Re[2]: Empty Mail

2004-10-20 Thread Morpheus
Hello Marck,

Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 10:02:31 PM, you wrote:


 The stripped message is what the folder (it is *not* a folder) gives
 to The Bat!. The folder does not store the message stripped. It strips
 it *while passing it to The Bat!*. The Bat! does not strip it. Please
 stop saying it is The Bat! and you might start moving towards a
 solution. Downloading direct from the ISP server instead of this silly
 folder (it is NOT a folder - it is just a poorly written local email
 server) should prove that once and for all.

more snipping

M Your logic to me at least makes no sense.

 It makes a great deal of sense. Please think a bit deeper and try to
 understand what I (and many others) have been trying to explain to you
 about how this works. Your calling it a folder and looking in the
 temporary message store is doing nothing but confusing you. Even if
 you don't know what we're talking about, accept that we actually do.

It gives me no pleasure to report that requesting the emails direct
has made no difference at all to the appearance of some emails, they
are still being stripped. I will not bore you or anyone else withis
any further as it is obviously something specific to my set up or ISP
so I will live with it for a while and C.

The only other option to try is to have my mails routed through a
completely different MailServer to see if that makes a difference
which I will try.

I will only report if I find an answer to the mystery so you can put
your kill file filters away :-)


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Empty Mail

2004-10-20 Thread Morpheus
Hello Allie,

Wednesday, October 20, 2004, 12:03:42 PM, you wrote:

 On Wednesday, October 20, 2004 at 1:21:44 AM [GMT -0500], Morpheus

 It gives me no pleasure to report that requesting the emails direct
 has made no difference at all to the appearance of some emails, they
 are still being stripped.

 Have you tried another e-mail client to see what happens?

I recently transferred my mail from Poco Mail to TheBat! I had not
experienced this problem with mail before this exchange...
however there is more to this than this simple statement..if I may

When I heard about the wondrous things TheBat! could do with handling
spam I decided to lift all my redirection email addresses which were
currently going into an account at and have them once
again bombard me with spam so that I could try and teach BayesIT how
to recognise an avalanche of spam. 95% of my spam was going unseen but
there were odd iems that kept getting through the net and as I like to
tinker I thought I could get TheBat! to spamate them once and for all.

So to tell the truth Poco Mail has never received any spam mail so I
cannot say for certain that it did not have this problem before the

I have had my domain name for several years and as such I am have been
found by up to 50 spammers a day so TheBat! gets a good workout :-) I
have only lost one email that I did not want to lose all the rest that
have been stripped have been crap mail. Bonafide mail does not seem to
be affected at all. In fact I opened a hotmail account and sent myself
a message to see if it was stripped and it was not so I
suspect it is those emails that contain only a HREF to an external
image and no content. And this leads me to suspect BayesIT is the
guilty party with some internal flag to render this type of email


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Empty Mail

2004-10-20 Thread Morpheus
Hello Marck,

Wednesday, October 20, 2004, 2:34:09 PM, you wrote:

 Dear Thomas,

 @20-Oct-2004, 20:20 +0700 (20-Oct 14:20 UK time) Thomas Fernandez [TF]
 in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Morpheus:

M Using my language I can see inside 'the folder' the raw messages so if
M anything was going to 'mangle' it as you poetically put it, would it
M not have done so already? Yet when I look at the raw message in my
M TEXTEDITOR I see the whole and not the stripped message TheBat!
M offers up to me.

TF How do you open the messages in the text editor?

 The Satellite software is downloading the messages into a holding
 folder external to TB and driver by its own virtual POP handler. The
 holding folder is a simple disk folder that contains .msg files. These
 files can be viewed with a text editor.

TF Over here, the mails are downloaded into the .tbb files, and these
TF show garbage in the text editor. So what file are you opening?

 The satellite offline message folder contents external to TB - prior to
 receiving the messages in TB.

 .. snip

TF No apparently it is not your satellite software,

 Actually - it seem that there is possibly something amiss with the
 message body format before it even arrives in the offline folder.
 Although the whole message can be seen in a text editor, once it is
 transmitted by POP protocol to TB, the body has been removed. Morpheus
 has said this happens with or without the middle-man offline folder's
 intervention. Telling TB to grab the messages from the Satellite ISP's
 POP server directly by changing the account settings in TB still
 resulted in truncated messages. Unless, of course, Morpheus simply
 opened the connection and downloaded, expecting the messages to come
 direct from the ISP without changing any settings... in which case, we
 still don't know.

