Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-15 Thread Judy Taylor

If I'm understanding Kevin correctly he is speaking 
of something different from
Jer 31:33 and Heb 8. The Day of the Lord is 
what was feared so much in the book
of Acts after hearing the apostles preaching that 
Simon the magician trembled and
begged Peter to pray for him that none of the 
things they spoke about would come
upon him ...(Acts 8:24) They would have 
been speaking of The Day of the Lord
which is a day of darkness and not light .. When 
ppl are saying "Peace and Safety"
and sudden destruction comes. 

On Mon, 13 Mar 2006 16:03:59 -0500 "David Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
Kevin, please read Hebrews 8. This day spoken of in Jer. 31:33 has 
 come  already, so how can you say, "That WILL be the day" 
(emphasis  mine)?  David Miller.  
 - Original Message -  From: Kevin Deegan To: 
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 3:37 PM Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna 
Williams - friend of some 10 years  speaks on  believing 
teens  That will be the day!  Day of the Lord 
that is. I heard something about Him ruling with a ROD, of 
iron.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Sometimes YES !!  And they shall not teach again, each man his 
neighbor and each man  his  brother, saying, "Know the Lord" FOR 
THEY SHALL ALL KNOW ME, from  the least  of them to the greatest 
of them .. I will forgive them and  remember 
 their sins no more." Jere 31:33   
-- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, 
that you  may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 
4:6)  If 
you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to  [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
you will be unsubscribed. If you  have a friend who wants to join, 
tell him to send an e-mail to  [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he 
will be subscribed.  

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-14 Thread ShieldsFamily

So if you learn that a member of your
church is a fornicator you stop having fellowship with them. I agree.
Hopefully that will cause them to repent. iz

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Deegan
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 6:25
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

So then this verse in particular EAT has
to do with the Lords supper?

What verses in particular refer to the Lords supper?

But now I have written unto you not to keep
company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or
an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no
not to eat.

How do you understand Verse 13, then.

Therefore put away from among yourselves
that wicked person.

In the case under discussion the Man still thinks he is a Believer. (great
job Ms Williams)

God's reason in this is that the sinner shouldbe put
away He may surmise that contrary to his present beliefs, he is in
Trutha Fornicator a NON Believer and most important under the judgment of God

VS 12 For
what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them
that are within? 

But them that are
without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that
wicked person.

if any man obey not our
word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that
he may be ashamed. 2 Th 3

transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that
abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If
there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into
your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God
speed is partaker of his evil deeds 2 John 9-11

Be ye not
unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath
righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with
darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that
believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God
with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will
dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my
people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord,
and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. 2 Cor. 6:14-17

ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Here is how I understand the scripture to
which you are referring. I am not to fellowship
with a hypocritical sinning Christiandont welcome them to
communion. That doesnt mean, IMO, that I cannot have any
interaction with such a person; otherwise how do we draw them into fellowship
and repentance? Do we shun every person on the face of the earth who is lost
but also thinks he is a Christian? How will they ever know they arent if
we dont tell them? How will they ever hear the gospel w/o someone to
bring it to them? Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God; and
that takes a human being, as angels cannot visit them with the gospel. Is that
why you preach on street corners; because you wont get any nearer to the
lost? Iz


14How then will they call on Him in whom they
have not believed? How will they believe in Him (B)whom they have not heard? And how
will they hear without (C)a preacher? 

15How will they preach unless they are sent?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Deegan
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 12:44
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

My first duty is to Go and His word.
Don't you think?
But now I have
written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a
brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a
drunkard, or an extortioner

It does not say I
can not Talk or witness just company 

EG In Todays lingo
Hey lets get together Friday for some __


Im supposing this couple are not Christians. However they seem to
think they are, and apparently so does the writer. So what to do??? How
do you witness to people you wont keep company with??? iz

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ShieldsFamily
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 10:53
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

To be fair, Kevin, we are told not to keep
company with Christians who are fornicators. We cannot

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread Judy Taylor

What you do JD is, resist presumption and 
assumption along with making a "carnal believer"doctrine 

out of one verse. We understandscripture in light of 
scripture and it is in the mouths of two or more 
witnesses that 
every word isestablished.

On Mon, 13 Mar 2006 03:30:52 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  So how do you reconcile the two passages, Kevin. Its easy to quote 
Romans 8:6 For to be carnally minded [is] 
death[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. 
  Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in 
  Christ - a significant portion of the Corinthian 
  congregation, by the way - had been around long enough 
  to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still 
  babes. The implication? They have all the time in the 
  world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't 
Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" 

And how long do 
you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? 
They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, 
like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, 
self-absorbed babies. izzy

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 
AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna 
    Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing 

Like I said before -- there is a place for 
the carnal believer (I Cor 

To deny this is to deny the true gospel of 


  -- Original message -- 
  From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from 
  the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who 
  wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until 
  Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication 
  was spoken for their own sakes. 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy 
  TaylorSent: Sunday, 
  March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna 
      Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing 
  [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on 
  believing teens 

Well, since I'm being 
asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to 
live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps 
listen a little more to others and how they live. In my 
experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle 
with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh 
on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs 
etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts 
and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as 
self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious 
obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives 
than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I 
pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, 
listening and dealing with others on a very real level which 
unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about 
enough. We have many hu rting people in our churches who are 
deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out 
the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose 
themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual 
relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of 
Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no 
pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or 
not. A couple of instancespop into 

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread knpraise

He that does not love DOES NOT KNOW GOD for God is love. 

Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, But he who hates reproof is stupid.

Deciet is in the heart of those who devise evil,
But counselors of peace have joy.

The wise in heart will be called discerning, 
And sweetness of speech increases persuasivness.

A perverse man spreads strife, 
And a slanderer separates intimate friends.

A gentile answer turns away wrath
But a harsh word stirs up anger

The lips of the wise spread KNOWLEDGE
But the hearts of fools are not so

Where there is no guidance, the people fall,
But in abundance of counselors there is victory.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall 
be called the sons of God !!

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Turn the other cheek , also.

He who does not love abides in death.

Judge not those who are without [the church}
That judgment is reserved for God

Love is patient, kind; it is not arrogant; it does not brag.

Seek to abound for the edification of the assembly of saints [the chruch]

Overseerers should not lord it over the flock.

Blessed is the gentle for they shall inherit the earth.

Who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls and stand he will, for the Lord is able TO MAKE HIM STAND

Therefore, let us not judge one another anymore. 

Respect what is right in the sight of all men.

We also exhalt in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.

You quote your thousand and I will quote my ten thousand !!

May the Lord bless the reading of all scripture. 


-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

And until that destruction occurs -- God patiently works with those who are in need of Him. So it is that the "babe" in Christ is carnal still and , yet, alive in Christ. All the twisting in the world cannot escape this conclusion. 


RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread ShieldsFamily

In your case, jd. In your case, indeed.

Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 9:29
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Back atcha on that one, Shields. 

Where is that divine time limit? Under the
pickle? It sure isn't to be found anywhere else. 


-- Original message -- 
From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jd, the obvious truth is that the Lord
allows for BABIES in Christ to have a season of growing up. You are far
beyond that point, and look quite ridiculous in diapers. iz

Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 6:54
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

As I said before, you confuse the 3rth chapter with what is going
on in the 5th. Why?


-- Original message -- 
From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You do it all the time, though,
dont you? Why did Paul say to turn the fornicator over to satan?
Look it up and you might be surprised. iz

On Sun, 12 Mar 2006 17:49:54 + [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there.
Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ
- a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the
way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't
he. Yet, they were still babes. The
implication? They have all the time in the world to get it
right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. jd

From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And how long do you allow Believers to be
babes in Christ, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get
delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babieson
Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed
babies. izzy

Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal
believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)

To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. 


-- Original message -- 
From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Amen, Judy. Often we blame the
messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the
stony heart of the one who wouldnt receive the message. Hopefully
they wont wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart
from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy Taylor
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Subject: [TruthTalk]
Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on
initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with
real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live.
In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin
is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such
as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus
always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to
many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies,
religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives
than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that
we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with
others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not
talked about enough. We have many hu rting people in our churches who are
deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than
may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts
and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography,
alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of
Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no
pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A
couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday
when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank
where I work. As we sipped on
coffee, her boyfriend

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread Kevin Deegan
How do you reconcile a 30 year old babe?willful disobedience?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:And, agaain, you fail to answer my question. Your comment below makes meaningless the comments found in I Cor 3:1ff and Paul is a liar. I am not going to beg for an answer. I will just assume the obvious and move on to the next question. jd  -- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The fulfillment of Romans 8:6 to be carnally minded is DEATH?  It is He who defiles the Temple of God will be DESTROYED  That is easy to grasp, there is an abscense of NO. That nasty ugly
 word that just gets in the way, and is so hard to understand.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:So how do you reconcile the two passages, Kevin. Its easy to quote scripture. jd-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Romans 8:6 For to be carnally minded [is] death[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ
 - a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still babes. The implication? They have all the time in the world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. jd-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   And how long do you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get
 delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzyFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday,
 March 12, 2006 11:13 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens  Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ.
 jd-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. IzzyFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teensSubject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very
 real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hu rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Ch ri st but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-mea

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread Kevin Deegan
Notice JD the scripture does not say some as in only those that do not grow it clearly say EVERY is cast into the fire.  The scripture also tells me clearly I can CONFIDENTLY KNOW (sorry Lance) which ones are which BY THEIR FRUITS! It says nothing about how to be saved. It tells us how to determine of what character men are. The same way we view all things, when we want to, one would not expect figs from a vine would they? If it quacks like a duck. looks  Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit;
 but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:And until that destruction occurs -- God patiently works with those who are in need of Him. So it is that the "babe" in Christ is carnal still and , yet, alive in Christ. All the twisting in the world cannot escape this conclusion. jd-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 Co 3:17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroyShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  The “implication” is that they should be turned over to satan for the  destruction of their flesh if they don’t repent of their sin. (ICor 5:5) izFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:50 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens  There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ - a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still babes. The implication? They have all the time in the world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. jd-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily"  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   And how long do you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzyFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens  Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor
 3:1ff.)To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. jd-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. IzzyFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some
 10 years speaks on believing teens Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs
 etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hu rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds o

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread Kevin Deegan
Is this a COMMAND or an OPTION?   But now I have written unto youNOT to keep company  Does Ez 33 talk to those that love to TALK MUCH about how loving and open they are?for with their mouth they shew much love, [but]  their heart  Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sincerity of belief   1) does not excuse DIRECT disobedience of God's command  2) Has been testified by the author to not make any difference the subject is STILL a FORNICATORIs this a COMMAND or an OPTION?  But now I have written unto youNOT to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. EZ 33 And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they sit before thee [as] my people, and they hear thy words, but they will not do them: for with their mouth they shew much love, [but] their heart goeth after their covetousness. And, lo, thou [art] unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument: for they hear thy words, but they do them not.   When it is all said and done   Looks like
 there will be moreSAID then DONE!  Talkers are NOT great DOERS!  Talk is CHEAP!  1 JN My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:And you comment has what to do with my post and the question within: Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your approach to helping the addicted is what, exactly . just send them directly to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem?
   I await your answer. jd  -- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] What was it for you the N or the O?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your approach to helping the addicted is what, exactly . just send them directly to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem?
 jd-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]   1 Co 5:9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicatorsWhich part is hard to understand the N the O or the T ?"As we sipped on coffee"if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.  
 The N or the O?"He relates a lotto Job"  LOL! a lot? NOT! - N or O or T?  Job 1:22  In all this Job sinned notThen we have a declaration, GREAT VICTORY! the Fornicator is  STILL a FORNICATOR!  Your kinder gentler Humanistic Religion really works! What a testimony!  Lance Muir
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the
 church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hurting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non -christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he
 used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about his relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen 

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread Kevin Deegan
No I did not miss the part about the authors INTENTIONs  Did you miss the part about the Authors command to NOT to company with Fornicators? Was it the N word? [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  And you comment has what to do with my post and the question within:   Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your approach to helping the addicted is what, exactly . just send them directly to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem?  I await your
 answer.   jd   -- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] What was it for you the N or the O?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your approach to helping the addicted is what, exactly . just send them directly to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem?   jd  -- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]  1 Co 5:9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators  Which part is hard to understand the N the O or the T ?  "As we sipped on coffee"  if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.  The N
 or the O?  "He relates a lotto Job" LOL! a lot? NOT! - N or O or T? Job 1:22  In all this Job sinned not  Then we have a declaration, GREAT VICTORY! the Fornicator is STILL a FORNICATOR! Your kinder gentler Humanistic Religion really works! What a testimony! Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a
 very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hurting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non -christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo
 to a church anymore because of the questions about his relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of th e best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim.. Howwonderful at the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that story. Another situation I am reminded of is happening in my church right now with a young teenager who is pregnantand has come to our church for shelter.While she loves theLord and clings toHis love at
 this hard time in her life, she is alsostill involved with her boyfriend outside of marriage right now and realizes her situations are not perfect.I havejustchosen as a youthministryleader to walk beside her, with no judgments give n , and just let the Word of the God speak to her and let her makeher choices...letting her know God'sgreat lovejust as sheis. I feel as if as a church,if we come out of the little religious bubble we've allowed ourselves to be in...much awaits us. Sure lifewill not be black and whitebut 

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread ShieldsFamily

To be fair, Kevin, we are told not to keep
company with Christians who are fornicators. We cannot keep Christian
standards for unbelievers. What do you think? iz

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Deegan
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 10:31
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

No I did not miss the part about the authors INTENTIONs

Did you miss the part about the Authors command
to NOT to company with Fornicators?

