Re: [UC] Diddy's Amish Roots

2007-07-28 Thread Anthony West
Classifying the Mennonites as a whole is an interesting challenge. I 
have a friend whose father is Swiss and who grew up speaking German, at 
Goshen as well as in the Juras. A heritage like this, 400 years old, is 
an ethnicity, complete with unique garb, economic adaptations, language 
and home territories -- along with complex internal divisions.

On the other hand, Mennonites are Christians who adhere to an 
evangelical mission, which is, by definition, non-ethnic.

One can join Judaism in the same way, without joining latkes or 
sidelocks or shtetls or somebody else's zayda. But it's less common.

Both human groups seem to present religious as well as ethnic boundary 
components, with Judaism farther over on the dial toward ethnicity.

It's something scholars should be careful about, before they barge into 
someone else's community with their own preconceived spin. The sort of 
concern which a well-meaning neighbor might be forgiven for overlooking, 
but a university cannot be.

-- Tony West

Ross Bender wrote:
Thanks, Tony, but I just need to point out that Mennonites are no 
longer a single ethnic group. Historically, we have been Swiss-German, 
Dutch, Frisian and Prussian -- The Mennonites being showcased at the 
Arthur Ross Gallery are some of the latter who were invited to the 
Ukraine and are known among Mennonites as Russian Mennonites, even 
though they were ethnically German.

But if you look in the Philly telephone book or Verizon Yellow Pages 
you will find two Chinese, one Vietnamese, one Hispanic and several 
African-American churches (which are not identified as such). We also 
have a new Indonesian church in Philly.

Just one more reason not to stereotype The Mennonites.

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Re: [UC] Diddy's Amish Roots

2007-07-28 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

Ross Bender wrote:

Thanks, Tony, but I just need to point out that Mennonites are no longer a
single ethnic group. Historically, we have been Swiss-German, Dutch, Frisian
and Prussian -- The Mennonites being showcased at the Arthur Ross Gallery
are some of the latter who were invited to the Ukraine and are known among
Mennonites as Russian Mennonites, even though they were ethnically German.

But if you look in the Philly telephone book or Verizon Yellow Pages you
will find two Chinese, one Vietnamese, one Hispanic and several
African-American churches (which are not identified as such). We also have a
new Indonesian church in Philly.

Just one more reason not to stereotype The Mennonites.

the title of the exhibit is The Mennonites: Photographs by 
Larry Towell. it is not simply The Mennonites. that 
difference may not seem significant to you, but it is.

consider what is / is not conveyed by these museum gallery 
exhibit titles:

  The Gypsies

  The Gypsies: Metalwork from a Recent Discovery at Cornwall

  The Gypsies: A Near Eastern Scholar Reflects

  The Gypsies: Sojourners of Van Gogh, Rousseau  Chagall

  The Gypsies: Tintypes from the Archivo Histórico Nacional

  The Gypsies: Photographs by Larry Towell

  The Gypsies: Selections from the Collections of the
   Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Athenaeum

- - - - -

anyway, ross, will you be coming to the opening reception 
(sept 11)?

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger.  -- Tony West

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Re: [UC] Diddy's Amish Roots

2007-07-28 Thread Anthony West
I don't agree with you, Ray. Arthur Ross Gallery, which you represent, 
is a corporate entity. By choosing to place this vision before the 
community, you made it Penn's vision, on some level. On some level, Penn 
is obligated to present a coherent explanation of why your vision (which 
does seem to exclude our community) is not offensive to the community, 
if community members ask for it. It is now being asked for.

When and where can we get this explanation? Is it already posted on the 
internet somewhere? If not, when will you post it? That's all I'm asking 

If my business decides to publish a series of photographs of pimps and 
business will be judged in part by the impact of that content. The fact 
I said, Oh, that's just Ray's view of African Americans, not our own 
will only get us so far on the street.

Your business, Arthur Ross Gallery, has decided to publish a series of 
photographs of exotic countryfolk entitled THE MENNONITES: PHOTOGRAPHS 
BY LARRY TOWELL. You too are on the street now, Ray.

Your statement, That difference may not seem significant to you, but it 
is is pretty patronizing as it stands. Explain to us how it is really 
significant, Professor Rorke.

-- Tony West


the title of the exhibit is The Mennonites: Photographs by Larry 
Towell. it is not simply The Mennonites. that difference may not 
seem significant to you, but it is.

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Re: [UC] Diddy's Amish Roots

2007-07-27 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

Ross Bender wrote:

OK, dude, I'll be picketing that reception, and handing out literature about
the REAL Mennonites.

The title is just ridiculous. It would be as if some jerk had a gallery show
called The Jews and showed photos of Lubavitcher Hassidim from Brooklyn.
That is to say:

Hassidim:Jews :: Old Colony Mennonites: Mennonites

If you have anything to do with this show, I strongly advise you to retitle
it, because I'm gonna be there telling the artist and anybody else who's
listening that this is a ridiculous insult to Mennonites, and maybe breaking
some heads. Just for your information, I can count off on the top of my head
half a dozen Mennonites who have received Ph.D.'s from Penn within the last
20 years, and another dozen who have doctorates from REAL Ivy League
schools. Ahem. Although Mennonites are related to these bizarre backward
splinter groups and even the Amish, who seem to be fodder for every dorky
late night comedian, or so my TV-watching sister informs me, we mainstream
Mennonites are BAD. The Dean of the Harvard Medical School is one, jist for
instance, although I don't like to advertise that place a whole lot.

Damn, the more I think about this, the upsetter I get.

As everybody on this list should know, we have a real Mennonite church right
here in West Philly -- meets at the Calvary Center at 9:00am Sunday
mornings, right after milking time and chores. We're so advanced that we're
installing a lady pastor next month. Admittedly, we're not as up to date as
yer Presbyterians, Methodists and Lutherans -- for example, some of us don't
have cars and TVs, and we're downright backward when it comes to being suave
and debonair about any kind of sex outside marriage - but we plan to have a
seminar this fall on whether the Bible teaches that masturbation is godly or

For more information, check out The Anabaptist Vision on the Columbia
University alumni website, while I go and slop the hogs.

cool your jets, ross! I know you're always dying to point 
out to the class how there are mennonites, and then there 
are MENNONITES, but this show explains all that, and places 
the people depicted in the photos in context (historical, 
geographical, cultural, religious).

the title is larry towell's title, same as his book which 
has been out since 2000 ( and his 
traveling exhibit (

towell's lived with these people and traveled with them and 
has been allowed into their lives to photograph them. I 
think it would be cool if you arranged to have a big public 
discussion with him about the whole issue of photographing 
others, presenting other cultures -- I've been interested in 
that subject for a long long time (I've worked on exhibits 
for any number of anthropological/archaeological museums and 
galleries) and I'd highly recommend:

  Exhibiting Cultures: The Poetics and Politics of
 Museum Display, ed. Karp and Levine (1991; Smithsonian)

it's a subject with no easy answers, and it's why, even 
today, a concert in a park can be political to some, art to 

so if you want to break some heads, ross, go for it (but 
with seminars, not pickets!)

- - - - -

meanwhile, ross, you like to talk about real mennonites here 
in west philly, but you never once told us how linford 
martin, owner of the firehouse, worked out the deal with ucd 
and rosemarie certo to have dock street installed there. did 
he meet with rosemarie certo before or after he told the 
existing vendors to vacate? did this all happen before or 
after ucd stepped into the picture?

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger.  -- Tony West

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Re: [UC] Diddy's Amish Roots

2007-07-27 Thread Ross Bender

 meanwhile, ross, you like to talk about real mennonites here
 in west philly, but you never once told us how linford
 martin, owner of the firehouse, worked out the deal with ucd
 and rosemarie certo to have dock street installed there. did
 he meet with rosemarie certo before or after he told the
 existing vendors to vacate? did this all happen before or
 after ucd stepped into the picture?

If you're curious, I suggest you ask Linford. He can usually be found in the

Anyhow, I wrote about this in the prequel Stealth Mennonites, which has
been available on my website since sometime in 2004, but if you can't lift a
finger to click the link, here are the first several paragraphs:



Summer, 2004. University City lay in ruins. Stealth Mennonites roamed the
streets, many of them invisible to the naked eye. Cherry Ramsbottom, after a
brilliant ten-year run as President of the Varsity, had gone off to
Langleyto become Director of Central Intelligence after George Tenet's
resignation. While acknowledging that she had not quite managed to
make University
City the hip and trendy venue to rival Harvard Square for which she had once
hoped, she bravely maintained in her farewell speech that she had done as
much as any mortal human could have.

