Re: [OSM-talk] addr:interpolation and data consumers

2016-11-20 Thread Andreas Vilén
It's not always that easy. "3D housenumbering" has no clear tagging rules and 
sometimes it's hard or illegal to get close enough to see which number is used 
for which building/entrance. In other situations the mailboxes are not located 
where the houses are and the houses have no addresses on them, making it hard 
to know which mailbox belongs to which building.

 Interpolating when you know start and finish is more honest than guessing.


Skickat från min iPhone

> 20 nov. 2016 kl. 17:47 skrev nebulon42 :
> Hi,
> I have written an address QA script for Austrian addresses. Now I'm
> asked to support addr:interpolation. While the script is specific to
> Austria the more general problem of addr:interpolation is not.
> In my opinion addr:interpolation is of little value for data consumers.
> Personally, I prefer addresses on nodes or buildings where the location
> of the address is clear. addr:interpolation rather leaves this open. I
> know that addr:interpolation is an established tag, but the Wiki also says:
> "As long as we don't have a node or building outline for each
> house(number) along a way, it's also possible to use automatic number
> interpolation."
> (
> For me that sounds like: use it until there is something better/more
> accurate. I tend to replace addr:interpolation with addresses on nodes
> or buildings when I see them and more accurate data is available.
> What is the opinion on addr:interpolation here?
> For reference:
> (not on tagging to reach a more diverse audience)
> nebulon42
> ___
> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] addr:interpolation and data consumers

2016-11-20 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 11/20/2016 05:47 PM, nebulon42 wrote:
> For me that sounds like: use it until there is something better/more
> accurate. I tend to replace addr:interpolation with addresses on nodes
> or buildings when I see them and more accurate data is available.

Yes, for mappers the speedup can be tremendous, in some cities you just
have to walk down one street and for every side street you'll
immediately see, on the street sign, that this block has house numbers
1200 to 1299 or so. Sometimes the numbering is so regular that this
enables you to map house numbers for the next couple blocks down the
side street.

Consumers will often try to simply dissolve the interpolation line into
points which of course has its downsides in schemes like this where 100
interpolated house numbers are assigned but only 10 houses might exist.
(I wonder if we need an interpolation type of "sporadic" for that ;)

Surprisingly, I have occasionally been asked by paying customers to
produce shape files where each street segment has the attributes "house
number left from", "house number left to", "house number right from",
"house number right to" - which is of course less precision than usually
offered by OSM's individual house numbering, but this seems to be a
format commonly used by providers of proprietary data and hence there's
software that expects that format.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

talk mailing list

[talk-ph] Fwd: [OSM-talk] weeklyOSM #330 11/08/2016-11/14/2016

2016-11-20 Thread Eugene Alvin Villar
-- Forwarded message --
From: weeklyteam 
Date: Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 2:09 PM
Subject: [OSM-talk] weeklyOSM #330 11/08/2016-11/14/2016

The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 330,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all
things happening in the openstreetmap world:


talk mailing list
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] démarche de l'association OpenStreetMap France pour devenir un chapitre local de la fondation OSMF

2016-11-20 Thread Antoine Riche

Dimanche de pluie : je me suis collé à la traduction des statuts en anglais.
C'est sûrement très perfectible, aussi n'hésitez pas à relire et 
améliorer :

Le 01/11/2016 à 11:54, Benoit Fournier a écrit :

Pour information et demande d'aide à toute la communauté, je transfère
le message suivant :

Date: 2016-11-01 11:45 GMT+01:00
Subject: Re: towards French local chapter
To: ca 

Chers membres de la communauté OpenStreetMap pour la France,
Nous sommes en cours de démarche pour devenir officiellement un
chapitre local de la fondation internationale (Local chapter of
OpenStreetMap Foundation


Membres, contributeurs et sympathisants,
Je vous invite à relire les documents en cours de préparation.
Vous pouvez les éditer ou annoter.
La pièce jointe de ce message est une simple copie pour référence, à
la date d'aujourd'hui.

En particulier...  :)

Chers anglophones,
Une grosse partie du travail consiste à traduire les statuts de l'association.
Veuillez contribuer !


En vous remerciant de votre intérêt et de vos contributions,

Benoît Fournier
OpenStreetMap France

Hello Paul,

Just to let you know that the French organization OpenStreetMap France
would like to become an OSMF local chapter.

We will review the documents list for application and start the
procedure in the next few weeks.

Please let me know if you have any further advice or preferred format.

Benoît Fournier
OpenStreetMap France
board public list:

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] introducing OSM

2016-11-20 Thread Sander Deryckere
Marp lijkt sterk op LaTeX Beamer. Maar dan moderner, eenvoudiger om te
installeren en eenvoudiger om de syntax aan te leren.

Bij LaTeX kan je in ieder geval kiezen wanneer puntjes in een lijst
verschijnen, en dan maakt LaTeX gewoon extra PDF pagina's aan die een
pixel-perfecte overgang geven.

