[OSM-ja] shop=farm は水産物は対象外?

2017-05-05 Per discussione ribbon
shop=farm は、いわゆる農産物直販所を意図しているのだと思います。

そういった場合、shop=farm は不適切でしょうか?


Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Co fotit a kam s fotkama? - Re: Mapovaci prace pro studenty - kde by mohli pomoci?

2017-05-05 Per discussione Marián Kyral

Dne 5.5.2017 v 21:51 Pavel Bokr napsal(a):



vracim se k tomuto tematu, protoze ted delam zadani pro jednu 
studentku VS, co ma mit za ukol zmapovat neco kolem Berouna tak at to 
udela pro OSM a resim i porizovani fotek.
Omlouvam se, ale nestiham sledovat mailovou konferenci ohledne 
projektu PhotoDB a na Wiki jsem se nedocetl co bych ted potreboval 
vedet, abych ji to pripadne zkusil zadat:
1) jestli se sbiraji i fotky ruznych POI a pripadne jakych (tedy uz 
nejen rozcestniku a tabuli) a v jakem rozsahu (treba i detail cedulky 
s oteviraci dobou)?
Zatím primárně rozcestníky a informační tabule, ale výhledově cokoli. 
Někdo tady chtěl fotit mosty.
Walley by rád implementoval "projekty", kde by to šlo realizovat - 
hlavně by bylo možné zobrazit si jen vybranou skupinu fotek. 

2) kde a jak se fotky nyni nahravaji (v konferenci jsem zaznamenal 
nejaky pekny screenshot nejakeho noveho nahravani ale nevim jak se k 
tomu dostat; nejake to old. kde to snad driv bylo mi nefunguje; ja sam 
delsi dobu nic nenahraval)

Aktuálně je to na devu: https://devosm.zby.cz
Ale napsal jsem Pavlovi, jestli by to mohl už dát na produkci.

Ptam se proto, ze kdyz uz nekam pujde a neco vyfoti tak toho vyuzit 
naplno. Jinak mimochodem super vec kdyz by sly davat fotky i jinak nez 
pres wikipedii (coz je nekdy pres koleno a asi nejde jednoduse vice 
Hlavně by to chtělo dodělat implementaci na osmap.cz. Zoptimalizovat 
aktivní vrstvu, přidat tam zobrazování více fotek. Je to v plánu, ale 
aktuálně nějak nestíhám :-(


Diky za info a jeste jednou se omlouvam, ze nestiham sledovat diskuzi, 
pripadne se omlouvam pokud jsem natvrdly a neco jsem prehledl.

Pavel Bokr
*From:* Marián Kyral 
*Sent:* Sunday, March 19, 2017 5:46 PM
*To:* talk-cz@openstreetmap.org 
*Subject:* Re: [Talk-cz] Mapovaci prace pro studenty - kde by mohli 

co přesně znamená ta věta: "posila sve studenty do terenu"? Je to 
město, venkov, hory nebo dle potřeby? A co tam primárně dělají?

Od toho se pak odvíjí s čím by mohli pomoct.

- gpx záznamy lesních cest a pěšin
- gpx záznamy turistických, cyklistických, lyžařských tras
- gpx záznamy naučných stezek včetně umístění informačních tabulí
- mapování a focení kulturních a přírodních památek (tedy i pro 
wikipedii), přidání tagů wikimedia_commons=*, image=*

- rozcestníky, poštovní schránky, benzínové pumpy
- další POI - památky, obchody, restaurace. Tam speciálně by se jim 
mohlo líbit zjišťování, jaká piva tam točí (pro beermap) ;-)

- kontrola a doplnění otevíracích dob
- …

Hlavně ať to nedopadne jako Prušánky :-D


Dne 19.3.2017 v 17:02 Pavel Bokr napsal(a):

vim ze se tady resili nejake studentske prace, ale nepamatuji si 
jestli se resili nejake moznosti mapovani. Jsem v kontaktu s 
vyucujicim, ktery posila sve studenty do terenu a zminil jsem se mu, 
ze by studenti mohli byt uzitecni i pro rozvoj OSM i dalsich veci.
Ted davam dohromady tipy v cem by mohli byt studenti v terenu 
uzitecni (treba by se do neceho z toho mohli zapojit) a napada me:

- cokoliv co v terenu zmapuji pridat do OSM
- mohou fotit a nahravat rozcestniky (pripadne mapovat trasy, ale 
relace by byly asi moc, kdyz s OSM nedelali)

- wikipedie by urcite uvitala fotografie mist a nekterych objektu
- pripadne serie fotografii cest/tras jsou vitany na 
- nebo alepson GPS trasy cest (zvlaste tech ktere nejsou videt na 
satelitnich snimcich) nahrane treba pres OSMTracker (nebo jiny 
efektivnejsi zpusob?)

Na co jsem zapomel? Co treba “samostatne vypichnout”?
Pavel Bokr

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-co] cerros dobles - cual borrar?

2017-05-05 Per discussione carlos felipe castillo
Mirando las curvas de nivel las ediciones de GNS se encuentran mejor
ajustadas que las de OCHA.

El vie., 5 may. 2017 a las 21:16, Federico Explorador (Nevados.org) (<
federico.explora...@nevados.org>) escribió:

> Hola:
> En Boyacá he encontrado una serie de cerros, que son dobles: unos
> importados por GNS y otros de OCHA.
> Ejemplo: http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=14/6.1635/-73.0787
> Los primeros tienen tags particulares gns_classification y gns_uni, los de
> OCHA la divipola municipal.
> Pregunta: cual de los dos es mejor borrar?
> Saludos
> Federico
> ___
> Talk-co mailing list
> Talk-co@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-co
Talk-co mailing list

[OSM-co] cerros dobles - cual borrar?

2017-05-05 Per discussione Federico Explorador (Nevados.org)

En Boyacá he encontrado una serie de cerros, que son dobles: unos importados 
por GNS y otros de OCHA.
Ejemplo: http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=14/6.1635/-73.0787
Los primeros tienen tags particulares gns_classification y gns_uni, los de OCHA 
la divipola municipal.

Pregunta: cual de los dos es mejor borrar?


Talk-co mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Old horse stable area in Kopavogur

2017-05-05 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Já það er sjálfsagt mál að eyða þessu ef það eru komin betri gögn. Ég 
lét þetta standa á meðan að framkvæmdir eru í gangi.

On 5.5.2017 21:10, Thorhallur Sverrisson wrote:

Hi All,

I noticed the old stables are still present in Kopavogur, where 
Hestamannafélagið Gustur was located.  Any objections to removing the 
old roads, buildings and light posts?  I was extending the pathway 
co-located with the new road and noticed all the old roads still 
there.  The current plans for the area are in no way similar to the 
old roads, so they serve no purpose anymore, and make mapping the new 
features much more difficult.


Talk-is mailing list

Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: Re: Presentazione progetto #cittasenzamemoria

2017-05-05 Per discussione paolo bubici
Grazie Fralic11
non conoscevo ancora Enrico Cialdini. Tutti questi toponimi "critici"
potrebbero confluire in una pagina wiki osm #cittasenzamemoria con i link a
pagine specifiche (VEIII, Tahon de Revel, Bottai, Cialdini, ecc). Questo
progetto mira proprio a far diventare Osm strumento principe per la ricerca
dei toponimi nazionali! La difficoltà come tu ben sai è la verifica in loco
con i dati ufficiali (ISTAT, ufficio onomastica, ecc). Intato volevo
iniziare con Vittorio Emanuele III :-)


Il 06/mag/2017 00:04, "paolo bubici"  ha scritto:

> Grazie mille Simone!
> Con la tua interrogazione ora posso confrontarla con quella realizzata da
> Cascafico che è presente nella pagina wiki osm e nella mappa dimamica umap
> che riporto:
> http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/mLl
> Che ha portato ai seguenti risultati:
> 3993 nodi
> 372 way
> 342 line
> 142 Poi
> Cosi sono rappresentati tutti i dug compresi i ponti et alii
> Ciao,
> Bubix
> Il 05/mag/2017 16:09, "girarsi_liste"  ha
> scritto:
>> Il 05/05/2017 15:44, Max1234Ita ha scritto:
>> > Lo puoi sempre "accorciare"! :-)
>> > Se lo fai col servizio di Google ( https://goo.gl/   )
>> > diventa così:  https://goo.gl/yqRXHw 
>> >
>> > Scommetto che ci sono anche altri "shortener" che operano con licenza
>> Open
>> > :-)
>> Certo, solo mi pareva che overpass-turbo lo faceva, comunque c'è tinyurl:
>> http://tinyurl.com/
>> E fà la stessa cosa :)
>> http://tinyurl.com/mvbf5hq
>> --
>> Simone Girardelli
>> _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
>> |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
>> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-es] Dicho en la reunión: #1calle1nombre

2017-05-05 Per discussione yo paseopor
Saludos gente
Vuelvo a la carga con el tema homogeneización del mapa, para mostrar una
mínima calidad, los datos deben estar mínimamente completos en un área
Alguna vez oisteis hablar de ello, el establecer unos niveles de revisión
del mapa para poder proyectar su mejora a partir de datos externos usables
tipo Catastro y demás (no hablo de importaciones masivas, hablo de
completar el mapa, de forma más bien manual y para lo que una fuente
pública usable nos sería suficiente más allá de las dudas que pueda dar la
consistencia de esa información).
En Catalunya se ejecutó a lo largo del primer semestre de 2016 y el
resultado fue muy bueno. En este caso nos referimos al primer nivel de
todos: calles con nombre.
Usando los mapas del ICGC, Catastro y ortofotos grandes extensiones de
Catalunya tienen ahora más del 90% de sus vías con nombre.
Para comprobarlo se puede utilizar la herramienta http://qa.poole.ch
También se completa esta revisión con una página en la wiki dónde están
todos los municipios catalanes.
Para completarlo se editaron unas tablas de acción
Y unos mapas que se iban generando mes a mes
La propuesta sería empezar por algo "fácil" a nivel estatal: ese nivel 1
con los nombres de TODAS las vías españolas.
Se podría usar la misma herramienta http://qa.poole.ch
Para conseguir los datos podríamos tener Catastro, Cartociudad, servicios
autonómicos, algunos ayuntamientos (en función de la disponibilidad de datos
Para ayudar en ello hace un tiempo se hicieron en la wiki el registro de
todos los municipios españoles a fin de poder permitir una revisión de este

Una mejora en un municipio repercute al final en una mejora en la imagen de
TODO el mapa. ¿Cómo lo veis?

Salut i mapes
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: Re: Presentazione progetto #cittasenzamemoria

2017-05-05 Per discussione paolo bubici
Grazie mille Simone!
Con la tua interrogazione ora posso confrontarla con quella realizzata da
Cascafico che è presente nella pagina wiki osm e nella mappa dimamica umap
che riporto:


Che ha portato ai seguenti risultati:
3993 nodi
372 way
342 line
142 Poi

Cosi sono rappresentati tutti i dug compresi i ponti et alii


Il 05/mag/2017 16:09, "girarsi_liste"  ha scritto:

> Il 05/05/2017 15:44, Max1234Ita ha scritto:
> > Lo puoi sempre "accorciare"! :-)
> > Se lo fai col servizio di Google ( https://goo.gl/   )
> > diventa così:  https://goo.gl/yqRXHw 
> >
> > Scommetto che ci sono anche altri "shortener" che operano con licenza
> Open
> > :-)
> Certo, solo mi pareva che overpass-turbo lo faceva, comunque c'è tinyurl:
> http://tinyurl.com/
> E fà la stessa cosa :)
> http://tinyurl.com/mvbf5hq
> --
> Simone Girardelli
> _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
> |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-es] Dicho en la reunión:Arreglar CORINE

2017-05-05 Per discussione yo paseopor
De la última reunión se desprendió que había que hacer algo con CORINE ,
esa importación "existosa" que aún estamos notando en nuestros mapas.
En general había dos posturas:
-Borrar del todo y reempezar
-Modificar a partir de lo existente
Entre medias tenemos opciones mixtas si supiéramos qué se ha tocado y qué no

Y de esta se derivaba otra duda: qué datos importamos para arreglarlo?
SIOSE? No importamos nada? Es un buen momento para sacar todas las posturas
y llegar a algún sitio.

Salut i mapes
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Comment bien tagguer les cabinets médicaux ?

2017-05-05 Per discussione osm . sanspourriel

Plusieurs nœuds, c'est plus propre.

Les rendus classiques vont placer un premier nœud s'il y a la place. 
Puis un deuxième nœud s'il y a la place, etc...

Donc avec un niveau de zoom pas très élevé tu vas avoir un nœud : rendu 
propre mais tu ne sauras pas qu'il y a une grappe (un cluster), on peut 
imaginer qu'un rendu indiqueras le nombre de docteurs. Si tu interroges 
la base, il va regarder autour et te sortir les n nœuds.

Donc 2 ou 3 (avec le 3 tu risques de faire apparaître le nom du docteur 
le plus au nord - ou le plus au sud, c'est tout). Comme les noms des 
docteurs sont des infos limite personnelles, bof.

S'il y a un cabinet, il y a sans doute un secrétariat commun et en cas 
de médecin traitant la sécu ne fera pas la fine bouche.

Par contre pour l'expert-comptable, le rendu va essayer de placer soit 
les médecins (probablement) soit les experts-comptables d'abord.

Donc il faudra zoomer beaucoup avant de le voir apparaître.

Sauf si tu fais une umap mettant en valeur les experts-comptables.

N. B. : tu peux remplacer les expert-comptables par des ratons-laveurs, 
ça marche pareil. D'un point de vue cartographique j'entends.

Le 05/05/2017 à 22:06, pepilepi...@ovh.fr - pepilepi...@ovh.fr a écrit :

Le 05/05/2017 à 21:53, Florian_G a écrit :


Le 05/05/2017 à 17:45, pepilepi...@ovh.fr a écrit :

Quand dans un immeuble on trouve en vrac un rhumatologue, un ginéco, 
trois cardiologues, un expert-comptable (mais pas de raton-laveur) 
on ne peut évidemment pas mettre amenity=doctors sur le bâtiment.

Donc :

  * Un seul noeud amenity=doctors ?(extrêmement vague)
  * Un noeud amenity=doctors par spécialité avec le
healthcare:speciality qui va bien ? (mais que va faire le rendu
? empiler cinq ou six malettes ?)
  * Un noeud par médecin avec en plus son nom, tél. etc ? (J'ose pas
imaginer le rendu)

  * Des exemples à me proposer ?

Et un seul nœud amenity=doctors mais avecplusieurs valeurs dans 
healthcare:speciality ?

C'est pas une clé unique, ça ?

J'avais essayé une fois amenity=doctors et name=doc1;doc2;doc3 mais la 
validation de JOSM avait râlé...

Je tenterai ça, merci


Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cat] Invitació: sessió de co-creació estudi economia col·laborativa // 5 de Maig a la UOC 22@

2017-05-05 Per discussione yo paseopor
Descric la situació viscuda, per a que no hi hagi malentesos:

A les 16:10 he sortit de l'Arboç (Tarragona) , a 70 km. de Barcelona.
Després he deixat el cotxe a Bellvitge, previ peatge de Martorell i el
quart d'hora d'embús d'entrada a Rondes. He agafat el metro, i per anar més
ràpid m'he baixat a Hospitalet i he pillat la Renfe fins al Clot.
He arribat a les 17:45 , i segons el mail d'aquí el taller s'acabava a les
18:30. A les recepcionistes els he dit que venia al taller, i m'han dit que
quedaven només 10 minuts (WTF?) , han trucat (ho han intentat un parell de
cops), no han trobat a ningú i no m'han deixat passar.
Resultat: a les 17:50 jo estava assegut al banc que hi ha fora enfront la
porta en plena Rambla del Poblenou.