Was it the N word?


And you comment has what to do with my post and the question

Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the
part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer
for change in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your
approach to helping the addicted is what,
exactly . just send them directly
to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem? 

I await your answer. 


-- Original message -- 
From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
What was it for you the N or the O?


Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the part in the
discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change
in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your approach
to helping the addicted is what, exactly
. just send them directly to the trash heap
somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem?


-- Original message -- 
From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

1 Co 5:9 I
wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators

Which part is hard to understand the N the O
or the T ?

As we sipped on coffee

if any man that is called a brother
be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a
drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not
to eat. 

The N or the O?

He relates a lotto Job

LOL! a lot? NOT! - N or O or T?

Job 1:22  In all this Job
sinned not

Then we have a declaration, GREAT VICTORY!
the Fornicator is STILL a FORNICATOR!

Your kinder gentler Humanistic Religion
really works! What a testimony!

Lance Muir

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on
initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with
real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live.
In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin
is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such
as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus
always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to
many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies,
religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives
than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that
we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with
others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not
talked about enough. We have many hurting people in our churches who are
deeply addicted to many non -christian behaviours...but rather than
may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts
and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography,
alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of
Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no
pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A
couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday
when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank
where I work.
As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began
to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders
himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a
church anymore because of the questions about his relationship with my friend
and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his
hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of th e best
discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job
and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time
in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him
andnot judginghim... Howwonderful at the end of the
book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also
invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused him.
Great victory there and much to be learned from that story. Another
situation I am reminded of is happening in my church right now with a young
teenager who is pregnantand has come to our church

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread ShieldsFamily

BTW, Im supposing this couple are
not Christians. However they seem to think they are, and apparently so
does the writer. So what to do??? How do you witness to people you wont
keep company with??? iz

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ShieldsFamily
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 10:53
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

To be fair, Kevin, we are told not to keep
company with Christians who are fornicators. We cannot keep Christian
standards for unbelievers. What do you think? iz

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Deegan
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 10:31
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

No I did not miss the part about the authors INTENTIONs

Did you miss the part about the Authors command
to NOT to company with Fornicators?

Was it the N word?


And you comment has what to do with my post and the question

Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the
part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer
for change in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your
approach to helping the addicted is what,
exactly . just send them directly
to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem? 

I await your answer. 


-- Original message -- 
From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
What was it for you the N or the O?


Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the part in the
discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change
in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your approach
to helping the addicted is what, exactly
. just send them directly to the trash heap
somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem?


-- Original message -- 
From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

1 Co 5:9 I
wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators

Which part is hard to understand the N the O
or the T ?

As we sipped on coffee

if any man that is called a brother
be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a
drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not
to eat. 

The N or the O?

He relates a lotto Job

LOL! a lot? NOT! - N or O or T?

Job 1:22  In all this Job
sinned not

Then we have a declaration, GREAT VICTORY!
the Fornicator is STILL a FORNICATOR!

Your kinder gentler Humanistic Religion
really works! What a testimony!

Lance Muir

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial
feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real
people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my
experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is
common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as
addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always
looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to
many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies,
religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives
than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that
we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with
others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not
talked about enough. We have many hurting people in our churches who are
deeply addicted to many non -christian behaviours...but rather than
may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts
and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography,
alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of
Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no
pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A
couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday
when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank
where I work.
As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began
to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders
himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a
church anymore because of the questions about his relationship with my friend
and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his
hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of th e best
discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job
and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread Judy Taylor

Just my 2 cents but I get the idea that in some 
cases it is better to let Satan work them over for a spell
until - like the Prodigal Son they come to their 
senses and begin to look for a better way, or else become
bitter and give themselves over to self pity and 
athiesm or agnosticism... usually it's one or the other.

On Mon, 13 Mar 2006 10:57:14 -0600 "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  BTW, Im supposing 
  this couple are not Christians. However they seem to think they are, and 
  apparently so does the writer. So what to do??? How do you witness to 
  people you wont keep company with??? iz
  On Behalf Of 
  ShieldsFamilySent: Monday, March 13, 2006 10:53 
  AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams 
  - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 
  To be fair, Kevin, we 
  are told not to keep company with Christians who are fornicators. We 
  cannot keep Christian standards for unbelievers. What do you think? 
  On Behalf Of Kevin 
  DeeganSent: Monday, March 
  13, 2006 10:31 AMTo: 
  TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams 
  - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 
  No I did not miss the part about the authors 
  INTENTIONsDid you miss the part about the Authors command to NOT to company with 
  Fornicators?Was it the N word?[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  And you comment has what to do with my post and the 
  question within: 
  Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the 
  part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer 
  for change in the lives of those whom she is working with? And 
  your approach to helping the addicted is what, 
  exactly . just send them directly 
  to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem? 
  I await your answer. 
-- Original message -- 
From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] What was it for 
you the N or the O?[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss 
the part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and 
prayer for change in the lives of those whom she is working 
with? And your approach to helping the addicted is 
what, exactly 
. just send them directly to the trash heap 
somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem? 


  -- Original message -- 
  From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  1 Co 5:9 I wrote unto 
  you in an epistle not to company with 
  Which part is hard to 
  understand the N the O or the T 
  "As we sipped on 
  if any man that is 
  called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an 
  idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an 
  one no not to eat. 
  The N or the 
  "He relates a lotto 
  LOL! a lot? NOT! - N or O or 
  Job 1:22  In all this Job sinned not
  Then we have a 
  declaration, GREAT VICTORY! the Fornicator is STILL a 
  Your kinder gentler 
  Humanistic Religion really works! What a 
  Lance Muir 

Well, since I'm being asked 
for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in 
the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little 
more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, 
including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By 
the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as 
addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus 
always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was 
invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards 
others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder 
to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the 
church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the 
heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level 
which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about 
enough. We have many hurting people in our churches who are deeply 
addicted to many non -christian behaviours...but rather than 
may be much better to li

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread Lance Muir

IFF this query extends from Joanna's commentary 
then, I'll simply speak for myself: There are few though not none with whom I'd 
not meet for a conversation. The same would apply to them attending any 
Christian group I was a part of. I'm more of a non-exclusionary guy. 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 13, 2006 11:57
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams 
  - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 
  BTW, I’m supposing 
  this couple are not Christians. However they seem to think they are, and 
  apparently so does the writer. So what to do??? How do you witness to 
  people you won’t keep company with??? iz
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ShieldsFamilySent: Monday, March 13, 2006 10:53 
  AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams 
  - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 
  To be fair, Kevin, we 
  are told not to keep company with Christians who are fornicators. We 
  cannot keep Christian standards for unbelievers. What do you think? 
  On Behalf Of Kevin 
  DeeganSent: Monday, March 
  13, 2006 10:31 AMTo: 
  TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams 
  - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 
  No I did not miss the part about the authors 
  INTENTIONsDid you miss the part about the Authors command to NOT to company with 
  Fornicators?Was it the N word?[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  And you comment has what to do with my post and the 
  question within: 
  Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the 
  part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer 
  for change in the lives of those whom she is working with? And 
  your approach to helping the addicted is what, 
  exactly . just send them directly 
  to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem? 
  I await your answer. 
-- Original message -- 
From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] What was it for 
you the N or the O?[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss 
the part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and 
prayer for change in the lives of those whom she is working 
with? And your approach to helping the addicted is 
what, exactly 
. just send them directly to the trash heap 
somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem? 


  -- Original message -- 
  From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  1 Co 5:9 I wrote unto 
  you in an epistle not to company with 
  Which part is hard to 
  understand the N the O or the T 
  "As we sipped on 
  if any man that is 
  called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an 
  idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an 
  one no not to eat. 
  The N or the 
  "He relates a lotto 
  LOL! a lot? NOT! - N or O or 
  Job 1:22  In all this Job sinned not
  Then we have a 
  declaration, GREAT VICTORY! the Fornicator is STILL a 
  Your kinder gentler 
  Humanistic Religion really works! What a 
  Lance Muir 

Well, since I'm being asked 
for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in 
the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little 
more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, 
including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By 
the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as 
addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus 
always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was 
invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards 
others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder 
to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the 
church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the 
heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level 
which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about 
enough. We have many hurting people in our churches who are deeply 
addicted to many non -

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread David Miller
John wrote:
 You make I Cor 3:1ff of no account.

I'm not sure what you are getting at.  The carnal person is the one who 
accepts the brother who is fornicating and does not call him to repentance. 
Isn't that Paul's message?  If they were spiritual, he would not have to 
tell them how to handle this situation in 1 Cor. 5.

As for the discourse below about the fornicator relating to the book of Job, 
there is one HUGE difference between Job and this fornicator.  Job was NOT a 
fornicator.  Job was being FALSELY accused of sin.  I hope somebody sipping 
coffee with him helped him recognize this.

The problem in churches today is exactly what we read in this e-mail. 
Christians no longer have the integrity to tell others they are in sin and 
need to repent.  Certainly this must be done with love and compassion, but 
we cannot just allow people to continue in sin.  The Scriptures are pretty 
clear that allowing people to sin in the church will cause the rest of the 
believers likewise to fall into sin.  This could be a primary reason why 
many Christians have never even met other Christians who no longer continue 
to sin.

David Miller.

- Original Message - 
To: ;
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on 
believing teens

You make I Cor 3:1ff of no account.


-- Original message -- 
From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
No I did not miss the part about the authors INTENTIONs

Did you miss the part about the Authors command to NOT to company with 

Was it the N word?

And you comment has what to do with my post and the question within:
Hey,  Kev  --  did you somehow miss the part in the discourse below that 
presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change in the lives of 
those whom she is working with?   And your approach to helping the addicted 
is what, exactly   .   just send 
them directly to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem?
I await your answer.


-- Original message -- 
From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
What was it for you the N or the O?

Hey,  Kev  --  did you somehow miss the part in the discourse below that 
presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change in the lives of 
those whom she is working with?   And your approach to helping the addicted 
is what, exactly   .   just send 
them directly to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem?


-- Original message -- 
From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1 Co 5:9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators

Which part is hard to understand the N the O or the T ?

As we sipped on coffee

if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an 
idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no 
not to eat.

The N or the O?

He relates a lot to Job
LOL!  a lot? NOT! - N or O or T?
Job 1:22   In all this Job sinned not

Then we have a declaration, GREAT VICTORY! the Fornicator is STILL a 
Your kinder gentler Humanistic Religion really works! What a testimony!

Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is 
that we need to live in the real world having contact with real 
people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live.  In my 
experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is 
common.  By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as 
addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus 
always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to 
many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, 
religious obsession. etc.  These are way harder to weed out of our lives 
than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much.  I pray that we 
may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with 
others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and 
not talked about enough.  We have many hurting people in our churches who 
are deeply addicted to many non -christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper 
rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds 
of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc.  It is so important to be 
the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and 
no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. 
A couple of instances pop into my mind right is from last Saturday 
when I actually popped by my friend's from

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread knpraise

When you write "... scripture does not say some ..." you are quite mistaken.
There are many many scriptures that should influence your conclusions stated in the remainder of this post -- but you simply do not allow them to have a voice. 
Why not accept all of scripture, Kevin? Or is your bias more important? Why
hold on to a theology that insists that such passages as I Cor 3:1ff should have no place in the ongoing discussion? I prefer the whole Message. You seem to prefer only half the Message -- the half that speaks of the very judgment you draw down upon yourself? Curious. 


-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] Notice JD the scripture does not say some as in only those that do not grow it clearly say EVERY is cast into the fire.The scripture also tells me clearly I can CONFIDENTLY KNOW (sorry Lance) which ones are which BY THEIR FRUITS!It says nothing about how to be saved.It tells us how to determine of what character men are. The same way we view all things, when we want to, one would not expect figs from a vine would they?If it quacks like a duck. looksKevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

And until that destruction occurs -- God patiently works with those who are in need of Him. So it is that the "babe" in Christ is carnal still and , yet, alive in Christ. All the twisting in the world cannot escape this conclusion. 


-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 Co 3:17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroyShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

The “implication” is that they should be turned over to satan for the destruction of their flesh if they don’t repent of their sin. (ICor 5:5) iz

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:50 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ - a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still babes. The implication? They have all the time in the world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
And how long do you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)

To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards othe

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread knpraise

Sometimes YES !! 

And they shall not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, "Know the Lord" FOR THEY SHALL ALL KNOW ME, from the least of them to the greatest of them .. I will forgive them and remember their sins no more." Jere 31:33

-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] You mean God might really be able and that without you or me?