Momenteel lijkt marp nog wat jong voor mij, maar er zit zeker potentieel
in. Al mag je, net zoals bij LaTeX, niet verwachten dat iedereen het zal
gaan gebruiken.

Op 20-nov.-2016 19:36 schreef "Marc Gemis" :

> I have a few slides where I first show 1 picture, then click and a
> second becomes visible. How it becomes visible varies: slide in, fade
> in,  just appears, ...
> I do not always want to go to a completely new page.
> Same is true for bullet list. You do not always want to show all items at
> once.
> m.
> On Sun, Nov 20, 2016 at 5:33 PM, Ruben  wrote:
> > On 20 November 2016 17:21:32 CET, Marc Gemis 
> wrote:
> >>Can you do proper slide transitions with Marp ? Or with the PDF
> >>presenter ?
> >>I often overlay images (my slides have hardly any text)
> >>
> >>if not, I doubt I will make the switch.
> >
> > Do you mean having e.g. a slide with a picture, and a second one next to
> it on the next slide? I don't think so.
> >
> > Or do you mean sliding, wiping or fading transition animations and the
> like? No, not with pdfpc AFAIK. The PDF presenter "Impressive" can do that.
> Animations on a slide are not possible in any case. (And rarely desirable
> anyway IMHO)
> >
> > Or do you mean pixel perfect image matching between slides? If you
> create two slides with images of the same dimensions, those should align
> perfectly, yes.
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-be mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

[Talk-lt] Dėl PayPost

2016-11-20 Thread Lukas Malaiška

Kaip manot, prie ko priskirti PayPost skyrius: prie post_box ar
post_office? Nes žemėlapyje yra skirtingai sužymėta. :)

Lukas Malaiška
Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [wikimedia-it] via romea germanica

2016-11-20 Thread Simone Cortesi
2016-10-14 5:48 GMT+01:00 scratera :
> girarsi_liste wrote
>> Il 13/10/2016 14:41, Ivo Reano ha scritto:
>>> Il giorno 12 ottobre 2016 23:40, Simone Cortesi 
>> simone@
>>  ha
>>> scritto:
 Mi hanno appena mandato i percorsi GPX

continuo sullo stesso thread.

Mi hanno mandato un nuovo file shape.

purtroppo non ho avuto modo di guardarlo.

lo trovate qui:!FEwkAZIY!7UQNzAQ1kA0M_kNIx4Yz0TQOOWX1EXxgRGJmorP_1ig


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Importación del Catastro

2016-11-20 Thread Pepe Casado
Hola de nuevo. Repasando los correos que sobre este asunto hemos ido
enviando y en particular los de Jorge y Santiago he pensado que es
importante que tengamos en cuanta una cosa importante y que determinará
claramente si obtamos por una u otra información a cargar. La cuestión es
el uso que de esa información hagamos en osm. Me explico:

1.- Si de lo que se trata es de completar y enriquecer lo mas rapido y
fácil posible la base de datos por ejemplo con edificios y direcciones,
entonces deberíamos dar un nuevo enfoque y utilizar el conjunto de datos
baja directiva INSPIRE que catastro nos ofrece a través de los servicios
ATOM. Esa información en formato gml y xml nos proporciona datos de
direcciones, parcelas y edificios. Entiendo que elaborar un scrip que
"traduzca" esa información a formato osm para validar desde josm, no sería
muy complicado.
Si os parece puedo preparar un documento con las características más
importantes de estos ficheros de cara a la próxima reunión virtual.

2.- seguir utilizando el proceso actual con cat2osm2 o bien como está ahora
o ampliando la información.

La primera opción entiendo que será más rápida pero menos completa que la
segunda o actual que aporta más información aunque se ha de determinar si
realmente osm necesita tantos datos y tan específicos como son los

Entendamos que el asunto o la decisión  no es fácil pues dependiendo de los
perfiles de cada uno de nosotros preferimos una u otra opción, pero pienso
que debemos centrar esfuerzos en optimizar los procesos y buscar una base
de datos que se adapte a todos, porque realmente no debemos convertir osm
en un catastro (aunque a mi ya me gustaría :-) ) sino en algo rico en
información y relativamente sencillo de gestionar sin necesidad de ser
especialista para poder mapear.

Bueno ya me decís.


Pepe Casado

El 20 nov. 2016 8:41 PM, "Jorge Sanz Sanfructuoso" 

