Re: [Talk-it] Nuovo sito statistiche

2017-10-19 Thread Federico Cortese
2017-10-20 6:44 GMT+02:00 Fabrizio Tambussa :
> È attivo il nuovo sito di statistiche:

Grazie Fabrizio, ottimo lavoro!
Ma perchè il titolo "Hit parei"? :-)


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Attività della lista

2017-10-19 Thread Luca Delucchi
Il 19 ott 2017 10:42 PM, "Federico Leva (Nemo)"  ha

Visto per caso: talk-it pare essere la lista OSM piú attiva per numero di
messaggi dal 2015 in poi.

1)   14,182
2)  org.openstreetmap.tagging   13,055
3)   11,768
4)  7,280
5)   6,725
6)   6,289
7)   4,091
8)   3,974
9)   3,736
10)   3,534
11)   2,845
12)   2,545
13)   1,851
14)   1,760
15)   1,745
16) org.openstreetmap.imports   1,581

E questo nonostante in francese abbiano un utente noto anche nelle
discussioni Wikimedia per essere fra i piú... prolifici.

Non penso sia un buon primato, in special modo visto che poi quando si
organizzano eventi pochi partecipano e quando si devono fare attività sono
sempre gli stessi a farle (grazie mille), la maggior parte delle
discussioni è su come mappare un determinato oggetto e spesso non si arriva
ad una conclusione condivisa...
Secondo me il numero di mail non rappresenta la qualità della comunità ma
nel nostro caso l'italianità, parlare tanto ma fare poco,  a differenza dei
tedeschi, poco chiacchere e tanto fare.

Questa è la mia visione e non risponderò ad altre mail sull'argomento (per
non alimentare il nostro primato :-) )


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] adressering af butikker m.m.

2017-10-19 Thread Michel Coene
Jeg vil vil sige at hele pointen med et kort er at relatere til den fysiske
verden.  OSM er ikke en telefon bog.  Din cykel forretning er en fysisk
bygning,  ikke en adresse.   Hvis kommunen omdøber gaden, eller laver
nummer 13 om til 13a, flytter cykel forretningen sig ikke.
Derfor gør jeg det aldrig. Men det er klart at vi er i flueknæpperi
afdeling.   Smag og behag vil jeg sige.

Op 19-okt.-2017 22:28 schreef "Henrik Puukka-Sørensen" <>:

> Hej
> Når jeg mapper butikker og tankstationer har jeg oftest skrevet adressen
> på butikken. Jeg begyndte med det i forbindelse med registrering af
> cykelforretninger for en del år siden. Men jeg kan nu se, at der er mange
> brugere, der sletter disse adresser igen. Hvad er egentlig rigtigt at gøre?
> Jeg har i flere tilfælde set, at det ville være en fordel med adressen så
> butikken kommer til at ligge det rigtige sted. Hvis det nu igen bliver i
> orden at skrive adressen skal det så være den adresse butikken angiver, det
> kan jo i nogen tilfælde være 37-39?
> venlig hilsen
> Henrik Puukka-Sørensen
> ___
> Talk-dk mailing list
Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Marc Gemis
Lester wrote:
> Nominatim produces something of a overloaded location string

That's the case outside the UK as. Look up any address in Flanders and
you get Flanders somewhere in the address stack. This admin level is
never used on letters nor in navigation, only for administrative
As I said before, the output of Nominatim is not meant to be put on a
letter. It just shows the complete "admin"/location stack known in

The full information that Nominatim knows for "WR12 7EP, United
Kingdom" is shown on :
It does list a collection of streets. What you see on is just
a small set, which does not include the list of streets. The number of
streets in a postal code really depends on the country, it might be a
small number in the UK, but is large in e.g. Germany.

Of course there are other geocoders that are (partially) based on OSM.
Feel free to use one that suits your needs better.

I was just trying to explain how Nominatim works. If it does not work
for the UK, you have to build or use another geocoder if you make a
website for OSM-UK, as Nominatim fails to fulfil your needs.


On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 1:56 PM, Lester Caine  wrote:
> On 19/10/17 12:37, Marc Gemis wrote:
>> Then at least people know that they should not check with Nominatim.
>> AFAIK, Nominatim does not try to generate an address you can put an a
>> letter.  It tries to show the address as part of the administrative
>> hierarchy defined by the other objects in OSM. Some of those
>> administrative levels are not used for letters or navigation where I
>> live.
> Nominatim produces something of a overloaded location string
> Residential Road Smallbrook Road, Broadway, Wychavon, Worcestershire,
> West Midlands, England, WR12 7EP, United Kingdom
> but then fails to return the street if you do a postcode lookup.
> Postcode Broadway, WR12 7EP, United Kingdom
> But the main point here is that there are a large number of other useful
> boundaries that can be identified via postcodes. It would be nice though
> if we could simply use the NLPG reference for every property since it
> SHOULD be a freely available database that council tax payers have
> financed and councils are required to keep up to date. But it's a
> chargeable resource to use :(
> --
> Lester Caine - G8HFL
> -
> Contact -
> L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
> EnquirySolve -
> Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
> Rainbow Digital Media -
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-it] Nuovo sito statistiche

2017-10-19 Thread Fabrizio Tambussa
È attivo il nuovo sito di statistiche:
Raccoglie i conteggi di alcuni tipi di oggetti creati a partire dal 1
agosto scorso, suddivisi per utente.
Ogni settimana al computo si aggiungono gli oggetti creati, non modificati
o cancellati, e si aggiorna la classifica.
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] contact

2017-10-19 Thread Philippe Verdy
N'oublie pas de demander la mise en place d'une page web sur l'événement, à
ajouter vite dans le calendrier du wiki ! Et à l'occasion de ces journées
du "libre", demander la mise en place d'un thème "open data" sur le site
municipal (ou celui de l'agglomération avec un lien depuis le site
municipal), à classer dans "cité digitale" ou "développement durable", et
d'un calendrier municipal plus complet (toutes thématiques, pas seulement
culturel) au moins visible dans une rubrique "actualités" (on trouve
habituellement ce genre de calendrier dans les bulletins municipaux
distribués dans les boites, parfois sur des pages différentes selon les
rubriques thématiques).

Le 20 octobre 2017 à 00:23, Axelos  a écrit :

> Coucou,
> Le 19/10/2017 à 23:54, Philippe Verdy a écrit :
> > N'était-ce pas plutôt "Le LiVre sur la Place" ?
> > Donc orienté sur les contenus écrits (les 8-9-10 septembre derniers)
> >
> >
> > Je ne voit rien sur le site municipal concernant "Le LiBre sur la Place"
> > (dans les thèmes proposés: "participer" ou "cité digitale" ou
> > "developpement durable" ou "urbanisme" ou "transports" ou "correspondant
> > informatique et libertés")
> > De même sur ce site municipal il manque d'évidence un calendrier pour
> avoir
> > une navigation type "blog" orienté par dates, et encore moins de thème
> > "open data" !
> En effet, il n'y a eu aucune communication via les réseaux traditionnels.
> Peut-être est-ce à venir prochainement, de ce que j'ai compris le
> programme est finalisé au plus tard ce vendredi.
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Adam Snape
"Are you saying that anything with a postcode beginning with SW should be
tagged addr:city=London and anything beginning with TW9 or TW10 should be
tagged addr:city=Richmond?"

I'm not saying others *should*, I am just saying how I *do *map. If others
want to document how they map I'm happy to how I tag for the sake of
If we accept (which I thought we had) that addr: tags are for postal
addresses rather than general geographic location then, yes, SW has London
in its postal address and TW9 doesn't. It is not ideal to use 'city' to
mean 'post town' but city is the most widely used tag for this purpose.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Des ajouts où osmose râle : les boites aux lettres

2017-10-19 Thread Jérôme Amagat
dans la liste de "tes" erreurs sur osmose, ce n'est pas toujours toi qui a
fait l'erreur.
si un objet a une erreur d’après osmose, l'erreur va être pour la dernière
personnes a avoir modifié cet objet.
Donc par exemple si il y a une "vieille" erreur sur un node et qu'ensuite
je modifie juste la position de ce node alors osmose indiquera que c'est
moi qui a fait l'erreur alors que moi j'ai juste voulu améliorer la

Le 20 octobre 2017 à 01:08, Jérôme Amagat  a écrit

> c'est pas vraiment une erreur, c'est plutôt un "manque", quelque que chose
> qu'il serait bien d'ajouté. ta boite au lettre que tu as ajouté n'a pas de
> tag ref=*, c'est une reference de la poste que possède chaque boite. osmose
> indique que ta boite n'a pas de référence et propose aussi dans la partie
> "intégration" (en vert) d'ajouter cette ref. osmose indique dans cette
> parti "intégration" "boite au lettre" qui indique l'emplacement
> approximatif des boites aux lettres de la poste et aussi "boite aux
> lettres, integration possible" qui permet d'ajouter la ref sur les amenity
> = post_box présent dans osm et qui sont tout près des positions données par
> la poste.
> Le 19 octobre 2017 à 15:11, Nicolas Bétheuil  a écrit :
>> Bonjour,
>> J'ai ajouté depuis un moment une boite aux lettre à Jarnac et je me suis
>> rendu compte que je n'avais pas fait les choses correctement au vue du
>> rapport osmose. L'erreur 7051 référence 8023 qui n'existe pas
>> la boite aux lettre ajoutée
>> euil?username=Nicolas%20B%C3%A9theuil=13375
>> Puis en fait en re-regardant j'ai ça
>> /fr/error/13988699816
>> L'erreur 8025 n'est pas documentée.
>> Mais de tout ça il me manque https://datanova.legroupe.lapo
>> de façon à corriger
>> efficacement.
>> Comment pourrais-je mieux contribuer pour ne pas faire plus d'erreurs que
>> de contributions ?
>> Cf
>> merci
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Des ajouts où osmose râle : les boites aux lettres

2017-10-19 Thread Jérôme Amagat
c'est pas vraiment une erreur, c'est plutôt un "manque", quelque que chose
qu'il serait bien d'ajouté. ta boite au lettre que tu as ajouté n'a pas de
tag ref=*, c'est une reference de la poste que possède chaque boite. osmose
indique que ta boite n'a pas de référence et propose aussi dans la partie
"intégration" (en vert) d'ajouter cette ref. osmose indique dans cette
parti "intégration" "boite au lettre" qui indique l'emplacement
approximatif des boites aux lettres de la poste et aussi "boite aux
lettres, integration possible" qui permet d'ajouter la ref sur les amenity
= post_box présent dans osm et qui sont tout près des positions données par
la poste.

Le 19 octobre 2017 à 15:11, Nicolas Bétheuil  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> J'ai ajouté depuis un moment une boite aux lettre à Jarnac et je me suis
> rendu compte que je n'avais pas fait les choses correctement au vue du
> rapport osmose. L'erreur 7051 référence 8023 qui n'existe pas
> la boite aux lettre ajoutée
> A9theuil?username=Nicolas%20B%C3%A9theuil=13375
> Puis en fait en re-regardant j'ai ça http://osmose.openstreetmap.
> fr/fr/error/13988699816
> L'erreur 8025 n'est pas documentée.
> Mais de tout ça il me manque https://datanova.legroupe.
> de façon à corriger
> efficacement.
> Comment pourrais-je mieux contribuer pour ne pas faire plus d'erreurs que
> de contributions ?
> Cf
> merci
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] highway=track v landuse=residential?

2017-10-19 Thread jzvc

Dne 19.10.2017 v 22:04 Majka napsal(a):

19. října 2017 21:20:46 CEST, "Miroslav Suchý"  napsal:

Teď už to je z půlky vysypané aspoň štěrkem, ale na fotce je stav,
trval roky.
A jak kvalitou, tak asi i po právní
stránce se jedná o polní cestu.


Pokud neberu cesty na rozhraní "residential" a "farmland" apod., není ale právě 
tohle špatně?

"highway=track" přece není nezpevněná, úzká nebo rozsekaná cesta, ale "silnice pro 
zemědělství, lesnictví atd." - " Tuto značku nepoužívejte pro zakreslování veřejných nezpevněných 
cest v zastavěných oblastech" - to v uvozovkách je z wiki.

To ctes ovsem spatne, jednak tam neni nic o silnici ale o ceste (ze to 
prekladatel blbe prelozi je druha vec), a pak tam taky neni nic ze je to 
pro zemedelstvi nebo lesnictvi, ale ze to jsou prevazne takovyhle cesty.

Pricemz od ulice (residential) v CR se ocekava, ze to rozhodne nebude 
polnacka mezi barakama. Dokonce pro CR plati, ze obvykle (tzn ne vzdy 
ale vetsinou) ma i chodnik(y).

Tyhle cesty přece neslouží pro zemědělskou techniku nebo pro přístup do lesa, 
ale primárně pro příjezd k domu, zahradě či garáži nebo firmě, alespoň v 
případech, o které mi šlo.
Buď je špatně ta cesta uvnitř zastavěné oblasti, nebo vymezení té zástavby 
rozsahem landuse. To, jak je to v katastru, přece ne vždy odpovídá věcně.


Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] contact

2017-10-19 Thread Axelos

Le 19/10/2017 à 23:54, Philippe Verdy a écrit :
> N'était-ce pas plutôt "Le LiVre sur la Place" ?
> Donc orienté sur les contenus écrits (les 8-9-10 septembre derniers)
> Je ne voit rien sur le site municipal concernant "Le LiBre sur la Place"
> (dans les thèmes proposés: "participer" ou "cité digitale" ou
> "developpement durable" ou "urbanisme" ou "transports" ou "correspondant
> informatique et libertés")
> De même sur ce site municipal il manque d'évidence un calendrier pour avoir
> une navigation type "blog" orienté par dates, et encore moins de thème
> "open data" !

En effet, il n'y a eu aucune communication via les réseaux traditionnels.
Peut-être est-ce à venir prochainement, de ce que j'ai compris le
programme est finalisé au plus tard ce vendredi.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] contact

2017-10-19 Thread Philippe Verdy
Il y a bien un calendrier mais uniquement l'agenda culturel:
Je pense qu'il serait bien que les sites municipaux mettent un agenda
complet sur toutes thématiques avec des filtres par thème (un même
événement peut être transversal sur plusieurs thème), quels qu'ils soient :
élections, fiscalités, démarches administratives, événement culturels,
sportifs ou économiques, vie du conseil municipal ou de l'agglomération,
dates des marchés publics ou selon le service municipal ou intercommunal
dont l'événement émane ou est promu.
Et là rien n'empêche de publier ces éléments un par un sur un fil de réseau
social (Twitter, G+, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram...) avec quelques
hashtags clés, ou sur un fil RSS hébergé par le site municipal lui-même ou
un blogue géré par un des services.

Le 19 octobre 2017 à 23:54, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :

> N'était-ce pas plutôt "Le LiVre sur la Place" ?
> Donc orienté sur les contenus écrits (les 8-9-10 septembre derniers)
> Je ne voit rien sur le site municipal concernant "Le LiBre sur la Place"
> (dans les thèmes proposés: "participer" ou "cité digitale" ou
> "developpement durable" ou "urbanisme" ou "transports" ou "correspondant
> informatique et libertés")
> De même sur ce site municipal il manque d'évidence un calendrier pour
> avoir une navigation type "blog" orienté par dates, et encore moins de
> thème "open data" !
> Le 19 octobre 2017 à 21:10, Romain MEHUT  a écrit
> :
>> Bonsoir,
>> Outre moi même, nous sommes quelques uns sur Nancy et ses environs.
>> Je mets dans la boucle la liste locale pour que tout le monde soit
>> informé...
>> Et j'en profite pour ajouter que le 23 novembre, la Ville de Nancy
>> organise une journée "Le libre sur la place". Jean-Louis ZIMMERMANN y fera
>> une présentation d'OSM à destination plus particulièrement des
>> collectivités...
>> Au plaisir.
>> Romain
>> Le 19 octobre 2017 à 19:42, Anne-Marie Candès > > a écrit :
>>> Bonjour
>>> Je vais être 4 mois à Nancy pour un CDD à l’IGN. Je veux bien un contact
>>> avec celui d’entre vous qui est sur Nancy pour me joindre à l’équipe locale
>>> si il y en a une qui est organisée sur place et progresser un peu à
>>> l’occasion autrement que toute seule.
>>> ___
>>> Talk-fr mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Low-quality NHD imports

2017-10-19 Thread Andy Townsend

On 14/10/2017 03:56, Clifford Snow wrote:

Unnamed streams are helpful to people hiking in the forest areas by 
giving a landmark for navigation.

I'm in the UK so I'm not familiar with NHD, but here I am familiar with 
streams here traced from NPE (old maps, very inaccurate by modern 
standards).  NPE-traced streams can be useful in that they can tell you 
that there's a stream here somewhere, but you absolutely can't use them 
to tell which side of the water you're supposed to be on (or reliably 
count crossing streams before a path junction).

However it is possible to use the tags on them to make it clear to 
someone looking at the data where it came from.  For Garmin maps I 
append "(NPE)" to the name of NPE-traced streams and you could certainly 
do something similar with NHD ones.

OSM has always proceeded by evolution - stuff I added 9 years ago is 
considerably less accurate than stuff I add now because there were fewer 
sources available to compare - and EGNOS wasn't available then (at least 
not to me).  I'm sure that what I add now will appear "similarly 
inaccurate" in 9 years time!

Best Regards,


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Esri World Imagery on OpenStreetMap

2017-10-19 Thread Donal Diamond
Bing Belfast imagery is reported as having a April/May 2017 capture date.


