Re: [systemd-devel] Static IP address on wandering Wi-Fi client

2019-06-18 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Johann,

>> And frankly IP configuration needs to move into the network technology 
>> daemons like iwd for example.
> What's the argument here for that reasoning as in why not consolidate all 
> network configuration ( ethernet/wifi/vrrp/vpn's etc.. )  to a single place ( 
> networkd )?  
> Why do you want to keep the network configuration and management space 
> fragmented ( as opposed to consolidated ) ? 

because that is what the standards are doing. WiFi for example can transport 
the IP address inline. You just need to confirm it with DHCP later. It is how 
the standards are written that you want to really move DHCP one level down. The 
same applies to cellular connections where all the IP level configuration comes 
via the cellular network and not DHCP.

For setting up WiFi connections and being able to roam fast (even in the Tokyo 
subway scenarios), you need to do certain things in a single place. We will 
never be able to expose all the WiFi states one level up. We are hiding them 
inside iwd for a reason.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Static IP address on wandering Wi-Fi client

2019-06-18 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Bruce,

> I'm not so sure about handing the IP configuration to the service that
> is managing the link level. What then do we do with Ethernet? Do we
> build an iwd equivalent to set up the routes, etc. for the Ethernet
> connections? What I like about what I've seen with systemd-networkd and
> wpa_supplicant so far is that I can manage one set of systemd-networkd
> configuration files to determine which interface (eth0 or wlan0) gets
> priority, and whether or not to use the link's DNS and time services. It
> all "just works" for me. I understand that iwd is going to be more
> straightforward and better than wpa_supplicant, but systemd-networkd has
> also been straightforward and easy for me to work with. I'd like iwd to
> "just work", too.

actually we have been working on ead (Ethernet Authentication Daemon) that does 
indeed will handle Ethernet setup and configuration.

It is not about setting up the routes. For that you need a networkd, NM etc. It 
is about the actual IP configuration of the interface.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Static IP address on wandering Wi-Fi client

2019-06-17 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

>> Is there any way to tell systemd-networkd to use one .network file or
>> another depending on which SSID the Wi-Fi interface is connected to?
> This does not currently exist, but it was always the intention to add
> this. So far nobody did the work though.
> Most likely this would require some minimal wifi netlink hookup so
> that we can properly watch the configured SSID for the interfaces we
> watch. Would love to review such a patch.

actually this is the wrong approach. You are not getting the full state 
information back from the netlink interface. You need to talk to a proper WiFi 
daemon like iwd that has a full understanding of the WiFi state.

And frankly IP configuration needs to move into the network technology daemons 
like iwd for example. Doing that at the level of networkd or NetworkManager is 
not working out long term. Each technology has a lot of interlinking between 
the IP configuration and its network technology. There needs to be a split 
between configuring the network interface and setting up routing and other 
relationships. The pure IP configuration has to be done by iwd (and soon it 
will be).



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] powering on bluetooth after suspend - required services aren't ready

2015-09-26 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lukas,

> When a system wakes from suspend, the Bluetooth adapter needs to be
> explicitly powered on. This can be conveniently done by a systemd
> service file, as described for example on Archlinux wiki [1] (the
> systemd service file at the bottom of the section).
> The hciconfig binary used to work up to kernel 4.1.5, with 4.1.6 and up
> it stops working with Bluetooth LE (4.0) devices. The tool is
> deprecated, instead a dbus call (ie. the commented line in the systemd
> service file in [1]) or another tool, btmgmt, can be used to power on
> the Bluetooth adapter.
> The problem is neither of these tools work at the time systemd invokes
> them, they require the bluetooth daemon to reinitialize itself after
> resume (at least for the dbus call it needs to listen on dbus, not sure
> about the btmgmt tool). Normally systemd handles this gracefully, but
> after resume, the required services appear ready to systemd while they
> aren't.
> What is the proper solution to this problem?

anybody hacking in a tool that manually powers on the previously powered 
Bluetooth controller is doing something wrong. The question that should have 
been asked is why the controller got powered down in the first place.

An obvious issue could be that for some reason the device manufacturer decided 
to pull the power on the Bluetooth controller (aka USB disconnect) instead of 
handling proper suspend/resume. The btusb driver for example does support 
suspend/resume correctly, but it can not do anything about stupid devices. If 
they physically disappear from the bus, then they are for all intense and 
purposes unplugged.

Now for the lifetime of bluetoothd, it could remember the state of such a 
controller and restore it when it comes back. However that does not really help 
us sine we actually want to stop bluetoothd when no Bluetooth hardware is 
attached to the system. So that means that bluetoothd would have to store the 
value persistently over restarts. Which now is a problem since we need to 
account for the overall offline mode policy. That offline mode policy is not 
well defined (unless you run something like ConnMan) and so the only safe bet 
is to initialize the controller, but not power it on.

Just for reference, hciconfig has been deprecated since a long time now. It is 
a nice tool for quick and dirty testing, but using in production systems to 
power on a controller will not make your life happy. Especially if you want to 
use Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy (LE) feature. The btmgmt is for developers and 
testers of the kernel API and is not even installed by BlueZ upstream package.

The correct way is indeed to use bluetoothctl or send a D-Bus message. 
Something that can be done easily by the Bluetooth UI that also provides the 
Bluetooth agent. The UI will most likely have a good idea about the offline 
policy and can nicely enforce it.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Will *.network replace resolv.conf? What about Options single-request?

2015-05-15 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 2:57 PM, Christian Brunotte
 wrote: with Options like DNS= and Domains= looks like
 /etc/resolv.conf will soon be superfluous.
 In many setups, yes, but we will not aim at bug-for-bug compatibility
 or anything like that. We are open to adding features that make sense
 If that's the plan, I wonder what happens to options single-request
 which I had to use on all IPv6 enabled devices. Is ResolveOptions just
 missing in Systemd or considered so special that will stay in libc's
 (quoting from the man page: By default, glibc performs IPv4 and IPv6
 lookups in parallel since version 2.9. Some appliance DNS servers cannot
 handle queries properly and make the requests time out.)
 Hm, this really does not sound like something that should be
 configurable. Are you really seeing these bugs in the wild? And if so,
 how do other OSs deal with this? I mean, having to add quirks to every
 client does not sound very viable... Surely DNS is something that
 should 'just work'. I feel like I'm missing some part of the picture
 Yeah, it *is* something that should 'just work', but then there are both
 corporate firewalls and embedded devices (i.e. home gateways) which choke
 on EDNS, crash upon seeing DNSSEC, truncate all packets to 512 bytes
 (manufactured in 2015!), and even outright lie – by making up their own
 (incorrect) responses instead of forwarding the query. (If it's not
 encrypted, some proxy somewhere will screw it up...)
 So, sometimes it works in the sense of Windows doesn't trigger the bugs.
 Well, but in all these cases, we should try to actively learn, and try
 a few things before we give up, but certainly not give up completely
 and let the user configure things.
 For example, if a server doesn't resond to EDNS or DNSSEC or truncates
 packets, then we should detect that automatically, fall back and
 remember this during runtime.

so EDNS0 over UDP is something you really should to give up on. In ConnMan we 
tried hard to make that work and in the end gave up. Funny thing is that home 
routers in Germany were the most broken ones when it comes to EDNS0 support. 
The solution is to just jump to DNS over TCP right away and not try to handle 
larger packets with EDNS0 over UDP.

What this means is if a remote server or home network gateways truncates DNS 
packets, then switch over to establish a TCP connection for DNS and start using 
that one. Meaning in case the result is too large to fit in over UDP, make the 
same request over TCP and deliver that result to the clients. At that point, 
you can also keep using the TCP connection. I think in ConnMan we used some 
sort of idle timeout to terminate the TCP connections and fallback to UDP until 
the next truncated packet required us to re-establish the TCP connection.

And I think that glibc does something similar. If it receives a truncated 
packet, it tries to get the full packet over TCP and only if the DNS server 
does not support TCP, it delivers the truncated data.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC 0/6] A network proxy management daemon, systemd-proxy-discoveryd

2015-04-13 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Tomasz,

 Have you looked into MuJS instead of duktape?
 It has a C api similar to Lua, with all state encapsulated in an
 opaque structure, that you interface with via a virtual stack.
 It could be easily tested. I did so the PAC related code is contained in a 
 place, sharing nothing specific but a somehow generic internal api.
 I have personally no bold opinion at this time about which JS engine to use.

interesting to test, but it clearly states that its license is AGPL which is 
clearly more restrictive than the permissive license of duktape.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC 3/6] proxy-discoveryd: Add PAC support through duktape js engine

2015-04-13 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Zbyszek,

 --- a/
 +++ b/
 @@ -5895,12 +5895,19 @@ rootlibexec_PROGRAMS += \
 systemd_proxy_discoveryd_SOURCES = \
 +   src/proxy-discovery/duktape.h \
 +   src/proxy-discovery/duktape.c \
 These files are not included in the patch, how do you intend to ship them?
 I figured this could be included as a separate commit, when it will
 be time to commit proxy-discoveryd someday.
 Those 2 files represent more than 2 megabytes, so I did not want to
 flood the ml.
 duktape should not be embedded in systemd. It's a separate project,
 which gets updates and has a life of its own.
 Preferably, duktape would be packaged by distributions and we would
 use it like any other external library. If that is not possible, we'll
 have to look for some other option, but only then. For example,
 git submodule is still better than embedding of a snapshot.
 that is not how this actually works with duktape. The release versions are 
 building a single duktape.[ch] that you can only find in the releases. 
 Otherwise you have to stitch that manually. It is pretty much designed to be 
 included into other project as a copy. That is why nobody has actually 
 packages this so far.
 So while I get that including copies of other libraries is generally bad for 
 security update reasons, but this one would qualify as an exception. It is 
 just that we have to monitor duktape upstream releases and with that also 
 update the duktape version in systemd.
 It is something that is not the greatest solution, but something that is 
 feasible. Keep in mind that embedding your JS engine right into your 
 application allows for optimizations that you really want. We have build 
 PACrunner against V8 and MozJS and these are two really painful experiences. 
 For anybody wanting to build a small system, dealing with these two upstream 
 packages is a nightmare. It sort of works in a large distribution like 
 Fedora, but anything small it is not an option.
 I know that embedding is the way that upstream suggests. But it is a
 bad fit for the way that systemd is distributed. Our primary consumers
 are distributions, and the first thing most distributions will do is
 to rip out the embedded copy in order to use a shared one. Something
 as big as a javascript engine is bound to have security updates and by
 embedding it systemd we would be forced to a) follow upstream changes,
 b) release systemd updates based on duktape releases. Not something that
 we want to do or would do very well.
 We really should try to base this on a javascript engine which
 provides a shared library.

so do you know of a small Javascript engine with a proper license then? And 
that also has no additional dependencies.

I was not kidding when I said the V8 and MozJS are a nightmare when you want to 
build a small system. So these two are pretty much out of the question for the 
PAC service.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC 3/6] proxy-discoveryd: Add PAC support through duktape js engine

2015-04-13 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Zbyszek,

 --- a/
 +++ b/
 @@ -5895,12 +5895,19 @@ rootlibexec_PROGRAMS += \
 systemd_proxy_discoveryd_SOURCES = \
 +   src/proxy-discovery/duktape.h \
 +   src/proxy-discovery/duktape.c \
 These files are not included in the patch, how do you intend to ship them?
 I figured this could be included as a separate commit, when it will
 be time to commit proxy-discoveryd someday.
 Those 2 files represent more than 2 megabytes, so I did not want to
 flood the ml.
 duktape should not be embedded in systemd. It's a separate project,
 which gets updates and has a life of its own.
 Preferably, duktape would be packaged by distributions and we would
 use it like any other external library. If that is not possible, we'll
 have to look for some other option, but only then. For example,
 git submodule is still better than embedding of a snapshot.

that is not how this actually works with duktape. The release versions are 
building a single duktape.[ch] that you can only find in the releases. 
Otherwise you have to stitch that manually. It is pretty much designed to be 
included into other project as a copy. That is why nobody has actually packages 
this so far.

So while I get that including copies of other libraries is generally bad for 
security update reasons, but this one would qualify as an exception. It is just 
that we have to monitor duktape upstream releases and with that also update the 
duktape version in systemd.

It is something that is not the greatest solution, but something that is 
feasible. Keep in mind that embedding your JS engine right into your 
application allows for optimizations that you really want. We have build 
PACrunner against V8 and MozJS and these are two really painful experiences. 
For anybody wanting to build a small system, dealing with these two upstream 
packages is a nightmare. It sort of works in a large distribution like Fedora, 
but anything small it is not an option.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC 0/6] A network proxy management daemon, systemd-proxy-discoveryd

2015-04-12 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Zbyszek,

 As it has been discussed in the systemd hackfest during the Linux Conference
 Europe, one daemon could centralize the management of all network proxy
 configurations. Idea is something user can do per-application (like in
 firefox for instance) or broader (per-DM like in Gnome), user could do it
 once and for all through such daemon and applications would then request it
 to know whether or not a proxy has to be used and which one.
 As a notice, this is nothing new. Such standalone daemon has been already
 done by the past, pacrunner. systemd-proxy-discoveryd will more or less
 implement the same ideas with improvements. It will get rid of big JS
 engines like spidermonkey or v8 which are overkill for the tiny PAC files
 to be executed on, for instance. From pacrunner experience, APIs will be
 also improved.
 the idea of having centralized proxy config is certainly nice. But the
 PAC files make me shiver. So the first question: is it really necessary
 to support PAC files? Are they widely used in corporate setting or something?
 Is there no saner standard?
 If the PAC files must be interpreted, I think this is the hardest
 part.  FindProxyForURL is started for every request, potentially
 hundreds of times per second and more. This means that starting a
 process per invocation is out of the question, and even starting a
 thread per invocation seems to be too much. But each call fall into an
 infinite loop and hang. So the run time of FindProxyForURL should be
 bounded. FindProxyForURL can also resolve names over the network,
 which would best be done asynchronously.
 Things in systemd are usually implemented through poll loops, which
 makes it easy to support thousands of concurrent jobs. I'd think
 that this would be the best option here too, with a number of workers
 executing FindProxyForURL()s and stopping when name resolution is
 requested and continuing when the name is resolved.

PACrunner is an existing implementation of this concept. It uses threads and 
seems to work just fine. We bridged libproxy API compatible library that talks 
to the PACrunner over D-Bus.

