[tw] TiddlyWiki Hangout #72 on Tuesday 9th December at 4pm GMT

2014-12-08 Thread Jeremy Ruston
TiddlyWiki Hangout #72 is tomorrow, Tuesday 8th December at 4pm GMT/UTC.
Details here:


You can post questions for the hangout using the QA button on the video
preview on the page above. You'll then need to click the grid icon at the
top right, and then choose the QA button.

Best wishes


Jeremy Ruston

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[tw] Re: TW5 drawing configuration

2014-12-08 Thread Birthe C
Hi Kamilla

If you are interested in discussing TiddlyWiki in danish, we have a small 
section at dansk linux forum 
http://www.linux-abc.dk/phpBB3/viewforum.php?f=24. Very messy section and 
let's say few participants. Or maybe have a look at 


On Sunday, December 7, 2014 8:31:39 PM UTC+1, kamvik wrote:

 Thank you so much, Birthe (Tak!, among danes)
 Also Thanks to Tobias

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Re: [tw] Re: need clarification on tw-upgrade: twc = tw5

2014-12-08 Thread Dirk Huth
Ahh - thanks for clearing that up! It was pretty much what I expected but 
it's good to know for sure. Just to make the point again: Both TW and 
Tiddlyspot are really great - I've been using both for several years now. 
So thank you everyone involved in these projects!!

Have a happy holiday season everyone, 

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[tw] link to Excel doc on local directory

2014-12-08 Thread Ben John
Hi folks - please would someone tell me how to put a link from an Excel 
file stored on my hard drive into a tiddler. Thanks


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[tw] Re: TW5 drawing configuration

2014-12-08 Thread kamvik
Thanks for your help Evolena
- and your danish links certainly look interesting, Birthe 

 Best regards
 Kamilla V

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[tw] Add summary as part of review. #productivity #workflow

2014-12-08 Thread Alex Hough
Dear All,

I've composed this question as a first draft of a user story connected to
productivity. I was bearig in mind something I heard on one of the hangouts
about productivity uses could be collected together


I am looking back at my timeline. I've got loads of tiddlers. It's monday
morning, I need to get back into the flow. I tend to have a pattern to my
week and I see it in my timeline.

I see some days when I have created vastly more tiddlers than others. After
five or ten minutes looking back though them, I can recall where I was and
what I was doing on those days. I feel I want to enter a summary of this to
make it easier to remember next time.

The tiddlers record my quick thoughts, but while I am in flow I don't
compose a tiddler detailing the obvious train of thought in that tiddling
session. The joy of TW is that it is fast enough to keep up with my
thoughts. I now want to improve the flow experience of review.
Pre Solution Concepts and IdeasReview Mode

The review mode is a behavioural mode, not a TW mode or theme. It's a
different way I use TW. In this mode I am trying to get back into the flow
state in which the tiddler shoal
for a particular time. I want to dive back in and be re-immersed in my
Daily Summary

Click from date on timeline to create a new tiddler with a title of the
date. The tiddler is pre-populated with a day field containing the day of
the week. This field can then be used in filters to bring together
summaries for the same day.
Technical Challenges

How to # convert the date in the timeline to a new tiddler with that date #
pre-populate a field with the day of the date in the title
Check Approach

Is this a good idea? It it the best approach

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[tw] Re: Expected workflow for self-hosting a TiddlyWiki5.

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi Gregorio,

Some argue those discussions best go into the dev group or the GitHub 
issues as there's sooo much tech-stuff in here...

 I'm looking for some help in achieving a self-hosted TiddlyWiki solution, 
 preferably with node.js:

Personally, I'd shy away from node.js hosting for atm, as it seems a rather 
expensive, both in terms of cost and effort... which I would think was 
worth it if one was planning to create some node-based TiddlySpot-like 

- I want to be able to go to wiki.mydomain.com
- login/authenticate so I can edit tiddlers.

 The basic approach I'd pursue is to have the wiki using some readonly 
template with you knowing how to switch that to enable editing features. 
With a wee bit of testing you can easily create bookmarks 
http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#Creating%20Smart%20Bookmarklets that help you 
toggle things.

- no other visitor/user can edit.

 Again, it's all in the theme. Of course, some smarty-pants may try to hack 
your implementation. However, saving back to the server does require 
authentication... so keep your password(s) safe.

- have those changes automatically saved

 So long as you're the one and only editor to your wiki(s) that can 
alternatively be done without node.js, using store.php 

- Locally, I'd also like to be able to manipulate what tiddlers show 
up on wiki.mydomain.com.

 That does indeed require a node.js enbironment. But perhaps there is some 
simple workflow to first update / sync your local tiddlers with whatever 
you last edited online. Then you would go editting locally and build that 
next tiddlywiki. I would personally hit save in the browser to have 
http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#Your%20own%20TiddlySpot-like%20upload%20server do 
the uploading... but sure, a node.js server is, all in all, the more 
extensible ecosystem, although somewhat bound to your machine.

- Say I keep a project specific wiki local until it goes live, I'd 
like to be able to easily integrate those local tiddlers with the live 

 Recently, Jeremy or someone in the community proposed a TiddlySpot based 
workflow http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#Documentation to enable those who 
want to contribute but shy away from GitHub submit edits for TiddlyWiki.com 
back to those who actually manage the repo, i.e. Jeremy.

I wonder if there's any progress on those sync-/import-scripts, as they 
will surely help putting online-edited tiddlers back into a local node.js 
store to then bake and push the next updates having merged any online 
changes. Perhaps a simple modified check will do the trick, perhaps an 
aliased last-titles field will also be beneficial and could help redirect 
otherwise broken links to the new location.

- As far as I understand this can be achieved with the tiddlywiki CLI, 
but I'm not clear on that yet.

 Yes, the node.js build process is console driven, atm. Although it's not 
entirely unthinkable that some (hopefully) cross-platform 
desktop-app-development-guru might create a graphical UI to edit your 
editions' tiddlywiki.info (or even package.json), adding / deleting themes, 
plugins, an edition folder, and provide a few customizable build-commands / 
command-sequences, so you don't have to do all the typing to, say, also get 
that static output. Would be even cooler if you could actually set-up and 
trigger these things from within TiddlyWiki itself. Would be a really good 
reference project for TiddlyWiki as an app with a certain degree of desktop 

I've looked at hosting solutions like heroku and openshift, but the issue I 
 have is I'm not sure what the correct approach is.. these platforms don't 
 seem to use NPM so do I need the tw5 repo in the root of my app? 

Besides associated costs, all these questions are precisely why I would shy 
away from that atm. But I guess you would have to manually push that latest 
TiddlyWiki build to your sever and set-up whatever environment voodoo is 
needed to actually run required build / server scripts. So, @PMario, that's 
perhaps one reason why building TW via npm  package.json is not quite a 
viable solution for those lacking npm.

 What is the correct folder structure in this scenario?

Something that resembles the official repo structure 
https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/823, leaving out whatever 
bit's you're not actually creating yourself, especially the core. Meaning, 
I would have these folders separated...


 Do I put the tw5 repo in a sub-folder and create folders with 
 tiddlywiki.info for my wikis?

You don't have to have the core in your repo. Instead, set certain environment 
http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#Scripts%20for%20building%20tiddlywiki.com for 
the build scripts to find your build environment and whatever components 
you wish to mingle.

 Or do I just create 

[tw] Invoicing TW5 #productivity

2014-12-08 Thread Alex Hough
Dear All,

Anti-Pattern Alert

Before I start reinventing the wheel, I wondered if anyone
out there is using TW to generate invoices
Workflow based on Cloning

I normally open a LibreOffice file,
save as, then change the details. I thought I could do similar then export
that tiddler as HTML then sending a PDF of that out by e-mail

The cloned tiddler could have

   1. fields for customer details, etc.
   2. be rendered though a custom template. the fields could be aligned in
   accordance with convention. Logos could be incorporated

best wishes


ps. It's nice to cut and paste into gmail from the preview of a tiddler

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[tw] Re: Expected workflow for self-hosting a TiddlyWiki5.

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer

 I think we're quite some mileage away from calling TiddlyWiki a 
 full-fledged PaaS.

That was a little mislead / misread... please ignore. ^^

Best wishes, Tobias.

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Re: [tw] [TW5] ExternalImage styling

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi Andrew,

 width: calc(100% + 86px);

Put a...

width: 100%;

... as a fallback in front. Thinking of overflow, are you sure it's 
supposed to be a *+* rather than a *-* ?

height: 600px;

Did you test that? Won't it distort the embedded image? Or would you just 
have a bigger frame around a smaller image? Unless your images come in the 
same size, I would not set a predefined height... but perhaps that's 
needed, didn't test.


Care to explain?

Also, what really helps is to make a quick TiddlySpot / upload a basic 
example to dropbox and let us take a look. Makes it less hypothetical and a 
lot easier to check.

Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] button that looks like a link

2014-12-08 Thread Ton Gerner
Let it be: tc-btn-invisible



On Monday, December 8, 2014 12:58:23 AM UTC+1, Danielo Rodríguez wrote:

 With btn-invisible you can get something very similar. 

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[tw] TiddlyDrive4Community new sidebar tools.

2014-12-08 Thread Danielo Rodríguez
Hello everyone, 

I just released a new version of tiddlydrive for community. The main addition 

* As many people requested I have added a sidebar tab that with the most 
important configurations : username and subfolder. Also it holds a list of 
Tiddlers that are only on the server ready to download. 
* changed the default behavior of downloading full tiddlers on startup. Instead 
all available tiddlers are listed and you can download any of them from the 
sidebar. This is done automatically, you just need to open it from the sidebar. 

I know that some people liked the fact that all the Tiddlers are downloaded on 
startup, but I find that it downloads too much data that maybe is not used.  
Please give me feedback and opinions. You can check it at :


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[tw] TiddlyDrive4Community new sidebar tools.

2014-12-08 Thread Danielo Rodríguez
Another great addition is the Getting started tiddler from Tobias Beer. 

Thank you Tobias! 

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[tw] Re: [TW5] swarms of tiddlers

2014-12-08 Thread Mat
On Monday, December 8, 2014 1:10:00 AM UTC+1, Tobias Beer wrote:

 I have come to think of the mechanism that yields plugins as a more 
 general concept of bundling tiddlers to be reused and repurposed for 
 different usecases, like a bundle or a swarm of tiddlers... rushing from 
 one place to another.

I think that when we eventually develop ways to measure *how* plugins and 
other mechanisms are used, then we will be able to identify clusters of 
commonly used tiddlers and functions. Then we could hopefully exctract the 
common denominators and package these as separate entities for effective 
reuse. The thought is very appealing, not to mention very, very tiddlish.

BTW, I believe this identification of clusters will also be very valuable 
for us to build specialized application TWs, (which incidentally I think 
will show out to be a key factor for spreading TW).

For example, there could be a wikitext swarm or a widgets swarm moving 
 about tiddlywiki.com which one could easily import into ones 
 tiddlywiki... if not only into some community documentation project... only 
 to ammend that bugger, yet still having the shadow displayed underneath.

 At some point it would be really neat if it was possible to send ones 
 swarm looking for updates at home, returning back with updates ...without 
 going to the remote site to manually fetch them with a brailer.

 Anyhow, here are instructions on having tiddlers form swarms...

The mention of swarms and clusters awoke a memory of the past, when TW 10.0 
was introduced 
Pretty amusing to read even if I must say that dude is some rambler and I 
don't even understand half of his babble. Interesting to note that we've so 
far come half the way (TW5 instead of 10) but according to the plan 
described there it is obvious there will be a twexplosion happening in 2015!

While on the borderlands;

Another concept I've been thinking about, inspired by Danielos TiddlyDrive 
project, is that maybe it would be possible to have the core at some place 
(tw.com) and in your own computer you really only have your content and 
style tiddlers. You open the remote core (in your local browser) and it 
pulls your locally stored tiddlers. For one thing, users wouldn't have to 
bother with updates.

In a way I'm wondering if this shouldn't be possible almost now? To load a 
tw node.js version on tw.com (which is thus temporarily stored on my local 
computer)... and then visit a local tiddler folder via this. Hm, I'll ask 
@Jeremy. Unless anyone here knows?

Such a setup would be particularly usable for the aforementioned 
application TWs. It could be a bit like tiddlyspace; There is the core. 
Application developer A, with a special interest in, say, math 
remote-includes the core into this math application TW which resides on 
any accessible place, be it tw.com or google drive. End user B 
'remote-includes' this math appliction and locally fills it with his own 
content. Or end user B locally 'remote-includes' both core and the 
application. End user B doesn't have a to be a specialist at setting up the 
math TW but can again focus on content.

(I didn't just describe tiddlyweb, did I?)

And, kind of reversed, there could be application community sites; Take 
e.g a blog application TW: Another person D sets up a, um, pointer to 
application developer A's blog application and adds his (i.e D's) own 
cutsey decoration and additions, turning it into a music community blog 
application. Really just a niched display window dressing. Then 
individuals E who want to be part of that community, shares public tiddler 
folders with D that D provides a pretty and public window for. E can focus 
on content, while D has added not only the presentation of that content but 
also functions at a hub of many music enthusiasts potentially reaching out 
to more people than individuals E could alone.

Tiddlers on the loose, swarming around everywhere.

So, Tobias, we rely firmly on you ;-)


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[tw] Re: [TW5] help creating slider-like macro

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer
What I would really like to know is, how can I prevent TiddlyWiki from 
becoming dirty when creating a state tiddler called...


... yes, those two forward-slashes are intentional!

Best wishes, Tobias.

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Re: [tw] Re: [TW5] Help for beginner in Node.js

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer
 Hi Suzanne,

 Node.js portable

Chances are that with a portable install you don't get any global 
environment variables set.

So, I presume you can...

   - either figure out which ones are missing and set them
   - call both with a fully qualified path: c:/foo/bar/node 
   c:/foo/bar/baz/tiddlywiki ...

Not sure how one could easily define session variables so that you don't 
need to specify the full path(s).

Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Links - unify external and internal!

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer

 Current solutions means either or, such as classic story view vs zoomin 
 story view. Or ToC tabbed with external links vs internal links. I say it 
 is time we improve this. It shouldn't have to be either-or. What is the 
 best way to have *one* link behave in *two* ways, depending on what you 
 want at the moment of clicking it?

Why / for what would that be an improvement? Switching themes / story views 
is easy.
Those precious CTRL or SHIFT modifiers better be reserved for something 

Best wishes, Tobias. 

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[tw] [TW5] ...and the classic tagging macro

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi everyone,

Anyone who needs it, tw5.1.5 now provides the means to build that classic 
tagging macro...


This one is able to also make use of list-search 
http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#list-search and custom list-item-templates 

Best wishes, Tobias. 

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[tw] Slideshow with TW5?

2014-12-08 Thread Joerg Plewe
Hello Group!

I'm quite new to TW and exploring it down to the technical/developer level 
for use in my company. 
This will end up in a presentation ... so can I create the slideshow in TW5 
Is there a suitable plugin?

Still very confused, hope you can help,

. Jörg

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[tw] Re: TiddlyDrive4Community new sidebar tools.

2014-12-08 Thread Felix Küppers
Hi Danielo,

Once I am not so busy anymore I will have a good look at it :)


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[tw] Re: Add summary as part of review. #productivity #workflow

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi Alex,

Saving And Loading A History Snapshot @ tb5 

...could be extended so as to:

   - render a link to a tiddler for the story title, to which you can add 
   story notes
   - have that story-tiddler deleted when you delete a story

Would that help?

Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: link to Excel doc on local directory

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer
Works for me...



*Note: *For that to work, your wiki does have to be on your local 
filesystem, not on the web.

Best wishes, Tobias. 

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[tw] Re: [TW5] ...and the classic tagging macro

2014-12-08 Thread Ton Gerner
Hi Tobias,

Nice addition to the global macros.



On Monday, December 8, 2014 1:10:11 PM UTC+1, Tobias Beer wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 Anyone who needs it, tw5.1.5 now provides the means to build that classic 
 tagging macro...


 This one is able to also make use of list-search 
 http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#list-search and custom list-item-templates 

 Best wishes, Tobias. 

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[tw] Re: Slideshow with TW5?

2014-12-08 Thread Sylvain Naudin

I know that Jeremy had publish 2 examples :

   - The latest example (with prerelease 
   version) : http://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/editions/introduction/
   - And a previous version september 2014 (5.1.3) 
   : http://tiddlywiki.com/talkytalky/

I didn't try myself, but it sounds it's possible :)


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[tw] Re: [TW5] button that looks like a link

2014-12-08 Thread Danielo Rodríguez
Hello Ton, 

Is not the same that I said? Except for the tc- thing? 
Anyway, you will need some extra style. Maybe use the tc-list-item wrapper 

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[tw] Re: [TW5] button that looks like a link

2014-12-08 Thread Ton Gerner
Hi Danielo,

 Is not the same that I said? Except for the tc- thing? 

Sure, but that tc- prefix is essential isn't it?



 Anyway, you will need some extra style. Maybe use the tc-list-item wrapper 

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Re: [tw] [TW5] ExternalImage styling

2014-12-08 Thread andrew.j.harrison84
     Thank you so much for your input Tobias.
     I do need the fallback.
     The height wasn't me, it was Internet Explorer Developer (f12 key). I use 
chrome and IE10.
     The z-index came from previous experiments with external images, embedding 
and I plan on expanding my image to the full height of my tiddler once I figure 
out the title bar and how to get it to float above the external image. It is 
hard to program for all platforms.
     My quick tiddlyspot (name inspired by you) is t5a.tiddlyspot.com. Please 
forgive me for not asking first if I can pay tribute to you on my wiki. Your 
feedback is greatly treasured.

Sent from my Samsung Epic™ 4G TouchTobias Beer beertob...@gmail.com wrote:Hi 
width: calc(100% + 86px);

Put a...

width: 100%;

... as a fallback in front. Thinking of overflow, are you sure it's supposed to 
be a + rather than a - ?

height: 600px;

Did you test that? Won't it distort the embedded image? Or would you just have 
a bigger frame around a smaller image? Unless your images come in the same 
size, I would not set a predefined height... but perhaps that's needed, didn't 


Care to explain?

Also, what really helps is to make a quick TiddlySpot / upload a basic example 
to dropbox and let us take a look. Makes it less hypothetical and a lot easier 
to check.

Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: Add summary as part of review. #productivity #workflow

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi Alex,

 Saving And Loading A History Snapshot @ tb5 

I now added the ability to add a note to an existing snapshot.


However, deleting the note along with the snapshot throws an error... and I 
don't understand why.
Can someone code-literate take a look at the following demo and tell me 
what I'm doing wrong?


Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Links - unify external and internal!

2014-12-08 Thread PMario
On Monday, December 8, 2014 1:04:00 PM UTC+1, Tobias Beer wrote:

 Why / for what would that be an improvement? Switching themes / story 
 views is easy.
 Those precious CTRL or SHIFT modifiers better be reserved for something 

As Daniel points out. If you CTRL click a link it opens the tiddler, but 
doesn't scroll. ... 
This is very convenient, since it doesn't disturb your reading flow, but 
can open tiddlers for later reading. .. 
In turn this behaviour increases productivity. ... It's part of the core 


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[tw] Re: Invoicing TW5 #productivity

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi Alex,

 Before I start reinventing the wheel, I wondered if anyone 
 out there is using TW to generate invoices

Or you could start reinventing the wheel and let us glimpse at how it goes.

I guess you do want to make some preliminary design decisions, though, e.g. 
customers as well as invoice-positions should be their own tiddlers tagging 
an invoice, each having a predefined template. Would be cool to have some 
create invoice-position button that creates such a new position from a a 
template, works like new here, and is conditionally shown for tiddlers 
tagged invoice only. Likewise, a customer could have a conditional create 
invoice button.

Then some list macro to render the output and you're pretty much set.

I guess, the calculations may need some new filters 
http://let.tiddlyspot.com/ and you may want to make extra-sure that you 
never change any invoice data once sent out.

Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: TiddlySpace First Time User Experience

2014-12-08 Thread Maitland Gill

Think you for you're insight.

TiddlySpace is a very strange website, compared to other services like 
Twitter or Tumblr. When I included the Spaces called faq and following, it 
changes the appearance of my home Space. It appears that new features, 
plugin's, and basic functions are added when you include different Spaces 
into you're own.

*The Definition of a Space*: A Space is an online Wiki that may be 
controlled by a single user, or with other members. The name of the Space 
which the user created upon registering, can be considered to be their 
username. But the Space and a user's account are two separate things. A 
user can see their account by clicking on the fish-egg symbol in the 
top-right corner. From there, a user can create a new Space.

But in the documentation, it says that the term 'User' refers to their 
'Home Space'. But what would happen if the user was removed from their home 
Space (The first Space they started with)?

Is this a good explanation?

Do you have a Space that I can find? If so, then maybe we can work 
together on it? My TiddlySpace http://theinvertedtower.tiddlyspace.com/

TiddlySpace Documentation → User Guides → Socializing On Tiddly Space → How 
to Follow User or Space Activity http://docs.tiddlyspace.com/

I still want to know how to add features (Plug-in's?) and change it's 
appearance (Such as the themes other people use). However, this seems to 
require a good understanding of how HTML is applied.

Is their a way you can include individual Tiddlers from other Spaces, 
besides making a copy of them? So if it becomes edited by it's User, it 
will be updated on you're own Space?

Also, is there someone else who could help?

I don't know how many times Google+ will let me post the same link to my 
Space, before it considers it spam. So it'll help if you could spread the 

On Sunday, December 7, 2014 3:26:50 AM UTC+8, Mat wrote:

 @Maitland Gill

 It is important to note that there are significant differences between 
 TiddlyWiki, TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlySpace. 

 TiddlyWikiClassic (TWC) used to be the only TiddlyWiki and therefore 
 simply known as TiddlyWiki at that time(!). Now when people say TiddlyWiki, 
 they typically refer to the major reworked version TiddlyWiki5 (TW5). In 
 other words: When people say TW they nowadays mean TW5. More on TW(...5) 

 A few years back came an exciting service known as TiddlySpace (TS) where 
 you could easily set up on-line tiddlywikis for collaboration. The 
 tiddlywikis here were build with a very different architecture from TWC, 
 focussing more on individual tiddlers than the whole wiki. For instance, 
 where TWC has a kind of top down approach, i.e a wiki with tiddlers, TS 
 tiddlywikis are more centered around individual tiddlers - tiddlers 
 combined into a wiki. One major difference is that in a TS tiddlywiki you 
 can *include* other peoples tiddlers into your own wiki, live, so that 
 changes they make also affect yours.

 As you note, you can also communicate with others in TS. I would say you 
 shouldn't bother with this though, at this stage. It won't be worth the 
 effort, at this stage.

 Unfortunately the architectural differences between a TS wiki and TWC 
 means that a lot of what can be done in TS cannot be done with a TWC. 
 (However, most of what you can do in TWC can also be done in TS.)

 A year or so ago, TW inventor and chief developer Jeremy Ruston presented 
 brought out a new brain child from his crypt; TiddlyWiki5 (the 5 refers 
 to that it is built on/for html5 if I understand correctly). This is a 
 total rework of TWC. While it has obvious similiartities to the eye, it is 
 constructed in a whole other (and superior) way so you can't use any of the 
 plugins and things from TWC other than perhaps the actual text in a TWC 
 tiddler. Again, this is where the original TiddlyWiki changed name into 
 TiddlyWikiClassic and this new creation is gradually taking over the name 
 TiddlyWiki. TW(5) is the architecture we will keep for the coming 25 
 years! Yes, it is that good ;-)

 Based on what you write here and in the TS-link you provide, I would 
 suggest that you focus on TW5 and simply keep on playing around. You do 
 mention collaboration as a goal with TW for you and while TS currently is 
 the best solution for that I would say it is not a 100% satisfying one. A 
 simple alternative could perhaps be to just store a TW(5) in a shared 
 dropbox or google drive folder. Still not a 100% solution, but one major 
 difference is that TW is being developed and there are steps towards more 
 collaborative setups.

 As you play around more and hang around here you will find that some of 
 your questions are a bit odd in that you're focussing on things that are 
 not very important or that can be considered a bit obscure for someone at 
 your stage. For instance, text formatting with html in TW is in deed 
 possible, but you'd primarily use other ways both in TWC/TS and TW5.

 Ok, I 

[tw] Re: [TW5] help creating slider-like macro

2014-12-08 Thread jess
Hi Tobias,

Thank you for the comments and enhancement to Stephan's solution. Yours is 
also one of the TW sites that has helped me greatly in the learning 
process, so thank you as well for that!

I am already using the $:/temp/state-$id$ syntax from an id (the rl1) 
passed into the macro as a parameter. I am glad to know there is a solution 
for preventing these sort of state-tiddlers from being saved. Agreed 
though, the fact that the creation of these makes the TW dirty is a 

Is it possible to set a cookie from TW5 and use that to save state 
instead, and therefore prevent the dirty-ing of TW?



On Monday, December 8, 2014 6:36:38 AM UTC-5, Tobias Beer wrote:

 What I would really like to know is, how can I prevent TiddlyWiki from 
 becoming dirty when creating a state tiddler called...


 ... yes, those two forward-slashes are intentional!

 Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: link to Excel doc on local directory

2014-12-08 Thread 'Stephen Kimmel' via TiddlyWiki
Tobias can correct me if I am wrong but though you can link to external 
files, only certain types will execute inside your browser. I have linked 
to Microsoft Excel files but they have always started Excel external to the 
program and run the files there. 

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Automatic links to subheads INSIDE a tiddler?

2014-12-08 Thread Chuck R.
I dragged the install link onto my tiddlywiki on tiddlyspot.com, I use 
Firefox 33.0, and I always get an error The address isn't valid.

Any ideas how to install this on Tiddlyspot? 

I have Adblock, Ghostery (nothing blocked on my tiddlywiki though, I 
checked) and Flashblock, would that hinder this process? 
I also have the Tiddlyfox 1.0alpha18 installed along with some other 


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[tw] Re: TiddlyDrive4Community new sidebar tools.

2014-12-08 Thread Mat
This is all so cool!

Can I ask, why does every tiddler at start have the dark cloud icon (i.e 
showing it's not uploaded)? IMO this icon should only appear after I've 
edited the tiddler, or?

Also the document Save icon (tick in circle) - can we make it clearer that 
it's  about saving to local computer. Maybe simply an icon depicting a 
computer or hard drive? If you're positive I could go scavenge for an icon.

I would love some kind of tagglytagging or something as part of tiddler 
template so we can see which other tiddlers are tagged with the current 
one. I.e not hidden like tagging lists in Info but instead visible right 
away. This would let, to some extent, add comments to someone elses 
tiddler. I know @Tobias is doing experiments with Taggly for TW5 Thoughts 
on this @tobibeer?

BTW, I just wrote a post 
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/m6qGAjukiQs/DAOqDC5K6XYJ that 
mabye has some relevance for TD.


On Monday, December 8, 2014 12:22:08 PM UTC+1, Danielo Rodríguez wrote:

 Hello everyone, 

 I just released a new version of tiddlydrive for community. The main 
 addition are: 

 * As many people requested I have added a sidebar tab that with the most 
 important configurations : username and subfolder. Also it holds a list of 
 Tiddlers that are only on the server ready to download. 
 * changed the default behavior of downloading full tiddlers on startup. 
 Instead all available tiddlers are listed and you can download any of them 
 from the sidebar. This is done automatically, you just need to open it from 
 the sidebar. 

 I know that some people liked the fact that all the Tiddlers are 
 downloaded on startup, but I find that it downloads too much data that 
 maybe is not used.  Please give me feedback and opinions. You can check it 
 at : 


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[tw] Re: [TW5] button that looks like a link

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer

 Let it be: tc-btn-invisible

Not really, though. It simply removes the browser generated button look but 
does *not* look like a(n internal) link but rather like plain text.

Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: TiddlySpace First Time User Experience

2014-12-08 Thread Mat
Tobias and Danielo - thanks for your compliments.


TiddlySpace is a very strange website, compared to other services like 
 Twitter or Tumblr. When I included the Spaces called faq and following, it 
 changes the appearance of my home Space. It appears that new features, 
 plugin's, and basic functions are added when you include different Spaces 
 into you're own.

Twitter or Tumblr are not very good comparisons. TiddlySpace is another 
concept. And, yes, as you note, when you include another space it's 
features and plugins are added to your own. However, note that the order in 
which things are included is important. They are executed from top -down in 
the Included spaces list.

 *The Definition of a Space*: A Space is an online Wiki that may be 
 controlled by a single user, or with other members. The name of the Space 
 which the user created upon registering, can be considered to be their 
 username. But the Space and a user's account are two separate things. A 
 user can see their account by clicking on the fish-egg symbol in the 
 top-right corner. From there, a user can create a new Space.

Yes IMO this is a good description (I wouldn't call it a *definition* 
because you include some side information, but anyway). Another way to 
create a new space is to somply type it in the url, ie: 
newspacename.tiddlyspace.com and, ah just test it.


 But in the documentation, it says that the term 'User' refers to their 
 'Home Space'. But what would happen if the user was removed from their home 
 Space (The first Space they started with)?

I actually don't know. But instead of sharing your account space with 
others, just create a new space and share that. Note that everyone who 
shares a space has the possibility to exclude other members.

Do you have a Space that I can find? If so, then maybe we can work 
 together on it? My TiddlySpace http://theinvertedtower.tiddlyspace.com/

An idea might be for you to create a new space and then include my theme-a 
http://theme-a.tiddlyspace.com/. (I hope it still works without problems.)


 TiddlySpace Documentation → User Guides → Socializing On Tiddly Space → 
 How to Follow User or Space Activity http://docs.tiddlyspace.com/

 I still want to know how to add features (Plug-in's?) and change it's 
 appearance (Such as the themes other people use). However, this seems to 
 require a good understanding of how HTML is applied.

No, no HTML. You just use inclusion. TS unfortunately suffers from the same 
problem TWC does, i.e that you don't know where to find those other plugins 
and themes. You must pretty much surf around or ask here on the boards etc. 
But even if you couldn't include spaces, there would still not really be 
any understanding of HTML required. It's typically just to copy-paste the 
content from tiddler in other spaces into your own. Open edit view, copy, 
go over to your space, create new tiddler, paste etc. Note that the tags 
can be crucial, such as the systemConfig tag.


 Is their a way you can include individual Tiddlers from other Spaces, 
 besides making a copy of them? So if it becomes edited by it's User, it 
 will be updated on you're own Space?

This happens when you include another space. But *individual* tiddlers, as 
far as I remember, the TS system does not have a special ready made 
function for this.


 Also, is there someone else who could help?

 I don't know how many times Google+ will let me post the same link to my 
 Space, before it considers it spam. So it'll help if you could spread the 

Spread the word? You cannot count on anyone doing that for you. Besides, 
why would you want to spread it at this very rough stage?

Ok, hope this helps. A nice aspect with TS is that you can really create a 
zillion spaces as you experiment. 

Also, this is not really the place for TS specific questions. Go here 
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlyspace instead.  But do note 
that there is currently no development so it's not a very active list.


On Sunday, December 7, 2014 3:26:50 AM UTC+8, Mat wrote:

 @Maitland Gill

 It is important to note that there are significant differences between 
 TiddlyWiki, TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlySpace. 

 TiddlyWikiClassic (TWC) used to be the only TiddlyWiki and therefore 
 simply known as TiddlyWiki at that time(!). Now when people say TiddlyWiki, 
 they typically refer to the major reworked version TiddlyWiki5 (TW5). In 
 other words: When people say TW they nowadays mean TW5. More on TW(...5) 

 A few years back came an exciting service known as TiddlySpace (TS) where 
 you could easily set up on-line tiddlywikis for collaboration. The 
 tiddlywikis here were build with a very different architecture from TWC, 
 focussing more on individual tiddlers than the whole wiki. For instance, 
 where TWC has a kind of top down approach, i.e a wiki with tiddlers, TS 
 tiddlywikis are more centered around individual tiddlers - tiddlers 

[tw] Re: [TW5] Links - unify external and internal!

2014-12-08 Thread Mat
On Monday, December 8, 2014 1:04:00 PM UTC+1, Tobias Beer wrote:

 Current solutions means either or, such as classic story view vs zoomin 
 story view. Or ToC tabbed with external links vs internal links. I say it 
 is time we improve this. It shouldn't have to be either-or. What is the 
 best way to have *one* link behave in *two* ways, depending on what you 
 want at the moment of clicking it?

 Why / for what would that be an improvement? Switching themes / story 
 views is easy.

No, I'm not talking about themes or story views. I mean deciding on 
behaviour at the moment you're reading and clicking a link. I.e regardless 
of overall theme / story view. 


 Those precious CTRL or SHIFT modifiers better be reserved for something 

I agree - and that's one reason why I didn't suggest this. I'm hoping there 
could be other ideas.


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Re: [tw] [TW5] ExternalImage styling

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi again, Andrew...

An alteration of the following may be interesting to you...

Embed An External Page @tb5 

It uses *iframe* instead of *object*, which always seemed more of an 
flash thing in terms of what people use(d) it for ...nowadays its benefits, 
whichever those were, seem to fall short of the problems.

My quick tiddlyspot (name inspired by you) is t5a.tiddlyspot.com. 

Please forgive me for not asking first if I can pay tribute to you on my 

Haha, consider it paid.  :D

Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Links - unify external and internal!

2014-12-08 Thread Mat
On Monday, December 8, 2014 2:15:40 PM UTC+1, PMario wrote:

 On Monday, December 8, 2014 1:04:00 PM UTC+1, Tobias Beer wrote:

 Why / for what would that be an improvement? Switching themes / story 
 views is easy.
 Those precious CTRL or SHIFT modifiers better be reserved for something 

 As Daniel points out. If you CTRL click a link it opens the tiddler, but 
 doesn't scroll. ... 
 This is very convenient, since it doesn't disturb your reading flow, but 
 can open tiddlers for later reading. .. 
 In turn this behaviour increases productivity. ... It's part of the core 

That is good but, as you say, it opens them for *later* reading. If you 
want to read the link *now* but don't want to keep the current tiddler open 
then you must first click the link, then read, then scroll up to close the 
source including that you must keep in mind which tiddler it is you want to 
close during this. Or, close it via tab Open, if that tab is at front, or 
you must... still distracted from your reading... switch over to the 
correct tab and locate which tiddler it was you wanted to close. This is 
just a workflow that does distract the reading/working and it's such a 
fundamental thing that affects us all the time. I just think we can make 
something smoother.

The workflow could (should!) be to click and... just continue reading. 

Changed your mind and want back to previous tiddler? - Ok, magic command 
and you're back.

We ought to have the option, IMO.


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[tw] Re: Slideshow with TW5?

2014-12-08 Thread Mat
See what you think about ControlpanelAppearenceStory viewZoomin


On Monday, December 8, 2014 1:15:53 PM UTC+1, Joerg Plewe wrote:

 Hello Group!

 I'm quite new to TW and exploring it down to the technical/developer level 
 for use in my company. 
 This will end up in a presentation ... so can I create the slideshow in 
 TW5 directly? 
 Is there a suitable plugin?

 Still very confused, hope you can help,

 . Jörg

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[tw] Re: [TW5] button that looks like a link

2014-12-08 Thread Ton Gerner
Hi Tobias,

As Danielo wrote:

 Anyway, you will need some extra style.

You have to define your own CSS with blue color and underline when hovering.



On Monday, December 8, 2014 4:34:41 PM UTC+1, Tobias Beer wrote:

 Let it be: tc-btn-invisible

 Not really, though. It simply removes the browser generated button look 
 but does *not* look like a(n internal) link but rather like plain text.

 Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] help creating slider-like macro

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi Jess,

 I am already using the $:/temp/state-$id$ syntax from an id (the rl1) 
 passed into the macro as a parameter.

Ah, totally overlooked that — neat trick! Adopted without much second 
thought and updated:


I am glad to know there is a solution for preventing these sort of 
 state-tiddlers from being saved. 

Agreed though, the fact that the creation of these makes the TW dirty is 
 a concern.

States under *$:/temp/* or *$:/state/* don't seem to do that.
So there's no concern the way you / we prefix states now.

 Is it possible to set a cookie from TW5 and use that to save state 
 instead, and therefore prevent the dirty-ing of TW?

Cookies don't provide the kind of persistence tiddlers do, so a decision 
was made against them. Which is ok, so long as there are ways of making 
things persist when we want them to or preventing them from doing so when 
we don't. Of course, if you prevented *$:/temp/* and *$:/state* from ever 
being persisted, then your macro will never allow for reopening that toggle 
state next time you open that tw5. Right now, that's fine with me... and 
the way to change that is to simply change that state handling in that 
macro, if anyone ever wants to.

Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: TiddlyDrive4Community new sidebar tools.

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi Danielo,

Another great addition is the Getting started tiddler from Tobias Beer.

You're welcome, no biggie. :)

Btw. there's that superfluous colon after the description to the username. 
I guess I'll make another tiny addition with a reveal that directly 
displays a link to a tiddler for your username and two words of 
instructions as to how to perhaps make use of that tiddler.

TiddlyDrive is indeed an interesting environment to explore. I am still a 
bit reluctant owed to the non-existing authentication ...not knowing 
whether GAS even allows you to implement oAuth or plain google-login.

Best wishes, Tobias.

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Re: [tw] Re: link to Excel doc on local directory

2014-12-08 Thread Ben John
Hi Tobias - many thanks but I can't get that to work . If my file location
is file:///C:/Users/Ben/Desktop/Tiddlywikkis/ONS%20Notebook.htm please can
you show me how that is configured in a tiddler.

many thanks

On 8 December 2014 at 12:28, Tobias Beer beertob...@gmail.com wrote:

 Works for me...



 *Note: *For that to work, your wiki does have to be on your local
 filesystem, not on the web.

 Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] [TW5] Bulk Rename of Tag

2014-12-08 Thread Ken Gray
Is there a way to rename a tag and have it change on all the tids?

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[tw] [TW5] I want to put a thick line above each tiddler header

2014-12-08 Thread Chuck R.

   1. I know there are CSS stylesheets involved. Where is the documentation 
   for the stylesheets and overriding styles? 
   2. Can anyone give me a hint on how to do this? I learn best by 

Thank you. 

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[tw] Re: TiddlyDrive4Community new sidebar tools.

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi Danielo,

I may have created more import conflicts right now... as I have edited 
GettingStarted again and also SiteSubtitle.

Also, when I enter my username and then open that tiddler (with a link my 
edits above generate), it doesn't tell me that there is a server version 
outthere of it, even though in the TD Tools tab it says there is.

So, I think for any missing tiddler, it would be good if you can check in 
some conditional ViewTemplate 
http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#Conditional%20ViewTemplate%20Section if it 
exists on the drive and provide that button to load it.

TD Tools is a bit cryptic for a tabname. Perhaps call it Drive, 
Server, Content, etc...

Best wishes, Tobias. 

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Bulk Rename of Tag

2014-12-08 Thread Ton Gerner
Hi Ken,

See [1]




On Monday, December 8, 2014 5:51:16 PM UTC+1, Ken Gray wrote:

 Is there a way to rename a tag and have it change on all the tids?

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Links - unify external and internal!

2014-12-08 Thread Birthe C
Hi Mat
Why not use Eucaly's quickjump plugin. Used in tiddler toolbar. IT is fast, 
you do not have to scroll or switch tabs.



 That is good but, as you say, it opens them for *later* reading. If you 
 want to read the link *now* but don't want to keep the current tiddler 
 open then you must first click the link, then read, then scroll up to close 
 the source including that you must keep in mind which tiddler it is you 
 want to close during this. Or, close it via tab Open, if that tab is at 
 front, or you must... still distracted from your reading... switch over to 
 the correct tab and locate which tiddler it was you wanted to close. This 
 is just a workflow that does distract the reading/working and it's such a 
 fundamental thing that affects us all the time. I just think we can make 
 something smoother.

 The workflow could (should!) be to click and... just continue reading. 

 Changed your mind and want back to previous tiddler? - Ok, magic command 
 and you're back.

 We ought to have the option, IMO.


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[tw] Re: [TW5] Automatic links to subheads INSIDE a tiddler?

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi Chuck,

Are you dragging a link from within TiddlyWiki or what are you dragging?
Afaik, dragging a url from the address bar does not work.

What version of TiddlyWiki are you dragging things to?

Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] I want to put a thick line above each tiddler header

2014-12-08 Thread Chuck R.
I'd like this change to be for all tiddlers in a single TiddlyWiki. 

Also, here's a great free tool for getting color codes for colors, like for 
CSS. http://www.colorpicker.com/

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[tw] Re: [TW5] button that looks like a link

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer

  Anyway, you will need some extra style.
 You have to define your own CSS with blue color and underline when 

I'll make a pull request as buttons can do what links can't and yet I may 
want them to look the same.

Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Automatic links to subheads INSIDE a tiddler?

2014-12-08 Thread Chuck R.
I got TiddlyWiki on Dec 4, so it's version 5.x. I followed some 
instructions I found. 

   1. I opened a new Firefox window which contains the TiddlyWiki on 
   2. In another window I found the site for the plugin. 
   3. Then I dragged the plugin link (cursor contained a + sign) to my 
   TiddlyWiki on TiddlySpot.

How do I find the actual version number of the TiddlyWiki?

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[tw] Re: [TW5] I want to put a thick line above each tiddler header

2014-12-08 Thread Chuck R.
Sorry, this TiddlyWiki is on TiddlySpot.com. 

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[tw] Re: [TW5] I want to put a thick line above each tiddler header

2014-12-08 Thread Jon
This is very handy as well: http://www.nattyware.com/pixie.php

On Monday, 8 December 2014 17:14:08 UTC, Chuck R. wrote:

 I'd like this change to be for all tiddlers in a single TiddlyWiki. 

 Also, here's a great free tool for getting color codes for colors, like 
 for CSS. http://www.colorpicker.com/

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[tw] Re: link to Excel doc on local directory

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi Stephen,

 though you can link to external files, only certain types will execute 
 inside your browser

Not sure exactly where (I would do that in Chrome) but I know that you can 
tell Firefox which filetypes to open in the browser and which in another 
program, i.e. pdf... that is, of course, in sofar as the browser natively 
supports it or via some addon. Otherwise it will always open the external 
application, unless the file asked to be openeed is an executable where a 
browser might just refuse to do so.

If my file location is file:///C:/Users/Ben/Desktop/

Afaik, the location of your file does not matter for filesystem links. Of 
course, you can only make use of relative paths using [ext[path/file]] 
http://tiddlywiki.com/#Linking%20in%20WikiText when your file resides in 
a subfolder to your wiki folder.

Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] I want to put a thick line above each tiddler header

2014-12-08 Thread Ton Gerner
Hi Chuck,

Textual information can be found at [1], [2]

Use the developer tools of your browser (F12) to inspect the styles used in 

There is a video How to tweak a TW5 theme from Mario Pietsch using the 
developer tools [3].



[1] http://tiddlywiki.com/#Using%20Stylesheets
[2] http://tw5custom.tiddlyspot.com/#Stylesheets
[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jva7Azqu0hsfeature=youtu.be

On Monday, December 8, 2014 6:14:08 PM UTC+1, Chuck R. wrote:

 I'd like this change to be for all tiddlers in a single TiddlyWiki. 

 Also, here's a great free tool for getting color codes for colors, like 
 for CSS. http://www.colorpicker.com/

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[tw] Re: [TW5] I want to put a thick line above each tiddler header

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi Chuck, 

I know there are CSS stylesheets involved. Where is the documentation for 
 the stylesheets and overriding styles?

TiddlyWiki.com can be and, in fact, is a great reference for many a things. 
Do use it, exhaustively, e.g. searching for *StyleSheet*.

Other than that, use your browser's developer tools to inspect that element 
of the page that is of interest to you.

Right click on the element and select inspect, go to the html element 
that you want to modify and in the lower right corner there is usually that 
panel where you can change the element's css. Simply enter your desired 
style, e.g. *border-top: 2px solid purple* and see if the outcome pleases 
you, then try more stuff.

If you're on a tablet, things are going to be harder if not impossible. 
Then you actually need someone giving you the required code... which is why 
a class reference https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1142 
others would be a neat thing.

Best wishes, Tobias.

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Re: [tw] highlightJS, VBA and apostrophes for comments

2014-12-08 Thread Thomas Hirsch
Thanks for that Daniel, that's exactly what I meant.

On Monday, 8 December 2014 06:57:49 UTC, Daniel Baird wrote:

 VBA (and I think VB.net?) should work like this though -- single-quote 
 comments, double-quote strings.  It seems to work on the highlight.js demo 
 page https://highlightjs.org/static/demo/


 ' mary george and mimi are people
 Dim mary As Person, george As Person, mimi As Person

 Set mary = New Person

 mary.initialize(Mary White, 1960/11/28)  ' Mary was born in 1960

 Doesn't work in the TW link you posted, Jeremy.


 On 6 December 2014 at 18:21, Jeremy Ruston jeremy...@gmail.com 
 javascript: wrote:

 Hi Thomas

 The following procedure works for me:

 * Visit tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight
 * Create a new tiddler with the following content:

 Dim mary As Person, george As Person, mimi As Person

 Set mary = New Person

 mary.initialize('Mary White', '1960/11/28', 5, 'Very kind '  _

 'and loving, she loves cooking and taking care of the house')

 As far as I can tell, the highlighting is applied correctly if the 
 language is specified as either vba or vbscript.

 Best wishes


 On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 12:38 AM, Thomas Hirsch thomas@gmail.com 
 javascript: wrote:

 I appear to have discovered a rather annoying bug in the highlightJS 
 plugin in TiddlyWiki. I am experimenting with making a small VBA reference 
 using TW5. However, while I seem to be able to tag code as VBA, it doesn't 
 render correctly. In VBA, comments are started with apostrophes, but in 
 other languages apostrophes are used for strings, and the latter is what 
 happens. As the HighlightJS demo page shows VBScript comments being 
 rendered correctly, I suspect the issue is with TiddlyWiki.

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 Jeremy Ruston
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 Daniel Baird
 objoke: I had a problem and decided to solve it with threading. Now, 
 have problems. two I

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[tw] Re: [TW5] I want to put a thick line above each tiddler header

2014-12-08 Thread Chuck R.
Thank you. Apparently TiddlySpot has version 2.6.5, as I put version 
in my main Menu tiddler, it gave me the version. 

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[tw] Re: [TW5] I want to put a thick line above each tiddler header

2014-12-08 Thread Ton Gerner
Hi Chuck,

[TW5] in the subject line and v2.6.5 + mainmenu (both TW classic) don't 



On Monday, December 8, 2014 6:41:25 PM UTC+1, Chuck R. wrote:

 Thank you. Apparently TiddlySpot has version 2.6.5, as I put version 
 in my main Menu tiddler, it gave me the version. 

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Bulk Rename of Tag

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer


Here's a version to play with...


Best wishes, Tobias.

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Re: [tw] Re: link to Excel doc on local directory

2014-12-08 Thread Ben John
Hi Tobias - here's what I get

*File not found*

*The address wasn't understoodFirefox doesn't know how to open this
address, because one of the following protocols (c) isn't associated with
any program or is not allowed in this context.You might need to install
other software to open this address.  *

*Firefox can't find the file at
/C:/Users/Ben/Desktop/Tiddlywikkis/Users/Ben/Desktop/RESPONSE WITH FORMULAE
FINAL copy 2.Check the file name for capitalization or other typing
errors.Check to see if the file was moved, renamed or deleted.*
Any help would be appreciated

On 8 December 2014 at 17:23, Tobias Beer beertob...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Stephen,

 though you can link to external files, only certain types will execute
 inside your browser

 Not sure exactly where (I would do that in Chrome) but I know that you can
 tell Firefox which filetypes to open in the browser and which in another
 program, i.e. pdf... that is, of course, in sofar as the browser natively
 supports it or via some addon. Otherwise it will always open the external
 application, unless the file asked to be openeed is an executable where a
 browser might just refuse to do so.

 If my file location is file:///C:/Users/Ben/Desktop/

 Afaik, the location of your file does not matter for filesystem links. Of
 course, you can only make use of relative paths using [ext[path/file]]
 http://tiddlywiki.com/#Linking%20in%20WikiText when your file resides
 in a subfolder to your wiki folder.

 Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Bulk Rename of Tag

2014-12-08 Thread Ken Gray
Perfect!  thanks all!

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[tw] Re: [TW5] I want to put a thick line above each tiddler header

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer

 Thank you. Apparently TiddlySpot has version 2.6.5, as I put version 
 in my main Menu tiddler, it gave me the version. 

So, are you looking at using TWc or rather TW5?

If the latter, follow these simple instructions to get your TW5 up on 


Best wishes, Tobias. 

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[tw] Re: [TW5] I want to put a thick line above each tiddler header

2014-12-08 Thread Chuck R.
Sorry for the confusion. The version of the TiddlyWikis was not on any 
screens I could find on any examples, and I did not know the version I had. 
I simply assumed the TiddlySpot  default was TW5. And I can't edit the 
subject line now. I'm remaking my test in TW5 now. It will be a local 
file.This also might be why dragging a plugin to TW 2.6.5 didn't work for 

On Monday, December 8, 2014 1:21:50 PM UTC-5, Tobias Beer wrote:

 Thank you. Apparently TiddlySpot has version 2.6.5, as I put version 
 in my main Menu tiddler, it gave me the version. 

 So, are you looking at using TWc or rather TW5?

 If the latter, follow these simple instructions to get your TW5 up on 


 Best wishes, Tobias. 

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[tw] TiddlyWiki was added to CMS Database

2014-12-08 Thread jebemte2014
I am happy to inform you that TiddlyWiki was added to sysfaq.net/
A Content Management Software Comparison  Review Website. 

Please feel free to add a small Review about TiddlyWiki 
http://sysfaq.net/tiddlywiki/ and maybe other CMS you may use. 

Best Regards 
The Team of sysfaq.net

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Links - unify external and internal!

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer
I do like (and want to implement) a behavior where you can easily rewind to 
the link you clicked...


...or something slightly less intrusive.

Best wishes, Tobias. 

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[tw] Re: link to Excel doc on local directory

2014-12-08 Thread 'Stephen Kimmel' via TiddlyWiki

This may seem a bit off topic but here is a copy of the line I use in my 
wiki to display a text file in my wiki.

iframe src=file:///f:/reboot.txt frameborder=0 width=100% 

and here is another that displays a pdf file that is displayed:

object width=100% height=900 type=application/pdf 
data=file:\\E:\binder.pdf #toolbar=0navpanes=0statusbar=0

Both of those lines work for me. There are a couple things to be careful of 

1) Be sure you are spelling the filename and the directory name correctly. 
Some systems are more sensitive to differences in capitalization than 
others. The  line you have there has Users/Ben/Desktop twice and I 
generally don't spell wikis with two 'k's.
2) The number of slashes or back-slashes is important. Since your error 
message says it can't find 

*Firefox can't find the file at 
 /C:/Users/Ben/Desktop/Tiddlywikkis/Users/Ben/Desktop/RESPONSE WITH FORMULAE 
 FINAL copy 2.*

I would try it with one fewer slash than you used before. 
3) I've had some difficulties using this sort of address line with Windows 
folders. You might try putting the file in a more fixed directory such as 

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[tw] [TW5] How to save TW with one click?

2014-12-08 Thread Chuck R.
Ok, I made a new TiddlyWiki with version 5.1.5 on a (local) USB drive. 

On the right of the screen, when I make changes, a red circle with a 
checkmarks appears. When I click it I have to do 4 steps to overwrite my 
existing file. Is there a way to save the TW with one click on this button? 
Or define a new button to do this? 


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Re: [tw] [TW5] How to save TW with one click?

2014-12-08 Thread Jeremy Ruston
Hi Chuck

 When I click it I have to do 4 steps to overwrite my existing file. Is
there a way to save the TW with one click on this button?

The default method of saving changes is not the most convenient method;
it's virtue is that it is compatible with HTML5, and supported across a
wide range of browsers.

Sadly, it is not possible to implement single click saving without moving
beyond the capabilities provided by HTML5. There are a few options:

* Use the TiddlyFox plugin for Firefox (including Firefox for Android)
* Use the TiddlyDesktop custom application - see
* Save your TiddlyWiki online with TiddlySpot - see
* Run TiddlyWiki under Node.js (this is the best option if you're
comfortable with the terminal command line)

All of those methods support autosave, where changes are automatically
saved when you click done after editing a tiddler.

Best wishes


On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 6:53 PM, Chuck R. weddingabc2...@gmail.com wrote:

 Ok, I made a new TiddlyWiki with version 5.1.5 on a (local) USB drive.

 On the right of the screen, when I make changes, a red circle with a
 checkmarks appears. When I click it I have to do 4 steps to overwrite my
 existing file. Is there a way to save the TW with one click on this button?
 Or define a new button to do this?


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Re: [tw] Re: TW5 include external js/css in meta area

2014-12-08 Thread Jan Johannpeter

Great. You can't imagine how happy this prospect makes me. I made a an 
attempt, but its far beyond my skills.

Yours Jan

Am 08.12.2014 01:12, schrieb Tobias Beer:

My purpose ist to add a menu called mmenu to my *TWC*...

By the way... was that a typo?

Best wishes, Tobias.
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Re: [tw] Re: TW5 include external js/css in meta area

2014-12-08 Thread Jan Johannpeter

Hi Tobias.
Oh Sorry I saw you were quoting me. No it is no typo, I am still working 
with TWC. (Should I absolutely migrate? I thought one day there might be 
a better automation for migration. )


Am 08.12.2014 01:12, schrieb Tobias Beer:

My purpose ist to add a menu called mmenu to my *TWC*...

By the way... was that a typo?

Best wishes, Tobias.
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Re: [tw] highlightJS, VBA and apostrophes for comments

2014-12-08 Thread Jeremy Ruston
 However, while I seem to be able to tag code as VBA, it doesn't render

It took a bit of tracking down, but the explanation turned out to be
straightforward: TiddlyWiki uses the default download of highlight.js which
only includes a subset of all the supported languages. You can see the list
by scrolling down on this page:


There's a few ways we could deal with this so I've opened a ticket:


Best wishes


On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 5:34 PM, Thomas Hirsch thomas.hirsc...@gmail.com

 Thanks for that Daniel, that's exactly what I meant.

 On Monday, 8 December 2014 06:57:49 UTC, Daniel Baird wrote:

 VBA (and I think VB.net?) should work like this though -- single-quote
 comments, double-quote strings.  It seems to work on the highlight.js demo
 page https://highlightjs.org/static/demo/


 ' mary george and mimi are people
 Dim mary As Person, george As Person, mimi As Person

 Set mary = New Person

 mary.initialize(Mary White, 1960/11/28)  ' Mary was born in 1960

 Doesn't work in the TW link you posted, Jeremy.


 On 6 December 2014 at 18:21, Jeremy Ruston jeremy...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Thomas

 The following procedure works for me:

 * Visit tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight
 * Create a new tiddler with the following content:

 Dim mary As Person, george As Person, mimi As Person

 Set mary = New Person

 mary.initialize('Mary White', '1960/11/28', 5, 'Very kind '  _

 'and loving, she loves cooking and taking care of the house')

 As far as I can tell, the highlighting is applied correctly if the
 language is specified as either vba or vbscript.

 Best wishes


 On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 12:38 AM, Thomas Hirsch thomas@gmail.com

 I appear to have discovered a rather annoying bug in the highlightJS
 plugin in TiddlyWiki. I am experimenting with making a small VBA reference
 using TW5. However, while I seem to be able to tag code as VBA, it doesn't
 render correctly. In VBA, comments are started with apostrophes, but in
 other languages apostrophes are used for strings, and the latter is what
 happens. As the HighlightJS demo page shows VBScript comments being
 rendered correctly, I suspect the issue is with TiddlyWiki.

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 Daniel Baird
 objoke: I had a problem and decided to solve it with threading. Now,
 have problems. two I

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Re: [tw] Re: [TW5] button that looks like a link

2014-12-08 Thread Jeremy Ruston
Hi Tobias

 I'll make a pull request as buttons can do what links can't and yet I may
want them to look the same.

The obvious solution is to change CSS definitions like this:

a.tc-tiddlylink {
text-decoration: none;
font-weight: normal;
color: colour tiddler-link-foreground;
-webkit-user-select: inherit; /* Otherwise the draggable attribute makes
links impossible to select */


.tc-tiddlylink {
text-decoration: none;
font-weight: normal;
color: colour tiddler-link-foreground;
-webkit-user-select: inherit; /* Otherwise the draggable attribute makes
links impossible to select */

The trouble is that that is not a fully backwards compatible change because
it changes the specificity of the rule, which affects the specificity of
rules needed to override it. That means that it might affect the operation
of published stylesheet tweaks. Since it reduces the specificity it may not
matter too much, but I think it's going to need careful testing before we
can be confident of that.

Best wishes


On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 5:15 PM, Tobias Beer beertob...@gmail.com wrote:

  Anyway, you will need some extra style.
 You have to define your own CSS with blue color and underline when

 I'll make a pull request as buttons can do what links can't and yet I may
 want them to look the same.

 Best wishes, Tobias.

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Re: [tw] Re: TiddlyDrive4Community new sidebar tools.

2014-12-08 Thread Jeremy Ruston
Hi Danielo

It's looking great, well done. I did some experimentation but the server
seems to have stopped responding. I'm now seeing the POST to
exec/action=listTiddlers stuck in the (pending) status, with no response
from the server. Apologies if I crashed it.

I did notice a few things (you may have mentioned them in earlier threads,
I'm afraid I'm in the process of catching up on the groups)

When loading a server tiddler the created and modified fields are
coming through as NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN. I suspect that you're passing a
string for those fields that is not in the MMDDhhmmssmmm format
expected by the core (eg 20141208203732926)

An architectural concern is that you're using an HTTP POST request to
retrieve data from the server. Strictly, that is not correct. HTTP verbs
like GET and POST have specific semantics. The idea is that a URL
represents a resource - a thing that you can do things to. POSTing to a
resource is intended to create a new subordinate resource. There's a good
summary in Wikipedia:


This topic is also referred to as REST; you'll find lots of articles
explaining why POSTing to retrieve data is a bad idea. This one seems


All of this might seem very arcane, but I've found that it's worth trying
to get it right. You'll end up with something more reliable and with better

A more basic concern is that as we've discussed before, what you've got
here is doing the same job as the tiddlyweb adaptor in the TiddlyWiki core.

Try visiting http://tw5test.tiddlyspace.com/tw5 in your browser with the
developer tools open on the network tab. As it starts up, you should see
a GET request to tiddlers.json. The response is a JSON object containing
an array of the tiddlers in the wiki, but excluding the text field.
(Dates are encoded in 2013192330 format).

These are called skinny tiddlers. Click open a link to, say, close.svg
in the Recent tab and you should see a brief flicker as another GET
request is fired to retrieve the full tiddler, including the text field.
This process is called lazy loading; wiki.js implements a convention
whereby if the text field of a tiddler is requested and that tiddler lacks
a text field, then via an event the syncer module is given the opportunity
to load the named tiddler.

If you try to create a tiddler you'll get a 403 error because you're not
authenticated, but you should be able to see the HTTP PUT request that is
issued to create the tiddler. PUT is used to create a resource if the
name is known by the client, while POST is used if the server must
allocate a name to the new resource.

Listing the problems might all sound very discouraging, but it's not
intended to be. You'll have learned a great deal in getting as far as you
have, and possibly now be in a much better position to start to see why the
tiddlyweb is architected as it is. And of course, you have adopted goals
that are more ambitious than the current incarnation of the tiddlyweb

Anyhow, I think it might be worth having a look at the TiddlyWeb adaptor to
see if you can pick up some techniques that will simplify your plugin. If
you're around for the hangout tomorrow perhaps we can devote some time to
looking at the code then?

Best wishes


On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 5:08 PM, Tobias Beer beertob...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Danielo,

 I may have created more import conflicts right now... as I have edited
 GettingStarted again and also SiteSubtitle.

 Also, when I enter my username and then open that tiddler (with a link my
 edits above generate), it doesn't tell me that there is a server version
 outthere of it, even though in the TD Tools tab it says there is.

 So, I think for any missing tiddler, it would be good if you can check in
 some conditional ViewTemplate
 http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#Conditional%20ViewTemplate%20Section if it
 exists on the drive and provide that button to load it.

 TD Tools is a bit cryptic for a tabname. Perhaps call it Drive,
 Server, Content, etc...

 Best wishes, Tobias.

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Jeremy Ruston

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Re: [tw] Re: link to Excel doc on local directory

2014-12-08 Thread Birthe C
Hi Ben

I had to try more than 50 times before I had my first success getting my 
file. To me one of the obstacles was using danish translated Windows, but 
the link that worked ended up being a mixture. To find the link, I found 
the file in filemanager, right clicked for a shortcut, looked at that in 
properties and copied. Now I only had to rewrite with the forward slashes.
If you have all your files at the same folder, you will only have to do 
that once.

Looking at your link, I will add that I could not make my link work to 
files with spaces in the title or special danish letters.


On Monday, December 8, 2014 6:53:14 PM UTC+1, benjohn wrote:

 Hi Tobias - here's what I get 

 *File not found*

 *The address wasn't understoodFirefox doesn't know how to open this 
 address, because one of the following protocols (c) isn't associated with 
 any program or is not allowed in this context.You might need to install 
 other software to open this address.  *

 *Firefox can't find the file at 
 /C:/Users/Ben/Desktop/Tiddlywikkis/Users/Ben/Desktop/RESPONSE WITH FORMULAE 
 FINAL copy 2.Check the file name for capitalization or other typing 
 errors.Check to see if the file was moved, renamed or deleted.*
 Any help would be appreciated

 On 8 December 2014 at 17:23, Tobias Beer beert...@gmail.com javascript:

 Hi Stephen,

 though you can link to external files, only certain types will execute 
 inside your browser

 Not sure exactly where (I would do that in Chrome) but I know that you 
 can tell Firefox which filetypes to open in the browser and which in 
 another program, i.e. pdf... that is, of course, in sofar as the browser 
 natively supports it or via some addon. Otherwise it will always open the 
 external application, unless the file asked to be openeed is an executable 
 where a browser might just refuse to do so.

 If my file location is file:///C:/Users/Ben/Desktop/

 Afaik, the location of your file does not matter for filesystem links. Of 
 course, you can only make use of relative paths using [ext[path/file]] 
 http://tiddlywiki.com/#Linking%20in%20WikiText when your file resides 
 in a subfolder to your wiki folder.

 Best wishes, Tobias.

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Re: [tw] Re: link to Excel doc on local directory

2014-12-08 Thread Jeremy Ruston
The easiest technique I've found for getting the correct link to a file is
to locate the file in your file manager (Windows Explorer or Mac Finder)
and drag it to the icon for your browser. On most browsers, the file will
be opened in a new window and you'll be able to copy and paste the URL from
the browser address bar.

Best wishes


On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 9:04 PM, Birthe C strikkeglad...@googlemail.com

 Hi Ben

 I had to try more than 50 times before I had my first success getting my
 file. To me one of the obstacles was using danish translated Windows, but
 the link that worked ended up being a mixture. To find the link, I found
 the file in filemanager, right clicked for a shortcut, looked at that in
 properties and copied. Now I only had to rewrite with the forward slashes.
 If you have all your files at the same folder, you will only have to do
 that once.

 Looking at your link, I will add that I could not make my link work to
 files with spaces in the title or special danish letters.


 On Monday, December 8, 2014 6:53:14 PM UTC+1, benjohn wrote:

 Hi Tobias - here's what I get

 *File not found*

 *The address wasn't understoodFirefox doesn't know how to open this
 address, because one of the following protocols (c) isn't associated with
 any program or is not allowed in this context.You might need to install
 other software to open this address.  *

 *Firefox can't find the file at
 /C:/Users/Ben/Desktop/Tiddlywikkis/Users/Ben/Desktop/RESPONSE WITH FORMULAE
 FINAL copy 2.Check the file name for capitalization or other typing
 errors.Check to see if the file was moved, renamed or deleted.*
 Any help would be appreciated

 On 8 December 2014 at 17:23, Tobias Beer beert...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Stephen,

 though you can link to external files, only certain types will execute
 inside your browser

 Not sure exactly where (I would do that in Chrome) but I know that you
 can tell Firefox which filetypes to open in the browser and which in
 another program, i.e. pdf... that is, of course, in sofar as the browser
 natively supports it or via some addon. Otherwise it will always open the
 external application, unless the file asked to be openeed is an executable
 where a browser might just refuse to do so.

 If my file location is file:///C:/Users/Ben/Desktop/T

 Afaik, the location of your file does not matter for filesystem links.
 Of course, you can only make use of relative paths using
 [ext[path/file]] http://tiddlywiki.com/#Linking%20in%20WikiText when
 your file resides in a subfolder to your wiki folder.

 Best wishes, Tobias.

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Re: [tw] Re: [TW5] help creating slider-like macro

2014-12-08 Thread Jeremy Ruston
 States under $:/temp/ or $:/state/ don't seem to do that.

There are two filters controlling saving TiddlyWiki as a standalone file.

* $:/config/SaverFilter determines which modified tiddlers trigger the
dirty state

* $:/core/save/all determines which tiddlers are saved in the file

 Cookies don't provide the kind of persistence tiddlers do, so a decision
was made against them.

Just to be clear, the decision I made was to store all state in tiddlers.
We don't yet persist tiddlers to local storage or cookies, but I do plan to
support it - a big driver is so as to support individual independent
usernames for tiddlyspot and tiddlyweb.

Best wishes


On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Tobias Beer beertob...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Jess,

 I am already using the $:/temp/state-$id$ syntax from an id (the rl1)
 passed into the macro as a parameter.

 Ah, totally overlooked that — neat trick! Adopted without much second
 thought and updated:


 I am glad to know there is a solution for preventing these sort of
 state-tiddlers from being saved.

 Agreed though, the fact that the creation of these makes the TW dirty is
 a concern.

 States under *$:/temp/* or *$:/state/* don't seem to do that.
 So there's no concern the way you / we prefix states now.

 Is it possible to set a cookie from TW5 and use that to save state
 instead, and therefore prevent the dirty-ing of TW?

 Cookies don't provide the kind of persistence tiddlers do, so a decision
 was made against them. Which is ok, so long as there are ways of making
 things persist when we want them to or preventing them from doing so when
 we don't. Of course, if you prevented *$:/temp/* and *$:/state* from ever
 being persisted, then your macro will never allow for reopening that toggle
 state next time you open that tw5. Right now, that's fine with me... and
 the way to change that is to simply change that state handling in that
 macro, if anyone ever wants to.

 Best wishes, Tobias.

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Re: [tw] Re: link to Excel doc on local directory

2014-12-08 Thread Ben John
Hi Jeremy - thanks for that - I've copied and pasted from my file manager
and  the address  shows as a link in the tiddler but when I click on it
nothing happens.


On 8 December 2014 at 21:07, Jeremy Ruston jeremy.rus...@gmail.com wrote:

 The easiest technique I've found for getting the correct link to a file is
 to locate the file in your file manager (Windows Explorer or Mac Finder)
 and drag it to the icon for your browser. On most browsers, the file will
 be opened in a new window and you'll be able to copy and paste the URL from
 the browser address bar.

 Best wishes


 On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 9:04 PM, Birthe C strikkeglad...@googlemail.com

 Hi Ben

 I had to try more than 50 times before I had my first success getting my
 file. To me one of the obstacles was using danish translated Windows, but
 the link that worked ended up being a mixture. To find the link, I found
 the file in filemanager, right clicked for a shortcut, looked at that in
 properties and copied. Now I only had to rewrite with the forward slashes.
 If you have all your files at the same folder, you will only have to do
 that once.

 Looking at your link, I will add that I could not make my link work to
 files with spaces in the title or special danish letters.


 On Monday, December 8, 2014 6:53:14 PM UTC+1, benjohn wrote:

 Hi Tobias - here's what I get

 *File not found*

 *The address wasn't understoodFirefox doesn't know how to open this
 address, because one of the following protocols (c) isn't associated with
 any program or is not allowed in this context.You might need to install
 other software to open this address.  *

 *Firefox can't find the file at
 /C:/Users/Ben/Desktop/Tiddlywikkis/Users/Ben/Desktop/RESPONSE WITH FORMULAE
 FINAL copy 2.Check the file name for capitalization or other typing
 errors.Check to see if the file was moved, renamed or deleted.*
 Any help would be appreciated

 On 8 December 2014 at 17:23, Tobias Beer beert...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Stephen,

 though you can link to external files, only certain types will execute
 inside your browser

 Not sure exactly where (I would do that in Chrome) but I know that you
 can tell Firefox which filetypes to open in the browser and which in
 another program, i.e. pdf... that is, of course, in sofar as the browser
 natively supports it or via some addon. Otherwise it will always open the
 external application, unless the file asked to be openeed is an executable
 where a browser might just refuse to do so.

 If my file location is file:///C:/Users/Ben/Desktop/T

 Afaik, the location of your file does not matter for filesystem links.
 Of course, you can only make use of relative paths using
 [ext[path/file]] http://tiddlywiki.com/#Linking%20in%20WikiText when
 your file resides in a subfolder to your wiki folder.

 Best wishes, Tobias.

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 Jeremy Ruston

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Re: [tw] Re: link to Excel doc on local directory

2014-12-08 Thread Jeremy Ruston
Hi Ben

Did the file open correctly in the browser when you dragged it from the
file manager?

Best wishes


On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 9:23 PM, Ben John benj...@virginmedia.com wrote:

 Hi Jeremy - thanks for that - I've copied and pasted from my file manager
 and  the address  shows as a link in the tiddler but when I click on it
 nothing happens.


 On 8 December 2014 at 21:07, Jeremy Ruston jeremy.rus...@gmail.com

 The easiest technique I've found for getting the correct link to a file
 is to locate the file in your file manager (Windows Explorer or Mac Finder)
 and drag it to the icon for your browser. On most browsers, the file will
 be opened in a new window and you'll be able to copy and paste the URL from
 the browser address bar.

 Best wishes


 On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 9:04 PM, Birthe C strikkeglad...@googlemail.com

 Hi Ben

 I had to try more than 50 times before I had my first success getting my
 file. To me one of the obstacles was using danish translated Windows, but
 the link that worked ended up being a mixture. To find the link, I found
 the file in filemanager, right clicked for a shortcut, looked at that in
 properties and copied. Now I only had to rewrite with the forward slashes.
 If you have all your files at the same folder, you will only have to do
 that once.

 Looking at your link, I will add that I could not make my link work to
 files with spaces in the title or special danish letters.


 On Monday, December 8, 2014 6:53:14 PM UTC+1, benjohn wrote:

 Hi Tobias - here's what I get

 *File not found*

 *The address wasn't understoodFirefox doesn't know how to open this
 address, because one of the following protocols (c) isn't associated with
 any program or is not allowed in this context.You might need to install
 other software to open this address.  *

 *Firefox can't find the file at
 /C:/Users/Ben/Desktop/Tiddlywikkis/Users/Ben/Desktop/RESPONSE WITH FORMULAE
 FINAL copy 2.Check the file name for capitalization or other typing
 errors.Check to see if the file was moved, renamed or deleted.*
 Any help would be appreciated

 On 8 December 2014 at 17:23, Tobias Beer beert...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Stephen,

 though you can link to external files, only certain types will
 execute inside your browser

 Not sure exactly where (I would do that in Chrome) but I know that you
 can tell Firefox which filetypes to open in the browser and which in
 another program, i.e. pdf... that is, of course, in sofar as the browser
 natively supports it or via some addon. Otherwise it will always open the
 external application, unless the file asked to be openeed is an executable
 where a browser might just refuse to do so.

 If my file location is file:///C:/Users/Ben/Desktop/T

 Afaik, the location of your file does not matter for filesystem links.
 Of course, you can only make use of relative paths using
 [ext[path/file]] http://tiddlywiki.com/#Linking%20in%20WikiText
 when your file resides in a subfolder to your wiki folder.

 Best wishes, Tobias.

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 Jeremy Ruston

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Jeremy Ruston

You received this 

[tw] Re: link to Excel doc on local directory

2014-12-08 Thread 'Stephen Kimmel' via TiddlyWiki
I've been playing with this some and I find this combination works on my 
Windows 7 machine. Nothing I tried with the users directories worked... 
presumably because of something that Windows does.

a href=file:///c:/backup/daily.xlsView xls/a

This causes a small window to pop up which tells me that You have chosen 
to open: daily.xls which is: Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 from 
c:/backup. and asks if I want to open it with Microsoft Office Excel.

I believe that is what you want.

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Re: [tw] Re: Add summary as part of review. #productivity #workflow

2014-12-08 Thread Jeremy Ruston
Hi Tobias

 However, deleting the note along with the snapshot throws an error... and
I don't understand why.
Can someone code-literate take a look at the following demo and tell me
what I'm doing wrong?

It looks like your $action-setfield widget is using the attribute `param`
where it should be `$param`.

Best wishes


On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 1:09 PM, Tobias Beer beertob...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Alex,

 Saving And Loading A History Snapshot @ tb5

 I now added the ability to add a note to an existing snapshot.


 However, deleting the note along with the snapshot throws an error... and
 I don't understand why.
 Can someone code-literate take a look at the following demo and tell me
 what I'm doing wrong?


 Best wishes, Tobias.

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Jeremy Ruston

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[tw] TW5 and Recipes

2014-12-08 Thread Andy Pastuszak
I'm trying to tweak TW5 to make it more like Evernote.  I just discovered 
TiddlyClip, which I find to be insanely useful.

I'm going to try and use Bittorent Sync to make the file available across 
all me computers and devices.

The last thing I would like to add is some good way to store recipes.  Has 
anyone done anything with recipe management and TW5?

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Re: [tw] Re: link to Excel doc on local directory

2014-12-08 Thread Ben John
Hi Jeremy

yes it did


On 8 December 2014 at 21:25, Jeremy Ruston jeremy.rus...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Ben

 Did the file open correctly in the browser when you dragged it from the
 file manager?

 Best wishes


 On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 9:23 PM, Ben John benj...@virginmedia.com wrote:

 Hi Jeremy - thanks for that - I've copied and pasted from my file manager
 and  the address  shows as a link in the tiddler but when I click on it
 nothing happens.


 On 8 December 2014 at 21:07, Jeremy Ruston jeremy.rus...@gmail.com

 The easiest technique I've found for getting the correct link to a file
 is to locate the file in your file manager (Windows Explorer or Mac Finder)
 and drag it to the icon for your browser. On most browsers, the file will
 be opened in a new window and you'll be able to copy and paste the URL from
 the browser address bar.

 Best wishes


 On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 9:04 PM, Birthe C strikkeglad...@googlemail.com

 Hi Ben

 I had to try more than 50 times before I had my first success getting
 my file. To me one of the obstacles was using danish translated Windows,
 but the link that worked ended up being a mixture. To find the link, I
 found the file in filemanager, right clicked for a shortcut, looked at that
 in properties and copied. Now I only had to rewrite with the forward
 If you have all your files at the same folder, you will only have to do
 that once.

 Looking at your link, I will add that I could not make my link work to
 files with spaces in the title or special danish letters.


 On Monday, December 8, 2014 6:53:14 PM UTC+1, benjohn wrote:

 Hi Tobias - here's what I get

 *File not found*

 *The address wasn't understoodFirefox doesn't know how to open this
 address, because one of the following protocols (c) isn't associated with
 any program or is not allowed in this context.You might need to 
 other software to open this address.  *

 *Firefox can't find the file at
 /C:/Users/Ben/Desktop/Tiddlywikkis/Users/Ben/Desktop/RESPONSE WITH 
 FINAL copy 2.Check the file name for capitalization or other typing
 errors.Check to see if the file was moved, renamed or deleted.*
 Any help would be appreciated

 On 8 December 2014 at 17:23, Tobias Beer beert...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Stephen,

 though you can link to external files, only certain types will
 execute inside your browser

 Not sure exactly where (I would do that in Chrome) but I know that
 you can tell Firefox which filetypes to open in the browser and which in
 another program, i.e. pdf... that is, of course, in sofar as the browser
 natively supports it or via some addon. Otherwise it will always open the
 external application, unless the file asked to be openeed is an 
 where a browser might just refuse to do so.

 If my file location is file:///C:/Users/Ben/Desktop/T

 Afaik, the location of your file does not matter for filesystem
 links. Of course, you can only make use of relative paths using
 [ext[path/file]] http://tiddlywiki.com/#Linking%20in%20WikiText
 when your file resides in a subfolder to your wiki folder.

 Best wishes, Tobias.

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 Jeremy Ruston

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Automatic links to subheads INSIDE a tiddler?

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer

 How do I find the actual version number of the TiddlyWiki?


Best wishes, Tobias. 

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Re: [tw] Re: [TW5] button that looks like a link

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer

 a.tc-tiddlylink {
 text-decoration: none;
 font-weight: normal;
 color: colour tiddler-link-foreground;
 -webkit-user-select: inherit; /* Otherwise the draggable attribute makes 
 links impossible to select */

That's why I would opt for...

a.tc-tiddlylink {

What do you tink?

Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: Invoicing TW5 #productivity

2014-12-08 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On Monday, December 8, 2014 5:47:53 AM UTC-5, AlexHough wrote:

 Dear All,

 Anti-Pattern Alert

 Before I start reinventing the wheel, I wondered if anyone 
 out there is using TW to generate invoices

Hi Alex,

I have generated a TiddlyWiki5 that has:
- a form with drop-down lists of activities that are generated from the 
titles of properly tagged tiddlers
- put in your date, start time, end time, duration and target invoice 
- it adds the entry to the invoice tiddler containing the field target 
invoice identifier
- it has a custom print stylesheet to format the invoice a little bit 
better for printing out
 - I just print to PDF and email the resulting file manually
- it has a logo incorporated into the invoice that is an embedded svg 

What it doesn't have is:
- fully automated new invoice creation
 - I still have to clone the old invoice Tiddler, change the invoice 
number field, then add entries with that invoice number (although existing 
entries should be picked up automagically)
 - probably not a big deal to add ... I have just found making an new 
invoice once a month a process easy enough to not surmount my laziness 
keeping me from automating it
- the ability to add up all your hours and do math to give you a billable 
 - TiddlyWiki does not have the ability to do summation of fields 
without some js hacking ... an ability that I do not possess
 - I would *love* for someone to add the ability to do simple summation 
and date math on fields ( I will defintely look into Tobias' let plugin 
... hadn't noticed that before)
- no report generation other than using filters with built-in TiddlyWiki 

I will happily share it here once I clean out my personal details (it is a 
good historical record of your entire employment history :] ) and make it 
generic. I would love to have someone else hacking on it to make it more 

Expect some sort of GoogleDrive/TiddleSpace/TiddlySpot link here in the 
next day or so. I have been meaning to do so for a long time now as I've 
found it quite useful and figured others would benefit from it.


