Re: [Trisquel-users] Camera security at home with free software

2017-08-02 Thread matt . ivie
Try using Zoneminder. It is in the repos and you can use capture cards with  
analog cams or IP cams that offer rtsp streams. I've run a few systems this  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Openmailbox is out of service?

2017-02-07 Thread matt . ivie
At this rate, I don't see how they'll convince anyone to pay if they can't  
fix services that don't work. Hopefully they'll rectify that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Openmailbox is out of service?

2017-02-07 Thread matt . ivie
They run campaigns for funding every year, but it gets hard to justify  
funding them if they aren't responsive to problems like this for such  
extended periods of time.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser not playing soundfiles - problem with libavcodec?

2017-01-09 Thread matt . ivie
I just saw these come through. Thanks to the dev(s) and maintainer(s) of  

Re: [Trisquel-users] No Sound after installation

2017-01-06 Thread matt . ivie
Trysquelanonymous, are you saying that you use alsa mixer and your sound  
begins working? Or are you just saying that your alsamixer opens and allows  
you to make adjustments, but still without sound?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Openmailbox is out of service?

2017-01-05 Thread matt . ivie
Their forums seem to have an expired certificate that is causing problems as  
well. I noticed the error I was getting when trying to use their XMPP had  
something to do with a certificate but the client I used didn't give enough  
data to really go off of. Perhaps they have an IRC channel? If they do maybe  
more information can be gained there.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DRM free iPod alternative

2017-01-05 Thread matt . ivie
I also have a 6th gen that I need to recondition and install rockbox on. I'm  
glad to hear that you have had success with that version of the iPod because  
I was not 100% sure I'd get that one working with Rockbox.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Dot matrix printer?

2017-01-05 Thread matt . ivie
I see what you mean, but I think the effort might still have merit. We don't  
need to have EVERY printer from input into h-node. We only  
need to add the ones that someone has experience with using under a Libre  
GNU/Linux distro.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hexoshi - New Metroid-like game I'm developing is being crowdfunded

2017-01-04 Thread matt . ivie
I like what you're doing here onpon4 and I wish you luck in this endeavour,  
as I think it could be a very good example of how Free Software game  
development can be done. I like the concept as well.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DRM free iPod alternative

2017-01-04 Thread matt . ivie
I successfully use an iPod Video 5th Gen (80Gb) with rockbox. It works really  
well and holds all of my music.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Dot matrix printer?

2017-01-04 Thread matt . ivie
In some cases DOT Matrix is a necessary evil. If you need to print on  
carbon-copy forms and have the print go through all copies this is the only  
way to efficiently achieve it. You could also use a type-writer or Bic...but  
I digress.

The best thing I can suggest is looking at what new models are available on  
the market and then trying to find them list at

If you happen to find a compatible device, please add it to

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser not playing soundfiles - problem with libavcodec?

2017-01-04 Thread matt . ivie
In abrowser, go into about:config and set 'media.libavcodec.allow-obsolete'  
to 'True'. Restart abrowser and it will no longer issue that warning. I  
suspect that upstream firefox disables older libavcodec implementations for a  
very good security reason, but I'm too busy to research that at the moment.  
Use this solution at your own risk.

The better solution would be to have an updated libavcodec package offered in  
the Trisquel repos.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Evolution IMAP+: no common encryption algorithm(s)

2016-04-27 Thread matt . ivie
I use evolution with IMAP and starttls with all of my services. From what you  
are describing it sounds more like a server configuration issue.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Bookmark Sync in Icecat or Abrowser

2016-04-26 Thread matt . ivie
I have had little luck, but have tried very little. I hear that you can sync  
bookmarks using owncloud. You might look into that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Some info on the Open Pandora (PYRA Pandora) Game Console

2016-04-15 Thread matt . ivie
I don't doubt what you say onpon4, but may I inquire of where you confirmed  
it? I probably went looking in the wrong place and spoke with the wrong  
people to confirm there were no binary blobs. Is it in the source code of the  
distro they're running?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Some info on the Open Pandora (PYRA Pandora) Game Console

2016-04-15 Thread matt . ivie
Well damn. I guess that is off my list. Thabks for the link onpon4, it was  
very informative.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Some info on the Open Pandora (PYRA Pandora) Game Console

2016-04-15 Thread matt . ivie

Has anyone heard of the GCW Zero?

