Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2014-01-25 Thread chaosesqueteam

Thanks for your support.

For the record, ChaosEsque has an arc cannon that can arc back based on the  
material it encounters.

The xonotic forum is still debating this, and how to code it, one of the devs  
said it was impossible and wouldn't work through warp zones (samual) and was  
a retarded idea. He was wrong and screenshots were shown of it working fine  
through portals/warpzones in the mod (has existed for about a year in the  
mod, unbeknownst to them). Then said posts were moved or deleted ofcourse and  
the forum members are still debating the difficulty of coding, so on and so  

It's allready been done!


(r_showtris on, beam through warpzones)

(a tank, this was deleted in the posts too, the one developer who now  
dominates xonotic-vanilla and rejects all contributions, and ruminates about  
putting ads in the game, and monetenizing the game, and speaks of it as  
his game, and says he'll kill any server admin that doesn't use his  
settings for something... didn't like the tank pic either... all this when  
he's wasn't there when nexuiz forked to xonotic... yet it's his game now)

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2014-01-18 Thread dadix
I am not a gamer but thank you for your effort to bring to community this  

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2014-01-17 Thread chaosesqueteam

New release v14.
There has been work done on the random dungeon, the monster code, as-well as  
incidentals such as the capture/imprison system (which is useful if you have  
the shackles).

Direct download:

Some screenshots and vids are here:

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-12-25 Thread ashleymax019
A crossbow is a type of bow consisting of a horizontal limb assembly mounted  
on a stock that shoots projectiles, called bolts or quarrels. The medieval  
crossbow was called by many names, most of which derived from the word  
ballistics, a torsion engine resembling a crossbow in  
appearance.Historically, crossbows played a significant role in the warfare  
of East Asia, Europe and the Mediterranean. The invention of the crossbow  
caused a major shift in the role of ranged weaponry among armies

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-12-19 Thread chaosesqueteam

Updated to release 9.

New stuff: additions to the random duengon map darkhold9
improvements to the spell casting system (if you don't know the spell but  
have a scroll of the spell the scroll will be read) Keys: Z X and C (iter  
forward, backwards and cast).

Bunch of stuff for the release before this one (food, more maps, etc)

Try out darkhold9 with just medeval weapons (and a torch) and a few bots.  
There are lots of monsters and just like pandornormalcy it reconfigures its  
connections every play. Never the same map twice.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-12-19 Thread chaosesqueteam

You got a prank call about the mod?

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-11-29 Thread peterjackson201
n manufacturing and growth, free as a growth design encourages a worldwide  
access via free certificate to a item's style or strategy, and b worldwide  
redistribution of that style or strategy, such as following developments to  
it by anyone.Before the term free became commonly implemented, designers and  
manufacturers used a variety of terms for the concept; free obtained hold  
with the rise of the Internet

best medieval weapons

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-11-23 Thread mikko . viinamaki

The former should have worked, what happened?

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-11-23 Thread adel . afzal

Here's the output:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 unknown-horizons : Depends: python-fife (= 0.3.3+r2) but it is not  

E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-11-23 Thread adel . afzal
I have a dual core Pentium processor; it's 2.2 ghz with 2mb cache.  It has  
4gb ram, and a 40 gb HDD that works at 5400 rpm.  It has an Intel video card  
but I'm not sure about the specs.

Think I could try out Xonotic?  If not now, I'll try it one day when I have  
access to a faster computer.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-11-23 Thread onpon4
You'll be fine with that, I've played Xonotic with reduced graphics on a  
budget laptop with a Celeron processor and Intel GMA.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-11-23 Thread joshua6419b

I just recieved a Prank call about this, if your on /crunchbang.


Ccan someone check to see if there's anything nefarios about these [posts]  

Thank-you for the testing`s.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-11-23 Thread adel . afzal
I tried to find python-fife in Synaptic, but could not.  I'm not really  
familiar with Synaptic so I might have done something wrong.

I read Unknown Horizons' Wikipedia page; it says that the game uses the  
Flexible Isometric Free Engine.  That abbreviates to fife!  I guessed that  
maybe python-fife is not a pre-installed package in Trisquel because fife's  
Wikipedia page has a picture of the game Unknown Horizons.  So I tried  
installing python-fife in the terminal and got this message:

Package python-fife is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source

E: Package 'python-fife' has no installation candidate

I feel like a detective =)

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-11-23 Thread adel . afzal
Sorry for getting off topic; I'll make a new topic if I have anything more to  
post about this.

