Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-16 Thread Ron Hunter

On 5/15/2014 7:36 PM, David E. Ross wrote:

On 5/15/2014 12:29 PM, Ron Hunter wrote:

On 5/15/2014 10:36 AM, David E. Ross wrote:

On 5/15/2014 1:07 AM, Ron Hunter wrote:

On 5/14/2014 5:57 PM, David E. Ross wrote:

On 5/14/2014 2:38 PM, Ron Hunter wrote:

On 5/14/2014 2:05 PM, Rufus wrote:

Ron Hunter wrote:

On 5/13/2014 4:41 PM, Philip Taylor wrote:

Rufus wrote:

...I'd like to see all of the bugs that are preventing me from using
Profile Manager fixed, and for SM to actually use my pref setting for
Master Password.

And fix the bug for following on-disk paths for .html files so I can
stop having to use Safari to open my Epson Help manual.

And my wish is even simpler :  that all documented bugs are fixed before
any further development takes place.

Philip Taylor

Philip, there is no such thing as bugless software of the complexity of
SeaMonkey.  If you tried to do what you ask, then no further development
would ever take place, and the browser would soon become unusable as the
web slowly changed.

...personally, I don't think SM is all that's not like it
does 3D graphic presentations with interactive panning and rotation or
anything math-intensive like that.

Check the number of lines of code involved.

Bloat does not equal complexity or value.  Before the days of desktop
computers and client-server systems, I was a software test engineer on a
complex software system that ran on a main-frame.  This system went
operational about 1971 or 1972 and continued to evolve until it was shut
down in 1992.  Because the main-frame had a fixed memory size, much
effort was expended on ensuring that new features could be added without
increasing the amount of memory required.

Often, I was asked how big the system was.  We had a tool that would
provide the number of source-code statements as well as the size of the
compiled executables.  I guarded that tool to prevent naive managers
from using it.  After I learned that the customer (U.S. Air Force) was
interested in how much code they obtained for the money they spent, I
would release the results only under a cover memo that explained that
size was a very poor measure of value.

So you are saying bloat code is always flawless?  I miss the logic here.

NO!  I said bloat does not equal complexity or value.  Bloat is
inherently flawed.  Just because you have 20 GB of memory, 100 TB of
hard drive, and a 50 GHz processor does not mean you should ignore
efficiency and consume all available resources.

Why not?  You paid for them.  You planning to leave them for future
generations and don't want to wear them out?

I might have use for my hardware resources that are unknown to the
developer of an individual application.

I often more than one application at a time, some of which use
significant hardware resources.  For example, after doing backups of all
my hard drives -- segmented by Windows, non-Windows software, data
excluding photos, and photos -- I then encrypt the backup files and move
the results to an external hard drive.  At the same time, I might be
replying to E-mail or surfing the Web.  Encryption via OpenPGP is
processor-intensive.  Moving gigabyte files from an internal hard drive
to an external one is I/O-intensive.  E-mail and Web surfing are
network-intensive.  Oh yes, I forgot; sometimes while all this is going
on, I am also doing a system-wide anti-virus scan (processor- and

I do not want bloatware impacting my attempt to have my PC doing
mutliple tasks.

Then don't use ABP, or don't open a lot of tabs.  There are always 
limits to available resources.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-16 Thread Ron Hunter

On 5/15/2014 8:01 PM, MCBastos wrote:

Interviewed by CNN on 15/05/2014 12:51, Philip Taylor told the world:

In 1975/6, one of my 3rd-year undergraduates in Computer Science wrote
a chess end-game solver; it ran in 8Kb.  Is there a programmer alive
today who could achieve the same in 8Mb, let alone 8Kb ?

Oh, a few. Mostly people who like assembler. Like Steve Gibson.

Doesn't C++ allow inline assembly code??
I used to enjoy coding in assembler.  Nothing like getting down there 
with bits, nibbles, and bytes..  Grin.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Unable to use a form with SM - ok with FireFox

2014-05-16 Thread Ron Hunter

On 5/15/2014 7:21 PM, WaltS48 wrote:

On 05/15/2014 08:05 PM, Ray_Net wrote:

WaltS48 wrote, On 16/05/2014 00:27:

On 05/15/2014 06:05 PM, EE wrote:

Ray_Net wrote:

Another problem with SM.
Unable to type into a form.
Steps to reproduce:
1. go to
2. Click on the tab Recherche d'itinéraire
3. Then go in the middle of the page and click on the Cliquer ici
rechercher un itinéraire
4. Type in the first zone (localité): anderlecht .. then try to
type in
the Rue zone ...
BUT if you are too long to do something, without having the time to
type: anderlecht 
you are switched to an error page where it's written:
Requête non complétée
Votre demande n'a pu être traitée. Veuillez réessayer.

With IE11, it work, but i have another problem rendering the form
With FireFox 26.0 all goes well

SM version under Wiwdows7 is:
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/27.0 SeaMonkey/2.24
Build identifier: 20140203230027

Does not work for me with either FF 24esr or SeaMonkey.  It works only
with Safari.

Works with Adblock Plus disabled using SeaMonkey 2.25 and Firefox
29.0.1 for me.