Look it up. Ftom what the devs told me(I don't remember names) they say it  
has no blobs. I am thinking of getting one.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free software friendly (Wireless) Gamepads

2016-04-15 Thread matt . ivie
I have a logitech f310 that works perfectly under trisquel. I think it is  
seen as an xbox gamepad. I am able to calibrate all the analog inputs also.

Re: [Trisquel-users] i'm going to buy a Nintendo 64 lads.

2015-08-31 Thread matt . ivie
What a strange place for this topic. There really is no way to enjoy N64  
games in true freedom is there?

One positive aspect of using an old used console is that you're not  
financially supporting the company that made it, as it is used. Secondly, you  
won't be breaking any laws by legally obtaining cartridges.

There are obviously far-reaching implications for one's freedom in terms of  
creating software for the device or changing the software you obtain.

Ultimately each person has to make their own choice on where they will  

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Updates: Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) version 57 etc.

2015-08-20 Thread matt . ivie

Where did you hear that gcc no longer supports static linking?

That seems a really dumb thing to do doesn't it? And isn't static linking  
something that pretty much every linker/compiler does?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mozilla decides to sign all addons / extensions.

2015-08-20 Thread matt . ivie
It seems to me that Mozilla, as an organisation, just keeps getting worse and  
worse. I still really like Iceweasel, Icecat and abrowser and if someone is  
one a Windoze or Mac I suggest firefox to them over anything else. It is sad  
though that Mozilla keeps selling out.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FCC Rules might force Wifi router vendors to lockdown their firmware!

2015-08-07 Thread matt . ivie
The other problem with the logic that the FCC is using is that if they are to  
follow through with this to try and control the spectrum they now have to  
lock down firmware and drivers for WiFi cards on computers and everything  
else. Also, I can put a really high gain antenna or a signal amplifier on a  
router without even bothering with firmware. Their plan just isn't effective  
at dealing with the issue and if it is causing more harm than good it  
shouldn't be done.

If I can help you in any way Chris, just send me a message.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Abrowser' behaves strangely after a system update.

2015-08-01 Thread matt . ivie
The recent update has fixed the problem for me as well. Thank you to the  
developers for working to get that fixed.

Again, I stress that these types of problems are a HUGE deal. I really would  
have liked to see some better communication to the community as to how this  
problem was going to be handled. If nothing else, as was said by another  
member there should have been a downgrade to abrowser 38 as a temporary  
option. Is there a policy in place for dealing with this type of thing?

Anyway, thank you for fixing this

Re: [Trisquel-users] Many applications can't connect to when OpenVPN is activated

2015-07-27 Thread matt . ivie

Are you using the gnome gui to configure your VPN?

Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Abrowser' behaves strangely after a system update.

2015-07-25 Thread matt . ivie
Just as an experiment I recompiled abrowser from source from the Trisquel  
repositories. It took nine hours to complete but the end result was no  
different. I know that if I download the official Firefox 32-bit binary  
everything works just fine.

This means that it must either be a change made upstream by Ubuntu or a  
change made for Trisquel.

Now again,I have to ask: Why hasn't anyone been trying to resolve this? Why  
aren't we even getting feedback on this? This is not a minor problem when  
your primary and most functional browser is broken. I am not trying to  
critisize, but understand.

Does anyone else feel like this should be getting more attention or is it  
just me?

Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Abrowser' behaves strangely after a system update.

2015-07-24 Thread matt . ivie
Once you install abrowser 39 you can't downgrade back to 38. You can go to  

The problem I have with Icecat is that it is so privacy and security oriented  
that it breaks sites. Normally that is not a major problem for me but there  
are a few that won't work at all because of the tight settings. Without a  
functioning abrowser, or one that problems get fixed quickly, I have a hard  
time recommending Trisquel to people that are a little less techy.

