Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Snowflake: An update and some very important information

2010-11-10 Thread Tom van der Woerdt
1) Please don't, I don't want to have to convert everything back to
integers within my code. I consider the string representation a hack
around some issues with certain programming languages, and not an
optimal solution. Wouldn't want this to become the default option.

2) No


On 11/11/10 6:34 AM, SM wrote:
> Hello. Couple questions:
> 1.) Are you planning on eventually eliminating the integer
> representation and only using strings for id's?
> 2.) If an application doesn't use Javascript to parse JSON (for
> example, YAJL-OBJC and NSNumbers in Obj-C), is it necessary to make
> any changes at all?
> Thanks.
> On Oct 19, 3:52 pm, Matt Harris  wrote:
>> Hey everyone,
>> Thank you to all of you for your questions, patience and contributions to
>> this thread.  Hearing your views and knowing how you use the API helps us
>> provide more information where there wasn't enough, and clarify details
>> where there was ambiguity.
>> I've collated the questions i've received from you directly, over Twitter to
>> @twitterapi and through this list.  I hope the comments below provide enough
>> information to answer those questions and explain the reasoning being our
>> decisions.
>> Thanks for your support and patience,
>> @themattharris
>> 1) Will also include id_str and
>> in_reply_to_status_id_str?
>> Yes, Search will include the String representations of those IDs.
>> 2) Which fields are affected by this change?
>> All IDs which are transmitted as Integers will have a String representation
>> in the API response. Only Tweet IDs (which includes mentions and retweets)
>> will be moving to new Snowflake IDs. Messages (DMs), Saved Searches and
>> Users may change to a Snowflake ID scheme in the future but this isn’t
>> planned for this year.
>> We are adding String representations of the Integer IDs now so you can
>> update all of your code to use the String representations throughout. to
>> allow developers to make the change now for all the ID fields and be
>> prepared should any other IDs break the 53bit boundary.
>> 3) Which fields will have String representations?
>> The fields which will have String representations are:
>> id (DM, Saved Search, User, List )
>> in_reply_to_status_id
>> in_reply_to_user_id
>> new_id (Streaming only. Will be removed when Snowflake is enabled)
>> current_user_retweet_id (When include_my_retweet=1 is passed)
>> 4) Can you provide a complete Tweet example with Snowflake ID to test?
>> [{"coordinates":null,"truncated":false,"created_at":"Thu Oct 14 22:20:15
>> +
>> 2010","favorited":false,"entities":{"urls":[],"hashtags":[],"user_mentions" 
>> :[{"name":"Matt
>> Harris","id":777925,"id_str":"777925","indices":[0,14],"screen_name":"thema 
>> ttharris"}]},"text":"@themattharris
>> hey how are
>> things?","annotations":null,"contributors":[{"id":819797,"id_str":"819797", 
>> "screen_name":"episod"}],"id":10765432100123456789,"id_str":"10765432100123 
>> 456789","retweet_count":0,"geo":null,"retweeted":false,"in_reply_to_user_id 
>> ":777925,"in_reply_to_user_id_str":"777925","in_reply_to_screen_name":"them 
>> attharris","user":{"id":6253282,"id_str":"6253282"},"source":"web","place": 
>> null,"in_reply_to_status_id":10586268426842688951,"in_reply_to_status_id_st 
>> r":"10586268426842688951"}]
>> 5) What is happening with new_id in the Streaming API?
>> new_id and new_id_str will be switched off when or soon after Snowflake is
>> enabled on November 4th.
>> 6) Why not restrict IDs to 53bits?
>> A Snowflake ID is composed:
>>  * 41bits for millisecond precision time (69 years)
>>  * 10bits for a configured machine identity (1024 machines)
>>  * 12bits for a sequence number (4096 per machine)
>> The factor influencing the length of the ID is the time. For a 53bit ID this
>> would mean only 31bits are available for the time. 31bits is only enough for
>> 24 days (2147483648/(1000*60*60*24)) of time.
>> Reducing the resolution of the timestamp would prevent a K-sorted resolution
>> of 1 second or less.
>> Reducing the configured machine identity or sequence number by 1bit would
>> mean we couldn’t scale Twitter, or operate our infrastructure in an
>> uncoordinated high-available way.
>> 7) When will the 53bit Integer overflow happen?
>> 24 days after Snowflake starts counting.
>> 8) Is it safe to parse and store IDs as signed 64bit Integers?
>> Yes.
>> 9) Why offer both the String and Integer versions of the ID?
>> The String representation is needed to ensure languages which cannot convert
>> the >53bit Integer can still use the ID in other API requests.
>> The Integer value is being retained for languages which can handle 
>> numbers>53bit and to prevent applications which have not converted from being
>> cut-off from Twitter.
>>  10) When ID is null what will the _str representation be?
>> The _str representation will also be null.
>> 11) Did you really mean ‘unsigned’ 64bit Int

