[tw5] Re: We need more discourse about Discourse ... and not just the positives ...

2021-08-22 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hi, JWH —

I think the confusion is that there are two types of Discourse boards:

   1. those hosted on Discourse.com, where someone pays to maintain an 
   account and use their server's shared resources
   2. those hosted privately on your own server/domain name, where the 
   webmaster or dev team install and maintain the Discourse software

This community's Discourse instance is one of the second type.  It's 
installed and hosted on https://talk.tiddlywiki.org.  That's why it doesn't 
show up in the search over at Discourse.com .

One of the things I love about the TiddlyWiki community (whether on Google 
Groups or Discourse or in the real world) is that there's lots of room for 
learning in public.  I spent 30 minutes yesterday typing up a request for 
help on a pretty basic TW function only to discover, through my own 
grasping for the best words to describe what I wanted to do, that I was 
trying to ask a question about filter operators.  I was then able to search 
"filter operators" on TiddlyWiki.com  and 
voilà — there was my answer (and a whole new world of possibilities for the 
project I'm working on).

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Re: [tw5] Re: I Think I Hacked TiddlyWiki

2021-08-21 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Super-interesting stuff!  Thanks for the background.

There's a bit of consolation in there, though:  It sounds like the RAA 
attack relies on getting the user to execute JS in the WSH rather than 
within the browser.  TiddlyWiki on Node or running through Bob.exe or in 
TiddlyDesktop *might* be a more vulnerable vector of infection than a 
TiddlyWiki running the latest version of a Chromium-based browser.  I'm not 
sure how those platforms compare to browsers when it comes to sandboxing 
the environment where scripts are executed.

The novel path of attack (sharing a .JS via tiddler with another TiddlyWiki 
user) is certainly worth considering as a potential vulnerability — but, as 
Tony said above, the balance between usability and security is often more 
nuanced than just locking down everything to prevent any possibility of 

This could be a great opportunity for some security-minded TiddlyWizards to 
come up with a script-vetting plugin to throw up red flags during the 
import of outside content.  Maybe there'd even be a way to leverage malware 
databases via API to keep it up to date on current threats.  That's all way 
above my head, though, and maybe be as great a can of worms as trying to 
lock down TiddlyWiki to protect it from rogue JS.

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Re: [tw5] Do you already use https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/ ?

2021-08-21 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
On Tuesday, August 17, 2021 at 5:30:28 AM UTC-4 Jeremy Ruston wrote:

At the moment, there's two way sync with Google Groups, but if people like 
> the new system then we will migrate fully over to it.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it doesn't appear to be truly two-way (at 
least at the moment I'm posting).  Google Groups threads and posts get 
mirrored on Talk.TW *(awesome for archiving!)*, but I can't reply or 
contribute to those on Talk.TW — and new threads created on Talk.TW do not 
seem to get mirrored back to Google Groups.

No complaints from me on this.  It seems like a good migratory pattern to 
ease people over to the new platform — but it's definitely a migration, it 
seems.  (One I'm all for, as long as it seems sustainable.)

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[tw5] Re: We need more discourse about Discourse ... and not just the positives ...

2021-08-21 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Answering some of my own questions:

Is there a good central thread for discussing the move to Discourse that 
> I've missed out on?  I did a quick search, and it seems to come up in 
> different threads, but I didn't see a pinned topic or thread that serves as 
> a hub for the conversation.

Jeremy did offer this comment 
the aims/intentions of Talk.TW.org I initially missed:

> The new Discourse forum at https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/ is an experiment
> at this stage. At the moment, there's two way sync with Google Groups, 
> but if people like the new system then we will migrate fully over to it.

> > First, someone is paying for Discourse, right? It's not free like GG. 

> *Is* that the case?  I'd thought Discourse was a free, open-source 
> platform — though someone is surely paying to host TiddlyWiki.org, where 
> it's running.  That domain's been around a long time, and I always 
> suspected it was Jeremy's, but maybe not.  Do we know the identity of our 
> benefactor on that domain?  That may go a long way toward reassuring people 
> of the platform's long-term availability and stability.

Boris is Hero of the Beach on this front, and there's a whole thread about 
the costs and his estimates for the future here:

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[tw5] Re: I Think I Hacked TiddlyWiki

2021-08-21 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
On Tuesday, August 17, 2021 at 9:12:15 AM UTC-4 flanc...@gmail.com wrote:

What makes this more dangerous than the iframe is that it has DIRECT ACCESS 
> to your TW instance, so practically anything can be done. For example, I 
> could steal your tiddlywiki instance, encrypt it, and hold it for ransom, 
> as soon as your page loaded.

Just to make sure I'm understanding correctly:  That *particular* attack 
wouldn't yield much fruit, would it?  The attacker would have an encrypted 
version of TiddlyWiki only xe could access, but the original user would 
still have the version xe opened on xir local hard drive or the Web site xe 
loaded the page from in the first place.  All that would be encrypted for 
ransom would be the session-specific instance of that file, not the source 
file (which the browser can't encrypt and save over on the fly).

Or am I misunderstanding?

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Re: [tw5] "I moved to Discourse" - add your name too?

2021-08-21 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
I've created a profile on Talk.TiddlyWiki.org and am delighted with the 
interface there.  I'll try to ask questions and create new threads there 
rather than here, though I guess I'll be drawn back to Google Groups is 
that's where the conversation flows.  (For my part, I'm hoping it moves to 


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[tw5] Re: We need more discourse about Discourse ... and not just the positives ...

2021-08-21 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Is there a good central thread for discussing the move to Discourse that 
I've missed out on?  I did a quick search, and it seems to come up in 
different threads, but I didn't see a pinned topic or thread that serves as 
a hub for the conversation.

Mark S. asked a couple of good questions:
> First, someone is paying for Discourse, right? It's not free like GG. 
> Is that sustainable, or will we back at GG in 2 or 3 years?

*Is* that the case?  I'd thought Discourse was a free, open-source platform 
— though someone is surely paying to host TiddlyWiki.org, where it's 
running.  That domain's been around a long time, and I always suspected it 
was Jeremy's, but maybe not.  Do we know the identity of our benefactor on 
that domain?  That may go a long way toward reassuring people of the 
platform's long-term availability and stability.

> Second, is the search better on Discourse? Because that was 
> the main concern about GG -- things become lost in the mist of 
> time (the mist of time being more than two weeks ago).

Despite hearing people complain about the search on Google Groups, I've 
never noticed problems with it myself.

Maybe that's just a function of not knowing what search results you *aren't* 
back.  (For example, it would be a real laugh if there's a thread called 
"Discussing a Move to Discourse" that I completely missed when searched 
just now.)

Not to be too much of a naysayer on Google Groups, I think 
strikke...@gmail.com is right to bring up the concern:

> we do not know if GG exist i 2 or 3 years

Despite its long life, Groups bears a lot of similarity to other marginal 
offerings by Google that have been popular with their users (think Reader, 
Wave, or G+) but proved less than stellar at the data-mining Google relies 
on them for.  I've always found it to be an unstable platform for long-term 
continuity.  One exciting thing about Discourse (from what I've read in the 
last hour) is this notion of being able to archive our Groups-based content 
over there so that the history of this community could be preserved moving 
forward.  There are tons of great resources in this group and the dev group 
I'd hate to see lost to the winds of time.

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[tw5] Re: Transcluding Base64 Image as Tiddler Background

2021-04-26 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
A-ha!  It occurred to me that the core must be doing this somehow with 
background images, so I went looking and found TiddlyWiki's 
native <> macro.

This is how to do what I was trying to do:

.tc-story-river .tc-tiddler-view-frame {
  background:url('<>') !important;

Some days it seems there's nothing Jeremy and the TiddlyWiki community 
*haven't* thought of.

*edited and reposted to remove typo*

On Monday, April 26, 2021 at 9:36:29 AM UTC-4 Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ) 

> Hi, all —
> In my ongoing quest for translucent tiddlers, I've started using images of 
> varying color and opacity as the background for my tiddlers.
> However, it occurs to me that, instead of pointing to these images 
> elsewhere, I could embed them in my TWs and reference them without having 
> another resource to keep track of.
> My current stylesheets look something like this:
> .tc-story-river .tc-tiddler-view-frame {
>   background:url('images/backgrounds/92-percent-opacity-white.png') 
> !important;
> }
> But if I move that PNG into a tiddler ($:/backgrounds/92%white.png), can 
> I transclude it into my stylesheet?
> I'm including transcludeinline among my stylesheet tiddler's pragma:
> \rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef 
> macrocallinline html
> but I'm not pulling in the content (the image) from the tiddler.

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[tw5] Re: Transcluding Base64 Image as Tiddler Background

2021-04-26 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
A-ha!  It occurred to me that the core must be doing this somehow with 
background images, so I went looking and found TiddlyWiki's native 
<> macro.

This is how to do what I was trying to do:

.tc-story-river .tc-tiddler-view-frame {
  background:url('< Hi, all —
> In my ongoing quest for translucent tiddlers, I've started using images of 
> varying color and opacity as the background for my tiddlers.
> However, it occurs to me that, instead of pointing to these images 
> elsewhere, I could embed them in my TWs and reference them without having 
> another resource to keep track of.
> My current stylesheets look something like this:
> .tc-story-river .tc-tiddler-view-frame {
>   background:url('images/backgrounds/92-percent-opacity-white.png') 
> !important;
> }
> But if I move that PNG into a tiddler ($:/backgrounds/92%white.png), can 
> I transclude it into my stylesheet?
> I'm including transcludeinline among my stylesheet tiddler's pragma:
> \rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef 
> macrocallinline html
> but I'm not pulling in the content (the image) from the tiddler.

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[tw5] Transcluding Base64 Image as Tiddler Background

2021-04-26 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hi, all —

In my ongoing quest for translucent tiddlers, I've started using images of 
varying color and opacity as the background for my tiddlers.

However, it occurs to me that, instead of pointing to these images 
elsewhere, I could embed them in my TWs and reference them without having 
another resource to keep track of.

