[jakarta-tomcat-connectors] util has been updated ...

2001-05-29 Thread kevin seguin

with the latest code from tomcat 3.3.

you didn't see the commit mail message, 'cause it was too big :)

Problems With multi part Request

2001-05-29 Thread Anil

I have this problem uploading files to the Server using a mulitpart Request
I tried this code to print the Request streams to the Output in my JSP Prog

java.io.InputStream inst = request.getInputStream();
int inm;
while( (inm = inst.read())-1){
out.write((char) inm);

When I upload a txt file the Server receives the full file and prints it to
the response printwriter. But When I upload non ASCII data. Like
Images(gif/jpeg) the Stream just gets cut off just on the first character of
the uploaded file (All param like the filename and content type reaches but
any data after the file contents is discarded) . It seems that the Server is
not accepting these binary data.

The Code Worked well when I was using Tomcat standalone but now I am having
problems when it is running alongside apache.

Is there Some changes I have to do on Apache or Tomcat to start receiving
the uploaded Files

Kindly lead me to the light,

Warmest Regards,
Anil Oommen

RE: [PATCH] for mod_jk/ajp13 memory leaks.

2001-05-29 Thread GOMEZ Henri

I found some more memory leaks in mod_jk.  The biggest one is 
in mod_jk.c when there is a virtual host section in 
httpd.conf.  Multiple conf structures are allocated, but only 
one was being cleaned up.  Another leak was in 
jk_ajp13_worker.c.  We were calling jk_open_pool on the 
endpoint object and never calling jk_close_pool when the 
endpoint was shut down.  The attached diff files are against 
the latest tomcat_33 branch.  If anyone is interested, I'd be 
happy to provide the same diffs for tomcat_32 and the 
tomcat-jakarta-connectors project.  I'd also be happy to enter 
a bug if necessary.

Thanks for these very important fixes. 
I'll commit then to TC 3.3 and JTC (which came from TC 3.3 CVS). 

I think Marc Saegesser will be interest in fixes for tomcat_32.


RE: connector status in tomcat 4

2001-05-29 Thread GOMEZ Henri

Ok, another question then.


What is it that the connector has to be able to do? Is it 
sufficient if it
simply can forward the HTTP request to tomcat or does it need 
to play around
with it? I guess it must do something or the disscusion on ajp13/jk and
warp/webapp wouldn't be.

The web-server connector forward request to tomcat and add some 
information, like the SESSION-COOKIES. In return the tomcat add
a var, jvmroute, which is used in load-balancing config to be sure
that the same tomcat will serve the next queries for that session.

The connector use a simple protocol, ajp12/13/14, to forward the
request. You may imagine a web-connector forwarding the request 
using HTTP protocol, but this one is more complex to handle.
// Erik

 -Original Message-
 From: kevin seguin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, May 28, 2001 5:47 PM
 Subject: Re: connector status in tomcat 4

 for example, in my case, currently all i care about is being able to
 forward requests based on uri from iis and netscape to 
tomcat.  so, for
 me, ajp does what i need it to, while warp/webapp currently 
does not (no
 iis/netscape support yet).  hence, i would pick ajp.

 now, i'm not saying one is better than the other.  i'm just 
saying that
 one might be better than the other in certain circumstances, 
and now you
 have a choice.

RE: connector status in tomcat 4

2001-05-29 Thread GOMEZ Henri


 In that case, what is the point of warp. Is it going to be
 faster, more scalable or something?
 warp is a whole new developpement using
 very recent lib tools like APR.

And a bunch of other features and improvements, but it seems 
that no one
ever listen to what I write - technically speaking :) :) :) :)

What's the technicals improvements apart of the use of APR,
technically speaking ?

 If not why was it created?
 That's a good question and who has the answer ?

I do, and the mailing list archive... Check out for subjects 
like WARP :)

The first time we saw something about Warp is in the announcement
of Tomcat 4.0 m4.

I couldn't find any discussion on tomcat-dev (or tomcat-user) 
about starting a new connector (mod_webapp) instead adding 
features to ajp13 and using mod_jk ;(

Could help me find the initial thread on mod_webapp/warp ?)



