Re: [OSM-co] Apoyo en innovación digital

2017-04-23 Per discussione Andres Gomez Casanova
Hola David,

Yo soy uno de los maperos en Bogota, y soy uno de los organizadores de mapping 
parties periódicos en este ciudad. Mi punto de vista de OpenStreetMap es que 
hay que compartir el conocimiento, para así facilitar la curva de aprendizaje y 
evangelizar el uso de OSM. En los mapping parties se enseña a recoger los datos 
en terreno por diferentes medios (field papers, celulares, fotos, fotos 360). 
Después, nos agrupamos en un lugar con Internet, un Starbucks o similar, para 
comenzar a compartir lo que hicimos y empezamos a digitalizar todos los datos 
recogidos, ayudados por las fotos satelitales de la zona.

El realizar mapping parties convocados por no ha sido facil, pero 
debido a que es algo que me apasiona, me gusta hacerlo. En algunas ocasiones 
tan solo ha ido una persona, pero al menos sale convencida del potencial que 
tiene esto.
En Colombia, a la gente no le gusta hacer el trabajo gratis, y menos aun que 
cualquiera pueda beneficiarse de eso. Pero esa idea es la que en otros lugares 
ha hecho que OSM sea la referencia. En Francia, el mapa de las divisiones 
administrativas es oficial en OSM. En Alemania, el nivel de detalle es 
extremadamente alto que ha hecho que Google Maps sea menos usado.

En Colombia, ocurre un problema como el de Mocoa, y la ciudad tan solo tiene 
mapeadas las 3 carreteras que pasan por la ciudad, y el rio principal. Que 
Después de la avalancha, esa ciudad quedo con un muy alto nivel de detalles. 
Que mal que muchos de esos detalles probablemente fueron arrasados por las 

Yo fui uno de los que aporto mas a esa tarea de mapeo en Mocoa, en lo que se 
llama el brazo digital, que quiere decir, trabajo desde el computador, no en 
terreno (usuario AngocA en OSM)

La comunidad de OSM en Colombia es muy poca. Hay varios inscritos, pero no 
mapean mucho. Hay otros que mapean porque en su labor diaria pueden usar mapas, 
y el tener esa información mejora su trabajo, sobretodo los que están asociados 
con entes humanitarios. Por otro lado, los que somos más de la parte técnica 
que queremos hacer cosas con los datos de OSM no es tan fácil.
En Bogotá, y me imagino en otras ciudades como Cali, surgen muchas ideas 
asociadas con la tecnología, sobretodo ideas con mapas, algo georeferenciado. 
Las personas automáticamente piensan Google Maps, pero ahí faltan detalles, las 
direcciones fallan, y hay otros problemas. Muy pocos se enfocan a OSM, pero 
cuando lo hacen, se convencen del potencial. Algunas aplicaciones exitosas que 
usan OSM son Rappi y Tappsi, pero muchas otras deberían usar estos mapas.
Por el lado gubernamental, algunas páginas siguen usando Google Maps para 
referenciar sus puntos de interés. Otros con más presupuesto usan mapas 
generados por medio de ESRI ArcGIS.

La cosa es que para involucrar a la comunidad para que reporte y se apropie de 
la información que día a día vive, debe tener y conocer un mecanismo para eso. 
Considero que OSM es el mecanismo para eso, el problema es que no lo conocen.

Uno de los desafíos que yo he tenido en Bogota es conocer a los otros maperos 
fuertes de Bogota, y después de mucho tiempo he conocido a Miguel, Harrierco, 
Ikks, Fredy Gamez, Arttesano, Eduardo Riesco y de otras ciudades a Leonardo 
Gutierrez, Humberto Yances, y eso ha ayudado a la comunicación con ellos. 
Cuando se conoce a los que ya saben, es más fácil interactuar y construir ideas 
más rápido. La falta de integración de OSM es uno de sus problemas, ya que 
estamos distribuidos en toda Colombia. 
El otro gran desafío es involucrar y convencer a nuevos maperos. Pocos son los 
recurrentes, pocos evolucionan. Ahí hay mucho que trabajar, y por eso yo sigo 
con el capítulo de y convocando por medio de Meetup.

Te escribí un conjunto de ideas desorganizadas, que pena.
Puedes contactarme cuando quieras:

Andres Gomez Casanova
316 621 40 32

> On Apr 20, 2017, at 3:23 PM, Diego Gómez  wrote:
> Cordial saludo comunidad Open Street Map Colombia.
> Mi nombre es Diego Gómez, un ciudadano de Cali que trabaja por acercar las 
> TIC con la población mas vulnerable en mi ciudad y región. sigo con emoción 
> el trabajo que se realiza alrededor de Open Street Maps y hago parte de esta 
> lista después de conocer a Fredy Rivera ya hace algunos años. 
> Actualmente estoy apoyando al nuevo Departamento Administrativo de TIC de la 
> Alcaldía de Cali, lo que antes era la secretaría de telemática. Veo una gran 
> oportunidad para aportar a la transformación del gobierno de cara la 
> implementación de tecnologías digitales que mejoren la calidad de vida de la 
> población.
> Por lo tanto, el equipo de innovación digital del Departamento de TIC, 
> queremos saber más de open street maps, de la comunidad, de los desafíos, 
> identificar el rol de la administración 

Re: [Talk-cz] Ještě jednou rozcestníky a databáze fotek

2017-04-23 Per discussione Tom Ka
Ktere fotky presne myslis?

Dne 21. dubna 2017 21:16 Marián Kyral  napsal(a):
> To jako nejde tyhle rozcestníky přidat do exportu do GPX?
> Marián
> Dne 21.4.2017 v 21:02 Tom Ka napsal(a):
> Tak v tom se pak shodnem, ale bohuzel s timhle ja nic neudelam.
> On Apr 21, 2017 20:52, "majka"  wrote:
>> Zdravím.
>> Asi jsme si nerozuměli. Mě jde o případ, ke kterému dochází "syslením"
>> fotek - tedy v konečném efektu třeba nemazáním fotek označených "delete"
>> apod. Mě osobně se podařilo nahrát na samém začátku několik fotek
>> rozcestníků, které mají ref správně vložený. Jen ta fotka samotná je k
>> ničemu a tu referenci z ní nikdo nemá šanci vyčíst. Ale protože je
>> spárovaná, tak se rozcestník v tomhle exportu tváří, jako že je v pořádku.
>> Přitom jediná / jediné fotky k němu přiřazené rozcestník nečitelný, jen je
>> vidět, že tam "něco" je.  Fotky jsou většinou označené k vymazání nebo
>> minimálně jako "nečitelné", jiná fotka k tomu rozcestníku neexistuje. Takže
>> prakticky je ten rozcestník stále bez funkční fotky a je třeba ho vyfotit
>> znova.
>> Beru, že se filtrují jen rozcestníky bez fotek, ale tím pádem se znovu
>> vracím k tomu, zda ty fotky označené jako "delete", ať už z jakéhokoli
>> důvodu, opravdu nevymazat.
>> Majka
>> 2017-04-21 20:33 GMT+02:00 Tom Ka :
>>> Ahoj,
>>> tohle je reseno kontrolou ref. Pokud existuje fotka ale neni ref, tak je
>>> v gpx i json take ale jinak oznacena. Predpoklad je, ze pokud ma rozcestnik
>>> v OSM ref, ma i ostayni veci kdyz uz se na nej nekdo dival a podle toho co
>>> potkavam tento pristup funguje rozumne dobre.
>>> Bye
>>> On Apr 21, 2017 17:38, "majka"  wrote:

 Nemáme trochu chybu v matrixu u chybných rozcestníků?

 Tím myslím na u těch souborů ke
 stažení ve formátu gpx a json.

 Trochu vada na kráse je, že pokud v databázi existuje jakákoli (i
 nepoužitelná), ale správně přiřazená fotka, v souborech rozcestníků bez
 správných fotografií se takový rozcestník neukáže - patrně hodnotíme jen
 foto má/nemá.

 Osobně bych považovala za vhodnější brát tyhle soubory jako upozornění
 na rozcestníky, které je třeba nafotit. A pokud je fotka z jakéhokoli 
 nepoužitelná, tak je třeba ji přefotit.

 Několik mých fotek tam takhle "překáží", ty jsou v plánu znovu vyfotit
 při nejbližší příležitosti.

 Na ty soubory je ale odkaz třeba i na, a je škoda, že tam
 nemáme komplet vše, co bychom potřebovali.


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Re: [Talk-cz] Jména rozcestníků

2017-04-23 Per discussione Marián Kyral
A co tak koukám na taginfo, tak to není až tak hrozné:


-- Původní e-mail --
Od: Marián Kyral 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 24. 4. 2017 6:52:44
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Jména rozcestníků
"A je právě problém, že u těchto rozcestníků není většinou operátor znám. A
to se pak nedá odlišit od těch, co pouze nemají vyplněno cz:KČT

A ty různé varianty  cz:KČT by šly asi jednorázově opravit.


-- Původní e-mail --
Od: Miroslav Suchý 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 24. 4. 2017 0:01:55
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Jména rozcestníků
"Dne 23.4.2017 v 20:56 Marián Kyral napsal(a):
> Hodila by se nějaká značka - je to směrovník, ale není KČT. Co třeba
> pomocí klíče guidepost?

Tak všechny od KČT by měli být operator=cz:KČT. Což pravda dost často
buď není nebo to dosahuje různých variabilních hodnot.

(o o)
) tel:+420-603-775737
( One picture is worth 128K words.
.oooO ( )
( ) ) /
\ ( (_/

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Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Jména rozcestníků

2017-04-23 Per discussione Marián Kyral
A je právě problém, že u těchto rozcestníků není většinou operátor znám. A
to se pak nedá odlišit od těch, co pouze nemají vyplněno cz:KČT

A ty různé varianty  cz:KČT by šly asi jednorázově opravit.


