Re: [Trisquel-users] How to get most up-to-date abrowser for Trisquel 6.0

2017-11-28 Thread alonivtsan

This guide will give you the latest IceCat on Trisquel 6:

[Trisquel-users] how to upgrade to belenos from 6.0

2017-11-28 Thread oralfloss
I have looked all over the website but I cannot find instruction on how to  
update to Belenos from toutatis. I do not have an external hard drive so I  
cannot do a fresh install. Is it possible?

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to get most up-to-date abrowser for Trisquel 6.0

2017-11-28 Thread oralfloss

How do you do that

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to get most up-to-date abrowser for Trisquel 6.0

2017-11-28 Thread oralfloss

I am using Firefox for now but I hate quantum

Re: [Trisquel-users] How does one respond to this statement?

2017-11-28 Thread enduzzer
So true. Patents stiffle innovation themselves. Patents beget patents. It's  
like trench war where patents are ammunition hoarded to counter litigation.  
It's akin to arns race. No innovative enterprise can afford entering the  
battlefield that is the marker without ammunition.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How does one respond to this statement?

2017-11-28 Thread onpon4
> Without software patents or without adequately protecting them, the  
incentives of firms to innovate and invest would be undermined

No, this is completely backwards. Incentives to invest and innovate in  
software are undermined by software patents, because they make it  
ridiculously risky to do so.

I think anyone who would make this sort of argument is either completely  
clueless about how software development works or what software patents are,  
or is actively attempting to bolster patent trolls by spreading FUD. I can't  
think of any other alternative.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Noscript installation

2017-11-28 Thread onpon4

That's not an answer to the question.

NoScript recently got (hastily) re-written to use WebExtensions, since that's  
the only API Firefox supports now. I assume the WebExtensions API NoScript  
now uses just isn't compatible with versions of Firefox prior to 56; LibreJS  
had the same problem. So you'll have to get the old version of NoScript:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Writing a simple guide to Parabola for newbies

2017-11-28 Thread hd-scania

Extra apps to be installed here,
sudo pacman -Su --noconfirm marble-qt qgis gpsprune merkaartor  
fcitx-table-extra ibus-table noto-fonts-emoji cldr-emoji-annotation  
nodejs-emojione unicode-emoji scim-anthy fcitx-anthy ibus-anthy peek vlc  
pdfmod evince pstoedit qt5-svg kvantum-qt5 qpdfview

sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf
SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server =
SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server =
sudo pacman -Syyu --noconfirm liri-shell-git liri-settings-git  
liri-terminal-git liri-files-git liri-appcenter-git fluid-git vibe-git  
liri-wayland-git qt5-wayland qt5-wayland xorg-server-xwayland  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Writing a simple guide to Parabola for newbies

2017-11-28 Thread hd-scania

The last cloned system, total 3, but with LTS kernel, backing to OpenRC,
mkdir /lts && mount /dev/sda7 /lts && rm -rf /lts/*
pacman -Syy --noconfirm parabola-keyring && pacman-key --populate archlinux  
&& pacman-key --populate parabola && pacman-key --refresh-keys
pacman -Su -r /lts --noconfirm linux-libre-lts parabola-keyring  
archlinux-keyring pacman nano guix sudo mkinitcpio git efibootmgr grub  
os-prober update-grub sed syslinux openrc libnm networkmanager  
networkmanager-qt nm-connection-editor networkmanager-openrc iputils  
network-manager-applet base-openrc openrc-base openrc-desktop polkit-elogind  
upower torsocks xorg-xinit xorg-xauth acpi ibam iasl acpi_call libacpi  
laptop-mode-tools-openrc sddm qterminal lxqt xscreensaver axel iceweasel  
trisquel-themes breeze breeze-icons oxygen oxygen-icons jmtpfs mtpfs  
android-file-transfer libmtp repo android-udev android-tools jadx smali  

genfstab -U /lts >> /lts/etc/fstab && arch-chroot /lts
nano /etc/fstab && nano /etc/hostname && nano /etc/hosts && mkdir  
/home/hd_scania -p
nano /usr/share/openrc/support/sysvinit/inittab && cp -vr  
/usr/share/openrc/support/sysvinit/inittab /etc/inittab
nano /etc/fstab && nano /etc/hostname && nano /etc/conf.d/xdm && nano  
/etc/hosts && mkdir /home/hd_scania -p

nano /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrcexec sddm
mkdir -p /boot/efi && mount /dev/sda5 /boot/efi
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi  
--bootloader-id=parabola --recheck
nano /etc/default/grub && mkinitcpio -p linux-libre-lts && grub-mkconfig -o  
/boot/grub/grub.cfg && update-grub

rm -rf /etc/localtime && ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Taipei /etc/localtime
groupadd sudo && groupadd audio && useradd hd_scania -G sudo,audio && passwd  
hd_scania && passwd root

nano /etc/sudoershd_scania   ALL=(ALL)   ALL
hd_scania   ALL=(ALL)   NOPASSWD: ALL
reboot -fi

