Re: [OSM-talk] Is there a OSM map viewer program to dynamically view OSM data?

2016-01-08 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 08.01.2016 um 03:58 schrieb Wuzzy :
> The reason why I am looking for such a tool is because I think it would
> be really useful in many aspects.

there are for example navit (offline navigation, own binary format) and 
qlandkarte (reads garmin map format)

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz]

2016-01-08 Thread Michal Grézl
2016-01-07 16:54 GMT+01:00 Marián Kyral :
> Dne 7.1.2016 v 11:59 Pavel Zbytovský napsal(a):
> Issue tvoř asi k tomu co posílal walley - tedy
> No to právě nevím. To co tam má walley jaksi nesouhlasí s tím co je na
> hlavní stránce ;-)
> Trochu jsem to testoval a vadí mi, že si mapa nepamatuje, kde je. Takže
> koukám na mapu, někam se posunu, pak udělám reload stránky nebo kliknu na
> něco nahoře v menu a bum, jsem zase v Praze. To je docela nepříjemné. -
> Tohle hlásit taky k walleymu?
> Marián
> Organizaci jsem vytvořil - napište mě/walleymu maila
> s gh nickem, kdo chcete write access. Ten walleyho repozitář tam můžeme
> posléze přesunout i včetně issues.
> Pavel
> Dne 7. ledna 2016 11:09 Marián Kyral  napsal(a):
>> Mimochodem, u sousedů založili na githubu organizaci:
>> Přijde mi to jako docela dobrý nápad, který stojí za úvahu.
>> Marián
>> -- Původní zpráva --
>> Od: Marián Kyral 
>> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
>> Datum: 7. 1. 2016 8:55:38
>> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz]
>> Supééér,
>> teď jen přidat zobrazení rozcestníků, nahrávání rozcestníků a můžeme
>> vypnout.
>> Pak ještě nějaké drobnosti, jako hledání, plánování trasy, vrstva s
>> aktivními POI, nástroj na měření vzdálenosti...
>> Jen teď nevím, ke kterému projektu ta issue vytvářet :-D
>> Marián
>> -- Původní zpráva --
>> Od: Pavel Zbytovský 
>> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
>> Datum: 7. 1. 2016 2:20:04
>> Předmět: [Talk-cz]
>> Nazdar,
>> nový český "portál" je téma, které nosím v hlavě už skoro pět let :-)  V
>> červnu se udál posun ve formě přehození webu na tento současný, s tím že
>> dotvoření mapové leaflet aplikace mělo hbitě následovat. Znáte to jak to je
>> s časem... Alespoň v červenci jsem se jsem nad tím ještě sešel v Brně s
>> klukama kolem weeklyosm a dali jsme dohromady takový seznam cílů a
>> prostředků, co by měl tenhle web splňovat.
>> Tady je
>> a budu moc rád za diskusi nejlépe přímo v tom googledocu, nebo i tady.
>> - Přijde mi důležité, aby web měl hodnotu pro nás - komunitu - tj. byla
>> tam mapová aplikace, kterou chceme používat (o tom dále)
>> - A též se mě hodně dotýká oblast smysluplné propagace OSM veřejnosti. A
>> to jednak konzumující (když už to děláme, ať to používaj) a též potenciálně
>> tvořící (vždyť v crowdsourcingu je síla), s touto myšlenkou jsem také dělal
>> ta školení geocacherů s docela dobrými výsledky [1].
>> Třeba vás toho napadne více, myslím, že potenciál je veliký, rostoucí a
>> nevyužitý (třeba studentské práce)...
>> -
>> Nyní k tomu, o čem proběhla diskuse - tj. mapová leafletí aplikace a
>> propojení s "cms".
>> Myšlenku mám takovou, že celý web vlastně bude živá mapová appka, a
>> stránky jí budou akorát překrývat a AJAXem se dotahovat obsah. Mělo by to
>> dát důraz na to, že osm je hlavně mapa. A technicky to není problém. Na
>> úvodě by mohl být nějaký nerušivý splashscreen, který vysvětli novému
>> uživateli na co se to vlastně kouká a navede ho na podstránky.
>> Webík opravdu běží na "cms", je to sic má vlastní produkce [2], ale pro
>> tenhle účel mi pořád přijde dost vhodné a snadno ohybatelné. Navíc mám
>> napsaný plugin pro přihlášení přes a přidělení editačních práv.. což
>> bych rád rozdal, kdo by měl zájem obsah upravovat (zejména sekci Projekty?).
>> Administrace viz screenshot [3].
>> Mám různě rozkreslné wireframy, tak to zkusím trochu zkonsolidovat a během
>> dneška/zítřka poslat sem do vlákna.
>> Jinak webík [4] jsem zkusmo přerovnal podle sekcí v tom googledocu výše,
>> přidal obsah z šuplíku a v leafletu aktivoval to nejjednodušší ovládání.
>> Berte to zatím spíš jako draft :-) Též to nahraju do nějakého repo, ať
>> mužeme tvořit společně.
>> Mějte se
>> Pavel
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]

da se nejak to moje repo priradit k te organizaci? Nebo zalozit neco
noveho a ja do toho naplacam ty moje zmeny?

Michal Grézl

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz]

2016-01-08 Thread Marián Kyral

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Michal Grézl 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 8. 1. 2016 9:46:51
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz]

"2016-01-07 16:54 GMT+01:00 Marián Kyral :
> Dne 7.1.2016 v 11:59 Pavel Zbytovský napsal(a):
> Issue tvoř asi k tomu co posílal walley - tedy
> No to právě nevím. To co tam má walley jaksi nesouhlasí s tím co je na
> hlavní stránce ;-)
> Trochu jsem to testoval a vadí mi, že si mapa nepamatuje, kde je. Takže
> koukám na mapu, někam se posunu, pak udělám reload stránky nebo kliknu na
> něco nahoře v menu a bum, jsem zase v Praze. To je docela nepříjemné. -
> Tohle hlásit taky k walleymu?
> Marián
> Organizaci jsem vytvořil - napište mě/walleymu 
> s gh nickem, kdo chcete write access. Ten walleyho repozitář tam můžeme
> posléze přesunout i včetně issues.
da se nejak to moje repo priradit k te organizaci? Nebo zalozit neco
noveho a ja do toho naplacam ty moje zmeny?



našel jsem:


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Was:Re: kam s fotografiemi?

2016-01-08 Thread Pavel Zbytovský
Díky moc za ty issuečka. Zapracuju je, částečně už o víkendu + až walley
přehodí repozitář, vložím tam source.


On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 5:55 PM Marián Kyral  wrote:

> Dne 6.1.2016 v 08:49 Michal Grézl napsal(a):
> >> Ty vrstvy by mohly být:
> >> * základní (
> >> * turistická ( jako podklad + vrstevnice + stínování +
> turistické
> >> trasy + (volitelně) cyklo trasy)
> >> * nějaký fancy styl (třeba ty vodovky) jako frajeřinu ;-)
> >>
> >> Dále pak automaticky zobrazené POI (od určitého zoomu) - tady bych asi
> >> šel cestou POI-Importeru
> >> ( - jednotlivé
> >> POI vyexportované do geojson a rozdělené na jednotlivé mapové dlaždice -
> >> rychlé načítání (není třeba spoléhat na overpass api). Jen nevím, jak
> >> moc komplikované pak budou aktualizace těch geojson souborů. Nebo možná
> >> by ty geojson soubory mohla generovat databáze - pokud by se na to
> >> udělala nějaká speciální tabulka, tak by to mohlo být rychlé - případně
> >> se tam dá keš.
> >>
> >> Taky by se ty POI daly rozdělit na více kategorií a umožnit zobrazení
> >> jen těch, které budou uživatele zajímat.
> >>
> >> Další věci bych pak postupně dodělával.
> >>
> >> Jo a ještě jedna stránka pro inspiraci:
> > muzes to nacpat do issue trackeru? #1 ui, #2 poi atp?
> Tak jsem ti tam nafrkal deset kousků. Vztahuje se to teda k momentální
> titulce
> V současné době by to chtělo jen opravit to poskakování mapy zpět do
> Prahy a přenést tam funkcionalitu s přidáváním rozcestníků.
> Marián
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] associatedStreet, highway et housenumber

2016-01-08 Thread Nicolas Moyroud

Salut Tony,

Je réagis rapidement sur 2 points pour lesquels je ne suis pas d'accord 
avec ton analyse.

Je vous propose de reprendre le schéma ci-dessous et de mettre vos avis.

* pour les tronçons :
** a minima : name (Rue de la République) et ref (D 20)

Pas forcément de ref pour toutes les voies.

* pour les voies (associatedStreet) :
** a minima : name (Rue de la République) et ref:FR:FANTOIR (840870022G)
Il n'est utile de mettre le ref:FR:FANTOIR que si le rapprochement ne 
peut pas être fait automatiquement avec le name de la voie (cf 
préconisations BANO).


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] associatedStreet, highway et housenumber

2016-01-08 Thread Ralf Treinen

On Fri, Jan 08, 2016 at 01:59:44AM -0700, Tony Emery wrote:
> Bonjour à tous,
> Je voulais faire un point avec vous sur les informations à qualifier sur la
> voirie et surtout celles qui sont inutiles (qui font doublons par exemple)
> ou celles qu'il ne faut surtout pas mettre.
> Je résume en quelques points :
> > Nous avons des tronçons de voie (way dans highway) et des points
> > d'adresses (node dans addr:housenumber) qui sont regroupés dans des voies
> > (relation dans associatedStreet).
> > Les informations de base à mettre pour la partie adressage sont les tags
> > name, ref, addr:housenumber, ref:FR:FANTOIR
> Il y a aussi les informations facultatives : descriptions de la voie,
> limitations de circulation, cas particuliers (voies délimitant 2 communes
> par ex) mais ne nous y attardons pas trop dessus.
> >> Quelles informations doit-on mettre dans chaque type d'objets de manière
> >> obligatoire ou facultative et quelles sont celles qui sont inutiles,
> >> voire interdites ?
> Je vous propose de reprendre le schéma ci-dessous et de mettre vos avis.
> * pour les tronçons :
> ** a minima : name (Rue de la République) et ref (D 20)

le nom est aussi facultatif. Il n'y a souvent pas de noms pour des
sentiers, des voies de parking ... Aussi je ne vois de mal avec une
rue répérée sur une image airéenne mais pour laquelle on ne connait pas
le nom.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] associatedStreet, highway et housenumber

Dans les informations de base tant pour les voies que pour les adresses, je 
rajouterai la mention de source : cadastre, terrain, opendata, etc.

-Message d'origine-
De : Tony Emery [] 
Envoyé : vendredi 8 janvier 2016 10:00
À :
Objet : [OSM-talk-fr] associatedStreet, highway et housenumber

Bonjour à tous,

Je voulais faire un point avec vous sur les informations à qualifier sur la 
voirie et surtout celles qui sont inutiles (qui font doublons par exemple) ou 
celles qu'il ne faut surtout pas mettre.

Je résume en quelques points :

> Nous avons des tronçons de voie (way dans highway) et des points 
> d'adresses (node dans addr:housenumber) qui sont regroupés dans des 
> voies (relation dans associatedStreet).

> Les informations de base à mettre pour la partie adressage sont les 
> tags name, ref, addr:housenumber, ref:FR:FANTOIR
Il y a aussi les informations facultatives : descriptions de la voie, 
limitations de circulation, cas particuliers (voies délimitant 2 communes par 
ex) mais ne nous y attardons pas trop dessus.

>> Quelles informations doit-on mettre dans chaque type d'objets de 
>> manière obligatoire ou facultative et quelles sont celles qui sont 
>> inutiles, voire interdites ?

