Text vs HTML word wrapping

2009-11-18 Thread Jack S. LaRosa
Fellow Batties,

I just noticed something which I don't quite understand. I received an
HTML message which displays properly, in that the text does not go all
the way to the end of the screen. However, if I click on REPLY, the
resulting HTML reply screen has the text of the original message
running way off the right edge of the screen necessitating the use of
the slider at the bottom of the screen. I have checked my preferences
which can be seen here:


and they seem to be ok although I'm not sure these preferences are
applicable to a reply.

Is there any way to insure that an HTML reply won't have text running
off the screen?

Jack LaRosa  mailto:jlar...@charter.net

Sticking with with The Bat! ver: 4.0.38 for now.
Operating? with Windows XP Pro ver 5 build 2600 Service Pack 3

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Word wrapping

2004-06-11 Thread Robin Anson
On Fri 11 June 2004, 19:47:48 +1000, Simon Elliott wrote:
> The latter seems to be what I need. One minor irritation: Auto Format
> doesn't seem to understand the "minus minus space" .sig separator, and
> wraps the separator and following lines if you type on the blank line
> above the .sig separator.

AutoFormat doesn't recognise a paragraph break unless it contains _2_
newlines. So if you if you want a single newline, i.e. something like
a line
and another,
then you need to turn AutoFormat off.

CTRL-SHIFT-F will toggle AutoFormat on or off.

The alternative is to leave AutoFormat off and use ALT-L (or ALT-C or
ALT-J) to format the paragraph.

Robin Anson
Using The Bat! v2.11.02 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Word wrapping

2004-06-11 Thread Simon Elliott

On Tuesday, June 8, 2004, 5:05:03 PM, Martin wrote:
SE>> When I'm using the message editor, I find that I have to keep on
SE>> doing Utilities->Format Block->Left (or Alt-L) to keep my paragraphs
SE>> correctly wrapped and justified. Is there any mode where word
SE>> wrapping happens on an ongoing basis as happens in many word
SE>> processors and text editors?

MW> What's your 'Wrap text to' option set to? (Options | Preferences | Editor
MW> preferences)... and what editor do you use? If you're using MicroEd
MW> there's another setting for 'Auto-wrap' that needs to be checked.

Thanks for this.

Auto Wrap is on, but Auto Format is off.

The latter seems to be what I need. One minor irritation: Auto Format
doesn't seem to understand the "minus minus space" .sig separator, and
wraps the separator and following lines if you type on the blank line
above the .sig separator.

--  Using The Bat! v2.10.03 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Word wrapping

2004-06-08 Thread Martin Webster
Hash: SHA1

Hello Simon,

On 08 June 2004, 11:45 Simon Elliott [SE] in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

SE> When I'm using the message editor, I find that I have to keep on
SE> doing Utilities->Format Block->Left (or Alt-L) to keep my paragraphs
SE> correctly wrapped and justified. Is there any mode where word
SE> wrapping happens on an ongoing basis as happens in many word
SE> processors and text editors?

What's your 'Wrap text to' option set to? (Options | Preferences | Editor
preferences)... and what editor do you use? If you're using MicroEd
there's another setting for 'Auto-wrap' that needs to be checked.

- --
As ever,
Martin Webster
Jabber mjw | ICQ 15893823 | PGP Key ID 0xD644460D

The Bat! 2.11.03 | BayesIt! 0.5.5 (Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1)

Version: PGP SDK 3.0.3
Comment: "PGP Key available from ldap://europe.keys.pgp.com/:11370";


Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Word wrapping

2004-06-08 Thread Simon Elliott

When I'm using the message editor, I find that I have to keep on doing
 Utilities->Format Block->Left (or Alt-L) to keep my paragraphs
correctly wrapped and justified. Is there any mode where word wrapping
happens on an ongoing basis as happens in many word processors and
text editors?

Using The Bat! v2.10.03 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Header Word Wrapping

2003-10-19 Thread Kevin Coates
Hash: SHA1

Hi Marck,

On Oct 19, 2003, 16:09 +0100 ( 11:09 AM here), Marck D Pearlstone
[MDP] wrote in :

MDP> There is already a bug report on this in the BT.

I must have missed the original messages.

MDP> The presence of an email address without chevrons causes the
MDP> following CR/LF to disappear.

Now that you mention it, I can see that's exactly what is happening.
Thanks for the info.

- --
Kevin Coates
Dewitt, NY USA

Using TB! v2.01 under Windows XP 5.1.2600 SP1

(see kludges for my pgp key)



Current version is 2.01 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Header Word Wrapping

2003-10-19 Thread Marck D Pearlstone
Hi Kevin,

@19-Oct-2003, 09:27 -0400 (14:27 UK time) Kevin Coates said:

> I've noticed that the header information when displayed with
> Ctrl-Shift-K when using "Rich Text/HTML Viewer" mode seems to word
> wrap the header information.

> Subject: (No subject yet)

> I don't recall it being this way in previous version.

There is already a bug report on this in the BT. It is caused by
email addresses without chevrons and not random word wrap. The
presence of an email address without chevrons causes the following
CR/LF to disappear.

Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v2.01 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.01 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Header Word Wrapping

2003-10-19 Thread Kevin Coates
Hash: SHA1

Hello TBUDL!

I've noticed that the header information when displayed with
Ctrl-Shift-K when using "Rich Text/HTML Viewer" mode seems to word
wrap the header information. The F9 viewer still looks okay. For
example, this:

X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
X-Confirm-Reading-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Disposition-Notification-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Return-Receipt-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Kevin Coates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: (No subject yet)

Now looks like this:

X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Subject: (No subject yet)

I don't recall it being this way in previous version.

- --
Kevin Coates
Dewitt, NY USA

Using TB! v2.01 under Windows XP 5.1.2600 SP1

(see kludges for my pgp key)



Current version is 2.01 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: more on word wrapping

2002-05-16 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Mikem [M] wrote:
M> OK, OK, I've changed my settings I should be wrapping
M> around column 72 from now on. And no more | for quoting.

M>   :-)

Thanks VERY much for your kind cooperation. :-)

- --
 -=Allie C Martin=-
List Moderator | TB! v1.60k | Windows XP Pro
PGP/GPG Public Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=2B0717E2


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Re: Word Wrapping

2002-05-16 Thread Melissa Reese

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday, May 16, 2002, at 5:39:42 AM PST, David van Zuijlekom

> This is because you should disable the word wrapping in the PGP
> options.

Or just set PGP's wrap to a couple characters *greater than* TB!'s
wrap setting. This is what I do, because in addition to using GnuPG
with TB!, I use it with other message editors that don't properly wrap
by themselves, so in those instances, I depend on the wrapping done by

My TB! is set to wrap at 70 characters, and my GnuPG and PGP are set
at 72. There are no conflicts with TB! at 70 characters, and I get
GnuPG/PGP invoked wrapping at 72 characters when needed with other
message editors.

- --
PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=0xFB04F2E9&Body=Please%20send%20keys



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Re: more on word wrapping

2002-05-16 Thread Dwight A Corrin

On Thursday, May 16, 2002, 8:31:36 AM, MikeM wrote:

> OK, OK, I've changed my settings  I should be wrapping
> around column 72 from now on.  And no more | for quoting.

Thank you.

Dwight A. Corrin
P O Box 47828
Wichita KS 67201-7828
316.263.9706  fax 316.263.6385
Using The Bat! 1.60i on Windows XP version 5,1

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Re: more on word wrapping

2002-05-16 Thread MikeM

On 5/15/02 at 9:47 PM Allie C Martin wrote:
>Rick Reumann [RR] wrote:
>RR> Just curious, sometimes when I reply to certain people's e-mails,
>RR> their reply text is not wrapped and I have to manually go and wrap
>RR> the lines. What causes this to happen?
>That's because the text has really not been wrapped. They send it,
>usually not aware of what is happening. I'm really surprised that
>there are those who would deliberately do this with strange rationales
>given to justify doing so despite the existing studies that show how
>text should be presented for optimum readability.

OK, OK, I've changed my settings  I should be wrapping around
column 72 from now on.  And no more | for quoting.


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Re: Word Wrapping

2002-05-16 Thread David van Zuijlekom

Hello Robert,

On Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 08:25:09 -0400, you wrote concerning
'Word Wrapping':
> There were *tails* of many sentences placed, one or
> two
> words, on an orphan line

This is because you should disable the word wrapping in the PGP

Best regards,

** VirusScan:  MS Windows found. Delete? (Y/y) **

[TB! 1.60i] [Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2]
  [Running on a Celeron 800@1176 256 Mb RAM]

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Re[2]: Word Wrapping

2002-05-16 Thread Robert D.

Hash: SHA1

Recently, Allie C Martin squawked:

- --

> If one wishes to make as many people as possible read their
> messages with no hassle, then wrap the lines and at a
> reasonable length.  

- --
OK, I have been following this thread -- I thought I'd set this
up, as
per the guidelines.

Yet, I just sent myself a message with "wrap at 70" and also
turned on. There were *tails* of many sentences placed, one or
words, on an orphan line. These were followed by a new sentence
on the
subsequent line.

A very good example, an namely the one that clued me into the
that I was still incorrectly set-up, can be seen in a posting,
by me,
today ---"Re: Can't UnRAR the Beta..." --Robert

Note, the *see I* line all by itself --- OR, at least, that is
what I
see here.

So, please someone, guide me again.

- - --
Bye Now,
Robert  D.
The Bat!: 1.60k
Windows ME 4.90.3000.

Version: 6.5.8CKT Build 08
Comment: KeyID: 0x151491301D14AF5F


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Re: Word Wrapping

2002-05-16 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Dwight,

@16 May 2002, 22:24:41 -0500 (04:24 UK time) Dwight A Corrin wrote in

> and use the tested proven recognized 'less than' to identify quoted
> material.

Make that 'Greater than' and you've got a deal ;-).

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.60k-14F4B4B2 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2


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Re: more on word wrapping

2002-05-16 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Jonathan,

@16 May 2002, 21:04:06 -0500 (03:04 UK time) Jonathan Angliss wrote in

>> Is there a way to "reply wrapped" to ensure it wraps correctly?

> Select the text you want to wrap, press ALT + J (or L I think for
> just Left aligned). You could always put %WRAPPED="%QUOTES" in your
> reply template, but not sure how that works on multiple paragraphs.

It doesn't. Check the archives - there a recursive macro to do the job
though. I've posted it here before.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.60k-14F4B4B2 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2


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Re: Word Wrapping

2002-05-15 Thread Dwight A Corrin

On Wednesday, May 15, 2002, 9:38:57 PM, Allie C Martin wrote:

> If one wishes to make as many people as possible read their messages
> with no hassle, then wrap the lines and at a reasonable length.
> Tried, tested and proven.

and use the tested proven recognized 'less than' to identify quoted

Dwight A. Corrin
P O Box 47828
Wichita KS 67201-7828
316.263.9706  fax 316.263.6385
Using The Bat! 1.60 on Windows XP version 5,1

Current Ver: 1.60k
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Re: more on word wrapping

2002-05-15 Thread Jonathan Angliss

Hi Allie,
On Wed, 15 May 2002 21:40:52 -0500, you wrote:

> Not only Outlook. It can also be a Calypso or Eudora thing when
> configured to do so.