I found FIFE online

I'll have to learn to compile from source one day, if it's not too hard.  I'm  
not sure how to add items to the repos either; I'll look into it when I have  
some time.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-11-23 Thread adel . afzal

Cool, thanks onpon

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-11-23 Thread mikko . viinamaki
apt-cache show python-fife says N: Can't select versions from package  
'python-fife' as it is purely virtual

N: No packages found

but looks like you can download a binary from

Dunno what to make of this.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-11-22 Thread chaosesqueteam

Release 7 has been uploaded.

New things include but are not limited to:
2 new player models (Ubot from Oblivion, And Takoi's robots (male and female  
version so technically 3 playermodels).

2 old nexuis playermodels brought over.

A new weapon: spear.

New small arena map: HarenaBritannia, for fist fighting and melee for the  
most part.

An additional campaign: Who Is the Greatest, which is a brawling campaign  
through 3 rings, then 3 arenas.

New monsters (check in mutators button under create): Police, Royal Guards.  
They won't fight you if you are peaceful (press P) unarmed and are not their  

The ability to block when fighting w/ melee weapons (if you are both swinging  
and facing eachother your weapons may cross and block, weapons which are much  
heavier that another may smash through though (probabilities))

The ability to drink potions of vodka, merlot, ale, and water and get drunk  
based on sex, species, weight, age. Your aim moves around etc.

Commands in console you can do now include:
drink potion *
cast *

Pressing H will quaff a potion of health

F picks things up, enters vehicles, etc etc.

Also another map added is a 16 mile x 16 mile terrain map mostly for vehicle  
fights and building stuff (set the timelimit and frag limit up)

When a crossbow bolt hits it makes a sound based on material it hit now.

Other things have been worked on but I don't remeber :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-11-22 Thread chaosesqueteam

Direct links for Release 7.
(Note: iso is smaller than previous isos as the has been  
moved out, the media source is available in the git repo linked in , I might make an iso of  
that every so often too if desired)

Other things that have changed are foliage has been added to DasTower and  

Also other new monsters: goblins, wolves, titan/golems. Bringing back that  
old unreal 1 feel hopefully!

And diablo 1 :P

Skeletons have been improved too, they have different armors (none, rusted,  
copper, steel), same with the new royal guards.

Police, royal guards, goblins, and knights will drop liquor sometimes (vodka  
double shots for the police, ales for the rest).

Hope it's fun.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-11-22 Thread adel . afzal
Can I install Unknown Horizons from the repos?  I tried  and , but neither  

I'd try Xonotic but I doubt my computer can handle it.  2D is more my  
computer's speed lol.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-09-23 Thread chaosesqueteam


New weapon: shackels (can take prisoners)

New maps for vehicle fights (expanse(1mile) and desertofice (8 miles))

Work on nuclear bomb, new buildable buildings, work on building placement  

Bugfixes for vehicle aiming.

Other misc stuff.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-08-26 Thread zatroch
Thank you again! 

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-08-25 Thread chaosesqueteam
Updated. Improvements: 2 more maps, Grenades and other fragmenting weapons  
release their fragments over about 12 frames rather than all in 1 frame  
(should help decrease lag and be nicer to the network or server). More LOD  
models for vehicles. Shields for mounted guns (if you want them), Ability to  
have per-team mounted guns and vehicles (say WW1 vs future). Menu updated  
(these things are in buttons under multiplayer  create (mg , vehicles)  
(next to team weapons button, under mutator button). Two added weapons,  
including rapier. Various other bugfixes (bots will shoot at your  
mountedgun/shield now, won't ignore you).

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-08-25 Thread chaosesqueteam
20FPS might be down to a specific map. Some of my maps have many patch-meshes  
within the same portal area so slowdown. Some of the xonotic and nexuiz  
playermodels are pretty heavy on the engine, I set their lod high usually. I  
bet it's a map though. I did some code this week to help offset the grenade  
(and other fragment weapon) lag. It spawns its fragments over 12 frames  
rather than 1 now. So it's 100 or less fragments spawned per frame rather  
than 500 or 1000 spawned in one frame. This has an effect when I played on  
local host, and should have a positive effect when on the network (these  
settings can be edited in one's own config.cfg or autoexec.cfg in  
~/.xonotic/data/ g_balance_grenadelauncher_ (primary/secondary)  

also _fragments
_radius etc (one can tweak all xonotic weapons to work best on one's setup)

Added another medeval weapon (rapier) too :)

I posted on the opengameart forum post too, in the conversation:

I'll put in your crossbow fx soon.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-08-19 Thread holger . beetz
I played around with the updated version a bit and like several of the maps.  
The music so far sounded nice and well matching.