My current stylesheets look something like this:

.tc-story-river .tc-tiddler-view-frame {

But if I move that PNG into a tiddler ($:/backgrounds/92%white.png), can I 
transclude it into my stylesheet?

I'm including transcludeinline among my stylesheet tiddler's pragma:

\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef 
macrocallinline html

but I'm not pulling in the content (the image) from the tiddler.

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[tw5] Keyboard Shortcut Suggestion for Linking

2021-03-20 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
The ability to add and configure keyboard shortcuts in TiddlyWiki is the 
gift that keeps on giving!

I would like to float a suggestion about the built-in shortcuts for 
linking, however:

In Windows world, CTRL+K is usually the keyboard shortcut for creating a 
hyperlink (at least in text editors and in the text areas of most programs 
I've come across).  One of the first things I did when I discovered I could 
now configure shortcuts in TW was change the *Linkify* shortcut to CTRL+K 
and the *Link* shortcut to SHIFT+CTRL+K.

I don't know that I've ever seen CTRL+L or SHIFT+ALT+L trigger any kind of 
linking behavior in Windows.  Unless there are conventions I'm unaware of, 
I'd recommend making TW's out-of-the-box shortcuts for *Linkify* and *Link* 
CTRL+K and SHIFT+CTRL+K, respectively.


I might also recommend a minor edit to the hint shadow tiddlers for each 
shortcut to prod users in distinguishing them in the control panel.

Wrap selection in square brackets, e.g. `[[link]]`
... for *Link*.

Create wikitext link, e.g. `[[link|destination]]`
... for *Linkify*.

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[tw5] Re: Personal News

2020-05-18 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
All the best as you rest and recover, Jeremy!  We'll try not to break 
anything as you rest and recover.  The two newest hangout and the promise 
of a thir with Dave will give us plenty to stay excited about in our own 

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[tw5] Transcluding Tiddler Content to a Different Tiddler Type (Rendering XML Tiddlers as Plain Text)

2020-03-08 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Here's another issue I'm trying to tackle and hoping someone will share 
some insight:

I have several tiddlers of type "text/html" that contain XML files.  I like 
having them render out in the ViewTemplate in an iframe.  But occasionally 
I want to transclude them into another tiddler and have them show up as 
monospaced code, *without* being rendered.

I thought I could make a template tiddler and do something like this:

*{{my XML tiddler||$:/xml-template}}*

... but what should $:/xml-template look like?

Having it specify a different type ("text/plain") alone isn't enough to do 
the trick.

I've tried building a string from the content of [[my XML tiddler]] and 
wrapping it in  and  with no luck,

I'm pretty sure I'm stumbling all around an obvious solution and hoping 
someone else will see it clearly.

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[tw5] Distinguishing Native Shadow Tiddlers from Overwritten Shadow Tiddlers (for Styling)

2020-03-08 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
This is a follow-up to another question about using CSS to affect the 
opacity of tiddlers 

a year ago.

In that thread, I managed to make shadow tiddlers translucent for easy 
identification when TiddlyWiking.  My follow-up ambition was to add 
similarly identifying styling to *former* shadow tiddlers (i.e., modified 
shadow tiddlers, now saved as full-fledged tiddlers).

However, it doesn't look like there's an obvious way to identify those for 
CSS.  I used to think they got the style "tc-tiddler-exists" added when 
they were saved, and it seems that *IS* true — the original shadow also has 
that same CSS class.  Best I can tell, the only difference between a 
"native shadow" (one that hasn't been modified since it was loaded) and an 
overwritten shadow is the addition of the "tc-tiddler-exists" class a 
second time:

tc-tiddler-frame tc-tiddler-view-frame tc-tiddler-exists tc-tiddler-shadow 

tc-tiddler-frame tc-tiddler-view-frame tc-tiddler-exists *tc-tiddler-exists* 
tc-tiddler-shadow tc-tiddler-system 

... and I don't think styling 
.tc-tiddler-exists.tc-tiddler-exists.tc-tiddler-shadow differently from 
.tc-tiddler-exists.tc-tiddler-shadow is going to work.

Are there any ways to go about this with how TW identifies shadow tiddlers 
and overwritten shadow tiddlers?  Because the EditTemplate throws up 
different alerts when you're editing a native shadow and when you're 
editing an overwritten shadow, I assume there must be some TiddlyWay of 
knowing the difference.  Is it a way that can be leveraged by CSS?

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[tw5] Re: Translucent Tiddlers

2020-03-08 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
In case anyone is curious, here's the result — translucent shadow tiddlers.

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$__stylesheets_secret-hq_translucent shadow tiddlers.tid
Description: Binary data

[tw5] Re: Translucent Tiddlers

2020-03-08 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Thanks for the tips, Mat!  If you see this old topic bubble to the top, you 
may get a kick out of Riz's solution above.  I certainly did!  

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[tw5] Re: Translucent Tiddlers

2020-03-08 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)

I completely missed this last year, Riz, and went on a goose chase that 
involved me swapping color palettes for shadow tiddlers.  It was never as 
elegant and doesn't work for something I'm trying now, so I searched up 
this topic, which led me back to the *FAR* superior solution here.

And I guess that answers my original question, too:  The behavior is likely 
by design to prevent other, overreaching stylesheets from accidentally 
changing the opacity of tiddlers (while still leaving the ability to 
override available for those with eyes to see).

Thanks for your help!

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[tw5] Re: Bobbing for Tiddlers: Wading into TW5 on BobEXE

2019-10-21 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)

Thanks for chiming in with responses.

On Sunday, October 20, 2019 at 4:51:23 PM UTC-4, Jed Carty wrote:
> 1 - I haven't seen any. Eventually I my get around to making something.

The included TiddlyWiki itself is pretty helpful and seems it would be the 
ideal place for more documentation.  (Though a YouTube tutorial or an 
export of documentation to a standalone TW would always be welcome.)  For 
what that's worth.  ;)

> 2 - If you set 'suppressBrowser' to true in settings.json it will not try 
> to open up the browser automatically. See here: 
> https://github.com/OokTech/TW5-Bob/blob/master/Configuration.md

Perfect!  Thanks for the detailed list of values, as well — which led into 
my next question .,..

> 3 - You can set the location of everything but the root wiki by setting 
> the wikisPath setting in the configuration

>   3a - Be careful about syncing the tiddlers, you can have Bob and the 
> syncing fight over changes to tiddlers. And if you have multiple Bob 
> instances editing the same wiki and syncing going on it can get worse.

> 4 - I don't know about best, but I periodically zip the full wikis folder. 
> Eventually I will get around to making an automated back-up for Bob.

Good point about the conflict with the */Wikis* files themselves.  For now, 
I think my backup strategy is going to be working outside of the cloud 
folder, then syncing my whole Bob folder (minus the *.exe*) to a subfolder 
in the cloud folder.

Long-term, an internal backup mechanism for individual tiddlers (allowing 
the user to roll back, perhaps from the BobHub) would be *awesome*.  But so 
would an edition that comes with free ice cream.  ;)  Writing some kind of 
management for such a backup would be a project of its own, I imagine.

5 - .meta files are created by the core server. They are created for any 
> tiddler that isn't a normal .tid file, like images

Huh.  Any idea what they actually *do*?

> 6 - The readme has an incomplete list of features that I think can be 
> improvements in the contexts where I use tiddlywiki

The possibilities for sharing, bundling, and trimming are certainly 
intriguing.  Also the possibilities for collaboration on the local network 
(which I may never get to take advantage of, but they're still intriguiing!)

At the moment, I'm still working on getting a TiddlyWiki's worth of 
tiddlers *into* a new Bob wiki.  I've been breaking down my imports into 
small .JSON bundles to find which tiddler(s) is causing the problem, but at 
some point, Bob crashes out, and I'm left with a broken wiki.

I've tried deleting the imported tiddlers manually, but that doesn't seem 
to help, and the tiddlywiki.info doesnt seem to have changed since it was 
created.  Not sure there's anything else I *can* roll back to the 
pre-broken state.  So, for the moment, I'm just creating new BobWikis and 
importing Big-JSON-block-that-works then smaller-JSON-block-that-breaks-it, 
trying to figure out what in my existing tiddlers is throwing a spanner 
into the works.

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[tw5] Bobbing for Tiddlers: Wading into TW5 on BobEXE

2019-10-20 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Instead of admiring Jed's work from afar, I'm finally joining the cool kids 
in wading into his TW5 BobEXE edition (implementation?).

Having never used TW5 on Node.js beyond the initial setup, I'm having to 
grapple with the concepts of a server-based TW again and get used to some 
of the differences.  So I thought I'd create a thread here for my newbie 
questions and discussion.  It may end up a junk drawer of conversation, but 
hopefully it will record some of my confusion and point others who come 
after me in the right direction.

1.  Is there a good general reference/tutorial for getting started with 
Bob?  The best I've found has been Jed's gentle, step-by-step prodding 
through the tiddlers in his edition  But I had to decide I wanted to try 
the BobEXE version, find it, and run the executable before I got into 
those.  (Fellow noobs, if you don't have the .exe file yet, start with the 
ReadMe here:  https://github.com/OokTech/TW5-Bob )

2.  Is there a configuration option to disable the launching of the default 
Ooktech/Bob TiddlyWik when the *bob.exe* starts up?  I find I'm crashing 
the server a lot during my initial setup, exploration, and import of 
tiddlers.  It would be nice not to have to close additional instances of 
the "BobHub" page every time I restart the *.exe*.

3.  Is there a configuration option (or hack, even?) to point the *.exe* to 
a different path?  (E.g,, could I keep the *.exe* in */ProgramFiles* on my 
*C:\* drive and my related folders in */TiddlyWikis* on my *D:\* drive?)

3a.  One reason I ask about this is I like keeping TWs in a folder that 
syncs to my cloud storage account, but that storage service doesn't like 
having *.exe*s running in a location it's trying to sync.  Any insights on 
this from any Bob users.  (This leads directly to my next question.)

