[Talk-us] Importing Government Data

2008-12-18 Thread Sam Vekemans
Hi all,
Such great feedback from my latest 'rant: importing GeoBase nodes'
Thanks :)
What this did was sparked some major issues that need to be addressed.
I think this is more important, than going deeper on that rant.

I created a new wiki page Importing Government Data

This is a way for us all can try to summerize the issues, and answer
the questions that would (most likely) be asked from any country /
region considering importing government data.

The section i didn't expand on is about the scripts used in actually
importing the data these can be shown on the page. (hopefully people
can help out) http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Government_Data_Import_Script

Because there are a lot of overlap in the past discussions, hopefully
this page will be able to compare the issues from TIGER  AND, as well
as the other import projects (that i'm not aware of)

I hope that i touched on most of the issues raised.

Please to edit the wiki page, and reply back, as comments are how this
project will keep going :)

I'll get back to you all when i figure out a better solution than the
'nodes import' idea. :)

Sam Vekemns
Across Canada Trails

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Importing Government Data

2008-12-18 Thread Sam Vekemans
Cool :)
what can be done is creating a section for all the options for
importing government data - including the ones that were 'mud' but
state 'why' it was rejected.
Also list pending or aproved stuff

I got a start;
blow away data and replace on-mass
-slap on imported  data  create 'ghost lines' with existing data
-import data as nodes with reference to what shape/line/point it is,
keeping origional source designations
:cause we want to protect the existing osm data, and place it as a
higher priority
:cause we dont want to fill up the data base with duplicate nodes

-cordinate locally, copy select elements with a custom script layer
-use wms layer (rendered openlayer slippy map and trace
-write protect imported data (nodes? If a host can be found to donate resource?

-tracing over josm wireframe
-tracing over imagery
-tracing over free openlayers
-import only if it doesnt exist in the area

Sam Vekemans

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Highway tags - international equivalence

2009-02-03 Thread Sam Vekemans
Hi all,I noticed some discussion on the talk-us list about how to define
highways ... as when you get out of the city, it's often hard to know what
type of road your on. ... a speed limit might say 1 thing, yet everyone
drives faster.   :-)

Anyway, i added the Canada row, so it should be filled in.  Using the wiki

Perhaps the chart is a good place to fill in notes about how from province
to province a 'trunk' road is different.

I would fill it in myself, but i'm sure someone else would to a better job.

This chart is also a great place to show what the road signs look like
(colour differences etc.)

Sam Vekemans
Across Canada Trails
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] National Parks forests areas

2009-02-19 Thread Sam Vekemans
Hi all,The talk-us list brought up a good point, that we (for the
GeoBase/CanVec) import.  ... BTW, EVERYTHING that is available on the
geogratis.ca site which is under the same license is up for grabs.
We haven't yet listest EVERYTHING which COULD be imported. ...
Anyway, in Canada parks/forests/protected area's are also all messed up and

 We got local parks, regional parks. ..
Which have varying levels of protection. ... in some cases, with a vote of
the local government, land can be sold off to developers for suburbia. .. or
partially sold for Arbor Cleansing... clearing 'debris' so then trees wont
fall on paths, in the 'nature park'. ... or we can Pave our way through the
'nature' park.
We also have Aboriginal/Native Reserves... again these are different, as it
could (probably) be sold off.
We also have Unesco Biosphere reserves. Protected areas.

We have provincial parks... and national Parks.. run by 2 sets of
governments... we have inter-provincial parks.. a shared government run

So in summation, the best bet is to make an 'educated guess' and mark down
only what we know to be true. ... sometimes marking note=national_forest
and having the actual tag landuse=park, natural=forest  is better. I
prefer to tag operator=BC Parks or operator=Parks Canada

Remember that the tags that actually show that the physical thing you are
looking at is; can be different than what the government says it is.
Ie. .. because a sign says national park ahead, the entire political area
can be shown as a dashed line area but the physical land can be
different. .. ie. if there is an area which is a marsh, and an area of
high density forest (evergreens) we would like to note that on the map, with
different icons/symbols.
So yes, we can have the best of both worlds. .. so park rangers can be
happy, and edit the map themselves, when the park changes boundaries.

BC Parks:  I was told that BC Parks acquires land.  So what does that
mean?  Well, we know that ALL land is  owned by someone... the default
ownership is Crown Land... and from there it is registered and divided by
different groups... Reserve land etc.  Public land. .. But there are always
restrictions of what it means to be 'public land' ... it could mean that you
are allowed to hike through it, without a permit. .. but it doesn't mean
that you can cut down trees and start digging.

Anyway, the purpose of this note is that there are 2 forms of tagging. ..
tagging the physical natural elements, and tagging the political land

IMO, land ownership is shown by the boundary lines, and physical elements
are shown by icons and symbols and area colours.

Sam Vekemans
Across Canada Trails

P.S. If i had my way, i would tag the whole area as 'biohazard' so then it
will be left alone... but thats just me :0)  ... nor is it realistic.
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [OSM-talk] man_made=fish passage (tag proposal too)

2009-03-26 Thread Sam Vekemans
just in comparing GeoBase with TIGER, its handy to keep consistant (as
much as possable)


On 3/26/09, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason ava...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 12:43 AM, Sam Vekemans
 acrosscanadatra...@gmail.com wrote:
 I think it's worth creating a tag for a man_made=fish_passage
 I know that not all features that are available MUST get imported
 but i do think that each feature deserves some discussions before
 being dismissed

 Any comments?

 Just that regardless of what you call this particular feature, be it
 man_made=fish_passage or man_made=xyyz you should, when in doubt, just
 go ahead and make something up when importing external datasets
 instead of dropping it from the import.

 A tag is created as soon as you start using it, it can always be
 discussed further or changed later, the data being there is the
 important part.

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] gnis:reviewed=no map features

2009-03-29 Thread Sam Vekemans
if you can put the list of features along with the corrisponding OSM
tag to a wiki page, this would be helpful :)
(then i can help match features  cross-check to what i have)

i'm opting NOT to use the tag geobase:reviewed=no
(perhaps someone can convince me otherwise?)
Here's why;
The default would be no upon import.
I'm using the tags acquition_technique where most of it is vector
data so its easy to tell the reviewed level.
Also, the date data was acquered, is there too.
The fact that the address/phone/website tags arnt listed does give it away.
I'm wondering what the concensus was on how necessary it was to add that tag?
Did it help with filtering?
My guess is that it would just add more work.
As people would be going through the data anyway and fixing that they can.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [OSM-dev] Deleting TIGER node tags OSM 'best practice'

2009-08-06 Thread Sam Vekemans
Hi talk-us, talk-ca and dev lists,

re: Deleting TIGER node tags

Yup, its great to learn from others  experiences.
I too agree about having the extra tags. .. hence why the CanVec import is
taking so long to get out of BETA phase.
We do have some more of the GeoBaseNHN data imported (rivers in Quebec), and
for the Roads, All of Alberta and all of Ontario and parts of other
provinces have already been imported.  (with maybe too many tags, but that's
still debatable)

What I have a difficult time trying to convey to people asking about the
import, is that importing the data, is exactly that.  It's an Import so
it is not a 'Sync'.   It's a one-way import.

Yes, we do have tools which we can use such as OpenJUMP, RoadMatcher, so
then as new data becomes available, we can simply compare it with what
exists. Then, 'enhance the data' with what new information is available.

The purpose of OpenStreetMap is to create the worlds best and most accurate
'current map'.   So by default, ALL data that gets imported, should be
considered as old and be treated as data to be added-to the current map.
So... just because i have a lot of data to contribute... doesn't mean that i
have any power over what the existing map is like. (BTW, after +1 day all
data is old, since your not physically there :)

Sure, (for me and whoever is preforming manual import) its some work, were i
need to manually remove the duplicate imported data in favour of the OSM
version. ... but it isn't more work for the local area mappers.  Why should
they have to spend time removing duplicate stuff that i dropped in there?
... they shouldn't. (I can ask them to help, but that's all i can do)

That said, it's MORE important that these .osm files would become available
so that everyone has access to it, and can import it as they like. .. rather
than forcing an import on areas where it's not really needed.   The imported
data is ALWAYS a 'helper-data'. (and IMO should be thought of that way)

Ie. the other day, i was looking at a lake that someone else traced from
yahoo imagery (the lake was 7 nodes polygon).  When my version (from
GeoBasdeNHN) is 50 nodes polygon. ... which is more accurate so other
features can be shown.  The 'best practice' is that I take time and contact
that person who drew in that lake, and let them know that i have something
better. .. that will 'improve the map'.   (regardless of the source).  So
once i heard back. THEN i can replace. .. but not before.   Sure, it takes
extra time on my part, BUT it makes the map better overall.   That person
can then see the new data, and work on further adding details (adjusting the
piers and showing where park areas trails are etc.)

So anyway, having tags that are supposed to be used as cross-reference..
doesn't really make sense.  Since this is an open street map, where anyone
who has local knowledge of how the map should be, would know better than
what the import data says.

Good call,
Happy Mapping

Sam Vekemans
Across Canada Trails

Twitter: @Acrosscanada
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] NHD: python or java?

2009-08-07 Thread Sam Vekemans
On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 1:05 AM, Dale Puch dale.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 1:29 AM, David Carmeand...@halibut.com wrote:
  Which tool is most used, at the moment, for importing NHD data?  Chris's
 python stuff
  or Ian's java stuff? :)
  For those using Ian's stuff, who's developed the most complete rules
  Talk-us mailing list

 I got the impression that Chris's python is tailored made for the NHD
 where Ian's java is geared towards making generic shape imports a lot
 easier for the novice or non programmer.

Exactly, the java version, is really best for manual importing of the data,
and the python is for when your using bulk_upload.py script.  For when you
dont need to mess with what is already existing. ie. in many areas, were
there are no rivers / waterbodies to conflict with, a full upload is fine.
But for this canvec stuff i'm working with (importing rail-lines,
powerlines, sport_park_fields etc, i need to watch for what other have
done).  So bulk_uploading the data wont help. (ie. importing rivers in the
middle of a city, where other mappers might have done just parts of the
river. (perhaps in more detail than the import data available)

I recommend maintaining just 1 version of the data for each script, with a
comparision chart (like i have with the Google Docs chart), as they both
need to have all the same tag-matches, and just keep track of the script

How are you keeping track of the National Dataset?
For Canada, Im thinking at using a GoogleDocs spreadsheet might be easier,
since there are so many different tiles (canada is made up of an NTS Grid of
only 4,984 unique tiles) where some will be uploaded at different levels of
completness... and different levels of data available.  So i have a chart
with all the types of data..  then what i can do is give access to it for
whoever wants it.

Hope that helps,

 Dale Puch

 Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Deletion of unnecessary TIGER node tags will commence this week-end

2009-08-09 Thread Sam Vekemans
Great work Frederik thanks,

I'll also be monitoring the progress, considering the VERY high likelihood,
that tag changes will be needed for the Canada Import at some later date.


Twitter: @Acrosscanada
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Frederik Ramm frede...@remote.org wrote:


I have started the job that removes the unnecessary TIGER node tags
 (and removes the nodes themselves should no tags remain and the nodes be
 unused - this applies only to a small number of nodes).

 As discussed here, we'll remove tiger_tlid, tiger:upload_uuid (and
 the misspelled variant tiger:upload_uid), tiger:county, and
 tiger:source. We will also remove source but only if one of the
 other tags is present AND the content of source refers to TIGER.

 You can see which area is currently being processed, and what has
 already been done:


 The job will generally work in county-sized chunks, but don't expect
 that once it has visited a county it's done with it - many counties will
 have to be visited multiple times because they have so many nodes. Also,
 it can always happen that some edits fail during the first run, and
 these left-over nodes will then be picked up later.

 The job does not proceed evenly but instead jumps randomly across the
 US, doing one county here then one county there. This is because I want
 to avoid that someone who e.g. regularly processes all changes in
 California suddenly has millions of changes in a few days - I'd rather
 spread things out a bit to soften the impact for everyone.

 I'll closely monitor the job but if any of you should notice something
 strange, please do tell me.

 Initial results are a bit disappointing speed-wise, I am currently not
 sure if we'll make the November target but we'll see.

 I'll keep you posted on major developments, milestones, etc.


 Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

 Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [OSM-talk] Encourage foundation candidates to self-govern

2009-08-19 Thread Sam Vekemans
They arn't,
Its just we (as in the OpenStreetMap community) want to ensure that
all decisions that get made, are done done so with the best interest
of the community.
And of course, it will. :-) (even with more CM staff on board  As
thats great to have)

So having representatives who are working on all the other major
projects (itoworld, marble desktop, kosmos, josm, openlayers,
openarialmap, open-manyother-maps, walking papers) should all get
focus too. And good representation, now that OSM is maturing and
experiencing 'growing pains'. :-)

Since OSMF is an international organization,
we want to make sure that decisions arn't a single company, but always
with the best interest of the 'spirit of OSM'.

So im working on 'blind-faith' that everyone who wants to be a board
member does so, because they want to keep the 'spirit of OSM' alive.

Anyway, I noticed the post about a 'community non-profit company' on
the diary board (or  something like that) so its worth exploring

Thats all for now,


On 8/19/09, Matthias Versen s...@mversen.de wrote:
 Richard Weait wrote:
 The Foundation board should have no more than one candidate from each
 company in my opinion.

 Unbelievable !
 Sorry but why is Cloudmade trying to corrupt the free and open
 Openstreetmap with such actions ?
 Shame on you !


 talk mailing list

Twitter: @Acrosscanada
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Need help with SHP2OSM Rules file

2009-08-26 Thread Sam Vekemans
Hi, its

it takes a little trial  error at 1st.
Btw, also add
and make sure the source allows for copying :)

hope that helps,

On 8/26/09, Chris Hunter chunter...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm doing some preliminary work on making the state park data from the
 Minnesota DNR available to the map.  I've sliced up the state park
 boundaries and trails into small enough chunks for JOSM to handle, but I'm
 having difficulties with my rules.txt file.

 It may be a silly question, but does the search string in my RULES.TXT have
 to be an exact match for the program to apply the tags and values I want?
 The info in the WIKI and the README file wasn't very clear.

