Re: [Trisquel-users] uruk gnu/linux 2.0

2017-12-05 Thread jadedml
What? No. Just because Ali lives in Iraq doesn't mean his OS is malicious or  
anything like that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] alternatives to samba

2017-08-28 Thread jadedml

If you decide to use SSH you should use rsync to sync files through it.
It'll compare files by date, size, etc. and make sure directories are the  
same... if not, it syncs them together. Pretty great program.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Did Google just make a blobless kernel for the Rasberry Pi 3...?

2017-08-22 Thread jadedml
Tivoization is a problem, for sure-- but as it stands, LineageOS and  
AplineLinux developers (etc) only have to work around the hardware/software  
restrictions on flashing a new kernel.
Having to work against those *and* now even having the kernel, ports like  
that will be very difficult and more time-consuming, and upgrading to newer  
OS and kernel versions on ports will

be more difficult.
The loss of copyleft in the smartphone field would be no small loss.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to be free

2017-08-09 Thread jadedml
Don't carry your laptop in a backpack for music-- use this, if you have the  
money to spare:

It's a fully Free Software OGG player-- much more portable and simple.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF and his recommended distributions

2017-07-06 Thread jadedml

We use a deblobbed OpenBSD ports tree.

Re: [Trisquel-users] System 76 Is Coming Out With a Free Distro

2017-07-04 Thread jadedml
It's like those OEM-modified Windows images-- e.g. Dell laptop with Dell  
wallpapers, pre-installed with drivers, etc.
This just brands some things (like wallpaper) "System76" and pre-installs the  
System76 drivers.
It's nothing worth note... it isn't supposed to *truly* be different from  
Ubuntu-GNOME, just to make things smoother for
users of System76 PCs. Why bother trying to get them to make this libre, when  
they're clearly just trying to stick to
Ubuntu-GNOME? It would make more sense to try to convince them to switch to a  
libre system and then make their

own rebranded and driver-added distro off of that.
But again, they won't. This is System76, the want to make sure they have a  
smooth ride for the Ubuntu users who
buy their PCs. Their market is only nominally the "open-source crowd," and  
not at all the "libre crowd."

Re: [Trisquel-users] do you use tox?

2017-06-12 Thread jadedml

Last time I tried using Tox for a/v chat, it had pretty bad quality.
I'd recommend Wire-- it might not be decentralized, but it is encrypted,  
libre, has good call quality, and has great GNU/Linux, web, and Android  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Kate has an intolerable flaw; read on, please.

2017-06-12 Thread jadedml

Woah, the mate wanted a text editor, not an OS!
He should use ed.
ed is standard. ED IS *THE* EDITOR.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Kate has an intolerable flaw; read on, please.

2017-06-12 Thread jadedml

Woah, the mate wanted a text editor, not an OS!
He should use ed.
ed is standard. ED IS *THE* EDITOR.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-07 Thread jadedml
For reading, I mainly use my old Nook SimpleTouch with Android 2.2  
installed-- old versions of everything from F-Droid to PageTurner run just  
If a book I want isn't available on Gutenberg or gratis online, I'll download  
it from TPB. I try to donate to the author if I like the book. A lot of  
authors don't have PayPal/Patreon/anything like that, though. :/

Re: [Trisquel-users] Support Lisa's fundraiser today

2017-04-18 Thread jadedml
Jesus, she's been on the queue for three years, already put her deposit down,  
and already got plane tickets...

She's only $7k off!
I'll try to contribute-- come on mates!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-07 Thread jadedml
The way I see it, enterprise editions are bad because they're proprietary--  
but at least profits are funnelled into the development of libre software. If  
Canonical just kept developing convergence etc and died, that's one source of  
funding gone.
Besides, a lot of people and enterprises use Desktop-- it won't be a priority  
anymore, but development will certainly be active and there'll be less  
radical changes. Is that so bad?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-05 Thread jadedml
GNOME 3 is a fantastic DE, now. It's great that Canonical's going to stop  
fragmenting the community with Unity & Mir and put some money into a more  
universal project.

(That's also way more stylish!)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8.0 proposal: Include Guix

2017-03-31 Thread jadedml

That's a great idea, actually.
It's default in GuixSD, but GuixSD is niche-- Trisquel is "more mainstream"  
by GNU/Linux standards, so it'd be great if Guix were installed by default!

