Oh sweet Korean Jesus, complain, complain, complain.

"We need a user board," "Ruben should spend more time on Trisquel," "when is 8 coming out," "it's all going downhill," "we need a blog post," yada-yada-yada...

This is all stuff we've heard before, discussion about it goes nowhere.

We need a user board!-- Participate in development. Nothing is stopping you.

When is 8 coming out?!-- Be patient.

It's all going downhill!-- Trisquel 8's taking just about as long as it took Trisquel 7. Nothing's going downhill, at least development-wise. Some pretty radical things have happened with packaging, judging by the last blog post. This forum is also alive, active, and very well.

We need blog updates! It'd only take ten minutes to write!-- It wouldn't take much time to write a post, but Jesus, what's the point? The overall sentiment seems to be "We need more communication," when the amount of communication has been the same since Trisquel 6 and it hasn't mattered until now. All of sudden, this is a problem and people are freaking out. Really, just be patient.

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