TF you do have the full message on your computer. But where, I
TF wonder. The message body gets lost on the way from that file which
TF you can open in the text editor to the import into TB.

 Yes - and POP3 is the import method.

No I am stupid but not that stupid :-) I changed my settings from
pop3server to and this requires an open
internet connection to pull (did I say that right) the mail to my PC.

I said in an earlier email that this stripping appears to be very
selective and far more intelligent than I. It only appears to strip
spam but I do recall the emails I viewed intact before DID contain
text and not just an external reference to an image or site elsewhere.

Something on my computer seems to be leaping in at the transfer stage
from localhost folder to TheBat! to kill the content. Could it be
SPYBOT? It is not designed to do this as far as I know but apart from
that and AVG and Kerio is the only stuff I have running except of
course my satellite software which always running.


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Empty Mail

2004-10-19 Thread Morpheus
Hi Marck

Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 12:51:08 PM, you wrote:

 Dear Tbudl,

 @19-Oct-2004, 12:35 TBUDL [T] in
 mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to David:

T I see the headers only with the rest of the email stripped out by
T TheBat!

 This is simply not true. TB is not stripping your mail. It doesn't. It
 won't. Nobody has come forward yet to support your reported
 experience. If TB were capable of doing this we would all have seen it
 happen at some time or another. Nobody here has. Whatever is sat on
 your delivery system is doing it. You didn't tell us what
 you have on that.

 TB may fail to /display/ content, but a view of the message source
 always shows an intact receipt. Whatever TB is sent, it stores.
 Anything else is the influence of something external to TB.

 And please use a better alias than TBUDL.

 And please trim your replies to context - your last included a list

Seems like I have touched a nerve? First of all there has already been
support from others commenting on a similar thing happening to them.

My delivery system is a folder which receives my email from a
satellite connection and there it sits until I use an email client to
fetch it from the folder. When I view the raw message for the ones
that HAVE been stripped they are intact until TheBat! loads them so by
simple means of elimination it can only be either TheBat! and my
settings or BayesIT.

I have changed my alias to something more appropriate and I agree it
is confusing but never realised until I started to see my messages in
the list. Hopefully I have trimmed my list footers as well :-)

My thoughts now are that something has become corrupted and before I
scrap TheBat! perhaps I should uninstall and then reinstall to see if
I can eliminate the problem that way.


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Empty Mail Update

2004-10-19 Thread Morpheus

I have uninstalled everything and removed all traces (that I can find)
from the Register. Reinstalled everything and fed BayesIT with 500
good and 500 bad emails.

I will let you know (if you are interested) if I find any further
email stripping.


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Empty Mail

2004-10-19 Thread Morpheus
Hello Alexander,

Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 4:10:33 PM, you wrote:

 Hello Morpheus,

 Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 2:07:26 PM, you wrote:

 My delivery system is a folder which receives my email from a
 satellite connection and there it sits until I use an email client to
 fetch it from the folder

 Sorry to jump in here but I can't bear reading this any longer. :-)

 The IP address is also called *localhost* - it (usually)
 is your OWN machine! Ping will have your own computer answer
 your ping request.

 You *must* have something sitting in between TheBat! and your
 POP3/IMAP server, there's no way around that. Are you using a virus
 scanner that scans your email, or an additional local spam filter, or
 message mangling program (like xrayapp), or whatever.

 In essence, when you look up mails it may be something like

TheBat! - virus scanner - POP3 server

 Or whatever...
Very pleased to have you jump in. Thank you for converting my message
to something Techies can understand rather than the IT illiterate
idiots like me ;-)

The only application that divides me from incoming mail is Kerio
Personal Firewall and I use AVG Anti Virus which is not capable of
recognising my incoming mail unless I try to open it and it contains a
virus it will then intercept.

I collect my mail by using which you quite rightly point out
is my own machine. My satellite connection downloads mail without my
PC being directly connected to the internet via my ISP and dumps the
mail into a personal folder and using successfully locates
this folder and gives me email.

There are NO additional local spam filters nor message mangling
programs although I have never heard of one of these and would surely
know if I had downloaded and installed one presumably.