BINGO ! AdBlock+ yeah !

TESTED OK - Many Thanks !


That extension is becoming more of a pita than it is worth to me. is totally blank unless you disable ABP for that site.

I am sure that is because their whole site is one big advertising 
display, right?  No way around that, if you want to see their site, but 
that's about the last place I would go for news.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-16 Thread Ron Hunter

On 5/15/2014 8:24 PM, Rufus wrote:

Ron Hunter wrote:

On 5/14/2014 9:48 PM, Ed Mullen wrote:

Rufus wrote:

PhillipJones wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Ron Hunter wrote:

On 5/13/2014 4:41 PM, Philip Taylor wrote:

Rufus wrote:

...I'd like to see all of the bugs that are preventing me from
Profile Manager fixed, and for SM to actually use my pref setting
Master Password.

And fix the bug for following on-disk paths for .html files so I
stop having to use Safari to open my Epson Help manual.

And my wish is even simpler :  that all documented bugs are fixed
any further development takes place.

Philip Taylor

Philip, there is no such thing as bugless software of the
complexity of
SeaMonkey.  If you tried to do what you ask, then no further
would ever take place, and the browser would soon become unusable as
web slowly changed.

...personally, I don't think SM is all that's not
like it
does 3D graphic presentations with interactive panning and
rotation or
anything math-intensive like that.

Still Rather Complex to do Email Newsgroup Web Browsing ant one it
do FTP.

Not write three routines, and one routine to drive them

I used to do that with my engineering homework...I'd code each
assignment as a subroutine and as the semester went on I'd just choose
the function I needed form the previous assignment and write a
driver to
call them as needed to get the result for the next assignment.

My prof used to ask why I had to write such fancy code...why don't
you just do the assignment.  He never caught on that by doing
things as
I had the assignments actually were getting easier as he gave them
out -
copy, cut, paste, script.

That's why he taught and, I suspect, you worked and made money.
Education vs. real world.  Academia vs. life.

That's why I like to see educators come into teaching after retiring
from business.  For a few years, they are great as they have real world
experience.  Then their experience grows less useful because the
technology changes, and they need to retire again.
That's why schools like to see their educators continue to work toward
higher degrees, or doing research...

There are severe financial impacts in the USA for going into teaching
after first having a career - you lose the entirety of your Social
Security benefit...because teachers don't pay Social Security tax and
the benefit is based on consecutive quarters to retirement.  So there's
a true least in the USA.

I found this out when my Dad retired - he was a teacher. I was stunned.

Hummm.  I subbed for 5 years.  No effect on my SS because I didn't start 
teaching until I was already on SS.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey futures...

2014-05-16 Thread Daniel

On 16/05/14 07:44, PhillipJones wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Ray Davison wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Philip Taylor wrote:

Trane Francks wrote:

SeaMonkey's lineage is directly traceable to Netscape Navigator 1.0.
SeaMonkey will effectively be having its 20th birthday this year.

Er, no (not unless you believe in time-travel !); it is /Netscape/
will effectively be having its 20th birthday this year, and as
who has used every version from Netscape 1.0 to Seamonkey 2.17,
I would like to wish Netscape a Very Happy Birthday indeed !

What's in a name? That which we call SeaMonkey, by any other name would
smell as sweet...

And as for there being a continuous chain, my current mail files began
life in Netscape.  They have always been on a separate partition from
the apps, so when I got a new version of the app I just told it to use
the existing files.

Mine too, but I don't remember the number of the first version of
Netscape I used.

Mine was 3.0.1. Gold cost me $39.95 receive in Mail a CD and a 200 page
paperback book.

I've got two copies of the book lying around here, so did I get one with 
NC 3.0 Gold and another with NC 4.0, I wonder!!

As this is not problem solving, I've cross-posted to moz.gen and set 
follow-up there as well!


User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 
Firefox/29.0 SeaMonkey/2.26 Build identifier: 20140415200419


User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 
Firefox/29.0 SeaMonkey/2.26 Build identifier: 20140408191805

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-16 Thread Daniel

On 16/05/14 02:47, Philip Taylor wrote:

Ed Mullen wrote:

[T]his history notes bugs that were fixed in different versions:

Quite correct -- there /were/ (a very small number of) bugs.  But Knuth
is punctilious in eliminating every bug reported, and if you study his
methodology you will see that he then rigorously searches the code for
any place where he might have made a similar error.  The claim was not
that no body of code as complex as that of Seamonkey can be free of
error at its inception but rather no body of code as complex as that
of Seamonkey can be ever be free of bugs, which is a very different
claim indeed.

Philip Taylor

And the man has some confidence in his programming .

(From the file)
% A reward of $327.68 will be paid to the first finder of any remaining bug.


User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 
Firefox/29.0 SeaMonkey/2.26 Build identifier: 20140415200419


User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 
Firefox/29.0 SeaMonkey/2.26 Build identifier: 20140408191805

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-16 Thread Daniel

On 16/05/14 11:18, Rufus wrote:

Daniel wrote:

On 15/05/14 11:05, Rufus wrote:

Trane Francks wrote:

On 5/15/14 4:58 AM +0900, David E. Ross wrote:


I'm using Linux and have yet to experience any issue navigating
file-based HTML pages with SeaMonkey. I do suspect that using an Alias
would require that the HTML pages use explicit paths, as I do not
believe that using an Alias changes the current working directory.
That's an OS X issue, though, not a SeaMonkey issue.