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread Kevin Deegan
As soon as you post some of these scriptures we can discuss them  (This is the second request) So it seems that your reluctance to post them is what in reality refuses to give them voice. The whole world revolves on that one Partial verse? Is that the life verse of that Porno Babe in Christ? I am afraid her works speak louder than her beliefs. Some of these folks must worship that MORMON god. The one who said to Adam do not partake of the tree nevertheless if you want to go ahead BUT remember I FORBID it. (HUH?) It is real simple if you are what you say you are you will display the character of a saint not a devil. Sow to your Flesh - REAP corruption. The bible says those that think not me, are DECEIVED!  For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:  When you write "... scripture does not say some ..." you are quite mistaken. There are many many scriptures that should influence your conclusions stated in the remainder of this post -- but you simply do not allow them to have a voice.   Why not accept all of scripture, Kevin? Or is your bias more important? Why hold on to a theology that insists that such passages as I Cor 3:1ff should have no place in the ongoing discussion? I prefer the whole Message. You seem to prefer only half the Message -- the half that speaks of the very judgment you draw down upon yourself? Curious.   jd -- Original message --  From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] Notice JD the scripture does not say some as in only those that do not grow it clearly say EVERY is cast into the fire.The scripture also tells me clearly I can CONFIDENTLY KNOW (sorry Lance) which ones are which BY THEIR FRUITS!It says nothing about how to be saved.It tells us how to determine of what character men are. The same way we view all things, when we want to, one would not expect figs from a vine would they?If it quacks like a duck. looksKevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ye shall know them by their
 fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   And until that destruction occurs -- God patiently works with those who are in need of Him. So it is that the "babe" in Christ is carnal still and , yet, alive in Christ. All the twisting in the world cannot escape this conclusion.   jd 
 -- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 Co 3:17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroyShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   The “implication” is that they should be turned over to satan for the destruction of their flesh if they don’t repent of their sin. (ICor 5:5) iz  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:50 AMTo:;
 TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens   There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ - a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still babes. The implication? They have all the time in the world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. 
jd-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED]  And how long do you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzy  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens   Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor
 3:1ff.)  To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. jd-- Original
 message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy Tayl

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread Kevin Deegan
My first duty is to Go and His word. Don't you think? But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner  It does not say I can not Talk or witness just "company"   EG In Todays lingo Hey lets get together Friday for some __
 ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: BTW, I’m supposing this couple are not Christians. However they seem to think they are, and apparently so does the writer. So what to do??? How do you witness to people you won’t keep company with??? izFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ShieldsFamily Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 10:53 AM To: Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens   To be fair, Kevin, we are told not to keep company with Christians who are fornicators. We cannot keep Christian standards for unbelievers. What do you think? izFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Deegan Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 10:31 AM To: Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens   No I did not miss the part about the authors INTENTIONs  Did you miss the part about the Authors command to NOT to company with Fornicators? 
 Was it the N word?  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:And you comment has what to do with my post and the question within: Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your approach to helping the addicted is what, exactly . just send them directly to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem?
 I await your answer. jd  -- Original message --  From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]  What was it for you the N or the O?  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your approach to helping the addicted is what, exactly . just send them directly to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem? jd-- Original message --  From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 Co 5:9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicatorsWhich part is hard to understand the N the O or the T ?"As we sipped on
 coffee"if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.   The N or the O? 
   "He relates a lotto Job"  LOL! a lot? NOT! - N or O or T?  Job 1:22  In all this Job sinned
 notThen we have a declaration, GREAT VICTORY! the Fornicator is STILL a FORNICATOR!  Your kinder gentler Humanistic Religion really works! What a testimony!   Lance Muir
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives
 than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hurting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non -christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk abo

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread Kevin Deegan
That is correct it says one who is CALLED a Christian. "he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer "  YUP that qualifies  ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: To be fair, Kevin, we are told not to keep company with Christians who are fornicators. We cannot keep Christian standards for unbelievers. What do you think? izFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Deegan Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 10:31 AM To: Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens   No I did not miss the part about the authors INTENTIONs  Did you miss the part about the Authors command to NOT to company with Fornicators?  Was it the N word?  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:And you comment has what to do with my post and the question within: Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your approach to helping the addicted is what, exactly . just send them directly to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem? I await your answer. jd  -- Original message --  From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]  What was it for you the N or the O?  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your approach to helping the addicted is what, exactly . just send them directly to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem?   
  jd-- Original message --  From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 Co 5:9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicatorsWhich part is hard to understand the N the O or the T ?"As we sipped on coffee"if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.   The N or the O?"He relates a lotto Job"  LOL! a lot? NOT! - N or O or T?  Job 1:22  In all this Job sinned notThen we have a declaration, GREAT VICTORY! the Fornicator is STILL a FORNICATOR!  Your kinder gentler Humanistic Religion really works! What a testimony!   Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the
 church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hurting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non -christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on
 coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about his relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of th e best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim... Howwonderful at the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also
 invites him to pray for the very friend

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread Kevin Deegan
You mean God might really be able and that without you or me?  And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an
 inheritance among all them which are sanctified.   Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.  Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Just my 2 cents but I get the idea that in some  cases it is better to let Satan work them over for a spell until - like the Prodigal Son they come to their  senses and
 begin to look for a better way, or else become bitter and give themselves over to self pity and  athiesm or agnosticism... usually it's one or the other.  On Mon, 13 Mar 2006 10:57:14 -0600 "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED]  writes:   BTW, I’m supposingthis couple are not Christians. However they seem to think they are, andapparently so does the writer. So what to do??? How do you witness topeople you won’t keep company with??? iz  From:[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf OfShieldsFamilySent: Monday, March 13, 2006 10:53AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna
 Williams    - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens  To be fair, Kevin, weare told not to keep company with Christians who are fornicators. Wecannot keep Christian standards for unbelievers. What do you think?iz  From:[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of KevinDeeganSent: Monday, March13, 2006 10:31 AMTo:TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams    - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens  No I did not miss the part about the authorsINTENTIONsDid you miss the part about the Authors command to NOT to company withFornicators?Was it the N word?[EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:  And you comment has what to do with my post and thequestion within:  Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss thepart in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayerfor change in the lives of those whom she is working with? Andyour approach to helping the
 addicted is what,exactly . just send them directlyto the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem?  I await your answer.jd-- Original message --  From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] What was it for  you the N or the O?[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:   Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss  the part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and  prayer for
 change in the lives of those whom she is working  with? And your approach to helping the addicted is  what, exactly  . just send them directly to the trash heap  somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem?  jd  -- Original message --From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]  1 Co 5:9 I wrote untoyou in an epistle not to company withfornicatorsWhich part
 is hard tounderstand the N the O or the T?"As we sipped oncoffee"if any man that iscalled a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or anidolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such anone
 no not to eat.  The N or theO?"He relates a lottoJob"  LOL! a lot?
 NOT! - N or O orT?  Job 1:22  In all this Job sinned notThen we have adeclaration, GREAT
 VICTORY! the Fornicator is STILL aFORNICATOR!  Your kinder gentlerHumanistic Religion really works! What atestimony!  Lance Muir[EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote: Well, since I'm being asked  for a response on initial
 feeling is that we need to live in  the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little  more to others and how they live. In my experience with people,  including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By  the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as  addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus  always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was  invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards  others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are w

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread knpraise

Yes, Kevin, for the sake of our discussion, the whole world does revolve around the single Corinthian passage. I assume you believe it to be the inspired word of God as well as any other passage of scripture. I do. So, plug it into your theology (you ahve to do this becaue I cannot ) and you might just see that we are not that far apart. If you cannot, then just admit it and move on. 


As soon as you post some of these scriptures we can discuss them (This is the second request)So it seems that your reluctance to post them is what in reality refuses to give them voice.The whole world revolves on that one Partial verse?Is that the life verse of that Porno Babe in Christ?I am afraid her works speak louder than her beliefs.Some of these folks must worship that MORMON god.The one who said to Adam do not partake of the tree nevertheless if you want to go ahead BUT remember I FORBID it. (HUH?)It is real simple if you are what you say you are you will display the character of a saint not a devil. Sow to your Flesh - REAP corruption. The bible says those that think not me, are DECEIVED!

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread David Miller
Kevin, please read Hebrews 8.  This day spoken of in Jer. 31:33 has come 
already, so how can you say, That WILL be the day (emphasis mine)?

David Miller.

- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Deegan
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on 
believing teens

That will be the day!

Day of the Lord that is.
I heard something about Him ruling with a ROD,
of iron.

Sometimes YES !!

And they shall not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his 
brother, saying, Know the Lord FOR THEY SHALL ALL KNOW ME, from the least 
of them to the greatest of them   ..   I will forgive them and remember 
their sins no more.Jere 31:33 

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to 
join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread ShieldsFamily

Here is how I understand the scripture to
which you are referring. I am not to fellowship
with a hypocritical sinning Christiandont welcome them to
communion. That doesnt mean, IMO, that I cannot have any
interaction with such a person; otherwise how do we draw them into fellowship
and repentance? Do we shun every person on the face of the earth who is lost
but also thinks he is a Christian? How will they ever know they arent if
we dont tell them? How will they ever hear the gospel w/o someone to
bring it to them? Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God; and
that takes a human being, as angels cannot visit them with the gospel. Is that
why you preach on street corners; because you wont get any nearer to the
lost? Iz

Rom 10: 13for

then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they
believe in Him (B)whom they have not heard? And how
will they hear without (C)a preacher? 

will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, (D)HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Deegan
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 12:44
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

My first duty is to Go and His word.
Don't you think?
But now I have
written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a
brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a
drunkard, or an extortioner

It does not say I
can not Talk or witness just company 

EG In Todays lingo
Hey lets get together Friday for some __

ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Im supposing this couple are not Christians. However they seem to
think they are, and apparently so does the writer. So what to do??? How
do you witness to people you wont keep company with??? iz

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ShieldsFamily
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 10:53
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

To be fair, Kevin, we are told not to keep
company with Christians who are fornicators. We cannot keep Christian
standards for unbelievers. What do you think? iz

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Deegan
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 10:31
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

No I did not miss the part about the authors INTENTIONs

Did you miss the part about the Authors command
to NOT to company with Fornicators?

Was it the N word?


And you comment has what to do with my post and the question

Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the
part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer
for change in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your
approach to helping the addicted is what,
exactly . just send them directly
to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem?

I await your answer. 


-- Original message -- 
From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
What was it for you the N or the O?


Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the part in the
discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change
in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your approach
to helping the addicted is what, exactly
. just send them directly to the trash heap
somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem?


-- Original message -- 
From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

1 Co 5:9 I
wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators

Which part is hard to understand the N the O
or the T ?

As we sipped on coffee

if any man that is called a brother
be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a
drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not
to eat. 

The N or the O?

He relates a lotto Job

LOL! a lot? NOT! - N or O or T?

Job 1:22  In all this Job
sinned not

Then we have a declaration, GREAT VICTORY!
the Fornicator is STILL a FORNICATOR!

Your kinder gentler Humanistic Religion
really works! What a testimony!

Lance Muir

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on
initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with
real people

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread Kevin Deegan
Is such a Believer pleasing to God?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Yes, Kevin, for the sake of our discussion, the whole world does revolve around the single Corinthian passage. I assume you believe it to be the inspired word of God as well as any other passage of scripture. I do. So, plug it into your theology (you ahve to do this becaue I cannot ) and you might just see that we are not that far apart. If you cannot, then just admit it and move on.   jd   As soon as you post some of these scriptures we can discuss them (This is the second request)So it seems that your reluctance to post them is what in reality refuses to give them voice.The whole world revolves on that one Partial
 verse?Is that the life verse of that Porno Babe in Christ?I am afraid her works speak louder than her beliefs.Some of these folks must worship that MORMON god.The one who said to Adam do not partake of the tree nevertheless if you want to go ahead BUT remember I FORBID it. (HUH?)It is real simple if you are what you say you are you will display the character of a saint not a devil. Sow to your Flesh - REAP corruption. The bible says those that think not me, are DECEIVED!  __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread Kevin Deegan
That will be the day!  Day of the Lord that is. I heard something about Him ruling with a ROD, of iron.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Sometimes YES !!   And they shall not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, "Know the Lord" FOR THEY SHALL ALL KNOW ME, from the least of them to the greatest of them .. I will forgive them and remember their sins no more." Jere 31:33  -- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] You mean God might really be able and that without you or me?
		Yahoo! Mail
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RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread knpraise

Of course not -- but is such a believeralive in Christ? Certainly.And you still cannot answer my question. Add this ( I Cor 3:1ff)toyourtheological _expression_ in such a way as to allow you to say the very same thing to members of the church, sometime in the future. Tell us how that works in your theology or shall we just ignore it altogether? Do the words "for breakfast - in a whim" sound hauntingly familiar? I'm loving this thread !!!