Je vous propose de reprendre le schéma ci-dessous et de mettre vos avis.

* pour les tronçons :
** a minima : name (Rue de la République) et ref (D 20)
** facultatif : tous les tags qui qualifient le tronçons
** inutile : 
** interdit : 
* pour les points d'adresse :
** a minima : addr:housenumber
** facultatif : addr:door, addr:housename (et tout ce qui commence par
** inutile : j'ai un doute sur les tags qui font doublons comme addr:street, 
addr:postcode, addr:city, addr:country
** interdit : 
* pour les voies (associatedStreet) :
** a minima : name (Rue de la République) et ref:FR:FANTOIR (840870022G)
** facultatif : 
** inutile : 
** interdit : ref (D 20) car une voie peut être partiellement classée 

Essayons de rester sur des cas génériques et de ne pas partir dans des 
discussions sans fin  .

Mandataire Grand Sud-Est
Géomaticien & chef de projets
View this message in context:
Sent from the France mailing list archive at

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Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Parcheggio interrato + campetto da calcio..

2016-01-08 Thread Paolo Monegato

Il 07/01/2016 22:54, girarsi_liste ha scritto:

Lo so che non si mappa per il rendering, ma volevo essere sicuro non
fosse un problema di rendering.

Ho un edificio ad un solo piano sotterraneo adibito a parcheggio, e il
tetto dell'edificio è a pian terreno, ivi sopra vi è un campetto da calcio.

Ho taggato l'edificio con:





Io in un caso simile avevo usato "location=underground" che però di 
solito si usa per le tubature... mi sa che se qualcuno conferma 
l'esattezza del tuo sistema di tag lo copierò di sana pianta (eccezion 
fatta per il levels, dato che non so quanti piani sotterranei abbia quel 

la strada di servizio parcheggio interna:







covered non mi convince, di solito si usa quando la copertura non è 

il semaforo interno, sul nodo della way interna (è in collegamento con
uno esterno in quanto l'acceso è vincolato ad unica direzione di marcia):


Hai messo pure oneway=alternate sulla via d'accesso?

Infine il campetto sopra:





Vi sembra buona la taggatura?

A me pare vada abbastanza bene.

Paolo M

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] associatedStreet, highway et housenumber

2016-01-08 Thread Tony Emery
Je vais essayer de répondre rapidement au 3 premiers avis :

> Ralf Treinen : effectivement, tous des tags sont facultatifs parce qu'il y
> a des rues qui ne sont pas nommées ou qui ne sont pas classée. Mais dans
> la mesure où une voie est nommée ou classée et que l'on a cette
> information, il faut la mettre.

La discussion étant le rapprochement entre les tronçons, les adresses et les
relations, si une voie n'a pas de nom, je pense qu'il n'y aura pas d'adresse
associée et donc pas de relation non plus.

> Nicolas Moyroud : du coup, si on doit mettre le Fantoir, il vaut mieux le
> mettre sur la relation ?

> Denis : c'est noté...

Mandataire Grand Sud-Est
Géomaticien & chef de projets
View this message in context:
Sent from the France mailing list archive at

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] associatedStreet, highway et housenumber

2016-01-08 Thread Tony Emery
Bonjour à tous,

Je voulais faire un point avec vous sur les informations à qualifier sur la
voirie et surtout celles qui sont inutiles (qui font doublons par exemple)
ou celles qu'il ne faut surtout pas mettre.

Je résume en quelques points :

> Nous avons des tronçons de voie (way dans highway) et des points
> d'adresses (node dans addr:housenumber) qui sont regroupés dans des voies
> (relation dans associatedStreet).

> Les informations de base à mettre pour la partie adressage sont les tags
> name, ref, addr:housenumber, ref:FR:FANTOIR
Il y a aussi les informations facultatives : descriptions de la voie,
limitations de circulation, cas particuliers (voies délimitant 2 communes
par ex) mais ne nous y attardons pas trop dessus.

>> Quelles informations doit-on mettre dans chaque type d'objets de manière
>> obligatoire ou facultative et quelles sont celles qui sont inutiles,
>> voire interdites ?

Je vous propose de reprendre le schéma ci-dessous et de mettre vos avis.

* pour les tronçons :
** a minima : name (Rue de la République) et ref (D 20)
** facultatif : tous les tags qui qualifient le tronçons
** inutile : 
** interdit : 
* pour les points d'adresse :
** a minima : addr:housenumber
** facultatif : addr:door, addr:housename (et tout ce qui commence par
** inutile : j'ai un doute sur les tags qui font doublons comme addr:street,
addr:postcode, addr:city, addr:country
** interdit : 
* pour les voies (associatedStreet) :
** a minima : name (Rue de la République) et ref:FR:FANTOIR (840870022G)
** facultatif : 
** inutile : 
** interdit : ref (D 20) car une voie peut être partiellement classée

Essayons de rester sur des cas génériques et de ne pas partir dans des
discussions sans fin  .

Mandataire Grand Sud-Est
Géomaticien & chef de projets
View this message in context:
Sent from the France mailing list archive at

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Was:Re: kam s fotografiemi?

2016-01-08 Thread Pavel Machek
On Wed 2016-01-06 21:39:38, Ladislav Laska wrote:
> Ok, koupím, to se mi líbí asi nejvíc.

Ber, je to o pismenko kratsi ;-).

(cesky, pictures)

Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-GB] UKOSM - technical aspects

2016-01-08 Thread Nick Whitelegg

Not sure if there's any discussion on the technical side of the UK OSM project 
yet but, while I might have little time for the organisational side of things, 
I'd be keen to be involved on the developer side if possible, particularly if 
we go for a PHP-based backend and javascript frontend.

Any discussion on this? I should warn you my design skills aren't really up to 
scratch though! []

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Was:Re: kam s fotografiemi?

2016-01-08 Thread Jethro
Nebo taky, když už tu máme ;-)

On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 10:09 AM, Pavel Machek  wrote:
> On Wed 2016-01-06 21:39:38, Ladislav Laska wrote:
>> Ok, koupím, to se mi líbí asi nejvíc.
> Ber, je to o pismenko kratsi ;-).
> Pavel
> --
> (english)
> (cesky, pictures) 
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Was:Re: kam s fotografiemi?

2016-01-08 Thread Tomas Novotny
Nebo, at jsme konzistentni se sousedy. Kdyz uz je tech nazoru
malo ;)


On Fri, 8 Jan 2016 10:13:30 +0100
Jethro  wrote:

> Nebo taky, když už tu máme ;-)
> Jethro
> On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 10:09 AM, Pavel Machek  wrote:
> > On Wed 2016-01-06 21:39:38, Ladislav Laska wrote:
> >> Ok, koupím, to se mi líbí asi nejvíc.
> >
> > Ber, je to o pismenko kratsi ;-).
> > 
> > Pavel
> >
> >
> > --
> > (english)
> > (cesky, pictures) 
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-cz mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mail nuovi utenti

2016-01-08 Thread Paolo Monegato

Il 07/01/2016 10:36, Alessandro ha scritto:

Poi ti vorrei dire che esiste una mailing list regionale (con poco
traffico) ed una a livello nazionale (con molto più traffico di mail) 
per avere

contatto con gli altri mappatori: puoi porre delle domande e ti
risponderà quasi sicuro qualcuno entro poco tempo; non avere timore a 
far domande, esiste anche per quello.

Occhio però che la gran parte delle regioni non ha una lista regionale 
(a cominciare dalla Lombardia!).

Paolo M

ps: poi c'è anche il caso della lista regionale veneta che si trova a 
tutt'altro indirizzo...

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Was:Re: kam s fotografiemi?

2016-01-08 Thread Ladislav Laska
Můžu brát klidně všechno, a když si odpustím procesor OMAP, tak je doména stejně
obsazená :-)

On Fri, Jan 08, 2016 at 10:09:34AM +0100, Pavel Machek wrote:
> On Wed 2016-01-06 21:39:38, Ladislav Laska wrote:
> > Ok, koupím, to se mi líbí asi nejvíc.
> Ber, je to o pismenko kratsi ;-).
>   Pavel
> -- 
> (english)
> (cesky, pictures) 
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

S pozdravem Ladislav Láska  
Katedra Aplikované Matematiky, MFF UK   tel.: +420 739 464 167

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] 2016 first quarterly project:Schools

2016-01-08 Thread Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)
On 7 January 2016 at 20:48, Brian Prangle  wrote:
> Also I'm finding that frequently I'm adding  names to pre-existing school
> polygons. Could Rob's progress tool also count schools with names?

I've just set up another report: (thought
that's currently only counting things on amenity=school ways.)


Robert Whittaker

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] associatedStreet, highway et housenumber

2016-01-08 Thread Christian Quest
ref:FR:FANTOIR est utile, mais  je ne le mettrai pas dans "à minima"...
c'est mieux avec, mais sans on fait déjà pas mal de choses, comme beaucoup
de tags d'ailleurs et heureusement !

OSM est i-té-ra-tif... avec plus d'infos, c'est mieux, mais c'est il ne
faut pas prendre ça comme une forme d'obligation, et il faut être capable
de maintenir tout ça à jour bien sûr.

Le 8 janvier 2016 à 11:19, Tony Emery  a écrit :

> Vincent de Château-Thierry-2 wrote
> > Oui tout à fait. Le Fantoir sert à forcer le rapprochement quand il ne
> > s'est pas fait tout seul.
> C'est quand même dommage de se privé d'un identifiant unique (Fantoir) pour
> assurer le rapprochement et de risquer d'avoir des erreurs en s'appuyant
> sur
> le tag name...
> Vincent de Château-Thierry-2 wrote
> > Après, sur le(s) way(s) ou sur la relation, d'un point de vue BANO les 2
> > fonctionnent. D'un point de vue modélisation OSMaussi (vieux débat,
> > mais Tony a demandé de "ne pas partir dans des discussions sans fin"
> alors
> > chut ;) )
> Merci...
> -
> Tony EMERY
> Administrateur
> Mandataire Grand Sud-Est
> Géomaticien & chef de projets
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the France mailing list archive at
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not sure what to think

2016-01-08 Thread Robert Norris
> On Fri, 2016-01-08 at 17:33 +0100, Simon Poole wrote:
>> Ahemm that was the whole point: is it about completing  information
>> (the
>> website URL) in OSM by systematically (as in going through "all
>> schools"
>> in the UK) querying google and not about retrieving information from
>> the
>> website returned in the query.
>> I can't see any fundamental difference between the above and say
>> getting a phone book and extracting all the phone numbers of schools
>> from it
> There's at least one fundamental difference; the user of google search
> results has to do an evaluation of the result set returned and make a
> judgment call to select the one he's actually interested in.

Agreed, I think one must "phone that number" (i.e. visit that URL) to confirm 
it exists and that is it the primary contact of the named item.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Orthophoto Toulouse 2015

2016-01-08 Thread lenny.libre
Je suis d'accord, d’ailleurs, je n'avais pas proposé de toutes les 
enlever (quelques unes au cas où il y aurait des problèmes de place sur 
les serveurs), n'avoir que 2 orthos me parait suffisant pour contribuer 
(2013 et 2015 n'est peut-être pas suffisant comme écart, peut-être 
est-il plus intéressant de conserver 2007 avec la nouvelle 2015).

Personnellement, je ne vois pas le besoin d'en avoir 4.

Je remonte la question initiale de Frédéric, y aurait-il une place sur 
un serveur osm-fr pour l'héberger et est-il possible de l'ajouter dans 
josm ?


Le 07/01/2016 22:14, Stéphane Péneau a écrit :
Ne contribuant pas vraiment sur Toulouse, mon avis n'a que peu de 
valeur, mais avoir un accès facile à des anciennes orthophotos me 
semble quelque chose d'important :

Le cadastre indique un bâtiment absent d'osm ici : il est nouveau ou 
est détruit ? Je peux le vérifier avec un historique sur l'imagerie
Je ne vois pas grand-chose à cause de l'ombre portée : Voyons ce qu'il 
en est sur les anciennes orthos.
Cette ortho est décalée ou pas ? On combinant les différentes sources, 
et donc entre autres les anciennes orthos, j'ai plus de repères.



Le 07/01/2016 18:30, lenny.libre a écrit :

+1 avec Frédéric.
AMHA Il me semble aussi que les plus anciennes pourraient être 
enlevées (actuellement, il y a les WMS de Toulouse 2007, 2011 et 
2013) on pourrait peut-être ne laisser que 2013 et 2015


Le 07/01/2016 12:06, Frédéric Bonifas a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,

Toulouse Métropole a publié son orthophoto 2015 :

Y aurait-il une place sur un serveur osm-fr pour l'héberger et la 
servir ?

Merci !

Frédéric Bonifas
+33672652807 skype:fredericbonifas

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Gujarat revenue maps

2016-01-08 Thread Arun Ganesh
> He mentioned that anything available on the website of Gujarat government
can be used freely and any way one wants.

They can't possibly license their data verbally like this. Do you know if
this a state policy and if it is there is a document somewhere that we can
reference to backup this claim?

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-pe] Hola

2016-01-08 Thread Alfonso Torres
Si es cuestión de lugar pueden hacerlo en mi casa (Los Olivos).Allí la anterior 

El Viernes, 8 de enero, 2016 10:32:32, Johnattan Rupire 

 Hola gente!
le ponemos una hora a la reunión? consiguieron un espacio donde reunirse
presencialmente en Lima?

El 26/12/15 a las 21:46, Erick Navarro escribió:
> A mi también me parece un buen día.
> ¿Donde sería la reunión?
> Saludos
> -- 
> Erick Navarro
> On December 26, 2015 at 11:35:53, Johnattan Rupire (
> ) wrote:
>> El 25/12/15 a las 18:37, Argentina en Python escribió:
>> > Si la hacemos el Domingo 10 de Enero en Lima yo puedo participar. El día
>> > anterior tenemos un taller de Django Girls ahí, y el Lunes me estaría
>> > volviendo para Huacho.
>> > 
>> > ¿Qué dicen?
>> +1 me parece un buen día...
>> ¿qué opinan?
>> -- 
>> Johnattan Rupire
>> @johnarupire
>> ___
>> Talk-pe mailing list
> ___
> Talk-pe mailing list

Johnattan Rupire

Talk-pe mailing list

Talk-pe mailing list

[Talk-gb-westmidlands] Oneway

2016-01-08 Thread Rob Nickerson
Got tweeted by BCC today.

Anyone able to look into a comment this triggered:

@mappamercia @BhamCityCouncil @BCCNewsRoom could you correct the direction
of traffic on Charlotte Street too please? (I dont know how)

Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [Talk-ec] Problematic edits by newbie in Chillanes

2016-01-08 Thread Zhubert Carangui
Hi Gerd,

My name is Zhubert i am from Ecuador, if i can help, i trie to do something
to fix this errors

2015-11-30 3:38 GMT-05:00 Gerd Petermann :

> Hi there!
> User
> needs help. I tried to contact them but got no response.
> Mariee produces lots of duplicated ways with tags
> like
> highway=24 de Mayo
> It seems (s)he is always adding ways instead of adding tags to the
> existing ways.
> I've tried to fix the mess on sunday but today I've noticed that
> all wrong ways were added again.
> See also
> Gerd
> ___
> Talk-ec mailing list
Talk-ec mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Missing Background Layers

2016-01-08 Thread Colin Smale
I am seeing this as well... The list is only about half as long as it
was earlier today...

On 2016-01-08 23:13, Steve Doerr wrote:

> When editing in Potlatch 2, the list of background layers seems rather short. 
> In particular, Mapnik (the default style) is not on the list.
> Bug? Or change of policy?
talk mailing list

[Talk-cz] LunaRender + přístup na git

2016-01-08 Thread Mikoláš Štrajt

programuji vlastní renderer pro openstreetmap (viz
severak/lunarender a
37673) a protože základem každého použitelného programu je nějaká ta 
srozumitelná dokumentace, pokusil jsem se svůj program zdokumentovat. 

Bohužel, moje angličtina je (jak zpívala Marianne Faithfull) poněkud broken 
english a tak se mi to moc nepodařilo... Nechtěl by mi někdo z české OSM 
komunity pomoci s překladem dokumentace? Nejprve bych ji napsal česky a pak 
bychom to společně přeložili. 

* * *

Mohl bych požádat o přístup do osmcz organizace na githubu? Rád bych také 
přispěl svou troškou do mlýna. Na githubu jsem severak.

S pozdravem 
Mikoláš Štrajt
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Missing Background Layers

2016-01-08 Thread tony wroblewski
Silly question, why would you trace from Mapnik, since it's OSM anyway?

On 8 January 2016 at 23:13, Steve Doerr  wrote:
> When editing in Potlatch 2, the list of background layers seems rather
> short. In particular, Mapnik (the default style) is not on the list.
> Bug? Or change of policy?
> --
> Steve
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> ___
> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Oneway

2016-01-08 Thread Andy Robinson
Yep, sorted. Its due to get swapped back again fairly soon but I’ll keep an eye 
out for when that happens





From: Rob Nickerson [] 
Sent: 08 January 2016 20:29
To: talk-gb-westmidlands
Subject: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Oneway


Got tweeted by BCC today.

Anyone able to look into a comment this triggered:

@mappamercia @BhamCityCouncil @BCCNewsRoom could you correct the direction of 
traffic on Charlotte Street too please? (I dont know how)


Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] 2016 first quarterly project:Schools

2016-01-08 Thread Stuart Reynolds
I wouldn’t like to say that it is definitive, because I haven't added 
playgrounds, parking or recreation facilities, but try or both of which 
relate to Southend High School for Boys, which is one that I’ve recently 

There are other examples - just west of there, on the south side of Prittlewell 
Chase, lie two other schools Chase High School and Lancaster School.

They all have boundary polygons, gates, school buildings and edubase tags.


On 8 Jan 2016, at 17:27, Paul Berry 
> wrote:

I see the diagram and suggested process on the Wiki page but do we have an 
actual mapped example that could be used to further illustrate this. A link to 
a changeset containing this, or whatever's appropriate, would be useful.

If you've mapped one, now's the chance for a bit of glory in setting an example 
for the rest of us :)

I'm aiming to contribute schools in South and West Yorkshire (Sheffield and 
Leeds mostly) from an armchair POV...

Paul Berry

On 7 January 2016 at 23:00, Andy Mabbett 
> wrote:
On 7 January 2016 at 20:48, Brian Prangle 
> wrote:

> If no-one objects to ref:edubase can someone add it to the wiki?  We should
> probably also add some other  stuff that's come up just in case there are
> folk who are not on this mailing list who want to discover what the
> consensus is in the UK for mapping schools.

Please see:

Andy Mabbett

Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-us] OpenStreetMap at William & Mary

2016-01-08 Thread Clifford Snow

OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Bati disparu

2016-01-08 Thread Christian Quest
Une remarque sur la zone de

Il y a beaucoup de name=* qui ne sont pas des noms mais des descriptions...
- église
- boulangerie
- bar tabac
- superette

Le 8 janvier 2016 à 17:01, Vincent de Château-Thierry  a
écrit :

> > De: "Ludovic Hirlimann" 
> > Les rues , il ne me semble pas qu'il en manque. Moi je ne vois que du
> > bati manquant.
> >
> > Je supose que c'est compliqué à corriger ?
> Pour une prochaine fois tu peux obtenir le fichier du bâti d'une commune
> ici :
> Tu noteras en bas de page le cadre "Mise en garde"
> => pour les bâtiments, la page à bien digérer est ici :
> vincent
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Orthophoto Toulouse 2015

2016-01-08 Thread Christian Quest
Du boulot pour JGC, notre grand maitre des WMS ;)

Le 8 janvier 2016 à 18:40, lenny.libre  a écrit :

> Je suis d'accord, d’ailleurs, je n'avais pas proposé de toutes les enlever
> (quelques unes au cas où il y aurait des problèmes de place sur les
> serveurs), n'avoir que 2 orthos me parait suffisant pour contribuer (2013
> et 2015 n'est peut-être pas suffisant comme écart, peut-être est-il plus
> intéressant de conserver 2007 avec la nouvelle 2015).
> Personnellement, je ne vois pas le besoin d'en avoir 4.
> Je remonte la question initiale de Frédéric, y aurait-il une place sur un
> serveur osm-fr pour l'héberger et est-il possible de l'ajouter dans josm ?
> lenny
> Le 07/01/2016 22:14, Stéphane Péneau a écrit :
> Ne contribuant pas vraiment sur Toulouse, mon avis n'a que peu de valeur,
> mais avoir un accès facile à des anciennes orthophotos me semble quelque
> chose d'important :
> Le cadastre indique un bâtiment absent d'osm ici : il est nouveau ou est
> détruit ? Je peux le vérifier avec un historique sur l'imagerie
> Je ne vois pas grand-chose à cause de l'ombre portée : Voyons ce qu'il en
> est sur les anciennes orthos.
> Cette ortho est décalée ou pas ? On combinant les différentes sources, et
> donc entre autres les anciennes orthos, j'ai plus de repères.
> Etc...
> Stf
> Le 07/01/2016 18:30, lenny.libre a écrit :
> +1 avec Frédéric.
> AMHA Il me semble aussi que les plus anciennes pourraient être enlevées
> (actuellement, il y a les WMS de Toulouse 2007, 2011 et 2013) on pourrait
> peut-être ne laisser que 2013 et 2015
> Merci
> Lenny
> Le 07/01/2016 12:06, Frédéric Bonifas a écrit :
> Bonjour à tous,
> Toulouse Métropole a publié son orthophoto 2015 :
> Y aurait-il une place sur un serveur osm-fr pour l'héberger et la servir ?
> Merci !
> --
> Frédéric Bonifas
> +33672652807 skype:fredericbonifas
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing 
> listTalk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing 
> listTalk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing 
> listTalk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] associatedStreet, highway et housenumber

2016-01-08 Thread Vincent de Château-Thierry

> De: "Tony Emery" 
> Vincent de Château-Thierry-2 wrote
> > Oui tout à fait. Le Fantoir sert à forcer le rapprochement quand il
> > ne
> > s'est pas fait tout seul.
> C'est quand même dommage de se privé d'un identifiant unique
> (Fantoir) pour assurer le rapprochement et de risquer d'avoir des erreurs en
> s'appuyant sur le tag name...

S'appuyer sur le (seul) tag name serait insuffisant, trop ouvert aux erreurs.
Les rapprochements actuels combinent toujours au moins 2 infos :
- soit name + inclusion spatiale dans l'emprise de la commune
- soit name + Fantoir

On a pris le pli de saisir ce code mais c'est plus un outil de gestion, un peu 
comme on cocherait un item pour dire "c'est rapproché, OSM a l'info, je passe à 
autre chose". La traduction du "c'est fait", c'est la présence en bleu ou vert 
plutôt qu'en rouge sur le rendu BANO, par exemple.

Mais sinon d'un point de vue OSM, le code Fantoir ne se justifie pas plus que 
ça, sauf à considérer qu'on veut traduire spatialement l'info Fantoir, qui n'a 
pas de géométrie en propre. Ca ajoute de la valeur au listing Fantoir, et ça 
ajoute de l'intérêt d'usage pour OSM pour quiconque veut savoir où sont 
positionnés les voies référencées par Fantoir. Bref, intérêts croisés donc 
pourquoi pas, mais la saisie de ce code reste fastidieuse, ce qui n'encourage 
pas le systématisme.

D'un point de vue gestionnaire de données pour une collectivité (une autre de 
tes casquettes) je comprends tout à fait le besoin d'une info exhaustive et pas 
juste au cas par cas. 


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tag Osservatorio ornitologico

2016-01-08 Thread Andrea Lattmann
Grazie, lo stavo cercando come osservatorio, ma naturalmente mi trovava quello 
Grazie ancora

Andrea Lattmann

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 284

2016-01-08 Thread Tom Ka
Ahoj, je dostupné vydání 284 týdeníku weeklyOSM:

Téma čísla: Vandalové mezi námi

* Povánoční úklid v Prušánkách.
* Jak rychle vytvořit turistickou mapu s Mapboxem.
* Tahák klávesových zkratek pro JOSM.
* Co přišlo dřív, mapa nebo databáze?
* Nevšední umělecké dílo s OSM.

Pěkné počtení...

Talk-cz mailing list

[OSM-talk] Missing Background Layers

2016-01-08 Thread Steve Doerr
When editing in Potlatch 2, the list of background layers seems rather 
short. In particular, Mapnik (the default style) is not on the list.

Bug? Or change of policy?


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

talk mailing list

[Talk-it] Tag Osservatorio ornitologico

2016-01-08 Thread Andrea Lattmann
Ciao a tutti,
Che tag posso usare per un osservatorio ornitologico?
Grazie per le risposte.

Andrea Lattmann

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Missing Background Layers

2016-01-08 Thread Simon Poole
The motivation for the "cleanup" are not quite clear, however the effect
is that the original editor-imagery-index is no longer usable for me too
(for example in Vespucci).  But it is all open source so  I've forked and reverted the relevant
commits. Not sure if you can simply use one of the config versions in P2
though or if it would require cooperation from Richard.


Am 08.01.2016 um 23:13 schrieb Steve Doerr:
> When editing in Potlatch 2, the list of background layers seems rather
> short. In particular, Mapnik (the default style) is not on the list.
> Bug? Or change of policy?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Missing Background Layers

2016-01-08 Thread Simon Poole
Am 08.01.2016 um 23:25 schrieb tony wroblewski:
> Silly question, why would you trace from Mapnik, since it's OSM anyway?

There are many reasons why you might want to use a non-imagery
background (or overlay which essentially all have gone too), for example
large scale orientation or highlighting specific features, editing in
areas without useful areial imagery and so on.

> On 8 January 2016 at 23:13, Steve Doerr  wrote:
>> When editing in Potlatch 2, the list of background layers seems rather
>> short. In particular, Mapnik (the default style) is not on the list.
>> Bug? Or change of policy?
>> --
>> Steve
>> ---
>> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] 京都世界遺産マッピングパーティ:第10回[特別編]醍醐寺

2016-01-08 Thread yasunari

来週末の 1/16(土)開催。


In message <> writes

 > 京都世界遺産「マッパー」の山下です。
 > みなさんこんにちわ。
 > 鬼が笑うかもしれませんが
 > 京都世界遺産マッピングパーティ:第10回[特別編]醍醐寺
 > は来年1月16日に開催します。
 > 朝10時集合、
 > 上醍醐までは1時間の登山が必要、
 > 2万歩以上は歩くことになるでしょう。
 > 皆さんのチャレンジをお待ちしています
 > --
 > 山下康成@京都府向日市

Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] associatedStreet, highway et housenumber

2016-01-08 Thread Nicolas Moyroud

Nicolas Moyroud : du coup, si on doit mettre le Fantoir, il vaut mieux le
mettre sur la relation ?
Oui il me semble que c'est sur la relation qu'il faut mettre le fantoir. 
D'ailleurs je me rends compte que depuis quelques temps j'avais pris la 
mauvaise habitude de le mettre sur les ways... Pas contre selon ce que 
j'avais compris ce n'est utile de le mettre (que ce soit sur le way ou 
la relation) que si le rapprochement ne peut pas être fait 
automatiquement avec le nom de la voie. Vincent ?

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz]

2016-01-08 Thread Michal Grézl
2016-01-08 9:53 GMT+01:00 Marián Kyral :
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Michal Grézl 
> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> Datum: 8. 1. 2016 9:46:51
> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz]
> 2016-01-07 16:54 GMT+01:00 Marián Kyral :
>> Dne 7.1.2016 v 11:59 Pavel Zbytovský napsal(a):
>> Issue tvoř asi k tomu co posílal walley - tedy
>> No to právě nevím. To co tam má walley jaksi nesouhlasí s tím co je na
>> hlavní stránce ;-)
>> Trochu jsem to testoval a vadí mi, že si mapa nepamatuje, kde je. Takže
>> koukám na mapu, někam se posunu, pak udělám reload stránky nebo kliknu na
>> něco nahoře v menu a bum, jsem zase v Praze. To je docela nepříjemné. -
>> Tohle hlásit taky k walleymu?
>> Marián
>> Organizaci jsem vytvořil - napište mě/walleymu
>> maila
>> s gh nickem, kdo chcete write access. Ten walleyho repozitář tam můžeme
>> posléze přesunout i včetně issues.
> ...
> da se nejak to moje repo priradit k te organizaci? Nebo zalozit neco
> noveho a ja do toho naplacam ty moje zmeny?
> Ahoj,
> našel jsem:
> Marián

je to presunuto, ja bych to dnes pomenil tak aby v html zustal pouze
mapovy div at se to lepe integruje a doplnil tam ty ostatni base
layery. Pak uz bych zacal resit issues apod.

Michal Grézl

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] associatedStreet, highway et housenumber

2016-01-08 Thread Vincent de Château-Thierry

> De: "Nicolas Moyroud" 
> >> Nicolas Moyroud : du coup, si on doit mettre le Fantoir, il vaut
> >> mieux le
> >> mettre sur la relation ?
> Oui il me semble que c'est sur la relation qu'il faut mettre le fantoir.
> D'ailleurs je me rends compte que depuis quelques temps j'avais pris
> la mauvaise habitude de le mettre sur les ways... Pas contre selon ce
> que j'avais compris ce n'est utile de le mettre (que ce soit sur le way
> ou la relation) que si le rapprochement ne peut pas être fait
> automatiquement avec le nom de la voie. Vincent ?

Oui tout à fait. Le Fantoir sert à forcer le rapprochement quand il ne s'est 
pas fait tout seul.
Après, sur le(s) way(s) ou sur la relation, d'un point de vue BANO les 2 
fonctionnent. D'un point de vue modélisation OSMaussi (vieux débat, mais 
Tony a demandé de "ne pas partir dans des discussions sans fin" alors chut ;) )


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Parcheggio interrato + campetto da calcio..

2016-01-08 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-01-08 11:01 GMT+01:00 girarsi_liste :

> Il 08/01/2016 10:27, Paolo Monegato ha scritto:
> > covered non mi convince, di solito si usa quando la copertura non è
> > integrale
> >
> Ho visto usano anche tunne=building_passage, ma non mi convince nemmeno
> quello, visto che il parcheggio è praticamente coperto da un suolo di
> cemento ho optato per questo, anche se non convince neppure me.

per me covered=yes va bene, tunnel=yes sarebbe un po' una forzatura (tanto
non è una galleria) e tunnel=building_passage mi sembra sbagliato.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz]

2016-01-08 Thread Pavel Zbytovský
Nová adresa je tedy (ale funguje i stará -
viva github)

Večer tam nahraju aktuální source mapy na

btw, kdo chcete být vidět jako member na stránce organizace, můžete si
nastavit "Publicize my membership". Též kdyby někdo chtěl přidat - pošlete
své github username :-)


Dne 8. ledna 2016 10:58 Michal Grézl 

> 2016-01-08 9:53 GMT+01:00 Marián Kyral :
> >
> > -- Původní zpráva --
> > Od: Michal Grézl 
> > Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> > Datum: 8. 1. 2016 9:46:51
> > Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz]
> >
> >
> > 2016-01-07 16:54 GMT+01:00 Marián Kyral :
> >> Dne 7.1.2016 v 11:59 Pavel Zbytovský napsal(a):
> >>
> >> Issue tvoř asi k tomu co posílal walley - tedy
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> No to právě nevím. To co tam má walley jaksi nesouhlasí s tím co je na
> >> hlavní stránce ;-)
> >>
> >> Trochu jsem to testoval a vadí mi, že si mapa nepamatuje, kde je. Takže
> >> koukám na mapu, někam se posunu, pak udělám reload stránky nebo kliknu
> na
> >> něco nahoře v menu a bum, jsem zase v Praze. To je docela nepříjemné. -
> >> Tohle hlásit taky k walleymu?
> >>
> >> Marián
> >>
> >>
> >> Organizaci jsem vytvořil - napište mě/walleymu
> >> maila
> >> s gh nickem, kdo chcete write access. Ten walleyho repozitář tam můžeme
> >> posléze přesunout i včetně issues.
> >>
> > ...
> > da se nejak to moje repo priradit k te organizaci? Nebo zalozit neco
> > noveho a ja do toho naplacam ty moje zmeny?
> >
> >
> > Ahoj,
> >
> > našel jsem:
> >
> >
> > Marián
> >
> >
> je to presunuto, ja bych to dnes pomenil tak aby v html zustal pouze
> mapovy div at se to lepe integruje a doplnil tam ty ostatni base
> layery. Pak uz bych zacal resit issues apod.
> --
> Michal Grézl
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] associatedStreet, highway et housenumber

2016-01-08 Thread Tony Emery
Vincent de Château-Thierry-2 wrote
> Oui tout à fait. Le Fantoir sert à forcer le rapprochement quand il ne
> s'est pas fait tout seul.

C'est quand même dommage de se privé d'un identifiant unique (Fantoir) pour
assurer le rapprochement et de risquer d'avoir des erreurs en s'appuyant sur
le tag name...

Vincent de Château-Thierry-2 wrote
> Après, sur le(s) way(s) ou sur la relation, d'un point de vue BANO les 2
> fonctionnent. D'un point de vue modélisation OSMaussi (vieux débat,
> mais Tony a demandé de "ne pas partir dans des discussions sans fin" alors
> chut ;) )


Mandataire Grand Sud-Est
Géomaticien & chef de projets
View this message in context:
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Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Parcheggio interrato + campetto da calcio..

2016-01-08 Thread girarsi_liste
Il 08/01/2016 10:27, Paolo Monegato ha scritto:
> covered non mi convince, di solito si usa quando la copertura non è
> integrale

Ho visto usano anche tunne=building_passage, ma non mi convince nemmeno
quello, visto che il parcheggio è praticamente coperto da un suolo di
cemento ho optato per questo, anche se non convince neppure me.

Può esistere un tag highway=underground?

> Hai messo pure oneway=alternate sulla via d'accesso?

Non conoscevo il tag, ad dir la verità non ho nemmeno approfondito, me
lo segno.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] taskman pro cyklotrasy

2016-01-08 Thread Tom Ka
Ahoj, staci zalozit dalsi projekt na Mozna to hned
muzes udelat, pokud ne, tak se ozvi petrovi Vejsadovi a urcite ti rad
patricne opravneni povoli. Jinak souhlasim s tebou, ze mozna ma smysl
s tim pockat kvuli tristeni sil, ale projekt asi existovat muze.