Re: [twitter-dev] Identify Suspended Accounts

2010-11-10 Thread Tim Haines
Hey Dusty,

It's currently assigned to @al3x, I'm sure he'll get to it some day.  ;-)

I have a list of about 28k suspended ids or deleted accounts, out of around
8m I have on file.  I'm pretty sure there's maybe 5% or so false positives
in there, as accounts become unsuspended but I don't have an automatic
process in place checking for that.  The 5% guess is based on a manual check
about a month ago.

I'd be happy to share this list with you if Twitter's not going to provide
something themselves.  Perhaps we could swap ids..



On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 11:12 AM, DustyReagan  wrote:

> If memory serves, Twitter is still returning suspended accounts in the
> followers API calls. I try to identify and mark these users in my own
> database so I don't display them to my end user, however this is a
> difficult and resource intensive task. One in which I have to worry
> about false positives.
> Does anyone know of a service that is simply a reliable ever updating
> giant list of suspended accounts that I can rub against my database to
> clean it?
> Alternatively, if the API would stop returning suspended accounts in
> the follow data, I could skip this data cleanup step. ;) This has been
> an issue for at least a year and a half now.
> --
> Twitter developer documentation and resources:
> API updates via Twitter:
> Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> Change your membership to this group:

Twitter developer documentation and resources:
API updates via Twitter:
Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
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[twitter-dev] Re: Snowflake: An update and some very important information

2010-11-10 Thread SM
Hello. Couple questions:

1.) Are you planning on eventually eliminating the integer
representation and only using strings for id's?

2.) If an application doesn't use Javascript to parse JSON (for
example, YAJL-OBJC and NSNumbers in Obj-C), is it necessary to make
any changes at all?


On Oct 19, 3:52 pm, Matt Harris  wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> Thank you to all of you for your questions, patience and contributions to
> this thread.  Hearing your views and knowing how you use the API helps us
> provide more information where there wasn't enough, and clarify details
> where there was ambiguity.
> I've collated the questions i've received from you directly, over Twitter to
> @twitterapi and through this list.  I hope the comments below provide enough
> information to answer those questions and explain the reasoning being our
> decisions.
> Thanks for your support and patience,
> @themattharris
> 1) Will also include id_str and
> in_reply_to_status_id_str?
> Yes, Search will include the String representations of those IDs.
> 2) Which fields are affected by this change?
> All IDs which are transmitted as Integers will have a String representation
> in the API response. Only Tweet IDs (which includes mentions and retweets)
> will be moving to new Snowflake IDs. Messages (DMs), Saved Searches and
> Users may change to a Snowflake ID scheme in the future but this isn’t
> planned for this year.
> We are adding String representations of the Integer IDs now so you can
> update all of your code to use the String representations throughout. to
> allow developers to make the change now for all the ID fields and be
> prepared should any other IDs break the 53bit boundary.
> 3) Which fields will have String representations?
> The fields which will have String representations are:
> id (DM, Saved Search, User, List )
> in_reply_to_status_id
> in_reply_to_user_id
> new_id (Streaming only. Will be removed when Snowflake is enabled)
> current_user_retweet_id (When include_my_retweet=1 is passed)
> 4) Can you provide a complete Tweet example with Snowflake ID to test?
> [{"coordinates":null,"truncated":false,"created_at":"Thu Oct 14 22:20:15
> +
> 2010","favorited":false,"entities":{"urls":[],"hashtags":[],"user_mentions" 
> :[{"name":"Matt
> Harris","id":777925,"id_str":"777925","indices":[0,14],"screen_name":"thema 
> ttharris"}]},"text":"@themattharris
> hey how are
> things?","annotations":null,"contributors":[{"id":819797,"id_str":"819797", 
> "screen_name":"episod"}],"id":10765432100123456789,"id_str":"10765432100123 
> 456789","retweet_count":0,"geo":null,"retweeted":false,"in_reply_to_user_id 
> ":777925,"in_reply_to_user_id_str":"777925","in_reply_to_screen_name":"them 
> attharris","user":{"id":6253282,"id_str":"6253282"},"source":"web","place": 
> null,"in_reply_to_status_id":10586268426842688951,"in_reply_to_status_id_st 
> r":"10586268426842688951"}]
> 5) What is happening with new_id in the Streaming API?
> new_id and new_id_str will be switched off when or soon after Snowflake is
> enabled on November 4th.
> 6) Why not restrict IDs to 53bits?
> A Snowflake ID is composed:
>  * 41bits for millisecond precision time (69 years)
>  * 10bits for a configured machine identity (1024 machines)
>  * 12bits for a sequence number (4096 per machine)
> The factor influencing the length of the ID is the time. For a 53bit ID this
> would mean only 31bits are available for the time. 31bits is only enough for
> 24 days (2147483648/(1000*60*60*24)) of time.
> Reducing the resolution of the timestamp would prevent a K-sorted resolution
> of 1 second or less.
> Reducing the configured machine identity or sequence number by 1bit would
> mean we couldn’t scale Twitter, or operate our infrastructure in an
> uncoordinated high-available way.
> 7) When will the 53bit Integer overflow happen?
> 24 days after Snowflake starts counting.
> 8) Is it safe to parse and store IDs as signed 64bit Integers?
> Yes.
> 9) Why offer both the String and Integer versions of the ID?
> The String representation is needed to ensure languages which cannot convert
> the >53bit Integer can still use the ID in other API requests.
> The Integer value is being retained for languages which can handle 
> numbers>53bit and to prevent applications which have not converted from being
> cut-off from Twitter.
>  10) When ID is null what will the _str representation be?
> The _str representation will also be null.
> 11) Did you really mean ‘unsigned’ 64bit Integer?
> Strictly speaking the Snowflake is a signed 64bit long under the hood. That
> being said, we will never use the negative bit and won’t require the full
> 64bits for positive numbers for about 69 years:
> 12) Why not make the strings opt-in?
> We did consider this as an option but decided against it for a number of
> reasons. The first reason is that th