On 18 October 2017 at 21:20, Donal Diamond  wrote:

> This confirms Belfast got some new esri imagery:
> 764ca9b83add496ab90aba74405ef4a9
> Found via
> In Josm for bing imagery show tile properties will show some meta data
> with acquisition date.
> Donal
> On 18 October 2017 at 19:47, Colm Moore  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I think some of this imagery is now showing around Belfast and Lisburn.
>> Some Bing imagery may have updated also.
>> Where can one find where each photography supplier covers?
>> Colm
>> ---
>> Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can
>> change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
>> From: Colm Moore 
>> Sent: 26 August 2017 02:15
>> To:
>> Subject: Esri World Imagery on OpenStreetMap
>> Hi,
>> It seems Esri World Imagery is available on OpenStreetMap. I don't know
>> the extent.
>> Some of it may be related to the DigitalGlobe imagery.
>> Esri is unrelated to The Economic and Social Research Institute.
>> Colm
>> ---
>> Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can
>> change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
>> ___
>> Talk-ie mailing list
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] contact

2017-10-19 Thread Philippe Verdy
N'était-ce pas plutôt "Le LiVre sur la Place" ?
Donc orienté sur les contenus écrits (les 8-9-10 septembre derniers)

Je ne voit rien sur le site municipal concernant "Le LiBre sur la Place"
(dans les thèmes proposés: "participer" ou "cité digitale" ou
"developpement durable" ou "urbanisme" ou "transports" ou "correspondant
informatique et libertés")
De même sur ce site municipal il manque d'évidence un calendrier pour avoir
une navigation type "blog" orienté par dates, et encore moins de thème
"open data" !

Le 19 octobre 2017 à 21:10, Romain MEHUT  a écrit :

> Bonsoir,
> Outre moi même, nous sommes quelques uns sur Nancy et ses environs.
> Je mets dans la boucle la liste locale pour que tout le monde soit
> informé...
> Et j'en profite pour ajouter que le 23 novembre, la Ville de Nancy
> organise une journée "Le libre sur la place". Jean-Louis ZIMMERMANN y fera
> une présentation d'OSM à destination plus particulièrement des
> collectivités...
> Au plaisir.
> Romain
> Le 19 octobre 2017 à 19:42, Anne-Marie Candès 
> a écrit :
>> Bonjour
>> Je vais être 4 mois à Nancy pour un CDD à l’IGN. Je veux bien un contact
>> avec celui d’entre vous qui est sur Nancy pour me joindre à l’équipe locale
>> si il y en a une qui est organisée sur place et progresser un peu à
>> l’occasion autrement que toute seule.
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Activity Updates

2017-10-19 Thread Rob Nickerson
Great news.

Can I enquire about two things: First did you use the iD walkthrough and if
yes, how was it? Did it provide a full introduction or did you need to help
with extra support too?

And second, what sort of oddities did you get on the TfWM bus route
plotting software? And how were they typically solved?



On 19 October 2017 at 16:43, Brian Prangle  wrote:

> Hi everyone
> 1. I'm back training Probation Pay Back Attendees with Anawim. I've
> currently assigned our first new trainee the SE corner of Nuneaton to add
> buildings and improve road alignments. Latest version of id is much
> improved!
> 2. I now have a direct link into TfWM's maintainer of NaPTAN bus stops and
> we're working on a process for regular updates. I'll keep you uppdated as
> to progress
> 3. TfWM now plot their bus routes using a piece of software that uses OSM
> data.It sometimes produces weird results that need some unentangling f the
> OSM data, so we had good fun this week solving some of them
> Regards
> Brian
> ___
> Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list
Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] error: undefined reference to 'boost::re_detail::cpp_regex_traits_implementation::transform

2017-10-19 Thread Patrick Niklaus

the primary difference to our build environment on Travis CI is that
we build on Ubuntu 14.04 using boost 1.54:
It could be that this is a specific issue with boost 1.58 that was
introduced by using a new symbol on `master`.

The error in question looks really weird. A wild guess might be there
are two version of libboost on your system and OSRM picks up the wrong


On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 4:30 PM, Mateusz Loskot  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm building the current master on Ubuntu 16.04 (inside Bash on Windows),
> using GCC 7.2 and 6.3 and Boost 1.58 - all installed from Xenial packages.
> I'm experiencing the linker failure for libosrm_extract.a around 
> libboost_regex.
> It has been a while (~6 weeks) since I built OSRM master last time,
> but the OSRM used to build fine in that environment.
> I'm puzzled, because I see the Travis CI builds are perfectly green.
> I wonder if anyone experienced similar issue.
> Below, I paste the g++ command with link error.
> As you can see all of the Boost libraries (and some others) are repeated,
> but that should not be relevant to the issue. In fact, I tried w/o the 
> redundant
> libs to confirm the linking still fails.
> /usr/bin/g++-6-Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wuninitialized
> -Wunreachable-code -Wstrict-overflow=1 -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE
> -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fdiagnostics-color=auto -fPIC
> -ftemplate-depth=1024 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -std=c++14
> -O3 -DNDEBUG   -fuse-ld=gold -Wl,--disable-new-dtags
> -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,--sort-common
> CMakeFiles/osrm-extract.dir/src/tools/extract.cpp.o  -o osrm-extract
> -rdynamic libosrm_extract.a -lboost_program_options -lbz2
> -lboost_regex -lboost_date_time -lboost_chrono -lboost_filesystem
> -lboost_iostreams -lboost_thread -lboost_system -lpthread -lexpat
> -llua5.2 -lm -lz -ltbb -ltbbmalloc -lbz2 -lboost_regex
> -lboost_date_time -lboost_chrono -lboost_filesystem -lboost_iostreams
> -lboost_thread -lboost_system -lpthread -lexpat -llua5.2 -lm -lz -ltbb
> -ltbbmalloc
> libosrm_extract.a(restriction_parser.cpp.o):restriction_parser.cpp:function
> __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator std::__cxx11::basic_string std::allocator > >
> boost::re_detail::re_is_set_member<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator const*, std::__cxx11::basic_string std::allocator > >, char, boost::regex_traits boost::cpp_regex_traits >, unsigned
> int>(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator std::__cxx11::basic_string std::allocator > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator std::__cxx11::basic_string std::allocator > >, boost::re_detail::re_set_long
> const*, boost::re_detail::regex_data boost::cpp_regex_traits > > const&, bool): error: undefined
> reference to 
> 'boost::re_detail::cpp_regex_traits_implementation::transform_primary[abi:cxx11](char
> const*, char const*) const'
> libosrm_extract.a(restriction_parser.cpp.o):restriction_parser.cpp:function
> __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator std::__cxx11::basic_string std::allocator > >
> boost::re_detail::re_is_set_member<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator const*, std::__cxx11::basic_string std::allocator > >, char, boost::regex_traits boost::cpp_regex_traits >, unsigned
> int>(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator std::__cxx11::basic_string std::allocator > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator std::__cxx11::basic_string std::allocator > >, boost::re_detail::re_set_long
> const*, boost::re_detail::regex_data boost::cpp_regex_traits > > const&, bool): g[abi:cxx11](char
> const*, char const*) const'
> --
> Mateusz Loskot,
> ___
> OSRM-talk mailing list

OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Tagguer les cinémas "art & essai"

2017-10-19 Thread Philippe Verdy
En gros c'est un exploitant local qui choisit lui-même sa programmation et
ne dépend pas d'une chaîne franchisée. Oui il ne fait pas que ça et il peut
mettre à dispo sa salle pour toute sortes d'autres choses (spectacles,
fêtes privées, assemblées générales d'assos ou d'entreprise,
séminaires/réunions) même s'il le fait pour assurer la rentabilité de sa
salle et pouvoir ensuite promouvoir le programme qu'il veut le plus souvent
possible et pour respecter aussi ses habitués (par exemple abonnés à une
programmation saisonnière, ou pour certains festivals, ou des soirées
régulières à thème, comme par exemple le cinéma britannique ou oriental, ou
les courts-métrages souvent en partenariat avec des écoles de cinéma
locales, ou des compagnies de théâtre). L'exploitant peut aussi être public
(cinéma communal ou intercommunal), ou non commercial (associatif à but non
lucratif et avec des bénévoles pour l'accueil et l'entretien). Il ne se
fait pas imposer le programme acheté par des majors pour diffusion sur un
nombre de salles qu'ils choisissent (y compris des navets inclus dans les
"packs" négociés entre majors qui imposent aussi des conditions horaires,
et des tailles de salles minimales, ainsi que le mode de diffusion
(aujourd'hui ils diffusent tous des films numériques, il n'y a plus de
projectionniste, les salles franchisées sont automatisées sauf pour
l'accueil et la vente de billets, les majors imposant aussi les prix, les
promotions valables dans toutes leurs salles, l'affichage, les publicités
avant séance, et les produits de vente annexe en boisson/confiserie/snack
affichant clairement les marques, mais aussi tout le merchandising, le site
internet ou mobile de réservation, les promos avec les partenaires
nationaux comme "restau+ciné" avec certains groupes de restauration;
l'exploitant local d'une franchise dispose et se voit imposer aussi une
marge pour développer la publicité locale et participer à l'activité
économique locale mais a assez peu de marge pour choisir d'autres
programmes culturels locaux, et au pire il n'a le droit de relouer des
qu'un nombre limité de salles pour d'autres usages à moins que le loueur
paye le prix demandé par le major qui ira chercher d'autres salles pour sa
Bref c'est la même différence qu'entre l'épicerie indépendante et un
supermarché (même petit type Franprix, partout le même avec les mêmes
produits et une grande partie des produits standardisés, au même prix
partout et avec les mêmes promos, catalogues, et sites internet de commande
en ligne) !

Le 19 octobre 2017 à 20:00, Francescu GAROBY  a écrit :

> Bonsoir Marc,
> En France, un cinéma est dit "art & essai" s'il est destiné à promouvoir
> le cinéma indépendant
>  (ce qui ne
> signifie pas qu'il ne diffuse que ça).
> J'a
> Le 19 octobre 2017 à 18:47, marc marc  a écrit
> :
>> Le 19. 10. 17 à 17:33, Francescu GAROBY a écrit :
>> > j'aurais besoin d'indiquer quels sont les cinémas classés "art & essai"
>> c'est quoi ? le type de film projeté ? il y a d'autres catégories ?
>> c'est que les cinéma ou aussi d'autre genre théâtres ?
>> peut-être que ce serrait pertinent d'avoir une même clef peu importe
>> le pays (même si le classement n'existe peut-être pas de manière aussi
>> structurée que celui que tu cites en France)
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
> --
> Francescu
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Attività della lista

2017-10-19 Thread Federico Cortese
On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 10:41 PM, Federico Leva (Nemo)
> Visto per caso: talk-it pare essere la lista OSM piú attiva per numero di
> messaggi dal 2015 in poi.

Ottimo! Grazie per la segnalazione.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Munjeviti meetup

2017-10-19 Thread Janko Mihelić
Samo smo nas dvojica bili. Pričali smo većinom o njegovom pokušaju da
napravi OSM zajednicu u BiH. On je zapravo Čeh koji ima veze sa BiH, i
sada, pošto je Češka izmapirana, pokušava nešto srediti u BiH. Sjajno priča
srpsko-hrvatski, ali mu je problematično sa raznim lokalcima koji ga baš i
ne slušaju pošto nije odande. Ja sam malo pričao o našim problemima i
uspjesima, i tako. Vrlo ugodan razgovor uz pivu.

To je moj zadnji meetup, nisam bio poslije. A mogli bi.


čet, 19. lis 2017. u 22:55 hbogner  napisao je:

> I kaj kaže michalfabik?
> Jel se još netko pojavio osim vas dvojice?
> Nevezano uz to, jel bio meetup ovaj tjedan?
> On 06.07.2017 14:15, Janko Mihelić wrote:
> > Pozdrav,
> >
> > zvao me korisnik iz BiH, michalfabik, da se nađemo u Zagrebu, i nalazimo
> se
> > danas na Kvatriću u 5. Ako nekoga slučajno put nanese, slobodno neka dođe
> > pa da popijemo koju.
> >
> > Janko
> > ___
> > Talk-hr mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-hr mailing list
Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Munjeviti meetup

2017-10-19 Thread hbogner

I kaj kaže michalfabik?
Jel se još netko pojavio osim vas dvojice?

Nevezano uz to, jel bio meetup ovaj tjedan?

On 06.07.2017 14:15, Janko Mihelić wrote:


zvao me korisnik iz BiH, michalfabik, da se nađemo u Zagrebu, i nalazimo se
danas na Kvatriću u 5. Ako nekoga slučajno put nanese, slobodno neka dođe
pa da popijemo koju.

Talk-hr mailing list

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] corrections Osmose et rues sans nom

2017-10-19 Thread Jérôme Seigneuret
Bonjour, pour info c'est réglé. Par contre une alerte osmose sur des termes
incohérents comme ça peut être utile. J'en avait déjà parlé et il me semble
que c'est déjà pris en charge pour parti (conditionnel donc à vérifier).

J'ai fait cette propos dans le changeset.


Le 19 octobre 2017 à 21:28,  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> modifications automatiques, aidées ou manuelles, on se pose souvent la
> question.
> J'étais parti d'une recherche de Sans Nom (un ancien nom de Marseille, la
> Ville Sans Nom) et suis tombé sur nombre de Sans Nom.
> S'il peut y avoir des rues ,villes etc.. nommées "Sans Nom" il s'agit
> souvent de la volonté du cartographe de dire que la rue par exemple n'a pas
> de nom, ce qui se décrit avec noname=yes et l'absence de tags name*.
> Je suis tombé sur des corrections Osmose où des personnes ont "corrigé"
> des "sans nom" en "Sans Nom".
> C'est un peu le risque des corrections automatiques : on peut en faire qui
> abiment plus qu'elles ne corrigent.
> Car une rue "sans nom" est assez évidemment une rue noname=yes, pour une
> rue Sans Nom c'est déjà moins évident.
> Regardez comment une simple question peut améliorer la carte :
> À l'opposé comment StreetComplete peut dégrader la carte en ajoutant de
> l'information pertinente... mal :
> À vos claviers !
> Fred, peut-on proposer de corriger les sans nom non en Sans Nom mais en
> noname=yes ? Ou laisser le choix ?
> Jean-Yvon
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Jérôme Seigneuret
Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] Attività della lista

2017-10-19 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Visto per caso: talk-it pare essere la lista OSM piú attiva per numero 
di messaggi dal 2015 in poi.

1)   14,182
2)  org.openstreetmap.tagging   13,055
3)   11,768
4)  7,280
5)   6,725
6)   6,289
7)   4,091
8)   3,974
9)   3,736
10)   3,534
11)   2,845
12)   2,545
13)   1,851
14)   1,760
15)   1,745
16) org.openstreetmap.imports   1,581

E questo nonostante in francese abbiano un utente noto anche nelle 
discussioni Wikimedia per essere fra i piú... prolifici.


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-dk] adressering af butikker m.m.

2017-10-19 Thread Henrik Puukka-Sørensen

Når jeg mapper butikker og tankstationer har jeg oftest skrevet adressen på 
butikken. Jeg begyndte med det i forbindelse med registrering af 
cykelforretninger for en del år siden. Men jeg kan nu se, at der er mange 
brugere, der sletter disse adresser igen. Hvad er egentlig rigtigt at gøre?

Jeg har i flere tilfælde set, at det ville være en fordel med adressen så 
butikken kommer til at ligge det rigtige sted. Hvis det nu igen bliver i orden 
at skrive adressen skal det så være den adresse butikken angiver, det kan jo i 
nogen tilfælde være 37-39?

venlig hilsen
Henrik Puukka-Sørensen

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] highway=track v landuse=residential?

2017-10-19 Thread Majka
19. října 2017 21:20:46 CEST, "Miroslav Suchý"  napsal:

>Teď už to je z půlky vysypané aspoň štěrkem, ale na fotce je stav,
>trval roky.
>A jak kvalitou, tak asi i po právní
>stránce se jedná o polní cestu.

Pokud neberu cesty na rozhraní "residential" a "farmland" apod., není ale právě 
tohle špatně?

"highway=track" přece není nezpevněná, úzká nebo rozsekaná cesta, ale "silnice 
pro zemědělství, lesnictví atd." - " Tuto značku nepoužívejte pro zakreslování 
veřejných nezpevněných cest v zastavěných oblastech" - to v uvozovkách je z 

Tyhle cesty přece neslouží pro zemědělskou techniku nebo pro přístup do lesa, 
ale primárně pro příjezd k domu, zahradě či garáži nebo firmě, alespoň v 
případech, o které mi šlo.
Buď je špatně ta cesta uvnitř zastavěné oblasti, nebo vymezení té zástavby 
rozsahem landuse. To, jak je to v katastru, přece ne vždy odpovídá věcně. 


Talk-cz mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] corrections Osmose et rues sans nom

2017-10-19 Thread osm . sanspourriel


modifications automatiques, aidées ou manuelles, on se pose souvent la 

J'étais parti d'une recherche de Sans Nom (un ancien nom de Marseille, 
la Ville Sans Nom) et suis tombé sur nombre de Sans Nom.

S'il peut y avoir des rues ,villes etc.. nommées "Sans Nom" il s'agit 
souvent de la volonté du cartographe de dire que la rue par exemple n'a 
pas de nom, ce qui se décrit avec noname=yes et l'absence de tags name*.

Je suis tombé sur des corrections Osmose où des personnes ont "corrigé" 
des "sans nom" en "Sans Nom".

C'est un peu le risque des corrections automatiques : on peut en faire 
qui abiment plus qu'elles ne corrigent.

Car une rue "sans nom" est assez évidemment une rue noname=yes, pour une 
rue Sans Nom c'est déjà moins évident.

Regardez comment une simple question peut améliorer la carte :

À l'opposé comment StreetComplete peut dégrader la carte en ajoutant de 
l'information pertinente... mal :

À vos claviers !

Fred, peut-on proposer de corriger les sans nom non en Sans Nom mais en 
noname=yes ? Ou laisser le choix ?


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] highway=track v landuse=residential?

2017-10-19 Thread Miroslav Suchý
Dne 19.10.2017 v 11:23 majka napsal(a):
> Není tahle kombinace ze své podstaty nesmysl? 

Není. Několik příkladů:
Teď už to je z půlky vysypané aspoň štěrkem, ale na fotce je stav, který
trval roky.