4.  What's the best strategy for backing up Bob-based wikis?  Just 
synchronizing your */Wikis* folder to another location?

5.  What's up with those *.meta* tiddlers Bob sometimes creates?  At first, 
I thought that's how it was keeping track of as-yet-unsaved changes to 
tiddlers, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

6.  A higher-level (and hopefully simpler) question:  What are the 
advantages of using a Bob-powered wiki over the single HTML file?

Related to that last question:  I have some old TiddlyWiki Classics where I 
dumped the contents of reference articles to make them easily sortable and 
cross-linkable, but once that hit a certain size, I started breaking the 
articles out into related TWs because the load and save times got 
ridiculous.  Nowadays I'm starting to keep detailed "how to" TWs to remind 
me of procedures and settings, but they too can get large.  Am I right to 
hope Bob, by virtue of not having to parse *all* the HTML of every tiddler 
every time it loads or saves, might make TWs with lots of large tiddlers 
more feasible to work with?

*That's — a lot for one post, isn't it?  I'm hoping some of these have a 
complete answers elsewhere in the group or around the Web and some kind 
soul will post links to existing discussions or documentation.*

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[tw5] Re: Bookmarks/Favorites

2019-04-28 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Thinking about this has raised a couple of other "How do I ... with 
TiddlyWiki?" questions.  I'm going to brain-dump them here in case anyone 
has quick answers or ideas:

   1. How do I scrape/capture the  of a page by inputting a URL into 
   a field?  Has anyone built a TW-friendly mechanism for this?
   2. How do I write a filter to find all tiddlers with a specific tag — 
   and *no other tags*?
  - That second part is the tricky bit, at least for me.
  3. I know there has been some traction on developing tiddler bundles, 
   but is there a format for a file consisting of multiple .tids in a single 
  - That is, could I batch-convert an HTML file exported from a browser 
  into a file of .TIDs and then import them without having to split that 
  into multiple files *first*?
   4. How do I pass a variable into the <$list> widget of a tiddler that's 
   transcluded in a tabset?
  - I'm thiking about giving each "folder" tiddler (i.e., each tiddler 
  that would correspond to a folder in a traditional bookmarks file) a set 
  tabs for displaying its children in different ways.  This would enable 
  to cycle through different views of the "contents" of a folder — sorted 
  creation date, sorted by tag, or what-have-you.
  Rather than create a tabset for each one of these tiddlers, I'd like 
  them to reference a set of static tiddlers containing variables and then 
  pass that variable to them.  Something like <$var foo="bar"><> where tab1, tab2, and tab3 all have 
  filters like <$list filter="[tag[$(foo)$]]">

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[tw5] Re: Translucent Tiddlers

2019-04-28 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Anyone have thoughts on this?  The question I'm stuck on at the moment is:

On Monday, April 15, 2019 at 10:22:26 PM UTC-4, Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ) 
> Is this a bug?  Or is the behavior by design?

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[tw5] Re: Bookmarks/Favorites

2019-04-28 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
On Wednesday, April 24, 2019 at 1:12:39 PM UTC-4, Joshua Fontany wrote:
> Getting my rather LARGE bookmark collection into tiddlywiki is pretty high 
> on my to-do list. Really like what I am hearing so far.

I'm in the same boat — and yet *STILL* a bit reluctant to make the leap 
from keeping bookmarks in the browser to keeping them in a TiddlyWiki.  
(The primary allure for me is in being able to sort and display bookmarks 
in all sorts of different ways using tags and custom templates.)

As an escape hatch, I'd love to have a TiddlyWiki mechnism for exporting a 
[browser-of-your-choice]-compliant .HTML file to move bookmarks back to the 
browser if you decide to do so in the future.  It should be possible to 
generate the body of the file with filters and macros then export it with 
some customizations to the export function.  (I think; I'm iffier on this 
second part, as I've never tried that.)

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[tw5] Re: Bookmarks/Favorites

2019-04-28 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
I concur with Dave.  These are some thrilling possibilities!

Regarding TiddlyClip, check out my comments here:

Regarding custom dropzones, here's some more food for thought:

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[tw5] Re: Bookmarks/Favorites

2019-04-28 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
On Sunday, April 21, 2019 at 6:11:54 AM UTC-4, Jed Carty wrote:
> I made a bookmarks library too, but it may not be as good as Dave's.
> https://ooktech.com/TiddlyWiki/Bookmarks/

That's awesome, Jed!  Looking back through my folders, I found an earlier 
version I'd cadged (from here maybe?) a while back.

I like the way you're using a custom ViewTemplate.  Custom ViewTemplate(s?) 
and EditTemplate(s?) are the direction I'm starting to think in.

> I briefly looked at what would be necessary to be able to automatically 
> add bookmarks to tiddlywiki and didn't get anywhere. From what I remember 
> browser security restrictions made it annoying.

I can believe that.  TonyM's idea of a custom dropzone certainly is 
interesting.  I'd considered what happens when you drag a URL onto an open 
TiddlyWiki, but then I immdiately thought about what happens when you drag 
a *TiddlyWiki* URL onto an open TiddlyWiki and wondered what might happen 
with different file types/extensions.  I have no idea how to go about 
building a custom dropzone, but that seems like a great potential solution.

Especially if you can turn a bookmarks TiddlyWiki into a browser sidebar, 
where you can drag links onto a dropzone and bookmark without leaving the 
main window.  *That* would be super-cool.

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[tw5] Re: Bookmarks/Favorites

2019-04-28 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hi, Birthe —

Glad to see it's not just me who has some interest in this.  It's been a 
wish-list item for me for a while.  I'm hesitant whether ANY solution will 
be worth the pain-staking process of migrating my bookmarks out of my 
browser and into TiddlyWiki, but the idea of having a cross-browser set of 
local bookmarks where I can use multidimensional filtering to see details 
in all sorts of different arrangements is awfully appealing.

On Sunday, April 21, 2019 at 5:42:18 AM UTC-4, Birthe C wrote:
> For a long time I have used tiddlyclip to bookmark. I have it ask for a 
> tag when I do so. The good part is, that in my wiki I can make comments to 
> my tiddler (bookmark).

I tried out TiddlyClip a while back but never spent much time with it.  I 
know some users are great fans of its abilities.

I'd like to give it another spin, but since I'm clueless about running TW 
under Node.js or BOB, I'm not sure how to get the latest version (@ GitHub 
) to work in the browser.  [No idea 
how to pluginify (?) it for that environment.]

I'd also a little reluctant to leverage another plugin that requires a 
browser plugin for my solution.  That may be one more dependency than I 
want to keep up with.

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[tw5] Re: Bookmarks/Favorites

2019-04-20 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Well, *of course *Dave Gifford has played around with the idea!  


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[tw5] Bookmarks/Favorites

2019-04-20 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Anyone using TiddlyWiki as a replacement for a Web browser's 

In particular, I'm curious if anyone's cooked up a scheme for importing a 
bookmarks HTML/XML file to TiddlyWiki as tiddlers and/or exporting to 
tiddlers to such a file that could be imported back into the user's browser 
of choice.  (There will be differences based on browser, of course, but 
this seems like something SOME TiddlyWizard out there has tackled already.)

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[tw5] Translucent Tiddlers

2019-04-15 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
H'lo, TiddlyWizards —

I've been playing around with the opacity of tiddlers.  Specifically the 
opacity of *.tc-tiddler-frame*, which I can style with CSS to get the 
translucent effect I want.

For example, here's a simple stylesheet tiddler:

.tc-story-river .tc-tiddler-view-frame,
.tc-story-river .td-tiddler-edit-frame {

And here's the HTML from the DIV of a successfully styled tiddler that 
loads as one of the TW's default tiddlers:

*However —*

When I switch to edit view, check out how the DIV is built:

That *style* attribute is now overriding anything from my CSS, resetting 
the opacity of the tiddler back to 100% (*opacity: 1;*).

And it lingers when the tiddler is saved, affecting the DIV (and 
appearance) of the saved tiddler when viewed through the standard 

My translucency is gone.  

>From what I can tell, the *style="transition: none 0s ease 0s; opacity: 1;"* 
is applied to any tiddler built during the TiddlyWiki session but *not* to 
tiddlers loaded at the TiddlyWiki's startup.

Is this a bug?  Or is the behavior by design?

Are there any good experiments with opacity changes I should be looking 
at?  (I seem to remember someone using the palette to make certain 
*elements* translucent, which is a bit different than affecting entire 
tiddlers, including the tc-tiddler-frame and all its children.)


In case you're curious what I'm up to, I'd like to make shadow tiddlers 
translucent for easy identification when I'm TiddlyWiking.

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Re: [tw5] Re: Filename Generation on Save Has Changed in v5.1.18?

2018-12-11 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Thanks, guys!

I dropped a comment in there 
as well.

In the interest of backward-compatibility and more flexibility in naming 
> TiddlyWiki files, I'd like to see the old behavior restored — though I can 
> see a lot of appeal to the new behavior.
> In my case, I use custom extensions for TiddlyWiki files (.TW5 and .TWC 
> for older TiddlyWikiClassics) that allow me to handle them with my 
> preferred browsers (which aren't the same as my day-to-day default browser).
> I am, as always, all in favor of making the behavior configurable, either 
> as part of the core or as a core plugin. 

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[tw5] Filename Generation on Save Has Changed in v5.1.18?

2018-12-10 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
H'lo, TiddlyWizards —

I'm digging into version 5.1.18 — *merry Christmas, me!* — and am noticing 
that the file name used to save/download my HTML TiddlyWikis is no longer 
based on the name of the TiddlyWiki file I have open but on *$:/SiteTitle* 
+ *.html*.

Is there anyplace I can read up on this change?

Are there ways to circumvent it (besides renaming the file in the "Save 
As..." dialog)?