[twitter-dev] Re: Oauth "Incorrect Signature" or "Could not authenticate" error

2010-11-10 Thread DavidD
Thanks!   This helped.

I was adding the optional param PAGE=x (where x is a number) on the
url for gets.  And it wasn't being sorted.

So the only problem I have left is why when I do a Http POST through
Indy components to do a delete like
with the parameters being passed to the post.

If I take this url and the parameters out and use Fiddler, it deletes
However it gives a 401 in my app.
In the app, I'm setting the contenttype as 'application/x-www-form-
urlencoded' this is correct from what I know.
using Indy Components V10

What could I be doing wrong?


On Nov 10, 3:30 am, Tom van der Woerdt  wrote:
> Looks like a Base String issue.
> Please check your Base String at .
> Tom
> On 11/10/10 12:55 AM, DavidD wrote:
> > On a get of the DIRECT MESSAGES (response)
> > 
> >   Incorrect signature
> >   /1/direct_messages.xml?
> > page=1&oauth_consumer_key=XX&oauth_nonce=9F8A26E63EE0F990765DBA­32C5B67F60&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-
> > SHA1&oauth_signature=IXRybwcP7Z5Wt3IRcFxW1FOjhGo
> > %3D&oauth_timestamp=1289346103&oauth_token=XX&oauth_version­=1.0 > request>
> > 
> > Anything that sticks out?
> > On Nov 8, 1:43 am, udta <> wrote:
> >> No code, No answer
> >> What is the lib you are using?
> >> Maybe the post body's urlencoding is wrong.
> >> Maybe you will meet the same problem when friendship create...
> >> At 2010-11-08 13:20:13,DavidD  wrote:
> >>> Also Favorites works fine.  No errors.   I'm not sure why this works
> >>> and direct_messages doesn't, nor will destroy on a status id
> >>> I really am at a loss here.   Can no one give me a pointer as to my
> >>> problem?
> >>> Are there any issues with these api's?
> >>> David
> >>> On Nov 6, 5:39 pm, DavidD  wrote:
>  I am getting an 401 Unauthorized with an "Incorrect Signature" or
>  "Could not authenticate" error when trying to get Direct Messages
>  after getting an access token
>  I can get a user_timeline no problem and I believe favorites but the
>  Direct Messages and home_timeline I get an error.
>  I also have a 401 when I try and delete a tweet from the user
>  timeline.
>  I am stuck and need help.
>  Thanks!
>  David
> >>> --
> >>> Twitter developer documentation and resources:
> >>> API updates via Twitter:
> >>> Issues/Enhancements 
> >>> Tracker:
> >>> Change your membership to this 
> >>> group: Hide 
> >>> quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[twitter-dev] Identify Suspended Accounts

2010-11-10 Thread DustyReagan
If memory serves, Twitter is still returning suspended accounts in the
followers API calls. I try to identify and mark these users in my own
database so I don't display them to my end user, however this is a
difficult and resource intensive task. One in which I have to worry
about false positives.