-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] Is such a Believer pleasing to God?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes, Kevin, for the sake of our discussion, the whole world does revolve around the single Corinthian passage. I assume you believe it to be the inspired word of God as well as any other passage of scripture. I do. So, plug it into your theology (you ahve to do this becaue I cannot ) and you might just see that we are not that far apart. If you cannot, then just admit it and move on. 


As soon as you post some of these scriptures we can discuss them (This is the second request)So it seems that your reluctance to post them is what in reality refuses to give them voice.The whole world revolves on that one Partial verse?Is that the life verse of that Porno Babe in Christ?I am afraid her works speak louder than her beliefs.Some of these folks must worship that MORMON god.The one who said to Adam do not partake of the tree nevertheless if you want to go ahead BUT remember I FORBID it. (HUH?)It is real simple if you are what you say you are you will display the character of a saint not a devil. Sow to your Flesh - REAP corruption. The bible says those that think not me, are DECEIVED!

__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread Kevin Deegan
So then this verse in particular "EAT" has to do with the Lords supper?  What verses in particular refer to the Lords supper?  But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.How do you understand Verse 13, then.  Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.  In the case under discussion the Man still thinks he is a Believer. (great job Ms Williams)God's reason in this is that the sinner shouldbe put "away" He may surmise that contrary to his present beliefs, he is in Trutha Fornicator a NON Believer and most important under
 the judgment of God  VS 12 For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?   But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed. 2 Th 3“Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds” 2 John 9-11“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with
 unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.” 2 Cor. 6:14-17  ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Here is how I understand the scripture to which you are referring. I am not to fellowship with a hypocritical sinning Christian—don’t welcome them to communion. That doesn’t mean, IMO, that I cannot have any interaction with such a person; otherwise how do we draw them into fellowship and repentance? Do we shun every person on the face of the earth who is lost but also thinks he is a Christian? How will they ever know they aren’t if we don’t tell them? How will they ever hear the gospel w/o someone to bring it to them? Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God; and that takes a human being, as angels cannot visit them with the gospel. Is that why you preach on street corners; because you won’t get any nearer to the lost? IzRom 10: 13for "(A)WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED."   14How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him (B)whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without (C)a preacher?   15How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as
 it is written, "(D)HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO (E)BRING GOOD NEWS OF GOOD THINGS!"   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin DeeganSent: Monday, March 13, 2006 12:44 PMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens My first duty is to Go and His word.Don't you think?But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortionerIt does not say I can not Talk or witness just "company" EG In Todays lingoHey lets get together Friday for some __ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:BTW, I’m supposing this couple are not Christians. However they seem to think they are, and apparently so does the writer. So what to do??? How do you witness to people you won’t keep company with??? izFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ShieldsFamilySent: Monday, March 13, 2006 10:53 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams -
 friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens To be fair, Kevin, we are told not to keep company with Christians who are fornicators. We cannot keep Christian standards for unbelievers. What do you think? iz   
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin DeeganSent: Monday, March 13, 2006 10:31 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens No I did not miss the part about the authors INTENTIONsDid you miss the part about the Authors command to NOT to company with Fornicators?Was it the N word?[EMA

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread Kevin Deegan
Are you Amil?David Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Kevin, please read Hebrews 8. This day spoken of in Jer. 31:33 has come already, so how can you say, "That WILL be the day" (emphasis mine)?David Miller.- Original Message - From: Kevin DeeganTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Monday, March 13, 2006 3:37 PMSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teensThat will be the day!Day of the Lord that is.I heard something about Him ruling with a ROD,of iron.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Sometimes YES !!And they shall not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, "Know the Lord" FOR THEY SHALL ALL KNOW ME, from the least of them to the greatest of them .. I will forgive them and remember
 their sins no more." Jere 31:33 --"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.orgIf you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed. If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.
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RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-13 Thread Kevin Deegan
Your so smug JD   A legend in your own mind.What specifically is your unanswerable question?HaveNO clue what you are talking about here  Do the words "for breakfast - in a whim" sound hauntingly familiar[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Of course not -- but is such a believeralive in Christ? Certainly.And you still cannot answer my question. Add this ( I Cor 3:1ff)toyourtheological _expression_ in such a way as to allow you to say the very same thing to members of the church, sometime in the future. Tell us how that works in your theology or shall we just ignore it altogether? Do the words "for breakfast - in a whim" sound hauntingly familiar? I'm loving this
 thread !!!jd-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] Is such a Believer pleasing to God?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Yes, Kevin, for the sake of our discussion, the whole world does revolve around the single Corinthian passage. I assume you believe it to be the inspired word of God as well as any other passage of scripture. I do. So, plug it into your theology (you ahve to do this becaue I cannot ) and you might just see that we are not that far apart. If you cannot, then just admit it and move on. jd   
   As soon as you post some of these scriptures we can discuss them (This is the second request)So it seems that your reluctance to post them is what in reality refuses to give them voice.The whole world revolves on that one Partial verse?Is that the life verse of that Porno Babe in Christ?I am afraid her works speak louder than her beliefs.Some of these folks must worship that MORMON god.The one who said to Adam do not partake of the tree nevertheless if you want to go ahead BUT remember I FORBID it. (HUH?)It is real simple if you are what you say you are you will display the character of a saint not a devil. Sow to your Flesh - REAP corruption. The bible says those that think not me, are DECEIVED!  __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
		 Yahoo! Mail 
Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread Lance Muir

Linda: Joanna is a woman who, upon completing her 
pre-med studies. went on a short term mission trip to, of all places, the Bronx. 
She is Pakistani. The passion God gave her for those disenfrancised she 
encountered there has never left her.

When she finished typing on my computer she went accross the street to meet 
a youngish man with physical and mental problems at a coffee shop. When she has 
taken him to church people have tended to give him a wide birth. He 

Each time she graces our store with her presence she has other stories to 
tell. She's quite wonderful!


  Sent: March 11, 2006 19:36
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams 
  - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens
  the writer
  On Sat, 11 Mar 2006 15:18:15 -0600 "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I’m not going to 
read this if you can’t identify the writer…iz

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Saturday, March 11, 2006 12:05 
TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - 
friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for 
a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real 

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread ShieldsFamily

Id prefer to let the Lord determine
who knows Him, thank you kindly. Iz

22Many will say to
me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name
have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 

23And then will I profess unto
them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. 

Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006
6:37 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

the writer

On Sat, 11 Mar 2006 15:18:15 -0600 ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Im not going to read this if you cant
identify the writeriz

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006
12:05 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on
initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world


RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread ShieldsFamily

Thanks, Lance. Ill read her note.
She sounds like a gem. iz

Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 2:17
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Linda: Joanna is a woman who, upon completing her pre-med
studies. went on a short term mission trip to, of all places, the Bronx. She is Pakistani. The passion God gave her for
those disenfrancised she encountered there has never left her.

When she finished typing on my computer she went accross the street to
meet a youngish man with physical and mental problems at a coffee shop. When
she has taken him to church people have tended to give him a wide birth. He

Each time she graces our store with her presence she has other stories
to tell. She's quite wonderful!




Sent: March 11, 2006

Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]
Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

the writer

On Sat, 11 Mar 2006 15:18:15 -0600 ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Im not going to read this if you
cant identify the writeriz

Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006
12:05 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on
initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world


RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread ShieldsFamily

Lance, from the small piece below Id
say Joanna has a heart of gold. I agree that rushing to judgment is one
way to chase unbelievers away, and is not what Jesus did except with those who
were religious hypocrites. First one must love and befriend, as she
obviously does. But, as I told JD, we must also speak truth if we are to
be ambassadors of Christ, just as Jesus did. He loved, He befriended, but
He never hesitated to call sin a sin because He loved those He befriended
enough to want to lead them to freedom from sin, as that is what ultimately
will destroy our relationship with Him. That was His entire objective in
dying on the cross, of course. Tough love is much harder for us to give than
soft love. Tough love isnt harsh and angry; it is just the kind of
love that pulls people towards the truth, even when it is tempting to gloss
over the hard issues. Sin is the elephant in the room; do we love
people so much that we pretend it isnt there, or do we really love them
enough to address the obvious? The fleshly Believer takes the easy path of just
loving and being loved, while the Spirit-filled Believer uses the
truths of the Word to deliver the captives from sin as well as unbelief. Like
being a parent, a Christian mentor always holds up the goal and then walks with
you towards it. Poor parents are those who give love, love, love,
and never balance that with self-discipline and hard workthe children
are ruined for life by their own selfishness and laziness. Jesus defined our
goal as His disciples: Luke 5: 32 I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to
repentance. That, of course, is the issue I continually have with
those of the liberal Christian persuasionthey have no fear
of sin, for themselves or others. They dont realize that sin is
what truly ails us. This is a hollow gospel that allows many to die in
their sins. Izzy

John 8:21 Then said Jesus again unto them, I go my way, and ye shall seek
me, and shall die in your sins: whither I go, ye cannot come.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006
12:05 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on
initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with
real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live.
In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin
is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such
as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus
always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to
many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies,
religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives
than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that
we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with
others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not
talked about enough. We have many hurting people in our churches who are
deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than
may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts
and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography,
alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of
Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no
pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A
couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday
when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank
where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk
about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders
himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a
church anymore because of the questions about his relationship with my friend
and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his
hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best
discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a
lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him
during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and
loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end
of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God
also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused
him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that story.
Another situation I am reminded of is happening in my church right now with a
young teenager who is pregnantand has come to our church for
shelter.While she loves theLord and clings toHis love
at this hard time in her life, she is alsostill involved with her
boyfriend outside of marriage right now and realizes her situations 

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread Judy Taylor

Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - 
friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

  Well, since I'm being asked for a 
  response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real 
  world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others 
  and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by 
  the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much 
  more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs 
  etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke 
  to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement 
  towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way 
  harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the 
  church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart 
  of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which 
  unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We 
  have many hurting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many 
  non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to 
  listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause 
  people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual 
  relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that 
  is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements 
  in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of 
  instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I 
  actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I 
  work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse 
  began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders 
  himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a 
  church anymore because of the questions about his relationship with my friend 
  and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his 
  hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best 
  discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a 
  lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him 
  during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and 
  loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end 
  of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God 
  also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused 
  him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that 
  What is Joanna saying is 
  learned here and why would one compare openly shacking up publicly while 
  claiming to be a believer with
  Job's problems? Job's 
  friends were accusing a "righteous man" who Satan had permission to afflict 
  for a season. Their judgment had no basis so itwas sinful. OTOH 
  fornicators don't inherit God's Kingdom so why would speaking the truth about 
  Joanna's friend's situation be
  wrong? It may be 
  offensive to those who are involved with and who like fornicating. 
  Theboyfriend continueson the downwardspiral of sin. He is 
  presentlyhanging on to resentment which will eventually result in 
  bitterness which defiles many others
  Another situation I am 
  reminded of is happening in my church right now with a young teenager who is 
  pregnantand has come to our church for shelter.While she loves theLord and clings toHis love at 
  this hard time in her life, she is alsostill involved with her boyfriend 
  outside of marriage right now and realizes her situations are not 
  perfect.I havejustchosen as a 
  youthministryleader to walk beside her, with no judgments given, 
  and just let the Word of the God speak to her and let her 
  makeher choices...letting her know God'sgreat lovejust as 
  sheis. I feel as if as a church,if we come out of the little 
  religious bubble we've allowed ourselves to be 
  in...much awaits us. Sure lifewill not be black and 
  whitebut it will be interesting and beautiful...asdiverse as each 
  person's dna andpersonality is in these simply unique ways that 
  God does touch and change each life...not in cookie-cutter ways or via 
  textbook answers!I hope this helps somewhat...would love to 
  continue the conversation!! All the best to all of you...Roll up 
  yoursleeves and get into the amazing mix of life with others...God will 
  popup in the most surprising places!! My e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  if any of you care to contact me at any time! Thank 
  Joanna's logic escapes me;I 
  have no problem with loving the sinner but let's get 
  real. If this girl loves the Lord and clings to 
  it goes without saying that she 
  would be willing to part with the sin that got her into this mess and either 
  marry the boyfriend or leave him be; if she is not willing to do this then 
  what would make oneassume she is 

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread ShieldsFamily

Amen, Judy. Often we blame the
messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the
stony heart of the one who wouldnt receive the message. Hopefully
they wont wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart
from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy Taylor
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Subject: [TruthTalk]
Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on
initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with
real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live.
In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin
is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such
as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus
always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to
many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies,
religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives
than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that
we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with
others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not
talked about enough. We have many hurting people in our churches who are
deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than
may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts
and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography,
alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of
Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no
pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A
couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday
when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank
where I work. As we sipped on
coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in
himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a
church anymore because of the questions about his relationship with my friend
and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his
hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best
discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a
lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him
during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and
loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end
of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God
also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused
him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that story.