I am confused why everybody worries about DNS here. Just use C library name 
resolving calls. Let it resolve it and be done with it. You are synchronous 
anyway since the name resolving happens as a Javascript function call. It just 
happens that this is mapping to actually system code internally.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC 2/6] proxy-discoveryd: Add the basics for parsing the default configuration

2015-04-12 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 The config file will be in /etc/systemd/proxy/filename.conf
 It currently only load Proxy parts, with the key PAC. Rest is ignored.
 The PAC keyword is a path to a .pac file (a specific js script for proxy
 Only one PAC based proxy configuration will be loaded at a time.
 (Just a side note: I figure in the long run we should probably track
 PAC data per-interface (plus maybe one global setting), so that
 clients can query this specifically for an interface, and so that we
 can search PAC data over the right network. But I figure for now this
 doesn't matter too much.).
 why would you have a global PAC file. I think they should be all per
 interface and nothing else.
 Well, maybe not a global PAC file, but probably an explicitly
 configurable global HTTP proxy, if people want that... I mean, it is a
 pretty common setting to have I figure, and the daemon should
 proibably cover both PAC and straightforward proxy config...

yes that makes sense. So what we have done in PACrunner was that instead of a 
PAC file you could just give it the HTTP proxy address. And that would also 
work per interface. When then libproxy or someone did FindProxyForURL, the 
configured HTTP proxy URL was returned.

Of course in these situations, no PAC files are executed, but the D-Bus API for 
talking to systemd-proxydiscoverd to get the proxy to use can be still used.

I still wonder if it is a good idea to have a global proxy there. I would 
assume you just configure the proxy per interface in your network configuration 
file. This should be treated similar to DNS configuration. You want this per 



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC 0/6] A network proxy management daemon, systemd-proxy-discoveryd

2015-04-12 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 As it has been discussed in the systemd hackfest during the Linux 
 Europe, one daemon could centralize the management of all network proxy
 configurations. Idea is something user can do per-application (like in
 firefox for instance) or broader (per-DM like in Gnome), user could do it
 once and for all through such daemon and applications would then request 
 to know whether or not a proxy has to be used and which one.
 As a notice, this is nothing new. Such standalone daemon has been already
 done by the past, pacrunner. systemd-proxy-discoveryd will more or less
 implement the same ideas with improvements. It will get rid of big JS
 engines like spidermonkey or v8 which are overkill for the tiny PAC files
 to be executed on, for instance. From pacrunner experience, APIs will be
 also improved.
 the idea of having centralized proxy config is certainly nice. But the
 PAC files make me shiver. So the first question: is it really necessary
 to support PAC files? 
 Yes, it's kinda necessary. PAC is pretty widely used in corporate
 setting. Windows does the WPAD stuff (the protocol to discover PAD) in
 all its versions since a long time. In fact, it immediately issues the
 wpad requests as first thing when you plug in an ethernet cable, in
 addition to DHCP.
 Are they widely used in corporate setting or something?
 Is there no saner standard?
 Nope, not really, I fear.
 If the PAC files must be interpreted, I think this is the hardest
 part.  FindProxyForURL is started for every request, potentially
 hundreds of times per second and more. This means that starting a
 process per invocation is out of the question, and even starting a
 thread per invocation seems to be too much. But each call fall into an
 infinite loop and hang. So the run time of FindProxyForURL should be
 bounded. FindProxyForURL can also resolve names over the network,
 which would best be done asynchronously.
 Things in systemd are usually implemented through poll loops, which
 makes it easy to support thousands of concurrent jobs. I'd think
 that this would be the best option here too, with a number of workers
 executing FindProxyForURL()s and stopping when name resolution is
 requested and continuing when the name is resolved.
 Well, it's Java script code. People can just add code like for (;;);
 , and we must be able to cancel the lookup then safely. I doubt
 that's cleanly doable with either thread-based or event loop based
 solutions. I am pretty sure a worker process logic is the way to
 go. The worker process should get the PAC data when it is forked off,
 and then read FindProxyForURL data from a pipe and output the result
 on another, or something similar, and easily sandboxable...
 are you sure that you are not overthinking this? I think that
 duktape actually allows just canceling the JS engine execution, no
 matter what operation it runs. So you could just cancel the JS
 How is this implemented in duktype? I mean, cancelling threads is
 fricking awful. POSIX thread cancellation is awful, and I am pretty
 sure NSS calls are incompatible with it anway. Which means you have to
 check flags after each javascript instruction -- which however doesn't
 really work too well either, since NSS calls will block as long as
 they want, hence you couldn't use this to cancel those... 

I am not saying that we cancel the thread. I know that this is painful. I am 
saying that we just cancel the duktape context and its execution, then the 
thread would just yield all by itself. So I think the question is if a master 
thread could just tell the duktape context to quit. That is something we might 
want to figure out.

 I really would prefer doing this out-of-process. Then we can kill the
 stuff, regardless what it is doing, without interfering with anything
 else. Heck, we can even let the kernel help us with the timeout thing
 with RLIMIT_CPU...

We would need to define some IPC and managing the pool of these processes. Of 
course this is possible since almost any browser does it this way. It however 
sounds like a lot of effort and complexity if we can do the same with threads 
and just cancel the duktape execution instead.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC 0/6] A network proxy management daemon, systemd-proxy-discoveryd

2015-04-12 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 As it has been discussed in the systemd hackfest during the Linux Conference
 Europe, one daemon could centralize the management of all network proxy
 configurations. Idea is something user can do per-application (like in
 firefox for instance) or broader (per-DM like in Gnome), user could do it
 once and for all through such daemon and applications would then request it
 to know whether or not a proxy has to be used and which one.
 As a notice, this is nothing new. Such standalone daemon has been already
 done by the past, pacrunner. systemd-proxy-discoveryd will more or less
 implement the same ideas with improvements. It will get rid of big JS
 engines like spidermonkey or v8 which are overkill for the tiny PAC files
 to be executed on, for instance. From pacrunner experience, APIs will be
 also improved.
 the idea of having centralized proxy config is certainly nice. But the
 PAC files make me shiver. So the first question: is it really necessary
 to support PAC files? 
 Yes, it's kinda necessary. PAC is pretty widely used in corporate
 setting. Windows does the WPAD stuff (the protocol to discover PAD) in
 all its versions since a long time. In fact, it immediately issues the
 wpad requests as first thing when you plug in an ethernet cable, in
 addition to DHCP.
 Are they widely used in corporate setting or something?
 Is there no saner standard?
 Nope, not really, I fear.
 If the PAC files must be interpreted, I think this is the hardest
 part.  FindProxyForURL is started for every request, potentially
 hundreds of times per second and more. This means that starting a
 process per invocation is out of the question, and even starting a
 thread per invocation seems to be too much. But each call fall into an
 infinite loop and hang. So the run time of FindProxyForURL should be
 bounded. FindProxyForURL can also resolve names over the network,
 which would best be done asynchronously.
 Things in systemd are usually implemented through poll loops, which
 makes it easy to support thousands of concurrent jobs. I'd think
 that this would be the best option here too, with a number of workers
 executing FindProxyForURL()s and stopping when name resolution is
 requested and continuing when the name is resolved.
 Well, it's Java script code. People can just add code like for (;;);
 , and we must be able to cancel the lookup then safely. I doubt
 that's cleanly doable with either thread-based or event loop based
 solutions. I am pretty sure a worker process logic is the way to
 go. The worker process should get the PAC data when it is forked off,
 and then read FindProxyForURL data from a pipe and output the result
 on another, or something similar, and easily sandboxable...

are you sure that you are not overthinking this? I think that duktape actually 
allows just canceling the JS engine execution, no matter what operation it 
runs. So you could just cancel the JS context.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC 5/6] proxy-discoveryd: Add the basic parts for handling DBus methods

2015-04-12 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 +static int method_find_proxy(sd_bus *bus, sd_bus_message *message, void 
 *userdata, sd_bus_error *error) {
 +_cleanup_free_ char *p = strdup(DIRECT);
 Please don't mix variable declarations and function invocations in one
 line (also see CODING_STYLE). Also, missing OOM check...
 +Manager *m = userdata;
 +int r;
 +r = proxy_execute(m-default_proxies, message);
 +if (r  0)
 +sd_bus_reply_method_return(message, s, p);
 Hmm, is this right? Shouldn't we return the error code to the client
 instead of eating up and returning DIRECT?
 Also, why allocate DIRECT with strdup() at all?
 There are no errors. Either you get a proxy directive or you return
 DIRECT to indicate no proxy. What would you do in an error case
 anyway. The backup is always assume no proxy.
 Well, so far it has been our coding styles to propagate errors up if
 they cause the invoked operations to fail, and allow the higher up
 code deal with them and possibly eat them up. I mean, the HTTP client
 can eat the error up and downgrade to DIRECT on its own, there's no
 need to do this from our side already.

of course it can, but it also does not help you at all. You are not making 
anything better here.

I think that one clean interface to this needs to be a API compatible libproxy. 
Similar to what we did in PACrunner since that allows existing application to 
just use systemd-proxydiscoverd.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC 4/6] proxy-discoveryd: Execute the PAC based proxy in a thread

2015-04-12 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 sd-bus is not thread-safe. You cannot send messages from different
 threads at the same time...
 Why precisely do you need threads here? Because the PAC programs might
 be slow?
 the Javascript execution is normally blocking and it can do whatever
 it wants. If it wants to draw a smiley face, while looking up the
 proxy, it can do that.
 I think the PAC execution needs to be done in a thread, but not the
 D-Bus message handling.
 WHat about unbounded loops in PAC programs? We need to protect from
 that, which kinda suggests we muight want to run the PAC stuff out of
 process so that we can neatly kill the program when it runs for too
 Remember that in theory for every HTTP request a browser makes it is
 suppose to ask the PAC file first. Meaning it will run this a
 lot. So spawning processes might be not really useful. Even if we
 start one PAC processing process for each interface, you still want
 threads since you might have multiple requests from different
 application. And if one can be answered from a cache, then you do
 not want to wait until the Javascript execution finished.
 Hmm, this really feels like we should still do this out-of-process
 with a worker process logic. Reuse processes to keep the cost down,
 and run up to a fixed number of them in parallel to allow multiple
 sumultaneous requests. THis would have have the major added benefit
 that we could lock the worker threads down with seccomp and whatnot,
 which is certainly a good thing given that we'll execute foreign,
 untrusted code we downloaded from the network with this. And we can
 easily kill the execution with a time limit if we desir to do so...

I get the feeling that this needs to be measured and someone has to write some 
performance tool around this. So while you have only seen tiny PAC files, I am 
seen ours. And that one is massive. I bet that other corporation have similar 
large ones.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC 2/6] proxy-discoveryd: Add the basics for parsing the default configuration

2015-04-10 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 The config file will be in /etc/systemd/proxy/filename.conf
 It currently only load Proxy parts, with the key PAC. Rest is ignored.
 The PAC keyword is a path to a .pac file (a specific js script for proxy
 Only one PAC based proxy configuration will be loaded at a time.
 (Just a side note: I figure in the long run we should probably track
 PAC data per-interface (plus maybe one global setting), so that
 clients can query this specifically for an interface, and so that we
 can search PAC data over the right network. But I figure for now this
 doesn't matter too much.).

why would you have a global PAC file. I think they should be all per interface 
and nothing else.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC 3/6] proxy-discoveryd: Add PAC support through duktape js engine

2015-04-10 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 +struct PAC {
 +duk_context *ctx;
 +static int get_addresses_from_interface(int ifindex, union in_addr_union 
 *address) {
 +struct ifreq ifr = {};
 +int sk;
 +sk = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
 +if (sk  0)
 +return -1;
 No made up errors please! Return -errno or so.
 +ifr.ifr_ifindex = ifindex;
 +if (ioctl(sk, SIOCGIFNAME, ifr)  0 || ioctl(sk, SIOCGIFADDR, 
 ifr)  0) {
 +return -1;
 Same here...
 Also, please don't use the old ioctls for querying network
 information. Use netlink through sd-rtnl. You can look at the
 systemd-resolved sources, they do this already, and this code should
 probably do it very similar from that.
 +static int pac_dns_resolve(duk_context *ctx) {
 +_cleanup_free_ char *address = NULL;
 +struct addrinfo hints = {};
 +struct addrinfo *res, *addr;
 +const char *hostname;
 +int r;
 +hostname = duk_require_string(ctx, 0);
 +hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
 +r = getaddrinfo(hostname, NULL, hints, res);
 +if (r != 0)
 +return 0;
 Hm, synchronous getaddrinfo() is nasty... Please use sd-resolve for
 this, which adds asynchronous getaddrinfo() for cases like this...

you do realize that you want this synchronous. These are the magic dnsResolve 
and myIpAddress Javascript functions that are expected to be present when 
executing the PAC file. There are a few more, but they can be implemented in 
Javascript and don't need a C backend. These two actually need that. So you 
need to report the result.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC 4/6] proxy-discoveryd: Execute the PAC based proxy in a thread

2015-04-10 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 +static void *run_thread(void *data) {
 +_cleanup_free_ struct proxy_parameters *params = NULL;
 +_cleanup_pac_free_ struct PAC *pac = NULL;
 +_cleanup_free_ char *result = NULL;
 +const char *url, *host;
 +params = data;
 +if (sd_bus_message_read(params-message, ss, url, host)  0)
 +goto answer;
 +if (pac_load(params-proxy, pac)  0)
 +goto answer;
 +pac_execute(pac, url, host, result);
 +if (!result)
 +result = strdup(DIRECT);
 +sd_bus_reply_method_return(params-message, s, result);
 sd-bus is not thread-safe. You cannot send messages from different
 threads at the same time...
 Why precisely do you need threads here? Because the PAC programs might
 be slow?

the Javascript execution is normally blocking and it can do whatever it wants. 
If it wants to draw a smiley face, while looking up the proxy, it can do that.

I think the PAC execution needs to be done in a thread, but not the D-Bus 
message handling.

 WHat about unbounded loops in PAC programs? We need to protect from
 that, which kinda suggests we muight want to run the PAC stuff out of
 process so that we can neatly kill the program when it runs for too

Remember that in theory for every HTTP request a browser makes it is suppose to 
ask the PAC file first. Meaning it will run this a lot. So spawning processes 
might be not really useful. Even if we start one PAC processing process for 
each interface, you still want threads since you might have multiple requests 
from different application. And if one can be answered from a cache, then you 
do not want to wait until the Javascript execution finished.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC 5/6] proxy-discoveryd: Add the basic parts for handling DBus methods

2015-04-10 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 +static int method_find_proxy(sd_bus *bus, sd_bus_message *message, void 
 *userdata, sd_bus_error *error) {
 +_cleanup_free_ char *p = strdup(DIRECT);
 Please don't mix variable declarations and function invocations in one
 line (also see CODING_STYLE). Also, missing OOM check...
 +Manager *m = userdata;
 +int r;
 +r = proxy_execute(m-default_proxies, message);
 +if (r  0)
 +sd_bus_reply_method_return(message, s, p);
 Hmm, is this right? Shouldn't we return the error code to the client
 instead of eating up and returning DIRECT?
 Also, why allocate DIRECT with strdup() at all?

there are no errors. Either you get a proxy directive or you return DIRECT to 
indicate no proxy. What would you do in an error case anyway. The backup is 
always assume no proxy.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH] hwdb: ship sdio.ids in the release tarballs.