Does anyone know of a service that is simply a reliable ever updating
giant list of suspended accounts that I can rub against my database to
clean it?

Alternatively, if the API would stop returning suspended accounts in
the follow data, I could skip this data cleanup step. ;) This has been
an issue for at least a year and a half now.

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[twitter-dev] Snowflake and yajl-objc

2010-11-10 Thread SM
Will the conversion to Snowflake affect clients using the yajl-objc
framework? Does yajl-objc already parses 64-bit unsigned integers

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[twitter-dev] Return Code 401 - can't see why I get this?

2010-11-10 Thread ShanghaiTimes
Hoping someone can point me in the right direction...

I am almost there. Attempting to update my Twitter stream with the
currently playing song and artist from my radio station.

In the appropriate CFG file I have the correct codes and secrets.
Checked them a zillion times .. but on debug, still get this error.
I cut an paste the codes, so there is no chance of mis-typing them.

Current Time Referenced To Twitter Server
Wed Nov 10 07:02:43 + 2010
[Attempting Update] - ( 66-chrs Used / 74-chrs Remaining )
Iono you know you never said it by Tummel... now at Quantum Radio
Update Failed - [Return Code] = 401 - Unauthorized

Thanks if anyone can point me in the right direction. btw, I am a very
experienced programmer/coder, just can't see my way with this one.


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[twitter-dev] Twitter seems to be ignoring since_id parameter for friends timeline (max_id is fine; just the since_id is the problem)

2010-11-10 Thread goodtest
The below call tries to get twitter post since: 2176149991981057 but I
get the tweets for the first page.  max_id is fine but just the
since_id is the problem. Am I missing something?[removed]&oauth_nonce=[removed]&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1289425367&oauth_token=[removed]&oauth_version=1.0&since_id=2176149991981057&oauth_signature=[removed]

[First page]
Top Twitter post ID: 2474929752645632
BottomTwitter post ID:  2376727787470848

Going to older 2nd  page: max_id 2376727787470848

[2nd page]

Going to older 3rd page: max_id 2176623264665600

[3rd page]

Going back to 3rd page: NEWER since_id 2176149991981056
BELOW list of
msgs is same as first-page's list---


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[twitter-dev] preg_replace a List name

2010-11-10 Thread Michael B.
I'm working on a module that will allow a user to pull up the tweets
from a specified list.  One of the issues I'm facing is converting the
group name from the user inputted name to it's URL counterpart.  For
example, "It's all J!, baby" is called as "it-s-all-j-baby" via the

Does anyone have any suggestions for a preg_replace I can use in my
code to convert group names in a similar manner used by

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Re: [twitter-dev] Optimizing Twitter Calls

2010-11-10 Thread yaemog Dodigo
On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 11:08 AM, mage26  wrote:

> I am currently integrating Twitter with a small social network. I am
> using PHP and the twitteroauth library.  The idea is that a user can
> sync their account to their Twitter. So when they post on their wall,
> it will send a tweet and it will post their tweets onto their wall.
> Currently, I am gathering user tweets via a PHP script run by cron
> that runs like this:
> 1. go through every user that has connected to their twitter account
> 2. pull the last 20 tweets for each user.
> 3. See if any of these tweets are new. If so, deposit into database.

You could easily replace this by using the streaming API. No rate limiting
no cron job, just works.

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[twitter-dev] Optimizing Twitter Calls

2010-11-10 Thread mage26
I am currently integrating Twitter with a small social network. I am
using PHP and the twitteroauth library.  The idea is that a user can
sync their account to their Twitter. So when they post on their wall,
it will send a tweet and it will post their tweets onto their wall.
Currently, I am gathering user tweets via a PHP script run by cron
that runs like this:

1. go through every user that has connected to their twitter account
2. pull the last 20 tweets for each user.
3. See if any of these tweets are new. If so, deposit into database.

My worry is that we make a call to Twitter for each user connected and
we'll quickly hit our rate limit, even if we get whitelisted. Is there
a more streamlined way to gather people's tweets?

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[twitter-dev] Statuses Count / Tweets Count Off

2010-11-10 Thread Adam Fortuna
It looks like some users have recently had their Tweets count go down
to 0 (or near there). Looks like it hasn't been happening for very
long, but it's showing up with the incorrect statuses count on twitter
(new/old) and through the API.

Here's a few random people this is happening on:!/heidimontag (1 tweet)!/moooris!/MallikaLA!/wholesaler!/BuyBetter

I saw there's a link on the help desk for a general "statuses are off"
issue (
) but this looked like it could be something else. Seems like a load
of people in those comments are having the same issues. I was
wondering if there was any word on when a fix would be out for this?