Re: [Trisquel-users] Writing a simple guide to Parabola for newbies

2017-11-28 Thread hd-scania
Also for the another cloned system, but with generic kernel, systemd instead  
of OpenRC,

mount /dev/sda12 /opt && rm -rf /opt/*
pacman -Syy --noconfirm parabola-keyring && pacman-key --populate archlinux  
&& pacman-key --populate parabola && pacman-key --refresh-keys
pacman -Su -r /opt --noconfirm linux-libre parabola-keyring archlinux-keyring  
pacman nano guix sudo mkinitcpio git efibootmgr grub os-prober update-grub  
sed syslinux libnm networkmanager nm-connection-editor iputils  
network-manager-applet upower torsocks xorg-xinit xorg-xauth acpi ibam iasl  
acpi_call libacpi sddm axel iceweasel trisquel-themes jmtpfs mtpfs  
android-file-transfer libmtp repo android-udev android-tools jadx smali  

genfstab -U /opt >> /opt/etc/fstab && arch-chroot /opt
nano /etc/fstab && nano /etc/hostname && nano /etc/hosts && mkdir  
/home/hd_scania -p
nano /etc/fstab && nano /etc/hostname && nano /etc/hosts && nano  
/etc/conf.d/xdm && mkdir /home/hd_scania -p

nano /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrcexec sddm
mkdir -p /boot/efi && mount /dev/sda5 /boot/efi
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi  
--bootloader-id=grub --recheck
nano /etc/default/grub && mkinitcpio -p linux-libre && grub-mkconfig -o  
/boot/grub/grub.cfg && update-grub

rm -rf /etc/localtime && ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Taipei /etc/localtime
groupadd sudo && groupadd audio && useradd hd_scania -G sudo,audio && passwd  
hd_scania && passwd root

nano /etc/sudoershd_scania   ALL=(ALL)   ALL
hd_scania   ALL=(ALL)   NOPASSWD: ALL
reboot -fi

Re: [Trisquel-users] Writing a simple guide to Parabola for newbies

2017-11-28 Thread hd-scania

mount /dev/sda6 /mnt && rm -rf /mnt/*
pacman -Syy --noconfirm parabola-keyring && pacman-key --populate archlinux  
&& pacman-key --populate parabola && pacman-key --refresh-keys
pacman -Su -r /mnt --noconfirm linux-libre-hardened  
linux-libre-hardened-headers parabola-keyring archlinux-keyring pacman nano  
guix sudo mkinitcpio git efibootmgr grub os-prober update-grub sed syslinux  
openrc libnm networkmanager networkmanager-qt nm-connection-editor  
networkmanager-openrc iputils network-manager-applet base-openrc openrc-base  
openrc-desktop polkit-elogind upower torsocks xorg-xinit xorg-xauth acpi ibam  
iasl acpi_call libacpi laptop-mode-tools-openrc sddm qterminal lxqt  
xscreensaver axel iceweasel trisquel-themes breeze breeze-icons oxygen  
oxygen-icons jmtpfs mtpfs android-file-transfer libmtp repo android-udev  
android-tools jadx smali simg2img-git

genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab && arch-chroot /mnt
nano /usr/share/openrc/support/sysvinit/inittab && cp -vr  
/usr/share/openrc/support/sysvinit/inittab /etc/inittab
nano /etc/fstab && nano /etc/hostname && nano /etc/hosts && nano  
/etc/conf.d/xdm && mkdir /home/hd_scania -p

nano /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrcexec sddm
# exec startlxqt
# exec startdde
## Uncomment to default by Deepin instead of LXQt
## sudo pacman -Su --noconfirm deepin
# exec liri-session -platform wayland
## Add the below lines to add Liri repo:
SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server =
## sudo pacman -Syyu --noconfirm liri-shell-git liri-settings-git  
liri-terminal-git liri-files-git liri-appcenter-git fluid-git vibe-git  
liri-wayland-git qt5-wayland qt5-wayland xorg-server-xwayland

