Re: Thinking more outside of a Jam

2009-11-17 Thread Don Grieser
I saw Jimmy Gaudreau use a capo on his mandolin at a bluegrass
festival. It sounded great. It's a tool. Use it for a certain sound or
effect but not because you're too lazy to learn to play in Bb or B.
Monroe style players play out of closed positions anyway even when
they don't have to, right?

If I had a mandolin in GDGD and needed to play a tune in AEAE, I'd
slap a capo on (if I could find one) rather than spend 5-10 minutes
retuning. I use one with mandola, octave mandolin and mandocello.

On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 5:26 PM, wrote:
 I really think you have to be a butt-kicking good player to get away with
 using a capo, so good that
 no one questions it.  That wouldn't be me.

 Clyde Clevenger
 Just My Opinion, But It's Right
 Salem, Oregon
 Old Circle


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Re: What is it about Mandolins?

2009-11-09 Thread Don Grieser

Do you have it on hold? Because if you don't, someone else does and
it's not me. g

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 1:40 PM, malagrass wrote:

 Let me first say, I think I have a great mandolin. Its an early
 Stanley F5, it sounds superfantastic and i've not heard anything
 except taters Gil that comes close. At least to me.however I see
 there's a Red Diamond on the Cafe' that has my interest but why?

 Why is it that I have a perfectly functional (i hope) and great
 sounding instrument but I'm thinking of dumping this and some cash-ola
 into something i've never heard. I really don't think I can do it, not
 for financially reasons but I think...or feel my stanley has found a
 home. Sortof like an old dog, it may not be perty, and may smell funky
 but when you git down and bang on it it just comes to life.

 So yea, sounds like i've talked myself out of it but I sure wish
 someone would buy that freekin Red Diamond.

 Does anyone else go through this. I mean if I did buy the Diamond,
 would that be it I seriously doubt it and the plight would

 I have a Huss and Dalton Gitaar, that i've searched about 4 years for.
 Since then i've never looked at another. But i've probably owned 15
 mandolins in 5 years, most very nice and would satisfy almost
 everyone.cept ole' bill.

 BTW, if I would buy it I'd have to do the whole deal without having my
 wife find out. Maybe thats what i'm after, the challenge.


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Re: Kenny Baker Tribute Shows

2009-11-09 Thread Don Grieser

I finally got to listen to it. Great job. What a fine ensemble of
musicians to play these tunes! Good on ya, son.

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 5:25 PM, Linda wrote:

 Great stuff Brian, I have been looking closely at Kentucky Waltz.  I
 really liked the things you did with it. Very nice.
 Great tone, rhythm, and ..ideas.there.

 On Nov 10, 10:58 am, Steve Cantrell wrote:
 Awesome job, man. Great picking all the way around.

 From: Dasspunk
 To: Taterbugmando
 Sent: Mon, November 9, 2009 5:29:58 PM
 Subject: Re: Kenny Baker Tribute Shows

 Thanks all for the kind words. I am lucky to have such players that
 are willing to put up with me. All the boys had such a great time
 doing these shows, we're thinking of doing more of 'em. We'll see.

 Thanks again everyone,

 On Nov 9, 10:13 am, Joseph wrote:

  I accidentally hit 'reply to author' here's my question and Brian's

  Hey Brian,

  You mentioned that all you played for the last few weeks was stuff off
  the album.  What do you think that has done for your playing?  I'm
  guessing that it has made you more of a disciplined player and

  Great playing by the way, I especially liked your solo on Monroe's
  Hornpipe.  Very sweet!



  Thanks for the kind words. I definitely did notice an improvement in
  my playing from having to focus in on the record. I also had to
  prepare physically for it, as two sets of Monroe is challenging for
  someone who doesn't play professionally. I played the album straight
  through twice a day for most of the past week.

  It really was a full ton of fun.


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Re: Practicing ect...

2009-11-08 Thread Don Grieser
My tech assistant at school coaches basketball. He gave me this quote from
Bobby Knight the other day that could easily be adapted to playing music.
The will to prepare to win is more important than the will to win.

I've been spending time with the metronome again lately while working on
some tunes on the octave mandolin. That metronome can't keep time worth a

On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 6:04 PM, Terry Bullin wrote:

 Good luck with the kit.  I'm about to retire and have tinkered with the
 notion of trying one of those.  Is the kit from Stewmac?  Post some pics
 when you get it done, love to see it.

 --- On *Sun, 11/8/09,*wrote:

 Subject: Re: Practicing ect...
 Date: Sunday, November 8, 2009, 7:00 PM

  Okay, the truth about why I've posted more today than I have all the rest
 of the time I've been on the group.
 I'm building an F-5 from an IV kit for my son for Christmas, it's time for
 binding and it scares the hell out of me.
 I've been practicing (not the mandolin, but binding)  I've bound two old
 Army Navy style mandos and an old
 guitar and I'm getting better, but none of these are anything like an F-5
 and I really want it to look good, it's for my son.
 Creative avoidance, I'm good at that.

  Clyde Clevenger
 Just My Opinion, But It's Right
 Salem, Oregon
 Old Circle


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Re: Norman's sage advice

2009-11-04 Thread Don Grieser

I have a friend who took private lessons from Andy Statman and he
shared some of his lesson experiences with me. One thing Andy said
that stuck out in my mind was you need to really learn one thing
completely. Don't dabble in bluegrass, learn a little swing, switch to
choro, go explore jazz, then learn some more bluegrass. Pick one and
master that language. Then all those other languages will make sense.
If you never master the one thing, you'll never acquire the
understanding you need to really speak in any of the languages. Your
playing will have no depth.

Being lazy and a slow learner, I haven't learned Monroe yet. There's
some tunes/breaks I've learned note for note. There's some
tunes/breaks I get a sense of and just wing it. The more you learn
note for note, the easier it gets to wing it. And the stuff you can't
play (the limitations you run into), you find another way to make
something that fits into the feeling of the tune.

On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 7:06 PM, mistertaterbug wrote:

 You ask a valid question...several actually. In my opinion the answer
 would be yes, try. Getting the general gist seems to leave me wanting
 more. I don't really think it's possible to understand what's being
 listened to with only getting the gist of it. One thing that occurs in
 the pursuit of understanding another's style is that the ears change
 over time, you become educated on what you're hearing and therefore
 new things occur to one's musical mind that simply were not there
 before because there was not enough education to understand them. My
 opinion, of course.

 Brian presents an interesting point about acquiring one's own nuances.
 David Grisman says that he used to try and play like Monroe in the
 early days, but the more he tried, the more his own thing emerged.
 Who's to say why dawg music was born or whether it had anything to
 do with Grisman's pursuit of Monroe. I think it probably had more to
 do with David doing a whole lot of mandolin playing and his muse
 speaking the loudest. There is also a lot of evidence that even Monroe
 played sounds and arrangements he heard being played by others.

 John Hartford used to say that he believed that a person's style is
 based on that person's limitations, that no one can play what they
 actually hear inside them. I would suggest taking that idea a step
 further and say that many times personal limitations are self-imposed.
 Not always, sure, but that would also take into consideration Brian's
 lazy streak(and my own). I know a number of musicians who openly admit
 to not being able to play at the level they know they could if they
 would just focus and work on it, yours truly included.

 I'm rambling on, so I'll get back to the point as I understand it.
 Yes, it is good to seek the nuances, to believe in something and
 follow it. Doing the work to learn only makes one a better player and
 opens other doors to personal discovery. Our own sounds will emerge no
 matter how hard we try to sound like someone else.

 On Nov 3, 2:22 pm, 14strings wrote:
 Does anybody here get bit by the guitar flatpicking bug once in a

 I'm presently on one such binge now. It's fun to jump ship once in a
 while and makes coming back the mandolin fresh.

 Anyway I was watching Norman Blake's first Homespun guitar video and
 he said something that I've heard before but the way he said it made
 it finally sink in. He said, and I paraphrase I want you to get the
 idea of what I'm doing but I want you to do it your own way this way
 you'll play the best of what YOU have to offer

 In other words it's really difficult to get the EXACT nuance of
 someone elses playing and should we even try? Or should we get the
 general gist of it and play what comes naturally to us?

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A Couple New YouTubes

2009-10-25 Thread Don Grieser

Finally got back to participating in the Mando Cafe Song A Week group.

Midnight on the Water

Master Crowley's Reel

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Re: Ginny Hawker and Tracy Schwarz

2009-10-22 Thread Don Grieser

I saw them a couple years ago in Colorado. Lot's of heart and soul is
absolutely right. They are the real deal.

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Mando Chef wrote:

 I'm goin to see these folks tomorrow, should be right up my alley.  I
 don't much care for that refined pop voice.  I like the ol timey
 sounds of Ralph stanley and the like.  Plus I don't have a refined pop
 like voice so maybe that is why I don't.  My kids call me pop and that
 is about as close as I get!  Any way I should be able to jam with them
 after the show so that should be fun.

 Here is a link for those unfamiliar.  There are loads of video on
 youtube of Ginny and of Tracy when he was with the New Lost City
 Ramblers and solo stuff.  Lot's of heart and soul...

 Time to get modal...


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Re: Your weekend music plans

2009-10-19 Thread Don Grieser

I played at a mountain biker/home brewer event way out in the
mountains this weekend. I played with some folks I hadn't played with
in years--lots of Grateful Dead/rock and original tunes. We had a
packed roomful of people up dancing. Camped that night--it was in the
30s at 8000' in the NM mountains--good thing I had some extra blankets
and had ingested enough home brew antifreeze not to care. It was great

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 2:39 PM, Dasspunk wrote:

 Well we just added a second show out at the Richmand Center Auditorium
 in Richmand Center, WI on Nov. 7th. So now I have two chances to get
 it right ;)


 On Oct 11, 3:06 pm, mistertaterbug wrote:
 You better play it right, boy...

 On Oct 9, 2:22 pm, Brian Ray wrote:

  I'll be practicing for this...


  On Oct 9, 10:20 am, Don Grieser wrote:  
  have any plans for music this weekend? My plan is to do some  recording at
  home this weekend. Been working on a bunch of  instrumental tunes recorded
  on mando family instruments. It's time to  get them done.   What are you
  doing this weekend?

   Baker Plays Monroe-c.jpg

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Re: Passionate mandolin

2009-10-02 Thread Don Grieser

Yes indeed, Robin. That's what it's all about.

When I get lost in the music, the inner dialog goes away, and the
song/tune plays itself through me--those are the times I live for. How
do you get to that place more often? That's the question.

Learning to play the mandolin is more a spiritual pursuit/journey than
just learning tunes/technique to me. Does that count as passion?