What is Joanna saying
is learned here and why would one compare openly shacking up publicly while
claiming to be a believer with

Job's problems?
Job's friends were accusing a righteous man who Satan had
permission to afflict for a season. Their judgment had no basis so
itwas sinful. OTOH fornicators don't inherit God's Kingdom so why would
speaking the truth about Joanna's friend's situation be

wrong? It may be
offensive to those who are involved with and who like fornicating.
Theboyfriend continueson the downwardspiral of sin. He is
presentlyhanging on to resentment which will eventually result in
bitterness which defiles many others

Another situation I am reminded of is happening in my
church right now with a young teenager who is pregnantand has come to our
church for shelter.While
she loves theLord and clings toHis love at this hard time in her
life, she is alsostill involved with her boyfriend outside of marriage
right now and realizes her situations are not perfect.I
havejustchosen as a youthministryleader to walk beside
her, with no judgments given, and just
let the Word of the God speak to her and let her makeher
choices...letting her know God'sgreat lovejust as
sheis. I feel as if as a church,if we come out of the little
religious bubble we've allowed ourselves to be in...much awaits us. Sure
lifewill not be black and whitebut it will be interesting and
beautiful...asdiverse as each person's dna andpersonality
is in these simply unique ways that God does touch and change each life...not
in cookie-cutter ways or via textbook answers!I hope this helps
somewhat...would love to continue the conversation!! All the best to all
of you...Roll up yoursleeves and get into the amazing mix of life with
others...God will popup in the most surprising places!! My e-mail
address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
if any of you care to contact me at any

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread Dean Moore

cd: Izzy the beauty in your words reflect the beauty of your heart.I am printing this for my wife to read-I haven't done this in a couple of years-but she does read some of our responses on-line. Thank you for this.I hope I can live up to it-Pray for me sister.

- Original Message - 
From: ShieldsFamily 
Sent: 3/12/2006 8:54:21 AM 
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Lance, from the small piece below I’d say Joanna has a heart of gold. I agree that rushing to judgment is one way to chase unbelievers away, and is not what Jesus did except with those who were religious hypocrites. First one must love and befriend, as she obviously does. But, as I told JD, we must also speak truth if we are to be ambassadors of Christ, just as Jesus did. He loved, He befriended, but He never hesitated to call sin a sin because He loved those He befriended enough to want to lead them to freedom from sin, as that is what ultimately will destroy our relationship with Him. That was His entire objective in dying on the cross, of course. Tough love is much harder for us to give than soft love. Tough love isn’t harsh and angry; it is just the kind of love that pulls people towards the truth, even when it is tempting to gloss over the hard issues. Sin is the ele
phant in the room; do we “love” people so much that we pretend it isn’t there, or do we really love them enough to address the obvious? The fleshly Believer takes the easy path of just “loving and being loved,” while the Spirit-filled Believer uses the truths of the Word to deliver the captives from sin as well as unbelief. Like being a parent, a Christian mentor always holds up the goal and then walks with you towards it. Poor parents are those who give “love, love, love,” and never balance that with self-discipline and hard work—the children are ruined for life by their own selfishness and laziness. Jesus defined our goal as His disciples: Luke 5: 32 I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. That, of course, is the issue I continually have with those of the “liberal Christian” persuasion—they have no fear of sin, for themselves or others. They don’t realize that sin is what truly ails us. This is a hollow gospel 
that allows many to die in their sins. Izzy
John 8:21 Then said Jesus again unto them, I go my way, and ye shall seek me, and shall die in your sins: whither I go, ye cannot come.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Saturday, March 11, 2006 12:05 PMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hu
rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about his relationship with my friend and the fa
ct that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread Dean Moore

cd: Won't you know it-After all that the printer is on the fritz-its the goverments fault too-All those lady Bugs they have dropped out of airplanes have gotten into my printer and gummed it up.Hey I think I just fixed it-maybe-maybe not-nern planes.

- Original Message - 
From: ShieldsFamily 
Sent: 3/12/2006 8:54:21 AM 
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Lance, from the small piece below I’d say Joanna has a heart of gold. I agree that rushing to judgment is one way to chase unbelievers away, and is not what Jesus did except with those who were religious hypocrites. First one must love and befriend, as she obviously does. But, as I told JD, we must also speak truth if we are to be ambassadors of Christ, just as Jesus did. He loved, He befriended, but He never hesitated to call sin a sin because He loved those He befriended enough to want to lead them to freedom from sin, as that is what ultimately will destroy our relationship with Him. That was His entire objective in dying on the cross, of course. Tough love is much harder for us to give than soft love. Tough love isn’t harsh and angry; it is just the kind of love that pulls people towards the truth, even when it is tempting to gloss over the hard issues. Sin is the ele
phant in the room; do we “love” people so much that we pretend it isn’t there, or do we really love them enough to address the obvious? The fleshly Believer takes the easy path of just “loving and being loved,” while the Spirit-filled Believer uses the truths of the Word to deliver the captives from sin as well as unbelief. Like being a parent, a Christian mentor always holds up the goal and then walks with you towards it. Poor parents are those who give “love, love, love,” and never balance that with self-discipline and hard work—the children are ruined for life by their own selfishness and laziness. Jesus defined our goal as His disciples: Luke 5: 32 I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. That, of course, is the issue I continually have with those of the “liberal Christian” persuasion—they have no fear of sin, for themselves or others. They don’t realize that sin is what truly ails us. This is a hollow gospel 
that allows many to die in their sins. Izzy
John 8:21 Then said Jesus again unto them, I go my way, and ye shall seek me, and shall die in your sins: whither I go, ye cannot come.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Saturday, March 11, 2006 12:05 PMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hu
rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about his relationship with my friend and the fa
ct that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread ShieldsFamily

Thanks for the kind words, Brother
Dean. I will pray for us both to live up these words. I suspect you
are better at it than I. izzy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dean Moore
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:43
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

cd: Izzy the beauty in
your words reflect the beauty of your heart.I am printing this for my wife to
read-I haven't done this in a couple of years-but she does read some of our
responses on-line. Thank you for this.I hope I can live up to it-Pray for me sister.

- Original Message - 

From: ShieldsFamily


Sent: 3/12/2006 8:54:21

Subject: RE: [TruthTalk]
Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Lance, from the small piece below
Id say Joanna has a heart of gold. I agree that rushing to judgment
is one way to chase unbelievers away, and is not what Jesus did except with
those who were religious hypocrites. First one must love and befriend, as
she obviously does. But, as I told JD, we must also speak truth if we are
to be ambassadors of Christ, just as Jesus did. He loved, He befriended,
but He never hesitated to call sin a sin because He loved those He befriended
enough to want to lead them to freedom from sin, as that is what ultimately
will destroy our relationship with Him. That was His entire objective in
dying on the cross, of course. Tough love is much harder for us to give than
soft love. Tough love isnt harsh and angry; it is just the kind of
love that pulls people towards the truth, even when it is tempting to gloss
over the hard issues. Sin is the ele phant in the room; do we
love people so much that we pretend it isnt there, or do we
really love them enough to address the obvious? The fleshly Believer takes the
easy path of just loving and being loved, while the Spirit-filled
Believer uses the truths of the Word to deliver the captives from sin as well
as unbelief. Like being a parent, a Christian mentor always holds up the
goal and then walks with you towards it. Poor parents are those who give
love, love, love, and never balance that with self-discipline and
hard workthe children are ruined for life by their own selfishness and
laziness. Jesus defined our goal as His disciples: Luke 5: 32
I came not to call the righteous, but sinners
to repentance. That, of course, is the issue I continually have with
those of the liberal Christian persuasionthey have no fear of sin,
for themselves or others. They dont realize that sin is what truly
ails us. This is a hollow gospel that allows many to die in their sins. Izzy

John 8:21 Then said Jesus again unto them, I go my way, and ye shall seek
me, and shall die in your sins: whither I go, ye cannot come.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006
12:05 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on
initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with
real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live.
In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin
is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such
as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus
always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to
many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies,
religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives
than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that
we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with
others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not
talked about enough. We have many hu rting people in our churches who are
deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than
may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts
and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography,
alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of
Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived
judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of
instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I
actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I
work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about
how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders
himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a
church anymore because of the questions about his relationship with my friend

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread knpraise

Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)
To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hu
rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about h
is relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that story.

What is Joanna saying is learned here and why would one compare openly shacking up publicly while claiming to be a believer with
Job's problems? Job's friends were accusing a "righteous man" who Satan had permission to afflict for a season. Their judgment had no basis so itwas sinful. OTOH fornicators don't inherit God's Kingdom so why would speaking the truth about Joanna's friend's situation be
wrong? It may be offensive to those who are involved with and who like fornicating. Theboyfriend continueson the downwardspiral of sin. He is presentlyhanging on to resentment which will eventually result in bitterness which defiles many others

Another situation I am reminded of is happening in my church right now with a young teenager who is pregnantand has come to our church for shelter.While she loves theLord and clings toHis love at this hard time in her life, she is alsostill involved with her boyfriend outside of marriage right now and realizes her situations are not perfect.I havejustchosen as a youthministryleader to walk beside her, with no judgments given, and just let the Word of the God speak to her and let her makeher choices...letting her know God'sgreat lovejust as sheis. I feel as if as a church,if we come out of the little religious bubble we've allowed ourselves to be in...much awaits us.&
nbsp; Sure lifewill not be black and whitebut it will be interesting and beautiful...asdiverse as each person's dna andpersonality is in these simply unique ways that God does touch and change each life...not in cookie-cutter ways or via textbook answers!I hope this helps somewhat...would love to continue the conversati

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread ShieldsFamily

And how long do you allow Believers to be babes
in Christ, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if
they are continually treated, and fed, like babieson Pablum. Coddling
sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzy

Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal
believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)

To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. 


-- Original message -- 
From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Amen, Judy. Often we blame the
messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the
stony heart of the one who wouldnt receive the message. Hopefully
they wont wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from
fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy Taylor
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Subject: [TruthTalk]
Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on
initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with
real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live.
In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin
is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such
as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus
always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to
many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious
obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer
behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see
these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a
very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked
about enough. We have many hu rting people in our churches who are deeply
addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be
much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and
issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography,
alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of
Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived
judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of
instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I
actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I
work. As we sipped on coffee, her
boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders
himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a
church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my friend
and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his
hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best
discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a
lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him
during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and
loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end
of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God
also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused
him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that story.

What is Joanna saying
is learned here and why would one compare openly shacking up publicly while
claiming to be a believer with

Job's problems?
Job's friends were accusing a righteous man who Satan had
permission to afflict for a season. Their judgment had no basis so
itwas sinful. OTOH fornicators don't inherit God's Kingdom so why would
speaking the truth about Joanna's friend's situation be

wrong? It may be
offensive to those who are involved with and who like fornicating.
Theboyfriend continueson the downwardspiral of sin. He is
presentlyhanging on to resentment which will eventually result in
bitterness which defiles many others

Another situation I am reminded of is happening in my
church right now with a young teenager who is pregnantand has come to our
church for shelter.While
she loves theLord and clings toHis love at this hard time in her
life, she is alsostill involved with her boyfriend outside of marriage
right now and realizes her situations are not perfect.I
havejustchosen as a youthministryleader to walk beside
her, with no judgments given, and just

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread knpraise

There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ - a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still babes. The implication? They have all the time in the world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

And how long do you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)

To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hu
 rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Chri
st but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that story.

What is Joanna saying is learned here and why would one compare openly shacking up publicly while claiming to be a believer with
Job's problems? Job's friends were accusing a "righteous man" who Satan had permission to afflict for a season. Their judgment had no basis so itwas sinful. OTOH fornicators don't inherit God's Kingdom so why would speaking the truth about Joanna's friend's situation be
wrong? It may be offensive to those who are involved with and who like fornicating. Theboyfriend continueson the downwardspiral of sin. He is presentlyhanging on to resentment which will eventually result in bitterness which defiles many othe

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread ShieldsFamily

The implication is that they
should be turned over to satan for the destruction of their flesh if they dont
repent of their sin. (ICor 5:5) iz

Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:50
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there.
Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ
- a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the
way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't
he. Yet, they were still babes. The
implication? They have all the time in the world to get it
right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. 


-- Original message -- 
From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And how long do you allow Believers to be
babes in Christ, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get
delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babieson
Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed
babies. izzy

Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal
believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)

To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. 


-- Original message -- 
From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Amen, Judy. Often we blame the
messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the
stony heart of the one who wouldnt receive the message. Hopefully
they wont wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart
from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy Taylor
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Subject: [TruthTalk]
Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on
initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with
real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live.
In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin
is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such
as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus
always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to
many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies,
religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives
than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that
we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with
others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not
talked about enough. We have many hu rting people in our churches who are
deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may
be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and
issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography,
alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of
Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no
pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A
couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday
when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where
I work. As we sipped on coffee,
her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders
himselfa believer in God and Chri st but would no longergo to a
church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my friend
and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his
hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best
discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a
lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him
during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and
loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end
of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God
also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused
him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that story.