When I came, the place was a fucking shambles. I came, I saw, and I built a
brand new school for the little Negro chilluns. I put an Ann Taylor Loft and
a fancy hotel on University Square. Hell, I put up the sign *designating* it
University Square. An Urban Outfitters, a Barnes and Noble, a Cosi fan
Tutti, and hey, don't forget the Chocolate Guy. Crime on the
Baltimorecorridor has dropped by 72%. Suburban soccer moms no longer
call up the
admissions office inquiring 'Is it safe?' Penn went from being a
laughingstock, the 'Bottom of the Ivies', to being a world-class university
and shopping mall. We're a Destination, for God's sake. There may be a
little shit left on the sidewalk in West Philadelphia, but hell, how long
did it take Hercules to clean out the Augean Stables?

In fact, a remarkable survey done by the Fecal Matter Inspection Committee
of the Friends of Clark Park undertaken in August proved definitively that
the Bowl was no longer a destination for doggie do. While off-leash pitbulls
and Rottweilers continued to savage young children and old ladies in the
Park, the volume of manure deposited there had dropped precipitously during
the Ramsbottom administration. Dog owners, for whatever reason, were letting
their beasts defecate in their own front yards, or perhaps their neighbors',
rather than taking the trouble to drive them to the Bowl to do their

Among her many achievements, at a humble and insignificant slot down at the
bottom of a rather long list, Cherry Ramsbottom listed the importation of
Mennonites into West Philadelphia. Like Catherine the Great before her, who
invited Mennonite farmers from Germany to settle the Ukranian lands recently
vacated by the Ottoman Turks, Ramsbottom, or at any rate her sub-provosts,
recognized the industriousness of these quaint people and their utility in
nicing down rough frontier areas.

The Mennonite coffee-house, the Green Line, at 43rd and Baltimore was only
the first step in what would become a fruitful partnership between the
Varsity and these quaint, gentle, hobbit-like folk. Over the decade the
hallowed Philadelphia institution of the Farmers' Market had experienced a
resurgence. Mennonite and Amish farmers from Lancaster County had for many
years brought their organic foods, free-range chickens, and shoofly pies to
market in the big city. The Reading Terminal Market downtown was a showcase
for the picturesque Amishmen with their grey beards, and their dumpy spouses
in shapeless cape dresses and white head coverings.

But now, on Thursdays and on Saturdays, but mostly on the latter days, the
Plain People set up their stands and marketed their wares in Clark Park. An
enterprising poultry vendor, Amish Dan the Barbecue Man, even went so far as
to launch a barbecue operation in Cedar Park, roasting hundreds of chickens
a day, the fragrant but robust odors diffusing among the  slums and ghetto
alleys and pulling in the customers, until one day he got busted in a
routine LI sweep of the Baltimore Corridor.

Fortunately, a young Mennonite had just acquired the Firehouse Farmer's
Market at 50th St, and he brought Amish Dan in from the cold.

The Firehouse had been an actual, functioning fire station back around the
turn of the century, with horse-drawn fire engines and stalls for the
livestock. In the 1980s a coalition of enterprising neighbors had rehabbed
the sturdy brick structure and turned it into an urban market, with a lunch
counter, butcher and produce stand.

Under the ministrations of Yoney Stoltzfus, 

Re: [UC] Diddy's Amish Roots

2007-07-27 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

Ross Bender wrote:


meanwhile, ross, you like to talk about real mennonites here
in west philly, but you never once told us how linford
martin, owner of the firehouse, worked out the deal with ucd
and rosemarie certo to have dock street installed there. did
he meet with rosemarie certo before or after he told the
existing vendors to vacate? did this all happen before or
after ucd stepped into the picture?

If you're curious, I suggest you ask Linford. He can usually be found in the

but I'm curious about YOU, ross, telling us about the 
mennonites in west philly! why do you only have some of 
their stories to tell us? do you not attend mennonite 
services regularly or what?

Anyhow, I wrote about this in the prequel Stealth Mennonites, which has
been available on my website since sometime in 2004, but if you can't lift a
finger to click the link, here are the first several paragraphs:

2004? prequel? you need to update your website! your 
firehouse is still stuck in the pre-dock street days, when 
it a was a thriving cross-cultural potpourri and showcase 
of diversity, featuring a Korean greengrocer, Liberian 
fishmonger, Cambodian flower merchant, Polish butcher, 
Japanese masseuse, and Amish Dan the Barbecue Man. I mean, 
we saw how THAT all had to be spun as a failure, and how 
THEY all had to leave in 2005.

get crackin!