I suspect not - SM just need to be able to follow the path through the
OS X file system to the actual file and open it...what it's doing now on
me is opening a blank page.

Again - used to work, now it doesn't, haven't changed OS X = SM problem.

Rufus, I think there have been updates to Mac OS X, so it may have

Yes, there have been updates to OS X, but I haven't installed them - all
of my most used installs run under 10.6.8, and I have only one running
under 10.7.1 which I use very little.  I see the same thing for both -
it used to work, now it doesn't.

Is it possible for you to install an old SM version where you *KNOW* it
did work on your current OS X to see if this function does still work??


Yes - I know that 1.1.19 worked (I still use 1.1.19 on an older iMac I
have running 10.5 and that still works), and it must have worked in
2.7.1 judging from my UA string indicating 2.7.2 when I wrote the bug.

 but if you were to run SM 1.1.19 on your OS X 10.6.8 or 10.7.1, 
would that feature still work?? i.e. has the OS changed in some way to 
restrict what SM can do!!


User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 
Firefox/29.0 SeaMonkey/2.26 Build identifier: 20140415200419


User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 
Firefox/29.0 SeaMonkey/2.26 Build identifier: 20140408191805

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-16 Thread Ron Hunter

On 5/16/2014 5:16 AM, Daniel wrote:

On 16/05/14 02:47, Philip Taylor wrote:

Ed Mullen wrote:

[T]his history notes bugs that were fixed in different versions:

Quite correct -- there /were/ (a very small number of) bugs.  But Knuth
is punctilious in eliminating every bug reported, and if you study his
methodology you will see that he then rigorously searches the code for
any place where he might have made a similar error.  The claim was not
that no body of code as complex as that of Seamonkey can be free of
error at its inception but rather no body of code as complex as that
of Seamonkey can be ever be free of bugs, which is a very different
claim indeed.

Philip Taylor

And the man has some confidence in his programming .

(From the file)
% A reward of $327.68 will be paid to the first finder of any remaining

Interesting figure.  Wonder how he came up with that...??

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-16 Thread Daniel

On 16/05/14 21:05, Ron Hunter wrote:

On 5/16/2014 5:16 AM, Daniel wrote:


And the man has some confidence in his programming .

(From the file)
% A reward of $327.68 will be paid to the first finder of any remaining

Interesting figure.  Wonder how he came up with that...??

One might wonder, on some particular date, was US$300 worth AU$327.68 
(or vies versa) or was 200 GB pounds equal to US$327.68!!

Who knows!!


User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 
Firefox/29.0 SeaMonkey/2.26 Build identifier: 20140415200419


User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 
Firefox/29.0 SeaMonkey/2.26 Build identifier: 20140408191805

support-seamonkey mailing list

Mail Display Glitch

2014-05-16 Thread Cecil Bankston
My SeaMonkey 2.26 Mail window uses the Classic Layout with message list 
and preview panes on the right.  When I first open Mail it shows only a 
single pane on the right with no message list.  I have to close and 
restart Mail to get the message list to display.  The View menu shows 
the same settings in either case.  Is this a known problem, and if so, 
is there a way I can make SeaMonkey open with the correct layout without 
having to restart it?

C. Bankston
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Mail Display Glitch

2014-05-16 Thread cyberzen

Le 16/05/2014 16:02, Cecil Bankston a écrit :

My SeaMonkey 2.26 Mail window uses the Classic Layout with message list
and preview panes on the right.  When I first open Mail it shows only a
single pane on the right with no message list.  I have to close and
restart Mail to get the message list to display.  The View menu shows
the same settings in either case.  Is this a known problem, and if so,
is there a way I can make SeaMonkey open with the correct layout without
having to restart it?

same here

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: seamonkey, firefox, and $HOME/.mozilla/plugins/ on a Scientific Linux system

2014-05-16 Thread Charles Campbell

Lucas Levrel wrote:

Le 14 mai 2014, Charles Campbell a écrit :


I have been dropped from administration rights on this box at work, 
so I can't do a regular seamonkey install.  Instead, I run it out of 
a personal directory.

On my home computer, I have a $HOME/.mozilla/plugins/ directory 
wherein I've put, and firefox seems to pick that up 
and use it ok from there.  However, seamonkey does not do so. That 
doesn't bother me at home, because I've put it where it does find it 
(somewhere under /usr, if I recall correctly).

Where may I put so that seamonkey will find it? 
I've tried putting it in .../seamonkey/ where a number of other *.so 
files it provides resides, but that doesn't do the trick, either.

Add this to ~/.profile (assuming your shell is bash or similar):
 export MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib64/browser-plugins
where you'll put the correct path, of course.

If flash is installed and up-to-date on the system, you may point to 
the system dir. Or you point to your own dir and, if this prevents SM 
from seeing plugins installed system-wide, in your own dir you add 
symbolic links to other system plugins you use and don't want to 
install on your own.