2015-03-20 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Zybszek,

 On 16 March 2015 at 23:15, Marcel Holtmann 
 Hi Dimitri,
 Just tell patch or git to skip the hunks modifying and 
 sdio.ids. Problem solved.
 I'll apply the patch, but with a slightly different motivation.
 [L]GPL requires commercial entities distributing a modified version of
 the program to provide full source in the preferred form for 
 including all scripts used for building. This includes sdio.ids and We should make it easy to follow the our licensing, so
 we should include those files in our tarball to make it directly
 that is just making stuff up.
 Where was I wrong?
 Are you now also including usb.ids?
 We probably should
 Right, we should include all source files, not only the generated files.
 is this turning in Freaky Friday now? Can we please be real for a bit.
 You do realize that I did not put a copyright header on top of sdio.ids. In 
 addition this information will be most likely considered a not 
 copyrightable piece of source anyway. If we assume that this is 
 non-copyrightable, then how can you apply a copyleft license to it?
 It's not about applying a license to sdio.ids. If may just as well be
 non-copyrightable. It's just distributed because in the tarball because
 it is one of the things necessary to generate a patch.

please get your story straight. Now it is because of generating a patch. You 
can tell git to leave certain files or directories out when generating patches. 
It is plain simple.

 Now, in practice, any sane person would clone the repository and do
 modifications there, but the terms of our license demand that
 redistributors redistribute the source. I think it makes sense to
 set things up so that if they just use the tarball, they actually
 are doing that.

So where do you think the Bluetooth IDs are coming from? Or the USB IDs or PCI 

For me this sounds that someone want to be really lazy with back porting and 
not add the needed extra switch to exclude these two files while generating 
patches and/or applying patches. And out of a sudden some bogus license 
argument gets dragged into it.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH] hwdb: ship sdio.ids in the release tarballs.

2015-03-19 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Michael,

 On 16 March 2015 at 23:15, Marcel Holtmann wrote:
 Hi Dimitri,
 Just tell patch or git to skip the hunks modifying and 
 sdio.ids. Problem solved.
 I'll apply the patch, but with a slightly different motivation.
 [L]GPL requires commercial entities distributing a modified version of
 the program to provide full source in the preferred form for modification,
 including all scripts used for building. This includes sdio.ids and We should make it easy to follow the our licensing, so
 we should include those files in our tarball to make it directly
 that is just making stuff up.
 Where was I wrong?
 Are you now also including usb.ids?
 We probably should
 Right, we should include all source files, not only the generated files.

is this turning in Freaky Friday now? Can we please be real for a bit.

You do realize that I did not put a copyright header on top of sdio.ids. In 
addition this information will be most likely considered a not copyrightable 
piece of source anyway. If we assume that this is non-copyrightable, then how 
can you apply a copyleft license to it?

And honestly I rather take sdio.ids file out of systemd.git and maintain it 
outside if we start making these weird claims.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH] hwdb: ship sdio.ids in the release tarballs.

2015-03-19 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Zbyszek,

 On 16 March 2015 at 23:15, Marcel Holtmann wrote:
 Hi Dimitri,
 This makes it easier to apply stable branch patches on top of the
 release tarball.
 --- | 4 +++-
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 diff --git a/ b/
 index 856accb..0ed35ac 100644
 --- a/
 +++ b/
 @@ -3877,7 +3877,9 @@ dist_udevhwdb_DATA = \
 - units/
 + units/ \
 + hwdb/ \
 + hwdb/sdio.ids
 I do not think that these files belong in the tarball. Especially the 
 sdio.ids is not something that should be in the tarball. If it is 
 missing locally, a script can always download it rom systemd.git tree. 
 That is where the source is for these and not the tarball.
 If you want to apply patches from git, then you can always tell git to 
 exclude these files and it will happily apply the rest of the patch. So 
 I do not see a good enough reason to do this.
 I should be able to regenerate generated copies of code from things
 included in the tarball without network or git... I need this
 precisely because stable patches are patching sdio.ids... which is (a)
 missing (b) is missing (c) the files that are generated
 with ab are not updated
 (a) and (b) can be solved by telling 'patch' or 'git' to not apply
 hunks to those files.
 (c) sounds wrong to me. Whenever we change and friends,
 we also run them and commit the results to -git. So either you apply
 the wrong patch (the instead of the patch that
 commits the results), or your haven't been looking closely enough. I
 don't see why a distribution would be interested in fixes for It should be ignored and never marked for back-porting.
 Only if at the same run we also update the generated files, those
 should be picked up.
 Looking at stable branch:
 sdio.ids was changed in
 but updated in a later commit
 So they do look up to date there.
 usb.ids does not appear to be in the source tree.
 To me this looks untidy, as preffered form of modification is not
 shipped in full neither in git, nor in the tarball. And I do need to
 modify them, the hwdb is too large and has too many things for my
 targets thus I'm looking at how to patch them out in a maintainable
 that is pretty much your problem to solve if you do not want the full 
 database. Why is that a stable tree issue? Especially since shrinking the 
 database has nothing to do with or sdio.ids.
 Why not just commit / sdio.ids and generate the .hwdb
 files on $ make dist, or at autoreconf time?
 Just tell patch or git to skip the hunks modifying and 
 sdio.ids. Problem solved.
 I'll apply the patch, but with a slightly different motivation.
 [L]GPL requires commercial entities distributing a modified version of
 the program to provide full source in the preferred form for modification,
 including all scripts used for building. This includes sdio.ids and We should make it easy to follow the our licensing, so
 we should include those files in our tarball to make it directly

that is just making stuff up. Are you now also including usb.ids?



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH] hwdb: ship sdio.ids in the release tarballs.

2015-03-16 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Dimitri,

 This makes it easier to apply stable branch patches on top of the
 release tarball.
 --- | 4 +++-
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 diff --git a/ b/
 index 856accb..0ed35ac 100644
 --- a/
 +++ b/
 @@ -3877,7 +3877,9 @@ dist_udevhwdb_DATA = \
 - units/
 + units/ \
 + hwdb/ \
 + hwdb/sdio.ids

I do not think that these files belong in the tarball. Especially the sdio.ids 
is not something that should be in the tarball. If it is missing locally, a 
script can always download it rom systemd.git tree. That is where the source is 
for these and not the tarball.

If you want to apply patches from git, then you can always tell git to exclude 
these files and it will happily apply the rest of the patch. So I do not see a 
good enough reason to do this.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH] boot: efi - move background pixel variable into different scope

2015-02-27 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Kay,

  CC   src/boot/efi/splash.o
 src/boot/efi/splash.c: In function ‘graphics_splash’:
 src/boot/efi/splash.c:256:9: warning: missing initializer for field ‘Blue’ 
 of ‘EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL’ [-Wmissing-field-initializers]
 In file included from /usr/include/efi/efi.h:39:0,
 from src/boot/efi/splash.c:18:
 /usr/include/efi/efiprot.h:641:9: note: ‘Blue’ declared here
   UINT8 Blue;
 That patch removes the initializer?

indeed, if you do not have background provided, then it is undefined. And also 
in the Apple case, the Reserved field would not be set. Anyway, I have no idea 
on how to fix this compiler warning the right way.

Alternatively doing something like this shuts it up as well:

 EFI_STATUS graphics_splash(UINT8 *content, UINTN len, const 



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH] hwdb: add sdio identifiers for Broadcom WLAN cards

2015-02-26 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Arend,

 This patch adds the sdio identifiers known to be supported by
 the brcmfmac open-source driver.
 Cc: Marcel Holtmann
 Signed-off-by: Arend van Spriel

I remove the signed-off-by line since it is not standard practice here and then 
applied the patch.



systemd-devel mailing list

[systemd-devel] [PATCH] boot: efi - move background pixel variable into different scope

2015-02-26 Thread Marcel Holtmann
  CC   src/boot/efi/splash.o
src/boot/efi/splash.c: In function ‘graphics_splash’:
src/boot/efi/splash.c:256:9: warning: missing initializer for field ‘Blue’ of 
‘EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL’ [-Wmissing-field-initializers]
In file included from /usr/include/efi/efi.h:39:0,
 from src/boot/efi/splash.c:18:
/usr/include/efi/efiprot.h:641:9: note: ‘Blue’ declared here
   UINT8 Blue;
 src/boot/efi/splash.c | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/boot/efi/splash.c b/src/boot/efi/splash.c
index 3f2aa27ddd20..e5c9d270af0a 100644
--- a/src/boot/efi/splash.c
+++ b/src/boot/efi/splash.c
@@ -253,7 +253,6 @@ EFI_STATUS bmp_to_blt(EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL *buf,
 EFI_STATUS graphics_splash(UINT8 *content, UINTN len, const 
 EFI_GUID GraphicsOutputProtocolGuid = 
 struct bmp_dib *dib;
@@ -266,6 +265,8 @@ EFI_STATUS graphics_splash(UINT8 *content, UINTN len, const 
 if (!background) {
 if (StriCmp(LApple, ST-FirmwareVendor) == 0) {
 pixel.Red = 0xc0;
 pixel.Green = 0xc0;

systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH] boot: efi - fix missing include

2015-02-26 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Zbyszek,

 src/boot/efi/splash.c:312:9: warning: implicit declaration of function 
 ‘graphics_mode’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
 err = graphics_mode(TRUE);
 Just push such trivial ones directly.

okay, pushed.

I couldn't tell if this was intentional because of missing refactoring or just 
an oversight.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH] hwdb: add sdio identifiers for Broadcom WLAN cards

2014-12-21 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Arend,

 This patch adds the sdio identifiers known to be supported by
 the brcmfmac open-source driver.
 Cc: Marcel Holtmann
 Signed-off-by: Arend van Spriel

there are some commits with Signed-off-by lines, but in general they are not in 
use. So don't bother with it.

 hwdb/sdio.ids | 10 ++
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)
 diff --git a/hwdb/sdio.ids b/hwdb/sdio.ids
 index 8a4c713..d617297 100644
 --- a/hwdb/sdio.ids
 +++ b/hwdb/sdio.ids
 @@ -34,6 +34,16 @@
   5347  GDM72xx WiMAX
 02d0  Broadcom Corp.
   044b  Nintendo Wii WLAN daughter card
 + a887  BCM43143 WLAN card
 + 4324  BCM43241 WLAN card
 + 4329  BCM4329 WLAN card
 + 4330  BCM4330 WLAN card
 + 4334  BCM4334 WLAN card
 + a94c  BCM43340 WLAN card
 + a94d  BCM43341 WLAN card
 + 4335  BCM4335/BCM4339 WLAN card
 + a962  BCM43362 WLAN card
 + 4354  BCM4354 WLAN card

I would prefer if we keep the file sorted as stated in the header.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] networkd: Support setting mtu / mac address by interface name

2014-12-05 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 Moreover, if we
 give people this feature I'm pretty sure we'll get lots of people
 expecting it to work also for any other sort of name and getting
 confused when it doesn't.
 Well, this is something we can fix by documentation, no?
 Or maybe name the match option differently, maybe OriginalName= or
 KernelName= or so, and then only matching interfaces where you know
 that the name was selected by userspace in the first place?
 I like the idea of OriginalName, much less likely to get people
 confused. I now implemented that, with the restriction that we cannot
 match on renamed names. For now I left it open to match on ethX style
 names, as people in principle could do sensible things like
 OriginalName=eth* or even OriginalName=eth0 when we know there is
 only one interface.
 One thing to consider would be to disallow renaming from a .link file
 where the OriginalName was used to match. That way we don't have the
 somewhat odd situation that a .link file can only be applied once (we
 do not remember the original name, so cannot match on that the second
 time around, as that would be a mess)...
 Maybe we should even store the original name in a udev property, so
 that we can make this fully idempotent simply because we can always
 check this new property for the original name passed down from the

you do realize that once the kernel renamed the name, it is free to reuse that 
name again. So eth0 as OriginalName can then be present multiple times.

I think that you can only have OriginalName matching if a renaming has never 
occurred. Otherwise this is really not deterministic. Since foo0 (renamed from 
eth0) and and bar0 (renamed from eth0) will both match OriginalName=eth0. The 
difference is only timing and that is inhering racy of course.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [BUG] too many rfkill services

2014-11-20 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 That's normal behavior in the case of a platform rfkill device and a
 device-specific rfkill device.  The platform rfkill functionality can
 sometimes (often?) cut power to the device through BIOS and GPIOs, and
 it will drop off the USB or PCI bus.  But the device itself can also
 expose rfkill functionality through it's own drivers, that doesn't cause
 it to drop off the bus.  This is your case with the USB-based Bluetooth
 device and the BIOS-based platform killswitch.
 Since the routing of all these rfkills is highly model specific, there
 is no way to know that the platform rfkill has an affect on any other
 device in a generic way.  That would have to be hardcoded into the
 kernel and would be pretty awful to maintain.
 Hmm, so, currently we include the rfkill device name in the filename
 we store in disk (combined with ID_PATH if it is known). For an rfkill
 device that comes and goes and each time changes its name this
 filename will not be stable. 
 Is there any way how we can get some stable ID out of these devices,
 in a way that allows multiple rfkill devices per USB device/interface?
 I don't see how without kernel change.
 If rfkill devices shall be reliably recognizable, then we need some
 kind of sub-USB device stability...

actual individual RFKILL switch control is not something that anybody should 
store anywhere. We support it via /dev/rfkill, but it is not something you can 
rely on. As you have seen the RFKILL switches can come and go and be 
re-enumerated at it.

For this specific reason we have introduced the RFKILL_OP_CHANGE_ALL where you 
can either switch on/off all RFKILL switches (comparable to flight mode 
setting) or where you can switch on/off a specific type of switch (bluetooth, 
wlan, nfc etc.).

What is important that for example Bluetooth comes back up as it is suppose to. 
So if you do a CHANGE_ALL Bluetooth on, then you would expect to come back 
after suspend and reboot the same way.

So the proper way is record the change all states and keep them. And bring them 
back after suspend and resume. That is pretty much how ConnMan does it actually 
since it works on a per technology basis and not individual devices.

Of course with this handling a few RFKILL switches will fail to be restored as 
they were, because people messed with individual switches. There is nothing 
much you can do about that. Getting a unique RFKILL switch id is really hard. 
It relies on that your parent exposes a serial number or something really 
unique that makes it persistent over reboot. And all the platform RFKILL 
switches are just plain terrible since in most cases we pull some out of the 
ACPI magic or worse some vendor magic.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Systemd-networkd -- Cannot acquire DHCP lease on bridge interface

2014-10-23 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Tom,

 Trying unicast, waiting some time and then trying broadcast, if a DHCP 
 is not sent within that time limit, seems like a fair thing to do. My 2
 Yeah, it seems this is what we should do. I guess it makes sense to
 make RequestBroadcast=yes|no|automatic, and default to the latter.
 Please name it auto, not automatic...
 Please make the time short enough though to still give a nice
 I figure the reverse of first trying broadcast, and then trying
 unicast is unnecessary, right?
 Yeah, I don't think it makes sense to expose this implementation
 detail. The preference should be for unicast if we don't know any
 better, as that causes slightly less network traffic, so I think we
 should do a couple of unicasts only before starting to do both, but
 that's not anything the user should care about.

if we have a test case that lets us test this easily, someone might want to 
test the latest ConnMan and see if it does this correctly. Since there we are 
doing the automatic fallback already.