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[tw5] Re: Double Straight Quotation Marks in Tiddler Titles Used as Tags

2018-12-10 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Ask and ye shall receive!  (Or "make a pull request and it shall ship" in 
this case?)  This behavior has been addressed and corrected for in version 

Thanks, @TonyM, for pointing out the gremlin; @Mark S., for the core 
workaround/fix; and @BurningTreeC for keeping up with this and GitHubifying 
the interest in your earlier pull request.

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[tw5] Re: Double Straight Quotation Marks in Tiddler Titles Used as Tags

2018-10-29 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Definitely not the safest practice, Tony!

In my (half-hearted) defense, it's a practice I've had for a loog while 
(so I have a lot of bad-habit inertia), and quotation marks aren't on the 
official verboten list:


My workaround for the moment has been to search-and-replace quote pairs in 
titles with “smart quotes,” which don't have the same issue.

Maybe this is an easy enough fix in the next version of the core, though 
it's hard to believe I'm the first in all this time to stumble across it 
and report it.


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[tw5] Double Straight Quotation Marks in Tiddler Titles Used as Tags

2018-10-29 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hi, all —

I've just realized tiddlers with titles wrapped in double straight 
quotation marks yield problems when those titles are used as tags.  To my 
surprise, there's no issue when the quotation marks appear in certain 
places in the title string, just when they crop up at the *END* of the 

Here are some examples:

Is this a known bug with the *tag-pill-inner* macro?  It's taken me a while 
to notice it, and a quick search didn't yield any information on it.

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[tw5] Re: Whatever Happened to "application/x-tiddler"?

2018-10-29 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Thanks, Mario!

I think I was confusing application/x-tiddlywiki with text/x-tiddlywiki, 
which is the type declaration for TiddlyWiki Classic tiddlers.

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[tw5] Re: Sort Text List without Writing It into a Field?

2018-10-24 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)

Thanks, Matt!  it would have been deep into the 2020s before that ever 
occurred to me, and it's just the quick and dirty solution I needed

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[tw5] Sort Text List without Writing It into a Field?

2018-10-24 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Is there a good TiddlyWay to sort a text string without having to write it 
to a field?

I'm imagining a macro that could take an input of numbers and render a 
list.  E.g.,,

The account numbers are <>

... renders as:

The account numbers are 
1. 9
2. 21
3. 54
4. 149

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[tw5] Whatever Happened to "application/x-tiddler"?

2018-10-17 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
This may get a chuckle out of some TiddlyWikkans, but I've recently been 
cleaning up some of my old stylesheets and noticed the ones with type set 
*application/x-tiddler* don't have the CodeMirror plugin's UI template 
applied to them when  I open them for editing.

It looks like newer stylesheets have a type of *text/vnd.tiddlywiki* (or 
*text/css* if they contain only raw CSS).

Was *application/x-tiddler* deprecated a while back?  Did it become 
*application/x-tiddlywiki*, or did those tiddler types coexist for a while?

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[tw5] Re: Macro to URI-Encode/Decode String Input?

2018-10-01 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
On Thursday, September 27, 2018 at 12:26:26 PM UTC-4, @TiddlyTweeter wrote:

There needs to be some step to pass it to the browser to invoke email. 
> Encoding is only step 1. 
> A long time ago Riz & Thomas Elmiger did a bunch of work on this (for me 
> [i'm feeling guilty still  for that effort by them that I could not 
> reciprocate]) that works well. I could maybe give more detail if I know its 
> worth the effort for me to dig the details out.

In my case, the computer where the TiddlyWiki is in use has a standalone 
e-mail client, which mailto links invoke — so that's easy.

But if you wanted to pass the whole kit & kaboodle to a Web-based e-mail 
client like Gmail — or directly to an SMTP server — I can imagine that 
would get to be a pretty big project pretty quickly!

Do you remember what your use case was, Josiah?  (I'm just curious.  Please 
don't waste a lot of time trying to dig up the old work, as I know you've 
got other stuff going on.) 

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[tw5] Re: Macro to URI-Encode/Decode String Input?

2018-10-01 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
That's *exactly* it, Mark!  Thank you *SO* much for putting together the 
example tiddlers.  They demonstrate the idea perfectly, including the 
concept that was my stumbling block: how to pass my tiddler text through 
the available filter (*uriencode[]*) and use the output on the other side 
to assemble a mailto string.

My original post was made on the run and could have been a little clearer.  
Thanks to everyone for digging in and figuring out what I was after.

A little more background for anyone who's curious:  I have a <> 
macro that's pretty generic, but I'm sprucing it up to deploy in a 
TiddlyWiki where some of the body of the e-mail message will be assembled 
into a boilerplate message from values found in various fields around the 
TiddlyWiki but the user will be able to enter a personalized message that 
appears at the beginning of the body.  The idea is to have an e-mail 
something like:

Hi, $(recipient)$ —


Your package has shipped.

$(list of items)$
$(user's personalized message to the recipient)$

You can track this package online at the $(carrier)$ Web site.  Here's a 
$(tracking link)$

$(user's signature)$

The computer this will be used on has Microsoft Outlook as its email 
client, so once I assemble the body, I can uriencode it and pass it the 
<> macro.  Then all the TW user at the computer has to do to send 
an e-mail is enter the variables into some inputs in the default tiddler 
and click the mailto link.

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[tw5] Macro to URI-Encode/Decode String Input?

2018-09-26 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hi, all --

What's the TiddlyWay to URI-encode and URI-decode strings for use in macros?  I 
know there's a filter now that do some of that, but what I'd like is the 
ability to pass in a string via a macro and get back the URI-encoded version, 
which I could use to set variables to use in building a "mailto:; string.

For example, I have different tiddlers with different (short!) e-mail 
form-letter skeletons.  I want my macro to be able to grab the body of one, 
URI-encode it, and assemble a URL like:


Will I have to venture into the land of JavaScript modules for that?

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[tw5] Re: Link and Wikify the Title of a Modal(/Wizard/Lightbox)

2018-07-23 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
GMTA, as they say!  The trouble with editing the template used to create 
the modal is I can't tell that modals *have* a template.  All the magic 
seems to happen in *$:/core/modules/utils/dom/modal.js*.  [@ TiddlyWiki.com 

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[tw5] Re: Link and Wikify the Title of a Modal(/Wizard/Lightbox)

2018-07-23 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
TonyM!  (I've missed you guys.)

What I'm really looking for it a way to embed the link by default in the 
"template" used to build the modal display, so that *all* my modal windows 
can have a default link to open the tiddler (for editing/manipulaton) in 
the story river.  I'd like to be able to wrap the displayed title (drawn 
from the subtitle field of the tiddler displayed in the wizard or, if 
that's unavailable, from the title field) in *<$link>*  or add an *edit* 

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[tw5] Link and Wikify the Title of a Modal(/Wizard/Lightbox)

2018-07-22 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hi, all —

Long time, no speak!

I'm curious how to make the title (or subtitle, if it's set) of a 
modal/wizard/lightbox window link to itself.  This would be handy for quick 
access to the tiddler that supplies the contents of the modal window.  
Ideally, I'd like to wrap the subtitle (or title, which is the fallback) in 
`<$link>` — but it may be a tad more complicated than that.

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[tw] Re: TiddlyWiki Hangout #100 will be on Monday 2nd May 2016 at midday BST/UTC+1

2016-05-01 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Sadly, I'll miss you guys tomorrow — but I'll be dutifully using TiddlyWiki 
at work, in the spirit of the 100th Hangout!

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[tw] Re: TiddlyDesktop, multiple monitors and the wiki list window

2016-05-01 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hi, Andy —

I've encountered a similar problem myself.  I can still see TiddlyDesktop 
in my taskbar (in addition to the icon in the tray), but I can't "find" the 
window anywhere on my desktop.  What I've been doing is using Task Manager 
(or Process Explorer, which I prefer) to find TiddlyDesktop in the 
"Open/Running Applications" list and maximize its window (so I don't have 
to delete my config folder).

I made a quick screencast to show what I mean:


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Re: [tw] Re: [TW5] Nesting of Items in Ordered Lists

2016-04-30 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
On Saturday, April 30, 2016 at 5:21:01 PM UTC-4, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

> Any reason that styling was deliberately left out of TW5? 
> It’s more that it’s the default HTML/CSS styling; TW5 doesn’t generally 
> change defaults unless it’s functionally necessary.


I wasn't sure if it was a deliberate choice to make TW more transparent 
(and HTML-"bilingual") or just something that got left behind by mistake. 
 I could've seen it going either way — !  ;)

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Nesting of Items in Ordered Lists

2016-04-30 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Well, that's gloriously simple.  Thanks, Eric!

Any reason that styling was deliberately left out of TW5?

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[tw] [TW5] Nesting of Items in Ordered Lists

2016-04-29 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hmmm.  Does TW5 no longer support nested ordered lists, like TWC did?

For example, this:

#first item
##second item
###third item

... renders in TWC as:

1. first item
   a. second item
  i. third item

... but renders in TW5 as:

1. first item
1. second item
1. third item

Is that an unimplemented feature, or did it cause problems with the new 
core maybe?

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[tw] Re: Additional panes

2016-03-25 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hi, Tryign —

You may like substories, which allow you to open and close tiddlers 
"inside" a current tiddler.  They're great for opening content you need to 
read before getting back to reading the main tiddler content.


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[tw] Re: doesn't work, how to ignore syntax?

2016-02-29 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Good idea, BJ!

You could also leave off the pragma and just set the tiddler-type to 
text/plain.  That too would allow you to transclude it elsewhere without 

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Re: [tw] Re: [TW5] Button template

2016-02-28 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
H.  Is there a leading or trailing space in the dictionary tiddler 
causing problems?  Does the tooltip param have quotation marks that might 
be causing problems?

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[tw] Re: doesn't work, how to ignore syntax?

2016-02-28 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hi, Shay —

The only trick I know of is this one:

<$text text="""<$macrocall name="something" />''This'' is my //apparently// 
__wikified__text.""" />

You could write a macro that would make it a little easier, like so:

\define nowiki(text)
<$text text="""$text$""" />

... so that you could write this in tiddlers:

<''This'' is my //apparently// 

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[tw] Re: [TW5] How force evaluation to get a resulting string?

2016-02-28 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hi, Mat —

Tobias's setvars plugin may be able to come to your rescue here.  With it 
installed you could write something like this:

\define c() <$count filter="[prefix[New]]"/>

<$setvars _count=<> count="count">
<$action-setfield result=<> result2=<>/>

Setvars uses underscore-prefixed "attributes" to capture dynamic content 
and then sets "variables" using combinations of the specified attributes. 
 (You can also set variables directly if they're text strings, but I use it 
regularly to capture wikified output and set it as a variable to use in 
something that follows.)

Here, _count=<> gets the wikified output of your <> macrocall, and 
count="count" sets the variable count (which you refer to with macrocall 
<> within the scope of the current instance of <$setvars>) to be 
that text string.

You could also use <$setvars> to build out the entire <$action-setfield> 
widget string:

\define c() <$count filter="[prefix[New]]"/>

  button-action="""\<$action-setfield result="\ count \" result2="\ count \

The backslashes set off literal text in a variable declaration and spaces, 
so the variable button-action here is being built from literal strings and 
variables (well, one variable here: count).

You can get setvars here:

It's one of those plugins I sometimes think might be worth incorporating 
into the core, if only because I use it for virtually *everything*.

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Re: [tw] Re: [TW5] Button template

2016-02-28 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)

(Did you get a chance to check out my tab source button solution in the 
other thread?  
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/UAHlzJrZB5c/1aAswfeaHAAJ )

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[tw] [TW5] Navigator History and Substories

2016-02-28 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hi, all —

I've started leaving history out of my <$navigator> widget calls when creating 
substories .  It doesn't seem 
to deprive me of any functionality when it comes to substories and avoids 
the creation of a few extraneous tiddlers.  Assuming I don't plan on using 
storyview="pop" , is it O.K. to 
forego the creation of a history tiddler when defining a substory?

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Button template

2016-02-27 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Would it work to create a macro that could generate each button based on a 


\define format(button)
<$button message="tm-button" tooltip=<> 
aria-label=<> class=<>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/language/format/notify" $field="text" 
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-notify" 
<$list filter="[prefix[yes]]">


<$list filter="[prefix[yes]]">


... so that you could display the button with a macrocall like <>.


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Re: [tw] Re: Scripture tiddly wiki 5 examples

2016-02-26 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
On Friday, February 26, 2016 at 11:50:45 AM UTC-5, Marc wrote:

Is there a way to link to specific paragraphs in an individual tiddler so 
> that I could cross simply cross reference from one tiddler to a portion of 
> another.

As far as I know, TiddlyWiki5 doesn't support anchor tags like that.  :(

You could, perhaps, tranclude individual passages into "discussion" or 
"commentary" tiddlers, though.  E.g.,

These are some thoughts/notes on John the Baptist.  He shows up several 
times in the New Testament, like when Jesus is baptized:

>{{Matthew 3:13}}{{Matthew 3:14}}{{Matthew 3:15}}{{Matthew 3:16}}{{Matthew 3

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[tw] Re: Scripture tiddly wiki 5 examples

2016-02-26 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
On Friday, February 26, 2016 at 7:45:08 AM UTC-5, ben wrote:

> Relatively little grunting required, see:
> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/6H1xh8mjnMI/WC6s0H7ny4kJ

Awe-SOME.  I *knew* someone out there had to have tackled the heavy lifting 
(at least in part) before.  :)

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[tw] Re: Scripture tiddly wiki 5 examples

2016-02-26 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
HI, Marc —

I don't have anything to share, but I've often thought TiddlyWiki would 
make a great vessel for scripture, with its various atomic parts and 
different translations.  I keep hoping someone else will do the grunt work 
of putting all the text into a TiddlyWiki.  :)

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Updated Plugin: tobibeer/inc 0.5.2

2016-02-26 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
There were also some issues with the way the infopanel rendered when using 
inc with tabs:


(I posted a new comment over there with my own low-tech solution for 
navigating between tabsets and their constituent tiddlers.)

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Transcluded Menu Bar for Tiddlers in a Tabset? (Using /tobibeer/inc Plugin?)

2016-02-26 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
That took longer than I thought.  (Crazy day!)

See how you like this approach:


It doesn't have all the bells and whistles of the inc toolbar, but it does 
display a quick button pushed into the far-right tiddler margin that allows 
you to go to the source of a tab.  I don't have it packaged up as a plugin 
at the moment because I keep tinkering with it and partnering it up with 
other things — but if you install the first three tiddlers listed on that 
page, you'll have its component parts.

Be aware that I've modified $:/core/macros/tabs to include the "source 
button."  I'm trying to stay away from modifying core tiddlers where I can, 
but that was the best way to make this work.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Transcluded Menu Bar for Tiddlers in a Tabset? (Using /tobibeer/inc Plugin?)

2016-02-25 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Funny you should mention that, Andrew — !

I took a stab at modifying inc but ultimately decided the best solution for 
me was to write a simpler macro of my own and add it the core tabs macro to 
display a "go to" button in tabsets.  I've been pleased with it, but I 
*just* tore into it on Tuesday night to try to make it compatible with 
substories as well as tabs.  I'll take a look after dinner, see if I can 
clean it up, and post the tiddlers here later tonight.  :)

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[tw] Re: [TW5] How to use checkbox to add to list field

2016-02-23 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hmmm.  Looking further down the code, I see you're running into the same 
issue with the <$checkbox> widget, too.  You won't be able to run your 
<> and <> macros within the <$checkbox> widget.  (I learned 
this the hard way myself.) 

There may be a solution using just the core, but I don't know what it is. 
 I ran into a similar wall a while back, before I discovered <$setvars>, 
which I now use to build a lot of widget calls pseudodynamically.  Between 
that and feedback from Matabele, Jed, and Eric on my earlier thread, I came 
up with a solution something like this:


It uses the <$reveal> widget to display a "faux" checkbox that *appears* to 
be either checked or unchecked depending on whether the tiddler you're 
adding to the list has a certain tag (isTiddlerInFormatList) with a value 
set to yes.  "Checking" the box sets that field and adds the referenced 
tiddler to the list field of that FormatList tiddler.  "Unchecking" it 
empties the isTiddlerInFormatList field and removes the referenced tiddler 
from that list field.  (Tick the button on the test tiddler and check the 
fields on the other tiddlers to see how it works — and if that works out 
for your larger project.)

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[tw] Re: [TW5] How to use checkbox to add to list field

2016-02-23 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hi, Andrew —

I think the problem stems from trying to pass a variable ($(currentTiddler)$) 
into the <$action-listops> widget.

I'm not sure how to get around that using only core code — but if you 
install Tobias's setvars plugin ( 
http://tobibeer.github.io/tw5-plugins/#setvars ), you can use it to pull in 
the value of $(currentTiddler)$ and build a literal string that will work. 
 Like so:

\define add()
<$setvars _currentTiddler=$(currentTiddler)$ 
$tiddler="$:/plugin/ajh/format/list" $field="list" $subfilter="[[\ 
currentTiddler \]]" />\""">


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[tw] Re: [TW5] Plugins within Plugins, Shadows within Shadows

2016-02-21 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
In case anyone's curious, the short answer is:

*Plugins with plugins are problematic.*  A plugin embedded in another won't 
be loaded as a plugin and won't function as intended.  (Unless, of course, 
you open and save it after installing the parent plugin, "upgrading" the 
child plugin from shadow tiddler to a full-fledged tiddler.)

Also of note:

Tiddlers from the core are loaded before any user-created tiddlers 
(including those loaded from plugins), so you could indeed create a 
personal core of settings and core tiddler modifications or replacements 
that would override the default behaviors of a vanilla TiddlyWiki — as long 
as none of the tiddlers within that personal core were plugins themselves.

The $:/core itself has a plugin-priority field with a value set to 0.  At a 
glance, it looks like plugins with this value set are evaluated first, in 
ascending order of value, then plugins without a plugin-priority are 
evaluated.  So if you wanted to create a personal core to overwrite the TW 
core's functions without impacting any other plugins you might install, you 
should be able to do that by giving it a plugin-priority of 1.

A *better* solution than a personal core may be a personal plugin library — 
akin to what Jed and Tobias have created for their plugins.  In my case, 
I'd put the library online, and anyone who wanted to pull from it would be 
welcome to, but the real intent would be to make my customizations, 
settings and plugins available to *me*.  I'd create a small plugin pointing 
to my online plugin library; drag *that* into a new, empty TiddlyWiki; and 
then use it to import my collection of personal plugins (and other 
assorted, sundry tiddlers) from my online "TiddlyWarehouse."


Jeremy devoted some time to this notion (and the bigger, related notions of 
bundles and TWederation) in Hangout #98.

You can catch the relevant bits here:


... starting at 1:35:17 and continuing to 1:52:05.

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[tw] Re: Where can I find alternative colour / color palettes?

2016-02-19 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
I keep hoping to stumble across a treasure chest of palettes myself, Dave. 

One of the items on my "someday" list for TiddlyWiki is sitting down and 
making several based around some common background images I've been using. 
 I've also thought about going back to some of my favorite TiddlyWiki 
Classic themes and adapting a couple of color palettes from there.

Someday ... .

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Plugins within Plugins, Shadows within Shadows

2016-02-19 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
The way my TW5 use is shaping up, I think this is the best fit for me:

   - plugins composed of tiddlers designed for specific purposes (e.g., a 
   "to do" plugin containing my macros, buttons, lists, images, stylesheets, 
   and skeletons related to task management; a "bug reporting" plugin with its 
   own set of stylesheets, images, macros, skeletons, and buttons)
   - a "personal core" comprising the settings I apply in every new 
   TiddlyWiki and customizations I made to a handful of core shadows, as well 
   as universal macros, buttons, and skeletons I'd like to make available 
  - within this personal core, I'd like to include a couple of plugins:
 - plugins I've created for specific purposes that I'd like to make 
 available everywhere (for example, plugins that other items in my 
 core depend on)
 - setvars — you knew I was talking about setvars, didn't you, 
 Tobias? ;)  — on which so many of my buttons depend
I haven't sat down and tested this yet.  I'm wary of running into potential 
conflicts, but, off-hand, I think it will actually work.

I think I'd prefer to reserve bundles — which, as an aside, I am going to 
personally insist on calling "schools"! :P — for content tiddlers rather 
than system/operational/functional tiddlers.

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[tw] Re: Proposal: make list-before and list-after fields accept multiple titles

2016-02-19 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Perhaps the core could treat it as a fallback case?


   - if the value of "list-before" matches an item in the list field of 
   some tiddler somewhere, then TW handles "list-before" as it always has
   - but if it *doesn't*, TW makes a second pass, treating the contents of 
   "list-before" as a list and stopping when it finds a value that works for 
   its current context.

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[tw] [TW5] Plugins within Plugins, Shadows within Shadows

2016-02-18 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Anyone have any experience with turning plugins into shadow tiddlers within 
other plugins?

I'm considering binding all my essential customized system tiddlers up into 
a "personal core" that I can deploy easily to new TiddlyWikis — including a 
couple of plugins.  I may include a couple of plugins from other authors, 
as well (with appropriate notes that these may be out of day and anyone who 
comes across my "core" should look to the appropriate repositories for 

I'm curious if anyone else has done this.  Any pitfalls to watch out for 
when it comes to executing JavaScript plugins?  Any conflicts populating 
the TiddlyWiki with all those shadows within shadows?

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Re: [tw] [tw5] MS Edge Compatibility

2016-02-17 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
I can confirm it here, too.

At first, I thought it might be an issue with spaces in the _canonical_uri 
field, but Edge fails on images WITHOUT spaces, too.  It'll even fail if 
you enter the full path preceded by file:/// into the _canonical_uri field.

Edge is maddeningly finicky about local HTML files to begin with, but I'm 
surprised at this.

I thought it might be a security issue, but if I create a simple test.html 
file referencing the same image using , it renders. O.K.

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[tw] Re: Searching for a *link* to a tiddler

2016-02-15 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
On Monday, February 15, 2016 at 11:33:13 AM UTC-5, Shay Shaked wrote:

Where is this infopanel? Thanks!

I can't get a screenshot at the moment, but go to the toolbar buttons at 
the top of the tiddler and click the down arrow to display the dropdown of 
additional options.  The first item there should be "info," which will open 
the infopanel within the current tiddler.  It will have a row of tabs. 
 Switch to "References," and you'll be able to see what tiddlers link to 
the one you're currently viewing.

(I see you already took care of Hedwig, but — y'know, for posterity!  ;)  )

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[tw] Re: Missing Source tiddlers

2016-02-15 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
I've had entirely *too much* coffee this morning, so consider that as you 
try to read my reply.  :P

Assuming each tiddler will have one source, I'd recommend using a field. 
 Just create a field called "source" and fill it in with your references, 

Shulman, Eric.//TiddlyWiki: The Missing Manuals//.Page 41.

(Note that you can use wikitext and HTML in that field, including  for 
line breaks.)

If you want to display that source at the bottom of every tiddler, just 
create a new tiddler and name it something like 
$:/ShayShaked/ui/ViewTemplate/source.  Tag it $:/tags/ViewTemplate.  Put 
this in the body:

field="source" />

(You don't *need* the  bits, but you can use the  to format the 
source section and make it stand apart from the rest of your tiddler 

Here's the neat bit:  Now you can go to AdvancedSearch, switch to "Filter" 
tab and use this:


... to search for any tiddlers that have empty (or missing) source fields.

[You may also want to import Tobias Beer's "Search in Fields" tiddler 
(attached), which will allow you to search the actual *contents* of the 
"source" field.]

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Description: Binary data

[tw] Re: Searching for a *link* to a tiddler

2016-02-15 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
The "References" tab under the infopanel may help.  (Just select "info" 
from the Hedwig tiddler's dropdown menu.)

I'd probably still use the TW search to search for "TW" in tiddler text, 
too.  If nothing else, it might provide a clue as to what you were thinking 
when that tiddler got created an orphaned.  ;)

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Re: [tw] Re: accents and subscripts within a link

2016-02-15 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hi, Andrew —

You've probably noticed tiddlers can have custom fields.  You can add a 
field by filling in the "field name" and "field value" boxes at the bottom 
of a tiddler while in edit view and clicking the "add" button.

You could create a field named "caption" and give it a value of 5-HTB,,1B,,. 
 Now, in tables of contents and in tab titles, you'll see 5-HTB with the 1B 
displayed as a subscript.  If you like to the tiddler, you'll still use 
it's *name*, as typed into the name field, but most everywhere else in 
TiddlyWiki, you'll see it identified by the formatted name you entered in 
the "caption" field.

You can one step further by opening the shadow tiddler 
$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/title and editing this bit:

<$view field="title"/>

... to this:

<$transclude field="caption"><$view field="title"/>

That will make the tiddler *itself* (in view mode) show the "caption" value 
in its header, rather than it's *actual* (formatting-free) name.

You'll still see the tiddler's actual name in edit mode, and you'll need to 
link to it and refer to it by its actual name — but everywhere it's listed 
or shown, you'll see the formatted version of its name from the "caption" 

It's a pretty handy feature!  :)

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[tw] Re: How to delete a tiddler without opening it?

2016-02-09 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Wow.  That works, Eric!

Though I don't quite understand the *how* of it.

"If the value is empty or not set, the iframe's content will not execute 
JavaScript and won't allow top-level navigation."

By that reasoning shouldn't framebusters generally be kinda impotent?  I 
don't think many developers declare the sandbox attribute, but I still see 
plenty of framebusters doing their job.

In TiddlyWiki's case, I'd have expected the "You have unsaved changes. Are 
you sure you want to leave/reload this page?" popup dialogue to stand 
between the iframed page and its takeover of the browser tab.  (If that's 
the case, Ed, you may have yet another trick to deal with this in the 
future:  Edit a tiddler without saving, *then* open the problematic 
tiddler, dismiss the dialogue box, and edit the problematic tiddler.)

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[tw] Re: How to delete a tiddler without opening it?

2016-02-08 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hi, Ed —

If all else fails, you can open your TiddlyWiki file in a text editor 
(Notepad, WordPad, or TextEdit) and edit the HTML directly.

Before you do, be sure to make a backup of the file, just in case you 
delete more (or less) than you intend to on the first pass.

Individual tiddlers look something like this:


Delete from , save the file, and reload your TiddlyWiki. 
 That should get rid of the offending tiddler.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Moving Bookmarks from the Browser to TiddlyWiki: Smallest Format of Tiddler Store?

2016-02-07 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
On Sunday, February 7, 2016 at 2:49:42 AM UTC-5, Hegart Dmishiv wrote:

We've just done this exercise on the {{DesignWrite}} course, converting CSV 
> to JSON and bulk importing tiddlers like that. Have a look at my exercise 
> tiddler 
> ,
> and the link to the courseware 
> .

Awesome!  I knew I was missing out by not following {{DesignWrite}}, but I 
didn't want to jump in without being able to commit the time.
Your examples look right up the alley of what I was thinking.  Maybe I'll 
give this a go the coming week and see how it works out.  (It would be just 
as easy to turn the HTML export into CSV or JSON as a stripped-down HTML 
store, after all.)

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Moving Bookmarks from the Browser to TiddlyWiki: Smallest Format of Tiddler Store?

2016-02-07 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hi, BJ —

On Sunday, February 7, 2016 at 8:05:25 AM UTC-5, BJ wrote:

ff lets you backup your bookmarks as json - from this you could write some 
> js to extract the bookmarks to tiddlers, but how are you going to organise 
> 6k tiddlers?

That's the big question — but fortunately TiddlyWiki offers no shortage of 
organizational options and tools.  :)

Maxthon  is my current browser of choice, and 
while it's always handled my large collection of bookmarks with aplomb, 
current development has moved it in a direction that's unfriendly to large 
bookmarks files.  :(  I should, however, be able to create a sidebar plugin 
for the browser that will allow me to display a TiddlyWiki in mobile mode 
in the browser's left-hand sidebar — effectively replacing the native 
Favorites Sidebar.  Some judicious editing of TiddlyWiki's sidebar could 
leave me with a TW that displays a search box at the top and a 
table-of-contents tree (mirroring the browser's bookmarks' folder 
structure) below that, with my search results being displayed (way) down 
below the tree, allowing me to navigate bookmarks pretty handily.

I'm thinking each bookmark will have its own tiddler and (occasionally) 
notes, and they'll be tagged (and sometimes given additional custom fields) 
in a way that will allow me to sort and display them multidimensionally — 
something I've never been able to do in a browser's bookmark manager.  For 
example, I might bookmark threads here in the Google Group and give them a 
field, *type*, with values like "bug," "suggestion," "help," or "concept."

With Maxthon in flux right now, the sidebar implementation is a "someday" 
consideration for the moment.  By the time I get there, the way the 
browser's plugins may have changed dramatically, so for now I'm just going 
to experiment with getting a good organizational scheme.  I can play around 
with the mobile display and viewing it through the browser sidebar later on.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Template Transclusion Within <$List> Macro

2016-02-07 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
*Those* bits I grok ;) — and they're definitely worth spelling out for 

This thread has turned into one of the best concepts documents on widgets 
vs. macros in the Tiddlysphere.  Maybe my present clarity is more a result 
of having spent some time using them than just reading about them, but I 
suspect the core documentation could use some of what's laid out here — 
especially your compare/contrast bullet list and the newbie's guide to 

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Re: [tw] Re: Passing a value with spaces into a macro

2016-02-06 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hi, David —

I highly recommend Tobias's setvars plugin.  It's gotten me through several 
similar situations where I needed to evaluate or wikify field contents for 
use in a macro.

