Tomcat Directory Listing

2001-08-08 Thread Falk

i'm using Tomcat3.2.1 standalone.
Does anybody know how to deactivate the Directory Listing ?
I mean if a browser requests a directory I don't want tomcat to send an
overview of all
the files contained in this directory.

Thanks a lot.

Re: Running Tomcat as a Windows service

2001-08-08 Thread Pier P. Fumagalli

Richard Heintze at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jim, Ronald and Bryan,
 Could you folks kindly give me URL for this
 JavaService? I assume I'll have the same problem --
 I'm using a service in the FAQ that runs any old bat
 I looked at the services that exclusively run java
 programs and then looked at the complexity of
 tomcat.bat and startup.bat and decided to go with the
 generic solutions that runs bat files. But this won't
 work if I log off the server?

It's distributed w/ Tomcat 4.0's EXE distributions... And works great... :)


Problems using JavaService

2001-08-08 Thread Steve Harrison

Hi folks,

I'm running into a problem trying to use Tomcat as an NT service, using
From the standard Tomcat 3.2.3, I added the xerces-j_2_2_D6.jar
If I run the STARTUP.BAT file in the bin directory, I can run the examples
in the webapp directory fine.
If I run Tomcat as an NT service, I get Page Cannot Be Displayed.

This is the start-up command I'm using...

c:\tomcatjavaservice.exe -install Tomcat
-start org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat -params -config
-stop org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat -params -stop -config
-out d:\java\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\logs\stdout.log 
-err d:\java\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\logs\stderr.log

There is no indication of the problem in any of the log files.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!


 - Steve

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Yarmouth House, 1300 Parkway, Solent Business Park, Whiteley, Hants PO15 7AE, company 
number 3256771.

RE: jsp:plugin

2001-08-08 Thread James, Stuart

adding the name in quotes makes no difference,

jsp:plugin name=myApplet

-Original Message-
From: Jan Labanowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 8:15 PM
Subject: Re: jsp:plugin

In XML you need to put attribute values within quotes:
   jsp:plugin name=myApplet

On Tue, 7 Aug 2001, James, Stuart wrote:

 Can Anybody out there help the issue relates to the JSP:plugin
 I want access the applet from a client side script,
   APPLET name=myApplet
   alt=not working
 This applet code allows me to access the object in a script as such,
 script for=window event=onload
 The problem occurs if I change the code to use the new jsp:plugin
   jsp:plugin name=myApplet
 While the applet is still downloaded, the object can not be accessed via a
 script. (vbscript or jscript). Looking at the html generated the name
 parameter is ignored.
 Thanks to anyone who can assist.
 Stuart James.
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Ohio Supercomputer Center|Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
1224 Kinnear Rd, |
Columbus, OH 43212-1163  |

jasper: weird behaviour

2001-08-08 Thread Jacek Prucia

Hello therer tomcat users ;)

I'm not sure if this is a bug, so I'm posting a description of an unusual
problem, and hope that if this is not a bug, somebody will prove that I'm
missing something here...

I have JSP page that has static content (outside % % tags) in ISO-8859-2,
and a few static html pages. When it's completelly up to Tomcat to generate
some page (for example redirect request, or internal server error) - it
outputs Content-Type: header corectly (whole Linux enviroment is set to
pl_PL) like this:

Content-Type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-2

When it sends static html, it outputs:

Content-Type: text/html

..but this is corrected by META http-equiv ... tag. However *EVERYTIME*
tomcat is sending back output of a JSP page, it is sending this:

Content-Type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1

which is ok (as defined in JSP spec), but there's *NO* way to change it!
I've tried nearly everything, including:

% response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html;charset=ISO-8859-2"); %


%@ page contentType("text/html;charset=ISO-8859-2"); %

All those tags make response.setHeader(...) apear on top of __jspService
(inside proper .java file in $TOMCAT_HOME/work), but then... header get's
overwritten by tomcat to ISO-8859-1 which scrambles all content and forces
user to pick up ISO-8859-2 from browsers encoding menus everytime document
is generated, which is really annoying. Bowsers seems to ignore META
http-equiv ... tag in favour of server generated Content-Type: header.

Thanks to tomcat beeing opensource, I can just play with
share/org/apache/jasper/compilser/, and broke spec by setting
default encoding to ISO-8859-2, but I feel like that's not the way...

Is it a bug in jasper, or am I missing something here?

Jacek Prucia S.A.

RE: Problems using JavaService

2001-08-08 Thread Steve Harrison

Hi Again,

Just for anyone's information, I've managed to get it working, but I'm not
sure how!

I replaced the parameter d:\java\jdk1.3\jre\bin\classic\jvm.dll to be
d:\java\jdk1.3\jre\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll and now it works fine!


 - Steve

-Original Message-
From: Steve Harrison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 08 August 2001 09:39
Subject: Problems using JavaService

Hi folks,

I'm running into a problem trying to use Tomcat as an NT service, using
From the standard Tomcat 3.2.3, I added the xerces-j_2_2_D6.jar
If I run the STARTUP.BAT file in the bin directory, I can run the examples
in the webapp directory fine.
If I run Tomcat as an NT service, I get Page Cannot Be Displayed.

This is the start-up command I'm using...

c:\tomcatjavaservice.exe -install Tomcat
-start org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat -params -config
-stop org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat -params -stop -config
-out d:\java\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\logs\stdout.log 
-err d:\java\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\logs\stderr.log

There is no indication of the problem in any of the log files.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!


 - Steve

This message and any attachments are confidential to the intended recipient
at the e-mail address to which it has been addressed. 
If you are not the intended recipient you may not copy, forward, disclose or
use any part of this message or its attachments.
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Innovation Group plc, registered office at Yarmouth House, 1300 Parkway,
Solent Business Park, Whiteley, Hants PO15 7AE, company number 3256771.

SSL CLIENT-CERT with Tomcat 4.0 beta6

2001-08-08 Thread X. Chummer


I am using Tomcat 4.0 beta6 and have a problem with the CLIENT_CERT auth 

It seems that the authentication will work right because the username appers 
in the access log.

Since I need the username in my servlet I tried to call the methods 
getAuthType(), getRemoteUser() and getUserPrincipal() of the class 
HttpServletRequest, but those calls returned null.

Might this be a configuration error?

The RequestDumper output looks like that:
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: 
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]:   
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]:  contentLength=-1
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]:
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: 
header=Date=Wed, 08 Aug 2001 09:56:21 GMT
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: 
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: 
header=Server=Apache Tomcat/4.0-b6 (HTTP/1.1 Connector)
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]:message=OK
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: 
remoteUser=CN=Mike's Test Certificate, OU=Test Unit Name, O=Test Company, 
L=Test City, ST=Test State, C=AT
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: status=200
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: 
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: REQUEST URI   
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]:   authType=null
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]:  characterEncoding=null
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]:  contentLength=316
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]:
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]:contextPath=
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: 
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: 
header=user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:0.9.1) 
Gecko/20010607 Netscape6/6.1b1
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: 
header=accept=text/xml, application/xml, application/xhtml+xml, 
text/html;q=0.9, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif;q=0.2, text/plain;q=0.8, 
text/css, */*;q=0.1
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: 
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: 
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: 
header=accept-charset=ISO-8859-1, utf-8; q=0.667, *; q=0.667
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: 
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: 
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: 
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: 
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: locale=en_US
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: method=POST
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]:  
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]:  
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]:  
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]:   pathInfo=null
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]:   
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]:
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: 
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: 
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: remoteUser=null
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: requestedSessionId=null
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: scheme=https
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: 
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: serverPort=443
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]:servletPath=null
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]:   isSecure=true
2001-08-08 11:56:21 RequestDumperValve[Standalone]: 

Thanks in advance

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File Upload Problem when bigger than 0.97 MB

2001-08-08 Thread Kalyan Mitra

Hi there,

I am facing problem when uploading file bigger than 0.97MB through 
MultipartPerser the error in log file shows as follows

Please help if u have any idea.

Best Regards,

Kalyan Mitra


2001-08-08 13:28:04 StandardHost[localhost]: Installing web application at 
context path  from URL file:/home/kalyan/jakarta-tomcat-4.0-b5/webapps/ROOT
2001-08-08 13:28:04 StandardManager[]: Seeding random number generator class
2001-08-08 13:28:04 StandardManager[]: Seeding of random number generator 
has been completed
2001-08-08 13:28:06 StandardWrapper[:default]: Loading container servlet 
2001-08-08 13:28:06 default: init
2001-08-08 13:28:06 StandardWrapper[:invoker]: Loading container servlet 
2001-08-08 13:28:06 invoker: init
2001-08-08 13:28:06 StandardWrapper[:jsp]: Using Jasper classloader for 
servlet jsp
2001-08-08 13:28:07 jsp: init
2001-08-08 13:28:09 StandardWrapper[:ssi]: Loading container servlet ssi
2001-08-08 13:28:09 ssi: init
2001-08-08 13:28:09 StandardHost[localhost]: Installing web application at 
context path /manager from URL 
2001-08-08 13:28:09 StandardManager[/manager]: Seeding random number 
generator class
2001-08-08 13:28:09 StandardManager[/manager]: Seeding of random number 
generator has been completed
2001-08-08 13:28:09 ContextConfig[/manager]: Configured an authenticator for 
method BASIC
2001-08-08 13:28:09 StandardWrapper[/manager:default]: Loading container 
servlet default
2001-08-08 13:28:09 default: init
2001-08-08 13:28:09 StandardWrapper[/manager:invoker]: Loading container 
servlet invoker
2001-08-08 13:28:09 invoker: init
2001-08-08 13:28:09 StandardWrapper[/manager:jsp]: Using Jasper classloader 
for servlet jsp
2001-08-08 13:28:09 jsp: init
2001-08-08 13:28:10 StandardWrapper[/manager:ssi]: Loading container servlet 
2001-08-08 13:28:10 ssi: init
2001-08-08 13:28:10 StandardHost[localhost]: Installing web application at 
context path /webdav from URL 
2001-08-08 13:28:10 StandardManager[/webdav]: Seeding random number 
generator class
2001-08-08 13:28:10 StandardManager[/webdav]: Seeding of random number 
generator has been completed
2001-08-08 13:28:10 ContextConfig[/webdav] Configuration error in 
application web.xml
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: addChild:  Child name 'default' is not 
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChild(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at org.apache.catalina.util.xml.AddChild.end(
at org.apache.catalina.util.xml.XmlMapper.matchEnd(
at org.apache.catalina.util.xml.XmlMapper.endElement(
at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.maybeElement(
at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.content(
at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.maybeElement(
at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.parseInternal(
at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.parse(
at org.apache.crimson.parser.XMLReaderImpl.parse(
at org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderAdapter.parse(
at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(
at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(
at org.apache.catalina.util.xml.XmlMapper.readXml(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChild(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.install(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployApps(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.start(

Re: I don't see the output under Linux

2001-08-08 Thread Stefano Bonnin

I tried to correct the file, but ... nothing...

But, I noticed another thing. If I start Tomcat with

tomcat run (in /usr/bin)

the output is visible on the screen but Tomcat doesn't work properly (tomcat
start correctly but if I try to access at 8080 ... it doesn't works)

instead, if I try with:

  ./tomcat start (where tomcat in this case, is the script in
/etc/rc.d/init.d/ that run the tomcat daemon --- it run a command like:
daemon tomcat start ...)

the engine works but not the output.

Thanks, thanks for your interest!!!
- Original Message -
From: Loïc Lefèvre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 4:32 PM
Subject: RE: I don't see the output under Linux

 Okay, this file stands in the conf directory of Tomcat on your LINUX
 If the answer is true, replace



 with the good parameters:

 especially:  ps=/ (Path separator for Linux is equals to / not \)

 Try and tell me...

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Stefano Bonnin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Envoyé : mardi 7 août 2001 16:04
 Objet : Re: I don't see the output under Linux

  Can you send your file?

 Yes. This is my




 worker.list=ajp12, ajp13



 worker.loadbalancer.balanced_workers=ajp12, ajp13









 # Setting the place for the stdout and stderr of tomcat



 Thanks (I wait your help).