What is Joanna saying
is learned here and why would one compare openly shacking up publicly while
claiming to be a believer with

Job's problems?
Job's friends

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread ttxpress

ftr,the Psalmsspeak of the Blessing 
already found todayby those who take refuge in 'the Lord', but not 
inthose whose 'Coddling sin results 
in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies', e.g.,:

On Sun, 12 Mar 2006 10:01:48 -0600 "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
writes: up these 
  words. I suspect you are better at it than I 

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread Judy Taylor

Where in scripture is the "doctrine of the carnal 
believer" taught JD? Paul mentions
baby believers being afflicted with envyings, strife, 
and divisions in your reference here.
I don't see anything to do with fornication and/or 
addictions though. These are more akin
to the "doctrine of Balaam" Rev 2:14 which is not 
good. How many Israeli men were
slain in one day over this? was it 

On Sun, 12 Mar 2006 17:13:06 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal 
  believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)
  To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. jd
  From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Amen, Judy. 
Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when 
the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the 
message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that 
the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. 

On Behalf Of Judy 
TaylorSent: Sunday, March 
12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: 
TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna 
    Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing 

[TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing 

  Well, since I'm being asked 
  for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the 
  real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more 
  to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including 
  believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, 
  people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to 
  alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked 
  deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such 
  as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious 
  obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than 
  outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that 
  we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing 
  with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked 
  away and not talked about enough. We have many hu rting people in 
  our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian 
  behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to 
  learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people 
  to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual 
  relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian 
  that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived 
  judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple 
  of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday 
  when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank 
  where I work. As we sipped 
  on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to 
  church in Englandandconsiders 
  himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a 
  church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my 
  friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to 
  share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the 
  best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a 
  lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him 
  during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening 
  and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at 
  the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with 
  God but God also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly 
  accused him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that 
  What is Joanna 
  saying is learned here and why would one compare openly shacking up 
  publicly while claiming to be a believer 
  problems? Job's friends were accusing a "righteous man" who Satan 
  had permission to afflict for a season. Their judgment had no basis 
  so itwas sinful. OTOH fornicators don't inherit God's Kingdom so why 
  would speaking the truth about Joanna's friend's situation 
  It may be offensive to those who are involved with and who like 
  fornicating. Theboyfriend continueson the downwardspiral 
  of sin. He is presentlyhanging on to resentment which will 
  eventually result in bitterness which defiles many 
  Another situation I am 

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread Judy Taylor

Right JD, it is tough to argue with scripture when 
you know what it says - such as

"The thought of foolishness is sin and the scorner 
is an abomination to men" (Prov 24:9)
"If thou sayest, Behold we knew it not, doth not he 
that pondereth the heart consider it?
and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? 
and shall not he render to every man
according to his works? Vs.12

Oh that you walked in the wisdom of theauthor 
of Psalm 119 who writes by the Spirit of God:
"My flesh trembleth for fear of thee; and I am 
afraid of thy judgments" (Psalm 119:120) rather
than arguing with the wisdom of God and sliding 
around on the slippery slope

On Sun, 12 Mar 2006 17:49:54 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, 
  Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ - a 
  significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way 
  - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't 
  he. Yet, they were still babes. The 
  implication? They have all the time in the world to get it 
  right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. jd
"ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

And how long do you 
allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They 
will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like 
babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, 
self-absorbed babies. izzy

On Behalf Of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 
AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna 
    Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing 

Like I said before -- there is a place for the 
carnal believer (I Cor 

To deny this is to deny the true gospel of 


  -- Original message -- 
  From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Amen, Judy. 
  Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when 
  the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the 
  message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize 
  that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own 
  sakes. Izzy
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 
  AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna 
  Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing 
  [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing 

Well, since I'm being asked 
for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in 
the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little 
more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, 
including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By 
the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as 
addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus 
always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was 
invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards 
others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder 
to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the 
church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the 
heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level 
which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about 
enough. We have many hu rting people in our churches who are 
deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the 
deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in 
the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It 
is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others 
with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether 
they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into 
my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by 
my friend's fromthe bank where I work. 
As we sipped on coffee, her 
boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in 
himselfa believer in God and Chri 

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread Judy Taylor

BTW did Paul give the Corinthian congregation a 
guarantee that they were all going to make it?
Or are you one of the "Once saved, always saved 
crowd" who has cut Hebrews 6:4-8 our of his Bible JD?

On Sun, 12 Mar 2006 17:49:54 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, 
  Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ - a 
  significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way 
  - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't 
  he. Yet, they were still babes. The 
  implication? They have all the time in the world to get it 
  right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. jd
"ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

And how long do you 
allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They 
will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like 
babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, 
self-absorbed babies. izzy

On Behalf Of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 
AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna 
    Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing 

Like I said before -- there is a place for the 
carnal believer (I Cor 

To deny this is to deny the true gospel of 


  -- Original message -- 
  From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Amen, Judy. 
  Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when 
  the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the 
  message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize 
  that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own 
  sakes. Izzy
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 
  AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna 
      Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing 
  [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing 

Well, since I'm being asked 
for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in 
the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little 
more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, 
including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By 
the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as 
addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus 
always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was 
invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards 
others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder 
to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the 
church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the 
heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level 
which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about 
enough. We have many hu rting people in our churches who are 
deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the 
deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in 
the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It 
is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others 
with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether 
they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into 
my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by 
my friend's fromthe bank where I work. 
As we sipped on coffee, her 
boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in 
himselfa believer in God and Chri st but would no longergo 
to a church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship 
with my friend and the fact that they were living together. 
Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we 
got into one of the best discussionsI've ever had on the book of 
Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his 
well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life 
whenthey should have

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread Dean Moore

- Original Message - 
From: ShieldsFamily 
Sent: 3/12/2006 12:37:10 PM 
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

And how long do you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzy
cd: Izzy- My grandkids love milk but if i don't switch them to meat in time they will die-that is what St.John was speaking of.Christianity is an ongrowing growth religion-If one is static long enought one starts dying.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)

To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hu
 rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Chri
st but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that story.

What is Joanna saying is learned here and why would one compare openly shacking up publicly while claiming to be a believer with
Job's problems? Job's friends were accusing a "righteous man" who Satan had permission to afflict for a season. Their judgment had no basis so itwas sinful. OTOH fornicators don't inherit God's Kingdom so why would speaking the truth about Joanna's friend's situation be
wrong? It may be offensive to those who are involved with and who like fornicating. Theboyfriend continueson the downwardspiral of sin. He is presentlyhanging on to resentment which will eventually result in bitterness which defiles many others

Another situation I am reminded of is happening in

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread Dean Moore

- Original Message - 
From: Judy Taylor 
Sent: 3/12/2006 3:02:03 PM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Where in scripture is the "doctrine of the carnal believer" taught JD?
cd: Here it is Judy-but these guys two-step around this passage.

Rev 3:1 And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. 
Rev 3:2 Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God. 
Rev 3:3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. 
Rev 3:4 Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall 
walk with me in white: for they are worthy. 
Rev 3:5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. 
Rev 3:6 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the church

 Paul mentions
baby believers being afflicted with envyings, strife, and divisions in your reference here.
I don't see anything to do with fornication and/or addictions though. These are more akin
to the "doctrine of Balaam" Rev 2:14 which is not good. How many Israeli men were
slain in one day over this? was it 24,000?

On Sun, 12 Mar 2006 17:13:06 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)
To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. jd

From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hu
 rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about 
h is relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused him. Great victory there and much to be learned fr

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread Judy Taylor

Thanks so much Dean; they are not known as the 
"dancing brotherhood" for nothing ; that's for sure??

On Sun, 12 Mar 2006 16:16:14 -0500 "Dean Moore" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  From: Judy Taylor 

Where in scripture is the "doctrine of the carnal 
believer" taught JD?
cd: Here it is Judy-but these guys two-step 
around this passage.

Rev 3:1 And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These 
things saith he that 
hath the seven 
Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art 
Rev 3:2 Be watchful, and strengthen the things which 
remain that 
are ready to die: 
for I have 
not found thy 
works perfect before God. 
Rev 3:3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come 
on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. 
Rev 3:4 Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy. 
Rev 3:5 He that 
overcometh, the 
same shall be 
clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot 
out his name 
out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. 
Rev 3:6 He that 
hath an ear, 
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the church

 Paul mentions
baby believers being afflicted with envyings, 
strife, and divisions in your reference here.
I don't see anything to do with fornication and/or 
addictions though. These are more akin
to the "doctrine of Balaam" Rev 2:14 which is not 
good. How many Israeli men were
slain in one day over this? was it 

On Sun, 12 Mar 2006 17:13:06 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal 
  believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)
  To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. jd
  From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the 
church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t 
receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day 
to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for 
their own sakes. Izzy

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy 
TaylorSent: Sunday, 
March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna 
    Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing 

[TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on 
believing teens 

  Well, since I'm being 
  asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to 
  live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps 
  listen a little more to others and how they live. In my 
  experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with 
  sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on 
  visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs 
  etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and 
  spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, 
  judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. 
  These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours 
  that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see 
  these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with 
  others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked 
  away and not talked about enough. We have many hu rting people 
  in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian 
  behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, 
  to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause 
  people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, 
  sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of 
  Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no 
  pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or 
  not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right 
  is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her 

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread ShieldsFamily

You do it all the time, though, dont
you? Why did Paul say to turn the fornicator over to satan? Look it up and you
might be surprised. iz

On Sun, 12 Mar 2006 17:49:54 + [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there.
Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ
- a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the
way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't
he. Yet, they were still babes. The
implication? They have all the time in the world to get it
right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. jd

From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

And how long do you allow Believers to be
babes in Christ, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get
delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babieson
Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed
babies. izzy

Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal
believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)

To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. 


-- Original message -- 
From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Amen, Judy. Often we blame the
messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the
stony heart of the one who wouldnt receive the message. Hopefully
they wont wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart
from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy Taylor
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Subject: [TruthTalk]
Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on
initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with
real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live.
In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin
is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such
as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus
always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to
many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies,
religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives
than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that
we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with
others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not
talked about enough. We have many hu rting people in our churches who are
deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than
may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts
and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography,
alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of
Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no
pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A
couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday
when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank
where I work. As we sipped on
coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in
himselfa believer in God and Chri st but would no longergo to a
church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my friend
and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his
hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best
discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a
lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him
during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and
loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end
of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also
invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused him.
Great victory there and much to be learned from that story.

What is Joanna saying
is learned here and why would one compare openly shacking up publicly while
claiming to be a believer with

Job's problems?
Job's friends were accusing a righteous man who Satan had
permission to afflict for a season. Their judgment had no basis so
itwas sinful. OTOH fornicators don't inherit God's Kingdom so why would
speaking the truth about Joanna's friend's situation be

wrong? It may be

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread ShieldsFamily

The only animals Ive ever heard of
who stay on milk are the poor cattle they turn into venisonwhich is why
I wont touch the stuff; its animal abuse. izzy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dean Moore
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 3:12
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

- Original Message - 

From: ShieldsFamily


Sent: 3/12/2006 12:37:10

Subject: RE: [TruthTalk]
Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

And how long do you allow Believers to be
babes in Christ, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get
delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babieson Pablum.
Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzy

cd: Izzy- My
grandkids love milk but if i don't switch them to meat in time they will
die-that is what St.John was speaking of.Christianity is an ongrowing growth
religion-If one is static long enought one starts dying.

Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal
believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)

To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. 


-- Original message -- 
From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Amen, Judy. Often we blame the
messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the
stony heart of the one who wouldnt receive the message. Hopefully
they wont wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart
from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy Taylor
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Subject: [TruthTalk]
Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on
initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with
real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live.
In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin
is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such
as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus
always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to
many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies,
religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives
than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that
we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with
others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not
talked about enough. We have many hu rting people in our churches who are
deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than
may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts
and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography,
alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of
Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no
pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A
couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday
when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank
where I work. As we sipped on
coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in
himselfa believer in God and Chri st but would no longergo to a
church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my friend
and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his
hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best
discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a
lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him
during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and
loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end
of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also
invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused him.
Great victory there and much to be learned from that story.

What is Joanna saying
is learned here and why would one compare openly shacking up publicly while
claiming to be a believer with

Job's problems?
Job's friends were accusing a righteous man who Satan had

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread knpraise

The third chapter refers to the church -- the 5th chapter is speaking of a single member of the church.Next objection. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The “implication” is that they should be turned over to satan for the destruction of their flesh if they don’t repent of their sin. (ICor 5:5) iz

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:50 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ - a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still babes. The implication? They have all the time in the world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
And how long do you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)

To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hu
 rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Chri st but would no longe
rgo to a church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread knpraise

Where? well, for starters, I Co 3:1 ff


Where in scripture is the "doctrine of the carnal believer" taught JD? Paul mentions
baby believers being afflicted with envyings, strife, and divisions in your reference here.
I don't see anything to do with fornication and/or addictions though. These are more akin
to the "doctrine of Balaam" Rev 2:14 which is not good. How many Israeli men were
slain in one day over this? was it 24,000?