Things I would consider:
- Crossbow with no shooting sound (may be experiment with the soundfile I  
provided you). Crossbows are neither inaudible, nor is a silent crossbow  
realistic. For the crossbow part there is also a nice model for assault cube:

May be as alternative for the ancient crossbow ?

- War axe has swinging sound but swords not. I would try to be consistent. A  
war axe does not make more or less sound than a sword. Would be cool if you  
added swinging sound to the swords as well.

- Complexity of models and / or physical model puts huge stress to the  
Xonotic engine. Even with 4x3 GHz and a GeForce 650 I experienced slowdowns  
to something like 20 FPS without having graphics maxed out *OUCH*

- Font issue: As pointed out before the diablo-like font makes it hard to  
read a lot of menu entries which is really bad since there are tons of  
parameters (e.g. for the foliant mutator). How can one modificate something  
he can't read ?

With some more polish work I think that this mod has potential. The swords  
and crossbow remind me of Chaos Quake which I loved to play back in the Q2  

Also there aren't that many mods out there for Xonotic or other free FPS.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-08-17 Thread chaosesqueteam

Honestly, thanks for your criticism, it made me code a fix :P

I uploaded the new ISO. A good number of the maps have new (free opensource)  
music tracks for them (some thanks to the openbundle release 2 days ago,  
others thanks to opengameart contributors). Industrial maps got heavy metal,  
spaceship sort of maps got either ambient or kinda like jpop sorta music. I  
looked at the maps and tried to match the style. This was mostly for the nex  
maps that didn't have their own music really.

You can adjust the melee gore level in settingsuserMeleeGoreFX
Lowering the weapon slider will probably have the greatest effect, all are  
allready lowered to 2. Usually I don't get a pause but sometimes I still do,  
seems to depend on what the floor is made of. If im on a regular floor all is  
fine, if I'm on a complex brush floor like a 3d grate etc, it pauses for a  
split second still (not as bad as before). I think this has to do with the  
code the engine uses to split up the decals when applying them 'cut off on a  
too-small surface and having them bleed over the edge and all that stuff.

Some settings that are fun are:
Here you can set per-team starting weapons, (and over ride normal starting  
weaps completely with the slider at top set to the middle if you want), to  
see what diff armies of diff weapons would do (note: if you add energy weaps,  
add in the console some energy starting ammo (g_start_ammo_cells I think)  
(g_balance* maybe, you can use tab completion like in bash in the console)

multiplayercreatecolorwar is also good with team games

The post with the direct downloads is updated.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-08-17 Thread chaosesqueteam
0ad is one I like too. I made a mod for it about a year ago. I can't get it  
to work anymore however, and haven't figured it out (something to do with the  
tech tree that was newly added).

I put in building towers and other buildings because of being inspired by  

I hope you enjoy the game :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-08-16 Thread holger . beetz

Thanks for replying !

I will not quote since the forum screws up any quotation (= hiding them by  

Unfortunately I do not remember the exact names of the maps I tried. Some  
were original Xonotic, some from Nexuiz I guess and some of yours.

The idea to add more realism is cool. This exactly what the named mod for  
UT2k4 does (Ballistic weapons). I like realistic damage models as well as  
long as they do not bog down the CPU too much. A bit simplified damage model  
for weaker CPUs would be cool.

It would be nice if you add a more techy crossbow to your mod. BTW: I have  
been shooting several crossbow and compound bows as well. To my best  
knowledge they always tend to make some sort of noises. Being it trigger, bow  
relase or the sound of the arrow going across the arrow rest. Something like  
*clic*...*zshh*...*whomp* :)

IMO a fully silent operating crossbow is unrealistic and I would expect at  
least that shooter hears something. Chaos Quake for example had a realistic  
crossbow sound.