Re: [Trisquel-users] I have a few questions

2017-03-06 Thread jadedml
Youtube-dl and mps-youtube have already been mentioned, but here's my  
shameless self-plug:
It's written in shell, so all you'll need is bash and wget/curl.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 is STILL not out yet?

2017-02-19 Thread jadedml
Jesus, mate, give Ruben & co. some space. Being rude isn't going to speed  
anything up.
Either help out, wait quietly, or put your money where your mouth is and  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Second monitor with WindowMaker

2017-02-17 Thread jadedml
Heck, I'm not sure if this is particularly applicable, but on a non-Trisquel  
system I've used, I had the same problem.
Tooling around with xrandr for a while ended up being the solution-- the man  
page ("$ man xrandr") is very useful.

"$ xrandr" will show you the config of your screens currently--
one of the screens should be listed as "off" or "disabled."
Then run the command "$ xrandr --output [SCREEN] --auto" where [SCREEN] is  
the output previously listed as "off."
That might get everything up and running-- I hope one of our solutions gets  
your setuput working. Good luck, mate-o. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] libreboot fork?

2016-12-13 Thread jadedml

Autoboot allows the user to use blobs. :s
Better stick with Libreboot, mate.

Re: [Trisquel-users] First development alpha iso images of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas"

2016-11-30 Thread jadedml
+1 on Trisquel 7's default printer utility. I've always had problems with it  
(on a few different HP printers and computers) whereas  
system-config-printer-gnome works just fine.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The worst thing happened on my laptop. DRM.

2016-11-30 Thread jadedml

>> My laptop can read CD-ROM but cannot copy it.

Are you trying to copy from CD-ROM on Windows or GNU/Linux? Generally, this  
kinda stuff is software-based, not hardware-based, so I'm more inclined to  
tihnk it's the former. If you're using GNU/Linux, maybe try a different  
method? Let's not jump the gun and say it's hardware DRM before we're sure.

>> will accept donations.

Good luck with that.

>> If I will receive enough money for 2 laptops — maybe I will stream  
DESTROYING and TRASHING my laptop. Or killing it with fire. Because it must  
die. Permanently.

*crickets chrip*

Re: [Trisquel-users] firefox addons spy on you, what to do?

2016-11-09 Thread jadedml
IMHO, it would be a much better idea to use a local web-proxy like Privoxy to  
block these URLs.
Privoxy can work as an ad-blocker, a program to route web traffic through  
Tor, and for blocking privacy-violating sites c:

Take that, guugle, we got you!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your favorite learning. resources

2016-10-21 Thread jadedml
Wikibooks tends to have some pretty good documentation on learning  
programming languages-- it's the only resource I've used. :p

Re: [Trisquel-users] Another future for libre computing?

2016-10-18 Thread jadedml

Yea, this project is pretty fantastic!
Though, to be honest, the $3mil goal seems, er, a tad too steep for our  

I'm a little worried we won't make it /(;~:)\

Re: [Trisquel-users] Another future for libre computing?

2016-10-18 Thread jadedml

Yea, this project is pretty fantastic!
Though, to be honest, the $3mil goal seems, er, a tad too steep for our  

I'm a little worried we won't make it /(;~:)\

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot Developer Leah Rowe Attack gnu and rms Again

2016-10-18 Thread jadedml
> What is "extremism"? Having a Libreboot computer with Trisquel or Parabola?  
Leah´s overreacting, but seems that no one cares.

Yea, like she's one to talk. :p
Most people consider Free Software extremism to be running a libre BIOS (I  
consider it to be the natural progression)... I wonder what she considers  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Another future for libre computing?

2016-10-18 Thread jadedml

Dang, another double-post.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-09 Thread jadedml
> I must learn C, C++ and Assembler. Maybe, Qt. Then I will start developing  
my secret project.

Jesus, assembly? Are you a masochist or what?

> You cannot send PM now. I cannot trust people, so I will not publish any  
more information about secret project.