On a side note, once figured out what works, print a nice warning so admins can 
decide if they want to change the setting permanently to a different default.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [question] networkd: Any support for hooks?

2014-10-08 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Cameron,

 ifupdown [1], NetworkManager, and WICD all support hooks for when a
 network interface is configured or deconfigured (before and after
 these actions).
 Are there any plans to support something along these lines? If so,
 what will that look like?
 If there are no plans, how do networkd's developers feel about adding
 the feature (will not merge, or will accept patches, etc.) ?
 I am sceptical to adding hooks, so would need a lot of convincing.
 What we do, however, is to expose the configuration state using the
 sd-network C API, which external programs can watch and react on (see
 how timesyncd and resolved currently works).
 Does the C API allow programs to temporarily stall bringing up or down
 the interface, or does it only deliver signals of if state?
 No it does not allow synchronous hooks. Only asynchronous notification
 is supported.
 Out of curiosity, where does your aversion to hooks come from? Does it
 add significant complication code wise, or is it more with respect to
 using networkd before any filesystems are mounted (thus the hook files
 would not be present)?
 Well, we want networkd to be clean and properly written, and I simply
 have the suspicion that if start allowing glueing in badly integrated
 stuff via shell scripts, we'll have a hard time to ever fix this
 again. I mean, network management solutions that shell out to external
 tools we have enough, but networkd is really not supposed to be like
 that. It shouldn't just be a glued together thing, but somewhat
 Ok, that is a good reason, what I had slightly imagined.
 Now that I have looked in the hook dirs of ifupdown more closely, I
 have noticed pretty much only async stuff, except for some ethtool,
 wpasupplicant, and avahi-autoipd scripts. The avahi-autoipd one seems
 like it may be misplaced, and is probably just fine in post-down
 (which is async, compared to down).

actually not using avahi-autoipd is the way you really want to go. Especially 
since networkd will do IPv4LL setup for you anyway. Same applies to ethtool 
hooks since they should be done by link files and configured by udev.

For the wpa_supplicant, we are going to fix that one with a proper daemon soon.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Systemd-nspawn -- Canot add interface to container

2014-10-02 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 I'm having another issue with private networking in systemd-nspawn. This 
 I'm not so certain is a bug, but probably some kind of mistake on my part. 
 Base on my reading of the systemd-nspawn man page though, I can't figure 
 what the problem is. Basically, all I'm tring to do is remove an interface 
 from the host namespace and provide it to the container. Details are 
 below (This is systemd 216-r3 in Arch Linux ARM).
 [root@host01 ~]# systemd-nspawn --network-interface=wlan0 -M1 -bD 
 Spawning container 1 on /home/lanvpn.
 Press ^] three times within 1s to kill container.
 Failed to move interface wlan0 to namespace: File exists
 actually netdev interfaces like wlan0 can not move into network namespaces 
 by themselves. With wireless hardware, the underlying physical device (for 
 example phy0) needs to move into the namespace. Which means that all netdev 
 that belong to a specific phyX will move with it into the namespace.
 Try using iw phy phyname set netns pid to achieve this.
 Marcel, what does this internally do? Maybe this is something we
 should somehow expose in nspawn as well?

this nl80211 is based on generic netlink, you would need to do a lot to just 
add simple support for it. Also for all network interfaces that have complex 
physical devices as base (including Bluetooth) it is never that dead simple.

Maybe it would be useful for systemd-nspawn to add an option to call a binary 
that takes the PID of the first process in the namespace as first argument. 
Then you can push additional setup to such a binary.

I am actually hacking around a wireless simulator that could make use of this. 
Since besides actually moving a wiphy into a namespace, it would also need to 
setup up the simulated pairs of wiphy first. Currently my code duplicates a lot 
of details that systemd-nspawn is doing already. But wireless specific details 
should stay out of systemd in my opinion.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Systemd-nspawn -- Canot add interface to container

2014-10-02 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 this nl80211 is based on generic netlink, you would need to do a lot
 to just add simple support for it. Also for all network interfaces
 that have complex physical devices as base (including Bluetooth) it
 is never that dead simple.
 Well, sooner or later I figure sd-rtnl will have to learn about
 genetlink anyway...

then your naming for sd-rtnl is pretty much broken right now. RTNL is just one 
instance of network. And Generic Netlink is another instance of netlink. While 
nl80211 is an instance on top of Generic Netlink. Triple the fun. Trust me when 
I say that you do not want to enter the mess that is generic netlink.

 Maybe it would be useful for systemd-nspawn to add an option to call
 a binary that takes the PID of the first process in the namespace as
 first argument. Then you can push additional setup to such a binary.
 Hmm, I am not too enthusiastic about such plugin interfaces I must
 say. If it's just a netlink request we should be able to do this
 natively I figure...

That is the thing. It is not just a netlink request. Essentially you need to 
first resolve nl80211 to its family address, then list the actual wiphy devices 
and only then can you start looking into moving that wiphy device into the 

We are looking into having either network or device namespaces for Bluetooth as 
well. I am not sure you want to add extra magic to all of these different types 
of possible users. That is why I am saying, let the user specify a setup that 
allows to do this clean and do any extra steps.

For me this also includes setting up the simulation environment. And that needs 
a lot of extra work that clearly will not fit into systemd-nspawn.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Systemd-nspawn -- Canot add interface to container

2014-09-25 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi James,

 I'm having another issue with private networking in systemd-nspawn. This one 
 I'm not so certain is a bug, but probably some kind of mistake on my part. 
 Base on my reading of the systemd-nspawn man page though, I can't figure out 
 what the problem is. Basically, all I'm tring to do is remove an interface 
 from the host namespace and provide it to the container. Details are included 
 below (This is systemd 216-r3 in Arch Linux ARM).
 [root@host01 ~]# systemd-nspawn --network-interface=wlan0 -M1 -bD 
 Spawning container 1 on /home/lanvpn.
 Press ^] three times within 1s to kill container.
 Failed to move interface wlan0 to namespace: File exists

actually netdev interfaces like wlan0 can not move into network namespaces by 
themselves. With wireless hardware, the underlying physical device (for example 
phy0) needs to move into the namespace. Which means that all netdev that belong 
to a specific phyX will move with it into the namespace.

Try using iw phy phyname set netns pid to achieve this.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Implementing remote wake-up for Bluetooth

2014-09-20 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Bastien,

 I wanted to add a toggle box like the one MacOS X has had for a long
 while, allowing users to wake up their system using a Bluetooth
 The procedure is here:
 We could also always allow remote wake-up when a keyboard or joystick
 has been paired, I'm not too fussed.
 Ideas on how this should be implemented?

actually there is a bit more to do than just enabling USB remote wakeup. That 
is just the bare minimum we need to support.

On the Bluetooth side, we would actually have to change the HCI event mask to 
only produce certain events. Otherwise the controller (and with that the host) 
can wake up for all kinds of reasons. In addition, we would need to program the 
specific addresses that allow us to wake up. Otherwise anybody knowing your 
address can trick your system to wake up for no reason.

Besides BR/EDR mice and keyboards, we also have LE mice these days. They 
operate a little bit different and might need some extra magic to handle wake 



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] watchdog feature highly ineffecient / using too much CPU

2014-09-13 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Michael,

 So, lets look at the bluetoothd code:
watchdog_usec = getenv(WATCHDOG_USEC);
seconds = atoi(watchdog_usec) / (1000 * 1000);
watchdog = g_timeout_add_seconds_full(G_PRIORITY_HIGH,
seconds / 2,
 If WATCHDOG_USEC is smaller than 2,000,000 (2s), then seconds is =1
 and thus seconds / 2 is 0. Thus, bluetoothd sends watchdog
 notifications without any timeout.
 Two solutions:
 1) Don't set such watchdog values for bluetoothd.
 2) Fix bluetoothd to use usec instead of seconds.
 Thanks for the detailed analysis, David.
 This indeed looks like a bug in bluetooth. Especially since you can
 break bluetooth completely by setting e.g. WatchdogSec=0..

setting WatchdogSec=0 should disable that feature (as described in the 
manpage). Which means that systemd should never give us the environment 
variable WATCHDOG_USEC in the first place. Are you saying that systemd does 
that. In that case that is a systemd bug.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH] timedated: add configure option to set name of controlled NTP service

2014-08-27 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Miroslav,

 ConnMan is a single daemon solution doing NTP, DHCP and DNS all in
 one place. Any sort of callouts are costing time. And that is time
 that has a visible user impact. There is nothing that justifies to
 have a bit more nanosecond accuracy of synchronized time than making
 the user wait for extra milliseconds to get their network connection
 and time.
 You need the first clock update to happen milliseconds after the
 network is up? Seriously? I agree that's not possible with chronyd or
 ntpd even if they were listening to networkd, but I don't think it's a
 requirement on any desktop system.

start building a media client. Then you will see that the faster you have your 
IP address and the faster you have your clocks synchronized, the better your 
user experience gets. So this is all crucial.

Until we fixed DHCP, everybody was fine waiting for many seconds to get an IP 
address. Now you get the IP in a few 100 milliseconds. But sure, lets go back 
to 10 years ago where everything took forever. And lets have a boot take 10 

 You might realize that a theme shows up here. If you are building a
 server, then by all means install ntpd or Chrony and configure it.
 You are the admin, you know what you are doing. If you do not know
 what are doing or do not care, then keep it simple.
 I'm not convinced. I think uninformed users should be using the best
 tool for the typical use case they have at hand.
 Trading falseticker detection, stable clock control with intermittent
 connections, ability to drift through when network is congested,
 ability to deal with broken clocks (as in some virtual machines) and
 monotonic time just for a super fast update seems like a bad choice to

Seriously? That is what desktop users want. Cool, can you show me the desktop 
users that do care about this. I am actually curious now on how you justify 
doing all that with the expected battery life.

 I'm sure timesyncd will be significantly improved over time, but
 currently I'd not describe it as more than appropriate for most

That is the beauty of open source. If enough users care it will get added to 
timesyncd. So people will just start sending patches.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH] timedated: add configure option to set name of controlled NTP service

2014-08-26 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Miroslav,

 To have timedated/timedatectl managing the right NTP service on
 distributions like Fedora.
 I don't really think that timedated should manage an NTP server like
 I'm talking about NTP clients, not servers. Writing a good NTP client
 is the difficult part, making server from a client is just a matter of
 binding a socket to port 123 and replying to the requests with current
 time. Anyway, chronyd doesn't reply to NTP requests by default, so
 think of it as an NTP client in this context.

and writing a good DHCP client was supposedly also really hard. Guess what we 
have done that twice now and both of our clients are better than everything 
else out there. And guess what, we did the same for NTP.

 timedated's primary job is to be a service to GNOME and
 other DEs. But if an admin wants to upgrade to a full NTP server, then
 he should really enable/disable that with systemctl or a similar
 Distributions usually have a full NTP client installed by default, why
 should GNOME try to enable/disable an SNTP client that happens to be
 distributed with systemd?

And that is the part that really needs to change. Desktop systems using a high 
accuracy NTP client instead of just using SNTP is a bad idea. Especially using 
NTP clients that are not aware of network states and/or states like Hotspot 
portals. Or think about systems using 3G/LTE connections.

 The code wasn't wrong for what it was supposed to do. We just didn't
 think the complexity of it would be appropriate.
 Ok, this patch to make it configurable at compilation time is
 extremely simple and there is zero runtime cost, so there should be no
 problem in including it, or not?
 If your suggestion is to use timesyncd by default on all systems
 where systemd is included, that might not work. Even if you don't care
 much about accuracy, stability or monotonicity of the system clock,
 I don't see why timesyncd would be any different regarding monotonicity
 that chrony would...
 After start chronyd uses only slewing to correct the clock, but timesyncd
 seems to step the clock when the offset is larger than 0.4 second and
 is not a spike. With an intermittent or congested internet connection
 suffering from bufferbloat it's pretty easy to get offsets larger than

The adjtime system call is limited by the kernel and how much it can adjust. I 
do not remember that actual details, but at some point you are required to skip 
time. Trying to emulate that in userspace is a bad idea. Either the kernel can 
do it for you or you just skip to the next synchronized time you have.

 there is a problem with reliability. As timesyncd currently implements
 only SNTP and not full NTP client, it doesn't compare times from
 multiple servers, so it can't know when a server is broken and another
 should be selected instead.
 Well, if we start comparing features, then there's also some stuff that
 timesyncd can do that chrony can't (such as getting NTP server info from
 DHCP networkd, or support for offline clock monotonicity of RTC-less
 Ok, chronyd is usually used with NetworkManager and it relies on a
 dispatcher script to get the servers from DHCP. Adding support to get
 them from networkd doesn't sound like a very difficult task if it's
 needed. Or could be networkd modified to write the list of the servers
 to a file so any NTP client could use it?
 As for systems without RTC, chronyd now has an option to restore the
 time similarly to the fake-hwclock script from Debian.

If you ever tried to control a NTP client from the network managing daemon, 
then you would realize that this is all not designed to be controlled by any 
form of automated system or desktop environments like Gnome.

Chrony and ntpd are for system administrators and systems that run with a 
basically static configuration in a datacenter. If you are thinking they are 
for anything else than you are kidding yourself. And that is exactly the point 
here. If you install a full blown high accuracy NTP client, then you know what 
you are doing and you know why you are doing it.

Even inside ConnMan, we decided to include a SNTP client directly into ConnMan. 
In earlier days, we had ConnMan controlling ntpd's client. Ugly and complicated 
and also full of race conditions. We looked into Chrony and it was no better at 
all. We tried to write our own SNTP client that we control and can feed DHCP 
information into it. Worked beautifully and is still in use today and actual 
consumer products. If you want to see a popular one then take a look at the 
Nest Labs thermostat.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH] timedated: add configure option to set name of controlled NTP service

2014-08-26 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Miroslav,

 and writing a good DHCP client was supposedly also really hard.
 Guess what we have done that twice now and both of our clients are
 better than everything else out there. And guess what, we did the
 same for NTP.
 Are you saying timesyncd is already better than chronyd or ntpd? In
 what criteria? To me it looks like the only advantage currently is the
 integration with networkd. I see some trivial bugs in the code, I'll
 send patches. 

for a desktop environment like Gnome, yes timesyncd is already a huge step into 
the right direction. The integration with networkd or any kind of network 
management software is a huge advantage. Especially if you are looking at 
mobile devices like phones and laptops.

