, I had first-hand experience w/ a project which switched
from embedded mozilla to webkit, and I can testify that the
performance improvement was indeed significant.

      ( )
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-14 Thread Daniel Drake
On 14 June 2011 21:35, Peter Robinson  wrote:
> Would a skinned version of Firefox Mobile work for what is needed?

No, as we need collaboration, journal access, etc. But (I didn't
include this argument as I lost the link) this response matches what I
read from mozilla developers: if you want to build a mozilla-based
product, fork the mozilla codebase and write your application inside

Not a viable option for us, and again, way outside our norms...

Thanks for the webkit info - indeed a good start!

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-14 Thread Peter Robinson
I'm not a developer so some of what I write is here say but from what I know
of from following various upstream.

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 8:58 PM, Daniel Drake  wrote:

> There have been various discussions in the past suggesting a move from
> mozilla to webkit for the Browse activity and related components, but
> I've never really been convinced: there is always a cost to switching,
> and convincing-looking numbers from webkit supporters tended to be
> countered with convincing-looking numbers from mozilla supporters.
> But now I believe there is a new reason for the switch to WebKit:
> necessity.
> === Mozilla ===
> First, why I've become convinced that Mozilla is no longer a viable
> option in the face of alternatives:

> The combination of the fact that mozilla embedding has been neglected
> over the years, is currently broken and is now actively discouraged,
> and the fact that general use and design of the library sits way
> outside of our open-source norms means that I've lost faith in this
> being a good option for us (and I've got so frustrated by this episode
> that I've changed web browser on my desktop system as well).

Would a skinned version of Firefox Mobile work for what is needed?

> === WebKit ===
> What I'd like to do now is spec out a project for someone to take on,
> moving Browse to WebKit in a way that can be clearly justified for the
> community.
> But, WebKit is totally new to me so I have many open questions. Can
> anyone help me answer them? I'll be collecting the results into a wiki
> page (to form the above spec).
> 1. I've only made half the argument above. Mozilla is bad, but why is
> WebKit the solution? The key questions here are: is it embeddable?
> Does it work well when embedded? Do the developers support it being
> embedded?

Yes. Its used by yelp (gnome help) and various other applications and
libraries. Eclipse embeds it in SWT and a number of mail clients use it for
html mail rendering (I think Claws uses it).

> Does anyone have experience here? The name "WebKit" makes it sound
> nice and modular, and the fact that WebKit itself isn't a browser
> would seem to support these arguments, but it would be nice being able
> to argue this on a more solid basis.

In theory it should be nice an modular, the JS is a separate component for
example. Details of all the components are here:

> 2. What is the state of Surf?
> This is the existing webkit-based browser for Sugar. Does it work
> well? Is it reliable? What are the gaping holes?

It works, we're shipping it in SoaSv5.

> 3. What is the safe of pywebkitgtk in F14, F15, F16?
> This is the backend library used by Surf, right? Is this still the
> right answer for creating a webkit-based app using Python + GTK?
> Does it work well on Fedora 14, or do we need a newer distro?

It works with Surf on F-14 (yum install sugar-surf for a quick test) but I
have no idea of the state of it. Looking at the rpm changelog in Fedora
1.1.6 is the current release in Fedora, current as of Aug 2009, although
1.1.8 is in F-15 as of March.

Looking at the 1.4.x release that ships with F-15 it looks like there's
gobject introspection support has been added so I suggest that for a new
project that might be the best way to go for python support. Tomeu might be
the best person to reply to that point though.

F-14 ships 1.3.10. Looking at the changelogs I suspect we're stuck on that
version due to requirements on libsoup.

There's issues with the version in F-14 in that it doesn't support TLS and a
number of other things (not sure exactly what else though).

I remember at one point there being some pretty key problems with
> pywebkitgtk causing Surf development to halt. What were these issues
> and have they been overcome?

I suspect the solution is to use introspection instead. The support seems
complete since the release of 1.4.x stable release in F-15.

> IIRC those pywebkitgtk-related problems were going to be solved with a
> move to GObject introspection, which wasn't mature back in that
> timeframe. But it is mature and usable now. But does this require us
> to move to GTK+-3?

I don't believe it does. In F-14 and F-15 there's both webkitgtk and
webkitgt3 releases.

 Does WebKit/webkitgtk work for both GTK+-2 and GTK+-3? Any pros/cons
> of one over the other?

 There's 2 different builds of them in both F-14 and F-15. The gtk3 linked
version in both releases trails behind the gtk2 release, I don't believe
that's due to lack of support for gtk3 but rather someone hasn't kept the
releases in sync.

Not a complete answer but should give you a start.

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] Browse and the move to WebKit

2011-06-14 Thread Daniel Drake
There have been various discussions in the past suggesting a move from
mozilla to webkit for the Browse activity and related components, but
I've never really been convinced: there is always a cost to switching,
and convincing-looking numbers from webkit supporters tended to be
countered with convincing-looking numbers from mozilla supporters.

But now I believe there is a new reason for the switch to WebKit: necessity.

=== Mozilla ===

First, why I've become convinced that Mozilla is no longer a viable
option in the face of alternatives:

I've been looking at a bug where Browse can't pass the focus from a
normal GTK+ widget to a text input field inside the hulahop browser
window. I think this bug was added in xulrunner-1.9.2 (over v1.9.1).
We are not the only ones to conclude that embedding xulrunner-1.9.2
into your own app is totally broken:

Until xulrunner-2.0, mozilla provided a "gtkmozembed" widget within
mozilla, a GTK+ widget that you could use to trivially embed a
Mozilla-based web browser window to your GTK+ app. We didn't use it
(presumably because it was a bit simplistic) but our "hulahop"
equivalent had a lot in common and was no doubt built from knowledge
of gtkmozembed.

Mozilla have now removed gtkmozembed altogether because it was
unmaintained and doesn't represent "the direction we
want for embedding in general" yet I've been looking and I can't find
any example which *do* represent what they want. If they did want to
influence the right direction on people they should provide good

But the clear message from
is that embedding isn't a concern for Mozilla and they acknowledge
that it hasn't been given the support it deserves. They are taking
steps to make embedding actively harder and actively discourage
against using mozilla in this way:!topic/

Also, the mindset in which mozilla is developed seems to sit a long
way out of our traditional open-source ecosystem (where we aren't
bugged by problems like DLL hell). They have gone in the direction
that enables you to build and install a mozilla-using application
without having mozilla installed. The mozilla stuff can then be
located at runtime and used. Here are the hoops they now put us
through as of xulrunner-2.0, enabling this approach (which is of
little use for us and just seems ridiculous):

We want to call the function XRE_InitEmbedding() inside libxul. This
is the first thing you need to do if you want to embed mozilla in
another app.

XRE_InitEmbedding has been removed from the mozilla public headers, so
we have to go into the mozilla source so that we can include the
definition in our own code. Found it:

typedef nsresult (__cdecl *XRE_InitEmbeddingType)(nsILocalFile
nsILocalFile *aAppDirectory,
nsIDirectoryServiceProvider *aAppDirProvider,
nsStaticModuleInfo const *aStaticComponents,
PRUint32 aStaticComponentCount);

Next problem: nsStaticModuleInfo doesn't exist in Mozilla public
headers either. As its just a pointer that we don't use (we pass
NULL), lets just make it void.

typedef nsresult (__cdecl *XRE_InitEmbeddingType)(nsILocalFile
nsILocalFile *aAppDirectory,
nsIDirectoryServiceProvider *aAppDirProvider,
const void *aStaticComponents,
PRUint32 aStaticComponentCount);

Next problem: this function is alive and present in libxul but doesn't
exist in the regular symbol table! So we need to use some Mozilla
magic to find it:

XRE_InitEmbeddingType XRE_InitEmbedding;

static const struct nsDynamicFunctionLoad kXRESymbols[] = {
  { "XRE_InitEmbedding", (NSFuncPtr*) &XRE_InitEmbedding },
  { nsnull, nsnull }


Now XRE_InitEmbedding will be set and we can call it like a function.

Is this feeling long winded yet?

There's more! XPCOMGlueLoadXULFunctions() isn't present in libxul!
Because remember, our app can't link against libxul at all. So where
does it come from?

It comes from libxpcomglue, a static library shipped by xulrunner
which we must statically link against, including it wholly inside our

Now, after jumping through many hoops, we can finally call a function
inside the library we are interested in. Now we just have to get
through the run-time bugs such as focus issues which have spent months
unfixed in mozilla-central...

The combination of the fact that mozilla embedding has been neglected
over the years, is currently broken and is now actively discouraged,
and the fact that general use and design of the library sits way
outside of our open-source norms means that I've lost faith in this
being a good optio