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 5:32 PM, Robin Gravina wrote:
 For me the thing that kills me about learning music is the immense technique
 you have to get in order to just stand up and say something through your
 instrument. For me, that is what marks a real musician: not being able to
 ride the chord changes in a fancy way, but being able to transmit the
 emotions that you have within the context of the song. Or in fact letting
 the song do its work, with you as a vehicle. That's why Monroe is a master.
 When I'm practicing I always have that idea in mind, and hopefully the
 enormous gap between what I would like to express, and what I am able to
 express will get ever smaller.

 I like this theme, and I like the messages.

 On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 5:17 PM, Mike Hoffmann

 Music is odd for me because, like any relationship, my lust for it
 comes and goes.  There are times where I am driving in my car and I
 hear a melody in my head and I can go home and arrange it on the
 mandolin.  Or I will have a particular tune that I hadn't planned on
 learning running over and over in my head and it will be pie to
 learn.  Other times, I really really want to learn something and it
 doesn't stick.

 I think where the passion comes in is when I know to stick with it.
 Playing music has provided me with more joy than anything else, save
 my relationship with my gal, over the past seven years.  Sure, I will
 sacrifice playing music on a come and go basis to play baseball
 (interferes with sunday busking session) or to do something with my
 family, but music is always there.  I have lifelong friends whom I
 have met through playing.  How could I not be passionate!

 When I first heard that Frank Wakefield gives lessons I drove two
 hours once a month to sit in his kitchen and drink coffee and play
 mandolin and listen to stories.  Now, I drive over five hours six or
 so times a year to play music with dear friends.

 The nice thing about music is it is CHEAP!  I do my budget every two
 weeks and music takes up a tiny little sliver of my income.  Sorry
 Mike, wish I could take more online lessons;  I will pay your electric
 bill in the future when I can pay mine.  Honestly though, people are
 so willing to share with a young musician that I have been able to
 learn so much without having to buy books, videos, lessons.  With the
 internet, there are odles of resources out there for the taking.

 Anyhow, I am passionate
 Hoff Jessin


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Re: Mike and David Radio Interview

2009-09-29 Thread Don Grieser

Thanks for the link, Brian. Good to hear those fellers talking on the
radio just like they would in person. Wish I could be there and take
in the show. Last time I saw them was up in Colorado a couple years
ago. I'd sure enjoy another Compton  Grier CD, too.

On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 10:17 AM, Dasspunk wrote:

 Fred I'm surprised y'all don't have more interest in this sort of
 thing up your way. On the other hand, your professional football
 team wears purple. Purple!

 Here's the interview if folks missed it... Compton and Grier live from
 the Road Master!


 On Sep 29, 10:48 am, Fred wrote:
 Good time!  Wish our local radio heads were a tad more interested in
 doing this.  If any of you Twin Cities folks want to help out, give a
 call to KFAI (our best shot at a roots interview)--Pam Kolapailo or
 Dakota Dave Hull at 612-341-3144, their main number.

 We've been sending them messages with no response as yet so maybe if
 listeners let them know they'd like to hear these guys on the radio we
 can get it done.  They're in their pledge drive this week too so
 something like this would sure seem to help them as well as push the

 Dasspunk wrote:
  Mike and Mr. Grier are en route to the Midwest and will be doing a
  radio interview at 10:30am (about 10 minutes from now) on WORT FM
  (Madison, WI).

  You can listen in free here:

  Should be entertaining... :)


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Re: New Skaggs CD

2009-09-23 Thread Don Grieser

Does it say who made the mandocello on the CD cover?

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Nelson wrote:


 He plays 12+ instruments on the disc, including the mandocello.  They
 are all well done, especially the OT banjo, in my opinion.


 On Sep 23, 9:47 am, 14strings wrote:
 I hope this is o.k. to address in this group. 

 Nelson I guess it's not okay LOL..
 I have the CD and it's a good one; I like how it's not overly drenched
 in reverb or over production.

 On another note I was at a Cracker Barrel and picked up their
 Bluegrass Train Songs CD (no MC on this one) It has Sam and Ronnie
 playing mandolin.I can usually hear those two guys styles but so
 far I'm having trouble picking out whose playing when.

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Re: CD Release

2009-09-21 Thread Don Grieser

That's about the only place I could throw in a Monroeism.

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Mando Chef wrote:

 Loved the turnaround on Bubba Ray

 On Sep 20, 12:08 pm, Don Grieser wrote:
 Something to add to my resumé: foofoo mandolin

 On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 10:59 AM, mistertaterbug wrote:

  Good stuff, Don. I love to hear you play foofoo mando(to quote Stuart
  Duncan after hearing one of my solos on a pickin on
  recording)...G. I reckon it takes wearing many hats to get it all
  done, right?


  On Sep 19, 7:55 pm, Don Grieser wrote:
  Well, it ain't no bluegrass and mostly no part of nothin', but if you
  want to check it out, I'm the mandolin player on this home-grown

  It's from a live show that I multitracked just for fun and we liked it
  so much we added some extra stuff to it. Best mando solos on tracks 5
   8 (slow songs). Crosspicking on tracks 11  13. Track 3  10 are
  just fun. 1, 2, and 7 have some backup I like.

  FYI: I did the graphics on it too and I'm playing my Campanella Due on
  it. The cd cover shows the view behind the outdoor stage.

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Re: CD Release

2009-09-21 Thread Don Grieser

The url has changed on the page. It's now  Oops.

Lots of recording talk follows for Mike. Ignore if you're not interested.

The basic tracks were recorded live using 57s and 58s into the
Presonus Firestudio in Reaper at 24/44.1. Vocal harmonies were done
with an OktavaMod 219. Some were done with the Presonus, some with the
Apogee Duet. Extra instruments were done with OktavaMod 012s.
Eventually some extra instruments were done with a KM84 through the
Apogee. I brought everything into Logic Express dry from Reaper once I
had it all edited and levels evened out. We thought the plugins
sounded better in Logic Express. Mixed it down to 2 track getting the
best sound I could at 24/44.1, then ran it through Logic's mastering
channel preset making adjustments until I felt like it was balanced. I
think I used a little eq and the compressor. Then applied Voxengo's
Elephant limiter to get it louder. Then played mixes in a bunch of
different systems to hear how it translated and compared it to
commercial CDs on the same systems and went back and made adjustments.
That was a long process.

On the lead vocals, I did a lot of automated fader moves as well as
compression to try to even out the vocals--bring up the softer parts.
Didn't compress the mandolin but did the guitar to keep its level
constant. It took a lot of eq to try to get some presence in the
vocals/instruments because of the 57s/58s. I did put my Heil PR20 on
the mandolin and that track didn't get much eq. The overdub tracks
didn't need hardly any eq. I started with the Logic compressor presets
for vocal/acoustic guitar and then adjusted settings till it sounded
good to me. I tried not to get carried away with eq, compression,
reverb, etc.--tried to use as few plugins as I could and not use
extreme settings on any of them.

What did I learn?
1. 57s  58s have some huge bumps in their frequency response,
especially with the proximity effect.
2. It takes me a really long time to finish a project like this. I'd
get it to a certain stage and live with it awhile and try to figure
out what it needed. I eventually got someone from tapeop to do a mix
for me and then I tried to reverse engineer his mix and make mine
sound like his. I learned a lot from that experience. I ended up
getting some Axiom M2 speakers and an Adcom GFA535 amp for monitoring.
That made a huge difference in being able to hear what was going on in
the mixing stage.
3. I enjoy the recording/mixing process.
4. By the time it was close to done, I couldn't tell if it was
sounding better or worse. I needed other folks to listen to it and
tell me what they were hearing. I need to get better/faster at making
decisions and getting things done.
5. I like Logic Express better than Reaper for a lot of things.

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 1:31 PM, Romkey wrote:

 Nice-sounding project. If you feel inclined to talk about microphones,
 compression, mastering and so forth, please share. Sounds as if you
 sort of served as musician-engineer-producer on this. What was your
 approach and what did you learn?

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Re: CD Release

2009-09-20 Thread Don Grieser

Something to add to my resumé: foofoo mandolin

On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 10:59 AM, mistertaterbug wrote:

 Good stuff, Don. I love to hear you play foofoo mando(to quote Stuart
 Duncan after hearing one of my solos on a pickin on
 recording)...G. I reckon it takes wearing many hats to get it all
 done, right?


 On Sep 19, 7:55 pm, Don Grieser wrote:
 Well, it ain't no bluegrass and mostly no part of nothin', but if you
 want to check it out, I'm the mandolin player on this home-grown

 It's from a live show that I multitracked just for fun and we liked it
 so much we added some extra stuff to it. Best mando solos on tracks 5
  8 (slow songs). Crosspicking on tracks 11  13. Track 3  10 are
 just fun. 1, 2, and 7 have some backup I like.

 FYI: I did the graphics on it too and I'm playing my Campanella Due on
 it. The cd cover shows the view behind the outdoor stage.

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CD Release

2009-09-19 Thread Don Grieser

Well, it ain't no bluegrass and mostly no part of nothin', but if you
want to check it out, I'm the mandolin player on this home-grown

It's from a live show that I multitracked just for fun and we liked it
so much we added some extra stuff to it. Best mando solos on tracks 5
 8 (slow songs). Crosspicking on tracks 11  13. Track 3  10 are
just fun. 1, 2, and 7 have some backup I like.

FYI: I did the graphics on it too and I'm playing my Campanella Due on
it. The cd cover shows the view behind the outdoor stage.

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Re: New Duff 'Dola

2009-09-15 Thread Don Grieser

If that old dola needs a home out west please, no boxers though!

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Dasspunk wrote:

 You're gonna need them boxers!

 On Sep 15, 11:05 am, mistertaterbug wrote:
 ...looks like Paul threw in a free pair of boxers too...

 On Sep 15, 11:00 am, mistertaterbug wrote:

  Howdy Folks, howdy.
  I just got some pics of a new 17 scale mandola by our Mr. Paul Hello
  Dahling Duff. He says it's very balanced and alive. Check out the
  pics on the file page.

  Can't wait to get my grimey hands on it!

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Re: Chilly Winds of Shannon

2009-09-10 Thread Don Grieser

I did a YouTube video of my transcription of Monroe's playing on this
tune. Search for mandomando09--YouTube's blocked at work so I can't
give you the link. My guess is that Skip took it where he thought it
should go.

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 7:12 AM, 14strings wrote:

 I been knocking around this tune for a year or two mostly based on
 Skip Gorman's version on his Monroesque CD.the only Monroe
 version I've heard is on Jimmy Campbell's Pieces of Time but it
 seems Skip's got some more parts in there.

 Does anybody know if those extra licks are Skip's alone or based on
 another Monroe bootleg?