It sounds like you have a sense of self-importance that probably isn't  
Your secret project isn't special, and your grasp of the technology required  
to realize such a project isn't very strong.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Purism Is Still Hoping To Build A GNU/Linux Free Software Librem Smartphone

2016-10-01 Thread jadedml

Nope, nope, nope.
Don't support this at all. Librem has and deserves no respect or credibility.  
"You're dead to me! ;~:"
Instead, support the Neo900-- fully free, GNU/Linux, and they clearly care  
about privacy and freedom. Which Librem don't.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to become a hacker?

2016-09-26 Thread jadedml

1) Wear a black hoodie at all times
2) Hack things (duh); hacktivism optional
3) Have synth and only synth music on your playlist
4) Be socially akward as a turtle with no face
5) Do drugs
6) See and talk to your dead father (optional)
7) Be delusional

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU won't let Libreboot leave. Ruben mentioned again in statement for his involvement.

2016-09-24 Thread jadedml
Libreboot isn't trademarked. The GNU project can keep it's version of  
Libreboot with the actual community-- while Leahroweboot keeps chugging on  
Yeesh, this entire thing is... well, the only word that comes to my mind is  

Re: [Trisquel-users] If Rubén harassed Libreboot's Leah Rowe, he should be fired and Trisquel shut down

2016-09-18 Thread jadedml

Do people really say "cys-normal?"
I thought it was just "cis."

Re: [Trisquel-users] Getting debian fsf approved

2016-08-15 Thread jadedml

Non-free software cannot be *easy* to install.
AKA: If an unaware and non-technical user can clickity-click a button or two  
to accidentally install non-free software, it is too easy to install it for  
the FSDG.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Getting debian fsf approved

2016-08-15 Thread jadedml

Non-free software cannot be *easy* to install.
AKA: If an unaware and non-technical user can clickity-click a button or two  
to accidentally install non-free software, it is too easy to install it for  
the FSDG.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Getting debian fsf approved

2016-08-15 Thread jadedml

Non-free software cannot be *easy* to install.
AKA: If an unaware and non-technical user can clickity-click a button or two  
to accidentally install non-free software, it is too easy to install it for  
the FSDG.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The future of Libre Computing: Crowd Funding Campaign Starts Now

2016-08-01 Thread jadedml

It's possible-- they come with Parabola. Just modify the fstab.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The future of Libre Computing: Crowd Funding Campaign Starts Now

2016-08-01 Thread jadedml

It's possible-- they come with Parabola. Just modify the fstab.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The future of Libre Computing: Crowd Funding Campaign Starts Now

2016-07-31 Thread jadedml
Maybe some of the OS-- parts of it that are hardly moved, often read? (I  
assume that copying to and from is what kills NAND, and not reading from...?)

Re: [Trisquel-users] RMS approved online shopping

2016-07-25 Thread jadedml

I'd hit that +1 button ten times if I could!

Re: [Trisquel-users] RMS approved online shopping

2016-07-25 Thread jadedml
RMS doesn't use credit cards. IIRC, he only shops from sites that allow some  
semblance of privacy and take cash via snail-mail.
I can get why-- when it's snail-mail, the transaction is just between the  
buyer and the seller-- only they know.
When there's PayPal or something, there's a third-party that can snoop and  
record to their heart's content. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hello from new member

2016-07-25 Thread jadedml

Welcome, mate!
I hope you have some good times and enjoy your newfound software freedom  
while you're here. ^_^

Re: [Trisquel-users] Github uses non-free software network service?

2016-07-21 Thread jadedml
You aren't running GitHub's software on your computer-- it doesn't affect  
your freedom. What Onpon said, basically.
Non-free services can be bad, but aren't bad inherently. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Github uses non-free software network service?

2016-07-21 Thread jadedml
GitHub is an online service-- the source code to GitHub isn't released  
publicly, and thus it is a non-free service.

This isn't necessarily bad, of course.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm leaving Trisquel

2016-07-16 Thread jadedml

Oh sweet Korean Jesus, complain, complain, complain.

"We need a user board," "Ruben should spend more time on Trisquel," "when is  
8 coming out," "it's all going downhill," "we need a blog post,"  

This is all stuff we've heard before, discussion about it goes nowhere.

We need a user board!-- Participate in development. Nothing is stopping you.

When is 8 coming out?!-- Be patient.

It's all going downhill!-- Trisquel 8's taking just about as long as it took  
Trisquel 7. Nothing's going downhill, at least development-wise. Some pretty  
radical things have happened with packaging, judging by the last blog post.  
This forum is also alive, active, and very well.