Dost často to bývá cesta za humnama. Jako např.
kdy je na kraji rezidenční oblasti. A jak kvalitou, tak asi i po právní
stránce se jedná o polní cestu.


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] contact

2017-10-19 Thread Romain MEHUT

Outre moi même, nous sommes quelques uns sur Nancy et ses environs.

Je mets dans la boucle la liste locale pour que tout le monde soit

Et j'en profite pour ajouter que le 23 novembre, la Ville de Nancy organise
une journée "Le libre sur la place". Jean-Louis ZIMMERMANN y fera une
présentation d'OSM à destination plus particulièrement des collectivités...

Au plaisir.


Le 19 octobre 2017 à 19:42, Anne-Marie Candès 
a écrit :

> Bonjour
> Je vais être 4 mois à Nancy pour un CDD à l’IGN. Je veux bien un contact
> avec celui d’entre vous qui est sur Nancy pour me joindre à l’équipe locale
> si il y en a une qui est organisée sur place et progresser un peu à
> l’occasion autrement que toute seule.
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Ajout d'un identifiant unique des cinémas en France

2017-10-19 Thread JB
Je dois être vieux jeu… mais je reste toujours dubitatif sur 
l'introduction d'identifiants uniques dans la base pour faciliter la 
connexion avec tel ou tel outil.
Sur une problématique aussi ciblée, je n'arrive pas à comprendre qu'on 
n'arrive pas à croiser deux bases de données sans cet identifiant. Y 
a-t-il une telle densité de cinémas qu'avec un tag amenity=cinema (moins 
de 2000 objets) + un nom de cinéma + une géolocalisation plus ou moins 
convenable, on n'arrive pas à recouper les données ?
Peut-être qu'on répondra qu'il y a des doublons dans l'une ou l'autre 
base ? L'identifiant unique ne résoudra rien.
Peut-être répondra-t-on qu'on facilitera la mise à jour d'OSM à partir 
d'une base externe ? Un croisement des données à chaque mise à jour 
donnera la même chose.
Voilà voilà pour ce soir. Au fait, vous penserez à passer par la case « 
import » pour rentrer les identifiants en masse, hein ?


Le 19/10/2017 à 18:27, Christian Quest a écrit :

Si il y a un identifiant CNC c'est une solution... si il n'y en a pas, 
n'oubliez pas le SIRET... c'est pas limité aux cinémas, mais en 
principe, c'est unique et sûrement universel.

Le 19/10/2017 à 17:17, Francescu GAROBY a écrit :

En tant que développeur d'un site pour le cinéma indépendant en 
France, mais sur lequel on retrouve tout de même tous les cinémas et 
toutes les sorties en salle, j'ai besoin d'afficher une carte (OSM, 
évidemment) pointant sur le cinéma (ex : Cinéma Lux 
, à Caen).
Pour l'instant, je récupère l'emplacement du cinéma, soit à partir de 
son adresse soit à partir des coordonnées GPS qu'une source 
extérieure me fournit. Sauf que cette source a parfois des 
coordonnées incorrectes (en gros, les coordonnées du centre de la 

Vu que a la liste des cinémas de France (fournie par le 
je me disais que le plus simple serait d'ajouter à chaque node/way 
représentant un cinéma l'identifiant unique contenu dans ledit 
fichier. J'ai bien évidemment posé la question de l'unicité et de la 
stabilité d'un tel identifiant (cf. la discussion "Stabilité de l'ID 
des cinémas", sur la page  citée 

Si cela vous convient, il resterait alors à se mettre d'accord sur la 
clé à utiliser.

"ref:FR:CNC=*" me paraît pas mal, non ?

Francescu GAROBY

Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)
On 19 October 2017 at 13:38, Ed Loach  wrote:
>> For anyone else reading, we're talking about
> When I drilled down a bit I found an NG column with a * in it, e.g.
> In this instance I think the 4 CO13 3 codes are PO Boxes but fall just below 
> your threshold of 5 but am wondering if NG is non-geographic?

Yes, "NG" is non-geographic. Royal Mail publish a list of
non-geographic sectors every six months, which I've parsed and
imported into my tool. I've now added a note under the table to
explain this.

You would have been right about the 5 threshold, but actually there
are other units in different sectors that are located at the same
delivery office, which would have pushed it over. The problem was
actually a bug in my code, that meant that sectors with no units under
the threshold didn't get reported properly. That should now be fixed.
(Although I should probably look to make it automatically discount all
postcodes in sectors flagged as Non-Geographic, rather than using the
threshold for them -- but that will need a bit more SQL magic to


Robert Whittaker

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Ajout d'un identifiant unique des cinémas en France

2017-10-19 Thread Francescu GAROBY
Tout à fait, Nicolas. D'où mon souhait de lier mon site avec un OSM via un
identifiant qu'on me garantit unique et stable.
Le node/way OSM, c'est trop sensible aux éditions (un bâtiment découpé,
pour distinguer le cinéma du reste, un transféré d'un node à un way parce
qu'on a importé le bâti, ...)


Le 19 octobre 2017 à 18:53, Nicolas Moyroud  a écrit :

> même avis
>> avec aussi la possibilité inverse : utiliser l'identifiant osm
>> dans la base du site web
> Sauf que pérennité des identifiants OSM dans le temps n'est pas assurée.
> Donc la solution des ref:FR:CNC reste la plus sûre et permet également à
> tout ceux qui exploitent les données OSM de bénéficier du lien entre les 2
> bases.
> Nicolas
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Tagguer les cinémas "art & essai"

2017-10-19 Thread Francescu GAROBY
Bonsoir Marc,
En France, un cinéma est dit "art & essai" s'il est destiné à promouvoir le
cinéma indépendant
 (ce qui ne
signifie pas qu'il ne diffuse que ça).

Le 19 octobre 2017 à 18:47, marc marc  a écrit :

> Le 19. 10. 17 à 17:33, Francescu GAROBY a écrit :
> > j'aurais besoin d'indiquer quels sont les cinémas classés "art & essai"
> c'est quoi ? le type de film projeté ? il y a d'autres catégories ?
> c'est que les cinéma ou aussi d'autre genre théâtres ?
> peut-être que ce serrait pertinent d'avoir une même clef peu importe
> le pays (même si le classement n'existe peut-être pas de manière aussi
> structurée que celui que tu cites en France)
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Saturday meeting.

2017-10-19 Thread Brian Hollinshead
Hi Dave
I will be there as well.

On 19 October 2017 at 17:38, Dave Corley  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Everything is still planned to go ahead, 10am to 4pm.
> Between Facebook, the site booking form and a few private messages, it's
> looking like there will be about 20 attending, possibly more.
> I have a load of office supplies bits already that'd I think we'll need
> (post-its, pens, paper). If you want to bring additional supplies, bring
> them. If they're not used you can always take them away with you again
> Dave
> On 19 Oct 2017 16:56, "Donal Diamond"  wrote:
> > John good luck!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Donal
> >
> >
> >
> > On 19 October 2017 at 14:17, John Ronan  wrote:
> >
> > > Hi Guys,
> > >
> > > I won't be able to make the meeting Saturday. In work, we were 18 hours
> > > on Generator Monday night/Tuesday, another 4 hours this morning and I
> > > expect we will be again on Saturday. So I expect I'll be here.
> > >
> > >
> > > Apologies,
> > >
> > > John (jpronans)
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Talk-ie mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > ___
> > Talk-ie mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
Talk-ie mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] contact

2017-10-19 Thread Anne-Marie Candès
Je vais être 4 mois à Nancy pour un CDD à l’IGN. Je veux bien un contact avec 
celui d’entre vous qui est sur Nancy pour me joindre à l’équipe locale si il y 
en a une qui est organisée sur place et progresser un peu à l’occasion 
autrement que toute seule.
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Andrew Hain
Are you saying that anything with a postcode beginning with SW should be tagged 
addr:city=London and anything beginning with TW9 or TW10 should be tagged 


From: Adam Snape 
Sent: 19 October 2017 09:35:40
To: Steve Doerr
Cc: Talk GB
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

I'm convinced that many such addresses are unnecessarily long (are there really 
multiple Weldons in the Swanscome postal area?). Nevertheless we should have a 
way of mapping them if they are the official address. I agree that more general 
guidance would aid consistency. My address mapping practice is as follows. I 
would welcome correction if others feel I am doing something incorrectly::

  *   The post town is 
tagged as addr:city (whether or not it is a city or indeed whether an otherwise 
more important place is nearer). Though this should all be in upper case when 
used I add the tag in lower case with an initial capital letter as it would 
normally be written in a sentence.

  *   For sub divisions of this area the wiki has documented tags addr:suburb 
and addr:hamlet. I tend to default to suburb everywhere except when dealing 
with an actual isolated hamlet. Where there are two subdivisions as in Steve's 
example, I'd use hamlet for the smaller one  and suburb for the larger one.

  *   The wiki suggests to avoid addr:street and addr:place together but I use 
them for things like named retail/business parks where there is also a street 
address eg.

  *   I do not tag the name of the property separately if it is the same as the 
main name=* tag

  *   Counties have not been formally part of postal addresses for many years. 
Royal Mail permits people to optionally add the name of the old Postal County, 
modern administrative or ceremonial county, or traditional county to their 
address according to their personal preference, but this plays no role in 
delivery. So I do not tag a county in the address.

So I'd tag Steve's example: name=The Spring River, addr:street=Talbot Lane, 
addr:hamlet=Weldon, addr:suburb=Ebbsfleet Valley, addr:city=Swanscombe, 
addr:postcode=DA10 1AZ

I hope that helps


On 18 Oct 2017 11:49 p.m., "Steve Doerr" 
> wrote:
On 10/10/2017 19:07, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) wrote:
It doesn't seem to have been mentioned here yet, but this quarter's UK
mapping project is to improve addresses and postcodes:

It would be useful to have some guidance on tagging for UK addresses. For 
instance, how would you tag the different elements of the following address for 
a pub/carvery that opened recently near me:

The Spring River
Talbot Lane
Ebbsfleet Valley
DA10 1AZ


Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Ajout d'un identifiant unique des cinémas en France

2017-10-19 Thread Nicolas Moyroud

même avis
avec aussi la possibilité inverse : utiliser l'identifiant osm
dans la base du site web
Sauf que pérennité des identifiants OSM dans le temps n'est pas assurée. 
Donc la solution des ref:FR:CNC reste la plus sûre et permet également à 
tout ceux qui exploitent les données OSM de bénéficier du lien entre les 
2 bases.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Tagguer les cinémas "art & essai"

2017-10-19 Thread marc marc
Le 19. 10. 17 à 17:33, Francescu GAROBY a écrit :
> j'aurais besoin d'indiquer quels sont les cinémas classés "art & essai" 

c'est quoi ? le type de film projeté ? il y a d'autres catégories ?
c'est que les cinéma ou aussi d'autre genre théâtres ?
peut-être que ce serrait pertinent d'avoir une même clef peu importe
le pays (même si le classement n'existe peut-être pas de manière aussi 
structurée que celui que tu cites en France)
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Ajout d'un identifiant unique des cinémas en France

2017-10-19 Thread marc marc
même avis
avec aussi la possibilité inverse : utiliser l'identifiant osm
dans la base du site web

Le 19. 10. 17 à 18:27, Christian Quest a écrit :
> Si il y a un identifiant CNC c'est une solution... si il n'y en a pas, 
> n'oubliez pas le SIRET... c'est pas limité aux cinémas, mais en 
> principe, c'est unique et sûrement universel.
> Le 19/10/2017 à 17:17, Francescu GAROBY a écrit :
>> Bonjour,
>> En tant que développeur d'un site pour le cinéma indépendant en 
>> France, mais sur lequel on retrouve tout de même tous les cinémas et 
>> toutes les sorties en salle, j'ai besoin d'afficher une carte (OSM, 
>> évidemment) pointant sur le cinéma (ex : Cinéma Lux 
>> , à Caen).
>> Pour l'instant, je récupère l'emplacement du cinéma, soit à partir de 
>> son adresse soit à partir des coordonnées GPS qu'une source extérieure 
>> me fournit. Sauf que cette source a parfois des coordonnées 
>> incorrectes (en gros, les coordonnées du centre de la commune).
>> Vu que a la liste des cinémas de France (fournie par le 
>> CNC) 
>> ,
>> je me disais que le plus simple serait d'ajouter à chaque node/way 
>> représentant un cinéma l'identifiant unique contenu dans ledit 
>> fichier. J'ai bien évidemment posé la question de l'unicité et de la 
>> stabilité d'un tel identifiant (cf. la discussion "Stabilité de l'ID 
>> des cinémas", sur la page  citée 
>> ci-dessus).
>> Si cela vous convient, il resterait alors à se mettre d'accord sur la 
>> clé à utiliser.
>> "ref:FR:CNC=*" me paraît pas mal, non ?
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Ajout d'un identifiant unique des cinémas en France

2017-10-19 Thread Christian Quest
Si il y a un identifiant CNC c'est une solution... si il n'y en a pas, 
n'oubliez pas le SIRET... c'est pas limité aux cinémas, mais en 
principe, c'est unique et sûrement universel.

Le 19/10/2017 à 17:17, Francescu GAROBY a écrit :

En tant que développeur d'un site pour le cinéma indépendant en 
France, mais sur lequel on retrouve tout de même tous les cinémas et 
toutes les sorties en salle, j'ai besoin d'afficher une carte (OSM, 
évidemment) pointant sur le cinéma (ex : Cinéma Lux 
, à Caen).
Pour l'instant, je récupère l'emplacement du cinéma, soit à partir de 
son adresse soit à partir des coordonnées GPS qu'une source extérieure 
me fournit. Sauf que cette source a parfois des coordonnées 
incorrectes (en gros, les coordonnées du centre de la commune).

Vu que a la liste des cinémas de France (fournie par le 
je me disais que le plus simple serait d'ajouter à chaque node/way 
représentant un cinéma l'identifiant unique contenu dans ledit 
fichier. J'ai bien évidemment posé la question de l'unicité et de la 
stabilité d'un tel identifiant (cf. la discussion "Stabilité de l'ID 
des cinémas", sur la page  citée 

Si cela vous convient, il resterait alors à se mettre d'accord sur la 
clé à utiliser.

"ref:FR:CNC=*" me paraît pas mal, non ?

Francescu GAROBY

Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Saturday meeting.

2017-10-19 Thread Donal Diamond
John good luck!


On 19 October 2017 at 14:17, John Ronan  wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> I won't be able to make the meeting Saturday. In work, we were 18 hours
> on Generator Monday night/Tuesday, another 4 hours this morning and I
> expect we will be again on Saturday. So I expect I'll be here.
> Apologies,
> John (jpronans)
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] QA per il routing

2017-10-19 Thread Cascafico Giovanni
Vada per la "patch" :-)

Finchè non modifico l'interfaccia web di routino [1], la procedura inizia
dal bot [2] telegram.

1) alleghi con la graffetta una Location
2) aspetti il messaggio "routing database aggiornato"
3) segui il link è provi la navigazione nell'area centrata sulla location.


Il 18 ottobre 2017 00:07, liste DOT girarsi AT posteo DOT eu <> ha scritto:
> Il 17/10/2017 15:10, Cascafico Giovanni ha scritto:
>> Ciao Lista,
>> ho abbozzato un generatore di grafi stradali a "pezze" per controllare la
>> navigazione. Prima di dedicarmi agli inevitabili affinamenti, qualcuno
>> dare un'occhiata [1], che io non abbia inventato l'acqua calda?
>> [1]
> Più che "pezza" la chiamerei semplicemente "patch", si capisce meglio
> secondo me.
> --
> _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
> |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
> Simone Girardelli
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Building Canada 2020 OSMGeoWeek Mapathons

2017-10-19 Thread Tracey P. Lauriault
We learned quite a bit with the carleton assignment, I hope it does not
affect my career as a professor., so far the students have been good
sports. I wll be getting 150 2 page refections from them about this process
which means we may all learn something from them to.

I learned quite a bit as well and will hopefully debrief with Denis
Carriere and the TA about our experience ans will happilily share that back
with Julia and the rest of you.

But one thing is for sure if we want to do university to community
collaboration, and we want to experiment, teach and learn, flexibility is
required and maybe sandbox practice spaces or testing space. Wikiedu does
that see

Was it a mistake? Our intentions were good! Did this process require a lot
mediation and moderation? Yes! Would I conduct this assignment again? Well,
not in the same way.  Can we move forward together? I hope so!

Stay tuned and I look forward to meeting some of yo face to face and
appreciate all the feedback and thoughts so far.

I think I will reframe the COMS2200 OSM exercise as the Carleton learning
moment for us all, and look forward to moving forward with you.


