Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-14 Thread enduzzer
Canonical's restructuring moves ahead. Shuttleworth back as CEO, Canonical  
seeks going public.

Canonical says it is still committed to the desktop, but the company's  
financial success is coming from cloud computing, servers, and Internet of  
Things workloads.

The company "axed more than half the team who worked on Unity," reassigning  
some employees to other parts of the company and laying off others, The  
Register reported last week. Shuttleworth spoke to The Register about his  
plans for Canonical, saying the company might eventually go public.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-11 Thread albertoefg

Yes :) Sadly it is also kind of heavy so Trisquel won't ship it :(

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-10 Thread megver83
oh, I 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-10 Thread greatgnu

>why a DE would depend on an init?

It's really simple, mate: because Pottering can!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-10 Thread megver83
$ sed -e 's|the maker of Linux distro Ubuntu|the maker of GNU/Linux distro  

Better :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-10 Thread megver83
I agree, I don not like it too, latest versions depend hardly on Systemd, why  
a DE would depend on an init? because Systemd it is not really an init, it  
does things that are not related in what an init must do. This may be a  
different topic, but anyway, it is true.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-09 Thread enduzzer

Axing Unity means devs must go.

Canonical, the maker of Linux distro Ubuntu, is axing staff and closing  
projects under a sudden commercial get-fit regime. [...] The cuts came after  
Canonical founder and millionaire Mark Shuttleworth's decision to seek  
potential outside investors. These investors determined that Canonical was  
overstaffed and some projects lacked focus.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-08 Thread agullo
Android is a huge success... it overtook Windows NT in number of users in  
2014, and now it has even overtaken Windows NT in number of world wide web  
page views even though Android devices lack proper keyboards and big screens.

This success was so much self-evident that six years ago everybody wanted to  
do things more Android-like.  And of course, GNU/Linux developers thought  
they were the ones more ready to do it, because they already shared the Linux  
kernel.  So there was this trend to design desktops for GNU/Linux as if they  
were for Android.  GNOME 3 succumbed to it.  Unity (Ubuntu's customized  
GNOME) went even further - here is the short review I wrote about it:

I remember being at an GNOME 3 presentation asking "So you cannot have two  
applications at the same time onscreen so you can copy things from one to  
another?".  It was unbelivable to me.  So we computer users with GNU/Linux  
had to withstand desktops that were obviously worse to use, because desktop  
developers happened to have the expectation that convergency with mobile  
devices would lead GNU/Linux to massive success.

Moves intended to multiply the user base at the cost of disappointing the old  
users show how little the developers cared for their users community.  And  
guess what, sucess never came - I suppose new users never come when they see  
the old ones are unsatisfied.  So, the move only succeded at betraying their  
old users' trust.

So I am happy to read that Unity is to disappear, and wish this lesson would  
be learnt once and for all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-07 Thread calmstorm

I personally like mate over gnome anyday.

But LXQT and LXDE are my favorites.

ps, still using stretch debian but like you guys if you used it, I have kept  
the nonfree area closed tight.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-07 Thread calmstorm

How about these ideas for trump:

Make America Crazy Again!

Make America Broke Again!

Make America Break Again!

and of course,



Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-07 Thread strypey
According to that article on OMGBuntu the Snaps project will continue for  
now. As Shuttleworth says in his blog, ultimately its the industry and the  
community who will decide, whether containered desktop apps are what we want,  
and if so, which format we want to use. Hopefully we will make that decisions  
at least partly on technical merit, and not just schoolyard politics ;P

Shuttleworth shows a lot of integrity in admitting that Ubuntu's push into  
the mobile device market has failed, like Mozilla's FirefoxOS before it. It's  
brave to face up to the fact that the software projects that were started to  
pursue that goal now fail a cost/ benefit analysis for his company, as he did  
with Ubuntu One, instead of continuing to throw money at those projects out  
of sheer bloody-mindedness.

I wouldn't write off Unity, Mir, Ubuntu Touch etc just yet though. I've met a  
few guys that have been working on them professionally for years, who really  
believe in them. They also disagree with Shuttleworth a lot, although they're  
smart enough to keep quiet about it at work. I can imagine some of them  
continuing or forking those projects, whether its under the umbrella of the  
Ubuntu Foundation, or some other incubator like the Apache Foundation or  
Software Conservancy or somesuch.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-07 Thread jadedml
The way I see it, enterprise editions are bad because they're proprietary--  
but at least profits are funnelled into the development of libre software. If  
Canonical just kept developing convergence etc and died, that's one source of  
funding gone.
Besides, a lot of people and enterprises use Desktop-- it won't be a priority  
anymore, but development will certainly be active and there'll be less  
radical changes. Is that so bad?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-07 Thread strypey

"Puppy looks like XP"

It's been a while since you say a computer running XP isn't it ;P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-06 Thread enduzzer


Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-06 Thread greatgnu

>Canonical is killing Unity 8

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-06 Thread tirifto
GNOME does not do that. Perhaps it would be possible to implement with an  
extension, but I'm not aware of any one like that.