Dne 7. ledna 2016 23:48 Ladislav Laska  napsal(a):
> Ahoj,
> docela by se mi líbilo, kdyby začal existovat taskman pro cyklotrasy, vedle
> turistického (případně i další, třeba koňské stezky). Když se tak pohybuji 
> okolo, často si značím i
> cyklotrasy, respektive kontroluji, kudy vedou, a rád bych si takovou věc
> zaznačil do taskmana.
> Existuje nějaký důvod, proč ho nemít teď?
> Tedy kromě zjevného, že turistické trasy chvíli potrvají a až potom se do toho
> potenciálně pustí více lidí, něco z toho zastará... Ale u cyklotras to snad
> nebude tak rychlé, když vedou často po silnicích a tak... A kdyžtak potom bude
> snadné omrknout dlouho označené čtverce někdy při finálním review.
> TL;DR: Přeji si, aby existoval taskman pro cyklotrasy a koňské stezky :-)
> --
> S pozdravem Ladislav Láska  
> Katedra Aplikované Matematiky, MFF UK   tel.: +420 739 464 167
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Was:Re: kam s fotografiemi?

2016-01-08 Thread Tom Ka
Jen ze zkusenosti - idealni stav vlastnictvi by byla nejaka organizace
(obcanske sdruzeni apod.), coz ted neni realne (asi), ale aspn at je
to soustrdene u jednoho cloveka. Pri nejake zmene pak resit s X lidma
bude dost opruz navic.


Dne 8. ledna 2016 10:25 Karel Volný  napsal(a):
>> Nebo taky, když už tu máme ;-)
> vzhledem k ceně bych neříkal "nebo" nýbrž "a", zvlášť pokud se bavíme o
> jménech, která snadno vzniknou překlepem
> @LL: klidně se hlásím jako sponzor jednoho jména, když mi přepošleš platební
> údaje, popř. si něco vezmu na sebe a přesměruju, pokud nevadí, že to nebudeš
> mít pod kontrolou
> K.
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Was:Re: kam s fotografiemi?

2016-01-08 Thread Pavel Zbytovský
Díky za postřeh. Řešili jsme to stranou v soukromém threadu. Ladislav s
občanským sdružením a převlastněním jeho domén nemá problém. (Walley, s jsi taky v pohodě?)
 Já i Marián jsme pro založení sdružení. Asi se do toho časem pustím :-)


Dne 8. ledna 2016 11:11 Tom Ka  napsal(a):

> Jen ze zkusenosti - idealni stav vlastnictvi by byla nejaka organizace
> (obcanske sdruzeni apod.), coz ted neni realne (asi), ale aspn at je
> to soustrdene u jednoho cloveka. Pri nejake zmene pak resit s X lidma
> bude dost opruz navic.
> Bye
> Dne 8. ledna 2016 10:25 Karel Volný  napsal(a):
> >> Nebo taky, když už tu máme ;-)
> >
> > vzhledem k ceně bych neříkal "nebo" nýbrž "a", zvlášť pokud se bavíme o
> > jménech, která snadno vzniknou překlepem
> >
> > @LL: klidně se hlásím jako sponzor jednoho jména, když mi přepošleš
> platební
> > údaje, popř. si něco vezmu na sebe a přesměruju, pokud nevadí, že to
> nebudeš
> > mít pod kontrolou
> >
> > K.
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-cz mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Was:Re: kam s fotografiemi?

2016-01-08 Thread Marián Kyral
No teď to spíše bude spolek.


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Pavel Zbytovský 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 8. 1. 2016 11:22:24
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Was:Re: kam s fotografiemi?


Díky za postřeh. Řešili jsme to stranou v soukromém threadu. Ladislav s 
občanským sdružením a převlastněním jeho domén nemá problém. (Walley, s jsi taky v pohodě?)
 Já i Marián jsme pro založení sdružení. Asi se do toho časem pustím :-)


Dne 8. ledna 2016 11:11 Tom Ka  napsal(a):
"Jen ze zkusenosti - idealni stav vlastnictvi by byla nejaka organizace
(obcanske sdruzeni apod.), coz ted neni realne (asi), ale aspn at je
to soustrdene u jednoho cloveka. Pri nejake zmene pak resit s X lidma
bude dost opruz navic.


Dne 8. ledna 2016 10:25 Karel Volný  napsal(a):

>> Nebo taky, když už tu máme
( ;-)
> vzhledem k ceně bych neříkal "nebo" nýbrž "a", zvlášť pokud se bavíme o
> jménech, která snadno vzniknou překlepem
> @LL: klidně se hlásím jako sponzor jednoho jména, když mi přepošleš 
> údaje, popř. si něco vezmu na sebe a přesměruju, pokud nevadí, že to 
> mít pod kontrolou
> K.

> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list


Talk-cz mailing list;___
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Was:Re: kam s fotografiemi?

2016-01-08 Thread Jakub Sýkora
Případně bych se i zbavil osobního vlastnictví na spolek, 
pokud bude mít rozumně napsané stanovy. Samozřejmě pokud by s tím neměl 
problém provozovatel obsahu.


Dne 8.1.2016 v 11:26 Marián Kyral napsal(a):
Díky za postřeh. Řešili jsme to stranou v soukromém threadu. Ladislav 
s občanským sdružením a převlastněním jeho domén nemá problém. 
(Walley, s  jsi taky v pohodě?)

 Já i Marián jsme pro založení sdružení. Asi se do toho časem pustím :-)


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not sure what to think

2016-01-08 Thread Robin Paulson

On 2016-01-08 06:46, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

You could even see it the other way round: any website is a kind of
database (structured information). Has google a right to copy this, or
index it (i.e. create a derivative database)?

maybe, maybe not. they could argue that most web sites want to be found 
and search is the most common way, so it's an assumption they make which 
they would claim is reasonable.

isn't there a "right to be forgotten" directive in eu now, which allows 
a person/institution to be removed from searches in the eu? so, opt out, 
not opt in.

also, they have bigger and better lawyers than everyone else, which is 
probably the most important thing when deciding who is right and wrong.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Bati disparu

2016-01-08 Thread Pierre-Yves Berrard
Le 8 janvier 2016 à 14:39, Ludovic Hirlimann  a
écrit :

> Il y a plein de bati absent qui était présent, ça se corrige comment ?
> Ludo

Il faudrait faire un revert du/des changeset à problème.

Or, je ne trouve pas de trace d'effacement massif dans cette zone

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] BAG update

2016-01-08 Thread Sebastiaan Couwenberg
On 08-01-16 15:01, Éric Piel wrote:
> Are there any recommended ways to update the BAG imported building data?
> I had a look at these pages in the wiki, but they appear to not have
> been updated for a while:
> I'm fairly experienced with JOSM, and I have done some building imports
> previously.
> Thanks for any pointer or help!

The new version is JOSM plugin is not widely available yet, in the mean
time we coordinate BAG updates on the forum:

Kind Regards,


 GPG Key ID: 4096R/6750F10AE88D4AF1
Fingerprint: 8182 DE41 7056 408D 6146  50D1 6750 F10A E88D 4AF1

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Gujarat revenue maps

2016-01-08 Thread Shibu Narayanan
Is it available somewhere on the website?

Or do you have any email from the concerned authorities confirming its use?




From: shravan [] 
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2016 7:00 PM
To: OpenStreetMap in India
Subject: Re: [Talk-in] Gujarat revenue maps


Update: Just confirmed. Anyone can use the maps.




On 8 January 2016 at 14:52, Yogesh K S; \> wrote:

These maps would help a lot to improve OSM in Gujarat!

On 01/06/2016 10:37 PM, shravan wrote:

Hey Arun, 


I'll ask the concerned authorities, if they are willing to cooperate and get 
back to you in a week's time.




On 6 January 2016 at 18:30, Arun Ganesh; \> wrote:

For each taluk is available here: 


Cannot find a copyright notice anywhere, wonder who we can contact to ask 
permission to use in OSM.



Arun Ganesh 

HYPERLINK "; \n(planemad)

Talk-in mailing list



Talk-in mailing list


Talk-in mailing list

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Was:Re: kam s fotografiemi?

2016-01-08 Thread Karel Volný

Dne Pá 8. ledna 2016 11:19:52, Pavel Zbytovský napsal(a):
> Díky za postřeh. Řešili jsme to stranou v soukromém threadu. Ladislav s
> občanským sdružením a převlastněním jeho domén nemá problém. (Walley, s
> jsi taky v pohodě?)
>  Já i Marián jsme pro založení sdružení. Asi se do toho časem pustím :-)

a je nutné furt zakládat něco nového?

@Láďa Nešněra: jak vidíš organizačně možnost provozovat OSM aktivity pod 
hlavičkou OA?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Was:Re: kam s fotografiemi?

2016-01-08 Thread Pavel Zbytovský
Kdyby to šlo k Jáchymovi do OSGeo jako osm sekce, tak jsem pro.


Dne 8. ledna 2016 14:18 Marián Kyral  napsal(a):

> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Karel Volný 
> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> Datum: 8. 1. 2016 13:58:08
> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Was:Re: kam s fotografiemi?
> zdar,
> > Zatím je to celé jen ve stádiu úvah a je jasné, že by bylo dobré s tím
> něco
> > v blízké budoucnosti udělat. A to buď jako samostatný subjekt nebo třeba
> v
> > rámci osgeo nebo něčeho jiného.
> aj, na ty jsem úplně zapomněl ... tak stejný dotaz na Jáchyma, s/OA/OSGeo/
> Tak pokud si pamatuji, tak Jáchym určitě není proti - minimálně nás na
> Geoinformatics 2014 do sdružení lákal, že by mohla vzniknout osm sekce. Ale
> nejprve se musíme dohodnout mezi sebou.
> Já už to tady v minulosti navrhoval, ale nebyla vůle, nikdo se nechytil a
> já na tohle nejsem.
> Marián
> > > @Láďa Nešněra: jak vidíš organizačně možnost provozovat OSM aktivity
> pod
> > > hlavičkou OA?
> >
> > Co je OA? OpenAlt?
> jo
> K.___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-ec] Huaquillos Ecuador Mapping

2016-01-08 Thread Dale Kunce
As part of the Missing Maps project the American Red Cross is starting to
trace the city of Huaquillos, Ecuador. As we get started with the tracing I
wanted to reach out to see if there are any OSM/HOT folks in Ecuador that
would be interested in either helping to remotely trace or are in
Huaquillos and would be interested in participating or potentially helping
to train local Red Cross volunteers how to field map in OSM.

This is the area that we will be mapping. We anticipate our mapping team to
be on the ground sometime in February.

Feel free to reach out to me or Drishtie directly.


sent from my mobile device

Dale Kunce
Talk-ec mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] BANO : prise en compte des old_name et alt_name

2016-01-08 Thread Vincent de Château-Thierry

> De: "Donat ROBAUX" 
> Apparemment ca ne marche pas.
> C'est une rue que j'ai renommé suite à un article dans la PQR (pour
> résumer). Evidemment: pas encore de Fantoir. Donc j'ai qualifié
> l'erreur par avance, ca devrait apparaître en gris, mais ce n'est
> pas le cas.

Le cadastre ne référence aucune adresse associée à la Rue de Bel-Air. Ce que 
j'ai fait pour l'instant ne traite que des noms de voies où il existe côté 
Cadastre des adresses (ça n'était pas clair dans mon mail). Dit autrement, les 
modifs ne concernent pour l'instant que la partie "Voies avec adresse(s) 
numérotée(s)" des pages Fantoir.

Comme aucune adresse n'est connue rue de Bel-Air, le seul niveau où peut se 
faire le rapprochement est la voie, non les adresses. Il faut que je propage la 
modif aux voies, et normalement la Rue de Bel-air apparaîtra dans cet onglet :

Donc merci, j'en fait un cas de test ;)


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Bati disparu

2016-01-08 Thread Philippe Verdy
Peut-être que quelqu'un a décidé de réimporter le cadastre en partant de
zéro, et n'a pas fait le détail...
Il n'y a pas que le bâti, mais aussi les POI et les adresses, et tout un
tas de métadonnées accumulées (tags de classification,
entrerprises/services, contacts, téléphone, liens web), et apparemement il
manque aussi des routes/rues.