For comparision you might want to check out this video:

Right at the beginning it is quite obvious that crossbows are not exactly  
inaudible when being shot :)

The same applies to strong compound bows. May be a weak PVC bow or small  
pistol crossbow behaves differently but not the stronger ones...

Cool you did some changes to the code. I will re-download and test again.  
Please post an update note here.

And thanks for the info on the network info. I will try to change this in a  
later test. Is this done via Xonotic GUI or console parameter ?

You should neither take my comments as affront as I do not consider a  
freely released mod as affront :)

May be I sounded a bit harsh but in the end it boils down to this:
Every game engine has its limitations and usually some sort of recommended  
system requirements. If we take a look at the old ID software engines (which  
power nearly all free FPS available) it is obvious that pushing the engine to  
its limits can end in a mess. A mess in such terms that one needs a double as  
fast system to run the game. Many free FPS are very scalable. Good examples  
are usually Xonotic and Alien Arena. Both can be cut down in details and  
still run fine on older / slower system but also be so beefed up in details  
that they bog down a modern, fast gaming PC.

I am no mod developer by any means but if I would develop a mod / do  
modifications to a games, I would try to find a balance between features and  
demand. This is what game developers do all the day. Examples:

Issue:  A highly complex modell slows down the engine too much
Solution:   Using a lower poly count model instead

Issue:		Extremly high-res textures bog down performance on systems with low  
power GPUs with small RAM.

Solution:   Lower the texture resolution

Issue: 		Complex, detailed damage model requires a lot more CPU-power than  
the average damage modell

Solution:   Provide a simplified damage model as alternative

IMO working with a certain game engine for modding means also knowing it's  
limitations and not pushing it to the edge.

Pretty kitty btw.
Thanks...unfortunately he died several years ago but I still like his picture  
as avatar :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-08-16 Thread zatroch
Definitely going to give a shot this MOD. So generous of you to share with  
us! (=

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-08-15 Thread holger . beetz
I spent an hour playing around with your mod yesterday. What follows is my  
opinion (= free as free speech).

Some of the mutators are fun to use (e.g. Zombie Mode). I like the medieval  
weapons although the optical presentation is quite basic.  The crossbow was  
lacking a shooting sound (at least under Windows). The broadsword could need  
some retexturing.

There are free crossbow models available like this:

A more technical crossbow like this could also be cool:

I know this sounds disruptive / devaluating but have a look at the models  
Ballistic weapons provides for example:
Their UT mod is not commercial.

The cool looking Diablo-like font makes reading some mutators descriptions  
very hard. I found the huge amount of configurable mutators cool and  
frightening as well. Cool because I feel that you have big potential for  
innovative gameplay. Frightening in the sense that my time is way to limited  
to figure out which mutator does what and is used best at which map. As  
indicated before a readme with extensive description for all available  
mutators / weapons / vehicles provided by the mod would be very helpfull for  
peoples exploring the mod. Some youtube videos showing the features would  
help as well. Unless you coded the mod mainly for you and your friends, you  
should consider this. Especially given the huge amount of games  mods which  
are out there.

What wondered me as well is the extreme performance hit which the mod seems  
to cause. At least if you are CPU limited. As indicated before I tried it  
under Linux with an AMD E350 plus GeForce 9500GT (1 GB RAM) running the  
propritary driver. This PC usually runs a lot of less demanding games without  
issues (UT2k4, Sauerbraten, pure Xonotic, etc) and I never saw big  
slowdowns unless I tried a more demanding Linux title (e.g. Serious Sam 3,  
L4D2). Even on my fast(er) Gaming PC I experienced strange slowdowns where my  
screen seemed to freeze when a bot killed me. Is this issue limited to me ?  
Are the textures included in the mod of much higher resolution ?

Anyway...having something that looks closer to Quake 2 but has higher demands  
than the still great looking UT2k4 is not acceptable. At least not for me :(

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-08-15 Thread chaosesqueteam

Which maps did you try and what were your thoughts on them?

It is made primarily for my friends and I, this is why it took about a year  
and a half to release a version of it: there was no priority to do so.

Slowdowns may be related to the grenade, which spawns about 1000 projectiles  
in all directions, like a real grenade (won't be changed, we'll wait for  
computers to catch up). They might be related to spawing lots of blood with  
the swords (why the engine has problems with this, who knows, ohwell), the  
many GB of textures, so on and so forth. Some maps are slower than others.