We need blog updates! It'd only take ten minutes to write!-- It wouldn't take  
much time to write a post, but Jesus, what's the point? The overall sentiment  
seems to be "We need more communication," when the amount of communication  
has been the same since Trisquel 6 and it hasn't mattered until now. All of  
sudden, this is a problem and people are freaking out. Really, just be  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anyone using LibertyBSD? How does it compare to Trisquel?

2016-07-16 Thread jadedml

Yea, it's possible.
We're forking the OpenBSD ports tree as soon as a get a CVS server set up and  

With this fork there'll be focus on patching things like this.
'Till then, well, perhaps you should go with Midori or Netsurf.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anyone using LibertyBSD? How does it compare to Trisquel?

2016-07-16 Thread jadedml

Yea, as metalanderish said-- Seamonkey recommends proprietary software.
Another notable abscence is Firefox, which does the same. I'm basing a port  
of Icecat off of the Firefox port, though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New ReTux Release and a Level Making Competition

2016-07-03 Thread jadedml

Thank god you extended the deadline.
I haven't even started yet-- I'll have a late night tonight, huh?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anyone using LibertyBSD? How does it compare to Trisquel?

2016-06-16 Thread jadedml
Speaking of LBSD, there's now a forum set up at  
Perhaps we should take further discussion to the Troll Lounge or LBSD forums  
to avoid cluttering main Trisquel forums?
loldier: Your desktop setup looks better and better with every pic. Some  
minimal setups on /r/unixporn could provide some extra inspiration, maybe.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 Desktop Environment.

2016-06-15 Thread jadedml

I'd say stick with GNOME fallback or something similar.
It's simple, familiar, and stylish-- which is perfect for your average home  
user, a target audience for Trisquel.
XFCE4 is much more flexible, which could be intimidating for new users coming  
from Windows or OSX.

Users that want flexibility can take a few moments to install XFCE :p

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anyone using LibertyBSD? How does it compare to Trisquel?

2016-06-14 Thread jadedml
A. You can use keyboard special keys by default. Both of my laptops' volume  
and brightness keys work by default-- something that doesn't even happen on  
Parabola. :p
B. Yea, if you install GNOME, KDE, Xfce, or another DE you can manage volume  
and brightness with the GUI.
C. Don't think so. I can't find any, at least. "pkg_add" works just like the  
other "Ubuntu way," "apt-get install".

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anyone using LibertyBSD? How does it compare to Trisquel?

2016-06-13 Thread jadedml
It looks like it supports audio at least to some degree, if the Wikipedia  
page is right.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anyone using LibertyBSD? How does it compare to Trisquel?

2016-06-11 Thread jadedml

If it's a list of usable programs you want, check
The online listing of ports contains some non-free listings, but it also  
contains all of the free listings.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anyone using LibertyBSD? How does it compare to Trisquel?

2016-06-09 Thread jadedml

I actually have a Fujitsu Lifebook P1630 running LBSD. :p
Everything works as expected, including wireless. Except for the  
touch-screen-- I haven't tried it, yet.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anyone using LibertyBSD? How does it compare to Trisquel?

2016-06-09 Thread jadedml

LBSD 5.9'll be out pretty soon.
Not too much work to do, so I think it'll be ready in a week or two. ^_^

Re: [Trisquel-users] Information about publishing my project.

2016-06-08 Thread jadedml

As for Git repositories I'd recommend Not A Bug (
It's fully Free Software and is an all-around cool public Git repo.
Could rival Github pretty well.

WikiBooks has a pretty good book on HTML:
It's nice and to the point. It doesn't have the annoying fluff most actual  
books do.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New ReTux Release and a Level Making Competition

2016-06-07 Thread jadedml

Oh, cool!
I'll have to order one!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anyone using LibertyBSD? How does it compare to Trisquel?

2016-06-07 Thread jadedml

You should use that one (but replace 5.9 with 5.8) with LibertyBSD 5.8.
There are no package repositories for LibertyBSD-- there'll be one for the  
next release, though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stuttering keyboard

2016-06-06 Thread jadedml

I've had the same problem in the past-- updating the kernel did the trick.
You should give it a shot:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anyone using LibertyBSD? How does it compare to Trisquel?