True... but I think in those clients you actually have to configure it to force
it.  The majority used client does it on it's own sometimes, without
configuration ;)

Jonathan Angliss

Current Ver: 1.60k
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Re: more on word wrapping

2002-05-15 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Rick Reumann [RR] wrote:
RR> Just curious, sometimes when I reply to certain people's e-mails,
RR> their reply text is not wrapped and I have to manually go and wrap
RR> the lines. What causes this to happen?

That's because the text has really not been wrapped. They send it,
usually not aware of what is happening. I'm really surprised that
there are those who would deliberately do this with strange rationales
given to justify doing so despite the existing studies that show how
text should be presented for optimum readability.

RR> What's is odd when I view their message it looks ok (it's wrapped)
RR> but only when I reply does their text then become unwrapped.

This is because the message viewer will window wrap the text for you.
Unfortunately, if your message view window is wide as mine is (~ 150
characters wide, you have to read lines 150 characters long when the
text isn't wrapped. Tedious to say the least. I therefore have to
narrow the window which prevents me from seeing the list columns that
I wish to see and it also leaves no space for the attachments column
when it appears.

The editor doesn't window wrap text. It shows the text formatting in
all it's glory. No virtual formatting at all. WYSIWYS - what you see
is what you'll be sending.

- --
 -=Allie C Martin=-
List Moderator | TB! v1.60k | Windows XP Pro
PGP/GPG Public Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=2B0717E2


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Re: more on word wrapping

2002-05-15 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Jonathan Angliss [JA] wrote:
>> Yes, one single line unwrapped. Exactly.

JA> It is an outlook thing ;)

Not only Outlook. It can also be a Calypso or Eudora thing when
configured to do so.

- --
 -=Allie C Martin=-
List Moderator | TB! v1.60k | Windows XP Pro
PGP/GPG Public Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=2B0717E2


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Re: Word Wrapping

2002-05-15 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

David Van Zuijlekom [DVZ] wrote:
DVZ> I don't think so. I always read my messages in maximised view and
DVZ> I find it very hard to follow unwrapped messages like your
DVZ> messages. More then once I skip those messages because they are
DVZ> so unreadable.

I've been reading them myself simply because I have to as a
moderator. :-(

Guidelines for formatting come through years of experience. You'll
never please everyone so the next best shot is to please as many
people as you can. The other thing is that what sounds nice doesn't
necessary turn out to be so when tested in the real world.

If one wishes to make as many people as possible read their messages
with no hassle, then wrap the lines and at a reasonable length. Tried,
tested and proven.

There's really no need to re-invent the wheel here.

- --
 -=Allie C Martin=-
List Moderator | TB! v1.60k | Windows XP Pro
PGP/GPG Public Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=2B0717E2


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Re: Re[2]: more on word wrapping

2002-05-15 Thread Jonathan Angliss

Hi Rick,
On Wed, 15 May 2002 20:58:54 -0400, you wrote:

> Yes, one single line unwrapped. Exactly.

It is an outlook thing ;)

> Right, it's actually from OE users that I notice this. I wonder
> does it even happen to them as well when they reply to other OE
> messages? or does OE somehow figure it out for them?

OE does it's own wrapping, and often messes it up.  Unlike TB! it doesn't allow
you to re-wrap replies.  So often if two people have their line width set to 80
characters (I think that used to be the default in OE), when it came to quoting,
it'd mess it all up.  Thankfully TB! allows you to re-wrap/justify

> Is there a way to "reply wrapped" to ensure it wraps correctly?

Select the text you want to wrap, press ALT + J (or L I think for just Left
aligned).  You could always put %WRAPPED="%QUOTES" in your reply template, but
not sure how that works on multiple paragraphs.

Jonathan Angliss

Current Ver: 1.60k
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Re[2]: more on word wrapping

2002-05-15 Thread Rick Reumann

On Wednesday, May 15, 2002, 8:39:41 PM, Jonathan Angliss wrote:

JA> You mean as a long single line unwrapped?

Yes, one single line unwrapped. Exactly.

JA> Or just weird wrapping, like a few
JA> words on the following line?

No, the above, where it just is one line.

JA> I have noticed from some lists that OE has a
JA> habbit every now and again of not putting in \r\n tags to force line breaks, it
JA> ends up as one long line.

Right, it's actually from OE users that I notice this. I wonder
does it even happen to them as well when they reply to other OE
messages? or does OE somehow figure it out for them?

JA> But TB! can view this, as it wraps to fit the screen
JA> if no wrapping is pressent.  When you go to reply, you don't get the wrapping
JA> sorted.

Is there a way to "reply wrapped" to ensure it wraps correctly?





"If I ever get real rich, I hope I'm not real mean to poor people,
like I am now."
  -Jack Handey

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Re: more on word wrapping

2002-05-15 Thread Jonathan Angliss

Hi Rick,
On Wed, 15 May 2002 20:05:22 -0400, you wrote:

> Just curious, sometimes when I reply to certain people's e-mails,
> their reply text is not wrapped and I have to manually go and wrap the
> lines. What causes this to happen? What's is odd when I view their
> message it looks ok (it's wrapped) but only when I reply does their
> text then become unwrapped.

You mean as a long single line unwrapped?  Or just weird wrapping, like a few
words on the following line?  I have noticed from some lists that OE has a
habbit every now and again of not putting in \r\n tags to force line breaks, it
ends up as one long line.  But TB! can view this, as it wraps to fit the screen
if no wrapping is pressent.  When you go to reply, you don't get the wrapping

Jonathan Angliss

Current Ver: 1.60k
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more on word wrapping

2002-05-15 Thread Rick Reumann

Just curious, sometimes when I reply to certain people's e-mails,
their reply text is not wrapped and I have to manually go and wrap the
lines. What causes this to happen? What's is odd when I view their
message it looks ok (it's wrapped) but only when I reply does their
text then become unwrapped.




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Re: Word Wrapping

2002-05-15 Thread David van Zuijlekom

Hello MikeM,

On Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 09:34:16 -0400, you wrote concerning
'Word Wrapping':
> Unwrapped messages look fine.

I don't think so. I always read my messages in maximised view and I
find it very hard to follow unwrapped messages like your messages.
More then once I skip those messages because they are so unreadable.

Best regards,

** Wisdom is knowing what to do with what you know. **

[TB! 1.60i] [Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2]
  [Running on a Celeron 800@1176 256 Mb RAM]

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Re: Word Wrapping

2002-05-15 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hello MikeM!

On Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 3:34:16 PM you wrote:

> Why not let the receiver decide what is appropriate for his or her screen, and do 
>the wrapping on the receiving end accordingly.  Why should I (or you) presume to know 
>what is the best manner of
> display for the recipient of my email?  Sometimes I like my screen to wrap narrowly 
>(~40 characters or so) to work with other items on my screen.  Yet messages that are 
>wrapped at 65 or 72
> characters look rather poor (hard-to-read) when displayed like that.  Unwrapped 
>messages look fine.

Because it isn't actually the receiving end that is "deciding". E-mail
is sent with hard returns at the end of a line. Only thing is, OE/OL
and some other clients don't show them *before* sending. TB! does
because it uses a true WYSIWYG editor.

Every client I know has a wrap setting.

> I see very few, if any, who do that here.

What kind of argument is that? Reminds me of the "new" German way to
establish what is ethical and what not - give the problem in question
to a committee and they should vote on it. After that it goes into
parliament, where again a vote is cast. In the end it is a more or
less capable majority defining what is right or wrong. Stupid ...

> Or perhaps they have email clients that are more capable.  It may be 
> an error to presume that the problems you are having are experienced 
> by users of other email clients.

Whatever, isn't it easier to conform to such modest requests? As we
have all seen the "more capable" clients' messages, we might conclude
that they are *not* more capable.

BTW, TB! wraps so good that one doesn't even need the special setting
in PGP, which was introduced because of the "more capable" apps.

Dierk Haasis

PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

The Bat 1.60j on Windows 95 4.0 1212 C

The most powerful strategy in life is tit-for-tat. None other is as
successful. (Derek Leveret)

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Re: Word Wrapping

2002-05-15 Thread MikeM

On 5/14/02 at 9:38 PM Allie C Martin wrote:

|Hash: SHA1
|Mikem [M] wrote:
|M> Yes it is possible. The email client I use for my mailing lists
|M> (Calypso) wraps locally without wrapping the outgoing message. I
|M> was chastised for this very faux pas earlier today. Oddly, this is
|M> the first mailing list that could not handle the messages. ;-(
|M> Go figure.
|If you wish for your message to be compatible with everyone's screen
|and for reading comfort, you should set your wrapping and not leave
|your text to window wrap which is what is happening to your text on my

Why not let the receiver decide what is appropriate for his or her screen, and do the 
wrapping on the receiving end accordingly.  Why should I (or you) presume to know what 
is the best manner of display for the recipient of my email?  Sometimes I like my 
screen to wrap narrowly (~40 characters or so) to work with other items on my screen.  
Yet messages that are wrapped at 65 or 72 characters look rather poor (hard-to-read) 
when displayed like that.  Unwrapped messages look fine.

|This is established netiquette for years. You can have a look at RFC

That RFC says wrapping in email should be at column 65. 

   "Limit line length to fewer than 65 characters 
and end a line with a carriage return"

I see very few, if any, who do that here.

|Unlike on this list, many don't vocalise and just tolerate or ignore
|bad formatting.

Or perhaps they have email clients that are more capable.  It may be 
an error to presume that the problems you are having are experienced 
by users of other email clients.

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Re: Word Wrapping

2002-05-15 Thread Paul Cartwright

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday, May 14, 2002, 10:38 PM, you wrote:

ACM> This is established netiquette for years. You can have a look at RFC
ACM> 1855.

ACM> Unlike on this list, many don't vocalise and just tolerate or ignore
ACM> bad formatting. That's all. They just adhere to rule 10 here:

ACM> http://www.albion.com/netiquette/corerules.html

I've been on the internet for over 15 years, never seen that list !
I just (re)looked in the welcome message for tbudl and didn't see a
link to this, but I would think it would be a good idea on ANY list to
read this. thanks, I'll try to keep this link handy!

/ Paul

Version: PGP 6.5i


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Re: Word Wrapping

2002-05-15 Thread David Elliott

Hash: SHA1

Hello Mike

On 14 May 2002 at 15:28:49 -0700 (which was 23:28 where I live) Mike
Dillinger emanated these words of wisdom

> I'd like to be able to word wrap locally, but not wrap the message, if
> that makes sense.  So for instance, when I send a message out, I don't
> want the recipients to receive it word wrapped (that allows their
> e-mail client to do what they want with the message), but for neatness
> purposes on my end, I'd like to word wrap here.  Hopefully this makes
> sense.

> Is this possible?  I can only see either word wrapping everything or
> nothing.