## Uncomment to default by Liri instead of LXQt
# exec mate-session
## Uncomment to default by MATE instead of LXQt
## sudo pacman -Su --noconfirm mate
# exec openbox
## The default window manager for LXQt, already present as the LXQt deps
mkdir -p /boot/efi && mount /dev/sda5 /boot/efi
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi  
--bootloader-id=grub --recheck
nano /etc/default/grub && mkinitcpio -p linux-libre-hardened && grub-mkconfig  
-o /boot/grub/grub.cfg && update-grub

rm -rf /etc/localtime && ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Taipei /etc/localtime
groupadd sudo && groupadd audio && useradd hd_scania -G sudo,audio && passwd  
hd_scania && passwd root

nano /etc/sudoershd_scania   ALL=(ALL)   ALL
hd_scania   ALL=(ALL)   NOPASSWD: ALL
# You are not limited to any username you are willing, just use your one  
instead of hd_scania
# You are granting yourself sudo permission w/o asking a password, this  
should be always aware what you are doing

reboot -fi

Re: [Trisquel-users] How does one respond to this statement?

2017-11-28 Thread masonhock
Patents stifle innovation by preventing one from building on the work of  
others. It is inefficient to have to repeat work just because a component of  
your project is NIH.

The government should break up monopolies. Patents allow it to grant them  
instead. This incentivizes companies to pursue frivolous patents to hinder  
their competitors instead of coming up with new ideas.

"But how will developers make money?" I reject the assumption that coercive  
acquisition of wealth is the only motivation for innovation. Plenty of free  
software projects rely on volunteers and donations. Without software patents  
and proprietary licenses, they would be able to achieve even more because  
they would spend less time performing redundant work. However, even if we  
pretend that software cannot be created without a profitable business model,  
Red Hat proves that patents and proprietary licenses are unnecessary in order  
to profit from software development.

"But what if I have an idea that I can't realize without funding?"  
Crowdfunding or a Red-Hat-like business model can solve this problem without  
the disadvantages of antisocial software patents.

Software patents reward companies who can afford a large team of lawyers and  
punish potential innovators who have to rely on the strength of their ideas  
alone. They don't magically make people more imaginative.

[Trisquel-users] Re : How does one respond to this statement?

2017-11-28 Thread lcerf (less than 29 minutes) is a must-watch.

With twice more time, is very much worth  
listening too.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Do Riseup, ProtonMail, and Openmailbox webmails use only free JavaScript code?

2017-11-28 Thread lcerf
Riseup serves free JavaScript according to (PrtonMail is under review).

Re: [Trisquel-users] How does one respond to this statement?

2017-11-28 Thread Caleb Herbert

> Free software is the consequence of  
> many people working together voluntarily, as part of a community movement,  
> with no interaction at all with large firms. 

Red Hat tho.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How does one respond to this statement?

2017-11-28 Thread leestrobel
For me, the key fallacy here is the mistaken belief that 'software is the  
consequence of substantial risk-taking and investment on the part of firms'.  
Software doesn't have to be that way. Free software is the consequence of  
many people working together voluntarily, as part of a community movement,  
with no interaction at all with large firms. Anyone with a computer can pick  
up a keyboard and write some software - possibly contribute to a larger free  
software project.

The GNU/Linux operating system and most of the packages that comprise it are  
manifest counter-examples that disprove their point, that software patents  
are essential for software development (e.g. Firefox, X11, GNOME, LibreOffice  

Re: [Trisquel-users] How does one respond to this statement?

2017-11-28 Thread ablocorrea
Adding to what Salman said, that explains why patenting programs is not  
generally allowed in the EU, it is still allowed to patent computer related  
stuff, like mp3 was for a long time or the rar algorithm ¿is right now?

Maybe those computer related patents could make sense if they lasted for a  
much shorter period than now.

You might thing that a car company needs 20 years to find a decent profit  
from another 10 investment in the development of a new engine, but claiming  
such with computers is just ridiculous. The profit will largely overcome the  
spends in less than a couple of years, having in mind that no company will  
spend as much time developing patentable stuff as car or the "general"  
industry spend.

To show that it is possible to get a profit, you can always refer to RedHat:

Re: [Trisquel-users] How does one respond to this statement?

2017-11-28 Thread smoha
Read this wiki page:

[Trisquel-users] How does one respond to this statement?

2017-11-28 Thread sophoclestechnologies
“Software patents are essential because they are the consequence of  
substantial risk-taking and investment on the part of firms. Without software  
patents or without adequately protecting them, the incentives of firms to  
innovate and invest would be undermined, with the consequence that consumers  
may be worse off as a result.”