List: tomcat-dev
Subject:  Tomcat 4.0 Milestone 4
From: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 2000-11-01 0:09:41
[Download message RAW]

Hey folks,

I'm planning on cutting a fourth milestone of Tomcat 4.0 tomorrow
(Wednesday) evening.  This milestone will reflect all of the changes
that occurred in the servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 specifications between
public draft and proposed final draft (and there were a *bunch* of
them), completion of the remaining new 2.3/1.2 functionality, and
several bug fixes.

This will be the last big push of spec-related functionality additions
for Tomcat 4.0.  Now, we can turn our attention more towards bug fixes
and performance tuning.  You can help in that process by downloading and
playing with the Tomcat 4.0 milestone.  I'd like to see us shake it out
enough to be production quality by Christmas time.

Besides bug fixing and tuning, I know of several pieces of functionality
yet to be added that are being worked on, including:

* Web connectors (using a new connector protocol
  called mod_warp that is aware of webapp configuration
  settings, so you will not have to configure things twice).

* JNDI context support (like that used in J2EE servers)
  for the env-entry and resource-ref configuration
  parameters in the deployment descriptor.

If you are interested in contributing to Tomcat 4.0, there is a wish
list document in file catalina/STATUS.html in the jakarta-tomcat-4.0
source tree.  Feel free to propose new ideas, or to volunteer to work on
one of these.

Craig McClanahan



2001-05-29 Thread Y Zhou

Hi, can anyone help me? I really can't work this 
This is a jsp with 2 tags. this jsp works in 
Win2000 + tomcat321 and gets exceptions in RedHat6.2 + tomcat321. 
What is the problem?

%@ taglib uri="../db-taglib.tld" prefix="db" 
%%@ taglib uri="../ma-taglib.tld" prefix="ma" 
%...db:connection id="conn" url="jdbc 
:oracle:thin:@abc.xxx.net:1521 :orcl" 
db:userIduser/db:userId db 
:passwordabcd/db :password/db:connection

// so far the tag works fine. however when I add 
one more tag as // following, it gives the exception.

db:query id="abc" 
connection="conn" select * from 


Problem+Fix concerning static error pages in Tomcat 3.2.2

2001-05-29 Thread Peer Heijnen

I'm using Tomcat 3.2.2 (relase) and have configured static .html files as
error pages. We used JSP pages before, and everything was fine... However
since we're using static files, Tomcat will enter an infinite loop and
eventually crash with a stack overflow (with a good change of leaving Tomcat
in a defunct state). We traced down this problem and have found a way to fix
it, but I'm not sure if this is correct.

All this is related to the ContextManager class:

1) Both handleStatus and handleError will call 'getHandlerForPath' when an
error page was configured.
2) getHandlerForPath returns a the Handler for the error page. (since we're
using static files, this will be a FileHandler). So far, so good.
3) Eventually handleStatus and handleError will do a
'errorServlet.service( req, res )' to service the error. This is were things
go wrong.

The problem is, that 'req' passed to the 'errorServlet.service( req, res )'
call is the original request, while getHandlerForPath creates a new request
internally with the error's request URI. Since the handler (FileHandler) is
called with the original request URI, it will try to service a file matching
that request, not the static file we configured. This, in turn, will cause
and error and, in our case, an infinite loop.

This can lead to very strange situations. For example, if an .jsp page
generates an error and the error refers to an (existing) static file, it
will actually end up showing the .jsp source file contents!

The quick and dirty fix we use here is to simply add 'req.setRequestURI(
ctx.getPath() + errorPath);' after the 'getHandlerForPath' calls in both
handleError and handleStatus methods. I'm not really sure if we are allowed
to modify the request in such a way, but error attributes are also set in
this request and it seems to work fine for us. But this raises another
question: why construct a completely new request and response in
getHandlerForPath, and then throw it away?

