How do different programs process lines/wrapping ?

2009-09-02 Thread AC
Many of you will begin to think I'm obsessed with this issue, but I'm

How do email programs understand line wrapping, carriage returns,
etc.?  When I write a paragraph, how does it get sent if I use plain
text?  Do most programs split the paragraph into actual lines as soon
as it is sent?  Or can it be sent as one long line, and then the email
client wraps it upon receipt?

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Why won't the developers add an option for allowing a single carriage return for MicroEd? (with auto-format enabled)

2009-08-31 Thread AC
On Fri, 28 Aug 2009 21:54:34 +0700, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

Hello Bill,

On Thu, 27 Aug 2009 23:25:01 -0700 GMT (28/Aug/09, 13:25 PM +0700 GMT),
Bill McQuillan wrote:

 I didn't even know that, but it will make Bill happy. :-)

BM It might if v2.11 had such an option!  :-)

Ah, forgot about your version number. Sorry.

BM Regardless, there are many other reasons I prefer the Windows editor. And
BM for the issue of not wrapping the final output when I send, when I am
BM finished editing and proofing a message, I quickly switch to the MicroEd,
BM apply Alt-L as necessary, switch back to Windows and send it! Works for me.
BM In fact I did just that with this message!

Wow, that's a new way of taking the best of both editors! Have your
cake and eat it too?

No offense, but that is ridiculous.  I'd prefer the developers to fix
any inconsistencies/problems with the editors so such things don't
need to take place.  But I seem to be alone on that.

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Re: Why won't the developers add an option for allowing a single carriage return for MicroEd? (with auto-format enabled)

2009-08-26 Thread AC
On Tue, 25 Aug 2009 01:29:11 -0700, Bill McQuillan wrote:

BTW, my Windows editor seems to color quoted text appropriately.

Thank you for your explanation.  It was very helpful and I appreciate
it.  I'm a little more calm about it.  i guess I just ahve to decide
which editor I want to use.

For the Windows editor that you mentioned above, try this and tell me
if it works:
--start a new email message (make sure it's in the Windows editor

--copy a paragraph of text from somewhere else (internet, etc.)

--Go back to the email, and right-click and paste as quotation

You will see that the even thought the text gets pasted with the 
symbol, the color doesn't automatically change to the quote color
setting.  Now if you do the same in Microed, the color changes
immediately (very nice).  If it were not for that and other other
similar coloring issues, I'd probably just use teh Windows editor.

But you're explanation helps me appreciate the Microed more.  Maybe
I'll just use double-enter to separate my paragraphs, and that will be
my compromise.

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Why won't the developers add an option for allowing a single carriage return for MicroEd? (with auto-format enabled)

2009-08-26 Thread AC
On Tue, 25 Aug 2009 10:49:07 +0100, Marck D Pearlstone wrote:

Dear Ac,

@24-Aug-2009, 21:11 -0700 (25-Aug 05:11 here) AC [A] in said:

... snip
A All I want to do is to have automatic wrapping and to be able to press
A the Enter key ONCE and start a new line.  I just don't understand why
A the developers and users are opposed to this.

There is a very simple explanation.

In microed, you are editing plain text ready to send. That's what it
does and what it was always designed to do. There is no character in
the ASCII set used for microed that can be used as an 'un-wrappable
end of line'.

A CR/LF is at the end of every visible line. Only 2 in a row can
denote an unwrappable line.

In autoformat, it is 2 CR/LFs that show when to stop recalculating the
position of the embedded CR/LFs within a paragraph.

So AC, the opposition you encounter to this idea is not a pedantic or
resistive one, but entirely a technical one.

Thank you for the response, it is informative and helpful.

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Why won't the developers add an option for allowing a single carriage return for MicroEd? (with auto-format enabled)

2009-08-24 Thread AC
In a thread from a few days back, I was frustrated with wrapping in
the Bat and had a few questions.  The answers i recieved helped me
identify exactly what feature I would like to see added to the Bat and
MicroEd in particular.