If I understand what you are saying, you want to be able to format the
messages at your end so they look nice for you to view but then let your
recipient email client format the message how ever you want.

If that is the case sorry I don't think that The Bat! will do that because
one of it's principles is 'What you see is what you send' unlike other email
clients which change your emails when you press the send button.

- --
 BFN,  ___
  David   | SecureBat!  1.60 d / iKey1000 | E-mailaholics |
 _|  Win 2K Server  5.0.2195 SP2  | International |
| If anyone needs me, I'll be sending a latrine-o-gram. - Col. Potter |
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (MingW32)


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Re: Word Wrapping

2002-05-15 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Mikem [M] wrote:
M> Yes it is possible. The email client I use for my mailing lists
M> (Calypso) wraps locally without wrapping the outgoing message. I
M> was chastised for this very faux pas earlier today. Oddly, this is
M> the first mailing list that could not handle the messages. ;-(

M> Go figure.

If you wish for your message to be compatible with everyone's screen
and for reading comfort, you should set your wrapping and not leave
your text to window wrap which is what is happening to your text on my

This is established netiquette for years. You can have a look at RFC

Unlike on this list, many don't vocalise and just tolerate or ignore
bad formatting. That's all. They just adhere to rule 10 here:


As a moderator, Marck was simply doing his duties by asking you to do
something that will make your readers more comfortable. Formatting is
very important, as much as content. It's not a good thing to wait for
people to complain before thinking of doing things to prevent them
from having to.

I usually get comments from my peers on my formatting. They wish to
know how I manage to so neatly format my messages.

Go figure.

- --
 -=Allie C Martin=-
List Moderator | TB! v1.60k | Windows XP Pro
PGP/GPG Public Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=2B0717E2


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Re: Word Wrapping

2002-05-14 Thread MikeM

On 5/14/2002 at 3:28 PM Mike Dillinger wrote:
|I'd like to be able to word wrap locally, but not wrap the message, if
|that makes sense.  [snip]
|Is this possible?  I can only see either word wrapping everything or

Yes it is possible.  The email client I use for my mailing lists (Calypso) wraps 
locally without wrapping the outgoing message.  I was chastised for this very faux pas 
earlier today.  Oddly, this is the first mailing list that could not handle the 
messages.  ;-(

Go figure.

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Re: Word Wrapping

2002-05-14 Thread Mrten

Hash: SHA1

Om 0:28 op woensdag 15 mei 2002, Mike Dillinger:

> I'd like to be able to word wrap locally, but not wrap the message, if
> that makes sense.  So for instance, when I send a message out, I don't
> want the recipients to receive it word wrapped (that allows their
> e-mail client to do what they want with the message), but for neatness
> purposes on my end, I'd like to word wrap here.  Hopefully this makes
> sense.

> Is this possible?  I can only see either word wrapping everything or
> nothing.

no. WYSIWYMO, what you see is what you mail out.

tell your recipients to upgrade to a better mail-client :)


Version: 6.5.8ckt7


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Word Wrapping

2002-05-14 Thread Mike Dillinger


I've got a question about word wrapping with The Bat!  I'm using version 1.60h.

I'd like to be able to word wrap locally, but not wrap the message, if
that makes sense.  So for instance, when I send a message out, I don't
want the recipients to receive it word wrapped (that allows their
e-mail client to do what they want with the message), but for neatness
purposes on my end, I'd like to word wrap here.  Hopefully this makes

Is this possible?  I can only see either word wrapping everything or


Current Ver: 1.60k
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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-31 Thread Allie C Martin

On Mon, 31 Dec 2001 06:56:39 -0500, Allie C Martin [ACM] wrote these
ACM> The RTFV softwraps.

That's the Rich Text Viewer guys, a new feature still in beta. It's
been in beta for so long that I forgot that it still is. :-)

©Allie C Martin  --  List Moderator and fellow end-user
 PGPKey - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=PGPPubKey1
 [MUA: TB! v1.54 Beta/20  (*)  OS: WinXP Home]


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-31 Thread Allie C Martin

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 21:42:37 -0800, Nick Andriash [NA] graced us with
these comments:
NA> Doesn't that only affect the Message Editor, and not the viewer
NA> Januk, or are you saying they are one in the same?

It would seem so, yes.

This is why wrapped lines in the viewer break signature checks when
PGP Tray is used. Just as how the editor doesn't use soft returns, the
fixed width viewer doesn't either.

The RTFV softwraps.

  ©Allie C Martin   (_ List Moderator and fellow end user
__)  TB! v1.54 Beta/20 & WinXP Home Ed.
PGPKey: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=PGPPubKey1


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-31 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Nick,

On Sunday, December 30, 2001 at 9:42 PM, a creature mimicking Nick
Andriash [NA] wrote:

>> Options
>>  |-> Editor Preferences
>>|-> Auto-wrap

NA> Doesn't that only affect the Message Editor, and not the viewer Januk,
NA> or are you saying they are one in the same?

Er, it would appear I forgot to finish the message before sending.
That setting affects both.  Try it and see.  ;-)

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

All science is either physics or stamp collecting.
-- E. Rutherford


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-30 Thread Nick Andriash

Hello Januk,

On Sunday, December 30 2001 at 08:59 PM PDT, you wrote:

> CT> Unfortunately you cannot switch word wrapping (in the viewer) on
> CT> and off :-(
> Options
>  |-> Editor Preferences
>|-> Auto-wrap

Doesn't that only affect the Message Editor, and not the viewer Januk,
or are you saying they are one in the same?


-=N.J. Andriash | Courtenay, B.C. Canada=-
   Win 98SE | PGP 7.1 | Becky v2.00.08


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-30 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Carsten,

On Saturday, December 29, 2001 at 14:49 GMT +0100, a creature
mimicking Carsten Thönges [CT] wrote:

CT> Unfortunately you cannot switch word wrapping (in the viewer) on
CT> and off :-(

 |-> Editor Preferences
   |-> Auto-wrap

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

I tried relaxing, but...I don't know...I feel more comfortable tense.


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Re[2]: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-30 Thread Joe Finocchiaro

Sunday, December 30, 2001, 9:36:00 AM, you wrote:


>> On Sunday, December 30, 2001 3:17:33 PM, Joe Finocchiaro wrote:

>>> Nope, I sure wasn't.  I was just trying to thank Peter for helping me solve
>>> *my* problem, even if he apparently did it unknowingly.

>>> I'm sorry if Peter took it the wrong way.  *I'm* the guy who was so
>>> dumb that he couldn't see the solution to his problem until Peter came
>>> along and presented it to him on a platter.

>> Ok, then I've misunderstood you completely. I apologize for accusing
>> you wrongfully.

Hey, no problemo.

>> An explanation of my reaction may be that I've
>> sometimes observed in some messages on this list a rather
>> condescending attitude towards people who don't know all the ins and
>> outs of TB, and your reaction seemed to me to fit into that pattern,
>> but it turns out that I was completely wrong on that count.

I think the folks on this list are almost always overwhelmingly polite and
helpful, especially the old-timers and/or moderators.

But just as you misunderstood me, others are often misunderstood. I
blame it on the medium. It's much more difficult to communicate
clearly via e-mail than it is eyeball to eyeball. Especially when you
take into account the international flavor of this list.

>>> I gotta try speaking Greek for a while. This English thing ain't
>>> working for me anymore.

>> Perhaps a bit more extensive use of quoting would've made your meaning
>> more clear?

That probably would only have increased the odds that someone would
have misunderstood me - at least in my case.

>> ;)

You bet.  As we say here in America, no blood, no foul.


PS: Thanks again for the tip!

Joe Finocchiaro


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-30 Thread Peter Smitt

On Sunday, December 30, 2001 1:48:12 PM, Marck D Pearlstone wrote:

> PS> What I mentioned in my previous mail, that I have to use  L
> PS> continuously when I write a message, while I often make
> PS> corrections in the text.

> The simpler method is to press , type your corrections
> and press  again when finished to turn the auto-format
> back off. This is much more convenient than random Alt-L's.

Not for me; when I then type just one character in an indented passage
or a table or something like that, the whole layout is suddenly
destroyed. With  L you have at least some control over what
passages you want to reformat.

Peter Smitt


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-30 Thread Peter Smitt

On Sunday, December 30, 2001 3:17:33 PM, Joe Finocchiaro wrote:

> Nope, I sure wasn't.  I was just trying to thank Peter for helping me solve
> *my* problem, even if he apparently did it unknowingly.

> I'm sorry if Peter took it the wrong way.  *I'm* the guy who was so
> dumb that he couldn't see the solution to his problem until Peter came
> along and presented it to him on a platter.

Ok, then I've misunderstood you completely. I apologize for accusing
you wrongfully. An explanation of my reaction may be that I've
sometimes observed in some messages on this list a rather
condescending attitude towards people who don't know all the ins and
outs of TB, and your reaction seemed to me to fit into that pattern,
but it turns out that I was completely wrong on that count.

> I gotta try speaking Greek for a while. This English thing ain't
> working for me anymore.

Perhaps a bit more extensive use of quoting would've made your meaning
more clear?

> :(


Peter Smitt


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Re[2]: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-30 Thread Joe Finocchiaro

Sunday, December 30, 2001, 6:48:12 AM, you wrote:

PS>> Neither did I expect a comment, I wasn't asking a question. But
PS>> then I got a reaction implying that I was so dumb that I couldn't
PS>> see the solution to my problem.

> If you are reacting to Joe's message - you have misread him. He was
> not being sarcasic

Nope, I sure wasn't.  I was just trying to thank Peter for helping me solve
*my* problem, even if he apparently did it unknowingly.

I'm sorry if Peter took it the wrong way.  *I'm* the guy who was so
dumb that he couldn't see the solution to his problem until Peter came
along and presented it to him on a platter.

I gotta try speaking Greek for a while.  This English thing ain't working for
me anymore.


Joe Finocchiaro


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-30 Thread Allie C Martin

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 13:08:02 +0100, Peter Smitt [PS] wrote these
PS> Neither did I expect a comment, I wasn't asking a question. But
PS> then I got a reaction implying that I was so dumb that I couldn't
PS> see the solution to my problem. Well, that is not the attitude I
PS> expect on this list, and *that* is what I said in my previous
PS> message. I'm amazed that you now are criticizing MY attitude in
PS> that regard.

Aw shucks. I see that there is a misunderstanding underway here that's
only creating further misunderstandings and tempers are flaring which
is only natural. :-)

I'll take this off-list.

 |  ©Allie Martin - Moderator
 |  TB! v1.54 Beta/19 & WinXP Home
PGPKey - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=PGPPubKey1


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-30 Thread Peter Smitt

On Sunday, December 30, 2001 1:47:47 PM, Carsten Thönges wrote:

> I'm one of these TB! editor fans.

> I see three solutions to your "problem" (this is not meant
> ironically!):

>  - type your mails in a word processor you like (word, ...) and
>copy/paste into the TB! editor

Too laborious; perhaps I'd do that if I had to write a
very long message, but in practice that never happens.

>  - wait for TB! version 2

I'm looking forward to it!