Thank you -- but it still didn't work.  I suspect that I'm using a flash 
plugin that's incompatible with linux 64-bit seamonkey.  I'll have to 
get a 64-bit flash plugin, I suppose.

Chip Campbell

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-16 Thread Philip Chee
On 15/05/2014 09:23, Rufus wrote:

 The biggest problem I infer with the Profile Manager is that it seems to 
 have *two* branches as evidenced by the differing splash screens when 
 invoked - the more modern one at start up, and the older one when 
 invoked from within the no wonder the left hand doesn't 
 know what the right hand has done...why isn't this code shared and there 
 is only *one* way to draw the splash?  Could the whole of the code for 
 the PM duplicated?  And what does the PM have to do why I can't get SM 
 to launch the correct target via an OS X Alias?

Could you provide some screenshots? As far as I know we have only one
Profile Manager.


Philip Chee,
Guard us from the she-wolf and the wolf, and guard us from the thief,
oh Night, and so be good for us to pass.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-16 Thread Geoff Welsh

Cruz, Jaime wrote:

EE wrote:

Does HTML5 video go to real full-screen at all?  That has not been my

HTML5 from YouTube does not... however HTML5 video when you use the
VIDEO HTML5 tag does.  If you don't believe me, look at the videos on
my motorcycle club's webpage and see for yourself.

not going to spend all day there, but several videos said I needed to 
instal Flash, and the others had no indication that I could go full 
screen, so I right-clicked the video and found a  full screen option, 
but the screen just goes black.

on OS X (10.9)
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-16 Thread Hartmut Figge
Geoff Welsh:
Cruz, Jaime wrote:

not going to spend all day there, but several videos said I needed to 
instal Flash, and the others had no indication that I could go full 
screen, so I right-clicked the video and found a  full screen option, 
but the screen just goes black.

Videos from 2014, 0213_02_DeathValley, plays fine her after allowing
Flashblock to do it. Toggling full screen is possible with F11.

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:32.0) Gecko/2014051601
Firefox/32.0 SeaMonkey/2.29a1-h

support-seamonkey mailing list

A good AdBlock Plus replacement for SeaMonkey web browsers?

2014-05-16 Thread Ant
ABP is getting bloated and buggy especially with , , etc. Are there any good ad 
blocker replacements for SeaMonkeys in Linux/Debian, Mac OS X, and Windows?

Thank you in advance. :)
Why eat ants when an uncle will do? --Tymoutta Aardvarka of Sarcastica
   /\___/\ Ant(Dude) @ (Personal Web Site)
  / /\ /\ \Ant's Quality Foraged Links:
 | |o   o| |
\ _ /If crediting, then use Ant nickname and AQFL URL/link.
 ( ) If e-mailing, then axe ANT from its address if needed.
Ant is currently not listening to any songs on this computer.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey futures...

2014-05-16 Thread chicagofan

Philip Taylor wrote:

Trane Francks wrote:

SeaMonkey's lineage is directly traceable to Netscape Navigator 1.0.
SeaMonkey will effectively be having its 20th birthday this year.

Er, no (not unless you believe in time-travel !); it is /Netscape/ that
will effectively be having its 20th birthday this year, and as someone
who has used every version from Netscape 1.0 to Seamonkey 2.17,
I would like to wish Netscape a Very Happy Birthday indeed !

Philip Taylor

I second that Happy Birthday.  I think I began with a 2.0 version of 
Netscape... and never left.   :)

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Unable to use a form with SM - ok with FireFox

2014-05-16 Thread EE

WaltS48 wrote:

On 05/15/2014 06:05 PM, EE wrote:

Ray_Net wrote:

Another problem with SM.
Unable to type into a form.
Steps to reproduce:
1. go to
2. Click on the tab Recherche d'itinéraire
3. Then go in the middle of the page and click on the Cliquer ici pour
rechercher un itinéraire
4. Type in the first zone (localité): anderlecht .. then try to type in
the Rue zone ...
BUT if you are too long to do something, without having the time to
type: anderlecht 
you are switched to an error page where it's written:
Requête non complétée
Votre demande n'a pu être traitée. Veuillez réessayer.

With IE11, it work, but i have another problem rendering the form
With FireFox 26.0 all goes well

SM version under Wiwdows7 is:
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/27.0 SeaMonkey/2.24
Build identifier: 20140203230027

Does not work for me with either FF 24esr or SeaMonkey.  It works only
with Safari.

Works with Adblock Plus disabled using SeaMonkey 2.25 and Firefox 29.0.1
for me.

I have Safari Adblocker, which uses Adblock Plus subscriptions, and did 
not have to disable that.  Why would it be different with Adblock Plus 
with subscriptions in SM and FF?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Unable to use a form with SM - ok with FireFox

2014-05-16 Thread WaltS48

On 05/16/2014 03:48 PM, EE wrote:

WaltS48 wrote:

On 05/15/2014 06:05 PM, EE wrote:

Ray_Net wrote:

Another problem with SM.
Unable to type into a form.
Steps to reproduce:
1. go to
2. Click on the tab Recherche d'itinéraire
3. Then go in the middle of the page and click on the Cliquer ici pour
rechercher un itinéraire
4. Type in the first zone (localité): anderlecht .. then try to type in
the Rue zone ...
BUT if you are too long to do something, without having the time to
type: anderlecht 
you are switched to an error page where it's written:
Requête non complétée
Votre demande n'a pu être traitée. Veuillez réessayer.