On Sun, 12 Mar 2006 17:13:06 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)
To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. jd

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread knpraise

Your comments, Judy, have nothing to do with answering the question asked by Linda Shields. I am thinking my answer is dead on -- what, specifically , is there in that answer with which you disagree? And why?


Right JD, it is tough to argue with scripture when you know what it says - such as

"The thought of foolishness is sin and the scorner is an abomination to men" (Prov 24:9)
"If thou sayest, Behold we knew it not, doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it?
and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man
according to his works? Vs.12

Oh that you walked in the wisdom of theauthor of Psalm 119 who writes by the Spirit of God:
"My flesh trembleth for fear of thee; and I am afraid of thy judgments" (Psalm 119:120) rather
than arguing with the wisdom of God and sliding around on the slippery slope

On Sun, 12 Mar 2006 17:49:54 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ - a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still babes. The implication? They have all the time in the world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. jd

From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

And how long do you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzy

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread knpraise

I do not see the point of moving on until we have dealt with the reality that is I Cor 3:1. You accuse Bill of running home.And I seeiyou as running from one scripture to another - what's the difference in your mind? And while you are at it, will you acknowledge that I Co 3:1 is not talking about the man in I Cor 5 as you seemed to think in the beginning of this thread? 


-- Original message -- From: Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

BTW did Paul give the Corinthian congregation a guarantee that they were all going to make it?
Or are you one of the "Once saved, always saved crowd" who has cut Hebrews 6:4-8 our of his Bible JD?

On Sun, 12 Mar 2006 17:49:54 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ - a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still babes. The implication? They have all the time in the world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. jd

From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

And how long do you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)

To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hu
 rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Chri
 st but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused him. Great victor

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread knpraise

As I said before, you confuse the 3rth chapter with what is going on in the 5th. Why?


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

You do it all the time, though, don’t you? Why did Paul say to turn the fornicator over to satan? Look it up and you might be surprised. iz

On Sun, 12 Mar 2006 17:49:54 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ - a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still babes. The implication? They have all the time in the world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. jd

From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
And how long do you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)

To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hu
 rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Chri st but would no longergo to
 a church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that story.

What is Joanna saying is learned here and why would one compare openly shacking up publicly while claiming to be a believer with
Job's problems? Job's friends were accusing a "righteous man" who Satan had permission to afflict for a season. Their judgment had no basis so itwas sinf

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread Kevin Deegan
1 Co 5:9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicatorsWhich part is hard to understand the N the O or the T ?"As we sipped on coffee"if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.   The N or the O?"He relates a lotto Job"  LOL! a lot? NOT! -
 N or O or T?  Job 1:22  In all this Job sinned notThen we have a declaration, GREAT VICTORY! the Fornicator is STILL a FORNICATOR!  Your kinder gentler Humanistic Religion really works! What a testimony!  Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial
 feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hurting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about his relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into
 one of the best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that story. Another situation I am reminded of is happening in my church right now with a young teenager who is pregnantand has come to our church for shelter.While she loves theLord and clings toHis love at this hard time in her life, she is alsostill involved with her boyfriend outside of marriage right now and realizes her situations are not perfect.I havejustchosen as a
 youthministryleader to walk beside her, with no judgments given, and just let the Word of the God speak to her and let her makeher choices...letting her know God'sgreat lovejust as sheis. I feel as if as a church,if we come out of the little religious bubble we've allowed ourselves to be in...much awaits us. Sure lifewill not be black and whitebut it will be interesting and beautiful...asdiverse as each person's dna andpersonality is in these simply unique ways that God does touch and change each life...not in cookie-cutter ways or via textbook answers!I hope this helps somewhat...would love to continue the conversation!! All the best to all of you...Roll up yoursleeves and get into the amazing mix of life with others...God will popup in the most surprising places!! My e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] if any of you care to contact me at any time! Thank you! 
		Yahoo! Mail
Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail  makes sharing a breeze. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread knpraise

Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your approach to helping the addicted is what, exactly . just send them directly to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem? 


-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
1 Co 5:9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators

Which part is hard to understand the N the O or the T ?

"As we sipped on coffee"

if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. 
The N or the O?

"He relates a lotto Job"
LOL! a lot? NOT! - N or O or T?
Job 1:22  In all this Job sinned not

Then we have a declaration, GREAT VICTORY! the Fornicator is STILL a FORNICATOR!
Your kinder gentler Humanistic Religion really works! What a testimony!
Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hurting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non
-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about his relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the
 best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that story. Another situation I am reminded of is happening in my church right now with a young teenager who is pregnantand has come to our church for shelter.While she loves theLord and clings toHis love at this hard time in her life, she is alsostill involved with her boyfriend outside of marriage right now and realizes her situations are not perfect.I havejustchosen as a youthministryleader to walk beside her, with no judgments given
, and just let the Word of the God speak to her and let her makeher choices...letting her know God'sgreat lovejust as sheis. I feel as if as a church,if we come out of the little religious bubble we've allowed ourselves to be in...much awaits us. Sure lifewill not be black and whitebut it will be interesting and beautiful...asdiverse as each person's dna andpersonality is in these simply unique ways that God does touch and change each life...not in cookie-cutter ways or via textbook answers!I hope this helps somewhat...would love to continue the conversation!! All the best to all of you...Roll up yoursleeves and get into the amazing mix of life with others...God will popup in the most surprising places!! My e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] if any of you care to contact me at any time! Thank you! 

Yahoo! MailBring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread Kevin Deegan
What was it for you the N or the O?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your approach to helping the addicted is what, exactly . just send them directly to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem? jd-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]   1 Co 5:9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with
 fornicatorsWhich part is hard to understand the N the O or the T ?"As we sipped on coffee"if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.   The N or the O?"He relates a lotto Job"  LOL! a lot? NOT! - N or O or T?  Job 1:22  In all this Job sinned notThen we have a declaration, GREAT VICTORY! the Fornicator is STILL a FORNICATOR!  Your kinder gentler Humanistic Religion really works! What a testimony!  Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the
 real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hurting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non -christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen,
 to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about his relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best discussionsI've
 ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that story. Another situation I am reminded of is happening in my church right now with a young teenager who is pregnantand has come to our church for shelter.While she loves theLord and clings toHis love at this hard time in her life, she is alsostill involved with her boyfriend outside of marriage right now and realizes her situations are not perfect.I havejustchosen as a youthministryleader to walk beside her,
 with no judgments given , and just let the Word of the God speak to her and let her makeher choices...letting her know God'sgreat lovejust as sheis. I feel as if as a church,if we come out of the little religious bubble we've allowed ourselves to be in...much awaits us. Sure lifewill not be black and whitebut it will be interesting and beautiful...asdiverse as each person's dna andpersonality is in these simply unique ways that God does touch and change each life...not in cookie-cutter ways or via textbook answers!I hope this helps somewhat...would love to continue the conversation!! All the best to all of you...Roll up yoursleeves and get into the amazing mix of life with others...God will popup in the most surprising places!! My e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] if any of you care to contact me at any
 time! Thank you!   Yahoo! MailBring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze. 
		Yahoo! Mail
Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail  makes sharing a breeze. 

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread ShieldsFamily

Jd, the obvious truth is that the Lord
allows for BABIES in Christ to have a season of growing up. You are far beyond
that point, and look quite ridiculous in diapers. iz

Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 6:54
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

As I said before, you confuse the 3rth chapter with what is going
on in the 5th. Why?


-- Original message -- 
From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

You do it all the time, though,
dont you? Why did Paul say to turn the fornicator over to satan?
Look it up and you might be surprised. iz

On Sun, 12 Mar 2006 17:49:54 + [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there.
Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ
- a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the
way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't
he. Yet, they were still babes. The
implication? They have all the time in the world to get it
right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. jd

From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

And how long do you allow Believers to be
babes in Christ, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get
delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babieson
Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed
babies. izzy

Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal
believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)

To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. 


-- Original message -- 
From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Amen, Judy. Often we blame the
messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the
stony heart of the one who wouldnt receive the message. Hopefully
they wont wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from
fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy Taylor
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Subject: [TruthTalk]
Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on
initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with
real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live.
In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin
is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such
as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus
always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to
many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious
obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer
behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see
these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a
very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked
about enough. We have many hu rting people in our churches who are deeply
addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be
much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and
issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography,
alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of
Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived
judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of
instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I
actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I
work. As we sipped on coffee, her
boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders
himselfa believer in God and Chri st but would no longergo to a
church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my friend
and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his
hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best
discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a
lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him
during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and
loving him andnot judginghim

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread Kevin Deegan
LOL  Have you considered going on tour?ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Jd, the obvious truth is that the Lord allows for BABIES in Christ to have a season of growing up. You are far beyond that point, and look quite ridiculous in diapers. izFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 6:54 PMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens  As I said before, you confuse the 3rth chapter with what is going on in the 5th. Why?jd-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] You do it all the time, though, don’t you? Why did Paul say to turn the fornicator over to satan? Look it up and you might be surprised. izOn Sun, 12 Mar 2006 17:49:54 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:  There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ
 - a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still babes. The implication? They have all the time in the world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. jdFrom: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   And how long do you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzyFrom:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens  Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor
 3:1ff.)To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. jd-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. IzzyFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some
 10 years speaks on believing teensSubject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder
 to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hu rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Chri st but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread Kevin Deegan
Romans 8:6 For to be carnally minded [is] death[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ - a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still babes. The implication? They have all the time in the world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. jd-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   And how long do you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzyFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens  Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. jd-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. IzzyFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teensSubject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as
 self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hu rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when
 I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Chri st but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim.
 Howwonderful at the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that story.What is Joanna saying is learned here and why would one compare openly shacking up publicly while claiming to be a believer with  Job's problems? Job's friends were accusing a "righteous man" who Satan had permission to afflict for a season. Their
 judgment had no basis so itwas sinful. OTOH fornicators don't inherit God's Kingdom so why would speaking the truth about Joanna's friend's situation be  wrong? It may be offensive to those who are involved with and who like fornicating. Theboyfriend continueson

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread Kevin Deegan
1 Co 3:17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroyShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:The “implication” is that they should be turned over to satan for the destruction of their flesh if they don’t repent of their sin. (ICor 5:5) iz 
   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:50 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens  There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ - a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still babes. The implication? They have all the time in the world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. jd-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   And how long do
 you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzyFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens  Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. jd-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily"
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. IzzyFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of
 some 10 years speaks on believing teensSubject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder
 to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hu rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Chri st but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also invites
 him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that story.What is Joanna saying is learned here and w

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread knpraise

And you comment has what to do with my post and the question within: 

Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your approach to helping the addicted is what, exactly . just send them directly to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem? 
I await your answer. 


-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] What was it for you the N or the O?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your approach to helping the addicted is what, exactly . just send them directly to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem? 


-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
1 Co 5:9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators

Which part is hard to understand the N the O or the T ?

"As we sipped on coffee"

if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. 
The N or the O?

"He relates a lotto Job"
LOL! a lot? NOT! - N or O or T?
Job 1:22  In all this Job sinned not

Then we have a declaration, GREAT VICTORY! the Fornicator is STILL a FORNICATOR!
Your kinder gentler Humanistic Religion really works! What a testimony!
Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hurting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non
 -christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about his relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of th
e best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that story. Another situation I am reminded of is happening in my church right now with a young teenager who is pregnantand has come to our church for shelter.While she loves theLord and clings toHis love at this hard time in her life, she is alsostill involved with her boyfriend outside of marriage right now and realizes her situations are not perfect.I havejustchosen as a youthministryleader to walk beside her, with no judgments give
n , and just let the Word of the God speak to her and let her makeher choices...letting her know God'sgreat lovejust as sheis. I feel as if as a church,if we come out of the little religious bubble we've allowed ourselves to be in...much awaits us. Sure lifewill not be black and whitebut it will be interesting and beautiful...asdiverse as each person's dna andpersonality is in these simply unique ways that God does touch and change each life...not in cookie-cutter 

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread knpraise

So how do you reconcile the two passages, Kevin. Its easy to quote scripture. 


-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Romans 8:6 For to be carnally minded [is] death[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ - a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still babes. The implication? They have all the time in the world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

And how long do you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)

To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many 
hu rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Ch
ri st but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that story.

What is Joanna saying is learned here and why would one compare openly shacking up publicly while claiming to be a believer with
Job's problems? Job's friends were accusing a "righteous man" who Satan had permission to afflict for a season. Their judgment had no basis so itwas sinful. OTOH fornicators don't inherit God's Kingdom so why would speaking the truth about Joanna's friend's situation

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread knpraise

Back atcha on that one, Shields. 
Where is that divine time limit? Under the pickle? It sure isn't to be found anywhere else. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Jd, the obvious truth is that the Lord allows for BABIES in Christ to have a season of growing up. You are far beyond that point, and look quite ridiculous in diapers. iz

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 6:54 PMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

As I said before, you confuse the 3rth chapter with what is going on in the 5th. Why?