On Thursday, October 19, 2017, Julia C  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Firstly, thank you all for your feedback.
> I understand the concerns about repeating what occurred at Carleton, but
> our goal is to try our best to avoid this situation. So far the professors
> I have connected with are well aquatinted with OSM and will be targeting
> GIS students to participate. Some professors will even be grading their
> students on their contributions, so hopefully this will incentivize
> students to accurately contribute. Also, we are determining methods for
> validating the data afterwards.
> John, I agree with your opinion on prioritizing importing the building
> footprint datasets and then having participants add tags, but our focus for
> the OSMGeoWeek mapathons would be to map areas that do not have existing
> building footprint datasets to import.
> Matthew, I agree with you as well, having experts present at mapathons to
> educate participants on the correct methods of mapping is valuable. With
> this in mind, I will encourage universities to invite local OSM experts. If
> anyone is interested in participating in a university mapathon as an expert
> OSM contributor, please let me know and I can connect you to the university
> that is located within your region.
> I hope you all understand that we want these mapathons to be as
> constructive as possible, to educate students about OSM as well as to
> contribute to the Building Canada 2020 project.
> Regards,
> Julia
> On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 2:15 PM, Julia C  > wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am currently working at Mapbox on the Data Team and previously worked
>> at StatCan on the Crowdsourcing project. Mapbox is collaborating with
>> StatCan to engage Canadian universities to participate in the Building
>> Canada 2020 project
>>  by
>> hosting mapathons during OSMGeoWeek  (November
>> 12-18, 2017).
>> We want to make sure we are accomplishing this in a way that encourages
>> new Canadian mappers, while also ensuring participants are being educated
>> properly about OSM and the community.
>> The plan is to help educate Canadian universities about organizing
>> mapathons through documentations like teachOSM  as
>> well as to set up clear tasks for students to complete during the
>> mapathons. We have started outlining the information on this wiki page
>> .
>> On the Canada OSM Tasking Manager  there are
>> already some tasks related to the Building Canada 2020 project. My plan is
>> to add additional tasks for students to complete. The tasks will clearly
>> outline what the students should map and where they should map.
>> I would like to know if you have any suggestions on
>> cities/towns/communities in Canada to focus on, particularly rural regions
>> that are not mapped and have high resolution imagery.
>> Regards,
>> Julia

*Tracey P. Lauriault*

Assistant Professor
Critical Media Studies and Big Data
Communication Studies
School of Journalism and Communication
Suite 4110, River Building
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa (ON) K1S 5B6

1-613-520-2600 x7443
Skype: Tracey.P.Lauriault
Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-gb-westmidlands] Birmingham City Council

2017-10-19 Thread Brian Prangle
Hi everyone

BCC now using OSM for public announcements

Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

[Talk-gb-westmidlands] Activity Updates

2017-10-19 Thread Brian Prangle
Hi everyone

1. I'm back training Probation Pay Back Attendees with Anawim. I've
currently assigned our first new trainee the SE corner of Nuneaton to add
buildings and improve road alignments. Latest version of id is much
2. I now have a direct link into TfWM's maintainer of NaPTAN bus stops and
we're working on a process for regular updates. I'll keep you uppdated as
to progress
3. TfWM now plot their bus routes using a piece of software that uses OSM
data.It sometimes produces weird results that need some unentangling f the
OSM data, so we had good fun this week solving some of them


Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Tagguer les cinémas "art & essai"

2017-10-19 Thread Francescu GAROBY
Toujours dans mon besoin d'identifier les cinémas de France (cf. mon
précédent mail "Ajout d'un identifiant unique des cinémas en France"),
j'aurais besoin d'indiquer quels sont les cinémas classés "art & essai"
(classement attribué par le CNC, selon ses propres critères).
Dans la liste des cinémas de France, fournie par le CNC, et hébergée sur
il y a notamment indiqué si le cinéma est classé "Art & Essai" (ou pas) et,
le cas échéant, son classement (de A à E).
Je souhaiterais donc ajouter cette information dans OSM. Ce classement
étant purement uniquement français, un tag tel que "art_essai:FR=yes/no"
(l'absence de tag étant équivalent à "no") me paraît cohérent avec la
construction d'autres tags uniquement français, tels que "school:FR".

Le classement (A à E) dépendant de critères propres au CNC (population de
l'aire urbaine, pourcentage de films indépendants diffusés, ...) et ne
servant qu'à définir le montant de la subvention à laquelle le cinéma a
droit, il ne me paraît pas utile de l'indiquer dans OSM. D'autant plus que
ce classement peut évoluer plus vite que l'entrée/sortie d'un cinéma au
classement "Art & Essai".

Francescu GAROBY
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Lester Caine
On 19/10/17 15:37, Colin Smale wrote:
> Which boundaries are your referring to, which have yet to be mapped?
> There are big holes in Civil Parish + Community mapping in the north of
> England/Wales/Scotland, but most of England is OK. AFAIK all other admin
> boundaries are in there.
Parish boundaries are the one that normally catch me out ...
And often it's difficult to sort ward boundaries from one another.

> "Place" boundaries are a whole other can of worms, because they have no
> defined boundaries in most cases and most of the UK will be in the ether
> between places. They will usually differ from Royal Mail´s perspective
> anyway.
Hospital grounds and university campus boundaries are another area that
are improving, along with industrial estates, but one I look after does
not fair well with Nominatim as its WR11 post codes inside Gloucestershire.

> If the use case is to get decent results out of nominatim, we need to
> have a discussion about how best to approach that. I think we will not
> get there with OSM data alone - changes to nominatim's logic will be
> required. But it all depends on your expectations I suppose.

'Places' like Wychavon being used for directions are simply wrong, and
more of a problem often is finding places on OSMAND that are currently
not showing up properly. I had a run up to Haydock .. Wedge Avenue ...
but it does not appear. Adding postcodes around there will probably
help, but having selected 'Haydock' one would expect all the roads to be
listed? Not sure how OSMAND is holding data, but a search on
fails ... this is not really even a 'post' problem, just finding directions.

> On 2017-10-19 16:27, Lester Caine wrote:
>> On 19/10/17 14:31, Dave F wrote:
>>> On 19/10/2017 12:04, Lester Caine wrote:
 On 19/10/17 11:35, Adam Snape wrote:
> Doesn't its location within the UK make an explicit UK tag unnecessary?
 But when reading a single object tags do you know just where it is? Some
 other mechanism has to return the 'inside boundary' data which takes
 processing power.
>>> OSM is geospatially aware. Nominatim have stated that it's not intensive
>>> processing & prefer it over is_in*. If unwilling to use 'inside
>>> boundary' coding it requires *every* object to have multiple location
>>> tags for *every* search boundary. Expecting mappers to add this enormous
>>> amount of data is selfish.
>> The reverse of that is that there are a large number of boundaries that
>> have yet to be mapped and in some instances may be difficult to map at
>> all. I'm not suggesting that mappers add any more tags than useful and
>> easy to add. What I AM suggesting is that 'Expecting mappers to add this
>> enormous amount of data is ...' unnecessary when some key tags will
>> cross reference the rest of the data! And where linked data changes then
>> one does not have to address every object, just the top record.
>> Yes automation can manage and change multiple records in parallel and
>> fill multiple tags from the one entry, but does all that information
>> have to be stored raw in OSM WHEN the processing can just as easily
>> provide it?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Ajout d'un identifiant unique des cinémas en France

2017-10-19 Thread Francescu GAROBY
En tant que développeur d'un site pour le cinéma indépendant en France,
mais sur lequel on retrouve tout de même tous les cinémas et toutes les
sorties en salle, j'ai besoin d'afficher une carte (OSM, évidemment)
pointant sur le cinéma (ex : Cinéma Lux
, à Caen).
Pour l'instant, je récupère l'emplacement du cinéma, soit à partir de son
adresse soit à partir des coordonnées GPS qu'une source extérieure me
fournit. Sauf que cette source a parfois des coordonnées incorrectes (en
gros, les coordonnées du centre de la commune).

Vu que a la liste des cinémas de France (fournie par le CNC)
je me disais que le plus simple serait d'ajouter à chaque node/way
représentant un cinéma l'identifiant unique contenu dans ledit fichier.
J'ai bien évidemment posé la question de l'unicité et de la stabilité d'un
tel identifiant (cf. la discussion "Stabilité de l'ID des cinémas", sur la
page citée ci-dessus).

Si cela vous convient, il resterait alors à se mettre d'accord sur la clé à
"ref:FR:CNC=*" me paraît pas mal, non ?

Francescu GAROBY
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] qualità dei dati OSM nel territorio italiano

2017-10-19 Thread gianfranco g
Ciao Marcello.
Il tuo riferimento alle aree rurali rende la risposta  alla tua domanda
ancora più difficile. Tutti gli strumenti usualmente sviluppati sono
indirizzati alle aree urbane.
Pochi lavori puntano la loro attenzione alle aree extraurbane più che altro
tendono a vedere la qualità di mappe di uso del suolo o la popolarità di
elementi naturali. Nessun lavoro di quelli che conosco io è stato fatto in
Italia o su dati Italiani. Sono principalmente Tedeschi e Irlandesi.



On 19 Oct 2017 09:58, "Marcello Parisini"  wrote:

premetto che non sono un esperto di openstreetmap ma per una attività di
ricerca legata alle aree rurali in italia sto valutandone l'impiego.
Ho già cercato online qualcosa che spiegasse i processi o le migliori
pratiche che sono attualmente in vigore nel chapter italiano di OSM per le
considerazioni legate alla qualità dei dati ma non ho trovato un granché.
Anche nell'archivio della lista, a parte qualche scambio di consigli
nell'utilizzo dei tag non ho trovato nulla che trattasse l'argomento.
Ho quindi le seguenti domande per coloro che sono più esperti e navigati in
questi ambiti:

   1. esistono dei materiali dove si mostrano analisi sullo stato dei dati
   di OSM in Italia (possibilmente sia geografici che dei relativi tag)
   2. esistono procedure automatizzate specifiche che effettuano alcuni
   controlli per garantire il rispetto dei formalismi sui tag di base, ovvero
   cosa sappiamo di certo essere affidabile e cosa no?
   3. esistono localmente iniziative per migliorare la qualità di quanto ad
   oggi presente?
   4. esiste un elenco di organizzazioni pubbliche e private che
   ufficialmente impiegano OSM e che curano i propri contenuti su di esso ?
   (anche estere a patto che lavorino su dati nel territorio italiano)


Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Čím správně nahradit kombinaci landuse=residential + name

2017-10-19 Thread Vladimír Slávik
Ahoj, taky Líšeň v Brně myslím... Souhlasím že je to dost nešťastné, ale
netuším jak to změnit správně.

Jak je to vlastně s městy, čtvrtěmi atd? Existuje nějaký úředně daný rozsah,
který je až kamsi do lesů, který máme jako boundary s name a máme taky bod
někde uprostřed kde je name. Kam do toho pasuje označení skutečně obydlené
oblasti, která má taky to name?
landuse%3Dresidential mi nepřipadá nijak rozhodné...

-- Původní e-mail --
Od: majka 
Datum: 19. 10. 2017 15:09:38
Předmět: [Talk-cz] Čím správně nahradit kombinaci landuse=residential + name

Náhodou jsem si všimla, že máme v ČB několik míst označených kombinací
landuse=residential a name=xxx, například sídliště Máj
( nebo část Mladé (jak landuse, tak i bodem
jako place=neighbourhood.

Podle mého je to nešťastné řešení - ta území samozřejmě nejsou jen to, co je
ohraničeno tím "residential". Co s tím? Jen smazat to jméno u landuse? Nebo
se snažit zakreslit plochu pro place?

Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] qualità dei dati OSM nel territorio italiano

2017-10-19 Thread Maurizio Napolitano
2017-10-19 16:34 GMT+02:00 Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi :
> napo, io l'ho trovata nello spam.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Colin Smale
A lookup on DA10 1AZ gives the following results: 

Marstons Inn (for example)
Talbot Lane
Ebbsfleet Valley
DA10 1AZ

So it has a building name, a street name (Talbot Lane), a locality
(Ebbsfleet Valley), a sublocality (Weldon) and a post town (Swanscombe).
It that really necessary? No, of course not; and I cannot imagine why
they added so many layers to these addresses when I would expect they
would be trying to keep things simple. 

On 2017-10-19 16:34, Lester Caine wrote:

> On 19/10/17 15:30, Colin Smale wrote: 
>> It appears they don't even know/understand their own address... The post
>> town is not Ebbsfleet but Swanscombe.
> Not according to Royal Mail ;) But then that is no proof either, except
> that is where post will be delivered by them.___
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Colin Smale
Which boundaries are your referring to, which have yet to be mapped?
There are big holes in Civil Parish + Community mapping in the north of
England/Wales/Scotland, but most of England is OK. AFAIK all other admin
boundaries are in there. 

"Place" boundaries are a whole other can of worms, because they have no
defined boundaries in most cases and most of the UK will be in the ether
between places. They will usually differ from Royal Mail´s perspective

If the use case is to get decent results out of nominatim, we need to
have a discussion about how best to approach that. I think we will not
get there with OSM data alone - changes to nominatim's logic will be
required. But it all depends on your expectations I suppose. 


On 2017-10-19 16:27, Lester Caine wrote:

> On 19/10/17 14:31, Dave F wrote: On 19/10/2017 12:04, Lester Caine wrote: On 
> 19/10/17 11:35, Adam Snape wrote: Doesn't its location within the UK make an 
> explicit UK tag unnecessary? But when reading a single object tags do you 
> know just where it is? Some
> other mechanism has to return the 'inside boundary' data which takes
> processing power.

OSM is geospatially aware. Nominatim have stated that it's not intensive
processing & prefer it over is_in*. If unwilling to use 'inside
boundary' coding it requires *every* object to have multiple location
tags for *every* search boundary. Expecting mappers to add this enormous
amount of data is selfish. 
The reverse of that is that there are a large number of boundaries that
have yet to be mapped and in some instances may be difficult to map at
all. I'm not suggesting that mappers add any more tags than useful and
easy to add. What I AM suggesting is that 'Expecting mappers to add this
enormous amount of data is ...' unnecessary when some key tags will
cross reference the rest of the data! And where linked data changes then
one does not have to address every object, just the top record.

Yes automation can manage and change multiple records in parallel and
fill multiple tags from the one entry, but does all that information
have to be stored raw in OSM WHEN the processing can just as easily
provide it?___
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] qualità dei dati OSM nel territorio italiano

2017-10-19 Thread Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi
napo, io l'ho trovata nello spam. E' una mail proveniente da Yahoo mail e
il mailman di osm non riscrive gli header, di fatto creando un trigger per

2017-10-19 16:39 GMT+03:00 Maurizio Napolitano :

> > Ho già cercato online qualcosa che spiegasse i processi o le migliori
> > pratiche che sono attualmente in vigore nel chapter italiano di OSM per
> le
> > considerazioni legate alla qualità dei dati ma non ho trovato un granché.
> ci sono moltissime ricerche di carattere scientifico che mostrano la
> qualità dei dati di openstreetmap evidenziando pregi e difetti.
> Per la maggiore vale la regole del numero di utenti coinvolti in un
> area, con la conseguenze che le aree più urbanizzate hanno maggiore
> successo.
> > Anche nell'archivio della lista, a parte qualche scambio di consigli
> > nell'utilizzo dei tag non ho trovato nulla che trattasse l'argomento.
> (ho aperto una posizione di dottorato su questo)
> > Ho quindi le seguenti domande per coloro che sono più esperti e navigati
> in
> > questi ambiti:
> >
> > esistono dei materiali dove si mostrano analisi sullo stato dei dati di
> > in Italia (possibilmente sia geografici che dei relativi tag)
> Un tempo avevamo delle statistiche che erano più utili alla questione
> di cosa stavamo coprendo e come.
> Ci sono diversi strumenti con copertura mondaile che fanno questo.
> > esistono procedure automatizzate specifiche che effettuano alcuni
> controlli
> > per garantire il rispetto dei formalismi sui tag di base, ovvero cosa
> > sappiamo di certo essere affidabile e cosa no?
> dal mio personale punto di vista non lo sapremo mai.
> Il progetto ha una serie di strumenti di
> analisi che cerca correlazioni fra oggetti presenti.
> Ad esempio:
> se c'è uno sportello bancomat, allora ci deve essere anche un edificio
> Mapbox ha creato osmcha - che individua
> inserimenti sospetti
> Pascal Neis ha una serie di tool interessanti
> In queste mie slide trovi ulteriori informazioni a strumenti e
> articoli scientifici
> (poi aspetto che Marco Minghini ricordi i lavoro fatti su Milano)
> Apple sviluppa e distribuisce i sorgenti del tool Atlas -
> che verifica anche
> l'integrità dei dati -
> Molti di questi output sono portati poi in maproulette
> La stessa Apple corregge questi dati.
> Discorso analogo lo fa Facebook che, non solo crea nuovi dati partendo
> dall'analisi di foto satellitari e inserimento
> manuale ma va a verificarli chiedendo agli utenti stessi.
> Molta dell'attenzione attuale è sul grafo stradale.
> > esistono localmente iniziative per migliorare la qualità di quanto ad
> oggi
> > presente?
> a parte i già citati sopra, bene o male tutte le azioni di mapathon o
> di mapping party fanno questo.
> Anche qui cito ancora Marco Minghini con l'iniziativa polimappers.
> > esiste un elenco di organizzazioni pubbliche e private che ufficialmente
> > impiegano OSM e che curano i propri contenuti su di esso ? (anche estere
> a
> > patto che lavorino su dati nel territorio italiano)
> è un po' difficile tracciarle tutte ma sono molte più di quello chepensi.
> Già cercare sugli store delle app per smartphone basta per farsi una idea.
> Si va da grossi come Apple, Facebook, ESRI ad emergenti come Mapbox,
> Mapzen,Carto a realtà
> più piccole e italine.
> Quello che ti posso dire è che la ricerca "OpenData200" -
> ha evidenziato
> che la maggior parte delle aziende italiane che fanno uso di opendata,
> finiscono con l'usare openstreetmap
> come base dati grazie al grado di copertura.
> (dall'elenco escludo tutte quelle aziende o pa o ong che usano la
> mappa di osm in background)
> PS:
> non ho capito se questa richiesta è arrivata ad Alessandro che la ha
> girata qui oppure se mi sono perso il thead.
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi
skype: asca_edom
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Lester Caine
On 19/10/17 15:30, Colin Smale wrote:
> It appears they don't even know/understand their own address... The post
> town is not Ebbsfleet but Swanscombe.

Not according to Royal Mail ;) But then that is no proof either, except
that is where post will be delivered by them.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] highway=track v landuse=residential?

2017-10-19 Thread Mikoláš Štrajt
Já jsem takhle "upgradoval" z highway=track na highway=residential ulice u
nás ve Hvozdnici, když je pojmenovali.

Viz třeba

-- Původní e-mail --
Od: majka 
Datum: 19. 10. 2017 11:24:39
Předmět: [Talk-cz] highway=track v landuse=residential?
Zdravím všechny.

Není tahle kombinace ze své podstaty nesmysl? Tím myslím hlavně to označení
jako "polní/lesní cestu" v zástavbě, a obdobně vlastně pro celou kategorii
"zastavěné prostředí"

Konkrétně třeba tady( , totéž
při pohledu na streetview
, kde to vypadá jen a pouze na neaktuální data. 