With IE11, it work, but i have another problem rendering the form
With FireFox 26.0 all goes well

SM version under Wiwdows7 is:
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/27.0 SeaMonkey/2.24
Build identifier: 20140203230027

Does not work for me with either FF 24esr or SeaMonkey.  It works only
with Safari.

Works with Adblock Plus disabled using SeaMonkey 2.25 and Firefox 29.0.1
for me.

I have Safari Adblocker, which uses Adblock Plus subscriptions, and did
not have to disable that.  Why would it be different with Adblock Plus
with subscriptions in SM and FF?

Just reporting my findings in an attempt to assist.

Updated all my subscriptions today. Did not retest the site.

Thunderbird 30.0b1
Jazz Live International
Go Bucs!
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-16 Thread Rufus

David E. Ross wrote:

On 5/15/2014 6:01 PM, Rufus wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

On 5/14/2014 6:23 PM, Rufus wrote [in part]: used the MAC version, right?

What I see when I invoke the PM at start up is the new more modern
looking graphic - which is more of a splash than what I'd call a
window; and the colors match the SM Modern Theme.  When I invoke the
PM using Switch User I get a presentation that looks like the older
1.x.x/Netscape graphics - older colors not matching the SM Modern Theme.

Plus whatever else...the fact that the graphical presentations are
different alone is enough to make me loose faith.

No, I am using Windows 7.

If I set SeaMonkey to use the Modern theme, I get the opposite of what
you describe.  Without SeaMonkey already running, launching the Profile
Manager gives me a window with the Default theme.  With SeaMonkey
already running, selecting [Tools  Switch Profile] from the menu bar
gives me a Profile Manager window with the Modern theme.

That's a new and additional observation for the PC platform, but it 
still backs up the basics of what I wrote for the bug, if only in 
opposite presentation.

I strongly suspect that the Profile Manager does not have the capability
to determine the user's chosen theme and load it, but the Profile
Manager does have the capability of using whatever theme was in use when
it is launched.

I only use the SM Modern Theme, and I'm not switching Themes - but the 
PM is showing me two differing presentations depending on how it is 
launched...if what you say were to hold then my bug should vanish after 
the second launch - it doesn't for me, what do you see?

I don't see why it should do two different things period - especially 
showing me the old 1.1.x screen, which isn't relevant to *either* of the 
current built in Themes...there should only be *one* screen, no matter 
how you invoke it.  This is why I suspect spaghetti/non-identical 
duplication in the coding.

Actually, I think the Modern Theme is hiddeous.  Other than for this
test, my selection is the Default theme.

I think the Default Theme is hideous - I couldn't ditch it fast enough. 
 If the current Default Theme should ever become my only selection I 
*will* quit using SM and convert to using Safari and Thunderbird.

In fact, I've got a mind to look into writing a couple plugins that 
would add the two to each others menus to make them seem like a faux I idea that just occurred to me the other day.

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-16 Thread Rufus

Ron Hunter wrote:

On 5/15/2014 8:24 PM, Rufus wrote:

Ron Hunter wrote:

On 5/14/2014 9:48 PM, Ed Mullen wrote:

Rufus wrote:

PhillipJones wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Ron Hunter wrote:

On 5/13/2014 4:41 PM, Philip Taylor wrote:

Still Rather Complex to do Email Newsgroup Web Browsing ant one it
do FTP.

Not write three routines, and one routine to drive them

I used to do that with my engineering homework...I'd code each
assignment as a subroutine and as the semester went on I'd just choose
the function I needed form the previous assignment and write a
driver to
call them as needed to get the result for the next assignment.

My prof used to ask why I had to write such fancy code...why don't
you just do the assignment.  He never caught on that by doing
things as
I had the assignments actually were getting easier as he gave them
out -
copy, cut, paste, script.

That's why he taught and, I suspect, you worked and made money.
Education vs. real world.  Academia vs. life.

That's why I like to see educators come into teaching after retiring
from business.  For a few years, they are great as they have real world
experience.  Then their experience grows less useful because the
technology changes, and they need to retire again.
That's why schools like to see their educators continue to work toward
higher degrees, or doing research...

There are severe financial impacts in the USA for going into teaching
after first having a career - you lose the entirety of your Social
Security benefit...because teachers don't pay Social Security tax and
the benefit is based on consecutive quarters to retirement.  So there's
a true least in the USA.

I found this out when my Dad retired - he was a teacher. I was stunned.

Hummm.  I subbed for 5 years.  No effect on my SS because I didn't start
teaching until I was already on SS.

That was probably your out - my Dad managed to work enough quarters 
after he retired by starting his own biz, but his SS check is only about 
$65/mo...he put in the time mainly to qual for the medical bennies.