This is a typical argument that is made in favour of software patents. How  
does one respond to it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why is Chromium not in Trisquel?

2017-11-28 Thread agullo

All right, thank you for your answers.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Quantum kicks ass

2017-11-28 Thread oralfloss
I think the fact it has the "Recommended by Pocket" section on the new tab by  
default is quite intrusive. It's basically like an advertisement and it does  
seem to be tailored to my interests (which makes me wonder how they got this  
information in the first place). I know you can easily disable it but the  
fact that it is there in the first place by default really annoys me.

Also the fact that a lot of security-related addons are no longer supported  
like Request Policy really sucks. The fact that all the add-ons have to be  
re-written just for this quantum update seems really inconvenient.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do Riseup, ProtonMail, and Openmailbox webmails use only free JavaScript code?

2017-11-28 Thread greatgnu
Riseup mail also offers the awesome squirrel mail interface which doesn't  
require the use of any javascript code in order to be completely functional.  
In fact riseup is just about one of the very few mail providers which can be  
signed for and used in anonymity with TorBB without javascript in the  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Quantum kicks ass

2017-11-28 Thread legimet . calc

I use the KWallet extension and Saved Password Editor.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Noscript installation

2017-11-28 Thread Caleb Herbert
Try uMatrix instead. It provides most, if not all, functions provided by

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser won't run Regexr

2017-11-28 Thread Caleb Herbert
I don't remember what it did, but I tried -n, and it gave a worse

[Trisquel-users] Do Riseup, ProtonMail, and Openmailbox webmails use only free JavaScript code?

2017-11-28 Thread info
I believe Riseup uses Roundcube as webmail. Last time I checked, both the  
backend PHP and the client JavaScript code of Roundcube are free software. If  
Riseup does any bug fixing or feature implementation, I hope they're doing it  
upstream or they publish their modified version of Roundcube.

I've had a quick look at ProtonMail and it seems to have free JavaScript  
client code. I believe we can get a copy of that Expat-licensed code by  

git clone

I'm not sure if they've released the backend software. Probably not.

(Also, ProtonMail seems to want to provide IMAP/SMTP for desktop clients, but  
haven't managed yet:

I haven't checked OpenMailBox yet.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Quantum kicks ass

2017-11-28 Thread i_write_words
Well, I personally think that the title of this thread would work just fine  
for gossiping about you behind your back, even though I don't always agree  
100% with everything you say. ;)

But what do I know.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Quantum kicks ass

2017-11-28 Thread enduzzer

Smooth as silk...

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 Latest Abrowser

2017-11-28 Thread enduzzer
What's the latest Abrowser for Trisquel 7 Belenos? I have 56 and cannot  
install NoScript due to "incompatibility".

As a shortcut, I've downloaded and installed Firefox 57 from It  
really doesn't need any "installing". Just extract the tarball and run the  
executable from any folder.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Quantum kicks ass

2017-11-28 Thread Cassandra of Troy
All I've had time to do is install it, but noscript, privacy badger,
etc. are all available now. I started from scratch and haven't tried
importing any of my existing firefox profiles yet.

When I tried to start from scratch with an earlier version of Firefox
while distrohopping, I discovered the unpleasant reality that the
plug-ins for older versions of Firefox are no longer available, at least
from Mozilla.

That's probably no surprise to a lot of you, but if any of you are
inconvenienced by that, I believe I still have a profile with noscript,
privacy badger, etc. installed and no personally identifiable
information. I probably shouldn't share that with random strangers
online, but if you drop me a private email and you're a regular(ish) on
the forums, I probably will anyway.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trouble Getting Trisquel 8 to install in UEFI Mode

2017-11-28 Thread dahunt
Thanks, but I won't be doing this; have sunk more than enough time into  
trying the near-impossible.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-11-28 Thread info
I haven't used their service and I wasn't aware of those issues, but I'm glad  
that you have made them known. Maybe they deserve a different thread, instead  
of an off-topic section of this thread.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-11-28 Thread masonhock
Have Protonmail made their webmail usable without proprietary JavaScript  
and/or added IMAP support so that webmail is unnecessary? I looked into using  
them a few months ago, and while they seemed great in terms of privacy their  
service was unfortunately incompatible with software freedom.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-11-28 Thread info
You need to solder the wires on the BIOS chip pins (which is found between  
the RAM slots and the full-sized mPCIe slot, under the black protection  
foil). These pins are very tiny and the most fragile, especially the CS (Chip  
Select pin), and the GND (Ground) pin is particularly difficult to solder on,  
but besides these considerations, they are flash pins. The wires will be  
soldered on the pins of the BIOS flash chip.