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Re: [twitter-dev] Announcing: Free Open Source Twitter Framework in PHP

2010-11-10 Thread M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
Excellent! You may have finally motivated me to learn PHP, MySQL,  
Javascript and JQuery. ;-) Seriously, though, have you given any  
thought to signing up with SUSE Studio and packaging this up as an  

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

"A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." - Paul Erdos

Quoting Adam Green <>:

I have just published the first version of a Twitter aggregation
database and tweet display framework called 140dev. The code is at:

This is written in PHP and MySQL on the server side, and JQuery and
Javascript on the client side. The functionality is pretty basic now,
but I have plans to extend it over time. This code is very heavily
documented, and is meant as a working tutorial for Twitter API

It uses the Phirehose library to access the Twitter Streaming API and
collect tweets containing a set of keywords, stores the tweets into a
normalized MySQL database, and then returns the most recent tweets as
linkified, formatted HTML. Javascript code in the browser uses Ajax to
load older tweets, and to automatically update a count of new tweets,
as done on The result is a real-time tweet stream that
can be added to any Web page with a single line of PHP code.

I'd really appreciate any comments you have on this code. It is GPLed
and has a plugin architecture, so if anyone wants to add on to it, let
me know.

- Adam Green

Twitter developer documentation and resources:
API updates via Twitter:
Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
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Twitter developer documentation and resources:
API updates via Twitter:
Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
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[twitter-dev] Announcing: Free Open Source Twitter Framework in PHP

2010-11-10 Thread Adam Green
I have just published the first version of a Twitter aggregation
database and tweet display framework called 140dev. The code is at:

This is written in PHP and MySQL on the server side, and JQuery and
Javascript on the client side. The functionality is pretty basic now,
but I have plans to extend it over time. This code is very heavily
documented, and is meant as a working tutorial for Twitter API

It uses the Phirehose library to access the Twitter Streaming API and
collect tweets containing a set of keywords, stores the tweets into a
normalized MySQL database, and then returns the most recent tweets as
linkified, formatted HTML. Javascript code in the browser uses Ajax to
load older tweets, and to automatically update a count of new tweets,
as done on The result is a real-time tweet stream that
can be added to any Web page with a single line of PHP code.

I'd really appreciate any comments you have on this code. It is GPLed
and has a plugin architecture, so if anyone wants to add on to it, let
me know.

- Adam Green

Twitter developer documentation and resources:
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Re: [twitter-dev] Perl developers, watch out for status IDs

2010-11-10 Thread Marc Mims

* Cameron Kaiser  [101109 20:41]:

> If you are on a Perl that does not have 64-bit int and you are not using
> the stringified *_str fields, you may have overflowed the Perl precision
> limit this morning, which bit TTYtter users hard. Just a friendly warning
> to check your code, or use BigInt if you can rely on that support.

Cameron, I'm not experiencing any problems in Net::Twitter applications.
As long as "id".  All of JSON::Any backends (JSON::XS, typically) result
in a value that maintains its full precision as long as it's used in a
string context.  Am I missing something that's going to bite me (and
therefore Net::Twitter users in general)?

If you're treating it purely as a string, no (but I don't know how JSON::*
handles things that appear to be integer values, and "id" is not stringified
itself in the raw JSON).

perl -MJSON::XS=decode_json -E \
'$r=decode_json q({"id":9876543210123456789}); say $r->{id}'
# 9876543210123456789

Using Devel::Peek, the decoded 19 digit number is represented as a 
string, internally, by perl:

SV = PV(0x9e98280) at 0x9e3d678
  REFCNT = 1
  PV = 0x9c9c0a8 "9876543210123456789"\0
  CUR = 19
  LEN = 20

So, I think as long as perl apps only use the new, longer IDs in string 
context, they should be ok.  I've tested some typical scenarios using 
each of the JSON::Any backends, storing and retrieving to a MySQL BIGINT 
field, etc.

It may very well be safer to use the id_str values---certainly more 
explicit.  But I haven't found common usage that will fail with the new, 
longer IDs.


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Re: [twitter-dev] Twitter streaming API using oauth with tracks that have spaces?

2010-11-10 Thread Taylor Singletary
Think of it this way.. a valid POST body already must contain
application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoded values for the body to be valid.
Normalizing spaces to %20, and avoiding "+" is also a best practice. OAuth
kicks in after you've already constructed a valid POST body.