Peer Heijnen

problems with resultSet

2001-05-29 Thread Enrique Prados Valiente


I'm using Tomcat and JSP but there are problem, my JSP don' work.
I have this code in my JSP
(more code)

In begin of my JSP there is this code line %@ page language=java 
import=java.sql.*,java.io.*,java.util.* %

but when I run the server and JSP, it appears this error
Error: 500
Localizacion: pag.jsp
Error interno del servlet:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: No se puede compilar la clase para 
JSPC:\TOMCAT\work\localhost_8080%.  java:81: No variable 
TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE defined in interface java.sql.ResultSet.
C:\TOMCAT\work\localhost_8080%..java:81: No variable CONCUR_READ_ONLY 
defined in interface java.sql.ResultSet.
Statement s=cn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INS  
C:\TOMCAT\work\localhost_8080%..java:84: Method absolute(int) not found 
in interface java.sql.ResultSet.

Can anyone out there help me?
Thanks in advance,

RE: connector status in tomcat 4

2001-05-29 Thread Erik Hellman

 -Original Message-
 From: GOMEZ Henri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 What is it that the connector has to be able to do? Is it
 sufficient if it
 simply can forward the HTTP request to tomcat or does it need
 to play around
 with it? I guess it must do something or the disscusion on ajp13/jk and
 warp/webapp wouldn't be.

 The web-server connector forward request to tomcat and add some
 information, like the SESSION-COOKIES. In return the tomcat add
 a var, jvmroute, which is used in load-balancing config to be sure
 that the same tomcat will serve the next queries for that session.

I guess that with information you mean all the HTTP-headers in the request
and forward request is the parameters in the POST or GET (or any of the
other HTTP commands).

 The connector use a simple protocol, ajp12/13/14, to forward the
 request. You may imagine a web-connector forwarding the request
 using HTTP protocol, but this one is more complex to handle.

Ok. Is there any written specification för the ajp protocol adn where can I
find it?

// Erik

Re: Problem+Fix concerning static error pages in Tomcat 3.2.2

2001-05-29 Thread Peer Heijnen

Sorry, I made a mistake in my previous post. The fix we use is
'req.setServletPath( ctx.getPath() + / + errorPath )', and _not_
'req.setRequestURI( ctx.getPath() + errorPath )' as stated in my message.

Peer Heijnen

cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-4.0/tester/web/WEB-INF web.xml

2001-05-29 Thread craigmcc

craigmcc01/05/29 10:55:40

  Modified:tester/src/bin tester.xml
   tester/web/WEB-INF web.xml
  Added:   tester/web ErrorPage09.jsp ErrorPage10.jsp
  Additional tests for JSP errorPage declarations.
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.46  +15 -0 jakarta-tomcat-4.0/tester/src/bin/tester.xml
  Index: tester.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-tomcat-4.0/tester/src/bin/tester.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.45
  retrieving revision 1.46
  diff -u -r1.45 -r1.46
  --- tester.xml2001/05/12 04:58:27 1.45
  +++ tester.xml2001/05/29 17:55:31 1.46
  @@ -329,6 +329,21 @@
 outContent=ErrorPage06 PASSED - HTML/
  +!-- == Exception Mapping (JSP Error Page)  --
  +tester host=${host} port=${port} protocol=${protocol}
  + request=${context.path}/ErrorPage09
  +   debug=${debug}
  +  status=200
  +  outContent=ErrorPage10 PASSED/
  +tester host=${host} port=${port} protocol=${protocol}
  + request=${context.path}/WrappedErrorPage09
  +   debug=${debug}
  +  status=200
  +  outContent=ErrorPage10 PASSED/
  1.1  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/tester/web/ErrorPage09.jsp
  Index: ErrorPage09.jsp
  %@ page contentType=text/plain errorPage=/ErrorPage10.jsp %%
  // Write a FAILED message that should get replaced by the error text
  out.println(ErrorPage09 FAILED - Original response returned);
  // Throw the specified exception
  int i = 1;
  if (i  0) {
  throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  (ErrorPage09 Threw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException);
  1.1  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/tester/web/ErrorPage10.jsp
  Index: ErrorPage10.jsp
  %@ page contentType=text/plain isErrorPage=true %%
  // Accumulate all the reasons this request might fail
  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
  Object value = null;
  if (exception == null) {
  sb.append( exception is missing/);
  } else {
  if (!(exception instanceof java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException)) {
  sb.append( exception class is );
  if (!ErrorPage09 Threw 
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.equals(exception.getMessage())) {
  sb.append( exception message is );
  // Report ultimate success or failure
  if (sb.length()  1)
  out.println(ErrorPage10 PASSED);
  out.println(ErrorPage10 FAILED - + sb.toString());
out.println(EXCEPTION:   + exception);
  1.35  +20 -0 jakarta-tomcat-4.0/tester/web/WEB-INF/web.xml
  Index: web.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-tomcat-4.0/tester/web/WEB-INF/web.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.34
  retrieving revision 1.35
  diff -u -r1.34 -r1.35
  --- web.xml   2001/05/12 04:58:27 1.34
  +++ web.xml   2001/05/29 17:55:37 1.35
  @@ -109,6 +109,11 @@
  @@ -392,6 +397,11 @@
  @@ -768,6 +778,16 @@