Původně jsem na to narazila u nás
, kde to není tak zřejmé, ale jedná se o stejný případ. Osobně i na
vesnicích takové cesty stříhám, a za highway=track označuji až to, co začíná
za vsí a jde do polí, zbytek dávám většinou jako highway=service, pokud jde
o takové ty uzounké příjezdové či obslužné cesty, které jsou prostorově v
"landuse=residential" - a to nezávisle na povrchu a stavu. Ten druhý uvedený
příklad navíc spojuje dvě "residential" části téže ulice, nevede nikam

Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Lester Caine
On 19/10/17 14:31, Dave F wrote:
> On 19/10/2017 12:04, Lester Caine wrote:
>> On 19/10/17 11:35, Adam Snape wrote:
>>> Doesn't its location within the UK make an explicit UK tag unnecessary?
>> But when reading a single object tags do you know just where it is? Some
>> other mechanism has to return the 'inside boundary' data which takes
>> processing power.
> OSM is geospatially aware. Nominatim have stated that it's not intensive
> processing & prefer it over is_in*. If unwilling to use 'inside
> boundary' coding it requires *every* object to have multiple location
> tags for *every* search boundary. Expecting mappers to add this enormous
> amount of data is selfish.

The reverse of that is that there are a large number of boundaries that
have yet to be mapped and in some instances may be difficult to map at
all. I'm not suggesting that mappers add any more tags than useful and
easy to add. What I AM suggesting is that 'Expecting mappers to add this
enormous amount of data is ...' unnecessary when some key tags will
cross reference the rest of the data! And where linked data changes then
one does not have to address every object, just the top record.

Yes automation can manage and change multiple records in parallel and
fill multiple tags from the one entry, but does all that information
have to be stored raw in OSM WHEN the processing can just as easily
provide it?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Building Canada 2020 OSMGeoWeek Mapathons

2017-10-19 Thread Julia C
Hi everyone,

Firstly, thank you all for your feedback.

I understand the concerns about repeating what occurred at Carleton, but
our goal is to try our best to avoid this situation. So far the professors
I have connected with are well aquatinted with OSM and will be targeting
GIS students to participate. Some professors will even be grading their
students on their contributions, so hopefully this will incentivize
students to accurately contribute. Also, we are determining methods for
validating the data afterwards.

John, I agree with your opinion on prioritizing importing the building
footprint datasets and then having participants add tags, but our focus for
the OSMGeoWeek mapathons would be to map areas that do not have existing
building footprint datasets to import.

Matthew, I agree with you as well, having experts present at mapathons to
educate participants on the correct methods of mapping is valuable. With
this in mind, I will encourage universities to invite local OSM experts. If
anyone is interested in participating in a university mapathon as an expert
OSM contributor, please let me know and I can connect you to the university
that is located within your region.

I hope you all understand that we want these mapathons to be as
constructive as possible, to educate students about OSM as well as to
contribute to the Building Canada 2020 project.


On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 2:15 PM, Julia C  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I am currently working at Mapbox on the Data Team and previously worked at
> StatCan on the Crowdsourcing project. Mapbox is collaborating with
> StatCan to engage Canadian universities to participate in the Building
> Canada 2020 project
> by
> hosting mapathons during OSMGeoWeek  (November
> 12-18, 2017).
> We want to make sure we are accomplishing this in a way that encourages
> new Canadian mappers, while also ensuring participants are being educated
> properly about OSM and the community.
> The plan is to help educate Canadian universities about organizing
> mapathons through documentations like teachOSM  as
> well as to set up clear tasks for students to complete during the
> mapathons. We have started outlining the information on this wiki page
> .
> On the Canada OSM Tasking Manager  there are
> already some tasks related to the Building Canada 2020 project. My plan is
> to add additional tasks for students to complete. The tasks will clearly
> outline what the students should map and where they should map.
> I would like to know if you have any suggestions on
> cities/towns/communities in Canada to focus on, particularly rural regions
> that are not mapped and have high resolution imagery.
> Regards,
> Julia
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Steve Doerr

On 19/10/2017 12:42, Dave F wrote:

Where did you get that address? Their website shows it as:

Spring River,
Talbot Lane,
DA10 1AZ

I got the address from a till receipt the first time I ate there, and 
also checked the Royal Mail site.

Which bit is Talbot Lane; it's not tagged.

I haven't found it yet, as it doesn't appear to be signed on the ground. 
Also, the road layout in OSM is based on aerial imagery and is out of date.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Saturday meeting.

2017-10-19 Thread Tadeusz Cantwell
I am still good to open the venue.

On 19 Oct 2017 2:43 PM, "Donal Hunt"  wrote:

> I intend to travel up from Cork despite the weather forecast for the
> weekend (windy but we'll be inside so it'll be fine).
> If others are unable to make it (still plenty of people recovering from
> Monday it seems) and a reschedule become likely, notification before lunch
> tomorrow would be appreciated. Will cancel the trip up and do the other
> errands I have another weekend.
> Let us know if you need anything to support the event. Can bring printer,
> office supplies, etc if needed.
> Thanks!
> Donal
> On 19 Oct 2017 14:18, "John Ronan"  wrote:
> > Hi Guys,
> >
> > I won't be able to make the meeting Saturday. In work, we were 18 hours
> > on Generator Monday night/Tuesday, another 4 hours this morning and I
> > expect we will be again on Saturday. So I expect I'll be here.
> >
> >
> > Apologies,
> >
> > John (jpronans)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-ie mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Saturday meeting.

2017-10-19 Thread Donal Hunt
I intend to travel up from Cork despite the weather forecast for the
weekend (windy but we'll be inside so it'll be fine).

If others are unable to make it (still plenty of people recovering from
Monday it seems) and a reschedule become likely, notification before lunch
tomorrow would be appreciated. Will cancel the trip up and do the other
errands I have another weekend.

Let us know if you need anything to support the event. Can bring printer,
office supplies, etc if needed.



On 19 Oct 2017 14:18, "John Ronan"  wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> I won't be able to make the meeting Saturday. In work, we were 18 hours
> on Generator Monday night/Tuesday, another 4 hours this morning and I
> expect we will be again on Saturday. So I expect I'll be here.
> Apologies,
> John (jpronans)
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] qualità dei dati OSM nel territorio italiano

2017-10-19 Thread Maurizio Napolitano
> Ho già cercato online qualcosa che spiegasse i processi o le migliori
> pratiche che sono attualmente in vigore nel chapter italiano di OSM per le
> considerazioni legate alla qualità dei dati ma non ho trovato un granché.

ci sono moltissime ricerche di carattere scientifico che mostrano la
qualità dei dati di openstreetmap evidenziando pregi e difetti.
Per la maggiore vale la regole del numero di utenti coinvolti in un
area, con la conseguenze che le aree più urbanizzate hanno maggiore

> Anche nell'archivio della lista, a parte qualche scambio di consigli
> nell'utilizzo dei tag non ho trovato nulla che trattasse l'argomento.

(ho aperto una posizione di dottorato su questo)

> Ho quindi le seguenti domande per coloro che sono più esperti e navigati in
> questi ambiti:
> esistono dei materiali dove si mostrano analisi sullo stato dei dati di OSM
> in Italia (possibilmente sia geografici che dei relativi tag)

Un tempo avevamo delle statistiche che erano più utili alla questione
di cosa stavamo coprendo e come.
Ci sono diversi strumenti con copertura mondaile che fanno questo.

> esistono procedure automatizzate specifiche che effettuano alcuni controlli
> per garantire il rispetto dei formalismi sui tag di base, ovvero cosa
> sappiamo di certo essere affidabile e cosa no?

dal mio personale punto di vista non lo sapremo mai.
Il progetto ha una serie di strumenti di
analisi che cerca correlazioni fra oggetti presenti.
Ad esempio:
se c'è uno sportello bancomat, allora ci deve essere anche un edificio

Mapbox ha creato osmcha - che individua
inserimenti sospetti
Pascal Neis ha una serie di tool interessanti
In queste mie slide trovi ulteriori informazioni a strumenti e
articoli scientifici
(poi aspetto che Marco Minghini ricordi i lavoro fatti su Milano)

Apple sviluppa e distribuisce i sorgenti del tool Atlas - che verifica anche
l'integrità dei dati -

Molti di questi output sono portati poi in maproulette
La stessa Apple corregge questi dati.

Discorso analogo lo fa Facebook che, non solo crea nuovi dati partendo
dall'analisi di foto satellitari e inserimento
manuale ma va a verificarli chiedendo agli utenti stessi.

Molta dell'attenzione attuale è sul grafo stradale.

> esistono localmente iniziative per migliorare la qualità di quanto ad oggi
> presente?

a parte i già citati sopra, bene o male tutte le azioni di mapathon o
di mapping party fanno questo.
Anche qui cito ancora Marco Minghini con l'iniziativa polimappers.

> esiste un elenco di organizzazioni pubbliche e private che ufficialmente
> impiegano OSM e che curano i propri contenuti su di esso ? (anche estere a
> patto che lavorino su dati nel territorio italiano)

è un po' difficile tracciarle tutte ma sono molte più di quello chepensi.
Già cercare sugli store delle app per smartphone basta per farsi una idea.
Si va da grossi come Apple, Facebook, ESRI ad emergenti come Mapbox,
Mapzen,Carto a realtà
più piccole e italine.
Quello che ti posso dire è che la ricerca "OpenData200" - ha evidenziato
che la maggior parte delle aziende italiane che fanno uso di opendata,
finiscono con l'usare openstreetmap
come base dati grazie al grado di copertura.

(dall'elenco escludo tutte quelle aziende o pa o ong che usano la
mappa di osm in background)

non ho capito se questa richiesta è arrivata ad Alessandro che la ha
girata qui oppure se mi sono perso il thead.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Dave F

On 19/10/2017 12:04, Lester Caine wrote:

On 19/10/17 11:35, Adam Snape wrote:

Doesn't its location within the UK make an explicit UK tag unnecessary?

But when reading a single object tags do you know just where it is? Some
other mechanism has to return the 'inside boundary' data which takes
processing power.

OSM is geospatially aware. Nominatim have stated that it's not intensive 
processing & prefer it over is_in*. If unwilling to use 'inside 
boundary' coding it requires *every* object to have multiple location 
tags for *every* search boundary. Expecting mappers to add this enormous 
amount of data is selfish.


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Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] qualità dei dati OSM nel territorio italiano

2017-10-19 Thread Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi
Ciao Marcello,
la tua è una domanda più che legittima la cui risposta è un salomonico

Come ti ha risposto Alessandro prima, trattandosi di un database prodotto
in maniera condivisa ci sono zone super dettagliate e zone totalmente
bianche. Per quel che riguarda l'Italia la rete stradale dovrebbe essere
praticamente completa, ma ad esempio i civici o gli edifici ci sono solo a
macchia di leopardo.

La coerenza e l'omogeneità dei dati è del tutto soggettiva. Trattandosi di
un progetto mondiale in cui si mischiano migliaia di culture diverse, anche
il senso di un singolo tag può variare considerevolmente a seconda di dove
lo si è usato. Un nightclub in italia è cosa ben diversa da un nightclub
negli states.

Il fatto che chiunque possa contribuire senza supervisione e senza dover
prendere coscienza di tutte le discussioni pregressa fa che i false friends
inducano mappatori alle prime armi ad introdurre dettagli in maniera

Che poi "sbagliata" è del tutto velleitario. Non esistono leggi scolpite su
pietra e vige una anarchia controllata.

Ti puoi aspettare una sorta di omogeneità sia di completezza che di
coerenza se analizzi una zona limitata ma se valichi i confini nazionali o
regionali può già non essere più vero.

Nel tempo sono stati sviluppati molti strumenti per verificare lo spelling
corretto dei nomi delle strade, comparare l'estensione del reticolo
stradale con quello calcolato dal ISTAT o altre fonti simili, ma un tool
singolo non esiste e non esiterà perché non esiste un set "minimo" od uno
"massimo" di dettagli necessari alla mappa. Ed inoltre non esistono dataset
di confronto che possano essere considerati "definitivi".

E' - e rimarrà - un work in progress perfettibile ed approfondibile


2017-10-19 15:49 GMT+03:00 Alessandro Palmas :

> Il 19/10/2017 10:53, Marcello Parisini ha scritto:
> Ciao,
> premetto che non sono un esperto di openstreetmap ma per una attività di
> ricerca legata alle aree rurali in italia sto valutandone l'impiego.
> Ho già cercato online qualcosa che spiegasse i processi o le migliori
> pratiche che sono attualmente in vigore nel chapter italiano di OSM per le
> considerazioni legate alla qualità dei dati ma non ho trovato un granché.
> Anche nell'archivio della lista, a parte qualche scambio di consigli
> nell'utilizzo dei tag non ho trovato nulla che trattasse l'argomento.
> Ho quindi le seguenti domande per coloro che sono più esperti e navigati
> in questi ambiti:
>1. esistono dei materiali dove si mostrano analisi sullo stato dei
>dati di OSM in Italia (possibilmente sia geografici che dei relativi tag)
>2. esistono procedure automatizzate specifiche che effettuano alcuni
>controlli per garantire il rispetto dei formalismi sui tag di base, ovvero
>cosa sappiamo di certo essere affidabile e cosa no?
>3. esistono localmente iniziative per migliorare la qualità di quanto
>ad oggi presente?
>4. esiste un elenco di organizzazioni pubbliche e private che
>ufficialmente impiegano OSM e che curano i propri contenuti su di esso ?
>(anche estere a patto che lavorino su dati nel territorio italiano)
> Ciao,
> spero che questo argomento riceva adeguata risposta.
> Io posso giusto inserire alcuni commenti ai vari punti.
> 1. ti riferisci alla completezza, alla qualità o a quali altri parametri?
> 2. esistono siti e procedure automatizzate per il controllo qualità. Le
> verifiche formali però non sono correlate all'affidabilità intesa come
> reale presenza sul territorio di quell'oggetto in un intorno X (dove X
> potrebbe essere minore di 50 cm o 10 metri) da quello indicato sulla mappa.
> 3. esistono sia a livello locale nelle zone in cui c'è un minimo di
> comunità attiva e collaborante (ad esempio a Genova siamo 5 o 6 ma abbiamo
> un ottimo polso sulla situazione della città e sempre più spesso siamo i
> primi a registrare i cambiamenti sul territorio). Esistono staff di aziende
> che fanno business coi dati OSM (Mapbox e altri) che quotidianamente
> eseguono controlli.
> 4. non penso esista un elenco ma giorno dopo giorno scopro che aziende e
> enti 'insospettabili' usano OSM
> Essendo una wiki mappa esattamente come wikipedia può avere punti di
> eccellenza ma anche zone semivuote. Gli sforzi degli attivisti mirano anche
> a far nascere e crescere sempre di più comunità locali che presidiando il
> territorio oltre a mapparlo la prima volta ne proseguano la cura
> registrandone i cambiamenti quotidiani.
> Attendiamo ora interventi più significativi.
> Alessandro
> --
> Alessandro Palmas
> Project Manager OpenStreetMap per Wikimedia Italia
> Mobile 3289671753 - 3938251416
> Wikimedia Italia - Associazione per la diffusione della conoscenza libera
> via Bergognone 34 - 20144 Milano
> Anche nel 2017 è possibile destinare il 5x1000 a Wikimedia Italia.
> Libera la cultura! Scrivi il codice fiscale 94039910156.

[OSM-talk-ie] Saturday meeting.

2017-10-19 Thread John Ronan
Hi Guys,

I won't be able to make the meeting Saturday. In work, we were 18 hours
on Generator Monday night/Tuesday, another 4 hours this morning and I
expect we will be again on Saturday. So I expect I'll be here.


John (jpronans)

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Colin Smale
Points - as in delivery points (letterboxes). If you try to analyse the
postcodes into areas, you will find all kinds of exclaves and enclaves.
To go from a postcode+house number to lat/long, you need to do a lookup
in the PAF. If you only have a partial code, you can get an
approximation You cannot go from an arbitrary lat/lon to "the postcode",
without first mapping the location to a "building" that has one or more

I am 99% sure that CodePoint Polygon is not normative - it is just a
bunch of Voronoi polygons arranged around the points. If a new delivery
point is created (a new building for example) it will not tell you
(definitively) what the postcode will be. Many non-residential
buildings, particularly in rural areas (farm outbuildings for example),
are not "addressable" with a postcode/number (or name). Just because
they happen to fall into a certain polygon, it does not imply that the
postcode (if one were ever needed) would be X. 

The value that Royal Mail recognise in the PAF is the ability to go from
a postcode to a location for the purposes of delivery planning - both
their own, and of third parties, plus that it can form the basis of a
complete list of all "addressable" units in the country. 

I am pretty sure as well that route planners work by first translating
the postcode to lat/lon, then routing to the nearest point to there -
i.e. they don't actually have the postcode for every individual
household/company etc. 

