Spell Checker (was Re: From WIN 95 to Win2K)

2001-04-14 Thread dMb

I'm happy to report that moving from my Win 95 to Win2k machine was
very easy.

All I did was back up the registry settings and then copied the entire
TB! directory structure onto a zip disk.

Insert zip disk into new machine, copy to same directory structure and
restore the registry settings.

Just about everything works as advertized.

The only thing that has stopped working is the spell checker.

I checked the registry settings on the new machine and they point to
the location where the spell checking files exist. Except that there
are a bunch of Value Not Set listings. I can't get the spell checker
to work. When I'm in the editor, if I use the pull down menu to select
a sellchecker option, everything is grayed out except for Language.
When I click on Language, the only option is Amercian English, which
is grayed out as well, so I really can't make a selection.

Anyone know why?  Is there some other place that WIN 2K forces the
software to look for other than where TB! thinks the spell checking
files are?



[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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From WIN 95 to Win2K

2001-04-11 Thread dMb

Anticipating a new computer for quite some time now, I archived a few
messages on how to move TB! from one machine to another. Believe it or
not, I've even read the FAQ.

Well, the new machine is here. I'm going from a Pentium 75 to an AMD
1Ghz. Slight improvement, eh?  What I'm not sure of is if I can use the
same procedures described in the FAQ when changing from WIN 95 to WIN2K.

Also, I normally don't use the internal backup routine.  Instead, I
just export the registry settings, and them zip everything into one
large zip file as part of my normal maintenance.

As Win2K is a totally new environment/OS I don't know what to expect.
Is there a preferred method when it comes to Win2k?



[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Keep Message in Base / Purging

2000-10-14 Thread dMb

I've noticed that something has changed in the way the TB! purges old
messages.  I think it has added one day to all of my folders.


I have the option selected to keep messages in base (i.e. purge after )
4 days in a particular folder.

Today is October 14, 2000.

I just ran the Purge option, yet I still have messages in the folder
that are dated October 9, 2000 (both created and received). I would
have assumed that the oldest messages would be dated October 10, 2000.

The one extra day is happening in all folders, regardless of the
setting. While it's not a huge issue, I was wondering if anyone else
is seeing this happen?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re: Colour groups (was Re[2]: Need direction and a question)

2000-09-04 Thread dMb

Januk wrote:

>> How can I colour each message from each sender (for example: from
>> Mike - blue, from Tom - yellow...)

>  First create your colour groups as mentioned above.  Then you can
>  create filters (Account -> Sorting Office/Filters) to create filters
>  that can apply the colour groups automatically.  If you want, you can
>  apply a colour group manually by right clicking on the message in the
>  message list pane.  Select colour groups and view the options.

Funny, I used to have a color group working and it no longer does.

Somehow, I configured a color group to highlight all messages from me
to any mailing list to which I sent a message.  The color group still
exists but I can't seem to figure out how to apply it to the filters
so that it will work.

I seem to remember that it involved Advanced Filtering, but I can't
find it on the menu, and the help screen doesn't mention it.  Am I
going blind?

Any help would be appreciated.




[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re: Spell Checker Annoyance?

2000-07-29 Thread dMb

Januk wrote:

>> It's my understanding that if I type the word "teh", it should
>> automatically correct it to "the" if it appears in the dictionary.

>  If you notice, some misspelled words are underlined with triangular
> waves, and others with square waves.

I do now.  :)

> If you double right click on the square wave words, then they change.

So they do.  Interesting.

> This is a plus and a minus.  It
> is a plus when you intentionally want to misspell a word, like in your
> example above.  It has the obvious disadvantage that it is not
> intuitive. This is especially true if one is used to MS Word's
> implementation of "autocorrection."

Agreed.  So what are all the options on the right for when adding a
word to the dictionary.  I see that I can autocorrect words that don't
appear in there.  Are those words for "special" auto correcting

I've experimented with them a little but I still don't fully
understand the logic.




[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re: Spell Checker Annoyance?