Le 8 janvier 2016 à 15:05, Ludovic Hirlimann  a
écrit :

> On 08/01/2016 14:59, Pierre-Yves Berrard wrote:
> Le 8 janvier 2016 à 14:39, Ludovic Hirlimann  a
> écrit :
>> Il y a plein de bati absent qui était présent, ça se corrige comment ?
>> Ludo
> Il faudrait faire un revert du/des changeset à problème.
> Or, je ne trouve pas de trace d'effacement massif dans cette zone
> Merci d'avoir regardé, et ré ajouter le bati c'est compliqué ?
> Ludo
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not sure what to think

2016-01-08 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 08.01.2016 um 12:55 schrieb Robin Paulson :
> also, they have bigger and better lawyers than everyone else, which is 
> probably the most important thing when deciding who is right and wrong.

Facebook also have good lawyers (I guess), still they have lost against an 
Austrian student of law in a recent and famous case.

"On 6 October 2015, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that, (1) 
national supervisory authorities still have the power to examine EU-US data 
transfers in spite of an existing Commission decision (such as its Safe Harbor 
Decision in 2000 which determined that US companies complying with the 
principles were allowed to transfer data from the EU to the US), and (2) the 
Safe Harbour framework is invalid."


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Was:Re: kam s fotografiemi?

2016-01-08 Thread Karel Volný

> Zatím je to celé jen ve stádiu úvah a je jasné, že by bylo dobré s tím něco
> v blízké budoucnosti udělat. A to buď jako samostatný subjekt nebo třeba v
> rámci osgeo nebo něčeho jiného.

aj, na ty jsem úplně zapomněl ... tak stejný dotaz na Jáchyma, s/OA/OSGeo/

> > @Láďa Nešněra: jak vidíš organizačně možnost provozovat OSM aktivity pod
> > hlavičkou OA?
> Co je OA? OpenAlt?



Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] More questions on Schools project

2016-01-08 Thread SK53
On 8 January 2016 at 12:22, Stuart Reynolds <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have some questions about naming, and also the content of Edubase.
> ...
> If someone could also suggest how to tag one school split across two
> sites, I would be very happy!
> Many thanks
> Regards,
> Stuart
I'd also be interested in the one school / multiple sites issue.

These are becoming commoner as one school takes over another. The
particular problem is that each site will have a name and the school itself
will have a name. One example is the Nottingham Bluecoat School which has
two sites, the original main site, and the Wollaton Park Campus site
 (a 'failing' secondary school
taken over by Bluecoat, but now various functions are partitioned between
the sites). Perhaps something like campus_name might work for now: I find
the concatenation Bluecoat School - Wollaton Park Campus unwieldy and it's
not easy to identify these multi-campus institutions.

(A side note, this school also hosts churches at both sites: slightly
diffiicult in terms of locating the actual hall used for services &
debatable whether rented locations should be specifically marked as place
of worship, although in these cases both are signed outside the school).

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-ec] OpenStreetMap y Proyecto Cotopaxi

2016-01-08 Thread Gonzales, Miriam - (p)
Hola comunidad mapera de Ecuador

Mi nombre es Miriam González de México, hace una semana me invitaron a 
participar a un evento virtual que organiza TheGovLab para hacer un plan que 
apoye en caso de una erupción del Volcán Cotopaxi, ya estuve en una de las 
reuniones pero va a haber varias más. Ya se puso en contacto Justin conmigo de 
la comunidad de Quito pero me gustaría ver si más gente se encuentra interesada 
en participar en el proyecto. Por favor escríbanme un e-mail  para estar en 

Saludos y gracias

Talk-ec mailing list

[Talk-ec] OSM at Open Government Partnership Summit

2016-01-08 Thread alyssa wright
Hi all,

So next week the Open Government Partnership Summit
 starts and group of us from the
OpenStreetMap community will be in attendance to help forward open geo to
an international audience committed to open data. I'm writing to see if
others from your own community will be in attendance? We would very much
enjoy connecting with them to build further visibility and momentum for the
work we are all care about

If you or someone you know is going to the Summit please reach out to me
(email above!). And follow us on twitter for all the geo summit excitement.


PS Sorry for the cross posting - just hoping to get the geo word out! 
Talk-ec mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Bati disparu

2016-01-08 Thread Ludovic Hirlimann
On 08/01/2016 14:59, Pierre-Yves Berrard wrote:
> Le 8 janvier 2016 à 14:39, Ludovic Hirlimann  > a écrit :
> Il y a plein de bati absent qui était présent, ça se corrige comment ?
> Ludo
> Il faudrait faire un revert du/des changeset à problème.
> Or, je ne trouve pas de trace d'effacement massif dans cette zone
Merci d'avoir regardé, et ré ajouter le bati c'est compliqué ?

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is there a OSM map viewer program to dynamically view OSM data?

2016-01-08 Thread Marc Zoutendijk

> Op 8 jan. 2016, om 03:58 heeft Wuzzy  het volgende geschreven:
> I was wondering if there is some standalone application (preferable for
> PC) to view OSM data as a map, but dynamically and locally (not
> from some random computer on the Internet) rendered.
> [….]
> I should give some examples:
> The program could have a checkbox somewhere to toggle country borders.
> So you click the checkbox and they disappear. Or you could have a map
> where only lanterns or whatever are displayed. Or a map where only the
> surface or landuse types are rendered. Etc. etc. Everything should be
> created dynamically.

As the developer of openpoimap [1] I have thought about that but skipped the 
idea soon.
It would mean that you should have a checkbox for EVERY possible key in the OSM 
database. There are about 50.000 different keys!
Where do I put all those 50.000 checkboxes?

But with openpoimap you could use the UserPois function to switch on many 
different keys. E.g. you would like to show all tracktype=grade4 roads in a 
certain area. Type that value into the User POIs field and click on show. Be 
careful, sometime it takes a lot of time to render all the results!


[1] http://openpoimap .org___
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not sure what to think

2016-01-08 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 08.01.2016 um 12:55 schrieb Robin Paulson :
> isn't there a "right to be forgotten" directive in eu now, which allows a 
> person/institution to be removed from searches in the eu? so, opt out, not 
> opt in.

the database directive is opt in, not opt out.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Was:Re: kam s fotografiemi?

2016-01-08 Thread Marián Kyral

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Karel Volný 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 8. 1. 2016 13:58:08
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Was:Re: kam s fotografiemi?


> Zatím je to celé jen ve stádiu úvah a je jasné, že by bylo dobré s tím 
> v blízké budoucnosti udělat. A to buď jako samostatný subjekt nebo třeba v
> rámci osgeo nebo něčeho jiného.

aj, na ty jsem úplně zapomněl ... tak stejný dotaz na Jáchyma, s/OA/OSGeo/

Tak pokud si pamatuji, tak Jáchym určitě není proti - minimálně nás na 
Geoinformatics 2014 do sdružení lákal, že by mohla vzniknout osm sekce. Ale 
nejprve se musíme dohodnout mezi sebou.

Já už to tady v minulosti navrhoval, ale nebyla vůle, nikdo se nechytil a já
na tohle nejsem.


> > @Láďa Nešněra: jak vidíš organizačně možnost provozovat OSM aktivity pod
> > hlavičkou OA?
> Co je OA? OpenAlt?

Talk-cz mailing list;___
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Gujarat revenue maps

2016-01-08 Thread shravan
Update: Just confirmed. Anyone can use the maps.


On 8 January 2016 at 14:52, Yogesh K S  wrote:

> These maps would help a lot to improve OSM in Gujarat!
> On 01/06/2016 10:37 PM, shravan wrote:
> Hey Arun,
> I'll ask the concerned authorities, if they are willing to cooperate and
> get back to you in a week's time.
> Shravan
> On 6 January 2016 at 18:30, Arun Ganesh  wrote:
>> For each taluk is available here:
>> Cannot find a copyright notice anywhere, wonder who we can contact to ask
>> permission to use in OSM.
>> --
>> Arun Ganesh
>> (planemad) 
>> ___
>> Talk-in mailing list
> ___
> Talk-in mailing 
> listTalk-in@openstreetmap.org
> ___
> Talk-in mailing list
Talk-in mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] BAG update

2016-01-08 Thread Éric Piel


Around my place (Delft) there are various places where the buildings are 
not up-to-date anymore. It's easy to remove destroyed buildings, but 
quite more work to draw new ones. The BAG is up-to-date (even a bit 
ahead sometimes).

Are there any recommended ways to update the BAG imported building data? 
I had a look at these pages in the wiki, but they appear to not have 
been updated for a while:

I'm fairly experienced with JOSM, and I have done some building imports 

Thanks for any pointer or help!

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] More questions on Schools project

2016-01-08 Thread Colin Smale
Does anyone have information on the lifecycle of an Edubase ID? If a
school changes name, does the ID change? What about if it changes status
and becomes an academy? If a school splits, do both halves get a new ID
or does one half carry on with the old one? 

(GSS identifiers used to identify geographic areas such as local
government districts are immutable: if any boundary changes take place,
a new ID is issued for the modifed boundary. I.e. they are not as stable
as you might think...)


On 2016-01-08 14:27, SK53 wrote:

> On 8 January 2016 at 12:22, Stuart Reynolds 
>  wrote:
>> Hi All, 
>> I have some questions about naming, and also the content of Edubase. 
>> ... 
>> If someone could also suggest how to tag one school split across two sites, 
>> I would be very happy! 
>> Many thanks 
>> Regards, 
>> Stuart
> I'd also be interested in the one school / multiple sites issue. 
> These are becoming commoner as one school takes over another. The particular 
> problem is that each site will have a name and the school itself will have a 
> name. One example is the Nottingham Bluecoat School which has two sites, the 
> original main site, and the Wollaton Park Campus site [1] (a 'failing' 
> secondary school taken over by Bluecoat, but now various functions are 
> partitioned between the sites). Perhaps something like campus_name might work 
> for now: I find the concatenation Bluecoat School - Wollaton Park Campus 
> unwieldy and it's not easy to identify these multi-campus institutions.
> (A side note, this school also hosts churches at both sites: slightly 
> diffiicult in terms of locating the actual hall used for services & debatable 
> whether rented locations should be specifically marked as place of worship, 
> although in these cases both are signed outside the school). 
> Jerry 
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is there a OSM map viewer program to dynamically view OSM data?

2016-01-08 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 08.01.2016 12:57, Marc Zoutendijk napisał(a):

As the developer of openpoimap [1] I have thought about that but
skipped the idea soon.
It would mean that you should have a checkbox for EVERY possible key
in the OSM database. There are about 50.000 different keys!
Where do I put all those 50.000 checkboxes?

It's impossible, of course, and your solution (typical categories + user 
defined) is good, but I think you could look at nested menus in JOSM 
(which I'm familiar with) to have more of POIs available at hand. 
OpenPOImap has 25 ready shop filters, while JOSM just added new 
subcategories and now there is 8 of them with items inside (79 shop 
types in total), so there is still some space for improvement.

"Завтра, завтра всё кончится!" [Ф. Достоевский]

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Was:Re: kam s fotografiemi?

2016-01-08 Thread Marián Kyral

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Karel Volný 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic , nesnera@
Datum: 8. 1. 2016 13:36:10
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Was:Re: kam s fotografiemi?


Dne Pá 8. ledna 2016 11:19:52, Pavel Zbytovský napsal(a):
> Díky za postřeh. Řešili jsme to stranou v soukromém threadu. Ladislav s
> občanským sdružením a převlastněním jeho domén nemá problém. (Walley, s
> jsi taky v pohodě?)
> Já i Marián jsme pro založení sdružení. Asi se do toho časem pustím :-)

a je nutné furt zakládat něco nového?