Resumint: Jo ja sabia que venia per poca estona (calculava que entre
60'-45'), de fet havia enviat un mail expressament el dia anterior dient
que venia. M'he fet un viatge d'1h 40', 70km. He pagat un peatge (el de
Martorell, entrant a Vilafranca), he aguantat un embús de 15 minuts i he
gastat un viatge de T-10 pujant en Metro i Renfe...per a que no em
deixessin passar, quedant encara més de 30 minuts segons la informació de
que jo disposava (que segons les recepcionistes no era correcta).

Talk-cat mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Projet du mois - Panneaux électoraux

2017-05-05 Per discussione Paul Desgranges
Pour voir l'existant sur les panneaux électoraux : 
Il y a également un nouveau profil pour 'OSM contributor 
' pour contribuer 
sur les panneaux électoraux : 'Preset Panneau Électoral',

(à voir les retour des premiers utilisateurs...)

Le 04/05/2017 à 09:10, Florian LAINEZ a écrit :
Bon je sais que le mois est terminé mais les élections sont si proches 
que ça serait bête de s'arrêter là : on se met un coup de boost pour 
cette dernière semaine ?

Le 27 avr. 2017 15:38, "Florian LAINEZ" > a écrit :

On est à 604 objets de référencés : on se motive pour la fin du
mois pour avancer les panneaux électoraux : go go go !

Le 17 avril 2017 à 13:11, > a écrit :

Tout comme on ne met les adresses que si le système ne peut
les déduire par la géométrie, les panneaux sont gérés par la
commune et donc operator se déduit et donc operator:wikidata
Je ne mettrais ça qu'où c'est contraire à la logique française
(par exemple si la gestion se fait au niveau d'une communauté
de commune et non d'une commune ?).
J'ai raté un épisode ?
*Gesendet:* Montag, 17. April 2017 um 12:03 Uhr
*Von:* "Guillaume Allegre - allegre.guilla...@free.fr
*An:* talk-fr@openstreetmap.org 
*Betreff:* Re: [OSM-talk-fr] (osm: message 2 of 20) Projet du
mois - Panneaux électoraux
Le 2017-04-05, Florian LAINEZ a écrit :
> Salut,
> Je vous propose de relancer le projet du mois.
Cartographions ensemble une
> thématique précise chaque mois !
> Si ça vous dit, c'est de saison, nous pouvons commencer par
les panneaux
> électoraux qui poussent un peut partout sur notre territoire :

> Je crois bien que l'on tague ça :
> advertising=board
> message=political
> permanent=no

Je pense qu'on peut ajouter avec intérêt les deux tags :
operator=Ville de ...
operator:wikidata= ...

Je l'ai fait sur "les miens".
(il y a peut-être des exceptions où l'organisation des
élections n'est pas
du domaine de la commune, mais les deux tags valent toujours).

° /\ Guillaume Allègre OpenStreetMap France
/~~\/\ allegre.guilla...@free.fr
 Wikipédia Wiktionnaire
Wikimédia-Commons Wikidata
/ /~~\ tél.  Des
contenus partagés libres et collaboratifs

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list


*Florian Lainez*


Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

semanarioOSM Nº 354 25/04/2017-01/05/2017

2017-05-05 Per discussione weeklyteam
Hola, el semanario Nº 354, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en el 
mundo de openstreetmap está en línea en *español*:



¿Dónde?: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WeeklyOSM#Available_Languages 
Talk-cu mailing list

semanarioOSM Nº 354 25/04/2017-01/05/2017

2017-05-05 Per discussione weeklyteam
Hola, el semanario Nº 354, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en el 
mundo de openstreetmap está en línea en *español*:



¿Dónde?: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WeeklyOSM#Available_Languages 
Talk-es mailing list

semanarioOSM Nº 354 25/04/2017-01/05/2017

2017-05-05 Per discussione weeklyteam
Hola, el semanario Nº 354, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en el 
mundo de openstreetmap está en línea en *español*:



¿Dónde?: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WeeklyOSM#Available_Languages 
Talk-co mailing list

semanarioOSM Nº 354 25/04/2017-01/05/2017

2017-05-05 Per discussione weeklyteam
Hola, el semanario Nº 354, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en el 
mundo de openstreetmap está en línea en *español*:



¿Dónde?: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WeeklyOSM#Available_Languages 
Talk-cl mailing list

semanárioOSM Nº 354 25/04/2017-01/05/2017

2017-05-05 Per discussione weeklyteam
Bom dia,

O semanárioOSM Nº 354, o resumo de tudo o que acontece no mundo OpenStreetMap, 
está publicado *em português*:



Quem?: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WeeklyOSM#Available_Languages 
Talk-br mailing list

semanárioOSM Nº 354 25/04/2017-01/05/2017

2017-05-05 Per discussione weeklyteam
Bom dia,

O semanárioOSM Nº 354, o resumo de tudo o que acontece no mundo OpenStreetMap, 
está publicado *em português*:



Quem?: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WeeklyOSM#Available_Languages 
Talk-pt mailing list

[Talk-GB] weeklyOSM #354 25/04/2017-01/05/2017

2017-05-05 Per discussione weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 354,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:



who?: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WeeklyOSM#Available_Languages 
Talk-GB mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] weeklyOSM #354 25/04/2017-01/05/2017

2017-05-05 Per discussione weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 354,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:



who?: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WeeklyOSM#Available_Languages 
Talk-ie mailing list

[Talk-in] weeklyOSM #354 25/04/2017-01/05/2017

2017-05-05 Per discussione weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 354,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:



who?: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WeeklyOSM#Available_Languages 
Talk-in mailing list

[Talk-us] weeklyOSM #354 25/04/2017-01/05/2017

2017-05-05 Per discussione weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 354,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:



who?: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WeeklyOSM#Available_Languages 
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-ca] weeklyOSM #354 25/04/2017-01/05/2017

2017-05-05 Per discussione weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 354,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:



who?: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WeeklyOSM#Available_Languages 
Talk-ca mailing list

[talk-ph] weeklyOSM #354 25/04/2017-01/05/2017

2017-05-05 Per discussione weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 354,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:



who?: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WeeklyOSM#Available_Languages 
talk-ph mailing list

[OSM-talk] weeklyOSM #354 25/04/2017-01/05/2017

2017-05-05 Per discussione weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 354,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:



who?: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WeeklyOSM#Available_Languages 
talk mailing list

[Talk-africa] weeklyOSM #354 25/04/2017-01/05/2017

2017-05-05 Per discussione weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 354,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:



who?: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WeeklyOSM#Available_Languages 
Talk-africa mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Co fotit a kam s fotkama? - Re: Mapovaci prace pro studenty - kde by mohli pomoci?

2017-05-05 Per discussione Pavel Bokr
Nahodou na nejake schuzi se jeden vyucujici zminil, ze nejaci jeho studenti 
chodi mapovat do terenu tak jsem se mu rychle zminil o OSM a ze by bylo dobre 
vyuzit praci studentu, kdyz jezdi mapovat. On mi nejake postupne sveri, abych 
jim neco dal za ukol, maji to snad jako nahradu, kdyz nebyly na nejake 
povinnosti, kde meli byt tak je mam vyuzit k mapovani v nejake dobre veci. 
Takze obory i predmety budou asi ruzne.

Mam zadat nejake mapovani vyznamnych bodu na Berounsku. Tak uvazuji o necem s 
turistikou. At si vybere treba nejaky turisticky cil, zmapuje neco kolem – 
treba vychozi obec, trasu, cil (a samozrejme vse kolem ceho projde) nebo 
nejakou nezmapovanou naucnou stezku apod. S durazem na turisticke trasy a 
rozcestniky, tabule, zajimava mista, POI, cesty a pesiny. No a prave v teto 
souvislosti uvazuji o fotkach, ktere by mela urcite poridit a ted prave co s 
nimi – jak a kde je sbirame?


From: Jan Macura 
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2017 9:59 PM
To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Co fotit a kam s fotkama? - Re: Mapovaci prace pro 
studenty - kde by mohli pomoci?

2017-05-05 21:51 GMT+02:00 Pavel Bokr :

  vracim se k tomuto tematu, protoze ted delam zadani pro jednu studentku VS, 
co ma mit za ukol zmapovat neco kolem Berouna tak at to udela pro OSM a resim i 
porizovani fotek.

Čistě z mé zvědavosti, o jaký obor studia a předmět se jedná?



Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Large multipolygons for Forêt d'Anlier

2017-05-05 Per discussione Marc Gemis

As for the warnings, can you let us know the exact warning ?
Most likely it has something to do with an impossible combination of 2
multi polygons
e.g. nested outer polygons or touching inner/outer polygons.

As for the mapping, it depends on whether Forêt d'Anlier can be be mapped as

-1 polygon. This would mean that the area is without holes or gaps.
- otherwise you have to use a multi polygon, but then it depends on
whether all the different parts are indeed landuse=forest or whether
to want to include grass fields scrub etc to the area. In the former
case you can just put landuse=forest on the relation. In that latter
case you might have to tag the relation as type=multipolygon;
place=locality or perhaps as some protected area.
- If it is a closed area, you could also use a multi polygon relation
of many ways, just as we do for administrative boundaries. The rest of
the tagging still depends on whether you have to combine multiple
landuses or not.

The latter case is what the Dutch community tried to solve with the
toponym-relation. However, this is not documented and not understood
by data consumers. I had a private conversation about this with
dieterdreist that I will send you in a private mail.

So there are still many choices, but I hope this information helps you
a bit to pick a solution that suits you and the situation best.

have a nice weekend


On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 12:00 PM, Julien Minet  wrote:
> Hi list,
> Recently, I merge several polygons together to create a multipolygon "Forêt
> de Rulles", which has now a osm id for itself. I'd like now to merge several
> polygons together to form the Forêt d'Anlier, 7000 ha, the biggest mostly
> deciduous forest of Belgium. My goal is to create a unique object named
> "Forêt d'Anlier", and eventually link this object with its wikipedia page.
> But to do this, I identified 7 multi-polygons and 3 simple polygons to
> merge, accounting for a total of 49 closed ways! I plan to do it by taking
> the multipolygon with the highest number of polygon and add the other ways
> of the others MP, but...
> it takes time to do so, can I simply add a multipolygon to another
> multipolygon? it seems possible in JOSM (I tried) but it gives a warning.
> is it a good idea to create such a big MP?  If not, what can be the
> alternative to give the name "Forêt d'Anlier" and other tags to this large
> forest?
> Julien
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Co fotit a kam s fotkama? - Re: Mapovaci prace pro studenty - kde by mohli pomoci?

2017-05-05 Per discussione Pavel Bokr
Tohle nebyla stezejni cast meho mailu, ale myslel jsem nejak jednoduse si do 
OSM pripojit pomoci “propojovaciho tagu” vice fotek objektu – treba celek a 
detail nebo tak neco, proto se mi libi myslenka DB fotek, kam by slo davat 
fotky pro ucely OSM a nemuselo se jit pres Wiki (kdyz jsem chtel mit na 
osmap.cz obrazek u objektu tak jsem sel pres wiki a trochu jsem se ztrapnil pri 
zalozeni clanku – no nemam prakticke editacni zkusenosti s wiki).


From: Jan Macura 
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2017 9:58 PM
To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Co fotit a kam s fotkama? - Re: Mapovaci prace pro 
studenty - kde by mohli pomoci?


2017-05-05 21:51 GMT+02:00 Pavel Bokr :

  Jinak mimochodem super vec kdyz by sly davat fotky i jinak nez pres wikipedii 
(coz je nekdy pres koleno a asi nejde jednoduse vice fotek).

nevím sice, o čem mluvíš, ale přes webový formulář Wikimedia Commons jde nahrát 
N fotek najednou.


Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Comment bien tagguer les cabinets médicaux ?

2017-05-05 Per discussione pepilepi...@ovh.fr

Le 05/05/2017 à 21:53, Florian_G a
  écrit :


Le 05/05/2017 à 17:45, pepilepi...@ovh.fr a
écrit :

Quand dans un immeuble on trouve en vrac
un rhumatologue, un ginéco, trois cardiologues, un
expert-comptable (mais pas de raton-laveur) on ne peut
évidemment pas mettre amenity=doctors sur le bâtiment.
Donc :

  Un seul noeud amenity=doctors ? (extrêmement vague)
  Un noeud amenity=doctors
  par spécialité avec le healthcare:speciality qui va bien ?
  (mais que va faire le rendu ? empiler cinq ou six malettes
  Un noeud par médecin avec en plus son
  nom, tél. etc ? (J'ose pas imaginer le rendu)

  Des exemples à me proposer ?

Et un seul nœud
  amenity=doctors mais avec plusieurs valeurs dans healthcare:speciality ?

C'est pas une clé unique, ça ?
J'avais essayé une fois amenity=doctors et
name=doc1;doc2;doc3 mais la validation de JOSM avait râlé...
Je tenterai ça, merci

Talk-fr mailing list


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HDYC, login requirement and "privacy"

2017-05-05 Per discussione Mark Wagner
On Fri, 5 May 2017 12:34:14 +0200
Martin Koppenhoefer  wrote:

> 2017-05-05 12:24 GMT+02:00 Frederik Ramm :
> > I think that even if they are careful enough not to use their real
> > name, the identity of a mapper will often be easy to reconstruct if
> > you have access to just a little bit of extra information (might be
> > as little as a name on a doorbell).
> >  
> if I look at my "local area" in hdyc, there are probably a million
> people living within, but even if it were just a few thousand it
> would effectively not be possible to look at all those doorbells
> (where you won't have your name anyway if you are really concerned
> about privacy) and get a clue to which username this might be
> related. If you are living in a _very_ remote area (which most
> mappers are not), in very rare exceptional cases it might be possible
> to see who is which mapper, and that he mapped this remote area.
> Congratulations.

You're seriously underestimating how much information it's possible to
get from editing patterns.  There are a quarter-million people in the
area I keep an eye on; maybe four of them are active OSM contributors.
Just from looking at changesets, I know where two of them live: which
house for one of them, and the general neighborhood for the other.

(I also know which university a couple dozen hit-and-run editors
attend, and can make a good guess at which class they took last fall.)


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Co fotit a kam s fotkama? - Re: Mapovaci prace pro studenty - kde by mohli pomoci?

2017-05-05 Per discussione Jan Macura
2017-05-05 21:51 GMT+02:00 Pavel Bokr :

> vracim se k tomuto tematu, protoze ted delam zadani pro jednu studentku
> VS, co ma mit za ukol zmapovat neco kolem Berouna tak at to udela pro OSM a
> resim i porizovani fotek.

Čistě z mé zvědavosti, o jaký obor studia a předmět se jedná?

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Co fotit a kam s fotkama? - Re: Mapovaci prace pro studenty - kde by mohli pomoci?