2000-07-29 Thread dMb

Nick wrote:

> Having had to re-install TB! due to a reformat, I am running into a
> Spell Check annoyance that was not there previously. When I write
> messages, I enable auto-correct and Spell Checker works as it did
> before...

This reminds me of a question that I've been meaning to ask for a

Just how does the Auto Correction Feature work.

It's my understanding that if I type the word "teh", it should
automatically correct it to "the" if it appears in the dictionary.

However, it doesn't.  And yes, the option is selected.

What am I missing here?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re: The Bat! - bug report: Watch those BCCs

2000-07-29 Thread dMb

CV>>>   1. Create an incoming/re-direct filter
CV>>>   2. Receive a message with multiple BCC recipients listed
CV>>>   3. Execute incoming/re-direct filter

>> I find that difficult to copy. Whenever I receive a message where
>> the original sender BCC'ed anybody, I cannot find that info
>> anywhere in the headers (must as I'd like to).

> I find it hard to believe, too. I tried, nevertheless, using steps
> exactly as Clemens described. The result is negative, I can't
> reproduce it.

The only thing that I can think of is that some early mail readers
implemented what I would define as a reverse BCC.  In other
words, anyone in the BCC list would know who was included (including
other BCC's) but that To: and the CC: field recipients would not.

Made for great gossip. :)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re: Threaded read (was:Re: (No Subject))

2000-07-26 Thread dMb

Marc wrote:

TF>> I don't read threaded - I must have too much time. However, the way I
TF>> understand it, if you set View/Trheads by reference, and then you keep
TF>> pressing the shift key to go through messages and have hit crtl+* to
TF>> expand all threads, you should be reading them thread-by-thread.

> How are some of you guys navigating? Just point + click?

I've experimented quite a bit with the threading options.

What I've found works best for me is View Threads by Subject, sort by
ascending Created Date.  Occasionally this will cause one or two
messages to be out of order, but for the most part, it works well.
Viewing by reference tends to split up the subjects into multiple
clusters of of the same subject, but not necessarily in order.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re: How to setup The Bat! for travel?

2000-06-10 Thread dMb

Thomas wrote:

> Set up your DUN paramaters under Options/Network&Admin. Mark "No
> automatic..." and "Use existing...". This way, TB will only try to
> check mail when you are connected already.

> That's my setting at home, and if I just want to check mail, I hit
> alt-F2. However, when I'm connected while web surfing, TB will
> conveniently check mail every 10 minutes.

> Please note that you have to uncheck "Use Account-specific..." under
> Account/Properties/Networking in all accounts. Because this setting
> ignores the "no automatic check" option and will try to connect (and
> find no dial tone).

Speaking of which, is there anyway to have TB! redial if a connection
is lost?

I have TB! set up to check mail every 2 minutes.
Occasionally my modem will disconnect.  Instead of automatically
redialing, I get a pop-up box that asks me if I want to reconnect.
I'd rather have TB! automatically reconnect if possible.

Note that on first time start up, TB! automatically dials in if I'm
not already connected.  It just won't do it on subsequent connections.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re: message finder window pos.

2000-05-20 Thread dMb

Windisch wrote:

> Hello Bat users! (and the others)

> Is  there  a  way  to make the message finder window start maximized? When I
> press  F7,  it always opens in a little window, the half of it is out of the
> screen.  It always appears at the same position and the same size and I have
> to  maximize it. All the other windows start maximized, this is the only one
> that doesn't remember how it was before I closed it.

Did anyone post a reply to this.  I have the same problem.  On my set
up, this is the only window that does this.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re: Subject line warnings

2000-05-20 Thread dMb

John wrote:

> Honestly, I've never seen so many subjectless messages posted to a
> mailing list as in this one -- where most people are using The Bat! That 
> in itself shows me the current lack of a warning is a bad idea.

Here is a work around for this problem.

Use a macro in all folders when creating a new message.

The macro should be:

%subject: "I forgot to put in the subject line"

After users start seeing what they are posting, they may eventually take
responsibility for their own actions and look at the subject line.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Templates and Clipboard

2000-03-27 Thread dMb

Does anyone know if there is a macro that I can use to put clipboard
contents into a template?

Alternatively,  is there anyway I can put my cursor on a link (email
address) in a message, and have that highlighted link appear as text
in a message?

Note, I do not want to generate a new message or reply to the
individual's address that I'm highlighting.  I only need that address
included in the body of the message.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
DoD #1359  COG #2103  SR #772  AEE #036025  ASHRAE #5106329  
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Re: Vieving HTML messages

2000-03-26 Thread dMb

Januk wrote:

>  Yes, but this is far from an ideal solution. :-)  I actually meant,
>  there is no way to have TB open a link in a new Netscape Window
>  *automagically.* There is supposedly a way to have IE5 force open a
>  new window too, but I can't find it. Oh well, these are old topics
>  that won't see a resolution any time soon, I'm afraid.

Actually, I recently discovered a little trick that makes it somewhat

Go to any of those web sites that insist on popping up those small
advertisement windows.  I believe Tripod, Geocities, etc.

If the last focused window in Netscape was THAT ad window, then
clicking on a link from within TB will force a new window in Netscape.

I've been meaning to play with this further to determine what the
differences are between the two NS windows and why this behavior
happens but I haven't had the time.

FWIW, I'm in the camp of wanting a new window opened each time I click
on a link in TB.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re: Bug report, was: avoid automatic bcc if 2 addresses are in addressbook

2000-03-12 Thread dMb

Allie wrote:

> On Sun, 12 Mar 2000 08:08:30 -0500, dMb wrote:

>> The only way I can get all of the addresses to appear (in the BCC
>> field) is if the Add Secondary Addresses to BCC option is selected.
>> (I've tried selecting it and it works).

> Interesting. I didn't see that.

> Other ways of creating a new message are:

> a) First opening the address book and then double-clicking on the
> desired recipient/s. Or selecting the recipients and hitting the
> create message button.

Fair enough.  I rarely do that, if ever.  That's probably why I
haven't seen this.

> b) Using the favourites drop-down menu list invoked by hitting the
> little arrow beside the create new message button.

I've NEVER used that.

In fact, the way that I most often create a new message is to click on
the New Message icon, then start to type in the first few characters
of the person's name until TB automatically completes the address.

If I don't know the person's name, only then do I go to the address

Same thing applies to forwarding mail.

Just goes to show you that people are definitely using the program in
many different manners, which points to the appeal of the program

BUT, if you want to avoid the problem with auto BCC's, looks like you
folks will have to do it my way.  :)

[running and ducking]


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re: Bug report, was: avoid automatic bcc if 2 addresses are in addressbook

2000-03-12 Thread dMb

Andreas wrote:

PA>> I just noticed some TB behaviour that I'd rather turn off:

PA>> In TB's addressbook you can enter more than one email address for one
PA>> person. TB did not (as I hoped and assumed it would do)
PA>> just send the email to the first address listed *only*, but it also sent the
PA>> email bcc to all other email addresses I had entered for this person.

> I didn't notice that behaviour until yesterday as we are discussing this in
> the german TB-group.

> I think, this is a definite bug.

uuu...What am I missing here?  I think we've discussed this here
before on the list.

I have some addresses in my address book that have more than one email

Now let's go through the steps that I'm using to create a new message:

Click on Create New Message icon.

Click on the right side of the To: field and up comes my address book.

Select the person I want to send an email to (assume that there are
multiple email addresses under this one entry in my address book)

Press O.K and only one address appears in the To field (in the editor).

The only way I can get all of the addresses to appear (in the BCC
field) is if the Add Secondary Addresses to BCC option is selected.
(I've tried selecting it and it works).

So what are you guys doing differently that causes this to happen all
the time?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re: Macro untidiness

2000-03-11 Thread dMb

Jast wrote:

> Morning Gary,

>> I wonder if you can have a quick template include other imbedded
>> variables in it too while using %QINCLUDE, like %cookie, so you would
>> have %QINCLUDE MACRO_X and macro_X would have further imbedded variables?

>  I recently posted a detailed (probably too detailed) explanation of this
>  system. The subject was "template management" It doesn't cover the use of
>  %qinclude macro and uses external files with %include macro instead.

>  Anyway, yes, it works. Of my sig below, everything except for the dots
>  consists of macros or includes of other "sub-templates"

I've just started playing with this but I'm having some problems.

I want to use %QINCLUDE in address specific templates.  What I want it
do is change the From and Reply-To fields but I can't seem to get it
to work.  The address specific template is working fine, but the
>From and Reply-To remain as they are in the folder template, not the
address specific template.

Specifically, a couple of my work related addresses that appear in my
address book now have:

>%QINCLUDE="c:\program files\the bat!\work.txt"

The file work.txt has:

>%FROM="Program Manager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

>%REPLYTO="Program Manager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

Note that if I paste the work.txt template directly into each address
template, then it works just fine.

Does anyone know if this can be done or what I'm doing wrong?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re: Bulk Forwards

2000-02-22 Thread dMb

George wrote:

> Monday, February 21, 2000, 2:15:09 PM, dMb wrote:

>> I'm still having problems with the Bulk Forward feature.

> This  is  a  known  problem.  If  you type the e-mail address you will have no
> problem but if you use addresbook you have.

George, I tried it both with typing in the address and by using the
address book.  The results were the same.

> I think it should be fixed. I use 1.41 Beta3

O.K.  Maybe I need a newer version.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re: Bulk Forwards

2000-02-22 Thread dMb

Thomas wrote:

d>> After selecting the O.K. button, or whatever it is, I got a series of
d>> beeps and I was back at the main screen of TB!

> I just played a little bit, and the forward worked without any beeps.

Can I have your machine?  :)

d>> Going to to outbox, I found that some of the messages were fine.
d>> Others only had the text from the template without the body of the
d>> message that I was forwarding.  There did not seem to be a pattern,
d>> as to which ones were O.K. and which ones were missing the body of the
d>> message.

> The same confused me, especially since it seemed to work perfectly
> with some folders, but not in others. Only the template, no body of
> the original message, was shown.

FWIW, I sometimes get an Application Error and get booted out of TB!
Happened on a second test to the same person.  One thread only. About
5 messages.  When I got back into TB!, they messages were in the
outbox, but once again, only some of them had the body of the message
in them.

> I found out that when I forwarded multiple message from the TBUDL
> folder, the folder-specific template for creating messages was used.
> Please check whether this may be the pattern (or maybe
> address-specific templates in your case?).

I DO use folder specific templates, but I don't use address-specific
templates anywhere in my setup.  Also note that the name of the person
is not selected as favorite, but there IS a handle.  Finally, this
person's address does exist in the pull down list of recent addresses
used.  Other than that, I can't figure out any patters.

Anyone else got any ideas?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
DoD #1359  COG #2103  SR #772  AEE #036025  ASHRAE #5106329  
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Bulk Forwards

2000-02-21 Thread dMb

I'm still having problems with the Bulk Forward feature.

I just selected 24 messages in a thread that I wanted to forward to

I clicked on the forward button, and was offered the option to open
the editor for each message (24 times, no thank you), so I selected
the second option where I'm allowed to type in a particular address.

After selecting the O.K. button, or whatever it is, I got a series of
beeps and I was back at the main screen of TB!

Going to to outbox, I found that some of the messages were fine.
Others only had the text from the template without the body of the
message that I was forwarding.  There did not seem to be a pattern,
as to which ones were O.K. and which ones were missing the body of the

Why would some work and others not?

Note that this has happened to me before.




[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
DoD #1359  COG #2103  SR #772  AEE #036025  ASHRAE #5106329  
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Re[2]: HTML

2000-02-01 Thread dMb

I wrote regarding sending pictures and HTML:

>> I'm open to suggestions on how to get this to work.

Then Paula Quipped:

> Suggest you put copy of photos in addressed envelope, attach necessary postage,
> seal envelope, insert envelope in mailbox.

That SO old fashioned.

And the types of photographs that I'm talking about won't be developed
at the one-hour photo. Furthermore, the USPS, might be a little upset
with their content too.

> Contact me privately if you need further instruction. ;)

Thanks but I'd rather do it the new way, with a digital camera.

> Alternatively, encourage the intended recipient to seek help in learning
> how to save an attachment to disk, then view. This might be considered a
> minimal skill that anyone using e-mail should acquire.

I agree, and that is what I encouraged.  But I'll bet you those photos
are still sitting on the HD, unopened.

[Barbie Doll Mode On]
"Computers are so complicated."
[Barbie Doll Mode Off]


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re[2]: HTML

2000-01-31 Thread dMb

Alexander wrote:

>> As much as I loathe HTML email messages, sometimes I find it necessary
>> to generate a new message in that format (rather than plain text).

> In TB it's impossible, but you can prepare the HTML file in any other 
> application you use for HTML editing (I use HomeSite, www.allaire.com), save 
> it do disk, then:
> (a) attach the HTML file to the message;
> (b) clear *everything* from the message editor, that is, leave your message 
> blank in TB.

> TB will send the message as if it were just HTML, i.e. it won't attach the HTML, 
> it will rather use HTML as the body of the message.

FWIW, I tried this today, and sent a message to my work account where
I'm forced to run/use Outlook on an NT setup.  It didn't work.

I got a blank message, with two files attached; the html coded page
and the image.

I'm open to suggestions on how to get this to work.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re[3]: HTML

2000-01-30 Thread dMb

Gary>> I have been playing with this too. The only way I have come
Gary>> across, (spent very little time on this project yet) is to make
Gary>> a document, let's say in Word or WordPerfect, save it in HTML
Gary>> format, and then send it as a MIME attachment.

Chuck wrote:

> That *does* work rather well ... just did a short test to myself, and
> it came through nicely except, of course, for the graphics referenced
> in the HTML which are stored in my FTP directory ... if we wanted to
> include inline graphics which would display for the recipient when
> sending, could we do that, and if so, how would they need to be
> referenced in the HTML?

Bingo.  O.k.  So I'll reveal why I need this.  I have someone that
doesn't know what an attachment is. Sent a couple of photgraphs to
them at AOL, and they can't figure out how to view them.  Nor can
I figure out how to walk them through the process since I don't do
AOL.  When I said, save them in a subdirectory and then open a
browser, all I got was: "What are those?"

Therefore, I thought of doing an HTML message with the pictures
included, except that I'm back to where I started.

Still open to other suggestions, and perhaps a (loathed) feature for


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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2000-01-30 Thread dMb

Stupid question time:

As much as I loathe HTML email messages, sometimes I find it necessary
to generate a new message in that format (rather than plain text).

Don't ask why.

But...what I can't figure out is if it's possible to do this within

Could someone clue me in?  I just looked at the various options both
in the main program, and from within the editor, and I couldn't find


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Re: disableling auto-bcc

2000-01-19 Thread dMb

Roel wrote:

> Hello Everybody,

>   when you've got a contact with 2 (or more) email-adresses, everytime
>   you create a new message using the adress-book, the mail is
>   auto-bcc'ed to the second address...

>   how can i disable this?

When you click on the address button in the editor, there will be a
little check box at the bottom that says: Add Secondary Addresses to
BCC.  Mine is not selected so it doesn't happen.

Not sure if this is where you turn it off globally or not, but I don't
have a problem with this as it's never been selected.



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Re[2]: Wish item?

2000-01-09 Thread dMb

Alexander wrote:

>> In Netscape it uses the previously open window. So I open a new window
>> first, go back to TB, and then click on the link. An option "open link
>> in new browser window" (upon right-clicking) would come in handy.

> In Netscape this behaviour is configurable via the prefs.js file.

A...care to expand upon this?  I have three different readers that
give me different results, all using the same version/installation of
Netscape.  Two of them open the last open window, always.  The other
opens a new window, always.

I just took a look at the prefs.js file, and I couldn't figure out which
variable I would need to change to make this feature work within TB.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re[2]: Wish list from a new user of The Bat

2000-01-09 Thread dMb

Steve wrote:

> BTW, CNTL-ALT-DEL in NT is to login.  


I thought that this was a joke when I first saw it.

But let's not even go there.

Derek, who still has a problem pressing those keys when logging on at

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re[2]: Mailing List filters

2000-01-09 Thread dMb

Steve wrote:

> Then you don't know regex, do you?  Here's the perlized version to catch
> all lists off listar, majordomo and LSERV.

> if (($line =~ m/^X-List: (.*)/) ||
> ($line =~ m/^Sender: owner-(.*)@/) ||
> ($line =~ m/^Sender: (.*)-owner@/)){
>   $filter_to = $account/Mailing Lists/$1;
> }


You've caught my attention but I'm still confused about something.
Once you've filtered all your mailing list messages into a
folder/account, do you then filter them again into separate
subfolders, one for each list?

Right now, I have a filter for each mailing list, putting each list
into it's own folder.  As the list owner for one of your favorite
modes of transportation, that one list has additional sub folders for
bounces, admin tasks, subs, unsubs, etc.  I realize that each
additional filter slows processing down, so any way to streamline it
would be appreciated.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re[2]: Wish item?

2000-01-09 Thread dMb

Sunday, January 09, 2000, 2:26:34 AM, Owen wrote:

>> really prefer it to spawn a new window instead. Is there a way to
>> force this? is there a key-combo? or is it beyond the bat!s control (a
>> M$ 'enhancement'..?)

Steve replied:

> Yes, use something other than IE.  In Opera it opens a new window.

It does the same thing in Netscape; uses the last opened window.  I
too would like it to open a new window.  Especially useful when one
message contains many links.

Haven't had a chance to check out Opera yet.  On the agenda though...


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re[2]: Turn Off Confirmation Dialog Revisited

2000-01-07 Thread dMb

Thomas wrote:

> OK, an option "delete read|replied messages only" would be handy, I
> get your point.

Let me second that.  I wrote about this just a day or two ago (finding
out the hard way that purge old included unread messages).

FWIW, there ARE mail readers out there that behave as described above;
an unread message is never considered old.

(The Other) Derek

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re[2]: Purging

2000-01-06 Thread dMb

tracer wrote:

dMb>> Is there anyway to prevent purging of unread messages?  I looked
dMb>> around but couldn't find the setting.

> The way I handle my incoming mail and I am sure it can be improved, is
> to make all or most regular incomings a filter so they go to their
> boxes and my INBOX is slipped through spam and relatively rarely
> occuring or repeating msgs
> I seem to get about 400 mails per day this week but my inbox maybe has
> 5-10.

I handle my mail pretty much the same way.  Still, I don't get to read
all mail in all folders every day.  As a list admin, I usually give
priority to certain folders.

OTOH, on a daily basis, I purge and compress the "busy" folders. I
won't be able to do that until I'm sure I've read everything that
_might_ get purged. Seems to me that this should/could be a feature
request. I know it exists in many other readers (unread messages don't
get purged).

Thanks for the feedback.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
DoD #1359  COG #2103  SR #772  AEE #036025  ASHRAE #5106329  
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2000-01-05 Thread dMb

I just discovered the hard way that Purging also removes unread mail,
at least as I currently have TB set up.

This really isn't a good thing for me.

Is there anyway to prevent purging of unread messages?  I looked
around but couldn't find the setting.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re: Message Archiving

2000-01-03 Thread dMb

AG wrote:

> How  do  I  best  set  up an archive where I can move older messages but
> still be able to pick them up and view them easily.

> I do not want them to be loaded at the usual start-up.

> Presently  I  have  the older ones stored on a zip.drive but it is a bit
> inconvenient to pick them up quickly.

> I guess to clarify what I require is:

> 1. Current  with up to say 1000 messages in abt. 25  folders.
> 2. Between  1000-3000  messages  which  to  reside  so that they can be
>accessed with a few mouse/key clicks in The Bat environment.
> 3. Over 3000 which I will move over to the zip.drive or other.

Here's what I would recommend (especially since you want the messages a few
mouse clicks away):

Set up sub folders underneath each folder.  Then use Account/Sorting
filters.  Use the Read filter actions.  You can automatically move a
message to the subfolder (or copy and delete). Then, on the sub
folder, put different purging options (max number of messages, or age)
to your heart's content.

This will keep your "working" folders rather small, but archive a lot
of older mail.  Only drawback I can see is that they are still in TB
so loading may take a little longer.  It's a trade off for ease of
access, but still very powerful.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Re[2]: Problems sending mail

2000-01-01 Thread dMb

tracer wrote:

dMb>> I've been running the program for about a week now, and I think it's great!

> good to hearjust out of interest, how long did it take you to get the
> Bat up and running??

Depending on your definition, not long at all.

I had it pretty much set up and collecting mail in about 30 minutes
after pouring over all the set-up options.

The next couple of hours were spent pulling in a couple thousand mail
messages into 27 folders from another reader and setting up a few
simple filters and one or two templates.

Since then, I've been off and running, while tweaking the settings to
to my heart's content.

A lot of great thought has gone into this program.

I do have a couple of things that I'm still not sure I understand
(like the logic applied to threading/sorting) and I've been compiling
a list of questions. However, there have been no show-stoppers until
my reported problem yesterday (which is now gone)

dMb>> "Server reports error.  The Response is: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...Sender
dMb>> domain not compliant with RFC 822, section 6.2.7"

> never seen this before and I would suspect your server is the culprit.
> maybe they changed something. Anyway no doubt other suggestions from
> others will follow.

To further follow-up on this, yes, it was an ISP problem.  And before
anyone or everyone says, "I knew that", I'll expand a little.

When I first encountered the problem I checked my settings to see if I
had somehow changed them by accident.  When that didn't happen, I
fired up some other mail readers.  All of them sent mail without a
problem.  After playing for almost an hour, I decided to post my
message because The Bat! was the only reader that was not cooperating.

Right after that, I went to on-line tech support and they acknowledged
the problem on their end (should have gone there first, huh?).

What is interesting is that other mail readers apparently left out
of the headers (or the format of them) whatever was confusing the ISP.
In this case, conforming to the standard apparently had its downside.

Thanks for the response and sorry for any false alarms.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
DoD #1359  COG #2103  SR #772  AEE #036025  ASHRAE #5106329  
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Re: (No Subject)

2000-01-01 Thread dMb

Tim wrote:

> Hi,

> I'm a new user of The Bat! and I'd like to import my archived emails
> from my old email client into The Bat.  However, my old email client
> only has two export options: to save each invididual message as a text
> file (which although I could then import each individual message into
> The Bat!, there are over 5,000 of them - not an appealing task); and
> to save all the messages with headers into one text file, with each
> message '!# rmail' separated.  Is there a way to import this text file
> into The Bat?

Note:  I'm a new user too and I just went through this.  It's really
not that hard if you can export them all at once and as long as they
contain all of the headers in each text message.

If you can do the above, then just go to Import, and in the dialog
box, go to the folder where they exist.  Use the pulldown menu to
select ALL files (*.*).  Click on the first file name, then go to the
end of the list, press the [Shift] key, and click on the last file
name.  You should now have all messages selected.

Then just press O.K. (or whatever the button says) and they should all
be imported.

It will help if you have filters set up first.

If not, do it folder by folder.  That's how I did it.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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Problems sending mail

1999-12-31 Thread dMb


I'm a new Bat user.

I've been running the program for about a week now, and I think it's great!

However, for the first time this morning, I ran into a problem.

None of my mail will go out using the program.  Note that up until today,
everything worked fine.

Every time I try to send a message, I get the following error message:

"Server reports error.  The Response is: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...Sender
domain not compliant with RFC 822, section 6.2.7"

I don't understand why this has happend all of a sudden.  Before sending
of this message, I tried outgoing mail with three other mail readers I
have on my machine.  All mail went out just fine so I have to suspect
something in The Bat program.

Also note that I haven't changed any of my configurations since yesterday,
when everything was working fine.  I've already checked my settings and I
can't see anything wrong.

Does anyone know what the referred section describes?



[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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