-- Původní e-mail --
Od: Miroslav Suchý 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 24. 4. 2017 0:01:55
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Jména rozcestníků
"Dne 23.4.2017 v 20:56 Marián Kyral napsal(a):
> Hodila by se nějaká značka - je to směrovník, ale není KČT. Co třeba
> pomocí klíče guidepost?

Tak všechny od KČT by měli být operator=cz:KČT. Což pravda dost často
buď není nebo to dosahuje různých variabilních hodnot.

(o o)
) tel:+420-603-775737
( One picture is worth 128K words.
.oooO ( )
( ) ) /
\ ( (_/

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Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Roadside rest areas tagged as camp sites

2017-04-23 Per discussione Nicholas G Lawrence
Whilst the provision of tea & coffee is certainly temporary, the off-road 
parking, picnic tables, and so on... are most likely permanent and count as a 
Rest Area.

Nick Lawrence

-Original Message-
From: Warin [] 
Sent: Monday, 24 April 2017 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: [talk-au] Roadside rest areas tagged as camp sites

On 24-Apr-17 09:47 AM, Nicholas G Lawrence wrote:
> There are also Driver Reviver spots which may also be useful to capture?
> Cheers,
> Nick Lawrence

I see 'Driver Reviver' as temporary - usually a holiday peak thing manned by a 
local charity (Rotary etc).
They also appear in 'rest areas'.

Don't know that they would be seen as 'permanent' enough for OSM?

Talk-au mailing list

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or endorsed organisations utilising the same infrastructure.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Roadside rest areas tagged as camp sites

2017-04-23 Per discussione Warin

On 24-Apr-17 09:47 AM, Nicholas G Lawrence wrote:

There are also Driver Reviver spots which may also be useful to capture?

Nick Lawrence

I see 'Driver Reviver' as temporary - usually a holiday peak thing manned by a 
local charity (Rotary etc).
They also appear in 'rest areas'.

Don't know that they would be seen as 'permanent' enough for OSM?

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Roadside rest areas tagged as camp sites

2017-04-23 Per discussione Nicholas G Lawrence
Following on, I should point out that Qld TMR's view of Rest Areas is that they 
are a safety feature of the roads, specifically to combat fatigue, which makes 
them different to camp sites.

Nick Lawrence

-Original Message-
From: Nicholas G Lawrence [] 
Sent: Monday, 24 April 2017 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: [talk-au] Roadside rest areas tagged as camp sites

Quoting from the "Guide to Queensland Roads" by Queensland Department of 
Transport and Main Roads.

"Motorist Rest Areas
- Rest areas are there for you to stop and rest, making your trip safer and 
more enjoyable.
- Rest areas are not long-term camping sites. However motorists are able to 
take extended rest breaks at some sites.
- Rules on the length of stay at rest areas vary between controlling authorities
- Motorists can stay up to 20 hours, including overnight, at some Transport and 
Main Roads rest areas shown in blue.
- Caravans and motorhomes are not considered heavy vehicles, and should not 
stop at heavy vehicle locations.
- Motorists cannot stay overnight at Transport and Main Roads rest areas shown 
in red."

I should also point out that some rest areas are for Motorists, some for Heavy 
Vehicles, and some cater for both.

There are also Driver Reviver spots which may also be useful to capture?

Nick Lawrence

-Original Message-
From: cleary [] 
Sent: Saturday, 22 April 2017 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: [talk-au] Roadside rest areas tagged as camp sites

I draw a parallel with other amenities. Some cafes are licensed to sell limited 
alcohol but that does not make them pubs; and some pubs serve coffee but that 
does not make them  cafes.  And both cafes and pubs often serve food.  While 
there can be overlap in services provided by amenities, map users are best 
served by the use of terms that help them understand the main purpose of the 

I share the concern about confusing rest areas and camping sites.  To the 
average person, "rest areas" are for relatively shorter stays, perhaps just 
half an hour or sometimes overnight but not for longer periods. In contrast 
"camping sites" can be for just one night but are more commonly used for longer 

Areas by the side of roads are "rest areas" and are usually signposted as such. 
 I think it better that roadside rest areas be labelled as "rest area" in OSM 
with additional tags used to add detail about specific facilities etc available 
at the rest area.

On Fri, Apr 21, 2017, at 09:50 PM, Warin wrote:
> On 21-Apr-17 07:40 PM, David Bannon wrote:
> > On 20/04/17 19:50, Warin wrote:
> >>
> >> Thanks. Sometimes my 'plain English' understanding gets the better 
> >> of the 'OSM meanings'!
> > Hmm, I think people in caravans do think they are camping. If there 
> > is a sign, "no camping" we assume it means no caravans too.
> True.
> The 'officials' seam to be thinking that a single over night 'rest' is 
> fine, but multiple nights = camping and that is not fine.. at least 
> that is my impression from the grey nomads site.
> Anyone trying to turf someone 'resting due to fatigue' - even 
> overnight
> - would be on thin ground before a reasonable court as we are advised 
> to 'rest' when tired.
> >
> >> a) I do think that 'rest areas' should be tagged using the rest 
> >> area tag.
> > Honestly, I have never tagged a rest area. I go straight to thinking 
> > of it as a potential camp site, if not, I don't bother. Sorry
> > So I just read the rest_area key and I must say, its not really very 
> > useful IMHO. As its a key to highway= it needs to be applied to a 
> > way and not the surrounding area perhaps ?  Generally people don't 
> > camp on the drive through part but off the side. Mind you, have see 
> > a few people who have just stopped, closed the curtains and nod off !
> Arr .. yes well the key has never been 'discussed', just put up by a 
> mapper. Presently it is shown as applying to nodes and areas, not ways 
> .. but if you go to the talk page you'll see some comments there 
> (including mine).
> Better include a link for those that want a look 
> >>
> >> b) Using the tag 'tourism=camp_site' to me implies that I should be 
> >> able to set up a tent there.
> > Thats because you think "camp" means tent only. We've established 
> > that people camp using all sorts of infrastructure. Even truckies 
> > talk about 'camping' at some place or another.
> >
> You have made your point there. But I would find it strange to go to a 
> 'camp site' and be unable to pitch a tent because it was unsuitable.
> Think you'd find it strange to go to a camp site that did not have 
> space for a caravan? :) Quite a few rest areas don't have suitable 
> tent areas. A caravan only needs a longer parking space.
> >> c) If they are appropriate for caravans/camper vans 

Re: [talk-au] Roadside rest areas tagged as camp sites

2017-04-23 Per discussione Nicholas G Lawrence
Quoting from the "Guide to Queensland Roads" by Queensland Department of 
Transport and Main Roads.

"Motorist Rest Areas
- Rest areas are there for you to stop and rest, making your trip safer and 
more enjoyable.
- Rest areas are not long-term camping sites. However motorists are able to 
take extended rest breaks at some sites.
- Rules on the length of stay at rest areas vary between controlling authorities
- Motorists can stay up to 20 hours, including overnight, at some Transport and 
Main Roads rest areas shown in blue.
- Caravans and motorhomes are not considered heavy vehicles, and should not 
stop at heavy vehicle locations.
- Motorists cannot stay overnight at Transport and Main Roads rest areas shown 
in red."

I should also point out that some rest areas are for Motorists, some for Heavy 
Vehicles, and some cater for both.

There are also Driver Reviver spots which may also be useful to capture?

Nick Lawrence

-Original Message-
From: cleary [] 
Sent: Saturday, 22 April 2017 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: [talk-au] Roadside rest areas tagged as camp sites

I draw a parallel with other amenities. Some cafes are licensed to sell limited 
alcohol but that does not make them pubs; and some pubs serve coffee but that 
does not make them  cafes.  And both cafes and pubs often serve food.  While 
there can be overlap in services provided by amenities, map users are best 
served by the use of terms that help them understand the main purpose of the 

I share the concern about confusing rest areas and camping sites.  To the 
average person, "rest areas" are for relatively shorter stays, perhaps just 
half an hour or sometimes overnight but not for longer periods. In contrast 
"camping sites" can be for just one night but are more commonly used for longer 

Areas by the side of roads are "rest areas" and are usually signposted as such. 
 I think it better that roadside rest areas be labelled as "rest area" in OSM 
with additional tags used to add detail about specific facilities etc available 
at the rest area.

On Fri, Apr 21, 2017, at 09:50 PM, Warin wrote:
> On 21-Apr-17 07:40 PM, David Bannon wrote:
> > On 20/04/17 19:50, Warin wrote:
> >>
> >> Thanks. Sometimes my 'plain English' understanding gets the better 
> >> of the 'OSM meanings'!
> > Hmm, I think people in caravans do think they are camping. If there 
> > is a sign, "no camping" we assume it means no caravans too.
> True.
> The 'officials' seam to be thinking that a single over night 'rest' is 
> fine, but multiple nights = camping and that is not fine.. at least 
> that is my impression from the grey nomads site.
> Anyone trying to turf someone 'resting due to fatigue' - even 
> overnight
> - would be on thin ground before a reasonable court as we are advised 
> to 'rest' when tired.
> >
> >> a) I do think that 'rest areas' should be tagged using the rest 
> >> area tag.
> > Honestly, I have never tagged a rest area. I go straight to thinking 
> > of it as a potential camp site, if not, I don't bother. Sorry
> > So I just read the rest_area key and I must say, its not really very 
> > useful IMHO. As its a key to highway= it needs to be applied to a 
> > way and not the surrounding area perhaps ?  Generally people don't 
> > camp on the drive through part but off the side. Mind you, have see 
> > a few people who have just stopped, closed the curtains and nod off !
> Arr .. yes well the key has never been 'discussed', just put up by a 
> mapper. Presently it is shown as applying to nodes and areas, not ways 
> .. but if you go to the talk page you'll see some comments there 
> (including mine).
> Better include a link for those that want a look 
> >>
> >> b) Using the tag 'tourism=camp_site' to me implies that I should be 
> >> able to set up a tent there.
> > Thats because you think "camp" means tent only. We've established 
> > that people camp using all sorts of infrastructure. Even truckies 
> > talk about 'camping' at some place or another.
> >
> You have made your point there. But I would find it strange to go to a 
> 'camp site' and be unable to pitch a tent because it was unsuitable.
> Think you'd find it strange to go to a camp site that did not have 
> space for a caravan? :) Quite a few rest areas don't have suitable 
> tent areas. A caravan only needs a longer parking space.
> >> c) If they are appropriate for caravans/camper vans then there is 
> >> the caravan_site or caravan=yes tag that would better represent the 
> >> features facility?
> > I don't use tourism=caravan_site because I consider =camp_site more 
> > appropriate there being so many similarities and little point in 
> > distinguishing.  But I do use caravan=yes/no as a key to 
> > tourism=camp_site. In deference to your good self, I might use 
> > tent=yes/no a bit more often now :-)
> Thanks ... I have 

Re: [Talk-us] Editing tasks in Detroit

2017-04-23 Per discussione Charlotte Wolter


The photo on the Goithub page is Haggerty Road, which is 
pretty far west of downtown. I'm surprised that it even is inside the 
city limits. Do you have any guidance on which areas need mapping?