2017-05-05 Per discussione Jan Macura

2017-05-05 21:51 GMT+02:00 Pavel Bokr :

> Jinak mimochodem super vec kdyz by sly davat fotky i jinak nez pres
> wikipedii (coz je nekdy pres koleno a asi nejde jednoduse vice fotek).

 nevím sice, o čem mluvíš, ale přes webový formulář Wikimedia Commons jde
nahrát N fotek najednou.

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Comment bien tagguer les cabinets médicaux ?

2017-05-05 Per discussione Florian_G

Le 05/05/2017 à 17:45, pepilepi...@ovh.fr a écrit :
> Quand dans un immeuble on trouve en vrac un rhumatologue, un ginéco, trois 
> cardiologues, un expert-comptable (mais pas de raton-laveur) on ne peut 
> évidemment pas mettre amenity=doctors sur le bâtiment.
> Donc :
>   * Un seul noeud amenity=doctors ?(extrêmement vague)
>   * Un noeud amenity=doctors par spécialité avec le healthcare:speciality qui 
> va bien ? (mais que va faire le rendu ? empiler cinq ou six malettes ?)
>   * Un noeud par médecin avec en plus son nom, tél. etc ? (J'ose pas imaginer 
> le rendu)
>   * Des exemples à me proposer ?

Et un seul nœud amenity=doctors mais avecplusieurs valeurs dans 
healthcare:speciality ?

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-cz] Co fotit a kam s fotkama? - Re: Mapovaci prace pro studenty - kde by mohli pomoci?

2017-05-05 Per discussione Pavel Bokr

vracim se k tomuto tematu, protoze ted delam zadani pro jednu studentku VS, co 
ma mit za ukol zmapovat neco kolem Berouna tak at to udela pro OSM a resim i 
porizovani fotek.

Omlouvam se, ale nestiham sledovat mailovou konferenci ohledne projektu PhotoDB 
a na Wiki jsem se nedocetl co bych ted potreboval vedet, abych ji to pripadne 
zkusil zadat:

1) jestli se sbiraji i fotky ruznych POI a pripadne jakych (tedy uz nejen 
rozcestniku a tabuli) a v jakem rozsahu (treba i detail cedulky s oteviraci 

2) kde a jak se fotky nyni nahravaji (v konferenci jsem zaznamenal nejaky pekny 
screenshot nejakeho noveho nahravani ale nevim jak se k tomu dostat; nejake to 
old. kde to snad driv bylo mi nefunguje; ja sam delsi dobu nic nenahraval)

Ptam se proto, ze kdyz uz nekam pujde a neco vyfoti tak toho vyuzit naplno. 
Jinak mimochodem super vec kdyz by sly davat fotky i jinak nez pres wikipedii 
(coz je nekdy pres koleno a asi nejde jednoduse vice fotek).

Diky za info a jeste jednou se omlouvam, ze nestiham sledovat diskuzi, pripadne 
se omlouvam pokud jsem natvrdly a neco jsem prehledl.

Pavel Bokr

From: Marián Kyral 
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2017 5:46 PM
To: talk-cz@openstreetmap.org 
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Mapovaci prace pro studenty - kde by mohli pomoci?

co přesně znamená ta věta: "posila sve studenty do terenu"? Je to město, 
venkov, hory nebo dle potřeby? A co tam primárně dělají?

Od toho se pak odvíjí s čím by mohli pomoct.

- gpx záznamy lesních cest a pěšin
- gpx záznamy turistických, cyklistických, lyžařských tras
- gpx záznamy naučných stezek včetně umístění informačních tabulí
- mapování a focení kulturních a přírodních památek (tedy i pro wikipedii), 
přidání tagů wikimedia_commons=*, image=*
- rozcestníky, poštovní schránky, benzínové pumpy
- další POI - památky, obchody, restaurace. Tam speciálně by se jim mohlo líbit 
zjišťování, jaká piva tam točí (pro beermap) ;-)
- kontrola a doplnění otevíracích dob
- …

Hlavně ať to nedopadne jako Prušánky :-D


Dne 19.3.2017 v 17:02 Pavel Bokr napsal(a):


  vim ze se tady resili nejake studentske prace, ale nepamatuji si jestli se 
resili nejake moznosti mapovani. Jsem v kontaktu s vyucujicim, ktery posila sve 
studenty do terenu a zminil jsem se mu, ze by studenti mohli byt uzitecni i pro 
rozvoj OSM i dalsich veci.

  Ted davam dohromady tipy v cem by mohli byt studenti v terenu uzitecni (treba 
by se do neceho z toho mohli zapojit) a napada me:

  - cokoliv co v terenu zmapuji pridat do OSM

  - mohou fotit a nahravat rozcestniky (pripadne mapovat trasy, ale relace by 
byly asi moc, kdyz s OSM nedelali)

  - wikipedie by urcite uvitala fotografie mist a nekterych objektu

  - pripadne serie fotografii cest/tras jsou vitany na 

  - nebo alepson GPS trasy cest (zvlaste tech ktere nejsou videt na satelitnich 
snimcich) nahrane treba pres OSMTracker (nebo jiny efektivnejsi zpusob?)

  Na co jsem zapomel? Co treba “samostatne vypichnout”?

  Pavel Bokr


Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mancata attribuzione di alcuni PDF progetto APL - Provincia Trento

2017-05-05 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Il 05/05/2017 20:57, girarsi_liste ha scritto:
> Invito gli amici Trentini a controllare le rispettive vallate, perchè
> sicuramente ce ne saranno degli altri PDF, io non ho guardato.
> [0] https://apl.provincia.tn.it/

Ho guardato tutte le altre comunità di valle, c'è solo la mia con questa

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HDYC, login requirement and "privacy"

2017-05-05 Per discussione Simon Poole
"‘personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or
identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural
person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in
particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an
identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or
more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental,
economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;"

Article 4 (1)  (about 1/3 into the document). Current national
definitions that I know of are not vastly different.


Am 05.05.2017 um 21:31 schrieb yvecai:
> Le 05. 05. 17 à 19:11, Simon Poole a écrit :
>> That is why I suspect that the consequence of this discussion could
>> be fairly drastic and result in essentially all meta data being
>> removed from the planet dumps, including changeset ids and so on.
> So, if you suspect, ... don't ?
> Editing the map *yourself* *is* Openstreetmap !!
> I'd really like to have a defintion of 'personal data' in this
> context. Otherwise, this discussion is quite useless, cause while
> interesting, an OSM-talk definition won't be anything close to a legal
> definition.
> Yves
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Communes pratiquant l'extinction de l'éclairage public

2017-05-05 Per discussione Paul Desgranges


 Pour info, j'ai contacté l'association ANPCEN
    pour savoir comment accéder aux
   données sur les communes pratiquant l'extinction de
   l'éclairage public, et la réponse obtenue est la suivante :

   >>Concernant  la collecte et le traitement des données par l'ANPCEN 
   villes et des villages pratiquant l'extinction totale ou
   partiellede leur éclairage public (environ 12 000 communes
   recensées)  ce travail représente pour notre association
   composée uniquement de bénévoles, un travail considérable
   que nous ne pouvons pas transmettre aux tiers.

   Très surprenant ceux qui ont l'habitude du fonctionnement
   d'OSM !
   J'ai essayé de plaider un peu (deuxième mail envoyé en début
   de semaine) pour l'ouverture des données. Si d'autres
   personnes se sentent capables d'argumenter auprès de
   l'ANPCEN ...

   Tu as peut-être manqué de chance pour ce premier contact, et tu
   es juste tombé sur le secrétaire de l'association qui n'a pas
   voulu s'engager réellement au nom de l'asso. Je pense qu'avant
   de les braquer il vaut mieux voir ce qu'il en est en passant le
   sujet dans une AG de l'asso pour que ce soit réellement discuté
   avec les adhérents.
   D'autant plus que l'asso défend officiellement ce qui suit

"*Open data* -  l'ANPCEN demande un accès ouvert aux
données publiques de l'éclairage public, en accord avec
les engagements internationaux et nationaux pris par le

Le membre du bureau de l'ANPCEN  qui m'avait 
fait la première réponse m'a fait une deuxième réponse lorsque j'ai fait 
part de mon étonnement sur leur pratique actuelle (et que j'ai plaidé 
pour plus d'ouverture sur leurs données en début de semaine) :

>>J'ai bien reçu votre réaction et vous en remercie.
>>Une question majeure en effet, que nous avons à coeur de faire 
avancer, dans un contexte à la fois global et complexe...

>>A bientôt et bien cordialement,
Preuve qu'ils ont déjà du en discuter et qu'ils doivent chercher comment 
Je voulais la partager pour ne pas mettre en accusation cette 
association de bénévoles qui par ailleurs fait vraiment des choses très 
très bien et depuis longtemps.

Bonne soirée

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HDYC, login requirement and "privacy"

2017-05-05 Per discussione yvecai

Le 05. 05. 17 à 19:11, Simon Poole a écrit :

That is why I suspect that the consequence of this discussion could be 
fairly drastic and result in essentially all meta data being removed 
from the planet dumps, including changeset ids and so on.

So, if you suspect, ... don't ?
Editing the map *yourself* *is* Openstreetmap !!

I'd really like to have a defintion of 'personal data' in this context. 
Otherwise, this discussion is quite useless, cause while interesting, an 
OSM-talk definition won't be anything close to a legal definition.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Speed limit editing in Detroit

2017-05-05 Per discussione Mark Wagner
On Fri, 5 May 2017 12:55:55 +
Horea Meleg  wrote:

> Hello all,,
> Me and my Telenav colleagues are planning to start editing speed
> limit in Detroit area and we found the following situation:
>   1.  There's a trunk road which continues with a motorway but we
> don't have a speed limit sign at the beginning of the motorway. Do
> you think we should add the speed limit value from position 1 or 2 on
> the highlighted segment? 42.4985931, -83.3042949 --> Position 1 (50
> mph) 42.4941433, -83.2950564 --> Position 2 (70 mph)

The speed limit from (1) should be used.  A change of road
classification doesn't automatically imply a change in speed limit.
>   1.  A lot of motorway_links don't have a speed limit sign. Do you
> have any idea where could we get the speed limit values from? Thank
> you, Horea Meleg

In general, motorway_links to a motorway are treated by everyone
(drivers, police, courts) as having speed limits equal to the speed
limit of the motorway they provide access to.  Links from a motorway
are treated as a "transition zone" where you are expected to be going
the motorway's speed limit at the start of the link, and the
destination road's speed limit at the end.  Advisory speed limit signs
are common, while signed mandatory limits are extremely rare.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mancata attribuzione di alcuni PDF progetto APL - Provincia Trento

2017-05-05 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Il 05/05/2017 20:57, girarsi_liste ha scritto:
> [5]
> https://apl.provincia.tn.it/Valsugana-e-Tesino/COSA-PROGETTATE/Collegamenti-e-potenziamento-ciclabile-della-Valsugana

Perdonate il punto sopra non ho messo il PDF:


Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Mancata attribuzione di alcuni PDF progetto APL - Provincia Trento

2017-05-05 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Appena visto adesso.

Segnalo, mancata attribuzione alle mappe utilizzate, almeno nei PDF, nel
seguente sito (Provincia Trento) [0], nel caso della situazione legata
alla mia Comunità di Valle, Comunità Valsugana e Tesino, relativo al
progetto "Autorità per la Partecipazione Locale" (APL), , nella pagina
dedicata alla mia Vallata [1] (cliccare eventualmente a destra su "COSA
PROGETTATE!")[2], i seguenti due PDF (pagina sito in questo caso)
[3][4], (i PDF[5][6]) contengono chiaramente mappe openstreetmap
utilizzate per indicare dei POI a rispettivi progetti, ma attribuzione
non la vedo da nessuna parte.

Invito gli amici Trentini a controllare le rispettive vallate, perchè
sicuramente ce ne saranno degli altri PDF, io non ho guardato.

[0] https://apl.provincia.tn.it/

[1] https://apl.provincia.tn.it/Valsugana-e-Tesino

[2] https://apl.provincia.tn.it/Valsugana-e-Tesino/COSA-PROGETTATE





Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Italy top-250 continued

2017-05-05 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
E i cancellatori (chi ha messo in ordine degli imports andati male dovrebbe
avere buone possibilità per arrivare sui primi posti):

osmium cat italy.osh.pbf -f opl|grep "^.[0-9]* v[0-9]* dD"|cut -d' '
-f7|cut -c 2-|sort|uniq -c|sort -nr|head -n 250 >italy-top250-deleters.txt

 12126396 mcheckimport
 21740639 DarkSwan_Import
 31083371 GiuseppeAmici_IT
 4835940 woodpeck_repair
 5496472 Francesco_Loponte
 6485324 iiizio
 7439872 mcheck
 8304610 kaitu
 9302444 Al3xius
10288578 BudSpencer63
11253908 botdidier2020
12213708 pnorman_mechanical
13184289 OpenGISData
14179180 Max1234-ITA
1510 nuvolabianca
16177111 Rinux
17172966 Ken%20%Hayabusa
18165043 SldrHartman
19148478 simone
20147871 Peter%20%Klofutar
21145183 corfedeimport
22143772 fayor
23141090 dvd0_CTRVenetoImport
24132052 mdk
25128884 Fredie
26128385 dvdzero
27126029 sponge
28124144 pikappa79
29120642 GatoSelvadego
30113967 gpstracks
31113758 aldoct
32112482 morsi
33106255 merto
34103906 Alecs01
35100600 StePedro83
3697088 Castaman
3795645 Gianluca%20%Saba
3891816 costoro
3990746 ReinerMeyer
4090082 coso
4187236 arcanma
4286412 noperante
4385731 Cascafico
4484162 efred
4583985 Pyknite
4681647 didier2020
4778514 sabas88
4878163 bellazambo
4977928 adirricor
5075442 niubii
5175307 Gianfranco2014
5272492 Alberto58
5371030 zarch
5470615 SomeoneElse_Revert
5570526 fedc
5669449 TheNick
5769392 peppo
5867590 mircozorzo
5967472 joecow
6067118 FabioPalladino
6166896 Davlak
6265760 sco
6364493 Pab09
6464189 mauriziobis
6563322 RColombo
6662119 nicki63
6759024 Gwilbor
6857706 sdonk
6955890 Diego%20%Guidotti
7054828 Elia%20%Z
7153880 Peter_Klofutar_import
7252873 demon_box
7352097 alessandrob_import
7451750 Arlas
7550306 vrmap
7650206 vpettenati
7748875 glaucos
7847671 dgitto
7947525 Heinz_V
8046796 Geograficamente
8146259 Sen%20%Atto
8246245 David%20%Paleino
8345692 gss272417
8443908 Pathumthani
8542554 StefanB_import
8641195 ilrobi
8739826 peppe10
8839653 dforsi
8939650 roscolosco
9039468 Th3M4pp3r
9138942 Baliano
9238093 FraPla
9337355 sorcrosc
9436383 Marco_T
9535687 dieterdreist
9635110 corfede
9734527 Luigi62
9834490 lorenzoguidotti
9933415 Odiug
   10032917 Nakaner-repair
   10132863 Andrea%20%Borruso
   10232800 Guido%20%Piazzi
   10332438 LuSirto
   10432374 Luca%20%Dorigo
   10531241 bigstones
   10630542 mrgrass
   10729895 HansJ
   10829837 Stefano%20%Salvador
   10929723 voschix
   11029262 Bredy
   11129176 simone_girardelli
   11228479 geologyx
   11328345 steefan
   11428307 fx99
   11528164 Sembola
   11628088 BiIbo
   11728000 effebi-sm
   11827904 OSMF%20%Redaction%20%Account
   11927848 Freiheit28
   12027666 Lykos64
   12127234 tyr_asd
   12226729 Alexander%20%Roalter
   12326449 gilbomorris
   12426312 Samuele%20%Battarra
   12526302 Ale_Zena_IT
   12626221 sbiribizio
   12726210 jeawrong
   12826184 Fabry
   12926082 carths81
   13025890 Francesco_f2
   13125743 werner2101
   13225649 lutz
   13325536 Mayeul
   13425420 mazarol
   13524834 WernerP
   13624681 albertux
   13724677 dan980
   13824511 vezzo
   13924032 Cristian1989
   14023963 mapper_07
   14123220 atupone
   14222892 paolopoz
   14322116 Andrea%20%Musuruane
   14421973 50x34
   14521609 farlokko
   14621530 andgas54
   14721183 Bigshot
   14821169 GPS-Marco
   14921118 Martj9
   15020893 CAI%20%Stabia
   15120827 Wave68
   15220701 MonkZ
   15320555 Diego%20%Cruciat
   15420419 Terensky
   15520356 hypersciocco
   15620021 Roman%20%Fischer
   15720020 Paolo%20%Gianfrancesco
   15819936 vancori
   15919910 Aury88
   16019893 BogNik
   16119316 beppeu
   16219303 niagara_m
   16319300 spezzi64
   16419144 procuste
   16519132 sonnenkind
   16618934 DarkFlash
   16718909 gomatteo
   16818456 ualios
   16917956 Mattia%20%P
   17017866 bvivi
   17117814 openpablo3
   17217542 marcram
   17317363 gd-wg
   17416974 OSM-mircozorzo_import
   17516887 Emistrac
   17616802 sabas-import