However, GNOME does have a menu on the top bar, but that one typically has  
but a few options and must be specially supported by the application. It's  
mostly utilized by native GNOME applications, which, in turn, usually don't  
have a traditional menu bar. Other applications will only show the “quit”  
option there.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-06 Thread leoo
Unity moves the menubar to the top bar/panel, MacOS style, when a window is  
maximized / full screened.  Does GNOME 3 do that?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-06 Thread enduzzer
I'm afraid we ain't seen nothing yet. Shuttleworth, I bet, is going  
enterprise. He's not interested in the desktop anymore because there's no  
profit there and he's tired of losing money.

There's going to be a closed license Ubuntu Enterprise Edition.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-05 Thread legimet . calc
I'm happy that they're ending Mir, but this sucks for the people that use  
Unity. Although maybe the community will take over.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-05 Thread jadedml
GNOME 3 is a fantastic DE, now. It's great that Canonical's going to stop  
fragmenting the community with Unity & Mir and put some money into a more  
universal project.

(That's also way more stylish!)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-05 Thread gromobir

Wow, that's good news. Thank you for posting this here.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-05 Thread albertoefg

Well I really like GNOME :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-05 Thread enduzzer

They should embrace JWM. Puppy looks like XP. What else do we need? ;=)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-05 Thread inkoia
With just 1 extension, "Dash to dock", your problem is solved. There are  
plenty of extension to solve other "inconvenient issues", ;).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-05 Thread vitacell
I do not like GNOME, today is a tablet interface, which is fine for tablet  
computer. GNOME 2 or flashback version it is not so bad. I still prefer GNOME  
forks like MATE.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-05 Thread albertoefg

Sorry for the trump like comment, making GNOME great again :)

I am just happy for this change

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread tegskywalker
Substitute "Red Hat" with "Oracle" since they own the ZFS copyright and also  
have a flavor of GNU/Linux.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread onpon4
> If they can get away with this GPL violation, what's to stop them (and  
others) with other GPL violations?

That's overly paranoid. People get away with copyright infringement elsewhere  
all the time. The copyright industry has long known that it has to pick and  
choose its battles. That applies to us even more, because we don't have  
billions of dollars to sue everyone.

Also, copyright doesn't lose force because some other case of infringement is  
occurring. Suppose Canonical is infringing the GNU GPL and nothing is done  
about it. Suppose they then infringe the GNU GPL in the same way, but with  
proprietary software. Someone wishing to take action against the latter case  
doesn't lose standing in court because he didn't take action in the former  

> Free software isn't just about being able to modify and share software, but  
about being able to LEGALLY do those things. Taking the position of ignoring  
problems like this begins to cast that in doubt if people aren't careful  
about making stuff that can be legally redistributed by others.

People are incredibly careless about copyright statuses outside of the libre  
software community, so I don't think minor license violations are going to  
"cast doubt" outside of our community. If anything, being so obsessed with  
being in perfect compliance with all licenses that we are willing to attack  
people solely for license violations, rather than using license violations as  
a basis to attack them for legitimately bad things (i.e. what copyleft is  
supposed to do), would probably make us look like obsessive-compulsive  

What's more, there's already a disconnect between at least the FSF's opinion  
on what the GPL permits and what the copyright holders of Linux allow to  
happen. Heck, what about proprietary drivers? I don't know much about Linux,  
but my understanding is ZFS is being used the same way proprietary drivers  
are, right? If I'm understanding this correctly, the thing being done with  
ZFS is already an established practice, the only difference here being that  
ZFS is not proprietary, just GPL-incompatible. So making a fuss about ZFS now  
is completely backwards.

> If being able to do those things legally doesn't matter we may as well  
start hacking on proprietary software. Because who cares, right?

But the actual code of Linux and ZFS isn't mixing. They're being linked  
together somehow, but they remain separate. Assuming the GPL is actually  
being violated, the violation is not going to spread to other code,  

> It's an Ubuntu trademark violation to rebuild the kernel without ZFS, so  
you can't distribute Ubuntu without violating the GPL.