At 11:12 PM 4/20/2017, you wrote:

Content-Language: en-US
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;


Hi all,
My Telenav colleagues in our mapping team are starting new mapping 
projects in the Detroit area. We are planning some pretty extensive 
improvements in areas like (turn) lane information, road naming and 
geometry, oneway and turn restrictions. We opened a Github 
repository where we describe each project in more detail: 
. You can find out more about editing practices and sources we use 
there. We very much welcome discussion and suggestions there, or 
just get in touch via talk-us or OSM message.

Horea Meleg

___ Talk-us mailing list

Charlotte Wolter
927 18th Street Suite A
Santa Monica, California
Skype: thetechlady

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Jména rozcestníků

2017-04-23 Per discussione Miroslav Suchý
Dne 23.4.2017 v 20:56 Marián Kyral napsal(a):
> Hodila by se nějaká značka - je to směrovník, ale není KČT. Co třeba
> pomocí klíče guidepost?

Tak všechny od KČT by měli být operator=cz:KČT. Což pravda dost často
buď není nebo to dosahuje různých variabilních hodnot.

   (o o)
 )  tel:+420-603-775737
(   One picture is worth 128K words.
 .oooO   (   )
 (   )) /
  \ ((_/

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[Talk-it] cobblestone e sett, modifica wiki

2017-04-23 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
segnalo questo edit:

non sono sicuro cosa pensarne, da un lato sto con lui, d'altro canto anche no, 
ma non ho tempo per occuparmene, vedete voi.

In ogni caso penso qualcosa del genere dovrebbe essere discusso prima in lista 
tagging o e talk

Ciao, Martin 

sent from a phone___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Probleme beim Laden von Tiles?

2017-04-23 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 23. Apr 2017, at 13:05, Manuel Reimer  wrote:
> Wäre mein Fingerprint wirklich "einmalig", dann müssten die Testseiten mich 
> wieder erkennen können. Dürften mir also nicht immer sagen, dass mein 
> Fingerprint "einmalig" wäre.

vielleicht funktionieren diese Testseiten schlechter als Google, FB, etc?

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Entwässerungsgraben mit vielen "Teilbeschriftungen". Render- oder Taggingfehler?

2017-04-23 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

On 23. Apr 2017, at 16:42, chris66  wrote:

>> Meine Frage dazu: Liegt der Fehler im Renderer
> Ja, wobei "Fehler" Ansichtssache ist. Der Graben hat nunmal den Namen.

+1, ein Fehler ist das nicht, evtl. könnte man es eine Darstellungsschwäche 
nennen, aber das Problem ist nicht auf Kanäle begrenzt sondern findet sich 
ähnlich auch bei Straßen 

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-is] final classification scheme

2017-04-23 Per discussione jay lialis
so we follow the scheme found here?

there is some uncertainty about H roads?in the above page they are tertiary
but in talk-is they are unclassified

generally i believe unpaved roads should be below tertiary:
-unpaved roads inside residential areas should be residential with surface
tag used
-unpaved roads should be unclassified (2WD) or track (4WD) with tracktype
tag used
-paved/unpaved roads connecting farms/factories etc should be unclassified
or service

also unnumbered (paved) roads connecting villages should be tertiary

i am sorry i dont have any exp with overpass
Talk-is mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] OpenData RTE dans Osmose-QA

2017-04-23 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Le 23 avril 2017 à 15:17, François Lacombe  a
écrit :

> Hello,
> Côté power, pas en faveur du tout d'indiquer les pylônes avec un polygone
> marquant l'aire de la base.
> C'est parfois fait en sortie du cadastre et indiqué en building=yes
> wall=no mais je le supprime systématiquement.
> Si tant est qu'il faille l'évoquer, un polygone est assez complexe à
> intégrer à une ligne (en l’occurrence les câbles supportés par le pylône).
> Pour les références, chez RTE le numéro d'un pylône n'est pas unique
> nationalement. Utiliser ref:FR:RTE ne me semble pas judicieux.

S'il n'est pas unique c'est marce qu'il y a un découpage en sous-réseaux.
Mais comme ces sous-réseaux ne sont pas encore identifiés... Je vois mal ce
qu'on va mettre à la place. En attendant ref:FR:RTE est le seule élément
adéquat, même s'il n'est pas unique nationalement mais dépend de la
délimitation de zones ou de sous-réseaux (qui pourraient avoir des
recouvrement territoriaux selon les classes de distribution ou selon les
contrats avec les collectivités ou producteurs d'énergie voire aussi les
contrats avec les autres producteurs européens, ou des gestionnaires
d'équipements de transport dont RTE ne serait que locataire ou

> En revanche on pourrait créer un ref:FR:RTE_support documenté correctement
> en indiquant que c'est une référence unique sur la file de pylône sur
> laquelle il prend effet.

avant de parler d'une nouvelle clé il faut savoir ce qu'on va mettre
dedans. Comme tu dis que le numéro n'est pas unique nationalement, si ton
idée est de le rendre unique il nous manque un identifiant de sous-réseau.
Si c'est juste pour remettre la même valeur que ce qu'on met actuellement
dans ref:FR:RTE, cela n'a strictement aucun intérêt, on complique juste les
choses avec un autre tag de plus pas mieux renseigné qu'avant.

> Ainsi les points géodésiques IGN n'entreront pas en conflit et on pourra
> continuer d'utiliser un simple noeud pour tout le monde.

Les points géodésiques IGN n'ont absolument pas besoin d'être liés aux
références des pylones RTE. Même leir positionnement est différent ! Le
réseau géodésique s'appuie sur un point précis du pylone, à une hauteur
spécifiée, et il peut y en avoir plusieurs, alros que RTE mettra une
référence pour le support entier voir pourra créer des références sur
certains porteurs de câbles selon la hauteur ou la tension quand le mêem
pylone supporte plusieurs lignes.

On fera donc comme pour les points géodésiques des églises ou des châteaux
d'eau: des noeuds distincts, et indépendant des références liées aux usages
des supports Même problème pour les pylônes télécom (émetteurs,
réémetteurs, relais hertziens, antennes de téléphonie mobile): on a des
références séparées dans la base de l'agence française des fréquences, et
des références pour chaque réseau locataire des antennes, parfois partagées
par plusieurs opérateurs (téléphonie mobile 2G/3G/4G/5G, Wimax, radio,
télévision, sécurité publique, sociétés de transport et logistique,
liaisons privées permanentes ou louées temporairement à la demande) et
souvent plusieurs équipements sur le même support, et plusieurs fréquences.

Dès qu'on esssaye de tout mélanger sur le même noeud on a des problèmes de
maintenance et d’ambiguïté des tags, alors que le positionnement des noeuds
(même s'il est très précis, n'atteint pas la précision centimétrique et
qu'on peut très bien grouper plusieurs noeuds distincts côte à cote dans la
marge de précision de chaque source, sans les fusionner.

On l'a vu aussi les points géodésiques peuvent disparaitre en même temps
que leur support, ou être replacé sur un nouvel équipement au même endroit
ou un peu à côté si une nouvelle mesure est effectuée. Même pour ces points
quand ils disparaissent et sont reconstruits, ils seront remesurés avec les
outils actuels et des nœuds voisins seront réalignés. Les modèles
géodésiques ont également pu changer entre temps (le terrain bouge,
quelques millimètres ou centimètres par an selon les endroits, cela
s'accumule avec le temps quand ces points ne sont pas révisés pendant des
décennies ...) et il n'y a pas de raison d'empêcher de déplacer un support
physique selon une source nouvelle, si le points géodésique lui-même n'est
pas révisé officiellement.

Pour les gros pylônes, on n'a même pas une précision décimétrique, la
précision métrique est suffisante si on regarde simplement la place occupée
au sol par les 4 pieds (et en haut les porteurs sont encore plus larges).
Un point géodésique au pied sera sur un des angles, en hauteur il sera
souvent avec un petit réflecteur fixé au centre d'un porteur, il n'est
pratiquement jamais directement sur un des câbles, et l'écartemetn entre
les cables atteint aussi plusieurs mètres (et pourtant on n'en tient pas
compte dans OSM en ne représentant qu'une ligne centrale pour tous les
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Dotaz

2017-04-23 Per discussione jzvc

Cus , myslis neco jako

int_ref=E 55
ref=D8-049 2

Tohle je z D8 pred exit 48 smer Praha. V tomhle pripade ten most tesne 
pred napojenim sjezdu.

Dne 23.4.2017 v 18:54 Marek napsal(a):

Jde mi o to, zda je lepší přidávat bod a nebo to napsat do odbočky.

Ahoj, jak moc podrobně?

Zrovna včera jsem přidával[0] destination=*, když jsem byl projel kolem,
ale systematicky to nemapuju.

Honza Piškvor Martinec


Dne 23. 4. 2017 18:20 napsal uživatel "Marek" >:

Dělá někdo dálniční návěstí?