There was a spot on the evening news here a few years back about some CA 
nurses that had retired and gone on to full time teaching careers only 
to get old enough to apply for SS and find out they got zip...nothing, 
nada.  So if you're planning to make a full-time second career out of 
teaching in the USA you better get tenured and have a pension, because 
your bennie from your first career is negated.

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-16 Thread Rufus

Daniel wrote:

On 16/05/14 11:18, Rufus wrote:

Daniel wrote:

On 15/05/14 11:05, Rufus wrote:

Trane Francks wrote:

On 5/15/14 4:58 AM +0900, David E. Ross wrote:


I'm using Linux and have yet to experience any issue navigating
file-based HTML pages with SeaMonkey. I do suspect that using an Alias
would require that the HTML pages use explicit paths, as I do not
believe that using an Alias changes the current working directory.
That's an OS X issue, though, not a SeaMonkey issue.

I suspect not - SM just need to be able to follow the path through the
OS X file system to the actual file and open it...what it's doing
now on
me is opening a blank page.

Again - used to work, now it doesn't, haven't changed OS X = SM

Rufus, I think there have been updates to Mac OS X, so it may have

Yes, there have been updates to OS X, but I haven't installed them - all
of my most used installs run under 10.6.8, and I have only one running
under 10.7.1 which I use very little.  I see the same thing for both -
it used to work, now it doesn't.

Is it possible for you to install an old SM version where you *KNOW* it
did work on your current OS X to see if this function does still work??


Yes - I know that 1.1.19 worked (I still use 1.1.19 on an older iMac I
have running 10.5 and that still works), and it must have worked in
2.7.1 judging from my UA string indicating 2.7.2 when I wrote the bug.

 but if you were to run SM 1.1.19 on your OS X 10.6.8 or 10.7.1,
would that feature still work?? i.e. has the OS changed in some way to
restrict what SM can do!!

No, the OS hasn't restricted SM and if such a change were to have 
occurred Apple would have pointed it out in it's Developer notes - which 
I assume the SM developers actually read...I hope so, because I can only 
guess that there are a lot of them pertaining to the new Mavericks OS...

I continued to run SM 1.1.19 on my 10.6.8 machines until the release of 
2.7 because of all of the complaints about 2.x I'd read here.  I finally 
put 2.7 on my laptop for evaluation and determined it to finally be usable.

The only problem I had with 1.1.19 under 10.6.8 was the random prompting 
for my Master Password, which got broken somewhere around 1.1.16 and is 
*still* broken in 2.26.  And the 1.1.19 Password Manager didn't give me 
any issues either.

I also halted at 2.13.1 until now because of the short drawn drops 
compounding the problem with ignoring my Pref setting for use of Master 
Password, but the short drops have finally been fixed and now I'm up 
with 2.26 on all my machines...except my OS X 10.5 install, because it 
won't run on PPC.

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-16 Thread Rufus

Philip Chee wrote:

On 15/05/2014 09:23, Rufus wrote:

The biggest problem I infer with the Profile Manager is that it seems to
have *two* branches as evidenced by the differing splash screens when
invoked - the more modern one at start up, and the older one when
invoked from within the no wonder the left hand doesn't
know what the right hand has done...why isn't this code shared and there
is only *one* way to draw the splash?  Could the whole of the code for
the PM duplicated?  And what does the PM have to do why I can't get SM
to launch the correct target via an OS X Alias?

Could you provide some screenshots? As far as I know we have only one
Profile Manager.


Where can I send them?  Would be really nice if I could post them with 
the bug...or here...

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-16 Thread Rufus

Rufus wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

On 5/16/2014 5:07 PM, Rufus wrote:

Philip Chee wrote:

On 15/05/2014 09:23, Rufus wrote:

The biggest problem I infer with the Profile Manager is that it
seems to
have *two* branches as evidenced by the differing splash screens when
invoked - the more modern one at start up, and the older one when
invoked from within the no wonder the left hand doesn't
know what the right hand has done...why isn't this code shared and
is only *one* way to draw the splash?  Could the whole of the code for
the PM duplicated?  And what does the PM have to do why I can't get SM
to launch the correct target via an OS X Alias?

Could you provide some screenshots? As far as I know we have only one
Profile Manager.


Where can I send them?  Would be really nice if I could post them with
the bug...or here...

You can post them in the bug report.  Make JPEG, GIF, or some other
image file.  Then update the bug report by attaching the image file.

How do I do that?  I don't see a way to navigate to the file to include
it...I've taken two screen shots - standing by...

...I think I found it.

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-16 Thread Rufus

David E. Ross wrote:

On 5/16/2014 5:07 PM, Rufus wrote:

Philip Chee wrote:

On 15/05/2014 09:23, Rufus wrote:

The biggest problem I infer with the Profile Manager is that it seems to
have *two* branches as evidenced by the differing splash screens when
invoked - the more modern one at start up, and the older one when
invoked from within the no wonder the left hand doesn't
know what the right hand has done...why isn't this code shared and there
is only *one* way to draw the splash?  Could the whole of the code for
the PM duplicated?  And what does the PM have to do why I can't get SM
to launch the correct target via an OS X Alias?