Zatím je to celé jen ve stádiu úvah a je jasné, že by bylo dobré s tím něco 
v blízké budoucnosti udělat. A to buď jako samostatný subjekt nebo třeba v 
rámci osgeo nebo něčeho jiného.

@Láďa Nešněra: jak vidíš organizačně možnost provozovat OSM aktivity pod 
hlavičkou OA?

Co je OA? OpenAlt?


Talk-cz mailing list;___
Talk-cz mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Bati disparu

2016-01-08 Thread Ludovic Hirlimann

Il y a plein de bati absent qui était présent, ça se corrige comment ?


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] taskman pro cyklotrasy

2016-01-08 Thread Miroslav Suchy
Dne 8.1.2016 v 11:07 Tom Ka napsal(a):
> Ahoj, staci zalozit dalsi projekt na Mozna to hned
> muzes udelat, pokud ne, tak se ozvi petrovi Vejsadovi a urcite ti rad
> patricne opravneni povoli. Jinak souhlasim s tebou, ze mozna ma smysl
> s tim pockat kvuli tristeni sil, ale projekt asi existovat muze.

Tak on uz tam existuje jako draft. Zacal jsem psat instructions a narazil jsem 
na to ze nektere veci nevim.
Resp. nevedel jsem. Navic jsem schvalne cekal az jak se budou vyvijet ty pessi 
trasy, protoze jsme taky na zacatku
nejake veci teprve ujasnovali.
Takze ano myslim ze je cas tam pridat dalsi projekty. Krome tech cyklo tras a 
konskych stezek bych pridal i bezkarske
znacene cesty.
Pokud se ti chce s tim description pomoci, tak bud ja nebo vop ti muzeme dat 
admin prava - potrebuje vedet tvuj login


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] BANO : prise en compte des old_name et alt_name

2016-01-08 Thread Donat ROBAUX
Salut Vincent,

Apparemment ca ne marche pas.

C'est une rue que j'ai renommé suite à un article dans la PQR (pour
résumer). Evidemment: pas encore de Fantoir. Donc j'ai qualifié l'erreur
par avance, ca devrait apparaître en gris, mais ce n'est pas le cas.


> -- Message transféré --
> From: "Vincent de Château-Thierry" 
> To: "Discussions sur OSM en français" 
> Cc:
> Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 06:44:46 +0100
> Subject: [OSM-talk-fr] BANO : prise en compte des old_name et alt_name
> Bonjour,
> presque tout est dans le titre.
> J'ai commencé hier soir à traiter ce ticket :
> qui consiste à faire les rapprochements pour BANO sur autre chose que le
> tag name.
> Ça ne concerne pour l'instant que les cas simples : on considère les tags
> old_name et alt_name, uniquement sur les noms de voies, (pas sur les points
> adresses ou les relations), et uniquement sur les voies spatialement
> incluses la commune.
> Si vous avez connaissance de cas et que vous pouvez y jeter un oeil, je
> suis intéressé par vos retours, surtout si ça ne marche pas. Vous pouvez
> les remonter ici ou dans le ticket ci-dessus.
> merci
> vincent
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Gujarat revenue maps

2016-01-08 Thread Arun Ganesh
Shravan, can you share an email or note from someone from state authority
that mentions this?

On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 6:59 PM, shravan  wrote:

> Update: Just confirmed. Anyone can use the maps.
> Shravan
> On 8 January 2016 at 14:52, Yogesh K S  wrote:
>> These maps would help a lot to improve OSM in Gujarat!
>> On 01/06/2016 10:37 PM, shravan wrote:
>> Hey Arun,
>> I'll ask the concerned authorities, if they are willing to cooperate and
>> get back to you in a week's time.
>> Shravan
>> On 6 January 2016 at 18:30, Arun Ganesh  wrote:
>>> For each taluk is available here:
>>> Cannot find a copyright notice anywhere, wonder who we can contact to
>>> ask permission to use in OSM.
>>> --
>>> Arun Ganesh
>>> (planemad) 
>>> ___
>>> Talk-in mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-in mailing 
>> listTalk-in@openstreetmap.org
>> ___
>> Talk-in mailing list
> ___
> Talk-in mailing list

Arun Ganesh

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Winterwandelboek van Scheldeland

2016-01-08 Thread Marc Gemis
Ik heb zonet het bericht gekregen dat er vanaf maandag een nieuwe
versie op de site zal staan, met (c) OpenStreetMap contributors onder
elke kaart.
Ik heb deze versie al mogen inkijken.

Wat een vriendelijk mailtje al niet kan doen :-)


2015-12-22 7:39 GMT+01:00 Marc Gemis :
> Het Winterwandelboek van Toerisme Scheldeland [1] gebruikt o.a.
> kaartjes gebaseerd op OpenStreetMap. Ik heb hen vriendelijk gevraagd
> bij een volgende versie "(c) OpenStreetMap contributors" te vermelden
> mvg
> m
> [1]

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] More questions on Schools project

2016-01-08 Thread Dan S
2016-01-08 12:22 GMT+00:00 Stuart Reynolds :
> Hi All,
> I have some questions about naming, and also the content of Edubase.
> In Southend (SS postcode area) there are some schools which have
> “alternative” names by which they are more commonly known. One example is
> Leigh, where the school is always known locally as “Leigh North Street”. So
> should I adopt the Edubase name as the “name” or should I use the local
> name? If the former, what tag should I use to list the alternative?

OSM convention is to prefer "what is on the ground" - the "name" tag
should really be what is written on the sign outside the school. Then
you can use "loc_name" or "alt_name" for the alternative name as
described here:

> Of course, tagging with the Edubase reference will help to match, regardless
> of name - I have also used “&” where Edubase has “and”, which currently
> leads to Rob’s table not finding a match. Likewise with e.g. Westcliff High
> School for Boys Academy, where the “Academy” part adds nothing, so I have
> left it off (especially as the three other grammars, including the girls
> school next door, manage without it).
> Finally, on tagging, there appear to be some anomalies. The aforementioned
> Leigh is one - this used to be two schools, now merged to be Leigh Primary
> School. Edubase only has one entry, but names it Leigh Infant School. I
> assume that Edubase will catch up, eventually, but for now I will use the
> correct name for the school and tag it with the Infant School URN. The other
> one, which I am struggling with, is Thorpe Greenways. There is only one
> entry in Edubase - Thorpe Greenways Infant School. But according to their
> website ( the infant and junior schools
> are still two schools, but run as a federation called “The Federation of
> Greenways Schools”. Are they two schools? Or one? Given that they share
> leadership, governors, and budget I would assume one, as does Edubase,
> apparently. Any thoughts?
> If someone could also suggest how to tag one school split across two sites,
> I would be very happy!

I like the "site" relation but it's not as widely-used as I might like...


> Many thanks
> Regards,
> Stuart
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-es] Semanario Nr. 285

2016-01-08 Thread Laura Barroso
Hola, el semanario Nr. 285, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en el
mundo de OpenStreetMap está en línea en español ¡Disfruta!

WeeklyOSM en Español esta produzido por:

Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-cl] Semanario Nr. 285

2016-01-08 Thread Laura Barroso
Hola, el semanario Nr. 285, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en el
mundo de OpenStreetMap está en línea en español ¡Disfruta!

WeeklyOSM en Español esta produzido por:

Talk-cl mailing list

[Talk-ec] Problematic edits by newbie in Chillanes

2016-01-08 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi there!


needs help. I tried to contact them but got no response.

Mariee produces lots of duplicated ways with tags


highway=24 de Mayo

It seems (s)he is always adding ways instead of adding tags to the

existing ways.

I've tried to fix the mess on sunday but today I've noticed that

all wrong ways were added again.

See also


Talk-ec mailing list

[Talk-ec] Semanario Nr. 275

2016-01-08 Thread Rubén López Mendoza
Hola, el semanario Nr. 275, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en el
mundo de OpenStreetMap está en línea en español ¡Disfruta!

WeeklyOSM en Español esta produzido por:
Talk-ec mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Bati disparu

2016-01-08 Thread remymeja
Je viens de faire l'import du bati à partir du cadastre. Par contre, il y a un 
peu de boulot de corrections dans le secteur. 


- Mail original -

De: "Philippe Verdy"  
À: "Discussions sur OSM en français"  
Envoyé: Vendredi 8 Janvier 2016 16:01:53 
Objet: Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Bati disparu 

Peut-être que quelqu'un a décidé de réimporter le cadastre en partant de zéro, 
et n'a pas fait le détail... 
Il n'y a pas que le bâti, mais aussi les POI et les adresses, et tout un tas de 
métadonnées accumulées (tags de classification, entrerprises/services, 
contacts, téléphone, liens web), et apparemement il manque aussi des 

Le 8 janvier 2016 à 15:05, Ludovic Hirlimann < > a écrit 

On 08/01/2016 14:59, Pierre-Yves Berrard wrote: 

Le 8 janvier 2016 à 14:39, Ludovic Hirlimann < > a écrit 

Il y a plein de bati absent qui était présent, ça se corrige comment ? 


Il faudrait faire un revert du/des changeset à problème. 

Or, je ne trouve pas de trace d'effacement massif dans cette zone

Merci d'avoir regardé, et ré ajouter le bati c'est compliqué ? 


Talk-fr mailing list 

Talk-fr mailing list 

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-us] weeklyOSM 285

2016-01-08 Thread Jinal Foflia
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 285 is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
OpenStreetMap world:

*Highlights of the weeklyOSM edition 285*

   - The Nicaraguan OSM community is asking for your support ...
    (weeklyOSM strongly recommends
   your support!)
   - In Columboia, want to attend a mapathon on 20th of January? Look in
   for more info ... 
   - SMOG or fresh air? See if your city falls into either of the
   categories and know about the quality of air you are breathing...
   - New York Pubic Library puts 20,000 high resolution maps online, read
   more about it's terms of usage ...
   - Know the current statistics of the OSM country wise, changeset wise,
   for a particular date. Read more ...


weeklyOSM is brought to you by ...


Jinal Foflia
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Gujarat revenue maps

2016-01-08 Thread shravan
Speaking of the shapefiles, there is an existing database of shapefiles
available with BISAG . I had inquired a
long time ago and they were not ready to give the shapefiles. I am trying
the other alternative of getting the data from the state police
department's GIS cell. It will probably take me a week or two to get the
data. Will keep you all posted.


On 8 January 2016 at 23:00, Thejesh GN  wrote:

> Thanks for the link. Added to the list at
> we can take them up in the next hackathon to georeference or probably do
> an RTI to get shapefiles.
> --
> Thejesh GN ⏚ ತೇಜೇಶ್ ಜಿ.ಎನ್
> GPG ID :  0xBFFC8DD3C06DD6B0
> On Jan 8, 2016 9:02 PM, "shravan"  wrote:
>> Hi Arun,
>> There's no note or email. It was a telephonic conversation with the
>> concerned person who is the GIS head of the Gujarat police department. He
>> mentioned that anything available on the website of Gujarat government can
>> be used freely and any way one wants.
>> Shravan
>> On 8 January 2016 at 20:21, Arun Ganesh  wrote:
>>> Shravan, can you share an email or note from someone from state
>>> authority that mentions this?
>>> On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 6:59 PM, shravan  wrote:
 Update: Just confirmed. Anyone can use the maps.