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Talk-cz mailing list

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Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] [OSM-dev] Legal question about attribution text on smartphone

2017-04-23 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 23. Apr 2017, at 00:26, Stadin, Benjamin 
>  wrote:
> (UIActionSheet on iOS)

As a side note UIActionSheet is deprecated since iOS8 (2014)

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Bureaux de vote

2017-04-23 Per discussione David Crochet


Le 15/04/2017 à 03:39, Philippe Verdy a écrit :
J'ai de gros doutes sur un numéro de bureau "14.1" à Caen... 

C'est pas le bureau 14, mais le bureau 06.1 et 06.2 et photo à l'appui :


David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] osm2pgsql; projection code failed to initialite

2017-04-23 Per discussione Emilio Gómez Fernández
¿Has probado con OGR?

Sería algo tal que así:

ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL "PG:dbname=mibd user=postgres password=admin
host=localhost port=5432" -t_srs EPSG:25830 -lco GEOMETRY_NAME=geom -lco
FID=gid -skipfailures miarchivo.osm

El 23 de abril de 2017, 10:57, Esther Mingot 

> Con QGIS y OSM había hecho pequeñas importaciones guiadas y he intentado
> reproducir los pasos, pero no lo consigo. El fichero que quiero importar a
> postgres es el planet de España, y aunque he conseguido cargarlo en QGIS
> mediante qosm, el ordenador ha estado a punto de sacar bandera blanca y ha
> tardado muchísimo más que con las importaciones previas con osm2pgsql. A
> partir de ahí no logro ver la manera de exportar a postgres.
> Leyendo sobre las variables que aplican a las proyecciones en osm2pgsql
> [1], he visto que si no se indica datum, toma por defecto la proyección
> Psudo-Mercator.
> [1]
> --
> *De:* Paula Burillo 
> *Enviado:* jueves, 20 de abril de 2017 23:32
> *Para:* Discusión en Español de OpenStreetMap
> *Asunto:* Re: [Talk-es] osm2pgsql; projection code failed to initialite
> Hola Esther,
> Desde la consola, para especificar el datum se agrega a shp2pgsql el
> -s.  Pero si se omite, internamente agrega un -1 que corresponde al EPSG
> 4326 (WGS84).  Total,que yo recuerde, no haría falta especificar el EPSG.
> En su dia creo recordar especifique la codificación pero omití el EPSG,
> Es mucho mas facil con QGIS, tal y como dice Santiago.Ya nos explicas ;-)
> Cuando tenga un poco mas de tiempo, me pongo y me lio con el OSM, que es
> una de mis asignaturas pendientes.
> Paula
> 2017-04-20 22:23 GMT+02:00 Santiago Higuera :
>> Yo las últimas exportaciones a Postgresql las he hecho desde QGIS,
>> cargando la capa OSM en QGIS y exportando a la base de datos
>> El jue, 20-04-2017 a las 19:46 +, Esther Mingot escribió:
>> > Buenas noches,
>> >
>> > llevo unos días intentando cargar datos de OSM en una base postgres
>> > mediante la aplicación osm2pgsql.
>> >
>> > Después de varios intentos, con diferentes parámetros, cada vez que
>> > intento aplicar los parámetros de proyección <-E 4326> y/o <-l> me da
>> > este error: projection code failed to initialite.
>> >
>> > Trabajo en entorno windows y se me han acabado las ideas de qué está
>> > fallando.
>> >
>> > ¿Alguien puede echarme una mano?
>> >
>> > Gracias!
>> > ___
>> > Talk-es mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Talk-es mailing list
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] tracker pro iPhone

2017-04-23 Per discussione Pavel Cvrček

nedávno jsem tu řešil něco podobného. Na záznam trasy používám na iPhonu
Těch aplikací, co umí dělat záznam trasy je víc, ale tahle se mi líbila i
vzhledově - za dolar je tam i offline mapa. U trasy lze zaznamenávat i body
s fotkami, což se mi líbilo jen do té doby, než jsem zjistil, že v
exportovaném gpx je to uvedeno tak, že se to v JSOM nezobrazí.

Dále tedy hledám aplikaci, která by kromě záznamu trasy uměla zaznamenávat
i POI s fotkami.


Dne 20. dubna 2017 10:12 Miroslav Suchý  napsal(a):

> Ahoj,
> ja pouzivam pro zaznam trasy OSMTracker for Android. Vubec netusim co
> doporucovat lidem co maji iPhone.
> Je zde nekdo kdo ma iPhone? Co z tohoto seznamu je nejlepsi?
> Co mam lidem doporucovat?
> Mirek
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-it] R: Re: Canalizzazioni torrenti- quesito

2017-04-23 Per discussione

Denchiu (Grazie.;-)...) 

Messaggio originale
Data: 23-apr-2017 12.31
Ogg: Re: [Talk-it] Canalizzazioni torrenti- quesito

Il 23/04/2017 10:16, ha scritto:
> Buongiorno,
>  in questo punto 
> esiste per pochi metri una canalizzazione in cemento di un torrente 
> disarticolato dalle colate laviche. l'opera è composta da una caditoia a 
> monte, dal letto in cemento e da un sottopasso.
> Ora, o per pigrizia o per  ignoranza non sto trovando  la voce su JOSM su 
> come cartografare quest'opera.
> un aiutino?
> Grazie  

la caditoia, sicuramente un nodo con waterway=weir, il tratto di canale
con waterway=drain, in quanto artificiale per scarico acque, mentre il
sottopassaggio dipende, se è un ponte, allora resta waterway=drain e si
lavora sulla way della strada, diversamente un tratto di attraversamento
come tunnel=culvert.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk] OSM extracts in OpenTopoMap Style for Garmin devices

2017-04-23 Per discussione Wolfram Schneider

the BBBike Extract Service supports now the OpenTopoMap style for
garmin devices:

see also

Planet.osm extracts:
BBBike Map Compare:

talk mailing list

[Talk-de] OSM Extrakte im OpenTopoMap Stil fuer Garmin Geraete

2017-04-23 Per discussione Wolfram Schneider

ich habe den OpenTopoMap Stil fuer Garmin Geraete in den BBBike
Extract Service aufgenommen:

siehe auch

viele Gruesse, Wolfram

Planet.osm extracts:
BBBike Map Compare:

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Venezia-gerarchia degli highway

2017-04-23 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 23. Apr 2017, at 18:34, Paolo Monegato  wrote:
> Beh, un minimo di gerarchia lo si può evincere dalla toponomastica stessa.

si, ma non trova nessun riscontro nella mappatura. Inoltre mancano tantissimi 
nomi e non troppo raramente sono anche sbagliati (troppo lunghi e non spezzati 
quando cambiano)

Ciao, Martin 
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Venezia-gerarchia degli highway

2017-04-23 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 23. Apr 2017, at 08:54, Cascafico Giovanni  wrote:
> Io son per la specifica funzionale: son tutte footway percorribili in 
> entrambi i sensi senza limite di velocità, senza lanes, bicycle no.

si, e preferibilmente anche con width.
Comunque la distinzione tra pedestrian e footway e soprattutto fisica, non 
funzionale. Al proposito di bicycle: ho visto quasi sempre taggato un no, ma 
dove viene prescritto? Cartelli non ho visto da nessuna parte.

> Un router di terra  deve poter stimare i percorsi senza gerarchie, ma si 
> dovrebbe curare la ele (o il numero di steps?) dei bridges.

i ponti sono tutti o quasi tutti mappati in maniera pigra, come unica scala e 
senza numero di gradini o direzione.

Martin ___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Dotaz

2017-04-23 Per discussione Marek

Jde mi o to, zda je lepší přidávat bod a nebo to napsat do odbočky.

Ahoj, jak moc podrobně?

Zrovna včera jsem přidával[0] destination=*, když jsem byl projel kolem,
ale systematicky to nemapuju.

Honza Piškvor Martinec


Dne 23. 4. 2017 18:20 napsal uživatel "Marek" :

Dělá někdo dálniční návěstí?

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Venezia-gerarchia degli highway

2017-04-23 Per discussione Paolo Monegato

Il 22/04/2017 23:30, Martin Koppenhoefer ha scritto:

sent from a phone

On 22. Apr 2017, at 21:53, Volker Schmidt  wrote:

Le "strade" di Venezia sono storicamente I canali. I percorsi a piedi non hanno 
una struttura gerarcica. Le larghezze sono quasi a caso. Per me la soluzione più 
additional sarebbe 'pedestrian' con 'width'.

no, se fosse completamente vero, per me la conclusione sarebbe usare footway per tutto, 
non pedestrian. Pedestrian non è adatto perché tutti gli utilizzatori dei dati si 
aspettano strade, perciò il fatto che non si vede "niente" a Venezia non è la 
colpa di chi fa lo stile ma di chi ha classificato male i percorsi.

Comunque, è vero che certi percorsi stretti sono comunque importanti (e quindi 
affollati), ma in generale le "strade" larghe sono più importanti di quelli 
stretti, e soprattutto quelli superstretti non sono mai importanti.

Beh, un minimo di gerarchia lo si può evincere dalla toponomastica 
stessa. Le "salizade" si chiamano così appunto perché furono i primi 
percorsi ad essere selciati, dunque quantomeno all'epoca erano i 
principali (bisognerebbe vedere se ancor oggi sono prioritari). I vari 
"rio terà" sono ex canali interrati, quindi sono plausibilmente più 
larghi di molte altre calli. Le varie "lista" sono strade che un tempo 
erano nei pressi delle ambasciate straniere, solitamente sono abbastanza 
larghe (vedasi quella di Spagna, vicino alla stazione).
Viceversa i vari "ramo" sono piccole calli laterali, dunque sono 
sicuramente gerarchicamente meno importanti. Come per esempio lo sono le 
"fondamenta" rispetto alle "riva" (le prime sono meno larghe).