Deriving your own polygons from the points has been tried before:


On 2017-10-19 14:00, Steven Horner wrote:

>> Postcodes refer to points, not to polygons.
> Are you saying a point in OpenStreetMap terms?
> UK postcodes generally cover an area/polygon. How big that area is appears to 
> come down to how much mail that area is likely to receive, I think that's how 
> its described on Wikipedia. So it could cover one building, a street or a 
> huge area if rural.
> Ordnance Survey sell CodePoint Polygons which is the polygons each postcode 
> covers. Obviously we can't use that. 
> On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 12:31 PM, Colin Smale  wrote:
> In the UK, this algorithm is useless if you expect to get the actual address 
> that you could send a letter to, or that you could ask for directions to.
> On 2017-10-19 13:23, Marc Gemis wrote: 
> Maybe it is interesting to repeat how Nominatim resolves addresses,
> just in case someone wants to do a search after adding an address.
> - Nominatim starts from an address point (or building way with
> address). It takes the house number from it and the street name.
> - It tries to match the street name with a nearby street.
> - The rest of the info, suburb, city, country, etc are taken from the
> way. i.e. it looks in which boundary the way lies and work its way up
> the admin levels.
> - In case there is no boundary, it can use a place node as well to
> determine the name of a certain admin level, but that is less precise
> - postal codes are taken from the address point, when specified. This
> is needed in UK/USA but not in e.g. Belgium or Germany.
> [1] is your friend to understand where
> the data is coming from.
> Of course, if you only work with a relational database (as Lester
> pointed out), one prefers all data on the address node.
> Relational DB with GIS extensions do not need this (e.g. Nominatim).
> Nominatim's approach currently has problems with streets on the border
> of e.g. 2 villages. Sara Hoffmann (Lonvia) told me that there are some
> plans to fix this.
> regards
> m.
> On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 10:35 AM, Adam Snape  wrote: 
> I'm convinced that many such addresses are unnecessarily long (are there
> really multiple Weldons in the Swanscome postal area?). Nevertheless we
> should have a way of mapping them if they are the official address. I agree
> that more general guidance would aid consistency. My address mapping
> practice is as follows. I would welcome correction if others feel I am doing
> something incorrectly::
> The post town
> [2] is
> tagged as addr:city (whether or not it is a city or indeed whether an
> otherwise more important place is nearer). Though this should all be in
> upper case when used I add the tag in lower case with an initial capital
> letter as it would normally be written in a sentence.
> For sub divisions of this area the wiki has documented tags addr:suburb and
> addr:hamlet. I tend to default to suburb everywhere except when dealing with
> an actual isolated hamlet. Where there are two subdivisions as in Steve's
> example, I'd use hamlet for the smaller one  and suburb for the larger one.
> The wiki suggests to avoid addr:street 

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Adam Snape
Yes, I was talking about in OSM, so was reluctant to go looking up the RM
version. When I used to sell stuff I did check with the RM website before
sending stuff out.  In my local area I know which postcodes are for which
post town so I can correct without referring to the RM.
For delivery, yes, only the postcode and house number are strictly needed
(with a few exceptions where there is both a main and subsidiary street).
The remainder is basically a backup. I don't really see that that ought to
prevent us mapping full address data in OSM.

On 19 October 2017 at 13:32, Lester Caine  wrote:

> On 19/10/17 13:15, Adam Snape wrote:
> > But Ebbsfleet is not a Post Town. The address will include Swanscombe. I
> > should have said before that my experience (as an eBay seller) is lots
> > of  people are unaware of their correct postal address. Each postcode
> > section eg. DA1, DA2, DA3... will have a particular post town, so I
> > correct this which I know to be wrong for the postcode. Because several
> > of the editors don't include a box for suburb or hamlet it is aslo
> > common to see names of villages or suburbs in the tagged as addr:city.
> From a postal point of view, the result of a lookup on the Royal Mail
> website is the best way of checking a postcode and the return from DA10
> 1AZ is longer than some results and is what Steve listed originally. If
> we can actually use that view of the data is a little grey, but one can
> at least check where one is shipping something is correct. I'm sure
> manually top level sorting post, the post person will be looking at the
> postal town rather than the postcode, but on automated machines then
> only the name and postcode are relevant.
> --
> Lester Caine - G8HFL
> -
> Contact -
> L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
> EnquirySolve -
> Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
> Rainbow Digital Media -
> ___
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[OSM-talk-fr] Des ajouts où osmose râle : les boites aux lettres

2017-10-19 Thread Nicolas Bétheuil

J'ai ajouté depuis un moment une boite aux lettre à Jarnac et je me suis
rendu compte que je n'avais pas fait les choses correctement au vue du
rapport osmose. L'erreur 7051 référence 8023 qui n'existe pas

la boite aux lettre ajoutée

Puis en fait en re-regardant j'ai ça
L'erreur 8025 n'est pas documentée.

Mais de tout ça il me manque de
façon à corriger efficacement.

Comment pourrais-je mieux contribuer pour ne pas faire plus d'erreurs que
de contributions ?
Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-cz] Čím správně nahradit kombinaci landuse=residential + name

2017-10-19 Thread majka
Náhodou jsem si všimla, že máme v ČB několik míst označených kombinací
landuse=residential a name=xxx, například sídliště Máj
 nebo část Mladé (jak landuse, tak i bodem
jako place=neighbourhood.

Podle mého je to nešťastné řešení - ta území samozřejmě nejsou jen to, co
je ohraničeno tím "residential". Co s tím? Jen smazat to jméno u landuse?
Nebo se snažit zakreslit plochu pro place?
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Adam Snape
Haha, fair enough, it must depend where you live and the purposes for
needing an address. I apologise for the digression.

On 19 October 2017 at 14:02, Andy Townsend  wrote:

> On 19/10/2017 13:15, Adam Snape wrote:
>> To my mind Nominatim should use postal addresses where tagged in OSM
>> rather than trying to interpolate a address from admin boundaries. As a
>> backup it is better than nothing but it prodcues some bizarre results.
>> Somebody might live in Blackburn or Darwen, but they don't live in
>> Blackburn with Darwen
> I'd much rather that Nominatim tried to guess where I actually live rather
> than the "legal fictions" that the Post Office (or whoever they've been
> sold to now) seem to rely on.
> Regards,
> Andy
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Tom Hughes

On 19/10/17 13:00, Steven Horner wrote:

UK postcodes generally cover an area/polygon. How big that area is 
appears to come down to how much mail that area is likely to receive, I 
think that's how its described on Wikipedia. So it could cover one 
building, a street or a huge area if rural.

Ordnance Survey sell CodePoint Polygons which is the polygons each 
postcode covers. Obviously we can't use that.

No, that really isn't true.

There is no defined area or polygon for a post code.

Post codes are defined as a list of delivery points.

Any polygon you see for a postcode has been invented by using some 
algorithm to draw a polygon that happens to encapsulate all those 
delivery points.

Depending on the algorithm that may or may allow for overlapping 
polygons and in general you may get different answer depending on the 
details of the algorithm used.


Tom Hughes (

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Andy Townsend

On 19/10/2017 13:15, Adam Snape wrote:
To my mind Nominatim should use postal addresses where tagged in 
OSM rather than trying to interpolate a address from admin boundaries. 
As a backup it is better than nothing but it prodcues some bizarre 
results. Somebody might live in Blackburn or Darwen, but they don't 
live in Blackburn with Darwen

I'd much rather that Nominatim tried to guess where I actually live 
rather than the "legal fictions" that the Post Office (or whoever 
they've been sold to now) seem to rely on.



Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] qualità dei dati OSM nel territorio italiano

2017-10-19 Thread Alessandro Palmas

Il 19/10/2017 10:53, Marcello Parisini ha scritto:

premetto che non sono un esperto di openstreetmap ma per una attività 
di ricerca legata alle aree rurali in italia sto valutandone l'impiego.
Ho già cercato online qualcosa che spiegasse i processi o le migliori 
pratiche che sono attualmente in vigore nel chapter italiano di OSM 
per le considerazioni legate alla qualità dei dati ma non ho trovato 
un granché. Anche nell'archivio della lista, a parte qualche scambio 
di consigli nell'utilizzo dei tag non ho trovato nulla che trattasse 
Ho quindi le seguenti domande per coloro che sono più esperti e 
navigati in questi ambiti:

 1. esistono dei materiali dove si mostrano analisi sullo stato dei
dati di OSM in Italia (possibilmente sia geografici che dei
relativi tag)
 2. esistono procedure automatizzate specifiche che effettuano alcuni
controlli per garantire il rispetto dei formalismi sui tag di
base, ovvero cosa sappiamo di certo essere affidabile e cosa no?
 3. esistono localmente iniziative per migliorare la qualità di quanto
ad oggi presente?
 4. esiste un elenco di organizzazioni pubbliche e private che
ufficialmente impiegano OSM e che curano i propri contenuti su di
esso ? (anche estere a patto che lavorino su dati nel territorio

spero che questo argomento riceva adeguata risposta.
Io posso giusto inserire alcuni commenti ai vari punti.

1. ti riferisci alla completezza, alla qualità o a quali altri parametri?

2. esistono siti e procedure automatizzate per il controllo qualità. Le 
verifiche formali però non sono correlate all'affidabilità intesa come 
reale presenza sul territorio di quell'oggetto in un intorno X (dove X 
potrebbe essere minore di 50 cm o 10 metri) da quello indicato sulla mappa.

3. esistono sia a livello locale nelle zone in cui c'è un minimo di 
comunità attiva e collaborante (ad esempio a Genova siamo 5 o 6 ma 
abbiamo un ottimo polso sulla situazione della città e sempre più spesso 
siamo i primi a registrare i cambiamenti sul territorio). Esistono staff 
di aziende che fanno business coi dati OSM (Mapbox e altri) che 
quotidianamente eseguono controlli.

4. non penso esista un elenco ma giorno dopo giorno scopro che aziende e 
enti 'insospettabili' usano OSM

Essendo una wiki mappa esattamente come wikipedia può avere punti di 
eccellenza ma anche zone semivuote. Gli sforzi degli attivisti mirano 
anche a far nascere e crescere sempre di più comunità locali che 
presidiando il territorio oltre a mapparlo la prima volta ne proseguano 
la cura registrandone i cambiamenti quotidiani.

Attendiamo ora interventi più significativi.


Alessandro Palmas
Project Manager OpenStreetMap per Wikimedia Italia
Mobile 3289671753 - 3938251416

Wikimedia Italia - Associazione per la diffusione della conoscenza libera
via Bergognone 34 - 20144 Milano

Anche nel 2017 è possibile destinare il 5x1000 a Wikimedia Italia.
Libera la cultura! Scrivi il codice fiscale 94039910156.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread David Woolley

On 19/10/17 13:15, Adam Snape wrote:
Despite postcode polygons sometimes being used, they are really just 
automatically calculated from the delivery points to which the postcode 

There is an extended version of the postcode, which includes an extra 
two (I think) characters, that qualify it to an individual delivery 
point.  I think you have to subscribe to the Walksort service, or 
similar, to be able to see the list of those, but anyone who receives 
official mail with a pre-printed bar code, could, in principle, find 
their full code.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Stuart Reynolds
The Post Office is quite happy to invent places and create addresses that don’t 
reflect the reality on the ground.

For example, Shoeburyness is actually South Shoebury (the CofE church is still 
called St Andrews South Shoebury) but the PO insisted (in the dim and distant 
past) of calling it Shoeburyness because the Garrison was out on the ness.

Equally, a little more up to date, New Mills has a post town of Stockport, in 
Cheshire (or possibly Greater Manchester these days, I’m not sure of the 
boundaries) despite New Mills being firmly in the administrative area of 
Derbyshire. Much to the irritation of the people I knew in New Mills at the 

We run a risk of people external to the UK not understanding this when we put 
it into OSM.


On 19 Oct 2017, at 13:32, Lester Caine 
> wrote:

On 19/10/17 13:15, Adam Snape wrote:
But Ebbsfleet is not a Post Town. The address will include Swanscombe. I
should have said before that my experience (as an eBay seller) is lots
of  people are unaware of their correct postal address. Each postcode
section eg. DA1, DA2, DA3... will have a particular post town, so I
correct this which I know to be wrong for the postcode. Because several
of the editors don't include a box for suburb or hamlet it is aslo
common to see names of villages or suburbs in the tagged as addr:city.

From a postal point of view, the result of a lookup on the Royal Mail
website is the best way of checking a postcode and the return from DA10
1AZ is longer than some results and is what Steve listed originally. If
we can actually use that view of the data is a little grey, but one can
at least check where one is shipping something is correct. I'm sure
manually top level sorting post, the post person will be looking at the
postal town rather than the postcode, but on automated machines then
only the name and postcode are relevant.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

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Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Ed Loach
> For anyone else reading, we're talking about

When I drilled down a bit I found an NG column with a * in it, e.g.

In this instance I think the 4 CO13 3 codes are PO Boxes but fall just below 
your threshold of 5 but am wondering if NG is non-geographic?



Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Lester Caine
On 19/10/17 13:15, Adam Snape wrote:
> But Ebbsfleet is not a Post Town. The address will include Swanscombe. I
> should have said before that my experience (as an eBay seller) is lots
> of  people are unaware of their correct postal address. Each postcode
> section eg. DA1, DA2, DA3... will have a particular post town, so I
> correct this which I know to be wrong for the postcode. Because several
> of the editors don't include a box for suburb or hamlet it is aslo
> common to see names of villages or suburbs in the tagged as addr:city.

From a postal point of view, the result of a lookup on the Royal Mail
website is the best way of checking a postcode and the return from DA10
1AZ is longer than some results and is what Steve listed originally. If
we can actually use that view of the data is a little grey, but one can
at least check where one is shipping something is correct. I'm sure
manually top level sorting post, the post person will be looking at the
postal town rather than the postcode, but on automated machines then
only the name and postcode are relevant.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Adam Snape
But Ebbsfleet is not a Post Town. The address will include Swanscombe. I
should have said before that my experience (as an eBay seller) is lots of
people are unaware of their correct postal address. Each postcode section
eg. DA1, DA2, DA3... will have a particular post town, so I correct this
which I know to be wrong for the postcode. Because several of the editors
don't include a box for suburb or hamlet it is aslo common to see names of
villages or suburbs in the tagged as addr:city.

Colin made a couple of great points. A postcode so far as it exists is
really just an attribute applied to various delivery points. Despite
postcode polygons sometimes being used, they are really just automatically
calculated from the delivery points to which the postcode applies.

Colin was also right to draw a distinction between postal addresses and
administrative areas in the UK.  To my mind Nominatim should use postal
addresses where tagged in OSM rather than trying to interpolate a address
from admin boundaries. As a backup it is better than nothing but it
prodcues some bizarre results. Somebody might live in Blackburn or Darwen,
but they don't live in Blackburn with Darwen


On 19 October 2017 at 12:42, Dave F  wrote:

> Hi
> Occasionally, especially with businesses, extra 'bits' get added to make
> their establishment appear posher than it actually is.
> Looking at it's location you can see why. 'Next to the interchange' won't
> entice many customers.
> Where did you get that address? Their website shows it as:
> Spring River,
> Talbot Lane,
> Ebbsfleet,
> DA10 1AZ
> Which bit is Talbot Lane; it's not tagged.
> DaveF
> On 18/10/2017 23:48, Steve Doerr wrote:
>> On 10/10/2017 19:07, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) wrote:
>>> It doesn't seem to have been mentioned here yet, but this quarter's UK
>>> mapping project is to improve addresses and postcodes:
>>> ping-project/
>> It would be useful to have some guidance on tagging for UK addresses. For
>> instance, how would you tag the different elements of the following address
>> for a pub/carvery that opened recently near me:
>> The Spring River
>> Talbot Lane
>> Weldon
>> Ebbsfleet Valley
>> DA10 1AZ
>> Regards,
>> Steve
>> ___
>> Talk-GB mailing list
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> ___
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Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Philip Barnes
The polygons can also overlap. The road I live on is a crescent with different 
postcodes for odd (outside) and even (inside) resulting in the centroids being 
close together and within the even area.

Phil (trigpoint) 

On 19 October 2017 13:00:25 BST, Steven Horner  wrote:
>> Postcodes refer to points, not to polygons.
>Are you saying a point in OpenStreetMap terms?
>UK postcodes generally cover an area/polygon. How big that area is
>to come down to how much mail that area is likely to receive, I think
>that's how its described on Wikipedia. So it could cover one building,
>street or a huge area if rural.
>Ordnance Survey sell CodePoint Polygons which is the polygons each
>covers. Obviously we can't use that.
>On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 12:31 PM, Colin Smale 
>> In the UK, this algorithm is useless if you expect to get the actual
>> address that you could send a letter to, or that you could ask for
>> directions to.
>> On 2017-10-19 13:23, Marc Gemis wrote:
>> Maybe it is interesting to repeat how Nominatim resolves addresses,
>> just in case someone wants to do a search after adding an address.
>> - Nominatim starts from an address point (or building way with
>> address). It takes the house number from it and the street name.
>> - It tries to match the street name with a nearby street.
>> - The rest of the info, suburb, city, country, etc are taken from the
>> way. i.e. it looks in which boundary the way lies and work its way up
>> the admin levels.
>> - In case there is no boundary, it can use a place node as well to
>> determine the name of a certain admin level, but that is less precise
>> - postal codes are taken from the address point, when specified. This
>> is needed in UK/USA but not in e.g. Belgium or Germany.
>> is your friend to understand where
>> the data is coming from.
>> Of course, if you only work with a relational database (as Lester
>> pointed out), one prefers all data on the address node.
>> Relational DB with GIS extensions do not need this (e.g. Nominatim).
>> Nominatim's approach currently has problems with streets on the
>> of e.g. 2 villages. Sara Hoffmann (Lonvia) told me that there are
>> plans to fix this.
>> regards
>> m.
>> On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 10:35 AM, Adam Snape 
>> wrote:
>> I'm convinced that many such addresses are unnecessarily long (are
>> really multiple Weldons in the Swanscome postal area?). Nevertheless
>> should have a way of mapping them if they are the official address. I
>> that more general guidance would aid consistency. My address mapping
>> practice is as follows. I would welcome correction if others feel I
>> doing
>> something incorrectly::
>> The post town
>> tagged as addr:city (whether or not it is a city or indeed whether an
>> otherwise more important place is nearer). Though this should all be
>> upper case when used I add the tag in lower case with an initial
>> letter as it would normally be written in a sentence.
>> For sub divisions of this area the wiki has documented tags
>addr:suburb and
>> addr:hamlet. I tend to default to suburb everywhere except when
>> with
>> an actual isolated hamlet. Where there are two subdivisions as in
>> example, I'd use hamlet for the smaller one  and suburb for the
>larger one.
>> The wiki suggests to avoid addr:street and addr:place together but I
>> them for things like named retail/business parks where there is also
>> street address eg.
>> I do not tag the name of the property separately if it is the same as
>> main name=* tag
>> Counties have not been formally part of postal addresses for many
>> Royal Mail permits people to optionally add the name of the old
>> County, modern administrative or ceremonial county, or traditional
>> to
>> their address according to their personal preference, but this plays
>> role
>> in delivery. So I do not tag a county in the address.
>> So I'd tag Steve's example: name=The Spring River, addr:street=Talbot
>> addr:hamlet=Weldon, addr:suburb=Ebbsfleet Valley,
>> addr:postcode=DA10 1AZ
>> I hope that helps
>> Adam
>> On 18 Oct 2017 11:49 p.m., "Steve Doerr" 
>> On 10/10/2017 19:07, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) wrote:
>> It doesn't seem to have been mentioned here yet, but this quarter's
>> mapping project is to improve addresses and postcodes:
>> It would be useful to have some guidance on tagging for UK addresses.
>> instance, how would you tag the different 

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Steven Horner
> Postcodes refer to points, not to polygons.

