Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCorePlayer Samba Password-Mapping network Drive

2022-11-21 Thread Viragored

Viragored wrote: 
> That sounds like a good suggestion to me. It feels like the issue is
> most likely either with Windows, or with file ownership and permissions
> on the Pi. I'll try the Windows reboot when I'm back home later in the
> day.
> Thanks!

Sadly, no change after rebooting the PC. 
[Except slightly for the worse - Windows Explorer is no longer showing
the Pis as present on the network, although they did appear correctly
when I put their IP addresses into the search bar. But, after that
limited success Windows Explorer is now crashing or hanging up whenever
I try to view the network! Time for another PC reboot...]

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCorePlayer Samba Password-Mapping network Drive

2022-11-21 Thread Viragored

jophill wrote: 
> This is a long shot but have you tried re-booting Windows 10 after
> setting (or changing) the LMS/Samba password but before trying to access
> the share?  
> there some authentication token involved that has to be cleared
> from a W10 cache before you can successfully use new credentials (even
> the same ones for a share created at a different time)?

That sounds like a good suggestion to me. It feels like the issue is
most likely either with Windows, or with file ownership and permissions
on the Pi. I'll try the Windows reboot when I'm back home later in the

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCorePlayer Samba Password-Mapping network Drive

2022-11-20 Thread Viragored

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Anything in the samba logs?
> I have not checked to see where they are in pCP but try  /var/log or
> /var/logs

New territory for me! A file at /var/log/smbd.log has this in it:

[2022/11/21 17:49:35.684068,  0]
daemon_ready: daemon 'smbd' finished starting up and ready to serve
[2022/11/21 17:49:35.696735,  0]
open_socket_in(): socket() call failed: Address family not supported
by protocol
[2022/11/21 17:49:35.697106,  0]
smbd_open_one_socket: open_socket_in: Address family not supported by
[2022/11/21 17:49:35.700305,  0]
open_socket_in(): socket() call failed: Address family not supported
by protocol
[2022/11/21 17:49:35.700585,  0]
smbd_open_one_socket: open_socket_in: Address family not supported by

At that time, I think (but am not sure) I re-started the Pi after having
the SD card out to make a backup. If that's right these messages come
from Samba starting and not from incoming network requests.

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCorePlayer Samba Password-Mapping network Drive

2022-11-20 Thread Viragored

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Are the 3 working RPi systems all running pCP as well?

No, none of them do - one's a Pi 4 mostly running Kodi for playing
videos, another Pi 4 runs as a general hack in the workshop, a Pi 3B
acts as a network file server with some other tasks. But they do all
have Samba shares on them, and access Samba shares on the Windows 10 PC
as well as each other.

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCorePlayer Samba Password-Mapping network Drive

2022-11-20 Thread Viragored

I've got the same problem. I've just rebuilt my Pi 3B with LMS and
external powered hard drive mounted at /mnt/LMSfiles. All done over the
pCP GUI from my Windows 10 PC. 
I've set up Samba shares for the music files and the LMS server data,
exactly matching what I had before the previous SD card in the Pi died
from a power blip. But...

Windows Explorer is saying "Connection refused" when I enter the Id (tc)
and password that I used on the Samba setup page. And trying to map the
share as a network drive gets the same error. I've been round and round
the same loop numerous times, resetting the Samba password, using a
plain text source to copy/paste the password to ensure no typing errors
creep in, so I need to find what the actual problem is - it's not simply
id and password. Permissions somewhere, maybe, or Samba version

At the moment I've got four Pis running on my home network, Samba works
properly on the other three, and the workgroup name is correct.
(Filezilla can access all the files successfully via sftp.)

In case it's useful, the file permissions for
/usr/local/etc/samba/smb.conf are -rw-r--r-- (644), it's owned by root,
and the contents are: 
netbios name = JukeBox
workgroup = MSHOME
log file = /var/log/%m.log
max log size = 1000
local master = no
security = user
map to guest = bad user
dns proxy = no
load printers = no
path = /mnt/LMSfiles
create mask = 0777
browseable = yes
writeable = yes
path = /mnt/part3/slimserver
create mask = 0777
browseable = yes
writeable = yes

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2022-11-19 Thread Viragored

Viragored wrote: 
> Yup - weird alright. I chose 8.0.0 when 8.2.0 wouldn't play nicely
> because that's what's running on my Pi Zero W that serves music over BT
> to my Sony headphones. And that's been rock solid 24/7*365 (apart from a
> little hiccup that turned out to be nothing to do with pCP or LMS). 
> My PC downloaded the target file with no problem at the same time the Pi
> was failing.
> Anyway 8.0.0 is doing fine for me at the mo.

Just an update from an issue that arose a couple of weeks back -

Today I needed to recover from a dead SD card in a Pi 3B (damn those
local 2-second power cuts) I downloaded a fresh image of pCP 8.2.0
onto a 32GB card, and with the Pi on ethernet went through the steps
before installing LMS. Same result as before - "There was a error
downloading slimserver.tcz"
So I downloaded a fresh image of 8.1.0 and all went as it should,
slimserver.tcz just downloaded and that's now got my music player
running once more.

Weird, eh?

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 8.0.0 - Bluetooth Discussion

2022-11-06 Thread Viragored

paul- wrote: 
> By no-network, do you mean that LMS installed on the same device that is
> getting the bluetooth connection.   But the device itself is not
> connected to the network.
> Yes you can do it that way..There is still networking processes
> running on the local device.
> Create a simple script that waits for the specific player name to be
> recognized by LMS, then issue the play command.
> That script would be ran at startup in the user commands portion of pCP.

Thanks once more. 
The aim is to have a Raspberry Pi running piCorePlayer + Bluetooth + LMS
with a small library picked for the occasion, everything on the SD card.
And there is no network at all in the venues where the end-users will be
meeting so the setup will be completely stand-alone, no screen or
keyboard within typing distance!

Over the last day or two I've done a whole heap more googling and think
I'm almost certainly trying to use the wrong tool for my job. pCP and
LMS have a network at their heart - a plug-and-play with no user
controls does not. I've been using LMS in various ways for about 15
years, so it was my natural first choice. 

I have just tried my working setup in a place with no network. Plugging
in the speaker produced no sound. Going back home, plugging in the
speaker produced music as expected - the only difference was wifi being
available vs not being available. And I think that confirms that I
should be trying something different altogether. 