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger.  -- Tony West

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Re: [UC] Diddy's Amish Roots

2007-07-27 Thread Anthony West
No, it's really Ray's turn to answer questions, since he has reentered 

Ray, you just posted some pictures on UC-list, as a responsible party to 
an exhibit at your employer Penn's Arthur Ross Gallery. While undeniably 
pretty, we have read testimony some members of the ethnic group you 
targeted may find your depiction offensive and demeaning. Your title THE 
MENNONITES clearly makes a statement about Mennonites as a whole. If you 
ran a lush photo exhibit of pimps and hos entitled THE AFRICAN 
AMERICANS, you wouldn't be allowed to get away with it. Why is this case 

Before you mounted this exhibit in our community, did you discuss it 
with non-Penn-affiliated Mennonites in our community? What steps did you 
take to elicit their input into your project? That would seem like a 
no-brainer, for starters.

In general, what structural provisions are made for community input into 
Arthur Ross Gallery policies? Can you direct us to a website that 
contains this information?

Can you make available to us the minutes of the Arthur Ross Gallery 
meetings at which you planned your public commentary on this ethnic group?

Is Arthur Ross Gallery planning any further public exhibits about other 
ethnic groups in our neighborhood? Will we be permitted to participate 
in this planning? If so, how?

Can community members meet with you or another representative of Arthur 
Ross Gallery face to face, regarding your public projects that appear 
offensive to the community? Is it good enough just to email you on 
UC-list, like this; or should we contact someone else, by some other 

-- Tony West

Ray wrote:

meanwhile, ross, you like to talk about real mennonites here
in west philly, but you never once told us how linford
martin, owner of the firehouse, worked out the deal with ucd
and rosemarie certo to have dock street installed there.

Ross wrote:

If you're curious, I suggest you ask Linford. He can usually be found 
in the


Ray wrote:
but I'm curious about YOU, ross, telling us about the mennonites in 
west philly! why do you only have some of their stories to tell us? do 
you not attend mennonite services regularly or what?

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Re: [UC] Diddy's Amish Roots

2007-07-27 Thread Ross Bender
Thanks, Tony, but I just need to point out that Mennonites are no longer a
single ethnic group. Historically, we have been Swiss-German, Dutch, Frisian
and Prussian -- The Mennonites being showcased at the Arthur Ross Gallery
are some of the latter who were invited to the Ukraine and are known among
Mennonites as Russian Mennonites, even though they were ethnically German.

But if you look in the Philly telephone book or Verizon Yellow Pages you
will find two Chinese, one Vietnamese, one Hispanic and several
African-American churches (which are not identified as such). We also have a
new Indonesian church in Philly.

Just one more reason not to stereotype The Mennonites.

On 7/27/07, Anthony West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No, it's really Ray's turn to answer questions, since he has reentered

 Ray, you just posted some pictures on UC-list, as a responsible party to
 an exhibit at your employer Penn's Arthur Ross Gallery. While undeniably
 pretty, we have read testimony some members of the ethnic group you
 targeted may find your depiction offensive and demeaning. Your title THE
 MENNONITES clearly makes a statement about Mennonites as a whole. If you
 ran a lush photo exhibit of pimps and hos entitled THE AFRICAN
 AMERICANS, you wouldn't be allowed to get away with it. Why is this case

Ross Bender

Re: [UC] Diddy's Amish Roots

2007-07-26 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN


here, have another:

[at the arthur ross gallery, penn campus]

Ross Bender wrote:

Thanks for the heads up,  Ray.  Looks like these are photos of a branch
called the Old Colony Mennonites. Since Amish and Mennonites don't have
anything better to do for excitement, they indulge themselves in a game
called Church Split. The OC Mennos are a very tiny splinter group 
found in Canada and especially Mexico, where they have fallen on hard times and 
where some at least engage in smuggling marijuana to Canada. There was a

sensational cover article in the Canadian magazine Saturday Night back in
April 2004 titled The Mennonite Mob. They even have a godfather. 
For a scholarly article on their background from The Mennonite Encyclopedia: 

[this has been a Mennonite History Moment]

well, ross, I got to put the finishing touches on today:

exhibit opens july 31, but the opening reception to meet the 
artist is on sept 11. the photos look amazing, as do the 
people in them. good explanatory text, too.

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger.  -- Tony West

You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see

Re: [UC] Diddy's Amish Roots

2007-07-26 Thread Ross Bender
OK, dude, I'll be picketing that reception, and handing out literature about
the REAL Mennonites.