Also for each hit of a bullet projectile the material is looked up in a cvar  
table, shouldn't hurt much (before that it evaluated the material every hit,  
but now the values are all chached). This is so there will be proper bullet  

The aim of the mod is sorta realism as in: if the weapons existed, how  
would they handle. You might notice that the damage is fairly high, there are  
headshots and core (heart) shots for the bullet weapons, grenades spawn many  
fragments, etc. This way you can use the game as a sort of simulator. Which  
is not an aim of regular Xonotic.

Anyway...having something that looks closer to Quake 2 but has higher  
demands than the still great looking UT2k4 is not acceptable. At least not  
for me :(

Honestly, This is why I rarely release any projects, people take it as an  
affront that they were handed something at no cost, which doesn't live up to  
their expectations.

I enjoy my mod, and it won't be changed from outside input (note: all weapons  
are configureable, you can change pretty much everything in console:  
g_balance_(weaponname)(tab) etc). Vanilla Xonotic is often changed from  
outside input and the devs are under pressure all the time about it from  
people who could but won't code their own mod the way they like it (or even  
make their own config file (everything is configurable in xonotic, trust me  

A more technical crossbow like this could also be cool
Not to replace the medeval one. Maybe added. We'll need a wepset3 soon :P .  
One thing to note: some models really slow down the engine for seemingly no  
reason. You can have 2 5mb models and one will really kill the CPU for some  

The crossbow was lacking a shooting sound
From my experiance in my yard with real bows and crossbows... they also  
mostly lack a shooting sound. No matter how light a sound, your position is  
sent from the server to the client if there is a sound, this will kill your  
stealth and be unrealistic. Bows are particually silent. Crossbows today tend  
to shock stops which make a sound when they are hit with the string though.

In my experiance with swords, they also lack a sound when I swing them,  
untill they hit something. They do make a sound out of the scabbard though,  
the one realistic thing :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-08-15 Thread chaosesqueteam

Pretty kitty btw.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-08-15 Thread chaosesqueteam
I just did some code that rectify's this problem. It allows you to set the  
goreleve of the mele weapons. Default is now 2 (10x less gore), where 3  
would be the old way. Before it spawned about 50 server side blood effects  
per frame of the cut occurance. So that was hundreads of blood effects. Now  
it is like 10 or less.

It froze because too much info was being passed over the network in one frame  
(even for localhost).

2 should be a good default for most comps, can be set to 1 or 0 for others.

As for grenade, there is allready a setting for it, but I want the realism of  
dodjing or hoping not to be hit by a projectile.

I've also worked to add more music to the diff maps. These changes will  
hopefully be uploaded in the week or so.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-08-14 Thread holger . beetz

Hi chaosesqueteam,

welcome to the Trisquel forum / mailing list.

I downloaded the Iso as well but unfortunately my Linux main PC is not beefy  
enough to run Xonotic plus your mod (AMD E-350 plus GeForce 9500GT). I will  
give it a try on my Windows gaming machine (AMD Quad Core with GeForce 650).

It is great to see a mod like this for Xonotic because while I really love it  
for the UT-like gaming feeling it still lacks the great mutators which are  
out there for all Unreal Tournament versions. IMHO things like Monster hunt  
or excessive overkill would be a great addition to games like Red Eclipse,  
Xonotic and all the alikes.

Say, is there some sort of documentation for the mod ?

I mean like the stuff describe inside your first post ? Which weapons,  
mutators and maps are included ?

This would help a lot for peoples which are not exactly used to using  
mutators / mods inside the different FPS.


Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-08-12 Thread shiretoko
I can't see the code. Perhaps it's due to the need of running proprietary  
javascript in order to show it or it's not there.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-08-12 Thread chaosesqueteam

Here is a direct link:


The source code is in bla/source/* for the engine
for the quake c code it is in bla/data/zz99...blapk3  within that  
in qcsrc/

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-08-11 Thread javiparpe

Hello ChaosEsque Team and welcome to the Trisquel Forums.

Your work is really impressive and I don't know how to express my joy, not  
only due for the mod itself but for the fact of announcing it in the forums  
of a 100% free as in freedom OS.

I'm Downloading the content as I'm writing; It's a very big file so it will  
take a while.

I want to give my opinion to you as soon as possible.