So I'm not going to try and take this any further and instead use a
better tool for the job.

And again, I really am grateful to you for having taken the time to help
me this far. Time for another donation into the tips jar :-)

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

Viragored's Profile:
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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 8.0.0 - Bluetooth Discussion

2022-11-03 Thread Viragored

paul- wrote: 
> Its up to LMS to remember the playback modenothing I can do about
> that from the bluetooth side.  Once the player connects, take a look a
> the lms interface and see what is in the playback queue.
> As for the logs, that all looks normal, you will notice in the second
> log that you are pressing the play/pause button on the speaker.  Again,
> that all looks normal.

Thanks for all the advice, Paul. Sometimes I want to hear my hair out! 
Today I powered up the Pi with a keyboard and monitor, to have a little
look at what lies inside piCore. 
LMS was sending random tracks to the headphone socket, the only player
it had, as instructed in the tweak "Auto start LMS"
Later I turned on the speaker - instant pairing (Argh - tears hair!),
but no sound as LMS had nothing in its list for player SR06151. Log
below if it's not too long (or in the next post if it is) which I expect
will show everything normal.

Is there a way for me to send LMS a command "randomplay tracks on
SR06151", MAC:E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90, with no network connection being
available? Either after pairing, or after a time delay long enough to
allow pairing to happen if it's going to? 
[My goal is a stand-alone setup, in a place with no wifi, with the users
doing no more than plugging in the boxes.] 
I should need a tweak like that only once - my final setup can just live
without updates for as long as it keeps on working.

And my fallback remains a cable from the headphone socket to the
speaker, just in case...


  pCP Bluetooth extension build:0021
  Starting BT Controller
  Flash firmware /lib/firmware/brcm/BCM4345C0.hcd
  Set BDADDR UART: b8:27:eb:f1:8a:27
  Set Controller UART speed to 300 bit/s
  Device setup complete
  Raspberry Pi BDADDR already set
  Waiting for bluetooth controller.Ready
  RPi Bluetooth Hardware Address: B8:27:EB:F1:8A:27
  Starting pCP BT Agent
  Starting Bluealsa
  Bluealsa is running. PID=6788
  BT Controller Ready
  11-04 12:59 NZDT INFO Starting pCP BT Speaker Daemon 
  11-04 12:59 NZDT INFO Resetting asound.conf.
  11-04 12:59 NZDT INFORemoving bt_ from asound.conf
  11-04 12:59 NZDT INFO Current contents of /usr/local/etc/pcp/pcp-bt.conf.
  11-04 12:59 NZDT INFOE0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90#SRO6151#1#1
  11-04 12:59 NZDT DEBUGPCM Devices found dbus.Dictionary({}, 
  11-04 12:59 NZDT INFO Starting connection signal handlers.
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  11-04 13:13 NZDT DEBUG/org/bluealsa/hci0/dev_E0_B7_C5_5B_7C_90/rfcomm
  11-04 13:13 NZDT DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFOMAC:E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFOTRANSPORT:rfcomm
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFOStarting a2dp background monitor.
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  11-04 13:13 NZDT DEBUG/org/bluealsa/hci0/dev_E0_B7_C5_5B_7C_90/hfpag/sink
  11-04 13:13 NZDT DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFOMAC:E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFOTRANSPORT:hfpag
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  11-04 13:13 NZDT DEBUG
  11-04 13:13 NZDT DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFOMAC:E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFOTRANSPORT:hfpag
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  11-04 13:13 NZDT DEBUG/org/bluez/hci0/dev_E0_B7_C5_5B_7C_90/sep1
  11-04 13:13 NZDT DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFOMAC:E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFOTRANSPORT:sep1
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  11-04 13:13 NZDT DEBUG/org/bluez/hci0/dev_E0_B7_C5_5B_7C_90/sep2
  11-04 13:13 NZDT DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFOMAC:E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFOTRANSPORT:sep2
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  11-04 13:13 NZDT DEBUG/org/bluez/hci0/dev_E0_B7_C5_5B_7C_90/sep1/fd0
  11-04 13:13 NZDT DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFOMAC:E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFOTRANSPORT:sep1
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  11-04 13:13 NZDT DEBUG
  11-04 13:13 NZDT DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFOMAC:E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFOTRANSPORT:a2dpsrc
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFOConnected SRO6151
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFOSupported Codecs: SBC 
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFOCurrent Codec: SBC
  11-04 13:13 NZDT DEBUG   LMS server IP:""
  11-04 13:13 NZDT DEBUG   pCP Card Conf:"Headphones.conf"
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFOStarting squeezelite with output device: 
  11-04 13:13 NZDT INFODevice: dev_E0_B7_C5_5B_7C_90, connected 
normally. Monitor exiting.
  11-04 13:13 NZDT 

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 8.0.0 - Bluetooth Discussion

2022-11-02 Thread Viragored

Viragored wrote: 
> Here's the log from the second session, using "connect" from the BT page
> in pCP