> Hola.
> Lo del catastro se ha dejado bastante parado y creo que es una pena porque
> es un lugar del que se puede coger muchísima información útil.
> El tema de los usuarios en su día se hizo lo de hacer uno por provincia,
> pero no creo que se tenga problema en usar otros si lo decidimos así con
> tal de que no sean los normales como ya se ha comentado. Lo único que si
> recomendaría es usar uno especifico para catastro y no mezclarlo el usuario
> con otras importaciones. Considero que catastro no es una importación como
> otras, que es una gran cantidad información, propensa a bastantes errores y
> que creo que deberíamos tener controlada.
> Incluirlo en la próxima reunión virtual +1
> En cuanto a las etapas que sugiere Santiago Crespo. A ver si me puedo
> explicar claramente. Yo la experiencia que tengo de en su momento cuando se
> miro el tema es que hay cosas que difieren mucho como las han puesto
> dependiendo de las zonas de España, si son zonas rurales o urbanas, lo que
> se ha preocupado la persona que tenia que meter los datos, zonas super
> desactualizadas,... Por lo que una importación automática en principio no
> la veo viable nunca. Con esto lo que quiero decir es que sin conocimiento
> de la zona no recomiendo importación de nada y por ende estas etapas no
> puedo compartirlas, por lo menos totalmente.
> Creo que siempre tendríamos que empezar por sitios conocidos porque sino
> no podemos validar que lo que hacemos esta bien. Así que la parte de
> municipios aleatorios no la comparto.
> Siempre se ha hablado de ir haciéndolo por manzanas y comprobando lo que
> se sube. Para eso hay que conocerlo sino, no se puede.
> Comprobar diferencias entre los datos de unas zonas y otras si es posible
> hacerlo aleatorio, y se debe hacer para ver todas las posibles
> complicaciones, pero ponerse a subir a OSM no.
> En cuanto a los mas poblados ahi ya si que si conocimiento local. Que
> primero en la mayoría vamos a poder tener el conocimiento local, y segundo
> que en los pueblos suele tender a estar todo bien o todo mal pero en las
> zonas pobladas, por lo menos lo que me encontrado yo, difiere mucho de una
> zona a otra de la población de estar perfecto a de repente haber pifostios
> de traca. Los pueblos suele ser una única persona la que ha metido los
> datos en el catastro y zonas poblabas ha pasado por varias manos, hay
> bastantes mas ediciones porque hay mas construcciones,...
> Con conocimiento local no pido ir cada por cada comprobando cada cosa,
> pero si ser capaz de comprobar datos aquí datos allí y tener una idea
> general de que cosas en cada sitio estan bien y que cosas puedes estar mal
> y hay que comprobar. Que se nos pasaran muchas seguro.
> Estoy de acuerdo de empezar con los edificios y las direcciones. Es lo que
> se sugirió en su momento también. Las vías ademas si no recuerdo mal había
> algún problema para sacar los datos correctamente.
> Una cosa que hay que recalcar es subir todas las direcciones teniendo y
> comprobando que coincida el nombre de la calle en la 

[Talk-it] spam e cancellazioni dalla lista

2016-11-20 Thread Simone Cortesi

recentemente alcuni dei vostri inidirizzi sono stati cnacellati da
questa mailinglist (ma poi subito riaggiunti)

è stato un problema di "spam percepito".

Per quanto ci ho capito io (mi sono fatto brevemente spiegare dai
sysadmin di OSM).

Una decisione di configurazione da parte di Yahoo ha fatto sì che
Google considerasse SPAM, rifiutandola, qualsiasi e-mail yahoo inviata
ad una mailinglist.

Questa mole di rifiuti ha poi causato agli utenti Google/gmail di
essere cancellati.

Grazie e scusate il contrattempo.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Importación del Catastro

2016-11-20 Thread Jorge Sanz Sanfructuoso

Lo del catastro se ha dejado bastante parado y creo que es una pena porque
es un lugar del que se puede coger muchísima información útil.

El tema de los usuarios en su día se hizo lo de hacer uno por provincia,
pero no creo que se tenga problema en usar otros si lo decidimos así con
tal de que no sean los normales como ya se ha comentado. Lo único que si
recomendaría es usar uno especifico para catastro y no mezclarlo el usuario
con otras importaciones. Considero que catastro no es una importación como
otras, que es una gran cantidad información, propensa a bastantes errores y
que creo que deberíamos tener controlada.

Incluirlo en la próxima reunión virtual +1

En cuanto a las etapas que sugiere Santiago Crespo. A ver si me puedo
explicar claramente. Yo la experiencia que tengo de en su momento cuando se
miro el tema es que hay cosas que difieren mucho como las han puesto
dependiendo de las zonas de España, si son zonas rurales o urbanas, lo que
se ha preocupado la persona que tenia que meter los datos, zonas super
desactualizadas,... Por lo que una importación automática en principio no
la veo viable nunca. Con esto lo que quiero decir es que sin conocimiento
de la zona no recomiendo importación de nada y por ende estas etapas no
puedo compartirlas, por lo menos totalmente.

Creo que siempre tendríamos que empezar por sitios conocidos porque sino no
podemos validar que lo que hacemos esta bien. Así que la parte de
municipios aleatorios no la comparto.
Siempre se ha hablado de ir haciéndolo por manzanas y comprobando lo que se
sube. Para eso hay que conocerlo sino, no se puede.
Comprobar diferencias entre los datos de unas zonas y otras si es posible
hacerlo aleatorio, y se debe hacer para ver todas las posibles
complicaciones, pero ponerse a subir a OSM no.