The T400s is nothing like the T400, structure-wise. The board has the  
components differently arranged, the screw's positions are different, both  
RAM modules and both mPCIe slots are easily accessible from the back side of  
the laptop. The '4' in the model name "T400s" is only because the screen size  
is 14 inch (with LED-backlight and 1440x900 resolution). The T4*0s series are  
very different than their T4*0 counterparts. If you want to make a  
comparison, it's safer to make it with the X2*0 series.


P.S. Send us an e-mail from ProtonMail. It's safer than continuing the  
communication via Google.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-11-28 Thread lourivellini
Can you show where it needs to be soldered?  Theres no way you can use a  
pomona clip like on the t400? I would say im decent at soldering - not great.

And besides the soldering, is it bascially the same as a t400?

I did mark it as "not spam", and its funny you mention switching emails - I  
finally just switched to protonmail.  I havent totally switched everything  
over - which is why I used gmail by mistake on this account.

Thanks again.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-11-28 Thread info
The T400s requires soldering, and you need more experience with it than  
soldering on the X200s and the X200T chips. The T400, T500 and X200 don't  
require soldering (clips are already available).

To enable communication that has been broken by Gmail, you can "mark as not  
spam" my reply to your enquiry.


I guess many spam e-mails start with "enquiry", but you shouldn't let your  
e-mail provider decide what's spam and what not. Best would be to self-host  
your mailbox (a BeagleBoneBlack board should do the job fine), the second  
option would be to choose a different, more ethical e-mail provider like  
Riseup, ProtonMail or OpenMailBox. I haven't used them myself, but I've read  
good reviews about them from the free software community.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-11-28 Thread lourivellini
Hi Tiberiu, Just saw your email - for some reason gmail thought it was spam.  
Anyways thanks for the response.

I have only done a T400 before, so my only question would be: What are the  
differences in flashing a T400s?

I will probably wait until a guide is released to do it - too worried about  
ruining a perfectly good laptop.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-11-28 Thread info
You have asked us and we have already answered your question 6 hours ago. In  
short: "[We've been very busy] but we can start to write it. If you want to  
help, it could be useful to send us your questions that you hope the guide  
will answer. We can then use your questions to figure out what sections we  
should cover in the guide."


Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-11-28 Thread lourivellini
Sorry to bump an old thread. Has a guide for the T400s been released yet?   
Sitting on one that I got for cheap that I'm hoping to lireboot.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Global Value Chains and the Missing Exports of the United States

2017-11-28 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
This "almost invisble" value associated with things that come from
people's knowledge and information is indeed a new thing that most
financial statistics tend to miss.

There's a term called "intellectual capital" that is used to describe
the discrepancy found when subtracting "tangible asset values" from the
"business' value in the market". Personally speaking, I tend to take
speeches and articles which talk about "intellectual capital" with a
grain of salt because most of these either:

- fail to address the urgent need for sustainability (with all the
  pillars taken as important, not just the ecological/environmental
  one), even if it means slowing down growth, taking steps back or
  slowing the "progress". The lack of observation of the other pillars
  also means that they fail to understand the importance of free/libre
  software *philosophy*;

- use the term "intellectual property" to join completely distinct
  concepts (copyright, trademarks, patents, non-disclosure agreements
  and other things);

- mention variations of "to competete" verb and of "competitive
  advantage", which don't have solid origins (sarcasm: thank you very
  much Porterism) ([1]);

- make use of a misinterpretation of Darwin's work to justify that the
  human being was already born to compete and so social and economic
  life must also mimic this. This misinterpretation is known as
  social/economic Darwinism. It must be noted however that the term is
  *not* related to Darwin's work, nor it's original idea --- of
  collaboration and rational thinking. It's related to a
  *misinterpretation* --- which fosters competition ([2]);

- ignore at least one of UNESCO's report ([3]);

- dismiss the capabilities theory/approach of political philosophy and
  one of the essential capabilities: the need for the end-user/consumer
  to have full control of his environment and the related materials

- and with all the previous points, so fail to understand or mention the
  importance of free/libre software philosophy and how it prevents the
  tragedy of the anticommons ([7][8][3][9]).


(under CC BY 4.0).


