[tryton] display field of parent class/object in child view

2016-04-15 Thread Vincent Bastos

I was wondering how it's possible to display a field of a parent 
class/object in the view of the child.

By parent class/object I mean an parent related by a Many2One field.

Vincent Bastos
Lava Lab Software
website: www.lavalab.com.au

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[tryton] Configuration error

2016-04-15 Thread Alan Langford
I'm trying to set up tryton on CENTOS7 with MariaDB. I installed tryton 
with PIP. No modules are installed.

I have set up a database "trytondb" and a user of the same name. 

My database URI is (password replaced)

uri = mysql://trytondb:long_alphanumeric_pass@localhost:3306/

I've verified that I can connect to the database in a PHP script.

When I run tryton I get this error

$ trytond -c /etc/trytond/trytond.conf -d trytondb --all
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/trytond", line 80, in 
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/trytond/server.py", line 84, 
in run
with Transaction().start(db_name, 0) as transaction:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/trytond/transaction.py", 
line 75, in start
Database = backend.get('Database')
"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/trytond/backend/__init__.py", line 
30, in get
ep, = pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('trytond.backend', db_type)
ValueError: need more than 0 values to unpack

Any advice as to what I've got wrong here is much appreciated.

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Re: [tryton-es] Crear sugerencias en pootle

2016-04-15 Thread Jordi Esteve

El 15/04/16 a les 14:34, Sergi Almacellas Abellana ha escrit:


A ver si alguien me puede hechar una mano. Por lo que veo, en 
pootle.tryton.org solo tengo permisos para trabajar con el idoma 
catalan, pero no puedo hacer sugerencias para el Idioma castellano.

Alguien me puede habilitar dichos permisos?

Alguien mas tiene el mismo problema?

Que extraño, creía que por defecto todo el mundo podía hacer sugerencia 
para el idioma castellano (de España). Sergi, te acabo de dar permisos 
para hacer sugerencias, revisar sugerencias y hacer traducciones 
directamente para el idioma castellano (de España), a ver si ahora puedes.

Están todas hechas, supongo que querrás revisar alguna.

Jordi Esteve
Consultor Zikzakmedia SL
Mòbil 679 170 693

Zikzakmedia SL
St. Jaume, 9, baixos, 2a
08720 Vilafranca del Penedès
Tel 93 890 2108

[tryton-es] Ayuda con Query en Tryton

2016-04-15 Thread Eduardo862005 eduardo862005
Tengo un problema que no pasa en ot6ros lenguajes con consultas sobre el 
el entorno es: Python con Tryton y motor PostgreSQL
la consulta la hago en una pantalla con salida a un informe:

class InvoicesRangeReport(Report):
__name__ = 'invoices_range_report'

def parse(cls, report, objects, data, localcontext):


def consulta1():
cursor = Transaction().cursor
cursor.execute("DROP TABLE mivista3")

def consulta2():
query = """CREATE TABLE mivista3 AS
SELECT a.number AS factu,a.invoice_date,e.name AS osoc, 
e.alias AS descrip,d.product,d.servicio,  AS cant,
d.monto AS valor,d.id,d.invoice_line,00 AS total,
00 AS totfc,d.prefactura
FROM account_invoice a 
INNER JOIN alpi_prefactura c ON a.id=c.invoice  
INNER JOIN alpi_prefactura_line d ON c.id=d.prefactura 
INNER JOIN party_party e ON a.party=e.id 
WHERE invoice_date >= '%s' AND invoice_date >= '%s' AND 
d.invoice_line >0
ORDER BY product,monto"""% (str(data['desde']), 
cursor = Transaction().cursor

def consulta3():
query = """SELECT factu, invoice_date AS fecha, osoc, descrip,
servicio,COUNT(product) AS canti,valor,COUNT(product)*valor 
AS totfc,
FROM mivista3
GROUP BY factu,invoice_date,osoc,descrip,
ORDER BY product""" 
cursor = Transaction().cursor

lista = cursor.fetchone()

localcontext['account_invoices'] = lista
return super(InvoicesRangeReport, cls).parse(report, objects,
data, localcontext)

por lo que se ve la sintaxis esta correcta, pero no puede crear una tabla, 
para mi es inexplicable
deberia haber una manera de generar un cursor, cosa que no encuentro en 

eduardo martinez

[tryton] Error tryton tests when expected and got are the same

2016-04-15 Thread Raimon Esteve

I try to run sale tests. I get this message:

line 163, in scenario_sale.rst
Failed example:

Why? I review and I don't found a blank space.


line 122, in scenario_move_template.rst
Failed example:
u'Supplier - Test'
u'Supplier - Test'

Detected run tryton tests with python and PyPy.



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Re: [tryton] Downloading translations from pootle

2016-04-15 Thread Cédric Krier
On 2016-04-15 13:33, Sergi Almacellas Abellana wrote:
> Hi,
> I've all the Strings for catalan and Spanish in pootle translated (Thanks
> Jordi and all how contributed), so I developed some script to get all the
> translations on a local instance so I can test that all are correct.
> I attach this script so if somebody finds it usefull. The usage is quite
> easy:
> python pootle2tryton.py locale environment_directory
> For example:
> python pootle2tryton.py ca_ES . (from environemt root)
> python pootle2tryton.py es_ES /home/sergi/trytond/
> Hope it helps!

Maybe you could make a review for tryton-tools.

Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
Email/Jabber: cedric.kr...@b2ck.com
Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
Website: http://www.b2ck.com/

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Re: [tryton] Downloading translations from pootle

2016-04-15 Thread Raimon Esteve
2016-04-15 13:33 GMT+02:00 Sergi Almacellas Abellana :
> Hi,
> I've all the Strings for catalan and Spanish in pootle translated (Thanks
> Jordi and all how contributed), so I developed some script to get all the
> translations on a local instance so I can test that all are correct.
> I attach this script so if somebody finds it usefull. The usage is quite
> easy:
> python pootle2tryton.py locale environment_directory
> For example:
> python pootle2tryton.py ca_ES . (from environemt root)
> python pootle2tryton.py es_ES /home/sergi/trytond/
> Hope it helps!

I'm sure! Great job! thanks


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Re: [tryton-es] Crear sugerencias en pootle

2016-04-15 Thread Raimon Esteve
2016-04-15 14:34 GMT+02:00 Sergi Almacellas Abellana :
> Hola,
> A ver si alguien me puede hechar una mano. Por lo que veo, en
> pootle.tryton.org solo tengo permisos para trabajar con el idoma catalan,
> pero no puedo hacer sugerencias para el Idioma castellano.
> Alguien me puede habilitar dichos permisos?
> Alguien mas tiene el mismo problema?

Que no sea algo relacionado con (1)

A ver si Jordi, que tiene permisos, te puede dar permisos.

(1) https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tryton-dev/DxsmTK9YSwk


[tryton-es] Crear sugerencias en pootle

2016-04-15 Thread Sergi Almacellas Abellana


A ver si alguien me puede hechar una mano. Por lo que veo, en 
pootle.tryton.org solo tengo permisos para trabajar con el idoma 
catalan, pero no puedo hacer sugerencias para el Idioma castellano.

Alguien me puede habilitar dichos permisos?

Alguien mas tiene el mismo problema?

Muchas gràcias.
Sergi Almacellas Abellana
Twitter: @pokoli_srk

[tryton] Downloading translations from pootle

2016-04-15 Thread Sergi Almacellas Abellana


I've all the Strings for catalan and Spanish in pootle translated 
(Thanks Jordi and all how contributed), so I developed some script to 
get all the translations on a local instance so I can test that all are 

I attach this script so if somebody finds it usefull. The usage is quite 

python pootle2tryton.py locale environment_directory

For example:

python pootle2tryton.py ca_ES . (from environemt root)
python pootle2tryton.py es_ES /home/sergi/trytond/

Hope it helps!
Sergi Almacellas Abellana
Twitter: @pokoli_srk

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import os
import requests
import StringIO
from optparse import OptionParser
from zipfile import ZipFile

import polib

from trytond.ir.translation import TrytonPOFile

class PootlePoFile(TrytonPOFile):

def obsolete_entries(self):
# Don't import obsolete entries, leave them in pootle
return []

def main(lang, directory):
url = 'https://pootle.tryton.org/export/?path=/%s/tryton/' % locale
r = requests.get(url, stream=True)
zipfile = ZipFile(StringIO.StringIO(r.content))
for file_name in zipfile.namelist():
name = file_name.split('/')[-1][:-3]
pofile = polib.pofile(zipfile.open(file_name).read().decode('utf-8'),
pofile.metadata = {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',

if name == 'tryton':
output = os.path.join(
directory, 'tryton', 'tryton', 'data', 'locale',
lang, 'LC_MESSAGES', 'tryton.po')
elif name == 'sao':
output = os.path.join(
directory, 'sao', 'locale', lang + '.po')
elif name in ['ir', 'res']:
output = os.path.join(
directory, 'trytond', 'trytond',
name, 'locale', lang + '.po')
output = os.path.join(
directory, 'trytond', 'trytond', 'modules',
name, 'locale', lang + '.po')
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(output)):
with open(output, 'w') as f:

if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = OptionParser('%prog locale tryton_directory')

_, args = parser.parse_args()

if not len(args) == 2:
parser.error('Missing arguments')
locale, directory = args
main(locale, directory)

Aw: Re: [tryton] Work cost on production_work module

2016-04-15 Thread Axel Braun

> Gesendet: Freitag, 15. April 2016 um 04:24 Uhr
> Von: "Cédric Krier" 
> An: tryton@googlegroups.com
> Betreff: Re: [tryton] Work cost on production_work module
> On 2016-04-14 20:34, Sergi Almacellas Abellana wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm testing the new production_work module and I see that the cicles cost is
> > not added to the output unit price automatically [1], so if it is not added
> > manually you can not finish the production due to uneven costs.
> > 
> > So I'm wondering why we force the user to manually enter the cost on outputs
> > if we can automatically add them when the production is done.
> Because we don't know the cost of the cycle in advance and we don't
> really know the part of the cost to add which comes from the cycle and
> not from other changes.

What about the use of standard costs for certain operations?

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Re: [tryton-dev] Re: Need some Windows/Excel test for issue5361

2016-04-15 Thread Raimon Esteve
> > About UTC, export date in UTC's SERVER not use UTC's local PC.
> There is only one UTC. Any way, I already explain why we use UTC above.
> > About decimal point may be can get it before to export CSV in same
> wizard.
> I think this is the same topic as for UTC. We use universal
> representation to be unambiguous.

I agree not use default values  and replace to use company language or user

After export CSV file, usually user open csv file with a speesheet. And
conversion language, is very important to open this file.

About custom developments, we force export CSV data according user
language. For example, about point or comma in decimal fields:

from babel.numbers import format_decimal

 format_decimal(f['list_price_min_rival'] or 0.0, locale=locale),



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