Are you saying a point in OpenStreetMap terms?

UK postcodes generally cover an area/polygon. How big that area is appears
to come down to how much mail that area is likely to receive, I think
that's how its described on Wikipedia. So it could cover one building, a
street or a huge area if rural.

Ordnance Survey sell CodePoint Polygons which is the polygons each postcode
covers. Obviously we can't use that.

On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 12:31 PM, Colin Smale  wrote:

> In the UK, this algorithm is useless if you expect to get the actual
> address that you could send a letter to, or that you could ask for
> directions to.
> On 2017-10-19 13:23, Marc Gemis wrote:
> Maybe it is interesting to repeat how Nominatim resolves addresses,
> just in case someone wants to do a search after adding an address.
> - Nominatim starts from an address point (or building way with
> address). It takes the house number from it and the street name.
> - It tries to match the street name with a nearby street.
> - The rest of the info, suburb, city, country, etc are taken from the
> way. i.e. it looks in which boundary the way lies and work its way up
> the admin levels.
> - In case there is no boundary, it can use a place node as well to
> determine the name of a certain admin level, but that is less precise
> - postal codes are taken from the address point, when specified. This
> is needed in UK/USA but not in e.g. Belgium or Germany.
> is your friend to understand where
> the data is coming from.
> Of course, if you only work with a relational database (as Lester
> pointed out), one prefers all data on the address node.
> Relational DB with GIS extensions do not need this (e.g. Nominatim).
> Nominatim's approach currently has problems with streets on the border
> of e.g. 2 villages. Sara Hoffmann (Lonvia) told me that there are some
> plans to fix this.
> regards
> m.
> On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 10:35 AM, Adam Snape 
> wrote:
> I'm convinced that many such addresses are unnecessarily long (are there
> really multiple Weldons in the Swanscome postal area?). Nevertheless we
> should have a way of mapping them if they are the official address. I agree
> that more general guidance would aid consistency. My address mapping
> practice is as follows. I would welcome correction if others feel I am
> doing
> something incorrectly::
> The post town
> is
> tagged as addr:city (whether or not it is a city or indeed whether an
> otherwise more important place is nearer). Though this should all be in
> upper case when used I add the tag in lower case with an initial capital
> letter as it would normally be written in a sentence.
> For sub divisions of this area the wiki has documented tags addr:suburb and
> addr:hamlet. I tend to default to suburb everywhere except when dealing
> with
> an actual isolated hamlet. Where there are two subdivisions as in Steve's
> example, I'd use hamlet for the smaller one  and suburb for the larger one.
> The wiki suggests to avoid addr:street and addr:place together but I use
> them for things like named retail/business parks where there is also a
> street address eg.
> I do not tag the name of the property separately if it is the same as the
> main name=* tag
> Counties have not been formally part of postal addresses for many years.
> Royal Mail permits people to optionally add the name of the old Postal
> County, modern administrative or ceremonial county, or traditional county
> to
> their address according to their personal preference, but this plays no
> role
> in delivery. So I do not tag a county in the address.
> So I'd tag Steve's example: name=The Spring River, addr:street=Talbot Lane,
> addr:hamlet=Weldon, addr:suburb=Ebbsfleet Valley, addr:city=Swanscombe,
> addr:postcode=DA10 1AZ
> I hope that helps
> Adam
> On 18 Oct 2017 11:49 p.m., "Steve Doerr"  wrote:
> On 10/10/2017 19:07, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) wrote:
> It doesn't seem to have been mentioned here yet, but this quarter's UK
> mapping project is to improve addresses and postcodes:
> It would be useful to have some guidance on tagging for UK addresses. For
> instance, how would you tag the different elements of the following address
> for a pub/carvery that opened recently near me:
> The Spring River
> Talbot Lane
> Weldon
> Ebbsfleet Valley
> DA10 1AZ
> Regards,
> Steve
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Lester Caine
On 19/10/17 12:37, Marc Gemis wrote:
> Then at least people know that they should not check with Nominatim.
> AFAIK, Nominatim does not try to generate an address you can put an a
> letter.  It tries to show the address as part of the administrative
> hierarchy defined by the other objects in OSM. Some of those
> administrative levels are not used for letters or navigation where I
> live.

Nominatim produces something of a overloaded location string

Residential Road Smallbrook Road, Broadway, Wychavon, Worcestershire,
West Midlands, England, WR12 7EP, United Kingdom

but then fails to return the street if you do a postcode lookup.

Postcode Broadway, WR12 7EP, United Kingdom

But the main point here is that there are a large number of other useful
boundaries that can be identified via postcodes. It would be nice though
if we could simply use the NLPG reference for every property since it
SHOULD be a freely available database that council tax payers have
financed and councils are required to keep up to date. But it's a
chargeable resource to use :(

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Dave F


Occasionally, especially with businesses, extra 'bits' get added to make 
their establishment appear posher than it actually is.
Looking at it's location you can see why. 'Next to the interchange' 
won't entice many customers.

Where did you get that address? Their website shows it as:

Spring River,
Talbot Lane,
DA10 1AZ

Which bit is Talbot Lane; it's not tagged.


On 18/10/2017 23:48, Steve Doerr wrote:

On 10/10/2017 19:07, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) wrote:

It doesn't seem to have been mentioned here yet, but this quarter's UK
mapping project is to improve addresses and postcodes: 

It would be useful to have some guidance on tagging for UK addresses. 
For instance, how would you tag the different elements of the 
following address for a pub/carvery that opened recently near me:

The Spring River
Talbot Lane
Ebbsfleet Valley
DA10 1AZ


Talk-GB mailing list

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Marc Gemis
Then at least people know that they should not check with Nominatim.

AFAIK, Nominatim does not try to generate an address you can put an a
letter.  It tries to show the address as part of the administrative
hierarchy defined by the other objects in OSM. Some of those
administrative levels are not used for letters or navigation where I


On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 1:31 PM, Colin Smale  wrote:
> In the UK, this algorithm is useless if you expect to get the actual address
> that you could send a letter to, or that you could ask for directions to.
> On 2017-10-19 13:23, Marc Gemis wrote:
> Maybe it is interesting to repeat how Nominatim resolves addresses,
> just in case someone wants to do a search after adding an address.
> - Nominatim starts from an address point (or building way with
> address). It takes the house number from it and the street name.
> - It tries to match the street name with a nearby street.
> - The rest of the info, suburb, city, country, etc are taken from the
> way. i.e. it looks in which boundary the way lies and work its way up
> the admin levels.
> - In case there is no boundary, it can use a place node as well to
> determine the name of a certain admin level, but that is less precise
> - postal codes are taken from the address point, when specified. This
> is needed in UK/USA but not in e.g. Belgium or Germany.
> is your friend to understand where
> the data is coming from.
> Of course, if you only work with a relational database (as Lester
> pointed out), one prefers all data on the address node.
> Relational DB with GIS extensions do not need this (e.g. Nominatim).
> Nominatim's approach currently has problems with streets on the border
> of e.g. 2 villages. Sara Hoffmann (Lonvia) told me that there are some
> plans to fix this.
> regards
> m.
> On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 10:35 AM, Adam Snape  wrote:
> I'm convinced that many such addresses are unnecessarily long (are there
> really multiple Weldons in the Swanscome postal area?). Nevertheless we
> should have a way of mapping them if they are the official address. I agree
> that more general guidance would aid consistency. My address mapping
> practice is as follows. I would welcome correction if others feel I am doing
> something incorrectly::
> The post town
> is
> tagged as addr:city (whether or not it is a city or indeed whether an
> otherwise more important place is nearer). Though this should all be in
> upper case when used I add the tag in lower case with an initial capital
> letter as it would normally be written in a sentence.
> For sub divisions of this area the wiki has documented tags addr:suburb and
> addr:hamlet. I tend to default to suburb everywhere except when dealing with
> an actual isolated hamlet. Where there are two subdivisions as in Steve's
> example, I'd use hamlet for the smaller one  and suburb for the larger one.
> The wiki suggests to avoid addr:street and addr:place together but I use
> them for things like named retail/business parks where there is also a
> street address eg.
> I do not tag the name of the property separately if it is the same as the
> main name=* tag
> Counties have not been formally part of postal addresses for many years.
> Royal Mail permits people to optionally add the name of the old Postal
> County, modern administrative or ceremonial county, or traditional county to
> their address according to their personal preference, but this plays no role
> in delivery. So I do not tag a county in the address.
> So I'd tag Steve's example: name=The Spring River, addr:street=Talbot Lane,
> addr:hamlet=Weldon, addr:suburb=Ebbsfleet Valley, addr:city=Swanscombe,
> addr:postcode=DA10 1AZ
> I hope that helps
> Adam
> On 18 Oct 2017 11:49 p.m., "Steve Doerr"  wrote:
> On 10/10/2017 19:07, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) wrote:
> It doesn't seem to have been mentioned here yet, but this quarter's UK
> mapping project is to improve addresses and postcodes:
> It would be useful to have some guidance on tagging for UK addresses. For
> instance, how would you tag the different elements of the following address
> for a pub/carvery that opened recently near me:
> The Spring River
> Talbot Lane
> Weldon
> Ebbsfleet Valley
> DA10 1AZ
> Regards,
> Steve
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> ___
> Talk-GB 

Re: [Talk-us] Redacting 75, 000 street names contributed by user chdr

2017-10-19 Thread Max Erickson
> I think that we need to ask MapBox to revise the 2017 Tiger layer.

Ian Dees put together the 2017 layer. There is also some kind of
rendering problem with name labels on short, curvy ways, the
characters are bunched up and overlapping and then there are gaps.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Colin Smale
In the UK, this algorithm is useless if you expect to get the actual
address that you could send a letter to, or that you could ask for
directions to.

On 2017-10-19 13:23, Marc Gemis wrote:

> Maybe it is interesting to repeat how Nominatim resolves addresses,
> just in case someone wants to do a search after adding an address.
> - Nominatim starts from an address point (or building way with
> address). It takes the house number from it and the street name.
> - It tries to match the street name with a nearby street.
> - The rest of the info, suburb, city, country, etc are taken from the
> way. i.e. it looks in which boundary the way lies and work its way up
> the admin levels.
> - In case there is no boundary, it can use a place node as well to
> determine the name of a certain admin level, but that is less precise
> - postal codes are taken from the address point, when specified. This
> is needed in UK/USA but not in e.g. Belgium or Germany.
> is your friend to understand where
> the data is coming from.
> Of course, if you only work with a relational database (as Lester
> pointed out), one prefers all data on the address node.
> Relational DB with GIS extensions do not need this (e.g. Nominatim).
> Nominatim's approach currently has problems with streets on the border
> of e.g. 2 villages. Sara Hoffmann (Lonvia) told me that there are some
> plans to fix this.
> regards
> m.
> On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 10:35 AM, Adam Snape  wrote: 
> I'm convinced that many such addresses are unnecessarily long (are there
> really multiple Weldons in the Swanscome postal area?). Nevertheless we
> should have a way of mapping them if they are the official address. I agree
> that more general guidance would aid consistency. My address mapping
> practice is as follows. I would welcome correction if others feel I am doing
> something incorrectly::
> The post town
> is
> tagged as addr:city (whether or not it is a city or indeed whether an
> otherwise more important place is nearer). Though this should all be in
> upper case when used I add the tag in lower case with an initial capital
> letter as it would normally be written in a sentence.
> For sub divisions of this area the wiki has documented tags addr:suburb and
> addr:hamlet. I tend to default to suburb everywhere except when dealing with
> an actual isolated hamlet. Where there are two subdivisions as in Steve's
> example, I'd use hamlet for the smaller one  and suburb for the larger one.
> The wiki suggests to avoid addr:street and addr:place together but I use
> them for things like named retail/business parks where there is also a
> street address eg.
> I do not tag the name of the property separately if it is the same as the
> main name=* tag
> Counties have not been formally part of postal addresses for many years.
> Royal Mail permits people to optionally add the name of the old Postal
> County, modern administrative or ceremonial county, or traditional county to
> their address according to their personal preference, but this plays no role
> in delivery. So I do not tag a county in the address.
> So I'd tag Steve's example: name=The Spring River, addr:street=Talbot Lane,
> addr:hamlet=Weldon, addr:suburb=Ebbsfleet Valley, addr:city=Swanscombe,
> addr:postcode=DA10 1AZ
> I hope that helps
> Adam
> On 18 Oct 2017 11:49 p.m., "Steve Doerr"  wrote:
> On 10/10/2017 19:07, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) wrote: 
> It doesn't seem to have been mentioned here yet, but this quarter's UK
> mapping project is to improve addresses and postcodes:
> It would be useful to have some guidance on tagging for UK addresses. For
> instance, how would you tag the different elements of the following address
> for a pub/carvery that opened recently near me:
> The Spring River
> Talbot Lane
> Weldon
> Ebbsfleet Valley
> DA10 1AZ
> Regards,
> Steve
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Colin Smale
We have to remember that in the UK there is only a tenuous link between
the postal address and the physical address. A building can have
multiple postcodes, and the road/place in the postal address may not be
the same as the road/place you might expect from looking at the "nearest
road" and admin boundaries etc. Also not all buildings have postcodes,
even if geometry suggests which code they would have by virtue of the
codes on surrounding buildings. Postcodes refer to points, not to

If we add addr:* tags to objects we should make it clear that they are
POSTAL addresses, and cannot reliably be derived from geometry alone.


On 2017-10-19 12:35, Adam Snape wrote:

> Doesn't its location within the UK make an explicit UK tag unnecessary? The 
> postcode, where present does usually indicate the other address details 
> (though very occasionally postcodes can include more than one street). 
> However we have no way of tagging attributes to a postcode rather than an OSM 
> object. Using associated street relations 
> might be an 
> option but seems a bit overly complicated. 
> On 19 October 2017 at 11:04, Lester Caine  wrote:
>> On 19/10/17 09:35, Adam Snape wrote:
>>> So I'd tag Steve's example: name=The Spring River, addr:street=Talbot
>>> Lane, addr:hamlet=Weldon, addr:suburb=Ebbsfleet Valley,
>>> addr:city=Swanscombe, addr:postcode=DA10 1AZ
>> One of those itches to be scratched that have been discussed elsewhere ...
>> Do we really need to add 'addr:street=Talbot Lane, addr:hamlet=Weldon,
>> addr:suburb=Ebbsfleet Valley, addr:city=Swanscombe,' to every object on
>> the street? addr:postcode=DA10 1AZ provides that data and more besides
>> and only needs augmenting with a house name/number for an address. With
>> all the other data manipulation tools being discussed, one which
>> provides common data for an object is long overdue.
>> Looking at the long format, should it not also include
>> addr:country=United Kingdom so that one knows just how to validate the
>> postcode anyway ... although I am tending towards addr:postcode:UK=DA10
>> 1AZ so that one can pick up the correct secondary data easily ...
>> --
>> Lester Caine - G8HFL
>> -
>> Contact - [1]
>> L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
>> EnquirySolve -
>> Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
>> Rainbow Digital Media - [2]
>> ___
>> Talk-GB mailing list
>> [3]
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Marc Gemis
Maybe it is interesting to repeat how Nominatim resolves addresses,
just in case someone wants to do a search after adding an address.

- Nominatim starts from an address point (or building way with
address). It takes the house number from it and the street name.
- It tries to match the street name with a nearby street.
- The rest of the info, suburb, city, country, etc are taken from the
way. i.e. it looks in which boundary the way lies and work its way up
the admin levels.
- In case there is no boundary, it can use a place node as well to
determine the name of a certain admin level, but that is less precise

- postal codes are taken from the address point, when specified. This
is needed in UK/USA but not in e.g. Belgium or Germany. is your friend to understand where
the data is coming from.

Of course, if you only work with a relational database (as Lester
pointed out), one prefers all data on the address node.
Relational DB with GIS extensions do not need this (e.g. Nominatim).

Nominatim's approach currently has problems with streets on the border
of e.g. 2 villages. Sara Hoffmann (Lonvia) told me that there are some
plans to fix this.



On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 10:35 AM, Adam Snape  wrote:
> I'm convinced that many such addresses are unnecessarily long (are there
> really multiple Weldons in the Swanscome postal area?). Nevertheless we
> should have a way of mapping them if they are the official address. I agree
> that more general guidance would aid consistency. My address mapping
> practice is as follows. I would welcome correction if others feel I am doing
> something incorrectly::
> The post town
> is
> tagged as addr:city (whether or not it is a city or indeed whether an
> otherwise more important place is nearer). Though this should all be in
> upper case when used I add the tag in lower case with an initial capital
> letter as it would normally be written in a sentence.
> For sub divisions of this area the wiki has documented tags addr:suburb and
> addr:hamlet. I tend to default to suburb everywhere except when dealing with
> an actual isolated hamlet. Where there are two subdivisions as in Steve's
> example, I'd use hamlet for the smaller one  and suburb for the larger one.
> The wiki suggests to avoid addr:street and addr:place together but I use
> them for things like named retail/business parks where there is also a
> street address eg.
> I do not tag the name of the property separately if it is the same as the
> main name=* tag
> Counties have not been formally part of postal addresses for many years.
> Royal Mail permits people to optionally add the name of the old Postal
> County, modern administrative or ceremonial county, or traditional county to
> their address according to their personal preference, but this plays no role
> in delivery. So I do not tag a county in the address.
> So I'd tag Steve's example: name=The Spring River, addr:street=Talbot Lane,
> addr:hamlet=Weldon, addr:suburb=Ebbsfleet Valley, addr:city=Swanscombe,
> addr:postcode=DA10 1AZ
> I hope that helps
> Adam
> On 18 Oct 2017 11:49 p.m., "Steve Doerr"  wrote:
> On 10/10/2017 19:07, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) wrote:
>> It doesn't seem to have been mentioned here yet, but this quarter's UK
>> mapping project is to improve addresses and postcodes:
> It would be useful to have some guidance on tagging for UK addresses. For
> instance, how would you tag the different elements of the following address
> for a pub/carvery that opened recently near me:
> The Spring River
> Talbot Lane
> Weldon
> Ebbsfleet Valley
> DA10 1AZ
> Regards,
> Steve
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Lester Caine
On 19/10/17 11:35, Adam Snape wrote:
> Doesn't its location within the UK make an explicit UK tag unnecessary?
But when reading a single object tags do you know just where it is? Some
other mechanism has to return the 'inside boundary' data which takes
processing power.