  pCP Bluetooth extension build:0021
  Starting BT Controller
  Flash firmware /lib/firmware/brcm/BCM4345C0.hcd
  Set BDADDR UART: b8:27:eb:f1:8a:27
  Set Controller UART speed to 300 bit/s
  Device setup complete
  Raspberry Pi BDADDR already set
  Waiting for bluetooth controller.Ready
  RPi Bluetooth Hardware Address: B8:27:EB:F1:8A:27
  Starting pCP BT Agent
  Starting Bluealsa
  Bluealsa is running. PID=6891
  BT Controller Ready
  11-03 11:33 NZDT INFO Starting pCP BT Speaker Daemon 
  11-03 11:33 NZDT INFO Resetting asound.conf.
  11-03 11:33 NZDT INFORemoving bt_ from asound.conf
  11-03 11:33 NZDT INFO Current contents of /usr/local/etc/pcp/pcp-bt.conf.
  11-03 11:33 NZDT INFOE0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90#SRO6151#1#1
  11-03 11:33 NZDT DEBUGPCM Devices found dbus.Dictionary({}, 
  11-03 11:33 NZDT INFO Starting connection signal handlers.
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG/org/bluez/agent
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG/org/bluealsa/hci0/dev_E0_B7_C5_5B_7C_90/rfcomm
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOMAC:E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOTRANSPORT:rfcomm
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOStarting a2dp background monitor.
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG/org/bluealsa/hci0/dev_E0_B7_C5_5B_7C_90/hfpag/sink
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOMAC:E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOTRANSPORT:hfpag
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOMAC:E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOTRANSPORT:hfpag
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG/org/bluez/hci0/dev_E0_B7_C5_5B_7C_90/sep1
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOMAC:E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOTRANSPORT:sep1
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG/org/bluez/hci0/dev_E0_B7_C5_5B_7C_90/sep2
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOMAC:E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOTRANSPORT:sep2
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG/org/bluez/hci0/dev_E0_B7_C5_5B_7C_90/sep1/fd0
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOMAC:E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOTRANSPORT:sep1
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOMAC:E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOTRANSPORT:a2dpsrc
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOConnected SRO6151
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOSupported Codecs: SBC 
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOCurrent Codec: SBC
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG   LMS server IP:""
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG   pCP Card Conf:"Headphones.conf"
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOStarting squeezelite with output device: 
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFODevice: dev_E0_B7_C5_5B_7C_90, connected 
normally. Monitor exiting.
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOChecking for squeezelite pid:9724
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOPlayer Connected to LMS at:
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOSending Play command for SRO6151 to LMS at
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG   Command returned: {}
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG   Open /dev/input/event0 for E0_B7_C5_5B_7C_90
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG/org/bluez/hci0/battery/dev_E0_B7_C5_5B_7C_90
  11-03 11:37 NZDT DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOMAC:
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOTRANSPORT:dev_E0_B7_C5_5B_7C_90
  11-03 11:37 NZDT INFOStarting a2dp background monitor.
  11-03 11:38 NZDT DEBUGPCM Devices found 
dbus.ObjectPath('/org/bluez/hci0/dev_E0_B7_C5_5B_7C_90', variant_level=1), 
dbus.String('Sequence'): dbus.UInt32(0, variant_level=1), 
dbus.String('Transport'): dbus.String('HFP-AG', variant_level=1), 
dbus.String('Mode'): dbus.String('sink', variant_level=1), 
dbus.String('Format'): dbus.UInt16(33296, variant_level=1), 
dbus.String('Channels'): dbus.Byte(1, variant_level=1), 

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 8.0.0 - Bluetooth Discussion

2022-11-02 Thread Viragored

paul- wrote: 
> I had one speaker device that would not try to connect when powered
> on.never could figure out why.  None of my other headsets/speakers
> do that.  Can you do some things via ssh?
> Power off your speaker and reboot your pi, then ssh in
> run "bluetoothctl"

Here's the output


  tc@ArtPi:~$ bluetoothctl
  Agent registered
  [bluetooth]# paired-devices
  Device E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90 SRO6151
  [bluetooth]# info E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90
  Device E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90 (public)
  Name: SRO6151
  Alias: SRO6151
  Class: 0x00240404
  Icon: audio-card
  Paired: yes
  Trusted: yes
  Blocked: no
  Connected: no
  LegacyPairing: no
  UUID: Serial Port   (1101--1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
  UUID: Audio Sink(110b--1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
  UUID: A/V Remote Control(110e--1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
  UUID: Handsfree (111e--1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
  [bluetooth]# connect E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90
  Attempting to connect to E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90
  [CHG] Device E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90 Connected: yes
  Connection successful
  [CHG] Device E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90 ServicesResolved: yes

I turned the speaker on after "info" and waited a few minutes before
After connecting, LMS found the speaker (but has not remembered it's
supposed to play a random mix of tracks)

My technical adviser (aka my son on the other side of the world)
suggests adding a button to the box (a 3D print project) to kick off a
script that forces the connection then sends the LMS "play random mix"
command. That might be a bit too techy for me, but it's a possibility.
I've got till mid-January to finish the job, and a wired connection
remains the fall-back plan.

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

Viragored's Profile:
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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 8.0.0 - Bluetooth Discussion

2022-11-02 Thread Viragored

paul- wrote: 
> but can you shut off the other device for a few minutes to see if things
> run smoother?

Thanks again for the reply, Paul.
I took the battery out of the other device - but it still shows up on a
scan, so something somewhere is storing its id ("Bluthing")!
No real difference in the behaviour of the speaker vs pCP Bluetooth.
Here's a summary, beginning with a working, playing speaker connected
over BT:
1. Speaker off, speaker back on - pairs and play resumes
2. Speaker off, reboot Pi - BT starts, speaker remembered as paired,
with a red X
3. As 2, then speaker on - no change, and no new entries in log
4. As 3, then click "connect". Red X changes to green tick, speaker does
not beep to announce pairing, nothing in log, no actual connection (I
refreshed the screen a few times during this, not sure at exactly what
point I saw the green tick)
5. Back to 2, click "forget", "scan" finds the speaker (and includes
Bluthing in the list in the pane at the top of the BT screen), offers
speaker for pairing, pair as usual and all works. (LMS has not
remembered the song mix that was playing, but that's not related to BT)

The goal for this little project is a plug-and-play-power-only setup for
a bunch of old ladies hosting a gathering. There won't be a network,
input device or display. None of them knows anything about IT stuff so I
think that goal is probably unachievable. If I come across a BT speaker
I can borrow, I'll check that out in case it works like my Sony
headphones (which simply work over BT). I can make a suitable system
with a plugged speaker so I'll see if they'll be happy with an extra

Cheers - and once more, big big thanks for the BT work and helpful

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

Viragored's Profile:
View this thread:

unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2022-11-02 Thread Viragored

paul- wrote: 
> Hmmm.  8.0.0 and 8.2.0 use the exact same repo, just a different kernel.
> That's really wierd.

Yup - weird alright. I chose 8.0.0 when 8.2.0 wouldn't play nicely
because that's what's running on my Pi Zero W that serves music over BT
to my Sony headphones. And that's been rock solid 24/7*365 (apart from a
little hiccup that turned out to be nothing to do with pCP or LMS). 
My PC downloaded the target file with no problem at the same time the Pi
was failing.
Anyway 8.0.0 is doing fine for me at the mo.

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 8.0.0 - Bluetooth Discussion

2022-11-02 Thread Viragored

paul- wrote: 
> but can you shut off the other device for a few minutes to see if things
> run smoother?