Paolo M

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Dotaz

2017-04-23 Per discussione Jan Martinec
Ahoj, jak moc podrobně?

Zrovna včera jsem přidával[0] destination=*, když jsem byl projel kolem,
ale systematicky to nemapuju.

Honza Piškvor Martinec


Dne 23. 4. 2017 18:20 napsal uživatel "Marek" :

> Dělá někdo dálniční návěstí?
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-cz] Dotaz

2017-04-23 Per discussione Marek

Dělá někdo dálniční návěstí?

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Jména rozcestníků

2017-04-23 Per discussione Dalibor Jelínek
možná by bylo lepší používat už zažitou značku noname=yes


> -Original Message-
> From: Miroslav Suchý []
> Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2017 1:01 PM
> To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Jména rozcestníků
> Dne 23.4.2017 v 12:16 Miroslav Suchý napsal(a):
> > Venku je hnusně, na výlet na mapování turistických tras to není, tak
> > jsem zasedl k počítači a procházím už zmapované rozcestníky. Fotek už
> > je hodně, takže se dají dobře odvozovat jména rozcestníků z fotek
> sousedních.
> >
> > Pokud by se chtěl někdo přidat, tak stačí do
> >
> > Zadat dotaz:
> >   node
> >   [information=guidepost]
> >   [!'name']
> >   ({{bbox}});
> >   out;
> Tak narážím na rozcestníky, které jsou opravdu bezejmené. Typicky např.:
> Tak aby se mi nepletli k tomu co má jméno a není popsané, tak k takovým
> bezejmeným rozcestníkům přidávám note=noname. Takže výsledný dotaz
> pro OverPass je:
> node
>   [information=guidepost]
>   [!'name']
>   ['note'!='noname']
>   ['bicycle'!='yes']
>   ({{bbox}});
> out;
> Mirek
> --
> ,,,
>(o o)
>   =oOO==(_)==OOo===
>  )  tel:+420-603-775737
> (   One picture is worth 128K words.
>  )Oooo.
>  .oooO   (   )
>  (   )) /
>   \ ((_/
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Rendering national/regional walking trails

2017-04-23 Per discussione Andy Townsend

On 23/04/17 11:43, Elizabeth Oldham wrote:
... But I still get only a few labels rendered. My stylesheet for 
rendering ldpnwn is similar to yours. So I'm kind of confused as to 
where the magic is that places multiple labels instead of just a few?

The "text-spacing" settings below 
should control that.  When I was testing it I adjusted it up and down 
until the spacing was about right.  I was using TileMill at that point 
to test changes so it worked with Mapnik v2 and am now using it with 
Mapnik v3, so it shouldn't be a Mapnik version problem.  With TileMill 
(or Kosmtik) style changes should apply and be displayed immediately.

Other possibilities would be some sort of tile caching issue, but you've 
no doubt already looked into that?  Maybe just change the name to 
"something else" to make absolutely sure that a new name is rendered, 
but still too infrequently.

Best Regards,


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Talk-is Digest, Vol 80, Issue 2

2017-04-23 Per discussione michael . hofer50

Hello Jay,

help on osm is always welcome, but please stay on the things alreade done and finshed.

There existed a wiki page to the icelandic road sytem. Unfortunately the page needs an update of course, but it defines how the roads should be classified.

The missing link for understanding the system is the regularly (anual) provided excel list by vegagerdin where you can find the road numbers and the network information. Acording to this list the icelandic road system is correctly mapped in OSM. At least for the 1/2/3 digit roads as you call it. But in the latest list there are new road network qualifications where an update of the osm has to be defined (the roads are allready mapped the importance of them).

If you realy want to update the wiki page, I would suggest to write an overpass querry and filter it for the needed information and import it (regullary) into the Wiki. Manually update the wiki page doesn´t make any sense.

To you suggestion about 1/2/3 digit roads:
Some roads with a 3 digit number belong to the 2 digit network. You find that all in the vegagerdin road list.

some usefull links:

I hope this information helps to understand the icelandic mapping as it actually is

IceAgeMike schrieb 

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than "Re: Contents of Talk-is digest..."

Today's Topics:

1. Re: road classification etc (Jóhannes Birgir Jensson)
2. road classification (jay lialis)
3. road classification proposals (jay lialis)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2017 21:21:20 +
From: Jóhannes Birgir Jensson <>
Subject: Re: [Talk-is] road classification etc
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Hello Jay.

I'm trying to understand what issues you are solving?

We are working on uploading the administrative divisions, the capital
area is already well mapped in that regard.

For the roads then they are administered by the National Highway
Authority - Vegagerðin, or by municipalities.

On 21.4.2017 15:37, jay lialis wrote:

hello, i am Jay from Greece, i would like to help with icelandic roads
(wikiproject Iceland and actual mapping)

i am thinking we should have a table for administrative divisions
(complete with name, admin levels, link to relations etc) and a table
about road classes..

take a look at the greek wiki i helped build:

there are also separate pages about motorways/national
highways/provincial roads (as defined by law)

as understand there are 2 separate classification systems in Iceland:
-S/T/H/L/F system
-1/2/3/4-digit numbered roads

We should decide which one we use and what is trunk, primary etc

Is there any laws defining distinctive road classes (or what is
national and what provincial?)

for matters like this we made a poll in the greek forum, maybe we
should also do this here

thank you

Talk-is mailing list


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2017 11:19:26 +0300
From: jay lialis <>
Subject: [Talk-is] road classification
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

i know about Vegagerðin, i have downloaded the map

i was just wondering if there is a law defining road classes
(primary, secondary, national, provincial etc)

the road signs have all the same font and colors, as if all roads are on
the same level

as i understand 3-digit roads are region specific (so maybe they are
considered provincial?)

i believe the wiki needs some additions to be easier to navigate, something
like a whole paragraph "Roads in Iceland" with some general info and a road
class table, with links to the road-specific secondary pages, where there
are lists of the roads

i also think these lists belong to osm wiki and not wikipedia
-- next part --
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Message: 3
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2017 11:55:48 +0300
From: jay lialis <ja

Re: [Talk-de] Entwässerungsgraben mit vielen "Teilbeschriftungen". Render- oder Taggingfehler?

2017-04-23 Per discussione chris66

Am 23.04.2017 um 13:12 schrieb Manuel Reimer:

Mir geht es um "Beschriftungswolken" bei Entwässerungsgraben:

Das liegt daran, dass der Graben mehrfach unterbrochen ist.

Meine Frage dazu: Liegt der Fehler im Renderer

Ja, wobei "Fehler" Ansichtssache ist. Der Graben hat nunmal den Namen.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Circonscriptions électorales...

2017-04-23 Per discussione Frédéric Rodrigo
Je suis contant de voir que je ne suis pas la seul à regarder ça et que 
ça bouge dans les données.

Le problème c'est sur tout les communes à découper.

Mais il fait faire attention dans ce qu'il reste à faire car il y celles 
qui ne font partie d'aucune circonscription et celle qui sont dans 
plusieurs à la fois.


Le 23/04/2017 à 13:40, Jérôme Amagat a écrit :

il y a ça sur  :
ça donne dans quelle circonscription est chaque communes.

Mais ce qui reste surtout à faire c'est des créations ou modifications 
de circonscriptions qui comprennent des morceaux de communes. Il faut 
donc "découper" ces communes d’après des décrets qui ne sont pas 
toujours facile à trouver et/ou à comprendre.

Communes qui doivent être "découpé" (entre autres) :
Aix-en-Provence 13
Reims 51
Lille 59
Perpignan 66
Alès 30
Nimes 30
Amiens 80
Tours 37
Toulon 83
Strasbourg 67
Dunkerque 59
Nancy 54
Carpentras 84
Royan 17

Le 11 avril 2017 à 22:46, Frédéric Rodrigo > a écrit :

Le 09/04/2017 à 17:36, Frédéric Rodrigo a écrit :


J'ai commencé à corriger les limites du 31 sur le découpage de
Toulouse. C'est encore en cours. J'ai utilisé les donnes de la
Métropole comme base.

C'est les seules données OpenData que j'ai trouvé d'utilisable sur
le sujet pour ce qui manque encore dans OSM.


Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] OpenData RTE dans Osmose-QA

2017-04-23 Per discussione François Lacombe

Côté power, pas en faveur du tout d'indiquer les pylônes avec un polygone
marquant l'aire de la base.
C'est parfois fait en sortie du cadastre et indiqué en building=yes wall=no
mais je le supprime systématiquement.
Si tant est qu'il faille l'évoquer, un polygone est assez complexe à
intégrer à une ligne (en l’occurrence les câbles supportés par le pylône).

Pour les références, chez RTE le numéro d'un pylône n'est pas unique
nationalement. Utiliser ref:FR:RTE ne me semble pas judicieux.
En revanche on pourrait créer un ref:FR:RTE_support documenté correctement
en indiquant que c'est une référence unique sur la file de pylône sur
laquelle il prend effet.
Ainsi les points géodésiques IGN n'entreront pas en conflit et on pourra
continuer d'utiliser un simple noeud pour tout le monde.


*François Lacombe*

fl dot infosreseaux At gmail dot com

Le 23 avril 2017 à 11:03, Art Penteur  a écrit :

> C'est l'occasion de poser la question du codage des pylônes qui
> portent un point géodésique.
> Exemple :
> 41231/1.41735
> Quelle solution fait consensus, actuellement ?
>   - 1 seul nœud avec tous les attributs (power-=tower et  man_made
> survey_point). ça a une certaine cohérence physique, mais pose des
> problèmes de codage (par exemple, comment combiner la ref IGN et la
> ref RTE) ?
>   - 2 nœuds très proches (éventuellement liés par une relation de type
> site)
>   - créer un polygone power=tower, avec un nœud à chacun des pieds du
> pylône, avec le survey_point naturellement à l'intérieur du polygone
> (mais la page wiki de power=tower interdit les polygones) ?
>   - autre ?
> Art
> Le 22 avril 2017 à 11:50, David Crochet  a écrit :
> > Bonjour
> >
> >
> > Le 22/04/2017 à 11:43, Frédéric Rodrigo a écrit :
> >>
> >> d'autant plus que les positions RTE sont généralement bonne.
> >
> >
> > Oui, en zoommant bien, la donnée RTE est plus précise que le
> positionnement
> > manuel.
> >
> > Cordialement
> >
> > --
> > David Crochet
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-fr mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] road classification proposals

2017-04-23 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
I have updated the wiki with a small addition - the information there 
was from 2011 so it is VERY outdated.