En cuanto a los mas poblados ahi ya si que si conocimiento local. Que
primero en la mayoría vamos a poder tener el conocimiento local, y segundo
que en los pueblos suele tender a estar todo bien o todo mal pero en las
zonas pobladas, por lo menos lo que me encontrado yo, difiere mucho de una
zona a otra de la población de estar perfecto a de repente haber pifostios
de traca. Los pueblos suele ser una única persona la que ha metido los
datos en el catastro y zonas poblabas ha pasado por varias manos, hay
bastantes mas ediciones porque hay mas construcciones,...

Con conocimiento local no pido ir cada por cada comprobando cada cosa, pero
si ser capaz de comprobar datos aquí datos allí y tener una idea general de
que cosas en cada sitio estan bien y que cosas puedes estar mal y hay que
comprobar. Que se nos pasaran muchas seguro.

Estoy de acuerdo de empezar con los edificios y las direcciones. Es lo que
se sugirió en su momento también. Las vías ademas si no recuerdo mal había
algún problema para sacar los datos correctamente.

Una cosa que hay que recalcar es subir todas las direcciones teniendo y
comprobando que coincida el nombre de la calle en la dirección, con el
nombre de la vía, que hay una de errores en OSM por lo menos en España con
ese tema que tela para dejarlo bien. Ando enfrascado con errores de esos y
en una lista interminable.

Un saludo.

El sáb., 19 nov. 2016 a las 20:15, Santiago Crespo (<>) escribió:

> Muchas gracias Pepe por tu ofrecimiento de ayuda, creo que tu
> experiencia es muy valiosa para poder llevar a buen puerto esta propuesta.
> Hay 8125 municipios. Os propongo repartir el trabajo en varias etapas,
> por ejemplo:
> 0.- Planificación: discusión, propuestas en la wiki, más discusión y
> consenso en talk-es e imports.
> 1.- 10 municipios aleatorios entre los 100 más pequeños (agrupados en 1
> proyecto en el gestor de tareas —TM—)
> 2.- 1-5 relativamente pequeños o medianos, elegidos por ser conocidos o
> cercanos entre los colaboradores del proyecto anterior. (1-5 proyectos
> en el TM)
> 3.- 50 aleatorios, para intentar ver un poco de todo (1-5 proyectos)
> 4.- 62 más poblados, empezando por los menos poblados (un proyecto por
> municipio).
> 5.- X municipios aleatorios (1 proyecto)
> 6+.- repetir la fase anterior
> Omitiríamos los municipios en los que haya una fuente de datos mejor,
> aunque no se haya importado aún.
> Viendo el curro que es, me pregunto si no podremos hacer importaciones
> automáticas a partir de la etapa 6.
> Pongo 62 porque son los que aparecen en esta tabla de la wikipedia, pero
> podrían ser 50 o 100:
> Aquí está el listado oficial con los datos de los municipios:
> Os propongo empezar únicamente con los edificios y las direcciones
> porque me parece de lo más interesante para añadir a OSM en España y es
> algo que si lo pensamos y documentamos bien será fácil de revisar.
> Como mucho añadiría las vías (calles y carreteras), aunque creo que esto
> lo podemos gestionar mejor y será más 

Re: [OSM-talk] addr:interpolation and data consumers

2016-11-20 Thread Russ Nelson
nebulon42 writes:
 > For me that sounds like: use it until there is something better/more
 > accurate. I tend to replace addr:interpolation with addresses on nodes
 > or buildings when I see them and more accurate data is available.

That is the right thing to do.

 > What is the opinion on addr:interpolation here?

I cannot speak for other areas, but twenty years ago every town in my
county renumbered their roads so that your house number is 1/200th of
the mile down your road. When a new house gets built, there is no
question what its house number is.

Now, for my area, I've numbered all the houses (well, mailboxes,
because that's where the number is) AND used those points to create
address interpolation ways AND the property centroid has a node with
the cadastral address on it, as well. Mostly I did that on bicycle
rides near my house; not everywhere. And mostly that was done to test
the accuracy of mailbox vs cadastral centroid vs interpolation. And
y'know? It's all good. Any one of them works.

--my blog is at
Crynwr supports open source software
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315-600-8815
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | Sheepdog   

talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] OSM UK company & logo competition

2016-11-20 Thread Rob Nickerson
Hi all,

At long last the paperwork for setting up OpenStreetMap United Kingdom as a
Community Interest Company is now complete and has been signed by the
initial Directors (Brian Prangle, Robert Whittaker, Adam Hoyle, Gregory
Marler and myself). Brian will be sending it shortly so that we are
formally incorporated.

With that in mind, I have repurposed the Loomio group we trialled for the
quarterly projects. Let's use it (and this mailing list) to discuss ideas
and next steps.

