[twitter-dev] Twitter 140 character limit break

2010-08-14 Thread Chris White
It appears that the new twitter share link can be used to break the
140 character limit. Basically in Firefox you can do this:

1) In the URL bar enter http://twitter.com/share?url=Some over 140
character text
2) Hit enter
3) On the page resulting page click "Tweet"
4) View in web and notice the limit broken

I'm not sure if clients can handle this, but it could turn into a
pretty nasty annoyance for users of web if it continues. Might be a
good idea to have it looked at. I'm assuming a simple check to verify
it's a valid URL would suffice.

[twitter-dev] Re: About update limits

2010-04-30 Thread Chris White
Hello Raffi,

> yeah - i was mistaken.  i'm just a lowly engineer :P  sutorius (the brian
> referenced on that e-mail, and he has posted in this forum before) knows
> best in this case.

Yikes, just saw that mentioned post.  I'd like to help gather some
ideas with a few other twitter developers, and would like to know what
is stopping status updates from increased right now?  The intention
here is not to complain, but simply to help figure out how to improve
the situation and understand better the issues that you folks know
about that application developers don't.

Best Regards,
Chris White

[twitter-dev] Re: About update limits

2010-04-30 Thread Chris White
Hello Raffi,

> and yes - there is a whitelisting for status/updates -- please e-mail
> a...@twitter to ask for it.

I don't have permissions so I can't post their name, but a friend of
mine sent such a request and received this response:

Thank you for writing in. Sorry for any confusion, but API
whitelisting does not cover the statuses/update call, as this call is
a POST method. All Twitter accounts are subject to the same 1000
tweets per day limit. We also do not have a specific limit status call
for remaining tweets, but I will pass this along to our engineers as a
feature request. I apologize for the inconvenience that this causes to
you and your team.


Seems to be conflicting with the previous statement, so I'm not sure
what to make of it.

Best Regards,
Chris White

[twitter-dev] Re: Schedule for API call rate increases with oAuth?

2010-04-26 Thread Chris White
> I understand the very compelling reasons why Twitter wants to convert
> to universal OAuth access.  But let's quit spinning OAuth as this
> "great new security enhancement technology" that will benefit end-
> users  It's not.  It wasn't even meant to be.  It was just meant to
> help the Twitters of the world communicate end-user information among
> each other without having to share their end-users' credentials.

You're working on a webapp to deal with twitter timelines. You store
twitter usernames and passwords.  For some reason or another your site
gets hacked and all usernames and passwords are compromised.  In a
majority of cases, users have the same password setup for other
accounts.  The hackers do a username search to find the user in other
places and try to retrieve their data there. To combat this and be
totally sure, the user now has to remember all sites where they could
have used that password and get it changed. Crap.

Now let's see the oAuth version.  Your site gets hacked.  You reset
the consumer key and secret. Tada, Hackers now have useless tokens.
You get to the bottom of the hacking and explain to everyone what
occured and whatever data was compromised.  However, you don't have to
tell them that their login information was compromised, which is a
really nice thing.  Will people be distrustful of your app?  Yes, but
the fallout is a lot less painful.

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[twitter-dev] Re: How to show top 20 twiits of the day

2010-04-26 Thread Chris White
If you mean the 20 most recent tweets from all users there's statuses/


Best Regards,
Chris White

On Apr 26, 6:55 am, millu  wrote:
> Hello friends
> I have one big problem, I have to show the Top most 20 twitts on my
> site just like twitter home page (not a user home page).
>  so question is it possible to shows the recent top most 20 result
> using php and Twitter API ?
> --
> Subscription 
> settings:http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/subscribe?hl=en

[twitter-dev] Re: Status Update Limit Check

2010-04-23 Thread Chris White
Hello Taylor,

> What's your bot all about?

The bot is a character bot for a popular Japanese doujin (not
commercially backed, a person makes the game in their spare time and
usually sells them at conventions) game. Such bots are highly
concentrated throughout the Japanese community, as the writing system
they have can say a lot more in 140 characters than with English
characters (one word can constitute 2 characters for example).

Basically such bots are conversational AI bots. Given certain cues
they respond in a certain way.  Such responses are sometimes
randomized to provide a more dynamic interaction to users.  With my
current twitter bot, I'm currently working on an AI based system to
constitute unsupervised learning and responses based on how the user
interacts with the bot.

However, because of the status updates imposed, and lack of knowledge
on the specific rates, I have to consider how a normal person would
operate, and include events such as "going to sleep" and "heading out
for a bit".  If certain interactions require a larger number of status
updates, I planned to have it as a kind of web app that users could
continue their conversation with the character, making my worries more
about the data storage requirements in the database than status update

Other bot creators, however, may not have such elaborate setups due to
hosting costs.  For them, it's important to be able to scale their
both with a large number of followers by being able to throttle status
updates as per the twitter requirements.  These bot creators wish to
stay within the guidelines that twitter provides, but armed only with
the knowledge of  but the daily limit and receiving HTTP error codes,
there is nothing to go off of.

On the point of how such bots contribute to the twitter community,
because the bot acts as the character itself, it draws fans of the
characters into a tighter knit community.  Users can look at the bot's
follower list and find users with more similiar and focused interests
with ease. Such bots will usually produce random non-reply based
tweets with the character's lines, giving a topic of discussion for
the bot's followers.  There are even some users that go so far as to
follow nothing but their favorite character's bots.

Best Regards,
Chris White

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[twitter-dev] Status Update Limit Check

2010-04-23 Thread Chris White
I did a search around to see if I could find a similiar thread asking
what I am, but I'm having a hard time putting together the correct
search keywords for this.

I'm developing a twitter bot and plan to implement some features in
the bot itself, and others in a web application.  The bot and web
application will use the same database to keep in sync.

The features I plan to add would potentially increase the status
update rate for my bot.  If these events occur, I would transition
those features to the web app instead.  However, I don't see a way to
check against the status update limit short of keeping track locally.
It seems that the 1000 tweet limit is further broken down into some
unknown number.  Is there any way to check against the update limit so
I know to throttle my bot and modify my code? I'd rather not keep
hitting the API limit through HTTP errors and potentially get my bot
in trouble.

Also, I've seen a limit on duplicate content for not just the last
tweet, but x tweets back as well.  I normally get around this by
adding randomization to my bots tweets, which has worked pretty well,
but I'm curious as to why the "x tweets back" isn't clearly defined

If these questions are already answered somewhere I appologize ahead
of time, Once again I tried a few search keywords and didn't come up
with much.

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