Proposal 2 seems most like what we have been doing so far.

On 23.4.2017 08:55, jay lialis wrote:

trunk - Highway 1/multiple-lane urban avenues
primary - 2-digit roads/major city roads
secondary - 3-digit roads/minor city roads
tertiary - roads connecting villages, city roads with priority
unclassified - unpaved roads/roads connecting farms, factories etc

trunk - Highway 1/multiple-lane urban avenues
primary - S roads/major city roads
secondary - T roads/minor city roads
tertiary - paved H/L roads, roads connecting villages/city roads with 

unclassified - unpaved roads, roads connecting farms, factories etc

trunk - S roads
primary - T roads/major city roads
secondary - paved L-H roads/minor city roads
tertiary -  unpaved roads, roads connecting villages, city roads with 

unclassified - roads connecting farms, factories etc

Talk-is mailing list

Talk-is mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Hyacintenfestival

2017-04-23 Per discussione joost schouppe

There's a pretty leaflet about the hyacints (bluebells) in the
Hallerbos/Bois de Hal:

But they forgot the copyright notice! Already sent them a friendly message.
But nice to see such a prominent print of our map there.

Joost Schouppe
OpenStreetMap  |
Twitter  | LinkedIn
 | Meetup

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Circonscriptions électorales...

2017-04-23 Per discussione Jérôme Amagat
il y a ça sur :
ça donne dans quelle circonscription est chaque communes.

Mais ce qui reste surtout à faire c'est des créations ou modifications de
circonscriptions qui comprennent des morceaux de communes. Il faut donc
"découper" ces communes d’après des décrets qui ne sont pas toujours facile
à trouver et/ou à comprendre.
Communes qui doivent être "découpé" (entre autres) :
Aix-en-Provence 13
Reims 51
Lille 59
Perpignan 66
Alès 30
Nimes 30
Amiens 80
Tours 37
Toulon 83
Strasbourg 67
Dunkerque 59
Nancy 54
Carpentras 84
Royan 17

Le 11 avril 2017 à 22:46, Frédéric Rodrigo  a écrit

> Le 09/04/2017 à 17:36, Frédéric Rodrigo a écrit :
>>  031-04
> J'ai commencé à corriger les limites du 31 sur le découpage de Toulouse.
> C'est encore en cours. J'ai utilisé les donnes de la Métropole comme base.
> rales-haute-garonne/
> C'est les seules données OpenData que j'ai trouvé d'utilisable sur le
> sujet pour ce qui manque encore dans OSM.
> Frédéric.
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Wie ist die Vorgehensweise bei potenziell vandalierenden Mappern?

2017-04-23 Per discussione Moritz
Kurzes Update: er mappte weiter und es wurde nicht wirklich besser. Ich 
habe jetzt angefangen seine alten Changesets durchzugehen und zu fixen. 
Die DWG teilte meine Einschätzung und es gab einen 0-hour block.


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Entwässerungsgraben mit vielen "Teilbeschriftungen". Render- oder Taggingfehler?

2017-04-23 Per discussione Manuel Reimer


Mir geht es um "Beschriftungswolken" bei Entwässerungsgraben:

Das liegt daran, dass der Graben mehrfach unterbrochen ist.

Meine Frage dazu: Liegt der Fehler im Renderer oder wäre es hier korrekt 
eine Relation zu verwenden, um den Graben "zusammenzufassen"? Wenn ja, 
welcher Relationstyp wäre das?

Danke im Voraus



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Probleme beim Laden von Tiles?

2017-04-23 Per discussione Manuel Reimer

On 04/17/2017 09:11 PM, Richard wrote:

warum so radikal bzw so kompliziert? Das default-setting für jeden
vernünftigen Browser ist schon seit einer Ewigkeit sowas wie "send referrer
only for same domain requests".

Wäre mir neu und mir sind in "freier Wildbahn" auch schon Seiten 
begegnet, die dann nicht mehr laufen würden.

Was es wirklich bräuchte wäre etwas wie "Adblock für Referrer". Also mit 
Filterlisten. Default wäre dann "nie Referrer senden" und in der Liste 
werden Domains, bzw. Adressen mit den für "erfolgreichen Zugriff" 
nötigen Referrern gelistet.

Mir reicht aber für den Anfang ein "Referrer-Spoofer" vollkommen. Bin 
nur noch nicht dazu gekommen mich da mal dran zu versuchen. Die 
Webextensions-API vom Firefox sollte aber eigentlich alles mitbringen um 
einen Header in HTTP-Requests übersteuern zu können.

Das funktioniert offenbar anstandslos bei OSM und hat keine Auswirkungen auf
die Privacy. Wer Dich tracken will kann das ohnehin mit Browserfingerprinting
und anderen Methoden viel effektiver machen.

... nicht.

Ich habe noch kein "Fingerprinting" gesehen, was funktionieren würde.

Mir sagen diese Testseiten immer ich sei "einmalig". Allerdings sagen 
die das immer. Auch wenn ich die Seite mit etwas zeitlichem Abstand 
wieder aufrufe. Wäre mein Fingerprint wirklich "einmalig", dann müssten 
die Testseiten mich wieder erkennen können. Dürften mir also nicht immer 
sagen, dass mein Fingerprint "einmalig" wäre.



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Rendering national/regional walking trails

2017-04-23 Per discussione Elizabeth Oldham

On 23/04/17 09:55, Andy Townsend wrote:

I may have got hold of completely the wrong end of the stick here, but
assuming I understand the question properly, I think you're asking how
two names appear for trails at e.g.

It's not so much that two different names appear, and not overwrite one 
another. But for each relation you get multiple labels along the route. 
I'm getting very few labels on a particular route.

You can see my example here, where I've got the Cumbria Way.|530841.03293706|7

I get 3 labels over the whole length. One near Carlisle, one between 
Skiddaw House and Mosedale, and another the other side of Coniston. Now 
this as it happens is using my own table imported from a shapefile.

However, the effect is the same when I do use the osm tables (I haven't 
made it live yet). I tried pulling out snippets of your ldpnwn specif 
code putting them into mine. But I still get only a few labels rendered. 
My stylesheet for rendering ldpnwn is similar to yours. So I'm kind of 
confused as to where the magic is that places multiple labels instead of 
just a few?


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Canalizzazioni torrenti- quesito

2017-04-23 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Il 23/04/2017 10:16, ha scritto:
> Buongiorno,
>  in questo punto 
> esiste per pochi metri una canalizzazione in cemento di un torrente 
> disarticolato dalle colate laviche. l'opera è composta da una caditoia a 
> monte, dal letto in cemento e da un sottopasso.
> Ora, o per pigrizia o per  ignoranza non sto trovando  la voce su JOSM su 
> come cartografare quest'opera.
> un aiutino?
> Grazie  

la caditoia, sicuramente un nodo con waterway=weir, il tratto di canale
con waterway=drain, in quanto artificiale per scarico acque, mentre il
sottopassaggio dipende, se è un ponte, allora resta waterway=drain e si
lavora sulla way della strada, diversamente un tratto di attraversamento
come tunnel=culvert.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-cz] Jména rozcestníků

2017-04-23 Per discussione Miroslav Suchý
Venku je hnusně, na výlet na mapování turistických tras to není, tak
jsem zasedl k počítači a procházím už zmapované rozcestníky. Fotek už je
hodně, takže se dají dobře odvozovat jména rozcestníků z fotek sousedních.

Pokud by se chtěl někdo přidat, tak stačí do
Zadat dotaz:

A dostanete jména rozcestínků, které nemají jméno. Na
si pak najděte fotku sousedního rozcestníku a z něj můžete odečíst jméno.


   (o o)
 )  tel:+420-603-775737
(   One picture is worth 128K words.
 .oooO   (   )
 (   )) /
  \ ((_/

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Traducción del wiki de OSM al español

2017-04-23 Per discussione dcapillae
La página dedicada a la  traducción del wiki
recoger todas las cuestiones técnicas, las convenciones, los problemas
habituales, etc. Es un compendio general, toca todos los temas y entra mucho
en detalle, pero no hay que asustarse, traducir una página es sencillo. En
resumen, los pasos a seguir serían:

1. *Comprobar las traducciones existentes*. Todas las páginas del wiki deben
tener en la parte superior un menú de navegación interlinguística con todos
los idiomas disponibles. Si no aparece el español, podemos crear nuestra
versión española.

2. *Copiar el contenido de la página en inglés*. La versión en inglés suele
ser la versión de referencia para casi todas las páginas wiki. Lo primero
que hay que hacer es copiar su contenido para pegarlo en la página en
español (inicialmente en blanco) y empezar luego la traducción sobre el
texto en inglés. Para hacer esto simplemente nos situamos en la página en
inglés, clicamos en "Editar código", seleccionamos todo el texto, lo
copiamos al cortapapeles (Ctrl+C) y abandonamos la edición de la página (sin
guardar los cambios).

3. *Crear una página nueva en español*. En la barra superior de navegación
interlingüística, clicamos en "Otros idiomas" y seleccionamos "español".
Automáticamente se creará una página nueva con el mismo título que la
versión en inglés más el prefijo "ES:", que deben llevar todas las páginas
escritas en español. Pegamos el texto del cortapapeles en la página recién
creada (Ctrl+V) y ya podemos empezar a traducir. Cuando terminemos,
guardamos los cambios y ya habremos creado la versión en español para la
página de referencia. La opción "español" aparecerá entonces en la barra
superior de navegación interlingüística. Si no aparece inicialmente,
clicamos en "Actualizar" y aparecerá.