 Just curious


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Roland White's Soldier's Joy

2009-09-10 Thread Don Grieser

Wonderful versions--lots of ideas  his left hand is a study in efficiency.

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Re: I'm Baaaaaaaaack....

2009-09-07 Thread Don Grieser

Ran sound for the Zuni Mountain Stupa consecration Saturday. Heard
some incredible Tibetan musicians playing double coursed stringed
instruments and a Tibetan bowed instrument. Beautiful melodies. Lots
of ceremony and dances too. I can't believe my camera batteries died
and I'd forgotten my extras.

Got a paying gig out in the woods this afternoon. Yay! I hope the rain
waits till we're done.

Will play at a CD release 9/26 backing up a songwriter on his
originals. I've been part of the house band backing up some folks who
have played at an outdoor venue near my place this summer. That's been
a lot of fun.

On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 6:46 AM, Val wrote:

 I'm thinking ... not yet to the buzz point though. But really glad
 you're back and all went well. best, val

 On Sep 5, 12:57 pm, mistertaterbug wrote:
 Howdy Folks.
 I'm back off the road with EC. What a hoot and learning experience.
 Looks like there's more coming in April of next year too, plus a
 session in February of about half a dozen new songs written by EC and
 Jim Lauderdale(seems like some folks just have an open connection with
 the source...). There's also some new instermints coming, another
 mandola from our Mr. Duff and a little acoustic/electric goodie in the
 works(can't say yet...sorry!). Looks like the board is going slow. I
 reckon ya'll are out on family vacations and the like.

 Come on, let's get buzzing.

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Re: I'm Baaaaaaaaack....

2009-09-07 Thread Don Grieser

Techung's group is who I did sound for, if you want to hear the instruments.

On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 8:13 AM, Don wrote:
 Ran sound for the Zuni Mountain Stupa consecration Saturday. Heard
 some incredible Tibetan musicians playing double coursed stringed
 instruments and a Tibetan bowed instrument. Beautiful melodies. Lots
 of ceremony and dances too. I can't believe my camera batteries died
 and I'd forgotten my extras.

 Got a paying gig out in the woods this afternoon. Yay! I hope the rain
 waits till we're done.

 Will play at a CD release 9/26 backing up a songwriter on his
 originals. I've been part of the house band backing up some folks who
 have played at an outdoor venue near my place this summer. That's been
 a lot of fun.

 On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 6:46 AM, Val wrote:

 I'm thinking ... not yet to the buzz point though. But really glad
 you're back and all went well. best, val

 On Sep 5, 12:57 pm, mistertaterbug wrote:
 Howdy Folks.
 I'm back off the road with EC. What a hoot and learning experience.
 Looks like there's more coming in April of next year too, plus a
 session in February of about half a dozen new songs written by EC and
 Jim Lauderdale(seems like some folks just have an open connection with
 the source...). There's also some new instermints coming, another
 mandola from our Mr. Duff and a little acoustic/electric goodie in the
 works(can't say yet...sorry!). Looks like the board is going slow. I
 reckon ya'll are out on family vacations and the like.

 Come on, let's get buzzing.

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Re: Monroe Bear Family Disks

2009-09-02 Thread Don Grieser

Jimmy Campbell's Pieces of Time is one of those out of print CDs.
Monroe plays mandolin on all of it, I think, and it's one of the last
recordings Monroe made. It contains The Chilly Winds of Shannon and
a blues tune Bill wrote for one of Jimmy's sons.

The 50's Monroe recordings with Jimmy Martin rate right up there.
Monroe's power/downstroke playing really grabbed me early on when I
was starting in on his style and it still does.

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 6:59 AM, wrote:

 I agree..the 50-58 period has some mean sounding stuff on
 itthe Sally Jo
 on there is unlike any other Monroe cut I've heard. 59-69 starts to
 get a more polished sound when Rowan, Keith and Greene enter the
 scene. The first one with the Monroe Brother's and The Band is
 essential too.

 Neil Rosenberg's book seems to be the source when it comes to tracking
 this stuff.
 According to that book there are quite a few cuts (some of those
 obscure latter day fiddle tunes) that Monroe guested. But sadly many
 of those records are out of print.


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Re: Monroe Bear Family Disks

2009-09-02 Thread Don Grieser

I haven't heard of that cassette by Jimmy. I agree that the older
Monroe got, the more he trasmitted the deeper meaning of the music
in his playing.

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 12:36 PM, wrote:

 Maybe I'm the odd duck, but I love the Monroe discs from the 80s+. The
 old man just kept getting better and better IMHO. And I also love all
 of the Jimmy Campbell records (Pieces of Time, Young Opry Fiddler and
 the rare cassette tape Top of the Morning). MAN that boy could play!
 One of the best...


 On Sep 2, 8:55 am, Don Grieser wrote:
 Jimmy Campbell's Pieces of Time is one of those out of print CDs.
 Monroe plays mandolin on all of it, I think, and it's one of the last
 recordings Monroe made. It contains The Chilly Winds of Shannon and
 a blues tune Bill wrote for one of Jimmy's sons.

 The 50's Monroe recordings with Jimmy Martin rate right up there.
 Monroe's power/downstroke playing really grabbed me early on when I
 was starting in on his style and it still does.

 On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 6:59 AM, wrote:

  I agree..the 50-58 period has some mean sounding stuff on
  itthe Sally Jo
  on there is unlike any other Monroe cut I've heard. 59-69 starts to
  get a more polished sound when Rowan, Keith and Greene enter the
  scene. The first one with the Monroe Brother's and The Band is
  essential too.

  Neil Rosenberg's book seems to be the source when it comes to tracking
  this stuff.
  According to that book there are quite a few cuts (some of those
  obscure latter day fiddle tunes) that Monroe guested. But sadly many
  of those records are out of print.

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Re: What's going on?

2009-08-18 Thread Don Grieser

Val, I've been enjoying EXP77s on my oval.

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Re: What's going on?

2009-08-17 Thread Don Grieser

I've been participating some in the Song A Week group over at the
mando cafe. Last week the tune was Southern Flavor. I had never really
learned that one, so it was a good opportunity to work it up. Here's
the video I posted.  This
week it's I Am A Pilgrim so I've been listening to Clarence and Roland
trying to figure something out.

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Miss Sheiks Tribute Album

2009-07-31 Thread Don Grieser

Just came across this on TapeOp.

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Ashland Breakdown video

2009-07-27 Thread Don Grieser

I redid this video and added the first part if anyone wants a look-see.

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Re: Ashland Breakdown video

2009-07-27 Thread Don Grieser

I've had the Campanella for sale, but I've turned down several offers.
Guess I want to keep it. I'd better delete that ad.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 6:15 PM, wrote:

 That campanella sound fine indeed.

 On Jul 27, 5:54 pm, Don Grieser wrote:
 I redid this video and added the first part if anyone wants a look-see.

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Re: Ashland Breakdown video

2009-07-27 Thread Don Grieser

Oops, I thought that was going just to Mike.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Don wrote:
 I've had the Campanella for sale, but I've turned down several offers.
 Guess I want to keep it. I'd better delete that ad.

 On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 6:15 PM, wrote:

 That campanella sound fine indeed.

 On Jul 27, 5:54 pm, Don Grieser wrote:
 I redid this video and added the first part if anyone wants a look-see.

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Re: Compton/Grier

2009-07-24 Thread Don Grieser

Was that a typo? Wal-Mart Center?

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 8:29 AM, wrote:

 Correction: closed.

 Mike and Mr. Grier will be performing live, and in person, in lovely
 Madison, WI on Saturday, October 3rd at Wil-Mar Center.

 Feel free to contact me for more info...

 On Jul 23, 12:13 am, mistertaterbug wrote:
 Closing in? Damn, Orangina.

 Usually David and I play two sets. We start together, then split off
 and do seperate mini sets. David has historically done his set first
 and then I join him on the end, take a break, then same scheme on the
 second with me doing a mini set in the middle. Easy greasy. I'm
 looking forward to it.

 Been doing a LOT of playing up here in the woods. Playing a bunch with
 Rich DelGrosso, Carol McComb, Evo Bluefield. Some great pickers up
 here. Fun stuff from David the man with the hair Keenan and his
 honky tonk sound. Lots of great swing, gypsy, fingerstyle guitarists.
 Outstanding jazz singers too, Jennifer Scott of note.

 Yee haw,

 On Jul 21, 1:47 pm, Dasspunk wrote:

  No worries... I am still on the hunt for a proper room to have them
  boys down in Madison. I'm closing in!


  On Jul 21, 7:58 am, Fred wrote:

   My Bad!  It was definitely Friday, October 2nd.

   Dasspunk wrote:
Hey Fred,

You booked Sat the 3rd or Fri the 2nd? Now I can't remember :)


On Jul 20, 7:20 pm, Fred wrote:
Well some details are still being ironed out but I don't think it's 
early to announce that the Whistlepigs are dragging their sorry
carcasses up to St. Paul on October 3rd--one night only at the 
Stone Theater.  I'll keep you all posted as to when tickets are
available for purchase.

Mike Hedding wrote:
Anyone catching any of these shows coming up? I heard they're going 
be out westwas hoping someone could post a set list or tell me
what kind of stuff they're playing these days. I got to start

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Re: jump start?

2009-07-15 Thread Don Grieser

It takes a lot less muscle strength to fret a note than we all
normally use. Remember that and you'll be fine.

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 8:04 AM, erik wrote:

 New pickups and bridges. Broke 30 strings on the last tour, including
 8 in one night. Needed new gear to arrive in mail, I spent 5 minutes
 taking a look and then said a professional's gonna have to help me
 here. It's sort of one of those things where every little bit that's
 pushed me here seemed like it had to happen at the time. Now I'm here
 and I'm scared.

 I'm not too nervous about a crowd saying to itself, that mandolin
 player's fatigued, I can tell. Looks like he got some sun though. I'm
 nervous about being so fatigued that the other guys in the band
 (who've been gigging with side projects this summer) will have to
 cover me. It's a big gig for them too and I don't want to let them

 THanks for the elastic band advice. I don't plan on running scales so
 much as playing the hell out of my band's tunes in the garage. And
 thanks for the reminder that I'm my own biggest critic.


 On Jul 15, 8:29 am, mistertaterbug wrote:
 Nothing substitutes for regular practice/playing. Nothing. I have a
 pub gig tonight which will consist of a lot of fast-moving bluegrass
 songs and usually some songs I don't know or don't play regularly
 enough to be on top of. I'm not ready for it, but it's a bar crowd, so
 who's going to know if I screw up or my confidence level is down? Me,
 that's who. Won't matter otherwise. I already know I'm not going to be
 on top of it, but it doesn't matter. I'll enjoy it, get paid, have a
 beer and go home.

