Re: Problem Uninstalling the Bat!

2001-05-05 Thread Silviu Cojocaru

Saturday, May 05, 2001, 4:42:42 AM, wrote:

> Hello,

> Saturday, May 05, 2001, 12:50:22 AM, you wrote:

DAC>> On Friday, May 04, 2001, 5:19:00 PM, wrote:

>>> Is it not 1.51, because 1.52 is still in the beta stage?

DAC>> I just downloades 1.52 this afternoon.

> yeah.  I  checked it. Your right. I have signed up for a release mail,
> but didn't receive it. I'm going to download it tomorrow.

So what you guys are saying here is that 1.52 is already out
there and non-beta ?

Yeah, I too signed up to receive notification when a new version
gets out, heh, didn't receive any. Wonder why...

If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed...
 ...Oh wait, he already does.

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Re: Linux anyone?

2001-05-05 Thread Silviu Cojocaru

Friday, May 04, 2001, 10:58:37 PM, David Elliott wrote:

> Hash: SHA1

> Dear Ben

> On 04 May 2001 at 19:48:15 +0100 (which was 19:48 where I live) Ben Briscoe
> wrote

>> Is there ever any plans to create a Linux version of TB?

> I don't know myself but I know that there are some people who use TB! with
> things like wine and vmware. Marck also mentioned something in the past
> week or two.

On older machine, that stuff there isn't worth it. It would be
too slow. But hey Ben, what wrong with KMail ? It's sposed to be
quite nice, when my RH 7.1 CDs arrive I'll give it a spin...
though I like console+pine :)

>> With the greater rise to prominence this operating system is beginning to
>> recieve, I myself am thinking of going over at some point in the future,
>> but what would I do without my favourite mail client?

> The Bat! is written in Delphi and there is now a version (called Kylex I
> think)for Linux but I don't believe that are are plans to port it over at
> the moment. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Kylix, well maybe, sometime...,I don't know if Linux users would
pay to have The Bat! on their system, I wouldn't. It's the BEST
Windows mailer, but the ones developed for Linux are getting
better every day and all that for free.

I don't mean to start a flame war, but The Bat! makes money one
Windows only.

If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed...
 ...Oh wait, he already does.

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Re: Feature Request

2001-05-05 Thread Silviu Cojocaru

Saturday, May 05, 2001, 4:21:38 AM, Thomas wrote:

> Hello Brian,

> On Fri, 4 May 2001 16:22:41 -0400 GMT (05/05/2001, 04:22 +0800 GMT),
> Brian Clark wrote:

BC>> Yes. I think my first may have been carbon copied to the Beta list,
BC>> but I can't remember. I believe I got a reply from Alexander
BC>> Leschinsky.

> Hello Alexander, if you are reading here, kindly advise why different
> colours for different-level quotes cannot work. Thanks.

Hmmm, this would be interesting... And I would like to see this
feature make it into TB as soon as possible. Normally there
shouldn't be a need for more then 3 levels of quote

If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed...
 ...Oh wait, he already does.

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Re: Feature Request

2001-05-05 Thread Jannik Lindquist

Hello Brian Clark,

On Fri, 4 May 2001 02:24:19 -0400 (Fri, 04 May 08:24:19 in Copenhagen) you

> According to the authors, they say it won't (can't?) be done. But I
> really wish it could. I asked for this same feature a few weeks ago.
> :(

In that case, Becky! is *really* awesome!

Best regards,
Jannik Lindquist

Currently sending from: Becky! 2.00.05

Otherwise using: The Bat! 1.51


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Re: Problem Uninstalling the Bat!

2001-05-05 Thread Pete P

Hello Silviu,

Saturday, May 05, 2001, 11:26:56 AM, you wrote:

SC> So what you guys are saying here is that 1.52 is already out
SC> there and non-beta ?

SC> Yeah, I too signed up to receive notification when a new version
SC> gets out, heh, didn't receive any. Wonder why...

So far I have received *one* notification on a new version and that
was 1.47. After that, nothing.

So perhaps the easiest way to see if there's a new version available
is to keep the View/Message header/Mailer checked when reading these

Best regards,

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Dumb newbie question on mailing list use

2001-05-05 Thread Andreas Völp

I've set up the mailing list program to send me the new threads and
messages in the Digest version. In these digests, I can only see the
e-mail addresses of the contributors, but there appears to be no way
of sending a reply to the group.

How can I reply to a tread so that my mail goes to the list and not to
the conrtibutor's private e-mali address?


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Re: Dumb newbie question on mailing list use

2001-05-05 Thread Jan Rifkinson

Hash: SHA1

Hello Andreas,

On Saturday, May 05, 2001 13:28:03 [ +0200 GMT], you wrote the
following in regards to 'Dumb newbie question on mailing list use':

Andreas> How can I reply to a tread so that my mail goes to the list and not to
Andreas> the conrtibutor's private e-mali address?

