Tomcat5.0 Database Connection Pooling Configuration

2005-07-14 Thread Foo Shyn
Hi there,

Have a question on dbcp settings. I'd done the settings by configuring the 
server.xml and the web.xml of my application and it works fine. But since i 
need to install multiple application on the same Tomcat server, i'll need to 
place different context tag in the server.xml for each application to enable 
the datasource for each of my apps. Since my apps are all connecting to a same 
database server, is there any configuration method that allows me to setup once 
in server.xml (such as setting a 'common context') and let my web.xml to handle 
the rest?



Putting JNDI configurable info. inside of a properties file only

2005-07-14 Thread Ben Bookey

Dear List,

In the example docs on the Apache web-site, all the JNDI info. is configured 
inside of the

server.xml and web.xml.

Is it possible or better said usual to make a data source, with the Oracle 
configurable JDBC URL connection info. in a  separate properties file. This 
would mean that the JNDI info. is isolated from the web application itself, 
and means the web administrator need not ediit the server and web.xml files. 
 Is this a reasonable request ?

Kind regards


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Re: [OT] photo album software for web site

2005-07-14 Thread Giuseppe Briotti
 Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 21:13:33 -0500
 From: epyonne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [OT] photo album software for web site
 Sorry about this off topic post, but I am looking for a couple 
 free software for the pictures on my web sites. One is to display 
 pictures as slide show, and the other one is to display pictures 
 as thumbnails (clickable for full size). They must be able to 
 run on UNIX server and do not require any database. Currently, 
 I am using some Java applets but they are taking up too much 
 desktop's resources to open up.
 Any help will be very much appreciated.

There is a simple program (in windows, but perhaps in Linux too)
that is able to prepare some html pages with a little bit of 
javascript. It is called Irfanview or something like this...



Giuseppe Briotti

Alme Sol, curru nitido diem qui 
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Nested Web applications.

2005-07-14 Thread Ravi Nathwani

Hi all,

I have multiple web applications. Currently all of them are distributed as 
WAR files and each one has a web.xml file with its own configurations. When 
they are installed, a separate directory for each is created in the /webapps 
folder. These applications are currently working fine.

Now I want to integrate all these application into one. This application 
when installed using its WAR file will create a folder in /webapps say 
/mainapp. This will contain just one initialization servlet and its 
directory structure will look as follows

  /lib (3rd party client libraries)
 /classes (inhouse server classes)
 /lib (3rd party server libraries)
/webapps/mainapp/common/classes (inhouse common client classes)
/webapps/mainapp/common/lib (3rd party common client libraries)
  /license.dat (This will determine which webapp to 

  /classes (inhouse common server classes)
  /lib (inhouse and 3rd party common server libraries)

The main application WAR file will contain all the other WAR files in its 
/app folder. Each of the other applications will have an initialization 
servlet and their servlet names would be configured in the main 
application's web.xml file.

How can a servlet tell Tomcat to expand the WAR file and install web 
applications under it?


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out of memory error while load testing

2005-07-14 Thread srikanth peddireddy
Hi All,
Recently we started load testing our application using Jmeter.
Following error is coming in tomcat while test is run at higher loads like 1500 
virtual users etc
SEVERE: Caught exception (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError) executing org.apache.tomca
[EMAIL PROTECTED], terminating thread
Jun 30, 2005 3:13:53 PM 
org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable run
I already configured the Tomcat using -Xmx option to use upto 2GB of RAM 
(Tomcat is running on a 3GB RAM machine)
Any inputs or pointers to the related resources on this problem??


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org.apache.catalina.util.ParameterMap.put exception

2005-07-14 Thread cristi

Hello all

I receive the following exception in a non deterministic manner.
The reader should understand that the exception is not thrown due to my
direct action on a ParameterMap instance.
Is there any possibility of knowing what to do in this case ?


HTTP Status 500 -

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented 
it from fulfilling this request.


java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot find message associated with key 

at org.apache.catalina.util.ParameterMap.put(

at mypackage.Hello.showResult(
at mypackage.Hello.doGet(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(



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Re: org.apache.catalina.util.ParameterMap.put exception

2005-07-14 Thread Foo Shyn

- Original Message - 
From: cristi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 5:01 PM
Subject: org.apache.catalina.util.ParameterMap.put exception

 Hello all

 I receive the following exception in a non deterministic manner.
 The reader should understand that the exception is not thrown due to my
 direct action on a ParameterMap instance.
 Is there any possibility of knowing what to do in this case ?


 HTTP Status 500 -

 type Exception report


 description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented
 it from fulfilling this request.


 java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot find message associated with key
 at org.apache.catalina.util.ParameterMap.put(







 at mypackage.Hello.showResult(
 at mypackage.Hello.doGet(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(




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Are u trying to redirect the user to another page from Hello?? Probably u
can try using response.sendRedirect instead to redirect the user?

Hope this help.


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Re: org.apache.catalina.util.ParameterMap.put exception

2005-07-14 Thread cristi

Are u trying to redirect the user to another page from Hello?? Probably u
can try using response.sendRedirect instead to redirect the user?

Yes. Hello is a servlet. The last action in my servlet is to call 
RequestDispatcher.forward() to a jsp which is creating the HTML page.

Do you have any reason to belive that response.sendRedirect should
work ? I do not modify the reponse object before calling 


Hope this help.


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Re: Serving .jsp's from other dirs (newbie)

2005-07-14 Thread pacea
Have you created a proper directory structure under /site? (i.e. /site/WEB-INF, 
etc) and written your /site/WEB-INF/web.xml file for the app?  Change the 
JkMount directives in httpd.conf and omit the .jsp (i.e. JkMount /site/*).  
Save html and jsp file in /site.  Save servlets in 
/site/WEB-INF/classes/com/site/.  If you've done all that, it should be as 
simple as restarting Tomcat and then restarting Apache.

-- Original message -- 

 Hello all, 
 Im a bit new to Tomcat and interoperation with Apache thru mod_jk... 
 I seem to have most of it setup. Im running Apache 1.3.33 and Tomcat 
 5.5.9 on Solaris 10 x86 
 I'm trying to get .jsp scripts to run within directories of my choice, 
 rather than the default examples dir. 
 In httpd.conf Ive added: 
 LoadModule jk_module libexec/ 
 Alias /jsp-examples /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/jsp-examples 
 Alias /site /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/site 
 JkWorkersFile /usr/local/tomcat/conf/jk/ 
 JkLogFile /usr/local/tomcat/logs/mod_jk.log 
 JkLogLevel info 
 JkMount /jsp-examples/*.jsp ajp13 
 JkMount /site/*.jsp ajp13 
 and my looks as so: 
 when i browse to http://localhost/jsp-examples everything works great, 
 this was the dir of examples that came packaged with tomcat 
 however, i created a new dir under webapps/ called site and placed a 
 test.jsp file 
 in there... when browsing to http://localhost/site/test.jsp i get an 
 HTTP Status 404 - /site/test.jsp The requested resource 
 (/site/test.jsp) is not available. 
 If I move the test.jsp file to /jsp-examples folder, it runs! Why is 
 this? This is killing me, I know it can't be too complex... the 
 jsp-examples folder can run scripts but my newly created one cannot. 
 Is there a setting im missing? 
 Also, If i added the following line, could I run jsp's from anywhere 
 within my web doc tree: 
 JkMount /*.jsp ajp13 
 Any help appreciated :) 
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Which is the latest 'stable' JK connector?

2005-07-14 Thread Alex Sansom

Can someone please confirm which is the latest stable JK connector
please? I've been looking at the JK documentation located at but it is not
clear which is the most recent 'stable' release.

I'm currently using 1.2.10 for testing but I need to use  1.2.11 as
there is a bug fix in that release that I require. The downloadable
binaries at
are for 1.2.6 1.2.8 1.2.10 1.2.13 and 1.2.14. Are these all stable



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Tomcat Configuration

2005-07-14 Thread Iin Nurhidayat

Hi All,

I have a problem with my deployment.

I have some servlets and one Login.html.
I will put my servlets and Login.html on

Based on book i have read :

a) I configure the server.xml
   Context path= /myapplication docBase=
reloadable= true  crossContext= true   

Logger className=
prefix= localhost_myapplication_log.  suffix= .txt
timestamp= true  /  

b) I put Login.html under myapplication directory.

c) I put servlets under classes directory

But, Tomcat response is can not find /myapplication

Please advice ...


- IN - 

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Re: out of memory error while load testing

2005-07-14 Thread Bhaskar
You need to check on whether it is giving Outofmemory error is 
immediately after starting loadtesting with 1500 users or over period of 
time. If it is over period of time then you need to check whether there 
are any memory leaks. Or your design for ex., it might happen if you 
query db and that ends up resulting in huge number of rows.

BTW., what is the max number of threads you have configured?
and what is the active number of threads? Pbly u can use 
Performance-Valve to get such details.


srikanth peddireddy wrote:

Hi All,

Recently we started load testing our application using Jmeter.
Following error is coming in tomcat while test is run at higher loads like 1500 
virtual users etc


SEVERE: Caught exception (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError) executing org.apache.tomca
[EMAIL PROTECTED], terminating thread
Jun 30, 2005 3:13:53 PM 
org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable run


I already configured the Tomcat using -Xmx option to use upto 2GB of RAM 
(Tomcat is running on a 3GB RAM machine)

Any inputs or pointers to the related resources on this problem??



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Re: Trying to configure apache, tomcat and mod_jk

2005-07-14 Thread Matthew Strawbridge
Thanks to Paul Constantine and Alan Chandler for their responses.

I've managed to get it all working (eventually!). I think there were 
two stumbling blocks:
1. I had rebuild Apache but was accidentally running the old version, 
so the httpd.conf was not being picked up.
2. Paul's blog clarified which settings I should be using in 

I've tried to record exactly what I did here: This 
might be particularly useful for anyone else trying to set up Tomcat 
on a Go Daddy virtual dedicated server.

 I set things up considerably different, though. For example, I was just
 trying to serve jsp's from the $CATALINA_HOME\webapps directory. I'm not
 entirely sure, but I think the JkMount directive only points to that

I think the JkMounts are just telling JK to try to pass on the 
request to Tomcat if the URL fits a particular pattern. I've 
JkMounted all of the directories I need, and Tomcat is happy to look 
for the files in a different directory from Apache.

 It looks like you're defining more workers in your than
 you're actually using in httpd.conf. I don't think you need the ajp12

Yes, you're right. Thanks.

 Another thing is that you have not defined a JkShmFile (a shared memory
 file). This is required for connectors 1.2.10 and later (although 1.2.13
 might set one up on its own).

I didn't need this with 1.2.13.

 Just a quick look at your server.xml file seems to be missing the
 engine jvmroute= ...
 that I have.

I still don't have an engine jvmroute=
However, my sets up the paths for Java and Tomcat. 
I don't know whether this is the same thing.

Computers -- don't you just love em! ;-)

Thanks again

Matthew Strawbridge
Bespoke software development and freelance technical copy editing

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RE: Tomcat Configuration

2005-07-14 Thread Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy
Context path= /myapplication docBase=
reloadable= true  crossContext= true   

Remove ( /webapps/ ) 

-Original Message-
From: Iin Nurhidayat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 14 July 2005 12:14
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Tomcat Configuration

Hi All,

I have a problem with my deployment.

I have some servlets and one Login.html.
I will put my servlets and Login.html on

Based on book i have read :

a) I configure the server.xml
   Context path= /myapplication docBase=
reloadable= true  crossContext= true   

Logger className=
prefix= localhost_myapplication_log.  suffix= .txt
timestamp= true  /  

b) I put Login.html under myapplication directory.

c) I put servlets under classes directory

But, Tomcat response is can not find /myapplication

Please advice ...


- IN - 

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RE: Tomcat Configuration

2005-07-14 Thread Iin Nurhidayat

Hi Guru,

i replced webapps but i have same problem also ...


- IN - 

--- Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy

 Context path= /myapplication docBase=
 reloadable= true  crossContext= true   
 Remove ( /webapps/ ) 
 -Original Message-
 From: Iin Nurhidayat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 14 July 2005 12:14
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Tomcat Configuration
 Hi All,
 I have a problem with my deployment.
 I have some servlets and one Login.html.
 I will put my servlets and Login.html on
 Based on book i have read :
 a) I configure the server.xml
Context path= /myapplication docBase=
 reloadable= true  crossContext= true   
 Logger className=
 prefix= localhost_myapplication_log.  suffix=
 timestamp= true  /  
 b) I put Login.html under myapplication directory.
 c) I put servlets under classes directory

 But, Tomcat response is can not find /myapplication
 Please advice ...
 - IN - 
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RE: Tomcat Configuration

2005-07-14 Thread Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy
Did you restart tomcat ?

-Original Message-
From: Iin Nurhidayat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 14 July 2005 13:30
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Tomcat Configuration

Hi Guru,

i replced webapps but i have same problem also ...


- IN - 

--- Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy

 Context path= /myapplication docBase=
 reloadable= true  crossContext= true   
 Remove ( /webapps/ ) 
 -Original Message-
 From: Iin Nurhidayat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 14 July 2005 12:14
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Tomcat Configuration
 Hi All,
 I have a problem with my deployment.
 I have some servlets and one Login.html.
 I will put my servlets and Login.html on
 Based on book i have read :
 a) I configure the server.xml
Context path= /myapplication docBase=
 reloadable= true  crossContext= true   
 Logger className=
 prefix= localhost_myapplication_log.  suffix=
 timestamp= true  /  
 b) I put Login.html under myapplication directory.
 c) I put servlets under classes directory

 But, Tomcat response is can not find /myapplication
 Please advice ...
 - IN - 
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RE: Tomcat Configuration

2005-07-14 Thread Iin Nurhidayat


--- Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy

 Did you restart tomcat ?
 -Original Message-
 From: Iin Nurhidayat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 14 July 2005 13:30
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: Tomcat Configuration
 Hi Guru,
 i replced webapps but i have same problem also ...
 - IN - 
 --- Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy
  Context path= /myapplication docBase=
  reloadable= true  crossContext= true   
  Remove ( /webapps/ ) 
  -Original Message-
  From: Iin Nurhidayat
  Sent: 14 July 2005 12:14
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Tomcat Configuration
  Hi All,
  I have a problem with my deployment.
  I have some servlets and one Login.html.
  I will put my servlets and Login.html on
  Based on book i have read :
  a) I configure the server.xml
 Context path= /myapplication docBase=
  reloadable= true  crossContext= true   
  Logger className=
  prefix= localhost_myapplication_log.  suffix=
  timestamp= true  /  
  b) I put Login.html under myapplication directory.
  c) I put servlets under classes directory


  But, Tomcat response is can not find
  Please advice ...
  - IN - 
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RE: Tomcat Configuration

2005-07-14 Thread Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy
Send me the server.xml 

-Original Message-
From: Iin Nurhidayat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 14 July 2005 13:36
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Tomcat Configuration


--- Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy

 Did you restart tomcat ?
 -Original Message-
 From: Iin Nurhidayat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 14 July 2005 13:30
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: Tomcat Configuration
 Hi Guru,
 i replced webapps but i have same problem also ...
 - IN - 
 --- Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy
  Context path= /myapplication docBase=
  reloadable= true  crossContext= true   
  Remove ( /webapps/ ) 
  -Original Message-
  From: Iin Nurhidayat
  Sent: 14 July 2005 12:14
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Tomcat Configuration
  Hi All,
  I have a problem with my deployment.
  I have some servlets and one Login.html.
  I will put my servlets and Login.html on
  Based on book i have read :
  a) I configure the server.xml
 Context path= /myapplication docBase=
  reloadable= true  crossContext= true   
  Logger className=
  prefix= localhost_myapplication_log.  suffix=
  timestamp= true  /  
  b) I put Login.html under myapplication directory.
  c) I put servlets under classes directory


  But, Tomcat response is can not find
  Please advice ...
  - IN - 
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Re: Tomcat Configuration

2005-07-14 Thread Jon Wingfield

Do you have a web.xml in WEB-INF?
What do the tomcat logs say on startup? You can tweak the logger 
verbosity by increasing the debug attributes on elements within server.xml.

What version of tomcat? Not sure Logger elements are supported in 5.5.x


PS: books are generally out of date by the time they are published ;) 
There are plenty of config changes between 4.0.x, 4.1.x, 5.0.x and 5.5.x 

Iin Nurhidayat wrote:


--- Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy

Did you restart tomcat ?

-Original Message-
From: Iin Nurhidayat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: 14 July 2005 13:30
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Tomcat Configuration

Hi Guru,

i replced webapps but i have same problem also ...


- IN - 

--- Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy

Context path= /myapplication docBase=
reloadable= true  crossContext= true   

Remove ( /webapps/ ) 

-Original Message-
From: Iin Nurhidayat


Sent: 14 July 2005 12:14
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Tomcat Configuration

Hi All,

I have a problem with my deployment.

I have some servlets and one Login.html.
I will put my servlets and Login.html on

Based on book i have read :

a) I configure the server.xml
  Context path= /myapplication docBase=
reloadable= true  crossContext= true   

Logger className=
prefix= localhost_myapplication_log.  suffix=

timestamp= true  /  

b) I put Login.html under myapplication directory.

c) I put servlets under classes directory


But, Tomcat response is can not find



Please advice ...


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Re: Tomcat Configuration

2005-07-14 Thread Bryan Scarbrough
Will it load the Login.html file, or do you simply see nothing at all?

On 7/14/05, Iin Nurhidayat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,
 I have a problem with my deployment.
 I have some servlets and one Login.html.
 I will put my servlets and Login.html on
 Based on book i have read :
 a) I configure the server.xml
Context path= /myapplication docBase=
 reloadable= true  crossContext= true  
 Logger className=
 prefix= localhost_myapplication_log.  suffix= .txt
 timestamp= true  / 
 b) I put Login.html under myapplication directory.
 c) I put servlets under classes directory
 But, Tomcat response is can not find /myapplication
 Please advice ...
 - IN -
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Re: Tomcat Configuration

2005-07-14 Thread Iin Nurhidayat

See nothing at all, 
get 404 resource /myapplication is not available ..

- IN -

--- Bryan Scarbrough [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Will it load the Login.html file, or do you simply
 see nothing at all?
 On 7/14/05, Iin Nurhidayat [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hi All,
  I have a problem with my deployment.
  I have some servlets and one Login.html.
  I will put my servlets and Login.html on
  Based on book i have read :
  a) I configure the server.xml
 Context path= /myapplication docBase=
  reloadable= true  crossContext= true  
  Logger className=
  prefix= localhost_myapplication_log.  suffix=
  timestamp= true  / 
  b) I put Login.html under myapplication directory.
  c) I put servlets under classes directory

  But, Tomcat response is can not find
  Please advice ...
  - IN -
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Re: Linking Tomcat to Apache

2005-07-14 Thread Bryan Scarbrough
How is it all currently configured (the mod_jk portions)?


On 7/13/05, Ben Stuart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to use ModJk to Link Apache 2 and Tomcat 5.5.9
 I followed the instructions and I thought I had it all right!
 But I edited my httpd.cong file to support virtual hosts and pointed the
 document root to the jsp and the servlet examples and apache serves those
 pages to the web but the examples come through as html so its not using
 Can anyone help?
 I will send you my files if that will help?
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Re: Which is the latest 'stable' JK connector?

2005-07-14 Thread Bryan Scarbrough
I believe it is v. 1.2.13.


On 7/14/05, Alex Sansom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can someone please confirm which is the latest stable JK connector
 please? I've been looking at the JK documentation located at but it is not
 clear which is the most recent 'stable' release.
 I'm currently using 1.2.10 for testing but I need to use  1.2.11 as
 there is a bug fix in that release that I require. The downloadable
 binaries at
 are for 1.2.6 1.2.8 1.2.10 1.2.13 and 1.2.14. Are these all stable
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Re: Admin account - embedded tomcat in netbeans

2005-07-14 Thread Geertjan Wielenga

Hi Jay,

Did you find the answer to your problem?

If not, I can help. (Basically, don't edit tomcat_users.xml in the 
NetBeans installation directory, but in the NetBeans user directory 

-- Geertjan


All -
  I have installed netbeans and want to use/administer the embedded 
tomcat server.

Can't seem to get past the admin login screen.  I have read the docs, 
edited the  tomcat_users.xml file.

Any and all assistance would be appreciated.


Jay Huffman
DST Systems, Inc
Special Products Group
(816) 435-4256   Desk

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Re: debugging tomcat itself with netbeans

2005-07-14 Thread Geertjan Wielenga

Hi Herman,

Did you get further with this?

-- Geertjan

Hernan Ochoa wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to debug tomcat itself v5.5.9 using netbeans 4.1 without much luck.
I'm able to attach to a running instance of tomcat using JPDA, but
then my breakpoints are activated erraticaly.

Did someone try this before?
These are the things I did:

-compiled tomcat 5.5.9 with a file containing:
-I added all .java files into a new netbeans project (I created a new
project with the option new project with existing java source files
or sthg like that)
-I run tomcat using the command /bin/ jpda start
-I attach to the instance of tomcat running with netbeans
-I set the breakpoints by toggling them into the .java source files I
added on netbeans. Sometimes I do this from the Files window, and
sometimes from the Projects windows. Here I'm not sure what's the
right way to go.

Any help with this would be much appreciated.
If anyone has sucessfully debugged tomcat with another debugger,
please let me know also.

Thanks in advance.

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Is there another version of Tomcat coming any time soon

2005-07-14 Thread Edmon Begoli

I am trying to schedule a production release, so I would like to know if 
there is another point release of Tomcat coming out (like 5.5.10) within 
next month and a half. 

Thank you,
Edmon Begoli

Re: [OT] photo album software for web site

2005-07-14 Thread Ben Kim
 Sorry about this off topic post, but I am looking for a couple 
 free software for the pictures on my web sites. One is to display 
 pictures as slide show, and the other one is to display pictures 
 as thumbnails (clickable for full size). They must be able to 
 run on UNIX server and do not require any database. Currently, 
 I am using some Java applets but they are taking up too much 
 desktop's resources to open up.

These are some gallery software I run. All opensourced, I believe. 

- gallery: 
Featurewise the best, (resizing, thumbnailing,
extracting camera info, etc.) php based. 
I've seen awesome sites running this but they seemed to be using a skin of
their own.

- coppermine gallery: 
Featurewise similar to gallery but I find some functions lacking. php

- ginp:
Featurewise behind the first two, but jsp/servlet based, so if you are in
a java shop...

My 2 cents.


Ben Kim / Developer
College of Education 
Texas AM University

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Re: [OT] photo album software for web site

2005-07-14 Thread Peter Lin
or you could just use one of the free sites out there like


On 7/14/05, Ben Kim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sorry about this off topic post, but I am looking for a couple
  free software for the pictures on my web sites. One is to display
  pictures as slide show, and the other one is to display pictures
  as thumbnails (clickable for full size). They must be able to
  run on UNIX server and do not require any database. Currently,
  I am using some Java applets but they are taking up too much
  desktop's resources to open up.
 These are some gallery software I run. All opensourced, I believe.
 - gallery:
 Featurewise the best, (resizing, thumbnailing,
 extracting camera info, etc.) php based.
 I've seen awesome sites running this but they seemed to be using a skin of
 their own.
 - coppermine gallery:
 Featurewise similar to gallery but I find some functions lacking. php
 - ginp:
 Featurewise behind the first two, but jsp/servlet based, so if you are in
 a java shop...
 My 2 cents.
 Ben Kim / Developer
 College of Education
 Texas AM University
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RE: Which is the latest 'stable' JK connector?

2005-07-14 Thread Alex Sansom
Thanks for the response Bryan.

Where did you get the information from? Do you have a link? No doubt
it'll be handy for future reference...



-Original Message-
From: Bryan Scarbrough [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 14 July 2005 14:09
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Which is the latest 'stable' JK connector?

I believe it is v. 1.2.13.


On 7/14/05, Alex Sansom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can someone please confirm which is the latest stable JK connector 
 please? I've been looking at the JK documentation located at but it is 
 not clear which is the most recent 'stable' release.
 I'm currently using 1.2.10 for testing but I need to use  1.2.11 as 
 there is a bug fix in that release that I require. The downloadable 
 binaries at
 are for 1.2.6 1.2.8 1.2.10 1.2.13 and 1.2.14. Are these all stable
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How to Replace Tomcat authentication?

2005-07-14 Thread ohaya

I've been looking into possibly replacing Tomcat's authentication with
our own functionality.  It looks like there use to be a class called
SimpleRealm in the older Tomcat versions that would have done the trick
if we replaced it, but I can't find any references to it in the latest
source that I downloaded.

Has anyone here done this before, and can you provide me to some
pointers as to where/how to get started with it with the current version
of Tomcat?

Thanks in advance!!


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What is allowed to do with a HttpServletRequest ?

2005-07-14 Thread cristi

Hello all

I have a web application where I need to use in a second request the
HttpServletRequest object sent to the same servelet in the first

Here is what my servlet looks like :

public void doGet( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
some code here detecting if this request
is the first one. This code initializes

   if( isFirstRequest )
session.setAttribute( FIRST_REQUEST_OBJECT, request );
request.getRequestDispatcher(somepage.jsp).forward(request, response);
HttpServletRequest oreq = 
request.getRequestDispatcher(somepage.jsp).forward(oreq, response);


It seems that it is not safe to do so. What can I do to handle this situation ?


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Session Mixup

2005-07-14 Thread Srinivas Gunturu
Hello All,

I have been fighting this session mix-up problem in our application which is 
very easily reproducible.

Tomcat 5.0.9
Struts 1.1

Upon user login, we create a user bean object and store on user session.  When 
6 of us tried to login separately using our own logins, we could see our 
sessions get mixed up and also seeing other user's name in welcome greeting.

I have tried migrating to Tomcat 5.5, tried turning of Tomcat session 
persistence, tried making user object serializable.

Still no luck.  Any idea?



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Re: What is allowed to do with a HttpServletRequest ?

2005-07-14 Thread Guillaume Lederrey
The question is probably : why do you need to refer to the first
request ?. Dont you need to actually refer to some state of the
request ? Could you extract that state from the request instead of
storing the full request ?

  Maybe I'm just asking a dumb question, but I have problem
understanding why you would need the whole request ...

On 7/14/05, cristi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all
 I have a web application where I need to use in a second request the
 HttpServletRequest object sent to the same servelet in the first
 Here is what my servlet looks like :
 public void doGet( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
  some code here detecting if this request
  is the first one. This code initializes
 if( isFirstRequest )
 session.setAttribute( FIRST_REQUEST_OBJECT, request );
 HttpServletRequest oreq = 
 request.getRequestDispatcher(somepage.jsp).forward(oreq, response);
 It seems that it is not safe to do so. What can I do to handle this situation 
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RE: What is allowed to do with a HttpServletRequest ?

2005-07-14 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: cristi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I have a web application where I need to use in a second request the
 HttpServletRequest object sent to the same servelet in the first
   session.setAttribute( FIRST_REQUEST_OBJECT, request );

Unsafe.  Servlet containers may re-use request objects between
invocations.  Can't remember for sure, but I think Tomcat does so.  So
your second request object may be identical to your first request

 It seems that it is not safe to do so. What can I do to 
 handle this situation ?

As Guillaume said: copy the state you need from the first request into
the session, rather than storing the entire request.

- Peter

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Re: Session Mixup

2005-07-14 Thread David Smith

Any static field storage in your bean object?


Srinivas Gunturu wrote:

Hello All,

I have been fighting this session mix-up problem in our application which is 
very easily reproducible.

Tomcat 5.0.9
Struts 1.1

Upon user login, we create a user bean object and store on user session.  When 
6 of us tried to login separately using our own logins, we could see our 
sessions get mixed up and also seeing other user's name in welcome greeting.

I have tried migrating to Tomcat 5.5, tried turning of Tomcat session 
persistence, tried making user object serializable.

Still no luck.  Any idea?



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Re: Session Mixup

2005-07-14 Thread Srinivas Gunturu
Thanks for the quick response.  We do have some static final constants in the 
user bean, but not marked Transient.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/14/05 10:26 AM 
Any static field storage in your bean object?


Srinivas Gunturu wrote:

Hello All,

I have been fighting this session mix-up problem in our application which is 
very easily reproducible.

Tomcat 5.0.9
Struts 1.1

Upon user login, we create a user bean object and store on user session.  When 
6 of us tried to login separately using our own logins, we could see our 
sessions get mixed up and also seeing other user's name in welcome greeting.

I have tried migrating to Tomcat 5.5, tried turning of Tomcat session 
persistence, tried making user object serializable.

Still no luck.  Any idea?



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Re: Session Mixup

2005-07-14 Thread Peddireddy Srikanth
It never happened to me and it will not happen also unless there is some 
serious bug in ur code.
Are you six people trying to login simultaneously from different machines?
Or trying to login from same system one after another from same system?
If it is the second case, then it copuld be the problem with browser cache. 
Clear cache and check. 
If it is the second case , check what is given for the scope attribute of 
the user bean (assuming you used jsp:usebean or something similar). If 
scope is given as application instead of session (or request) this could 
 On 7/14/05, Srinivas Gunturu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Hello All,
 I have been fighting this session mix-up problem in our application which 
 is very easily reproducible.
 Tomcat 5.0.9
 Struts 1.1
 Upon user login, we create a user bean object and store on user session. 
 When 6 of us tried to login separately using our own logins, we could see 
 our sessions get mixed up and also seeing other user's name in welcome 
 I have tried migrating to Tomcat 5.5, tried turning of Tomcat session 
 persistence, tried making user object serializable.
 Still no luck. Any idea?
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Re: Session Mixup

2005-07-14 Thread Srinivas Gunturu
All 6 of us are logging simultaneously from different machines.

The way, we store the user object in session is inside LoginAction class and 
not inside the jsp.

session.setAttribute(Constants.USER_KEY, userInfo);

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/14/05 10:34 AM 
It never happened to me and it will not happen also unless there is some 
serious bug in ur code.
Are you six people trying to login simultaneously from different machines?
Or trying to login from same system one after another from same system?
If it is the second case, then it copuld be the problem with browser cache. 
Clear cache and check. 
If it is the second case , check what is given for the scope attribute of 
the user bean (assuming you used jsp:usebean or something similar). If 
scope is given as application instead of session (or request) this could 
 On 7/14/05, Srinivas Gunturu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Hello All,
 I have been fighting this session mix-up problem in our application which 
 is very easily reproducible.
 Tomcat 5.0.9
 Struts 1.1
 Upon user login, we create a user bean object and store on user session. 
 When 6 of us tried to login separately using our own logins, we could see 
 our sessions get mixed up and also seeing other user's name in welcome 
 I have tried migrating to Tomcat 5.5, tried turning of Tomcat session 
 persistence, tried making user object serializable.
 Still no luck. Any idea?
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Strange problem with tomcat 5.5.9

2005-07-14 Thread Paulo Neves
Hi all,

I've a strange problem with my tomcat.

When I have a network problem with my router my tomcat that is install
in another machine reload webapps (balancer, manager, admin ) except
my webapp.
If i run tomcat manager and see webapps list, manager said that webapp
is running but is not.
To solve this problem I have to restart my webapp in tomcat manager or
restart tomcat.

What could be ?

Tech info about my server:
Red Hat 9.0
Tomcat 5.5.9
Java 1.5.0_03

Router is win98 :( with winconnection


On 7/14/05, Foo Shyn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi there,
 Have a question on dbcp settings. I'd done the settings by configuring the 
 server.xml and the web.xml of my application and it works fine. But since i 
 need to install multiple application on the same Tomcat server, i'll need to 
 place different context tag in the server.xml for each application to 
 enable the datasource for each of my apps. Since my apps are all connecting 
 to a same database server, is there any configuration method that allows me 
 to setup once in server.xml (such as setting a 'common context') and let my 
 web.xml to handle the rest?

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2005-07-14 Thread Eric J. Pastoor
The msn bot has been hammering one of my webapps for about 2 weeks now. I 
have a calendar style transaction page that is not password protected. 
Essentially this calendar goes on forever. This means that the msn bot is 
basically going on forever.  It is making my log files insanely large.  Is 
there a way to create a robots.txt file for basically one servlet instead of 

thanks for your help,

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Re: Which is the latest 'stable' JK connector?

2005-07-14 Thread Bryan Scarbrough
If you look at the following link it only says that the 1.2.14 version
is still awaiting approval to be specified as stable.


On 7/14/05, Alex Sansom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for the response Bryan.
 Where did you get the information from? Do you have a link? No doubt
 it'll be handy for future reference...
 -Original Message-
 From: Bryan Scarbrough [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 14 July 2005 14:09
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Which is the latest 'stable' JK connector?
 I believe it is v. 1.2.13.
 On 7/14/05, Alex Sansom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Can someone please confirm which is the latest stable JK connector
  please? I've been looking at the JK documentation located at but it is
  not clear which is the most recent 'stable' release.
  I'm currently using 1.2.10 for testing but I need to use  1.2.11 as
  there is a bug fix in that release that I require. The downloadable
  binaries at
  are for 1.2.6 1.2.8 1.2.10 1.2.13 and 1.2.14. Are these all stable
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Re: robots.txt

2005-07-14 Thread Tim Funk

Place a robots meta tag in the head tag of your html.


Eric J. Pastoor wrote:
The msn bot has been hammering one of my webapps for about 2 weeks now. 
I have a calendar style transaction page that is not password protected. 
Essentially this calendar goes on forever. This means that the msn bot 
is basically going on forever.  It is making my log files insanely 
large.  Is there a way to create a robots.txt file for basically one 
servlet instead of everything?

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Re: robots.txt

2005-07-14 Thread Mark Benussi

With follow = false or something cant remember the exact syntax

Original Message Follows
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: robots.txt
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 14:14:32 -0400

Place a robots meta tag in the head tag of your html.


Eric J. Pastoor wrote:
The msn bot has been hammering one of my webapps for about 2 weeks now. I 
have a calendar style transaction page that is not password protected. 
Essentially this calendar goes on forever. This means that the msn bot is 
basically going on forever.  It is making my log files insanely large.  Is 
there a way to create a robots.txt file for basically one servlet instead 
of everything?

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Re: [OT] robots.txt

2005-07-14 Thread Rahul Akolkar
Marked OT.

On 7/14/05, Eric J. Pastoor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The msn bot has been hammering one of my webapps for about 2 weeks now. I
 have a calendar style transaction page that is not password protected.
 Essentially this calendar goes on forever. This means that the msn bot is
 basically going on forever.  It is making my log files insanely large.  Is
 there a way to create a robots.txt file for basically one servlet instead of

In theory, yes, by using the disallow directive appropriately. For
example, this snippet recommends all bots stay away from your CGI

User-agent: *
Disallow: /cgi-bin/

and this one recommends that badbot stays away from the GoodServlet

User-agent: badbot
Disallow: /servlets/GoodServlet


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Re: Session Mixup

2005-07-14 Thread David Smith
Ok. One other thought that's burned me once -- servlet instances are 
recycled between requests without resetting any of it's field members. 
The next request gets it exactly as the one before left it.  That means 
you should either avoid field members in favor of method parameters + 
method local variables or be sure to reinitialize them before processing 
a new request.


Srinivas Gunturu wrote:

All 6 of us are logging simultaneously from different machines.

The way, we store the user object in session is inside LoginAction class and 
not inside the jsp.

   session.setAttribute(Constants.USER_KEY, userInfo);


[EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/14/05 10:34 AM 

It never happened to me and it will not happen also unless there is some 
serious bug in ur code.

Are you six people trying to login simultaneously from different machines?
Or trying to login from same system one after another from same system?
If it is the second case, then it copuld be the problem with browser cache. 
Clear cache and check. 
If it is the second case , check what is given for the scope attribute of 
the user bean (assuming you used jsp:usebean or something similar). If 
scope is given as application instead of session (or request) this could 
On 7/14/05, Srinivas Gunturu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Hello All,

I have been fighting this session mix-up problem in our application which 
is very easily reproducible.

Tomcat 5.0.9
Struts 1.1

Upon user login, we create a user bean object and store on user session. 
When 6 of us tried to login separately using our own logins, we could see 
our sessions get mixed up and also seeing other user's name in welcome 

I have tried migrating to Tomcat 5.5, tried turning of Tomcat session 
persistence, tried making user object serializable.

Still no luck. Any idea?



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mod_jk - multiple workers for same Tomcat instance?

2005-07-14 Thread David Hay


Is it possible to specify multiple workers for the same Tomcat instance?

We'd like to balance different contexts with different load factors to the 
same Tomcat (hope that makes sense!).

I'm thinking we could define another AJP13 connector on a different port, 
but not sure how to specify things in and server.xml.



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Re: mod_jk - multiple workers for same Tomcat instance?

2005-07-14 Thread Mladen Turk

David Hay wrote:


Is it possible to specify multiple workers for the same Tomcat instance?

But this will impose additional load to the tomcat doubling the number
of connections from apache to mod_jk for each worker.
For ten workers you may end up with 2500 connections with
250 MaxClients defined in the httpd.conf.

We'd like to balance different contexts with different load factors to 
the same Tomcat (hope that makes sense!).

No. But you may feel free to express the idea that led you to consider
something like that.


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2005-07-14 Thread Durfee, Bernard
In the ever confusing quest to properly create an Oracle data source in
Tomcat 5.5.x using the 10g JDBC drivers, I am stuck trying to properly
configure connection caching. I've tried the following in my context XML

name= jdbc/suny
auth= Container
type= oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource
driverClassName = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
factory = oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSourceFactory
url =
user= abc
password= def

connectionCachingEnabled= true
implicitCachingEnabled  = true
maxStatementsLimit  = 5
minLimit= 0
maxLimit= 20 
validateConnection  = true

...but when I retrieve the data source in my code and examine it...

OracleDataSource ods = (OracleDataSource)m_dataSource;
message.append(\nExtended Oracle data source information);
message.append(\nName: +
message.append(\nDescription:  +
message.append(\nCaching enabled:  +
message.append(\nImplicit caching enabled: +
message.append(\nExplicit caching enabled: +
message.append(\nFast Failover enabled:+
message.append(\nConnection cache properties:  +

...I get the following inconsistent results...

Extended Oracle data source information
Name:   OracleDataSource
Caching enabled:true
Implicit caching enabled:   false
Explicit caching enabled:   false
Fast Failover enabled:  false
Connection cache properties: {MaxStatementsLimit=0,
MinLimit=0, TimeToLiveTimeout=0, LowerThresholdLimit=20, InitialLimit=0,
ConnectionWaitTimeout=0, PropertyCheckInterval=900, InactivityTimeout=0,
MaxLimit=2147483647, AttributeWeights=NULL}

...that show that the data source is correct and the
connectionCachingEnabled property is getting through. But I can't seem
to set any of the other properties, most importantly the maximum number
of connections for the pool. So I have a few questions...

Is this is latest and greatest way to properly create and configure an
Oracle data source in Tomcat?

How does Tomcat go about creating the data source and how does it decide
what properties to set on the data source?

Is there a definitive list of properties for the Oracle data source?

Bernie Durfee

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Re: mod_jk - multiple workers for same Tomcat instance?

2005-07-14 Thread David Hay


We have set up several contexts eg one for client requests and one for admin 
requests, for a set of Tomcat servers, fronted by Apache.

We would like to balance them differently, allowing one machine to take most 
of the admin load.

There doesn't seem to be a lbfactor parameter for a loadbalancing worker, so 
our second option is to create a seperate client and admin worker for each 
machine, and set their lbfactors separately.  Unless you can recommend a 
better way?

If we go down this route, could you explain how to set up two connectors in 
the tomcat's server.xml with different jvmRoute values to put in

many thanks,


From: Mladen Turk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: mod_jk - multiple workers for same Tomcat instance?
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 20:49:06 +0200

David Hay wrote:


Is it possible to specify multiple workers for the same Tomcat instance?

But this will impose additional load to the tomcat doubling the number
of connections from apache to mod_jk for each worker.
For ten workers you may end up with 2500 connections with
250 MaxClients defined in the httpd.conf.

We'd like to balance different contexts with different load factors to the 
same Tomcat (hope that makes sense!).

No. But you may feel free to express the idea that led you to consider
something like that.


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Re: robots.txt

2005-07-14 Thread Eric J. Pastoor
thanks for your help with both the meta solution as well as the servlet 

- Original Message - 
From: Mark Benussi [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: robots.txt

With follow = false or something cant remember the exact syntax

Original Message Follows
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: robots.txt
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 14:14:32 -0400

Place a robots meta tag in the head tag of your html.


Eric J. Pastoor wrote:
The msn bot has been hammering one of my webapps for about 2 weeks now. I 
have a calendar style transaction page that is not password protected. 
Essentially this calendar goes on forever. This means that the msn bot is 
basically going on forever.  It is making my log files insanely large.  Is 
there a way to create a robots.txt file for basically one servlet instead 
of everything?

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RE: Session Mixup

2005-07-14 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: David Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: Re: Session Mixup
 Ok. One other thought that's burned me once -- servlet instances are 
 recycled between requests without resetting any of it's field 

Actually, a given servlet object may be accessed by multiple
request-processing threads simultaneously.  You always have to think
about the scope of any field before deciding what object it should be
placed in.  E.g., you normally don't want to put request-specific data
in a servlet or session object.

 - Chuck

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RE: RFC-2047 Header Character Set Encoding JK + Tomcat 5

2005-07-14 Thread Guernsey, Byron \(GE Consumer Industrial\)

For others who might be interested- and the tomcat developers should
correct me if I'm wrong since this goes into the archive, Tomcat 5.5.9
or  does not appear to support RFC-2047 for processing MIME-Headers
that use different character encodings besides ISO-8859-1. 

Searching through 1000's of lines of tomcat code, as best I could tell,
the code always assumes headers are of ISO-8859-1 type... from the
MimeHeaders class down to the ChunkByte class.  While both appear to
have the ability to specify encoding, they correctly assume the default
to be ISO and from what I could tell, the code parsing headers from the
Request does nothing to change this.

I could find no provisions for processing RFC-2047 compliant headers in
any of the connectors.  Listed here: and referenced from the HTTP 1.1
RFC listed here: (see section 2.2
on basic rules for TEXT, and the definition of headers in section 4.2)
and references in JSR-154 servlet 2.4 spec.  Is Tomcat still considered
a reference implementation?

I hope this helps all who run into similar issues and can find no
information on them.  Now on to the Apache 2 source code to see if it
specifies the format required in the Header module API.


Keywords: International Headers UTF-8 ISO-8859-1 RFC-2047 

-Original Message-
From: Guernsey, Byron (GE Consumer  Industrial) 
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 4:16 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RFC-2047 Header Character Set Encoding JK + Tomcat 5

Is there a FAQ on how Tomcat 5 and JK1 implement HTTP header character
sets? (ie, does it support RFC-2047)

We use some single sign-on plugin's at the web server (apache 2) that
set specific headers which may contain international characters.  The
headers are being returned by Tomcat to jsps/servlets in such a way that
the strings decode properly only if the browser is forced to view them
as UTF-8. 

This implies that the values are actually UTF-8 encoded, but improperly
assumed to be ISO-8859-1 as some point.

I have not yet tracked down which component in the chain is at fault. It
may very well be that the SSO plugin is calling the Apache API to set
Headers with UTF-8 values when they accept only ISO-8859-1 values, or
values encoded per RFC-2047.

I'd like to find out what mod_jk expects the header values to be when it
retrieves them from Apache, and whether Tomcat supports RFC-2047
decoding of header values.

If anyone has any experience with this, or can refer me to a discussion
or thread about this very item, I'd greatly appreciate the tip.  I'm not
looking forward to the amount of inspection I'm going to have to do to
find the culprit.


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Re: Tomcat5.0 Database Connection Pooling Configuration

2005-07-14 Thread Alon Belman
you can define resources for all of a host's contexts by using a
GlobalNamingResources element

see here for more info:

On 7/13/05, Foo Shyn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi there,
 Have a question on dbcp settings. I'd done the settings by configuring the 
 server.xml and the web.xml of my application and it works fine. But since i 
 need to install multiple application on the same Tomcat server, i'll need to 
 place different context tag in the server.xml for each application to 
 enable the datasource for each of my apps. Since my apps are all connecting 
 to a same database server, is there any configuration method that allows me 
 to setup once in server.xml (such as setting a 'common context') and let my 
 web.xml to handle the rest?

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Starting Tomcat 5.0.19 without the console

2005-07-14 Thread Mitchell Teixeira
Hi - I'm trying to use the javaw option in catalina.bat to kick off
Tomcat without opening a console window. Besides not having an always open
command prompt window (console) I hope to get the various messages which
print to the console to go into the standard log. I've been experimenting
with the FileLogger settings but not having any success. I've set
SwallowOutput to false in hopes of seeing console messages appear in a
log file someplace as well.

I'm using Tomcat 5.0.19 on Windows 2000 with JDK 1.4.2.

I need to start Tomcat from a .bat file since I have extensive extra class
files and configuration to call and that does not seem possible when
running Tomcat as a service using the default installation setup.

Thanks for any help/ideas.

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2005-07-14 Thread Medha Parathasarathy

By any chance, any body in the group is interested in a party time
assignment of maintaining the site of mine. If any body
is interested, please revert with your profile and cost per hour


On Thu, 14 Jul 2005 14:35:10 -0700 (PDT), Mitchell Teixeira
 Hi - I'm trying to use the javaw option in catalina.bat to kick off
 Tomcat without opening a console window. Besides not having an always
 command prompt window (console) I hope to get the various messages which
 print to the console to go into the standard log. I've been experimenting
 with the FileLogger settings but not having any success. I've set
 SwallowOutput to false in hopes of seeing console messages appear in a
 log file someplace as well.
 I'm using Tomcat 5.0.19 on Windows 2000 with JDK 1.4.2.
 I need to start Tomcat from a .bat file since I have extensive extra
 files and configuration to call and that does not seem possible when
 running Tomcat as a service using the default installation setup.
 Thanks for any help/ideas.
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Re: How to Replace Tomcat authentication?

2005-07-14 Thread Bill Barker

ohaya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I've been looking into possibly replacing Tomcat's authentication with
 our own functionality.  It looks like there use to be a class called
 SimpleRealm in the older Tomcat versions that would have done the trick
 if we replaced it, but I can't find any references to it in the latest
 source that I downloaded.

In TC versions  3.x.x, the replacement is RealmBase (in 
org.apache.catalina.realm).  It's an abstract class, so you extend it with 
the functionality that you want.

 Has anyone here done this before, and can you provide me to some
 pointers as to where/how to get started with it with the current version
 of Tomcat?

 Thanks in advance!!


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Re: Is there another version of Tomcat coming any time soon

2005-07-14 Thread Bill Barker
I would guess that 5.5.10 will likely come out within the next month+0.5, 
but this is only a guess.  No timetable for a release has been mentioned 
recently on the dev list.

Edmon Begoli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

I am trying to schedule a production release, so I would like to know if
there is another point release of Tomcat coming out (like 5.5.10) within
next month and a half.

Thank you,
Edmon Begoli

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Re: How to Replace Tomcat authentication?

2005-07-14 Thread ohaya

Bill Barker wrote:
 ohaya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I've been looking into possibly replacing Tomcat's authentication with
  our own functionality.  It looks like there use to be a class called
  SimpleRealm in the older Tomcat versions that would have done the trick
  if we replaced it, but I can't find any references to it in the latest
  source that I downloaded.
 In TC versions  3.x.x, the replacement is RealmBase (in
 org.apache.catalina.realm).  It's an abstract class, so you extend it with
 the functionality that you want.

Hi Bill,


I think that I've at least been able to get started with this, but
instead of RealmBase, I've JUST gotten a very (I mean, VERY) crude
JAASRealm example working, where I built my own JAASLoginModule, etc. 
So far, it seems to be working ok, but I haven't really added any too
complicated yet...


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Re: What is allowed to do with a HttpServletRequest ?

2005-07-14 Thread Bill Barker

cristi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Hello all

 I have a web application where I need to use in a second request the
 HttpServletRequest object sent to the same servelet in the first

 Here is what my servlet looks like :

 public void doGet( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse 
 response )
 some code here detecting if this request
 is the first one. This code initializes

if( isFirstRequest )
 session.setAttribute( FIRST_REQUEST_OBJECT, request );
 request.getRequestDispatcher(somepage.jsp).forward(request, response);
 HttpServletRequest oreq = 
 request.getRequestDispatcher(somepage.jsp).forward(oreq, response);


 It seems that it is not safe to do so. What can I do to handle this 
 situation ?

According to the spec (section 8.2 for those of you following along at home 
:), the only safe HttpServletRequest to pass is the one that was passed into 
the Servlet, or a child of HttpServletRequestWrapper that wraps the one that 
was passed into the Servlet.

Tomcat happens to be very lenient in inforcing this restriction among 
Servlet-Containers out there.  The other-guys would probably throw an 
exception straight away for attempting something like the above.


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Re: How to Replace Tomcat authentication?

2005-07-14 Thread ohaya

Bill Barker wrote:
 ohaya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I've been looking into possibly replacing Tomcat's authentication with
  our own functionality.  It looks like there use to be a class called
  SimpleRealm in the older Tomcat versions that would have done the trick
  if we replaced it, but I can't find any references to it in the latest
  source that I downloaded.
 In TC versions  3.x.x, the replacement is RealmBase (in
 org.apache.catalina.realm).  It's an abstract class, so you extend it with
 the functionality that you want.

P.S.  I forgot to ask:  Is this mailing list appropriate for questions
about this type of subject?  Or, is one of the other Tomcat lists more

I'll be needing to add more functionality to this, so I'm just


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Re: Session Mixup

2005-07-14 Thread Peddireddy Srikanth
can u post the code fragment which contains all statements from creating the 
new user bean : userInfo to settin it in session
and any other related XML if any 

On 7/14/05, Srinivas Gunturu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 All 6 of us are logging simultaneously from different machines.
 The way, we store the user object in session is inside LoginAction class 
 and not inside the jsp.
 session.setAttribute(Constants.USER_KEY, userInfo);
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/14/05 10:34 AM 
 It never happened to me and it will not happen also unless there is some
 serious bug in ur code.
 Are you six people trying to login simultaneously from different machines?
 Or trying to login from same system one after another from same system?
 If it is the second case, then it copuld be the problem with browser 
 Clear cache and check.
 If it is the second case , check what is given for the scope attribute 
 the user bean (assuming you used jsp:usebean or something similar). If
 scope is given as application instead of session (or request) this could
 On 7/14/05, Srinivas Gunturu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello All,
  I have been fighting this session mix-up problem in our application 
  is very easily reproducible.
  Tomcat 5.0.9
  Struts 1.1
  Upon user login, we create a user bean object and store on user session.
  When 6 of us tried to login separately using our own logins, we could 
  our sessions get mixed up and also seeing other user's name in welcome
  I have tried migrating to Tomcat 5.5, tried turning of Tomcat session
  persistence, tried making user object serializable.
  Still no luck. Any idea?
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Re: How to Replace Tomcat authentication?

2005-07-14 Thread ohaya

Bill Barker wrote:
 ohaya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I've been looking into possibly replacing Tomcat's authentication with
  our own functionality.  It looks like there use to be a class called
  SimpleRealm in the older Tomcat versions that would have done the trick
  if we replaced it, but I can't find any references to it in the latest
  source that I downloaded.
 In TC versions  3.x.x, the replacement is RealmBase (in
 org.apache.catalina.realm).  It's an abstract class, so you extend it with
 the functionality that you want.

[Sorry everyone.  I'm resending this because it looks like I got a
bounce from
my previous attempts??  Jim]

Hi Bill,


I think that I've at least been able to get started with this, but
instead of RealmBase, I've JUST gotten a very (I mean, VERY) crude
JAASRealm example working, where I built my own JAASLoginModule, etc. 
So far, it seems to be working ok, but I haven't really added any too
complicated yet...