Can we have a checkbox that will allow single-carriage returns with
auto-format enabled?

Why do I want this?  So that wrapping will work in MicroEd the way
most Windows users are used to.  I will go through the details and the
common responses that I expect from this group.

Reaction #1
Why don't you just use the Windows editor?
Well, I like the MicroEd because of the way it autmoatically colors
things according to your color preferences.  For example, consider
quoted text:
In Microed, if I use the right-click option to paste as quotation,
then the pasted text will automatically be colored with whatever the
color setting for quotes is.  Also, if I remove the  symbol from
the beginning of a line, the text instantly goes back to the normal
This is not the case with the Windows editor.  When you paste as
quotation in the Windows editor, it does not become automatically
colored.  Also, if you remove the  symbol, the color doesn't change.
So that's why I prefer Microed.  But the single line return
auto-format issue prevents me from liking it completely.
It would be nice if the Windows coloring things were automatic.  Or if
single carriage returns were allowed in Microed with auto-format
turned on.  I still don't think it would be that big of a deal to add
an option for allow single carriage return.

Reaction #2
Just press 'Alt-L' with auto-format turned off to fix wrapping
I understand that I can use the Alt-L shortcut.  But i shouldn't have
to.  Again, all I'm asking for is a simple option--a checkbox.  Why
should I have to press Alt-L every time I edit a paragraph, which will
happen multiple times a day.

Reaction #3
That's just the way MicroEd has always been and we're not going to
change it.
This is actually the response I get from the developers.  I have never
recieved a response like this for feature requests for any software,
and i find it strange.  It's puzzling because I am not asking for any
features or characterisitics to be removed from Microed, just ADD a
little feature.  So all users who prefer it like it currently is will
not be affected.  I ask again and again, what is the big deal?  Why
would any of you oppose such an addition?  It makes no sens for other
users to say they don't want the feature added because IT DOESNT

All I want to do is to have automatic wrapping and to be able to press
the Enter key ONCE and start a new line.  I just don't understand why
the developers and users are opposed to this.

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Please help me understand the Pros and Cons of MicroEd (many, many wrapping issues)

2009-08-22 Thread AC
On Fri, 21 Aug 2009 10:46:58 +0200, Roelof Otten wrote:

A Question #2:
A What does Auto-Format do?  Please be detailed, I don't get it.

I don't know everything. ;-)
It  doesn't  like  new  lines,  when  hit enter and continue typing it
continues  on  the same line. To really start a new line you've got to
start  a new paragraph: hit enter twice so you've got an empty line in
When  you start typing in the middle of some text it keeps on wrapping
everything correctly instead of what you experience with question 5.

Thanks for the response (thanks to everyone else also).  Now you've
hit on the issue that I really want to resolve.  Why can't the
developers add an extra option (checkbox) so that you don't have to
press enter twice to start a new line?  Why can't I start a new line
by pressing it once?  All it would be is a simple little option, and
it takes nothing away from the other features, it just adds to it.

When I asked for this as a support ticket, the answer I got was this:

I am sorry to say, but this is not a bug, it's a feature of MicroEd.
Auto-Format works that way for years and we do not intend to change

I don't quite understand why they would refuse to add an option for
this.  Like I said, it doesn't take anything away.  It just adds a
little feature to get rid of the nuisance of pressing enter twice.
Often times in an email, I have to make lists lik this:

But I can't do it without either turning auto-format off or pressing
enter twice and then going back and deleting the extra lines.  I mean,
is it really a big deal to add that option?  i don't want to turn off
auto-format, because I want the wrapping to automatically adjust when
I go back to edit a paragraph.  It just doesn't seem reasonable to me
to take such a stubborn stance with something so simple and helpful.
It's not like I'm asking for a lot and i think it's a pretty practical
issue.  I don't feel it deserves a That's just the way it is and
we're not going to change it attitude.

My follow up response was this:
But couldn't there be an additional option added where we can have
all the features of auto-format and reflowing, but also be able to
press enter without it skipping back to the previous line?  It
wouldn't take anything away from anything else, it would only add a
feature.  please consider it.  All it would have to be is another
checkbox like, Allow single carriage return.