 - Original Message -
 From: Loïc Lefèvre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 3:07 PM
 Subject: RE: I don't see the output under Linux

  -Message d'origine-
  De : Stefano Bonnin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Envoyé : mardi 7 août 2001 14:47
  Objet : Re: I don't see the output under Linux
  Yes, if I add this attribute the tomcat.log (when I start tomcat)
  2001-08-07 01:40:57 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /examples )
  2001-08-07 01:40:57 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /admin )
  2001-08-07 01:40:57 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /cocoon )
  2001-08-07 01:40:57 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx(  )
  2001-08-07 01:40:57 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /test )
  2001-08-07 01:40:57 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /Cocoon )
  but no message other this are printed on this file.
  (All System.out.println are not printed!!)
  - Original Message -
  From: Loïc Lefèvre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 12:23 PM
  Subject: RE: I don't see the output under Linux
   in your server.xml file, add the attibut path to:
   Logger name=tc_log
   path=/tmp/tomcat.log    here
   verbosityLevel = INFORMATION
   -Message d'origine-
   De : Stefano Bonnin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Envoyé : mardi 7 août 2001 09:39
   Objet : I don't see the output under Linux
   I am a new linux user and I have just installed Tomcat under linux.
   I have developed an application and now I am testing it.
   Tomcat is installed on a linux server and I try to access it (at my
   application) with a windows 98 PC.
   I have introduced a System.out.println lines in my application (for
   testing phase), but I don't see theirs output.
   I have tried to do this (every time that tomcat is started):
./tomcat start  tomcat.out
   without success.

RE: I don't see the output under Linux

2001-08-08 Thread Martin van den Bemt

Just replying to the original question here :

if you want the system.out.println logging to appear in a file instead of
the console :
$TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ start 2logfile  1errorfile
All error and normal output to the console will be redirected this way to

If you want logging to system.out, then the logging appears only when the
console in which you started tomcat, not any other console which you open.


   I have introduced a System.out.println lines in my application (for
   testing phase), but I don't see theirs output.
   I have tried to do this (every time that tomcat is started):
./tomcat start  tomcat.out
   without success.

RE: Virtual Hosts on IIS Tomcat

2001-08-08 Thread Charlie Cox

what I have done is created mulitple virtual hosts on
IIS, set up the to send the
superset of requested url's to tomcat, and then also
set up tomcat with virtual hosts to determine the
context and validity of requests coming through for
each virtual host.

This allows me to have a /servlet directory in each
with the directory being isolated to each context.

of course if your superset of urls overlaps(/examples
for handled by tomcat and /examples of
doamin2 handled by iis) then you will have problems

hope this helps

 -Original Message-
 From: Knaggs, George R
 Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 8:19 PM
 Subject: Virtual Hosts on IIS  Tomcat
 Mr Shachor / Tomcat-User,
 I hope you don't mind this email but I've been
unable to find any
 information on how to configure IIS with Tomcat
using a 
 Virtual Host where
 the context path / URI is the root
( and  I have more than one
virtual host 
 on this server
 and the doesn't mention
 about configuring
 more than one host using the same uri /servlet/*. 
 discusses a similar setup but the contexts have
 URIs (/examples/*
 and /webpages/*).
 I've also had trouble installing the isapi filter
for an 
 additional web site
 using the IIS management console.  It doesn't seem
to be able load the
 filter a second time.  Is there anything that has to
be configured
 differently for installing the filter on a second
web-site on 
 the same web
 Can you please tell me if this is possible and if
there is 
 any documentation
 on how to set this up.  I've configured this many
times with 
 Apache but I'm
 locked into using IIS4.0 inorder to use a different
ISAPI filter that
 provides single-signon features used at my company.
 Any help you can provide would be greatly
 Thanks in advance,
 George Knaggs

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RE: Deploying .war file

2001-08-08 Thread Klaas van der Ploeg

Check the tomcat docs on howto create a .war file using Ant
($TOMCAT_HOME/docs/appdev/index.html). Put the .war in the webapps
directory. You don't have to (but you can if you want to override the
default settings) add a specific context for your webapp, as it will be
added automatically when tomcat starts.

Hope this helps a bit.


 -Original Message-
 From: Alan Zaitchik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: maandag 6 augustus 2001 22:48
 To: Tomcat-User@Jakarta. Apache. Org
 Subject: Deploying .war file
 I know this should be trivial but it is just not working for 
 me... I have a
 (Tomcat 3.2.3) application consisting of various html and jsp 
 and tld files
 currently under \webapps\alan\app1. The tags refer to 
 handlers and tei files
 in \webapps\WEB-INF\classes\alan\app1. The web.xml file in 
 does not refer to any of these elements at the moment. 
 Everything works just
 I want to create an app1.war file for all the above which can 
 be deployed
 somewhere else entirely, say c:\bob. According to what I read 
 in various
 places, all I need to do is create a web.xml file that adds a 
 servlet tag
 for the jsp files (using jsp-file rather than 
 servlet-class), create an
 app1.war file using the jar utility, and add a context 
 block to server.xml
 to define a virtual path to c:\bob\app1.war. I did all these 
 but Tomcat
 (after restart) cannot find my jsp files.
 I believe I must be specifying something incorrectly. Would 
 the context
 block be something like:
 context path=/whatever docBase=c:\bob\app1.war 
 debug=0 reloadable=true trusted=false
 Also, in the original location I pointed my browser at 
 alan1/app1/fu.jsp and
 Tomcat found the files easily (since they were under 
 webapps). Is it enough
 to just add to the web.xml file blocks like
 or must I add something else to web.xml?
 Perhaps the problem is in the URL I type into the browser 
 address?? Should
 it be http://host/whatever/fu or http://host/whatever/fu.jsp or
 where /whatever is the virtual path to c:\bob\app1.war defined in
 server.xml? Actually I tried all these (and other 
 combinations) but without
 Please excuse the simplicity of this question but I just 
 cannot seem to get
 the war file working.

RE: How to build tomcat

2001-08-08 Thread Larry Isaacs

For Tomcat 3, it's in the README file in the top-level
directory in the source distribution.


 -Original Message-
 From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 9:08 PM
 Subject: Re: How to build tomcat
 On Tue, 7 Aug 2001, Sankaranarayanan Ganapathy wrote:
  Is there a documentation that explains that?
  Can somebody point me to it?
 For Tomcat 4, it's in the BUILDING.txt file in the 
 top-level directory
 of the source distro.  This is also online at:

RE: Number of Tomcat users ...

2001-08-08 Thread Klaas van der Ploeg


Tomcat users will do request via HTTP. So, a user will _not_ keep a Tomcat
thread busy while his browser is open. You can set the threading settings in
the server.xml for your connector(s) (check

The default settings are suitable for 10-40 concurrent requests. If, for
example, your 'average' user does 1 request per 5 seconds, you can handle
about 200 max concurrent users. (but watch out with these kind of

So, it is not possible to limit the amount of concurrent users (well, you
can in your servlet, by counting the number of sessions) via Tomcat
configuration, but you configure the amount of threads which will handle
user requests simultaneous users.


 -Original Message-
 From: Lars Nielsen Lind [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: maandag 6 augustus 2001 22:32
 Subject: Number of Tomcat users ...
 Where and how do I specify the max number of simultaneous 
 users for Tomcat?
 Lars Nielsen Lind

problem make webapp module for apache

2001-08-08 Thread Steffen Haase


I have some problems to compile the webapp module (servlet engine) for
the apache webserver.

The compiler miss the following files:

Where can I find these header files? Which packages do I have to

System: SuSE Linux 7.2, Apache 1.3.20

Error Message:
Making all in dso/unix
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/install/webapp/apr/dso/unix'
make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/local/install/webapp/apr/dso/unix'
/bin/sh /usr/local/install/webapp/apr/libtool --silent --mode=compile cc
-g -O2   -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DLINUX=2 -D_REENTRANT   -I../../include
-I../../include/arch -I../../include/arch/unix  -c dso.c  touch dso.lo

In file included from dso.c:55:
../../include/arch/unix/dso.h:67: mach-o/dyld.h: No such file or
make[3]: *** [dso.lo] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/install/webapp/apr/dso/unix'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/install/webapp/apr/dso/unix'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/install/webapp/apr'
make: *** [apr-all] Error 2
cheiron:/usr/local/install/webapp #

What is mach-o?

Thanks in advance.

best regards,

+--- This message is printed on 100% recycled electrons ---+
Steffen Haase   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Java SmartCard Development
Celo Communications GmbH - The provider of secure e-business
Weissenfelser Str. 46a
D-06217 Merseburg
+--- cêlo, âvi, âtum, (latin) 1 ---+

 S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re[2]: Running Tomcat as a Windows service

2001-08-08 Thread dkalna


 just use HotSpot Server VM. It works fine for me.


__ Reply Separator _
Subject: RE: Running Tomcat as a Windows service
Author:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Heintze
Date:7.8.2001 23:14

Jim, Ronald and Bryan,

Could you folks kindly give me URL for this
JavaService? I assume I'll have the same problem --
I'm using a service in the FAQ that runs any old bat

I looked at the services that exclusively run java
programs and then looked at the complexity of
tomcat.bat and startup.bat and decided to go with the
generic solutions that runs bat files. But this won't
work if I log off the server?

--- Jim Seach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am also using the JavaService.  It was easy to
 configure and has been
 very stable.  No problems at all.

 Also, the way it solves the logout problem is by
 intercepting the
 Windows logoff message so you don't have to use the
 1.3.1 jvm's -Xrs
 parameter.  If you use the -Xrs parameter, you loose
 the ability to
 automatically run a shutdown hook.  I haven't tested
 it, but I belive
 JavaService will still pass the Shutdown message to
 the jvm, so the
 shutdown hooks should run.


 --- Ronald G. Louzon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  If I remember correctly, this is due to a bug in
 the JDK and you can
  all about it in the jakarta tomcat-user archives
 as well as in the
  reports on the Sun site (  I
 used the Alexandria
  companies Java service wrapper JavaService.exe .
 It is free,
  and it works well.  I am sure there are other
 service wrappers out
  -Original Message-
  From: Bryan Hendricks
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 10:20 AM
  Subject: Running Tomcat as a Windows service
  I installed Tomcat as a Windows (NT) service using
 jk_nt_service and
  set the
  service's startup type as automatic, but when I
 log off, the service
  down.  Is this a bug (in Tomcat, jk_nt_service, or
 the JRE) and, if
  so, do
  you know if the problem is being addressed?  If
 it's not a bug, are
  instructions that outline additional steps
 required to keep the
  Thank you.

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RE: web app in root directory

2001-08-08 Thread Larry Isaacs

Hi Zhi,

I'm not sure why some subfolders are unreachable, though
without seeing the uriworkermap file contents its hard
to guess.  Thanks for rediscovering the case sensitivity
issue.  I had forgotten about that.

Note: The proper way to map the root context is to
specify path= instead of path=/.  path= establishes
the context as the default context, where path=/ makes
the context just another web app.  However, off the top
of my head, I can't name a noticeable side effect of this.
This doesn't mean there isn't one.


 -Original Message-
 From: Zhi Shen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 5:17 PM
 Subject: RE: web app in root directory
 I have my IIS pointing to TOMCAT_HOME\webapps\myapp and also set
 server.xml to 
 Context path=/ 
 But there are some subfolders that are unreachable.  I will 
 try to point
 everything to ROOT and see what happens.
 -Original Message-
 From: Larry Isaacs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 4:49 PM
 Subject: RE: web app in root directory
 I assume your IIS Home Directory is set to something other
 than TOMCAT_HOME\webapps\ROOT, such as the IIS default
 C:\Inetpub\wwwroot.  Since IIS will serve static resources,
 a URL like http:/ will look for a
 file named C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\images\index.html which
 likely doesn't exist.
 I'm not familiar with IIS enough to know how well
 isapi_redirect can take control of the root context.
 You can try pointing IIS's Home Directory to
 TOMCAT_HOME\webapps\ROOT, which should allow those
 missing pages to be found.
 I can't tell if showing Tomcat's admin
 webapp should be expected without seeing the uriworkermap
 file you are using.  If the right statements are present
 this behavior would be normal.
 Note, the comments above makes some assumptions about your
 configuration that haven't actually been specified. For
 example, I am assuming you are using a version of
 Tomcat 3.2.x.
  -Original Message-
  From: Zhi Shen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 3:37 PM
  Subject: RE: web app in root directory
  I'm using IIS4.0 with Tomcat using isapi_redirect.
  -Original Message-
  From: Larry Isaacs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 3:03 PM
  Subject: RE: web app in root directory
  Since you are not including a port in the URL, it
  would appear that you are using Tomcat with Apache
  or some other web server.  If so, which one?
  Both Tomcat and the other web server have their own
  idea of what the root context is.  This can cause
  resources to not be visible because the wrong root
  context is being accessed.
  Please provide more detail about how Tomcat and
  possibly the other web server are configured.
   -Original Message-
   From: Zhi Shen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 2:44 PM
   Subject: web app in root directory
   I'm interested in putting my web app in the root directory so 
   that people
   can get to it via instead of
   Whenever I change the server.xml file:
   Context path= 
   Some of my subdirectories are not found, 
   http:/ and
   also whenever I goto admin I get the 
   Tomcat admin pages.
   Does anyone know how to configure this correctly? Thanks 
 in advance.