Re: [Talk-it] Italy top-250 continued

2017-05-05 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
e questi sono gli "attivi" (tutti gli edits, creazioni, modifiche e

osmium cat italy.osh.pbf -f opl|cut -d' ' -f7|cut -c 2-|sort|uniq -c|sort
-nr|head -n 250 >italy-top250-active.txt

 133397376 mcheckimport
 214431054 DarkSwan_Import
 36183910 simone
 44796902 GiuseppeAmici_IT
 54539679 mcheck
 63493174 Al3xius
 73444073 corfedeimport
 83262203 Max1234-ITA
 92674382 nuvolabianca
102406155 Alberto58
112334858 Arlas
122253231 dvd0_CTRVenetoImport
132237331 kaitu
14971 Diego%20%Guidotti
151778832 pikappa79
161737792 Alecs01
171715144 Pab09
181521366 Davlak
191416496 StePedro83
201338464 BudSpencer63
211251121 roscolosco
221240806 Stefano%20%Salvador
231184065 aldoct
241099682 dvdzero
251079859 fayor
261065818 dieterdreist
271059137 GatoSelvadego
281050524 Francesco_Loponte
291026832 ilrobi
301020853 Sembola
31996763 albertux
32994172 morsi
33935638 Ale_Zena_IT
34926459 Heinz_V
35915842 iiizio
36882108 josil
37879005 Tizianos
38867774 Alexander%20%Roalter
39853297 woodpeck_repair
40836489 Fredie
41798567 Ken%20%Hayabusa
42776102 IlBano
43774004 RColombo
44764398 arcanma
45739352 Ale_Zena_IT-import
46720256 gpstracks
47710361 zarch
48706989 bellazambo
49697848 dan980
50695554 italia-import
51680288 sbiribizio
52679719 sabas88
53676300 sponge
54675594 Mich74
55673662 Gianfranco2014
56659475 demon_box
57639839 dgitto
58637387 peppe10
59632491 pippinu
60623296 simone_girardelli
61621368 niubii
62620365 vpettenati
63619934 adirricor
64618773 corfede
65618003 mauriziobis
66604036 sorcrosc
67601531 farlokko
68586119 venerdi
69582316 DarkFlash
70571270 vancori
71565690 voschix
72555685 Geograficamente
73552916 David%20%Paleino
74540806 glaucos
75538352 coso
76536812 Fabry
77535454 Davide%20%Governale
78525340 sabas-import
79514294 Cascafico
80509488 Odiug
81499231 SldrHartman
82497878 Aury88
83495500 fedc
84492857 TheNick
85486062 OpenGISData
86485997 vlattanzi
87483101 Luca%20%Dorigo
88479868 jeawrong
89468535 50x34
90464172 Griphon
91456965 gvil_import
92452023 Martj9
93443316 rugamarcus
94439830 RAFVG%20%import
95439668 achim%20%becker
96433027 GeofixFe
97430313 satgps
98421547 dani64
99421099 Castaman
   100417389 Goffredo
   101402675 Rinux
   102400168 merto
   103399615 import%20%edifici%20%palermo%20%2014
   104397432 hypersciocco
   105395363 vrmap
   106395231 Lykos64
   107392353 Peter_Klofutar_import
   108389266 popeye
   109389216 botdidier2020
   110389112 BogNik
   111383009 danyzeta
   112376282 openpablo3
   113373625 makakko
   114369187 mircozorzo
   115367720 lorenzoguidotti
   116364011 Gwilbor
   117363952 mauro742
   118355825 Eraclitus
   119355199 dan980-import
   120352294 ualios
   121350966 Geofreund1
   122347134 carths81
   123342423 Sal73x
   124339519 Axel2009
   125338390 LuSirto
   126334392 Bredy
   127332543 Michele%20%Aquilani
   128332248 tyr_asd
   129325689 colasurf
   130322401 capataz
   131321377 FraPla
   132318409 Bigshot
   133315649 dino57
   134308322 alessandrob
   135308009 Accurimbono
   136307105 Luigi62
   137307063 scratera
   138304895 jaimemd
   139301539 Pathumthani
   140299945 mikelima
   141299248 Guido_RL
   142292793 Samuele%20%Battarra
   143290238 vezzo
   144286794 Guido%20%Piazzi
   145284568 OSM-mircozorzo_import
   146284273 SIT%20%Comune%20%di%20%Rimini
   147282242 andgas54
   148282167 trimoto
   149281612 Pyknite
   150281188 Terensky
   151279701 remix_tj
   152277077 alessioz
   153276103 Paolo%20%Gianfrancesco
   154275308 GPS-Marco
   155274508 studiovega
   156273650 Francesco%20%Viti
   157273422 pnorman_mechanical
   158272091 costoro
   159266003 WernerP
   160265904 Mattia%20%P
   161265732 marcram
   162265395 CarloScarfoglio
   163265030 gss272417
   164263168 Niccolo
   165261994 Emistrac
   166260730 peppo
   167259699 Gianluca%20%Saba
   168259193 Veneto_Civici_Import
   169258386 Cristian1989
   170253446 Freiheit28
   171253143 FedericoCozzi

Re: [OSM-talk] HDYC, login requirement and "privacy"

2017-05-05 Per discussione Mikel Maron
This topic started a bit backwards -- with an action taken by one project 
within the OSM ecosystem. We've covered a lot of perspectives on the topic of 
privacy in OSM, and possible actions and their implications. To turn this 
thread into some forward movement for us, a good course of action will be as 
follows. This does not clearly fit into one Working Group responsibility, so 
the OSMF Board can consider taking up the design of the process at least.
* We need to considerately research and assess the personal information (PI) 
risk. Including defining what is PI, and what various part of OSM might expose.
* LWG get informed legal advice on EU and other jurisdiction's PI laws* 
Consider the range of possible activities to address the risk
I reckon the most reasonable and effective starting activity will be to clearly 
define what OSM users need to know about contributing geodata to OSM, and the 
PI considerations they should keep in mind. As Frederik says, "raising 
awareness". For this to be effective, this means smarter design in the learning 
process and onboarding of new mappers. 
And perhaps that's the ending point. Personally I can't see any way the 
removing contributor metadata from geodata would 1) really protect anyone 2) 
not hobble the project, which depends so much on user reputation to retain 
quality. In any case, let's kick that question down the road.
-MIkel * Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron 

On Friday, May 5, 2017 12:28 PM, Yves  wrote:

 Actually, can an OSM username be considered as 'personal data'? 
Can somebody point out to a definition of 'personal data' ? 
How would this be different from, say, my github account? 
talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] how to store the gov agency which currently manages this infra

2017-05-05 Per discussione vikas yadav
On 5 May 2017 at 22:03, muzirian  wrote:

> will operator or ownership be key useful for your case?

Operator sounds good one http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:operator
Ownership which for streets/bridges/dustbins/etc is useless after ~5 years
since agencies transfer operations to diff one.

> On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 9:58 PM, Vikas Yadav  wrote:
>> So there a existing tag in OSM which I can use for storing?
>> On 5 May 2017 at 16:01, Arun Ganesh  wrote:
>>> Different agencies are responsible for different functions of an asset,
>>> but usually should just be one organisation responsible for the operation
>>> and maintenance of an asset.
>> ___
>> Talk-in mailing list
>> Talk-in@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-in
> ___
> Talk-in mailing list
> Talk-in@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-in
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HDYC, login requirement and "privacy"

2017-05-05 Per discussione Simon Poole
"It depends" the critical part (regardless of if it is your real name or
not) is that it can be used as a key to generate a profile a la HDYC and
that can then be associated with the help of  additional sources with a
real person, potentially revealing all kind of things about your life.
But strictly speaking the display name is not necessary for that as the
changeset meta data and likely the edits themselves  probably contain
enough information to generate unique or near unique fingerprints.

That is why I suspect that the consequence of this discussion could be
fairly drastic and result in essentially all meta data being removed
from the planet dumps, including changeset ids and so on.


Am 05.05.2017 um 18:25 schrieb Yves:
> Actually, can an OSM username be considered as 'personal data'?
> Can somebody point out to a definition of 'personal data' ?
> How would this be different from, say, my github account?
> Yves
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Wochennotiz Nr. 354 25.04.2017–01.05.2017

2017-05-05 Per discussione Wochennotizteam

die Wochennotiz Nr. 354 mit vielen wichtigen Neuigkeiten aus der 
OpenStreetMap-Welt ist da:


Viel Spaß beim Lesen!
Talk-at mailing list

Wochennotiz Nr. 354 25.04.2017–01.05.2017

2017-05-05 Per discussione Wochennotizteam

die Wochennotiz Nr. 354 mit vielen wichtigen Neuigkeiten aus der 
OpenStreetMap-Welt ist da:


Viel Spaß beim Lesen!
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] how to store the gov agency which currently manages this infra

2017-05-05 Per discussione muzirian
will operator or ownership be key useful for your case?

On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 9:58 PM, Vikas Yadav  wrote:

> So there a existing tag in OSM which I can use for storing?
> On 5 May 2017 at 16:01, Arun Ganesh  wrote:
>> Different agencies are responsible for different functions of an asset,
>> but usually should just be one organisation responsible for the operation
>> and maintenance of an asset.
> ___
> Talk-in mailing list
> Talk-in@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-in
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] how to store the gov agency which currently manages this infra

2017-05-05 Per discussione Vikas Yadav
So there a existing tag in OSM which I can use for storing?

On 5 May 2017 at 16:01, Arun Ganesh  wrote:

> Different agencies are responsible for different functions of an asset,
> but usually should just be one organisation responsible for the operation
> and maintenance of an asset.
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HDYC, login requirement and "privacy"

2017-05-05 Per discussione Yves
Actually, can an OSM username be considered as 'personal data'? 
Can somebody point out to a definition of 'personal data' ? 
How would this be different from, say, my github account? 
Yves ___
talk mailing list

[Talk-us] talk-US@openstreetmap.org

2017-05-05 Per discussione Michael Patrick
>   1.  A lot of motorway_links don't have a speed limit sign. Do you have
> any idea where could we get the speed limit values from?

For some routes, the state usually has speeds assigned to road segments for
regional transportation planning. If it's a more local route, that's
problematic - when I lived there practically any sign was scavenged for
scrap. And folks drove as fast as possible and didn't stop at red lights. I
hope it has gotten better. There's not much on the Socrata Open Data site,

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-it] Italy top-250 continued

2017-05-05 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Ho fatto altre statistiche con l'history-file di ieri.

Questi sono i top-250 creators (persone o programmi che hanno creato la
version1 di un qualsiasi oggetto):

osmium cat italy.osh.pbf -f opl|grep "^.[0-9]* v1 "|cut -d' ' -f7|cut -c
2-|sort|uniq -c|sort -nr|head -n 250 >italy-top250-creators.txt

 129031470 mcheckimport
 212478439 DarkSwan_Import
 36006273 simone
 43728970 mcheck
 53412933 GiuseppeAmici_IT
 63279542 corfedeimport
 72932259 Max1234-ITA
 82588170 Al3xius
 92338497 nuvolabianca
102285044 Alberto58
112106591 dvd0_CTRVenetoImport
122034175 Arlas
131734066 Diego%20%Guidotti
141683899 kaitu
151432819 Pab09
161322081 pikappa79
171262578 StePedro83
181201640 Alecs01
191189990 Stefano%20%Salvador
201035921 BudSpencer63
211013280 roscolosco
22900589 Davlak
23896769 GatoSelvadego
24888061 Sembola
25865494 albertux
26862896 dieterdreist
27815918 dvdzero
28815480 Tizianos
29749376 ilrobi
30740950 aldoct
31735608 Ale_Zena_IT-import
32731875 morsi
33716544 Heinz_V
34705386 RColombo
35702354 Alexander%20%Roalter
36692897 Ale_Zena_IT
37682370 italia-import
38664327 IlBano
39652351 josil
40610536 Mich74
41578194 zarch
42573042 Ken%20%Hayabusa
43568473 dan980
44563315 bellazambo
45558349 Fredie
46553022 Francesco_Loponte
47546531 DarkFlash
48546035 sbiribizio
49540526 Gianfranco2014
50533084 sponge
51507804 Geograficamente
52495371 sabas88
53490842 arcanma
54489163 fayor
55488803 Davide%20%Governale
56474423 sabas-import
57467458 David%20%Paleino
58459536 venerdi
59450719 corfede
60448823 simone_girardelli
61441820 gvil_import
62432732 vpettenati
63430841 peppe10
64421022 RAFVG%20%import
65408136 dani64
66406729 niubii
67405327 rugamarcus
68398960 Luca%20%Dorigo
69398358 import%20%edifici%20%palermo%20%2014
70395415 Odiug
71395063 dgitto
72394220 Aury88
73390374 Fabry
74389977 gpstracks
75387416 vlattanzi
76385144 demon_box
77376432 pippinu
78373094 achim%20%becker
79372636 Griphon
80370423 50x34
81368018 vancori
82365078 Cascafico
83364025 mauriziobis
84356732 glaucos
85355054 Martj9
86349287 sorcrosc
87342688 Lykos64
88341953 mauro742
89341106 GeofixFe
90340921 voschix
91336117 Peter_Klofutar_import
92326174 TheNick
93325254 vrmap
94323674 fedc
95321916 adirricor
96320335 dan980-import
97320107 coso
98319801 Michele%20%Aquilani
99307244 Axel2009
   100304559 carths81
   101301698 OpenGISData
   102299720 popeye
   103298450 dino57
   104295579 alessandrob
   105293485 Castaman
   106292861 Guido_RL
   107290255 jeawrong
   108284262 SIT%20%Comune%20%di%20%Rimini
   109284080 merto
   110281030 makakko
   111276997 Geofreund1
   112272204 openpablo3
   113267282 OSM-mircozorzo_import
   114267040 Goffredo
   115265667 danyzeta
   116264624 Eraclitus
   117260926 ualios
   118260620 studiovega
   119257645 remix_tj
   120254326 scratera
   121244678 marcram
   122242834 Sal73x
   123241895 capataz
   124240885 mircozorzo
   125238638 Mattia%20%P
   126238537 BogNik
   127238058 andgas54
   128237606 SldrHartman
   129237428 trimoto
   130237294 LuSirto
   131236899 colasurf
   132236061 jaimemd
   133234458 FraPla
   134233575 Francesco%20%Viti
   135232175 satgps
   136230353 Abramo
   137221819 Terensky
   138221525 Paolo%20%Gianfrancesco
   139221413 Bredy
   140221256 Guido%20%Piazzi
   141217306 Patrick%20%Bous
   142214828 vezzo
   143211818 gss272417
   144208394 Rinux
   145204590 alessioz
   146204171 marcoSt
   147203201 Emistrac
   148202957 SingletrailMap
   149200516 WernerP
   150200355 bt1950
   151198843 tyr_asd
   152197067 hikerit
   153195748 corand
   154194750 Dufour85
   155194038 Cristian1989
   156194008 Alepoz
   157192444 Niccolo
   158190767 metamorris
   159187987 MarcoR
   160184935 peppo
   161184846 lorenzoguidotti
   162184723 rospus
   163181820 doktorpixel14
   164180947 trekker48
   165180162 Bigshot
   166177323 procuste
   167176177 Pyknite
   168175116 UmbeP
   169173177 Pathumthani
   170172149 Puccia

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Communes pratiquant l'extinction de l'éclairage public

2017-05-05 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
On parle juste de l'éclairage de la voir publique, pas des éclairages

Bien que concernant les commerces et services, ce n'est plus une question
de choix mais d'obligation d'éteindre une fois l'établissement fermé et au
delà d'une heure imposée (ou seulement allumer avec un dispositif de
détection de présence effective devant les devantures éclairées). La
solution existe depuis longtemps et n'est plus hors de prix: les
programmateurs, les détecteurs de proximité, les boutons à minuterie.