>  - give another mail client a try (becky, ...)

No, I like TB too much (but that doesn't imply that I'm happy with
*every* feature of it).

> Many users new to TB! don't like the editor. But the longer they work
> with it... ;-)

I'm now working with it since June 2000, and I still don't like it.

> Followup-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], please.

Nah, that's all for my part.

Peter Smitt


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-30 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Peter,

On 30 December 2001 at 13:08:02 [GMT+0100] (which was 12:08 where I
live) Peter Smitt wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and made these

>> IOW's please revise what the problem is.

PS> What I mentioned in my previous mail, that I have to use  L
PS> continuously when I write a message, while I often make
PS> corrections in the text.

The simpler method is to press , type your corrections
and press  again when finished to turn the auto-format
back off. This is much more convenient than random Alt-L's.

PS> Neither did I expect a comment, I wasn't asking a question. But
PS> then I got a reaction implying that I was so dumb that I couldn't
PS> see the solution to my problem.

If you are reacting to Joe's message - you have misread him. He was
not being sarcastic. If you are talking about Allie's message, then he
was concerned about this thread deteriorating into another "let's all
be depressed and knock the thing" tirade, which helps nobody.

PS> Well, that is not the attitude I expect on this list,

Indeed, and not one that we seek to encourage in any way. Please write
to me privately about this and we'll see if we can clear up any

PS> and *that* is what I said in my previous message. I'm amazed that
PS> you now are criticizing MY attitude in that regard.

In that case, we are clearly in a state of misunderstanding. As I say,
write to me off-list and we'll sort it out.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
\ BrainStorm - free thinking - www: http://www.brainstormsw.com /
 \ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0  |  www: http://www.silverstones.com /
TB! v1.54 Beta/20-14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org



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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-30 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Peter,

ACM>> The TB! editor cannot be made to behave in a way that you wish it
ACM>> to. This is probably why you haven't had a response on this list to
ACM>> your comment.

PS> Neither did I expect a comment, I wasn't asking a question. But
PS> then I got a reaction implying that I was so dumb that I couldn't
PS> see the solution to my problem. Well, that is not the attitude I
PS> expect on this list, and *that* is what I said in my previous
PS> message. I'm amazed that you now are criticizing MY attitude in
PS> that regard.

I'm one of these TB! editor fans.

I see three solutions to your "problem" (this is not meant

 - type your mails in a word processor you like (word, ...) and
   copy/paste into the TB! editor

 - wait for TB! version 2

 - give another mail client a try (becky, ...)

Many users new to TB! don't like the editor. But the longer they work
with it... ;-)

Followup-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], please.

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/21) Business
Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2, PGP 0xe2d25323


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-30 Thread Peter Smitt

On Sunday, December 30, 2001 11:50:32 AM, Allie C Martin wrote:

> @ 11:17:47 +0100 [ Sun, 30 Dec 2001], Peter Smitt [PS] wrote these
> words of wisdom:
> ...
> PS> Yeah, very helpful indeed. Perhaps there is someone else on this
> PS> list with a bit less selfcongratulation who can tell me (and a few
> PS> other dumb idiots) how to get around this problem

> What problem? The message editor for TB!?

> PS> I've also tried the feedback option of TB, but I got no answer to
> PS> my question. No doubt it is all very trivial, but maybe *someone*
> PS> will deign to help us poor muddlers. Hey, I even thought that it
> PS> was the idea of this list to help people with these kinds of
> PS> problems, but I must have been wrong about that.

> With this attitude you're unlikely to get much help here. You're
> exhibiting an attitude that I haven't encountered for a long time on
> this list.

What attitude? I wasn't asking for help, I just sent a message with my
ideas about the disadvantages of the editor of TB, and I get a
sarcastic reply suggesting that I'm a kind of idiot who can't see how
easily this "perceived problem" can be circumvented.

> Your message before this one seemed to be an opinion, rather than a
> request for assistance.

That's right, I understood that there was no solution for me, and I
gave also the reasons for that. But now I get a comment implying that
my problem is more or less imaginary, if I just know how to use all
the features of TB. My only comment was that it would be more helpful
to say *how* you can circumvent the problem than just snigger about
those dumb people who have problems with this feature.

> This message was in reply to a message where the author is celebrating
> having found a solution to a problem which you said in your earlier
> message didn't really affect you much.

What problem? The pasting of text in the editor? I said at least that
that didn't bother me much, so why then the sarcastic reaction on my
mail? That would then be quite beside the point. I thought I missed a
solution for my no-wrapping-after-rewriting problem, but now you
suggest it is only about pasting text (at least that is what I

> IOW's please revise what the problem is.

What I mentioned in my previous mail, that I have to use  L
continuously when I write a message, while I often make corrections in
the text.

> Your insights into the auto-format feature and its limitations are
> accurate.

> The TB! editor cannot be made to behave in a way that you wish it to.
> This is probably why you haven't had a response on this list to your
> comment.

Neither did I expect a comment, I wasn't asking a question. But then I
got a reaction implying that I was so dumb that I couldn't see the
solution to my problem. Well, that is not the attitude I expect on
this list, and *that* is what I said in my previous message. I'm amazed
that you now are criticizing MY attitude in that regard.

Peter Smitt


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-30 Thread Allie C Martin

@ 11:17:47 +0100 [ Sun, 30 Dec 2001], Peter Smitt [PS] wrote these
words of wisdom:
PS> Yeah, very helpful indeed. Perhaps there is someone else on this
PS> list with a bit less selfcongratulation who can tell me (and a few
PS> other dumb idiots) how to get around this problem

What problem? The message editor for TB!?

PS> I've also tried the feedback option of TB, but I got no answer to
PS> my question. No doubt it is all very trivial, but maybe *someone*
PS> will deign to help us poor muddlers. Hey, I even thought that it
PS> was the idea of this list to help people with these kinds of
PS> problems, but I must have been wrong about that.

With this attitude you're unlikely to get much help here. You're
exhibiting an attitude that I haven't encountered for a long time on
this list.

Your message before this one seemed to be an opinion, rather than a
request for assistance.

This message was in reply to a message where the author is celebrating
having found a solution to a problem which you said in your earlier
message didn't really affect you much.

IOW's please revise what the problem is.

Your insights into the auto-format feature and its limitations are

The TB! editor cannot be made to behave in a way that you wish it to.
This is probably why you haven't had a response on this list to your

  ©Allie C Martin   (_ List Moderator and fellow end user
__)  TB! v1.54 Beta/19 & WinXP Home Ed.
PGPKey: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=PGPPubKey1


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-30 Thread Peter Smitt

On Sunday, December 30, 2001 2:55:10 AM, Joe Finocchiaro wrote:

> Gez.

> It's days just like this that make you want to go guzzle a bottle of
> scotch and then put a gun in your mouth.

> Bingo!  So that's how you do it! I knew there had to be a way, that
> TB! was otherwise just too damn good of a program not to allow you to
> retain the formatting from a cut and pasted blob of text.

> If I told everyone here what I've been doing, all these many months
> now, to get around this perceived problem, you'd all laugh, so I'm not
> going to do it. But suffice it to say, I'm laughing hard enough for
> everyone else.

> Thank you, Peter!  Thank you, Peter!

> PS: Yep, Jan's recent words should be inscribed on every Bat! user's
> tombstone:

> "Is it possible that you are not yet familiar enough with
> TB! to know how to implement all its options to get what
> you want?"

Yeah, very helpful indeed. Perhaps there is someone else on this list
with a bit less selfcongratulation who can tell me (and a few other
dumb idiots) how to get around this problem. I've also tried the
feedback option of TB, but I got no answer to my question. No doubt it
is all very trivial, but maybe *someone* will deign to help us poor
muddlers. Hey, I even thought that it was the idea of this list to help
people with these kinds of problems, but I must have been wrong about

Peter Smitt


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Re[2]: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Joe Finocchiaro

Saturday, December 29, 2001, 6:48:20 PM, you wrote:

>> Because it is not supposed to unless you use "Paste formatted"
>> (Shift-Ctrl-Ins). This is by design.


It's days just like this that make you want to go guzzle a bottle of
scotch and then put a gun in your mouth.

Bingo!  So that's how you do it! I knew there had to be a way, that
TB! was otherwise just too damn good of a program not to allow you to
retain the formatting from a cut and pasted blob of text.

If I told everyone here what I've been doing, all these many months
now, to get around this perceived problem, you'd all laugh, so I'm not
going to do it. But suffice it to say, I'm laughing hard enough for
everyone else.

Thank you, Peter!  Thank you, Peter!

PS: Yep, Jan's recent words should be inscribed on every Bat! user's

"Is it possible that you are not yet familiar enough with
TB! to know how to implement all its options to get what
you want?"

Joe Finocchiaro


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Peter Smitt

On Saturday, December 29, 2001 2:41:12 PM, Marck D Pearlstone wrote:

S>> Is it normal, that the BAT cannot wrap correctly? Whenever I paste
S>> a text, it just keeps on going towards a few meters outside the
S>> right side of my monitor - why can it not wrap it?

> Because it is not supposed to unless you use "Paste formatted"
> (Shift-Ctrl-Ins). This is by design.

S>> I was told by one of the programmers, that I would have to use some
S>> keyboard combination, but that doesn't work out correctly all the
S>> time, since I sometimes have certain formatted texts, that lose all
S>> their formatting once I do that.

> That's why it's not supposed to reformat when pasting normally.

I seldom paste text when I edit a message, so I've no problem using
 L if that happens occasionally. But I change very often text
that I've written, and I find it quite irritating that I have to use
 L continually to keep the text readable. When I use auto-wrap I
want to have auto-wrap, and not free formatting. The problem is that
TB tries to combine two different methods that are not really
compatible into one option. Auto-format is useless for me, as I often
use indented and/or shorter lines.

I think it would be much better two have two different options: 1.
auto-wrap (as long as you edit the program uses soft returns, which
are converted to hard returns when you save the file, and with the
enter key you can force a hard return), without free format (so if you
want to move the cursor ahead of the text you have to insert spaces or
tabs - I have no problem with that), 2. no auto-wrap and free format
(you can move the cursor everywhere). The editor as it now is, is
definitely unpractical when it tries to combine these options. I find
this one of the flaws of TB (which is further still the best
mailprogram I know).

Peter Smitt


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EXTREMELY DEAD HORSE Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Dwight,

On 29 December 2001 at 15:50:00 [GMT-0600] (which was 21:50 where I
live) Dwight A Corrin wrote to Rémi Pach and made these points:

DAC> Perhaps messages sometimes can encompass more than just words?

 And perhaps list members will listen to the moderators.

Please stop discussing on *any* branch of this thread here.

Enough already!

That's four times now.

I'll take the "polite mode" button off next time.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
\ BrainStorm - free thinking - www: http://www.brainstormsw.com /
 \ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0  |  www: http://www.silverstones.com /
TB! v1.54 Beta/20-14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)



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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Dwight A Corrin

On 29 Dec 2001, 12:22:52 PM, Rémi Pach wrote:

> I use e-mail to write messages, not to create little bats with ASCII
> characters, like you.