 It's been my experience that doing anything makes one better at it and
 keeps your chops up(sorry), and the reverse is certainly true. I
 can't say that I agree with Topher in the least except for the rubber
 bands advice. I know of a few fellows here in Tennyshoe that have used
 that treatment to great benefit. But onward to protest...How would
 playing a nylon-stringed instrument with a different scale length
 prepare one for a gig using a mandolin with metal strings? Nylon does
 not play like bronze/brass/steel strings. Hell, even plain steel plays
 differently than wound steel, so how does this help? I suppose Topher
 should have told you which ukelele you are supposed to warm up with,
 as they are different. Also, are you going to be playing scales on
 your gig? How about warming up with minimal amount of scales/exercises
 and go right to the meat?

 So you've got the biggest gig of your life coming up and you've got
 your mandolins off someplace else getting an oil change and front end
 alignment? Why?


 On Jul 15, 3:11 am, Topher Gayle wrote:

  Wow - That really does seem like a conundrum.

  Both hanging on to a paint scraper, and shoveling will tire your grip, and
  also maybe overuse your clenching muscles. I am not a doctor or anything,
  but I bet it would be a good thing to work the reverse muscles to keep some
  sort of muscular balance. So maybe take a heavy elastic band and open your
  hand against the resistance for a few minutes before and after each hour of
  shoveling or scraping?

  Aside from that, I dunno - pick up a ukulele and tune it like a low-pitched
  mando and run scales?


  On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 9:59 PM, MinnesotaMandolin 

   Anyone ever run into this? My personal situation (just bought a house,
   getting married in a few weeks, new garage, garden, etc) has resulted
   in my being unable to play mandolin for several weeks due to the
   physical work I've been doing. It's normally tricky at home anyway
   because the house is little and my 2 year old is a big fan of dad's
   instrument, but not necessarily of dad's efforts at practicing said

   In about 10 days I have a huge gig. I won't go into the details, but
   suffice to say it's going to be the biggest show of my life (thus

   My mandolins are in the shop, getting ready for this gig, and won't be
   back in my hands until probably thursday.

    I find if I let the instrument go for some days and then play a show,
   I can feel muscle exhaustion. It goes away quickly, but in a day
   quickly, not during a show quickly. Any suggestions for jump starting
   my abilities? The band is rehearsing on Saturday. I'm planning on
   practicing or just playing for 30 or more minutes, at night in the
   garage if that's what I gotta do.

   Any one got any song or exercise suggestions to help cover my bases.
   Anyone got any similar stories? Any advice on how to scrape paint or
   shovel gravel in a way that helps with mando technique?

   erik- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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Re: Correction!! Costello/Tater on the Tonight Show!!! 6/23 Tonight

2009-06-24 Thread Don Grieser

I got a close look at Telluride. I think it's the Fishman M300 which
has the pickup sensors in the base of the bridge. The M100 and M200
had them embedded in the bridge saddle. He said he's going straight
into a DI to the board, and they're able to make it sound decent. It's
definitely changed the acoustic tone of the Gilchrist--not as full and
as rich as it was with a real bridge.

On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 7:18 AM, wrote:

 I 'think' he got the Fishman bridge pick-up with perhaps the Aura
 I'm betting he was also playing into a mic too?

 On Jun 24, 12:40 am, Mike wrote:
 Just watched it, great stuff. Anybody know what pickup Tater settledd

 On Jun 23, 6:25 am, Don Grieser wrote:

  Not the Late Show.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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Correction!! Costello/Tater on the Tonight Show!!! 6/23 Tonight

2009-06-23 Thread Don Grieser

Not the Late Show.

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Re: Costello/Tater on The Late Show 6/23

2009-06-23 Thread Don Grieser

Hi Dawn,

Telluride was wonderful. I just spent part of one day at the festival
and did some hiking before I left Saturday. Got my music in with Tater
and Jeff on the porch. That was enough. Took the Tater on a good hike
to Trout Lake after we jammed--a nice view with snow covered peaks in
the distance. Got to listen to some of the festival on the net after I
got home. Being at 10,000 feet makes everything better. g

My first email was a mistake: They are on the Tonight Show tonight NOT
the Late Show. Enjoy!


On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 10:01 PM, Dawn wrote:
 Thanks Don! How was Telluride? Did you play well?

 On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 9:44 PM, Don Grieser

 Just a reminder.


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Costello/Tater on The Late Show 6/23

2009-06-22 Thread Don Grieser

Just a reminder.

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Re: Costello Show

2009-06-18 Thread Don Grieser

I'm looking forward to Toumani Diabate and Bela too. Like icing on the
cake, or snowcaps on the mountains up here. I listened to the Costello
disk a few times driving up here. I Felt the Chill Before Winter
Came may be one of the best songs Elvis ever wrote. I hit repeat on
that one every time it came around. But the whole album grows on you
with every listen. Looking forward to hearing that one tomorrow with
those snowcaps off in distance. I hope Tater brought his long
underwear. The neighbor here said is was snowing and sticking last
week and it's already in the 50's tonight at 8. One year I was up here
I got rained, snowed, and hailed on in one day, and Bruce Cockburn
wore gloves with the fingers cut out when he played his set.

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 7:02 PM, The Holstein wrote:

 What a great tip, thanks. Guess I'll be tuned in at 1pm, 6:15pm 
 especially 8pm Friday :-)

 Regards, HK

 On Jun 19, 7:18 am, Dawn Bradbury wrote:
 Bless You. I can't be there, wish I couldbut this will be the next best
 thing. Thanks =o)

 On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Don Grieser 

  Telluride will be streaming on KOTO.

  (All times Mt Daylight time)

  Thursday, June 18
  10:00am — Gates Open
  11:00 - 12:00pm — Jerry Douglas  Tim O'Brien
  12:15 - 1:30pm — The Lovell Sisters
  1:45 - 3:00pm — Zac Brown Band
  3:30 - 4:45pm — Peter Rowan
  5:15 - 6:30pm — Three Girls  Their Buddy
  7:00 - 8:30pm — Conor Oberst  The Mystic Valley Band
  9:00 - 10:30pm — David Byrne

  Friday, June 19
  9:00am — Gates Open
  10:30 - 11:30am — Blue Canyon Boys
  11:45 - 12:45pm — Crooked Still
  1:00 - 2:15pm — The Greencards
  2:45 - 4:00pm — John Cowan Band
  4:30 - 5:45pm — Jenny Lewis
  6:15 - 7:30pm — Béla Fleck  Toumani Diabaté
  8:00 - 9:30pm — Elvis Costello  The Sugarcanes
  10:00 - 11:30pm — Railroad Earth

  Saturday, June 20
  9:00am — Gates Open
  10:00 - 11:00am — Band Contest Finals
  11:15 - 12:15pm — Greensky Bluegrass
  12:30 - 1:45pm — Punch Brothers Play  Sing Bluegrass
  2:15 - 3:30pm — Jerry Douglas Band
  4:00 - 5:30pm — Yonder Mountain String Band
  5:45 - 6:00pm — Telluride Troubadour
  6:15 - 7:30pm — Kasey Chambers  Shane Nicholson
  8:00 - 10:00pm — Sam Bush Band
  10:30pm - Midnight — Gaelic Storm

  Sunday, June 21 (The Summer Solstice)
  10:00am — Gates Open
  10:30 - 12:00am — Mike Farris  The Roseland Rhythm Revue
  12:30 - 1:45pm — Works Progress Administration
  2:00 - 3:15pm — The Steeldrivers
  3:45 - 5:00pm — Todd Snider
  5:30 - 6:45pm — Tim O'Brien Band
  7:15 - 8:30pm — Emmylou Harris
  9:00 - 11:00pm — Telluride House Band- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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Re: Costello Show

2009-06-17 Thread Don Grieser

Hope they can pack all that music into their slot at TelluTaterRide.
I'm leaving tomorrow, show's Friday night--just have a 1 day pass.
Fun, fun, fun at 10,000 feet. By this time tomorrow, I should be
looking out at snowcapped mountains and picking my mandolin. Paradise.

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 5:44 PM, wrote:


 The show last night was a killer!  (No overalls for Tater, though)

 The show started right at 7:30 and the went until about 10;25.  I
 couldn't believe that they had gone that long.  Elvis seemed more than
 happy to play just one more every time it was asked of him (the
 crowd was not a sell out, so that made it even more impressive to me).
 He was there to make his fans happy.

 They started with Mystery Train and ended with From Sulphur To
 Sugar Cane.  In between they played The Race is On, much of the new
 album, some older stuff, The Bottle Let Me Down and Friend of the
 Devil.  I am sure that I am leaving out something important.

 The guys went from ballad to blues to rock and rowdy.  When the fellas
 tore loose in a jam, it was amazing.  I have never seen such a jam
 with a guy rocking the accordian!

 My hat is off to them.  It was an evening well spent!


 On Jun 17, 8:54 am, Val Mindel wrote:

 On Jun 16, 11:09 am, Don Grieser wrote:

  They usually broadcast the Telluride festival on the web on KOTO, but
  I don't see it listed on their calendar. Maybe Planet Bluegrass shut
  them down to get more people to buy tickets and come to the festival.
  Go towww.bluegrass.comforthe festival schedule andwww.koto.orgfor
  radio station info. Elvis/Mike play this Friday at 8 Mountain time.

  On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 8:40 AM, Val wrote:

   Does anyone know when there is likely to be a radio broadcast that is
   catchable ... for those of us who are geographically challenged. I'm
   finally back in Vermont, but haven't heard of the EC tour making it
   this far into the Northeast. thanks, val

   On Jun 15, 2:28 pm, Trey Young wrote:
   I listened to a show from the Beacon Theatre at the Sugar Megs site 
   this morning, it was mighty fine.  They did a great version of The Race 
   is On.  I'd say you're in for a treat.

   From: Nelson
   To: Taterbugmando
   Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 12:55:36 PM
   Subject: Costello Show

   Has anyone caught a show, yet?

   We are heading up to Nashville tomorrow to catch one.  Looking forward
   to it.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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Re: Costello Show

2009-06-16 Thread Don Grieser

They usually broadcast the Telluride festival on the web on KOTO, but
I don't see it listed on their calendar. Maybe Planet Bluegrass shut
them down to get more people to buy tickets and come to the festival.
Go to for the festival schedule and for
radio station info. Elvis/Mike play this Friday at 8 Mountain time.

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 8:40 AM, Val wrote:

 Does anyone know when there is likely to be a radio broadcast that is
 catchable ... for those of us who are geographically challenged. I'm
 finally back in Vermont, but haven't heard of the EC tour making it
 this far into the Northeast. thanks, val

 On Jun 15, 2:28 pm, Trey Young wrote:
 I listened to a show from the Beacon Theatre at the Sugar Megs site this 
 morning, it was mighty fine.  They did a great version of The Race is On.  
 I'd say you're in for a treat.