Here's an example of tracking a term with a space character in it: "twitter

== POST Body

== signature_base_string

== Authorization Header
Authorization: OAuth
oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1289400791",
oauth_signature="jaEvelmcrQOkHdWADBvwZsQeGiQ%3D", oauth_version="1.0"


On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 1:38 AM, Ciaran  wrote:

> Try ui-encoding them first, my understanding of the Twitter OAuth
> signature validation is that it is non-standard (although there
> appears to be debate about this) I suspect if you encode them first
> before signing the url it will start to work
> -cj.
> On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 6:11 PM, dan  wrote:
> > I've been having trouble connecting to the streaming API using oauth
> > if my tracks have spaces. I get 401s (unauthorized). In all cases, the
> > same code works if the tracks don't have spaces.
> >
> > In Java: tried twitter4j (
> > and tweetstream4j (
> > connecting-to-twitter-streaming-api-with-tracks-with-spaces-using-
> > apache-httpclie)
> >
> > In Python: tried tweepy (
> > issues#issue/64)
> >
> > The Twitter example using curl (
> > streaming_api_methods#track) works with tracks that have spaces, but
> > it's basic auth.
> >
> > I am wondering if some oauth encoding versus POST param encoding is
> > not working out.
> >
> > Can someone point me to a code example in Java or Python that is known
> > to work connecting to the Twitter streaming API using oauth that has
> > spaces in its tracks?
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > --
> > Twitter developer documentation and resources:
> > API updates via Twitter:
> > Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> > Change your membership to this group:
> >
> --
> Twitter developer documentation and resources:
> API updates via Twitter:
> Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> Change your membership to this group:

Twitter developer documentation and resources:
API updates via Twitter:
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Re: [twitter-dev] API oauth friends_timeline request returning 401 status suddenly

2010-11-10 Thread Taylor Singletary
Hi Phillip,

The specific error you're receiving, "Invalid / used nonce" actually
indicates that your timestamp is not in sync with ours. Make sure that
you're converting to UTC (regardless of local timezone) before generating
the epoch time in seconds. You might not be accounting for daylight savings
time when converting to UTC.


On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 1:41 AM, Phillip du Plessis wrote:

> Hi there,
> We have a web twitter application registered for our company to pull
> our live friends_timeline feed into our website...this was working
> fine after I changed from basic auth to the new oauth process to
> authenticate...but then on the 30th of October 2010 the feed suddenly
> started returning a 401 - Unauthorised status and subsequently my feed
> is outdated by some 300 hours.
> I tried going directly to the RSS feed of that timeline - put in both
> the username and password and was failed on Basic
> it should be I suppose =P.
> My method uses PHP cURL to do a call to the twitter API to return a
> JSON formatted feed. Please advise if you need the code, will gladly
> provide.
> I've isolated the twitter feed code and ran it on it's own, printed
> out the headers and this was the response...
> HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 09:39:00 GMT Server:
> hi Status: 401 Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Twitter
> API" Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 355
> Cache-Control: no-cache, max-age=300 Set-Cookie:
> k=; path=/; expires=Wed, 17-Nov-10
> 09:39:00 GMT; Set-Cookie:
> guest_id=128938194058991357; path=/; expires=Fri, 10 Dec 2010 09:39:00
> GMT Set-Cookie:
> _twitter_sess=BAh7BiIKZmxhc2hJQzonQWN0aW9uQ29udHJvbGxlcjo6Rmxhc2g6OkZsYXNo
> %250ASGFzaHsABjoKQHVzZWR7AA%253D
> %253D--1164b91ac812d853b877e93ddb612b7471bebc74;;
> path=/ Expires: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 09:44:00 GMT Vary: Accept-Encoding
> Connection: close {"error":"Invalid \/ used nonce","request":"\/1\/
> statuses\/friends_timeline.json?
> oauth_consumer_key=KT2oGiqZNqEcX5dnXhVcOw&oauth_nonce=1f057e825829dc1b1e73a7a6f2500815&oauth_signature=e8e06pZFSbuJ2PCjlEmCljmt2GI=&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-
> SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1289378327&oauth_token=102370244-
> KV2dBk4E7Q9OBx64boPmLRAcH3whabcLU6svO6In&oauth_version=1.0"}
> The one problem that immediately screams at me is the "Set-Cookie :
> k=" part - which is the correct IP address, but not the
> domain representation - would this be a problem?
> I'm at a loss here, completely don't understand why it was working
> fine but now doesn't...thanks for any help in advance.
> --
> Twitter developer documentation and resources:
> API updates via Twitter:
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Re: [twitter-dev] API oauth friends_timeline request returning 401 status suddenly

2010-11-10 Thread Tom van der Woerdt
[Just making a guess here]

Is your server's clock correctly synchronized with NTP?