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

You do it all the time, though, don’t you? Why did Paul say to turn the fornicator over to satan? Look it up and you might be surprised. iz

On Sun, 12 Mar 2006 17:49:54 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ - a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still babes. The implication? They have all the time in the world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. jd

From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
And how long do you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)

To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hu
 rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Chri st but would no longergo to 
a church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job an

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread knpraise

And until that destruction occurs -- God patiently works with those who are in need of Him. So it is that the "babe" in Christ is carnal still and , yet, alive in Christ. All the twisting in the world cannot escape this conclusion. 


-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 Co 3:17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroyShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

The “implication” is that they should be turned over to satan for the destruction of their flesh if they don’t repent of their sin. (ICor 5:5) iz

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:50 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ - a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still babes. The implication? They have all the time in the world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
And how long do you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)

To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many 
hu rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Chri st but would no lon
gergo to a church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwo

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread Kevin Deegan
Sincerity of belief   1) does not excuse DIRECT disobedience of God's command  2) Has been testified by the author to not make any difference the subject is STILL a FORNICATORIs this a COMMAND or an OPTION?  But now I have written unto youNOT to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. EZ 33 And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they sit before thee [as] my people, and they hear thy words, but they will not do them: for with their mouth they shew much love, [but]
 their heart goeth after their covetousness. And, lo, thou [art] unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument: for they hear thy words, but they do them not.   When it is all said and done   Looks like there will be moreSAID then DONE!  Talkers are NOT great DOERS!  Talk is CHEAP!  1 JN My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:And you comment has what to do with my post and the question within: Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the part in the discourse below that presents the
 author's desire, hope and prayer for change in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your approach to helping the addicted is what, exactly . just send them directly to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem?   I await your answer. jd  -- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] What was it for you the N or the O?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change in the lives
 of those whom she is working with? And your approach to helping the addicted is what, exactly . just send them directly to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem? jd-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]   1 Co 5:9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicatorsWhich part is hard to understand the N the O or the T ?"As we sipped on coffee"if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.   The N or the O?"He relates a lotto Job"  LOL! a lot? NOT! - N or O or T?  Job 1:22  In all this Job sinned notThen we have a declaration, GREAT VICTORY! the Fornicator is
 STILL a FORNICATOR!  Your kinder gentler Humanistic Religion really works! What a testimony!  Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as
 self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hurting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non -christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when
 I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about his relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of th e best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at 

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread Kevin Deegan
The fulfillment of Romans 8:6 to be carnally minded is DEATH?  It is He who defiles the Temple of God will be DESTROYED  That is easy to grasp, there is an abscense of NO. That nasty ugly word that just gets in the way, and is so hard to understand.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:So how do you reconcile the two passages, Kevin. Its easy to quote scripture. jd-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Romans 8:6 For to be carnally minded [is] death[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ - a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still babes. The implication? They have all the time in the world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. jd-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   And how long do you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzyFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens  Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor
 3:1ff.)To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. jd-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. IzzyFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing
 teensSubject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than
 outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hu rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we
 sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Ch ri st but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also invites him to pray for
 the very friends that incessantly accused him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that story.What is Joanna saying is learned here and why would one compar

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread Kevin Deegan
So you call posting a scripture "Twisting"???LOL1 Co 3:17 Does NOT fit your description of "ALL the twisting IN THE WORLD"!  That is the Power of God's word, JD thinks this one verse contains ALL the twisting IN THE WORLD  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:And until that destruction occurs -- God patiently works with those who are in need of Him. So it is that the "babe" in Christ is carnal still and , yet, alive in Christ. All the twisting in the world cannot escape this conclusion. jd-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 Co 3:17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroyShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The “implication” is that they should be turned over to satan for the destruction of their flesh if they don’t repent of their sin. (ICor 5:5) iz 
   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:50 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens  There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ - a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still babes. The implication? They have all the time in the world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. jd-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   And how long do
 you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzyFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens  Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. jd-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily"
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. IzzyFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of
 some 10 years speaks on believing teens Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder
 to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hu rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Chri st but would no lon gergo to a church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my friend and the fact that the

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread Kevin Deegan
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:And until that destruction occurs -- God patiently works with those who are in need of Him. So it is that the "babe" in Christ is carnal still and , yet, alive in Christ. All the twisting in the world cannot
 escape this conclusion. jd-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 Co 3:17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroyShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
   The “implication” is that they should be turned over to satan for the
 destruction of their flesh if they don’t repent of their sin. (ICor 5:5) izFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:50 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens  There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ - a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still babes. The implication?
 They have all the time in the world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. jd-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily"
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   And how long do you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzyFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens  Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. jd-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. IzzyFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible
 sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hu rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open
 attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandcons

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread knpraise

still didn't answer my question. Obviously you can't. end of story.


-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sincerity of belief 
1) does not excuse DIRECT disobedience of God's command
2) Has been testified by the author to not make any difference the subject is STILL a FORNICATOR

Is this a COMMAND or an OPTION?
But now I have written unto youNOT to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. 

EZ 33 And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they sit before thee [as] my people, and they hear thy words, but they will not do them: for with their mouth they shew much love, [but] their heart goeth after their covetousness. And, lo, thou [art] unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument: for they hear thy words, but they do them not. 
When it is all said and done 
Looks like there will be moreSAID then DONE!
Talkers are NOT great DOERS!
Talk is CHEAP!
1 JN My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

And you comment has what to do with my post and the question within: 

Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your approach to helping the addicted is what, exactly . just send them directly to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem? 
I await your answer. 


-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] What was it for you the N or the O?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Hey, Kev -- did you somehow miss the part in the discourse below that presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change in the lives of those whom she is working with? And your approach to helping the addicted is what, exactly . just send them directly to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of Jerusalem? 


-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
1 Co 5:9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators

Which part is hard to understand the N the O or the T ?

"As we sipped on coffee"

if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. 
The N or the O?

"He relates a lotto Job"
LOL! a lot? NOT! - N or O or T?
Job 1:22  In all this Job sinned not

Then we have a declaration, GREAT VICTORY! the Fornicator is STILL a FORNICATOR!
Your kinder gentler Humanistic Religion really works! What a testimony!
Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hurting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non
 -christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about his relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of th
 e best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a 

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread knpraise

And, agaain, you fail to answer my question. Your comment below makes meaningless the comments found in I Cor 3:1ff and Paul is a liar. I am not going to beg for an answer. I will just assume the obvious and move on to the next question. 

-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
The fulfillment of Romans 8:6 to be carnally minded is DEATH?
It is He who defiles the Temple of God will be DESTROYED
That is easy to grasp, there is an abscense of NO. That nasty ugly word that just gets in the way, and is so hard to understand.

So how do you reconcile the two passages, Kevin. Its easy to quote scripture. 


-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Romans 8:6 For to be carnally minded [is] death[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ - a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still babes. The implication? They have all the time in the world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

And how long do you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)

To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many 
hu rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Ch
 ri st but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about h is relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end of the b

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-12 Thread knpraise

I Cor 3:1ff and the fact that carnal believers exist and are recognized by Paul. 
Your seeming denial of this iwas my point in the previous post. 


-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
So you call posting a scripture "Twisting"???

LOL1 Co 3:17 Does NOT fit your description of "ALL the twisting IN THE WORLD"!
That is the Power of God's word, JD thinks this one verse contains ALL the twisting IN THE WORLD

And until that destruction occurs -- God patiently works with those who are in need of Him. So it is that the "babe" in Christ is carnal still and , yet, alive in Christ. All the twisting in the world cannot escape this conclusion. 


-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 Co 3:17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroyShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

The “implication” is that they should be turned over to satan for the destruction of their flesh if they don’t repent of their sin. (ICor 5:5) iz

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:50 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

There is no time limit in the scriptures, is there. Further, Paul certainly thought that the carnal babe in Christ - a significant portion of the Corinthian congregation, by the way - had been around long enough to have moved on, didn't he. Yet, they were still babes. The implication? They have all the time in the world to get it right. Tough to argue with scripture, isn't it. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
And how long do you allow Believers to be “babes in Christ”, jd? Until the day they die? They will never get delivered if they are continually treated, and fed, like babies—on Pablum. Coddling sin results in spineless, wimpy, self-absorbed babies. izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:13 AMTo:; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Like I said before -- there is a place for the carnal believer (I Cor 3:1ff.)

To deny this is to deny the true gospel of Christ. 


-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Amen, Judy. Often we blame the messenger when someone runs away from the church, when the fault lies in the stony heart of the one who wouldn’t receive the message. Hopefully they won’t wait until Judgment Day to realize that the message to depart from fornication was spoken for their own sakes. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:24 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many 
hu rting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders him

RE: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-11 Thread ShieldsFamily

Im not going to read this if you
cant identify the writeriz

Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006
12:05 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Joanna
Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on
initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with
real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live.
In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin
is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such
as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus
always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to
many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies,
religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives
than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that
we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with
others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not
talked about enough. We have many hurting people in our churches who are
deeply addicted to many non-christian behaviours...but rather than
may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts
and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography,
alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of
Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no
pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A
couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday
when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank
where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk
about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders
himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a
church anymore because of the questions about his relationship with my friend
and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his
hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best
discussionsI've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a
lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him
during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and
loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end
of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God
also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused
him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that story.
Another situation I am reminded of is happening in my church right now with a
young teenager who is pregnantand has come to our church for
shelter.While she loves theLord and clings toHis love
at this hard time in her life, she is alsostill involved with her
boyfriend outside of marriage right now and realizes her situations are not
perfect.I havejustchosen as a youthministryleader
to walk beside her, with no judgments given, and just let the Word of the God
speak to her and let her makeher choices...letting her know
God'sgreat lovejust as sheis. I feel as if as a church,if
we come out of the little religious bubble we've allowed ourselves to be
in...much awaits us. Sure lifewill not be black and whitebut
it will be interesting and beautiful...asdiverse as each person's dna
andpersonality is in these simply unique ways that God does touch
and change each life...not in cookie-cutter ways or via textbook
answers!I hope this helps somewhat...would love to continue the
conversation!! All the best to all of you...Roll up yoursleeves and
get into the amazing mix of life with others...God will popup in the most
surprising places!! My e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
if any of you care to contact me at any time! Thank you! 

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-11 Thread ttxpress

the writer

On Sat, 11 Mar 2006 15:18:15 -0600 "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  Im not going to read 
  this if you cant identify the writeriz
  On Behalf Of Lance 
  MuirSent: Saturday, March 
  11, 2006 12:05 PMTo: 
  TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - 
  friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 
  Well, since I'm being asked for a 
  response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real 

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-11 Thread knpraise

Gary Ottoson -- you are a cotton-pickin genius !!


-- Original message -- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

interesting--evidencesuggestsyou'rereadg'SCRIPTURE'withoutknowing the writer

On Sat, 11 Mar 2006 15:18:15 -0600 "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I’m not going to read this if you can’t identify the writer…iz

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Saturday, March 11, 2006 12:05 PMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world

Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

2006-03-11 Thread knpraise

Thanks Lance. We can either drive them out into the streets or nurture the babe in Christ until sanctification reaches full bloom. God bless Joanna Williams. 


-- Original message -- From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Well, since I'm being asked for a response on initial feeling is that we need to live in the real world having contact with real people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live. In my experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle with sin is common. By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins such as addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe Jesus always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was invisible to many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others, jealousies, religious obsession. etc. These are way harder to weed out of our lives than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much. I pray that we may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and dealing with others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked away and not talked about enough. We have many hurting people in our churches who are deeply addicted to many non
-christian behaviours...but rather than may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out the deeper rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the worlds of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc. It is so important to be the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open attitude and no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church or not. A couple of instancespop into my mind right is from last Saturday when I actually popped by my friend's fromthe bank where I work. As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk about how he used to go to church in Englandandconsiders himselfa believer in God and Christ but would no longergo to a church anymore because of the questions about his relationship with my friend and the fact that they were living together. Hebegan to share his hurts about this situation andthen we got into one of the best discussions
I've ever had on the book of Job. He relates a lotto Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends brought to him during a rough time in his life whenthey should have been listening and loving him andnot judginghim. Howwonderful at the end of the book whenJob not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also invites him to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused him. Great victory there and much to be learned from that story. Another situation I am reminded of is happening in my church right now with a young teenager who is pregnantand has come to our church for shelter.While she loves theLord and clings toHis love at this hard time in her life, she is alsostill involved with her boyfriend outside of marriage right now and realizes her situations are not perfect.I havejustchosen as a youthministryleader to walk beside her, with no judgments given, and just let the Word of the God
 speak to her and let her makeher choices...letting her know God'sgreat lovejust as sheis. I feel as if as a church,if we come out of the little religious bubble we've allowed ourselves to be in...much awaits us. Sure lifewill not be black and whitebut it will be interesting and beautiful...asdiverse as each person's dna andpersonality is in these simply unique ways that God does touch and change each life...not in cookie-cutter ways or via textbook answers!I hope this helps somewhat...would love to continue the conversation!! All the best to all of you...Roll up yoursleeves and get into the amazing mix of life with others...God will popup in the most surprising places!! My e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] if any of you care to contact me at any time! Thank you!