 From: Nelson
 To: Taterbugmando
 Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 12:55:36 PM
 Subject: Costello Show

 Has anyone caught a show, yet?

 We are heading up to Nashville tomorrow to catch one.  Looking forward
 to it.

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Re: Squirrel Hunters

2009-06-09 Thread Don Grieser

Wow! thanks for posting that link. YouTube's blocked a work, so I'll
have to check out dasspunk's later.

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Mark wrote:
 Here's Tater and David playin the snot out of it.

 I particularly like that low octave time through that Tater runs.


 On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Dasspunk wrote:

 We start and end every show with it... it's our Watermelon on the
 Vine... so to speak.

 Or perhaps this...


 On Jun 8, 10:17 pm, Don Grieser wrote:
  I didn't notice the pumpkin at first, but now I spy it. You gotta play
  that tune if your band's named after it.
  On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 8:52 PM, wrote:
   And I like Squirrel Hunters so much, I named my band after it...
   On Jun 8, 2:30 pm, Mark Seale wrote:
   If you don't mind my asking, how long did the good folks tell you the
   was going to be?
   On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 11:35 AM, 14strings
Nice job on Sq Htrs Don!
I'm on the list for one of those Model 1' those flamed
looking sides!
I also love the plain jane look of them; sort of like a wolf in
sheep's clothing :)
I have a slightly different picture courtesy of the starchy one...
how do you post the picture in the body of your message like that?
On Jun 8, 12:20 pm, Mark Seale wrote:
 Steve sent this out to the folks attending his building clinic at
 Mandolin Symposium this year.
 Enjoy.  If you know someone waiting on this year's batch, it's
 likely one
 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Don Grieser
 Date: Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 11:04 AM
 Subject: Re: Squirrel Hunters
 Where's that picture of the model 1's?
 On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Mark
  Good job Don.  I'm loving that Gil Oval hole.  I recently saw a
  pic of
  year's batch of Model 1's.  16 instruments in a rack waiting on
  setup.  Droool..
  I'm going to have to add this tune to the to-do list.
  On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Don Grieser
  Here's my take on the Squirrel Hunters.
  16 jrs_2_1.JPG
 160KViewDownload- Hide quoted text -
 - Show quoted text -


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Re: Squirrel Hunters

2009-06-08 Thread Don Grieser

Where's that picture of the model 1's?

On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Mark wrote:
 Good job Don.  I'm loving that Gil Oval hole.  I recently saw a pic of this
 year's batch of Model 1's.  16 instruments in a rack waiting on final
 setup.  Droool..

 I'm going to have to add this tune to the to-do list.


 On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Don Grieser

 Here's my take on the Squirrel Hunters.

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Re: Squirrel Hunters

2009-06-08 Thread Don Grieser

just attach it?

On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 10:35 AM, wrote:

 Nice job on Sq Htrs Don!

 I'm on the list for one of those Model 1' those flamed
 looking sides!
 I also love the plain jane look of them; sort of like a wolf in
 sheep's clothing :)

 I have a slightly different picture courtesy of the starchy one...
 how do you post the picture in the body of your message like that?

 On Jun 8, 12:20 pm, Mark Seale wrote:
 Steve sent this out to the folks attending his building clinic at the
 Mandolin Symposium this year.

 Enjoy.  If you know someone waiting on this year's batch, it's likely one of


 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Don Grieser
 Date: Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 11:04 AM
 Subject: Re: Squirrel Hunters

 Where's that picture of the model 1's?

 On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Mark wrote:
  Good job Don.  I'm loving that Gil Oval hole.  I recently saw a pic of
  year's batch of Model 1's.  16 instruments in a rack waiting on final
  setup.  Droool..

  I'm going to have to add this tune to the to-do list.


  On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Don Grieser

  Here's my take on the Squirrel Hunters.

  16 jrs_2_1.JPG
 160KViewDownload- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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Re: Squirrel Hunters

2009-06-08 Thread Don Grieser

I didn't notice the pumpkin at first, but now I spy it. You gotta play
that tune if your band's named after it.

On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 8:52 PM, wrote:

 And I like Squirrel Hunters so much, I named my band after it...


 On Jun 8, 2:30 pm, Mark Seale wrote:
 If you don't mind my asking, how long did the good folks tell you the wait
 was going to be?


 On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 11:35 AM, 14strings wrote:

  Nice job on Sq Htrs Don!

  I'm on the list for one of those Model 1' those flamed
  looking sides!
  I also love the plain jane look of them; sort of like a wolf in
  sheep's clothing :)

  I have a slightly different picture courtesy of the starchy one...
  how do you post the picture in the body of your message like that?

  On Jun 8, 12:20 pm, Mark Seale wrote:
   Steve sent this out to the folks attending his building clinic at the
   Mandolin Symposium this year.

   Enjoy.  If you know someone waiting on this year's batch, it's likely one


   -- Forwarded message --
   From: Don Grieser
   Date: Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 11:04 AM
   Subject: Re: Squirrel Hunters

   Where's that picture of the model 1's?

   On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Mark wrote:
Good job Don.  I'm loving that Gil Oval hole.  I recently saw a pic of
year's batch of Model 1's.  16 instruments in a rack waiting on final
setup.  Droool..

I'm going to have to add this tune to the to-do list.


On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Don Grieser

Here's my take on the Squirrel Hunters.

    16 jrs_2_1.JPG
   160KViewDownload- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -

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Re: Costello/Tater on David Letterman Thurs night

2009-06-03 Thread Don Grieser


On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 8:44 AM, mistertaterbug wrote:

 Uhm, if this is a new show I won't be on it.

 On Jun 2, 9:42 pm, Don Grieser wrote:
 Stay up late Thursday night and catch the Tater on the Late Show with
 Costello. Y ha!

 Or, set the recorder and go to bed and watch it later, but don't miss it.

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Re: Secrets, Profane Sugarcane

2009-06-02 Thread Don Grieser

Just started listening to it--got the download from  iTunes. Even came
with the liner notes/booklet. Yes, indeed, going to be listening to
this a lot.

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 10:37 AM, Nelson wrote:

 I picked this disc up this morning, and have listened to it
 (interrupted several times) once.  I like it so far.  The Crooked
 Line is one of my favorites.

 On Jun 2, 8:47 am, wrote:
 Twice in recent days we have heard various tracks from this new CD on
 our Australian National Radio.  Very cool.

 On May 30, 10:39 am, wrote:

  The mandolin effort reminded me why I choose to play mandolin rather
  than say trumpet or even the fiddle.  I have to keep an open mind
  where Mr. Costello is concerned.  For me, he seems like an
  intellectual kind of composer, who in this case draws from Dylan, and
  Tom Wait, two people I have some listening experience with.

  His compositions seem very sophisticated, cerebral, and his singing
  seems somewhat unremarkable so the music behind him really shines.
  Then, one is drawn to the written lyrics ..then every now and again to
  the timber of his voice.

  The way Tater's mandolin faded sometimes so it was barely heard but
  there, kinda like whispering and then would step out and become more
  obvious worked well for me.  I liked the CD a lot more than the you-
  tube Costello things I have seen/heard.  I thought it was pretty
  music.  The mandolin takes stayed in my head after.
  It was a treat to listen to, thanks Brian for putting the word out.

  On May 30, 8:41 am, Robin Gravina wrote:

   Sehr geherte Herr Dassgespunken

   thanks for the link - must admit I'm not a big Costello fan, despite 
   heard him since 'Pump it up' in my tender years, and seen him quite a few
   times, but having talked about it with my musical colleagues who really 
   him, you have to say that the man can write a song. They are never the 
   of thing that you want to get up and play, but there is an enormous flow,
   and sometimes tremendous beauty, and they are all built on the classic
   elements, shuffled around, repeated and extended, which is a great 
   to not try and rebuild the wheel when you are trying to write a song, and
   reassuring when you think you are just copying.

   Yes, our leader and friends do a wonderful job- totally different, but
   reminiscent of the Hartford records, and also frankly of the best Dylan
   bands, such as the one he has now - everything at the service of the song
   and the music with no individual showing out.

   I still like stoopid simple three, two and one chord old time songs 
   (ok 'crooked line' just came on, now that's some good stuff)

   On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 6:21 PM, Brian Ray wrote:

I'm a huge Elvis Costello fan. He's in my top 3 non-grass musicians of
all time. When Mike told me he was going to record with him, though I
don't typically buy into such crap, I asked him to get his autograph
for me. He did and it's on my fridge (thanks Mike!).

I wouldn't think the mando community would find this new record overly
noteworthy as it doesn't feature the mando specifically. Myself, I'm
finding it completely sensational. It's an absolute clinic on ensemble
play. Less, without question, can be more and perhaps if I say it out
loud more often, it will make it's way to my brain and fingers.

Anyway, you can hear the entire record on EC's site:

Great job Miguel! I would also like to request in advance y'all do
Indoor Fireworks at the Ravinia show...

B- Hide quoted text -

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Ookpik Waltz

2009-06-01 Thread Don Grieser
There's a song a week group over on the cafe and this is one that
someone posted. I really liked this waltz and found some notation for
it and listened to some versions of it. Here's what I came up
with--slow with slides and tremolo. Sorry, no fake nose and
glasses--there doesn't seem to be any in the whole state of New
Mexico. And I'm reading the notation on the screen as I'm playing. I'm
playing a Gilchrist Model 1.

I've attached a pdf of the notation for those who want it.

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Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: sound advice

2009-05-25 Thread Don Grieser

Hi Robin,

I use that AKG C411 contact condenser with the ART pre too. It's the
best thing I've found as far as a pickup goes. I generally put it
right behind the bridge on the bass side and still have to roll off
some of the high end. I turn up enough that I have to chop quietly and
then dig in a little more for breaks and that seems to work fine.

I experimented some with a Fishman bridge pickup through a Fishman
Aura with the mandolin samples. I thought that was really great
sounding too, I liked it better than the AKG, but I didn't like what
the Fishman bridge did to the acoustic sound of the instrument so it
came off. I'd like to get a decent playing inexpensive mandolin and
put the Fishman bridge on it to use when I have to plug in.

Gain-staging: sending the proper amount of signal from the instrument
to the mixer and from the mixer to the amp makes a difference.
Experiment with your setup till you find those sweet spots.

I've played some noisy bars from hell and using in-ear monitors makes
a huge difference too. They block out a lot of the room noise and let
you hear your bandmates clearly at a reasonable volume. They take some
getting used to for singing (you hear a lot of your head voice like
singing with fingers in your ears) but they make noisy venues more
enjoyable to play.