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Re: [tw] Re: [TW5] help creating slider-like macro

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer

  States under $:/temp/ or $:/state/ don't seem to do that.

 There are two filters controlling saving TiddlyWiki as a standalone file.

 * $:/config/SaverFilter determines which modified tiddlers trigger the 
 dirty state
 * $:/core/save/all determines which tiddlers are saved in the file

Thanks, very helpful to know about that.
I have have added *[prefix[$://]]* to the exclude filter
as it will give me a quick notation to define temporary, hidden things.

Best wishes, Tobias.

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Re: [tw] Re: Add summary as part of review. #productivity #workflow

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer
Thank you Jeremy,

 It looks like your $action-setfield widget is using the attribute 
 `param` where it should be `$param`.

...always the little things, need to pay more attention to that prefix.


Alex, what do you think, do we have a solution for you?

Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: Invoicing TW5 #productivity

2014-12-08 Thread Tobias Beer
hi Mike,

 add the ability to do simple summation and date math on fields ( I will 
 defintely look into Tobias' let plugin ... hadn't noticed that before)

Atm, letfilter needs a few more features 
http://let.tiddlyspot.com/#Syntax%20Changes to do the kind of summation 
required for adding up invoice positions and do some 

I will happily share it here once I clean out my personal details (it is a 
 good historical record of your entire employment history :] ) and make it 
 generic. I would love to have someone else hacking on it to make it more 


Expect some sort of GoogleDrive/TiddleSpace/TiddlySpot link here in the 
 next day or so. I have been meaning to do so for a long time now as I've 
 found it quite useful and figured others would benefit from it.

Please do. People will pick it up and have it evolve.

Best wishes, Tobias.

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Re: [tw] Deploy tbGTD, mGSD, and dGSD on Node.js server

2014-12-08 Thread Daniel Baird

Check out Roma's ongoing work to build a GTD tool in TW5:

Alternatively you could run any of the TWC-based GTD systems on
tiddlyspot.com, which I heard was run by these amazing guys who are
wonderful and handsome as well (disclaimer: I might be associated with


On 7 December 2014 at 12:18, Chris Miller c...@tryx.org wrote:

 Hi Jeremy,

  I guess you're looking for a GTD solution that runs under Node.js?

 Well, I'm looking for a GTD solution that is not stuck on a single
 machine, hence the impulse toward Node.js and TiddlyWili is just so very


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Daniel Baird
objoke: I had a problem and decided to solve it with threading. Now,
have problems. two I

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Re: [tw] Mermaid plugin?

2014-12-08 Thread Daniel Baird
At a previous job we used a graphviz plugin for MediaWiki, and having
diagrams that you can update right there in the source of your wiki pages
is a HUGE advantage compared to importing images from outside diagram tools.

And that was with graphviz, that was quite persnickety about syntax.
Mermaid's syntax lets you say:
TW[TiddlyWiki] to make the TW node a square box
TW(TiddlyWiki) to make the TW node a rounded-corner box
TW((TiddlyWiki)) to make the TW node a circle

That's awesome.  Somebody please make this a reality for TW...

On 8 December 2014 at 05:19, Rolograaf rologr...@gmail.com wrote:

 from this article:

 Mermaid: Like Markdown for Diagrams

 anybody know if there is a plugin already? looks like a useful addition...

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Daniel Baird
objoke: I had a problem and decided to solve it with threading. Now,
have problems. two I

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Links - unify external and internal!

2014-12-08 Thread Mat
On Monday, December 8, 2014 6:10:25 PM UTC+1, Birthe C wrote:

 Hi Mat
 Why not use Eucaly's quickjump plugin.

Nice plugin and similar to tab Open but for one it wouldn't show the 
targets to where links are pointing to, so you'd fist have to open the link 
and then go up to this plugin to go over there. But, regardless, I'm hoping 
we can do better. The closest I can think of is a key pressed as you click, 
but as Tobias commented above this is used for much else so hopefully we 
can come up with something else. I'm assuming we must click the link to 
actually get the new tiddler so I think it's something we should do at this 

I'm talking about reading text and following tiddlers. Consider that 
tiddlers are, ideally, really the exact opposite of narrative text and that 
tw is really a medium for hyperlinks. For more narrative texts the 
hypertransitioning just ought to be very smooth. I really *like* the way 
tiddlers 'distribute' and animate in classic story view (it's cool!) but 
when it comes to more narrative reading it simply shifts your focus from 
where it should be. Or the reader visiting your TW for that matter.

I expect, or at least hope, TW is going in a direction where we will see 
specially designed application TW's, particularly from people with 
special expertise in some area be it rock music, blogging, teaching 
science or whatever. This, I believe, will be of tremendous value for our 
community because suddenly we can *target* specific groups with TWs that 
solve their particular needs. I would expect several of these to rely on 
more narrative text - blogging is one, fiction authoring is another, but 
really any area that relies on narrative text. The very fundamental action 
of transitioning between tiddlers must be appropriate for these 
applications. But, personally, I'd be happy for a solution already now :-)


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Re: [tw] [TW5] TW as front-end ?

2014-12-08 Thread Daniel Baird
I'd consider with an initial plan of just exporting the user/team data into
tiddler files each night.  You'd get a browsable user directory -- minimal
viable product, startup people would say -- and no need to write any custom
adaptors.  Once you see people using it, you can work out if it's worth
replacing your nightly export with something more live.

On 8 December 2014 at 09:16, Jean-Charles jeancharles.long...@gmail.com

 Hi Jeremy,

 Thanks for your feedback,

  Where's the external data coming from, and in what format? Do you want
 to sync changes to it back to the external data source?

 Data is mostly in databases, so my intend was to throw a web service in
 front of my data, and have a custom tiddlywebadaptor-like js to deal with
 There is no need to push data back to the source at first, but it may be
 a future option (for document tagging, for example).

 To be honest, I'm quite a beginner regarding TiddlyWiki : I used it for a
 while in the past, but stayed with the basics and didn't dig
 enough in it to achieve what I wanted. I can however see that it is really
 powerful and couldn't help to come back to it : so
 thanks to you and all contributors for building such a great product !


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Daniel Baird
objoke: I had a problem and decided to solve it with threading. Now,
have problems. two I

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Re: [tw] highlightJS, VBA and apostrophes for comments

2014-12-08 Thread Daniel Baird
Oh no, now we need plugins-for-plugins :)

On 9 December 2014 at 06:13, Jeremy Ruston jeremy.rus...@gmail.com wrote:

  However, while I seem to be able to tag code as VBA, it doesn't render

 It took a bit of tracking down, but the explanation turned out to be
 straightforward: TiddlyWiki uses the default download of highlight.js which
 only includes a subset of all the supported languages. You can see the list
 by scrolling down on this page:


 There's a few ways we could deal with this so I've opened a ticket:


 Best wishes


 On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 5:34 PM, Thomas Hirsch thomas.hirsc...@gmail.com

 Thanks for that Daniel, that's exactly what I meant.

 On Monday, 8 December 2014 06:57:49 UTC, Daniel Baird wrote:

 VBA (and I think VB.net?) should work like this though -- single-quote
 comments, double-quote strings.  It seems to work on the highlight.js demo
 page https://highlightjs.org/static/demo/


 ' mary george and mimi are people
 Dim mary As Person, george As Person, mimi As Person

 Set mary = New Person

 mary.initialize(Mary White, 1960/11/28)  ' Mary was born in 1960

 Doesn't work in the TW link you posted, Jeremy.


 On 6 December 2014 at 18:21, Jeremy Ruston jeremy...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Thomas

 The following procedure works for me:

 * Visit tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight
 * Create a new tiddler with the following content:

 Dim mary As Person, george As Person, mimi As Person

 Set mary = New Person

 mary.initialize('Mary White', '1960/11/28', 5, 'Very kind '  _

 'and loving, she loves cooking and taking care of the house')

 As far as I can tell, the highlighting is applied correctly if the
 language is specified as either vba or vbscript.

 Best wishes


 On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 12:38 AM, Thomas Hirsch thomas@gmail.com

 I appear to have discovered a rather annoying bug in the highlightJS
 plugin in TiddlyWiki. I am experimenting with making a small VBA reference
 using TW5. However, while I seem to be able to tag code as VBA, it doesn't
 render correctly. In VBA, comments are started with apostrophes, but in
 other languages apostrophes are used for strings, and the latter is what
 happens. As the HighlightJS demo page shows VBScript comments being
 rendered correctly, I suspect the issue is with TiddlyWiki.

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 Jeremy Ruston

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 Daniel Baird
 objoke: I had a problem and decided to solve it with threading. Now,
 have problems. two I

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 Jeremy Ruston

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Daniel Baird
objoke: I had a problem and decided to solve it with threading. Now,
have problems. two I

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Links - unify external and internal!

2014-12-08 Thread Mat
Tobias Beer wrote:


LOL! Tobias... I've got to say you keep on impressing me. You've really 
become a cornerstone for solutions in TW :-)

Yes, that is very much like something I'm hoping for. Like you say, perhaps 
a bit less intrusive, but that's of course trivial (just a little icon or 
whatever). In the target tiddler, i.e after you've actually switched 
tiddler, there is no obvious place where to put a back-link. One ohter 
place where back-links are used is in browsers so maybe we could pick up 
on this standard. A small left pointing arrow next to... hm, the title? 
Not sure it would look so good. Ah!-Possibly better idea; on e.g Amazon you 
can preview pages in the books and they have a small triangle arrow on left 
and right  side for flipping backward and forward. Not sure we'd need a 
forward but such a backward arrow, at the left margin might work. (Hm, that 
margin area again!)

I like this. There preceding link click seems to be the trickier 

Double click? Swipe in some direction at same time as clicking? 
Shift+click? Should it be possible to use on touch screen..?

Maybe some kind of state flag to say from now on do zoomin in this tiddler 
(and the followin here). A checkbox perhaps? In a way it would be like 
sticking the frame and just having the field contents change. Hm, really it 
would be zoomin story view but for a single tiddler. Maybe a thumb tack 
button on the frame? Would work on touch screens as well... and would match 
the backward feature if that also is a button (a'la browser back 
button) maybe a forward for functional (but I guess also visual) 
symmetry... maybe that's overkill...  the forward does like in the very 
link they click... This stick the frame idea isn't quite the decide at 
moment of click but maybe close enough... 

...bedtime now.


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[tw] Re: Invoicing TW5 #productivity

2014-12-08 Thread Jed Carty
If we can get the let widget or something equivalent added to the core than 
this sounds like something useful to add to the premade/no learning collection 
of editions I am hoping to make. That is if you don't mind you work or ideas 
used like that.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] swarms of tiddlers

2014-12-08 Thread Jed Carty
The swarms or tiddlers for accomplishing single tasks is hopefully the next 
step after the simple single application premade/no learning editions I am 
working on. Since the idea came up here, how do people like the interface and 
what sort of applications should be added? Or should I drop this and come up 
with a better way to do it? 

The idea is that each part of this could be split into its own wiki 
edition/plugin (or tiddler swarm) that can be imported to other wikis.


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