As long as you're passing in a transclusion string (e.g., {{!!faction}}), 
you can use this sort of sytnax:

\define macro(param)
<$setvars _myparam=$param$ myparam="myparam">
Do something cool with <>


... and <$setvars> will fetch the contents of the field (faction) into 
_myparam attribute, then create a variable, myparam, that you can use 
throughout rest of the macro (up until you hit ).  If you field 
contains spaces, they'll be bound up as a single unit in the myparam value 
your macro uses to work its magic.

Tobias pointed me to it when I was trying to set "fallback" values for some 
of my macros.  You may be interested in the three tiddlers here:


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[tw] Re: [TW5] Missing WikiText Solutions

2016-02-06 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Thanks for chiming in, Mario.  Sorry I didn't get a chance to respond the 
other day, but here's what I'm thinking:

On Thursday, February 4, 2016 at 9:11:57 AM UTC-5, PMario wrote:

Didn't you see my proposal, using: ---space which works perfectly fine and 
> seems to be consistent too.

It's *definitely* a good workaround, as is the idea of a custom .  
The inconsistency isn't slowing me *personally* down in my use of 
TiddlyWiki; I just think it's worth discussing whether the reuse of the 
string *---* to accomplish two wholly different aims in TiddlyWiki (*—* and 
**) adds an unnecessary layer of potential confusion for new users. 
 It seems like a very manageable, though completely unnecessary, quirk of 
TW's wikitext.

> If I read the dash wikipedia page at: see: 
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dash, I have to say: "You are using it 
> wrong". ... The mdash is not meant to be used as a short . So why 
> change the TW syntax to add an edge case, as default behaviour. 

I'd argue the replacement syntax I'm suggesting is *logically better*, with 
*---* wikified uniformly regardless of the context in which it's used.

While its true the m-dash isn't intended as a demarcator, we can reasonable 
expect end users to engage some non-standard behavior.  Programmers use all 
sorts of punctuation marks "wrong," for example.  ;)

I see two opportunities for consensus or disagreement here:

   1. Whether using two different strings (*---* and **) as wikitext 
   shorthand for *—* and ** is better than using one string (*---*) 
   dependent on context (on its own line or not).
  - I'm a firm *yes* on this one.  If Jeremy were only now sussing out 
  the spec for TW wikitext, I could campaign on this point with no 
  hesitation.  (I hate I missed the chance earlier in TW5's development.)
   2. Whether it's worth risking backward-compatibility problems at this 
   late date to refactor the existing behavior of *---* in TW's wikitext.
  - I reside comfortably in *maybe* territory here, weighing the 
  potential confusion and surprise of future users against the expectations 
  and existing use cases of current users.  (My gut feeling is that the 
  discrepancy *will* cause confusion for future users, while I'm 
  uncertain how vested current users are in the current syntax.)
It's possible we disagree on point #1, but I suspect the bulk of my 
disagreement with others rests on the thornier point #2.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Template Transclusion Within <$List> Macro

2016-02-06 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Thanks for the *excellent* rundown on the conceptual differences, Tobias!

When the *concepts* are confusing, I'm trying to remember to look to the 
*syntax* as a kind of cheat sheet, also:

   - If its longhand form is <$something ... />, it's a *widget*.
   - If its longhand form is <$macrocall $name="something" ... />, it's a 
   - If it can be written in the shorthand <>, it's a *macro*

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[tw] Re: Reversing the order of a tc-table-of-contents

2016-02-06 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
On Sunday, February 7, 2016 at 1:41:58 AM UTC-5, Hegart Dmishiv wrote:

Any ideas how to achieve this simply, preferably without having to install 
> any additional plugins?

Hi, Hegart —

You can pass a "sort" parameter into the TOC macros, so this ought to do 
the trick:


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[tw] [TW5] Moving Bookmarks from the Browser to TiddlyWiki: Smallest Format of Tiddler Store?

2016-02-06 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
My favorite browser is undergoing some renovations that leave it struggling 
to manage my massive collection of bookmarks from the last 20 years.  That 
makes me think this could be a good time to experiment with managing 
bookmarks in a TiddlyWiki rather than through the browser.

I can export my bookmarks to an HTML file, which I should then be able to 
carve up into "proto-tiddlers" for import into TiddlyWiki.

The question is:  What's the best format for a file filled with ~6,000 
"proto-tiddlers"?  I don't want to generate 6,000 individual .tid files, 
and .multitids don't seem right for what I'm doing.  Do I need to wrap 
individual tiddlers in the core code in order to make my makeshift HTML 
file importable?

Could I just generate an HTML file with ~6,000 lines of:


... if I'm not planning on having tiddler body text in the bookmarks I 

There's probably an easier, obvious formatting style I'm overlooking.  Any 
done anything like this and learned anything useful?

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[tw] Re: [TWC] How to add space in front of sentence

2016-02-03 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hi, Emil —

You could use triple braces on their own lines to set off text as if it 
were code:

  Like this.
  With literal spaces at the beginning of lines.

This will display the text in a monospace font in an offset, colored box. 
 Behind the scenes, it's the HTML equivalent of invoking the style  
around your text.

Other than that, I think you may have to fall back on writing out spaces in 
HTML as  to make sure they show up as you like — or, as Hegart 
suggested, creating your own custom styles, which would probably work 
better.  To do that, just add something like this to the tiddler StyleSheet:


Then you can wrap your text in that custom style like so:

Like this.
You won't type the literal spacing at the beginning of the line, but all 
this text will be indented five pixels.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Template Transclusion Within <$List> Macro

2016-01-31 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Sweet!  And no macro to remember (though I do have to remember to include 
the somewhat extraneous-seeming variable).

> <$list filter="[get[those_buttons]]" variable="button">
> <$transclude tiddler=

I had a test case/demo I hadn't gotten around to sharing, but it's here in 
case anyone comes through and wants to see — now updated with the solution:



This is *NOT* a bug — right?  Just an edge case where how parameters get 
wikified plays a bigger role.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Template Transclusion Within <$List> Macro

2016-01-31 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
On Sunday, January 31, 2016 at 1:25:50 AM UTC-5, Eric Shulman wrote:

Have you tried:
> \define trans() {{||$(x)$}}
> <$list filter="[my[filter]]" variable="x"><>
> * using variable="x" prevents the $list widget from changing the current 
> tiddler context.
> * the trans() macro assembles the transclusion syntax using the current 
> value of "x"

I had hoped to avoid macros altogether (one less thing to remember about an 
exceptional case if I transclude newhere buttons from time to time in the 
future) — but that's a dead-brilliant workaround.  I *had* considered using 
Tobias's <$setvars> to build newhere buttons on the fly in a macro, but 
your answer is *so much* more elegant.


> Note: I thought that the <$transclude> widget had params for both 
> tiddler="..." and template="...", so that template transclusion using 
> variable params could be done without needing a macro to assemble the 
> {{tiddler||template}} syntax... but it doesn't seem to be the case.

There doesn't seem to be a "template" parameter — although it seems to have 
been proposed a few times, given the number of times it crops up in the 
archives of this Group.

According to TiddlyWiki.com 
 (and the thread here 
I'd expect you to be able to use:

<$tiddler tiddler=<> ><$transclude tiddler="MyButton" 

... as the long-form version of {{||MyButton}}.

That works if you write it into a tiddler on its own, so perhaps there's 
something about <$list> widget that throws a spanner into <$tiddler>?

Maybe this is a bug that merits a GitHub ticket?

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Template Transclusion Within <$List> Macro

2016-01-31 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
On Sunday, January 31, 2016 at 6:32:52 PM UTC-5, Tobias Beer wrote:

By the way Scott,
> Pplease pay attention to the terms (perhaps revisit the docs)
> *<$list>* and *<$setvars/>* are widgets, not macros. :-)

Thanks!  A trip back to the documentation now that I've had more time to 
knock about certainly couldn't hurt.

I've struggled to grok the concept of widgets, and my current conception 
(perhaps wrong) is that they're elements of the TiddlyWiki that have 
children.  I misidentify them as macros from time to time, I suppose, but I 
think of macros as having their own child elements — but maybe that's an 
optical illusion caused by me looking at the components of macros in 
tiddlers and forgetting that macrocalls are a terminal node in the 
widget-tree (the last tips of the branches, so to speak) even if they do 
reference other parts of the tree.

I'll keep wrestling with it.  In the meantime I've cleaned up this thread 
so I don't infect anyone else with my confusion.  :P

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Transcluded Menu Bar for Tiddlers in a Tabset? (Using /tobibeer/inc Plugin?)

2016-01-31 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hi, Tobias —

I hadn't realized it until last night, but there are some other 
complications from the modified $:/core/macros/tabs.  These crop up in the 
info panel:

   - Only the most basic fields (caption, tag, and title) get listed under 
   fields.  (Look at a plugin tiddler for comparison.)
   - Tagging, References, List, and Listed all show as empty (even if 
   they're not for the current tiddler).
   - Advanced displays information about $:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Advanced 
   rather than the current tiddler.

I haven't dug in hard, but I wonder if it might be possible to restrict the 
effects to effects our tab wizardry to .tc-tiddler-body and thus sidestep 
the issue.  (That would mean no more hover menus in the sidebar, but 
perhaps that's a good thing.  Certainly the way I've been nesting tabs to 
create complex sidebar menus, I'd considered trying to make that limitation 
myself.  But such a modification might prevent the hover menus from 
scrambling up the info panel, too.)

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[tw] Re: List continue formatting

2016-01-30 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
On Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at 11:41:21 AM UTC-5, Jake Dulivitch wrote:

As I'm recommending Tiddlywiki for people that are not familiar with any 
> coding, I was hoping to use only wikitext notation,
> however using html, obviously, won't be a problem.
Hi, Jake —

If you want to avoid HTML tags, triple quotes will do the trick, too:

#This is list item 1.
#"""This is list item 2.