Seriously, when is this issue going to get some attention, or at least be  
addressed by some devs in the bug tracker? I don't really care if it is  
upstream or not. What are we doing? Is there anything I can do to help with  
this? I'm not a developer but if there is some type of data I can collect I'd  
be happy to.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are all Atheros Wifi cards libre?

2015-07-23 Thread matt . ivie
It just kills me that hardware companies have to be so difficult. What do  
they REALLY gain from being this way about their code and hardware  

Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Abrowser' behaves strangely after a system update.

2015-07-22 Thread matt . ivie

I second this.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Abrowser' behaves strangely after a system update.

2015-07-21 Thread matt . ivie
There have been bugs filed and many people are experiencing this problem. Due  
to the fact that this is the default browser for the system and it is the  
most friendly to most mainstream sites I don't know why this is taking so  
long for there to be an official response.

Are any maintainers actually looking into this problem right now?

Understand I'm not critisizing or trying to downplay the excellent job that  
the maintainers do. I'm just trying to bring attention to the fact that this  
is a big issue and it has gone on since the update was made available and it  
still isn't fixed.

If we ever want to attract new users, issues like this can't linger.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Abrowser' behaves strangely after a system update.

2015-07-19 Thread matt . ivie
One note: I am using Trisquel 7 32-bit. Can anyone confirm whether or not  
this is happening on a 64-bit machine?

Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Abrowser' behaves strangely after a system update.

2015-07-19 Thread matt . ivie

Are you guys all using 64-bit or 32-bit Trisquel?

Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Abrowser' behaves strangely after a system update.

2015-07-19 Thread matt . ivie
What is the quickest way to get this problem fixed? It seems like a major  
issue like this should be dealt with more quickly.

Also, why is it that as soon as a new package version is available the old  
one is immediately removed from the repos? In a situation like this I'd like  
to downgrade back to abrowser 38 but can't. I had to go back to 33.1 instead.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 feedback (with hardware details)

2015-07-19 Thread matt . ivie
I have some hardware that had resolution issues when I moved from Trisquel 6  
to Trisquel 7. If I remember right it was an ATI graphics card and in  
Trisquel 7 the driver module was blacklisted. I removed it from the blacklist  
and it worked much better.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Abrowser' behaves strangely after a system update.

2015-07-18 Thread matt . ivie
I am experiencing the same issue with abrowser 39. Thanks for reporting the  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Evolution

2015-04-14 Thread matt . ivie
If I enable this ppa are there going to be any repercussions? Am I going to  
end up with all the new gnome components and will this break my system?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Accidentally removed a panel icon and can't find it in order to add it back.

2015-04-13 Thread matt . ivie
If you know how to add stuff to the panel try adding either the Indicator  
Applet or the Indicator Applet Complete. I'm not certain which of the two  
you'd want but you can try either one and see which works for you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Evolution

2015-04-13 Thread matt . ivie
I appreciate all the help that's been offered here and I don't mean to come  
off as a jerk. What I am looking for though, is whether or not someone can  
suggest a way to start fixing this problem?

Evolution is a major package in Trisquel as it is a major piece of the gnome  
desktop. To simply ignore broken functions of a core desktop system isn't  
right and it's not the way Trisquel should run. I'm willing to help fix it if  
I can. I'm not familiar with the package though and I was hoping someone else  
might be.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Evolution

2015-04-11 Thread matt . ivie
I know there are alternatives to Evolution. By and large I like the way  
Evolution functions. I have clicked on the empty trash option but nothing  
happens. It acts as if it is going to empty the trash but then it never does.

[Trisquel-users] Evolution

2015-04-11 Thread matt . ivie
I don't know how many people here actively use Evolution every day, but I do.  
I've noticed one thing about Evolution. That is that with every major release  
of Trisquel (and I'm assuming ubuntu) something important stops working.

The two big issues I'm dealing with under Trisquel 7 are that the trash won't  
empty when using IMAP and when I setup a caldav calendar Evolution isn't  
pulling calendar events in like it used to.

Has anyone else experienced this? What is the best course of action to work  
toward resolving these problems?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Evolution

2015-04-11 Thread matt . ivie

It simply not working. I have two machines this is happening on.