Congrats on your successful gig and keep us posted on what's working for you.


On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 8:03 AM, Robin Gravina wrote:
 Thanks! Trouble with crazy gear is it takes up space in the car! I'm on an
 Akg stick on condensor microphone through an Art tube preamp thing. Not
 because I carefully selected it, but because someone recommended that as
 simple and good sounding...

 On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 3:49 PM, MinnesotaMandolin


 I'm very happy to hear things went better. I was working in the garden
 thinking about your post and I just posted up a front to back
 suggestion list. Glad it helped.

 I think one speaker/no monitor is a great set up, it forces

 Experience will go a long ways towards making this easier. I think
 your big problem will be all the crazy gear out there you can plug
 into to make your pickup sound like wood. After $1000s and a few
 years, I've just added a mic to my rig. If you want to talk brand
 names and stuff, I'd be happy to do it. It's hard to find mandolin
 oriented gear, it's mostly acoustic guitar stuff, but I've tried a lot
 of it and don't mind sharing what I've learned.

 good luck with the next show


 On May 25, 2:35 am, Robin Gravina wrote:
  Thanks for all that advice - it's really good to have some practical and
  concrete suggestions to apply. In the end it went well - we turned it up
  the soundcheck and it sounded pretty horrible  and harsh, but after some
  fiddling, the instruments began to sound like they were made of wood,
  the show went great - no feedback issues, we could hear ourselves and so
  could the audience despite no monitor and only one big speaker (no room
  anything more). The bar immediately booked us in again, so very happy
  I still have some work to go on the sound thing - mainly with getting
  acoustic tones - it has just ocurred to me that maybe I could try
  the output of the mixing desk high and the volume of the powered speaker
  - too many options for me.
  Now all I have to do is  stop my right hand from freezing when about to
  for the big tremolo solo...
  On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 5:48 AM, MinnesotaMandolin
   I'll take a stab here, my band also uses all pickups. This is a wordy
   post, though.
   First off, I'm not sure if your issues were feedback or just a general
   bad sound at high volume. Your post seems like it was of the general
   bad sound variety. I'll offer a few tips. If you already know this
   stuff I trust you'll forgive the repitition.
   * The Room. What type of space are you playing in? When it's empty,
   does it have a lot of natural reverb or is it kinda dead? A reverby
   room should sound real nice with some bodies in it and you can tell
   from the stage. A dead room (or a dead stage) can be harder because
   you can't hear the PA as clearly.
   *Control. Who's in control of the PA? If it's one of you guys, then
   you can try different things. If it's somebody else, then hopefully
   they're open to suggestions. If it is one of you guys, whichever one
   it is needs to get a long cable so he can go out in front of the band
   and listen while playing. That's important, because it lets you adjust
   the overall sound of everybody and it keeps you in the mix so the rest
   of the band plays right while you're offstage listening. I'm not the
   main singer so it was easy for me to do (and also how I got the job of
   band sound guy in the first place). If the band sound guy 

Re: Anne-Hathaway Wallpapers

2009-05-13 Thread Don Grieser

You're absolutely right that that's just you!!! GGG

On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 8:43 AM, Dennis Fehling wrote:
 I would prefer a 8/10 of the tater in a coverall thong myself.  But that's
 just me


 When will the madness stop.  Spay and Neuter your pets

 Join me

 Subject: Anne-Hathaway Wallpapers
 Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 18:26:26 +0530

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Re: The Nerve, Wired for Sound

2009-05-11 Thread Don Grieser

great stuff. thanks for the link.

On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 9:35 PM, wrote:

 Episode 2...
 This one is called
 The Nerve, In the Key of DNA (Music and Evolution).

 On May 10, 10:52 pm, wrote:
 I will post the link when the next episode is on.  Glad you enjoyed it
 Mr. Spud.

 On May 10, 2:47 pm, mistertaterbug wrote:

  Very cool Linda. Thanks for sharing that one. It raises a few very
  interesting points, I think. When is the next one? Seems I must have
  missed the info. Help a poor hillbilly out, will you?


  On May 8, 1:13 am, Linda wrote:

   Following the hot link is  a most interesting program (title in
   subject line) about how our brains are wired to appreciate music.

   The radio broadcast can be listened to for about another week by
   visiting the link above and then clicking on this
   particular show.

   Its is 1 of three broadcasts which will run over over 3 weeks, an hour
   long, each episode covers two of the six parts of the total program,
   which comes from Canada.

   It may be this is available as an audio CD for sale somewhere.

   I think it offers some terrific insight into understanding several
   aspects of why we like music, what seems to be universal in good music
   or music that appeals to lots of people, etc.
   It does go into the mechanics of hearingand offers some very
   interesting concepts relevant to anyone who composes music or arranges
   music I suppose.  Today I learned about how much folks like
   surprisesin music, very interesting.


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Re: Georgie Buck

2009-04-23 Thread Don Grieser

Now that's something I'd like to hear. Toumani Diabate and Taj Mahal.
I hope google is my friend on this one.

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 7:14 AM, mistertaterbug wrote:

 Seems like I've got a version of Ol' Georgie Buck by Taj Mahal and
 Toumani Diabate...Georgie Buck is dead and the last words he said,
 said he didn't want no shortnin' in  his bread.


 On Apr 22, 5:34 pm, sgarrity wrote:
 Growling Old Men (aka, John Lowell and Ben Winship) do it on their
 Occupational Hazards recording.  Just guitar and mandolin.  It's a
 great cd!!

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Re: Redneck Haiku

2009-04-05 Thread Don Grieser

Hope springs eternal
I know that this is the year
Chicago Cubs

On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 7:15 PM, wrote:
 Seven dollar beer
 Forty-two dollar tickets
 It's opening day

 Sent via BlackBerry by ATT

 -Original Message-
 From: Nelson

 Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2009 18:11:28
 Subject: Re: Redneck Haiku

 I was inspired at my little girl's tee ball game today..

 Combover, popcorn
 Perfumes clashing, babies crying
 Tee ball day today

 On Apr 3, 7:13 am, Nelson wrote:
 A poor cross eyed boy
 Becomes a visonary

 On Apr 2, 11:24 pm, Don Grieser wrote:

  Jerusalem Ridge
  Above a lonely graveyard
  Where Bill Monroe lays

  On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 5:46 PM, Nelson 

   The road winds around
   Brother Charlie's former home
   Jerusalem Ridge

   On Apr 2, 3:09 pm, Mike Hoffmann wrote:
   Went to play baseball
   But instead played my banjo
   What would you exchange?

   On Apr 2, 2009, at 1:48 PM, Don Grieser wrote:

Three inch sheet rock screws
Replace rusting baling wire
But not the duct tape

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Mark Seale
Whoops, sent the first draft on accident.  I need to learn how to

Tobacco spit cup
Sittin in my cup holder
Not Dr. Pepper


On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Mark Seale

Copenhagen spit cup
Sittin in my cup holder
Not Dr. Pepper

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 10:08 PM, Nelson


Lost Haiku Mojo?
Let's keep this thing a going
Much more fun than work

On Mar 31, 10:06 pm, Nelson wrote:
Maybe a Japanese music form?  I have been interested in Asian
for a while.  I read somewhere that most of it is pentatonic.

On Mar 31, 9:41 pm, mistertaterbug

I wonder if there is a musical form that rivals this haiku
verse? I
mean, is there a 5-7-5 form in music? What would it be? I have
laying around here in all sorts of odd meters already. How
would we
count it?


On Mar 31, 9:36 pm, mistertaterbug

Dammit to hell, Shaun
Took the wind out of our sails
Now it's back to work


On Mar 31, 2:56 pm, Robin Gravina

taterbug mando
mandolin players sharing
nonsense and insight

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 9:48 PM, Fred

My work here is done...

Steve Cantrell wrote:
Throw up funnel cake just made me laugh audibly, Fred.

*From:* Fred
*Sent:* Tuesday, March 31, 2009 3:01:16 PM
*Subject:* Re: Redneck Haiku

Your latest reminded me of something...

Festival groupie
Pick all night under the stars
Throw up funnel cake

mistertaterbug wrote:
  George Jones on the road
  Headed to the liquor store
  Lawnmower goes slow

  Bluegrass festival
  Photo opportunity
  Bill says, You Back Up

  Help...I can't stop...
  Tater- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -


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Re: Mike's New CD

2009-04-01 Thread Don Grieser

I just caught the music video with the Tater dancing in his overalls.
The dude can break a move. Awesome.

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 12:02 PM, wrote:
 I just got Pickin' on Michael in the mail,  Mike Compton plays and sings
 Michael Jackson.  I never knew Tater could sing so high.  Billy Jean played
 Compton style, cain't get no better ya'll.

 Clyde Clevenger
 Just My Opinion, But It's Right
 Salem, Oregon
 Old Circle


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Re: Andy Statman strikes again...

2009-03-31 Thread Don Grieser

If that's all I have to do to play like that, I'll start humming while
I play. g

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 9:53 AM, sgarrity wrote:

 On Mar 31, 9:48 am, Steve Cantrell wrote:
 This video is great and I've been using it a frequent reference whilst 
 working on this tune. Andy Statman is pretty amazing. Sometimes his 
 vocalization are a little unsettling, but I'm generally uneasy so I can 
 accommodate it.

 So that humming sound is Andy doing some kind of vocalization while he
 plays?  You can hear it on some of the tunes on East Flatbush Blues.
 It's driven me crazy trying to figure out what that sound was!


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Re: Redneck Haiku

2009-03-31 Thread Don Grieser

humming while you play
mental mandolin secret
statman shows the way

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 1:32 PM, sgarrity wrote:

 My pickin' sounds good
 I could make tens of dollars
 Let's start up a band

 My pickin' sounds Great
 I could make it in Nashville
 Where'd the likker go?

 Tater and 8 strings
 Sounds like more than one player
 Frustration sets in

 Bluesy mandolin
 Big Mon, Compton and Wakefield
 The downstroke masters


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Re: Good live stuff

2009-03-30 Thread Don Grieser

Do they have a group rate?

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Steve Cantrell wrote:
 I hear they give out complimentary suspenders with a smiley-face button
 already on there.

 From: Fred
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 12:35:44 PM
 Subject: Re: Good live stuff

 Got me a season ticket.  Get to board early that way.

 mistertaterbug wrote:
 Riding the Humilitron really hard here today...

 On Mar 30, 11:23 am, mistertaterbug wrote:
 Darin Vincent. Of Daley/Vincent.


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Re: Trombolin/Jack Across the Way - anyone got the story on this?

2009-03-30 Thread Don Grieser

Yes, the Mandolin in the Cow Camp (played on some old flat top no name
two point mando) is one of my favorites. Amazing tone, great tunes,
and a wonderful feel for the music.