Recomiendo que utilicéis la  plantilla de traducción incompleta
siempre que estéis trabajando en una traducción que no os haya dado tiempo a
terminar. Yo la suelo utilizar a menudo de inicio, es decir, la coloco al
mismo tiempo que copio el texto en inglés y guardo la página tal cual, esto
es, sin traducir y con la plantilla de traducción incompleta colocada en la
parte superior. La plantilla permite especificar un nombre de usuario. No
sólo indica que la traducción está incompleta, sino que ya hay un usuario
trabajando en ella (nosotros, por ejemplo). Así podéis trabajar sobre una
traducción en varios días, sin necesidad de tener que terminarla en el
momento. Esto es particularmente interesante en página largas. Si en algún
momento os cansáis de traducir, eliminad vuestro nombre de usuario de la
plantilla, dejad la página como traducción incompleta y algún otro usuario
la terminara.

El trabajo de traducción del wiki nunca se acaba. No sólo hay que traducir
las páginas existentes en inglés, sino que además hay que mantener
actualizado el contenido en español según las páginas de referencia vayan
evolucionando y cambiando. Mi consejo es inicialmente no complicarse
demasiado y empezar por páginas sencillas de traducir, que no sean muy
largas y que usen un lenguaje asequible (en el wiki hay página muy técnicas
que no son fáciles de traducir). Conforme adquiramos experiencia, podemos ir
abordando páginas con contenidos más extensos y específicos.

Personalmente suelo revisar las páginas que se van traduciendo al español,
corrigiendo las posibles deficiencias que encuentre. No hay que preocuparse
si nuestra versión no es perfecta, entre todos la iremos mejorando. Como
dije antes, el trabajo de traducción del wiki nunca se acaba.

Daniel Capilla
OSM user: dcapillae 
View this message in context:
Sent from the Spain mailing list archive at

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Tagging and rendering of television masts

2017-04-23 Per discussione Oleksiy Muzalyev
Both "man_made=tower;tower:type=communications" and "man_made=mast" are 
being used interchangeably. One of them is rendered with a good icon and 
another not rendered at all on the OSM map.
I was not suggesting to re-tag this particular communication mast per 
se, but to attract an attention to this phenomenon.

Best regards,

On 23.04.17 11:41, Andy Townsend wrote:

On 22/04/2017 07:33, Oleksiy Muzalyev wrote:

It is possible to map it as: "man_made=mast", "height=190", etc., 
then it will be rendered.

In the general case, please don't suggest that people mistag things 
just so that one particular renderer (one that probably isn't used by 
the majority of people that consume OSM data*) renders it.

However in this particular case I can't claim to be familiar enough 
with it to say whether or is more 
appropropriate, or indeed whether those wiki pages reflect OSM usage.

Best Regards,


* I'm guessing the "most views" accolade goes to either Mapbox Streets 
or MAPS.ME these days.

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Tagging and rendering of television masts

2017-04-23 Per discussione Oleksiy Muzalyev
All what is written at is 
fair enough, especially the main principle: "We map anything that is 
observable on the ground.", but not an airspace. A communication tower, 
or a mast is well observable on the ground.

The DJI changed the map on its RPAS control stations from Google to Here 
Map. And on Here Map not much is shown. So usually one looks at several 
maps while planning a flight, especially in an urban area.

Best regards,

On 23.04.17 10:47, Andreas Vilén wrote:

Please read

Pilots do not use the osm base map...


Skickat från min iPhone

23 apr. 2017 kl. 07:50 skrev Oleksiy Muzalyev 

On 22.04.17 21:17, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

sent from a phone

On 22. Apr 2017, at 08:33, Oleksiy Muzalyev 

In my opinion, it is a significant issue, in fact a disaster 
waiting to happen. There will be soon air-born taxi in Dubai, 
Singapore, etc., and the extremely high communication towers, the 
so-called aviation traffic obstacles , are not 
rendered on the OSM map at all.

which disaster do you expect to happen? Someone flying around in 
dense fog and using no other information than osm-carto?

I agree it is a shortcoming that towers are not rendered on 
osm-carto, but we should keep calm and not exaggerate its significance.


Dear Martin,

An air traffic obstacle, a tall structure which can endanger air 
traffic, has to be marked with red and white colored markings and 
with aircraft warning lights at night. If you look at these 
communication towers this is how they are actually painted.

An airman say a pilot of a medicopter may well study terrain 
carefully on a map before a flight. In fact it is not a flight as a 
bird flies, but rather a jump as there is a time limit, an endurance. 
That is why a planning is necessary.

Unfortunately on the OSM map he/she will not see any icon. At the 
same time the air-traffic in urban areas will continue to increase. 
It is future of urban mobility [1].

If a helicopter, an RPAS, a plane touches a mast or a cable it would 
crash; a mast may collapse. For individuals involved it could 
certainly be a disaster.

People do realize it. Andy not only mapped the communication tower 
(or mast) but plans to map its cables. It is a good idea too. It will 
take time to map all these towers (masts), measure and calculate 
their height, etc.

Unfortunately the confusion between "man_made=tower" and 
"man_made=mast" continues. One is rendered and one is not, and that 
adds to confusion.


With best regards,


talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] OpenData RTE dans Osmose-QA

2017-04-23 Per discussione Art Penteur
C'est l'occasion de poser la question du codage des pylônes qui
portent un point géodésique.

Exemple :

Quelle solution fait consensus, actuellement ?
  - 1 seul nœud avec tous les attributs (power-=tower et  man_made
survey_point). ça a une certaine cohérence physique, mais pose des
problèmes de codage (par exemple, comment combiner la ref IGN et la
ref RTE) ?
  - 2 nœuds très proches (éventuellement liés par une relation de type site)
  - créer un polygone power=tower, avec un nœud à chacun des pieds du
pylône, avec le survey_point naturellement à l'intérieur du polygone
(mais la page wiki de power=tower interdit les polygones) ?
  - autre ?


Le 22 avril 2017 à 11:50, David Crochet  a écrit :
> Bonjour
> Le 22/04/2017 à 11:43, Frédéric Rodrigo a écrit :
>> d'autant plus que les positions RTE sont généralement bonne.
> Oui, en zoommant bien, la donnée RTE est plus précise que le positionnement
> manuel.
> Cordialement
> --
> David Crochet
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] osm2pgsql; projection code failed to initialite

2017-04-23 Per discussione Esther Mingot
Con QGIS y OSM había hecho pequeñas importaciones guiadas y he intentado 
reproducir los pasos, pero no lo consigo. El fichero que quiero importar a 
postgres es el planet de España, y aunque he conseguido cargarlo en QGIS 
mediante qosm, el ordenador ha estado a punto de sacar bandera blanca y ha 
tardado muchísimo más que con las importaciones previas con osm2pgsql. A partir 
de ahí no logro ver la manera de exportar a postgres.

Leyendo sobre las variables que aplican a las proyecciones en osm2pgsql [1], he 
visto que si no se indica datum, toma por defecto la proyección Psudo-Mercator.


De: Paula Burillo 
Enviado: jueves, 20 de abril de 2017 23:32
Para: Discusión en Español de OpenStreetMap
Asunto: Re: [Talk-es] osm2pgsql; projection code failed to initialite

Hola Esther,

Desde la consola, para especificar el datum se agrega a shp2pgsql el   -s.  
Pero si se omite, internamente agrega un -1 que corresponde al EPSG 4326 
(WGS84).  Total,que yo recuerde, no haría falta especificar el EPSG. En su dia 
creo recordar especifique la codificación pero omití el EPSG,
Es mucho mas facil con QGIS, tal y como dice Santiago.Ya nos explicas ;-)

Cuando tenga un poco mas de tiempo, me pongo y me lio con el OSM, que es una de 
mis asignaturas pendientes.


2017-04-20 22:23 GMT+02:00 Santiago Higuera 
Yo las últimas exportaciones a Postgresql las he hecho desde QGIS,
cargando la capa OSM en QGIS y exportando a la base de datos

El jue, 20-04-2017 a las 19:46 +, Esther Mingot escribió:
> Buenas noches,
> llevo unos días intentando cargar datos de OSM en una base postgres
> mediante la aplicación osm2pgsql.
> Después de varios intentos, con diferentes parámetros, cada vez que
> intento aplicar los parámetros de proyección <-E 4326> y/o <-l> me da
> este error: projection code failed to initialite.
> Trabajo en entorno windows y se me han acabado las ideas de qué está
> fallando.
> ¿Alguien puede echarme una mano?
> Gracias!
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Rendering national/regional walking trails

2017-04-23 Per discussione Andy Townsend

On 22/04/2017 20:43, Elizabeth Oldham wrote:

Anyway. I noticed on your maps you have multiple ldpnwn labels along 
the routes, like the Cumbria Way, and Coast to Coast. I've been unable 
to get more than one or two labels. I've been searching but it's 
usually the other way around - you have too many labels and need to 
space them out. Is there a trick I'm missing? 

I may have got hold of completely the wrong end of the stick here, but 
assuming I understand the question properly, I think you're asking how 
two names appear for trails at e.g. 

What's happening is that at 
a "highway=ldpnwn" tag is being added for each relation, and then at 
the purple dots are added, and at 
the text-spacing defines how far apart the labels go.

Because they are "just highways that happen to overlap each other" as 
far as Mapnik is concerned, it makes sure that the names don't overlap 
on the map.   I wrote a diary entry at about it.