 Desktop systems using a high accuracy NTP client instead of just
 using SNTP is a bad idea. Especially using NTP clients that are not
 aware of network states and/or states like Hotspot portals. Or think
 about systems using 3G/LTE connections.
 An NTP client can be aware of network states too, I'm not sure why
 should be SNTP preferred over NTP. On mobile networks I'd probably
 want to use a client that can work well with intermittent connections,
 not something using the kernel PLL as it's unstable when under sampled.

The question is what costs to be aware of network states. So first of all you 
need to watch operational states and do that correctly. Then you need to 
understand routing tables to see if you can actually get anywhere. Then you 
need to know if you can resolve addresses. If you are on a per interface level, 
then you need to know which DNS servers are valid for that interface. Not all 
DNS servers are valid for each interface. At the end of the day anything else 
other than timesyncd would need to duplicate a lot of functionality that is in 
networkd and resolved.

And I think that is precisely the point here. If you are in a datacenter, and 
you need Chrony or ntpd level of NTP time synchronization, then just install 
it. Otherwise let the desktop run SNTP via timesyncd.

 The adjtime system call is limited by the kernel and how much it can
 adjust. I do not remember that actual details, but at some point you
 are required to skip time. Trying to emulate that in userspace is a
 bad idea. Either the kernel can do it for you or you just skip to
 the next synchronized time you have.
 The adjtime() offset isn't limited, but adjtimex() in PLL mode limits
 the offset to 0.5 second. chronyd controls the kernel frequency
 directly and if an update is late, the next correction is compensated
 for that. From what I can tell it works very well.

If you are in the datacenter, by all means, try to be as smart as you want to 
be. However bothering the general user with this is just crazy stuff. And if 
you think that networkd, resolved, timedated and timesyncd are doing anything 
new, then you are pretty much mistaken. We have been through this with ConnMan 
a few years back already. All of this needs to be tightly integrated.

So this means that you get a really good basis where clocks are synchronized. 
If you want something better, you can install it. It is a waste of time trying 
to integrate anything else than timesyncd since if you use anything else, you 
will manually configure it and use its advanced options. If you do not need the 
advanced features, then why install other NTP clients in the first place.

 Even inside ConnMan, we decided to include a SNTP client directly
 into ConnMan. In earlier days, we had ConnMan controlling ntpd's
 client. Ugly and complicated and also full of race conditions. We
 looked into Chrony and it was no better at all. We tried to write
 our own SNTP client that we control and can feed DHCP information
 into it. Worked beautifully and is still in use today and actual
 consumer products.
 Ok, how exactly are you feeding the NTP client? Perhaps it's something
 we could use in chronyd too.

ConnMan is a single daemon solution doing NTP, DHCP and DNS all in one place. 
Any sort of callouts are costing time. And that is time that has a visible user 
impact. There is nothing that justifies to have a bit more nanosecond accuracy 
of synchronized time than making the user wait for extra milliseconds to get 
their network connection and time.

You might realize that a theme shows up here. If you are building a server, 
then by all means install ntpd or Chrony and configure it. You are the admin, 
you know what you are doing. If you do not know what are doing or do not care, 
then keep it simple.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH kdbus] handle: Return POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM mask when no messages are pending

2014-08-18 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 To facility the feature of doing an asynchronous sending of messages
 when the bus is idle, make sure to return POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM from
 Signed-off-by: Marcel Holtmann
 handle.c | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
 diff --git a/handle.c b/handle.c
 index ac6868133280..fc15d28351b3 100644
 --- a/handle.c
 +++ b/handle.c
 @@ -884,6 +884,8 @@ static unsigned int kdbus_handle_poll(struct file 
else if (!list_empty(conn-msg_list))
 +  else
 Hmm, what's your use case here? list_empty(conn-msg_list) only checks
 the incoming list of the current connection for pending messages. That
 doesn't tell you whether the bus is idle, or if your receiving end has
 messages pending ...
 if you are a good client citizen, then you only send messages when
 POLLOUT gets signaled. That is what this is allowing now.
 Blindly sending messages is never a good idea. You want to poll for
 POLLOUT first. This does not make a big difference for current kernel,
 but it allows future extensions when the clients are well behaving and
 just waiting for POLLOUT. Meaning once the kernel does not signal
 POLLOUT, no new messages will come from the client.
 Current code does not do this POLLOUT before sending a messages, but
 our kdbus client actually does that. It is the right thing to do. And
 we have been doing this with all of our protocols that are using
 asynchronous IO. No point in kdbus being any different.
 Well, kdbus keeps per-reciever buffers only, hence signalling on the
 kdbus fd when you are able to write is not really possible, since this
 information is not bound to the sender fd but only to the receiever of
 which there are many... If I understand you correctly you hence want the
 kdbus fd to always return EPOLLOUT then, because if a client wants to
 send something it can do that at any time?
 If that's the case then POLLOUT should really be ORed into the mask
 unconditionally, not just in some cases...
 So, I can sympathize with what you are trying to do. However, I think
 your patch doesn't do the right thing... It should really OR the POLLOUT
 into all masks always.

always returning POLLOUT is also fine. As long as the fd signals POLLOUT and 
not just swallows it.



systemd-devel mailing list

[systemd-devel] [PATCH kdbus] handle: Return POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM mask when no messages are pending

2014-08-15 Thread Marcel Holtmann
To facility the feature of doing an asynchronous sending of messages
when the bus is idle, make sure to return POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM from

Signed-off-by: Marcel Holtmann
 handle.c | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/handle.c b/handle.c
index ac6868133280..fc15d28351b3 100644
--- a/handle.c
+++ b/handle.c
@@ -884,6 +884,8 @@ static unsigned int kdbus_handle_poll(struct file *file,
else if (!list_empty(conn-msg_list))
+   else
return mask;

systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH kdbus] handle: Return POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM mask when no messages are pending

2014-08-15 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Daniel,

 To facility the feature of doing an asynchronous sending of messages
 when the bus is idle, make sure to return POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM from
 Signed-off-by: Marcel Holtmann
 handle.c | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
 diff --git a/handle.c b/handle.c
 index ac6868133280..fc15d28351b3 100644
 --- a/handle.c
 +++ b/handle.c
 @@ -884,6 +884,8 @@ static unsigned int kdbus_handle_poll(struct file *file,
  mask |= POLLERR | POLLHUP;
  else if (!list_empty(conn-msg_list))
 Hmm, what's your use case here? list_empty(conn-msg_list) only checks
 the incoming list of the current connection for pending messages. That
 doesn't tell you whether the bus is idle, or if your receiving end has
 messages pending ...

if you are a good client citizen, then you only send messages when POLLOUT gets 
signaled. That is what this is allowing now.

Blindly sending messages is never a good idea. You want to poll for POLLOUT 
first. This does not make a big difference for current kernel, but it allows 
future extensions when the clients are well behaving and just waiting for 
POLLOUT. Meaning once the kernel does not signal POLLOUT, no new messages will 
come from the client.

Current code does not do this POLLOUT before sending a messages, but our kdbus 
client actually does that. It is the right thing to do. And we have been doing 
this with all of our protocols that are using asynchronous IO. No point in 
kdbus being any different.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Networkd dhcp hostname override

2014-08-14 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Dan,

 Now that networkd can send the systems hostname to the dhcp server, I 
 would find it useful to have an option to override the hostname that gets 
 In my use case, I would like to setup a number of macvlans with different 
 Something as simple as
 Sounds useful, though this could just be a single option
 SendHostname=foobar or so. If not set it sends the system hostname,
 otherwise the specified hostname. Or something like that.
 what would this be useful for? Either you send the hostname or you don't.
 I think what you are looking for is an option to set the Client ID. And when 
 that is set, then that is used. If it not set and SendHostname=true, the 
 hostname is used as Client ID. If SendHostname=false and Client ID is not 
 send, then none of them are send.
 Typically the send-hostname thing is actually used for DNS updates,
 where you send the hostname to the DHCP server, which then gives you a
 lease and sends the hostname + IP to the DNS server, so that your
 machine is accessible via DNS automatically.  I've never heard of it
 being used as a Client ID, and AFAIK the send hostname and client ID
 can both be used at the same time.

this means that allowing to provide a custom hostname that is not set via 
hostname or hostnamectl makes no sense at all. Since you want to send your 
actual hostname. So current boolean for SendHostname is the right way to do 
this. In addition someone might add a ClientId=foo option.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] networkd Promiscuous mode

2014-08-13 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 There seems to be no way in systemd-networkd to put a link in
 Promiscuous mode. This is needed to make macvlan work correctly
 (Otherwise it receives no traffic with its mac address as the
 destination). If I am not mistaken this could be a boolean in *.link
 Sounds useful. Added to the todo list.

actually this sounds like a design mistake. If macvlan requires the network 
interface in promiscuous mode, then it should do that internally.

Inside the kernel the promiscuous mode is actually reference counted. This can 
for example be utilized from packet(7) sockets. That way you do not 
accidentally leave a device in promiscuous mode if all users are gone.

So why not fix macvlan to put the parent into promiscuous mode.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Networkd dhcp hostname override

2014-08-13 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 Now that networkd can send the systems hostname to the dhcp server, I would 
 find it useful to have an option to override the hostname that gets sent.
 In my use case, I would like to setup a number of macvlans with different 
 Something as simple as
 Sounds useful, though this could just be a single option
 SendHostname=foobar or so. If not set it sends the system hostname,
 otherwise the specified hostname. Or something like that.

what would this be useful for? Either you send the hostname or you don't.

I think what you are looking for is an option to set the Client ID. And when 
that is set, then that is used. If it not set and SendHostname=true, the 
hostname is used as Client ID. If SendHostname=false and Client ID is not send, 
then none of them are send.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Changing configurations with networkd

2014-07-24 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Tom,

 I think the lease should be remembered and reused in this case.
 Hm, this sounds like a bug somewhere. When the new discover is sent
 out it should send the same identifying information to the server, and
 hence be given the same lease back again. Wireshark should tell you if
 the fault is networkd's or the DHCP server.
 I get the same address at first, but after several minutes the DHCP server
 decides to offer a new address. I should note, that I have a 10 minute
 lease time for debugging purposes, so that might make the problem more
 prominent. I'll see if I can figure out what happens here.
 look at your DHCP server and see what lease time it really hands out after 
 However this is between you and your DHCP server. If you configure a lease
 time of 10 minutes, then that is the only guaranteed time for a given IP
 address. There is no mandate that the server has to give you the same 
 after 10 minutes when you ask again. It is valid to just get a different 
 And that many home routers try to give you back the same one does not mean
 that they are required to do so.
 The nice DHCP servers will remember your Ethernet address and/or identity
 information and give you back your old IP address. Either with the left over
 lease time or with a brand new lease time. There is really no need to store
 this information on disk. If the lease expired the information on disk are
 stale as well. And since our DHCP implementation is so fast, it makes really
 no difference.
 It is safer start out with a brand new DHCP lease instead of having to deal
 with renewal during boot. At least that way you know the DHCP server is 
 there and you have a valid IP address. Just re-using a stored IP with a
 left-over lease is not safe anyway. You never know what changed in the
 network when you were off.
 I think there was some misunderstanding here. I don't want to keep the
 lease across reboots. I don't care about that. I think networkd should
 remember the lease when restarting networkd only and not send a new dhcp
 Right, I spoke too quickly. What I don't want is to preserve state
 between reboots, preserving it between restarts of networkd would
 indeed be fine. We already serialize the dhcp leases to /run, so I'd
 be happy to take a patch to deserialize these again when networkd

I am not sure this is useful either. It feels like a bandaid for the time where 
networkd does not have an API to reload configuration changes. Killing networkd 
should give you a clean start from the configuration files and not magic cached 
value somewhere. Otherwise you end up with funny side effects all the time and 
have to explain to users to clear some /run states. Or ask them to switch the 
computer off and back on again.

When you are opting for DHCP instead of static addresses, then there is really 
no guarantee for addresses staying the same. At least not for the client to 
know. So unless you own the DHCP server and configure it with static 
assignment. In all cases you have to confirm with the DHCP server that you 
address is still valid.

 That said, I'm not sure this will help you much in your case. It would
 allow us to explicitly request the current IP address when restarting
 networkd, but according to your previous email you already are getting
 assigned the correct IP address at first, and then only later does
 this change. What is causing your DHCP server to send out a different
 IP address later on, I don't know, but it seems unlikely that this is
 anything we can fix in the client.

I have my doubts as well here. Seems like a misconfigured DHCP server.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Changing configurations with networkd

2014-07-23 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Michael,

 I think the lease should be remembered and reused in this case.
 Hm, this sounds like a bug somewhere. When the new discover is sent
 out it should send the same identifying information to the server, and
 hence be given the same lease back again. Wireshark should tell you if
 the fault is networkd's or the DHCP server.
 I get the same address at first, but after several minutes the DHCP server
 decides to offer a new address. I should note, that I have a 10 minute
 lease time for debugging purposes, so that might make the problem more
 prominent. I'll see if I can figure out what happens here.

look at your DHCP server and see what lease time it really hands out after 

However this is between you and your DHCP server. If you configure a lease time 
of 10 minutes, then that is the only guaranteed time for a given IP address. 
There is no mandate that the server has to give you the same address after 10 
minutes when you ask again. It is valid to just get a different one. And that 
many home routers try to give you back the same one does not mean that they are 
required to do so.

The nice DHCP servers will remember your Ethernet address and/or identity 
information and give you back your old IP address. Either with the left over 
lease time or with a brand new lease time. There is really no need to store 
this information on disk. If the lease expired the information on disk are 
stale as well. And since our DHCP implementation is so fast, it makes really no 

It is safer start out with a brand new DHCP lease instead of having to deal 
with renewal during boot. At least that way you know the DHCP server is still 
there and you have a valid IP address. Just re-using a stored IP with a 
left-over lease is not safe anyway. You never know what changed in the network 
when you were off.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH] Add support for DHCP static route options in networkd

2014-06-27 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 I am tempted to say that we should try to apply as much information from
 DHCP as we can by default, but make sure it doesn't become a security
 problem. i.e. we should probably use metrics or so so that manual routes
 always win, or routes to other interfaces.
 I think using metrics is a good idea. Are there some accepted
 guidelines on what reasonable
 values for route metrics should be? Static routes (from [Route]) are
 added with 0, what would
 a good value for DHCP routes be? 100? 1000?
 Hmm, something in the middle of the range, I figure, that is still nice
 to type and look at for whatever that is. pick something... Also I
 figure the default route added due to dhcp config should also use this
 same metric. 

it might actually make sense to provide a configuration option for the metric 
value here. And if not present just default to something that make sense. Seems 
like 1024 is pretty popular.