  I believe the server automatically sets the return address to the
  group addy. However, you can always create a QT using %TO="" or

- --
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
TB! v1.52 Beta/12/WinMe/PGP Key ID: 0x3F14A060
ICQ 41116329

Version: PGP 6.5i


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Re: AB-templates

2001-05-05 Thread Jan Rifkinson

Hash: SHA1

Hello Jannik,

On Saturday, May 05, 2001 08:27:37 [ +0200 GMT], you wrote the
following in regards to 'AB-templates':

Jannik> For several versions now I have only been able to use my AB-templates, when I
Jannik> double-click an address in the AB. If I just open a compose-window and type in
Jannik> the name or use any form of auto-complete, nothing happens. I wrote Ritlab
Jannik> several months ago, but haven't received an answer, so I would be most 
Jannik> if someone on the list has an idea.

  It appears that we are using the same version, Jannik.

  This AM I opened the compose window by clicking the envelope icon.
  I started a known address & used auto-completion to finish it.
  Then I tabbed down & filled in a subj manually & tabbed into the
  msg body area where TB! filled in the appropriate greeting & had
  the msg signed according to the template.

  I don't have an idea but I'd guess it was local to your machine.
  Maybe a TB! re-install?

- --
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
TB! v1.52 Beta/12/WinMe/PGP Key ID: 0x3F14A060
ICQ 41116329

Version: PGP 6.5i


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Hidden folders

2001-05-05 Thread Johan Svahn


Several people have access to my computer. If I store som mail folders
securely on a PGP-disk The Bat warns me that it cannot find these
folders during when started. Is there a way of "dynamically" hide-
unhide mail folders when running The Bat! or is it possible to suppress
"mail folder not found" warning.


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Re[2]: Linux anyone?

2001-05-05 Thread David Elliott

Hash: SHA1

Dear Silviu

On 05 May 2001 at 11:36:15 +0300 (which was 09:36 where I live) Silviu
Cojocaru emanated estas palavras da sabedoria

> Kylix, well maybe, sometime...,I don't know if Linux users would pay to
> have The Bat! on their system, I wouldn't. It's the BEST Windows mailer,
> but the ones developed for Linux are getting better every day and all
> that for free.

> I don't mean to start a flame war, but The Bat! makes money one Windows
> only.

This is due to a different mentality of Unix users who are use to open
source products.

Windows users are use to the M$ way. If you want some thing good you have
to pay for it, or use the M$ stuff. M$ do produce a good product ones in a
while but I can count them on one hand.

- --

 See you in Cyber space,   ___
  David   |  MUA:- The Bat! 1.52  | E-mailaholics |
 _|   Windows 98 4.10.. A | International |
| The 10 Commandments:  the taglines Moses stole from God.|

Version: PGP 6.5.8ckt (Build 05)


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Make TB the default client

2001-05-05 Thread Gary J. Toth

It seems I got rather hasty in clicking off some dialogue boxes and
now TB is no longer seen as my default email client by applications.
How do I "reset" it as my default client?

Gary J. Toth
Louisville, KY, USA

 Using The Bat! v1.52c on Windows NT
5.0 Build 2195 

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Re: Make TB the default client

2001-05-05 Thread David Elliott

Hash: SHA1

Hi Gary

On 05 May 2001 at 08:49:48 -0400 (which was 13:49 where I live) Gary J.
Toth rearranged electrons to get

> It seems I got rather hasty in clicking off some dialogue boxes and
> now TB is no longer seen as my default email client by applications.
> How do I "reset" it as my default client?

Inside M$ Internet explorer
  Internet options
Programs tab

There is a drop down box labled E-Mail. From that you should be able to
choose The Bat! (This is for IE5)

You cab get to the same dialogue from
Control Panel
  Internet options


- --

 BBFN, ___
  David   | MUA:- The Bat! 1.52c  | E-mailaholics |
 _|   Windows 98 4.10.. A | International |
| "Go ahead and steal my tagline it flatters me." |

Version: PGP 6.5.8ckt (Build 05)


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Re: Linux anyone?

2001-05-05 Thread Silviu Cojocaru

Saturday, May 05, 2001, 3:11:25 PM, David Elliott wrote:

> Dear Silviu

> On 05 May 2001 at 11:36:15 +0300 (which was 09:36 where I live) Silviu
> Cojocaru emanated estas palavras da sabedoria

>> Kylix, well maybe, sometime...,I don't know if Linux users would pay to
>> have The Bat! on their system, I wouldn't. It's the BEST Windows mailer,
>> but the ones developed for Linux are getting better every day and all
>> that for free.

>> I don't mean to start a flame war, but The Bat! makes money on Windows
>> only.


> This is due to a different mentality of Unix users who are use to open
> source products.

> Windows users are use to the M$ way. If you want some thing good you have
> to pay for it, or use the M$ stuff. M$ do produce a good product ones in a
> while but I can count them on one hand.


I have just one little objection to your point of view... it is
possible to get something good for free even in the M$ world,
take ZoneAlarm for example, people only say best things about
this fella' and indeed it's great and free. I would agree if you
said good free stuff is hard to _find_ on M$ platforms though :)

Another thing is that not all M$ OS users have the money to get
all the stuff they need. Those guys usually take the shareware
from the net or some CD that comes with some magazine then they
locate a crack for it on the net, and presto, they have it for
free. No protection is cracker proof, sooner or later, some guy
will find a way to deal with it and make some poor folks happy.
I'm not saying that TB is expensive, for me as a student it
costs 25$, but, in poor countries like Bulgaria, Romania, don't
expect people that have computers to buy software... they have
it all for "free".

If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed...
 ...Oh wait, he already does.

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Message flags

2001-05-05 Thread Silviu Cojocaru

This may sound lame but, here it goes:
What are "message flags" good for ?

I'm referring to those red dots that when clicked transform into
a tiny flag.

If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed...
 ...Oh wait, he already does.

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Cursor under the wrong message

2001-05-05 Thread Sir Jinx!

Hello all,

Although  I  sort  my messages by creation time, in ascending order,
when  I jump to a new folder [TBUDL or any other], the cursor almost
always  falls in the middle of the message list! What i the cause of
this annoying behavior?


Message written at 5:03 PM
Email Client The Bat 1.51

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2001-05-05 Thread Avenarius

Dear Bat developers,

now that an exclusive feature like ALT+RIGHT and ALT+LEFT has been
employed, could you please make

CTRL+UP and CTRL+DOWN work in the main window,

not just in folder view? I find these two shortcuts more useful even
than either CTRL+] and CTRL+[ or ALT+RIGHT and ALT+LEFT.

Until CTRL+UP and CTRL+DOWN are made functional in the main window,
the navigation of messages in The Bat is left incomplete imho.

Thank you,
Alex. of Slovakia

[flying with The Bat! 1.52c
under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
amd k6-2 500 mhz processor with 128 mb ram]

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Re: Message flags

2001-05-05 Thread Karin Spaink

On 05-05-2001 at 16:43, Silviu Cojocaru kindly wrote:

> What are "message flags" good for ?

To designate the meaning *you* attach to them. Some people
use flags to mark urgent mails, others use them to yet-to-
be-replied to mails, etc.

- K -


Inessential insanities get one in trouble with oneself. 
Essential insanities get one in trouble with others. It's 
always preferable to be in trouble with others. In fact, 
it may be essential. 
  - Tom Robbins: Still Life With Woodpecker

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Apparent Web Page Oversight

2001-05-05 Thread Dwight A Corrin

If one visits one is instructed to
download 152c, but when one takes the link to the download page, it
still mentions 1.51 and has a March 1 date.  Which is in error, or
still needing update?

Dwight A. Corrin
P O Box 47828
Wichita KS 67201-7828
316.263.9706  fax 316.263.6385

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Re[2]: Linux anyone?

2001-05-05 Thread David Elliott

Hash: SHA1

Hello Silviu

On 05 May 2001 at 16:58:44 +0300 (which was 14:58 where I live) Silviu
Cojocaru wrote


>> This is due to a different mentality of Unix users who are use to open
>> source products.

>> Windows users are use to the M$ way. If you want some thing good you have
>> to pay for it, or use the M$ stuff. M$ do produce a good product ones in a
>> while but I can count them on one hand.


> I have just one little objection to your point of view... it is possible
> to get something good for free even in the M$ world, take ZoneAlarm for
> example, people only say best things about this fella' and indeed it's
> great and free.

Very true.

> I would agree if you said good free stuff is hard to _find_ on M$
> platforms though :)

Very very true.

- --

 HAND, ___
  David   | MUA:- The Bat! 1.52c  | E-mailaholics |
 _|   Windows 98 4.10.. A | International |
| * <- Tribble  -|--*-- <- Tribble after a sword fight|

Version: PGP 6.5.8ckt (Build 05)


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Re: Apparent Web Page Oversight

2001-05-05 Thread David van Zuijlekom

Hash: SHA1

Hello Dwight,

On Saturday, May 05, 2001 at 11:43:11 -0500, Dwight A Corrin [DAC]
wrote concerning 'Apparent Web Page Oversight':

DAC> If one visits one is instructed to
DAC> download 152c, but when one takes the link to the download page, it
DAC> still mentions 1.51 and has a March 1 date.  Which is in error, or
DAC> still needing update?

I think the download page needs an update.

- --
Best regards,

PGPkeys: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=Send_PGP_key

** Yer momma's so old she has to have a fire permit for her birthday cake **

[TB! 1.52c] [Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1]

Version: 6.5.8ckt Build 05


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Re:  Apparent Web Page Oversight

2001-05-05 Thread Ottar Grimstad

Hello David,

Saturday, May 05, 2001, 7:04:32 PM, you wrote:

DvZ> I think the download page needs an update.

  It looks right now

Best regards,
  Ottar Grimstad, Norway
Using The Bat! 1.52c on Windows 98 version 4,10

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Re: Filter: Export to file having subject's name?

2001-05-05 Thread Dave Braze


The appended question was asked about a month ago, and I haven't noticed
any response. For my own purposes it would be very useful if it were
possible to save a message to file with it's subject for the filename
(plus appropriate extension) as a filter action.

If some knowledgeable person would confirm that this is not presently
possible, I'll submit a feature request to ritlabs.

-Dave Braze

Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 8:31:46, you wrote: 
TM> Hi everyone,

TM> I would like to make a filter, that exports an email to a file that
TM> carries the email's subject as its name.

TM> Is that possible? and how.

TM> Morten

Best regards,
 Dave Braze   


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Re: Missing attached file Alert

2001-05-05 Thread David van Zuijlekom

Hash: SHA1

Hello Daniel,

On Friday, May 04, 2001 at 11:36:02 +0200, Daniel Morton [DM] wrote
concerning 'Missing attached file Alert':

DM> Is there a way, for an amateur like myself, to make it so that THE BAT
DM> will alert me before sending an email with the word "attach" that
DM> there is no attachment? I would like to avoid sending out mails where
DM> I forget to attach the file and have the email program tell me? is
DM> there an option for this or a prewritten macro I can copy? thanks all.

You mean like in Word?: "Looks like you're writing a suicide letter.
Office Assistant can help you with that. First, tell us how you plan
to kill yourself".

No I don't think it's implemented, and I hope it never will. Maybe a
tip: first attach the attachment *before* writing the message.

- --
Best regards,

PGPkeys: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=Send_PGP_key

** ---This Tagline is blank to save space--- **

[TB! 1.52c] [Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1]

Version: 6.5.8ckt Build 05


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1.52 <> 1.52c

2001-05-05 Thread


  I  saw  yesterday the new version 1.52 and now the version 1.52c for
  When I compare the two readme.txt I see the 1.52c adds this:

[!] Message Centre replaces the Dial-up Monitor and multiple mail transfer/receive 

 What's  the  difference  between  *connection  centre*  and  *message

 Why releasing 1.52c only one day after 1.52?


Powered by The Bat! v1.52 ( Windows 98 4.10. A )

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Re[2]: AB-templates

2001-05-05 Thread Jannik Lindquist

Hello Jan,

On Saturday, May 05, 2001 at 07:52:23 -0400 you wrote on "AB-templates":

JR>   I don't have an idea but I'd guess it was local to your machine.
JR>   Maybe a TB! re-install?

Thanks a lot for your help, Jan. Unfortunately, a reinstall didn't help.
I'm beginning to suspect, that I have somehow checked something
somewhere - but what and where?

Best regards,
Jannik Lindquist

The Bat! 1.52 Beta/12
Windows 98 4 10   A 

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Re: Filter: Export to file having subject's name?

2001-05-05 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Dave,

On 05 May 2001 at  13:11:27 -0400 (which was 18:11 where I  live) Dave
Braze wrote to Topmail Mulmad and made these points:

DB> The appended question was asked about a month ago, and I haven't
DB> noticed any response. For my own purposes it would be very useful
DB> if it were possible to save a message to file with it's subject
DB> for the filename (plus appropriate extension) as a filter action.

DB> If some knowledgeable person would confirm that this is not
DB> presently possible, I'll submit a feature request to ritlabs.

TM>> I would like to make a filter, that exports an email to a file that
TM>> carries the email's subject as its name.

TM>> Is that possible? and how.

I think not. The problem is that export is a filter function and the
filename used is hard-coded into the filter. I guess that an external
utility could parse an exported (or saved/formatted) message and
dynamically change the filename but there is nothing inherent in TB to
do it.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA / TBTECH
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[Any opinions are my own and not those of RIT labs   ]

TB! v1.52 Beta/12/iKey1000 S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1

Version: 6.5.8ckt (build 05)
Comment: PGP Sealed for freshness


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Re[3]: AB-templates

2001-05-05 Thread Jan Rifkinson

Hash: SHA1

Hello Jannik, Sorry the re-install didn't work.

On Saturday, May 05, 2001 20:10:53 [ +0200 GMT], you wrote the
following in regards to 'AB-templates':

Jannik> [...] I'm beginning to suspect, that I have somehow checked something
Jannik> somewhere - but what and where?

  I remember a situation I had in which an AB dbl entry had TB! doing
  weird things. It took me a while to sort it out. What I did to
  help track it down, at someone's suggestion, was to label each template
  with a line of text so I would know where it was coming from. So,
  for example, my default New Mail or Reply Mail templates would
  have a text line like "new default" & "reply" default. My TB! AB
  reply template would be identified as such, etc. This was a pain in the
  butt but it helped me track things down.

  There's always the AB -> Group -> Folder conflict to consider

  I forgot to ask whether what you are experiencing comes from one
  group or one folder or one of anything. Obviously, this could help isolate
  the problem too.

  I don't want to send you off on any more wild goose chases so
  maybe someone else will jump in here & help you out with some
  practical advice.  I will be interested to learn of the solution

- --
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
TB! v1.52 Beta/12/WinMe/PGP Key ID: 0x3F14A060
ICQ 41116329

Version: PGP 6.5i


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PGP with 1.52c

2001-05-05 Thread request . batuserlist

Hello Readers,

I've just upgraded to ver 1.52c from 1.51 and I've noticed that a
template for an address in the address book is working slightly
different with PGP.

For example in the AB I have someone named Joe Bloggs who's email is
[EMAIL PROTECTED] . In PGP keys this person's key is shown as Joe

I have normally been able to use a new message template from the AB
addressed to joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and using the appropriate
macro 'percent'ENCRYPTCOMPLETE the email when 'sent' or placed in the
'outbox' would pick the correct key from PGP-Keys.

But now it looks as if there is a full match required with the 'to'
address and the PGP key. Before it appeared that only that part
between < and > was checked against the PGP key-list.

The only way around it appears to be to use exactly the same address
as shown in the PGP key ring in the 'to' field or just the part
between < and > in the 'to' field. i.e must use Joe Bloggs

(You can always 'drag' the key down when the PGP-Key box pop's up but
that's annoying) I don't know if this just affects AB entries or all

Does all that make sense? :)

P.S. The names and email/domain addresses in the above text are made
up and are not meant to  represent any individual/s or company.

Best regards,
David Stone  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Bat! Version 1.52 c. Platform  Windows 98 4.10.. A 
PGP Ver 6.5.8

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The Bat! - bug report for Message Centre

2001-05-05 Thread Avenarius

Hello The Bat! developers,

  I'm using The Bat! Version 1.52c
  under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A
  and would like to report a bug

  The bug (or under-developed feature?) description:

the newly introduced Message Centre does not remember the sizes of
columns in the Progress window.

This is especially ennervating as the "Transfer" column is too narrow
to show the complete data that it is supposed to show.

After you adjust the column size to the proper width, and restart The
Bat!, the column size is back to default, ie. too narrow etc.

  Steps to reproduce the bug (or under-developed feature):

Bring up the Message Centre. Adjust the width of columns ("Transfer",
"Progress", "Estimated" etc.etc.) to fit your needs.

Restart The Bat!. The adjustments are gone and the width of columns is
back to default, which is maladjusted.

(Plus: the "Delete Task" button does not work on this machine. Even
after you press it multiple times, nothing happens and the highlighted
task remains in the queue.)

Alex. of Slovakia

[flying with The Bat! 1.52c
under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
amd k6-2 500 mhz processor with 128 mb ram]

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Crash Bug in Bat 1.52c

2001-05-05 Thread Ryan Phillips

Upon deletion of any message the program crashes.
Best regards,

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Re: Crash Bug in Bat 1.52c

2001-05-05 Thread David van Zuijlekom

Hash: SHA1

Hello Ryan,

On Saturday, May 05, 2001 at 14:55:28 -0700, Ryan Phillips [RP] wrote
concerning 'Crash Bug in Bat 1.52c':

RP> Upon deletion of any message the program crashes.

Not confirmed.

- --
Best regards,

PGPkeys: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=Send_PGP_key

** Never trust a woman who tells her real age. **

[TB! 1.52c] [Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1]

Version: 6.5.8ckt Build 05


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Re: PGP with 1.52c

2001-05-05 Thread Brian Clark

Hi Request,

@ 4:22:26 PM on 5/5/2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

rbfcu> For example in the AB I have someone named Joe Bloggs who's email is
rbfcu> [EMAIL PROTECTED] . In PGP keys this person's key is shown as Joe
rbfcu> Bloggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

rbfcu> Does all that make sense? :)

Yes, I reported this a few weeks ago. Maxim stated that this is now
the desired behavior, but, IMO, it's not desired. It's really

rbfcu> P.S. The names and email/domain addresses in the above text are
rbfcu> made up and are not meant to represent any individual/s or
rbfcu> company.

You can use which is controlled by Internet Assigned
Numbers Authority. I remember seeing this as a "standard" somewhere,
but I can't find out if that is actually a fact. Anyway, that's what I

 -Brian Clark | PGP is spoken here: 0xE4D0C7C8
 [SB! 1.52 Beta/12/iKey1000, Windows 98 (SE) 4.10 Build  A]

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Re[2]:  Crash Bug in Bat 1.52c

2001-05-05 Thread Ryan Phillips

DvZ> Hash: SHA1

DvZ> Hello Ryan,

DvZ> On Saturday, May 05, 2001 at 14:55:28 -0700, Ryan Phillips [RP] wrote
DvZ> concerning 'Crash Bug in Bat 1.52c':

RP>> Upon deletion of any message the program crashes.

DvZ> Not confirmed.

Hmm.  Well it may not be confirmed, but it sure doesn't work here.
The program doesn't actually crash, the error message is:
  Access Violation at [some memory space] ...
and the message is not deleted.

I'm back to using TB Beta 12, which works fine.


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Re: PGP with 1.52c

2001-05-05 Thread Nick Andriash

Hash: SHA1

On May 5, 2001, at 3:57:55 PM, Brian Clark wrote:

BC> Yes, I reported this a few weeks ago. Maxim stated that this is now
BC> the desired behavior, but, IMO, it's not desired. It's really
BC> aggravating.

The 'feature' is something Maxim calls "Smart Matching", but I agree with
you Brian that it's a very big source of aggravation, and something Max
should revisit.

- -- 
   -=N.J. Andriash | Vancouver, B.C. Canada=- 
 [ SecureBat! v1.52/iKey1000 | Win 98 SE 4.10 ] 
  [ PGP 7.1 (Build 174) | Key ID: 0x7BA3FDCE ]  

Version: PGP 7.1 (Build 174)
Comment: Join PGP-Basics: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re: PGP with 1.52c

2001-05-05 Thread Brian Clark

Hi Nick,

@ 7:44:06 PM on 5/5/2001, Nick Andriash wrote:

BC>> Yes, I reported this a few weeks ago. Maxim stated that this is
BC>> now the desired behavior, but, IMO, it's not desired. It's really
BC>> aggravating.

NA> The 'feature' is something Maxim calls "Smart Matching", but I
NA> agree with you Brian that it's a very big source of aggravation,
NA> and something Max should revisit.

IMHO, I feel as if "Smart Matching" best describes its former state.
Now, it's forcing me to change address book entries and manually pick
out keys while using what is supposed to be a seamless plug-in. Surely
this can be some sort of option in TB!'s plugin options called "Use
strict key matching" or something along those lines. Maybe then
everyone could be happy.

 -Brian Clark | PGP is spoken here: 0xE4D0C7C8
 [SB! 1.52 Beta/12/iKey1000, Windows 98 (SE) 4.10 Build  A]

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Re: Crash Bug in Bat 1.52c

2001-05-05 Thread IronHand


As an answer for Your letter, I would like to write:

> Upon deletion of any message the program crashes.
Thats almost right here. I get 'Exception...' almost every time I
delete message or try to view in new window. I saw something like this
before (I don't remember the proper The Bat! version though).
I'm not sure, but I think it occures only when Message Center is active.
I thought it was because IE was in the background, but that's not the

Best Regards
nIck: IronHand of CruX /GCS d-(++) s:- a18 C++ UL P+++ L++@ E\
maIl: { W+++ N+ o? K? w+++ !O M V? PS+ PE- Y PGP- }
[EMAIL PROTECTED] \t+ 5+ X- R++ tv b+ DI? D+ G++ e- h! r% y-/

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Re[3]:  Crash Bug in Bat 1.52c

2001-05-05 Thread Dwight A Corrin

On Saturday, May 05, 2001, 6:37:33 PM, Ryan Phillips wrote:

> Well it may not be confirmed, but it sure doesn't work here. The
> program doesn't actually crash, the error message is:   Access
> Violation at [some memory space] ... and the message is not deleted.

There sure is a big difference between a crash and a failure to delete
a message successfully.

I just deleted a number of messages with no trouble.  If you are
getting an access violation, is that a sharing violation caused by
some other program having the file open at the same time?

Dwight A. Corrin
P O Box 47828
Wichita KS 67201-7828
316.263.9706  fax 316.263.6385
Using The Bat! 1.52c on Windows 98 version 4,90

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Re: Cursor under the wrong message

2001-05-05 Thread Karin Spaink

On 05-05-2001 at 17:07, Sir Jinx! kindly wrote:

> Although  I  sort  my messages by creation time, in ascending order,
> when  I jump to a new folder [TBUDL or any other], the cursor almost
> always  falls in the middle of the message list! What i the cause of
> this annoying behavior?

I witnessed the same behaviour in a few - not all - folders.
As it turns out, the reason is that those folders, in folder
view, were arranged by subject; and since TB does remember
where its cursor was last located, it will return to that

Solution: switch to sorting by creation/received time in
folder view.

- K -


Horror film characters are forever watching horror movies, 
either in theatres or on television at home, and not a few 
horror plots turn on the horrifying consequences of looking 
at horror.
  - Carol Clover: Men, women and chainsaws

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Re[2]: Linux anyone?

2001-05-05 Thread IronHand


As an answer for Your letter, I would like to write:

>> With many of the other projects I follow, Linux versions are
>> begining to rise. Opera's broswer is now quite advanced, and their
>> has been rumours of Xnews featuring soon on the platform
> I don't know about any current plans to port TB to Linux. As David
> (Elliott) said, TB is written using Borland Delphi and Kylix is
> available to allow Linux implementations

That's not right. Kylix uses Clisks (AFAIR) as its interface, which is
different to the Windows API calls. Clicks _will_ be supported by
Delphi, but in the near future, so I think that porting The Bat! to
Linux without rewriting more than 50% of code is imposible.

> but I don't think that we
> will see any movements in that direction in the near future.

So I do agree with You. :)))

Best Regards
nIck: IronHand of CruX /GCS d-(++) s:- a18 C++ UL P+++ L++@ E\
maIl: { W+++ N+ o? K? w+++ !O M V? PS+ PE- Y PGP- }
[EMAIL PROTECTED] \t+ 5+ X- R++ tv b+ DI? D+ G++ e- h! r% y-/

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Re:  Crash Bug in Bat 1.52c

2001-05-05 Thread Nick Andriash

Hash: SHA1

On May 5, 2001, at 4:37:33 PM, Ryan Phillips wrote:

RP> Hmm.  Well it may not be confirmed, but it sure doesn't work here. The
RP> program doesn't actually crash, the error message is:   Access
RP> Violation at [some memory space] ... and the message is not deleted.

Try closing down TB! and then re-start... I think you will find that fixes
the error.

- -- 
   -=N.J. Andriash | Vancouver, B.C. Canada=- 
 [ SecureBat! v1.52/iKey1000 | Win 98 SE 4.10 ] 
  [ PGP 7.1 (Build 174) | Key ID: 0x7BA3FDCE ]  

Version: GnuPG v1.0.5 (MingW32) - GnuPGshell v1.74
Comment: Join PGP-Basics: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re:  Crash Bug in Bat 1.52c

2001-05-05 Thread Nick Andriash

Hash: SHA1

On May 5, 2001, at 4:37:33 PM, Ryan Phillips wrote:

RP> I'm back to using TB Beta 12, which works fine.

I think that would be a mistake Ryan... Try just re-starting TB! and see
if you get the same error message.

- -- 
   -=N.J. Andriash | Vancouver, B.C. Canada=- 
 [ SecureBat! v1.52/iKey1000 | Win 98 SE 4.10 ] 
  [ PGP 7.1 (Build 174) | Key ID: 0x7BA3FDCE ]  

Version: PGP 7.1 (Build 174)
Comment: Join PGP-Basics: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re[4]:  Crash Bug in Bat 1.52c

2001-05-05 Thread Ryan Phillips

  The message is exactly this:
Access Violation at address 005F9753.  Read of address 0008

  No other programs are trying to access the bat's databases.  I would
  think this error would be due to an invalid pointer someplace in the
  code.  It is a memory error, nothing else.

  I've tried restarting the application many times.  The error is
  still there.


Saturday, May 05, 2001, 4:57:07 PM, you wrote:

DAC> On Saturday, May 05, 2001, 6:37:33 PM, Ryan Phillips wrote:

>> Well it may not be confirmed, but it sure doesn't work here. The
>> program doesn't actually crash, the error message is:   Access
>> Violation at [some memory space] ... and the message is not deleted.

DAC> There sure is a big difference between a crash and a failure to delete
DAC> a message successfully.

DAC> I just deleted a number of messages with no trouble.  If you are
DAC> getting an access violation, is that a sharing violation caused by
DAC> some other program having the file open at the same time?

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Re:  Crash Bug in Bat 1.52c

2001-05-05 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Ryan,

Historians believe that Sat, 5 May 2001 at 18:11 GMT -0700 was when,
Ryan Phillips [RP] typed the following:

RP>   No other programs are trying to access the bat's databases.  I would
RP>   think this error would be due to an invalid pointer someplace in the
RP>   code.  It is a memory error, nothing else.

Have you checked the attributes for your message database?  Use
Windows Explorer to find the offending folder, and see if either of
the files in that folder have the Read-Only attribute set.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.52 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A

OK, I'm weird! But I'm saving up to become eccentric.

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Re[2]:  Crash Bug in Bat 1.52c

2001-05-05 Thread Ryan Phillips

Hello Januk,

Saturday, May 05, 2001, 6:22:25 PM, you wrote:

JA> Return-path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
JA> Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
JA> Delivery-date: Sat, 05 May 2001 21:25:51 -0400
JA> Received: from ([]
JA> by with esmtp (Exim 3.20 #1)
JA> id 14wDIv-0004lp-00
JA> for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sat, 05 May 2001 21:25:51 -0400
JA> Received: from by
JA> with SMTP (MDaemon.PRO.v4.0.0.R)
JA> for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sun, 06 May 2001 08:23:31 +0700
JA> Received: from NOWINDOWS ([]) by
JA>   (InterMail vM. 201-229-121-120-20010223) with ESMTP
JA>   id <>
JA>   for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sat, 5 May 2001 18:22:24 -0700
JA> Date: Sat, 5 May 2001 18:22:25 -0700
JA> From: Januk Aggarwal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
JA> X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.52) Educational
JA> X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
JA> To: Ryan Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
JA> Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IKBDcmFzaCBCdWcgaW4gQmF0IDEuNTJj?=
JA> References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
JA> MIME-Version: 1.0
JA> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
JA> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
JA> X-Lookup-Warning: reverse lookup on original sender failed
JA> Precedence: bulk
JA> X-MDSend-Notifications-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
JA> X-MDaemon-Deliver-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
JA> List-Hosted-by: Duta Integrasi Pratama - Indonesia

JA> Hello Ryan,

JA> Historians believe that Sat, 5 May 2001 at 18:11 GMT -0700 was when,
JA> Ryan Phillips [RP] typed the following:

RP>>   No other programs are trying to access the bat's databases.  I would
RP>>   think this error would be due to an invalid pointer someplace in the
RP>>   code.  It is a memory error, nothing else.