[Trisquel-users] Evolution Mail is not emptying trash

2015-03-21 Thread matt . ivie
I've been using Evolution Mail for a long time and I've found that it  
periodically shows quirks in its usability. The current version that is in  
Belenos refuses to empty the trash folder when using IMAP and mapping the  
trash to an IMAP folder. I've never tried using POP3 to verify how that works  

Has anyone else experienced this problem? I did run some searches to find a a  
resolution but I've not been able to find anything recent relating to this  

Re: [Trisquel-users] red matrix

2015-02-09 Thread matt . ivie
This is compatible with Diaspora. The only thing I don't like about it is  
that the default interface is too cluttered. If you're looking for a social  
network that is distributed this one is usable and worth checking out.. I  
think it is actually more advanced than Diaspora based on what I've read.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Nvidia G98M (Quadro NVS 160M) in Belanos

2015-01-28 Thread matt . ivie
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation G98M [Quadro NVS 160M]  
(rev a1)

I'm pretty sure this is soldered into the motherboard. Removal is not an  
option. Trust me though, if I had the choice this card would be long gone

Re: [Trisquel-users] Nvidia G98M (Quadro NVS 160M) in Belanos

2015-01-28 Thread matt . ivie
I did check the bios for a setting but there isn't one. I'm not seeing any  
way to use an alternate card.

After looking at the differences in Toutatis and Belanos on this machine a  
little bit more I'm seeing that it seems to be gnome 3 giving me problems  
more than anything. I'm able to acheive a close resolution(off by a few  
pixels on the height) but gnome shell wants to present a scrolled view. If I  
move my mouse down to the bottom of the screen the whole screen scrolls  
downward. Has anyone experienced this?

[Trisquel-users] Nvidia G98M (Quadro NVS 160M) in Belanos

2015-01-27 Thread matt . ivie
I recently updated a machine from Toutatis(12.04) to Belanos(14.04) and since  
doing so I can't get a decent video mode. The only available video mode that  
fits the monitor now is 1024*768 where as before I had a much higher  
resolution, of which I can't remember, that was the correct aspect ratio for  
the monitor. The video card is an nvidia G98M. This is a Dell Latitude e6500  
laptop. I don't expect top performance out of it but I do want a nice video  
resolution. Can anyone suggest what I can do to resolve this?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Nvidia G98M (Quadro NVS 160M) in Belanos

2015-01-27 Thread matt . ivie
My thing is that I know it worked with Toutatis and it worked as expected.  
There must be something I can change or adjust to allow it to behave the way  
it did before.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless won't work :-(

2015-01-22 Thread matt . ivie
I ran into this on a Dell E6500 so I took out the WiFi card that was  
installed internally and bought an Atheros for about $15 on amazon. It  
installed in the same slot and was detected instantly. Look on H-node for  
supported chipsets and make sure you buy the right style card for your  

Re: [Trisquel-users] My router is now running LibreCMC

2015-01-22 Thread matt . ivie
I bought a couple of LibreCMC routers from ThinkPenguin for use where I work.  
I plan on using them as access points. So far I really like them and they've  
been worth the price.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot get widescreen resolution and use multiple monitors in Trisquel 7, like I could in Trisquel 6

2014-12-09 Thread matt . ivie
I ran into a very similar problem on a laptop and I found that I had to  
remove the radeon drivers from the kernel module blacklist. Once I did that  
it loaded everything up the way it used to in Toutatis.

Here's the thread I started about the issue:

Re: [Trisquel-users] ATI Mobility x300 on Trisquel 7

2014-12-04 Thread matt . ivie
That worked like a charm. Thank you for that link. I should have searched  
harder for an existing thread but I am really cut short on time. Thanks  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Switch User menu item missing

2014-11-19 Thread matt . ivie
Where can you see the developer commits? Also, does he say why he took it  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Error when logging in

2014-11-17 Thread matt . ivie
I looked under /var/crash and there was a file in there called  
Because of this I tried changing the preferences for the Power Settings in  
System Prefs. I changed it to Show battery status in the menu bar - Never  
from Show battery status in the menu bar - when battery is present. After I  
made this change the error stopped coming up.

