[Biofuel] Bloody outrage

2007-08-17 Thread Mike Weaver
My Encounter with [Insert Scary Music] ... Socialized Medicine!

My foot had been sore for a couple of weeks and it wasn’t getting 
better. I usually would ignore that, but we were about to leave on a 
two-week vacation with my wife Joy’s parents to celebrate both of our 
big anniversaries (their 50th and our 10th). Then I have to fly to 
Singapore for the World Vision triennial conference. So I wouldn’t be 
back home for many weeks and my Washington, D.C., health care provider 
(over the phone) strongly urged me to see a doctor in London before we left.
http://go.sojo.net/ct/LdqJeuM1xzC5/ Get a free issue of /Sojourners/ 

I realized then that I was about to have my first encounter with 
SOCIALIZED MEDICINE! Now it’s one thing to advocate health care reform 
in America and even to be politically sympathetic to the idea of a 
single-payer government-supported system like they have in most of the 
world’s developed and civilized countries (such as Canada, Germany, and 
Great Britain). But it was another thing to actually go to the emergency 
room (or ER, but in the U.K. they call it Accident and Emergency) of a 
hospital in the British National Health Service. After all, I had heard 
the horror stories—long waits in incompetent, dirty, and substandard 
medical facilities; bad doctors and faulty diagnoses; and, of course, 
incredible bureaucracies like everything in socialist systems. Rush 
Limbaugh and every other conservative pundit have warned us all in 
America about the horrific practices of British socialized medicine.
So I prepared myself. I brought a big novel to read, along with my 
eyeglasses, a bottle of water (no telling what they would not have in 
socialized medicine), and emotionally steeled myself for the ordeal. Ann 
Stevens, the Anglican vicar with whom we stay in London (she’s my son 
Luke’s godmother and Joy’s old pal) took me to St. George’s hospital, 
dropped me off at A and E, and wished me luck at 9 a.m. Hoping I would 
be home that night for dinner, I took a deep breath, walked across the 
street, and made my way into socialized medicine.
The waiting room was actually quite peaceful and not crowded, I noticed, 
as I walked up to reception. The woman at the reception desk smiled. I 
didn’t expect that. Can I help you? Yes, I replied, you see, I am 
an American—I guess you can tell—and I’m visiting family here—my wife is 
British—and we’re staying with our friend the vicar, and I have a sore 
foot, which I normally wouldn’t worry about but we’re going away for 
several weeks on vacation, and I called my health care provider in the 
U.S., and they told me to come in here and thought I should get an X-ray 
or something. (I wondered for a moment if it would help to tell them 
that I was a friend of the prime minister, but decided not.) What do 
you need from me? I asked hesitantly. Just your name and address, she 
replied with another smile. Oh ... Okay. She told me it would be about 
10 minutes to see the nurse. Yeah right, I thought to myself.
I settled into the waiting room chair, looked around at all the people 
who didn’t seem to be in any distress, and opened my book for a good 
long read. It was five minutes before the nurse called me in to a little 
office adjacent to the waiting area, which seemed to be an intake room. 
She was pleasant and professional as she asked me what was wrong, and 
how long I had felt the soreness. She gently examined my foot and then 
told me I would be called in to see a doctor in about 10 minutes. Sure 
thing, I thought. So I went back out to the waiting room and settled in 
again to read my novel.
It was five minutes before a young woman appeared and called my name, 
Mr. Wallis? She was a young Asian doctor named Dr. Gillian Kyei. She 
was also very pleasant and professional, taking time to ask me lots of 
questions about how I might have hurt my foot, etc. She examined the 
injured foot carefully, told me that it didn’t necessarily look broken, 
but that we should get an X-ray to make sure. I waited in her examining 
room for a couple of minutes while she called down to the X-ray 
department to say that I was on the way. Then she came back and escorted 
me herself.
When I got to X-ray, I checked in by just saying my name and took a seat 
in the waiting area. Finally, I was going to get to read my book! But 
five minutes later, the technician came out to bring me in. She took her 
time with me, taking several different angles of my foot. When I was 
done, she sent me back to my young doctor, with another smile.
This time the wait was a full 10 minutes because, I later learned, Dr. 
Kyei was reading the results of my X-ray, which had already been sent to 
her computer. She showed me what looked to her like a fracture of my 
fourth metatarsal bone, but said she wanted to consult with the 
orthopedic specialist. I waited about 10 minutes more while she did that 
and so got a few more pages read.
Dr. Kyei then came 

Re: [Biofuel] Bloody outrage

2007-08-17 Thread robert rabello

- Original Message -
From: Mike Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, August 17, 2007 5:05 am
Subject: [Biofuel] Bloody outrage
To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org

 My Encounter with [Insert Scary Music] ... Socialized Medicine!


 I was back at Ann’s in just over an hour from 
 when I left—with my letter, my boot, and my tale of smiling, pleasant, 
 and  efficient health care workers. And somehow I began to believe 
 that back in America we weren’t being given the whole truth. And guess 
 what? Ann tells me that David Beckham and Wayne Rooney, the biggest 
 British soccer (football) stars, have had metatarsal bone fractures, just 
 mine. In about six weeks, I too will be back on the field, thanks to 
 socialized medicine!

I've lived under both systems, and there is NO WAY that I would ever desire to 
return to America's free market medicine.  The system in the US works well if 
you have a lot of money, a category I have never fit into, and therefore did 
not have a good experience with health care in my own country, but here in 
Canada, when I have a medical issue I simply go to my family physician.

Rush Limbaugh and the other ranting lunatics have it wrong, as usual . . .

robert luis rabello

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Re: [Biofuel] Bloody outrage

2007-08-17 Thread Tom Irwin

Hi Mike and all,
Folks in America can't have everything. There have to be priorities. You can have the most expensive military in the world chasing ghosts or you can have national healthcare. Now in Uruguay I pay some pretty heavy taxes but everyone has healthcare. My prescriptions are U$5.00 each. They cost 10 times that in the states but at least there I can get frisked by airport security and photographed by a multitude of hidden cameras for my taxes. Now that's value. :-
Tom Irwin
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Re: [Biofuel] Bloody outrage

2007-08-17 Thread swalms
So stay in Uruguay!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Irwin
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 7:25 AM
To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Bloody outrage


Hi Mike and all,

Folks in America can't have everything. There have to be priorities. You can
have the most expensive military in the world chasing ghosts or you can have
national healthcare. Now in Uruguay I pay some pretty heavy taxes but
everyone has healthcare. My prescriptions are U$5.00 each. They cost 10
times that in the states but at least there I can get frisked by airport
security and photographed by a multitude of hidden cameras for my taxes. Now
that's value. :-

Tom Irwin 


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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Bloody outrage

2007-08-17 Thread malcolm maclure
Hi Mike,  all.

Glad your experience was Ok. I'm in the UK  a few years ago my dad had a
nasty stroke, he waited on an ambulance trolley in AE for 7 hrs for a bed
in a ward,  he devoted his working life to the NHS as a brilliant

I do have to say that sometimes our NHS may not be perfect all the time, but
we are damn lucky to have it. I've used AE a good few times  I'm glad it's
there - I can't imagine living with the US system, it seems so elitist. The
US spends trillions of $'s warmongering  yet it can't provide healthcare
for all, a basic human right it purports to promote. No offence to you at
all Mike, but I'm glad I'm British ( there are a lot of things British that
I'm not proud of) I wouldn't like the way the US behaves in the world on our
collective conscience.  

Best regards


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Weaver
Sent: 16 August 2007 15:05
To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Subject: [Biofuel] Bloody outrage

My Encounter with [Insert Scary Music] ... Socialized Medicine!

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Bloody outrage

2007-08-17 Thread Mike Weaver
Bush says we can have both the most expensive military in the world AND 
huge tax cuts for the wealthiest.

So there.

swalms wrote:

 So stay in Uruguay!


