> -----Original Message-----
> From: GOMEZ Henri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >What is it that the connector has to be able to do? Is it
> >sufficient if it
> >simply can forward the HTTP request to tomcat or does it need
> >to play around
> >with it? I guess it must do something or the disscusion on ajp13/jk and
> >warp/webapp wouldn't be.
> The web-server connector forward request to tomcat and add some
> information, like the SESSION-COOKIES. In return the tomcat add
> a var, jvmroute, which is used in load-balancing config to be sure
> that the same tomcat will serve the next queries for that session.
I guess that with information you mean all the HTTP-headers in the request
and "forward request" is the parameters in the POST or GET (or any of the
other HTTP commands).

> The connector use a simple protocol, ajp12/13/14, to forward the
> request. You may imagine a web-connector forwarding the request
> using HTTP protocol, but this one is more complex to handle.
Ok. Is there any written specification för the ajp protocol adn where can I
find it?

// Erik

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