Et on se demande pourquoi les détecteurs de mouvements de véhicules ou de
personnes ne pourraient pas exister aussi pour l'éclairage public afin de
ne pas plonger les rues complètement dans le noir. Si au lieu des anciens
bulbes (très longs à s'allumer) on passe aux LED, il n'y a plus aucune
obligation d'illuminer la rue entière. Et passé une heure raisonnable
désactiver aussi l'allumage/extinction automatique pour ne pas perturber
non plus le sommeil des résidents. ou alors juste laisser éclairé une piste
au sol avec quelques témoins lumineux (comme on en voit autour de l'ilot
central de certains giratoires, qui clignotent vers la droite pour être
bien visibles de ceux qui y arrivent).

LE dernier danger ce sont plutôt les passages piétons sensés être protégés
mais avec une fréquentation épisodique (mais récurrente et imprévisible),
et sinon certains carrefours sur des routes zn zone rurale mais à proximité
d'agglomérations: pour les plus fréquentés, il est nécessaire de conserver
un éclairage local. Mais là encore ce qui est demandé c'est que cet
éclairage soit efficace, pas excessivement lumineux (pour éviter les
problèmes d'accoutumance quand on sort de la zone éclairée), et qu'il serve
surtout à éclairer les points dangereux au sol, pas le ciel ni en hauteur
en pleine face des usagers, ni les résidences à côté: les réflecteurs
doivent être correctement positionnés (certains éclairages sont beaucoup
trop haut et éclairent des zones au delà de ce qui est nécessaire).

Même pour l'éclairage de prestige des monuments, il n'est pas nécessaire
que cela dure toute la nuit: éteindre à minuit est tout à fait raisonnable
(quitte à rallumer au petit jour vers 6h-7h au moment où l'activité
reprend), car cela n'amènera pas plus gens à visiter les lieux à partir de
cette heure là.

Il reste le problème des enseignes lumineuse: là elle est vraiment gênante
et ne sert pas du tout à l'éclairage ou la sécurité. Elle ne peut être
utile que pour signaler une activité réellement ouverte, pour le guidage à
longue distance c'est moins les activités que les directions des
agglomérations ou grand quartiers urbains, et il n'y a aucune raison que
cela sorte des normes ou que ça clignote sans alerter d'un danger ou sans
signaler une restriction imposée.

Le 5 mai 2017 à 15:22, Christian Rogel  a
écrit :

> Le 5 mai 2017 à 11:49, Nicolas Moyroud  a écrit :.
> > C'est à dire ? C'est quoi le lobby de l'éclairage public ? Ceux qui
> voudrait qu'on éclaire d'avantage les endroits où il n'y a personne ?
> Moi, je soupçonnerais le lobby de ceux qui veulent que les cambrioleurs
> aillent ailleurs ;-) .
> Christian R.
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Top 250 dell'Italia

2017-05-05 Per discussione Aury88
Alessandro Palmas wrote
> Il 04/05/2017 22:21, Aury88 ha scritto:
> PS:penso che una cosa del genere potrebbe essere molto utile integrata
> nelle
> statistiche del sito per gli  estratti [1] (sempre che la cosa non porti
> ad
> un eccessiva gamificazione). se fosse integrato in osm.org potrebbe
> addirittura essere una risposta alla problematica dei nuovi mappatori che
> non sanno a chi rivolgersi in caso di dubbi; così avrebbero almeno una
> indicazione sui mappatori più esperti dell'area di loro interesse,
> potenzialmente contattabili per risolvere dubbi o avere suggerimenti 

in realtà quello dice solamente chi sta mappando in quel periodo in una data 
zona...non tiene conto dei mappatori storici...se un mappatore si dedica ad
un'altra area il suo omino viene spostato da un'altra parte

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Comment bien tagguer les cabinets médicaux ?

2017-05-05 Per discussione pepilepi...@ovh.fr

Quand dans un immeuble on trouve en vrac un
rhumatologue, un ginéco, trois cardiologues, un expert-comptable
(mais pas de raton-laveur) on ne peut évidemment pas mettre
amenity=doctors sur le bâtiment. 
Donc :

  Un seul noeud amenity=doctors ?
  (extrêmement vague)
  Un noeud amenity=doctors
  par spécialité avec le healthcare:speciality qui va bien ?
  (mais que va faire le rendu ? empiler cinq ou six malettes ?)
  Un noeud par médecin avec en plus son
  nom, tél. etc ? (J'ose pas imaginer le rendu)

  Des exemples à me proposer ?



Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: Re: Presentazione progetto #cittasenzamemoria

2017-05-05 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Il 05/05/2017 15:44, Max1234Ita ha scritto:
> Lo puoi sempre "accorciare"! :-)
> Se lo fai col servizio di Google ( https://goo.gl/   )
> diventa così:  https://goo.gl/yqRXHw   
> Scommetto che ci sono anche altri "shortener" che operano con licenza Open
> :-)

Certo, solo mi pareva che overpass-turbo lo faceva, comunque c'è tinyurl:


E fà la stessa cosa :)


Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] hoe peuktegel mappen?

2017-05-05 Per discussione Philippe Casteleyn
Ik beschouw deze emails als cafépraat, alhoewel ik mij zelf soms toch dikwijls 

Voor een kaart heb ik echter alle respect.  Dat moet juist en proper zijn.
Talk-be mailing list

[talk-ph] fixing overlapping buildings

2017-05-05 Per discussione maning sambale
I created a task for crossing/overlapping buildings in tofix, details
here: https://github.com/OSMPH/papercut_fix/issues/13
Please help, we need to fix 31K in to-fix. :)

"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: Re: Presentazione progetto #cittasenzamemoria

2017-05-05 Per discussione Max1234Ita
frali...@alice.it wrote
> Questi i risultati comprensivo del suffisso "Via" (purtroppo link lungo):
> http://overpass-turbo.eu/?q=LyoKVGhpcyBoYcSGYmVlbiBnxI1lcmF0ZWQgYnkgdGhlIG92xJJwxIlzLXR1cmJvIHdpemFyZC7EgsSdxJ9yaWdpbmFsIHNlxLBjaMSsxIk6CsOiwoDCnMS7bWU9IlZpYSDFkHR0b8S3xKtFbWFudWVsxJ5UxJJ6byLEtiDFi8WNxY_FkcWTacWVxZdpxZnFm8WdxZ_EnknFt8WmxZfFqGHFjMWOxZDFksWUxZbFmCDFmsWcxZ7FoCAzw4LCsMWmxLogSXTEvHnFiMKdCiovCltvdXQ6anNvbl1bdGnFjMabxp0xMjBdOwovLyBmZXTFgiDEsMWAIMWIwpzGkMaSxpTEm8SrxL_FgcWDxLoKe3vEkG9jb2RlQXLFgDrGvWx5fX0tPi7HgnLFgsePxYDGrsawxI_ElMSdciDHkHN1bHRzCigKICDHoXHFnnLEmsSjcnTGssWXOsa6xYnFqcW-xazGgcWwxbLGhsW1IMWicsWkIsaUx6_FqMeMZVsixakiyIDGgMWuxoLFscaExbPGh8WhxaPFpV0oxrhhx5rFgMecaMeeYSnGrsewd2F5yJHIk8iVxa3Fr8aDxoXFtMaIyIjIisigyKLIpMeDyKjIqsiNx5BsxJTFsW7IsMW8ZciUxavIlsi0yJnItsicyIfIniLIu8eQyKPHm8edyZXJgMewx7LHtMe2xLDHuWbHu8e9xYrJiMiyyILItcibyIbFt0nIi8KAxpXHsG7Ij8mHxYzJisW_yLPImMiEyLfFtsW4yZTFgMi9yKbIv8irxYTIr8iSyYjJtciByJfIg8iayIXGiMmryZPIocmVyb_JmMWAyZrHpsWfyYTGocmzyYnJpsqJyajKjMm7yazJvcmWyKXKk8ipyoLJnMSSyZ7HuMe6cse8xrvHv8mLybfKismPyIbGisaMyIzJsMmyyoXJtMqcyY3JucmQyrbKj8i8yZfIp8mZyoLIrcqEyLHKscmnyY7JqcaIy4HKosqSy4XKlMqCyYLKmMmGyrvKm8uLyp3LjcqfxonGi8uCypHLhMqBCsmAx6FwxLdux7nHp8epx6sKxqjEmMeMecauPsauy7Bza8WfIHF0Owc=BO3xJs2mHG
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it

Lo puoi sempre "accorciare"! :-)
Se lo fai col servizio di Google ( https://goo.gl/   )
diventa così:  https://goo.gl/yqRXHw   

Scommetto che ci sono anche altri "shortener" che operano con licenza Open


View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] hoe peuktegel mappen?

2017-05-05 Per discussione Marc Gemis

Bedankt voor je uitleg. Gebrek aan interesse is een goede reden om iets
niet te mappen. Het achterlaten van "notes" via de mailing list om iets te
mappen vind ik dan wel weer vreemd. Je wil niemand zijn vuiligheid
opkuisen, maar verwacht wel dat wij alle informatie van jouw foto's die
hier verschijnen gaan mappen ?

Ik begrijp ook niet wat het nut is van "mappen met een foto". Hoe gebruik
je zoiets in de praktijk ? Hoe ziet een app eruit die mij helpt bij het
zoeken naar een item, bv een drinkfonteintje, als je enkel mapt met een
foto ? Je zal volgens mij toch steeds op de een of andere manier moeten
aangeven wat er op de foto staat.

Vollediger mappen, is een heel relatief begrip. Neem de drinkfonteintjes,
map je de hoogte en breedte van die fonteintjes. De doorsnede van het
kraantje ? Het materiaal van de staander ? enz. Neen ? wat kan een 3D
renderer er dan mee aanvangen ? :-)

De noden van OSM zijn voor iedereen anders. Is het nuttig om de kleur van
een vuilbak te mappen ? Het aantal zitplaatsen op een zitbank ?  Of over
wat soort volledigheid heb je het ?

De zin "Zo zou ik jullie ook kunnen vragen waarom jullie niet vollediger
taggen of waarom jullie niet beter  rond jullie kijken (ook op de map) als
jullie iets mappen."  is een vaag verwijt aan een bepaalde groep mensen
vermoed ik. Welke problemen zijn ? Misschien kan je de mensen warm maken om
bepaalde details te gaan mappen als je een goed voorbeeld hebt en het nut
van de details kan laten zien. In het wilde weg wat verwijten sturen (want
zo interpreteer ik je mail), zal weinig helpen vrees ik.

Dubbele items zijn wel lastig. De vraag is dan, hoe dat komt ? Ik kan me
bv. voorstellen dat je met maps.me al snel dubbele items krijgt omdat zij
maar om de maand of zo een kaart update uitbrengen. Idem met OsmAnd.

Bij OSM proberen we samen te werken, vele handen maken licht werk. Dus je
hoeft ook niet alle vuilbakjes zelf te mappen in een groot gebied zoals
Mechelen. Map ze als je ze toevallig tegenkomt. De andere zullen later wel
gemapped worden, door jou of door iemand anders. Het is dus niet
noodzakelijk dat je eigenhandig op heel korte tijd al die zaken mapt.


2017-05-05 14:41 GMT+02:00 Philippe Casteleyn :

> Ik map het niet omdat het mij niet interesseert.  Ik zou het
> peukenprobleem met lijfstraffen aanpakken.
> Zoals uit de notes-historie blijkt loop ik niemand achterna om zijn
> vuiligheid op te kuisen.
> Zoiets zou ik eerder op een foto mappen, maar dat kan nog niet.  En als ik
> het al zou mappen dan zou ik het volledig willen mappen voor heel Mechelen,
> en dan ben ik weer vertrokken.
> Ook vermijd ik zaken waarvan de tagging niet vast staat of niet zeker is.
> Doe ik het toch, dan neem ik zeker een foto.
> Zo zou ik jullie ook kunnen vragen waarom jullie niet vollediger taggen of
> waarom jullie niet beter  rond jullie kijken (ook op de map) als jullie
> iets mappen.  Er wordt wel eens iets dubbel gemapt.  Maar ik begin er
> begrip voor te krijgen.
> Ik heb vanmorgen een nieuw asbaktegel gevonden in de straat van mijn
> geliefde schrijver Ledeganck, in Vilvoorde aan de schoolpoort.
>  https://www.mapillary.com/app/?pKey=WHYnyL5SZriA6yrIMUzUaA=50.
> 9362676739=4.43098942744=17=
> photo=0.4920962018177299=0.4693266147522439=0
> Belgium, photo by filipc
> www.mapillary.com
> Capture and explore the world with street-level photos. Longitude:
> 4.43098942744 Latitude: 50.9362676739
> Ik heb niet de moeite genomen er een macro-foto van te maken, maar de
> fabrikant is  =
> http://www.thedroppit.com/
> The DropPit - Voorkom zwerfafval met de asbaktegel
> www.thedroppit.com
> The DropPit is dé oplossing voor klein zwerfafval ! Geen sigarettenpeuken
> en kauwgom meer bij uw kantoor- of winkelpand met The Droppit asbaktegels.
> Ctrl+v
> --
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] immagini ortorettificate

2017-05-05 Per discussione Catonano
2017-05-05 14:31 GMT+02:00 Alessandro Palmas :

> Ma stiamo parlando di queste?
> http://gis.19327.n8.nabble.com/Sulle-ortofoto-a-50-cm-rilasc
> iate-ieri-da-e-Geos-td5797851.html

si, di quelle

> CIT.: muoro :-(

perché che c'è ?
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Communes pratiquant l'extinction de l'éclairage public

2017-05-05 Per discussione Christian Rogel
Le 5 mai 2017 à 11:49, Nicolas Moyroud  a écrit :.
> C'est à dire ? C'est quoi le lobby de l'éclairage public ? Ceux qui voudrait 
> qu'on éclaire d'avantage les endroits où il n'y a personne ?