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Tom Irwin
 *Sent:* Friday, August 17, 2007 7:25 AM
 *To:* biofuel@sustainablelists.org
 *Subject:* Re: [Biofuel] Bloody outrage


 Hi Mike and all,

 Folks in America can't have everything. There have to be priorities. 
 You can have the most expensive military in the world chasing ghosts 
 or you can have national healthcare. Now in Uruguay I pay some pretty 
 heavy taxes but everyone has healthcare. My prescriptions are U$5.00 
 each. They cost 10 times that in the states but at least there I can 
 get frisked by airport security and photographed by a multitude of 
 hidden cameras for my taxes. Now that's value. :-

 Tom Irwin 


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 http://g.msn.com/8HMBEN/2731??PS=47575 Download today it's FREE!

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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Bloody outrage

2007-08-17 Thread Mike Weaver
I think Mr. Rush Limbaugh knows a little more than you do about 
prescriptions, Mr. Smarty pants Canadian.

Just how many Percocet prescriptions can you get from you family 
physician ? Eh? Eh?

Probably none.

That's why USA is #1!

robert rabello wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Mike Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Friday, August 17, 2007 5:05 am
 Subject: [Biofuel] Bloody outrage
 To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org

  My Encounter with [Insert Scary Music] ... Socialized Medicine!


  I was back at Ann’s in just over an hour from
  when I left—with my letter, my boot, and my tale of smiling, pleasant,
  and  efficient health care workers. And somehow I began to believe
  that back in America we weren’t being given the whole truth. And guess
  what? Ann tells me that David Beckham and Wayne Rooney, the biggest
  British soccer (football) stars, have had metatarsal bone fractures, 
 just like
  mine. In about six weeks, I too will be back on the field, thanks to
  socialized medicine!

 I've lived under both systems, and there is NO WAY that I would ever 
 desire to return to America's free market medicine.  The system in 
 the US works well if you have a lot of money, a category I have never 
 fit into, and therefore did not have a good experience with health 
 care in my own country, but here in Canada, when I have a medical 
 issue I simply go to my family physician.

 Rush Limbaugh and the other ranting lunatics have it wrong, as usual . . .

 robert luis rabello

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Bloody outrage

2007-08-17 Thread Mike Weaver
I agree - my folks were overseas for a year and the NHS saw my old man 
thru 2 big problems just fine.

I think the US system is great...if you happen to be rich.

Nobody in the US knows how the NHS or any other European system works:
They always bleat: But I don't want the Government telling me which 
doctor to see.  I always point out that that's not true anywhere there is
socialized medicine; there is a thriving health insurance industry in 
the EU, and no policeman will arrest you for walking into Dr. Jone's office,
seeing him and then paying the bill.  Just like you can do here.

The right has brain-washed to US to believe they'll forced into health 
collectives and shot if they leave.

Where I live we have socialized trash pick up, for heaven's sake.

But not to worry, we're catching up to the UK fast when it comes to 
video spying...


malcolm maclure wrote:

Hi Mike,  all.

Glad your experience was Ok. I'm in the UK  a few years ago my dad had a
nasty stroke, he waited on an ambulance trolley in AE for 7 hrs for a bed
in a ward,  he devoted his working life to the NHS as a brilliant

I do have to say that sometimes our NHS may not be perfect all the time, but
we are damn lucky to have it. I've used AE a good few times  I'm glad it's
there - I can't imagine living with the US system, it seems so elitist. The
US spends trillions of $'s warmongering  yet it can't provide healthcare
for all, a basic human right it purports to promote. No offence to you at
all Mike, but I'm glad I'm British ( there are a lot of things British that
I'm not proud of) I wouldn't like the way the US behaves in the world on our
collective conscience.  

Best regards


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Weaver
Sent: 16 August 2007 15:05
To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Subject: [Biofuel] Bloody outrage

My Encounter with [Insert Scary Music] ... Socialized Medicine!

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Bloody outrage

2007-08-17 Thread Tom Irwin
I have no intention of leaving.

From: "swalms" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: biofuel@sustainablelists.orgTo: biofuel@sustainablelists.orgSubject: Re: [Biofuel] Bloody outrageDate: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 07:42:14 -0700

So stay in Uruguay!Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! MSN Messenger Download today it's FREE!

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