Could you provide some screenshots? As far as I know we have only one
Profile Manager.


Where can I send them?  Would be really nice if I could post them with
the bug...or here...

You can post them in the bug report.  Make JPEG, GIF, or some other
image file.  Then update the bug report by attaching the image file.

How do I do that?  I don't see a way to navigate to the file to include 
it...I've taken two screen shots - standing by...

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-16 Thread Rufus

Rufus wrote:

Rufus wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

On 5/16/2014 5:07 PM, Rufus wrote:

Philip Chee wrote:

On 15/05/2014 09:23, Rufus wrote:

The biggest problem I infer with the Profile Manager is that it
seems to
have *two* branches as evidenced by the differing splash screens when
invoked - the more modern one at start up, and the older one when
invoked from within the no wonder the left hand doesn't
know what the right hand has done...why isn't this code shared and
is only *one* way to draw the splash?  Could the whole of the code
the PM duplicated?  And what does the PM have to do why I can't
get SM
to launch the correct target via an OS X Alias?

Could you provide some screenshots? As far as I know we have only one
Profile Manager.


Where can I send them?  Would be really nice if I could post them with
the bug...or here...

You can post them in the bug report.  Make JPEG, GIF, or some other
image file.  Then update the bug report by attaching the image file.

How do I do that?  I don't see a way to navigate to the file to include
it...I've taken two screen shots - standing by...

...I think I found it.

Screen shots posted in bug #724293.

Bugs #724293 and #743463 are probably related; both don't work, whether 
or not the PM is invoked at start up.

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Mail Display Glitch

2014-05-16 Thread NoOp
On 05/16/2014 07:02 AM, Cecil Bankston wrote:
 My SeaMonkey 2.26 Mail window uses the Classic Layout with message list 
 and preview panes on the right.  When I first open Mail it shows only a 
 single pane on the right with no message list.  I have to close and 
 restart Mail to get the message list to display.  The View menu shows 
 the same settings in either case.  Is this a known problem, and if so, 
 is there a way I can make SeaMonkey open with the correct layout without 
 having to restart it?

If you have Ghostery installed disable it. Then restart.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Mail Display Glitch

2014-05-16 Thread Cecil Bankston

NoOp wrote:

On 05/16/2014 07:02 AM, Cecil Bankston wrote:

My SeaMonkey 2.26 Mail window uses the Classic Layout with message list
and preview panes on the right.  When I first open Mail it shows only a
single pane on the right with no message list.  I have to close and
restart Mail to get the message list to display.  The View menu shows
the same settings in either case.  Is this a known problem, and if so,
is there a way I can make SeaMonkey open with the correct layout without
having to restart it?

If you have Ghostery installed disable it. Then restart.


I'm using SeaMonkey on a Windows 7 Pro system and don't use Ghostery.

C. Bankston
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-16 Thread David E. Ross
On 5/16/2014 6:26 PM, Rufus wrote:
 Rufus wrote:
 Rufus wrote:
 David E. Ross wrote:
 On 5/16/2014 5:07 PM, Rufus wrote:
 Philip Chee wrote:
 On 15/05/2014 09:23, Rufus wrote:

 The biggest problem I infer with the Profile Manager is that it
 seems to
 have *two* branches as evidenced by the differing splash screens when
 invoked - the more modern one at start up, and the older one when
 invoked from within the no wonder the left hand doesn't
 know what the right hand has done...why isn't this code shared and
 is only *one* way to draw the splash?  Could the whole of the code
 the PM duplicated?  And what does the PM have to do why I can't
 get SM
 to launch the correct target via an OS X Alias?

 Could you provide some screenshots? As far as I know we have only one
 Profile Manager.


 Where can I send them?  Would be really nice if I could post them with
 the bug...or here...

 You can post them in the bug report.  Make JPEG, GIF, or some other
 image file.  Then update the bug report by attaching the image file.

 How do I do that?  I don't see a way to navigate to the file to include
 it...I've taken two screen shots - standing by...

 ...I think I found it.

 Screen shots posted in bug #724293.
 Bugs #724293 and #743463 are probably related; both don't work, whether 
 or not the PM is invoked at start up.

Yep!  I was able to view them.


David E. Ross

On occasion, I filter and ignore all newsgroup messages
posted through GoogleGroups via Google's G2/1.0 user agent
because of spam, flames, and trolling from that source.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Mail Display Glitch

2014-05-16 Thread NoOp
On 05/16/2014 07:02 PM, Cecil Bankston wrote:
 NoOp wrote:
 On 05/16/2014 07:02 AM, Cecil Bankston wrote:
 My SeaMonkey 2.26 Mail window uses the Classic Layout with message list
 and preview panes on the right.  When I first open Mail it shows only a
 single pane on the right with no message list.  I have to close and
 restart Mail to get the message list to display.  The View menu shows
 the same settings in either case.  Is this a known problem, and if so,
 is there a way I can make SeaMonkey open with the correct layout without
 having to restart it?

 If you have Ghostery installed disable it. Then restart.


 I'm using SeaMonkey on a Windows 7 Pro system and don't use Ghostery.

Interesting. Are you getting this:
or this?
instead of something like this?