Perhaps messages sometimes can encompass more than just words?

Dwight A. Corrin
P O Box 47828
Wichita KS 67201-7828
316.263.9706  fax 316.263.6385
Using The Bat! 1.54/Abacus on Windows NT version 5,1


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ROTTING CORPSE OF DEAD HORSE (was Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...)

2001-12-29 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Joe,

On 29 December 2001 at 14:30:34 [GMT-0600] (which was 20:30 where I
live) Joe Finocchiaro wrote to Jan Rifkinson and made these points:

JF> Boy, those words could pass for the epitaph on every Bat! user's
JF> tombstone, eh?

Yes ... but:

This horse is dead.

Please stop riding it here.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
\ BrainStorm - free thinking - www: http://www.brainstormsw.com /
 \ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0  |  www: http://www.silverstones.com /
TB! v1.54 Beta/20-14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)



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ROTTING CORPSE OF DEAD HORSE (wasRe: BAT's word wrapping abilities...)

2001-12-29 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi John,

On 29 December 2001 at 20:28:28 John Rainer wrote to Dierk Haasis and
made these points:

JR> - I just there was a switch to make it behave in a more
JR> conventional fashion and keep everyone happy.

Very laudable ... but:

This horse is dead.

Please stop riding it here.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
\ BrainStorm - free thinking - www: http://www.brainstormsw.com /
 \ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0  |  www: http://www.silverstones.com /
TB! v1.54 Beta/20-14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)



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DEAD HORSE (was Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...)

2001-12-29 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Jan,

On 29 December 2001 at 14:43:41 [GMT-0500] (which was 19:43 where I
live) Jan Rifkinson wrote to Rémi Pach and made these points:

Rémi>> Sorry, I though this was a mailing list where people were free
Rémi>> to discuss the pros and cons of a particular piece of software.

JR>   In the meantime, if you have a question, I'm sure most people
JR>   here would be happy to help you find an answer.

*THAT* is the point of this list. Although everyone has a right to an
opinion, this list is not the forum.

Please use TBOT or TBBETA for such things.

This list is a primary point of support for new and old users alike, a
safe place to exchange ways to get the best out a great piece of email

This thread has been closed twice already. This is the last time.

Please do not reply to this list any more on this topic.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
\ BrainStorm - free thinking - www: http://www.brainstormsw.com /
 \ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0  |  www: http://www.silverstones.com /
TB! v1.54 Beta/20-14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)



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Re[2]: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Joe Finocchiaro

Saturday, December 29, 2001, 1:43:41 PM, you wrote:

>   Is it possible that you are not yet familiar enough with
>   TB! to know how to implement all its options to get what
>   you want?

Boy, those words could pass for the epitaph on every Bat! user's
tombstone, eh?


Joe Finocchiaro


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Re[2]: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread John Rainer

Saturday, December 29, 2001, 5:58:24 PM, you wrote:

DH> Hello John!

DH> On 29 Dec 2001 at 17:22:33 you wrote:

>> I can't help wondering if the programmers are indulging the nerd,
>> sorry, expert, users at the expense of the rest of us in this
>> 'feature'.

DH> Is "nerd" or "expert" the operative here? And which do *you* consider
DH> the more insulting?

As someone who considers himself to be a bit of a computer nerd, I
don't find either term insulting, nor was any insult intended - they
tend to be interchangeable descriptions as far as experienced PC users

My attempted, but apparently failed, humorous point was that either
term describes people who tend to get more wrapped up in the details
of something and how it works than how easy it is to actually use by
the rest of the world. If a word processor behaved like this for the
staff at my office, they would be banging on my door demanding my
blood! We actually have a copy of The Bat at work for a specialist
task and no-one else but me will use it.

I'm not knocking the feature itself - as a long term Bat user I know
what it can do, but for me it is just plain irritating in day to day
use - I just there was a switch to make it behave in a more
conventional fashion and keep everyone happy.

John Rainer


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Re[4]: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Joe Finocchiaro

Saturday, December 29, 2001, 1:40:18 PM, you wrote:

> On Saturday, December 29, 2001 , Joe Finocchiaro wrote the
> following in regards to: [BAT's word wrapping abilities...]

JF>> Saturday, December 29, 2001, 11:58:24 AM, you wrote:

JF>> [...]
>>> RITLabs told us that version 2 will have a new editor and perhaps make
>>> use of external editors.
JF>> [...]

JF>> And the very early voting returns are:

JF>> For: 1

JF>> Against: 0

> Against: 1

> We want blood!

I hear that the Red Cross has a sale on pre-owned O-negative blood this week,
friend.  But only two pints to a customer.

Drink up!

> It's always funny to watch FANATICS talk past each others.

Some really old guy once said (paraphrasing) that fanaticism was redoubling your 
efforts when
you've forgotten your aim.

I know exactly what I want, and I aim to get it -- one way or the other.

PS: Fortunately, I'm a very patient man.

Joe Finocchiaro


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Jan Rifkinson

Hello Rémi.

At 1:37 PM on Saturday, December 29, 2001 you wrote the
following on the posted subject 'BAT's word wrapping

Rémi> Sorry, I though this was a mailing list where people
Rémi> were free to discuss the pros and cons of a particular
Rémi> piece of software.

  I've found that list members *are* free to discuss the
  pros & cons of TB! on this & other TB! list(s) because
  good discussion can help make the program better but its a
  matter of tone & perhaps some common courtesy as well,
  that have caused some consternation here.

  If you were visiting in someone's home I don't think you
  would say "I think the architecture is useless & your
  taste in furniture & decor is a disaster."

  That's what it sounds like when you say things like:

,- [Rémi]
| The editor in TB is rather disatrous in many respects, but
| what some people, including myself, consider as poor design
| is generally seen as brillant by the members of this list,
| particularly those who like to design pretty little tables
| and indulge in useless ASCII art.

  and statements like the following in response to my
  comments which weren't even addressed to you:

,- [Rémi]
| A most arrogant reply to someone who simply wants a solution
| to a real problem.
| And no, your solution is not a solution at all and a bad
| editor remains a bad editor, regardless of the amount of
| sophistry deployed by you and other free caret fans.


,- [Rémi]
| I use e-mail to write messages, not to create little bats
| with ASCII characters, like you. It's nice but it's totally
| irrelevant to the discussion on this inadequate TB editor.

  Perhaps you should consider the possibility that your
  statements to this list thus far exude the arrogance
  you abhor.

  Consider how rude I might be considered if I began to
  correct your syntax & spelling errors even though there is
  an excellent spell checker in this program.

  Is it possible that you are not yet familiar enough with
  TB! to know how to implement all its options to get what
  you want?

  Is it possible that you simply have a healthy difference
  of opinion but haven't mastered a style in which to
  express it in a constructive way?

  In the meantime, if you have a question, I'm sure most
  people here would be happy to help you find an answer.

  I won't continue this dialogue any longer so you can have
  the last word, Rémi. However, I hope you will take a
  moment to think about what I've said in the positive
  spirit in which it was meant.

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
TB! V1.54 Beta/18/W2K_SP2/PGP Key ID: 0x3F14A060


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Re[3]: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread syv

On Saturday, December 29, 2001 , Joe Finocchiaro wrote the
following in regards to: [BAT's word wrapping abilities...]



JF> Saturday, December 29, 2001, 11:58:24 AM, you wrote:

JF> [...]
>> RITLabs told us that version 2 will have a new editor and perhaps make
>> use of external editors.
JF> [...]

JF> And the very early voting returns are:

JF> For: 1

JF> Against: 0

Against: 1

We want blood! It's always funny to watch FANATICS talk past
each others.



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Re[3]: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Sebastian

RP> Hello Dierk,

>> this is the third time you fling something in the face of other
>> users that is not to be seen in such a place.

RP> Sorry, I though this was a mailing list where people were free to
RP> discuss the pros and cons of a particular piece of software.

RP> Rémi Pach

I think everyone should have the right for their opinion, and I thank
Rémi for showing me that there is not just me who has some problems
with the BAT.

This thread may be closed now, but maybe we can all be happy with
version 2 - whenever it is done... .

Thank you all for your replies and your help,

Sebastian. :)


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hello Rémi!

On 29 Dec 2001 at 19:37:42 you wrote:

> Sorry, I though this was a mailing list where people were free to
> discuss the pros and cons of a particular piece of software.

((... another one out of context.))

Yes, you are right and I will always defend this. Read what I've
written and you will see that - again - it was the tone I didn't like.

I am neither nerd nor anything other you implied. The funny part here
is that I know from our private conversation that you are an
agreeable, conversant and intelligent person.

Since Allie closed this thread *and* I definitely wasn't as nice as I
usually try to be, I apologize to all for any insult or time wasted on
my part.

Dierk Haasis

PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

The Bat 1.54 Beta/20 on Windows 95 4.0 67306684 C

Sooner or later the graveyards are full of everybody. (Terry


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Re[2]: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Joe Finocchiaro

Saturday, December 29, 2001, 11:58:24 AM, you wrote:

> RITLabs told us that version 2 will have a new editor and perhaps make
> use of external editors.

And the very early voting returns are:

For: 1

Against: 0

Joe Finocchiaro


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

In a message dated, Sat, 29 Dec 2001 19:05:58 +0100, Dierk Haasis [DH]

DH> I won't argue about the OS part. But, how long are you in the
DH> Internet? And I don't mean WWW. I am not quite a fan of this
DH> (stupid) way to mark MS off as a dollar producing company - it's
DH> what everybody likes to dream of. But come on, if that already
DH> annoys you that much, you should look out for a life.


Let's close this here. No more on this thread on list.

Please take your responses off-list or to TBOT.


- --
 |  ©Allie Martin - Moderator
 |  TB! v1.54 Beta/19 & WinXP Home
PGPKey - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=PGPPubKey1

Version: PGP 6.5.8ckt (Build/06)



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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 20:29:35 +0200, Rémi Pach [RP] graced us with
these comments:
>> Not to be argumentative but I'd hate to think I wasted my time
>> offering a solution to the problem you continue to harp on.

RP> A most arrogant reply to someone who simply wants a solution to a
RP> real problem.

RP> And no, your solution is not a solution at all and a bad editor
RP> remains a bad editor, regardless of the amount of sophistry
RP> deployed by you and other free caret fans.

At this point I must declare this thread closed. I think that all
opinions have been expressed by most who cared to (sorry for those
guys who may be in another time zone and sleeping their way through
this one).

Things are becoming argumentative and we don't wish for this to
degenerate into a flame war or bickering about each others behaviour.

So, please!!  no more on this thread.

Thank you!!

- --
 |  ©Allie Martin - Moderator
 |  TB! v1.54 Beta/19 & WinXP Home
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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hello John!

On 29 Dec 2001 at 17:22:33 you wrote:

> I can't help wondering if the programmers are indulging the nerd,
> sorry, expert, users at the expense of the rest of us in this
> 'feature'.

Is "nerd" or "expert" the operative here? And which do *you* consider
the more insulting?