> The postcode, where present does usually indicate the other address
> details (though very occasionally postcodes can include more than one
> street). However we have no way of tagging attributes to a postcode
> rather than an OSM object. 
The original UK postcode rules were one (or more) postcodes per street.
The rules have been bent a little but this is achieved by making the
'extra' street data part of the building details rather than the
postcode. Accessing secondary data without having to store ALL of it in
every tag is the problem, and one that should be solvable?

> Using associated street relations
> might be an
> option but seems a bit overly complicated.
Relations have never worked well in my view. Comes full circle here. How
do you identify the boundaries that objects are inside when it is
described by a complex relation. Properly handled 'relations' could
allow all higher level data to be accessed in a simple data read ...
something relational databases are good at.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Adam Snape
Doesn't its location within the UK make an explicit UK tag unnecessary? The
postcode, where present does usually indicate the other address details
(though very occasionally postcodes can include more than one street).
However we have no way of tagging attributes to a postcode rather than an
OSM object. Using associated street relations might be an
option but seems a bit overly complicated.

On 19 October 2017 at 11:04, Lester Caine  wrote:

> On 19/10/17 09:35, Adam Snape wrote:
> > So I'd tag Steve's example: name=The Spring River, addr:street=Talbot
> > Lane, addr:hamlet=Weldon, addr:suburb=Ebbsfleet Valley,
> > addr:city=Swanscombe, addr:postcode=DA10 1AZ
> One of those itches to be scratched that have been discussed elsewhere ...
> Do we really need to add 'addr:street=Talbot Lane, addr:hamlet=Weldon,
> addr:suburb=Ebbsfleet Valley, addr:city=Swanscombe,' to every object on
> the street? addr:postcode=DA10 1AZ provides that data and more besides
> and only needs augmenting with a house name/number for an address. With
> all the other data manipulation tools being discussed, one which
> provides common data for an object is long overdue.
> Looking at the long format, should it not also include
> addr:country=United Kingdom so that one knows just how to validate the
> postcode anyway ... although I am tending towards addr:postcode:UK=DA10
> 1AZ so that one can pick up the correct secondary data easily ...
> --
> Lester Caine - G8HFL
> -
> Contact -
> L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
> EnquirySolve -
> Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
> Rainbow Digital Media -
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] building = staketsel

2017-10-19 Thread Glenn Plas
It's indeed due to a bad import job.   Partly the data is probably to
blame as well , since it comes from building DB it's marked as a
building but in OSM it should be turned into man_made=*

Whenever you find dutch in the values of a building or man_made key,
chances are very high that they come from GRB dataset.

It used to be translated automatically but I haven't finished this
yet.   Translations can be suggested directly in the source code of the
script to build the DB (full auto)

You can add directly in the form of a sed search/replace (done before
import, has to be quite unique to work, but very fast).   Or a postgres
query in
(done after import)  Or in the form of a carto-css mapping (done during

Some source keys will cause multiple OSM keys to be created.


On 18-10-17 13:16, Marc Gemis wrote:
> A man_made=pier should be rendered on the default style, see
> e.g.
> Adding building is wrong. I don't know whether a pier mapped as an
> area will show up though. Perhaps one could add area=yes.
> Can you include a link to the Pier in Zuidlede ?
> m.
> On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 10:04 AM, Pieter Brusselman
>  > wrote:
> Hi,
> Some time ago I mapped some 'man_made = pier' on the Zuidlede. 
> Those items don't show up on the map.  Perhaps due to the
> rendering_style.
> I was looking for some examples and i found:
> . 
> Here, the pier/staketsel is mapped as a 'building'.  I don't think
> this is realy a building :-).
> According to
>  it should
> be 'Piers  against which boats
> can be moored should be tagged as (man_made
> =pier
> ) together
> with mooring
> =yes/ferry/etc. '
> -- 
> Pieter Brusselman
> /Cartografie ~ Projectmedewerker/
> (logo boompja) 
> *A* Kasteellaan 349 A, 9000 Gent
> *T* 09 / 331 59 27
> *W * 
> logo facebook 
> ter info: ik werk niet op vrijdag
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Lester Caine
On 19/10/17 09:35, Adam Snape wrote:
> So I'd tag Steve's example: name=The Spring River, addr:street=Talbot
> Lane, addr:hamlet=Weldon, addr:suburb=Ebbsfleet Valley,
> addr:city=Swanscombe, addr:postcode=DA10 1AZ

One of those itches to be scratched that have been discussed elsewhere ...
Do we really need to add 'addr:street=Talbot Lane, addr:hamlet=Weldon,
addr:suburb=Ebbsfleet Valley, addr:city=Swanscombe,' to every object on
the street? addr:postcode=DA10 1AZ provides that data and more besides
and only needs augmenting with a house name/number for an address. With
all the other data manipulation tools being discussed, one which
provides common data for an object is long overdue.

Looking at the long format, should it not also include
addr:country=United Kingdom so that one knows just how to validate the
postcode anyway ... although I am tending towards addr:postcode:UK=DA10
1AZ so that one can pick up the correct secondary data easily ...

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-cz] highway=track v landuse=residential?

2017-10-19 Thread majka
Zdravím všechny.

Není tahle kombinace ze své podstaty nesmysl? Tím myslím hlavně to označení
jako "polní/lesní cestu" v zástavbě, a obdobně vlastně pro celou
kategorii "zastavěné

Konkrétně třeba tady  , totéž
při pohledu na streetview
kde to vypadá jen a pouze na neaktuální data.
Původně jsem na to narazila u nás
kde to není tak zřejmé, ale jedná se o stejný případ. Osobně i na vesnicích
takové cesty stříhám, a za highway=track označuji až to, co začíná za vsí a
jde do polí, zbytek dávám většinou jako highway=service, pokud jde o takové
ty uzounké příjezdové či obslužné cesty, které jsou prostorově v
"landuse=residential" - a to nezávisle na povrchu a stavu. Ten druhý
uvedený příklad navíc spojuje dvě "residential" části téže ulice, nevede
nikam jinam.
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] building = staketsel

2017-10-19 Thread Marc Gemis
tip: iets ten westen en oosten van jouw staketsel, zijn er 2 meertjes in
een bos. Momenteel worden daar ook boompjes op getekend, omdat er geen
multi-polygoon gedefinieerd is voor het bos.
Heb je zin om dat te corrigeren ? Weet je hoe je een multi-polygoon moet
maken ? Vraag het anders maar, laat dan wel even je favoriete editor weten.



On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 9:24 AM, Pieter Brusselman <> wrote:

> @Ruben: I will fix when I come upon one.
> @Steven: I think I didn't notice because the rendering-color is the same
> as the 'unmapped area' around the nearby footpath (
> Pieter Brusselman
> *Cartografie ~ Projectmedewerker*
> [image: (logo boompja)] 
> *A* Kasteellaan 349 A, 9000 Gent
> *T* 09 / 331 59 27
> *W *
> [image: logo facebook] 
> ter info: ik werk niet op vrijdag
> Op 18/10/2017 om 21:53 schreef Steven Clays:
> Strange, because renders
> perfectly.
> 2017-10-18 14:47 GMT+02:00 Ruben :
>> On Wed, 18 Oct 2017 10:04:01 +0200, Pieter Brusselman <
>>> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Some time ago I mapped some 'man_made = pier' on the Zuidlede. Those
>> > items don't show up on the map.  Perhaps due to the rendering_style.
>> >
>> > I was looking for some examples and i found:
>> >
>> > Here, the pier/staketsel is mapped as a 'building'.  I don't think this
>> > is realy a building :-).
>> That is due to an illegal and very badly performed import.
>> Do not pay attention to any tags that endless_autumn has added. (Or fix
>> them :) )
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list
> ___
> Talk-be mailing 
> listTalk-be@openstreetmap.org
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

[Talk-it] qualità dei dati OSM nel territorio italiano

2017-10-19 Thread Marcello Parisini
Ciao,premetto che non sono un esperto di openstreetmap ma per una attività di 
ricerca legata alle aree rurali in italia sto valutandone l'impiego.
Ho già cercato online qualcosa che spiegasse i processi o le migliori pratiche 
che sono attualmente in vigore nel chapter italiano di OSM per le 
considerazioni legate alla qualità dei dati ma non ho trovato un granché. Anche 
nell'archivio della lista, a parte qualche scambio di consigli nell'utilizzo 
dei tag non ho trovato nulla che trattasse l'argomento.Ho quindi le seguenti 
domande per coloro che sono più esperti e navigati in questi ambiti:   
   - esistono dei materiali dove si mostrano analisi sullo stato dei dati di 
OSM in Italia (possibilmente sia geografici che dei relativi tag)
   - esistono procedure automatizzate specifiche che effettuano alcuni 
controlli per garantire il rispetto dei formalismi sui tag di base, ovvero cosa 
sappiamo di certo essere affidabile e cosa no?
   - esistono localmente iniziative per migliorare la qualità di quanto ad oggi 
   - esiste un elenco di organizzazioni pubbliche e private che ufficialmente 
impiegano OSM e che curano i propri contenuti su di esso ? (anche estere a 
patto che lavorino su dati nel territorio italiano)

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] mapovat existenci wifi v metru?

2017-10-19 Thread Jan Martinec

On 10/19/2017 10:34 AM, jzvc wrote:

Dne 18.10.2017 v 10:36 Jan Martinec napsal(a):


včera na mě v metru vyskočil hotspot "Metro - Wifi"; podle tohoto článku
je pokryto 6 stanic.

A budes to po pristi zmene zastupitelstva a ukonceni penezovodu a tim
padem i provozu zase mazat? U ty hospody se da totiz ocekavat ze tam ta
wifi bude v ramci sluzby pro zakaznika dlouhodobe, ale toto ...

Jo. Třeba u tý hospody se dá pro změnu očekávat, že tam vydrží půl roku, 
a pak přijde jinej nájemce - změní název a typ kuchyně, a stejně musíš 
editovat. Nebo se změní otvíračka, nebo cokoli jinýho; "dlouhodobost" je 
v tomto případě spíše zbožné přání.

Shift happens, od toho je mapa editovatelná.

Ostatne, pokud vim po praglu uz takovych "projektu" bylo nekolik a
vsechny skoncily (po utraceni prislusnyho mnoztvi milionu) v zapomneni.
Na to, jestli tu MHMP utrácí moje daně s péčí řádného hospodáře, mám 
velmi silný názor (spoiler: NE!), ale ten medle do mapy nepatří. Spíš mi 
šlo o to, jestli bude k něčemu zmapovat to.

Nenašel jsem sice žádnou appku, která by konkrétně tohle měla jako 
featuru, ale podle wiki to vypadá snesitelně:
"- Otevřené prostory jako jsou náměstí nebo ulice s veřejnými Wi-Fi 
hospoty" - close enough.

Má smysl to uvádět u stanice ("stanice s wifi" podle vzoru "kavárna s
wifi"), nebo je to zbytečný?
(A pokud, kam zmapovat, na railway=station?
Zkusím se podívat do taginfa, kde a jak je to užitý na ways a areas, a 
zmapuju to.


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Addresses and Postcodes

2017-10-19 Thread Adam Snape
I'm convinced that many such addresses are unnecessarily long (are there
really multiple Weldons in the Swanscome postal area?). Nevertheless we
should have a way of mapping them if they are the official address. I agree
that more general guidance would aid consistency. My address mapping
practice is as follows. I would welcome correction if others feel I am
doing something incorrectly::

   - The post town
   United_Kingdom is tagged as addr:city (whether or not it is a city or
   indeed whether an otherwise more important place is nearer). Though this
   should all be in upper case when used I add the tag in lower case with an
   initial capital letter as it would normally be written in a sentence.

   - For sub divisions of this area the wiki has documented tags
   addr:suburb and addr:hamlet. I tend to default to suburb everywhere except
   when dealing with an actual isolated hamlet. Where there are two
   subdivisions as in Steve's example, I'd use hamlet for the smaller one  and
   suburb for the larger one.

   - The wiki suggests to avoid addr:street and addr:place together but I
   use them for things like named retail/business parks where there is also a
   street address eg.

   - I do not tag the name of the property separately if it is the same as
   the main name=* tag

   - Counties have not been formally part of postal addresses for many
   years. Royal Mail permits people to optionally add the name of the old
   Postal County, modern administrative or ceremonial county, or traditional
   county to their address according to their personal preference, but this
   plays no role in delivery. So I do not tag a county in the address.

So I'd tag Steve's example: name=The Spring River, addr:street=Talbot Lane,
addr:hamlet=Weldon, addr:suburb=Ebbsfleet Valley, addr:city=Swanscombe,
addr:postcode=DA10 1AZ

I hope that helps


On 18 Oct 2017 11:49 p.m., "Steve Doerr"  wrote:

On 10/10/2017 19:07, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) wrote:

> It doesn't seem to have been mentioned here yet, but this quarter's UK
> mapping project is to improve addresses and postcodes:
It would be useful to have some guidance on tagging for UK addresses. For
instance, how would you tag the different elements of the following address
for a pub/carvery that opened recently near me:

The Spring River
Talbot Lane
Ebbsfleet Valley
DA10 1AZ


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Re: [Talk-cz] mapovat existenci wifi v metru?

2017-10-19 Thread jzvc

Dne 18.10.2017 v 10:36 Jan Martinec napsal(a):


včera na mě v metru vyskočil hotspot "Metro - Wifi"; podle tohoto článku
je pokryto 6 stanic.

A budes to po pristi zmene zastupitelstva a ukonceni penezovodu a tim 
padem i provozu zase mazat? U ty hospody se da totiz ocekavat ze tam ta 
wifi bude v ramci sluzby pro zakaznika dlouhodobe, ale toto ...

Ostatne, pokud vim po praglu uz takovych "projektu" bylo nekolik a 
vsechny skoncily (po utraceni prislusnyho mnoztvi milionu) v zapomeni.

Má smysl to uvádět u stanice ("stanice s wifi" podle vzoru "kavárna s
wifi"), nebo je to zbytečný?
(A pokud, kam zmapovat, na railway=station?
Pokryty jsou zjevně všechny prostory pro cestující)

Honza "Piškvor" Martinec

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Re: [Talk-cz] nefunguje

2017-10-19 Thread Zdeněk Pražák
no jde o fotky s ID mezi 17840 až 17918

případně např o rozcestníky OSM ID 5174422129, 5174422138 a další

prý u nich není nahraná fotka
-- Původní e-mail --
Od: Tom Ka 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 19. 10. 2017 8:51:08
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] nefunguje
Ahoj, nejsem u pocitace ale zkusim se na to odpoledne podivat. Posli mi 
prosim nazvy fotek nebo ID z PhotoDB nebo OSM id co si myslis ze chybi. 


On Oct 19, 2017 08:11, "Zdeněk Pražák"  wrote:
nefunguje asi aktualizace databáze rozcestníků na
nejsou zahrnuty rozcestníky, které jsem nahrál včera

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Re: [OSM-talk-be] building = staketsel

2017-10-19 Thread Pieter Brusselman

@Ruben: I will fix when I come upon one.

@Steven: I think I didn't notice because the rendering-color is the same 
as the 'unmapped area' around the nearby footpath 

Pieter Brusselman
/Cartografie ~ Projectmedewerker/

(logo boompja) 

*A* Kasteellaan 349 A, 9000 Gent
*T* 09 / 331 59 27
*W *

logo facebook 

ter info: ik werk niet op vrijdag

Op 18/10/2017 om 21:53 schreef Steven Clays:
Strange, because renders 

2017-10-18 14:47 GMT+02:00 Ruben >:

On Wed, 18 Oct 2017 10:04:01 +0200, Pieter Brusselman
> wrote:
> Hi,
> Some time ago I mapped some 'man_made = pier' on the Zuidlede. Those
> items don't show up on the map.  Perhaps due to the rendering_style.
> I was looking for some examples and i found:
> Here, the pier/staketsel is mapped as a 'building'. I don't
think this
> is realy a building :-).

That is due to an illegal and very badly performed import.

Do not pay attention to any tags that endless_autumn has added.
(Or fix them :) )

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Re: [Talk-cz] nefunguje

2017-10-19 Thread Tom Ka
Ahoj, nejsem u pocitace ale zkusim se na to odpoledne podivat. Posli mi
prosim nazvy fotek nebo ID z PhotoDB nebo OSM id co si myslis ze chybi.


On Oct 19, 2017 08:11, "Zdeněk Pražák"  wrote:

> nefunguje asi aktualizace databáze rozcestníků na
> OsmHiCheck/gp/?all
> nejsou zahrnuty rozcestníky, které jsem nahrál včera
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
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[Talk-cz] nefunguje

2017-10-19 Thread Zdeněk Pražák
nefunguje asi aktualizace databáze rozcestníků na
nejsou zahrnuty rozcestníky, které jsem nahrál včera___
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