RE: Compile JSP with Tomcat/IBM JDK 1.2.2/AIX4.3.3

2001-08-08 Thread Klaas van der Ploeg

  I wrote a class around the javac from IBM,...
 Is this javac from IBM freely redistributable?  I believe 
 the javac that
 comes with Sun's JDK is not.  That is the main reason for substituting
 javac with Jikes for many of us.

I don't quitte get that question, as everyone is able to download sun's jdk
from their site isn't it?? That's the same for the IBM jdk, with the only
difference that you have to register yourself before you can download it.

 And, if you do not plan to redistribute your application, why not use

You mean, the sun's javac compiler in the tools.jar? Mm... didn't thought
about that option.

 Also, do you plan to post your solution in how to - step by 
 step form
 so that users who encounter the same problem on AIX would benefit?

1. Copy from the Tomcat sources to
2. Remove the packagename from the top of the file, or insert a new package
3. Add the -O option to the commandline String[] in compile()  (to
'optimize' compilation)
3. Compile your class  put it in a jar (jar -cvf )
4. Put the jar file in the tomcat/lib directory
5. Add jspCompilerPlugin parameter to web.xml and specify your classname
6. Add jspCompilerPath parameter to web.xml and specify the executable of
the compiler ($IBMJDK_HOME/sh/javac)
7. Flush work directory
8. Start tomcat
9. Your jsp's are being compiled with ibm's compiler. If not, check
logs/jasper.log for initialization errors for your compiler.

That's it.



2001-08-08 Thread Christoph Rooms


Can anyone point me to a help page, or give some more information on how I
can execute a perl script in a standalone Tomcat 4 setup ?



RE: [repost] Re: Limitations in using a different Ajp port than the standard ? (WAS Re: SAAAAAAAM! :))

2001-08-08 Thread Larry Isaacs

Hi Vincent,

Thanks for finding this issue.  There have been a lot of changes
from Tomcat 3.2 to 3.3 with respect to classloaders and configuration,
most of them improvements.  Documenting these changes is still on
the todo list.

At the current level of implementation, starting two instances of
Tomcat has been made more difficult by these changes.  One problem
is that the file is hardcoded in Http10Interceptor.  It
is on my todo list to make this configurable.  Hopefully that
would help deal with your situation.  I'll try to deal with the
other problems as time permits.


 -Original Message-
 From: Vincent Massol [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 2:50 PM
 Subject: Re: [repost] Re: Limitations in using a different 
 Ajp port than
 the standard ? (WAS Re: SAAAM! :))
 ok, as no one is interested by the subject, I'll reply to my 
 own question
 By looking at the source code, I have found a workaround to 
 stop Tomcat 3.3
 on a custom AJP12 port and with a ContextManager home different from
 tomcat.home :
 Instead of using java -classpath tomcat.jar
 org.apache.tomcat.Main -stop 
 use: java -classpath stop-tomcat.jar 
 org.apache.tomcatStopTomcat -ajp12
 path to ajp file
 I still find it strange that the behaviour changed as Tomcat 3.2.2 and
 Tomcat 4.0 behave the same. Only 3.3 is different. I still 
 don't know if it
 is a bug or a feature ... :)
 - Original Message -
 From: Vincent Massol [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Pier P. Fumagalli [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
 Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 9:24 PM
 Subject: [repost] Re: Limitations in using a different Ajp 
 port than the
 standard ? (WAS Re: SAAAM! :))
  I would like to use different ports than the standard 
 Tomcat ones. For the
  HTTP listener, it works fine. However I am having trouble 
 for the Ajp
  listener which is used to stop tomcat. The issue is the following :
  * When I start Tomcat I use my own server.xml file which is 
 located in my
  own directory (I start Tomcat using the -config switch). In 
 server.xml I
  also set the ContextManager home to be my own directory. So Tomcat
  an file in _that_ directory (and not into Tomcat 
 home directory,
  which is normal and fine). The tomcat home directory is set 
 to be the
  directory where I have installed Tomcat.
  * No, when I want to stop Tomcat, it seems Tomcat looks for 
  but in the ${tomcat.home}/conf and _not_ in the directory 
 defined in the
  ContextManager home or where my server.xml file is.
  In other words, it seems it is not possible to start 2 
 instances of Tomcat
  and only stop one running instance (the one with the 
 different ajp port)
  using only one Tomcat installation ?
  Is that a bug, a feature or have I forgotten something ?
  Please note that it only fails on Tomcat 3.3 (I have tried 
 it on 3.3-b1
  on the nighlty build of 2/8/2001). It works fine on Tomcat 
 3.2.1 and on
  Tomcat 4.0.
  Find below my start, stop scripts and relevant portion of server.xml
  Thanks a lot.
   start script ---
  target name=start_tomcat_33
  java classname=org.apache.tomcat.startup.Main fork=yes
  jvmarg value=-Dtomcat.home=${tomcat.home.33}/
  arg value=-config/
  arg value=${out.tomcat33.full.dir}/conf/server.xml/
  fileset dir=${tomcat.home.33}/lib
  include name=tomcat.jar/
   stop script ---
  target name=stop_tomcat_33
  java classname=org.apache.tomcat.startup.Main fork=yes
  jvmarg value=-Dtomcat.home=${tomcat.home.33}/
  arg value=-stop/
  arg value=-config/
  arg value=${out.tomcat33.full.dir}/conf/server.xml/
  fileset dir=${tomcat.home.33}/lib
  include name=tomcat.jar/
   port=8777 /
  - Original Message -
  From: Sam Ruby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Pier P. Fumagalli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cc: Vincent Massol [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 2:27 AM
  Subject: Re: SAAAM! :)
   Vincent, can you take a look at changing the port numbers 
 from 8080 to
   something unique?  Preferably, something controlable via 

RE: Fine tuning my Apache -Tomcat Server

2001-08-08 Thread Martin van den Bemt

Which connector are you using (ajp12 or ajp13). The last one should be a lot
faster (ajp12 is frozen anyway). Also turning of unecessary debugging /
logging in this area will speed up the process..


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 4:12 PM
 Subject: Fine tuning my Apache -Tomcat Server


 I have Apache and Tomact running on Linux server.

 The following are the details of the same

 Version : Apache_1.3.12-i686

 Version: Jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1

 Version :6.2

 Version : JDK 1.2.2

 Hardware Configuration:
 Processor : Intel PIII
 CPU Cycles : 733 M Hz.
 Hard Disk : 256 MB

 Applications :
 Technology : Java Servlet's

 100 users for every 10 minutes (approx)

 Network :
 Leased Line
 Band Width : 2 MegaBytes/Second

 My Current Problem:
 There  are constant complaints that the server is slow in delivering the
 response to the users. But all the applications are working fine.

 Please help me out in fine tuning my Apache -Tomcat Server.
 Any inputs for improving server performance are highly appreciated.

 Thanks and Regards
 Srinivas Chebolu

Re: problem make webapp module for apache

2001-08-08 Thread jean-frederic clere

Steffen Haase wrote:
 I have some problems to compile the webapp module (servlet engine) for
 the apache webserver.
 The compiler miss the following files:
 Where can I find these header files? Which packages do I have to
 System: SuSE Linux 7.2, Apache 1.3.20
 Error Message:
 Making all in dso/unix
 make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/install/webapp/apr/dso/unix'
 make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/local/install/webapp/apr/dso/unix'
 /bin/sh /usr/local/install/webapp/apr/libtool --silent --mode=compile cc
 -g -O2   -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DLINUX=2 -D_REENTRANT   -I../../include
 -I../../include/arch -I../../include/arch/unix  -c dso.c  touch dso.lo
 In file included from dso.c:55:
 ../../include/arch/unix/dso.h:67: mach-o/dyld.h: No such file or
 make[3]: *** [dso.lo] Error 1
 make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/install/webapp/apr/dso/unix'
 make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/install/webapp/apr/dso/unix'
 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/install/webapp/apr'
 make: *** [apr-all] Error 2
 cheiron:/usr/local/install/webapp #

Have you done configure before doing make?

 What is mach-o?


 Thanks in advance.
 best regards,
 +--- This message is printed on 100% recycled electrons ---+
 Steffen Haase   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Java SmartCard Development
 Celo Communications GmbH - The provider of secure e-business
 Weissenfelser Str. 46a
 D-06217 Merseburg
 +--- cêlo, âvi, âtum, (latin) 1 ---+

RE: Tomcat Directory Listing

2001-08-08 Thread Larry Isaacs

In the server.xml file change:

debug=0 suppress=false /

to specify:


This will turn off all directory listings.


 -Original Message-
 From: Falk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 3:20 AM
 Subject: Tomcat Directory Listing
 i'm using Tomcat3.2.1 standalone.
 Does anybody know how to deactivate the Directory Listing ?
 I mean if a browser requests a directory I don't want tomcat 
 to send an
 overview of all
 the files contained in this directory.
 Thanks a lot.

Using Servlet in different path then /examples/servlets/

2001-08-08 Thread Yuval


How can I run servlet on my web server on different path than
I tried to define:
Context path=/

and its not working.


Domain The Net Technologies Ltd.
6 Weitzman Blvd.
Israel 47211
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“This email message and any attachments hereto are intended only for use by
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Thank you

RE: Fine tuning my Apache -Tomcat Server

2001-08-08 Thread Loïc Lefèvre

Hemm are you sure for the size of your hard disk?

Loïc Lefèvre

-Message d'origine-
Envoyé : mercredi 8 août 2001 16:12
Objet : Fine tuning my Apache -Tomcat Server


I have Apache and Tomact running on Linux server.

The following are the details of the same

Version : Apache_1.3.12-i686

Version: Jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1

Version :6.2

Version : JDK 1.2.2

Hardware Configuration:
Processor : Intel PIII
CPU Cycles : 733 M Hz.
Hard Disk : 256 MB

Applications :
Technology : Java Servlet's

100 users for every 10 minutes (approx)

Network :
Leased Line
Band Width : 2 MegaBytes/Second

My Current Problem:
There  are constant complaints that the server is slow in delivering the
response to the users. But all the applications are working fine.

Please help me out in fine tuning my Apache -Tomcat Server.
Any inputs for improving server performance are highly appreciated.

Thanks and Regards
Srinivas Chebolu

Double loading when loading servlet on startup

2001-08-08 Thread Alexander Cherinko

problem is that when I mark servlets as load-on-startup they are loaded
twice in jvm.
I want this servlet to serve as initializer i.e. to initialize some other
classes in its init method.
The worst is that that classes are double loaded too. I.e. I want to init
class which is Thread subclass to perform periodical custom action. As
result I have double threads running in jvm and making the same things! That
was obviousely not my real intention.
From the other hand when I launch that initializer from common servlet (not
loaded on startup) the problem is not present.
The most strange thing about it is that in both cases all classes are loaded
with the same ClassLoader.
I cannot understand is it a bug or just I don't understand something.
Please help.

Re: problem make webapp module for apache

2001-08-08 Thread Steffen Haase


jean-frederic clere wrote:

 Have you done configure before doing make?

yes, of course.

  What is mach-o?


where can I find it? It seems that I need these header files for compiling the webapp 

best regards,


RE: Using Servlet in different path then /examples/servlets/

2001-08-08 Thread William Kaufman

Try adding a url-pattern element to your web.xml.  The servlet spec
details the format of web.xml:

-- Bill K. 

 -Original Message-
 From: Yuval [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 8:24 AM
 To: Tomcat-User (E-mail)
 Subject: Using Servlet in different path then /examples/servlets/ 
 How can I run servlet on my web server on different path than
 I tried to define:
 Context path=/
 and its not working.
 Domain The Net Technologies Ltd.
 6 Weitzman Blvd.
 Israel 47211
 Tel: 972-3-5474443
 Fax: 972-3-5474446
 “This email message and any attachments hereto are intended 
 only for use by
 the addressee(s) named above, and may contain legally 
 privileged and/or
 confidential information. If you are not the intended 
 addressee, you are
 hereby kindly notified that any dissemination, distribution 
 or copying of
 this email and any attachments hereto is strictly prohibited. 
 If you have
 received this email in error, kindly delete it from your 
 computer system,
 and notify us at the telephone number or email address 
 appearing above.
 Thank you

Re: Using Servlet in different path then /examples/servlets/

2001-08-08 Thread Denis Haskin

Yuval wrote:

How can I run servlet on my web server on different path than
I tried to define:
Context path=/ docBase=C:/InetPub/wwwroot crossContext=false debug=0 
and its not working.

In what way is it not working?  What are you trying (e.g. what path)? 
 Are you going against the Tomcat HTTP listener directly (by default on 
port 8080)?  Do you get an error message in response, or in logs?

You do have a WEB-INF/web.xml under C:/InetPub/wwwroot, don't you?


Catalina. Resource factory gets re-created on every resource lookup!

2001-08-08 Thread Roytman, Alex


I am not sure it is desired behavior so I would like to bring it to your

New instance of my factory gets created every time I lookup up a
resource in the environment.
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup(java:comp/env/jdbc/usorg);
causes new instance of my connection pool be created. I can certainly
work around the problem (have static hash of connection pools by JNDI
name) but I would like to hear your opinion

Thank you very much

Alex Roytman

taglib problems

2001-08-08 Thread Jacobs, Tim W

I'm having a problem with tags. They seam to work with the example foo.jsp
as long as I leave the file alone. But if I cause the file to be updated, I
get the following error in my browser window:

Error: 500
Location: /examples/jsp/simpletag/foo.jsp
No detailed message

and this error in the stderr window:


I'm not making any change to foo.jsp. I get this, for instance, if I load
foo.jsp into Notepad, insert a space, then delete the space, then write the
file back.

Any ideas?


Re: File Upload Problem when bigger than 0.97 MB

2001-08-08 Thread Pier P. Fumagalli

Kalyan Mitra at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there,
 I am facing problem when uploading file bigger than 0.97MB through
 MultipartPerser the error in log file shows as follows
 Please help if u have any idea.

I don't see any error in the log file you provided...


Re: problem make webapp module for apache

2001-08-08 Thread Pier P. Fumagalli

jean-frederic clere at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Steffen Haase wrote:
 I have some problems to compile the webapp module (servlet engine) for
 the apache webserver.
 The compiler miss the following files:
 Where can I find these header files? Which packages do I have to
 Have you done configure before doing make?

Something must have gone wrong in configure. Under Linux mach-o shouldn't be
defined, unless Suse didn't start integrating the NSMoule Dynamic Linker

 What is mach-o?

Nope... It's MACH. It's a kernel used by several operating systems INCLUDING
OS/X, but not only that. OS/2 is another example...


Re: problem make webapp module for apache

2001-08-08 Thread Pier P. Fumagalli

Steffen Haase at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 System: SuSE Linux 7.2, Apache 1.3.20

Hint... Use the latest CVS version, instead of this one. This one is known
to have bugs.


Re: problem make webapp module for apache

2001-08-08 Thread Pier P. Fumagalli

Steffen Haase at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 jean-frederic clere wrote:
 Have you done configure before doing make?
 yes, of course.

Upgrade to the latest CVS version, run configure and send me the output of
what comes out of it... (Actually, read the whole README coming with the CVS

 What is mach-o?
 where can I find it? It seems that I need these header files for compiling the
 webapp sources.

You can't FIND it... It's an operating system.


Re: problem make webapp module for apache

2001-08-08 Thread jean-frederic clere

Steffen Haase wrote:
 jean-frederic clere wrote:
  Have you done configure before doing make?
 yes, of course.
   What is mach-o?
 where can I find it? It seems that I need these header files for compiling the 
webapp sources.

Finding it will not help. Something else is wrong.
At least 2 things:

1 - What is the result of your configure?
(There must be something wrong).

2 - On my machine I have:

In file included from apr_cpystrn.c:55:
../include/apr.h:281: sys/syslimits.h: No such file or directory
make[3]: *** [apr_cpystrn.lo] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/jfclere/webapp/apr/strings'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/jfclere/webapp/apr/strings'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jfclere/webapp/apr'
make: *** [apr-all] Error 2
The APR included in webapp is not OK (At least for SuSe 7.2).

I have used an other one from CVS (tagged APACHE_2_0_22_dev). It works OK.
Could you try using APR from CVS?

You have to solve 1 before 2 ;-)

 best regards,

Catalina. Jasper generates invalid java code

2001-08-08 Thread Roytman, Alex

The problem with this piece of code generated for my JSP by tomcat4.0b6
is that it catches Throwable t and then call
pageContext.handlePageException(t) which takse Exception  NOT throwable
!! as parameter as a result I am getting class cast exception:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for
va:225: Incompatible type for method. Explicit cast needed to convert
java.lang.Throwable to java.lang.Exception.
if (pageContext != null) pageContext.handlePageException(t);
1 error

} catch (Throwable t) {
  if (out != null  out.getBufferSize() != 0)
  if (pageContext != null) pageContext.handlePageException(t);
} finally {
  if (_jspxFactory != null)

Re: problem make webapp module for apache

2001-08-08 Thread Steffen Haase


jean-frederic clere wrote:

 Finding it will not help. Something else is wrong.
 At least 2 things:

 1 - What is the result of your configure?
 (There must be something wrong).

no, everything seems to be ok.

 2 - On my machine I have:

 In file included from apr_cpystrn.c:55:
 ../include/apr.h:281: sys/syslimits.h: No such file or directory
 make[3]: *** [apr_cpystrn.lo] Error 1
 make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/jfclere/webapp/apr/strings'
 make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/jfclere/webapp/apr/strings'
 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jfclere/webapp/apr'
 make: *** [apr-all] Error 2
 The APR included in webapp is not OK (At least for SuSe 7.2).

yes, I had the same error. locate syslimits.h to find the right directory and ln - . 
sys to create
the sys directory for sys/syslimits.h

 I have used an other one from CVS (tagged APACHE_2_0_22_dev). It works OK.
 Could you try using APR from CVS?

where can I find it? which subproject?


 S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Problems with init-param

2001-08-08 Thread Claes Holmerson


I can not get the init-parameters that I specify in web.xml to work
correctly. When I invoke the servlet as 


then in init(ServletConfig):


returns null, but if I invoke the servlet with 


it works! Should not these urls be equivalent? (Tomcat 3.2.2)


(please cc me as I don't subscribe to the list)

Below is the relevant fragment from web.xml:



Claes Holmerson
PipeChain AB
Porfyrvägen 14  +46 (0)46 32 52 42 office phone
SE-224 78 LUND  +46 (0)709 89 52 42   mobile phone
Sweden  +46 (0)46 15 10 74 office fax

How to get own Realm to work (seemes not to be used)

2001-08-08 Thread Amrhein, Thomas


I wrote my own Realm, which connects to an EJB via JNDI. The EJB is looking
at a database.
I modified JDBCRealm and put it in my own package.

I configured tomcat 3.2.3 (see above) and it started fine. The realm inited
the connection to JBoss.
The problem: the Realm is not used. I can access all the protected pages.

Has anybody an answer? 
And who does the console output (see above)? It comes once for each webapp.
It's not me in my realm.



my server.xml looks like this:


my web.xml like this:

 web-resource-nameProtected Area/web-resource-name
 !-- Define the context-relative URL(s) to be protected --
 !-- Anyone with one of the listed roles may access this area --

!-- Default login configuration uses BASIC authentication --
  realm-nameExample Basic Authentication Area/realm-name

The console output like this:

2001-08-08 17:36:58 - ContextManager: JNDIJDBCRealm: JDBCRealm has been
started succesfully


2001-08-08 Thread JBrawner

In my servlet I use the log() method which logged to servlet.log.  I have
recently moved my context out of the webapps directory and into my own
directory not in tomcat's directory structure.  Now, everything works ok
except nothing gets logged to servlet.log.   Anybody know how to fix this?

Jason E. Brawner
Silenus Group
(248) 735-8077

Re: problem make webapp module for apache

2001-08-08 Thread Steffen Haase

Pier P. Fumagalli wrote:

 Upgrade to the latest CVS version, run configure and send me the output of
 what comes out of it... (Actually, read the whole README coming with the CVS

ok, I'll try it. Where can I find the newest apr sources? (cvs-tree)

thanks a lot.


+--- This message is printed on 100% recycled electrons ---+
Steffen Haase   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Java SmartCard Development
Celo Communications GmbH - The provider of secure e-business
Weissenfelser Str. 46a
D-06217 Merseburg
+--- cêlo, âvi, âtum, (latin) 1 ---+

 S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Missing file,

2001-08-08 Thread Marty Haught

Hi All,

I just joined the list as I'm new to website admin duties and am trying to 
bring up a tomcat server on a linux/apache box.
My current setup is RedHat 7, Apache 1.3.12,  jdk1.3.1, and Tomcat 
3.2.3.  I've been working on this server with my free time for the last 
month or so.

JAVA_HOME= /usr/java/jdk1.3.1

Here's my error that's in my tomcat log.

/usr/java/jdk1.3.1/bin/i386/native_threads/java: error while loading shared 
libraries: cannot open shared object file: No 
such file or directory

Indeed this file does not exist and I'm wondering how I should go about 
fixing that.  Apache is operational and has been serving webpages for a 
while now.  I think mod_jk is loading correctly (according to logs) but I 
have yet to attempt a jsp page as Tomcat does not start for me.

Thanks for any help you can offer.


RE: Problems with init-param

2001-08-08 Thread Randy Layman

The answer really lies in how the spec indicates that instances of
servlets are supposed to work.  For each seperate URL pattern that a servlet
responds to, a different instance is created.  Each instance receives its
own (seperately defeined) set of init-parameters.

The spec never specifies the /servlet/className and this feature is
provided by Tomcat only because so many people want the feature.  These
servlets (created by the servlet invoker) are a seperate instance from your
URL pattern defined servlet, and therefore has a different set of

If you really wanted this to work, the one workaround that I can
think of right now it to set static variables in the servlet from the init
method.  Then you would need to make sure that only the correct servlet set
the init parameters (like pass a parameter named GoodSet and only if that
parameter is defined with a specificed value would you actuall set the
static variables).


 -Original Message-
 From: Claes Holmerson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 11:51 AM
 Subject: Problems with init-param
 I can not get the init-parameters that I specify in web.xml to work
 correctly. When I invoke the servlet as 
 then in init(ServletConfig):
 returns null, but if I invoke the servlet with 
 it works! Should not these urls be equivalent? (Tomcat 3.2.2)
 (please cc me as I don't subscribe to the list)
 Below is the relevant fragment from web.xml:
 Claes Holmerson
 PipeChain AB
 Porfyrvägen 14+46 (0)46 32 52 42 office phone
 SE-224 78 LUND+46 (0)709 89 52 42   mobile phone
 Sweden+46 (0)46 15 10 74 office fax

Re: Double loading when loading servlet on startup

2001-08-08 Thread Mike McGuinness

What version of tomcat?

Alexander Cherinko wrote:

 problem is that when I mark servlets as load-on-startup they are loaded
 twice in jvm.
 I want this servlet to serve as initializer i.e. to initialize some other
 classes in its init method.
 The worst is that that classes are double loaded too. I.e. I want to init
 class which is Thread subclass to perform periodical custom action. As
 result I have double threads running in jvm and making the same things! That
 was obviousely not my real intention.
 From the other hand when I launch that initializer from common servlet (not
 loaded on startup) the problem is not present.
 The most strange thing about it is that in both cases all classes are loaded
 with the same ClassLoader.
 I cannot understand is it a bug or just I don't understand something.
 Please help.

Re: problem make webapp module for apache

2001-08-08 Thread jean-frederic clere

Steffen Haase wrote:
 jean-frederic clere wrote:
  Finding it will not help. Something else is wrong.
  At least 2 things:
  1 - What is the result of your configure?
  (There must be something wrong).
 no, everything seems to be ok.
  2 - On my machine I have:
  In file included from apr_cpystrn.c:55:
  ../include/apr.h:281: sys/syslimits.h: No such file or directory
  make[3]: *** [apr_cpystrn.lo] Error 1
  make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/jfclere/webapp/apr/strings'
  make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
  make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/jfclere/webapp/apr/strings'
  make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
  make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jfclere/webapp/apr'
  make: *** [apr-all] Error 2
  The APR included in webapp is not OK (At least for SuSe 7.2).
 yes, I had the same error. locate syslimits.h to find the right directory and ln - . 
sys to create
 the sys directory for sys/syslimits.h
  I have used an other one from CVS (tagged APACHE_2_0_22_dev). It works OK.
  Could you try using APR from CVS?
 where can I find it? which subproject?

cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvspublic login
cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvspublic co -r APACHE_2_0_22 apr
(password anoncvs, see
APACHE_2_0_22 is better that APACHE_2_0_22_dev...


Re: Fine tuning my Apache -Tomcat Server

2001-08-08 Thread Jeff Kilbride

Turn off servlet auto-reloading as well.

I would recommend upgrading to 3.2.3, because of security problems and other
bug fixes with 3.2.1 and 3.2.2. Just copy the new .jar files from 3.2.3 to
your 3.2.1 installation and restart. It's that simple. (It's outlined in the
3.2.3 release notes...)


- Original Message -
From: Martin van den Bemt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 7:13 AM
Subject: RE: Fine tuning my Apache -Tomcat Server

 Which connector are you using (ajp12 or ajp13). The last one should be a
 faster (ajp12 is frozen anyway). Also turning of unecessary debugging /
 logging in this area will speed up the process..


  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 4:12 PM
  Subject: Fine tuning my Apache -Tomcat Server
  I have Apache and Tomact running on Linux server.
  The following are the details of the same
  Version : Apache_1.3.12-i686
  Version: Jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1
  Version :6.2
  Version : JDK 1.2.2
  Hardware Configuration:
  Processor : Intel PIII
  CPU Cycles : 733 M Hz.
  Hard Disk : 256 MB
  Applications :
  Technology : Java Servlet's
  100 users for every 10 minutes (approx)
  Network :
  Leased Line
  Band Width : 2 MegaBytes/Second
  My Current Problem:
  There  are constant complaints that the server is slow in delivering the
  response to the users. But all the applications are working fine.
  Please help me out in fine tuning my Apache -Tomcat Server.
  Any inputs for improving server performance are highly appreciated.
  Thanks and Regards
  Srinivas Chebolu

Re: jasper: weird behaviour

2001-08-08 Thread Jeff Kilbride

You might be interested in this post from Tomcat-dev.


Hi All!

Different encodings support in Servlet/JSP is an ancient well-known problem.
The setCharacterEncoding() method of HttpServletRequest allows to change
encoding before reading parameters. Thus, servlet is able to change encoding
accordance with its needs. (Small lyrical digression: what does this
encoding mean?
I'll post my thoughts about it separately)
Howevet the problem still exists in JSP (there were several postings about
the problem in
this maillist). The purpose of this mail is to propose a solution for
encodings support in JSP.

Problem description
A JSP programmer is not able to change request encoding for incoming JSP
request, since
"This method [setCharacterEncoding] must be called prior to parsing any post
data or
reading any input from the request. Calling this method once data has been
read will
not affect the encoding." (Servlet 2.3 Spec). This happens because request
being read inside org.pache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet, before calling
generated JSP-servlet.
As a result we have the following behaviour of compiled JSP for non-English
1) incoming request being read using 'ISO-8859-1'
2) getParameter() method returns a value in 'ISO-8859-1', but JSP-servlet
suppose the
   return value has JVM default encoding (say "KOI8-R") -- here is ???
instead of
   real parameter value. Here is a problem.

Problem solution

There should be a configurable optional parameter for JspServlet (say
'requestEncoding') to
change request encoding. According to this parameter JspServlet should call
before processing request. It does not conflict with JSP 1.2 Spec, since
there are now any
words about default encoding of incoming request over there.

I have made neccessary changes to implement this feature in
tomcat-4.0-20010807. It works fine
with different Cyrillic encodings. (Suppose the same result for the rest of
non-Latin1 encodings).
I clearly understand that proposed solution is not a panacea and it's a
subject to discuss.

Andrey Aristarkhov

Diffs are followed (also as attachments). I have also attached a sample JSP
for encoding testing.

file: org/apache/jasper/

  * Java platform encoding for incoming request.
 private String requestEncoding;

 public String getRequestEncoding() {
 return requestEncoding;

 this.requestEncoding = config.getInitParameter("requestEncoding");

file: org/apache/jasper/


  * Java platform encoding for incoming request.
 public String getRequestEncoding();

file: org/apache/jasper/servlet/

 String includeUri
 // According to section 4.9 of Servlet 2.3 spec we have to
 // setCharacterEncoding() before reading any parameter
 if (options.getRequestEncoding()!=null)
 String includeUri

RE: Double loading when loading servlet on startup

2001-08-08 Thread Loc Lefvre

Got the same problem :(( (on v3.2.3 - NT)

-Message d'origine-
De : Alexander Cherinko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoye : mercredi 8 aout 2001 16:38
Objet : Double loading when loading servlet on startup

problem is that when I mark servlets as load-on-startup they are loaded
twice in jvm.
I want this servlet to serve as initializer i.e. to initialize some other
classes in its init method.
The worst is that that classes are double loaded too. I.e. I want to init
class which is Thread subclass to perform periodical custom action. As
result I have double threads running in jvm and making the same things! That
was obviousely not my real intention.
From the other hand when I launch that initializer from common servlet (not
loaded on startup) the problem is not present.
The most strange thing about it is that in both cases all classes are loaded
with the same ClassLoader.
I cannot understand is it a bug or just I don't understand something.
Please help.

Re: problem make webapp module for apache

2001-08-08 Thread Pier P. Fumagalli

Steffen Haase at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 jean-frederic clere wrote:
 Finding it will not help. Something else is wrong.
 At least 2 things:
 1 - What is the result of your configure?
 (There must be something wrong).
 no, everything seems to be ok.

Can you send the output?


Re: problem make webapp module for apache

2001-08-08 Thread Pier P. Fumagalli

Steffen Haase at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Pier P. Fumagalli wrote:
 Upgrade to the latest CVS version, run configure and send me the output of
 what comes out of it... (Actually, read the whole README coming with the CVS
 ok, I'll try it. Where can I find the newest apr sources? (cvs-tree)
 thanks a lot.

cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvspublic login
(password anoncvs)
cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvspublic co \


RE: Double loading when loading servlet on startup

2001-08-08 Thread Larry Isaacs

In the past, the cases of double loading I've seen have all been
because an auto-loaded context (created by AutoSetup from the
webapps directory) was also manually loaded as a second context, i.e.

Context path=/othercontext 
 docBase=webapps/examples  ...

Each context gets its own instance of servlets.  As a result,
init() is called twice, once for each context.

There isn't enough information below to tell if this is the
source of the double-loading.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 12:32 PM
 Subject: RE: Double loading when loading servlet on startup
 Got the same problem :(( (on v3.2.3 - NT)
 -Message d'origine-
 De : Alexander Cherinko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Envoye : mercredi 8 aout 2001 16:38
 Objet : Double loading when loading servlet on startup
 problem is that when I mark servlets as load-on-startup they 
 are loaded
 twice in jvm.
 I want this servlet to serve as initializer i.e. to 
 initialize some other
 classes in its init method.
 The worst is that that classes are double loaded too. I.e. I 
 want to init
 class which is Thread subclass to perform periodical custom action. As
 result I have double threads running in jvm and making the 
 same things! That
 was obviousely not my real intention.
 From the other hand when I launch that initializer from 
 common servlet (not
 loaded on startup) the problem is not present.
 The most strange thing about it is that in both cases all 
 classes are loaded
 with the same ClassLoader.
 I cannot understand is it a bug or just I don't understand something.
 Please help.

Re: About JSP Page Encoding

2001-08-08 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

My understanding is that if you want properties files (and resource
bundles based on them) to be encoded correctly, you need to use the
native2ascii command line tool (comes with the JDK) to encode them


On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All Developer
 I would like to ask a question about Tomcat's JSP page development problems
 The problems is related to the following set of properties files and
 I have set the page contentType as TEXT/HTML;charset=UTF-8
 and read a properties files which is written by Microsoft Word using Save
 as encoding text utf-8
 the coding that I use to read the resource bundle is as normal.
 rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle(test);
 str_text = rb.getString(username_b5);
 out.print(str_text + BR);
 But the output is found to be unreadable result.
 after that my friend tell me to use
  out.println(new String(rb.getString(test).getBytes(ISO-8859-1),
 the result is readable.
 I would like to ask can I change some JVM default encoding such that I can
 use the default method to read the properties files.

Adding contextPpath and realPath to tomcat environment jndi

2001-08-08 Thread Roytman, Alex


I would like to propose to add several things to tomcat's context's
environment jndi when a context gets created
Specifically I am interested in context path, context real path and any
other tomcat context runtime info
If it will not violate security I would be happy if Context itself can
be looked up via jndi. One of the uses of this kind of information will
be to help jndi object factories which need this info to read its
metadata from WEB-INF directory (i.e. many Object/Relational mappers
need access to their metadata to be initialized). It is possible to use
Environment entries for this purpose but it will be deployment nightmare
because we will need to hardcode real path to context. If you think that
this case is well justified it would be great if we could add it to
Servlet specs


RE: Double loading when loading servlet on startup

2001-08-08 Thread Alexander Cherinko

3.2.1 on NT/Linux.
I had the same problem on earlier versions.
And Loic Lefevre [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] has got the same on NT with v.3.2.3.

 -Original Message-
 From: Mike McGuinness [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 7:14 PM
 Subject: Re: Double loading when loading servlet on startup
 What version of tomcat?
 Alexander Cherinko wrote:
  problem is that when I mark servlets as load-on-startup they are loaded
  twice in jvm.
  I want this servlet to serve as initializer i.e. to initialize 
 some other
  classes in its init method.
  The worst is that that classes are double loaded too. I.e. I 
 want to init
  class which is Thread subclass to perform periodical custom action. As
  result I have double threads running in jvm and making the same 
 things! That
  was obviousely not my real intention.
  From the other hand when I launch that initializer from common 
 servlet (not
  loaded on startup) the problem is not present.
  The most strange thing about it is that in both cases all 
 classes are loaded
  with the same ClassLoader.
  I cannot understand is it a bug or just I don't understand something.
  Please help.

RMI problem with packaged servlets

2001-08-08 Thread Renner Gabor


I have the following problem: I would use servlets ordered 
into packages as rmi-servers in Tomcat 3.2.1, but I failed.
I followed the advices of Tomcat's, using the
proposed code-layout, but if servlets are put into packages,
the stubs could'nt be found. I got the following: (servlets 
have load-on-startup attribute)

2001-08-08 02:43:26 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx
( /examples )
2001-08-08 02:43:26 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx
( /admin )
Starting tomcat. Check logs/tomcat.log for error messages
2001-08-08 02:43:26 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx(  )
2001-08-08 02:43:26 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx
( /test )
2001-08-08 02:43:26 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx
( /maxwell )
Failed to connect to RMI registry RemoteException occurred 
in server thread; nested exception is:
java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling 
arguments; nested exception is:
Failed to connect to RMI registry RemoteException occurred 
in server thread; nested exception is:
java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling 
arguments; nested exception is:
2001-08-08 02:43:29 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting 
HttpConnectionHandler on 8080
2001-08-08 02:43:29 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting 
Ajp12ConnectionHandler on 8007

Could anyone help me?
I've already set the wrapper.env.copyall 
= true
as well as server.xml:
className="org.apache.tomcat.request.Jdk12Interceptor" /
but none of them helped...
Platform: WinNT 4.0 

Remarks  suggestions more than welcome

RE: Running Tomcat as a Windows service

2001-08-08 Thread Jim Seach

As Pier said, it is with the TC4 distribution, and I think this may be
the most up-to-date, new, official version, as there was some talk
about bringing it under the Jakarta umbrella.  Here is the original URL
in case there is some documentation that has not yet made it into the


--- Richard Heintze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim, Ronald and Bryan,
 Could you folks kindly give me URL for this
 JavaService? I assume I'll have the same problem --
 I'm using a service in the FAQ that runs any old bat
 I looked at the services that exclusively run java
 programs and then looked at the complexity of
 tomcat.bat and startup.bat and decided to go with the
 generic solutions that runs bat files. But this won't
 work if I log off the server?
 --- Jim Seach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am also using the JavaService.  It was easy to
  configure and has been
  very stable.  No problems at all.
  Also, the way it solves the logout problem is by
  intercepting the
  Windows logoff message so you don't have to use the
  1.3.1 jvm's -Xrs
  parameter.  If you use the -Xrs parameter, you loose
  the ability to
  automatically run a shutdown hook.  I haven't tested
  it, but I belive
  JavaService will still pass the Shutdown message to
  the jvm, so the
  shutdown hooks should run.
  --- Ronald G. Louzon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   If I remember correctly, this is due to a bug in
  the JDK and you can
   all about it in the jakarta tomcat-user archives
  as well as in the
   reports on the Sun site (  I
  used the Alexandria
   companies Java service wrapper JavaService.exe . 
  It is free,
   and it works well.  I am sure there are other
  service wrappers out
   -Original Message-
   From: Bryan Hendricks
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 10:20 AM
   Subject: Running Tomcat as a Windows service
   I installed Tomcat as a Windows (NT) service using
  jk_nt_service and
   set the
   service's startup type as automatic, but when I
  log off, the service
   down.  Is this a bug (in Tomcat, jk_nt_service, or
  the JRE) and, if
   so, do
   you know if the problem is being addressed?  If
  it's not a bug, are
   instructions that outline additional steps
  required to keep the
   Thank you.
  Do You Yahoo!?
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 Do You Yahoo!?
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Do You Yahoo!?
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RE: Double loading when loading servlet on startup

2001-08-08 Thread Alexander Cherinko

The case:

Nt/Linux v3.2.1,2,3.
There is one context:
Context path=/ts
 reloadable=true(or false)

The web.xml piece for this context

jdb shows double classes named Loader loaded with different instances of
org.apache.tomcat.loader.AdaptiveClassLoader12 which have generation field 2
and 4 correspondingly. If I call


in init method of servlet and MyClass is subclass of thread I have double
threads. And so on.
gc gets nothing and trying to interrupt threads in servlet's destroy method
gets nothing as well.