Would anyone here support me in adding this feature?  I need some
backup.  Again, remember, nothing would change, it will just be an
additional option.

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Please help me understand the Pros and Cons of MicroEd (many, many wrapping issues)

2009-08-21 Thread AC
I cannot get my head around MicroEd.  I want to like it, but I always
have problems with wrapping issues.  Please help me answer some

Question #1:
What are the differences between MicroEd and Plain Windows?

Question #2:
What does Auto-Format do?  Please be detailed, I don't get it.

Question #3:
Why can't the paragraphs wrap to the window size rather than a certain
number of characters?

Question #4:
Sometimes I write an email, it looks fine.  But when the other person
recieves it, the wrapping is all crazy with alternating long/short
lines.  As if one of my lines was being wrapped before it should be
and the leftover spills over to the next line.

Question #5:
Why do we have to use Alt-L to reformat the wrapping if you go back
and edit?  All other editors everywhere in the world do this
automatically.  Is this a MicroEd thing, or does it happen with the
Windows editor also?

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Microed editor not respecting the return

2009-07-17 Thread AC
When I use the Microed editor to write, I press Enter to start a new line, 
but as soon as I start
typing, the typing continues on the previous line where I had left off. So it's 
a little

Some more info. The options I have enable for Micro-ed specific options are: 
auto-format, smart tabs, backspace unindents, find text at caret position.

The reason I have settled on the options above is because of previous 
frustrations with Microed
that I've written here about before. The main one being my problem with being 
able to automatically
wordwrap lines after going back and editing lines in the middle of a message. 
Does anyone else run
into these frustrations with microEd? After all these years, I would have 
expected it to be a little
more normal and easy to use. I don't understand why this stuff happens or why 
it doesn't behave like
any other editor for the simple stuff. I love the Bat tremendously, but these 
little things about
microed keep coming up and they never seem to get fixed.


Current version is 4.2.6 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Many, many confusing options for templates with no explanations

2009-04-18 Thread AC
I have huge problems with templates because there are many confusing options 
and difficult to find
documentation. So, I'm just going to list my several questions on templates 
that have been bugging

There's a Common Templates section in the quick templates dialog. But every 
template also has a
checkbox for share with other accounts. This is confusing. What's the 
difference? How does each

In the same dialog, for each template, there are check boxes for Use For New 
Messages, Reply
Messages, and Forward messages. However, in each of your Account properties, 
you have to set up
templates for all these categories anyway. Again, what's the difference, and 
how is each one meant
to be used? Furthermore, why do i even have to check those options?! Whenever I 
want to use a quick
template inside another template, I can always do so with the QINCLUDE 
function, right? I don't have
to check those boxes at all. Very, very confusing.

Is there somewhere that lists all the template functions in some kind of 
organized fashion? I'm
talking all the functions and how to use them? For example, the ISSIGNATURE 
command makes no sense
to me whatsoever.

Thanks for all the advice. I love the Bat, but there seriously needs to be a 
more convenient place
to find answers to these questions besides mailing lists newsgroups. A good 
help file would be
ideal. but I understand if that's not the developer's priority. At least a 
normal web forum or
something. Newsgroups and mailing lists are old-school. I still haven't set up 
my newsreader to be
able to reply to messages...all I can do is create a new message right now. OK, 
I'm done!


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

automatic line wrapping issues

2009-03-30 Thread AC
I'm  using  microEd  and I have the free caret option turned off.  In email 
programs I've used, and 
also  with  the  bat, I always have issues with word wrappiing.  Specifically 
for the Bat, I notice 
problems  when  I  type  a paragraph, but then go back to edit something or 
delete something in the 
middle  of  the paragraph.  What happens is that the line wrapping gets all 
screwed up and if I add 
some  words to the middle of the paragraph, that line I added on to will now 
stretch way beyond the 
regular wrapping edge.  Similarly, if I delete words, the line will shorten but 
it won't bring along 
the next line with other words, only that one line will shorten even if 
more words from the 
next line can fit above.