The title is just ridiculous. It would be as if some jerk had a gallery show
called The Jews and showed photos of Lubavitcher Hassidim from Brooklyn.
That is to say:

Hassidim:Jews :: Old Colony Mennonites: Mennonites

If you have anything to do with this show, I strongly advise you to retitle
it, because I'm gonna be there telling the artist and anybody else who's
listening that this is a ridiculous insult to Mennonites, and maybe breaking
some heads. Just for your information, I can count off on the top of my head
half a dozen Mennonites who have received Ph.D.'s from Penn within the last
20 years, and another dozen who have doctorates from REAL Ivy League
schools. Ahem. Although Mennonites are related to these bizarre backward
splinter groups and even the Amish, who seem to be fodder for every dorky
late night comedian, or so my TV-watching sister informs me, we mainstream
Mennonites are BAD. The Dean of the Harvard Medical School is one, jist for
instance, although I don't like to advertise that place a whole lot.

Damn, the more I think about this, the upsetter I get.

As everybody on this list should know, we have a real Mennonite church right
here in West Philly -- meets at the Calvary Center at 9:00am Sunday
mornings, right after milking time and chores. We're so advanced that we're
installing a lady pastor next month. Admittedly, we're not as up to date as
yer Presbyterians, Methodists and Lutherans -- for example, some of us don't
have cars and TVs, and we're downright backward when it comes to being suave
and debonair about any kind of sex outside marriage - but we plan to have a
seminar this fall on whether the Bible teaches that masturbation is godly or

For more information, check out The Anabaptist Vision on the Columbia
University alumni website, while I go and slop the hogs.


 well, ross, I got to put the finishing touches on today:

 exhibit opens july 31, but the opening reception to meet the
 artist is on sept 11. the photos look amazing, as do the
 people in them. good explanatory text, too.

Ross Bender

Re: [UC] Diddy's Amish Roots

2007-07-26 Thread Anthony West

Beautiful work.

-- Tony West


[at the arthur ross gallery, penn campus]

well, ross, I got to put the finishing touches on today:

exhibit opens july 31, but the opening reception to meet the artist is 
on sept 11. the photos look amazing, as do the people in them. good 
explanatory text, too.

[aka ray]

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You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
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Re: [UC] Diddy's Amish Roots

2007-07-18 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

Ross Bender wrote:
On the Letterman Late show on July 11, Diddy reminisced about his 
summers as a Fresh-Air Kid on an Amish farm. Yet another instance of the 
Amish/Mennonite contribution to American culture. [this has been a 
Mennonite history moment]  
[Act 3]

here, have another:

[at the arthur ross gallery, penn campus]

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger.  -- Tony West

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Re: [UC] Diddy's Amish Roots

2007-07-18 Thread Ross Bender


here, have another:

[at the arthur ross gallery, penn campus]

Thanks for the heads up,  Ray.  Looks like these are photos of a branch
called the Old Colony Mennonites. Since Amish and Mennonites don't have
anything better to do for excitement, they indulge themselves in a game
called Church Split. The OC Mennos are a very tiny splinter group found in
Canada and especially Mexico, where they have fallen on hard times and where
some at least engage in smuggling marijuana to Canada. There was a
sensational cover article in the Canadian magazine Saturday Night back in
April 2004 titled The Mennonite Mob. They even have a godfather.

For a scholarly article on their background from The Mennonite Encyclopedia:

[this has been a Mennonite History Moment]

Ross Bender

[UC] Diddy's Amish Roots

2007-07-16 Thread Ross Bender

On the Letterman Late show on July 11, Diddy reminisced about his summers as
a Fresh-Air Kid on an Amish farm. Yet another instance of the
Amish/Mennonite contribution to American culture. [this has been a Mennonite
history moment]  [Act

Ross Bender

Re: [UC] Diddy's Amish Roots

2007-07-16 Thread Anthony West

We are talking about P. Diddy here, Ross, or is this some other Diddy?

-- Tony

Ross Bender wrote:
On the Letterman Late show on July 11, Diddy reminisced about his 
summers as a Fresh-Air Kid on an Amish farm. Yet another instance of 
the Amish/Mennonite contribution to American culture. [this has been a 
Mennonite history moment]  
[Act 3]

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list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see

Re: [UC] Diddy's Amish Roots

2007-07-16 Thread Ross Bender

This is indeed P. Diddy, formerly known as Puff Daddy, now simply Diddy.

On 7/16/07, Anthony West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We are talking about P. Diddy here, Ross, or is this some other Diddy?

-- Tony

Ross Bender wrote:
 On the Letterman Late show on July 11, Diddy reminisced about his
 summers as a Fresh-Air Kid on an Amish farm. Yet another instance of
 the Amish/Mennonite contribution to American culture. [this has been a
 Mennonite history moment]
 [Act 3]

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list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see

Ross Bender