And this occurs only when servlet is marked as load-on-startup. For ordinary
servlet there is nothing like this.


 -Original Message-
 From: Larry Isaacs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 7:58 PM
 Subject: RE: Double loading when loading servlet on startup

 In the past, the cases of double loading I've seen have all been
 because an auto-loaded context (created by AutoSetup from the
 webapps directory) was also manually loaded as a second context, i.e.

 Context path=/othercontext
  docBase=webapps/examples  ...

 Each context gets its own instance of servlets.  As a result,
 init() is called twice, once for each context.

 There isn't enough information below to tell if this is the
 source of the double-loading.


  -Original Message-
  Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 12:32 PM
  Subject: RE: Double loading when loading servlet on startup
  Got the same problem :(( (on v3.2.3 - NT)
  -Message d'origine-
  De : Alexander Cherinko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Envoye : mercredi 8 aout 2001 16:38
  Objet : Double loading when loading servlet on startup
  problem is that when I mark servlets as load-on-startup they
  are loaded
  twice in jvm.
  I want this servlet to serve as initializer i.e. to
  initialize some other
  classes in its init method.
  The worst is that that classes are double loaded too. I.e. I
  want to init
  class which is Thread subclass to perform periodical custom action. As
  result I have double threads running in jvm and making the
  same things! That
  was obviousely not my real intention.
  From the other hand when I launch that initializer from
  common servlet (not
  loaded on startup) the problem is not present.
  The most strange thing about it is that in both cases all
  classes are loaded
  with the same ClassLoader.
  I cannot understand is it a bug or just I don't understand something.
  Please help.

Please remove me

2001-08-08 Thread Pokorny, Michael

Please remove me form this mailing list

RE: Problems with init-param

2001-08-08 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

Per the spec, servlet initialization parameters work like this:

* Servlet initialization parameters are tied to servlet definitions
  in web.xml

* The container uses the servlet-mapping settings in web.xml to map
  whatever request URI comes in to a particular servlet definition.

* Therefore, a servlet can only see initialization parameters if it
  has been explicitly defined *and* mapped.

* The way that Tomcat does anonymous servlet invoking (/servlet/{name})
  is by defining the invoker servlet, and then mapping the /servlet/*
  URL pattern to it.  Therefore, according to the above rules, any
  servlet executed through the invoker servlet would see the
  initialization parameters for the invoker servlet itself.

As Randy pointed out, invoker service is totally outside the
specification, so you cannot expect identical behavior on all
containers.  The safe thing to do is use explicit servlet definitions
and servlet-mapping mappings, which will always work as described above.

Craig McCLanahan


On Wed, 8 Aug 2001, Randy Layman wrote:

   The answer really lies in how the spec indicates that instances of
 servlets are supposed to work.  For each seperate URL pattern that a servlet
 responds to, a different instance is created.  Each instance receives its
 own (seperately defeined) set of init-parameters.
   The spec never specifies the /servlet/className and this feature is
 provided by Tomcat only because so many people want the feature.  These
 servlets (created by the servlet invoker) are a seperate instance from your
 URL pattern defined servlet, and therefore has a different set of
   If you really wanted this to work, the one workaround that I can
 think of right now it to set static variables in the servlet from the init
 method.  Then you would need to make sure that only the correct servlet set
 the init parameters (like pass a parameter named GoodSet and only if that
 parameter is defined with a specificed value would you actuall set the
 static variables).
  -Original Message-
  From: Claes Holmerson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 11:51 AM
  Subject: Problems with init-param
  I can not get the init-parameters that I specify in web.xml to work
  correctly. When I invoke the servlet as 
  then in init(ServletConfig):
  returns null, but if I invoke the servlet with 
  it works! Should not these urls be equivalent? (Tomcat 3.2.2)
  (please cc me as I don't subscribe to the list)
  Below is the relevant fragment from web.xml:
  Claes Holmerson
  PipeChain AB
  Porfyrvägen 14  +46 (0)46 32 52 42 office phone
  SE-224 78 LUND  +46 (0)709 89 52 42   mobile phone
  Sweden  +46 (0)46 15 10 74 office fax

Re: How to get own Realm to work (seemes not to be used)

2001-08-08 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

One problem is with your url-pattern -- it is missing a leading slash on
the front.  Try /test/* instead of test/*.


On Wed, 8 Aug 2001, Amrhein, Thomas wrote:

 I wrote my own Realm, which connects to an EJB via JNDI. The EJB is looking
 at a database.
 I modified JDBCRealm and put it in my own package.
 I configured tomcat 3.2.3 (see above) and it started fine. The realm inited
 the connection to JBoss.
 The problem: the Realm is not used. I can access all the protected pages.
 Has anybody an answer? 
 And who does the console output (see above)? It comes once for each webapp.
 It's not me in my realm.
 my server.xml looks like this:
 my web.xml like this:
  web-resource-nameProtected Area/web-resource-name
!-- Define the context-relative URL(s) to be protected --
  !-- Anyone with one of the listed roles may access this area --
 !-- Default login configuration uses BASIC authentication --
   realm-nameExample Basic Authentication Area/realm-name
 The console output like this:
 2001-08-08 17:36:58 - ContextManager: JNDIJDBCRealm: JDBCRealm has been
 started succesfully

Re: Segmentation violation

2001-08-08 Thread Pier P. Fumagalli

Harippriya Sivapatham at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi there,
   I am getting a segmentation violation in tomcat (the full error message
 is added to the end of this mail). Tomcat stops when this error occurs. I am
 getting this error when i call a particular servlet. The error message
 displays a lot about Threads. So, i just want to note that the servlet that
 causes this problem does not use any threads.
 I would really appreciate any help with this.
 Thanks a lot.
 Here is error message...
 SIGSEGV 11 segmentation violation
   si_signo [11]: SEGV
   si_errno [0]:
   si_code [1]: SEGV_MAPERR [addr: 0x45a0920]

What version of Tomcat are you using? What version of Java Virtual Machine?
What operating system? (Kinda hard to tell without those informations) :)


Re: Adding contextPpath and realPath to tomcat environment jndi

2001-08-08 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Wed, 8 Aug 2001, Roytman, Alex wrote:

 I would like to propose to add several things to tomcat's context's
 environment jndi when a context gets created

Sounds like a good discussion for TOMCAT-DEV ...

 Specifically I am interested in context path, context real path and any
 other tomcat context runtime info
 If it will not violate security I would be happy if Context itself can
 be looked up via jndi. One of the uses of this kind of information will
 be to help jndi object factories which need this info to read its
 metadata from WEB-INF directory (i.e. many Object/Relational mappers
 need access to their metadata to be initialized). It is possible to use
 Environment entries for this purpose but it will be deployment nightmare
 because we will need to hardcode real path to context. If you think that
 this case is well justified it would be great if we could add it to
 Servlet specs

Adding it to the servlet specs would be pretty problematic ... the
org.apache.catalina.Context interface is very much specific to Tomcat 4.
However, making additional info available to these resource factories
(which are already Tomcat-specific anyway) sounds reasonable.

Alex, could you put in a Bugzilla report for an enhancement, outlining the
specific things you'd like to see available to an object factory?  That
way the idean won't get lost in the mailing lists.



Re: Running Tomcat as a Windows service

2001-08-08 Thread Pier P. Fumagalli

Jim Seach at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As Pier said, it is with the TC4 distribution, and I think this may be
 the most up-to-date, new, official version, as there was some talk
 about bringing it under the Jakarta umbrella.  Here is the original URL
 in case there is some documentation that has not yet made it into the

Correct... We're trying to provide a full-blown service implementation
together to solve also Unix daemon problems and restrictions...


Re: JSP encoding problem solution proposal (fwd)

2001-08-08 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

Since the topic of character encoding on requests came up on TOMCAT-USER
as well, I thought I'd forward a response I did on TOMCAT-DEV
earlier.  Read Andrey's message (at the bottom) first for this to make any


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 09:52:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: JSP encoding problem solution proposal

Andrey has done a good job of describing the problem with calling
request.setCharacterEncoding() in JSP pages.  As an alternative to adding
a parameter to the JSP servlet (which would not be portable to other
containers), I'd like to offer a standards-based approach to this.

The basic approach I'm going to suggest is to use a Filter (also new in
the Servlet 2.3 API) to do the setCharacterEncoding() call for you.  This
has many advantages:

* It's portable across all 2.3-based containers

* You can use different rules for different portions of your webapp

* The rules you implement do not have to be as simple as all requests
  use this character set -- you can base the decision on other aspects
  of the request (like who the user is, objects in the session, what
  user agent they are using, and so on).

* The rules can be implemented (and updated later) without changing
  anything about your servlets and JSP pages, because it's done
  in a separate component.

As it happens, I recently added a simple Filter implementation that does
this to the examples webapp in Tomcat 4.  Check out
/WEB-INF/classes/filters/, which you are
free to use as the basis for setting character filtering in your own
apps.  The implementation provided is very simple (use an initialization
parameter to set the encoding unconditionally), but you can easily
subclass to make more sophisticated policy decisions.

Filters are your friend :-).


On Wed, 8 Aug 2001, Andrey Aristarkhov wrote:

 Hi All!
 Different encodings support in Servlet/JSP is an ancient well-known problem.
 The setCharacterEncoding() method of HttpServletRequest allows to change
 encoding before reading parameters. Thus, servlet is able to change encoding
 accordance with its needs. (Small lyrical digression: what does this
 encoding mean?
 I'll post my thoughts about it separately)
 Howevet the problem still exists in JSP (there were several postings about
 the problem in
 this maillist). The purpose of this mail is to propose a solution for
 encodings support in JSP.
 Problem description
 A JSP programmer is not able to change request encoding for incoming JSP
 request, since
 This method [setCharacterEncoding] must be called prior to parsing any post
 data or
 reading any input from the request. Calling this method once data has been
 read will
 not affect the encoding. (Servlet 2.3 Spec). This happens because request
 being read inside org.pache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet, before calling
 generated JSP-servlet.
 As a result we have the following behaviour of compiled JSP for non-English
 1) incoming request being read using 'ISO-8859-1'
 2) getParameter() method returns a value in 'ISO-8859-1', but JSP-servlet
 suppose the
return value has JVM default encoding (say KOI8-R) -- here is ???
 instead of
real parameter value. Here is a problem.
 Problem solution
 There should be a configurable optional parameter for JspServlet (say
 'requestEncoding') to
 change request encoding. According to this parameter JspServlet should call
 before processing request. It does not conflict with JSP 1.2 Spec, since
 there are now any
 words about default encoding of incoming request over there.
 I have made neccessary changes to implement this feature in
 tomcat-4.0-20010807. It works fine
 with different Cyrillic encodings. (Suppose the same result for the rest of
 non-Latin1 encodings).
 I clearly understand that proposed solution is not a panacea and it's a
 subject to discuss.
 Andrey Aristarkhov
 Diffs are followed (also as attachments). I have also attached a sample JSP
 for encoding testing.
 file: org/apache/jasper/
   * Java platform encoding for incoming request.
  private String requestEncoding;
  public String getRequestEncoding() {
  return requestEncoding;
  this.requestEncoding = config.getInitParameter(requestEncoding);
 file: org/apache/jasper/
   * Java platform encoding for incoming request.
  public String getRequestEncoding();
 file: org/apache/jasper/servlet/
  String includeUri
  // According to section 4.9 of Servlet 2.3 spec we have to

AdaptiveClassLoader.getResources( String name )?

2001-08-08 Thread chris monster

is there a version of Tomcat for which AdaptiveClassLoader.getResources
is implemented?

Nevermind on missing file

2001-08-08 Thread Marty Haught

Nevermind on the missing file that I mentioned earlier.  It's a problem 
with RedHat7.0 and the J2SDK.  The solution is to upgrade to 7.1 or patch 
in the missing libraries.  Sorry about that.


RE: Double loading when loading servlet on startup

2001-08-08 Thread Larry Isaacs

I tried this scenario with Tomcat 3.2.1 and I only get one call
to init().  Are you on Windows?  If your ts directory is actually
named Ts, I think you would get two context's.  What does your
tomcat log show about contexts being added?


 -Original Message-
 From: Alexander Cherinko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 1:51 PM
 Subject: RE: Double loading when loading servlet on startup
 The case:
 Nt/Linux v3.2.1,2,3.
 There is one context:
 Context path=/ts
  reloadable=true(or false)
 The web.xml piece for this context
 jdb shows double classes named Loader loaded with different 
 instances of
 org.apache.tomcat.loader.AdaptiveClassLoader12 which have 
 generation field 2
 and 4 correspondingly. If I call
 in init method of servlet and MyClass is subclass of thread I 
 have double
 threads. And so on.
 gc gets nothing and trying to interrupt threads in servlet's 
 destroy method
 gets nothing as well.
 And this occurs only when servlet is marked as 
 load-on-startup. For ordinary
 servlet there is nothing like this.
  -Original Message-
  From: Larry Isaacs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 7:58 PM
  Subject: RE: Double loading when loading servlet on startup
  In the past, the cases of double loading I've seen have all been
  because an auto-loaded context (created by AutoSetup from the
  webapps directory) was also manually loaded as a second 
 context, i.e.
  Context path=/othercontext
   docBase=webapps/examples  ...
  Each context gets its own instance of servlets.  As a result,
  init() is called twice, once for each context.
  There isn't enough information below to tell if this is the
  source of the double-loading.
   -Original Message-
   Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 12:32 PM
   Subject: RE: Double loading when loading servlet on startup
   Got the same problem :(( (on v3.2.3 - NT)
   -Message d'origine-
   De : Alexander Cherinko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Envoye : mercredi 8 aout 2001 16:38
   Objet : Double loading when loading servlet on startup
   problem is that when I mark servlets as load-on-startup they
   are loaded
   twice in jvm.
   I want this servlet to serve as initializer i.e. to
   initialize some other
   classes in its init method.
   The worst is that that classes are double loaded too. I.e. I
   want to init
   class which is Thread subclass to perform periodical 
 custom action. As
   result I have double threads running in jvm and making the
   same things! That
   was obviousely not my real intention.
   From the other hand when I launch that initializer from
   common servlet (not
   loaded on startup) the problem is not present.
   The most strange thing about it is that in both cases all
   classes are loaded
   with the same ClassLoader.
   I cannot understand is it a bug or just I don't 
 understand something.
   Please help.

Cant Run Tomcat4.05b under Win ME?

2001-08-08 Thread phil_k

Please help.
Im trying to run tomcat4.05b under Win ME.

Having installed Jdk1.3.1 into c:\jdk1.3.1 and unpacked the Tomcat 4.05b
version into the default C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0-b5 folder.

Then having modified the Environment settings such that:










C:\WINDOWSSET TOMCAT_HOME=C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0-b5


C:\WINDOWSSET SHELL=c:\windows\ /P /E:8192

is returned by a  'command /p' entered at the command prompt

When I invoke the startup.bat file, all i get is :
out of environment space
out of environment space
out of environment space
out of environment space
out of environment space
bad command or filename

Returned in the command prompt window??

I have upped the /E: value to the max 32786 value and still get this

please advise.

Phil K

Tomcat Worker Name

2001-08-08 Thread Don Ha

I'm trying to figure out there is any limitation to
Tomcat worker name such as size, special character...
Don Ha

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start tomcat under apache, different port

2001-08-08 Thread Sahar Madani

I have got tomcat 3.2.3 and mod_jk working with apache 1.3.19
But I don't want to serve the servlets under port 80 where apache is.
And I don't want to run tomcat as stand alone.
Is it possible to  tell mod_jk and tomcat to host the servlets on a
secure port other than 80, under apache?  and have apache running on
port 80 for static files.
ie.   instead of
I understand that this is possible if I don't use mod_jk and run tomcat
as stand alone.
But I want to use mod_jk and apche as explained above.


Sahar Madani  Senior Software Engineer

RE: start tomcat under apache, different port

2001-08-08 Thread Nael Mohammad

In the conf directory, modify the tomcat.conf , search for port 80, but I
think the default is 8080. You can change that to whatever you like from
that file. 

-Original Message-
From: Sahar Madani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 2:26 PM
Subject: start tomcat under apache, different port

I have got tomcat 3.2.3 and mod_jk working with apache 1.3.19
But I don't want to serve the servlets under port 80 where apache is.
And I don't want to run tomcat as stand alone.
Is it possible to  tell mod_jk and tomcat to host the servlets on a
secure port other than 80, under apache?  and have apache running on
port 80 for static files.
ie.   instead of
I understand that this is possible if I don't use mod_jk and run tomcat
as stand alone.
But I want to use mod_jk and apche as explained above.


Sahar Madani  Senior Software Engineer

JSP and Connection Pooling

2001-08-08 Thread Michael J. Donahoo

I apologize in advance if this question has been asked and answered, but
I couldn't find it in the archives.

I want the simplest way to use connection pooling from Tomcat in my JSP
pages.  I'm trying to avoid using add on products like PoolMan since it
seems like it should be easy enough without them.  (Tell me if this is
incorrect.)  A few specific questions:

1.  I would like instructions on making this work with ODBC on Win2K
(with SQL Server).  What do I name the driver?  How do I make the
connection to Tomcat's pool?  Do I need to mess with JNDI?  With Struts
connection pools, I can just ask for the default pool without specifying
a name.  Can I do that here?  What's a good source (book and/or web
site) on JNDI/Connection pool access?  Is there an example on the web?
Is this answered in an FAQ somewhere?
2.  Same question as #1 except on a Linux box without ODBC (obviously).
Where do I specify user ID and password?  Driver?
3.  Same question again using WebSphere.

Thanks in advance!

RE: Missing file,

2001-08-08 Thread Martin van den Bemt

Probably installing the compat* library rpms from the redhat cd, which
contains the older libraries will solve the problem


 -Original Message-
 From: Marty Haught [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 6:03 PM
 Subject: Missing file,

 Hi All,

   I just joined the list as I'm new to website admin duties
 and am trying to
 bring up a tomcat server on a linux/apache box.
 My current setup is RedHat 7, Apache 1.3.12,  jdk1.3.1, and Tomcat
 3.2.3.  I've been working on this server with my free time for the last
 month or so.

 JAVA_HOME= /usr/java/jdk1.3.1

 Here's my error that's in my tomcat log.

 /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/bin/i386/native_threads/java: error while
 loading shared
 libraries: cannot open shared object file: No
 such file or directory

 Indeed this file does not exist and I'm wondering how I should go about
 fixing that.  Apache is operational and has been serving webpages for a
 while now.  I think mod_jk is loading correctly (according to logs) but I
 have yet to attempt a jsp page as Tomcat does not start for me.

 Thanks for any help you can offer.


Re: problem make webapp module for apache

2001-08-08 Thread Steffen Haase

Hi Pier,

thanks for your help.

Pier P. Fumagalli wrote:

  Finding it will not help. Something else is wrong.
  At least 2 things:
  1 - What is the result of your configure?
  (There must be something wrong).
  no, everything seems to be ok.

 Can you send the output?

I checked out the apr (APACHE_2_0_22) and the jakarta-tomcat-connectors
sources. I can compile the sources but not linking :(


 make --
Compiling sources in
make[1]: Entering directory
Generating pr_warp_defs.h
make[1]: Leaving directory

Compiling sources in

make[1]: Entering directory

Compiling Apache 1.3 WebApp module
*Initialization*:1: warning: `LINUX' redefined
*Initialization*:1: warning: this is the location of the previous
Linking Apache 1.3 WebApp Module
/usr/local/install/jakarta/apr/libtool: mod_webapp.lo: command not found

make[1]: *** [] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory

make: *** [local-all] Error 2
cheiron:/usr/local/install/jakarta/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/webapp #

- ./configure ---
#./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/httpd/bin/apxs
loading cache ./config.cache
checking for test... (cached) /usr/bin/test
checking for true... (cached) /bin/true
checking for echo... (cached) /bin/echo
checking for grep... (cached) /usr/bin/grep
checking for cat... (cached) /bin/cat
checking for sed... (cached) /usr/bin/sed
checking for rm... (cached) /bin/rm
checking sources directory...
checking debugging flags... disabled
checking Java support... disabled
checking Tomcat 4.0 directory... not required
checking if apxs is working... ok
setting target module to...
checking APR directory... /usr/local/install/jakarta/apr

Building APR configure script
  Invoking: ./buildconf
APR buildconf: buildconf: checking installation...
APR buildconf: buildconf: autoconf version 2.13 (ok)
APR buildconf: buildconf: libtool version 1.3.5 (ok)
APR buildconf: Copying libtool helper files ...
APR buildconf: Creating include/arch/unix/ ...
APR buildconf: Creating configure ...
  Execution of ./buildconf returned 0

Configuring APR
  Invoking: ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared
APR configure: loading cache ./config.cache
APR configure: checking host system type... i586-pc-linux-gnu
APR configure: checking target system type... i586-pc-linux-gnu
APR configure: checking build system type... i586-pc-linux-gnu
APR configure: Configuring APR library
APR configure: Platform: i586-pc-linux-gnu
APR configure: Applying APR hints file rules for i586-pc-linux-gnu
APR configure: setting CPPFLAGS to -DLINUX=2
APR configure: adding -D_REENTRANT to CPPFLAGS
APR configure: (Default will be unix)
APR configure: checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... (cached) yes
APR configure: checking for gcc... (cached) gcc
APR configure: checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... yes
APR configure: checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a
cross-compiler... no
APR configure: checking whether we are using GNU C... (cached) yes
APR configure: checking whether gcc accepts -g... (cached) yes
APR configure: checking how to run the C preprocessor... (cached)
gcc -E
APR configure: checking for mawk... (cached) gawk
APR configure: checking whether ln -s works... (cached) yes
APR configure: checking for ranlib... (cached) ranlib
APR configure: checking for a BSD compatible install... (cached)
/usr/bin/install -c
APR configure: checking for rm... (cached) rm
APR configure: checking for ar... (cached) ar
APR configure: checking for AIX... no
APR configure: checking for POSIXized ISC... no
APR configure: checking for minix/config.h... (cached) no
APR configure: checking whether system uses EBCDIC... (cached) no
APR configure: performing libtool configuration...
APR configure: checking for ld used by GCC... (cached)
APR configure: checking if the linker (/usr/i486-suse-linux/bin/ld)
is GNU ld... (cached) yes
APR configure: checking for BSD-compatible nm... (cached)
/usr/bin/nm -B
APR configure: loading cache ./config.cache within ltconfig
APR configure: checking for object suffix... o
APR configure: checking for executable 

Redirection and Load Balancing

2001-08-08 Thread George Shafik

Hi All,

Current System Architecture
Apache : 3.17 (Custom Build)
Tomcat : 3.2.2 (Custom Build)
Deployment : war files.
Platform : Red Hat Linux 6.2

We are after a method to redirect based on a limit on the number of page
hits or the load on the current Web Server.

The redirection needs to be performed by Apache or Tomcat not by the web
page itself. Currently we are redirecting the user to another Web Server
from the current page as the page hits reach a certain limit or the load is
too much on the current box. A better way to conduct this is to redirect the
call to another Web Server at the Web Server or Servlet Engine level, in our
case that's Apache or Tomcat. Its not clear to us where in Apache or Tomcat
we can configure things based on page hits or load if its possible to do at

Many thanks in advance for any help in this area.

George Shafik

RE: Redirection and Load Balancing

2001-08-08 Thread Paul Nock

You can use mod_jk to load balance between different JVMs running Tomcat.
Works well, we use it.

The JVMs could then also be on remote machines to either each other, and/or
the machine running Apache.

mod_jk will preserve sessions for you so that subsequent request go to the
right JVM.

You'll need to configure the, etc. to use the
'loadbalancer' worker.


-Original Message-
From: George Shafik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 3:40 PM
Subject: Redirection and Load Balancing

Hi All,

Current System Architecture
Apache : 3.17 (Custom Build)
Tomcat : 3.2.2 (Custom Build)
Deployment : war files.
Platform : Red Hat Linux 6.2

We are after a method to redirect based on a limit on the number of page
hits or the load on the current Web Server.

The redirection needs to be performed by Apache or Tomcat not by the web
page itself. Currently we are redirecting the user to another Web Server
from the current page as the page hits reach a certain limit or the load is
too much on the current box. A better way to conduct this is to redirect the
call to another Web Server at the Web Server or Servlet Engine level, in our
case that's Apache or Tomcat. Its not clear to us where in Apache or Tomcat
we can configure things based on page hits or load if its possible to do at

Many thanks in advance for any help in this area.

George Shafik

RE: Redirection and Load Balancing

2001-08-08 Thread Mandar Joshi

Is it possible to use mod_jk with standalone tomcat ?

Thanks for your help

-Original Message-
From: Paul Nock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 3:44 PM
Subject: RE: Redirection and Load Balancing

You can use mod_jk to load balance between different JVMs running Tomcat.
Works well, we use it.

The JVMs could then also be on remote machines to either each other, and/or
the machine running Apache.

mod_jk will preserve sessions for you so that subsequent request go to the
right JVM.

You'll need to configure the, etc. to use the
'loadbalancer' worker.


-Original Message-
From: George Shafik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 3:40 PM
Subject: Redirection and Load Balancing

Hi All,

Current System Architecture
Apache : 3.17 (Custom Build)
Tomcat : 3.2.2 (Custom Build)
Deployment : war files.
Platform : Red Hat Linux 6.2

We are after a method to redirect based on a limit on the number of page
hits or the load on the current Web Server.

The redirection needs to be performed by Apache or Tomcat not by the web
page itself. Currently we are redirecting the user to another Web Server
from the current page as the page hits reach a certain limit or the load is
too much on the current box. A better way to conduct this is to redirect the
call to another Web Server at the Web Server or Servlet Engine level, in our
case that's Apache or Tomcat. Its not clear to us where in Apache or Tomcat
we can configure things based on page hits or load if its possible to do at

Many thanks in advance for any help in this area.

George Shafik

Re: start tomcat under apache, different port

2001-08-08 Thread Sahar Madani

mod_jk and apache don't use tomcat.conf. this file is used for jserv only.
the new file is mod_jk.conf-auto
But this is NOT what I am trying to do.

Nael Mohammad wrote:

 In the conf directory, modify the tomcat.conf , search for port 80, but I
 think the default is 8080. You can change that to whatever you like from
 that file.

 -Original Message-
 From: Sahar Madani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 2:26 PM
 Subject: start tomcat under apache, different port

 I have got tomcat 3.2.3 and mod_jk working with apache 1.3.19
 But I don't want to serve the servlets under port 80 where apache is.
 And I don't want to run tomcat as stand alone.
 Is it possible to  tell mod_jk and tomcat to host the servlets on a
 secure port other than 80, under apache?  and have apache running on
 port 80 for static files.
 ie.   instead of
 I understand that this is possible if I don't use mod_jk and run tomcat
 as stand alone.
 But I want to use mod_jk and apche as explained above.


 Sahar Madani  Senior Software Engineer

Sahar Madani  Senior Software Engineer

RE: Redirection and Load Balancing

2001-08-08 Thread Tim O'Neil

At 03:51 PM 8/8/2001, you wrote:

Is it possible to use mod_jk with standalone tomcat ?

No, mod_jk is an apache binary module. How could tomcat
alone use it?

RE: Redirection and Load Balancing

2001-08-08 Thread Mandar Joshi

Then is there any mechanism on tomcat standalone for load balancing ?


-Original Message-
From: Tim O'Neil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 4:02 PM
Subject: RE: Redirection and Load Balancing

At 03:51 PM 8/8/2001, you wrote:

Is it possible to use mod_jk with standalone tomcat ?

No, mod_jk is an apache binary module. How could tomcat
alone use it?

Re: Redirection and Load Balancing

2001-08-08 Thread George Shafik

Sounds great Paul.

What sort of environment are you using mod_jk in  ?
- OS platform
- Version of Apache, Tomcat
- How many versions of Apache and Tomcat are you running in parallel in
order to mirror your Web Site so you can perform your load balancing.
- Are all your binaries custom built ?

Can you please e-mail me directly all relevant Apache/Tomcat configuration
files that I need to alter in order to use mod_jk in the manner you
describe. If this is too difficult cut and past the relevant pieces
commenting on where they are from into one file.

George Shafik

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 8:44 AM
Subject: RE: Redirection and Load Balancing

 You can use mod_jk to load balance between different JVMs running Tomcat.
 Works well, we use it.

 The JVMs could then also be on remote machines to either each other,
 the machine running Apache.

 mod_jk will preserve sessions for you so that subsequent request go to the
 right JVM.

 You'll need to configure the, etc. to use the
 'loadbalancer' worker.


 -Original Message-
 From: George Shafik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 3:40 PM
 Subject: Redirection and Load Balancing

 Hi All,

 Current System Architecture
 Apache : 3.17 (Custom Build)
 Tomcat : 3.2.2 (Custom Build)
 Deployment : war files.
 Platform : Red Hat Linux 6.2

 We are after a method to redirect based on a limit on the number of page
 hits or the load on the current Web Server.

 The redirection needs to be performed by Apache or Tomcat not by the web
 page itself. Currently we are redirecting the user to another Web Server
 from the current page as the page hits reach a certain limit or the load
 too much on the current box. A better way to conduct this is to redirect
 call to another Web Server at the Web Server or Servlet Engine level, in
 case that's Apache or Tomcat. Its not clear to us where in Apache or
 we can configure things based on page hits or load if its possible to do

 Many thanks in advance for any help in this area.

 George Shafik

Re: Missing file,

2001-08-08 Thread Richard Draucker

The RH website has a note that jdk1.3.1 doesn't work correctly.  An upgrade 
to RH7.1 will resolve the problem.

On Wednesday 08 August 2001 06:06 pm, you wrote:
 Probably installing the compat* library rpms from the redhat cd, which
 contains the older libraries will solve the problem


  -Original Message-
  From: Marty Haught [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 6:03 PM
  Subject: Missing file,
  Hi All,
  I just joined the list as I'm new to website admin duties
  and am trying to
  bring up a tomcat server on a linux/apache box.
  My current setup is RedHat 7, Apache 1.3.12,  jdk1.3.1, and Tomcat
  3.2.3.  I've been working on this server with my free time for the last
  month or so.
  JAVA_HOME= /usr/java/jdk1.3.1
  Here's my error that's in my tomcat log.
  /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/bin/i386/native_threads/java: error while
  loading shared
  libraries: cannot open shared object file: No
  such file or directory
  Indeed this file does not exist and I'm wondering how I should go about
  fixing that.  Apache is operational and has been serving webpages for a
  while now.  I think mod_jk is loading correctly (according to logs) but I
  have yet to attempt a jsp page as Tomcat does not start for me.
  Thanks for any help you can offer.

Richard Draucker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Remote Data Support For Web Developers

Problem in Intigration Apache Tomcat

2001-08-08 Thread sekhar k

Hi All,

 I am using Apache and Tomcat in Sun os. It's running nice my problem is that if i use apache is responding.For tomcat i need to give but it's not giving result. It's responding only 
when i call port directly like Apache is 
running on 80. So what will be the problem. Give me a solution 


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RE: Such a thing as server startup class?

2001-08-08 Thread Greg Trasuk

Hi all:

Yes, a good discussion.

I puzzled over this for an application I wrote a while ago.  After many
hours contemplating the servlet spec (2.2), I finally decided that if I
created an object and dropped it into the application context, it was
guaranteed to live as long as the servlet container.  My logic was this:
- The servlet container can load/unload servlets at its pleasure
- A servlet marked Load-on-startup will be loaded and have its init()
method called when the container starts, even if its not mapped to a URL.
- Java won't finalize an instance so long as another instance or class has
a reference to it.
- The application context will maintain a reference to the instance.
- If the servlet container destroys the application context, it's probably
a sign that I should reinitialize everything anyway.

Could some of the folks who are more familiar with the specs and
implementation comment on whether this logic is correct and portable to all
containers?  It worked for the application under Tomcat 3.x, but I've always
had nagging doubts.


Greg Trasuk, President
StratusCom Manufacturing Systems Inc. - We use information technology to
solve business problems on your plant floor.

 -Original Message-
 From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 8:51 PM
 Subject: Re: Such a thing as server startup class?

 On Mon, 6 Aug 2001, Erik Weber wrote:

   In a servlet 2.2 world, what most people do is declare a
 servlet to be
   load-on-startup and initialize things in the init()
 method of that
   servlet.  This is relying on the container to never
 unload that servlet
   for the lifetime of the app (Tomcat doesn't unload
 anything until shutdown
   time), but it basically works.
   Craig McClanahan
  Good point. If the Servlet were to be unloaded, another
 instance would
  need to be loaded right away. Is there any
 (platform-independent) way
  to guarantee that at least one instance of a Servlet will always be
  loaded, even if it's not set up to handle HTTP requests?

 Sounds like time for my favorite URL reference - where to get
 the spec so
 you can look stuff like this up for yourself :-)

 On this particular issue, there is no such
 platform-independent API.  In
 fact, the 2.2 and 2.3 specs explicitly remind you that you
 *cannot* rely
 on servlet will stay loaded behavior in a portable application.  The
 container is free (as far as the spec is concerned) to unload a loaded
 servlet any time it feels like doing so.

 That was one of the primary reasons that application event
 listeners were
 added in 2.3 -- to give apps a portable mechanism that does
 not rely on
 non-guaranteed assumptions about servlet lifetime, or on container
 specific implementation features.



RE: Using Tomcat with MSAccess

2001-08-08 Thread Greg Trasuk

For what's happening now, you need to print out the SQL, make sure it's
syntactically correct, and print out the exception message that's returned.
Don't know if it's just me, but I find that I tend to make really dumb SQL
errors For later, you should ask yourself what will happen when Patrick
O'Reilly tries to register?

Also, when you're doing string comparisons, you should get into the habit of
rather than
passwd.equals(  )

It looks a little strange, but will behave correctly if passwd happens to be
null (if for instance your page was called from an HTML file that  did not
include the passwd field in the form).


Greg Trasuk, President
StratusCom Manufacturing Systems Inc. - We use information technology to
solve business problems on your plant floor.

 -Original Message-
 From: Jeffrey Worst [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 10:09 PM
 Subject: Using Tomcat with MSAccess

 I'm writing an applet using Tomcat to register new members
 for a library.
 Everything works fine until I get to the part where the new
 information is
 being inserted into the MSAccess DB.  I have commented below
 where the error
 occurs.  Any help would be appreciated.


 //New member registration

 import javax.servlet.*;
 import javax.servlet.http.*;
 import java.util.*;
 import java.sql.*;

 public class NewMember extends HttpServlet {
private Statement statement = null;
private Connection connection = null;
String url = jdbc:odbc:NewMember;
String username=;
String password=;

public void init( ServletConfig config )
   throws ServletException
   super.init( config );

   try {
  Class.forName( sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver );
  connection =
 DriverManager.getConnection( url, username, password );
   catch ( Exception e ) {
  connection = null;

public void doPost( HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res )
   throws ServletException, IOException
   String passwd, member_type, fname, mname, lname, address1,
   address2, city, zip, country, home_phone, work_phone, email,
 member_since, remarks;

   passwd= req.getParameter( passwd );
   member_type = req.getParameter( member_type );
   fname = req.getParameter( fname );
   mname = req.getParameter( mname );
   lname = req.getParameter( lname );
   address1 = req.getParameter( address1 );
   address2 = req.getParameter( address2 );
   city = req.getParameter( city );
   zip = req.getParameter( zip );
country = req.getParameter( country );
   home_phone = req.getParameter( home_phone );
   work_phone = req.getParameter( work_phone );
   email = req.getParameter( email );
   member_since = req.getParameter( member_since );
   remarks = req.getParameter( remarks );

   PrintWriter output = res.getWriter();
   res.setContentType( text/html );

   if ( passwd.equals(  ) ||
fname.equals(  ) ||
lname.equals(  ) ) {
  output.println( H3 Please click the back  +
  button and fill in all  +
  fields./H3 );

//Below is where the problem occurs.  I get the HTML
 message below of An
 error occured...
//I think the insertIntoDB method is not working.  It's
 being inserted
 into a MSAccess DB
//which has been registered.

   boolean success = insertIntoDB(' + passwd + ',' +
 member_type +
 ',' + fname + ',' +
   mname + ',' + lname + ',' + address1 + ',' +
 address2 + ',' +
 city + ',' + zip + ',' +
   country + ',' + home_phone + ',' + work_phone +
 ',' + email +
 ',' + member_since +
',' + remarks + ' );

   if ( success )
  output.print( H2Thank you  + fname +
 for registering./H2 );
  output.print( H2An error occurred.  +
Please try again later./H2 );


private boolean insertIntoDB( String stringtoinsert )
   try {
  statement = connection.createStatement();
 INSERT INTO NewMember values ( +
 stringtoinsert + ); );
   catch ( Exception e ) {
 ERROR: Problems with adding new entry );
  return false;

   return true;

public void destroy()
   try {
   catch( Exception e ) {
  System.err.println( Problem closing the database );