Thanks again for the reply, Paul.
I took the battery out of the other device - but it still shows up on a
scan, so something somewhere is storing its id ("Bluthing")!
No real difference in the behaviour of the speaker vs pCP Bluetooth.
Here's a summary, beginning with a working, playing speaker connected
over BT:
1. Speaker off, speaker back on - pairs and play resumes
2. Speaker off, reboot Pi - BT starts, speaker remembered as paired,
with a red X
3. As 2, then speaker on - no change, and no new entries in log
4. As 3, then click "connect". Red X changes to green tick, speaker does
not beep to announce pairing, nothing in log, no actual connection (I
refreshed the screen a few times during this, not sure at exactly what
point I saw the green tick)
5. Back to 2, click "forget", "scan" finds the speaker (and includes
Bluthing in the list in the pane at the top of the BT screen), offers
speaker for pairing, pair as usual and all works. (LMS has not
remembered the song mix that was playing, but that's not related to BT)

The goal for this little project is a plug-and-play-power-only setup for
a bunch of old ladies hosting a gathering. There won't be a network,
input device or display. None of them knows anything about IT stuff so I
think that goal is probably unachievable. If I come across a BT speaker
I can borrow, I'll check that out in case it works like my Sony
headphones (which simply work over BT). I can make a suitable system
with a plugged speaker so I'll see if they'll be happy with an extra

Cheers - and once more, big big thanks for the BT work and helpful

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 8.0.0 - Bluetooth Discussion

2022-11-01 Thread Viragored

paul- wrote: 
> The resuming is a function of LMS not bluetooth.

Thanks Paul - as far as I can tell, when LMS does get the 'play'
command, all goes as it should and the music plays. Sorry for my poor
choice of subject for the post. The challenge is getting as far as the
play command.

Line 129 in the log file is the play command finally happening. And the
music is still playing 12 hours later :-) 

Before getting to line 129, there have been numerous connect and
disconnect signals - Is that the Pi and speaker trying but failing to
automatically re-connect? The successful connection occurred only after
I had clicked "forget" and then scanned/paired again. 

The speaker's mac address is MAC:E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90   At the time this
was happening, there was one more BT device within range (mac ending F9)
which is an atmospheric measurement device. Is that a contributing

Any and every suggestion welcome!

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 8.0.0 - Bluetooth Discussion

2022-11-01 Thread Viragored

I've got pCP 8.0.0 running OK on a Pi 3B+. My BT speaker will pair with
the Pi and LMS successfully plays on it. After the Pi has been powered
off and started up again, turning on the speaker will not pick up where
it left off - in fact it won't play anything at all until it's
"forgotten" and re-paired. I've found a couple of similar questions
earlier in this thread but the answers there didn't make any difference.
I'm guessing the problem is the speaker's own software - I use
headphones on a different Pi over BT and they simply resume when powered

A technical question - is there any way of making the pairing happen
without keyboard/screen intervention by a user (perhaps pressing a
button to do the pairing)? 
[The goal is a "black box" that the users will simply plug in, then a
minute or two later turn on the speaker, and the pre-loaded music will
just happen. No network, or other wires except power on/off.]

An alternative question - other people do have BT speakers that resume
when powered up. Could anyone share what models they have so I can try a
bit of shopping instead of technology?

Thanks, folks :-)

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2022-11-01 Thread Viragored

garym wrote: 
> You might try to expand file system and install LMS while still
> connected to ethernet.  And afterwards setup wifi connection.

Thanks for the suggestion Gary. I tried leaving Ethernet connected,
expanded the file system (2000MB this time) and clicked install LMS.
Sadly, the same result as before, same error messages, so I'll stick
with 8.0.0 for now.

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2022-10-25 Thread Viragored

Hi all - I've Googled, searched the forum and am still stuck. If someone
can link me to the solution that would be great. 
Or suggestions for how to make this work would be most welcome.

My goal is to install PCP and LMS on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ Steps I've taken

New download of piCorePlayer8.2.0.img
Verified Checksum 
Flashed to 16 GB SD card with Raspberry Pi Imager (without any user
Booted Pi with Ethernet
Set up wifi connection
Power off, remove ethernet, restart and connect with wifi only 
Expand file system to full card
Click "Install LMS"
Error message "There was a error downloading slimserver.tcz"; "Error
downloading LMS, please try again later"

I've repeated all the above with a fresh download of the .img file,
tried a 32GB SD card, and all permutations of wifi/ethernet network
connections, image and cards. And then done it all again after selecting
the Mirror Repo
And I've downloaded the target file slimserver.tcz on my PC, with no
issues, so the repo is available from my network
And now I'm stuck for further ideas

Can anyone help, please?

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2022-02-13 Thread Viragored

Labarum wrote: 
> Thanks. I'll have a look.

And I'm another one using FreeFileSync on my PC to backup changed data.
My LMS is on a Pi 3B, most of my backup drives are on another Pi
(original Mk1 B!), and the PC acts as circus ringmaster sending data
between the Pis. 
Transfer speeds vary a lot - Pi 3B to PC super fast (in layman's terms),
Pi 3B to Pi 1 is leisurely. If I'm transferring a lot of data, like
several GBs from a few DVDs, I'll do it overnight and be pleased in the
morning when it's all done.
I had to learn a bit about samba on Pi OS when first setting up the
backup server. Although initially daunting, it was worth the effort.
There are loads of helpful sites around where people explain in nice,
clear terms how to do things like that.

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2021-10-27 Thread Viragored

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> I just tested DHCP > static IP > DHCP > static IP > DHCP. Worked OK.
> You may need a monitor to see if an IP has been assigned or use an IP
> scanner, or see if there are any error messages.
> Try using http://hostname.local

Thanks for the reply, Greg - issue resolved apparently all by itself.
Another day, another result  I suspect the problem was in my new
router which might have been up to some tricks yesterday. The TV is also
connected over ethernet and also had some issues yesterday while

All pCP stuff seems to be working correctly today - On the 'Beta' main
page I selected DHCP, rebooted and the pCP Pi showed correctly in the
table of dynamic IP addresses on the network. Next I set the IP I wanted
in the router's table, rebooted pCP and all is good. One difference I
noticed from yesterday is that then the router was not finding the host
name of several devices, including pCP, but was showing them up as
"unknown" followed by their MAC address. Today the host names are all
there, as expected (apart from the TV which remains "unknown"!).

Cheers :-)

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2021-10-26 Thread Viragored

Hi - sorry if this issue has already been addressed somewhere in the
forums, my searches failed to turn up any kind of solution.