As we will need a logo, let's have a competition. Details at:

Best regards,
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Lot's of locality names in an otherwise empty area

2016-11-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 20 nov 2016, alle ore 19:03, Martin Koppenhoefer 
>  ha scritto:
> it's not untypical that many toponyms don't represent features that are not 
> prominent on aerial imagery or even on the ground, like "empty" fields and 
> forests for instance.
> Indeed the tag is not to be used for populated places.

sorry, of course I meant: it's not untypical that many toponyms represent 
features that are not prominent on aerial imagery or even on the ground, like 
"empty" fields and forests for instance.

talk mailing list

semanárioOSM Nº 330 08/11/2016-14/11/2016

2016-11-20 Thread weeklyteam
Bom dia,

O semanárioOSM Nº 330, o resumo de tudo o que acontece no mundo OpenStreetMap, 
está publicado em português:


Talk-br mailing list

semanárioOSM Nº 330 08/11/2016-14/11/2016

2016-11-20 Thread weeklyteam
Bom dia,

O semanárioOSM Nº 330, o resumo de tudo o que acontece no mundo OpenStreetMap, 
está publicado em português:


Talk-pt mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] introducing OSM

2016-11-20 Thread Marc Gemis
I have a few slides where I first show 1 picture, then click and a
second becomes visible. How it becomes visible varies: slide in, fade
in,  just appears, ...

I do not always want to go to a completely new page.
Same is true for bullet list. You do not always want to show all items at once.


On Sun, Nov 20, 2016 at 5:33 PM, Ruben  wrote:
> On 20 November 2016 17:21:32 CET, Marc Gemis  wrote:
>>Can you do proper slide transitions with Marp ? Or with the PDF
>>presenter ?
>>I often overlay images (my slides have hardly any text)
>>if not, I doubt I will make the switch.
> Do you mean having e.g. a slide with a picture, and a second one next to it 
> on the next slide? I don't think so.
> Or do you mean sliding, wiping or fading transition animations and the like? 
> No, not with pdfpc AFAIK. The PDF presenter "Impressive" can do that. 
> Animations on a slide are not possible in any case. (And rarely desirable 
> anyway IMHO)
> Or do you mean pixel perfect image matching between slides? If you create two 
> slides with images of the same dimensions, those should align perfectly, yes.
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Geoportál GEPRO pro turisty a cyklisty

2016-11-20 Thread Petr Holub
> -> je to sice 
> dva měsíce stará
> zpáva...
> Hlavní věta "Trasy jsou získávány z podkladů OpenStreetMap, které Geoportál 
> GEPRO zobrazuje
> pomocí vlastního značkového klíče."

Pokud by mel nekdo cas s nimi promluvit, tak by bylo dobre jim vysvetlit,
ze ne vse, co ma oznaceni mtb:scale=* je cyklotrasa ;)


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-co] [HOT Operations] [info-hotosm] Information Request

2016-11-20 Thread
Thanks Blake.

Hola Diego, gracias por tu disposición a colaborar. Actualmente estamos
mapeando varios lugares del país como La Guajira y el Volcán Cerro
Machín.   También está la oportunidad de importar las divisiones
administrativas veredales.

Por favor dejanos saber en q te gustaría ayudarnos.

Muchas gracias,

Humberto Yances


Humberto Yances

El nov. 19, 2016 9:47 PM, "Blake Girardot HOT/OSM" <> escribió:

> Hi Diego,
> One of the best OSM mapping groups is in Colombia: OSM Columbia
> And the person to speak with about OSM Colombia is Humberto Yances,
> who I have included on this email.
> Thank you for making contact with OSM!
> Cheers,
> Blake
> Blake Girardot
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
> skype: jblakegirardot
> HOT Core Team Contact:
> On Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 6:17 PM, Diego Alejandro Romero Suarez
>  wrote:
> > Hello, can you please inform me if there are any mapping groups in
> Colombia
> > that I can collaborate with?
> >
> > --
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Diego Alejandro Romero Suárez
Talk-co mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Lot's of locality names in an otherwise empty area

2016-11-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 20 nov 2016, alle ore 18:41, Sebastian Arcus  
> ha scritto:
> I see lots and lots of locality names, on what the satellite imagery confirms 
> to be otherwise just empty fields and forests

it's not untypical that many toponyms don't represent features that are not 
prominent on aerial imagery or even on the ground, like "empty" fields and 
forests for instance.
Indeed the tag is not to be used for populated places.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] addr:interpolation and data consumers

2016-11-20 Thread Mike N

On 11/20/2016 11:47 AM, nebulon42 wrote:

In my opinion addr:interpolation is of little value for data consumers.
Personally, I prefer addresses on nodes or buildings where the location
of the address is clear. addr:interpolation rather leaves this open. I
know that addr:interpolation is an established tag, but the Wiki also says:

  Addr:interpolation is a convenient method for mappers to add many 
addresses at once.  Without an addr:inclusion tag, it implies a complete 
collection of addresses along the line.   The calculated addresses may 
not fall in the center of each building, but they are certainly useful 
to OSM.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] addr:interpolation and data consumers

