[tw] Optional multiple tag fields (@Jeremy)

2013-05-17 Thread Mat
In a prevous 
I proposed the idea with optional multiple tag fields for TW5 and Jeremy 

Interesting. It sounds as though you are envisaging multiple fields on a 
 tiddler each with the behaviour of the existing 'tags' field, and the 
 ability to specify which tags field is used for a given operation. I think 
 that's possible but I'd be keen to make sure that I understand your 
 intended use cases better: can you give me a few examples of operations 
 that would be easier to accomplish with this feature?

Ok, this has been an effort to write and I fear it'll be an effort to read 
but perhaps amusing. My problem is that I'm not a programmer so I'm 
probably using wrong terminology and have quite possibly misunderstood a 
thing or two about how TW is built up. However, I bring the perspective of 
an experienced TW user who has enjoyed but struggled with TW for a few 
years now. Maybe I (and surely many others here) can be seen as a link 
between you TW wizards and average Joes who justs want a good insert 
purpose of TW but who gets scared off when he realizes that TW without 
coding barely is possible and that he really is dependent on the generosity 
of the board members explaining stuff all the time. So, the central theme 
of my post here is about simplifying things for average Joe, one concept 
being the suggestion for optional multiple tag fields / tag categories.

So, operation where optional multiple tag fields would simplify. For sake 
of explanation we have a TW on Tolkien stuff. Tiddler Frodo can have tags 
like the following: ring bearer, hobbit, protagonist, Elijah Woods, 
The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, @Jeremy, and N more tags 
- i.e any association the author (or a group of people!) considers relevant.

Thus, tags are plenty, sprawly and arbitrary - though all quite relevant 
and realistic.

Example operation: Transclude the book titles. They are indeed among the 
tags but to get that info out you need to seek up which of the tags that in 
turn are tagged, say, book. Perhaps not difficult for a coder like 
yourself but I think few non-coders would know what to do. Multiple tag 
categories would in this example omit the need to search all together 
(assuming tiddler Frodo has tagcategory books). The search was replaced 
by (optional) manual work at the time of adding the tags (or later). Note 
also that there need be no actual book tiddlers for this in contrast to 
current solution that requires book tiddlers tagged 'book'.

More complex and general problem (still quite realistic): List all 
characters of books (ie characters tagged with book names). Each bookname 
is tagged 'book'. You pretty much have to be a programmer to solve this. A 
merely experienced user might use fET, but if the number of books are 
arbitrary (i.e can't be hard coded) this case is actually not possible to 
solve with fET without adding special code. With tag category book in 
each character tiddler, a transclusion would be simple.

While you asked specifically for operations that simplify and the above 
are only one or two examples, the following are mostly not operations but I 
belive they do illustrate situations where (optional) multiple tag fields 
are beneficial for non-coders:

Using many(!) tags is problematic in current TW and problems increase with 
the number of tags. But if TW is to fit around your brain then just like 
some subjects in your brain has many associations, so do some tiddlers 
require many tags. It is a limitation to feel that I'd better not. One 
specific problem is (was?) slowness as a consequence of many tags, 
especially for various searches that have to scan all tiddlers and all 
tags. Categories of tags could maybe smoothen this. 

Further, regular databases often have many, many attributes and values. Not 
incidentally, the user friendly way to add an item in a database is 
typically a form(!). A tiddler with (optional) tag categories would not be 
all unlike a form with attributes and values. I'm not sure pure programmers 
are fond of forms but it is not a coincidence that many user friendly 
databases has this view for adding and presenting information.

It's even more problematic with plenty *and *sprawly tags. Eg Tobias TagSearch 
plugin http://tobibeer.tiddlyspace.com/#TagSearch shows such a 'sprawl' 
and how categorization solves it. Prio tags here and task tags over there. 
Not to mention public tags for visitors here and private tags there...

...and optional tag category fields would 'operationally' open up for 
commands in eg viewtemplate to don't display tag field named 'unofficial'. 
Currently you must tag each individual unofficial tag with excludeLists 
(wich also forces you to turn mere tags into tiddlers). But excludeLists is 
a specific example. Operations can be of any type on category fields.

Apropo that tagging tags forces you to turn them into tiddlers; when 

Re: [tw] Optional multiple tag fields (@Jeremy)

2013-05-17 Thread Eric Weir

On May 17, 2013, at 8:05 AM, Mat wrote:

 So, operation where optional multiple tag fields would simplify. For sake of 
 explanation we have a TW on Tolkien stuff. Tiddler Frodo can have tags like 
 the following: ring bearer, hobbit, protagonist, Elijah Woods, The 
 Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, @Jeremy, and N more tags - i.e 
 any association the author (or a group of people!) considers relevant.
 Thus, tags are plenty, sprawly and arbitrary - though all quite relevant and 
 Using many(!) tags is problematic in current TW and problems increase with 
 the number of tags. But if TW is to fit around your brain then just like 
 some subjects in your brain has many associations, so do some tiddlers 
 require many tags. It is a limitation to feel that I'd better not. One 
 specific problem is (was?) slowness as a consequence of many tags, especially 
 for various searches that have to scan all tiddlers and all tags. Categories 
 of tags could maybe smoothen this. 