I've been running pCP 8 and LMS 8 on an RPi 3B. I'd set a static IP
address of x.x.x.99. A new router enables me to link the Pi's MAC
address to the required IP address within the router. On the pCP main
page I clicked "Static IP" and on the target page selected the DHCP
radio button, and re-booted

>From that moment on the Pi was effectively dead. The router didn't
allocate it an IP address from the DHCP range, SSH didn't give access
(no surprises there!), just nothing working. I wondered if the SD card
had died for some reason so flashed a spare card with a backup image -
which was pCP 7, written immediately before upgrading to pCP8.

The Pi rebooted as normal from the replacement SD card and all appeared
well. LMS even resumed the Spotify playlist I had going in Spotty which
was a pleasant surprise.

I then went to the pCP 7 main page, through to the Static IP page,
clicked the "DHCP" button, rebooted and - - - the Pi once more was dead,
exactly as with the pCP 8 SD card. Presumably this is not an issue
directly related to pCP 8.

Any pointers, anyone? I'd prefer not to start with a brand new pCP
install if I can avoid it by some kind of work-around.

-[If this issue should really be in a different thread, I'll start one
and link to it from here.]-

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 8.0.0 - Bluetooth Discussion

2021-07-30 Thread Viragored

paul- wrote: 
> Bluetooth is more complicated than it seems.   Sony is a bit odd too.

Yes to both of those, and huge respect to you for all that you've done
to make things work on the Pi!! 
It'd be nice if the Sony app would let go of the BT connection when it's
not using it so that pCP can have a go from a different device.

[Totally off-topic: Another casualty of the Samsung Android mobile phone
update is that the phone's music player no longer auto-starts on
connection to the car's system.]

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 8.0.0 - Bluetooth Discussion

2021-07-29 Thread Viragored

paul- wrote: 
> Auto connection works fine for me.  Nothing changed in this function, 
> other than software/kernel are newer.  The connection is initialed be
> the remote device.  ItÂ’s possible the remote device is a bit confused
> due to the new connection profile.   Did you try completely resetting
> your headphones?

Thanks for the tip, Paul. I did a factory reset on the phones (something
new I learnt today, reset headphones is possible...), deleted the
pairing from pCP, re-paired and now Bluetooth re-connection works as

Something else I discovered is that a recent major update to my Samsung
A5 Android phone has done all sorts of things to the Bluetooth, and it's
possible the phone was interfering with the auto-connection to pCP. I'd
turned off Bluetooth on the phone to keep it out of the picture, then
discovered another setting deeper down which enables the phone's
Bluetooth to talk to other devices even when Bluetooth is off. The clue
was the phone asking if I wanted to pair the headphones, even with
Bluetooth off!

Thanks again, Paul :-)

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 8.0.0 - Bluetooth Discussion

2021-07-28 Thread Viragored

Background: I have a Pi Zero W that lives in a bit of cupboard roof
space in the middle of the house. It's been sitting there for ages
running pCP 6.0.0, 24/7, solely serving my Bluetooth headphones on
demand. All seems rock-solid reliable, even the wifi and Bluetooth work
happily together.
Thinking it was time to upgrade to pCP8 and the latest Bluetooth I
flashed a new SD card to test on a spare Pi Zero W before climbing the
step ladder to the cupboard. The basics are working but the behaviour is
not quite as good as what I've been used to. Here's what's happening on
the new SD card:

* LMS (running on a Pi 3B) recognises my headphones as a speaker, and I
can listen to my music.
* When I switch on the headphones Bluetooth does not automatically
* Clicking the 'Connect' button on the Bluetooth web page works, and the
music then starts to play. 

The previous set-up would simply connect and resume playing whenever I
turned the headphones on and disconnection would pause the playlist at
whatever point I'd reached. That's what I'd like to happen now.

I don't really know where to start looking. One thing I tried was to try
some different Audio Outputs on the Squeezelite page, including
Headphones, HDMI and USB audio. I've currently got "None" selected, but
there was no change to the Bluetooth connection whichever I tried.
Attached are two BT log files, one from before the extensions update (as
per Paul's post a few before this post) and one from after. My
headphones show up as "WH-1000XM3"

Any help to get the automatic connection going will be greatly

|Filename: BT log b4 extensions update.txt  |

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2021-07-11 Thread Viragored

Step 1, back up the SD card
Step 2, update the www interface ('cos I forgot to do it before step
Step 3, pick the "Full Update" option from PCP updates on the main
screen, and click "Next" whenever needed
Step 4, rockin' the music once more!

The only unusual thing I noticed was the "Space needed" figure was as
expected; the "Free space available" figure was huge, so my USB external
2TB drive (with about .7TB free) must have been counted in as well. LMS
and my library are all working as they should, so - Very well done,

|Filename: Screenshot 2021-07-12 143751.jpg |

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 7 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 8.0.0 - Bluetooth Discussion

2021-07-11 Thread Viragored

rincage wrote: 
> I've got a raspberry pi model b. Can anyone suggest a Bluetooth adapter
> that works with PCP?
> Sent from my M2102J20SG using Tapatalk

Probably not a lot of help, but in New Zealand it's not always easy to
find things on "approved" lists. I risked a small amount of money on a
couple of USB dongles, unbranded Chinese products described as, "CSR
V4.0 Dongle". So cheap they don't even have a bar code on their
packaging! They work just fine!

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 7 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-16 Thread Viragored

AlecSp wrote: 
> Depending on where you live, you're either saying that the last update
> was on 9 Mar or on 3 Sep last year - can we be explicit with dates,
> please - about the only way of doing it unambiguously is d Mmm  -
> although there's a tidiness to _mm_dd that is obviously great in
> things like logfiles.  Pedant mode off...

I have it on good authority (Wikipedia - LOL!) that the following is a
complete list of all the major countries in the world that use the date
convention mm/dd/yy:   USA.
What are the chances of everyone standardising, do we think? (OK, it's
Zero, at least in my lifetime...)

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 7 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-16 Thread Viragored

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I just had pCP crash while playing. At least I assume it did as it
> disappeared from my player list. The pCP web page said squeezelite was
> running. Restarting squeezelite didn't work and  squeezelite was then
> reported as not running. Only a reboot restored the squeezelite player.
> Anyone experienced this before or know what could cause it?
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

I've had this happen twice, now. Or something similar, anyway. The most
recent was a few days ago, the previous time around mid-last year. Each
time LMS just stopped while playing something (the recent stop was while
streaming BBC Sounds app). The pCP home screen showed LMS stopped, but
everything else working. Restarting LMS from the pCP screen didn't
resume playback, with LMS still being reported as stopped. Rebooting the
Pi brought everything back, with streaming resuming from where it
stopped. And everything is still performing properly now, several days
after the crash.
As far as I could tell, there were no LMS logs retained from before the
crash so I didn't attempt any further diagnosis.