The  point is, the wrapping only works when you are typing the paragraph from 
scratch.  When you go 
back to edit a paragraph, all the wrapping gets broken and messed up.  Why 
can't it dynamically wrap 
everything like any other text editor would do?  Is there a setting somewhere?

I've  run  into  this before and someone suggested that when that happens, I 
reformat the paragraph 
with some shortcut (I forgot what it was, but it was something similar to just 
aligning left).  But 
my real question is why can't the program do this automatically?


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

signatures in top-posted replies

2009-03-15 Thread AC
My preference is to top-post when replying to emails.  So, in my template for 
replies, there are typically three blocks 
of text:
my new reply text
my signature
quoted text

What I'm having a problem with is that the editor will format everything below 
the signature delimiter --  as part of 
the  signature, so the quoted text will be formatted as part of the signature.  
Is it possible to keep the two separate 
while  still  being  able  to  top-post?   It doesn't affect the actual, it's 
just affecting what i see visually in the 
editor.  I would like to see the three separate sections with three different 
formats.  Thanks.


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: G-Mail... Again!

2004-12-23 Thread AC Martin
Hi Tony Boom,
 On 23/12/2004 02:09 PM, you wrote:

 Talking of which, I now have another 12, yes twelve more invites to
 give away.

If I take one, does this mean that I'll be caught in that cycle of
having all those invites to give out? :)

-= Allie =-
Oxymoron: Sit up.

Using ThunderBird v1.0
IMAP Server: MDaemon Pro
OS: Windows XP Pro (Service Pack 2)

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Macro for AV automatic mail ?

2004-11-22 Thread AC Martin
Hi Alexander S. Kunz
 On 22/11/2004 01:25 PM, you wrote:
Please don't do that. Most, if not all worms/virus programs scan the 
infected system for email addresses and use those as a sender. The
sender field of the mail is spoofed, it is most likely NOT the
owner of the infected system.
Agreed. For a few days last week, I was receiving notification that I
had sent a virus to a particular address and that it was removed. Turns
out that I don't know the address that's being referred to and I don't
have it in my address book. I don't even use the address book that's
normally used by these viruses that send out copies of itself via e-mail.
-= Allie Martin =-
Even a hawk is an eagle among crows.

IMAP Clients: ThunderBird v0.9 | SquirrelMail v1.4.4 | The Bat!
IMAP Server: MDaemon Pro  | OS: Windows XP Pro (Service Pack 2)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Macro for AV automatic mail ?

2004-11-22 Thread AC Martin
Hi WilWilWil
 On 22/11/2004 01:43 PM, you wrote:
I will automatically move infected mails in quarantine folder and 
have a look manually.
I'm not sure what you mean here. Look manually to do what? Hopefully not
to examine sender addresses and then ask the sender if it was really
them. If you see my address as sender, I'll admit from now that it
wasn't I who sent it so there would be no need to ask me about it. :)
-= Allie Martin =-
Even a hawk is an eagle among crows.

IMAP Clients: ThunderBird v0.9 | SquirrelMail v1.4.4 | The Bat!
IMAP Server: MDaemon Pro  | OS: Windows XP Pro (Service Pack 2)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Macro for AV automatic mail ?

2004-11-22 Thread AC Martin
Hi WilWilWil,
 On 22/11/2004 5:25 PM, you wrote:
Another strange thing append often with my sent my mails : I send
mails to friends and their system fight them as an attacks.
Especially by Norton !  :-( Is this because of a special format of
mails written by TB ? They add my address in their white list but
mails are fight again...
I don't know what would do that. shrug
Does the same thing happen when you send your messages with a different 

-= Allie Martin =-
If at first you don't succeed, work for Microsoft.
IMAP Clients: The Bat! v3.0.2.5  |  ThunderBird v0.9
IMAP Server: MDaemon Pro  |  OS: Windows XP Pro (Service Pack 2)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information: