Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2014-03-20 Thread legimet . calc
That's because the Parabola website uses CAcert certificates, which are not  
installed by default in Abrowser. You might want to read the http home page.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2014-03-18 Thread gustavo_cm
Most probably you should be using Parabola GNU/Linux-libre, roboq6. It is  
Arch-based, but 100% FaiF.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2014-03-18 Thread williammouck
It's also cute in that it's home page is untrusted by abrowser lol. What type  
of fun are you Paraballas having?

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2014-03-16 Thread williammouck
Yeah great thread. I get as passionate about figuring out stuff as  
yourselves.  Annotation is the key to the world and my life's project.

   The problem with books and articles is its impossible to incorporate   , into the process  
because we all sit down to learn in a mood and come up with creative  
questions during our shifting day moods and friends moods etc.

 A properly built Annotation platform for a community allows all the  
questions and answers to be more efficiently and fun brain absorbed.  There  
are some industry leaders in Annotation but after researching the game it's  
not being done right it should be way more mainstream and a few stand out  
features that I can't believe arn't added as of yet, and that I'm keeping to  
myself because I'm a broke dad hoping to make at least enough to raise a  
child in modesty, I do intend to release it FLOSS Style but need all sorts of  
help so keeping it away from any proprietary viruses out there, preview at You Can  
make a living FLOSS needs to be a sticker.

Again really impressed with seeing this thread and community behind it Really  
passionate about Trisquel and Dynebolic.

All Best

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2014-01-05 Thread aaz893

You do not need to precisely understand TCP/IP to administrate a network.

The same goes for configuration of router, isn't it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2014-01-04 Thread c_paulette
Linux Networking Administrators' Guide:

And in downloadable PDF form so you always have it:

- It's old, but a lot of this stuff hasn't changed.
- It's long, but you can dip in to find out what you need to know, and it  
should be good as a reference too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2014-01-04 Thread aaz893

Thank you, but is it useless without knowledge of TCP/IP and so on?

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2014-01-03 Thread aaz893

Nobody can understand the whole system in details

Sure thing. But you are missing the point.
I don't want to be Mr. I-know-all !

I just want to figure out stuff I NEED to know. No more, no less. This is the  
most challenging part.

For exampe, is it important to know how TCP/IP works?

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2014-01-03 Thread aaz893

 How are *we* supposed to know what are *your* needs to have sense of  
control over [your] computer?

You can't. But maybe you can help me to figure out that I need to know if I  
tell you my needs.

Let's begin with minimum minimorum. If I have the Internet then I can solve  
the most of my problems somehow.
But there's paradox Chicken or the  
egg(, because sometimes I  
can't have the Internet by reason of technical problem.

Technical support of my internet-provider is bunch of idiots and slackers.  
And my internet-provider is a monopolist, I can't just choose another  
internet-provider. I couldn't use the Internet almost 15 days !!!

That I need to know to be technical support for myself in this particular  

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2014-01-03 Thread portocultural
When you don't have internet, just try take a look at /usr/share/doc and  
/usr/share/info directories.

And read the man pages with man  at terminal.

(The tkinfo, xman, and dwww(runs at localhost) programs are  
alternatives and you can expand that documentation, installing docs available  
with synaptic.)

Or type ctrl-h i when using emacs.

Also, take a look at the configuration files in /etc, or go deep in the  
source code ...

(then try the some with other OS)

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-26 Thread adfenohuvlov
This site, along with the manual pages, the documentations available on the  
GNU project's site, and some examples on the Internet, helped me understand  
somethings (not everything) related to Bash, Cat, Sed (I am still in doubt  
about most of the things I've learned about Sed), regular expressions (I had  
a hard time putting the pieces together), expansion types, input and output  
redirection (file descriptors, command redirection etc).

This knowledge is what makes it possible for me to write a simple Bash script  
called SQDownloader (,  
although I still need to improve it.

My advice is the following: If you find some instructions on the Internet, or  
anywhere else, look for informations about them before using them, and only  
use such instructions if you can find relevant informations about them, and  
of course, only after understanding what these instructions do.

Also, don't forget to take breaks, no human is a robot.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-25 Thread c_paulette

Hi Roboq6,

I understand your frustration as I'm in the same boat to a certain degree.

Here's my solution, take it step by step and realize that you won't get there  

1) Great tutorials at (click on Guides in the middle of the  

 a) Introduction to Linux - A Hands on Guide
 b) GNU/Linux Command-Line Tools Summary
 c) The Linux System Administrators' Guide
 d) Bash Beginners' Guide (if you're so inclined, I'm not really there  

 e) Advanced Bash Scripting Guide (only when you're ready)

Note that these are all dated, but they all have great information that is  
still very relevant -- and they can all be downloaded to read at your  

2) Other tutorials -- I don't recall the exact websites where these came  
from, but any good search engine (I recommend can find them  
for you

 a) Linux Essentials - The LPI Introductory Programme
 b) Linux Fundamentals by Paul Cobbaut
 c) The Linux® Command Line by William E. Shotts, Jr.

These are all also free and downloadable.

3) Books from the library or a second-hand store
 a) I'm reading Linux Essentials by Roderick Smith, good basic stuff
 b) Next up is Linux Administration Handbook -- I've glanced at this,  
and it's the best-written computer book I've ever seen.

For me it's been a journey of a few months, but I took some serious detours  
into Javascript, PHP, and SQL -- without the detours I'd already be an  
intermediate user.  Do a little bit every day, have some patience, and  
celebrate your learning.  It's awesome stuff.

Good luck!

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-24 Thread cyberhawk

roboq6, are you making jokes here ;)
Operating systems are among the most complicated things in the world of  
programming. They are not some high-level application, but include relatively  
high-level applications as well as very low-level applications as a kernel  
and various drivers. The current Linux (I'm talking about the kernel of  
GNU/Linux) has somewhere around 70-80MB. This is unformatted text. Try typing  
a big amount of text into a simple editor like gedit, save it, look at the  
size. Imagine how much text it will take to reach 70 MB. To be fair, a big  
part of it are device drivers, but still.

Highly skilled professionals can understand how an operating system works, in  
all details. Normal users, power users, newbie programmers like myself,  
cannot. I'm not talking about some basic concepts, I talk about full and  
complete understanding of all possible layers here, all the way from the  
basic environment down to wher BIOS starts.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-24 Thread gaming4jc2

I use google because of relevant results.
Not an excuse, use instead. :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-24 Thread aaz893

Not an excuse, use instead. :D

I don't see any sense to use StartPage. I don't care about NSA and so on. I  
like DuckDuckGo because of absence of filter bubble. Sometimes it helps me.  
But I have DuckDuckFallback extension. The extension added Search in Google  
button in DuckDuckGo interface.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-23 Thread gnuser
I believe you are correct, but still it's the best choice if you need to run  
dos in a computer. And the project is very FLOSS minded so it's something  
that we should perhaps try to understand (it's DOS after all, you can't be  
picky with something that is older than ourselves :P)

For the fun of it, I have a old pentium1 with freedos and xfdos. I never turn  
it on, but I can still say that I have a free OS even in the ancient stone xD

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-23 Thread aaz893

I don't think it's possible to understand a system to this extent.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-23 Thread gramex

POSIX-type operating systems are very complicated.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-23 Thread aaz893

This is bait

Really? You know, I don't eat meat(because it is unethical for me), but I  
think that meat is healthy and tasty. If I posted this opinion on vegetarian  
forum, then by your logic I'm a troll.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-23 Thread aaz893

How about Ruben? Is he exception?

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-22 Thread ahj
By the way, if computations control can be considered as related to  
ethics, then in my book proprietary MS-DOS much more ethical than opensource  

This is bait

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-22 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Because if I encounter a problem, then often I forced to google solution and  
blindly use instructions. Without proper understanding, like magic.

Why? Who is making you use google/NSA? Who is making you not try to  
understand the instructions? It's crazy to follow random instructions one  
doesn't clearly understand.

By the way, if computations control can be considered as related to  
ethics, then in my book proprietary MS-DOS much more ethical than opensource  

This is ass backwards. With a proprietary system you cannot find out. Code is  
not available, can be obfuscated and you might be breaking the law if you try  
to find out how something works. With Trisquel you're welcome to browse the  
code, with an occasional comment or two and won't run into any legal issues.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-22 Thread aaz893

Who is making you use google/NSA?

I use google because of relevant results. Maybe this is my fault, because my  
search skill not-so-good, but facts are facts. For example, yesterday I was  
searching activ тариф джуни. Duckduckgo showed me only irrelevant  

Who is making you not try to understand the instructions?

who is making you not try to understand the instructions?

 I often try to properly understand problem/reasons of problems/solution, but  
alas, my knoweldge and education are not as good as I want. For example, I  
have no idea how force my OS to see Android phone as media storage. Maybe I  
could figure out the solution if I know how udev works.

But, udev isn't thing in itself. Udev is only ONE subsustym(and it have  
alternatives!) in Linux system. And Linux system isn't thing-in-itself too.  
It have links with hardware, with other computers via Internet, etc. Thus,  
hypothetical book Complete Udev Guideline for dummies would have some bits  
of information about Internet, technical standarts, history of computers, so  

But there are two BIG problems.

1. Alas, I don't have this wonderful book. Thus, I must find all related  
material on my own, collect the crumbs to solve the jigsaw puzzle.

2. I have no idea how long my adventure will continue. One month? One year?  
Or maybe the whole life?

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-22 Thread aaz893
With a proprietary system you cannot find out. Code is not available, can be  
obfuscated and you might be breaking the law if you try to find out how  
something works. With Trisquel you're welcome to browse the code, with an  
occasional comment or two and won't run into any legal issues.

I can find information about proprietary system with help of (un)official  
documentation and reverse engineering. For example, MS-DOS is very small and  
simple system, so experienced programmer could analyze it easily and  
completely. On other hand, nobody has enough of lifespan to do complete  
analyze of Trisquel source codes on his/her own. Figuratively, decryption of  
one encrypted book needs less efforts than reading of whole library of normal  

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-22 Thread gramex

proprietary MS-DOS...

There is FreeDOS, but I heard it relies upon a proprietary compiler.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-22 Thread gramex
1.I must understand how it works under hood. My understanding must vary  
from very abstract concepts to detail comprehension of every cogwheel,  
according to my needs.

2.If I encounter a problem, then I should be able to solve it on my own,  
without help of other people. In ideal, even without Internet.

I don't think it's possible to understand a system to this extent.