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 11:50 AM, Steve Cantrell wrote:
 His Cowcamp CD is just crazy good.

 From: mistertaterbug
 To: Taterbugmando
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 1:33:35 PM
 Subject: Re: Trombolin/Jack Across the Way - anyone got the story on this?

 Yessir. Skip can come with it. He's also a great fiddler and
 practitioner of cowboy songs. Skip has that thing in his hands that
 Monroe had, which was that he can sound like a million bucks no matter
 what kind of mandolin he's got in his hands. I suppose that Skip's
 recording is a combination of the two tunes. I forget now without
 having it in front of me, but I do have a copy of both tunes coming my
 way today. I'll put them on Youtube so there will be no more confusion
 along these lines.

 On Mar 30, 7:08 am, Will Dennis wrote:
 It sounds like one tune to me (i.e. not a medley) - is the version on
 Skip's CD an amalgam of two tunes? If so, I take it the first part
 with all the slides would be Trombolin(e)...

 I'm glad Skip put it on his CD, it's a great tune... I'm learning it,
 and his tune The Old Style Mandolin - they both capture the flavor
 of Monroe style really well IMHO.


 On Mar 29, 10:54 pm, mistertaterbug wrote:

  Tromboline is a different tune entirely than Jack Across the Way.
  I've been meaning to learn Jack... for a while, but so far, I don't
  know jack...G.

  Monroe sang Tromboline to me a couple times and tried to get it into
  my head, but it just wouldn't stick. I must admit, it was fun hearing
  him sing and mimic the trombone parts. I think if I'd had my old
  trombone I might have tried to give it a go, but that's been a long
  time ago.


  On Mar 27, 4:23 pm, Will Dennis wrote:

   So I have purchased the Skip Gorman CD The Old Style Mandolin, Vol. 2
   - Monroesque and the first song is the above-mentioned. He credits it
   to Bill Monroe, but I have never heard it on any live shows I have,
   and I don't think he ever recorded it. Anyone got the story on this

   In doing a Google search on Trombolin, I found this YT clip of it
   (not performed by Skip, but the fella who is playing it is pretty


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Re: Need A Band Name

2009-03-30 Thread Don Grieser

Ella Fitzgerald? Elephants Gerald?

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 7:26 PM, sgarrity wrote:

 At the risk of sounding ignorantwhat's the significance of
 Elephants Gerald??

 Paddy on the Waterboard is a good'n and so is Acme Pickin Co.

 Maybe the Good Enough String Band..we're practicing tomorrow
 night, so I'll let y'all know what we decide on

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For Sale: Gavin Baird A4

2009-03-28 Thread Don Grieser

I never thought I'd sell this one, but so it goes. According to Gavin,
this is the mandolin that Peter Oshtrousko played that started their
collaboration on the Baird Oshtrousko model. It's a monster oval, with
an elevated fingerboard, 1 1/8th at the nut, and a fabulous quilted
maple back. I'm going to be putting it up on the Mando Cafe
classifieds later this weekend, after I shoot some photos. Thought I'd
post it here and on CoMando first. Asking $2400.


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Re: Grigsby's Hornpipe

2009-03-21 Thread Don Grieser

Just when I was getting comfortable with GDGD tuning.

On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 7:18 AM, Val Mindel wrote:

 Happy Hollow (from Tater) is in that tuning...

 On Mar 21, 12:11 am, Nelson wrote:
 Further research shows that Eck played it in Calico (AEAC#) tuning.
 Has anyone messed around with this tuning?

 On Mar 20, 10:26 pm, Nelson wrote:

  I was listening to some Eck Robertson stuff today and encountered this
  tune.  Fiddler's Companion tells me only slightly less than Eck
  himself on the recording interview.

  Anyone know anything about this tune?


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Re: Tater on the Cafe

2009-03-21 Thread Don Grieser

For instance?

On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 10:31 AM, mistertaterbug wrote:

 For instance, there are a few things that would piss off Monroe fans
 that don't appear in the article... Or should I say, they illustrate
 once again that a lot of people don't get it.

 On Mar 21, 11:29 am, mistertaterbug wrote:
 For instance, there are a few things that would piss off Monroe fans
 that don't appear in the article...

 On Mar 20, 1:44 pm, Steve Cantrell wrote:

  It's a good article. That Narmour and Smith project leaves me all 

  From: Don Grieser
  Sent: Friday, March 20, 2009 2:31:13 PM
  Subject: Tater on the Cafe

  For those needing Mo'Tater, he's featured in the Bill Graham article
  on the Mandolin Cafe homepage.

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Re: Tater on the Cafe

2009-03-21 Thread Don Grieser

Thanks, Mike. Doesn't sound controversial to me, but then I'm just an
enthusiast. As always, thoughtful and eloquent. Good on ya!

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Tater on the Cafe

2009-03-20 Thread Don Grieser

For those needing Mo'Tater, he's featured in the Bill Graham article
on the Mandolin Cafe homepage.

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Re: Samuel Bayard Books on Ebay

2009-03-08 Thread Don Grieser

Yes, Brother Don has both of them along with some other tunebook gems.
If you can't pony up the $ it'll take to bake the Tater, there's a pdf
of the Hill Country Tunes book on the outernet here (with a nice
picture of Sarah Armstrong, our favorite tune purveyor):

This hasn't seemed to hurt the price of the actual books any so I wish
they'd do this with more out-of-print tune books.

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Re: Yank and Frank

2009-03-04 Thread Don Grieser

Anybody don't like the blues, they got a hole in their soul.

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 9:48 PM, mistertaterbug wrote:

 So far, so good...

 On Mar 4, 3:34 pm, Mike Hoffmann wrote:
 This is a two part post.

 I just youtubed mandolin and sorted for added most recently and found
 this video added a few moments ago.

 Also, I was thinking about Frank Wakefield today so I was reading his
 myspace page.  He just came out with a new record on Patuxent (his
 last on this album, Don't Lie to Me,     was amazing) called Ownself
 Blues.  On this new record Michael Cleveland plays the fiddle, Audie
 Blaylock the guitar.  I will give a little review when I get it in the
 mail, but I am  biased!  There is also a tune dedicated to Bill

 Mike H

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Re: Personal YouTube Videos

2009-03-02 Thread Don Grieser

The mandolin is by Joe Campanella Cleary of
It's his Due (Italian for 2 point) model. He builds them violin
style with the overhanging top and back plates. He's apprenticed with
Lawrence Smart, studied and built violins/fiddles, and he's really
developed his own style. Great value in mandolins.

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 5:58 AM, Jonas Mattebo wrote:
 That sounded real fine Don! I like that mandolin you play there.

 2009/3/2 Mike O


 sounded really good.  what kind of mandolin are you playing... again,
 sounded very nice.

 Mike O'

 On Feb 28, 3:14 pm, Don Grieser wrote:
  We're studying Ashland Breakdown over on CoMando for the Monroe tune
  of the week. I slowed down Monroe's break from Kenny Baker Plays Bill
  Monroe and posted a movie of it playing my Campanella Due mandolin
  in case you haven't seen or heard one. Monroe only plays the 2nd and
  3rd part of the tune, so that's what I


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Re: New mando

2009-02-28 Thread Don Grieser

Congrats from another oval fan. I keep mine in GDGD tuning for extra fun. Enjoy!

On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 10:15 AM, wrote:
 Hey Trey,
 I appreciate it. It does have an elevated fretboard. I'm actually pretty
 taken with that round sound it has. I would really love to have bought an
 older Gibson, but it seems like so many have repaired top cracks, etc. I
 guess I'd rather do all the breaking myself.
 Thanks again,

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Re: Personal YouTube Videos

2009-02-28 Thread Don Grieser

We're studying Ashland Breakdown over on CoMando for the Monroe tune
of the week. I slowed down Monroe's break from Kenny Baker Plays Bill
Monroe and posted a movie of it playing my Campanella Due mandolin
in case you haven't seen or heard one. Monroe only plays the 2nd and
3rd part of the tune, so that's what I recorded.

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Re: a folk tune from the side of the world

2009-02-25 Thread Don Grieser

Hey Deep,

Does that family have any recordings? I'm really taken by that music.
Is it available for download somewhere? If they don't and you'd be
willing to record them somehow and make some mp3s, I'd be happy to
send you a paypal payment for you and them.


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Re: a folk tune from the side of the world

2009-02-24 Thread Don Grieser

Deep, what is the instrument called that Basuda is playing?

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 8:34 AM, sgarrity wrote:

 Very cool music.  Thanks for sharing.

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Re: Personal YouTube Videos

2009-02-19 Thread Don Grieser

Great job on those downstrokes, Shaun. Nice tremolo too.

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 5:09 PM, Dennis Fehling wrote:
 nice job, do you have the tab fo this?


 When will the madness stop.  Spay and Neuter your pets

 Join me

 Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 16:08:07 -0800
 Subject: Re: Personal YouTube Videos

 Here's Evening Prayer Blues

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Re: Personal YouTube Videos

2009-02-17 Thread Don Grieser

I put some more videos up here.

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 9:50 AM, mistertaterbug wrote:

 How does he do it, ladies and gentlemen? Shirley, you jest.
 The man has more talent in his little finger...

 On Feb 15, 10:02 pm, Romkey wrote:
 The Three Faces of Ger the Rigger

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Re: Personal YouTube Videos

2009-02-16 Thread Don Grieser

I've been exploring GDGD tuning and Shove The Pig's Foot seemed like a
good one to try out in GDGD.  Shaun's video got me started on the tune
and then I found a version by Bruce Molskey and came up with this GDGD

I tried to put a clip on YouTube, but it only took half of it. So I
put it up on the web here in QuickTime format. Hope you can see it.

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Re: Personal YouTube Videos

2009-02-09 Thread Don Grieser

I love the fake nose and glasses idea. (When one of my college
roomates got married, they did a picture of the whole wedding party
wearing them.) Is there a Mister Potatohead version of the fake nose 
glasses we could all wear? Then we'd know for sure when we're watching
one of the tater tots' videos.

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Mark Seale wrote:
 I'm good with the mando only version of the videos.  There's no need to see
 my ugly mug on the Youtube.


 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 12:27 PM, mistertaterbug

 I think we should all go out and buy a pair of Groucho Marx nose and
 glasses each and wear them only for the Youtube videos.

 On Feb 9, 11:55 am, Mando Chef wrote:
  So long as you leave the drooling to the Banjo players your facial
  expression should be a non factor... my vid's have me with some
  interesting changes in hair but ahhh well.  I guess you could try
  for the Monroe/Elvis upper lip quiver to make it more expressive???