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 7 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-01-24 Thread Viragored

paul- wrote: 
> It will, but will take quite a bit of time to boot.  But always on it
> should do what you need.  Would be best if you connect up a USB ethernet
> connection.  WiFi might limit you on the number of connected devices.,

Thanks. The user would be connecting only a Bluetooth speaker, with a
phone app to pick the source to play. I'll give it a go and hope I don't
land myself in a heap of computer support issues!

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 7 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-01-24 Thread Viragored

paul- wrote: 
> << Development content in this post, don't go hunting for it in the
> web interface >>>
> That would be a developmental version.  _*(not_in_pCP_yet)*_.   But I
> could do a web package update.  Let me get a bit of input.
> 1) Set the image location
> 2) Press Create.Currently in the name is the pCP verision, image
> size and timestamp.  I could add hostname or something to identify the
> source of the image.
> Caveats
> >   >   > 
  - The path is a bit staticmeaning,drive>/image/   Adding a directory picker would
  > take some time.
  - Free space check is not done on desitination
  - Currently will all partitions on the pCP boot device.
  > > > 
> 33054

A Great Big "Yes, please" from me!
Your outline would be fine for me. The destination picker would be a
bonus but I would be OK without it.  Copying full card contents would
also be OK, but copying only allocated partitions would be another

My use case: copy the SD card to a drive on my Windows PC where a SMB
share is the destination, then use Windows Explorer to navigate to the
target location so I can copy the target address from Explorer and paste
the destination into pCP.
Sample destination paste: \\OO7\Software store\Raspberry
Will I run into problems because of the spaces in the destination?

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 7 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-01-24 Thread Viragored

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Yes
> Edit: However, I think I saw a comment from pCP team a while ago that
> they would be dropping support for some Pi systems in the future.
> Perhaps only the original Pi (1).

Thanks :-)

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 7 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-01-23 Thread Viragored

I just did the in-situ update to pCP 7, and all appears to have gone
perfectly smoothly. All done and dusted in 20 minutes - would have been
15 if I'd spotted that I needed to do the reboot five minutes earlier!
Another donation for you wonderful guys is on its way to the tip jar :-)

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 6 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-01-23 Thread Viragored

Sorry for a pretty basic question - I've tried searching the forums but
haven't landed on the answer.

Will a Pi Zero W successfully run piCorePlayer and Logitech Media Server
without external disc; Spotify and internet radio only?

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 6 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Power Interruptions & Timezone Loss

2020-11-25 Thread Viragored

Redrum wrote: 
> I wanted to post an update for information only, in case this happens to
> someone else. I am not asking for any resolution or work to be done! ;)
> I upgraded to PcP6, and in fact we just got a new ISP in the area, which
> I switched to. I have a pcp6 as a LMS server only, with a 2TB USB HDD as
> storage.
> The problem is frequent power failures - symptoms after failure - no
> time screen saver on touch, wrong time on radio, boom, RP FLAC
> interactive won't stream. Recovery was not as simple as rebooting, it
> involved unmounting and remounting HDD, rescan, restore favorites, etc.
> LMS on Windows never did this, PcP must handle this exception
> differently.
> Anyhow, when setting up Pcp, I moved cache and prefs to the HDD. Based
> on thoughts on this and other threads, I decided to try keeping cache
> and prefs on the SD.
> Yesterday we had another power failure (we have 6-10 a summer). When
> power was restored, same symptoms. However, with cache and prefs on the
> SD, it was a simple shutdown re-power of pcp and viola! everything is
> fine.
> The pcp setup instructions say to move the cache and prefs to HDD, so I
> did it. Now that I understand what that really means, the best solution
> for me is to keep it on the SD
> Jim

Where I live power cuts are frequent too. When I first set up LMS on my
externally powered HDD, I found the disc was having to start up any time
I wanted to use LMS even for things that didn't use my music on the HDD
(such as internet radio). At the time, that was the main reason for me
to move LMS to the SD card, and I'm very happy with the way everything
works. The system has been running 24/7 for several months now with no
breaks - except when Mr. Wind blows another tree down on the power

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 6 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer Online Help

2020-08-08 Thread Viragored

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> Hi Viragored,
> Here is your web page squirted through turndown.
> It took nearly 2 minutes.
> I had to remove some html stuff from the top and bottom of the file but
> didn't edit the markdown.
> You can see the different ways of doing markdown formatting.
> regards
> Greg

Thanks, that's interesting. Weebly provides a WYSIWYG interface for its
users which makes the whole process HTML-free for them. Turndown would
have had to plough through a huge amount of generated stuff to extract
the text, and seems to have done a pretty good job. Presumably images
have to be handled manually? 
The sites that Weebly generates detect the viewing device's screen type
and operate accordingly - if you open that page on a phone it's
displayed differently to how it would be on a desk-top, so the images
and site navigation are usable either way. Easy for Weebly's users, at
the cost of huge amounts of source code for the generated page!

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 6 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer Online Help

2020-08-07 Thread Viragored

Viragored wrote: 
> I've had a look at the github page for turndown - and to me it might as
> well be in Greek or Russian! 'Fraid I'm just a long-time Windows
> user I'll start from scratch to knock together a markdown document,
> emulating my web page on Bluetooth.

Here's a sample Markdown file based on the text of my web page guide to
setting up Bluetooth on piCorePlayer. (The forum software won't upload
.md files, so I added .txt).
That was really quick and easy to do, maybe half an hour to find out how
to use Markdown then copy, paste from the web page and add the
formatting. It would only take maybe another 15 minutes to add the
illustrations - if ever that turns into a good idea.

For me that absolutely validates your proposal to use Markdown. I hope
this is a useful contribution, and just say the word if I can do
anything else to help.
(BTW, I haven't used any of the Bluetooth device options apart from
'Speaker', so I've included no help about them.)


Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 6 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer Online Help

2020-08-07 Thread Viragored

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> That looks very good.
> I don't know if we'll get to that detail.
> I try to use minimal pictures because they can get out of date quickly.
> There was a big change going from pCP 5 to pCP 6 and it might all change
> again.
> I am making sure all pages get dated and noting the version of pCP they
> were written for. That way people will at least no if the page is
> current.
> I'm using to convert from html
> to markdown.

I've had a look at the github page for turndown - and to me it might as
well be in Greek or Russian! 'Fraid I'm just a long-time Windows
user I'll start from scratch to knock together a markdown document,
emulating my web page on Bluetooth.

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 6 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer Online Help

2020-08-06 Thread Viragored

prabbit wrote: 
> ^^^ This.
> Seems like a fairly standard, run-of-the-mill docs-as-code approach. I
> applaud this. Given that the structure of the pCP docs is not terribly
> large or complex, this approach should be easy to implement and,
> importantly, maintain. By hosting it on GitLab I anticipate interested,
> docs-minded people can make pull requests and file issues. (Truth be
> told, I haven't looked to see if the current project allows PRs for
> docs.)
> I'm looking forward to seeing where this Docs As Code approach leads
> you. It's the world I live in, although usually working with more
> semantically-rich languages than just Markdown, although Markdown has
> played a part in some projects I've done.

I wonder if my interpretation of "documentation" matches others'
expectations? I was thinking of products that could take someone new to
the world of RPis, pCP and Linux through all they need to do to end up
with a working system, and without getting any further into stuff like
the command line than is absolutely essential. So I had no focus at all
on code, only on steps to get from the start to enjoying music.

A while back I knocked up a sample web page on how to set up pCP
Bluetooth - (Because I'd
had a bit of a struggle to get Bluetooth working the first time I tried
to do it, and thought some more documentation might help.)
If I get the time, I'll see if I can turn that into a Markdown document.

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 6 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-08-06 Thread Viragored

Tony T wrote: 
> The only data on the SD card worth backing up (assuming the music files
> are on another drive) is the CACHE and the piCore backup on
> /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/mydata.tgz.  I do a backup of these files to the
> drive I have my music files.  This can be automated with rsync and cron

Someone with my skill level (pretty much just a consumer as far as Linux
products are concerned) finds it easier to take the SD card to the PC,
back it up, then return it to the Pi than start on the path to discover
what "rsync" and "cron" mean. I tried using Filezilla and WinSCP to copy
the files over the network to my PC, but they both failed, apparently
because of permission issues. At that point I was once again out of my
depth so returned to the familiar route.

Is there an easy-to-follow set of steps that one could follow to achieve
what you have done? My music files are on an external USB drive
identified as /dev/sda1

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 6 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-08-06 Thread Viragored

mherger wrote: 
> > What about converting the documentation from fixed web pages to a
> wiki?
> > That could allow the admins to spread the maintenance over lots more
> > people, relieve the coders of a bit of work, and likely keep things
> more
> > up to date than can sometimes be the case.
> Not wiki, but with more user interaction in mind.
> -- 
> Michael

Excellent proposals there, my best wishes for their success!

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 6 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-08-05 Thread Viragored

kidstypike wrote: 
> Who hosts these webpages
> ?
> Isn't it about time someone got off their arse and changed 300MB to
> something more realistic?

What about converting the documentation from fixed web pages to a wiki?
That could allow the admins to spread the maintenance over lots more
people, relieve the coders of a bit of work, and likely keep things more
up to date than can sometimes be the case.

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 6 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-08-05 Thread Viragored

garym wrote: 
> I put the CACHE on the drive with music files. But many people report
> keeping it on the SD card with no problems with years of use

I have put my LMS cache on the SD card so that I can back up the whole
card on my PC. I'm a bit of an enthusiast for backup copies of valuable
stuff. And recently I was pleased to be able to restore from PC to SD
card with a fully working and only slightly out of date LMS. I never did
find out what caused the RPi to crash and corrupt its SD card, but the
same card is still chugging on. The SD card has been home to the cache
for several months now, running 24/7 and has been reliable except for
that one crash.

My RPi file system is also expanded to the card's full 8GB, after my
eventually working out that the problems I was experiencing during LMS
scans were caused by LMS needing a bit more than the storage that was
then available (IIRC, that was 2GB at the time). The minor downside is
that backing up the card takes rather longer than it did - possibly a
bit under 30 minutes.

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 6 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-07-12 Thread Viragored

garym wrote: 
> Yep, same for me. With LMS 7.9.3, in Music Folder>, I get no all songs
> option.  Just a list of all my music folders.

I see Robbh's signature says he uses LMS 8 nightly. Maybe I should give
that a go.

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 6 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-07-12 Thread Viragored

RobbH wrote: 
> This is not specific to piCorePlayer, but using the default web
> interface, if I go to "My Music" --> "Music Folder", the first item
> listed is "All Songs". I haven't tried it, but my guess is that this
> will put all tracks in the physical library in the current queue, but
> nothing from integrated online music services.

Sorry for continuing this slightly off-topic subject: your comment
caught my eye, so I opened up the web interface, clicked Music Folder
and saw a list of (presumably) all my artists over 19 screens. But not a
hint of "All Songs"! It's not at the top, bottom, in alphabetical
position for 'all' or 'songs'. Damn - that looked so good!

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 6 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-07-11 Thread Viragored

waffle wrote: 
> All tracks from my entire library

>From the Android app "Squeezer" it's easy - select My Music / Album
Artists; scroll to the bottom; tap the 3-dots menu to the right and
choose "Play".
Squeezer is almost the only controller I use for LMS - it's easy to use
and features everything I want.
Sorry I can't help with any other ways of playing an entire library.

|Filename: Screenshot_20200712-143103_Squeezer.jpg  |

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 6 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-06-30 Thread Viragored

thelaurels wrote: 
> I'm not running LMS, the PiCorePlayer is a Roon end point and this
> working perfectly for the USB connected speaker.
> The BT speaker is connected and I can see it in the BT panel. How do I
> direct the Squeezelite output to the BT speaker?

Sorry, I didn't know what Roon is. I thought you might have run into the
same silent situation I did.
Good luck!