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Empty Mail

2004-10-19 Thread Morpheus
Hello Marck,

Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 5:15:57 PM, you wrote:

 Dear Morpheus,

 @19-Oct-2004, 16:23 Morpheus [M] in
 mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Alexander:

 .. snip

 Sorry to jump in here but I can't bear reading this any longer. :-)

 The IP address is also called *localhost* - it
 (usually) is your OWN machine! Ping will have your own
 computer answer your ping request.


 You *must* have something sitting in between TheBat! and your
 POP3/IMAP server, there's no way around that.

 100% true.
M Very pleased to have you jump in. Thank you for converting my
M message to something Techies can understand rather than the IT
M illiterate idiots like me ;-)

 Well, you are clearly missing something that I have been trying to say
 and has now been said by someone else.

M The only application that divides me from incoming mail is Kerio
M Personal Firewall and I use AVG Anti Virus which is not capable of
M recognising my incoming mail unless I try to open it and it contains a
M virus it will then intercept.

 .. but wait ... there's more that *you* (clearly and sadly) don't
 realize about your own computer system ...

M I collect my mail by using which you quite rightly point
M out is my own machine.

 Not only is it your machine, but it is a *piece of software* on your
 machine listening on TCP/IP port 110 (the POP3 port) to your requests
 for your email from The Bat! That software then digs it out of the
 folder and sends it to you. It is software. It is software that
 opens an email message from the folder and sends it to TB.

 *THAT* is the software that is eating your messages. Sorry, but you
 don't seem to be understanding this basic and fundamental point I (and
 others) are making here.

M My satellite connection downloads mail without my PC being directly
M connected to the internet via my ISP

 downloads? By magic? Not really. It uses the POP3 protocol on an
 open TCP/IP connection. And it's not the satellite connection that
 does it. It is software that uses the open connection to do it.
 Software provided by your ISP. Faulty software, IMHO.

M and dumps the mail into a personal folder and using
M successfully locates this folder and gives me email.

 That is not correct. It seems to me that you don't understand the
 process quite enough. is the IP address of a *Mail Server* - a mail server program
 running on your computer itself. Your satellite software includes a
 local mail server and tries to blind you with non-science by calling
 it a folder. It's not a folder. It's a local mail server - a piece
 of software (whether or not you previously knew that).

M There are NO additional local spam filters nor message mangling
M programs

 But there is. It's the software from your satellite ISP. The one that
 calls itself a mail folder. I believe that is what is mangling your
 mail on delivery. I have no idea why it should do that. Contact your
 ISP and check that you have the latest version and start ranting to
 them about POP3 compatibility, because IMHO you are calling the wrong
 kettle black.

M although I have never heard of one of these and would surely know
M if I had downloaded and installed one presumably.

 Well, it seems to me that you actually don't know ... and without
 realising it ... you did!

I have decided not to snip as I dont know what bits would be best to
snip :-)

You really are very abrupt Marck. We or should I say I am not as
literate in these matters as you so obviously are but that does not
mean I am a dunce, nor does it prevent me from wishing to learn more
so chill dude.

Using my language I can see inside 'the folder' the raw messages so if
anything was going to 'mangle' it as you poetically put it, would it
not have done so already? Yet when I look at the raw message in my
TEXTEDITOR I see the whole and not the stripped message TheBat!
offers up to me. When I open TheBat! and ask to see my messages it
pulls them from the folder and does its thing. If the satellite
software was going to strip the emails why would it not have done so
already. Your logic to me at least makes no sense.

After my uninstall and reinstall the problem has not disappeared but I
may well do so you will be pleased to know.


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Empty Mail Update

2004-10-19 Thread Morpheus
Hello Jeff,

Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 5:18:35 PM, you wrote:

 Hello Group

 On Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 4:05:20 PM,  wrote:


 I have uninstalled everything and removed all traces (that I can find)
 from the Register. Reinstalled everything and fed BayesIT with 500
 good and 500 bad emails.

 I will let you know (if you are interested) if I find any further
 email stripping.

 Let us know if you want any of us to send you test emails of any type.

Thanks for the offer Jeff but the problem still persists and 99.9% of
the emails it does this with are SPAM sp perhaps I should just let it
get on with it and thank my lucky stars I dont have to look at the
crap they are sending to me.