Allowing different metrics for multi homing situation seems like a neat 
benefit. If by all means possible, add all routes provided by DHCP for eth0 
with metric A and for eth1 use metric B. You never know what kind of datacenter 
network configuration you encounter. I have seen really crazy ones in my 
lifetime ;)



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH] networkd: Introduce tuntap device

2014-06-24 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Tom,

 This patch introduces tuntap support to networkd.
 Example conf
 file : tuntap.netdev
 Hm, maybe call this TunTap instead?

I wonder if it might be better separate in Tun and in Tap devices. Tun devices 
are IP only devices and Tap devices are actual Ethernet devices.

It looks a bit silly that you have to specific Kind=tuntap only to later 
specific Mode=tap. Why not just do Kind=tap device? That under Linux the setup 
of both Tun and Tap devices happens via /dev/net/tun is just an implementation 



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH 17/17] networkd: add dhcp server support

2014-05-26 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Cristian,

 When enabled in [Network] it will set up a dhcp server on the interface, 
 on one of its statically configured IPv4 addresses and with a fixed size 
 pool of
 leases determined from it.
 Hi Tom,
 before looking at the code, a couple of general questions:
 - does the DHCP server have to be part of networkd?
 Yeah IMHO the dhcp server should be a separate daemon, that of course does 
 not preclude it from sharing code with networkd.

that is not a good idea. Why would you make the DHCP server a separate daemon. 
That is just asking for trouble.

The only way to provide a proper integration is if the DHCP server is part of 
systemd-networkd. Otherwise you are just wasting time in trying to figure out 
on how to handle configuration and update of states between two daemon.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] networkd: Loosing nic's driver set functionality

2014-01-22 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Umut,

 Making RTM_GETLINK and RTM_SETLINK asynchronously is causing
 RTM_SETLINK to remove the nic's functionality. In my case, I am
 loosing IFF_MULTICAST after networkd sets the interface up.
 I am not sure if 5d4795f37229 can solve the problem but the only
 documentation I found was stating ifi_change is reserved so I didn't
 look in to it.
 I have converted GETLINK call to sync and made sure SETLINK uses the
 flags coming from GETLINK call. Attaching a patch for it. Please
 ignore it if you can solve the problem in another way.

RTNL is not a synchronous interface. This is just paper over a hole approach. 
It is not stopping anybody from doing any modification behind your back while 
you think you wait for your GETLINK response.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC][PATCH] net: set default DEVTYPE for all ethernet based devices

2014-01-05 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Tom,

 In systemd's networkd and udevd, we would like to give the administrator a
 simple way to filter ethernet devices by their DEVTYPE. In order to avoid
 having a special treatment of the case where DEVTYPE=(null), initialize 
 it to
 a default value, ethernet, in the kernel.
 Signed-off-by: Tom Gundersen
 Cc: Marcel Holtmann
 Cc: Greg KH
 Hi Greg and Marcel,
 This patch seems to do the right thing for me. Any comments before I send 
 off to LKML?
 I suppose it may make sense to hide this behind a kernel option in case 
 we are
 worried about breaking existing users (but if ConnMan is adapted, I don't 
 of any other issues, NetworkManager is not affected at least).
 net/core/dev.c | 6 ++
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)
 diff --git a/net/core/dev.c b/net/core/dev.c
 index ba3b7ea..62881e0 100644
 --- a/net/core/dev.c
 +++ b/net/core/dev.c
 @@ -6215,6 +6215,10 @@ void netdev_freemem(struct net_device *dev)
 +static const struct device_type ethernet_type = {
 + .name = ethernet,
 *alloc_netdev_mqs - allocate network device
 *@sizeof_priv:   size of private data to allocate space for
 @@ -6305,6 +6309,8 @@ struct net_device *alloc_netdev_mqs(int 
 sizeof_priv, const char *name,
 goto free_all;
 + SET_NETDEV_DEVTYPE(dev, ethernet_type);
 strcpy(dev-name, name);
 dev-group = INIT_NETDEV_GROUP;
 if (!dev-ethtool_ops)
 this means that every single netdev is defaulting to Ethernet. This 
 includes also the fake ones like IrDA or raw IP ones like PPP or TUN 
 devices. I do not think that is something we really want here.
 Hm, so then the assumption I first worked under (DEVTYPE==(null) means
 ethernet) is not really correct. Doesn't this give you problems in
 ConnMan at the moment?
 that is why I mentioned ARPHRD_* earlier. It is important to check that 
 value as well. You will need both at some point.
 Hm, I thought that was to fix false negatives. I.e., that some devices
 with, say, DEVTYPE=bluetooth should in fact be treated as regular

DEVTYPE=bluetooth and DEVTYPE=wlan are not false negatives. They should be like 
that. That is something current userspace relies on. We can not break this.

However you will see a DEVTYPE=bluetooth as Ethernet emulation and another as 
raw IP (6loWPAN). You want to differentiate these for the default address 
assignment you pick. For example 6loWPAN will just rely on IPv6 route 

Same applies to DEVTYPE=wwan btw. Some Qualcomm cards can be exposed as 
Ethernet or they do a raw IP only header in their netdev. DEVTYPE is just to 
figure out the underlying technology of your network device. Then the ARPHRD_ 
is to get an idea of the actual encapsulation that is used.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC][PATCH] net: set default DEVTYPE for all ethernet based devices

2014-01-04 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Tom,

 In systemd's networkd and udevd, we would like to give the administrator a
 simple way to filter ethernet devices by their DEVTYPE. In order to avoid
 having a special treatment of the case where DEVTYPE=(null), initialize it to
 a default value, ethernet, in the kernel.
 Signed-off-by: Tom Gundersen
 Cc: Marcel Holtmann
 Cc: Greg KH
 Hi Greg and Marcel,
 This patch seems to do the right thing for me. Any comments before I send it
 off to LKML?
 I suppose it may make sense to hide this behind a kernel option in case we are
 worried about breaking existing users (but if ConnMan is adapted, I don't know
 of any other issues, NetworkManager is not affected at least).
 net/core/dev.c | 6 ++
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)
 diff --git a/net/core/dev.c b/net/core/dev.c
 index ba3b7ea..62881e0 100644
 --- a/net/core/dev.c
 +++ b/net/core/dev.c
 @@ -6215,6 +6215,10 @@ void netdev_freemem(struct net_device *dev)
 +static const struct device_type ethernet_type = {
 + .name = ethernet,
  *alloc_netdev_mqs - allocate network device
  *@sizeof_priv:   size of private data to allocate space for
 @@ -6305,6 +6309,8 @@ struct net_device *alloc_netdev_mqs(int sizeof_priv, 
 const char *name,
   goto free_all;
 + SET_NETDEV_DEVTYPE(dev, ethernet_type);
   strcpy(dev-name, name);
   dev-group = INIT_NETDEV_GROUP;
   if (!dev-ethtool_ops)

this means that every single netdev is defaulting to Ethernet. This includes 
also the fake ones like IrDA or raw IP ones like PPP or TUN devices. I do not 
think that is something we really want here.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC][PATCH] net: set default DEVTYPE for all ethernet based devices

2014-01-04 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Tom,

 In systemd's networkd and udevd, we would like to give the administrator a
 simple way to filter ethernet devices by their DEVTYPE. In order to avoid
 having a special treatment of the case where DEVTYPE=(null), initialize it 
 a default value, ethernet, in the kernel.
 Signed-off-by: Tom Gundersen
 Cc: Marcel Holtmann
 Cc: Greg KH
 Hi Greg and Marcel,
 This patch seems to do the right thing for me. Any comments before I send it
 off to LKML?
 I suppose it may make sense to hide this behind a kernel option in case we 
 worried about breaking existing users (but if ConnMan is adapted, I don't 
 of any other issues, NetworkManager is not affected at least).
 net/core/dev.c | 6 ++
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)
 diff --git a/net/core/dev.c b/net/core/dev.c
 index ba3b7ea..62881e0 100644
 --- a/net/core/dev.c
 +++ b/net/core/dev.c
 @@ -6215,6 +6215,10 @@ void netdev_freemem(struct net_device *dev)
 +static const struct device_type ethernet_type = {
 + .name = ethernet,
 *alloc_netdev_mqs - allocate network device
 *@sizeof_priv:   size of private data to allocate space for
 @@ -6305,6 +6309,8 @@ struct net_device *alloc_netdev_mqs(int sizeof_priv, 
 const char *name,
  goto free_all;
 + SET_NETDEV_DEVTYPE(dev, ethernet_type);
  strcpy(dev-name, name);
  dev-group = INIT_NETDEV_GROUP;
  if (!dev-ethtool_ops)
 this means that every single netdev is defaulting to Ethernet. This includes 
 also the fake ones like IrDA or raw IP ones like PPP or TUN devices. I do 
 not think that is something we really want here.
 Hm, so then the assumption I first worked under (DEVTYPE==(null) means
 ethernet) is not really correct. Doesn't this give you problems in
 ConnMan at the moment?

that is why I mentioned ARPHRD_* earlier. It is important to check that value 
as well. You will need both at some point.

 What do you think would be the correct behavior? To use this patch,
 but also patch up IrDA, PPP, TUN and whatever else to set real
 DEVTYPE's; or to leave them as essentially 'unknown', and go through
 the ethernet drivers and set them to DEVTYPE='ethernet' one-by-one?

The kernel has an alloc_etherdev_mqs() that might be a better starting point. 
However even then, you might still need to fix some false positives.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC] networkd/udev: match on 'ethernet' devices

2014-01-03 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Tom,

 I just pushed a change[0] which allows the match syntax
 Type=ethernet to match on network devices without a DEVTYPE.
 We had a discussion on IRC whether we should call it Type=wired or
 Type=ethernet. I think the former may be more intuitive, but the
 latter seems to be more in line with what is done elsewhere (connman
 calls it ethernet, and udev prefixes the devices names with 'en').
 Any thoughts?
 Any reason why the kernel can't be setting this value in the first place
 so you don't have to rely on it being null?
 Seems like a kernel issue.
 I asked Marcel the same thing earlier. He said:
 [Friday 03 January 2014] [19:58:22] holtmann  Because you have to
 touch every single driver to get this done properly.
 [Friday 03 January 2014] [19:58:34] holtmann  So DEVTYPE= means it
 is wired Ethernet.
 [Friday 03 January 2014] [19:58:42] holtmann  If that is not true,
 then that is a bug.
 From my point of view, I'd prefer the kernel just doing the right
 thing (and I'd be happy to write the patches), but my impression was
 that that's not going to happen...(?)
 It shouldn't need to be set for every driver, wireless doesn't work this
 way, so there is lots of precident for how to do this in only a few
 lines of kernel code :)
 Also, if we start setting DEVTYPE=ethernet in the kernel, I guess apps
 (such as connman) that relies on DEVTYPE=(null) to detect ethernet
 devices will break.
 Ah, that's a different problem, we can't break userspace.
 Ugh, well, if you want me to try to make this change, I will.
 If you see a way to make it happen, that'd be great (and I can revert
 this patch).

we can easily update ConnMan to handle DEVTYPE= and DEVTYPE=ethernet. That is 
an easy change and will keep things working. As I explained in the other reply, 
the main reason for DEVTYPE=something is to detect that it is a network 
device that needs a management entity before it becomes useful.

You also need to check the ARPHRD_ type of an interface to make sure it is 
actually Ethernet and not just rely on what DEVTYPE= is telling you. We are 
having the case with Bluetooth right now that you get DEVTYPE=bluetooth, but 
one of them is Ethernet emulation via BNEP and the other raw IP via 6loWPAN.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC] networkd/udev: match on 'ethernet' devices

2014-01-03 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Tom,

 we can easily update ConnMan to handle DEVTYPE= and DEVTYPE=ethernet. That 
 is an easy change and will keep things working. As I explained in the other 
 reply, the main reason for DEVTYPE=something is to detect that it is a 
 network device that needs a management entity before it becomes useful.
 You also need to check the ARPHRD_ type of an interface to make sure it is 
 actually Ethernet and not just rely on what DEVTYPE= is telling you. We are 
 having the case with Bluetooth right now that you get DEVTYPE=bluetooth, but 
 one of them is Ethernet emulation via BNEP and the other raw IP via 6loWPAN.
 So the usecase I see for the DEVTYPE is quite different. I'm simply
 interested in using it to let the administrator classify devices in an
 intuitive and predictable way, so in this case (I think) we actually
 do want to use Type=bluetooth for all bluetooth devices, regardless of
 the actual protocols they speak. Also, having DEVTYPE=ethernet set by
 the kernel becomes quite useful as there is no 'magic' going on, and
 the admin can simply read 'udevadm info' to know whether or not a
 given device will match.

I am all for doing a DEVTYPE=ethernet. It was just not that simple when I 
introduce DEVTYPE for network interfaces. Maybe things have also changed now.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH v3 01/26] dhcp: Add DHCP protocol structures and initial defines

2013-12-12 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Patrik,

 I agree with Zbigniew: this should probably be in
 src/libsystemd-dhcp/, so that this is similar to libsystemd-bus/,
 libsystemd-id128/ and so on...
 Sent a patch for that, and in the process of creating an account on As that will most probably take some time, someone with
 proper access could bite the bullet...

I will take care of getting these patches committed. Can you just send an 
updated version with everything in place in the right location.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH] dhcp: Move src/dhcp to src/libsystemd-dhcp

2013-12-12 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Patrik,

 ---   |   42 +-
 src/dhcp/Makefile |1 -
 src/dhcp/client.c | 1002 -
 src/dhcp/internal.h   |   41 -
 src/dhcp/network.c|   65 --
 src/dhcp/option.c |  184 
 src/dhcp/protocol.h   |  119 ---
 src/dhcp/test-dhcp-client.c   |  224 -
 src/dhcp/test-dhcp-option.c   |  377 
 src/libsystemd-dhcp/Makefile  |1 +
 src/libsystemd-dhcp/client.c  | 1002 +
 src/libsystemd-dhcp/internal.h|   41 +
 src/libsystemd-dhcp/network.c |   65 ++
 src/libsystemd-dhcp/option.c  |  184 
 src/libsystemd-dhcp/protocol.h|  119 +++
 src/libsystemd-dhcp/test-libsystemd-dhcp-client.c |  224 +
 src/libsystemd-dhcp/test-libsystemd-dhcp-option.c |  377 
 17 files changed, 2034 insertions(+), 2034 deletions(-)
 delete mode 12 src/dhcp/Makefile
 delete mode 100644 src/dhcp/client.c
 delete mode 100644 src/dhcp/internal.h
 delete mode 100644 src/dhcp/network.c
 delete mode 100644 src/dhcp/option.c
 delete mode 100644 src/dhcp/protocol.h
 delete mode 100644 src/dhcp/test-dhcp-client.c
 delete mode 100644 src/dhcp/test-dhcp-option.c
 create mode 12 src/libsystemd-dhcp/Makefile
 create mode 100644 src/libsystemd-dhcp/client.c
 create mode 100644 src/libsystemd-dhcp/internal.h
 create mode 100644 src/libsystemd-dhcp/network.c
 create mode 100644 src/libsystemd-dhcp/option.c
 create mode 100644 src/libsystemd-dhcp/protocol.h
 create mode 100644 src/libsystemd-dhcp/test-libsystemd-dhcp-client.c
 create mode 100644 src/libsystemd-dhcp/test-libsystemd-dhcp-option.c

instead of moving everything around after the fact, I would say we better start 
off with a clean patch set and everything in the right spot in the first place.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC] Initial libsystemd-asyncns commit

2013-12-12 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 why do we have to spawn threads or do forks for DNS. This looks all
 pretty expensive. In ConnMan for example we just wrote our own async
 DNS using a mainloop. Works perfectly fine and is dirt cheap.
 Well, we don't fork threads/processes for each call but reuse them.
 What libasyncns does what your solution doesn't do is go via NSS. This
 means /etc/hosts, nss-myhostname, nss-ldap, nss-mdns and so on just
 work, while that all is lost when doing DNS natively.
 I am pretty sure we should not bypass NSS for this. 

actually NSS for DNS is pretty nasty stuff. I am pretty sure we should bypass 
it and create a proper implementation. Is anybody actually using NIS or LDAP 
for domain name resolution?

The problem with NSS is that it still does not fix the fundamental problem. It 
is sequential and blocking. You can spawn as many threads as you want and it 
will stay sequential.

I fully agree with you that we need to consider /etc/hosts, the local hostname 
and also mDNS, but I get the feeling it would be more beneficial to just build 
that in. ConnMan ships a DNS proxy cache to actually be able to be smart and 
parallel. We did not bother with the details like /etc/hosts so far since our 
use cases always had an empty /etc/hosts with just localhost only anyway. 
However that is easy to fix.

Spawning threads or forking is expensive (even if you reuse it) comparing to 
what you actually do here. You just want to resolve a host. It is especially 
expensive since you can not control on what is actually used. And there are 
clearly use cases where you have to ask a specific nameserver or set of 



systemd-devel mailing list

[systemd-devel] [PATCH] logs-show.c: Fix missing sys/socket.h include

2013-12-12 Thread Marcel Holtmann
  CC   src/shared/logs-show.lo
src/shared/logs-show.c: In function 'get_boot_id_for_machine':
src/shared/logs-show.c:1153:9: warning: implicit declaration of function 
'socketpair' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
 if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, sock)  0)
src/shared/logs-show.c:1153:24: error: 'AF_UNIX' undeclared (first use in this 
 if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, sock)  0)
src/shared/logs-show.c:1153:24: note: each undeclared identifier is reported 
only once for each function it appears in
src/shared/logs-show.c:1153:33: error: 'SOCK_DGRAM' undeclared (first use in 
this function)
 if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, sock)  0)
src/shared/logs-show.c:1179:17: warning: implicit declaration of function 
'send' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
 k = send(sock[1], buf, 36, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
src/shared/logs-show.c:1179:44: error: 'MSG_NOSIGNAL' undeclared (first use in 
this function)
 k = send(sock[1], buf, 36, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
src/shared/logs-show.c:1189:9: warning: implicit declaration of function 'recv' 
 k = recv(sock[0], buf, 36, 0);

 src/shared/logs-show.c | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/src/shared/logs-show.c b/src/shared/logs-show.c
index c99fc7569429..0e3fd3de2630 100644
--- a/src/shared/logs-show.c
+++ b/src/shared/logs-show.c
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #include assert.h
 #include errno.h
 #include sys/poll.h
+#include sys/socket.h
 #include string.h
 #include fcntl.h

systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH] logs-show.c: Fix missing sys/socket.h include

2013-12-12 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Zbyszek,

 diff --git a/src/shared/logs-show.c b/src/shared/logs-show.c
 index c99fc7569429..0e3fd3de2630 100644
 --- a/src/shared/logs-show.c
 +++ b/src/shared/logs-show.c
 @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #include assert.h
 #include errno.h
 #include sys/poll.h
 +#include sys/socket.h
 #include string.h
 #include fcntl.h
 Marc-Antoine sent an identical patch, applied the other one.

I would have picked the one with the clear commit subject and not this generic 
one. I had too generic commit messages ;)



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC] Initial libsystemd-asyncns commit

2013-12-12 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Andrey,

 why do we have to spawn threads or do forks for DNS. This looks all
 pretty expensive. In ConnMan for example we just wrote our own async
 DNS using a mainloop. Works perfectly fine and is dirt cheap.
 Well, we don't fork threads/processes for each call but reuse them.
 What libasyncns does what your solution doesn't do is go via NSS. This
 means /etc/hosts, nss-myhostname, nss-ldap, nss-mdns and so on just
 work, while that all is lost when doing DNS natively.
 I am pretty sure we should not bypass NSS for this. 
 actually NSS for DNS is pretty nasty stuff. I am pretty sure we should 
 bypass it and create a proper implementation. Is anybody actually using NIS 
 or LDAP for domain name resolution?
 Yes, there are solutions that are using LDAP for hostname resolution
 quite heavily - actually are based around LDAP without any
 local /etc/hosts.

that is extremely heavy and must suck form a latency point of view. Then again, 
nothing that a DNS-LDAP bridge couldn’t easily support. Since dragging LDAP 
dependencies into every program that has to load NSS modules is not a good idea 



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC] Initial libsystemd-asyncns commit

2013-12-12 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 why do we have to spawn threads or do forks for DNS. This looks all
 pretty expensive. In ConnMan for example we just wrote our own async
 DNS using a mainloop. Works perfectly fine and is dirt cheap.
 Well, we don't fork threads/processes for each call but reuse them.
 What libasyncns does what your solution doesn't do is go via NSS. This
 means /etc/hosts, nss-myhostname, nss-ldap, nss-mdns and so on just
 work, while that all is lost when doing DNS natively.
 I am pretty sure we should not bypass NSS for this. 
 actually NSS for DNS is pretty nasty stuff. I am pretty sure we should 
 bypass it and create a proper implementation. Is anybody actually using 
 NIS or LDAP for domain name resolution?
 Yes, there are solutions that are using LDAP for hostname resolution
 quite heavily - actually are based around LDAP without any
 local /etc/hosts.
 that is extremely heavy and must suck form a latency point of
 view. Then again, nothing that a DNS-LDAP bridge couldn’t easily
 support. Since dragging LDAP dependencies into every program that has
 to load NSS modules is not a good idea either.
 Note that nscd was created to deal with the performance of the LDAP
 setups and also doesn't require loading everything into the same process.

and that is an excuse to keep using NSS modules? We took a rather shitty idea 
and hacked it up a little and it is now a little bit less shitty.

Just to be clear, I have nothing against the general idea, I am just saying 
that NSS itself with its current design is pretty limited. And keep working 
around it is not helping either.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH v3 01/26] dhcp: Add DHCP protocol structures and initial defines

2013-12-10 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 +uint32_t ciaddr;
 +uint32_t yiaddr;
 +uint32_t siaddr;
 +uint32_t giaddr;
 Hmmm, why uin32_t? Shouldn't this be32_t? THis is network byte order,
 right? which is just synoymous to big endian...
 Or even, if you now use struct in_addr elsewhere anyway, why not
 just use that here too?
 be32_t seems reasonable, the 'struct in_addr' was deemed to add slightly
 too much cruft without being particularly useful in internal code. What
 if we figure out whether this patch set is otherwise reasonable and fix
 this and add the remaining parts of DHCP in a coming patch set?
 Meanwhile Tom could take the code for an official test spin...
 This code looks as if it's ready to be merged. WHatever else comes up
 can be fixed post-commit. I think it would be best if you'd get commit
 access so that you can maintain this.

are you fine with the layout of files and directories? Then I can start 
handling maintaining it and dealing with patches.



systemd-devel mailing list

[systemd-devel] [PATCH] hashmap: Remove unused auxv variable

2013-12-10 Thread Marcel Holtmann
  CC   src/shared/hashmap.lo
src/shared/hashmap.c: In function 'hashmap_new':
src/shared/hashmap.c:188:15: warning: unused variable 'auxv' [-Wunused-variable]
 void *auxv;
 src/shared/hashmap.c | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/shared/hashmap.c b/src/shared/hashmap.c
index 8f5957b4ac80..d8d6bc719d2a 100644
--- a/src/shared/hashmap.c
+++ b/src/shared/hashmap.c
@@ -185,7 +185,6 @@ Hashmap *hashmap_new(hash_func_t hash_func, compare_func_t 
compare_func) {
 bool b;
 Hashmap *h;
 size_t size;
-void *auxv;
 b = is_main_thread();

systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC] Initial libsystemd-asyncns commit

2013-12-10 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Daniel,

 Reindentation is done to fit systemd
 ---   |   23 +
 src/libsystemd-asyncns/asyncns.c  | 1513 +
 src/libsystemd-asyncns/asyncns.h  |  163 
 src/libsystemd-asyncns/test-asyncns.c |  178 
 4 files changed, 1877 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/libsystemd-asyncns/asyncns.c
 create mode 100644 src/libsystemd-asyncns/asyncns.h
 create mode 100644 src/libsystemd-asyncns/test-asyncns.c
 diff --git a/ b/
 index 19da6ea..a0564b5 100644
 --- a/
 +++ b/
 @@ -659,6 +659,29 @@ tests += test-rtnl
 noinst_LTLIBRARIES += \
 +libsystemd_asyncns_la_SOURCES = \
 + src/libsystemd-asyncns/asyncns.c \
 + src/libsystemd-asyncns/asyncns.h
 +libsystemd_asyncns_la_CFLAGS = \
 + -pthread
 +test_asyncns_SOURCES = \
 + src/libsystemd-asyncns/test-asyncns.c
 +test_asyncns_LDADD = \
 +test_asyncns_LDFLAGS = \
 + -lresolv \
 + -pthread
 +tests += test-asyncns
 +noinst_LTLIBRARIES += \
 libsystemd_shared_la_SOURCES = \
 diff --git a/src/libsystemd-asyncns/asyncns.c 
 new file mode 100644
 index 000..f1c2602
 --- /dev/null
 +++ b/src/libsystemd-asyncns/asyncns.c
 @@ -0,0 +1,1513 @@
 +  This file is part of libasyncns.
 +  Copyright 2005-2008 Lennart Poettering
 +  libasyncns is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 +  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 +  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
 +  License, or (at your option) any later version.
 +  libasyncns is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 +  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 +  Lesser General Public License for more details.
 +  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 +  License along with libasyncns. If not, see
 + ***/
 +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
 +#include config.h
 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD */
 +#include assert.h
 +#include fcntl.h
 +#include signal.h
 +#include unistd.h
 +#include sys/select.h
 +#include stdio.h
 +#include string.h
 +#include stdlib.h
 +#include errno.h
 +#include sys/wait.h
 +#include sys/types.h
 +#include pwd.h
 +#include netinet/in.h
 +#include arpa/nameser.h
 +#include resolv.h
 +#include dirent.h
 +#include sys/time.h
 +#include sys/resource.h
 +#include stdint.h
 +#include sys/prctl.h
 +#include pthread.h
 +#include asyncns.h
 +#ifndef MSG_NOSIGNAL
 +#define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0
 +#define MAX_WORKERS 16
 +#define MAX_QUERIES 256
 +#define BUFSIZE (10240)
 +typedef enum {
 +} query_type_t;
 +enum {
 +struct asyncns {
 +int fds[MESSAGE_FD_MAX];
 +#ifndef HAVE_PTHREAD
 +pid_t workers[MAX_WORKERS];
 +pthread_t workers[MAX_WORKERS];
 +unsigned valid_workers;

why do we have to spawn threads or do forks for DNS. This looks all pretty 
expensive. In ConnMan for example we just wrote our own async DNS using a 
mainloop. Works perfectly fine and is dirt cheap.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH 00/28] Initial DHCP v4 library implementation

2013-11-13 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Greg,

 This patch set implements a DHCPv4 client library named libsystemd-dhcp
 to be used with systemd-network.
 Nice stuff.  Where did this code come from, conman?  If so, for some
 reason I thought that it would be easier to make a library of the
 existing conman dhcp code and have both projects use it instead of
 forking and having two copies?

that is the long term plan. Once ConnMan is switching over to use 
libsystemd-bus and kdbus, we are switching over to using the systemd event loop 
instead of GLib main loop and then it will also start using libsystemd-dhcp.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] systemd-networkd questions

2013-11-13 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Bill,

 Without criticizing any of the existing solutions, some of the things
 that motivated my interest in this is that I think we need: something
 easily configured via plain configuration files by a sysadmin,
 something that would take a limited amount of space (including its
 dependencies) so it could be reasonably used in an initrd, something
 which would be fast/efficient, so not e.g. calling out to external
 tools/daemons for stuff like dhcp/ipv4ll.
 On this specific point... are you *sure* you want to be rewriting a
 dhcp/dhcpv6 client?

yes, we want to do exactly that.

 (I ask, because we've gone through at least three over history here, and
 dealing with the assorted corner cases between vendors and configuration
 bits required would seem to make it one area not worth trying to reinvent.)

I wonder who this magical we is in this statement ;)

Speaking from ConnMan history, we actually went through the whole process of 
fork+exec of dhclient/udhcpc/autoipd for a period of time. But really early on, 
it was clear that this is not acceptable. Just spawning external processes and 
hoping for the best is not an approach that is sustainable. The state machine 
is way more complex and they are interdependencies between them.

For example just the simple case of DHCPv4 and IPv4-LL is something you need to 
run through a single state machine to get this working as it is suppose to be. 
Inside ConnMan we actually got this right since they guys running the Nao 
robots are using this heavily. Or have a look at DHCPv6 and prefix delegation. 
Having to spawn 3 instances of dhclient to get your local network configured is 
just crazy. None of these clients are synchronized with each other. Also just 
the simple fact of setting up 6to4 as fallback are these tiny details you want 
to account for.

Since a little over 2 years, ConnMan is running its own DHCP client and server. 
It runs in commercial devices like the Nest and other devices. It is 
significant more stable, more feature complete and faster. I presented our 
numbers at LinuxCon Vancouver a few years back. Look it up if you are 



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH 00/28] Initial DHCP v4 library implementation

2013-11-13 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Colin,

 that is the long term plan. Once ConnMan is switching over to use 
 libsystemd-bus and kdbus,
 we are switching over to using the systemd event loop instead of GLib main 
 But I think the long term architecturally correct place for the core
 system main loop is glibc, not systemd.
 For example, that would allow runtimes like OpenJDK and Python to
 unconditionally depend on it (if present).
 As systemd's event loop becomes public API, it has the potential to
 create interoperability problems for GNOME - think applications like
 that want to both monitor the systemd journal and talk to GTK+.
 At the moment it's OK because sd_journal has APIs sufficient to plug in
 external loops.
 Adding a mainloop API to glibc would be a lot of work - it might even
 entail trying to get it by POSIX.  At least it'd entail describing the
 interaction with the other POSIX APIs.  But I think that'd be worth the

I am a bit lost on your concerns here. Our focus for ConnMan is libsystemd-bus 
and kdbus support. Over time we will be removing our dependency on GLib 
completely. So the systemd event loop will become our only event loop.

And as a system daemon, I only care about writing to the Journal. No idea why I 
would need a event loop for that.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH 01/28] dhcp: Add DHCP protocol structures and initial defines

2013-11-13 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 +#define BOOTREQUEST 1
 +#define BOOTREPLY   2
 +#define DHCP_DISCOVER   1
 +#define DHCP_OFFER  2
 +#define DHCP_REQUEST3
 +#define DHCP_DECLINE4
 +#define DHCP_ACK5
 +#define DHCP_NAK6
 +#define DHCP_RELEASE7
 +#define DHCP_OPTION_PAD 0
 +#define DHCP_OPTION_HOST_NAME   12
 +#define DHCP_OPTION_END 255
 For defines like these I'd really suggest using anonymous enums. It's a
 good thing if the compiler knows these things, not just the

these are wire protocol definitions. What benefit do you gain if the compiler 
knows them. You always have to handle invalid cases anyway since malicious 
servers are a reality.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH 01/28] dhcp: Add DHCP protocol structures and initial defines

2013-11-13 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Zbyszek,

 +#define BOOTREQUEST 1
 +#define BOOTREPLY   2
 +#define DHCP_DISCOVER   1
 +#define DHCP_OFFER  2
 +#define DHCP_REQUEST3
 +#define DHCP_DECLINE4
 +#define DHCP_ACK5
 +#define DHCP_NAK6
 +#define DHCP_RELEASE7
 +#define DHCP_OPTION_PAD 0
 +#define DHCP_OPTION_HOST_NAME   12
 +#define DHCP_OPTION_END 255
 For defines like these I'd really suggest using anonymous enums. It's a
 good thing if the compiler knows these things, not just the
 these are wire protocol definitions. What benefit do you gain if the
 compiler knows them. You always have to handle invalid cases anyway
 since malicious servers are a reality.
 For example, it's nicer to work with gdb if it can resolve them...
 You'll also get an error if you use an enum value of one kind
 in a call requiring an enum of different type.

as I said, these are wire protocol definitions. They come in as bits and bytes 
and not as enums.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH 01/28] dhcp: Add DHCP protocol structures and initial defines

2013-11-13 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 +#define BOOTREQUEST 1
 +#define BOOTREPLY   2
 +#define DHCP_DISCOVER   1
 +#define DHCP_OFFER  2
 +#define DHCP_REQUEST3
 +#define DHCP_DECLINE4
 +#define DHCP_ACK5
 +#define DHCP_NAK6
 +#define DHCP_RELEASE7
 +#define DHCP_OPTION_PAD 0
 +#define DHCP_OPTION_HOST_NAME   12
 +#define DHCP_OPTION_END 255
 For defines like these I'd really suggest using anonymous enums. It's a
 good thing if the compiler knows these things, not just the
 these are wire protocol definitions. What benefit do you gain if the
 compiler knows them. You always have to handle invalid cases anyway
 since malicious servers are a reality.
 For example, it's nicer to work with gdb if it can resolve them...
 You'll also get an error if you use an enum value of one kind
 in a call requiring an enum of different type.
 as I said, these are wire protocol definitions. They come in as bits and 
 bytes and not as enums.
 I was suggesting an *anonymous* enum. That doesn't introduce a type or
 anything, it just maps name to integers (of any size). That's all. And
 it does so on the compiler level, rather than in the pre-processor. This
 is useful because gdb knows about the thing then.

fair enough on the gdb level. It is only helping you if the enum value is 
actually used. So for example in assignments and if-clauses or similar. It does 
not help you values from the wire that you do not process.

I never really cared about gdb here. Either we have builtin debug/trace 
printing in our protocol code or we use external tools like tcpdump etc. From 
BlueZ, oFono and ConnMan past experience, the builtin debug/trace printing has 
been the most useful tool when we had to debug something that is a wire 



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC][PATCH] networkd: add a basic network daemon

2013-11-06 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Auke,

 This daemon listens for and configures network devices tagged with
 'systemd-networkd'. By default, no devices are tagged so this daemon
 can safely run in parallel with existing network daemons/scripts.
 Networks are configured in /etc/systemd/network/*.network. The first .network
 file that matches a given link is applied. The matching logic is similar to
 the one for .link files, but additionally supports matching on interface 
 The mid-term aim is to provide an alternative to ad-hoc scripts currently 
 in initrd's and for wired setups that don't change much (e.g., as seen on
 servers/and some embedded systems).
 Currently, static addresses and a gateway can be configured, mostly as a 
 of concept. I expect to expand on this as soon as we are agreed on the basic
 Comments, testing and contributions greatly appreciated!
 alright, I'll comment, but it took me 5 minutes to clear the coffee
 off my monitor...
 Looking at the feature list, why are you not contributing to connman
 instead? It seems you're going to be duplicating a ton of code And
 connman does what your goal is, meaning you can pre-provision static
 configurations without any of the more involved dependencies. It has a
 DBus interface for status, configuration etc
 I'm frankly shocked a bit, not sure what to say. Maybe this is a great
 thing, but, without a doubt someone will want to convert this code
 long term into connman / NM, and at that point we have 3 standards,
 not 2. Best to try and stick to 2 standards and fix the one that has
 the best long-term prospective value.

I have a little bit different viewpoint here. I do not look at what are the 
low-level technical tasks or the implementation, I look at the users. We have 
two types of users for networking. The first type is sysadmins and the second 
type is end users. These two groups are as different as it gets in their use 
cases and how they expect things to be done.

When I look at sysadmins, then you target servers, datacenters, could and 
containers. So headless systems that are not mobile. They are mainly Ethernet 
based and configure once and not worry about anymore. As an extra added benefit 
some of these have to configure everything as early as the initramfs. And they 
want simple configuration files and command line tools.

Looking at end users, I see desktop, laptops, phones and all these embedded 
devices like thermostats, fridges and whatever you can think of. Things where 
networking can mean also WiFi, cellular even sensor networks like Bluetooth 
6loWPAN. It is a dynamic world and needs configuration that is targeted for 
non-technical people. And end users need a nice UI for their needs. It is also 
not one UI, there will be many and so APIs need to be simple and designed for 
that user base in mind.

You normally do not take your 12-core Xeon server to the coffee shop around the 
corner and want to use its public WiFi with a hotspot login. If you do, please 
take a picture ;)

Trying to smash these together seems rather crazy to me. I looks simple in the 
beginning, but the devil is in the details. There is a reason why ConnMan 
stayed out of the datacenter world. So the way I see it is that networkd should 
own the initramfs and sysadmin side of things. And ConnMan will handle the end 
user side. What this means is that both work in harmony together.

Think of it like this, the system boots with networkd in initramfs and then you 
either start networkd for taking over the initramfs configuration and running 
in datacenter mode. Or you start ConnMan for running in desktop mode. It is a 
little bit over-simplified, but I think you get the basic idea.

So networkd and ConnMan for example will share a lot of code. And what we will 
be doing is to contribute the shared pieces into networkd. One prime example is 
DHCP of course. And the rest we will figure out as networkd progresses.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [RFC][PATCH] networkd: add a basic network daemon

2013-11-06 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Lennart,

 +struct Link {
 +uint64_t ifindex;
 Hmm is this really an uint64_t? if_nametoindex(3) suggestes it's an 

actually using if_nametoindex() is bad idea as well. That should be turned into 
an async RTNL call as well. We better just cache the ifname to ifindex mapping 
internally and then just do a lookup.

The problem with RTNL is that there are some global locks in there. So if you 
are really unlucky, then either glibc uses and ioctl that blocks and it uses 
internally netlink synchronously. If you serialize all RTNL netlink 
communication via asynchronous calls, then you never have to worry about that 
lock affecting you.

And for the ifindex type, the one that is communicated over RTNL netlink is the 
one that counts. Everything else is just some ancient leftover. And I bet you 
find tons of differences everywhere. I personally have not found a single truth.



systemd-devel mailing list

[systemd-devel] [PATCH] build-sys: gpt-auto-generator depends on HAVE_BLKID

2013-09-07 Thread Marcel Holtmann
--- | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ b/
index fd38e82..5654ad3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1708,6 +1708,7 @@ bin_PROGRAMS += \
 systemgenerator_PROGRAMS +=  \
@@ -1725,6 +1726,7 @@ systemd_gpt_auto_generator_LDADD = \
 systemd_gpt_auto_generator_CFLAGS = \
 systemd_rc_local_generator_SOURCES = \

systemd-devel mailing list

[systemd-devel] [PATCH] hwdb: Add database for Bluetooth company identifiers

2012-12-28 Thread Marcel Holtmann
---   |   1 +
 hwdb/20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb | 541 ++
 2 files changed, 542 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 hwdb/20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb

diff --git a/ b/
index 477b3a6..94ae549 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1905,6 +1905,7 @@ dist_udevhwdb_DATA = \
hwdb/20-pci-classes.hwdb \
hwdb/20-usb-vendor-product.hwdb \
hwdb/20-usb-classes.hwdb \
+   hwdb/20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb \
hwdb/20-acpi-vendor.hwdb \
diff --git a/hwdb/20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 
new file mode 100644
index 000..c8cb322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hwdb/20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+# This file is part of systemd.
+# Data imported from:
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Ericsson Technology Licensing
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Infineon Technologies AG
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Cambridge Silicon Radio
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Texas Instruments Inc.
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Ceva, Inc. (formerly Parthus Technologies Inc.)
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Broadcom Corporation
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Mitel Semiconductor
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Rohde  Schwartz GmbH  Co. KG
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Signia Technologies, Inc.
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Conexant Systems Inc.
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=WavePlus Technology Co., Ltd.
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Philips Semiconductors
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Symbol Technologies, Inc.
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Macronix International Co. Ltd.
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=MewTel Technology Inc.
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Red-M (Communications) Ltd
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Computer Access Technology Corporation (CATC)
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Renesas Technology Corp.
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Mobilian Corporation
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Integrated System Solution Corp.
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Gennum Corporation

Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH] hwdb: Add database for Bluetooth company identifiers

2012-12-28 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Tom,

  diff --git a/hwdb/20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb 
  new file mode 100644
  index 000..c8cb322
  --- /dev/null
  +++ b/hwdb/20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb
  @@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
  +# This file is part of systemd.
  +# Data imported from:
  + ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Ericsson Technology Licensing
 How did you generate this? Might it make sense to patch
 to generate the new .hwdb file so we make sure it stays up-to-date?

it is actual manual labor. We have the database inside BlueZ which is
manually updated. I added tools/hwdb utility to BlueZ that allows us to
create the database from the BlueZ included data.

The Bluetooth company identifiers update rather infrequently so that
there was no need to automate anything. At least not so far. I update
them as part of the BlueZ release process.

I have started to also add product identifiers now. First one is the
Nike+ FuelBand where they actually use Bluetooth vendor and product ids.
There is no central database around these. I am tracking them inside
BlueZ at the moment.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] networking services management idea

2012-08-02 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Chris,

  Unless the services take long to start, you'll have a much better time
  with socket activation. With socket activation, the service won't just
  wait until network availability to come online; the service will wait
  until an actual request to come online.
  Also check out my other posts to the mailing list about network
  availability levels and service management.
 Thanks David, I just read you posts in the thread  network consuming 
 user services where some of this was touched on. I see the points on 
 the services being socket activated or listing to netlink and so-forth. 
 But in my case, there are outgoing services, so protocol specific, that 
 one just might not want even started unless a specific state is 
 obtained. Agreed that network session level activity should be monitored 
 and managed within the service, but before that when to really start the 
 I am not talking about stalling or interfering with, but 
 I suggest is setting up targets that outgoing services could use or 
 distro/admins could use to better structure in a generic scene.
 For instance. There is a service that uses NFC to used in credit card 
 services. lets call it NFC-your-money.service
 This service needs an an active NFC connection, and is the service used 
 to pay for things using you phone from you checking account. (No I don't 
 have or use this.)
 1. I don't want such a service running if I don't have a NFC connection.
 2. I don't want it running if I loose my NFC connection.
 3. I don't want to start the service to check if I have a NFC connection .

this makes no sense. It is not how NFC actually works.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [PATCH] Allow compile without IPv6.

2010-09-08 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Gustavo,

  I think new projects from 2010 should not have ipv4-only. This time
  should be over, finally. And people should get used to see ipv6
  everywhere, and we should try to break the chicken-egg thing wherever
  possible. :)
  I can see the use for a systemd without any IP networking, but
  compiling-out ipv6 seems like the wrong thing to me. Sure, we should
  make sure, that systemd handles a kernel without ipv6 gracefully, but
  not offer a switch to stay in the IP stone age. :)
  That means I'll have to maintain this patch outside tree forever? :-)
 btw, if you allow my patch to get in, in consideration I will kindly
 create a new patch that flags if ipv6 support is present and if not
 fallback to my ipv4 code... but that also means we need review of my
 provided ipv4 code ;-)

this is the wrong approach. I agree with Kay here in that systemd needs
to handle gracefully a kernel where IPv6 is disabled, but that should be
all that it is doing.



systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [PATCH] Allow compile without IPv6.

2010-09-08 Thread Marcel Holtmann
Hi Gustavo,

   I think new projects from 2010 should not have ipv4-only. This time
   should be over, finally. And people should get used to see ipv6
   everywhere, and we should try to break the chicken-egg thing wherever
   possible. :)
   I can see the use for a systemd without any IP networking, but
   compiling-out ipv6 seems like the wrong thing to me. Sure, we should
   make sure, that systemd handles a kernel without ipv6 gracefully, but
   not offer a switch to stay in the IP stone age. :)
   That means I'll have to maintain this patch outside tree forever? :-)
  btw, if you allow my patch to get in, in consideration I will kindly
  create a new patch that flags if ipv6 support is present and if not
  fallback to my ipv4 code... but that also means we need review of my
  provided ipv4 code ;-)
  this is the wrong approach. I agree with Kay here in that systemd needs
  to handle gracefully a kernel where IPv6 is disabled, but that should be
  all that it is doing.
 Damn! and I was thinking about providing a connman build without ipv6... :-D
 BTW, could you provide some connman.service in your next release?

if you have done so already, please send a patch. We can clearly include
these. I still have the BlueZ patches from Lennart on my todo list.



systemd-devel mailing list