RE: Problem+Fix concerning static error pages in Tomcat 3.2.2

2001-05-29 Thread Marc Saegesser

Could you please supply a sample webapp that demonstrates this?  Static
error pages seem to work OK for me.

 -Original Message-
 From: Peer Heijnen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 5:52 AM
 To: tomcat-dev
 Subject: Problem+Fix concerning static error pages in Tomcat 3.2.2

 I'm using Tomcat 3.2.2 (relase) and have configured static .html files as
 error pages. We used JSP pages before, and everything was fine... However
 since we're using static files, Tomcat will enter an infinite loop and
 eventually crash with a stack overflow (with a good change of
 leaving Tomcat
 in a defunct state). We traced down this problem and have found a
 way to fix
 it, but I'm not sure if this is correct.

 All this is related to the ContextManager class:

 1) Both handleStatus and handleError will call 'getHandlerForPath' when an
 error page was configured.
 2) getHandlerForPath returns a the Handler for the error page.
 (since we're
 using static files, this will be a FileHandler). So far, so good.
 3) Eventually handleStatus and handleError will do a
 'errorServlet.service( req, res )' to service the error. This is
 were things
 go wrong.

 The problem is, that 'req' passed to the 'errorServlet.service(
 req, res )'
 call is the original request, while getHandlerForPath creates a
 new request
 internally with the error's request URI. Since the handler
 (FileHandler) is
 called with the original request URI, it will try to service a
 file matching
 that request, not the static file we configured. This, in turn, will cause
 and error and, in our case, an infinite loop.

 This can lead to very strange situations. For example, if an .jsp page
 generates an error and the error refers to an (existing) static file, it
 will actually end up showing the .jsp source file contents!

 The quick and dirty fix we use here is to simply add 'req.setRequestURI(
 ctx.getPath() + errorPath);' after the 'getHandlerForPath' calls in both
 handleError and handleStatus methods. I'm not really sure if we
 are allowed
 to modify the request in such a way, but error attributes are also set in
 this request and it seems to work fine for us. But this raises another
 question: why construct a completely new request and response in
 getHandlerForPath, and then throw it away?

 Peer Heijnen

Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Tomcat 3.2.2 released

2001-05-29 Thread Dave Oxley

Nice one Marc.


From: Marc Saegesser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Tomcat 3.2.2 released
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 22:58:11 -0500

I am pleased to announce that the Tomcat 3.2.2 release is now
available for download at


Tomcat 3.2.2 is a maintenance release that fixes several bugs from version
3.2.1 and corrects all known specification compliance issues.  The release
notes file in src/doc/readme covers the details of the Tomcat 3.2.2 

Tomcat 3.2.2 is now the latest production quality Tomcat release.  Users of
version 3.2.1 and earlier release are encouraged to update to this release.

Marc A. Saegesser

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

RE: Issues with Tomcat 3.2.1, JSPs and I18N ( Implicit character tran slation ??? )

2001-05-29 Thread Chris Halverson
Title: RE: Issues with Tomcat 3.2.1, JSPs and I18N ( Implicit character tran slation ??? )

Nope, I'm not using a servlet to load the jsp resource.