 On 8 January 2016 at 14:52, Yogesh K S  wrote:

> These maps would help a lot to improve OSM in Gujarat!
> On 01/06/2016 10:37 PM, shravan wrote:
> Hey Arun,
> I'll ask the concerned authorities, if they are willing to cooperate
> and get back to you in a week's time.
> Shravan
> On 6 January 2016 at 18:30, Arun Ganesh 
> wrote:
>> For each taluk is available here:
>> Cannot find a copyright notice anywhere, wonder who we can contact to
>> ask permission to use in OSM.
>> --
>> Arun Ganesh
>> (planemad) 
>> ___
>> Talk-in mailing list
> ___
> Talk-in mailing 
> listTalk-in@openstreetmap.org
> ___
> Talk-in mailing list

 Talk-in mailing list

>>> --
>>> Arun Ganesh
>>> (planemad) 
>>> ___
>>> Talk-in mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-in mailing list
> ___
> Talk-in mailing list
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] taskman pro cyklotrasy

2016-01-08 Thread Petr Holub
> Tak on uz tam existuje jako draft. Zacal jsem psat instructions a narazil 
> jsem na to ze
> nektere veci nevim.
> Resp. nevedel jsem. Navic jsem schvalne cekal az jak se budou vyvijet ty 
> pessi trasy, protoze
> jsme taky na zacatku
> nejake veci teprve ujasnovali.
> Takze ano myslim ze je cas tam pridat dalsi projekty. Krome tech cyklo tras a 
> konskych stezek
> bych pridal i bezkarske
> znacene cesty.
> Pokud se ti chce s tim description pomoci, tak bud ja nebo vop ti muzeme dat 
> admin prava -
> potrebuje vedet tvuj login
> (tkk?).

Jeste dalsi taskman pro znaceni specificke pro MTB - tedy mtb:scale,
mtb:scale:uphill (spolu s incline), class:bicycle*. S tim, ze by se
to v principu melo dostat na kazdou highway={path,track}, na ktere
neni soucasne bicycle=no.


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] More questions on Schools project

2016-01-08 Thread Stuart Reynolds
Sorry - should have added a bit more to that!

Where I had this before, I could separate the grounds into two polygons. 
However, this one I can’t. So I’m thinking that I tag the buildings as 
amenity=school, name=*, ref:edubase=* and then put a boundary polygon in which 
I tag … amenity=school? Should I also name it? The schools are Hamstel Junior 
School and Hamstel Infants School, together known as Hamstel Schools (which is 
what the single node currently has in OSM).


On 8 Jan 2016, at 15:21, Stuart Reynolds 

…and two schools, one site?


On 8 Jan 2016, at 13:27, SK53 > 

On 8 January 2016 at 12:22, Stuart Reynolds 
Hi All,

I have some questions about naming, and also the content of Edubase.


If someone could also suggest how to tag one school split across two sites, I 
would be very happy!

Many thanks

I'd also be interested in the one school / multiple sites issue.

These are becoming commoner as one school takes over another. The particular 
problem is that each site will have a name and the school itself will have a 
name. One example is the Nottingham Bluecoat School which has two sites, the 
original main site, and the Wollaton Park Campus 
site (a 'failing' secondary school 
taken over by Bluecoat, but now various functions are partitioned between the 
sites). Perhaps something like campus_name might work for now: I find the 
concatenation Bluecoat School - Wollaton Park Campus unwieldy and it's not easy 
to identify these multi-campus institutions.

(A side note, this school also hosts churches at both sites: slightly 
diffiicult in terms of locating the actual hall used for services & debatable 
whether rented locations should be specifically marked as place of worship, 
although in these cases both are signed outside the school).


Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not sure what to think

2016-01-08 Thread Simon Poole

Am 08.01.2016 um 17:08 schrieb Tom Lee:
> Google indexing a site, and your use of that index to find the site,
> does not taint the interaction between you and that site. If I
> trespass on private property on my way to buy groceries, the property
> owner might have a claim against me. But it is unlikely that they have
> any claim on my newly-purchased groceries.
Nobody was claiming that to start with.
> In this case, there are additional factors in our favor: the
> information being retrieved doesn't seem to be collected
> systematically; it's factual information about the world; and it's
> being collected from unstructured sources.
Ahemm that was the whole point: is it about completing  information (the
website URL) in OSM by systematically (as in going through "all schools"
in the UK) querying google and not about retrieving information from the
website returned in the query.

I can't see any fundamental difference between the above and say getting
a phone book and extracting all the phone numbers of schools from it
(and again I would point out that calling the school in question is not
the topic).

> I don't want to pretend there is no tension here--indeed, I think
> there's a very real tension between the idea of database rights and
> the necessity of making facts unencumbered by IP. And it is
> conceivable to me that some corner of the Google TOS implies a right
> to restrict this kind of user activity. It's common for such tensions
> to exist without resolution until they are brought before a judge.
> But the idea that facts indexed by Google could be tainted is a
> stretch. It's not something they've tried to claim, it would be a
> tenuous legal argument, and it doesn't make much sense. I think this
> is a case where practical judgment must outweigh theoretical concerns.
They have at least historically made noises about 3rd parties (aka MS)
using their search results.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

[Talk-ca] weeklyOSM 285

2016-01-08 Thread Jinal Foflia
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 285 is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
OpenStreetMap world:

*Highlights of the weeklyOSM edition 285*

   - The Nicaraguan OSM community is asking for your support ...
    (weeklyOSM strongly recommends
   your support!)
   - In Columboia, want to attend a mapathon on 20th of January? Look in
   for more info ... 
   - SMOG or fresh air? See if your city falls into either of the
   categories and know about the quality of air you are breathing...
   - New York Pubic Library puts 20,000 high resolution maps online, read
   more about it's terms of usage ...
   - Know the current statistics of the OSM country wise, changeset wise,
   for a particular date. Read more ...


weeklyOSM is brought to you by ...


Jinal Foflia
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Gujarat revenue maps

2016-01-08 Thread Shibu Narayanan

You beat me to it…. :) 


From: Arun Ganesh [] 
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2016 8:22 PM
To: OpenStreetMap in India
Subject: Re: [Talk-in] Gujarat revenue maps


Shravan, can you share an email or note from someone from state authority that 
mentions this?


On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 6:59 PM, shravan; \> wrote:

Update: Just confirmed. Anyone can use the maps.




On 8 January 2016 at 14:52, Yogesh K S; \> wrote:

These maps would help a lot to improve OSM in Gujarat!

On 01/06/2016 10:37 PM, shravan wrote:

Hey Arun, 


I'll ask the concerned authorities, if they are willing to cooperate and get 
back to you in a week's time.




On 6 January 2016 at 18:30, Arun Ganesh; \> wrote:

For each taluk is available here: 


Cannot find a copyright notice anywhere, wonder who we can contact to ask 
permission to use in OSM.



Arun Ganesh 

HYPERLINK "; \n(planemad)

Talk-in mailing list



Talk-in mailing list


Talk-in mailing list


Talk-in mailing list



Arun Ganesh 

HYPERLINK "; \n(planemad)
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] More questions on Schools project

2016-01-08 Thread Stuart Reynolds
…and two schools, one site?


On 8 Jan 2016, at 13:27, SK53 > 

On 8 January 2016 at 12:22, Stuart Reynolds 
Hi All,

I have some questions about naming, and also the content of Edubase.


If someone could also suggest how to tag one school split across two sites, I 
would be very happy!

Many thanks

I'd also be interested in the one school / multiple sites issue.

These are becoming commoner as one school takes over another. The particular 
problem is that each site will have a name and the school itself will have a 
name. One example is the Nottingham Bluecoat School which has two sites, the 
original main site, and the Wollaton Park Campus 
site (a 'failing' secondary school 
taken over by Bluecoat, but now various functions are partitioned between the 
sites). Perhaps something like campus_name might work for now: I find the 
concatenation Bluecoat School - Wollaton Park Campus unwieldy and it's not easy 
to identify these multi-campus institutions.

(A side note, this school also hosts churches at both sites: slightly 
diffiicult in terms of locating the actual hall used for services & debatable 
whether rented locations should be specifically marked as place of worship, 
although in these cases both are signed outside the school).


Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-ec] Semanario Nr. 285

2016-01-08 Thread Laura Barroso
Hola, el semanario Nr. 285, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en el
mundo de OpenStreetMap está en línea en español ¡Disfruta!

WeeklyOSM en Español esta produzido por:

Talk-ec mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Bati disparu

2016-01-08 Thread Vincent de Château-Thierry

> De: "Ludovic Hirlimann" 

> Les rues , il ne me semble pas qu'il en manque. Moi je ne vois que du
> bati manquant.
> Je supose que c'est compliqué à corriger ?

Pour une prochaine fois tu peux obtenir le fichier du bâti d'une commune ici :

Tu noteras en bas de page le cadre "Mise en garde"
=> pour les bâtiments, la page à bien digérer est ici :


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not sure what to think

2016-01-08 Thread Tom Lee
Google indexing a site, and your use of that index to find the site, does
not taint the interaction between you and that site. If I trespass on
private property on my way to buy groceries, the property owner might have
a claim against me. But it is unlikely that they have any claim on my
newly-purchased groceries.

In this case, there are additional factors in our favor: the information
being retrieved doesn't seem to be collected systematically; it's factual
information about the world; and it's being collected from unstructured

I don't want to pretend there is no tension here--indeed, I think there's a
very real tension between the idea of database rights and the necessity of
making facts unencumbered by IP. And it is conceivable to me that some
corner of the Google TOS implies a right to restrict this kind of user
activity. It's common for such tensions to exist without resolution until
they are brought before a judge.

But the idea that facts indexed by Google could be tainted is a stretch.
It's not something they've tried to claim, it would be a tenuous legal
argument, and it doesn't make much sense. I think this is a case where
practical judgment must outweigh theoretical concerns.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not sure what to think

2016-01-08 Thread Markus Lindholm
On Fri, 2016-01-08 at 17:33 +0100, Simon Poole wrote:
> Ahemm that was the whole point: is it about completing  information
> (the
> website URL) in OSM by systematically (as in going through "all
> schools"
> in the UK) querying google and not about retrieving information from
> the
> website returned in the query.
> I can't see any fundamental difference between the above and say
> getting a phone book and extracting all the phone numbers of schools
> from it

There's at least one fundamental difference; the user of google search
results has to do an evaluation of the result set returned and make a
judgment call to select the one he's actually interested in.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Is there a OSM map viewer program to dynamically view OSM data?

2016-01-08 Thread Wuzzy

> If you
> were zoomed out enough to see a whole country, it would have to
> download *all* of the data for the country (hundreds of megabytes).
> Make your "direct" app see all of spain and wait for a 533 MB download
> (which would take the server significant resources and time to
> generate and compress) before anything appears...

Whoops. Yeah, it's right, that's not a smart move indeed

> What you can do is create vector tiles from the openstreetmap data,
> with reduced detail at reduced zooms, etc. for example only having
> borders and no streets or points of interest when you're looking at
> entire countries, and then render *that* with whatever style. But no
> matter what, you have to put *some* styling decisions on the
> generation of the vector tiles, mainly what data may be visible at
> what zooms, eg. to stop residential streets from being on the z2
> tiles.

That sounds like an interesting idea, yeah. If the

Of course you have to do *some* styling, that's part of the job of the
application, I guess? The idea is to let the application plug in
different predefined styles or even let the user do it (i.e. set symbols
for POIs, or define that a street (way) of type XYZ is shown as a line
with color A, width B, etc. etc.
Kinda a “make your own map style” tool as well. xD

I just noticed the application I want to see suddenly sounds really
sophisticated. xD

It does not seem such an application exists right now. At least nobody
could point me to one so far. :-(

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] More questions on Schools project

2016-01-08 Thread Andy Mabbett
On 8 January 2016 at 12:35, Dan S  wrote:

> Then you can use "loc_name" or "alt_name" for the alternative name

Not forgetting old_name, too.

Andy Mabbett

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