Moi, je soupçonnerais le lobby de ceux qui veulent que les cambrioleurs aillent 
ailleurs ;-) .

Christian R.

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] R: Re: Presentazione progetto #cittasenzamemoria

2017-05-05 Per discussione frali...@alice.it
si potrebbe inserire anche Enrico Cialdini in questo progetto?


Messaggio originale
Da: liste.gira...@gmail.com
Data: 5-mag-2017 14.18
Ogg: Re: [Talk-it] Presentazione progetto #cittasenzamemoria

Bel progettino.

Per curiosità utilizzando overpass-turbo, ho inserito i name=* di 3 tipi
perchè non sapevo bene quale era sicuro, ovvero queste tre forme:

Vittorio Emanuele Terzo

Vittorio Emanuele III

Vittorio Emanuele 3°

Ho impostato un timeout alto perchè altrimenti andava in blocco, e non
riesco a filtrare per way, nodi, area.

Questi i risultati comprensivo del suffisso "Via" (purtroppo link lungo):


2482 nodi
212 way
1 relazione
1 punto d'interesse
211 linee

I risultati senza il suffisso "Via" non mi restituiscono nulla.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] hoe peuktegel mappen?

2017-05-05 Per discussione Philippe Casteleyn
Ik map het niet omdat het mij niet interesseert.  Ik zou het peukenprobleem met 
lijfstraffen aanpakken.

Zoals uit de notes-historie blijkt loop ik niemand achterna om zijn vuiligheid 
op te kuisen.

Zoiets zou ik eerder op een foto mappen, maar dat kan nog niet.  En als ik het 
al zou mappen dan zou ik het volledig willen mappen voor heel Mechelen, en dan 
ben ik weer vertrokken.

Ook vermijd ik zaken waarvan de tagging niet vast staat of niet zeker is.  Doe 
ik het toch, dan neem ik zeker een foto.

Zo zou ik jullie ook kunnen vragen waarom jullie niet vollediger taggen of 
waarom jullie niet beter  rond jullie kijken (ook op de map) als jullie iets 
mappen.  Er wordt wel eens iets dubbel gemapt.  Maar ik begin er begrip voor te 

Ik heb vanmorgen een nieuw asbaktegel gevonden in de straat van mijn geliefde 
schrijver Ledeganck, in Vilvoorde aan de schoolpoort.



Belgium, photo by 
Capture and explore the world with street-level photos. Longitude: 
4.43098942744 Latitude: 50.9362676739

Ik heb niet de moeite genomen er een macro-foto van te maken, maar de fabrikant 
is  =


The DropPit - Voorkom zwerfafval met de asbaktegel
The DropPit is dé oplossing voor klein zwerfafval ! Geen sigarettenpeuken en 
kauwgom meer bij uw kantoor- of winkelpand met The Droppit asbaktegels.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Bibliobús

2017-05-05 Per discussione dcapillae
¡Gracias, Alan! Se entienden muy bien tus argumentos aun no siendo el español
tu lengua nativa.

En efecto, reconociendo que una parada del bibliobús podría etiquetarse como
"highway=bus_stop", comparto la necesidad de salvaguardar las etiquetas
reservadas al transporte público como un grupo bien diferenciado. No
conviene mezclarlas con otras características.

En comparación, no son tantos los bibliobuses que podemos encontrarnos. Y
tampoco creo que se resienta particularmente su etiquetado si no usamos
"highway=bus_stop", siempre y cuando empleemos bien la etiqueta
"amenity=mobile_library" donde corresponda.

Al final se trata de aceptar una solución convencional, esto, una solución
que sea ampliamente aceptada aun pudiendo no ser igual de precisa en todos
los casos ni ajustarse exactamente a nuestra interpretación personal.

Daniel Capilla
OSM user: dcapillae 
View this message in context: 
Sent from the Spain mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] immagini ortorettificate

2017-05-05 Per discussione Alessandro Palmas

Ma stiamo parlando di queste?

CIT.: muoro :-(

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] immagini ortorettificate

2017-05-05 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2017-05-05 14:07 GMT+02:00 Catonano :

> cos'è pcn ?
> Quanto a mapbox e Bing, mi sembrano vecchierelle puure quelle :-/

si, dipende dalla zona se le immagini sono attuali o meno. PCN è il
"portale cartografica nazionale" ed ha livelli del 2006 e 2012 per
l'Italia, mentre dal 2008 ci sono soltanto Lazio e Umbria (è quello
migliore però in queste zone).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Bug di JOSM 12039 ?

2017-05-05 Per discussione Andrea Albani
Grazie per il test.

Personalmente faccio un uso smodato di TAB per avere più spazio di lavoro.
Lo spostamento dell'immagine impatta poi sul modo che ho di lavorare nel
momento in cui verifico/mappo un territorio relativamente ampio  per
specifici oggetti (es. tracks, vie d'acqua). In questo caso imposto un
certo livello di zoom adeguato al contesto e mi spazzolo tutto il
territorio... e per farlo senza perdermi dei pezzi la posizione che
visualizzo non deve spostarsi.

Non so se mi sono spiegato...comunque il punto fondamentale è che se nel
frattempo non stati aperti bug lo faccio io.


Il giorno 5 maggio 2017 09:04, Max1234Ita  ha scritto:

> Andrea Albani wrote
> > Ciao,
> >
> > ho appena aggiornato JOSM alla build 12039 e mi succede una cosa strana.
> > Per riprodurla:
> > - scaricate i dati di una zona a piacere da OSM
> > - premete TAB per nascondere il toolbox e di nuovo per farlo apparire
> >
> > Il risultato è che ad ogni pressione di TAB quello che si trova a schermo
> > si trasla a destra!
> >
> > Stessa cosa se aggiungete un layer di imagery tipo mapbox e poi cliccate
> > l'iconcina con quadrati bianchi e neri di fianco al nome del layer per
> > settare o meno che la risoluzione segue la risoluzione nativa del layer.
> >
> > Capita anche a voi ?
> Anch'io propenderei per il bug: almeno a me, ogni volta che premo Tab la
> mappa visualizzata si sposta di qualche pixel in direzione sud-est.
> Personalmente, non trovo il problema così fastidioso perchè di fatto sono
> opzioni che utilizzo pochissimo, però, forse, potrebbe valere la pena
> segnalarlo.
> Max
> --
> View this message in context: http://gis.19327.n8.nabble.
> com/Bug-di-JOSM-12039-tp5896248p5896276.html
> Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Presentazione progetto #cittasenzamemoria

2017-05-05 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Bel progettino.

Per curiosità utilizzando overpass-turbo, ho inserito i name=* di 3 tipi
perchè non sapevo bene quale era sicuro, ovvero queste tre forme:

Vittorio Emanuele Terzo

Vittorio Emanuele III

Vittorio Emanuele 3°

Ho impostato un timeout alto perchè altrimenti andava in blocco, e non
riesco a filtrare per way, nodi, area.

Questi i risultati comprensivo del suffisso "Via" (purtroppo link lungo):


2482 nodi
212 way
1 relazione
1 punto d'interesse
211 linee

I risultati senza il suffisso "Via" non mi restituiscono nulla.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] immagini ortorettificate

2017-05-05 Per discussione Catonano
Graze a tuutti perr gli aggiornamenti

Il giorno 5 maggio 2017 13:19, Martin Koppenhoefer 
ha scritto:

> 2017-05-05 11:48 GMT+02:00 Catonano :
> Consiglio mapbox, bing e pcn per mappare in Italia (più gli WMS regionali
> ecc. se esistenti).

cos'è pcn ?

Quanto a mapbox e Bing, mi sembrano vecchierelle puure quelle :-/

Vabé grazie comunque

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Communes pratiquant l'extinction de l'éclairage public

2017-05-05 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Le 5 mai 2017 à 08:46, Paul Desgranges  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
>  Pour info, j'ai contacté l'association ANPCEN 
> pour savoir comment accéder aux données sur les communes pratiquant
> l'extinction de l'éclairage public, et la réponse obtenue est la suivante :
> >>Concernant la collecte et le traitement des données par l'ANPCEN des
> villes et des villages pratiquant l'extinction totale ou partielle de
> leur éclairage public (environ 12 000 communes recensées)  ce travail
> représente pour notre association composée uniquement de bénévoles, un
> travail considérable que nous ne pouvons pas transmettre aux tiers.
> Très surprenant ceux qui ont l'habitude du fonctionnement d'OSM !
> J'ai essayé de plaider un peu (deuxième mail envoyé en début de semaine)
> pour l'ouverture des données. Si d'autres personnes se sentent capables
> d'argumenter auprès de l'ANPCEN ...
> Merci

Tu as peut-être manqué de chance pour ce premier contact, et tu es juste
tombé sur le secrétaire de l'association qui n'a pas voulu s'engager
réellement au nom de l'asso. Je pense qu'avant de les braquer il vaut mieux
voir ce qu'il en est en passant le sujet dans une AG de l'asso pour que ce
soit réellement discuté avec les adhérents.

D'autant plus que l'asso défend officiellement ce qui suit (

"*Open data* -  l'ANPCEN demande un accès ouvert aux données publiques de
l'éclairage public, en accord avec les engagements internationaux et
nationaux pris par le gouvernement."

Cette réponse donnée manque donc de cohérence, et il serait plutôt dans
l'intérêt de l'asso de chercher des soutiens, et son travail effectif de
collecte pourrait aussi être complété par les participants d'OSM en
discutant avec eux des tags les plus appropriés et la façon de rapprocher
nos travaux communs (on peut aussi les aider dans leur collecte, et
s'associer avec eux dans leur demande au gouvernement et leur amener aussi
des membres décisifs comem les communes, intercommunalités, départements,
régions, et même des ministères et services publics qui déjà participent à
OSM. On peut aussi leur amener des outils, on peut leur laisser le travail
spécifique de qualification des données nouvelles et leur faire faire aussi
des économies d'échelle.

Et puisque c'est un engagement européen, il y a d'autres pays qui ont déjà
pratiqué cette ouverture et dont OSM (et eux aussi) profite déjà de l'open
data pour soutenir leur action à une plus grande échelle que seulement

Noter aussi que l'APCEN est membre d'une autre asso importante, la FNE avec
plus de 300 assos membres, dont il doit bien exister un grand nombre qui
déjà soutiennent OSM et l'utilisent, car ça leur permet des échanges
d'information et des économies d'échelle: les moyens dans les assos sont
comptés, mais ce n'est pas une logique commerciale exclusive qui leur
apporte le plus : elles ont toutes du mal à avoir des subventions et
attirer des nouveaux adhérents payants, et ne peuvent pas les faire fuir en
augmentant leur cotisation annuelle. Toute asso dépend largement du travail
gratuit réalisé par les bénévoles qui acceptent mal que ce travail soit
approprié sur une logique exclusive et normalement une asso digne de ce nom
doit être la plus largement ouverte que possible pour obtenir des

OSM ne les aidera pas beaucoup dans leur travail militant, l'ANPCEN a
certainement une expertise dans son domaine, elle traite des dossiers sur
le sujet depuis longtemps et a un argumentaire et des contacts efficaces
faire faire avancer leur plan d'action avant tout auprès des collectivités
ou des exploitants de réseaux de transport, ou des assos de commerçants et
des industriels. Elle a du soutenir le projet de loi qui a abouti à
l'extinction des commerces en ville la nuit, et milite encore pour la
modification des éclairages publics existants en choisissant des matériels
plus économes et en optimisant les zones éclairées pour que cela ne serve
pas en grande p
Cependant la cartographie n'est pas son coeur de métier et elle doit le
reconnaître. Et l'open data qu'elle défend c'est pas seulement pour elle:
elle ne peut pas être crédible dans sa demande si elle se réserve à elle
seule la copllecte ou la centralisation des données et elle "braquera"
aussi les décideurs publics contre elle là où les collectivités ne veulent
pas non plus se déposséder de leur expertise existante et ne peuvent
accepter une telel demande que dans le cadre d'un réel échange équitable.
L'open data est encore quelque chose que l'asso n'a pas compris et quel en
était le bénéfice ultime pour tout le monde.

Bref à nous de montrer ce qu'on peut faire, et de voir ce qui se fait aussi
dans les autres européens (ou ailleurs) pour avoir un modèle commun de

Documentons publiquement ce qu'on propose, et invitons l'ANPCEN (ou ses
membres) à apporter des corrections ou ajouts qui faciliteront les
échanges. Au bout 

Re: [Talk-es] Bibliobús

2017-05-05 Per discussione alan_gr
Antes de volver al asunto, explico que vivo en España pero el español no es
mi idioma nativa, así que pido disculpas si me expreso con torpeza. 

Creo que tenemos que pensar desde la punta de vista de los que van a usar la
mapa, o más bien el base de datos.

Si un desconocido me pregunta en la calle "donde hay una parada de bus /(o
micro o colectivo o lo que sea según tu país!)/ cerca de aquí?", no le voy a
dirigir a una parada de bibliobus, aunque haya una cerca. Porque sé que si
alguien pregunta por una parada de bus sin más, es que quiere viajar en bús
o informarse sobre el transporte en bus. Igualmente, los usuarios de OSM que
buscan informacion sobre paradas de bus van a pensar que todos los
"bus_stop" se refieren al transporte. Lo más probable es que ni siquiera
piensen en revisar la etiqueta "amenity", porque hasta ahora nunca ha sido
necesario, y además está claro en el wiki que un bus_stop sirve para el
transporte de pasajeros. En este sentido no se puede comparar etiquetas como
"shelter" con "amenity" - las primeras amplian la información sobre el
bus_stop, la segunda cambia totalmente su naturaleza.

dcapillae wrote
> El esquema de etiquetado para transporte público en OSM cuenta con sus
> propias etiquetas "public_transport=*" que permiten diferenciar cuando una
> característica está relacionada con el transporte público y cuando no. 

Mi interpretación es algo distinta. "Highway=bus_stop" pertenece al esquema
numero 1 de transporte público, y las etiquetas "public_transport" al
esquema numero 2. Son dos modos de mapear el transporte publico [1], no son
maneras de diferenciar entre transporte publico y otra cosas.   

dcapillae wrote
> Aunque también es cierto que el wiki parece asociar estrictamente la
> etiqueta "highway=bus_stop" con el transporte público de pasajeros: "A bus
> stop is a place where public buses stop [where passengers can board or
> alight from a bus]".