Sure, if it's actually a GPL violation. I remain skeptical of this assertion.  
But let's assume it is. Do you honestly think that anyone would actually have  
an incentive to start suing small distributors of Ubuntu for whatever pennies  
of "damages" can be collected from them based on this? Even if they do, how  
successful is such a campaign of malice realistically going to be? I'm sure  
there are much better attack vectors for innocent people than this, and some  
of them probably don't require already having a history contributing code to  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread jason
"Its a given at this point that Trisquel 8 will NOT have the zfs.ko module  
available by default."

You mean "at all." The GPL violation happens just by the distro distributing  
the software. Whether it's installed by default is beside the point. So yes,  
Trisquel will not be violating the GPL.

"I'd like to see if the FSF statement has changed Canonical's mind in not  
having it by default, but maybe as a package in the repos that requires  
manual installation."

Same as above: Being installed by default doesn't determine if a GPL  
violation is happening or not. Distributing the software does, and if it's in  
the Ubuntu repositories they're distributing for people to download  
regardless of if it's installed by default or not.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread dguthrie
If all the other 'outrage' from the free software community did not change  
their mind, ot the statement from the SFLC, then I doubt that the FSF's  
statement will do anything. Canonical is a corporation; it knows only money  
and litigation, and will only be swayed by such.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread grandizo
FSF Issues Fresh Statement Over ZFS On Linux With GPL Enforcement:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread dguthrie
Red Hat could go after Canonical and would have legal ground, considering  
they are the largest corporate contributor to Linux. They are in a similar  
business model to Canonical so Canonical's loss is their gain. I'm not sure  
how likely in reality this is, though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread jason

"People get away with copyright infringement elsewhere all the time."

That doesn't make it right. Nor does it mean those those that call violators  
out on it should be chastised.

Ideally Oracle would change ZFS to a GPL-compatible license but I don't  
expect this to ever happen. The free world doesn't really look to Oracle for  
pro-freedom activities.

"Also, copyright doesn't lose force because some other case of infringement  
is occurring. Suppose Canonical is infringing the GNU GPL and nothing is done  
about it. Suppose they then infringe the GNU GPL in the same way, but with  
proprietary software. Someone wishing to take action against the latter case  
doesn't lose standing in court because he didn't take action in the former  

I never said they did. The point that I was trying to make is that if this  
isn't a violation, then proprietary kernel modules aren't either.

"What's more, there's already a disconnect between at least the FSF's opinion  
on what the GPL permits and what the copyright holders of Linux allow to  
happen. Heck, what about proprietary drivers? I don't know much about Linux,  
but my understanding is ZFS is being used the same way proprietary drivers  
are, right? If I'm understanding this correctly, the thing being done with  
ZFS is already an established practice, the only difference here being that  
ZFS is not proprietary, just GPL-incompatible. So making a fuss about ZFS now  
is completely backwards."

Proprietary kernel modules are also a GPL violation so nothing's different:  
shipping zfs.ko is just as infringing as nvidia.ko was. In fact, please take  
note that they don't ship nvidia.ko because they were threatened with legal  
action in the mid-2000s. Canonical comparing zfs.ko to nvidia.ko was not a  
good idea, because they had effectively previously admitted that that was  
infringing. If your argument is that incorporating pre-compiled proprietary  
code is just fine with the GPL, your argument is bad.

"Do you honestly think that anyone would actually have an incentive to start  
suing small distributors of Ubuntu for whatever pennies of "damages" can be  
collected from them based on this?"

Proper GPL enforcement isn't about money but solely on achieving compliance.  
You should read up on

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread onpon4

> That doesn't make it right.

I see we have a disagreement here. I don't consider copyright infringement  
itself to be unethical, largely because I advocate for the abolition of  

> The point that I was trying to make is that if this isn't a violation, then  
proprietary kernel modules aren't either.

You talk bout GPL violation as if it's just a singular thing, but the  
question isn't whether someone has violated the GPL by distributing a version  
of ZFS that works with Linux. It's whether Canonical is violating the GPL.  
Based on what you say here:

> In fact, please take note that they don't ship nvidia.ko because they were  
threatened with legal action in the mid-2000s.

It sounds like it's not true at all that Canonical is violating the GPL with  
the Nvidia kernel module, because they're not distributing it. Would you say  
that's accurate?