If so, you might want to try restarting with all addons  extensions
disabled  see if you get the same.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-16 Thread Rufus

David E. Ross wrote:

On 5/16/2014 6:26 PM, Rufus wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Rufus wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

On 5/16/2014 5:07 PM, Rufus wrote:

Philip Chee wrote:

On 15/05/2014 09:23, Rufus wrote:

The biggest problem I infer with the Profile Manager is that it
seems to
have *two* branches as evidenced by the differing splash screens when
invoked - the more modern one at start up, and the older one when
invoked from within the no wonder the left hand doesn't
know what the right hand has done...why isn't this code shared and
is only *one* way to draw the splash?  Could the whole of the code
the PM duplicated?  And what does the PM have to do why I can't
get SM
to launch the correct target via an OS X Alias?

Could you provide some screenshots? As far as I know we have only one
Profile Manager.


Where can I send them?  Would be really nice if I could post them with
the bug...or here...

You can post them in the bug report.  Make JPEG, GIF, or some other
image file.  Then update the bug report by attaching the image file.

How do I do that?  I don't see a way to navigate to the file to include
it...I've taken two screen shots - standing by...

...I think I found it.

Screen shots posted in bug #724293.

Bugs #724293 and #743463 are probably related; both don't work, whether
or not the PM is invoked at start up.

Yep!  I was able to view them.

Good.  Pictures always help!

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-16 Thread Geoff Welsh

Ron Hunter wrote:

On 5/13/2014 2:06 PM, Rufus wrote:

Cruz, Jaime wrote:

After playing around with several different browsers there are a couple
of minor tweaks I'd like to see to the Seamonkey interface.

I'd like to be able to close a tab from the tab itself. Firefox, Chrome
and even Internet explorer put a little x on the left side of the tab
(even an inactive one) that allows you to close the tab.  With
Seamonkey, you have to bring the tab you want to close to the fore and
then mouse all the way over to the right and click the X over there.
As screens get higher and higher definitions, this gets more and more

Only one other minor tweak I'd like to see, and that's in the playback
of HTML5 video.  Chrome and Firefox have a little clickable button at
the bottom of the playback window that allows you to switch to full
screen.  With Seamonkey, you have to right-click to bring up the menu
and select Full Screen from there.

These are more convenience items than anything else but it would
really simplify the experience for users, I think.

Thanks for hearing me out.

...I'd like to see all of the bugs that are preventing me from using the
Profile Manager fixed, and for SM to actually use my pref setting for
Master Password.

And fix the bug for following on-disk paths for .html files so I can
stop having to use Safari to open my Epson Help manual.

I would like to see a single click on the URL in the URL bar to select
the whole URL like it does in Firefox.  That's why I am not using
SeaMonkey as my primary browser.

mine (SM) does that

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: seamonkey, firefox, and $HOME/.mozilla/plugins/ on a Scientific Linux system

2014-05-16 Thread NoOp
On 05/16/2014 08:15 AM, Charles Campbell wrote:
 Lucas Levrel wrote:
 Le 14 mai 2014, Charles Campbell a écrit :


 I have been dropped from administration rights on this box at work, 
 so I can't do a regular seamonkey install.  Instead, I run it out of 
 a personal directory.

 On my home computer, I have a $HOME/.mozilla/plugins/ directory 
 wherein I've put, and firefox seems to pick that up 
 and use it ok from there.  However, seamonkey does not do so. That 
 doesn't bother me at home, because I've put it where it does find it 
 (somewhere under /usr, if I recall correctly).

 Where may I put so that seamonkey will find it? 
 I've tried putting it in .../seamonkey/ where a number of other *.so 
 files it provides resides, but that doesn't do the trick, either.

 Add this to ~/.profile (assuming your shell is bash or similar):
  export MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib64/browser-plugins
 where you'll put the correct path, of course.

 If flash is installed and up-to-date on the system, you may point to 
 the system dir. Or you point to your own dir and, if this prevents SM 
 from seeing plugins installed system-wide, in your own dir you add 
 symbolic links to other system plugins you use and don't want to 
 install on your own.

 Thank you -- but it still didn't work.  I suspect that I'm using a flash 
 plugin that's incompatible with linux 64-bit seamonkey.  I'll have to 
 get a 64-bit flash plugin, I suppose.
 Chip Campbell

Don't know if this will help, but here is what I have:

Path: /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/
State: Disabled
Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202

file /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/
/usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/ ELF 64-bit LSB shared
object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped

$ md5sum

If I do not use the one in /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/,
then I put it in ~/.mozilla/plugins instead. That generally works for me
- not sure why it doesn't work for you.

Testing: I just cp'ed to ~/.mozilla/plugins  then
renamed the version in /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin to
libflashplayer.so_back and (with restarting SeaMonkey) checked to see if
SM picks it up - it does:

Shockwave Flash
Path: /home/username/.mozilla/plugins/
State: Enabled
Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202

Firefox 29 picks it up from the ~/.mozilla/plugins also. You might want
to check that you have a valid in that location  not
a symlink instead.

Tested both here:
You have version 11,2,202,359 installed

support-seamonkey mailing list