Thanks for the tip lembas.

Re: [Trisquel-users] xscreensaver

2014-11-12 Thread matt . ivie

Hi titi

What did you do to solve this?

[Trisquel-users] Possible Memory Leak?

2014-11-12 Thread matt . ivie

In Trisquel 7 when I use sudo I get this message:

no talloc stackframe at ../source3/param/loadparm.c:4864, leaking memory

Is anyone else seeing this?

[Trisquel-users] Error when logging in

2014-11-12 Thread matt . ivie
On just one of my many machines that I've upgraded to Trisquel 7 I'm getting  
an error message when I log in. I only get it if I use KDE or gnome-shell. It  
is a popup that comes up before gnome-shell even loads and it says:

System Program Problem Detected
Do you want to report the problem now?

If I click Report Problem nothing happens. I've tried making new user  
profiles and everything but it still happens. Any ideas on what is generating  
this error and how I can resolve it?

[Trisquel-users] Default Privacy Settings in Abrowser

2014-10-20 Thread matt . ivie
As has been discuessed on other forum topics there is a file under  

This file changes default settings in abrowser such as privacy and UI  
settings. It seems like many of the privacy settings that are altered using  
this file cause issues with a fair amount of issues with different web sites.

If you're a technical person you can go into the abrowser settings or even  
into this file and make the changes that are negatively affecting the site  
you're trying to use. If you're not a technical user you are left thinking  
that abrowser isn't working or is a piece of junk.

I suggest that instead of making the changes quietly through this file why  
can't we do an extension instead? This extension could activate all of the  
settings that help protect privacy and make the user aware that it's on and  
it can cause problems with sites, but then allow them to turn it off when  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Diaspora*

2014-09-09 Thread matt . ivie

AlucardX [at] diasp [dot] org

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where is abrowser 31 for 64bit?

2014-08-27 Thread matt . ivie
I think it's awesome that Legimet has made his PPA available but I don't  
understand why nobody wants to answer the question of why abrowser 31 for  
64-bit Trisquel isn't in the repos. It seems a reasonable enough question  
considering that 32-bit Trisquel has it.

Is this an error? Is this intentional?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where is abrowser 31 for 64bit?

2014-08-11 Thread matt . ivie
So is there a reason that the 64-bit version hasn't been available in the  
repos? Did anyone ever figure this out?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser not loading some websites properly

2014-08-07 Thread matt . ivie
I pulled out every single pref, reset abrowser and cleared all history,  
cookies, etc and that still didn't fix the problem I'm having. My problem is  
with my bank website and they're being assholes about it and won't tell me  
what they're specially generated error code means. This obviously leaves me  

All I know for sure is that every other build of firefox 31 works fine with  
my banks site. I'm left with running FF 31.0 in wine to access my bank  
account. Not ideal at all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser secure page problems

2014-08-07 Thread matt . ivie
Glad it helped BinaryDigit. After having fixed my problem trying to get to  
webmin I'm still fighting with my bank website.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser not loading some websites properly

2014-08-07 Thread matt . ivie
I guess I could download the FF build for GNU/Linux. When I did so before it  
acted quite funny because of all the abrowser prefs already  existing in my  
profile and so forth. I just decided not to fart around with that and isolate  
FF a bit from all the other prefs in my system.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser not loading some websites properly

2014-08-07 Thread matt . ivie
Good point on both accounts. I should do that for the time being.  
None-the-less I am still trying to work out why these two most recent builds  
of abrowser have developed this problem.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser not loading some websites properly

2014-08-07 Thread matt . ivie

I just gave that a try and it didn't fix the problem.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser secure page problems

2014-07-08 Thread matt . ivie

This didn't have any affect. Is there anything else unique to abrowser?

[Trisquel-users] Abrowser secure page problems

2014-07-07 Thread matt . ivie
I've recently done updates on my system and abrowser 30 was one of the  
updates. Since then I'm having problems trying to access an online bank  
account. The support group with the bank is of little help.