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Empty Mail

2004-10-19 Thread Morpheus
Hello Alexander,

Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 5:37:46 PM, you wrote:

 Hello Morpheus  everyone else

 19-Okt-2004 17:23, you wrote:

 Very pleased to have you jump in. Thank you for converting my message
 to something Techies can understand rather than the IT illiterate
 idiots like me ;-)

 I just felt that you and Marck could not connect somehow... :)

 Sorry, only to germans: Hölle, was heisst aneinander vorbeireden auf
 Englisch? (it is only a question on how to express a certain phrase so any
 non-germans do not miss a thing, no hidden jokes, no nothing, promised!)

 I collect my mail by using which you quite rightly point out
 is my own machine. My satellite connection downloads mail without my
 PC being directly connected to the internet via my ISP and dumps the
 mail into a personal folder and using successfully locates
 this folder and gives me email.

 So, as Marck already said, some sorta software *must* be installed on your
 PC. It listens on port 110 for any POP3 requests and then feeds the mail
 that it temporarily stored, whichever way, to the program that made the
 POP3 request - that program happens to be TheBat!, and it gets something
 that is already on your system, and possibly got mangled somehow on its way
 there, either on the satellite route, or by the software that buffers the
 content locally on your end.

 Now, I don't know much about satellite technique, but I assume it is some
 sort of proxy. Who configured the machine for you when you got that
 satellite connection?

There was no config the CD software did it all for me illieterate as
I am.


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Empty Mail

2004-10-19 Thread Morpheus
Hello Thomas,

Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 5:59:05 PM, you wrote:

 Hello Alexander,

 On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 18:37:46 +0200 GMT (19/10/2004, 23:37 +0700 GMT),
 Alexander S. Kunz wrote:

ASK Sorry, only to germans: Hölle, was heisst aneinander vorbeireden auf
ASK Englisch?

 Talking about different things.

 I side with Marck. I receive messages in the office that fit the
 description posted by Morpheus, and they were cleaned by NAV. (Sorry
 Marck, that's what the IT people decided to use.)

 Morpheus, what happens if you make TB not connect to localhost but
 directly to the ISP's POP server?

Aha thanks Thomas a man with a sensible suggestion and yes I can
connect directly with the satellite ISP for my mail it is just very
convenient not to have to connect to collect mail but it is worth
trying this option to see if it makes a difference.


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Empty Mail

2004-10-19 Thread Morpheus
Hello Marck,

Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 10:02:31 PM, you wrote:

 Dear Morpheus,

 @19-Oct-2004, 20:40 Morpheus [M] in
 mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Marck:

M Using my language I can see inside 'the folder' the raw messages so
M if anything was going to 'mangle' it as you poetically put it,
M would it not have done so already?

 No. It gets changed as it is *sent* from the folder you can see
 inside (and it is not a folder - it is the pre-transmission mail

M Yet when I look at the raw message in my TEXTEDITOR I see the whole
M and not the stripped message TheBat! offers up to me.

 The stripped message is what the folder (it is *not* a folder) gives
 to The Bat!. The folder does not store the message stripped. It strips
 it *while passing it to The Bat!*. The Bat! does not strip it. Please
 stop saying it is The Bat! and you might start moving towards a
 solution. Downloading direct from the ISP server instead of this silly
 folder (it is NOT a folder - it is just a poorly written local email
 server) should prove that once and for all.

M When I open TheBat! and ask to see my messages it pulls them from
M the folder and does its thing.

 No it doesn't do its thing. It receives. It doesn't pull anything
 from any folder like you do with your TEXTEDITOR. It asks the silly
 folder thing to send it the messages. The silly folder thing sends. It
 doesn't sit back and say here's my folder, help yourself. It sends.
 That's where it goes wrong. The silly folder thing is *sending it

 I'm not being condescending rude or abrupt here but I'm finding it
 very hard to put this in terms you are likely to understand.

M If the satellite software was going to strip the emails why would
M it not have done so already.

 Why? It hasn't *sent* them yet.

M Your logic to me at least makes no sense.

 It makes a great deal of sense. Please think a bit deeper and try to
 understand what I (and many others) have been trying to explain to you
 about how this works. Your calling it a folder and looking in the
 temporary message store is doing nothing but confusing you. Even if
 you don't know what we're talking about, accept that we actually do.

Eureka now I understand what you are trying to force down my
illiterate throat and I thank you for being so patient. I will now as you
suggest switch to direct download and see if that cures it.

Still at least we got off the subject of installing 3.001 for a
few minutes.

Thanks Marck :-)


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information: