Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-16 Thread masonhock

That made me feel good. Thank you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-16 Thread dahunt
How refreshing.  Not really out-spoken advocacy, but it's a start.  Maybe  
somene will see that strange desktop and want to learn more about it?  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Family Buying Me Cellphone Without My Consent

2017-11-16 Thread masonhock
Everyone here is correct that no one has the right to force you to do  
anything. That said, I know that it is hard not to let that happen in certain  
relationships. While I've started using JMP recently, I still have a cell  
phone that I leave at home but use to communicate with my family. I keep  
putting off telling them because my views on software freedom are relatively  
recent and I'm uncomfortable with people I've known for a long time realizing  
I've changed.

Your situation is a little different, in that you have been getting along  
fine without a phone and people are used to you not having one. Using one  
would be a step backward. I would suggest getting rid of it or not using it,  
and explaining to your family why you are uncomfortable using it. Hopefully  
they will come to accept your decision, even if they don't understand it  
right now.

That said, you know your family and I don't. If you really feel that your  
relationship with them would seriously suffer from not taking the phone out  
of the box, perhaps you could try doing what I do with friends who still try  
to call or text my cell phone. They know that I can only check my JMP  
messages when I am connected to WiFi, so they'll sometimes try to contact me  
through my phone hoping I'll respond faster. I intentionally only check my  
phone once a day, and when I respond I will do so through JMP.

It might also help to make sure that you don't allow yourself to be held  
responsible for the "inconvenience" caused by not having a cell phone. If  
someone plans to meet you somewhere, you show up on time, and they can't  
contact you to change plans because you aren't carrying a cell phone, you are  
not the one who is being irresponsible. If they express worry over the fact  
that you can't call 911 with JMP, point out that the FCC recommends using a  
landline or payphone to call 911 because cell phones do not precisely provide  
your location to the dispatcher, making it difficult for emergency services  
to respond in time. It's true that landlines and payphones are becoming less  
common now, but cellphones are the cause, not the solution. Allowing cell  
phones to become so ubiquitous that they are they only way to get emergency  
assistance is the greater danger.

That's only if you really feel that you must take the phone out of the box. I  
would suggest that you first refuse to touch the thing all, but family is  
complicated, I can't know your situation, and I won't tell you what to do.  
Just remember that no matter how much you are pressured, your principles and  
desire to be free are not the problem. Don't let anyone make you feel like  
you are the one being stubborn or difficult.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Family Buying Me Cellphone Without My Consent

2017-11-16 Thread onpon4

Are you a minor?

What do you mean by "shaming"? What are they saying? What are they telling  
you to do?

What kind of government program?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-16 Thread usename
That is how I generally feel too. I think copyright is fine on arts and  
different works but just not when it comes to software generally because art  
really doesn't need to be changed. It doesn't get bugs it just has a message.  
If I were to write a book/ make a painting I would probably do a limited  
copyright that went to public domain/CCSomething after some time (years). At  
least that's the plan. Also "I own the sole right to allow or disallow anyone  
from using it." sounds nice, I like that idea.
"I need money to live sadly..." This is generally why copyright was made  
anyway... so people could make money of their artistic/literative works. The  
way it is implemented now though is just not the best.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Family Buying Me Cellphone Without My Consent

2017-11-16 Thread jason
Sounds like your family isn't respecting your decisions which is something  
you can't really control. You can assertively tell them your decision and why  
and stick with it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-16 Thread leestrobel
I agree very much with this. Free software is a choice that people should  
make, not something that should be imposed on them. Ubuntu is a good  
stepping-stone away from the sinister Windows/Apple world.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Family Buying Me Cellphone Without My Consent

2017-11-16 Thread csh
I feel bad giving the device away, because I don't feel it's mine to give  
away.  It's thru a government program.

Not turning it on works for a while, just as keeping my mouth shut as police  
keep badgering me with questions works for a while.  But after an hour or a  
few days with my family continually shaming me, I weaken my resolve.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-16 Thread calmstorm

We need a balance between encouragement, enforcement towards freedom.

IT is hard to do, but when people take a step towards free software, we  
should encourage them to go further, not condemn them for not going far  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-16 Thread calmstorm

Actually, with that attitude, I fear people will not understand our purposes.

I think we should not condemn, or condone at the least if we disagree with  
such things...

As for me, I may have changed my mind on using CC BY SA ver 4...

I may make all of my books on a copyright. One that both expires within 30  
years, but I own the sole right to allow or disallow anyone from using it.

I need money to live sadly...  I will however allow anyone who wants to when  
one is published to make a free software game if they want. It is my right  
after all.
As long as you don't copy the text and are bringing the characters to life in  
a graphical sort of way... yeah.  And of course when the 30 years expires it  
will automatically be set to become that license.

That is my  wish.
That is my plan anyways. this will apply to each book. You can call me a  
traitor if you want, like you did him... but it will get you literally  
I must first of course publish it, but yeah. If you have recommendations for  
publishers who will allow that let me know. If possible maybe 25 years?  
Yeah... for the whole series.

That is all. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] No open FSF/GNU forum?

2017-11-16 Thread J.B. Nicholson wrote:
Perhaps there really is a need for someone to set up a free, open and 
independent forum, which can act as a focal-point for the Free Software 
community? How hard is it to set up/maintain a forum?

I think the concept of a focal point is wrongheaded, particularly when it 
comes to free (as in freedom) discussion. Every free software project (even 
different GNU distribution) will continue to make their own choices for 
hosting and get into or avoid the problems I mention here. Also, we don't 
need a single point of focus any more than any other topic discussed 
anywhere needs one: let a thousand flowers bloom while recognizing that 
some choices are better at achieving certain ends than others. There are 
lots of books covering the same topics, lots of websites, and so on. 
Software freedom or the GNU OS can (and so far has) gone the same way.

When it comes to what hosting software should be chosen, I find that web 
forums are highly overrated and ultimately a problem, not a solution. There 
are some concepts that have always been simply inappropriate for a 
centralized deployment. Web forums are currently deployed in a centralized 
way (on purpose) thus they are inherently censor-friendly, they're very 
hard to get complete and provably accurate archives from (by design; bad 
design choices), and they're likely to unnecessarily require Javascript 
(JS) to be fully useful. These two problems are sufficient to arm any 
anti-software freedom argument simply by pointing out the readily-apparent 
ironies. Web forum moderators/hosters also like to put in ridiculous 
non-features like rating systems on posts and use points gained/lost as a 
default way to keep low-scoring posts from being seen right along side 
high-scoring posts.

I maintain that proper scoring, filtering, or anything like that is 
properly done only on the endpoint by the user, and done in a way that the 
servers that client uses have no idea the scoring/filtering is being done. 
In other words, my scores/filters are nobody else's business.

Unmoderated mailing lists are only marginally better than web forums as 
commonly implemented today: no JS use needed (which is a huge plus and 
completely avoids the nonfree-JS problem), and they're more likely to send 
copies of posts immediately. Scoring systems implemented on mailing lists 
are very likely to fail as there's no standard for such a thing with emails 
(which is good). But they're still centralized; if one is kicked off the 
list one has to use another email address and possibly some subterfuge to 
get back on the list and that's not good. Public archives reading is easily 
curtailed through subscriber-only archives, and web-based archive access 
can also reintroduce the needless JS problem or fail to offer bulk archives 
in useful formats (like a compressed mbox archive). GMane goes some way 
toward fixing this, but even a hundred gmane workalikes wouldn't fix the 
underlying centralization. Archives become less reliable because the same 
party that could censor posts can also edit the archives (this problem 
would go away with widespread support for public key crypto use, but that's 
not popular enough to be practical for post verification now).

But netnews (particularly with widely distributed newsgroups available on 
many news servers) is far better on this ground than either mailing lists 
or web forums: no JS needed at all, scoring is optional and done at the 
endpoint, and an increased chance of avoiding censorship through 
competitive service delivery. If one NNTP server blocks one from posting 
and/or reading there, or if some server admin does something foolish to the 
posts, users can move to other servers. Single-server newsgroups are a 
problem for the same reasons mailing lists and web forums are a problem -- 
a single point of failure and control (censorship) over the user.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Family Buying Me Cellphone Without My Consent

2017-11-16 Thread onpon4
Are you asking how to dispose of unwanted electronics, or how to not use  

If the former, give them to someone else. If no one else wants it, give it to  
someone who takes electronics for recycling. Best Buy does this.

If the latter... just don't turn it on? I don't know what else to tell you.  
What, are you incapable of telling someone that you choose not to use your  

On a side note, why does anyone need your consent to buy you something?  
That's an awfully strange authoritarian perspective.

[Trisquel-users] Family Buying Me Cellphone Without My Consent

2017-11-16 Thread csh
I have SMS and telephone access with Ekiga and Pidgin, using the JMP service,  
so I'm not completely without a phone.

Yet, today I learned that my family has decided to get a cellphone for me  
behind my back.  Every day I don't open it, they'll ask "Where's your phone?"

How do I keep this phone out of my life?

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'd like to start volunteering my time to help Trisquel. What can I do to help?

2017-11-16 Thread leestrobel

You mean, updating from Trisquel 7 to Trisquel 8?

Re: [Trisquel-users] No open FSF/GNU forum?

2017-11-16 Thread csh

I'm new to mailing lists, but I'm finding them more convenient than forums.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where is and when trisquel 8 will be released?

2017-11-16 Thread onpon4
This whole "init freedom" nonsense conflates technical convenience with  
freedom. You do not lack freedom to use something other than systemd because  
everyone else makes their code work exclusively with systemd. You can choose  
to use an outdated system, or fork that component, or develop a whole new  
component, or heck, you can even program a whole new OS from the ground up.

Libre software is not about choosing what programs you run. No one is forcing  
you to run any program. Libre software is about your freedom to, if you  
choose, study and change the programs that you do run. systemd is ethical  
because you have the right to study, change, and share it. I don't care how  
little you like it. If you don't like it, don't use it. If you need it to use  
some other libre program, exercise your freedom to either change systemd to  
your liking, or remove the systemd dependency. That is your responsibility  
and your responsibility alone.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'd like to start volunteering my time to help Trisquel. What can I do to help?

2017-11-16 Thread csh

I asked Ruben what needed to be done, because I was going to try to help out.

He said the distro updater needs to be tested.

Install a new Trisquel system, start the updater, and record what it does.  
Then modify the updater and start the test again.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-16 Thread csh

Stephen Fry uses Ubuntu.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-16 Thread csh

GNOME was in a Justin Bieber music video once.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-16 Thread csh

Doctorow is a traitor.  He no longer uses CC licenses for his novels.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-16 Thread dahunt
I'm not sure what, if anything, of Ubuntu was shown, but, a lead character  
mentioned it by name. Afaik, this has happened once in the entire series  
called The Big Bang Theory. Otherwise, characters are shown using Skype and  
their IThings.  Oh, and I think Ubuntu got a brief mention in a Tom Clancy  
novel; I think all his books are best-sellers. A character was talking about  
outfitting laptops for field operatives in a ficticious intelligence agency,  
and how the operating system's openness and freedom allow the agency to  
purpos-build their systems. H, free software used to spy on folks; not  
sure I like that much...  Now, if only I could remember which book this  
was... If I hadn't been using ShuttleworthOS at the time, I probably wouldn't  
have noticed.  If only we could get more prominent placement.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'd like to start volunteering my time to help Trisquel. What can I do to help?

2017-11-16 Thread greatgnu
I believe this is the page you want to visit ->

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-16 Thread greatgnu
Dude.. I mean, dude.. why leaving because of this crap, it's crap  
but that does not excuse you, you are not excused, so you can't leave.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'd like to start volunteering my time to help Trisquel. What can I do to help?

2017-11-16 Thread leestrobel

Lol :)

Seriously though, is he not reviewing/accepting patches/merge requests (or  
whatever) that are being submitted? Or are there none being submitted?

Is there a way we can see how many were submitted in the past 30 days?

(I don't expect you to necessarily know the answer to all these questions,  
btw .. :) )

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'd like to start volunteering my time to help Trisquel. What can I do to help?

2017-11-16 Thread greatgnu
>but is there a comprehensive list of what needs to be done to make Trisquel  
8 'complete' and ready for release?

Nope, other than 'cloning Ruben, and then cloning Ruben's Ruben and the other  
one too' so they make up for 4 developers.. there's no way to make Trisquello  
ready for release :'(

Re: [Trisquel-users] Global Value Chains and the Missing Exports of the United States

2017-11-16 Thread greatgnu

mv thread /lounge

Re: [Trisquel-users] internet-undersea-cables

2017-11-16 Thread greatgnu

mv thread /lounge

Re: [Trisquel-users] No open FSF/GNU forum?

2017-11-16 Thread leestrobel

Just to follow up on this thread I started a while ago:

I donated $10 to the FSF yesterday, because I was interested to try out their  
forum (as well as to contribute to their efforts on free software, of  
course!). I went on there, expecting to see a thriving free-software  
community, discussing various campaigns and projects. However, I must say I  
was disappointed by the lack of activity. I won't be any more specific, as I  
don't want to 'dish dirt' on another forum, but the activity is certainly  
less than on here. I guess it figures, seeing as it is only open to paying  

Perhaps there really is a need for someone to set up a free, open and  
independent forum, which can act as a focal-point for the Free Software  
community? How hard is it to set up/maintain a forum?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Untrusted packages

2017-11-16 Thread greatgnu

>What should I do?

Remove the, eww, ppas, obviously.
Consider compiling your software from source, it really is not rocket  


[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-16 Thread shiretoko

"You did not post this thread to have an open exchange of ideas."

You have no way of knowing my intentions when I posted this thread. Or did  
you somehow get a picture of my thoughts? I highly doubt it.
Why would I open a thread like this and share my concerns with this community  
if not for one single reason, that is in order to have an open exchange of  
ideas? What other reason could there be?
I have a busy and healthy social life, I don't need attention from a forum  
like this, despite what you might think.

Now, if I really didn't want to have an open exchanged, I would have done  
precisely what you describe:
"Anyone who qualifies their statements with "or I'll leave" should just  
leave. "

Your whole argumentation makes no sense and I can now clearly see why you  
prefer pressing the downvote button...

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'd like to start volunteering my time to help Trisquel. What can I do to help?

2017-11-16 Thread leestrobel
I'm sure this is posted somewhere, but is there a comprehensive list of what  
needs to be done to make Trisquel 8 'complete' and ready for release?

I have to admit I haven't tried it yet myself, but I am planning to install  
it on my desktop, as soon as I can find some time.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-16 Thread dhood
I found the video! Here it is: 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-16 Thread leestrobel

Ok, that's cool. Stephen Fry seems like a good guy :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-16 Thread leestrobel
Yes, that is more what I was getting at. For example, Hollywood or TV stars,  
or musical artists. It seems to me that Free Software could really use one or  
two 'ambassadors' that have a high-profile outside the Free Software  

Also, it's interesting that you mention product placement. It seems fairly  
rare that I see GNU/Linux used or mentioned on mainstream media. I guess it's  
hard to compete with the big advertising bucks from Microsoft/Apple/Google  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-16 Thread leestrobel

I meant, except for rms and you, Adfeno, of course! XD

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-16 Thread dhood
I'm not sure how active he is or if he uses Free Software in his personal  
life, but Stephen Fry made the now pretty well known 25 Anniversary video for  
Gnu. I can't imagine he did it for the money. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-16 Thread dahunt
All of those are preachers to the choir.  What I think the op is after are  
names of of celebrities who are known more for their work outside the free  
software connunity, but who are allies.  Hence my mentioning a well-known SF  
author.  On a related topic, who has seen product placement of a GNU/Linux  
distro in pop culture?  Once, so far, I heard the name Ubuntu in a  
massively-popular sit-com.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-16 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
There are so many, please forgive me if I forget some names. Besides,
this list is in alphabetic order, and I also inserted those beyond
famous, because I don't want to keep giving credit only to specific
already known "stars".

- Adonay "adfeno" Felipe Nogueira (it's me, ;D), member of LibrePlanet

- Allison Randal, from FSF;

- Alexandre "lxoliva" Oliva, from FSFLA;

- Anahuac de Paula Gil, Brazilian famous for giving very useful talks
  that provoque people on questioning what they know about Tux, Linux,
  and open source, where in the end he always mentions and favors
  free/libre software philosophy;

- Benjamin Mako Hill, from FSF(?);

- Bradley "bkuhn" Kuhn, from Software Freedom Conservancy;

- Christian Grothoff, talks about GNUnet and GNU Taler and mentions the
  free/libre software philosophy in these talks;

- Christopher Allan Webber, developer and writer of some federation
  standards that are currently in the making;

- Clayton "cdausacker" Eduardo Dausacker, member of LibrePlanet Brasil;

- Eben Moglen, from Software Freedom Law Center;

- John Sullivan, from FSF;

- Karen Sandler, from Software Freedom Conservancy;

- Katharina Nocun, politician which also gave a talk during Chaos
  Communication Congress 32c3 (2015) in favor of free/libre software,
  federated social networks and communications and also on distributed

- Larissa Oliva, Brazilian who gives talks on the importance of
  free/libre software and education, although I don't know if she gave
  talks on the importance of the philosophy. Anyways, seeing younger
  people getting interested in this area never stops amazing me;

- Luis Villa, a lawyer and former developer;

- Marianne Corvellec. She gave a talk on LibrePlanet 2017 providing an
  alternative view of the ethics (or lack of) in free/libre software
  movement and in open source development methodology;

- Mathias Kirschner, from FSFE;

- Matthew Garrett, known for the talk given in LibrePlanet 2013, where
  he describes the difference between Secure Boot and Restricted Boot;

- Mike Gerwitz, from FSF;

- Nelson de Luca Pretto, Brazilian who does research and talks
  describing the importance of free/libre software philosophy to
  education (if and when the education is to be made with computers);

- Shauna Gordon-McKeon, gives speeches on democracy, artificial scarcity
  and free/libre software. As far as I remember, she gave talks both in
  LibrePlanet 2016 and 2017;

- Sva, talks about GNU Taler and mentions the free/libre software
  philosophy in these talks;

- Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo, Brazilian who gives talks about the
  importance of copyleft, community-oriented enforcement and free/libre

I have listed some speakers that I remember just now, not users.

Once again, forgive me if I forget one. ;) writes:

> I'm just wondering if there are any celebrities that are known to use
> Free Software? (apart from rms, obviously!) :)

- Palestrante e consultor sobre /software/ livre (não confundir com
- "WhatsApp"? Ele não é livre. Por favor, veja formas de se comunicar
  instantaneamente comigo no endereço abaixo.
- Contato:
- Arquivos comuns aceitos (apenas sem DRM): Corel Draw, Microsoft
  Office, MP3, MP4, WMA, WMV.
- Arquivos comuns aceitos e enviados: CSV, GNU Dia, GNU Emacs Org, GNU
  GIMP, Inkscape SVG, JPG, LibreOffice (padrão ODF), OGG, OPUS, PDF
  (apenas sem DRM), PNG, TXT, WEBM.

Re: [Trisquel-users] JAPAN - batteries

2017-11-16 Thread jbahn
Just to dismiss the mystery: I am interested in finding cheap batteries for  
librebootable devices because

I need new batteries for some librebootable devices and like to spend my  
money well! Tada.

I have never encountered problems or even heard of someone who has when  
bringing batteries in or out of Japan.

Electronic stuff is usually cheaper in Japan, and since I am going anyway, I  
thought 'why not see if I can find a good cheap battery in the Mecca of  

Aaji, thanks for the advice. I think I'll do some research first and if  
nothing specific comes up, I'll go hunting.

And yes, I am from and live in Denmark.

But more proud to be a trisqueleer

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-16 Thread leestrobel
Ok, that's interesting. I hadn't heard of him, but I might have to check out  
some of his books :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-16 Thread dahunt
Thesci-fi author, Cory Doctorow comes to mind.  He addressed this spring's  
Libreplanet conference and was a hit!  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Uruk 2.0 Last Touches

2017-11-16 Thread dahunt
I like the Uruk control center and welcome screens. They give it a distinct  
look and feel; thanks for making sure the accessibility works on those custom  
screens.  I would like to see the indicator applet replaced with the standard  
Mate applets, namely NetworkManager and Sound Volume.  A Completed  
system-wide Guix setup would be a nice addition that further distinguishes  
Uruk.  Finally, we need to bet a handle on these installation problems I and  
others have reported, such as Ubiquity crashing when installing on machines  
with UEFI.



[Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-16 Thread leestrobel
I'm just wondering if there are any celebrities that are known to use Free  
Software? (apart from rms, obviously!) :)

[Trisquel-users] internet-undersea-cables

2017-11-16 Thread jodiendo

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where is and when trisquel 8 will be released?

2017-11-16 Thread jodiendo

Sra Heather

Is all cool from my end.

[Trisquel-users] Global Value Chains and the Missing Exports of the United States

2017-11-16 Thread jodiendo
If trade statistics included the value of intellectual property rights  
associated with physical goods, the United States would see an increase in  
export capacity and a decrease in the trade deficit.

More and more American multinational corporations are outsourcing the  
production and assembly of their products to foreign companies. When they do  
so, they derive the largest share of their revenue from the intellectual  
property embedded in core technological innovation and brand names. However,  
conventional trade statistics are compiled based on the value of goods  
crossing national borders, as declared to customs. Generally, the added value  
associated with intellectual property rights and embedded in physical goods  
is not recorded as either export or import of any country. Hence, current  
trade statistics greatly underestimate United States (US) exports and  
substantially exaggerate its trade deficit. In this paper, we use the case of  
Apple, the largest American consumer products company, to illustrate the  
failure of conventional trade statistics to report actual US export capacity  
in the age of global value chains. According to our analysis of this case, if  
the value added of Apple intellectual property sold to foreign consumers was  
counted as part of US exports, total US exports would increase by 3.2%, and  
its trade deficit would decrease by 6.4%. In terms of bilateral trade, the  
value added under examination here would lower the US trade deficit with the  
region comprising the People’s Republic of China; Hong Kong, China;  
Taipei,China; and Macau, China by 5.7%, and that with Japan by 7.8%.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where is and when trisquel 8 will be released?

2017-11-16 Thread Cassandra of Troy
I'm not going anywhere either. I think the health of the forums depends
on us. Activism fatigue is very real and the negativity hurts the people
who actually MAKE the goodies we love more than it hurts us.

I need to do my homework so that I understand my own deviations from the
vanilla install better and can explain them in more relevant terms than,
"Copy and paste this into ~/foo.config! That's what Mr. Smart Person
told me to do and it works great!" and I also need to stop logging on
when I'm in a crappy mood and just want human interaction. I don't think
I'm some perfect forum poster or anything, but this community is very
important to both of us and I think we are an integral part of it.

Community building is part of rms' lasting legacy, IMNSHO, and something
I look at with awe and respect.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Upgrading Trisquel in a live CD

2017-11-16 Thread dhood
Megver83 is correct that arch-chroot will work. If you like Pacman and find  
Pacstrap helpful...why don't you just use Pacman on Trisquel? You could also  
create a custom ISO so you have a fallback that is closer to the system you  
want and has more recent updates on it that the stock Trisquel ISO. This  
makes for less work in the long run. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] JAPAN - batteries

2017-11-16 Thread dhood
You could buy one online and have it shipped to wherever you are staying.  
I've done that when I realized I forgot something after the point it was not  
possible to return home. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] JAPAN - batteries

2017-11-16 Thread dhood
Some countries don't allow you to bring batteries over a certain size on the  
plane, that could be the issue. Also, some people make efforts to disable  
their devices to make it harder to search them when leaving a country like  
the U.S.. If you dont have a battery or charger with you and the device is  
encrypted most airport security will give up. I know one person who only  
crosses boarders with a blank computer and then remotes into his computer at  
home for exactly this reason. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-16 Thread dhood

Ok, I'll bite.

I use the downvote feature from time to time to express that a thread is  
worthless without feeding the troll. A downvote doesn't prevent a thread from  
moving down the list of active threads like a comment does.

I downvoted your topic when you posted this thread. I stand by that action.  
You did not post this thread to have an open exchange of ideas. You deserved  
to be downvoted.

Anyone who qualifies their statements with "or I'll leave" should just leave.  
They are clearly overly invested in an online forum they are no longer able  
to contribute to. You have been here a long time, you have helped a lot of  
people. It would be better that you leave now to allow that legacy to stand  
than undermine it by posting threads that show you are not here for good  
reasons anymore.

You have free speech, downvotes do no prevent you from using free speech.  
They do prevent you from using free speech WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES. You are not  
entitled to have every post be well received or openly debated. People have  
that right to express their free speech by saying "man, what a shitty thing  
to say" downvote it, and move on with their lives.

Today you are a troll. Tomorrow I hope you either make better choices or  
leave. Either way the community will be better off. I hope for the former,  
but its up to you. Continue to post like this and you can just assume any  
downvote you get is from me. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where is and when trisquel 8 will be released?

2017-11-16 Thread dhood
He means the freedom to change init systems and use the one your want to.  
Systemd is not as easy to change as others because of all of the various crap  
it does as opposed to alternatives. There is also an active concern that  
Systemd undermining diversity of software generally speaking because most  
mainline distros are using it. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] JAPAN - batteries

2017-11-16 Thread aaji

Hi GNUbahn, I live in Japan.

If you want to hunt, you should go to the small computer shop of Akihabara  
for the time being.

I think a major electronic appliances store does not stock.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Where is and when trisquel 8 will be released?

2017-11-16 Thread lcerf

init freedom?  systemd is and has always been free software.