> My suggestion would be a configurable option so that the editor can
> behave either way - this would satisfy both camps. The auto-wrap
> feature as it stands is just not good enough, imho.

RITLabs told us that version 2 will have a new editor and perhaps make
use of external editors. Then you could even use Word (BTW, who the
heck wrote he creates HTML pages with it?).

Dierk Haasis

PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

The Bat 1.54 Beta/20 on Windows 95 4.0 67306684 C

All our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike
- and yet it is the most precious thing we have. (Albert Einstein)


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Peter Meyns

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 20:22:52 +0200GMT (which was 19:22 +0100GMT where I live),
Rémi Pach thought about "BAT's word wrapping abilities..." and wrote:

RP> I use e-mail to write messages, not to create little bats with ASCII
RP> characters, like you. It's nice but it's totally irrelevant to the
RP> discussion on this inadequate TB editor.

Yes, it is. That's why I pointed to TBOT.

RP> No idea what that is, sorry.

No problem. It is the mailing list for off-topic discussions like ascii
- --

Who the hell is General Failure?
And why is he reading my hard disk?
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)
Comment: GnuPG for better authentication. Key-ID: 0xE10774CE



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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hello Rémi!

On 29 Dec 2001 at 16:53:46 you wrote:

> The editor in TB is rather disatrous in many respects, but what some
> people, including myself, consider as poor design is generally seen as
> brillant by the members of this list, particularly those who like to
> design pretty little tables and indulge in useless ASCII art. Go
> figure...

Please, we had that. For short: If a feature I have to use a lot is
"disastrous" I don't bore others with it, but gon on to another programme.

To dwell on my personal history, I started out with AOL, then got
around to Eudora light, Eudora, Free Agent (no usable e-mail
function) and ended up with TB!. I had to use OE two or three times on
the job. I also know Netscape's e-mail client.

All in all TB! (especially its editor, although I don't use much
tables/ASCII art) still comes out a winner.

BTW, what I'd really like is another tone in our discussion. One can
discuss much better - particularly with e-mail - when we don't use so
much polemics and implications of "others are stupid" like you do. We
did have this topic some weeks back. And I assure you that I am of the
more generous kind, but this is the third time you fling something in
the face of other users that is not to be seen in such a place.

Dierk Haasis

PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

The Bat 1.54 Beta/20 on Windows 95 4.0 67306684 C

Lover's happiness: As long as I have you, I can endure all the
troubles you inevitably bring. (Ashleigh Brilliant/Derek Leveret)


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Re[4]: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Joe Finocchiaro

Saturday, December 29, 2001, 10:41:45 AM, you wrote:

> I have editor settings I'm happy with, but I couldn't explain how I got
> to those settings (probably trial and error in the past).

> Alastair

Alistair, you took the words right out of my mouth.

"Not only can't I explain it, I have no idea how I got there."

I think John Walker, that American Taliban guy, said it first.


Joe Finocchiaro


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Re[2]: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Rémi Pach

Hello Dierk,

> this is the third time you fling something in the face of other
> users that is not to be seen in such a place.

Sorry, I though this was a mailing list where people were free to
discuss the pros and cons of a particular piece of software.

Rémi Pach


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Re[2]: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Rémi Pach

Hello Jan,

>   Not to be argumentative but I'd hate to think I wasted my
>   time offering a solution to the problem you continue to
>   harp on.

A most arrogant reply to someone who simply wants a solution to a real

And no, your solution is not a solution at all and a bad editor
remains a bad editor, regardless of the amount of sophistry deployed
by you and other free caret fans.

Rémi Pach


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hello Sebastian!

On 29 Dec 2001 at 17:32:22 you wrote:

> I am a BAT fan, which comes from the fact that Outlook sucks really
> badly, and that I just like the fact that this tool is so incredibly
> fast and loaded with functionality.

Funny, I am a TB! fan because of the programme itself. I don't need
comparatives for my life.

Remember: The "good" is always the fiend of the "better". (For our
German speaking friends: Das Gute ist der Feind des Besseren.)

Think about it.

> BUT: I think there is a point when things start to be a little bad,
> for example this wrapping thing.

You are just a little lazy of thinking. If you know what you want you
can do it with TB!'s editor. I may just take a few seconds longer, BUT
IS IN YOUR CONTROL (Sorry for shouting, but I wanted this to be heard
by some members).

> Next thing I really cannot stand is the fact that the programmers
> spell Microsoft with a Dollar sign - I know, this shouldn't be a
> problem, but come on: almost EVERYONE here uses Windows, and XP really
> is an excellent OS - so much for that.

I won't argue about the OS part. But, how long are you in the
Internet? And I don't mean WWW. I am not quite a fan of this (stupid)
way to mark MS off as a dollar producing company - it's what everybody
likes to dream of. But come on, if that already annoys you that much,
you should look out for a life.

> Problem is further, that they REFUSE to give the option of using
> internet explorer's dll to show HTML content - are we back in stone
> age? I just want the OPTION, I don't want it to be a preset, just an
> OPTION - like John said, both camps can be satisfied if the
> programmers wouldn't be so concentrated on the "technical camp".

Tried double-clicking the HTML attachment? That's why I like the
attachment to be seen, I can just open it with Opera.

> I do not want to offend anyone by this, please don't feel like I don't
> like BAT, I love it, it's just that there are certain things I totally
> disagree with - hope everyone understands this.

There are certain things in life I disagree with ...

Dierk Haasis

PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

The Bat 1.54 Beta/20 on Windows 95 4.0 67306684 C

The fox has many tricks, and the hedgehog only one, but that is the
best of all. (Desiderius Erasmus)


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Re[2]: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Rémi Pach

Hello Peter,

PM> You name it, it is art. Has any kind of art ever been _useful_ except
PM> for fun and pleasure? ;-)

PM>/|\`-._( )_.-'/|\
PM>   / | \`'-/ \-'`/ | \
PM>  /  |_.'-.\ /.-'._|  \
PM> /_.-'  "  `-._\

I use e-mail to write messages, not to create little bats with ASCII
characters, like you. It's nice but it's totally irrelevant to the
discussion on this inadequate TB editor.

PM> Replies on TBOT please.

No idea what that is, sorry.

Rémi Pach


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hello Alastair!

On 29 Dec 2001 at 17:41:45 you wrote:

> Like many facilities in TB! "beginner" and "expert" approaches would
> be useful although hard work to implement; the program is phenomenally
> powerful but all of that power is (potentially) exposed no matter who
> the user is. 

Just so I don't come over as a misanthrope: This is one very good
comment, and a feature request I would second!

This is not just "I don't like it", "Why can't you do it like others".
But useful and constructive.

Thank you, Alastair!

Dierk Haasis

PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

The Bat 1.54 Beta/20 on Windows 95 4.0 67306684 C

Education has produced a vast population able to read but unable to
distinguish what is worth reading. (G.M. Trevelyan)


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Allie C Martin

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 16:22:33 +, John Rainer [JR] graced us with
these comments:
JR> I can't help wondering if the programmers are indulging the nerd,
JR> sorry, expert, users at the expense of the rest of us in this
JR> 'feature'.

I didn't comment accurately on this in my other message. My last
message was a response to your comment in a broad sense (take out the
'in this "feature"' part) and not specifically with regards to the

AFAIK, a new editor is under development. It's easier for them to
develop a new editor with standard features than make the present one
have options for standard behaviour. This is why it has taken so long
for them to address the issue.

  ©Allie C Martin   (_ List Moderator and fellow end user
__)  TB! v1.54 Beta/19 & WinXP Home Ed.
PGPKey: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=PGPPubKey1


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FAQ: http://faq.thebat.dutaint.com 

Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Allie C Martin

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 17:53:46 +0200, Rémi Pach [RP] graced us with
these comments:
RP> Yes, that's what we get in 2002 with The Bat! Sad but true :-(

RP> The editor in TB is rather disatrous in many respects, but what
RP> some people, including myself, consider as poor design is
RP> generally seen as brillant by the members of this list,
RP> particularly those who like to design pretty little tables and
RP> indulge in useless ASCII art. Go figure...

There's more to TB!'s editor and its design than the advantages it
offers to create tables and view ASCII art. Your attitude towards this
whole thing is rather unaccommodating it would appear, and I think I'd
be really wasting my time to expand on this in a detailed fashion.
There are a lot of messages in the archive that deal with some of the
advantages anyway. With some explanation of what the editor will do
for you that others will not, I'm sure that you'd agree that the
editor is just different, that it has a useful design with drawbacks
that you cannot tolerate (no problem there), while the editors that
you're accustomed to have drawbacks that I and others can't tolerate.

TB!'s editor is NOT a disaster in design. It's just different and it's
really not a good thing to think something is trash or poorly designed
because it's different. Consider the fact that on many occasions, I
use TB!'s editor to edit text that's not intended for e-mail, just so
that I can use some of its features that aren't available in other
editors that I use. I'm not creating tables or ASCII art when I do
this. I also use PowerPro based macros that allow me to use TB!'s
editor with Forte' Agent, my news reader. It's TB! editor features
that allow me to be able to create those macros in the first place.

RP> I am afraid we'll have to live with that weird editor until such
RP> time as TB's developpers are struck by common sense.

I do hope that they'll either include an alternate editor or integrate
options in the current one that will produce standard behaviour and
its attendant limitations so that those who wish to use it can (it
would appear that the former approach is the planned one as with the
viewer approach). But I do hope that the editor will always maintain
its present functionality that is highly suited to *properly*
formatted plain text messaging.

RP> Fortunately TB has many redeeming features is is overall the best
RP> e-mail client around (with Becky a close second). I use TB in
RP> spite of its editor, not because of it.

The editor is one of the main reasons why I use it. It's one of the
unique things about TB! that makes it different from the others. It's
really nice to find something that's different and that has a
different approach with its attendant advantages.

  /, \  ©Allie C Martin  
 {_}`{} List Moderator and fellow end user   
(/ . . \)  TB! v1.54 Beta/19 & WinXP Home  
{   `   }   PGPKey: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=PGPPubKey1
 { } 


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Jan Rifkinson

Hello Sebastian.

At 12:26 PM on Saturday, December 29, 2001 you wrote the
following on the posted subject 'BAT's word wrapping

Sebastian> I am trying to get used to the ways the wrapping
Sebastian> thing works [...] now just really need time to
Sebastian> get used to this. ;)

  For sure. And when you think you've figured it out, you'll
  learn something new. You can make it as simple or as
  complicated as you want. The choices make for a real trip.

  Believe me, no apology necessary. I've been using TB! for
  a while & still learn new things every day. This list is
  the most supportive I've ever experienced. No question is
  too simple, ridiculed or ignored. Over months, so many
  people have helped me get my arms around TB!. And I still
  have questions.

  In that spirit I just wanted you to know that there was a
  simple, albeit techie, way to get what you wanted --
  created by some extremely smart Bat_Folk.

  I'll send them to you privately so you can play with it.

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
TB! V1.54 Beta/18/W2K_SP2/PGP Key ID: 0x3F14A060


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Allie C Martin

@ 16:22:33 + [ Sat, 29 Dec 2001], John Rainer [JR] contributed
this to our collective wisdom:
JR> I can't help wondering if the programmers are indulging the nerd,
JR> sorry, expert, users at the expense of the rest of us in this
JR> 'feature'.

Ask Nick Andriash about this and stay tuned for the upcoming release.

What you're wondering is simply NOT true

  ©Allie C Martin   (_ List Moderator and fellow end user
__)  TB! v1.54 Beta/19 & WinXP Home Ed.
PGPKey: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=PGPPubKey1


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FAQ: http://faq.thebat.dutaint.com 

Re[2]: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Sebastian

JR>   Did you read my post explaining a really easy way for
JR>   everyone who thinks this is a problem to solve the
JR>   problem?

JR>   Not to be argumentative but I'd hate to think I wasted my
JR>   time offering a solution to the problem you continue to
JR>   harp on.

JR>   The option exists but its not a button or a checkmark.

Hi Jan - sorry, you have NOT wasted your time. I was just listing a
few things I had problems with, and that was one of them.

I am trying to get used to the ways the wrapping thing works by now,
and I really appreciate the time and effort you put into this.

I was not trying to overlook what you wrote, it just really need time
to get used to this. ;)

Thank you very much,



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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Jan Rifkinson

Hello Sebastian.

At 11:32 AM on Saturday, December 29, 2001 you wrote the
following on the posted subject 'BAT's word wrapping

Sebastian> [...] I am not happy with the way many things are
Sebastian> handled. I am a BAT fan, which comes from the
Sebastian> fact that Outlook sucks really badly, and that I
Sebastian> just like the fact that this tool is so
Sebastian> incredibly fast and loaded with functionality.

Sebastian> BUT: I think there is a point when things start
Sebastian> to be a little bad, for example this wrapping
Sebastian> thing. [...]

  Did you read my post explaining a really easy way for
  everyone who thinks this is a problem to solve the

  Not to be argumentative but I'd hate to think I wasted my
  time offering a solution to the problem you continue to
  harp on.

  The option exists but its not a button or a checkmark.

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
TB! V1.54 Beta/18/W2K_SP2/PGP Key ID: 0x3F14A060


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Peter Meyns

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 17:53:46 +0200GMT (which was 16:53 +0100GMT where I
live), Rémi Pach thought about "BAT's word wrapping abilities..." and

RP> The editor in TB is rather disatrous in many respects, but what some
RP> people, including myself, consider as poor design is generally seen as
RP> brillant by the members of this list,

Yes, Rémi, people are indeed different.

RP> ... indulge in useless ASCII art.

You name it, it is art. Has any kind of art ever been _useful_ except
for fun and pleasure? ;-)

Replies on TBOT please.
- --

   /|\`-._( )_.-'/|\
  / | \`'-/ \-'`/ | \
 /  |_.'-.\ /.-'._|  \
/_.-'  "  `-._\
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)
Comment: GnuPG for better authentication. Key-ID: 0xE10774CE



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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread David van Zuijlekom

Hash: SHA1

Hello Sebastian,

On 29 Dec 2001 at 17:32:22 +0100, Sebastian [S] wrote concerning
'BAT's word wrapping abilities...':
S> Problem is further, that they REFUSE to give the option of using
S> internet explorer's dll to show HTML content - are we back in stone
S> age? I just want the OPTION, I don't want it to be a preset, just
S> an OPTION - like John said, both camps can be satisfied if the
S> programmers wouldn't be so concentrated on the "technical camp".

That's because of the great security risks it brings. I don't get why
it is so hard for some people to just double-click on an attachment to
open it in your default browser.

- --
Best regards,

** If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing. **

[TB! 1.54 Beta/19] [Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2]
 [Running on a Celeron 800@1176 256 Mb RAM]

Version: PGP 6.5.8ckt Build 06
Comment: PGPKeys: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=send_PGP_key



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FAQ: http://faq.thebat.dutaint.com 

Re[3]: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Alastair Scott

On 29 December 2001 at 4:22 pm John wrote:

> I can't help wondering if the programmers are indulging the nerd,
> sorry, expert, users at the expense of the rest of us in this
> 'feature'. Agent, for example, seems to do this simple task without
> the need for weird key combinations every time you paste stuff in or
> go back and add to or delete an existing bit of text. It's the one
> thing that stops me recommending The Bat to friends who are accustomed
> to the ease of use of more run of the mill mail programs.

> My suggestion would be a configurable option so that the editor can
> behave either way - this would satisfy both camps. The auto-wrap
> feature as it stands is just not good enough, imho.

Agreed - it has a large number of options, but life is just too
short to explore them all and their interactions with one another. I
have editor settings I'm happy with, but I couldn't explain how I got
to those settings (probably trial and error in the past).

Like many facilities in TB! "beginner" and "expert" approaches would
be useful although hard work to implement; the program is phenomenally
powerful but all of that power is (potentially) exposed no matter who
the user is. 



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FAQ: http://faq.thebat.dutaint.com 

Re[3]: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Sebastian

JR> I can't help wondering if the programmers are indulging the nerd,
JR> sorry, expert, users at the expense of the rest of us in this
JR> 'feature'. Agent, for example, seems to do this simple task without
JR> the need for weird key combinations every time you paste stuff in or
JR> go back and add to or delete an existing bit of text. It's the one
JR> thing that stops me recommending The Bat to friends who are accustomed
JR> to the ease of use of more run of the mill mail programs.

JR> My suggestion would be a configurable option so that the editor can
JR> behave either way - this would satisfy both camps. The auto-wrap
JR> feature as it stands is just not good enough, imho.

JR> John Rainer

Wow, I thought everyone is all in love with the way BAT handles
things. I must say that I am not happy with the way many things are
handled. I am a BAT fan, which comes from the fact that Outlook sucks
really badly, and that I just like the fact that this tool is so
incredibly fast and loaded with functionality.

BUT: I think there is a point when things start to be a little bad,
for example this wrapping thing.

Next thing I really cannot stand is the fact that the programmers
spell Microsoft with a Dollar sign - I know, this shouldn't be a
problem, but come on: almost EVERYONE here uses Windows, and XP really
is an excellent OS - so much for that.

Problem is further, that they REFUSE to give the option of using
internet explorer's dll to show HTML content - are we back in stone
age? I just want the OPTION, I don't want it to be a preset, just an
OPTION - like John said, both camps can be satisfied if the
programmers wouldn't be so concentrated on the "technical camp".

I do not want to offend anyone by this, please don't feel like I don't
like BAT, I love it, it's just that there are certain things I totally
disagree with - hope everyone understands this.



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Re[2]: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread John Rainer

Saturday, December 29, 2001, 3:53:46 PM, you wrote:

RP> Hello Sebastian,

S>> If I do that though, it just destroys my format. Say I have one
S>> line with a header, then two spaces, then a text, and after 2 more
S>> spaces a footer - I would have to select 3 times and do alt-l -
S>> come on, it's almost 2002, is that all that is possible?

RP> Yes, that's what we get in 2002 with The Bat! Sad but true :-(

RP> The editor in TB is rather disatrous in many respects, but what some
RP> people, including myself, consider as poor design is generally seen as
RP> brillant by the members of this list, particularly those who like to
RP> design pretty little tables and indulge in useless ASCII art. Go
RP> figure...

RP> Cheers,
RP> Rmi Pach

I can't help wondering if the programmers are indulging the nerd,
sorry, expert, users at the expense of the rest of us in this
'feature'. Agent, for example, seems to do this simple task without
the need for weird key combinations every time you paste stuff in or
go back and add to or delete an existing bit of text. It's the one
thing that stops me recommending The Bat to friends who are accustomed
to the ease of use of more run of the mill mail programs.

My suggestion would be a configurable option so that the editor can
behave either way - this would satisfy both camps. The auto-wrap
feature as it stands is just not good enough, imho.

John Rainer


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Rémi Pach

Hello Sebastian,

S> If I do that though, it just destroys my format. Say I have one
S> line with a header, then two spaces, then a text, and after 2 more
S> spaces a footer - I would have to select 3 times and do alt-l -
S> come on, it's almost 2002, is that all that is possible?

Yes, that's what we get in 2002 with The Bat! Sad but true :-(

The editor in TB is rather disatrous in many respects, but what some
people, including myself, consider as poor design is generally seen as
brillant by the members of this list, particularly those who like to
design pretty little tables and indulge in useless ASCII art. Go

I am afraid we'll have to live with that weird editor until such time
as TB's developpers are struck by common sense.

Fortunately TB has many redeeming features is is overall the best
e-mail client around (with Becky a close second). I use TB in spite of
its editor, not because of it.

Rémi Pach

Rémi Charles Pach
Translation / Localization
(English to French)
Tel. / fax : +27 11 704 2266
E-fax (US) : +1 509 356-1214
E-fax (UK) : +44 (0) 870-124-4530


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Jan Rifkinson

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 at 08:35 GMT -0500
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" [Allie] wrote to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] re: 'BAT's word wrapping
abilities...' in respose to Sebastion's comments:

,- [Sebastian wrote]
| Is it normal, that the BAT cannot wrap correctly? Whenever I
| paste a text, it just keeps on going towards a few meters
| outside the right side of my monitor - why can it not wrap
| it? [...]
| Any help on this? Is it THAT hard to create an editor that
| wraps correctly?

,- [and later]
| what's the reason behind this non-feature?

Allie> I agree with the implementation, that if you wish
Allie> TB!'s editor to reformat/reflow the pasted text, that
Allie> you do this yourself rather than it be implemented as
Allie> a default feature.

  IMHO, the fewer hard wired default features in a product
  the better. This allows everyone to do their own thing.

  But to avoid this being a total 'me, too' comment, take a
  look @ the recursive QTs that Januk & Carsten created.

  The first one, written by Carsten, takes clipboard copy &
  places it *as is* within the boxed format you see below.

,- [Example copied text w varying formats]
| List item 1
| List item 2
| List item 3
| List item 4
| List item 5
| List item List item List item List item List item List item List item List item List 
|item List item List item List item List item List item List item

  The 2nd QT, written by Januk, takes clipboard content,
  wraps it across multiple paragraphs instead of 'forcing'
  :-) the user to use  or one of the varied keyboard
  combinations that, in gen'l, aren't really intuitive IMO.

  Lastly, linking the two QTs together as I've done (w lots
  of help) wraps clipboard text & places it within the
  brackets as you see @ the top of this msg. (However, the
  TB! editor rule applies, i.e. a blank line must exist
  between paragraphs)

  So you see, everyone can have it their own way within TB!,
  IMO one of the hallmarks of the program & it's

  The quoting process I describe is quite simple with the QT
  tools already in the archives & if it is of interest to
  you, I will post it privately to you or on the list --
  whichever is preferred by the moderators.