P.S.  I forgot to ask:  Is this mailing list appropriate for questions
about this type of subject?  Or, is one of the other Tomcat lists more

I'll be needing to add more functionality to this, so I'm just

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Production cluster crashed with SEVERE: TCP Worker thread... error

2005-07-14 Thread Joseph Lam

In my 4-node TC5.5.9 cluster, the catalina.out suddenly got flooded by the
error below and the whole cluster simply stopped responding to web
clients. I have to restart all nodes in order to get it back to normal. It
seemed to be triggerred by a surge in loading but not able to resume even
after the load was reduced later on. The cluster has been working fine


SEVERE: TCP Worker thread in cluster caught '
Connection reset by peer' closing channel Connection reset by peer
at Method)

Here is my server.xml Cluster config:
Cluster className=org.apache.catalina.cluster.tcp.SimpleTcpCluster







Joseph Lam

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Re: Production cluster crashed with 'SEVERE: TCP Worker thread...' error

2005-07-14 Thread Joseph Lam
Several minutes before the crash, I found some session replication error.
That seemed to cause all my JK connector threads being hold up and no
responding to further requests.


Jul 15, 2005 10:29:01 AM org.apache.catalina.cluster.tcp.DataSender
INFO: resending 504 bytes to from 52990 Read timed out
at Method)
at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket.invoke(
Jul 15, 2005 10:29:01 AM org.apache.catalina.cluster.tcp.DataSender
INFO: resending 487 bytes to from 52737 Socket closed
at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket.invoke(
Jul 15, 2005 10:29:02 AM org.apache.catalina.cluster.tcp.DataSender
WARNING: Wasnt able to read acknowledgement from
server[{0}:{1,number,integer}] in {2,number,integer} ms. Disconnecting
socket, and trying again.

Jul 15, 2005 10:29:04 AM
org.apache.catalina.cluster.tcp.ReplicationTransmitter sendMessageData
WARNING: Unable to send replicated message, is server down? Connection timed out
at Method)

Re: out of memory error while load testing

2005-07-14 Thread Peddireddy Srikanth
Its giving out of memory over a period of time (i.e after test ran for
some time ) not immediately after starting the test
Follwing settings are given in my server.xml

Connector port=80
   maxThreads=500 minSpareThreads=25 maxSpareThreads=75
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 acceptCount=150
   connectionTimeout=2 disableUploadTimeout=true /


 Connector port=443 
   maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25 maxSpareThreads=75
   enableLookups=false disableUploadTimeout=true
   acceptCount=100 scheme=https secure=true
   clientAuth=false sslProtocol=TLS /

By  active threads do u mean the thread count shown in windows task
manager or is there any way to find out active threads in Tomcat? what
is this Performance-Valve? can u give some more details on it ?

Thank you


On 7/14/05, Bhaskar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You need to check on whether it is giving Outofmemory error is
 immediately after starting loadtesting with 1500 users or over period of
 time. If it is over period of time then you need to check whether there
 are any memory leaks. Or your design for ex., it might happen if you
 query db and that ends up resulting in huge number of rows.
 BTW., what is the max number of threads you have configured?
 and what is the active number of threads? Pbly u can use
 Performance-Valve to get such details.
 srikanth peddireddy wrote:
 Hi All,
 Recently we started load testing our application using Jmeter.
 Following error is coming in tomcat while test is run at higher loads like 
 1500 virtual users etc
 SEVERE: Caught exception (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError) executing 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], terminating thread
 Jun 30, 2005 3:13:53 PM 
 org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable run
 I already configured the Tomcat using -Xmx option to use upto 2GB of RAM 
 (Tomcat is running on a 3GB RAM machine)
 Any inputs or pointers to the related resources on this problem??
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Re: out of memory error while load testing

2005-07-14 Thread Peddireddy Srikanth
I forgot to give details about my Application and test.
These details might give you people an idea about the problem area.
In this app. users has to enter login ID and pwd in home page which
will be sent to a resource which validates these details, say
LoginValidation  this resource will then forward control to the Main
Page of the Application, say MainPage.jsp . From main page user can
open/ request different pages(modules of application).
But my test only involves a request to LoginValidation followed by
request to main page.
In this app. inorder to get data about certain activities happening on
the server side into the client browser, we keep on refreshing a
hidden frame in mainpage (simply using html meta refresh ) after every
one minute, lets call this page as PollServerForData.jsp.
To simulate this i added a request to  PollServerForData.jsp also in
my test plan after request to the main page (that means every virtual
user will be requesting the PollServerForData.jsp page after every one
This test worked for 1200 virtual users and failed for when tried with
more than 1200 users .
Will there be any problem for tomcat for maintaining more than 1200
sessions in memory??


On 7/14/05, Bhaskar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You need to check on whether it is giving Outofmemory error is
 immediately after starting loadtesting with 1500 users or over period of
 time. If it is over period of time then you need to check whether there
 are any memory leaks. Or your design for ex., it might happen if you
 query db and that ends up resulting in huge number of rows.
 BTW., what is the max number of threads you have configured?
  and what is the active number of threads? Pbly u can use
 Performance-Valve to get such details.
 srikanth peddireddy wrote:
 Hi All,
 Recently we started load testing our application using Jmeter.
 Following error is coming in tomcat while test is run at higher loads like 
 1500 virtual users etc
 SEVERE: Caught exception (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError) executing 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], terminating thread
 Jun 30, 2005 3:13:53 PM 
 org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable run
 I already configured the Tomcat using -Xmx option to use upto 2GB of RAM 
 (Tomcat is running on a 3GB RAM machine)
 Any inputs or pointers to the related resources on this problem??
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Re: session replication problem: ClassCastException

2005-07-14 Thread Christian Schuhegger

Hi Peter,

thank you very much for your quick response! I have more information on 
this topic now.

Peter Rossbach wrote:

First your are sure that your wars inside the installation art identical?

Yes I am. Our automated install procedure ensures that.

You stacktraces are strange.
   The cast inside writeSession use only tomcat classes!
   Have you change the authorisation and use your own principal 
implementation ?

No. We did no such changes. I already thought it might have something to 
do with different Classloaders used by the two tomcats, but I know too 
little about the Classloaders that tomcat uses to judge this suspicion.

For more help I think do the following steps
a)   update to tomcat 5.5.9
b)   install the cluster fix ( The Bug Database
c)   change your Cluster Config from SimpleTcpReplicationManager to 

d)   Use fastasyncqueue mode.

We die the same modifications to our testcluster now. Because the 
configuration files are autogenerated i am sure that the config files 
are the same except the details that have to be different (like machine 
names etc.). Besides that we have exactly the same software (webapp) 
running on the testcluster.

The interesting part is that we do not see these ClassCastExceptions in 
the testcluster?

I originally thought that it might be that we got something wrong with 
the tomcat set-up and i've reinstalled tomcat 5.5.4 plus jdk1.4 patch on 
the production machines but this did not help.

We also noticed that these class cast exceptions do not depend on the 
numbers of sessions we have. They are roughly constant at roughly 2 such 
exceptions per minute, even during the night where our session count 
drops to basically 0.

We currently cannot upgrade to tomcat 5.5.9 because of our upgrade 
policy to only upgrade software when it was extensively tested in our 
test environment.

Via Google I only found one post with a remotely similar problem:
otherwise I have no more Ideas on how to continue from here.

Do you see any other way how to analyse and debug this problem?

Thank you very much!
Christian Schuhegger

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