The other secure page that doesn't seem to work anymore is the one for  
webmin. When I try to login to webmin I get a security error. I've listed it  

Security Warning
Warning! Webmin has detected that the program was linked to  
from an unknown URL, which appears to be outside the Webmin server. This may  
be an attempt to trick your server into executing a dangerous command.

Two other things to note. I have this problem on the windows build of Firefox  
30 but not on the GNU/Linux Mint Build of Firefox 30.0.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser secure page problems

2014-07-07 Thread matt . ivie
I should have noted that I have tried that. Also of note is that this is  
happening on more than one computer. Most secure sites are working just fine.  
Firefox 29.0 did not have this problem at all. There must be a recent change  
that triggered this.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser secure page problems

2014-07-07 Thread matt . ivie
I ran across this as well. I suppose that it could be webmin, but something  
has changed in abrowser. Version 29 worked fine and still does. 30 is the  
issue. I would just go back to 29 but eventually whatever is causing this  
should be known or dealt with. If it's a bug we can have it fixed. If it's  
something that websites need to do differently, at least we can advise them  
of that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser secure page problems

2014-07-07 Thread matt . ivie
I figured out a setting in Abrowser that by changing allows access into  
webmin again. Still no luck on my banking site.

If you go into about:config and change network.http.sendRefererHeader to a  
value of 2 it allows webmin. I'll try to dig into what the differences there  
are in the mint build of Firefox 30 and Abrowser 30 to resolve the problem  
with my bank site.

Re: [Trisquel-users] On the NSA targeting readers of Linux Journal as extremists

2014-07-07 Thread matt . ivie

Looks like it's available from project Gutenberg too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] prboom-plus and freedoom 0.8

2014-07-07 Thread matt . ivie
It sounds like /usr/local/games is not in your path. You could either put  
/usr/local/games in your path or you could install to a directory that is in  
your path already.

Re: [Trisquel-users] prboom-plus and freedoom 0.8

2014-07-07 Thread matt . ivie

It should

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser secure page problems

2014-07-07 Thread matt . ivie
When I download the official build of Mozilla Firefox(64-bit) for GNU/Linux  
and run it I am able to login to my bank web site. I am still not able to  
under windows and I'm not able to in Abrowser. There has to be something  
specific to the Abrowser build of Firefox that is making it not work. I've  
also tried Abrowser with extensions disabled.

Can anyone familiar with anything unique in Abrowser chime in on this?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Firefox 29 (Australis)

2014-05-12 Thread matt . ivie
I don't really have an problems with the new interface, it's quite usable. I  
didn't really see much wrong with the old interface either though. Not enough  
to warrant a redesign that didn't enhance the experience in any major way.

I suppose a lot of people guenuinely don't like the new interface but I would  
argue that many people just complain because that's what everyone else is  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Photo Print sites that don't use flash

2013-12-22 Thread matt . ivie
Well I found one site that doesn't seem to ever ask for flash player so I've  
decided to go ahead and use it. It seems like a decent site but to avoid  
promoting sites that have nothing to do with free software or Trisquel I'm  
not going to post the URL. If anyone wants to know then just PM me.

[Trisquel-users] Photo Print sites that don't use flash

2013-12-18 Thread matt . ivie
I've recently come up against a problem with trying to get photos printed by  
online printers(as in entities that make prints for you, not mechanical  
printers that are somehow accessible online). Every single site I've looked  
at so far requires the use of Flash Player. Not Flash v7 but the most  
recent(or close to) most recent flash player.

I need to find a site that is US based because I'm in the US and with  
shipping it makes the most sense to find a printer that is based here, and  
one that doesn't use flash. Does anyone have any recommendations?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free software alternatives to popular Wingdows software

2013-12-04 Thread matt . ivie

Scribus is great for print layout. It will do labels very nicely.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't run virtual machine in virtualbox

2013-11-30 Thread matt . ivie
There is another thread on this issue. Myself and a few other people ran into  
this a while ago. Thanks a ton to Chris(of Think Penguin) for posting this:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Replicant ?