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
TB! V1.54 Beta/18/W2K_SP2/PGP Key ID: 0x3F14A060


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Sebastian,

On 29 December 2001 at 14:51:44 [GMT+0100] (which was 13:51 where I
live) Sebastian wrote to Marck D Pearlstone and made these points:

S> Alright, I understand and I guess I can agree to some extent. BUT:
S> why for example do I get wrapping problems if I type text, then go
S> back to a line and insert say 3 words - the whole line gets moved
S> but NOT wrapped - is that supposed to be like that, and if so, why?

It is an option of the editor preferences called "Auto Format" to
re-wrap on-the-fly. You have to use it with care because of what I
said previously about paragraphs. Two consecutive paragraphs will get
wrapped together if there is no intervening blank line.

You can use  to toggle auto-format on and off as you
type. That's how I use it, turning it on when I need it and off for
writing bullet point lists and the like.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
\ BrainStorm - free thinking - www: http://www.brainstormsw.com /
 \ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0  |  www: http://www.silverstones.com /
TB! v1.54 Beta/20-14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)



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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread David van Zuijlekom

Hash: SHA1

Hello Sebastian,

On 29 Dec 2001 at 14:34:24 +0100, Sebastian [S] wrote concerning
'BAT's word wrapping abilities...':
S> Not trying to start arguing but: how is it "WYSIWYG" when you paste
S> something and it doesn't wrap it automatically? The recipient is
S> not gonna get it like that - he will have it wrapped, so, I don't
S> think this is a helpful "control"... .

That's not true. Unlike OL/OE TB! doesn't wrap the text at sending a
message. The message is send _exactly_ the way you created it. If the
recipient doesn't have wrapping enabled he receives the message
exactly the way it was send.

- --
Best regards,

** Computer Store: "Out for a quick byte" **

[TB! 1.54 Beta/19] [Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2]
 [Running on a Celeron 800@1176 256 Mb RAM]

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Re[2]: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Sebastian

Hello Marck,

Saturday, December 29, 2001, 02:41:12 PM, you wrote:

MDP> Hash: SHA1

MDP> Hi Sebastian,

MDP> On 29 December 2001 at 14:09:53 [GMT+0100] (which was 13:09 where I
MDP> live) Sebastian wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and made these
MDP> points:

S>> Is it normal, that the BAT cannot wrap correctly? Whenever I paste
S>> a text, it just keeps on going towards a few meters outside the
S>> right side of my monitor - why can it not wrap it?

MDP> Because it is not supposed to unless you use "Paste formatted"
MDP> (Shift-Ctrl-Ins). This is by design.

S>> I was told by one of the programmers, that I would have to use some
S>> keyboard combination, but that doesn't work out correctly all the
S>> time, since I sometimes have certain formatted texts, that lose all
S>> their formatting once I do that.

MDP> That's why it's not supposed to reformat when pasting normally.

S>> Any help on this? Is it THAT hard to create an editor that wraps
S>> correctly?

MDP> Clearly you are asking for the impossible here :-).

MDP> If reforming the text loses the formatting, that's not what you want.

MDP> If leaving the text as-is makes it the wrong format then it is not
MDP> pre-formatted as you suggest.

MDP> It sounds to me as though you have a mixture of formatted and
MDP> unformatted text in the clipboard and are expecting TB's editor to
MDP> guess which is which.

MDP> You have to bear in mind that TB's editor is plain text. It has no
MDP> concept of "soft line breaks". To make a clear delineation between two
MDP> paragraphs TB must see a clear blank line between them.

Alright, I understand and I guess I can agree to some extent. BUT: why
for example do I get wrapping problems if I type text, then go back to
a line and insert say 3 words - the whole line gets moved but NOT
wrapped - is that supposed to be like that, and if so, why?

Thank you,

Sebastian. :)


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Sebastian,

[ With TB! ... ]

S> The recipient is not gonna get it like that - he will have it
S> wrapped, so, I don't think this is a helpful "control"... .

Did you test that?

Actually it is The Bat!'s wrapping in the _viewer_ that wraps the
lines. Unfortunately you cannot switch word wrapping (in the viewer) on
and off :-( You have to change the size of the window instead :-(
(wrote a feature request earlier)

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/21) Business
Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2, PGP 0xe2d25323


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Sebastian,

On 29 December 2001 at 14:09:53 [GMT+0100] (which was 13:09 where I
live) Sebastian wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and made these

S> Is it normal, that the BAT cannot wrap correctly? Whenever I paste
S> a text, it just keeps on going towards a few meters outside the
S> right side of my monitor - why can it not wrap it?

Because it is not supposed to unless you use "Paste formatted"
(Shift-Ctrl-Ins). This is by design.

S> I was told by one of the programmers, that I would have to use some
S> keyboard combination, but that doesn't work out correctly all the
S> time, since I sometimes have certain formatted texts, that lose all
S> their formatting once I do that.

That's why it's not supposed to reformat when pasting normally.

S> Any help on this? Is it THAT hard to create an editor that wraps
S> correctly?

Clearly you are asking for the impossible here :-).

If reforming the text loses the formatting, that's not what you want.

If leaving the text as-is makes it the wrong format then it is not
pre-formatted as you suggest.

It sounds to me as though you have a mixture of formatted and
unformatted text in the clipboard and are expecting TB's editor to
guess which is which.

You have to bear in mind that TB's editor is plain text. It has no
concept of "soft line breaks". To make a clear delineation between two
paragraphs TB must see a clear blank line between them.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
\ BrainStorm - free thinking - www: http://www.brainstormsw.com /
 \ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0  |  www: http://www.silverstones.com /
TB! v1.54 Beta/20-14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)



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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Allie C Martin

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 14:25:02 +0100, Sebastian [S] graced us with these
S> Thanks David - this works!

S> BUT: what's the reason behind this non-feature?

A very long story.

It's a give and take thing.

There are features in TB!'s editor that you will not find elsewhere.
Lack of soft window wrapping is a side effect to make these features

Most editors don't really reformat the text when you paste it. They soft
wrap or virtually wrap it. When TB!'s editor wraps the text, it's
reformatted on the fly.

To illustrate my point, take the same block of text that TB!'s editor
pasted as a long string of text, and paste it in your system text
editor. Now toggle the editor's wrap function on and off. Note that
the text displays as a long string of text when the wrapping is
toggled off. With the wrap function enabled, copy the text from it and
into another editor instance with the wrap toggled off. The text
should appear as a long string of text.

Try the same with TB!'s editor, i.e., paste the text in using
Shift+Ctrl+Ins. This will wrap the text. Now copy and paste this text
into your system text editor and toggle the wrap function on and off.
Note that the text remains wrapped.

This is why I agree with the implementation, that if you wish TB!'s
editor to reformat/reflow the pasted text, that you do this yourself
rather than it be implemented as a default feature.

  /, \  ©Allie C Martin  
 {_}`{} List Moderator and fellow end user   
(/ . . \)  TB! v1.54 Beta/19 & WinXP Home  
{   `   }   PGPKey: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=PGPPubKey1
 { } 


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Re[2]: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Sebastian

Hello David,

Saturday, December 29, 2001, 02:29:56 PM, you wrote:

DvZ> Hash: SHA1

DvZ> Hello Sebastian,

DvZ> On 29 Dec 2001 at 14:19:27 +0100, Sebastian [S] wrote concerning
DvZ> 'BAT's word wrapping abilities...':
DvZ> ...
S>> If I do that though, it just destroys my format. Say I have one
S>> line with a header, then two spaces, then a text, and after 2 more
S>> spaces a footer - I would have to select 3 times and do alt-l -
S>> come on, it's almost 2002, is that all that is possible?

DvZ> That's TB! and I like it. Unlike OL/OE it is WYSIWYG and you have full
DvZ> control over how you want to format your message.

DvZ> - --
DvZ> Best regards,
DvZ>  David

Not trying to start arguing but: how is it "WYSIWYG" when you paste
something and it doesn't wrap it automatically? The recipient is not
gonna get it like that - he will have it wrapped, so, I don't think
this is a helpful "control"... .



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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Lars Geiger

Hi Sebastian,
On 29 Dec 2001 at 14:19:27 [GMT +0100], you wrote:

S> If I do that though, it just destroys my format. Say I have one line
S> with a header, then two spaces, then a text, and after 2 more spaces
S> a footer - I would have to select 3 times and do alt-l - come on,
S> it's almost 2002, is that all that is possible?

You sound as if you think this is a mistake or incompetence. Let me
assure you, it is not; it is a design decision.

TB!'s editor is a WYSIWYG editor, in the true sense of the word. You get
exactly what you see. If you paste one long line, without hard returns,
from another program, it is one long line, nothing more. Or in other
words, it's one paragraph. So if you hit ALT-L, TB! reflows the text, so
no line is longer than the limit set in the editor preferences. But
still it remains one paragraph.

What would you expect a program to do with one long line? Read your mind
and split it into different paragraphs? Sorry, but I don't know of a
program that can do this.


The Bat! 1.54 Beta/20 on Windows NT 5.1 Build 2600 
|Lars Geiger  |  |


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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread David van Zuijlekom

Hash: SHA1

Hello Sebastian,

On 29 Dec 2001 at 14:19:27 +0100, Sebastian [S] wrote concerning
'BAT's word wrapping abilities...':
S> If I do that though, it just destroys my format. Say I have one
S> line with a header, then two spaces, then a text, and after 2 more
S> spaces a footer - I would have to select 3 times and do alt-l -
S> come on, it's almost 2002, is that all that is possible?

That's TB! and I like it. Unlike OL/OE it is WYSIWYG and you have full
control over how you want to format your message.

- --
Best regards,

** You cannot achieve the impossible without attempting the absurd. **

[TB! 1.54 Beta/19] [Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2]
 [Running on a Celeron 800@1176 256 Mb RAM]

Version: PGP 6.5.8ckt Build 06
Comment: PGPKeys: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=send_PGP_key



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Re[2]: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread Sebastian

Hello David,

Saturday, December 29, 2001, 02:21:14 PM, you wrote:

DvZ> Hash: SHA1

DvZ> Hello David,

DvZ> On 29 Dec 2001 at 14:14:22 +0100, David van Zuijlekom [DVZ] wrote
DvZ> concerning 'BAT's word wrapping abilities...':

S>>> Any help on this?

DvZ>> Select the lines you want to wrap and press Alt+L.

DvZ> Or press CTRL+Shift+Ins (paste formatted).

DvZ> - --
DvZ> Best regards,
DvZ>  David

Thanks David - this works!

BUT: what's the reason behind this non-feature?



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Re: BAT's word wrapping abilities...

2001-12-29 Thread David van Zuijlekom

Hash: SHA1

Hello David,

On 29 Dec 2001 at 14:14:22 +0100, David van Zuijlekom [DVZ] wrote
concerning 'BAT's word wrapping abilities...':

S>> Any help on this?

DvZ> Select the lines you want to wrap and press Alt+L.

Or press CTRL+Shift+Ins (paste formatted).

- --
Best regards,

** Hard work has a future payoff. Laziness pays off now. **

[TB! 1.54 Beta/19] [Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2]
 [Running on a Celeron 800@1176 256 Mb RAM]

Version: PGP 6.5.8ckt Build 06
Comment: PGPKeys: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=send_PGP_key



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