JA> Have you checked the attributes for your message database?  Use
JA> Windows Explorer to find the offending folder, and see if either of
JA> the files in that folder have the Read-Only attribute set.

All are a-ok.


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Re: Transition Report

2001-05-05 Thread A Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 5 May 2001 21:39:13 -0400, Brian graced us with these comments:

ACM>> BTW// Not a hoot from the spell checker. All the spellchecker menu
ACM>> options are greyed out except language. Any recommendations on how
ACM>> to rectify that?

BC> Yep, I had to move over the speller directory, then check Automatic
BC> Checking from the Spell Checker menu.

BC> I *think* that was all..

It didn't work for me. I ended up copying all the dlls that are in the
standard TB! installation directory. I don't know which one is the one but
the spell checker now works.

- --
A. Curtis Martin  ••  List Moderator (and fellow registered end-user)
Using The Bat! v1.52 Beta/12/iKey1000 & Win2k (SP1)
'Always remember you're unique - just like everyone else.'

Version: PGP Cyber-Knights Templar 6.5.8ckt (build 05)
Comment: KeyID: 0x57C9EB602B0717E2   (Sealed for security).


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Re: Transition Report

2001-05-05 Thread Nick Andriash

On May 5, 2001, at 6:57:52 PM, A Curtis Martin wrote:

ACM> It didn't work for me. I ended up copying all the dlls that are in
ACM> the standard TB! installation directory. I don't know which one is
ACM> the one but the spell checker now works.

TheBat.LNG perhaps? Anyway, good to hear you have SecureBat! up and
running. The List has been slow these past few days, but things should
heat up again once Maxim returns... and now that TB! v1.52 has been
released. :o)

   -=N.J. Andriash | Vancouver, B.C. Canada=- 
 [ SecureBat! v1.52/iKey1000 | Win 98 SE 4.10 ] 
  [ PGP 7.1 (Build 174) | Key ID: 0x7BA3FDCE ]  

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Re: Cursor under the wrong message

2001-05-05 Thread Thomas

Hello Karin,

On Sun, 6 May 2001 02:03:50 +0200 GMT (06/05/2001, 08:03 +0800 GMT),
Karin Spaink wrote:

>> Although  I  sort  my messages by creation time, in ascending order,
>> when  I jump to a new folder [TBUDL or any other], the cursor almost
>> always  falls in the middle of the message list! What i the cause of
>> this annoying behavior?

KS> Solution: switch to sorting by creation/received time in
KS> folder view.

I sort by received time. I open a folder with "many" new messages in
the main window, TB goes - splash - into a new message without
apparent logic. This message is now marked "read", so if I hit enter
to go to the Folder View (in which I view threaded by reference) and
work with crtl-] through the new messages, I will either have to read
this random message (in the middle of some thread) first or will never
see it.

I find this annoying. Maybe I should write a bug report?



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

In a Paris hotel elevator: Please leave your values at the front desk.

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.52 Beta/14
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998 
using an Intel Celeron 366Mhz, 128MB RAM

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TB readme.txt

2001-05-05 Thread Silviu Cojocaru

  Could someone from the list please send me the readme.txt file
so I can see what's new in TB 1.52c ?


If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed...
 ...Oh wait, he already does.

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Re[2]: PGP with 1.52c

2001-05-05 Thread request . batuserlist


Sunday, May 06, 2001, 12:51:50 AM, you wrote:

BC> Hi Nick,

BC> @ 7:44:06 PM on 5/5/2001, Nick Andriash wrote:

BC> ...
BC>>> Yes, I reported this a few weeks ago. Maxim stated that this is
BC>>> now the desired behavior, but, IMO, it's not desired. It's really
BC>>> aggravating.

NA>> The 'feature' is something Maxim calls "Smart Matching", but I
NA>> agree with you Brian that it's a very big source of aggravation,
NA>> and something Max should revisit.

BC> IMHO, I feel as if "Smart Matching" best describes its former state.
BC> Now, it's forcing me to change address book entries and manually pick
BC> out keys while using what is supposed to be a seamless plug-in. Surely
BC> this can be some sort of option in TB!'s plugin options called "Use
BC> strict key matching" or something along those lines. Maybe then
BC> everyone could be happy.

Many Thanks for the replies, at least I know now it's not me!

Yes I too think this 'Smart Matching' may require some sort of option
switching applied. I've gone back to 1.51 until I can decide what I'm
going to do with the templates.

Also thanks for the information Brian about I've just
looked and it is registered to IANA so that domain should be okay to
use for 'examples'.

Best regards,
David Stone  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Bat! Version 1.51. Platform  Windows 98 4.10.. A

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