2013-11-30 Thread matt . ivie
I second that. I have a Nexus S and it works well. My only complaint is the  
lack of free firmware for some of the devices but it still has mobile data  
and makes phone calls, which are the two things I needed most. Like Armworm  
said, installation is easy. I've tried to root other phones before in order  
to install different boot loaders and Cyanogenmod and it was a nightmere! The  
Nexus S is cake by comparison.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GUI for 7 Touchscreen in a car

2013-11-30 Thread matt . ivie
I've also looked into using Enlightenment 17. They have a specific layout for  
small touch screen devices and for the most part it works pretty well. What's  
more is that it seems like you could modify it further without too much  
trouble. Also Enlightenment is known for its eye candy. Eye candy is not  
necessary but it never hurts when it doesn't impact performance, and in E17  
it really doesn't impact performance.

My ultimate goal is to install something in my car that is very usable and  
feature-rich but runs as much free software as is possible. If I can't do it  
in free software then I won't be doing it basically. I'll update this thread  
when I have more progress...

Re: [Trisquel-users] GUI for 7 Touchscreen in a car

2013-11-28 Thread matt . ivie
I'm looking into lxlauncher as that looks like it would be a good place to  
start. Thank you for that suggestion axgb.

Also, what do you think about using Sugar? It looks like it's very friendly  
for touch screens.

c107, I totally understand the consequences of being tracked when using GPS.  
This is something that I might not use at all, but if it is used at least it  
will be controlled by free software and I'll know exactly what it's doing and  
when it's off, it's off. Besides, I have a mobile tracking device already; it  
runs replicant but it is a tracking device none the less.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GUI for 7 Touchscreen in a car

2013-11-28 Thread matt . ivie
I'd primarily use an on-screen keyboard but would sometimes use a small  
external keyboard. Overall I'd like to stay with a 100% free software  
solution so I'd rule out the Rasberry Pi.

I'm looking into lxlauncher but it doesn't look very customizable. I want to  
make the tabs taller and maybe align them on the side vertically rather than  
horizontally across the top. I'm going to dig further to see how I can do  

[Trisquel-users] GUI for 7 Touchscreen in a car

2013-11-27 Thread matt . ivie
I'm very interested in building a PC that I can install in my vehicle and I  
want it to have the option of using GPS Routing and Navigation, Web Browsing,  
videos, music and maybe a few other goodies. My biggest problem is that most  
software that is geared toward this purpose is built to run on Windows and  
it's non-free software. Everything I've found for GNU/Linux is old and  
doesn't seem to be maintained any longer.

Does anyone have any experience with this? Any links or suggestions on a good  
GUI would be greatly appreciated.

Re: [Trisquel-users] PengoPod selling on eBay!

2013-11-26 Thread matt . ivie

I believe these require non-free firmware.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What are the things that Trisquel can do but Windows 7 can't?

2013-11-06 Thread matt . ivie

I think it is great and prefer it to anything else at the moment.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Remote Support (aka Teamviewer Replacement)

2013-10-30 Thread matt . ivie
I think much of this software is equal in many ways but it is all pretty much  
lacking the ability to work around NAT. They only way to make this work is to  
do port forwarding on the router.

This is the big problem really and that's why companies that make software  
like TeamViewer are able to capitalize in this area of software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Replicant

2013-10-02 Thread matt . ivie
I use Replicant on a Nexus S. It works fine and it wasn't hard to install. I  
have mobile data, text and voice with no problem. If I want WiFi, bluetooth,  
3d accelleration or great camera support I have to use non-free firmwares.  
The camera currently takes still pics, but not video.

Re: [Trisquel-users] You're Invited: GNU 30th anniversary celebration and hackathon

2013-09-22 Thread matt . ivie

I wish I could go...I'm just a bit too far away.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trouble testing Trisquel in VirtualBox

2013-09-03 Thread matt . ivie
This sounds odd but try disabling the network interface in your virtual  
machine. I ran into this same problem with Trisquel 6.0. After installation I  
had to re-enable the virtual network interface and still had some issues. I  
think I finally configured it using the /etc/network/interfaces file before I  
could get it to behave.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre Guitar Tuner

2013-08-16 Thread matt . ivie

I tuning fork maybe?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Remote Support (aka Teamviewer Replacement)

2013-08-08 Thread matt . ivie
I was just looking around a bit more at VNC Repeater and it looks like that  
will only work with UltraVNC clients. I did find a project on google code  
that has forked this to GPLv2 and has the goal of making this work with any  
VNC client.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Remote Support (aka Teamviewer Replacement)

2013-08-07 Thread matt . ivie
I know this is a somewhat old thread and some of the concepts of the original  
question have been discussed in other threads but has anyone looked into the  
idea of using VNC Repeater?