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A Tune For Butch

2009-01-30 Thread Don Grieser

After Monroe died, Butch Baldassari wrote a great tune for him, Waltz
for Bill Monroe. I think Butch deserves some tunes too. So I gave it
a go and came up with this tune. It's done in GDGD tuning. Hope you
enjoy it.

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Re: New Quandry

2009-01-26 Thread Don Grieser

Out here in NM, I'm lucky to keep them above 30% in the case with
constant humdifiying. I've switched to little plastic tubs with a
sponge soaking wet in them and a bunch of holes drilled in the top
(cost me a couple bucks each total). I've got to refill them every few
days. Fits under the headstock in most cases. I know it's not inside
the mando like the green snake, but it seems to be working. If your
mandolin's gone flat every time you take it out of the case, it's
drying out and needs a drink.

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 12:20 PM, 14strings wrote:


 running to fill up my humidifiers right now

 BTW these are a little less messy then the dreadful green snake me


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Re: Monroe Camp 2009

2009-01-20 Thread Don Grieser

While Andy Statman does not play Monroe style these days, he certainly
learned about every Monroe solo/tune he could when he was young, and
he still knows what Monroe is about. He's also an excellent teacher.
John Reischman has a solid grounding in Monroe/old time and is also an
excellent teacher. I'd focus on getting older masters to the camp
rather than younger players, and people who can teach as well as play,
but that's just me. My .02 since you asked for it.

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 6:43 PM, wrote:
 Mike / all,

 I went the first year - I believe it was 2006 - and had a ball.

 Things I liked the year I went:
 - the teachers - Mike, Red  Chris Henry, David Long, Skip Gorman - they all
 did a great job and hit on different aspects
 - the museum setting - good spot for it
 - the other students
 - the museum staff - very friendly and helpful

 Things that might have made it better:
 - break up some of the classes with some jamming time
 - maybe a little more about the dynamics of the mando in a band setting -
 controlling tempo and playing on the
   front edge of the beat
 - a fiddler to do classes on interacting with the fiddle and fiddle back up
 - improvising in different keys and positions
 - better after hours jamming opportunities

 Other folks I'd suggest for instructors (assuming they teach):
 - Ronnie McCoury
 - David McLaughlin from the Johnson Mountain Boys
 - David Davis - Warrior River boys

 Folks who've taught who'd be good have back:
 - Bobby Osborne
 - Frank Wakefield
 - Roland White

 Good luck with it - hope I can make it back sometime.

 John Gay

 -Original Message-
 From: mistertaterbug
 To: Taterbugmando
 Sent: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 10:49 pm
 Subject: Monroe Camp 2009

 I agreed today to take the administrative (uhm...or was that advisory)
 duties for the International Bluegrass Music Museum's Bill Monroe
 Mandolin Camp 2009. I understand that Mike Lawing doesn't work at the
 museum anymore, so that leaves a gap. From what I can gather thus far,
 the camp will basically be similar in format to the last few. It will
 be on/around Monroe's birthday and will be Friday/Saturday/Sunday.
 There will be at least 5 instructors and the topics will be somewhat
 similar, but I am looking at other aspects of KY style bluegrass
 mandolin that have not been touched on so much before.

 I know some of you on this here list have been to the camp, whilst
 others have not. What I would like for you to do, beings we have this
 forum, is to think about what it was you didn't get last time that
 would have been welcome knowledge. What aspects of Bill's music did
 not get looked at, either at all or adequately? Is there something
 slipping through the cracks that I'm just not thinking of? What have I
 left out? Are there artists currently working that have not worked as
 instructors at the camp before that either loosely base some of their
 work on Monroe's mandolin style or whom you'd like to see tackle KY
 style mandolin with a more contemporary flair? The camp is, of course,
 devoted to furthering and explaining Monroe's work and music, so I'm
 not saying we need to get too far out on a limb. I am also looking at
 possibly having the before bluegrass idea actively pursued, as well
 as the black mandolin culture. Maybe we should go to Arnold Schultz'

 Anyway, I would welcome any suggestions/requests/complaints that may
 be floating around. I think there needs to be some other activities to
 do besides classes too, but right now at this early stage in the game,
 I'm drawing a blank. Now's the time to have your say.


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Re: A little recording with Yo-Yo Ma

2009-01-03 Thread Don Grieser

What can I say? I'm a square white boy so that's the treatment I gave it.

On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 12:49 PM, mistertaterbug wrote:

 Very cool, Don.

 Nice entry on your part. Amazing stuff, really. So many different
 takes on one melody, so many different cultures and instruments, so
 many different rhythms and thought processes. Yikes. This is one of
 the more interesting/informative things I've seen in a while and just
 at a time when I'm gathering up rhythm examples and other things to do
 besides play chop chords. Boy, I feel really unimaginative about now.

 I really like your arrangement, but I'm afraid I'll have to go with
 either Joseph Nibbs or Sea the Band (I voted for you too).

 On Jan 1, 6:20 pm, Don Grieser wrote:
 In between chopping and shoveling ice out of the horse tanks and
 shoveling a couple hundred feet of my driveway, I entered a contest
 where you download a file of Yo-Yo Ma playing and record a part to go
 with it. It's up on the site now and people get to vote for the
 entries till Jan 10th.

 I know music isn't a contest, but how could I not take a chance to
 play one with Yo-Yo? Not exactly the kind of music that most on this
 list plays, but I did use a crosstuned mandola (CFCA) so I could have
 some drones available.

 Thanks, Don

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Re: Toumani Diabate, no mando content

2008-12-27 Thread Don Grieser

Yes, sir.

On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 11:27 AM, mistertaterbug wrote:

 Well Don, get with it!
 Dic Tater

 On Dec 26, 9:10 pm, Don Grieser wrote:
 I heard a clip of Toumani Diabate on the CBS Sunday morning new show.
 He's a master of the kora, described as an African harp. I downloaded
 The Mande Variations from iTunes and it's some wonderful music. The
 tone of the kora is a bit mando-like. I could hear some of these
 melodies played on mando family instruments.

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Re: Happy Holidays Everyone!

2008-12-22 Thread Don Grieser

I've certainly had my musical horizons broadened by all of you. Thanks
and happy holidays!

On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 7:00 PM, Trey wrote:

 Thanks for hosting us here Mr. Taterbug, this is a great place for
 anyone who loves acoustic music and an even better place for mandolin
 enthusiasts.  Happy Holidays to you and yours and to everyone out

 On Dec 22, 8:10 pm, Alexander, Jeffrey wrote:
 Same to you!!  Hope everyone has a great Christmas!!


 -Original Message-

 [] On Behalf Of mistertaterbug
 Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 18:22
 To: Taterbugmando
 Subject: Happy Holidays Everyone!

 Thanks for making this group discussion page a success. It wouldn't
 hurt my feelings if we have three times as many contributors. I know
 there are a lot of lurkers. Speak out, folks! Tell anybody that you
 think might like this list to come on.

 I wish you all peace and prosperity in '09.
 Taterbug- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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Re: It Was Bound to Happen Sooner or Later...

2008-12-18 Thread Don Grieser

I was jamming at a festival campsite in Utah when a microburst
windstorm picked up an aluminum camping table and threw it at me and
my Gil. I saw it coming out of the corner of my eye and got my arm
out, but it basically folded around me and the Gil and flapped a few
times. I heard an awful sound, my strings were slack, and my heart
sank. I got it under some light and discovered it had hit the bridge,
knocking it over and digging the bridge base into the top where it got
knocked over. The top wasn't cracked so I got the bridge stood up and
put the strings back on and went back to jamming. This year I had it
in a stand at the edge of a small low stage and was talking to an
audience member after the show and he started gesturing wildly and
knocked it over on it's face. Hard enough to break a string, but no
other damage that I can tell other than a few dings. I've had enough
endpin incidents to keep one hand on it at all times, and have a loop
around the tailpiece now too.

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Re: Jenny Lind

2008-12-18 Thread Don Grieser

Dasspunk begins his career as a currency trader. g

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 6:36 AM, Dasspunk wrote:

 I'D buy one of them Jenny Lind bills from you Jonas, if I might


 On Dec 18, 1:04 am, Jonas Mattebo wrote:
 50 kronor is about 7 US dollars. I can get you one if you'd like!


 2008/12/18 mistertaterbug

  Hey Jonas,
  How much is a kronor? I'll take one of those Jenny Lind bills...

  On Dec 16, 12:12 pm, Jonas Mattebo wrote:
   Cool! I never knew that. I gotta learn that tune now!
   She is also pictured on our Swedish 50 kronor bills:


   16 dec 2008 kl. 17.39 skrev Fred:

Jah man--that's the one.  Extraordinarily famous woman in her time. PT
Barnum had her in his show for a time.  She even had a locomotive
for her:

The article itself is quite interesting but this bit about a famous
soprano named Jenny Lind was especially interesting. This would have
to be the Jenny Lind that inspired the fiddle tune of the same
name... no? Anyone?

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Re: subject Worst fiddle tune name...

2008-12-09 Thread Don Grieser

There's a tune in Bayard's Hill Country Tunes named Old Piss. More
colorful than gross.

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 11:35 AM, Robin Gravina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wrote a (very derivative )fiddle tune last week to enourage our fiddle
 player to practice occasionally. It's called Rebecca get yer fiddle out,
 get yer effin' fiddle out Catchy I think!

 On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 3:07 PM, mistertaterbug [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Yes ma'am. There are a lot of made up and somewhat off-color song
 titles floating around out there (such as Sweet Ass in the Piney
 Woods the old Lonesome Pine Fiddlers tune) and of course bastardized
 titles of known fiddle tunes. Some don't bear repeating in polite
 company. I mean, if you're in the middle of a 10-12 hour drive and
 looking for things to do, it's fun to come up with your own titles.
 Say the tunes Spider Bit the Baby or Indian Killed a Woodcock  or
 Monkey in the Dogcart. Take a look at the formula...Noun, verb,
 noun. Or you might want to go with more detail as in Jenny Ran Away
 in the Mud in the Night. I also hear that Bob Wills and band wrote a
 lot of verses to Take Me Back to Tulsa that are a bit racy. Boys
 will be boys...


 On Dec 8, 12:18 am, Linda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yes Indeed, I bet you have more interesting titles up your sleeve than
  a centipede has legs.
  On Dec 8, 3:25 pm, mistertaterbug [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Uhm, I better just stay outa this oneG.
   On Dec 6, 7:34 pm, Mandoyak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Ha! That easily trumps!
On Dec 6, 4:49 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My favorite one is still Dog Shit A Rye Straw.
  On Sat 12/ 6/08 11:32 AM , Mandoyak [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:
  Stumbled across these fiddle tunes:
  Maggots In The Sheep Hide and Snouts  Ears of America
  Uh...gross. Neat tunes, bad names.


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