I may be off-base here---my immediate reaction when I started reading was to 
say what I'm going to say, but I kept thinking, We'll maybe he'll eventually 
get to something that that would not be relevant to---but tags are not magic. 
Tags don't organize things. Human beings organize things. And they have to 
organize tags, too. I'm suspecting---and I don't mean to give offense here, 
just guessing at what's going on---that you're not putting much thought into 
your tagging---into developing a tagging *system.* 

To precisely that end I have found taggly tagging to be *extremely* helpful. As 
you may know, in taggly tagging, since all tags are tiddlers anyway, tags can 
be tagged, too. That allows you to put your tags into a hierarchical structure. 
Which I suspect would in time take care of the problem you're experiencing, 
which, for all the words you put into describing it, I take to be simply the 
problem of many tags.

I have found the combination of tw and tt *extremely* helpful in organizing my 
thinking about what I can assure you are extremely complicated subjects. The 
really cool thing is that you do not have to have your structure set up in 
advance. It can evolve as your thinking evolves. So you just start with 
whatever categories seem most appropriate initially. As your understanding of 
the subject develops, the tags you started with are likely to come to seem 
inadequate. Of course you will need additional tags, but some early ones may 
need to be revised. And tags can be edited! Maybe some will need to be renamed. 
Or maybe several can be grouped together under a common tag. As you continue 
the tagging structure will get clearer and your use of tags more 
discriminating. But it can continue evolving indefinitely. 

I use the tw treeview blackicity tw developed by Morris Gray. I think I added 
tt to it. With it I have four ways to locate a tiddler---by tags, in the tree 
structure---which is itself a graphical representation of the tagging 
structure---in the time line and/or alphabetical list in the right hand column, 
or by searching. And as in a standard tw, an open tag tiddler will display a 
list of all the tiddlers tagged with the tag. Lots of ways to find tiddlers. 
Lots of ways represent the structure of your tags. Lots of support for thinking 
about complex topics. 

Again, I may have misunderstood your problem completely. I hope not and I hope 
this helps. [Maybe *it* will just confuse you more.]

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA

The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are 
full of doubts while the stupid ones are full of confidence.  

- Charles Bukowski 

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Re: [tw] Optional multiple tag fields (@Jeremy)

2013-05-17 Thread Eric Weir

On May 17, 2013, at 3:10 PM, Mat wrote:

 Tagglytagging and treeview - I love them both and do use them extensively. 
 They are key 'features' in most of my TW's.

Glad to hear you have found them useful, too, Mat.

 And I fully agree with your starting comment that human beings organize 
 things [not tags] and that my proposal would (optionally) force thought into 
 tagging. But while taggly and treeview do organize tags, they don't address 
 the the issues that I bring up which is more about managing tags and, 
 particularly, not being forced to learn code operations to do this.

This is an area in which I think taste and work habits may enter, not 
inappropriately, into our judgments about what makes for efficiency in 
software. I personally find taggly tagging sufficient for managing tags, but 
then managing tags may mean something different to me than it does to you.

 My overall hope is that TW would be easier to user for laymen (non-coders). 
 Not everyone is a layman, especially not here, which is why I suggest this as 
 an optional feature.

That was one part of your post that I didn't comment on---tw's unfriendliness 
to non-coding users. I am fortunate that I got a lot of help from the coders 
here and gradually developed a tw setup that suits most of my needs very 
efficiently. But I must have had tw for a couple years before I even began to 
get a faint clue about how I make meaningful use of it, and it was quite a 
while, and took a lot of then-patient hand-holding, for me to get to a place 
where it was actually useful. 

TW is extremely versatile, and for that reason very powerful. But for that 
reason exploiting any of its seemingly innumerable capabilities can require 
more than a little skill. So some of the difficulty for non-coders is inherent. 
But it could be a lot easier than it is. In fact, there has been almost no 
effort to develop the kind of documentation that could help non-coding users 
get to a level modest competence with tw.

 BTW, do you have any thoughts on the closely related issue I describe? Ie 
 that tags could be field arrays instead so that you don't have to deal with 
 several concepts and learn specific operations for them?

No I don't. My immediate reaction is that field arrays sounds kind of 
databasey, and I have never thought databases might be helpful in the way I 
described tw with tt being helpful to me. Rather than allowing structure to 
evolve organically with one's thinking about a subject, as I understand them 
databases pretty much require you to have the structure in place before you 
start using them.

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA

You keep on learning and learning, and pretty soon
 you learn something no one has learned before. 

- Richard Feynman

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