On 11/10/10 10:41 AM, Phillip du Plessis wrote:
> Hi there,
> We have a web twitter application registered for our company to pull
> our live friends_timeline feed into our website...this was working
> fine after I changed from basic auth to the new oauth process to
> authenticate...but then on the 30th of October 2010 the feed suddenly
> started returning a 401 - Unauthorised status and subsequently my feed
> is outdated by some 300 hours.
> I tried going directly to the RSS feed of that timeline - put in both
> the username and password and was failed on Basic
> it should be I suppose =P.
> My method uses PHP cURL to do a call to the twitter API to return a
> JSON formatted feed. Please advise if you need the code, will gladly
> provide.
> I've isolated the twitter feed code and ran it on it's own, printed
> out the headers and this was the response...
> HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 09:39:00 GMT Server:
> hi Status: 401 Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Twitter
> API" Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 355
> Cache-Control: no-cache, max-age=300 Set-Cookie:
> k=; path=/; expires=Wed, 17-Nov-10
> 09:39:00 GMT; Set-Cookie:
> guest_id=128938194058991357; path=/; expires=Fri, 10 Dec 2010 09:39:00
> GMT Set-Cookie:
> _twitter_sess=BAh7BiIKZmxhc2hJQzonQWN0aW9uQ29udHJvbGxlcjo6Rmxhc2g6OkZsYXNo
> %250ASGFzaHsABjoKQHVzZWR7AA%253D
> %253D--1164b91ac812d853b877e93ddb612b7471bebc74;;
> path=/ Expires: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 09:44:00 GMT Vary: Accept-Encoding
> Connection: close {"error":"Invalid \/ used nonce","request":"\/1\/
> statuses\/friends_timeline.json?
> oauth_consumer_key=KT2oGiqZNqEcX5dnXhVcOw&oauth_nonce=1f057e825829dc1b1e73a7a6f2500815&oauth_signature=e8e06pZFSbuJ2PCjlEmCljmt2GI=&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-
> SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1289378327&oauth_token=102370244-
> KV2dBk4E7Q9OBx64boPmLRAcH3whabcLU6svO6In&oauth_version=1.0"}
> The one problem that immediately screams at me is the "Set-Cookie :
> k=" part - which is the correct IP address, but not the
> domain representation - would this be a problem?
> I'm at a loss here, completely don't understand why it was working
> fine but now doesn't...thanks for any help in advance.

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[twitter-dev] how to Post Tweets On Twitter using api in C# app

2010-11-10 Thread sandeepcec
I am trying to post tweets using following code.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string url = "";
string xml = "";
oAuthTwitter oAuth = new oAuthTwitter();

if (Request["oauth_token"] == null)
//Redirect the user to Twitter for authorization.
//Using oauth_callback for local testing.
oAuth.CallBackUrl = "http://localhost:82/
//Get the access token and secret.
if (oAuth.TokenSecret.Length > 0)

//POST Test
url = "";;
xml =
oAuth.oAuthWebRequest(oAuthTwitter.Method.POST, url, "status=" +
oAuth.UrlEncode("Hello @swhitley - Testing the .NET oAuth API"));
apiResponse.InnerHtml = Server.HtmlEncode(xml);
1. I am getting user Tweest xml properly .

But In case Of Posting its giving 401 error code.

link from where i get the code

Any help?

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[twitter-dev] API oauth friends_timeline request returning 401 status suddenly

2010-11-10 Thread Phillip du Plessis
Hi there,

We have a web twitter application registered for our company to pull
our live friends_timeline feed into our website...this was working
fine after I changed from basic auth to the new oauth process to
authenticate...but then on the 30th of October 2010 the feed suddenly
started returning a 401 - Unauthorised status and subsequently my feed
is outdated by some 300 hours.

I tried going directly to the RSS feed of that timeline - put in both
the username and password and was failed on Basic it should be I suppose =P.

My method uses PHP cURL to do a call to the twitter API to return a
JSON formatted feed. Please advise if you need the code, will gladly

I've isolated the twitter feed code and ran it on it's own, printed
out the headers and this was the response...

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 09:39:00 GMT Server:
hi Status: 401 Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Twitter
API" Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 355
Cache-Control: no-cache, max-age=300 Set-Cookie:
k=; path=/; expires=Wed, 17-Nov-10
09:39:00 GMT; Set-Cookie:
guest_id=128938194058991357; path=/; expires=Fri, 10 Dec 2010 09:39:00
GMT Set-Cookie:
path=/ Expires: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 09:44:00 GMT Vary: Accept-Encoding
Connection: close {"error":"Invalid \/ used nonce","request":"\/1\/

The one problem that immediately screams at me is the "Set-Cookie :
k=" part - which is the correct IP address, but not the
domain representation - would this be a problem?

I'm at a loss here, completely don't understand why it was working
fine but now doesn't...thanks for any help in advance.

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Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Problem with uploading file to Twitpic

2010-11-10 Thread Mauro Asprea

On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 11:57 PM, mlowicki  wrote:

> Does anyone know if there is forum/site dedicated for Twitpic API
> issues/questions?
> On Nov 8, 4:19 pm, Matt Harris  wrote:
> > Twitpic is a third party service which isn't supported by Twitter.
> >
> > For help with Twitpic you will need to contact them through their
> developer site.
> >
> > Best,
> > @themattharris
> >
> > On Nov 6, 2010, at 17:51, mlowicki  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Hi!
> > > I'm trying to write javascript code for uploading photos to Twitpic.
> > > This is Opera widget so i have cross-domain ajax. Authorization with
> > > Twitter works but when I send request to
> > > I get
> >
> > > {"errors":[{"code":400,"message":"Bad Request. Media not included in
> > > POST payload."}]}
> >
> > > This is strange because I send media paramter:
> >
> > > key={MY_KEY}&message=message&media=iVBORw0KGgoNSUhEUgAA...
> >
> > > Where the problem can be?
> >
> > > --
> > > Twitter developer documentation and resources:
> > > API updates via Twitter:
> > > Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> > > Change your membership to this group:
> --
> Twitter developer documentation and resources:
> API updates via Twitter:
> Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> Change your membership to this group:

Mauro Sebastián Asprea

Mobile: +34 654297582
Skype: mauro.asprea

Algunos hombres ven las cosas como son y se preguntan porque. Otros sueñan
cosas que nunca fueron y se preguntan por qué no?.
George Bernard Shaw

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Re: [twitter-dev] Twitter streaming API using oauth with tracks that have spaces?

2010-11-10 Thread Ciaran
Try ui-encoding them first, my understanding of the Twitter OAuth
signature validation is that it is non-standard (although there
appears to be debate about this) I suspect if you encode them first
before signing the url it will start to work

On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 6:11 PM, dan  wrote:
> I've been having trouble connecting to the streaming API using oauth
> if my tracks have spaces. I get 401s (unauthorized). In all cases, the
> same code works if the tracks don't have spaces.
> In Java: tried twitter4j (
> and tweetstream4j (
> connecting-to-twitter-streaming-api-with-tracks-with-spaces-using-
> apache-httpclie)
> In Python: tried tweepy (
> issues#issue/64)
> The Twitter example using curl (
> streaming_api_methods#track) works with tracks that have spaces, but
> it's basic auth.
> I am wondering if some oauth encoding versus POST param encoding is
> not working out.
> Can someone point me to a code example in Java or Python that is known
> to work connecting to the Twitter streaming API using oauth that has
> spaces in its tracks?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Twitter developer documentation and resources:
> API updates via Twitter:
> Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
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Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Oauth "Incorrect Signature" or "Could not authenticate" error

2010-11-10 Thread Tom van der Woerdt
Looks like a Base String issue.

Please check your Base String at .


On 11/10/10 12:55 AM, DavidD wrote:
> On a get of the DIRECT MESSAGES (response)
>   Incorrect signature
>   /1/direct_messages.xml?
> page=1&oauth_consumer_key=XX&oauth_nonce=9F8A26E63EE0F990765DBA32C5B67F60&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-
> SHA1&oauth_signature=IXRybwcP7Z5Wt3IRcFxW1FOjhGo
> %3D&oauth_timestamp=1289346103&oauth_token=XX&oauth_version=1.0 request>
> Anything that sticks out?
> On Nov 8, 1:43 am, udta <> wrote:
>> No code, No answer
>> What is the lib you are using?
>> Maybe the post body's urlencoding is wrong.
>> Maybe you will meet the same problem when friendship create...
>> At 2010-11-08 13:20:13,DavidD  wrote:
>>> Also Favorites works fine.  No errors.   I'm not sure why this works
>>> and direct_messages doesn't, nor will destroy on a status id
>>> I really am at a loss here.   Can no one give me a pointer as to my
>>> problem?
>>> Are there any issues with these api's?
>>> David
>>> On Nov 6, 5:39 pm, DavidD  wrote:
 I am getting an 401 Unauthorized with an "Incorrect Signature" or
 "Could not authenticate" error when trying to get Direct Messages
 after getting an access token
 I can get a user_timeline no problem and I believe favorites but the
 Direct Messages and home_timeline I get an error.
 I also have a 401 when I try and delete a tweet from the user
 I am stuck and need help.
>>> --
>>> Twitter developer documentation and resources:
>>> API updates via Twitter:
>>> Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
>>> Change your membership to this 
>>> group:

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