2016-06-05 Thread jadedml

It's only part of fvwm, sorry.
You could probably get a similar-looking workspace switcher, though. The  
design's fairly generic, after all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anyone using LibertyBSD? How does it compare to Trisquel?

2016-06-05 Thread jadedml

Yea, HD videos, 3D games, DVDs, etc work perfectly.
LBSD's never crashed or had any errors for me when running multiple programs,  
or in general.

And yea, I worked on deblobbing the ports tree.
Hope you like LBSD when you do have a spare machine, mate.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anyone using LibertyBSD? How does it compare to Trisquel?

2016-06-05 Thread jadedml

I use LibertyBSD as my primary OS and it runs very well.
You should note that hardware support is worse than that of Trisquel-- a very  
noticable bit that's missing is support for athn (ThinkPenguin wifi dongles).
It runs just as well as Trisquel, other than that, and follows the Unix  
philosophy a little more closely.
If you want to use a quality and simple OS (there's a single comprehensible  
source tarball, for example) and learn some things about BSD along the way,  
you'll enjoy LibertyBSD. :)

Sidenote: Absolute OpenBSD (2nd edition) is a fantastic book that outlines  
some it's more obtuse but powerful features. You don't need it, but I highly  
recommend it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] When will Trisquel 8.0 (Flidas) release?

2016-06-04 Thread jadedml

We need to appreciate all of Ruben's hard work and realize that we aren't  
entitled to him giving us status updates.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread jadedml
Of course there are and should be limitations on free speech-- hate speech  
isn't one of them, however.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread jadedml

Yea, I'm against laws that prohibit hate-speech or try to regulate it.
The EU's bill sounds terrible to me...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Will Trisquel 8 embrace Snap packaging for custom, Trisquel specific, applications?

2016-06-02 Thread jadedml
It's not. You can completely bypass the Ubuntu App Centre to install Snap  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Will Trisquel 8 embrace Snap packaging for custom, Trisquel specific, applications?

2016-06-02 Thread jadedml

I have to wonder, what programs would be Trisquel-specific?
Being binary-compatible with Ubuntu and without custom software being written  
for it, there isn't really any Trisquel-specific software, save a few small  
exceptions that wouldn't be beneficial to put in Snap packages. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Will Trisquel 8 embrace Snap packaging for custom, Trisquel specific, applications?

2016-06-01 Thread jadedml
If you're shooting for something like that, you're probably better off with  
GNU Guix.

Re: [Trisquel-users] iMac fans

2016-05-28 Thread jadedml

This is because Trisquel doesn't have systemd.
systemctl is a systemd command.

Try running it manually with "sudo start mbpfan" or enable with Upstart by  
"sudo cp mbpfan.upstart /etc/init/mbpfan.conf sudo start mbpfan"

Re: [Trisquel-users] New ReTux Release and a Level Making Competition

2016-05-21 Thread jadedml

Oh, this'll be fun!
Hopefully it'll bring over some good levels for that Bonus Set!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Password Generator instead of a password manager

2016-05-15 Thread jadedml

Oh, that script's pretty similar to a technique I used to use.
I had a folder in ~/Documents/ called Passwords. There, I'd keep plain text  
files for each website. Each text file would have one line-- the line would  
say "Password:" and some random password I made up. I'd then check the sha256  
hash of the fake password file and use the hash as my real password.
If anyone checked the ~/Documents/Passwords folder they'd have thought that  
they actually listed my passwords, even though they didn't. :p

Re: [Trisquel-users] Should free hardware have warranty

2016-05-13 Thread jadedml
I recall the OUYA allowed modification without voiding the warranty-- I.E.  
tinker with the internals, and as long as you didn't cause the problem,  
they'd replace.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Should free hardware have warranty

2016-05-13 Thread jadedml
I recall the OUYA allowed modification without voiding the warranty-- I.E.  
tinker with the internals, and as long as you didn't cause the problem,  
they'd replace.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Uruk GNU/Linux, someone realeased a fork of Trisquel

2016-05-09 Thread jadedml

Our friend alimiracle's working on it.
Looks pretty cool-- it's nice that we have a free GNU/Linux distribution more  
geared towards Arabic now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Its been nice meeting you all,

2016-05-06 Thread jadedml

Yea, as root_orca said, you don't need to use Trisquel to chat with us!
Heck, I haven't used Trisquel in about eight months or so at this point. :p
If you do decide to leave anyway-- good luck, mate. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] fsf gets money from google?