Exacto, en inglés por lo menos no podría ser más claro. Un "passenger"
siempre se refiere a una persona que viaja, y "board" es subir a un vehiculo
con la intención de viajar. Además en la pagina general sobre "buses" dice
"Buses, coaches and trolley buses are forms of public transport that operate
mainly on the road network". Es posible que haya dudas en algunos casos -
imagino que se podría discutir si los taxis colectivos de Chile, por
ejemplo, son más parecidos a autobuses o a taxis. Pero una biblioteca no
tiene nada que ver con el transporte y no me parece un caso dudoso.

Escribo todo esto no para desanimar a los que quieren mapear las bibliotecas
moviles con todos los detalles posibles, que me parece un buen objetivo. Más
que nada lo que motiva es evitar complicar el mapeo de transporte público,
que ya tiene suficiente problemas en OSM sin introducir más. Al pensar en
mejorar el mapeo de buses urbanos en Málaga, me he sentido desanimado al ver
que hay paradas etiquetadas según la esquema 1, otras con la esquema 2,
muchas con alguna mezcla entre las dos esquemas, muchas más todavia con
esquemas particulares inventadas por los que las han mapeado... todo eso
dificulta mucha la tarea de mejorar los datos. Si encima tengo que tomar en
cuenta que algunas paradas en realidad no tienen nada que ver con el
transporte, las dificultades crecen aún más. 

[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:public_transport:version

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Spain mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] immagini ortorettificate

2017-05-05 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2017-05-05 11:48 GMT+02:00 Catonano :

> Erano quelle di RealVista
> Ho un account, se è ancora valido, ma non riesco a risalire all' url del
> server wms

io non ho mai usato RealVista per la mappatura (ho anch'io un account),
perché non erano meglio delle altre ortofoto, e oramai sono anche vecchie.
Non vale la pena, oltre che la licenza forse non va bene (la licenza era
cc-by-sa se ricordo bene, ma quella licenza si applica alle foto, non alle
informazioni derivate, se ricordo bene).

Consiglio mapbox, bing e pcn per mappare in Italia (più gli WMS regionali
ecc. se esistenti).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Communes pratiquant l'extinction de l'éclairage public

2017-05-05 Per discussione Christian Quest
Dans le genre, il y avait un reportage à Télématin sur l'éclairage des
routes peu empruntées par... des drones "éclaireurs" qui suivent une
voiture !

Le 5 mai 2017 à 11:49, Nicolas Moyroud  a écrit :

> Ça rappelle ce qu'on a rencontré ici avec certaines associations cyclistes
>> qui ne voulaient pas libérer leurs données car elles constituaient leur
>> "fond de commerce".
> Ah ben oui leur fond de commerce tiens. Ils doivent en vendre vachement
> souvent des données... Et puis il ne faudrait pas que quelqu'un propose une
> super appli utilisant leurs données, ce serait terrible ! Il y a vraiment
> encore un gros travail pour faire évoluer les mentalités en France. Et ça
> risque de ne pas s'améliorer, si vous voyez ce que je veux dire...
>> Pour l'ANPCEN, ils ont aussi peur que le "lobby de l'éclairage publique"
>> exploite leur liste pour les contrer.
> C'est à dire ? C'est quoi le lobby de l'éclairage public ? Ceux qui
> voudrait qu'on éclaire d'avantage les endroits où il n'y a personne ?
> Nicolas
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HDYC, login requirement and "privacy"

2017-05-05 Per discussione Christoph Hormann
On Friday 05 May 2017, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> [...]
> I would like to come to a point where, if this happened to you in a
> job interview, you could afterwards point to an OSM policy and say:
> Clearly this company has violated OSM rules, they must have created
> an account under false pretenses to get at this data and they're
> using it for purposes not sanctioned by OSM. That won't make you get
> the job, but it would at least make clear that we stand with our
> contributors against abuse of their data.

One of the things i was trying to point out is that this would not be 
the case.  That company would simply say: "We got that info from  or from our human ressources consulting contractor and never 
agreed to any terms not to use such data.  Thanks for informing us that 
they are using this data without permission, we will not use it any 
more in the future." ;-)

> > For a balanced discussion - and i am not saying i would actually
> > prefer this approach to what you are suggesting - the whole problem
> > could also be approached from the other side by reconsidering the
> > possibility for partly anonymous edits.
> Yes. I think both approaches could be grouped under "restricted
> access to personal information", and there will probably be still
> other approaches with their own advantages and disadvantages.

Well - the difference with the scenario i outlined is that it much more 
clearly aims at the protection of the mappers' privacy and gives the 
mapper much broader and more immediate control over this.  This is no 
replacent for a solid strategy on educating mappers on what kind of 
privacy risks are involved with contributing in OSM but it kind of 
seems a more logical approach to the matter than a purely 
after-the-fact approach to protecting the data.

This does not mean i am convinced this is ultimately the best solution, 
this depends on a lot of details of the implementation.

Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HDYC, login requirement and "privacy"

2017-05-05 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 5. May 2017, at 12:24, Frederik Ramm  wrote:
> This is true. It would actually be possible to write a plugin for JOSM
> to do that - automatically sign up to OSM with a different throw-away
> account for each changeset you upload.

then you'd know it's either a German or a Chinese and could see from the region 
of the edit which one ;-)


PS: We could also offer anonymity through uploads via a third party (which you 
must trust then)
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HDYC, login requirement and "privacy"

2017-05-05 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

On 05.05.2017 12:27, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> I also fail to understand who would
> attack someones privacy by looking at OSM edits and for what scope, and
> why this can't be legally excluded by stating you must not do it if you
> want the data (which on the other hand will make OSM non-free data, at
> least with respect to data referring to mappers).

I think it would be good to separate - at least in our minds - the core
geodata from the "user data" or maybe "metadata" of who did what when
and using which operating system and editor.

The core geodata will always be freely available under the ODbL, and you
would not "make OSM non-free" by omitting e.g. user information from
that. Many current distribution forms (e.g. standard Overpass responses,
vector tiles, Garmin maps) already omit user information.

You could then offer the user information (needed for quality control
etc.) under separate rules (that say "for project internal use only").
This would automatically mean, that someone who runs a HDYC-like site
would have to put a login in front of the site in order to ensure that
he complies with the "internal use only" rule.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HDYC, login requirement and "privacy"

2017-05-05 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2017-05-05 12:24 GMT+02:00 Frederik Ramm :

> I think that even if they are careful enough not to use their real name,
> the identity of a mapper will often be easy to reconstruct if you have
> access to just a little bit of extra information (might be as little as
> a name on a doorbell).

if I look at my "local area" in hdyc, there are probably a million people
living within, but even if it were just a few thousand it would effectively
not be possible to look at all those doorbells (where you won't have your
name anyway if you are really concerned about privacy) and get a clue to
which username this might be related. If you are living in a _very_ remote
area (which most mappers are not), in very rare exceptional cases it might
be possible to see who is which mapper, and that he mapped this remote
area. Congratulations.

What is the scenario? The chinese government? Your ex-wife? The NSA?
Nazi-terrorists? Your friends? According to who it is, the countermeasures
will have to be very different.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Bibliobús

2017-05-05 Per discussione dcapillae
Yo tampoco veo mal usar "highway=bus_stop" para indicar un punto de parada
del bibliobús. El esquema de etiquetado para transporte público en OSM
cuenta con sus propias etiquetas "public_transport=*" que permiten
diferenciar cuando una característica está relacionada con el transporte
público y cuando no. Aunque también es cierto que el wiki parece asociar
estrictamente la etiqueta "highway=bus_stop" con el transporte público de
pasajeros: "A bus stop is a place where public buses stop [where passengers
can board or alight from a bus]".

Un "highway=bus_stop" no necesariamente tendría que ser siempre una parada
para transporte público de pasajeros, aunque entiendo que se asuma tal
relación: casi todas las paradas de autobús que vemos en la calle están
relacionads con el transporte público de pasajeros. Prueba de que no
necesariamente se da siempre esta relación es precisamente lo que estamos
tratando aquí: un bibliobús es un autobús que no transporta pasajeros, que
no se asocia con el transporte público y que, sin embargo, tiene puntos de
parada que bien podrían etiquetarse como "highway=bus_stop".

Daniel Capilla
OSM user: dcapillae 
View this message in context: 
Sent from the Spain mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] how to store the gov agency which currently manages this infra

2017-05-05 Per discussione Arun Ganesh
Different agencies are responsible for different functions of an asset, but
usually should just be one organisation responsible for the operation and
maintenance of an asset.
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HDYC, login requirement and "privacy"

2017-05-05 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2017-05-05 12:10 GMT+02:00 Frederik Ramm :

> How the goals of transparency and quality control in the project and the
> goal of protecting the privacy of the individual contributor can be
> reconciled is something we can, and should, think about

I still don't see how someone can be individually identified within OSM by
her edits, and I fail to understand how these edits are qualifying as
"personal data". Either the mapper is editing not much (so there is not
sufficient information about her, these are most mappers), or she is
editing a lot and according to his editing habits you could maybe say
something about her interests and the area where she lives, how often she
goes to other places, at what times she is active in OSM and similar. This
still won't help to identify single persons unless you have a very huge
database of many people which _already_ knows a whole lot about everyone,
including when they went abroad or in vacation, what their interests are
etc., so you won't probably gain more insight from looking at the OSM edits
as well. I also fail to understand who would attack someones privacy by
looking at OSM edits and for what scope, and why this can't be legally
excluded by stating you must not do it if you want the data (which on the
other hand will make OSM non-free data, at least with respect to data
referring to mappers).

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HDYC, login requirement and "privacy"

2017-05-05 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

On 05.05.2017 10:37, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> you write a lot about personal data, but all osm admins have about
> users is some email address, which often isn't even existing anymore
> and an associated user name

Many people choose their real name, or at least something easily
linkable to their real name via one hop on Github, Facebook, etc.; many
social media platforms even *expect* you to give your real name.

Of course they don't *have* to in OSM. But if they do use their real
name then I don't think you can interpret that as willfully signing away
their right to privacy. "Ha ha, your own fault for using your real name,
didn't you think about your job application with the Chinese government
25 years later, shoulda been more careful!"

I think that even if they are careful enough not to use their real name,
the identity of a mapper will often be easy to reconstruct if you have
access to just a little bit of extra information (might be as little as
a name on a doorbell).

> Also everyone can create new users at will, if your concern is
> privacy, you could use a new user for every edit and nobody could
> associate these edits to the same person.

This is true. It would actually be possible to write a plugin for JOSM
to do that - automatically sign up to OSM with a different throw-away
account for each changeset you upload. Do we want to encourage that?
Frankly, I'd rather not. But if that is our official suggestion on how
to balance privacy with contribution to OSM, maybe we should offer such
a plugin.

> Putting a log in to hdyc, from my point of view, doesn't change
> anything (because everybody can sign up), besides that there are now
> more data created (Pascal will know who is interested in whom, and
> osm admins can see how often someone uses the service, and if it
> becomes common to do it like this, which third party services someone
> uses).

That is true. The log-in required for HDYC currently only has symbolic
character and it says "this is for community members only". We're an
open community and you can become a member with a few mouse clicks. But
I think the symbolism is of value and I support Pascal's decision.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HDYC, login requirement and "privacy"

2017-05-05 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

On 05.05.2017 08:49, joost schouppe wrote:
> Putting a somewhat pointless access limitation to
> HDYC is counterproductive, as it might give people a false sense of
> security. 

This is correct, but so would

> A system to opt-out of being
> included in this particular system 

because it would give people the idea that if they don't opt in then
their data wouldn't be visible, when in fact anyone can run a software
like Pascal's.

I think that "raising awareness" is good; and if we could all unite
behind the idea that just because someone voluntarily contributes to OSM
that shouldn't mean they're automatically sacrificing their privacy then
that would already be a great step forward.

How the goals of transparency and quality control in the project and the
goal of protecting the privacy of the individual contributor can be
reconciled is something we can, and should, think about; I would be very
happy if as a first step we could at least agree that protecting the
privacy of the individual contributor *is* desirable. The knee-jerk
"well you knew what you signed up for" reaction doesn't help a
vulnerable community member when they see their privacy violated.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Dotaz k relacím silnic

2017-05-05 Per discussione Marián Kyral

-- Původní e-mail --
Od: majka 
Komu: talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
Datum: 5. 5. 2017 11:07:46
Předmět: [Talk-cz] Dotaz k relacím silnic

Netuší někdo, zda je chyba, pokud relace silnice není kontinuální a
uprostřed kus jednoduše chybí?

Konkrétně se mi jedná o silnici I/3, relace 3267628. Relation analyzer
si stěžuje na to rozdělení, ale odpovídá to skutečnosti, uprostřed je slavná
jihočeská dálnice D3.

Případně nějaké nápady, jak to napravit? Výhledově rozdělit na dvě relace
pro severní a jižní část, pojmenovat stejně a obě samostatně přidat do
silniční sítě ČR?


Výhledově to opravit, ale vždy podle skutečnosti. Pokud ŘSD nechá I/3
rozdělenou na dvě části, ale bude to pořád I/3, tak by to tak asi mělo být i
v OSM. Až ŘSD jednu část přeznačí, tak to opravíme v OSM.

Ony ty dálnice jsou jsou kapitola sama o sobě. Třeba D48 má aktuálně čtyři
části: http://ra.osmsurround.org/analyzeMap?relationId=1853073


A z jiného soudku - jak velké jsou případně problémy se superrelacemi (tedy
vyjmutí cest u části relace a nahrazením novou relací tvořenou touto částí
přidanou na jejím místě)? Co za komplikace lze čekat?

Pro vysvětlení - v noci jsem opravovala mimo jiné trasu E55 v Českých
Budějovicích. Je to tu vedeno tragicky, takže to byla práce na dlouhé lokty
a jednoznačně ještě ne definitivní, s úseky rozdělenými na forward/backward.
Ideálem by bylo kvůli těm změnám tenhle úsek vyjmout - pravděpodobně v
několika částech - a udržovat samostatně. Navíc se to z části kryje s
dalšími relacemi, takže jinak to znamená opakovat několikrát a doufat, že to
místo vylepšení někde nepo... nadobro.


Časem bude skoro na všechno relace. OSM k tomu pomalu směřuje. Brzdí to jen
docela těžkopádná podpora relací v editorech ;-)



Proto také zkouším analyzovat všechny možné dotčené relace a z toho vzešel
první dotaz.



Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Dotaz k relacím silnic

2017-05-05 Per discussione jzvc

Dne 5.5.2017 v 11:06 majka napsal(a):


Netuší někdo, zda je chyba, pokud relace silnice není kontinuální a
uprostřed kus jednoduše chybí?
Konkrétně se mi jedná o silnici I/3, relace 3267628. Relation analyzer

si stěžuje na to rozdělení, ale odpovídá to skutečnosti, uprostřed je
slavná jihočeská dálnice D3.

Případně nějaké nápady, jak to napravit? Výhledově rozdělit na dvě
relace pro severní a jižní část, pojmenovat stejně a obě samostatně
přidat do silniční sítě ČR?

imo to nerozdeluj je to jedna silnice, to ze na neco nadava analyzer, 
jeste neznamena, ze to je spatne. Ona by casem minimalne ta severni cast 
mela odpadnout do 603 ... kde cas se meri na +- behem pristich par set let.

A z jiného soudku - jak velké jsou případně problémy se superrelacemi
(tedy vyjmutí cest u části relace a nahrazením novou relací tvořenou
touto částí přidanou na jejím místě)? Co za komplikace lze čekat?