Best Regards,


Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-is] road classification proposals

2017-04-23 Per discussione jay lialis
trunk - Highway 1/multiple-lane urban avenues
primary - 2-digit roads/major city roads
secondary - 3-digit roads/minor city roads
tertiary - roads connecting villages, city roads with priority
unclassified - unpaved roads/roads connecting farms, factories etc

trunk - Highway 1/multiple-lane urban avenues
primary - S roads/major city roads
secondary - T roads/minor city roads
tertiary - paved H/L roads, roads connecting villages/city roads with
unclassified - unpaved roads, roads connecting farms, factories etc

trunk - S roads
primary - T roads/major city roads
secondary - paved L-H roads/minor city roads
tertiary -  unpaved roads, roads connecting villages, city roads with
unclassified - roads connecting farms, factories etc
Talk-is mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Tagging and rendering of television masts

2017-04-23 Per discussione Andy Townsend

On 22/04/2017 07:33, Oleksiy Muzalyev wrote:

It is possible to map it as: "man_made=mast", "height=190", etc., then 
it will be rendered.

In the general case, please don't suggest that people mistag things just 
so that one particular renderer (one that probably isn't used by the 
majority of people that consume OSM data*) renders it.

However in this particular case I can't claim to be familiar enough with 
it to say whether or is more 
appropropriate, or indeed whether those wiki pages reflect OSM usage.

Best Regards,


* I'm guessing the "most views" accolade goes to either Mapbox Streets 
or MAPS.ME these days.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Diskussionen auf deutsch

2017-04-23 Per discussione Rainer Bielefeld

On 21.04.17 13:29, Max wrote:

Ich hoffe es wird discourse,


für _mich_ ist /discourse/ die Plattform, gegen die ich die 
ausgeprägteste Aversion habe. Eher langsam, unübersichtlich, überladen 
... . Begründet ist meine Aversion durch meine Erlebnisse mit

Vielleicht ist mein altes Gehirn aber auch nur zu sehr auf klassische 
Foren geprägt und mag sich nicht mehr umstellen? Ehe ich bei  gefunden hatte, wo ich Rat zu einem 
Problem mit 'ublock' bekommen könnte ... .

Eigentlich ist für meine Vorstellungswelt eine Mailingliste das ideale 
Medium, sofern eine einheitliche, einfache Möglichkeit besteht, Bilder 
/Dokumente hochzuladen, die man dann in den Postings verlinken kann. 
Leider ist die Bedienung so einfach, dass tatsächlich jeder mitreden 
kann, und nach meiner Erfahrung in der Mozilla-Welt führt das dann dazu, 
dass jeder seinen Senf dazu gibt (egal, ob der Senf zum Thema gehört 
oder nicht), und damit wird dann jedes Thema eines Threads 
totgequatscht. Aus unerfindlichen Gründen passiert das in Foren (im 
weitesten Sinne) nach meiner Erfahrung seltener.



Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-is] road classification

2017-04-23 Per discussione jay lialis
i know about Vegagerðin, i have downloaded the map

i was just wondering if there is a law defining road classes
(primary, secondary, national, provincial etc)

the road signs have all the same font and colors, as if all roads are on
the same level

as i understand 3-digit roads are region specific (so maybe they are
considered provincial?)

i believe the wiki needs some additions to be easier to navigate, something
like a whole paragraph "Roads in Iceland" with some general info and a road
class table, with links to the road-specific secondary pages, where there
are lists of the roads

i also think these lists belong to osm wiki and not wikipedia
Talk-is mailing list

[Talk-it] Canalizzazioni torrenti- quesito

2017-04-23 Per discussione


 in questo punto esiste 
per pochi metri una canalizzazione in cemento di un torrente disarticolato 
dalle colate laviche. l'opera è composta da una caditoia a monte, dal letto in 
cemento e da un sottopasso.
Ora, o per pigrizia o per  ignoranza non sto trovando  la voce su JOSM su come 
cartografare quest'opera.
un aiutino?


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Tagging and rendering of television masts

2017-04-23 Per discussione Andreas Vilén
Please read

Pilots do not use the osm base map...


Skickat från min iPhone

> 23 apr. 2017 kl. 07:50 skrev Oleksiy Muzalyev :
>> On 22.04.17 21:17, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> sent from a phone
>>> On 22. Apr 2017, at 08:33, Oleksiy Muzalyev  
>>> wrote:
>>> In my opinion, it is a significant issue, in fact a disaster waiting to 
>>> happen. There will be soon air-born taxi in Dubai, Singapore, etc., and the 
>>> extremely high communication towers, the so-called aviation traffic 
>>> obstacles , are not 
>>> rendered on the OSM map at all.
>> which disaster do you expect to happen? Someone flying around in dense fog 
>> and using no other information than osm-carto?
>> I agree it is a shortcoming that towers are not rendered on osm-carto, but 
>> we should keep calm and not exaggerate its significance.
>> cheers,
>> Martin
> Dear Martin,
> An air traffic obstacle, a tall structure which can endanger air traffic, has 
> to be marked with red and white colored markings and with aircraft warning 
> lights at night. If you look at these communication towers this is how they 
> are actually painted.
> An airman say a pilot of a medicopter may well study terrain carefully on a 
> map before a flight. In fact it is not a flight as a bird flies, but rather a 
> jump as there is a time limit, an endurance. That is why a planning is 
> necessary.
> Unfortunately on the OSM map he/she will not see any icon. At the same time 
> the air-traffic in urban areas will continue to increase. It is future of 
> urban mobility [1].
> If a helicopter, an RPAS, a plane touches a mast or a cable it would crash; a 
> mast may collapse. For individuals involved it could certainly be a disaster.
> People do realize it. Andy not only mapped the communication tower (or mast) 
> but plans to map its cables. It is a good idea too. It will take time to map 
> all these towers (masts), measure and calculate their height, etc.
> Unfortunately the confusion between "man_made=tower" and "man_made=mast" 
> continues. One is rendered and one is not, and that adds to confusion.
> [1] 
> With best regards,
> Oleksiy
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Coordinates in OSM. Really annoying

2017-04-23 Per discussione Roland Olbricht


Is there /really/ any need for *six* coordinate formats? It's hard
enough to learn a new process without basics like this tripping you up.

There is nobody who is trusted enough to set an universal standard:

Basically, there is an ISO standard
to have latitude before longitude. Leaflet complies, OpenLayers does not.

This is for historical reasons. When multiple projections were 
commonplace as exchange formats, then they often used x and y as names 
for the two numbers, and x often decoded to something loosely or tightly 
related to longitude.

However, OpenLayers is too useful to be thrown out just for having the 
wrong coordinate order. The same applies to a lot of other tools with 
legacy coordinate order.

To have a gentle pressure towards the ISO standard, the advertised 
interface is latitude-longitude. There are some precautions for inert 
legacy tools:

As Lester has pointed out, XML requires explicit parameter names. By the 
way, I am not aware of anybody actively using the XML syntax. You can 
safely ignore that.

For the delimiter question: There are programming languages with a 
combined market share of almost 90% that agree to have to semanticy in 
whitespace. The sole widespread-used exception is Python. Once again: 
Are you seriously asking the OSM community for a crusade to throw out 
Python for minor syntactic infrigement?

Beside Python, the delimiters are always commas and semi-colons. As 
commas tend to be used to delimit parameters, they are for the numbers 
of the bounding box the delimiters of choice.



talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Traducción del wiki de OSM al español

2017-04-23 Per discussione Joaquim

Hola a todos,

Pensaba colaborar en la traducción de OSM, pero al leer la página donde 
explica com traducir, echa un poco para atrás.

Habrá que probarlo


On 20/04/17 16:01, dcapillae wrote:


Quisiera animar a la comunidad española de OSM a colaborar en la  traducción
del wiki   . La
comunidad hispana es muy grande y, en correspondencia, debería tener un gran
número de páginas traducidas. Quizás no consigamos ser la comunidad con más
páginas en su idioma, pero como poco deberíamos estar entre las primeras,
aunque sólo sea por el número potencial de usuarios. Queda mucho trabajo por
hacer para tener toda la documentación de OSM en español.

No hace falta involucrarse demasiado, bastaría con colaborar traduciendo
algún artículo de vez en cuando. Seguro que alguna vez habéis consultado una
etiqueta en el wiki para la que no había todavía traducción al español. Ésa
puede ser una buena ocasión para involucrarse y colaborar en su traducción,
aunque sea sólo puntualmente.

También podéis hacerlo de forma algo más sistemática, por ejemplo,
traduciendo páginas que tenga relación con algún tema de vuestro interés
(buscad por  categorías
  , la
mayoría están ya traducidas). Por ejemplo, si os interesan los temas
relacionados con la bicicleta, echad un vistazo a la  categoría en español
   sobre el tema
y comparadla con la  categoría en inglés
   para ver
cuántas páginas faltan por traducir y si podéis echar un mano con alguna.

En el wiki hay un gran número de páginas con conceptos técnicos que resultan
difíciles de traducir si no se tienen conocimientos previos. Si tenéis
experiencia con alguno de estos temas, sería genial que trabajaseis en su
traducción. Consultad  Category:ES:Técnico
  , en español,
y  Category:Technical
  , en inglés.

Trabajar en la traducción del wiki es muy satisfactorio por muchas razones,
entre otras, porque traduciendo la documentación de OSM se aprende mucho
sobre su funcionamiento, uso de etiquetas, aplicaciones disponibles,
técnicas de mapeo, etc. Además, es una forma muy sencilla de colaborar en la
promoción del proyecto. Si un usuario novel que no sepa mucho inglés tiene a
su disposición toda la documentación en español, seguro que se anima a
seguir aprendiendo.

Por último, recordad que hay un  wikiproyecto

para coordinar los trabajos de traducción al español no sólo del wiki, sino
de cualquier página web, editor y cualquiera otra documentación o software
relacionado con OpenStreetMap.

Daniel Capilla
OSM user: dcapillae
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Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Venezia-gerarchia degli highway

2017-04-23 Per discussione Cascafico Giovanni
Io son per la specifica funzionale: son tutte footway percorribili in
entrambi i sensi senza limite di velocità, senza lanes, bicycle no.

Un router di terra  deve poter stimare i percorsi senza gerarchie, ma si
dovrebbe curare la ele (o il numero di steps?) dei bridges.
Talk-it mailing list