 Here's an example field:
 (B=Hiking permitted, C=Horses Permitted, and H=Snowshoes permitted)

 Can I just create 1 separate line for each of the attribute abbreviations,
 or does SHP2OSM require a line for each attribute in each possible

 Thanks in advance,
 Chris Hunter

Twitter: @Acrosscanada
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Local-chapters] Statement of purpose for local chapters

2009-09-21 Thread Sam Vekemans
Re: talk-us discussion

Having 1 member living in the state of incorporation is key, and 20
members i nice to have. There is a need to search internally to find
mappers who are also lawyers and have experience setting up

Also, phone teleconference works, provided people know about it, and
what # to call :-)

I'd (really) recommend setting up a talk-nz and a talk-au list with
osm.org so that everyone is on board and on the same page. (im on the
other lists and can see that there is a rift, or maybe its just me :)

In Canada we have the OSGeoBC  Ottawa  Quebec list, where some are
OSMrs, we all need to be on the same page :)

re: big .osm files
I need to than Ian Dees (again) because since SHP-to-osm-5.0.jar you
can add the -maxnodes 2000 switch where it will make nice small
.osm0 .osm1 .osm2 .osm3 etc. files that can be happely imported with

Hope that helps,

On 9/21/09, John Smith deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com wrote:
 2009/9/21 Sam Vekemans acrosscanadatra...@gmail.com:
 Thanks John,
 This sounds a bit better worded than before. And looks like something
 that i'd recommend for Canada to start thinking about next year.

 We're starting to come up with ideas where a local non-profit is
 essential, fund raising for sat imagery etc, the draft stuff for local
 chapters that already exist isn't final and who knows how long it will
 take to finalise the new local chapters stuff so we're most likely
 going to incorporate sooner rather than later as it is hindering our

 You are welcome to borrow from the rest of the document we've cooked
 up so far, not sure how much use it will be to you or most others as
 it's essentially the model rules the NSW state govt publishes modified
 with a statement of purpose etc.


 Btw, im also following along on the talk-us list, as there seems to be
 a more active interest.

 Any chance of a summary so we don't have to reinvent the wheel where

 Fortunataly, the process im going through is a 'data conversion' where
 i make the .osm files available, rather than 'blanket importing
 myself' i think its a good work-around, and should be adopted for
 other imports.

 This is what happened with Aussie post codes, except a couple of them
 are exceptionally large  40,000 points and so you can't easily do
 much with them in JOSM.

Twitter: @Acrosscanada
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Reply-to?

2009-10-13 Thread Sam Vekemans
try, replying ALL, cc's the talk-us list.
There is a setting to make it so that you dont get this message twice, for


On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 3:06 AM, David ``Smith'' vidthe...@gmail.comwrote:

 Why is it, when I receive messages from this list, they don't come
 with a reply-to header so replies automatically go back to the list
 and not individual sender(s)?  That would be helpful.  The newbies
 list has such headers.  I looked on the list subscription site and I
 didn't see any settings that appear to relate to this.

 David Smith
 a.k.a. Vid the Kid
 a.k.a. Bír'd'in

 Does this font make me look fat?

 Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] US-based Server

2009-10-21 Thread Sam Vekemans
Do you mean a server for viewing the tile cache right? (that holds a
planet file  gets a second diff)
Where osm.com /osm.us could be used and a us-custom-render of the map
would be available as a default for people not logged in.

Or something else?


On 10/21/09, Ian Dees ian.d...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Talk-US,

 I am getting very close to working out a deal with an as-yet-unnamed ISP for
 providing a server for US-based OSM usage. I'd like to make sure we give
 them a good guess at system requirements, so if anyone has any serious ideas
 for what they'd like to see in a US-based OSM server, please respond here
 and we can brainstorm.


Twitter: @Acrosscanada
Blog:  http://Acrosscanadatrails.blogspot.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans
OpenStreetMap IRC: http://irc.openstreetmap.org

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] 2009 TIGER Shapefiles now available

2009-10-25 Thread Sam Vekemans
Is anyone just simply running a country wide diff set from 2008 tiger,
and then converting the files into  .osm format and simply making them
available, so local area mappers can claim their areas and copy-in
what ever they wish?


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] NY Bicycle Routes

2009-10-30 Thread Sam Vekemans
how are you tagging state-wide cycle routes?

I know we have
lcn= for local cycle routes (named  not named)
rcn=for regional cycle routes (ie metro area)

then there's
ncn=for nation wide
but there's no
scn (state cycle network) or pcn (province cycle network)

in Quebec we have a state-wide network, but listed as ncn. (route de verte)
(the Trans Canada Trail isnt a 'cycle route' per say, but elements of
it allows cycling on different surfaces). Do we make a new render for
a 'recreational trail'?

Is there an established practice?

Sam Vekemans
Across Canada Trails

On 10/30/09, Richard Welty rwe...@averillpark.net wrote:
 i have added a page for NY state bike routes here:


 and added my just created relation (not quite complete) for the Mohawk
 Hudson Bikeway from Rotterdam Junction to Albany.

 lots of bike routes in NY need to be documented: http://www.ptny.org/


 Talk-us mailing list

Twitter: @Acrosscanada
Blog:  http://Acrosscanadatrails.blogspot.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans
OpenStreetMap IRC: http://irc.openstreetmap.org

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] NY Bicycle Routes

2009-10-30 Thread Sam Vekemans
On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 7:37 PM, Richard Welty rwe...@averillpark.netwrote:

 On 10/30/09 6:59 PM, Sam Vekemans wrote:

 how are you tagging state-wide cycle routes?

 I know we haven
 lcn= for local cycle routes (named  not named)
 rcn=for regional cycle routes (ie metro area)

 then there's
 ncn=for nation wide
 but there's no
 scn (state cycle network) or pcn (province cycle network)

 i'm using rcn, it seemed the closest. maybe scn should be created?


 lcn = is light blue... local cycle routes
rcn = dark blue  regional cycle routes
ncn = red ... national cycle routes

... and ya, i think maybe a pink or  a green for a scn. .. i would also
recommend that pcn be used in the same way (as come contries uses province')
So, if both tags do the same thing, that would be a good solution.

In switzerland, the lcn is shown as regional cycle route... town to  town,
where the dark blue is shown locally. (so if the the dark blue and light
blue were swiched)

So if switzerland was used as the basis... we have.

rcn = dark blue (local cycle routes)
lcn = light blue (reginal cycle routes) or state cycle routes or region of
greater London area)
ncn = red national cycle route (that cross state/regional/province lines)

And where the local cycle routes are not listed... simply becacuase bicycles
can go everywhere that a car can go.


indicated that the way is part of the national cycle network
and on the other side of the river

is indicated as part of the rcn .. in light blue...

Where the dark blue appears to be only in the big cities..
such as Basel, where this dark blue is what connects the communities that
are IN basel.

So in other words... i think its a social thing.

We (in north America) think Bicycling as a 'recreation', where it's a
week-end thing, and just for the ''cycling people.   As the Automobile, is
considered 1st when cities are planned out.  They are simply designed with
the expectation that cars are to be driven everywhere.

So, on the otherhand, in Switzerland (when the city planners design
communities), they right away look at 3 things.  How pedestrians will use
the community, how cyclest will use the community, and lastly, how cars will
manuver through the city to get to the next city.

Where as, in North America, it's only pedestrians that get consideration, so
'sidewalks' are planed on every street, ... and it's only in the last 20
years that 'curbs' so wheel chairs can access them. (in MANY areas) we still
dont have accessable curbs.

So i propose that we start making the cyclemap, with the 'expectation' that
cyclists are allowed FULL use of roads.. (accept of course free-ways), and
bi-ways,  cyclists are expected to use the shoulder where available.  And it
doesn't need to be marked.