I'm not entirely clear on how ZFS is being distributed for Ubuntu, which is  
both why I'm skeptical of the claim that they are violating the GPL and why i  
am not claiming that they are not. Matthew Garrett unfortunately chose to  
only link to a commit in a Git repository, which to me is completely  

But if what Canonical is doing with ZFS is not in violation of the GNU GPL,  
it doesn't follow that ZFS on Linux itself is not in violation of the GPL,  
and it doesn't follow that the Nvidia kernel module is not in violation of  
the GPL.

> Proper GPL enforcement isn't about money but solely on achieving  

Yes, I know this, but you made a statement which suggested to me that you are  
concerned about Canonical's actions putting distributors of Ubuntu at risk.  
Malicious Linux copyright holders who would sue for the wrong reasons are the  
only potential risk to them I can think of.

Let me reiterate my position, in case it isn't clear:

- ZFS on Linux may be a GNU GPL violation. However, it should be noted that  
it's not a new one; it's been in development for years. It's also worth  
noting that the ZFS on Linux developers disagree:

- Canonical may be violating the GNU GPL. This depends on whether ZFS on  
Linux is in violation of the GPL, and how it's being distributed for Ubuntu.

- Assuming both of the above two points are true, I still think it would be  
both a waste of resources and destructive for us to go after it the way we go  
after proprietary modifications of GPL programs. We need to focus our efforts  
on what actually matters. I'm not convinced that this is something that  
matters, because ZFS and ZFS on Linux are not proprietary, just  

- Just because we shouldn't fight Canonical on this doesn't mean we shouldn't  
discuss it. But discussions should be in the vain of "this is a bad idea",  
not "what you are doing is wrong". Unless you actually think that any  
copyright infringement is unethical (i.e. that copyright monopolies are  
morally a right that people deserve), in which case I disagree with you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
So we have here a criminal pleading not guilty. I don't think that's enough  
to close the case.

There are no bullies here. Canonical is the one breaking the law.

Also, only the copyright holder can go after infringers. What FSF is doing is  
only being consistent and upholding free software licenses.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread jason
"ZFS is free software, but there is a GPL incompatibility that keeps it out  
of the kernel tree."

Just like a GPLv3 kernel module would be kept out. v2 and v3 are not  
compatible with each other, without the v2 stuff being upgraded to v3 via the  
"any later version clause." The kernel lacks that so it, too, would amount to  
a violation. You could still say that GPLv3 kernel module is free software  
but it doesn't change that the combination is still not allowed (and who does  
the linking doesn't matter, as the FSF explained in their article. So  
Trisquel can't get around that by saying "Oh, the user did it.") The  
incompatibility keeps it out of and also stop Trisquel (and  
others) from being able to distribute it legally.

"If you remove the ZFS packages (which would require the user to take action  
to install locally for private use), then that means you should remove all  
other free software from the repositories if it butts heads with the GPL. If  
you don't it makes you look silly and biased."

Not all GPL-incompatible programs form a modified or extended version of the  
kernel. ZFS does, whether you personally believe it or not. Trisquel can't  
legally distribute it without running afoul of both the GPL and CDDL. (The  
Software Freedom Conservancy explained why it's a violation of both licenses  
simultaneously.) But I don't expect you to believe them either.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread jason
"Removing ZFS packages entirely from the Trisquel repository would be taking  
it to the extreme"

Not at all. It is solving the GPL violation. Nothing less than that will.  
Even from the same article: "Developers often find this point not quite so  
self-evident with dynamic linking, but the situation is equally clear: if you  
distribute modules meant to be linked together by the user, you have made  
them into a combined work, and you must release the entire combined work  
under the GNU GPL."

So we're not talking about what someone does on their own but what the  
Trisquel project *distributes*. This is not the same thing, and the only  
solution to the distribution problem is not to be distributing it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread greatgnu

/home/gnu/Downloads/Pink Floyd - Tear Down the Wall - Part 1-deCjXe14y7E.mp4

Yet another proof that nothing original nor intelligent for that matter came  
out of Reginald.. :P


Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread jason

"Mr. Ellison, tear down this wall!"

(For those that are too young to remember, they've been called the fou most  
powerful words spoke in the 1980s: but imagine that that Reagan is  
the free world, "the wall" is the CDDL, and that Gorbachev is Larry Ellison,  
CEO of Oracle.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread jason
I wanted to point out that the Software Freedom Conservancy has published a  
blog post on this topic today: and covers things  
like why the licenses are incompatible, how it doesn't matter if it's static  
or dynamically linked, etc.