-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2001 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: Issues with Tomcat 3.2.1, JSPs and I18N ( Implicit character tran slation ??? )

Are you using a servlet to load the jsp resource by
using a RequestDispatcher.include()? If so, setting
content-type in the page directive should have no
effect. This is an excerpt from the Servlet 2.2 API

The included servlet cannot change the response
status code or set headers; any attempt to make a
change is ignored.


 A couple of other factors
 1. Yes I'm setting the contentType to text/html;
 charset=UTF-8 in the
 Page Directiive
 2. Yes the browser is set to use the UTF-8
 2. Yes I realize that the jsps are compiled into a
 servlet but while
 looking at the jsp compiled java src file
 it appears that the servlet uses a specialized
 class JspWriter to
 handle printing to the output stream.
 3. ECS had a similar issue in previous versions. 
 There are some tricky
 issues with how streams are handled
 so that you don't run into implicit and screwy
 character encoding
 I would appreciate any feedback, I'm going to dig
 through the Tomcat source
 to see if I can find the root problem
 and would hate to do that if there was an easy
 answer that I'm missing.
 Chris Halverson
 Christopher R. Halverson
 Never underestimate the ability of any human to
 delude themselves,
 and convince others their delusion is absolute

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RE: Issues with Tomcat 3.2.1, JSPs and I18N ( Implicit character tran slation ??? )

2001-05-29 Thread Chris Halverson
Title: RE: Issues with Tomcat 3.2.1, JSPs and I18N ( Implicit character tran slation ??? )

Even when I remove the oracle and xml factors I get the same thing. I'll 
try it against 3.3. It looks like JSPWriter is queering the char coding.

-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2001 7:08 PM
Subject: Re: Issues with Tomcat 3.2.1, JSPs and I18N ( Implicit character tran slation ??? )

Hi Chris,

Can you reproduce this in normal JSP ( without oracle ) ? Can you send me
a small webapp where I can reproduce it ? Does it happens in 3.3 too ? 

I am trying to solve (most) I18N bugs and problems for 3.3, it's very
tricky but can be done :-) 


On Fri, 25 May 2001, Chris Halverson wrote:

 I'm running Tomcat 3.2.1 on a Solaris box JDK 1.3
 and using ECS1.4.1 for generating HTML
 I can save CJKV characters to my back end Oracle db, retrieve them,
 and display them if I'm using a servlet. Doesn't matter whether I use ECS
 or string handling. The browser recognizes that I'm sending in UTF-8
 and handles the characters just fine.
 However when I use the same code to get the data from the DB and run it 
 through a JSP page I get gobbledygook.
 A couple of other factors
 1. Yes I'm setting the contentType to text/html; charset=UTF-8 in the
 Page Directiive
 2. Yes the browser is set to use the UTF-8 encoding.
 2. Yes I realize that the jsps are compiled into a servlet but while
 looking at the jsp compiled java src file
 it appears that the servlet uses a specialized class JspWriter to
 handle printing to the output stream.
 3. ECS had a similar issue in previous versions. There are some tricky
 issues with how streams are handled
 so that you don't run into implicit and screwy character encoding
 I would appreciate any feedback, I'm going to dig through the Tomcat source
 to see if I can find the root problem
 and would hate to do that if there was an easy answer that I'm missing.
 Chris Halverson
 Christopher R. Halverson
 Never underestimate the ability of any human to delude themselves,
 and convince others their delusion is absolute

cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-connectors/util/src/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/buf package.html

2001-05-29 Thread seguin

seguin  01/05/29 13:16:20

  Modified:util/src/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/buf package.html
  added html and body tags.
  fixed h1 tag so that entire file wasn't h1.
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.2   +4 -2  
  Index: package.html
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- package.html  2001/05/29 06:22:53 1.1
  +++ package.html  2001/05/29 20:16:18 1.2
  @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
  -H1Buffers and Encodingsh1
  +H1Buffers and Encodings/h1
   This package contains buffers and utils to perform encoding/decoding of buffers. 
That includes byte to char
   conversions, URL encodings, etc. 
  @@ -17,4 +18,5 @@
   My benchmarks ( I'm costin :-) show only small differences between C2B, B2C and 
hand-written codders/decoders,
   so UTF8Decoder may be disabled. 
  \ No newline at end of file

RE: connector status in tomcat 4

2001-05-29 Thread GOMEZ Henri

Ok. Is there any written specification för the ajp protocol 
adn where can I
find it?

You could find both ajp13 and ajp14 protocol documentation in
at least :


cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/src/java/org/apache/ajp Ajp13Packet.java

2001-05-29 Thread seguin

seguin  01/05/29 16:03:01

  Modified:jk/src/java/org/apache/ajp Ajp13Packet.java
  added some javadocs.
  added set/getEncoding methods + encoding attribute.
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.4   +67 -11
  Index: Ajp13Packet.java
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.3
  retrieving revision 1.4
  diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
  --- Ajp13Packet.java  2001/05/16 23:23:31 1.3
  +++ Ajp13Packet.java  2001/05/29 23:02:59 1.4
  @@ -74,38 +74,94 @@
   public static final String DEFAULT_CHAR_ENCODING = 8859_1;
  -byte buff[]; // Holds the bytes of the packet
  -int pos; // The current read or write position in the buffer
  + * encoding to use when converting byte[] - string
  + */
  +String encoding = DEFAULT_CHAR_ENCODING;
  + * Holds the bytes of the packet
  + */
  +byte buff[];
  + * The current read or write position in the buffer
  + */
  +int pos;
  + * This actually means different things depending on whether the
  + * packet is read or write.  For read, it's the length of the
  + * payload (excluding the header).  For write, it's the length of
  + * the packet as a whole (counting the header).  Oh, well.
  + */
   int len; 
  -// This actually means different things depending on whether the
  -// packet is read or write.  For read, it's the length of the
  -// payload (excluding the header).  For write, it's the length of
  -// the packet as a whole (counting the header).  Oh, well.
* Create a new packet with an internal buffer of given size.
  + * @param size packet size
   public Ajp13Packet( int size ) {
   buff = new byte[size];
  + * Create a new packet with given bytes
  + * @param b this packet's bytes.
  + */
   public Ajp13Packet( byte b[] ) {
   buff = b;
  + * Set the encoding to use for byte[] - string
  + * conversions.
  + * @param encoding the encoding to use.
  + */
  +public void setEncoding(String encoding) {
  +this.encoding = encoding;
  + * Get the encoding used for byte[] - string
  + * conversions.
  + * @return the encoding used.
  + */
  +public String getEncoding() {
  +return encoding;
  + * Get the internal buffer
  + * @return internal buffer
  + */
   public byte[] getBuff() {
   return buff;
  + * Get length.
  + * @return length -- This actually means different things depending on whether 
  + *   packet is read or write.  For read, it's the length of the
  + *   payload (excluding the header).  For write, it's the 
length of
  + *   the packet as a whole (counting the header).  Oh, well.
  + */
   public int getLen() {
   return len;
  + * Get offset into internal buffer.
  + * @return offset
  + */
   public int getByteOff() {
   return pos;
  + * Set offset into internal buffer.
  + * @param c new offset
  + */
   public void setByteOff(int c) {
  @@ -190,7 +246,7 @@
* code, where it saves a round of copying.  A null string is
* encoded as a string with length 0.  
  -public void appendString( String str ) {
  +public void appendString(String str) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
   // Dual use of the buffer - as Ajp13Packet and as OutputBuffer
   // The idea is simple - fewer buffers, smaller footprint and less
   // memcpy. The code is a bit tricky, but only local to this
  @@ -206,7 +262,7 @@
   // XXX i don't have OutputBuffer in tc4... ks.
   // fix this later...
  -byte[] bytes = str.getBytes();
  +byte[] bytes = str.getBytes(encoding);
   appendBytes(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
  @@ -328,7 +384,7 @@
   //   System.out.println(null string  + length);
   return null;
  -String s = new String( buff, pos, length, DEFAULT_CHAR_ENCODING );
  +String s = new String(buff, pos, length, encoding);
   pos += length;
   pos++; // Skip the terminating \0

cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/src/java/org/apache/ajp/test TestAll.java TestAjp13.java

2001-05-29 Thread seguin

seguin  01/05/29 16:05:58

  Modified:jk   build.properties.sample build.xml
   jk/src/java/org/apache/ajp/test TestAjp13.java
  Added:   jk/src/java/org/apache/ajp/test TestAll.java
  the beginnings of some junit testing
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.2   +17 -1 jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/build.properties.sample
  Index: build.properties.sample
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/build.properties.sample,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- build.properties.sample   2001/05/29 05:47:29 1.1
  +++ build.properties.sample   2001/05/29 23:05:52 1.2
  @@ -2,9 +2,25 @@
   # sample build.properties for ajp connector.
   # edit to taste...
  -# $Id: build.properties.sample,v 1.1 2001/05/29 05:47:29 seguin Exp $
  +# $Id: build.properties.sample,v 1.2 2001/05/29 23:05:52 seguin Exp $
  +# tomcat 4 internals
   catalina.jar = ../../jakarta-tomcat-4.0/build/server/lib/catalina.jar
  +# servlet api 2.3
   servlet.jar = ../../jakarta-servletapi-4/dist/lib/servlet.jar
  +# utils.
   tomcat-util.jar = ../util/build/lib/tomcat-util.jar
  +# junit jar
  1.6   +40 -1 jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/build.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision 1.6
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
  --- build.xml 2001/05/29 05:47:15 1.5
  +++ build.xml 2001/05/29 23:05:53 1.6
  @@ -6,6 +6,26 @@
   property name=jk.build value=${basedir}/build/
  +!-- Should all tests fail if one does? --
  +property name=test.failonerror value=true/
  +!-- The test runner to execute --
  +property name=test.runner value=junit.textui.TestRunner/
  +property name=test.entry value=org.apache.ajp.test.TestAll/
  +path id=test.classpath
  +pathelement location=${jk.build}/classes/
  + pathelement location=${tomcat-util.jar}/
  + pathelement location=${junit.jar}/
  +path id=build-main.classpath
  + pathelement location=${tomcat-util.jar}/
  +pathelement location=${catalina.jar}/
  +pathelement location=${servlet.jar}/
  + pathelement location=${junit.jar}/
   target name=build-prepare
   mkdir dir=${jk.build}/
mkdir dir=${jk.build}/classes/
  @@ -16,13 +36,13 @@
   javac srcdir=src/java
exclude name=org/apache/ajp/tomcat4/** if=tomcat4.skip/
  + classpath refid=build-main.classpath/
!-- Copy static resource files --
  @@ -36,6 +56,25 @@
  +target name=test if=test.entry depends=build-main
  +description=Run all unit test cases
  + junit printsummary=yes fork=on haltonfailure=yes
  + formatter type=plain usefile=false/
  + test name=${test.entry}/
  +classpath refid=test.classpath/
  + /junit
  + --
  + java classname=${test.runner} fork=yes
  +   failonerror=${test.failonerror}
  +   !--jvmarg value=${java.protocol.handler.pkgs}/--
  +   arg value=${test.entry}/
  +   classpath refid=test.classpath/
  + /java
   !--  BUILD: Create Jk Javadocs === --
   target name=javadoc
  1.3   +227 -57   
  Index: TestAjp13.java
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
  --- TestAjp13.java2001/05/17 23:55:33 1.2
  +++ TestAjp13.java2001/05/29 23:05:57 1.3
  @@ -7,79 +7,249 @@
   import java.net.*;
   import java.util.*;
  -public class TestAjp13 {
  +// junit
  +import junit.framework.*;
  -public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  -ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(8009);
  -System.out.println(TestAjp13 running...);
  -Socket socket = server.accept();
  -Ajp13 ajp13 = new Ajp13();
  -MimeHeaders headers = new MimeHeaders();
  -AjpRequest request = new AjpRequest();
  +public class 

Re: mod_webapp under Linux

2001-05-29 Thread kevin seguin

it looks like the problem is you're using apache 1.3 (not multi-thread
on non-win32 systems) with a multi-threaded build of apr
(pthread_sigmask is an export from libpthread.so).  i'm just guessing,
but i imagine you can build apr in single-thread mode...

Dave Oxley wrote:
 I'm running RH7.1 with kernel 2.4.5 and I have statically compiled and
 installed apr dated 28/5/2001. mod_webapp compiles but apache doesn't start
 with the following output:
 Syntax error on line 1 of /usr/local/tomcat4-CVS/conf/mod_webapp.conf:
 Cannot load /usr/local/tomcat4-CVS/bin/connector/mod_webapp.so into server:
 /usr/local/tomcat4-CVS/bin/connector/mod_webapp.so: undefined symbol:
 /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started
 Anyone got an idea about the undefined symbol?
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Re: Problems With multi part Request

2001-05-29 Thread John Harris

Are you using ajp13 to connect apache to tomcat?

Re: mod_webapp under Linux

2001-05-29 Thread Pier P. Fumagalli

kevin seguin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 it looks like the problem is you're using apache 1.3 (not multi-thread
 on non-win32 systems) with a multi-threaded build of apr
 (pthread_sigmask is an export from libpthread.so).  i'm just guessing,
 but i imagine you can build apr in single-thread mode...

Yes, it's a bug in the current APR release with Linux... (Digging into it)


Re: Problem+Fix concerning static error pages in Tomcat 3.2.2

2001-05-29 Thread Peter S. Heijnen

I use virtual hosts, but don't think that is the cause, although I have not
traced this down (I will check that aswell). As I think of it, the webapp
could simply be empty one with a web.xml like:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?
!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
2.2//EN http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2_2.dtd;

Now, when I request any file through Tomcat, it will fail (error 500: Stack
overflow). When a JSP is specified for location, it works fine. Tomcat
outputs a correct message from the CM about the requested error page, but
FileHandler outputs the originally requested path as requested file.

I will set up an independent Tomcat installation and try this again without
virtual hosts. If I have the time today, I will wrap up a webapp and post
the .war file.

- Original Message -
From: Marc Saegesser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 8:54 PM
Subject: RE: Problem+Fix concerning static error pages in Tomcat 3.2.2

 Could you please supply a sample webapp that demonstrates this?  Static
 error pages seem to work OK for me.

  -Original Message-
  From: Peer Heijnen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 5:52 AM
  To: tomcat-dev
  Subject: Problem+Fix concerning static error pages in Tomcat 3.2.2
  I'm using Tomcat 3.2.2 (relase) and have configured static .html files
  error pages. We used JSP pages before, and everything was fine...
  since we're using static files, Tomcat will enter an infinite loop and
  eventually crash with a stack overflow (with a good change of
  leaving Tomcat
  in a defunct state). We traced down this problem and have found a
  way to fix
  it, but I'm not sure if this is correct.
  All this is related to the ContextManager class:
  1) Both handleStatus and handleError will call 'getHandlerForPath' when
  error page was configured.
  2) getHandlerForPath returns a the Handler for the error page.
  (since we're
  using static files, this will be a FileHandler). So far, so good.
  3) Eventually handleStatus and handleError will do a
  'errorServlet.service( req, res )' to service the error. This is
  were things
  go wrong.
  The problem is, that 'req' passed to the 'errorServlet.service(
  req, res )'
  call is the original request, while getHandlerForPath creates a
  new request
  internally with the error's request URI. Since the handler
  (FileHandler) is
  called with the original request URI, it will try to service a
  file matching
  that request, not the static file we configured. This, in turn, will
  and error and, in our case, an infinite loop.
  This can lead to very strange situations. For example, if an .jsp page
  generates an error and the error refers to an (existing) static file, it
  will actually end up showing the .jsp source file contents!
  The quick and dirty fix we use here is to simply add 'req.setRequestURI(
  ctx.getPath() + errorPath);' after the 'getHandlerForPath' calls in both
  handleError and handleStatus methods. I'm not really sure if we
  are allowed
  to modify the request in such a way, but error attributes are also set
  this request and it seems to work fine for us. But this raises another
  question: why construct a completely new request and response in
  getHandlerForPath, and then throw it away?
  Peer Heijnen

JDBC DataSource setting

2001-05-29 Thread Ben Sifuentes

Does Tomcat 3.2.1 support setting a JDBC DataSource I know that I've seen
messages about Tomcat 4.0 supporting it?

If so how do I go about setting this up Tomcat 3.2.1?