2016-05-02 Thread jadedml
FSF doesn't endorse Google's actions (and continues to criticise them), so I  
don't see an issue.

Anyone notice a lot of conspiracy-like non-issues springing up lately?

Re: [Trisquel-users] What are your favorite command-line programs?

2016-05-01 Thread jadedml

cmus & sox for music
ranger for file-management (sometimes)
mpsyt for YouTube
mutt for e-mail
ii for IRC
vi(m) for text editing
aspell + latex for getting documents looking nice
sl because I can't type for the life of me

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Richard Stallman have a protégé?

2016-04-29 Thread jadedml

Not to mention rude af...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Open source cloud storage

2016-04-27 Thread jadedml

Their website says:
"Our online solution offers free e-mail address hosting for a wide public in  
search of a high quality service inspired by a free philosophy and totally  
independent of all the existing large service companies on the web. The  
respect for our members' privacy is our priority, which is why we do  
everything to ensure the security of the data that is entrusted to us."

Their Terms of Service doesn't say they may access/they own your data, as  
some other services do.
Technically, you can't verify that Openmailbox doesn't snoop on your data,  
but you can't do that with *any* cloud service. Openmailbox, however, seems  
to have a commitment to privacy, so it seems more trust-worthy than other  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Open source cloud storage

2016-04-27 Thread jadedml

I'd recommend ownCloud.
IMO it's the most polished and professional fully Free Software cloud storage  
It's supported by pretty much any device (GNU|Linux, OSX, Windows,  
You can host your own server or use someone else's server (often for a small  
I like Openmailbox as an ownCloud host-- they have reasonable prices for  
storage and are dedicated to privacy.

Re: [Trisquel-users] "Ubuntu LTS: Many vulnerabilities despite long-term support"

2016-04-26 Thread jadedml
In an LTS release, you don't get the latest packages. Naturally, this means  
you don't get the latest security fixes. In Ubuntu's case, the exception is  
the main repository.

... this is news, somehow?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Sourceforge requires a phone number for registering a project

2016-04-26 Thread jadedml

True, but it didn't say they record IP addresses.
And even so, that's a rather cumbersome method of finding someone's phone  
number. That method would be more noticeable-- rogue workers snooping would  
have a harder time not getting caught-- and also doesn't work for people  
carrying phone numbers from where they used to live. (AKA, people with wrong  
area codes)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Should I wait for Trisquel 8?

2016-04-26 Thread jadedml
If you're having issues with wireless, this could mean that your wireless  
card requires non-free firmware. If that's the case, these problems will  
probably probably persist with Trisquel 8.
If your graphical issues are due to your graphics card, that means your  
graphics card probably requires non-free firmware, as well.
Would you mine giving us the output of "lspci | grep Netwrok" and "lspci |  
grep Graphics"?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Sourceforge requires a phone number for registering a project

2016-04-26 Thread jadedml

They store the SHA1 of the phone number-- I fail to see a privacy issue.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Windows and Ubuntu Might Become the Same Thing?

2016-04-22 Thread jadedml

I don't mean to be rude or anything, but what're you smoking, mate?
> I am a very intuitive person
Intution means nothing if your intuition is shit.
Snaps is nothing more than Canonical trying to make it easier to distribute  
software for Ubuntu and, so it seems, with more security when used with Mir.  
If there's anything remotely close to malice, it's that Snaps'll push for the  
usage of Mir, but that's not even really malicious-- that's just because X11  
doesn't support the necessary security features Mir does.

Canonical isn't trying to make Ubuntu more and more non-free, they're just  
trying to make Ubuntu more and more popular. What this means is that they  
need to keep including software that will be convenient and useful to their  
users while also maintaining a friendly relationship with their "open"  
community. That nice balance, right now, is offering non-free software and  
including some driver & fw blobs. What you suggest could be occuring isn't in  
their best interest, so it probably isn't happening.

Re: [Trisquel-users] ¿Which email service do you recommend?

2016-04-22 Thread jadedml
I'd shoot for Openmailbox-- it's just a nice, polished service dedicated to  
privacy and Free Software.