(under CC BY-NC 4.0). Unfortunatelly this scientific work isn't
free/libre as recommended by [3], and also ends up recommending non-free
software such as Airbnb and Uber, but the argumentations presented in
the work are somewhat interesting.

[3]  (informal
license that allows use, adaptation and redistribution, with adaptations
under similar terms).


(under CC BY 3.0).


(under CC BY-SA 4.0).

[6]  (under CC BY 3.0).

[7]  (under CC BY-NC
4.0). Also not free/libre per [3], but still a good read.

[8]  (under CC BY-NC
4.0). The same note for [7] applies here.


(under CC BY 3.0).

2017-11-16T18:50:41+0100 wrote:
> If trade statistics included the value of intellectual property rights
> associated with physical goods, the United States would see an
> increase in export capacity and a decrease in the trade deficit.
> More and more American multinational corporations are outsourcing the
> production and assembly of their products to foreign companies. When
> they do so, they derive the largest share of their revenue from the
> intellectual property embedded in core technological innovation and
> brand names. However, conventional trade statistics are compiled based
> on the value of goods crossing national borders, as declared to
> customs. Generally, the added value associated with intellectual
> property rights and embedded in physical goods is not recorded as
> either export or import of any country. Hence, current trade
> statistics greatly underestimate United States (US) exports and
> substantially exaggerate its trade deficit. In this paper, we use the
> case of Apple, the largest American consumer products company, to
> illustrate the failure of conventional trade statistics to report
> actual US export capacity in the age of global value chains. According
> to our analysis of this case, if the value added of Apple intellectual
> property sold to foreign consumers was counted as part of US exports,
> total US exports would increase by 3.2%, and its trade deficit would
> decrease by 6.4%. In terms of bilateral trade, the value added under
> examination here would lower the US trade deficit with the region
> comprising the People’s Republic of China; Hong Kong, China;
> Taipei,China; and 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Quantum kicks ass

2017-11-28 Thread leestrobel
No problem, Heather. I'm glad you are here too. I think we have a great  
community here on the Trisquel forum and hopefully we can all move the cause  
of free software forward together :-)

I haven't tried Firefox Quantum myself yet, but I will report back if/when I  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free-software-compatible oEmbed service for videos?

2017-11-28 Thread leestrobel
I spoke to one of the guys at Disroot about this and he recommended uploading  
the video to their cloud service ( You can't embed it into  
Diaspora from there, but you can share a link to family and friends that  
allows them to play it in their browser, which seemed to work well.

I highly recommend Disroot - it's a great service with some awesome features.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trouble Getting Trisquel 8 to install in UEFI Mode

2017-11-28 Thread ablocorrea
Good thing about Fedora is that the have a freedom policy concerning that  
everything that is in their repositories is free, although their kernel has  
lots of bloobs.

If I were you, I would give trisquel 8's installer a try once you have grub  
installed from Fedora. I am still pending to write a script to be able to  
update my grub configuration from Trisquel without the need of logging into  
Fedora everytime I update the kernel, as grub is not functional in my  
Trisquel. Just let me know if you decide to follow this path, so I  can post  
it here. Probably it will be done before the end of the week.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser won't run Regexr

2017-11-28 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Well, in this case, the suggestions given by Magic Banana work well
together with mine. ;)

The extra line that you said gets inserted is because you forgot `-n',
if you absolutely don't want `-n', then remove the `p' flag from the `s'

2017-11-27T18:18:36-0600 Caleb Herbert wrote:
> Your suggestion does not add to the lines.  It deletes them entirely.
> cal@leela:~$ sed 's/^x .*\(.\)$/CHARIZARD/gp' "file.txt"
> c ^x a1
> y b2
> z c3
> b x d4
> y e5
> z f6
> a ^x 
> y 
> z 
> e ^x
> x 
> d qwerty ^x azerty aBc
> Also, it matches incorrectly.
>   * An extra CHARIZARD line was inserted
>   * "x " at the beginning of the penultimate line was NOT matched
> My intended result is to ADD text to the end of any lines that start
> with "x ".
> c ^x a1
> y b2
> z c3
> b x d4
> y e5
> z f6
> a ^x 
> y 
> z 
> e ^x
> d qwerty ^x azerty aBc

[Trisquel-users] Noscript installation

2017-11-28 Thread stone


I cannot install Noscript.

I go to the Add-On Manager to install the NoScript Security Suite and allow  
the installation, but Abroswer tells me NoScript is not compatible with  
Abrowser 56.0 and Icecat tells me NoScript is not compatible with Icecat  

Any suggestion?