And distributing them side by side and letting people combine them on their  
own? That argument didn't work when Steve Jobs tried it with GCC when he  
worked at NeXT. On that sort of topic I especially liked their comment about  
how in that case "there may be arguments for contributory and/or indirect  
copyright infringement in many jurisdictions ... in our GPL litigation  
experience, we have noticed that judges are savvy at sniffing out attempts to  
circumvent legal requirements, and they are skeptical about attempts to  
exploit loopholes."

And since it's copyright infringement in both directions (violating both CDDL  
and GPL) Oracle's copyrights come to bear. This seems to validate the  
concerns I had expressed about casting doubt that that (referring to Oracle):  
"given its past willingness to enforce copyleft licenses, and Oracle's recent  
attempts to adjudicate the limits of copyright in Court. Downstream users  
should consider carefully before engaging in even source-only distribution."

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread jason
If you think on it, the free world's argument against proprietary software  
could be expressed as license incompatibility. (And let us not forget that  
Sun drafted the CDDL specifically to avoid inclusion in the kernel named  
Linux.) If they can get away with this GPL violation, what's to stop them  
(and others) with other GPL violations?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread newellrp1
I tend to agree. Matt goes around and around arguing with that dude on  
twitter how loading a module is the same as compiling into a monolithic  
kernel. I disagree with them, but the most important part of the situation to  
me is, both GPL licensed code and the ZFS code are FOSS. Worrying about that  
crap is best left up to lawyers. People are talking about the ZFS code like  
it is a Microsoft binary blob whose license agreement requires you to appoint  
Steve Ballmer as your child's guardian.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread grandizo

Canonical Says There Is No ZFS and Linux Licence Incompatibility:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread jason
"Equivalent exceptions have existed for many years, for various other stand  
alone, self-contained, non-GPL and even proprietary (hi, nvidia.ko) kernel  

The GPL contains no such exception. Their entire argument is that, since  
other GPL violations are going on (proprietary kernel modules are often GPL  
violations) that adding one more with ZFS is okay.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread calinou

ZOL is probably the abbreviation of ZFS on Linux.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread nicolasmaia

Sounds like more hurdles for Trisquel devs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread newellrp1
Why do you put "amazing technology" in quotes like that? I assume you mean  
ZFS is not good technology? Do you think that because it is non-free or do  
you think ZFS is not a good technology?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread jason
More junk from Canonical. Ubuntu already had proprietary software. Now  
they're shipping Ubuntu with GPL violations. It will be interesting to see  
how long this lasts.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread newellrp1
That's interesting. I didn't realize that. Wouldn't this just be one more  
step in the de-blobbing process?

Also, why is ZOL not free software? Is the license non-free?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread newellrp1
I'll give it a shot. Anything I should look for in particular, or just search  
for "debian"?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread newellrp1

You're right. I found it. Thanks.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread nicolasmaia

Trisquel does not use Linux-libre. Instead, it deblobs the Ubuntu kernel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread anthk
This can't be legal, GPL2 forbids linking with CDDL, and oddly the Ubuntu's  
IP police doesn't allow to share the CD's changing the GPL clashing modules.

More information from Matthew Garrett.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

That will probably work.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread newellrp1
I don't see how this a problem since trisquel uses a different kernel anyway,  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread newellrp1
Could someone explain why Debian is not considered fully free? By default it  
doesn't install any non-free software unless you specifically request it to,  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread dguthrie

In my opinion Trisquel should go back to being based on Debian...
Debian main is already as free as Trisquel (except some packages such as  
Chromium would be removed) and it would be more stable and higher  
performance. Gnewsense is practically dead.
And Debian it isn't rotten like Ubuntu as this proves (although Debian's name  
does sound like a cleaning product)!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread dguthrie
I am sure it is good technology. Instead I am making fun of their  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread jason

No. Plus, even if it did, it doesn't skirt around the GPL.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
Have you tried searching this forum, this is something that has been  
discussed quite a few times already.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread onpon4
I think it should be pointed out that if this is done the right way, it  
doesn't cause license violations. Copyright law restricts only what you can  
distribute. On your own computer, it has no force. For example, you could  
write a program using a library under the GPL and then throw away the source  
code to the program you wrote. That program would then be proprietary, but it  
wouldn't be a license violation unless you actually distributed the program  
to someone else.

But even if it does cause a license incompatibility, ZFS is libre. I don't  
think it's productive to make a fuss about a license violation unless it  
involves something actually unethical occurring, such as proprietary software  
or at least plagiarism. Avoiding such license violations is still important  
(you don't want some jerk who happened to develop the program you're  
violating the license of), but there's no need to chastise others for license  
violations themselves.

Remember, copyleft licenses are not divine commands, and their restrictions  
are not morals. Copyleft is a strategy to combat proprietary software, and  
license incompatibility between libre programs is an unfortunate side effect.  
of this strategy.

So, in summary: if what Ubuntu is doing causes a violation of the GNU GPL or  
the CDDL, then Trisquel should correct this violation. However, it doesn't  
look like that is the case. And even if it is, there's no need to chastise  
Canonical for it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread dguthrie
Doesn't stock kernel basically violate GPL anyway, by distributing compiled  
parts without source code? So Canonical probably don't care about this.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread willcoderwang

I cannot agree more!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-15 Thread dguthrie
The debate in that thread is incoherent though. Just shows how Canonical are  
banking on the confusion so they can be "the first" to add this "amazing  
technology" to Ubuntu...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-13 Thread tegskywalker
Do you think the RMS and the FSF are going to go after Canonical legally if  
they ship Ubuntu with the ZFS kernel? In the recent Linux Unplugged podcast  
(I posted the .webm link earlier), they talked to Alan Pope from Canonical  
about it. He didn't see it as a big deal and everyone is overreacting.

There was also some commentary from others during the show about how RMS and  
the FSF are actually being bullies about this. The whole "you will change  
your licence because I tell you to" approach that the FSF is using against  
Oracle will not hold up. Sun/Oracle licensed ZFS under the CDDL so it would  
keep it out of the Linux kernel as to not hurt their prior operating systems.  
Its funny that Solaris no longer exists and Oracle's "Oracle Linux" is merely  
a re-implentation of CentOS/Red Hat and they cannot include their own ZFS  
technology unless they change the license.

So will the Free Software Conservatory and the FSF go after Canonical? If  
they do not, then it opens the door to push around the GPL in the future as  
it will not hold up in court. If they do take Canonical to court, it will  
cause bad will between the camps and Canonical will fight back and try to  
take the FSF to the cleaners. The FSF will still look out of touch and overly  
controlling regarding the issue and will also be seen as hurting GNU/Linux  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-13 Thread tegskywalker
In the end, this will not affect Trisquel much as it is primarily used for  
the desktop. If a developer needs ZFS and chooses a GNU/Linux platform, it  
will likely be CentOS/Ubuntu or one of the BSDs and not Trisquel. I'm sure  
you wouldn't care about that either since the majority of people here hate  
the concept of "cloud computing" and would rather everything be as it was  
with dedicated machines. I still think it was unnecessary on Canonical's end  
to ship a ZFS kernel with their desktop version by default and should have  
put it into the server ISO.

I'm still not 100% in agreement over the compete purging of the ZFS codebase  
from the repositories. ZFS is free software, but there is a GPL  
incompatibility that keeps it out of the kernel tree. If you remove the ZFS  
packages (which would require the user to take action to install locally for  
private use), then that means you should remove all other free software from  
the repositories if it butts heads with the GPL. If you don't it makes you  
look silly and biased.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-13 Thread tegskywalker
Removing ZFS packages entirely from the Trisquel repository would be taking  
it to the extreme as it is a FLOSS package after all. If a user chooses to  
manually install it, there should be nothing stopping them. It would be  
private use as defined by RMS via the "Privately, You Can Do As You Like"  
section at

"The GNU GPL has no substantive requirements about what you do in private;  
the GPL conditions apply when you make the work available to others"

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-04-12 Thread tegskywalker
Its a given at this point that Trisquel 8 will NOT have the zfs.ko module  
available by default. I'd like to see if the FSF statement has changed  
Canonical's mind in not having it by default, but maybe as a package in the  
repos that requires manual installation. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-02-23 Thread tegskywalker
I believe the ZFS on Linux project cannot change the license as it is a fork  
of the original and is bound to it. That is a shame, since ZFS is exceptional  
and having it on GNU/Linux would be a big deal. Especially since the more  
liberal BSD operating systems have it and if GNU/Linux vendors can move  
companies to their platform instead of BSD, they will.

In the end, ZFS is free software. It just has licensing issues if included  
with the restrictive GPL licenses of the kernel.

