Re: [Trisquel-users] QEMU and KVM Problems

2015-01-27 Thread tempaccount325

Since I do not seem to be able to edit my own post:
Virtualbox will not be included in Trisquel 7 as the newer versions (from  
4.2 on) depend on the non-free open watcom compiler. I was not aware of this  
change and therefore I cannot really recommend your to use Virtualbox  

Re: [Trisquel-users] QEMU and KVM Problems

2015-01-27 Thread ken
Well, I figured out this problem. 6.0.1 is based on Ubuntu Precise. Boxes was  
built for Trusty. I have the Trusty kernel, but the rest of my packages are  
still from the Precise release. I had found the Boxes package on Ubuntu  
Updates, but if I want to install it, I have to update a LOT of dependencies,  
one by one. I could probably do it, once I figure out the chain of  
dependencies, but it would take some time.

I could update to Trisquel 7 and get it from the repos. But, I wanted to test  
out 7 in a virtual machine first, so... that defeats the purpose.

Unless it's safe to add an Ubuntu PPA, download and install Boxes with  
dependencies, and then remove the repository.

Re: [Trisquel-users] QEMU and KVM Problems

2015-01-27 Thread ken
Yep, that's why I'm trying to use something different. But ecause I'm still  
using Trisquel 6.0.1, I still have VirtualBox, since (from my understanding),  
the version of VirtualBox in 6.0.1 is NOT the version that needs the non-free  
compiler, so I could still use it if I could get it to work again, I just  
don't want to go through all that trouble and then leave it behind when I  
eventually move to Trisquel 7.

I would like to give gnome-boxes a try, if I can find a way to get it in  
Trisquel 6.0.1.

Re: [Trisquel-users] QEMU and KVM Problems

2015-01-27 Thread catfishagain

Can't remember where I got these instructions but they work for me.
I've never got aQemu to do anything so this is all from the terminal.

This creates a flexible disk image:

qemu-img create -f qcow2 trisquel.img 100g

In the directory where you made your image put your iso and:

sudo kvm -m 1024 -cdrom /trisquel_7.0_amd64.iso -boot d trisquel.img

To start the image after install do:

sudo kvm -m 1024 trisquel.img

-m is the amount of memory you want to allocate. 512 is probably enough.

Re: [Trisquel-users] QEMU and KVM Problems

2015-01-26 Thread noordinaryspider
I pretty much gave up on aqemu after I upgraded. Gnome-boxes is in the reps  
and it's not perfect, but it's FAST. I'd say that the speed is comparable to  
Virtual box rather than Aqemu.

Your existing VMs will be fine, but it will take awhile to import them with  
my workaround: first you create a new VM. The path to the images is  
home/.local/share/gnome-boxes/images and the new image will probably be named  
something like boxes-unknown-20. You put your existing VM in some other  
folder, rename it boxes-unknown-20, then copy it into  
home/.local/share/gnome-boxes/images and it should run just fine.

Like I said, this isn't perfect and it may not meet your needs at all but I  
thought I'd throw it out there anyway until someone more knowledgeable than  
my illustrious self comes along to enlighten us both.

In other words, bump. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] QEMU and KVM Problems

2015-01-26 Thread tempaccount325


Using KVM virtualization usually implies setting static values in the  
respective internet configuration file (/etc/network/interfaces) and I have  
used this method, but it's just too unpractical. So I really recommend that  
you get Virtualbox if you find yourself frequently on the move.

Seeing that you have already read the Documentation post (verified that you  
have the appropriate intel/amd modules) and if you still want to stick to KVM  
the first thing to sort out is the networking issue. For this we will need  
some more information as wireless networking is quite diverse. Assuming you  
have your wireless interface configured( it exists in the output of ifconfig)  
and that you can currently connect to the internet, we will have to find more  
about your network through the output of iwlist scan and it should allow  
you to see what type of security you have. I will just include the  
configuration for WPA as it is the one I have at hand and you did not specify  
the security protocol/encryption mode yet (this should be your  
/etc/networking/interfaces file):
Note: You need root permission to change the contents of that file. You won't  
be able to use the GUI for managing network connections with this  
configuration file.
You want to try this first configuration mode prior to jumping to the  
bridging part.
Note2: Make a copy of this file as i will come in handy later if you want to  
just use the GUI again.

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback


For the bridging part, you just need to change dhcp into manual and add  
br0 configuration from the Wiki, I cannot recall if the wpa-ssid and  
wpa-psk had to be moved under the br0 declaration, but you can test this  
out easily ( this is as far as I rember and I don't have the hardware to test  
this right now). As specified in the Wiki you might have to remove the #  
from those few lines if you are having weird connection issues, because it  
usually isn't necessary.

 For the errors part #
Were the errors inside the virtual machine or on the command line? You can  
always run virt-manager from the command line with the --debug flag, which  
will report anything that is more than a slight error. The output also goes  
to ~/.virt-manager/virt-manager.log when the flag is not used.

### For connecting hardware #
This is the kind of stuff that virt-manager's documentation is for. You may  
want to have a look at that first if it exists.

### Graphics issues #
It does really depend on your configuration (number of CPUs, RAM, other  
parameters if configured outside of virt-manager) and on your hardware so you  
should also tell us more about that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] QEMU and KVM Problems

2015-01-26 Thread ken
I'd read about SPICE, but when I tried it, it didn't work. Your explanation  
tells me why, though, thank you.

I'll keep experimenting with video modes and see if something works better.

Re: [Trisquel-users] QEMU and KVM Problems

2015-01-26 Thread ken
Because I messed around with trying to get things to work, my  
/etc/network/interfaces doesn't even list my wireless connection. It just  
shows the auto lo and iface lo inet loopback lines. It used to show more,  
but when the Network Manager freaked out and wouldn't connect me anymore, I  
cleared everything except those two lines. The Network Manager found my  
wireless signal again and connected, and it works, but my interfaces file  
never changed.

I will take the steps you suggested and see if that allows me to bridge.

For the errors, they are instead the virtual machines. Sometimes they come up  
and won't let the virtual machine boot, just like if you went to boot your  
physical computer and errors showed up instead. Sometimes they don't, and  
things boot normally. No idea why it only happens sometimes and not other  

I've attached information from sysinfo, which hopefully has all the  
information you asked about.

Re: [Trisquel-users] QEMU and KVM Problems

2015-01-26 Thread tempaccount325
It depends on what program is managing your network interfaces. Some add an  
entry to an external configuration file, for example when it includes WPA  
But idealy that's how you want the file to look like in the case of  

Re: [Trisquel-users] QEMU and KVM Problems

2015-01-26 Thread firefoxbugreporter
3) To use the Tablet you don't need the actual hardware tablet. It is used  
for sending clicks and mouse movement without the need for your mouse to be  
locked to the virtual machine (no need to press Ctrl+Alt to release the  

4) Check your settings for Display and Video. Display is set to SPICE by  
default, and if you use SPICE you should use QXL Video, which is not set by  
default. You can use VNC instead of SPICE, but you won't be able to hear  
sound from the VM. You can use VNC with Vga. I don't know what will work for  
you. Experiment.

4) A tip: If you use XFS partition on the host for where your VM images are,  
you should set Cache mode for hard disk (in the settings for the VM) to None.  
Virtual hard disk performance is for some reason very bad when XFS (on the  
host) is used with caching.

Re: [Trisquel-users] QEMU and KVM Problems

2015-01-26 Thread dooleyn
I think the default is for the interfaces file just to have the loopback (or  
lo) entries. It's the case on my machine.

Re: [Trisquel-users] QEMU and KVM Problems

2015-01-26 Thread tempaccount325
The hardware does not seem to be an issue, but will still need some more info  
other than it not booting sometimes. You could try to install the basic  
netinstall version of Trisquel and see if it also breaks, but this is like  
walking in the dark.

Re: [Trisquel-users] QEMU and KVM Problems

2015-01-26 Thread dooleyn

Thanks for the clarification.