They even offer an ownCloud instance, which is really convenient.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where do you get your media from?

2016-04-20 Thread jadedml

Would'ya look at that-- we both joined the Trisquel forums on the same day.
What a coincidence!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where do you get your media from?

2016-04-19 Thread jadedml

I like to use the Free Music Archive.
Playing a song in-browser doesn't work without Flash, though, so you need to  
download a file or stream with VLC every time you wanna preview a song. Kind  
of annoying.

Re: [Trisquel-users] CodeMeter and Fluendo OnePlay

2016-04-17 Thread jadedml

Codemeter is the copy-protection (DRM) they use for their software.
I'd recommend ditching OnePlay and switching to Gstreamer...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Best

2016-04-15 Thread jadedml

Speaking of Python, a couple books I've been using are:
Only allows verbatim sharing, but a really good introduction. Not in  
Creative Commons NC-BY-SA, good book that's a little more in-depth. In  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Abrowser from source

2016-04-15 Thread jadedml

You could always download binary packages from the Arch repo website.
Every package listing has a "Download from Mirror" button.
Just install the package with "pacman -U" and you're done.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Abrowser from source

2016-04-15 Thread jadedml

I have no idea why you'd want Abrowser with Parabola.
You should install Iceweasel-- it's the same as Abrowser, but with different  
branding, is more up-to-date, and you won't have to compile it. :p

Re: [Trisquel-users] The Ubuntu Userspace for Windows Developers -- A Project by Canonical and Microsoft. What is your idea?

2016-04-15 Thread jadedml
Isn't it fantastic how Microsoft can reap the benefits of GNU/Linux to fairly  
easily implement this compatibility, while the Wine project has had to  
reverse-engineer several components for a compatibility layer? /sarcasm

Re: [Trisquel-users] Firefox replaced Iceweasel on Debian Stretch

2016-04-15 Thread jadedml

Here's the story:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Another free engine of a commercial Game: Serious Sam

2016-04-15 Thread jadedml
This isn't a libre engine, it requires Visual Studio 2013. (Refer to the  

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to create browser integration of youtube-dl?

2016-04-15 Thread jadedml
I'm not a huge fan of the HTML5 player (YT's version or the one from HTML  
Everywhere! extension), so I use mpsyt.

mps-youtube is a fantastic cli YouTube client. You can get it via pip3.
When mpsyt isn't available, your script will do nicely. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Some info on the Open Pandora (PYRA Pandora) Game Console

2016-04-15 Thread jadedml
The Pandora works fine as a fully free device with the Debian port-- you can  
even use a ThinkPenguin USB wifi dongle.

I've used mine as a free device, and Onpon has as well.
The only things that don't work are internal wifi and 3D graphics  
acceleration, if memory serves.

It looks like the Pyra will have the same problems, sadly. :s

Re: [Trisquel-users] What software would you like to see added to the repository?

2016-04-15 Thread jadedml

>> I do disagree
> Of course you do.

Aw, hug it out you guys.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Create ISO from installation

2016-04-15 Thread jadedml

Hey, mate.
There's a handy tutorial in the Trisquel docs:

It looks like that'll let you do what it seems you want to do.
I can't help but think that it would be simpler (if the ISO would only be for  
your own use) to install the software semi-manually every time you installed  
Like a shell script that installs the packages in one long or multiple  
"apt-get" commands.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What about parabola?

2016-04-15 Thread jadedml

Yea, Parabola has the latest packages-- it's bleeding edge.
It's light-years ahead of Trisquel in terms of package versions.
It's a great distro over-all. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can you please help a new Trisquel user out in this thread ?

2016-04-15 Thread jadedml
Why wouldn't it install? Was there not enough space on your disk, etc, etc?  
What error did it tell you?
When selecting "Try Trisquel 7.0" rather than "Install Trisquel 7.0" after  
booting the Live USB/CD, does the desktop work as expected?

You can't be helped, penguin, if you don't tell us what exactly errors are  
displayed on the screen, as little or as much information it shows.

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibertyBSD 5.8 Release

2016-02-07 Thread jadedml

Yea-- any news on approval?

From the website:

"* Is LibertyBSD a "FSF-approved" distro?
No. We're trying to get it approved, though."

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