If you are going to fight Canonical on this, there are ways around it. They  
could just ship a dummy package on their Ubuntu ISOs and bring in the ZFS  
code on the next update. They wouldn't be shipping an ISO with kernel that  
violated the GPL (which is up for debate as ZFS is still free software) and  
since the code would be brought in later via an update, they could still  
advertise that Ubuntu supports ZFS.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-02-20 Thread tegskywalker
What if Canonical ships the ISOs with the ZFS package not included, but then  
brings it in automatically the first time you update your packages? That way  
your software ships without this GPL restriction.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-02-19 Thread tegskywalker
As a follow up to my post, I see that zfs-dkms is a virtual package provided  
by linux-image-4.4.0-6-generic.

If Trisquel wants to counter this, wouldn't the .deb files for the kernel  
have to exclude the installation of zfs-dkms and make sure that the zfs  
packages are not included on the Trisquel 8 ISOs? Of course the zfs packages  
should still be installable (as I said above) via if needed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-02-19 Thread tegskywalker
ZFS, while GPL incompatible, is still free software. It is one of those  
technologies that has kept people tied to the BSDs and while other file  
systems like btrfs have tried, ZFS is still king.

The only problem? It cannot be merged into the mainline kernel due to  
conflicts with the GPL. We all know this.

Canonical makes a good chunk of their money from trademark and service  
contracts. If they put in the effort to include ZFS support, it will keep  
people on Ubuntu (and GNU/Linux in general) instead of merging to one of the  

I think there is some misinterpretation here. The actual kernel is as-is and  
will not need any deblobbing. Fully GPL compatible and all that. The only  
difference with ZFS on Ubuntu is the addition of the zfsutils-linux package  
at that will install the  
driver as an addon. It is probably a DKMS package (much like the non-free  
Nvidia drivers and VirtualBox) meaning that it will not affect the shipping  
kernel. Canonical just makes it convenient to install the package as an  
additional module if you choose so to please.

If the Trisquel team is worried about ZFS, then don't have zfsutils-linux  
installed by default. You should still keep it in the repositories due to it  
being free software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical merges GPL-incompatible kernel module ZFS to the kernel tree for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-02-19 Thread tegskywalker

Doesn't the package that Canonical includes just install it via DKMS?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical releases Ubuntu One file syncing code

2015-08-11 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
Always makes me glad to see somebody picking the best possible license for  
web related software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical releases Ubuntu One file syncing code

2015-08-11 Thread jason
It is always good to see a free program, but it'd have been even better if it  
was when Ubuntu One was actually running. Don't forget this is nothing more  
than throwing code over the wall now that they're done with it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical releases Ubuntu One file syncing code

2015-08-11 Thread Dave Hunt
Hash: SHA1

This was my immediate reaction, too.  Canonical won't make anything on
UbuntuOne, so, they open-sourced it.  Well, maybe we'll see some
free UbuntuOne  type instances running.  I'll still advocate owncloud.



Sent from my word-salad spinner.

On 08/11/2015 04:00 PM, wrote:
 Don't forget this is nothing more than throwing code over the wall
 now that they're done with it.
Version: GnuPG v1


Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-28 Thread mampir
It doesn't make sense to me when people say they are using GNU nano, and  
think GNU Emacs is difficult to learn.

Both programs work the same on a basic editor level.  Many of their basic  
keystrokes are the same.  The major difference between them is that GNU Emacs  
has tons more features, which you don't need to use, if you don't feel like  

The learning curve is basically the same, if you are using only features GNU  
nano has.  But when you're writing a lot of text and especially code, many of  
the additional features GNU Emacs has come very handy.

Basic commands to get you started:

C-b means CTRL+B
M-b means ALT+B
C-x C-c means CTRL+X followed by CTRL+C (no need to let go of CTRL)

| command  | nano| Emacs   |
| backward | C-b | C-b |
| forward  | C-f | C-f |
| previous word| C-Space | M-b |
| next word| M-Space | M-f |
| previous line| C-p | C-p |
| next line| C-n | C-n |
| beginning of line| C-a | C-a |
| end of line  | C-e | C-e |
| page down| C-v | C-v |
| page up  | C-y | M-v |
| delete character | C-d | C-d |
| kill (cut) word forward  | ?   | M-d |
| kill (cut) word backward | ?   | C-Backspace |
| kill (cut) word backward | ?   | M-Backspace |
| select region| C-^ | C-Space |
| kill region (cut)| C-k | C-w |
| copy region (copy)   | M-^ | M-w |
| kill (cut) line  | C-k | |
| kill until end of line   | | C-k |
| uncut/yank (paste)   | C-u | C-y |
| undo | ?   | C-/ |
| search   | C-w | C-s |
| search and replace   | C-\ | M-% |
| fill paragraph   | C-j | M-q |
| comment/uncomment region | | M-; |
| spell check word/region  | C-t | M-$ |
| save | C-o | C-x C-s |
| save as  | ?   | C-x C-w |
| exit | C-x | C-x C-c |
| help | C-g | C-h C-h |

You can also easily make tables like the one above using GNU Emacs's  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-24 Thread tomlukeywood


Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-24 Thread onpon4
To be fair, I did wrongly call Visual Studio a compiler, too. A quick search  
shows that MSVC's compiler is called Microsoft C/C++. Anyway, I only  
pointed out that Dev-C++ uses MinGW because it's possible to use MinGW in  
other ways.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-23 Thread tomlukeywood
a good point i will not use notepad++ untill i can compile it with libre  

theres a libre compiler for m$ windows(and so wine)
called dev c++

but i dont know how i would compile that!
i guess i would see if the gcc port for windows would work then see if i can  
compile notepad++ from wine

or maby do a favore to the world and port it to gtk!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-23 Thread onpon4

Dev-C++ is an IDE, not a compiler. The compiler it uses is MinGW.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-23 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

 both great editors (but emacs dose seem better)

That's exactly how it started!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-23 Thread tomlukeywood

i use nano aswell but vim looks good if you get used to it
and emacs looks good if you spend alot of time learning it

notepad++ is a good editor aswell
its a windows program but its libre software and runs very well in wine(also  
libre software)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-23 Thread rainteller
And I'm already considering searching for 'unfriend-zoned' definition... So,  
brace yerselves!


Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-23 Thread rainteller

That was fast... :/

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-23 Thread onpon4
I would avoid using Notepad++ unless you compile it yourself with a libre  
compiler; the official binaries are compiled with Visual Studio, a  
proprietary compiler. This is the case for quite a lot of Windows binaries,  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-23 Thread tomlukeywood

i dont think you can say the same for apples mobile computers.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-23 Thread tomlukeywood

i was attracted by the gnu philosophy this video:

but if i had not ever started using non-free hipocritical distros like ubuntu
i would of never found out about gnu and libre software

i wonder how much publicity libre distros if there were no non-libre ones
maby a bsd distro would become what ubuntu is now

as weird as it is.
if it wasnt for ubuntu i would probberly be using microsoft windows right now  
using microsoft visual c++

it gives me nightmares -.-

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-23 Thread onpon4


Basically, each editor had strengths and weaknesses in the 1980s; Emacs was  
much heavier, but had more features. The gap isn't as wide today.

Personally, I can't stand vi, but I don't really like Emacs, either, If I  
have to edit text on the command-line, I prefer Nano.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-23 Thread tomlukeywood

i rely dont understand how the emacs vs vi war started
whats the problem there both great editors

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-23 Thread mail

Rainteller just got unfriend-zoned. :c

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-22 Thread maestro

well. now i'm confused..
rainteller we are no longer friends!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-21 Thread ka1cey
Oh, My Gerd!  YooHoo Comics must be an emacser!  LOL  Seriously, it's amazing  
what that thing can do; calling Emacs an editor does it an injustice!  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-21 Thread rainteller
I can only speak from my personal experience, and this won't be as much about  
ethics as it is of usability but Trisquel is pretty much my first GNU/L, and  
I have tried a lot of distros in last months using live versions (incl.  
Ubuntu). Thus far, Trisquel has been the easiest, most pleasant and  
familiar-yet-different-from-Windows experience for me. And the fact that it's  
libre only makes me more joyful about using it :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-21 Thread franparpe
I completly agree, I use it to calculate and not for programing nor text  
editing. I heard that emacs was originally intended to unify Operating  
systems because the one thing they have in common is the keyboard, that could  
explain why emacs is capable of almost everything.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-21 Thread mail
Agreed- if it weren't for Ubuntu, I would've never learnt about the Free  
Software movement if I never used Ubuntu.
But hush, for we cannot publicly support Ubuntu in the slightest, lest we be  
portrayed as hypocritical!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-21 Thread rainteller
I started using Atom as Sublime Text replacement. It's incredibly  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-21 Thread rainteller
Personally, I fail to see how company's growth (and thus profits) is  
something more important than users' freedom. I understand how every company  
needs to make money but not every company decides to do it in unethical way.  
It's a choice.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-21 Thread maestro

rainteller my old friend...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-21 Thread abhijithb21
A question we need to ask before giving all the dredit to Ubuntu is - did we  
wanted a Gnu\Linux system or particularly Ubuntu. Were we attracted by Gnu  
philosophy or the unity desktop? 

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