2016-11-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 20 nov 2016, alle ore 17:47, nebulon42  ha 
> scritto:
> For me that sounds like: use it until there is something better/more
> accurate. I tend to replace addr:interpolation with addresses on nodes
> or buildings when I see them and more accurate data is available.
> What is the opinion on addr:interpolation here?

explicit single addresses are better than interpolation data/instructions 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] addr:interpolation and data consumers

2016-11-20 Thread Jochen Topf
On Sun, Nov 20, 2016 at 05:47:28PM +0100, nebulon42 wrote:
> I have written an address QA script for Austrian addresses. Now I'm
> asked to support addr:interpolation. While the script is specific to
> Austria the more general problem of addr:interpolation is not.
> In my opinion addr:interpolation is of little value for data consumers.
> Personally, I prefer addresses on nodes or buildings where the location
> of the address is clear. addr:interpolation rather leaves this open. I
> know that addr:interpolation is an established tag, but the Wiki also says:
> "As long as we don't have a node or building outline for each
> house(number) along a way, it's also possible to use automatic number
> interpolation."
> (
> For me that sounds like: use it until there is something better/more
> accurate. I tend to replace addr:interpolation with addresses on nodes
> or buildings when I see them and more accurate data is available.

You have exactly the right interpretation here. Interpolation was only
intended as a way to get going quickly and easily with lots of
addresses. And it has another use: Some non-OSM data sources use a
format where a "street" has attributes giving the house number range on
the left and right side. This can be reasonable easily be transformed
into the addr:interpolation format for importing that data into OSM.

It is here like with everything in OSM: There is a trend towards more
detail. If you have more detailed information, great. If not, it is
better than nothing.

Jochen Topf  +49-351-31778688

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Lot's of locality names in an otherwise empty area

2016-11-20 Thread Colin Smale
Have you tried contacting the mappers who created and last edited these
nodes? It looks like they were imported from some official source in
2011 and tidied up in 2014. 


On 2016-11-20 18:41, Sebastian Arcus wrote:

> I'm looking at the following section of OSM:
> I see lots and lots of locality names, on what the satellite imagery confirms 
> to be otherwise just empty fields and forests. I'm pretty sure I've seen this 
> elsewhere on OSM, in another part of the world. Does anybody know why are all 
> these place names there - in the middle of nowhere?
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Lot's of locality names in an otherwise empty area

2016-11-20 Thread Sebastian Arcus

I'm looking at the following section of OSM:

I see lots and lots of locality names, on what the satellite imagery 
confirms to be otherwise just empty fields and forests. I'm pretty sure 
I've seen this elsewhere on OSM, in another part of the world. Does 
anybody know why are all these place names there - in the middle of nowhere?

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] addr:interpolation and data consumers

2016-11-20 Thread nebulon42

I have written an address QA script for Austrian addresses. Now I'm
asked to support addr:interpolation. While the script is specific to
Austria the more general problem of addr:interpolation is not.

In my opinion addr:interpolation is of little value for data consumers.
Personally, I prefer addresses on nodes or buildings where the location
of the address is clear. addr:interpolation rather leaves this open. I
know that addr:interpolation is an established tag, but the Wiki also says:

"As long as we don't have a node or building outline for each
house(number) along a way, it's also possible to use automatic number

For me that sounds like: use it until there is something better/more
accurate. I tend to replace addr:interpolation with addresses on nodes
or buildings when I see them and more accurate data is available.

What is the opinion on addr:interpolation here?

For reference:

(not on tagging to reach a more diverse audience)


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] introducing OSM

2016-11-20 Thread Ruben
On 20 November 2016 17:21:32 CET, Marc Gemis  wrote:
>Can you do proper slide transitions with Marp ? Or with the PDF
>presenter ?
>I often overlay images (my slides have hardly any text)
>if not, I doubt I will make the switch.

Do you mean having e.g. a slide with a picture, and a second one next to it on 
the next slide? I don't think so.

Or do you mean sliding, wiping or fading transition animations and the like? 
No, not with pdfpc AFAIK. The PDF presenter "Impressive" can do that. 
Animations on a slide are not possible in any case. (And rarely desirable 
anyway IMHO)

Or do you mean pixel perfect image matching between slides? If you create two 
slides with images of the same dimensions, those should align perfectly, yes.

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] introducing OSM

2016-11-20 Thread Marc Gemis
Can you do proper slide transitions with Marp ? Or with the PDF presenter ?
I often overlay images (my slides have hardly any text)

if not, I doubt I will make the switch.