It looks like it's under the BSD license. I suspect if we wanted to make  
improvements to it we could fork it and GPLv3 the whole thing. I see that  
someone has built this package for openwrt but it's not readily available in  
the official Debian or Ubuntu Repos that I know of.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do any of you watch Linux Action Show anymore?

2013-08-06 Thread matt . ivie
I was really irritated with those hosts after the recorded the show after the  
one RMS was on. Like someone else mentioned, they were simply bashing him  
when he couldn't defend himself. They went so far as to call him a pedofile.  
I actually created an account on their forums so that I could voice my  
opinion about it but then decided that they weren't worth the time or the  

Re: [Trisquel-users] HTML5 in Netflix... but with a price

2013-07-01 Thread matt . ivie
It would require some non-free software somewhere in the system to work, yes.  
Trisquel wouldn't work with it and as far as I know it would be the first W3C  
standard that couldn't be implemented in Free Software. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Information about Trisquel

2013-07-01 Thread matt . ivie
I used to use Slackware exclusively until I found out about the freedom  
issues surrounding it. I then tried GNUSense and I liked it but it wasn't as  
smooth a user experience as I had hoped for.

To me Trisquel is just a smooth and nice user experience with the perk of  
being all free software. I don't really try to compare it too much to Ubuntu  
though I know that's what it is based on. I'm sure there are a couple other  
good free distros out there that I didn't try.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Mac Workstations - I wish they were free software friendly

2013-06-29 Thread matt . ivie
I took some courses at the Art Institute for a bit and for every one of my  
art courses that required Photoshop or Illustrator, I used GIMP and  
Inkscape, respectively, and no one knew the difference. I think Chris is  
right, it will take a little bit of time to learn the way GIMP and Inkscape  
works but they are both very capable programs. And like he pointed out, there  
are plugins that can fill functionality gaps.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Mac Workstations - I wish they were free software friendly

2013-06-29 Thread matt . ivie
It's not so much the geometry of the exterior case that attraced me so much  
as the overall size and the way it's built inside. The way they're cooling  
this case is very smart and most certainly unique.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Mac Workstations - I wish they were free software friendly

2013-06-26 Thread matt . ivie
The x was just something I'd tagged on because Alucard was always taken  
everywher I'd create a login name. I kind of took it from one of the  
Castlevania games from an old console, the SNES I think. It was called  
Dracula X and so I just adapted it to AlucardX...

And yes, I don't want any apples, but I do think that the cooling in this  
machine is brilliant. It is most innovative indeed. They did such a good job  
and then put non-free software on it so then chose to make it look like a  
trash can.

[Trisquel-users] New Mac Workstations - I wish they were free software friendly

2013-06-25 Thread matt . ivie
I don't know how many of you saw the new Mac Workstations but I have to say,  
they are genius in design. You'll have to look at them yourself to really  
appreciate what they've done because the way that they've fit their  
components into the small, and strangely shaped case is amazing. Not only  
that but it runs quiet, is very powerful and has a very awesome method of  
cooling. I only wish that Apple could build hardware that was Free Software  

This does leave a nice little gap for Free Software oriented hardware sellers  
though ;-). I do realize the cost of developing something like this and  
putting it into market would be very very high, but wouldn't it be awesome if  
something so innovative as this were available from a company like  

Okay, now that I've baited Chris with this I'm going to end my post. I know  
how far fetched it is to think that a very small company could successfully  
put something like this in the marketplace but I like to think that it is  

Re: [Trisquel-users] iPod Nano 5G

2013-06-16 Thread matt . ivie
I also have a 5th Gen ipod video but it's running rockbox so I don't have to  
worry about the iTunes fiasco. I wish I could say the same for the ipod nano  

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