It goes on a ways.
As you can see.

On multiple lines, even."""
#And this is list item 3.


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[tw] Re: [TW5] Tabs Macro - alt names for tabs

2016-01-30 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
On Thursday, January 28, 2016 at 3:37:19 PM UTC-5, Hegart Dmishiv wrote:

Nice to see someone else came up with the same solution I did, Scott

"GMTA," as they say.  ;)

> I see in your macro, line 7 contains your *caption_alt* field. Very cool. 
> Is there any advantage of one method over the other, of using a shadow 
> tiddler versus copying the core macro contents to a whole new macro as we 
> did?

Well, the existing macro *is* a shadow tiddler, so if we changed and saved 
it, we'd effectively "overwrite" the shadow, leaving our TiddlyWiki with 
only the new <$tabs> macro we just created.  I decided to clone the core 
macro and give it a new name so that the basic <$tabs> from the core would 
still be available.  That way, if <$tabs> gets major updates in the core 
somewhere down the line, I'll be able to see them in my regular tabsets — 
and adjust my home-baked <$tabs-altCaptions> macro accordingly.

Best of both worlds, in my opinion!  ;)

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[tw] [TW5] Template Transclusion Within <$List> Macro

2016-01-30 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
I have some newhere buttons I'd like to transclude into different tiddlers. 
 Naturally, I want them to behave as if currentTiddler is the including 
tiddler, not the tiddler where the button lives.  (For example, I want to 
assign the tags of the tiddler from which the button is clicked, not the 
tags of the tiddler where the button is defined.)

Rather than resorting to macros, I'm know I can invoke those buttons with 
template transclusion (e.g, {{||MyButton}}).

But how can I use template transclusion within the <$list> macro?

This doesn't seem to work:

<$list filter="[my[filter]]"><$tiddler><$transclude />

Nor does this:

<$list filter="[my[filter]]"><$tiddler tiddler=<> 
><$transclude />

Nor this:

<$list filter="[my[filter]]"><$transclude tiddler=<> 

Well — they work in that the button is transcluded, but it fails to treat 
the including tiddler as currentTiddler, instead defaulting to the tiddler 
where the button is defined.

Is this a limitation I've stumbled up to, or (more likely) am I just 
missing an obvious syntactical solution?

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[tw] Re: [TWC] Need help with changing default preferences

2016-01-28 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hi, Emil —

Welcome to TiddlyWiki!

Are you using TiddlyWiki Classic or TiddlyWiki5?  I see you prefaced your 
post with [TWC], which usually means you're asking about TiddlyWiki Classic 
(the versions of TiddlyWiki released before 2014) and prompts me to ask 
whether there's any particular reason you're using the older version.  New 
users generally like to start with the current series of TiddlyWiki, called 
"TiddlyWiki5" (or "[TW5]" in the Google Group here).  Unless there's an old 
plugin or feature you really need, I'd recommend heading over to 
TiddlyWiki.com  and getting the latest version 
of TW5.

In TWC, just create a new tiddler named DefaultTiddlers.  Inside that 
tiddler, you can list whichever tiddlers you want displayed on startup, one 
per line (wrapping any that have spaces in the titles [[in double brackets 
like so]])

In TW5, all you have to do to change the tiddlers displayed on startup is 
edit the field "Default tiddlers" in the GettingStarted tiddler.  You can 
get to that same setting from the Control Panel (gear icon in the right 
sidebar), too.

In both cases, I'm not sure you'd want to list *ALL* your tiddlers in the 
main content area ("the river"), especially if you're creating new tiddlers 
regularly (as you would in note-taking).  You may find that the sidebar 
offers better options for navigating your content as your number of 
tiddlers grows.

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[tw] Re: [TWC] Need help with changing default preferences

2016-01-28 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
On Thursday, January 28, 2016 at 12:02:37 PM UTC-5, Emil Dilov wrote:

I am using tiddlywiki classic because i like its functionality better than 
> the new one, but i am still experimenting. Your suggestion worked. Thanks.


I'm working diligently to make the leap from TWC to TW5 myself, having put 
it off last year.  The great thing about Classic is that you're standing on 
the shoulders of giants in terms of the years of plugin development and 
customizations people created — but given that the new development is 
happening with TW5, I'd definitely encourage you to keep an eye on it and 
perhaps keep a TW5 file around for basic tasks that don't require the more 
rarefied uses you rely on TWC for.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Tabs Macro - alt names for tabs

2016-01-28 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Hi, Hegart —

I have a similar situation to yours.  I use certain tiddlers as tab 
contents in different places; in some places, I want to the tab to have one 
name, and in others I want it to have another name.

So I cloned the tabs macro shadow tiddler and created the 
<$tabs-altCaptions> macro.  I just give my tiddlers an additional field 
(caption_alt) and, when I want to create a set of tabs using that field for 
tab titles, invoke:


rather than the core macro <>.

Inelegant perhaps, but it does the trick!

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[tw] Re: TiddlyWiki Hangout #96 will be on Thursday 28th January at 3pm GMT/UTC

2016-01-28 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
Under the heading of making TW more Finnish, I'd like to push a pet topic 
of mine — a "last pass" over TW's basic wikitext to address whether it's 
indeed complete and whether it could bear the weight of some minor 
late-in-the-game revisions:



On Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at 8:18:04 PM UTC-5, David Gifford wrote:

I was afraid he meant fine-ish. As in more or less fine. Good-ish. 
> TiddlyWiki needs to be more than fine-ish. It needs to be very fine!

Most of my TiddlyWikis are Near Mint, but I have some that show signs of 
wear, like slight discoloration around the widgets or loose binding in the 
dictionary tiddlers.  ;)

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Mat just sent the first mesages ever using the TWederation network

2016-01-25 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
"Mr. Carty, come here.  I want to read your tiddlers."


Exciting stuff, guys.  Congratulations!

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Removing Tags Inherited from Skeleton When Creating New Tiddler from Button

2016-01-25 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
You are a champ!  I hadn't intended to send you off with more work to do — 
just put a couple of bugs in your ear — but it *does *make a pretty sweet 
package.  ;)

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Missing WikiText Solutions

2016-01-25 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
On Monday, January 25, 2016 at 9:03:59 AM UTC-5, PMario wrote:

> This can be a feature request with a github issue. ... but you need to be 
> aware, that it will result in a backwards incompatible change. ... So it 
> will be very hard to convince Jeremy.
> There have been some discussions as the rules where implemented. 
> https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues?q=is%3Aissue+mdash+is%3Aclosed

Backward-compatibility *IS* a real consideration.

Still — I can't help wondering if it's much more of a consideration than my 
syntactical hangup about --- having two different meanings.  *ARE* there 
that many existing TiddlyWikis out there with three-hyphen s that 
would suddenly become m-dashes?  (I have no idea, but maybe folks will show 
up testifying to how much of a pain it would be for their TWs.)  The 
worst-case scenario seems to be limited inconvenience, with the long-term 
result that TiddlyWiki would have exclusive syntax for  (**) and 
for — (*---*).

The upgrader might even be able to handle a replacement as simple as *^-{3}*
$ *=>* ** as part of the upgrade process.  (Of course, suggesting that 
could be throwing wide the doors to all sorts of user-code cleanup Jeremy 
wants no truck with.)

Food for thought, certainly.  I definitely appreciated your insights in the 
GitHub threads you linked to, Mario.  (Thanks!)

I remember some of the early discussions about strikethrough, but I 
wandered off for a long while and missed *--* and *---* being incorporated 
(and parsed better in TW5 than they had been in TWC).  I bring it up here, 
in part, because I feel a little guilty for missing the chance to fight for 
the oddball outlying use case of *---* on its own line back when the new 
wikitext syntax was taking shape.

(Wasn't there a suggestion at one point to use some number of *=* 
characters to build an ?  Or am I misremembering that?  It could be 
that was suggested as a possible strikethrough syntax at some point.)

On Monday, January 25, 2016 at 10:48:27 AM UTC-5, Tobias Beer wrote:
> Hi Scott,
>> Am I the only one who runs across this issue?  :) 
> Quite possibly. ;-)

Wouldn't be the first time!  :-D

I realize I probably sound a tad crazy fretting over this one, and I very 
much appreciate the feedback.  I'd love to hear from others who've tripped 
over the current syntax or whose TWs would take a hit from making such a 
nitpicky change this late in the game.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Removing Tags Inherited from Skeleton When Creating New Tiddler from Button

2016-01-25 Thread Scott Simmons (Secret-HQ)
You are a mad genius, William.  If you and Tobias didn't have day jobs, one 
of you would surely rule the world by now.

Thanks for making me think about this a little more.  Looking with fresh 
eyes, I can see other alternative approaches available, depending on how 
far I want to stray from the out-of-the-box basics.  For example, I could:

   1. Use text in <$action-sendmessage> to pull in *just *the text of my 
   skeleton tiddler and set any fields with %fieldname%="value"; or
   2. *(haven't actually tried this one)* create and save a temp tiddler, 
   use *it *as a skeleton to create the final tiddler (removing any 
   undesirable tags), and then delete the temp tiddler.
I'm not sure if the second strategy would work within a button or not.  But 
you should be able to write a macro to do each of those three things in 
turn and then invoke that macro with a button.  Might be fun to try, but 
you'd essentially be duplicating the functions of your <$action-maketid> 
widget with a far clunkier strategy (which would involve lots of reasonably 
complicated custom macros instead of installing one new widget).

A couple of questions:

Does <$action-maketid> incorporate Tobias's [make[]] filter, or do I need 
to make sure I have that plugin installed for <$action-maketid> to work?

Playing around with <$action-maketids>, I think I may bundle it up as a 
plugin for my personal use (and for ease of transport between TWs).  I 
think I'll change $template to $skeleton to keep consistent with my 
understanding of TW's current nomenclature (where templates and skeletons 
are different concepts).  Any advice or warnings on that front?

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