On Sun, Nov 20, 2016 at 12:50 PM, Jonathan Beliën  wrote:
> Even better !
> It would be indeed really awesome to use Markdown to generate our
> presentations and use the repository to store those Markdown files.
> Jonathan
> Le sam. 19 nov. 2016 à 15:22, Ruben  a écrit :
>> On 9 November 2016 13:30:33 CET, "Jonathan Beliën"  wrote:
>>> We can indeed start with a list of links in the README file. Let’s try to
>>> organize this list the best way possible (Introduction to OSM, iD related
>>> presentations, HOT related presentations, …).
>>> But I think it would be great to store those presentation in the
>>> repository too ; versioning of those presentation (that’s what GIT is for
>>> :D) could be useful.
>>> Jonathan Beliën
>>> GEO-6
>>> De : joost schouppe []
>>> Envoyé : mercredi 9 novembre 2016 13:12
>>> À : OpenStreetMap Belgium
>>> Objet : Re: [OSM-talk-be] introducing OSM
>>> I created
>>> Maybe we can just add links in the Readme?
>>> In that case, if you already have an account, you can go straight to:
>>> Talk-be mailing list
>> There's a program called Marp ( that I
>> recently discovered and I intend to use for all my simple presentation
>> slideshows in the future. It makes PDF slides from a Markdown source. You
>> can present those with any PDF presenter (my personal favourite is pdfpc:
>> Speaking about versioning with Git, this is ideal since you write your
>> presentation in Markdown (which is also very, very easy to learn if you
>> don't know it) and can have useful diffs.
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] umap + framacalc +

2016-11-20 Thread Trufovent

Cette manip m'intéresse beaucoup, merci pour ce partage ! Mais comment faire
pour automatiser la mise à jour des latitudes et longitudes, une fois les
adresses saisies ? Soit par le biais d'un script (mais alors là je sais pas
comment faire pour l'intégrer sur umap ?), soit directement sur framacalc.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

View this message in context:
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Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] FHRS and businesses run from home

2016-11-20 Thread Jez Nicholson
You beat me to it. I was going to raise this. IMHO we should not add
private home businesses. It just won't be possible to give 100% coverage of
fhrs ids

On Sat, 19 Nov 2016 18:17 Ian Caldwell, 

> One I noticed was the local country market (, the
> FHRs address was, I assume, the home of the ore fhrs:id. ganise and was not
> where the market takes place. It takes place in a local hall. I was
> planning not to map the fhrs:id.
> Ian
> On 19 November 2016 at 16:48, Andrew Hain 
> wrote:
> Some FHRS entries refer to people’s names, or to business names, with the
> address of a private house. These may be people who cook from home or
> itinerantly. Is it however appropriate for OSM to map these addresses as
> anything more than houses, for example by adding fhrs:id or the name in the
> FHRS data set?
> --
> Andrew
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-transit] Public transport time information in OSM

2016-11-20 Thread jc86035
(Testing. Is this how a mailing list works?)

Would it be possible to do it using something similar to the opening
hours tagging schema (with key:times or key:schedule)?

>Dear Felix,
>> As far as I have understood, the discussion of having time
information in OSM has been going back and forth for years. And I'd also
be a supporter of having this model included in OSM.
>> But - another idea - what about storing public transport time
information separately, but also with an open license? OSM is not just
the core project, there are so many good solutions in the bigger OSM
family (See the routing engines, JOSM, export tool,,
etc.. long list here). We could be a lot more flexible in a project
dedicated to store time information based on OSM stops (osm_id would be
the good identifier): I'm thinking about a (web) service, provide a
database instance, with an easy  REST API to store and query data,
probably some editors (web interface, JOSM plugin,...). We could query
OSM public transport stops (by osm id), put them into the database and
add/edit time information on it collaboratively, implement imports and
exports (GTFS)  and different schedule data models. Of course I'm
describing it very simply, but the basic idea is: Why fight to have it
inside the OSM data model, if we could create a decent service around it?
>I am also interested in making a public transport routing software for
my town, and need a place to store those time information (including
frequency-based metro routes and fixed time bus routes). I don't think
that OSM can store these data and may develop a web interface for
crowd-sourcing those in the future.

Talk-transit mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Donazioni ad OpenStreetMap

2016-11-20 Thread girarsi_liste
Il 20/11/2016 14:35, Martin Koppenhoefer ha scritto:
> sent from a phone
>> Il giorno 20 nov 2016, alle ore 11:24, girarsi_liste 
>>  ha scritto:
>> PS: Corporate members sono aziende associate?
> si, sono membri aziendali 


Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Donazioni ad OpenStreetMap

2016-11-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 20 nov 2016, alle ore 11:24, girarsi_liste 
>  ha scritto:
> PS: Corporate members sono aziende associate?

si, sono membri aziendali 
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Talk-be Digest, Vol 107, Issue 32

2016-11-20 Thread Philippe Casteleyn
Neen, ik zag alleen kleine  vierkantjes.


Talk-be mailing list

[Talk-cz] mozny problem s importem budov? [Imports] JOSM Plugin for Austrian Addresses (fwd)

2016-11-20 Thread Pavel Machek

Na imports@ se prave diskutuje cesky import budov...