Thank you again for your impressive work.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-08-11 Thread chaosesqueteam
Thank's for being happy about it :). I've been lurking here for awhile and  
figured maybe here would be a place people might have something good to say.  
Usually it is my experience that whatever one puts out there for free(beer  
and speech) just draws anger and unhappiness. Hopefully this version of the  
game will have some features you will like. It has maps of all types, from  
castles to spacestations, and has many mutators (multiplayercreatemutators)

One note: the online servers you see will not be running the modification, so  
to have a game that follows the mod (and the mod is extensive) you will have  
to start your own match (multiplayercreate).

Regular xonotic is about 900mb or so. The rest of the 4gb here is the stuff I  
added and such.

Other key changes are in the presentation: your player won't gib for most  
things. Only explosions have the chance of gibbing your player. Also you  
won't bleed from energy weapons. This code was really the first code I did in  
the mod a year or more ago, and what got me to learn the code and continue on  
changing and adding features and mutators. I wanted gibbing to have impact,  
and also wondered how a bullet could destroy someone so easily :P.

I made 2 gpl texture packs aswell, the newer one being the suburbtex one,  
where I brought a nicer camera and went out photographing materials and then  
editing them in the gimp.

Ofcourse, much thanks goes to LordHavoc who taught me alot about quakeC and  
helped me, and Divverent who implemented many features requested in xonotic  
including encrypted sessions amongst many other things (ballistic penetrating  
bullets etc).

This mod has been awhile in the making and I've touched many parts of the  
code. The ballistic bullet code was extended to detect and support a variety  
of material types (it does it via script setting, or by texture name). Later  
I figured out how to cache and save all said info for faster execution.

On my intel laptop usually I run it with r_showsurfaces 3 for a cel-shaded  
effect that works faster with the intel gfx drivers. (You can enable it in  
the console by esc+shift (or ~) and typeing in r_showsurfaces 3;  
r_showsurfaces 0 is normal texture mode. Divverent also created that mode,  
which is nice as it gives an architectual-program sorta look (or the old ones  
I used in the 90s)

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-08-11 Thread chaosesqueteam
Also the baloons and bumpers and spikes and spikechains are inspired from  
sonic games, so if you want to have a platforming feel to a map, all you must  
do is enable that mutator :) and set how many you want. If you wish you can  
set it to have spikes on every single surface, up down right left forward  

You can also spawn tanktraps and abandoned buildings to go with your vehicle  
match (mil and/or civ vehicles can be enabled)

There are LOD models for all the tanks and spikes and bumpers and mounted  
guns, and the planes, and the combat cars.
There are mechs too (2 of them, to enable you press the M button on the side  
of the vehicle mutator spot). The rest of the civillian cars don't have LOD  

The LOD models I found helped with performance a good deal. Note the movement  
docs (posted in the first post here and in the blog on SF) to know how to  
reload (r) bullet and rocket based weapons and also tanks and helicopters.

Also you can start forest fires with the torch if it's lit (r) or the  
fireball weapon or the fire spells. You can put them out with the sparrow  
helicopter if it has a nozzel, or you can use a delugegun (one of the mounted  

It is very hard though as burning trees and bushes ignite others around them  
every 2 seconds. My firefighter friend said it was very hard to put out such  
fires in real life, so you get the challenge too. Also buring trees destroy  
pickups around them, untill the fire is gone, so it is a way to deny an area  
of any real use (and the trees burn you too).

Foliage can either be suggested in the maps .mapinfo file or enabled in the  
mutator section (or both, inwhichcase the mutator setting override if they  
are enabled) You can set the overgrowth (0 = on grass only, 1...7 = more  
types of terrain grown on (note: if you're in an all concrete map, don't set  
it to 0 as the game will pause for a long while searching for a spot to spawn  
foliage before giving up not finding one (if it fails more than 500 times and  
the fail ratio is 1.5 to 1 (I think that's what I made it, can't remember),  
it quits trying)

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-08-11 Thread chaosesqueteam

Also note: To pickup an item press F
To throw a weapon away press G
To enter a vehicle or exit it, or enter a mounted gun, F
WASD are the move controls.

If you pres W twice while next to someone you'll push them or so (and do  
damage), if airborn, a kick and do more damage, if crouched an uppercut sort  
of thing, if airborn, and crouched, and w twice, a super uppercut or so.