So this might require some effort on our part, and perhaps we need to have a
new tag for ccr city cycle route
... and this might eleviate the problem.
As in the case of our example, the cyclemap for Solothurn, it doesnt
indicate which roads are 'cycle friendly'   that's probably becuase they ALL
are. :-)

Sam Vekemans
Across Canada Trails
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Local-chapters] Can someone please start communicating better?

2009-11-02 Thread Sam Vekemans
Hi All,
In the US, there is some chatting going on about the US chapter being
formed, although some of the technical details (local laws) are different,
the same general principle and ideas and reasons for becoming a local
chapter are the same internationally.

All the problems... logistically (time changes) and ability to actually meet
in person  or via conference call or via skype / video, are pretty much the
same for everyone.

In Canada, (once the import is further underway, there will be more active
involvement with the national team), so the need to form a chapter might
become clearer to more people.

I probably should have forwarded the wiki page i made up last week to the
local-chapt...@openstreetmap.org list, so then others can see  comment.


In Canada the OGeo BC chapter is interested in knowing what's going on.
(but im not a chapter, im just 1 person) .. and the OSGeo Ottawa group  the
Quebec group are also interested, and there is a language barrier for the
Quebec group.)

Also, it would be great to see what's going on with the Spanish chapter
(OSGeo As well) then we all can see more clearer how it an all tie in.   (As
other countries might be further along, but we just dont know about it).

And with the Austrailia Import, there would probably be a need to a local
chaper (i know that OSM was talked about during the FOSS conference, but not
highlighted)  Since OSM-Australia doesn't exist yet, formal proposals are

And with The New Zealand data, i know the Linz is being worked on... but i
still cant see why they dont have an @openstreetmap.org mailing list, and
they use @osgeo mailing list.  (So all the OSGeo folks, are already in-board
in that country).

So you can see some inconsistencies.. where help is available, just not yet
being tapped.


On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 3:18 AM, John Smith deltafoxtrot...@gmail.comwrote:

 2009/11/2 Henk Hoff henk.h...@osmfoundation.org:
  I will check whether John is also included in the local chapters working
  group mailingaddress. If not, my apologies for not getting the
  If anyone else would also be involved with the *working group*, let me

 I can only assume that anyone wanting to be involved would have
 subsribed to the general list.

 Local-chapters mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Local-chapters] Can someone please start communicating better?

2009-11-02 Thread Sam Vekemans
On 11/2/09, Frederik Ramm frede...@remote.org wrote:

 Data imports and community are two completely different things. (Some
 say that data imports actually prevent community building.)
I did :-)
(in a very long-round-about-way)

 There is absolutely no reason to set up an incorporated chapter just
 because you have imported a ton of data. A chapter can perhaps reflect
 the growing community, but hardly ever create a community out of thin air.

 There are certainly valid reasons to set up a chapter - but an import
 takes just one or two people whereas bringing a chapter and community to
 life requires more. Often it is also a different kind of person - doing
 an import requires technical expertise but being socially inept is not a
 problem, whereas you can successfully run a chapter without knowing what
 a changeset is if you are a good communicator and motivator...


 Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

Yup, thats probably why my attempt at hosting an SOTM in Ottawa back
in September ... didnt work :-)

(for now im leaving OSM Mappers Vancouver Island meet-up group to
someone else) ... who is better qualified.

And for that I nominate anyone else (to setup a Canada chapter) who is
more skilled at that part .. you know who you are. :-)

ya, im happy to be a director WITH a local chapter, but not the
chairperson. (i'm updating the wiki, thanks for the pointers)

Organizing an external database to suit OSMs needs is A LOT easier
than organizing a group of people, with conflicting ideas, but are all
correct as they all have valid points.    every new idea that
people brings to the table, helps make the map better for everyone
... which is why local-chapt...@openstreetmap.org list helps everyone

(unofficial) OSM Canada Import Coordinator

Twitter: @Acrosscanada
Blog:  http://Acrosscanadatrails.blogspot.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans
OpenStreetMap IRC: http://irc.openstreetmap.org

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] deletion of talk-us-bayarea?

2009-11-13 Thread Sam Vekemans
If the only reason to have a local talk-list is to host mapping
parties, then meetup.com is better designed for that (it will find
newbie mappers easier). ( itoworld, you can find everyone around)
Otherwise, keeping the discussion 'more open' is best. imo.
Ie. If your talking about importing stuff, then imports@ works.
If its about tagging, then tagging@ works.
And transit@ stuff and div@ etc.

'cause most of the stuff talked about is always 'trying to define
standards internationally, resulting in better websites :)

(and less lists to be on too)


On 11/12/09, Sarah Manley sarah.m.man...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello All,

 Did someone delete the talk-us-bayarea list? From the last email discussion
 on talk-us there was never a full or agreed upon decision. I just tried to
 announce an upcoming event and got the following error message. I understand
 it's not an active mailing list, but it is used for announcements and should
 not be deleted with out consensus from those who are on the list.

 If you scroll to the bottom you can see the announcement I was trying to
 make for an upcoming mapping party.


 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Mail Delivery Subsystem mailer-dae...@googlemail.com
 Date: Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 4:45 PM
 Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
 To: sarah.m.man...@gmail.com

 Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


 Technical details of permanent failure:
 Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient
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 information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server
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 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Received: by with SMTP id 11mr409128wfi.101.1258073102381; Thu,
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 Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 16:45:02 -0800
 Message-ID: 2437b81b0911121645v5a0a968cte7ee9d3a9d69b...@mail.gmail.com
 Subject: gilroy hike  mapping party
 From: Sarah Manley sarah.m.man...@gmail.com
 To: talk-us-baya...@openstreetmap.org
 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=00504502b00d5e7445047835f8fd


 We are partnering again with the sierra club in the south bay to host a
 mapping party  hike (thanks shawn!)


 Also, we have been chatting weekly about forming the US OSM chapter. It
 would be great to have more bay area folks on the call.

 If anyone is interested in a SF (or closer to SF) meetup, let me know. Its
 been a while.


Twitter: @Acrosscanada
Blog:  http://Acrosscanadatrails.blogspot.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans
OpenStreetMap IRC: http://irc.openstreetmap.org

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [OSM-talk] OSM Mentioned in NYTimes

2009-11-17 Thread Sam Vekemans
Thanks for sharing, thats AWESOME!

If someone can take a photo of the actual article, then we can store it in
the media archive (or put it on the featured images :)

And a big thanks to Mr. Hintz who talked to the reporter who wrote the
article, awesome.

Im looking at the comments building up.  Great to read what all the
non-mappers say about OSM, having read about it for the 1st time from this
article. :-)

Hopefully, our team here is able to 'politely' correct some 'miss-guided'
statements.  :)

And if anyone is around Huntington Station Court in Alexandria VA  a
reader asked for that to be mapped, as apparently it's in correct  :) .. if
its already in OSM, then it can be pointed out.


On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 8:55 AM, Ian Dees ian.d...@gmail.com wrote:

 I did read the whole article. My point was that OpenStreetMap is not
 mentioned on the front page.

 On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 10:52 AM, John F. Eldredge j...@jfeldredge.comwrote:

 If you read the article, as opposed to just the front page, you will find
 OpenStreetMaps mentioned several times by name.

 John F. Eldredge -- j...@jfeldredge.com
 Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not
 to think at all. -- Hypatia of Alexandria

 -Original Message-
 From: Ian Dees ian.d...@gmail.com
 Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 10:37:20
 To: m...@koppenhoefer.com
 Cc: OSM Talkt...@openstreetmap.org
 Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] OSM Mentioned in NYTimes

 talk mailing list

 talk mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Talk-ca] Modifying GeoBase Ways.

2009-11-17 Thread Sam Vekemans
 Hi James,
(Thanks Daniel for the details)

I think we need to fix up the wiki so that the page on Canada Importing
Data (from all sources) is more clear (or maybe something bold at the top
of the page?).   That hasn't been done yet.  Unfortunately.

The idea for imports (of all types) is that the data is available to
'assist' in the development of OpenStreetMap.   Inotherwords, it's a *one-way
import*, where the original converted .osm file is available (weather it
gets actually used in OSM or not, *which is why the source shp.zip file(s)
is available as part of the conversion 'package'*

The license of openstreetmap (ODbl) is still under discussions at the
Foundation Level, and as well at the community level.   But basically, it's
reciprocal of what the license of Natural Resources Canada has.   You can do
what you like to the data and use it at your leisure, provided that you
indicate where the data came from, in a form that is recognizable to the
end-user.   (the idea is to help the user of the dataset and not to confuse
them :-)

And BTW, its great to hear that GeoBase  CanVec is looking to assist their
own dataset based on the changes that the OSM community provide for the
OpenStreetMap project.  (I think that TIGER is looking at doing the same

My earlier example (i forget who it was who i was explaining it to), is to
treat the data that is being imported as a 'newbie user'.  In fact, on the
import@ list, Andy Allan is working on a document, he wrote in an earlier

As part of a couple of projects, I'd also been asked to write some
guidance on how to do imports properly. I've written some guidance,
mainly aimed at the someone from a uni has their campus in a
shapefile type of person, not really for ultra-tech

You can find the .pdf file here:

Where in it, he highlights the idea to use a 'dedicated account for

It doesn't go into treating the data as a 'newbie' user, but the concept is
the same.  That 'newbie' user, wasn't physically there (most likely) so the
local area mapper knows best.

Although its really only for the situation where some (like myself) is
importing a big area,  So i log in with a different account, and then make
the 'tweaks' as my regular account.  So then this way, if data needs tobe
removed, it's only the edits from this 'separate account' that gets removed.

And BTW, i am STILL against including the UUID as part of the data thats
imported into the OSM project and INSTEAD use the physical location of the
node/way/area/multi-polygon to compare the old with the new datasets and
create a DIFF file which shows the 'whats missing'

And now with the welcome addition of local datasets, the OSM project becomes
even more complex, where we now have multiple sources of data representing
the same thing. So having that source:UUID tag means less and less, as the
OSM map gets better.

So far, on a technical level, know-one has shown evidence that this tag is
actually useful, (since the physical location trumps whatever tags).

... but alas, only time will tell.. then a bot will need to be made like in
the US which goes around and removes those tags :)

Anyway, the point is that it DOES need to be better documented, as i feel
that James isnt alone in that assumption dont touch the geobase roads as
it's 'sacred') or rather it gets put up on a 'pedestal' of higher
significance. .. way up their on a high plateau.
(Similar to how the TIGER data in the USA (WAS treated BEFORE more local
data became available), and people saw that TIGER is a *compiled dataset
collection* (just like GeoBase  CanVec is)

... which is why i believe that including that 'UUID' (inadvertently, places
the imported data on that 'high plateau pedestal', where it should really be
treated as a 'newbie user' and just keep the 'attribution  source tag on
there, but dont be concerned about it'

Thats my toonie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] US Chapter Mission Statement

2009-11-27 Thread Sam Vekemans
Just curious,
What is a protectorite? And why is it needed?


On 11/27/09, Chris Hunter chunter...@gmail.com wrote:
 Well, since no one has made a stab at this yet, I went ahead and did some
 research on mission statements in general, and OSMF's mission statement.

 *Mission Statement:*
 [US OSMF] is dedicated to improving the availability, quantity and accuracy
 of open-sourced cartographic information in the United States, its
 territories, protectorates and possessions.

 *Vision Statement:*
 To achieve this goal, [US OSMF] seeks to:

- Promote public awareness of the Open Street Map.
- Locate and secure freely-available public access to useful mapping
- Function as a US Not-for-profit Corporation to handle any copyright and
liability issues that may arise.
- Serve as a point of contact with individuals, corporations, and
government entities for securing data, equipment and funding for
- Interact with the international Open Street Map Foundation to promote
the issues and concerns of OSM users in the United States.

 Anyone else have ideas?
 DiverCTH (a.k.a. Chris Hunter)

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Serge Wroclawski emac...@gmail.comwrote:

 As many of you know, we're working on forming a US chapter of OSM.

 To that end, we've been having conference calls Monday evenings:

 And one open issue has been the mission statement.

 We'd like to have an open ended discussion of what people feel the
 mission statement should be.

 I'm sure people have thoughts on this issue, so let em rip.

 - Serge

 Talk-us mailing list

Twitter: @Acrosscanada
Blog:  http://Acrosscanadatrails.blogspot.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans
Skype: samvekemans
OpenStreetMap IRC: http://irc.openstreetmap.org

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] US Chapter Mission Statement

2009-11-28 Thread Sam Vekemans
Actually, i was wondering with the context of the mission statement.
(but thats fine, if thats needed to define that the US is)
OSM's job is to map it all, and list what local people call it.

Might i recommend adding a mandate to:
Maintain  ensure quality with the USA community specific standards,
and render the openstreetmap.com default map to be stylized to
ie. All labels to be english, a custom map key to list the way you
understand the meaning of 'freeway' and 'forest' ...etc.

As well as design and maintain  develope the page layout to the way
that the US chapter likes it to be.

Imo, the OSMF decides the page layout and what default map (and what
other maps) to display on OpenStreetMap.org is/are.
So thats something tangable :-)


On 11/27/09, Chris Hunter chunter...@gmail.com wrote:
 Oh, and Puerto Rico is a territory - although at least some of us
 mainlanders wish they'd make up their mind and either declare independence
 or ratify as a state.

 On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 2:04 AM, Chris Hunter chunter...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 1:45 AM, Sam Vekemans 
 acrosscanadatra...@gmail.com wrote:

 Just curious,
 What is a protectorite? And why is it needed?


 It's a pretty archaic idea - see

 IIRC, only the Marshall Islands are still a protectorate.

Twitter: @Acrosscanada
Blog:  http://Acrosscanadatrails.blogspot.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans
Skype: samvekemans
OpenStreetMap IRC: http://irc.openstreetmap.org

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] openstreetmap.us

2010-01-24 Thread Sam Vekemans
Just thinking,
A perk of being a OSM-us (paid) member could be that you get a
@openstreetmap.us email address?
(obviously forwarding it to whereever gmail can handle that part just fine)


On 1/24/10, Ian Dees ian.d...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 8:36 AM, SteveC st...@asklater.com wrote:


 I own openstreetmap.us

 There are other community sites like openstreetmap.nl and openstreetmap.de

 If anyone wants to set up something similar, just tell me the IP address
 your box and I will point the domain at it.

 Just so the rest of the community knows, I'm working on lining up hosting
 for openstreetmap.us based on donated servers (from WIkimedia) and donated
 rack space.

 It's slow going, so I haven't really been detailing it to the list. If
 anyone is interested in knowing what's going on, I'd be happy to post more
 details here.

Twitter: @Acrosscanada
Blog:  http://Acrosscanadatrails.blogspot.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans
Skype: samvekemans
OpenStreetMap IRC: http://irc.openstreetmap.org

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Whole-US Garmin Map (02-10-2010) update

2010-02-18 Thread Sam Vekemans
On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 8:49 AM, Apollinaris Schoell ascho...@gmail.comwrote:

 On 18 Feb 2010, at 5:36 , Lars Ahlzen wrote:

  Apollinaris Schoell wrote:
  Anyone knows where to get NED data for large areas? The seamless
  server is such a pain and it will take forever just for a single
  state. or we could start a crowd source effort to download and share
  They don't exactly advertise it, but USGS will actually take an external
 hard drive that you provide, fill it with NED data and ship it back to you.
  We're trying to find a place to host this massive data set, though, so
 hopefully downloading will get a lot easier soon.

 thats cool do you have the data already? What about providing it as a set
 of torrent files? Torrent is the perfect protocol to distribute such a huge
 set of data. btw how big is it?

 Actually, perhaps the best idea is to create a wiki page ... extention of
the US wiki page. and list the download locations of each of the topo map
IMG files.   Over time, these files will get shared across the torrent
network.   Just call it an obvious name... like 'SRTM USA Garmin 25m
Contours - MyState'. :)   (... i would prefer a sharing (everyone who is
working on it,  shares the page)  Google Docs chart, as it can handle a
larger volume of data in a single chart better than the wiki can. but
thats just me :)

Mediafire.com is fine, but it only allows for the max .zip file size of
200megs.  I dont know how many 1degX1deg tiles can fit.   .. Canada is
already chopped up into nice NTS tile sizes, so it makes it easier for
sorting out what tiles are available.  .. I dont know if the US has a
similar system?
... and this same system can be extended to convert north America... just
change the numbers

And ya.. i found that in areas that had buildings, the SRTM data choked and
it shows empty space.
Im going to (hopefully) get a hard copy (of the GeoBase data shp files), as
maybe i can build from that since it's slightly better.  ...although in
areas that have been minded the data might (obviously) be in correct.

Once i get a master install file done.. then i'll make a DVD of it, and
share it with people to rip more DVDs to pass on to others. :)  ... that's
how the ibycus topo is done.

(apologies if im repeating myself, it's getting late) :)


  - Lars
  Lars Ahlzen

 Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] New List: osm-professional

2010-03-03 Thread Sam Vekemans
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 2:49 AM, Frederik Ramm frede...@remote.org wrote:

 Serge Wroclawski wrote:
 It'll also be a bit less free-form than this list. osm-professional
 will be semi-moderated

 What does semi-moderated mean, who will do this moderation, according to
 what rules will he or she moderate, to whom will he or she be
 accountable in case of disputes about his or her moderation, and does he
 or she have any business interests of his or her own that might clash
 with the role of moderation?

Dear Sir,

I think it just means we should be putting on our business hats, and
use big words  throw in some technical 'buzz' words here  there, 
put on the virtual suit  tie, when using that list.
.. as the intended audience is from the 'corporate world'.
(so no :-) faces... and 'stuff' is needed). .. like a group of
hobbyists who want to totally change the playing field  disrupt a
century old industry of status-quo...

(Kind regards,)


 Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Fwd: [gvcc-members] Google Goes Bike with Directions

2010-03-10 Thread Sam Vekemans

But you cant print Google Maps in Books, nor can you create custom Garmin
Maps  Iphone apps with the data ... or print mugs. Or create custom
renderings or extract data from it.
Nor can you edit the map  add more details.

Nor can you create customs tourist maps (ie. Wiki-Travel)  maposmatic
...walking-papers or do anything else creative with the data.

Yup, sites like www.bikemap.net www.wikiloc.com www.gpsies.com all show the
OpenCycleMap layer  people keep donating their GPS tracks :-)

So yup, we'll always have the edge :0)


P.S. no i havent contacted the Bike League

-- Forwarded message --
From: ron richi...@telus.net
Date: Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 9:45 PM
Subject: [gvcc-members] Google Goes Bike with Directions
To: v...@yahoogroups.com, trans-act...@googlegroups.com,
gvcc-memb...@yahoogroups.com, disc...@lists.velolove.bc.ca

  *Google Announces Google Biking Directions at the
League of American Bicyclists'
2010 National Bike Summit *

*Washington, D.C. **-** March 10, 2010 **-* The League of American
Bicyclists is proud to be the forum for Google to announce what all bike
riders have been waiting for - Grab Your Bike and Go with Google Maps.
Google is announcing at the Opening Plenary Session at the National Bike
they are adding biking directions in the U.S. to Google Maps.This new tool
will open people's eyes to the possibility and practicality of hopping on a
bike and riding, said Andy Clarke, President of the League of American
Bicyclists. We know people want to ride more, and we know it's good for
people and communities when they do ride more - this makes it possible. It
is a game-changer, especially for those short trips that are the most

Users can now choose biking when deciding how to get to their destination,
starting today, March 10, 2010. If you're one of the 57 million Americans
who ride a bike, mapping your daily commute, and planning recreational or
trail rides just became easier. According to Google this has been the most
requested addition to Google Maps, and the League is delighted that they
have chosen the National Bike Summit to unveil this new feature. Google's
announcement further proves the importance of the Summit and the bicycle
movement in helping our nation become a more Bicycle Friendly
The Google biking directions will make it that much easier for bicyclists to
get to work, school or play.

This new feature includes: step-by-step bicycling directions; bike trails
outlined directly on the map; and a new Bicycling layer that indicates
bike trails, bike lanes, and bike-friendly roads. The directions feature
provides step-by-step, bike-specific routing suggestions - similar to the
directions provided by our driving, walking, or public transit modes. Simply
enter a start point and destination and select Bicycling from the
drop-down menu. You will receive a route that is optimized for cycling,
taking advantage of bike trails, bike lanes, and bike-friendly streets and
avoiding hilly terrain whenever possible.

try out this new feature. Biking directions for Google Maps is
in Beta. Follow the League's news feed on the new Google feature on
the League's
If you have any further questions, contact Meghan Cahill at 202.822.1333 or

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4930 (20100309) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

  Reply to senderrichi...@telus.net?subject=google+goes+bike+with+directions|
to groupgvcc-memb...@yahoogroups.com?subject=google+goes+bike+with+directions|
via web 

Re: [Talk-us] [Talk-ca] Fwd: [gvcc-members] Google Goes Bike with Directions

2010-03-10 Thread Sam Vekemans
When you use bikemap.net you can use the cyclemap layer  it will route
based on that.

Also, for Garmin MapSource with using - OSM Worldwide routable, it does a
great job routing cyclists :)


On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 4:44 AM, john whelan jwhelan0...@gmail.com wrote:

 Yes but do we have software that can work out a route for cyclists or
 pedestrians or bus and pedestrians yet?

 Cheerio John

 On 10 March 2010 03:30, Sam Vekemans acrosscanadatra...@gmail.com wrote:


 But you cant print Google Maps in Books, nor can you create custom Garmin
 Maps  Iphone apps with the data ... or print mugs. Or create custom
 renderings or extract data from it.
 Nor can you edit the map  add more details.

 Nor can you create customs tourist maps (ie. Wiki-Travel)  maposmatic
 ...walking-papers or do anything else creative with the data.

 Yup, sites like www.bikemap.net www.wikiloc.com www.gpsies.com all show
 the OpenCycleMap layer  people keep donating their GPS tracks :-)

 So yup, we'll always have the edge :0)


 P.S. no i havent contacted the Bike League

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: ron richi...@telus.net
 Date: Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 9:45 PM
 Subject: [gvcc-members] Google Goes Bike with Directions
 To: v...@yahoogroups.com, trans-act...@googlegroups.com,
 gvcc-memb...@yahoogroups.com, disc...@lists.velolove.bc.ca

   *Google Announces Google Biking Directions at the
 League of American Bicyclists'
 2010 National Bike Summit *

 *Washington, D.C. **-** March 10, 2010 **-* The League of American
 Bicyclists is proud to be the forum for Google to announce what all bike
 riders have been waiting for - Grab Your Bike and Go with Google Maps.
 Google is announcing at the Opening Plenary Session at the National Bike
 they are adding biking directions in the U.S. to Google Maps.This new tool
 will open people's eyes to the possibility and practicality of hopping on a
 bike and riding, said Andy Clarke, President of the League of American
 Bicyclists. We know people want to ride more, and we know it's good for
 people and communities when they do ride more - this makes it possible. It
 is a game-changer, especially for those short trips that are the most

 Users can now choose biking when deciding how to get to their destination,
 starting today, March 10, 2010. If you're one of the 57 million Americans
 who ride a bike, mapping your daily commute, and planning recreational or
 trail rides just became easier. According to Google this has been the most
 requested addition to Google Maps, and the League is delighted that they
 have chosen the National Bike Summit to unveil this new feature. Google's
 announcement further proves the importance of the Summit and the bicycle
 movement in helping our nation become a more Bicycle Friendly 
 The Google biking directions will make it that much easier for bicyclists to
 get to work, school or play.

 This new feature includes: step-by-step bicycling directions; bike trails
 outlined directly on the map; and a new Bicycling layer that indicates
 bike trails, bike lanes, and bike-friendly roads. The directions feature
 provides step-by-step, bike-specific routing suggestions - similar to the
 directions provided by our driving, walking, or public transit modes. Simply
 enter a start point and destination and select Bicycling from the
 drop-down menu. You will receive a route that is optimized for cycling,
 taking advantage of bike trails, bike lanes, and bike-friendly streets and
 avoiding hilly terrain whenever possible.

  try out this new feature. Biking directions for Google Maps is currently
 in Beta. Follow the League's news feed on the new Google feature on the 

Re: [Talk-us] [OSM-talk] [Talk-GB] Announce: OpenOS

2010-03-27 Thread Sam Vekemans
Hi, i wrote in-line

On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 8:36 AM, andrzej zaborowski balr...@gmail.comwrote:

 On 27 March 2010 16:17, Sam Vekemans acrosscanadatra...@gmail.com wrote:
  But actually we already have a Dev.osm server API that people use for
  samples, this maybe could be called OpenImportsMap.org?

 The purpose of dev is a little different, people test new tools there
 and do that often by adding nonsensical data or deleting a random

I do remember on the IRC someone recommending to a newbie to 'let their kids
go nuts' over on the dev API.  (perhaps that wasn't the best recommendation,
teaching the kid that is a group of volunteers who take pride in quality
work would probably have been better).

  For your clearinghouse you want something where data doesn't
 disappear for no reason.

Which is  an expansion of OpenOS to include the world, so this would be a
place to host the entire Import catelogue  (which BTW, that top header
should be BOLDED a little more) IMO.

From my example, I would need to be careful and only put in the data that is
intended to be used. ie. if a road network is available from 3 different
sources (national canvec nts size  geobase province size  provincial
Ontario separate dataset) we would want to make sure that the best version
is available.

Ideally, this is also a good home to store the entire CanVec/ TIGER / LINZ /
OS  etc..dataset (of all features). ...   So then it can:
1 - be updated all the time with the latest data (as new datasets become
available, that precious (or precarious)  UUID is kept nice and clean)
2 - it can be converted to a WMS (of the complete set  available to anyone
at any time)
3 - source shp files could be kept? (or just converted to .osm as soon as
its available from the source, if not available in real-time... but ogr2osm
could be programmed with a script to be run to check the source for changes
 convert as changes happen from the data source (checking source file
update-date  file size)
3 - and it can be all converted to .gpx (for if it isn't available as a WMS)
so people can trace over the geometry (in the regular OSM environment)
4 - and  have it as an (ugly) mapnik/osmarender/special_mix map tiles can be
rendered and shown.  .. not pritty because we dont want to encourage editing
of the this database.
5 - ... and doesn't interfere with the community work.
6 - ... and doesn't require people to 'claim' areas they are working on

eg1 (as in Canada we are 'claiming NTS tiles on a Google docs chart,
eg2 in Haiti the Hospital POIs were organized on a GoogleDocs chart with
access by invite (which was frustrating for mappers, as it became a separate
project, that always has to keep up) (ketchup and muster) ... keeping the
playground separate is requested many times over.
eg3 and other countries 'claim areas' using a wikitable.  (and requires
users to 'claim' that part of the file/file slice or geographic region)
eg4 or some other like Coraine with a dedicated website hosting it all (like
OpenStreetBugs).  ...[1]

These these methods currently in use are fine for an overview, but not for
the details as it cannot keep up, and actually destroys communities (yes
destroys).  Since the entire community is not on the talk@ lists, or IRC's
they dont know what's going on  cant help in real-time,  where as a
'OpenImportsMap'  WMS Layer[2] or pulling data from a different API[3] or
pulling GPX from a different API would solve this and keep the community)

 i could continue on for days but wont. :0)

(I cc'd the imports@ list and talk-us@ list and talk-ca@ list and the New
Zealand list (as they are currently in the planning stage of LINZ data.
Sorry, i just cant handle another discussion list :-)

Thanks to that user for sharing the wiki
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Importing_Government_Data page on that
journal entry yesterday :-)  ... i'll edit it and talk about canvec a bit
there.  (instead of making a new essay, i'll do that on a blog instead)


[1] the OpenImportsMap idea is a derivative / spin-off from the Corrine
import process (but on a much larger planet size scale)
[2] http://wms.openstreetmap.de/ already exists and is a holding house for
the WMS layers to be used.  the all could technically be combined in to 1
large WMS feed (as a few countries are now listed)
[3] the dev server is like these ones http://apis.dev.openstreetmap.org/ ...
where is says 'as a data sandbox', the idea here is to designate a 'sandbox'
for all of the data that is available to import. (or has already been
imported  the latest data can be 'imported' into this new sandbox and
replace the old sand.'   ... and the 'sand' is the entire world (made up of
little nodes).

 I also have some huge datasets that I'd like to put somewhere with API
 access that isn't the main database, one is an import ongoing for two
 years already, the other is a dataset I vectorised but can't use it in
 OSM because I'm

[Talk-us] Canadian International Boundary Offshore Limit

2010-05-09 Thread Sam Vekemans
Hi all,

I'm just thinking about that mega Oil Spill that happened, and the Canadian


One of the things im working on is mapping the National Protected areas and
aborigional lands, were some are off-shore.
The Atlas of Canada. http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Atlas_of_Canada is
currently the only source for this boundary info (that i know of), so it's
good to map it.
.. as it show what (canada thinks is this off-shore limit border)


Rweait noted that most countries just show the 12nm limit.  ... however...
the world doesnt always get along :-)

Because there is this Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents Marine Protected area
(rectangle) exists  it's way outside this limit.