- Forwarded message from Thomas Konrad  -

Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2016 12:42:19 +0100
From: Thomas Konrad 
Subject: [Imports] JOSM Plugin for Austrian Addresses
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.3251)


the Austrian Federal Office for Calibration and Measurement (Bundesamt für 
Eich- und Vermessungswesen, BEV) has published a free address dataset [1] that 
is in my opinion very interesting for OpenStreetMap. The license, however, is 
not compatible with ODbL because it requires the copyright statement to be 
published with every secondary product. But I already have a written permission 
[2] of one of the leading people of BEV that OpenStreetMap can use the dataset 
for *one-by-one assignments* with the JOSM Austria Address Helper plugin [3]. 
Note that the plugin is *not yet published* in the JOSM plugin list because 
there are still some uncertainties left which I would like to clarify before I 
publish it on the plugins list.

Now the first question I have is whether or not this is even considered an 
import, because what the plugin does is that id assigns the address to exactly 
one selected object in JOSM [4]. There is no possibility to do a bulk 
assignment. My guess is that it still an import (semiautomated) and needs to be 
documented in the import catalogue in the Wiki. Is that correct?

My second question: Is it really required for a user to use a separate OSM 
account to assign a single address? I would say no, because then the Czech 
Building import [5] would have the same requirements, right?

As I said, there are some things left to clarify in terms of the license 
question. I’m working on that and will let you know when I make progress.

Thanks for your help






Imports mailing list

- End forwarded message -

(cesky, pictures)

Description: Digital signature
Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-cz] Vlastni renderer (was Re: WeeklyOSM CZ 328)

2016-11-20 Thread Pavel Machek

> BTW: A muzou si za to sami, osobne sem si rozchozoval hokuspokusne reneder,
> a dokumentace veskera zadna, s kazdym dalsim krokem sem narazel na dalsi
> problem typu chybejici tool, jina verze knihovny ... Navic kdykoli se nekde
> neco zmeni, znamena to defakto cely laborovani odznova.

> Ostatne, stejne tak by urcite nasli radu dobrovolniku, kteri poskytnou vykon
> a konektivitu, ale rozhodne se nehodlaji babrat se silenou
> konfiguraci.

No, tohle se snad s casem zlepsi; ono je pomerne uzitecne renderovat
lokalne na telefonech, etc.

Mel by to byt tenhle projekt:

(cesky, pictures)

Description: Digital signature
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] introducing OSM

2016-11-20 Thread Jonathan Beliën
Even better !
It would be indeed really awesome to use Markdown to generate our
presentations and use the repository to store those Markdown files.


Le sam. 19 nov. 2016 à 15:22, Ruben  a écrit :

> On 9 November 2016 13:30:33 CET, "Jonathan Beliën"  wrote:
> We can indeed start with a list of links in the README file. Let’s try to
> organize this list the best way possible (Introduction to OSM, iD related
> presentations, HOT related presentations, …).
> But I think it would be great to store those presentation in the
> repository too ; versioning of those presentation (that’s what GIT is
> for :D) could be useful.
> Jonathan Beliën
> GEO-6
> *De :* joost schouppe []
> *Envoyé :* mercredi 9 novembre 2016 13:12
> *À :* OpenStreetMap Belgium
> *Objet :* Re: [OSM-talk-be] introducing OSM
> I created
> Maybe we can just add links in the Readme?
> In that case, if you already have an account, you can go straight to:
> --
> Talk-be mailing list
> There's a program called Marp ( that I
> recently discovered and I intend to use for all my simple presentation
> slideshows in the future. It makes PDF slides from a Markdown source. You
> can present those with any PDF presenter (my personal favourite is pdfpc:
> Speaking about versioning with Git, this is ideal since you write your
> presentation in Markdown (which is also very, very easy to learn if you
> don't know it) and can have useful diffs.
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-ja] 12/17 東京!街歩き!マッピングパーティ:第3回 小石川植物園

2016-11-20 Thread yasunari yamashita


東京!街歩き!マッピングパーティ:第3回 小石川植物園

Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Donazioni ad OpenStreetMap

2016-11-20 Thread girarsi_liste
Il 20/11/2016 10:07, Aury88 ha scritto:
> Ho trovato lo storico ...stavo cercando nel wiki sbagliato xD

Grazie per il link, molto comodo.

Di finanza ci capisco poco o nulla, inglese poi.. :)

Comunque per quel poco che ho capito, le donazioni singole mi sembrano
siano rimaste invariate, nonostante l'aumento dei membri associati al
capitolo, anche se quest'anno forse non fa fede perchè molto recente la
nomina di wikimedia.

Sarebbe da vedere il prossimo anno come varia.

PS: Corporate members sono aziende associate? o i capitoli?

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: Viabilità copiata da Google Maps

2016-11-20 Thread paolo bubici
Ma non è un novellino! Ha fatto 1200 chanegset!

Il 20/nov/2016 01:53, "Lorenzo Mastrogiacomi"  ha

> Il nome non mi è nuovo. Non sembra aver tempo per rispondere, è troppo
> preso a mappare...
> Se non risponde sono favorevole al revert, sperando (sempre che ci
> faccia caso) che diventi un po' più responsabile.
> Lorenzo
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Donazioni ad OpenStreetMap

2016-11-20 Thread Aury88
Ho trovato lo storico ...stavo cercando nel wiki sbagliato xD


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