Technicky to problem neni, potize budou aspon prozatim nejspis 
minimalni, protoze prevazna vetsina renederu az na vyjimky relace 
uspesne ignoruje zcela 100%.

Ale osobne bych nepokladal za moc dobry napad mixovat relace a ways. 
Defakto se tim dostavas do stavu kdy muze nasledovat predem 
neodhadnutelne hluboky prochazeni relaci a do nic vlozenych relaci ... 
aby ses dopatrala skutecnych prvku.

Navic pokud mas v relaci primo ways, da se snadno primo v editoru 
overit, ze na sebe navazujou (alespon v josm urcite).

V tomhle pripade pak narazis i s pristupem, ze budes vkladat jenom 
relace, protoze soucasti ty mezinarodni silnice budou i jen casti useku 
narodnich silnic, takze postavit to jako superrelaci nad relacema se ti 

Pro vysvětlení - v noci jsem opravovala mimo jiné trasu E55 v Českých
Budějovicích. Je to tu vedeno tragicky, takže to byla práce na dlouhé
lokty a jednoznačně ještě ne definitivní, s úseky rozdělenými na
forward/backward. Ideálem by bylo kvůli těm změnám tenhle úsek vyjmout -
pravděpodobně v několika částech - a udržovat samostatně. Navíc se to z
části kryje s dalšími relacemi, takže jinak to znamená opakovat
několikrát a doufat, že to místo vylepšení někde nepo... nadobro.

Proto také zkouším analyzovat všechny možné dotčené relace a z toho
vzešel první dotaz.



Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HDYC, login requirement and "privacy"

2017-05-05 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

On 05.05.2017 11:01, Christoph Hormann wrote:
> ... or use some rouge open instance running anonymiously somewhere.

I am aware that no matter what we do there will always be "rogue" uses
of our data.

Therefore making all contributors aware of what they are releasing about
themselves and how it could be used against them remains important no
matter what we do. (And we have to find ways to do that without sounding

In fact, we have a similar situation with our license: We spent
countless years debating and then changed our license to what we thought
was best. We all know that we cannot keep a rogue user from ignoring our
license - but at least we can define what we want to allow.

I am expecting the same for the sensitive user data. We will never be
able to ensure that the data is not used against the wishes of the users
- but we can ensure that those who do this are in clear violation of our
terms and hence "bad guys".

Just to pick a random example:

Today, if you are looking for a job and you're being interviewed by a
potential employer, the potential employer could say: "I can see from
OpenStreetMap that you've been editing a lot during the day in your last
job. Did you not have any work to do?" - and the employer would not even
be "wrong". Harvesting the full history file for totally OSM unrelated
information like that is not against any of our rules; it might be
against the law in some countries but certainly not in others. If you
publicly complained about what happened to you, it is very likely that
there will be many people like in this thread who will say "duh, you
idiot why didn't you use a pseudonym, didn't you read what you signed up
for, lah lah lah".

I would like to come to a point where, if this happened to you in a job
interview, you could afterwards point to an OSM policy and say: Clearly
this company has violated OSM rules, they must have created an account
under false pretenses to get at this data and they're using it for
purposes not sanctioned by OSM. That won't make you get the job, but it
would at least make clear that we stand with our contributors against
abuse of their data.

(If that hasn't become clear already, I am of the opinion that the
current contributor terms don't necessarily mean that the contributor
asks OSMF to distribute their *metadata* under ODbL - I think it just
applies to the *geodata*, and if we wanted we could slap restrictions on
the *metadata* part of things.)

> For a balanced discussion - and i am not saying i would actually prefer 
> this approach to what you are suggesting - the whole problem could also 
> be approached from the other side by reconsidering the possibility for 
> partly anonymous edits. 

Yes. I think both approaches could be grouped under "restricted access
to personal information", and there will probably be still other
approaches with their own advantages and disadvantages.
, and I would even assume that "restricted access to personal
information" and "

>> Hence, 
>> anyone with an OSM account could make such an animated progress map,
>> and it could be shown to anyone with an OSM account. Only if you want
>> to distribute it outside of OSM you'd either have to
>> remove/pseudonymize the user names [...]
> That part is really tricky, you'd have to be very specific on what kind 
> of aggregation is necessary to make the data ok to be published.  
> Obviously just replacing each user name with user is not 
> going to cut it.  Without clear rules here anyone who publishes 
> anything based on such data would be in a legal mine field.

Yes; even today if a person uses a nickname with OSM and not their real
name, I think it would in many cases be easy to make the case that it is
very easy to de-pseudonymize the person. Currently when someone asks us
to delete their account we simply replace their user name with user_1234
(their numeric user id); it is quite possible that this is totally
insufficient at least in countries with strong data protection laws such
as the UK because the person can still be identified and connected to
all their edits.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Large multipolygons for Forêt d'Anlier

2017-05-05 Per discussione Julien Minet
Hi list,

Recently, I merge several polygons together to create a multipolygon "Forêt
de Rulles", which has now a osm id
itself. I'd like now to merge several polygons together to form the Forêt
d'Anlier, 7000 ha, the biggest mostly deciduous forest of Belgium. My goal
is to create a unique object named "Forêt d'Anlier", and eventually link
this object with its wikipedia page

But to do this, I identified 7 multi-polygons and 3 simple polygons to
merge, accounting for a total of 49 closed ways! I plan to do it by taking
the multipolygon with the highest number of polygon and add the other ways
of the others MP, but...

   - it takes time to do so, can I simply add a multipolygon to another
   multipolygon? it seems possible in JOSM (I tried) but it gives a warning.
   - is it a good idea to create such a big MP?  If not, what can be the
   alternative to give the name "Forêt d'Anlier" and other tags to this large

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HDYC, login requirement and "privacy"

2017-05-05 Per discussione Simon Poole
Am 05.05.2017 um 11:38 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
> Usually in statistics, information down to the block level is not
> considered personal informationn. You won't be able from OSM edits to
> say in which house someone lives, or who she is, so it doesn't seem to
> apply.

Anybody that participated in contacting editors during the licence
change knows that the above, is, sorry, rubbish. While it is true that
you can't identify every single contributor the large majority can be

> At the moment we can't know what kind of data protection rules will
> govern OSMF in the future, given that EU rules will not automatically
> apply any more, soon, if Brexit is not stopped (nonetheless, local
> chapters might be an issue here).
The GDPR applies to anybody that processes data of EU residents (that
has been pointed out to you before) regardless of where they are located.

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Re: [OSM-talk] HDYC, login requirement and "privacy"

2017-05-05 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2017-05-05 10:35, Simon Poole wrote:

Am 05.05.2017 um 09:47 schrieb Maarten Deen:

We have all agreed to the contributor terms (although I can not find
the version I have agreed to, I can only find a version from 2016) and
that says that OSMF has the right to sub-license.


Thanks. Would it be possible to have the link in one's account page from 
OSM to link directly to the historic version that was signed? Now I have 
to judge that "about 6 years ago" will probably be later than the 1.2.4 
It wasn't even clear to me that this is a wiki page because it is so 

The link in the ccount page is 
http://www.osmfoundation.org/wiki/License/Contributor_Terms which is 
also a redirect, maybe that should be tackled too.


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Re: [Talk-it] immagini ortorettificate

2017-05-05 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Il 05/05/2017 11:48, Catonano ha scritto:
> Ok mi son ricordato
> Erano quelle di RealVista
> Ho un account, se è ancora valido, ma non riesco a risalire all' url del
> server wms
> Qualcuno lo sa ?
> E poi, come inserisco le credenziali in Josm ?
> Grazie ancora

Mi sa che il problema è la licenza, visto poi bisogna mettere
l'attribuzione dello sfondo WMS.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HDYC, login requirement and "privacy"

2017-05-05 Per discussione Simon Poole

Am 05.05.2017 um 10:37 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
> ..
> Also everyone can create new users at will, if your concern is privacy, you 
> could use a new user for every edit and nobody could associate these edits to 
> the same person.
> ..
Well if a "new user" includes

- changing (the version of) the editor you are using
- changing your language preferences
- changing how you comment on changesets
- changing your editing habits
- avoiding linking accounts via related edits

and observing a couple of further points, yes, then you might be correct.


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talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] immagini ortorettificate

2017-05-05 Per discussione Catonano
Ok mi son ricordato

Erano quelle di RealVista

Ho un account, se è ancora valido, ma non riesco a risalire all' url del
server wms

Qualcuno lo sa ?

E poi, come inserisco le credenziali in Josm ?

Grazie ancora
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Communes pratiquant l'extinction de l'éclairage public

2017-05-05 Per discussione Nicolas Moyroud

Ça rappelle ce qu'on a rencontré ici avec certaines associations 
cyclistes qui ne voulaient pas libérer leurs données car elles 
constituaient leur "fond de commerce".
Ah ben oui leur fond de commerce tiens. Ils doivent en vendre vachement 
souvent des données... Et puis il ne faudrait pas que quelqu'un propose 
une super appli utilisant leurs données, ce serait terrible ! Il y a 
vraiment encore un gros travail pour faire évoluer les mentalités en 
France. Et ça risque de ne pas s'améliorer, si vous voyez ce que je veux 
Pour l'ANPCEN, ils ont aussi peur que le "lobby de l'éclairage 
publique" exploite leur liste pour les contrer.
C'est à dire ? C'est quoi le lobby de l'éclairage public ? Ceux qui 
voudrait qu'on éclaire d'avantage les endroits où il n'y a personne ?


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HDYC, login requirement and "privacy"

2017-05-05 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Again on the term "personal data". According to the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) [1], pseudonymized data is not
concerned, unless it would be possible to attribute it to a natural person:

(26) "The principles of data protection should apply to any information
concerning an identified or identifiable natural person. Personal data
which have undergone pseudonymisation, which could be attributed to a
natural person by the use of additional information should be considered to
be information on an identifiable natural person. To determine whether a
natural person is identifiable, account should be taken of all the means
reasonably likely to be used, such as singling out, either by the
controller or by another person to identify the natural person directly or
indirectly. To ascertain whether means are reasonably likely to be used to
identify the natural person, account should be taken of all objective
factors, such as the costs of and the amount of time required for
identification, taking into consideration the available technology at the
time of the processing and technological developments. The principles of
data protection should therefore not apply to anonymous information, namely
information which does not relate to an identified or identifiable natural
person or to personal data rendered anonymous in such a manner that the
data subject is not or no longer identifiable. This Regulation does not
therefore concern the processing of such anonymous information, including
for statistical or research purposes."

Usually in statistics, information down to the block level is not
considered personal informationn. You won't be able from OSM edits to say
in which house someone lives, or who she is, so it doesn't seem to apply.
The part "Personal data ... which could be attributed to a natural person
by the use of additional information should be considered to be information
on an identifiable natural person. To determine whether a natural person is
identifiable, account should be taken of all the means reasonably likely to
be used, such as singling out, either by the controller or by another
person to identify the natural person directly or indirectly." leaves some
risk, but is essentially stupid, because with any kind and amount of
additional personal data you will hypothetically always be able to get to a
person, and costs and amount of time are always neglectible in the times of
electronic data processing, and given the rapid technological development.
So as pseudonymization is suggested in the directive to be applied, it
likely does restrict implicitly this paragraph to reasonably expectacle and
not every hypothetical case. To get from OSM edits to a natural person you
will need so much information about this person that you won't gain more
insights from looking at their edits.

Also, I am not sure whether this applies at all to OSMF, because OSMF never
collects personal data, it only collects an email address and doesn't
verify to whom it belongs and never publishes it, so probably there is no
"personal data which have undergone pseudonymisation", rather there wasn't
any personal data at any time.

At the moment we can't know what kind of data protection rules will govern
OSMF in the future, given that EU rules will not automatically apply any
more, soon, if Brexit is not stopped (nonetheless, local chapters might be
an issue here).

Btw: I think we should require our contributors to confirm to be adults (or
get explicit permission from their parents?), because children aren't able
to legally sign the CT, and their data is particularly protected. Current
CTs don't seem to account for this (or I haven't seen it).


[1] http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32016R0679
talk mailing list

[Talk-in] how to store the gov agency which currently manages this infra

2017-05-05 Per discussione vikas yadav

My neighbourhood has lot of agencies which keep the actual ownership of any
infra confusing. (like road, school, street light,etc). There are many like
XX Development Authority, Municipal Corporation, PWD, NHAI, etc. Are there
tags which I can just store just references to responsible office for a
street (gov_agency: "HUDA, Division VI" or "MCG, Zone 4","DJB, Circle N").
The is not the same as who constructed it cause they keep the ownership
moving between agencies every few years.

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Top 250 dell'Italia

2017-05-05 Per discussione Federico Cortese
2017-05-05 9:17 GMT+02:00 Catonano :
> Corfede fa un lavoro straordinario
> Lo avevo visto di persona ma non avevo il polso sui dati !

Ti ringrazio tanto per l'apprezzamento, anche se quello è solo
l'account che ho usato per l'import degli edifici in provincia di
Lecce e Taranto.

In realtà in quella lista sono solo in posizione 53 :)


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Re: [Talk-it] immagini ortorettificate

2017-05-05 Per discussione Cascafico Giovanni
Mapwarper [1] ti permette di georiferire immagini ed esportare tra l'altro
in WMS o TMS.Non ha funzioni di ortorettifica, se questa è intesa come
compensazione di parallasse o prospettiva.

[1] http://mapwarper.net/ 

Il giorno 5 maggio 2017 10:34, Catonano  ha scritto:

> salve,
> dopo molto tempo vorrei fare qualche edit alla mappa
> Ricordo che avevo trovato un servizio che forniva immagini ortorettificate
> per Josm
> Era richiesto di creare un account
> Lo provai, era buono
> Ora lo vorrei ritrovare nella mia posta ma non so con quale paroal chiave
> cercarlo
> Ho provato con le banali wms e tms ma non trovo nulla
> Avete suggerimenti ?
> Grazie
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-cz] Dotaz k relacím silnic

2017-05-05 Per discussione majka

Netuší někdo, zda je chyba, pokud relace silnice není kontinuální a
uprostřed kus jednoduše chybí?
Konkrétně se mi jedná o silnici I/3, relace 3267628. Relation analyzer

si stěžuje na to rozdělení, ale odpovídá to skutečnosti, uprostřed je
slavná jihočeská dálnice D3.

Případně nějaké nápady, jak to napravit? Výhledově rozdělit na dvě relace
pro severní a jižní část, pojmenovat stejně a obě samostatně přidat do
silniční sítě ČR?

A z jiného soudku - jak velké jsou případně problémy se superrelacemi (tedy
vyjmutí cest u části relace a nahrazením novou relací tvořenou touto částí
přidanou na jejím místě)? Co za komplikace lze čekat?

Pro vysvětlení - v noci jsem opravovala mimo jiné trasu E55 v Českých
Budějovicích. Je to tu vedeno tragicky, takže to byla práce na dlouhé lokty
a jednoznačně ještě ne definitivní, s úseky rozdělenými na
forward/backward. Ideálem by bylo kvůli těm změnám tenhle úsek vyjmout -
pravděpodobně v několika částech - a udržovat samostatně. Navíc se to z
části kryje s dalšími relacemi, takže jinak to znamená opakovat několikrát
a doufat, že to místo vylepšení někde nepo... nadobro.

Proto také zkouším analyzovat všechny možné dotčené relace a z toho vzešel
první dotaz.


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