So it would be interesting to see if others can find sources for the US
international waters...  and actually map out there these ecological
reserves are that have been damaged.  (in the gulf  of mexico) ..

as well as all the ecological reserves out in the pacific  what the US
thinks is the border limits

But perhaps even more importantly is the mega drilling off Alaska / Canada
coast.  So showing these boarders will help people at least put it into
context.   As it's never clear where these dilling areas are planned.
(since maps are never available)

Anyway, I'll wait until this gets rendered (at the different zoom levels),
then wait a little more after that so to get feedback.   Then continue
drawing this border in a few weeks.


Twitter: @Acrosscanada
Blogs: http://acrosscanadatrails.posterous.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans
Skype: samvekemans
OpenStreetMap IRC: http://irc.openstreetmap.org
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Canadian International Boundary Offshore Limit

2010-05-10 Thread Sam Vekemans
Ok cool, so are there any objections to me continuing this line all
around the country (where Atlas of Canada shows it)?

I'll still wait and see it rendered on Mapnik, so others will see it.

In the meantime, im adding in all the National protected areas along
the perimeter of the country.

The one in the far north, you just need to zoom in a little to see it.
There will be more detail in that area by september (from Natural
Resources Canada)


On 5/10/10, Brad Neuhauser brad.neuhau...@gmail.com wrote:
 This might be helpful regarding arctic boundaries/claims:


 On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 1:36 PM, Sam Vekemans
 acrosscanadatra...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm just thinking about that mega Oil Spill that happened, and the


 One of the things im working on is mapping the National Protected areas
 aborigional lands, were some are off-shore.
 The Atlas of Canada. http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Atlas_of_Canada is
 currently the only source for this boundary info (that i know of), so it's
 good to map it.
 .. as it show what (canada thinks is this off-shore limit border)


 Rweait noted that most countries just show the 12nm limit.  ... however...
 the world doesnt always get along :-)

 Because there is this Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents Marine Protected area
 (rectangle) exists  it's way outside this limit.

 So it would be interesting to see if others can find sources for the US
 international waters...  and actually map out there these ecological
 reserves are that have been damaged.  (in the gulf  of mexico) ..

 as well as all the ecological reserves out in the pacific  what the US
 thinks is the border limits

 But perhaps even more importantly is the mega drilling off Alaska / Canada
 coast.  So showing these boarders will help people at least put it into
 context.   As it's never clear where these dilling areas are planned.
 (since maps are never available)

 Anyway, I'll wait until this gets rendered (at the different zoom levels),
 then wait a little more after that so to get feedback.   Then continue
 drawing this border in a few weeks.


 Twitter: @Acrosscanada
 Blogs: http://acrosscanadatrails.posterous.com/
 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans
 Skype: samvekemans
 OpenStreetMap IRC: http://irc.openstreetmap.org

 Talk-us mailing list

Twitter: @Acrosscanada
Blogs: http://acrosscanadatrails.posterous.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans
Skype: samvekemans
OpenStreetMap IRC: http://irc.openstreetmap.org

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Appalachian Trail data

2010-05-20 Thread Sam Vekemans
Then it's a good reason to go an physically survey it.
It's fine to load the .gpx file onto your device... as long as your
physically hiking/waking/driving to the TrailHeads, it's fine to use... then
you manualy update OSM that way.

... just because the AT data is Official  doesn't mean that it is actually
accurate to the physical land.

I am finding the same with the Trans Canada Trail  gpx data.   In some
cases, the source data was collected a long time ago and local area trail
groups have changed the trail but didn't tell the Master Source of Trans
Canada Trail that it's been updated.  (and sometimes the origional data was
collected when the trail is along railbeds that are in Canyons so the GPS
recieves a poor signal.   In those area's i see a 20 meter difference.   And
in other areas i found that the route is changed.

Happy Hiking :-)

You can also post your trail/route over on GPSies.com   that system will
donate your GPS tracks to OSM.   So it's a Win-win.  (GPSies.com also uses
OpenCycleMap as a background map so that's great too)

Sam Vekemans
Across Canada Trails

... PS.  Im getting ready to bike the entire Trans Canada Trail.  but
there is one problem. .. the Trans Canada Trail is a Greenway  and not a
Biking Trail nor is it a hiking trail  ... LOL  :-)
... at least the Appalachian Trail is actually a designated Hiking
PPS.  yes, im also working on the National Hiking Trail  (unfortunately the
folks working on it have sold their sole to the Trans Canada Trail)  :(
... so that knowone will be able to actually use the TCT end-to-end 
oh well, more work for me :-)   (see above username)  :-)
 but 1st I need a detailed basemap.  So for you, it's a good thing that
TIGER has already been imported, so its just a matter of correcting as you

On Thu, May 20, 2010  8:10 PM, Eric Christensen e...@christensenplace.uswrote:

 I'm getting ready to hike a small portion of the Appalachian Trail (AT)
 and was looking for data to put into my GPS.  It appears that portions
 of the AT have been added to OSM with some missing sections.

 The Appalachian Trail Conservancy has some interesting information on
 their website[1] which looks like good information for OSM but I don't
 see any licensing information, at first glance.

 Has anyone contacted them about possible inclusion of their data into
 OSM?  If not, I could try to work with them so we could include their
 data.  It would be a great asset to have.



 Eric Christensen

 Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Trailheads

2010-07-02 Thread Sam Vekemans
its tourism=information; information=guide_post;name=The Trail Name
on a node next to the trail exactly where the physical sign is.

Then, attach the trail segments + the trail marker node to the route relation.


On 7/2/10, Val Kartchner val...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sat, 2010-06-26 at 20:50 -0400, Greg Troxel wrote:
 Val Kartchner val...@gmail.com writes:
  I've wanted to tag the trail heads for the paths I've added.  I've
  searched for such a tag in the wiki with no luck.  It would be like the
  tag for parking: An area would indicate parking as well while a point
  may indicate parking.

 trailhead as a point is an interesting concept, and hard to pin down.
 It seems to apply to bigger trails more than anything else.
 Conceptually, what distinguishes something you'd call a trailhead?  To
 me, a trailhead doesn't necessarily have good parking, but somehow
 stands out as a hike start/end location because the trail that comes to
 the road is particularly important.

 If a trailhead is just amenity=parking and information=board, we have a
 way to represent those.

 So I think what's really missing is some way to label some
 highway=footway as more important than others.

 I've been thinking about this question for a few days.  Maybe the only
 way to distinguish a trailhead is that it has been designated as this by
 some trail authority.

 For instance, the Ogden River Parkway
 (http://weberpathways.org/trails_display.asp?ID=30 ) crosses several
 streets but only certain places are designated trailheads.  On the West
 Haven Trail (http://weberpathways.org/trails_display.asp?ID=32 ) the
 trailhead is located where there is public parking and a paved trail
 (not a sidewalk) all of the way to the Weber River Parkway.

 What other way could we use to designate trailheads?  Many GPS units
 have icons and searches for trailheads.  What criteria do they use?

 - Val -

 Talk-us mailing list

Twitter: @Acrosscanada
Blogs: http://acrosscanadatrails.posterous.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans
Skype: samvekemans
IRC: irc://irc.oftc.net #osm-ca Canadian OSM channel (an open chat room)

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