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 6 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-06-28 Thread Viragored

thelaurels wrote: 
> Hi I'm running the above configuration via Roon but I have no sound on
> the BT speaker.
> I set the initial configuration up by initially running USB audio as the
> Squeezelite audio device settings with the output field on the Change
> Squeezelite setting form set to blank. With this I get sound to my wired
> USB speaker.
> Next I want to try and get the sound out to a BT speaker. My
> configuration is as above, but with Bluetooth enabled.
> I have three green ticks on the BT Speaker Setup tab, and the Speaker is
> correctly paired with a green tick, it's correct name and MAC address
> further down the page.
> But I get no sounds to the speaker.
> Do I need to change the audio device setting? and / or the device output
> field?
> Thanks
The BT speaker should appear as a player in Logitech Media Server. I've
attached a list of my playes, including some connected by BT.

|Filename: LMS players list.png |

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 6 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+ DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android Squeezer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-06-22 Thread Viragored

jd68 wrote: 
> Hi,
> the HifiBerry DAC+ DSP uses an old overlay (dtoverlay=hifiberry-dac).
> Therefore I used an older Audio Output Device Setting: HifiBerry DAC
> Zero/MiniAMP.
> With this configuration, I get music on both outputs, analogue and
> digital. Hence, from pCP point of view, everything is fine.
> But unfortunately, the HifiBerry HAT doesn't work as I expected. The
> sampling rate of the digital output is always 48 kHz because the DSP has
> to run with a fixed sample rate to process the audio samples. HifiBerry
> confirmed this behaviour:
> This transformation is also done if the input signal has 44.1 kHz as
> sampling rate. I am not sure whether I can live with this kind of
> transformation.

My card arrived today and was playing music very shortly after the
postie had been, a very easy installation. Thanks for your pointer to
the output setting to use. And huge thanks also to the pCP team for
making this all accessible to users like me!

The sound is at least as good as I was getting from my Squeezebox Duet
Receiver, and I guess I'll start looking into the Sound Processing
capabilities soon.

Digital: Squeezebox Duet Receiver - Yamaha RX-V2700 and Jamo speakers
Analogue: Speakercraft MZC-66 for whole house system
Logitech Music Server: 8.0.0 with piCorePlayer 6 on Raspberry Pi 3B
Library: External USB drive
Ethernet: Squeezebox Duet Receiver
Wifi: Duet controller + Android Squeezer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-06-02 Thread Viragored

jd68 wrote: 
> Hi,
> the HifiBerry DAC+ DSP uses an old overlay (dtoverlay=hifiberry-dac).
> Therefore I used an older Audio Output Device Setting: HifiBerry DAC
> Zero/MiniAMP.
> With this configuration, I get music on both outputs, analogue and
> digital. Hence, from pCP point of view, everything is fine.
> But unfortunately, the HifiBerry HAT doesn't work as I expected. The
> sampling rate of the digital output is always 48 kHz because the DSP has
> to run with a fixed sample rate to process the audio samples. HifiBerry
> confirmed this behaviour:
> This transformation is also done if the input signal has 44.1 kHz as
> sampling rate. I am not sure whether I can live with this kind of
> transformation.

It looks like HiFiBerry was leaving a significant bit out of their
advertising for this board, I don't remember seeing any mention of
forcing all digital outputs to a single sample rate. In fact this page says
"Sample rates 44.1-192kHz". That feels to me like misleading, or false,

When my board eventually turns up I'll see how much I like it, or
whether it's heading for eBay

Digital: Squeezebox Duet Receiver - Yamaha RX-V2700 and Jamo speakers
Analogue: Speakercraft MZC-66 for whole house system
Logitech Music Server: 8.0.0 with piCorePlayer 6 on Raspberry Pi 3B
Library: External USB drive
Ethernet: Squeezebox Duet Receiver
Wifi: Duet controller + Android Squeezer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 6.x.x - Bluetooth

2020-05-26 Thread Viragored

paul- wrote: 
> Speaker:   Play music from LMS to the Bluetooth Speaker.  The Name of
> the bluetooth speaker will show up in LMS Players list
> Streamer:  Connect your phone via bluetooth to pCP.  Creates a http
> stream from pCP which LMS can be directed to play to any Player in your
> LMS environment.
> Player: Connect your phone to pCP and play music to your wired speakers.

Would it be possible to add this information as one of the "more>"
pop-ups on the Bluetooth page?

Digital: Squeezebox Duet Receiver - Yamaha RX-V2700 and Jamo speakers
Analogue: Speakercraft MZC-66 for whole house system
Logitech Music Server: 8.0.0 with piCorePlayer 6 on Raspberry Pi 3B
Library: External USB drive
Ethernet: Squeezebox Duet Receiver
Wifi: Duet controller + Android Squeezer

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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 6.x.x - Bluetooth

2020-05-26 Thread Viragored

paul- wrote: 
> It sounds like there is some confusion regarding modes, and I'm sure
> language translation is not helping.
> Speaker:   Play music from LMS to the Bluetooth Speaker.  The Name of
> the bluetooth speaker will show up in LMS Players list
> Streamer:  Connect your phone via bluetooth to pCP.  Creates a http
> stream from pCP which LMS can be directed to play to any Player in your
> LMS environment.
> Player: Connect your phone to pCP and play music to your wired
> speakers.

This is SO helpful! Thanks Paul. I've now got sound out of my headphones
with their BT adapter. 
To get this result I turned off the power for this player on LMS and
checked that nothing was playing to pCP. Then on the player BT page, set
the device type for the BT adapter to "Speaker". (The Squeezelite
settings are USB audio out, with output setting hw:CARD=ALSA,DEV=0)
Then I turned on the headphones BT adapter, which paired with the
player. Refreshing the LMS web interface brought up the BT adapter as a
player - and sound happened!
In case it's useful, here's the BT log.


pCP Bluetooth extension build:0011
  Starting BT Controller
  USB Bluetooth Hardware Address: 00:1A:7D:DA:71:0A
  Starting pCP BT Pairing Agent
  BT Controller Ready
  05-27 10:47 NZST INFO Starting pCP BT Speaker Daemon 
  05-27 10:47 NZST INFO Resetting asound.conf.
  05-27 10:47 NZST INFORemoving bt_ from asound.conf
  05-27 10:47 NZST INFO Current contents of /usr/local/etc/pcp/pcp-bt.conf.
  05-27 10:47 NZST INFO00:00:00:00:3C:CF#iTrip Clip#1000#3
  05-27 10:47 NZST DEBUGPCM Devices found dbus.Dictionary({}, 
  05-27 10:47 NZST INFO Starting connection signal handlers.
  05-27 10:58 NZST INFO Starting pCP BT Speaker Daemon 
  05-27 10:58 NZST INFO Resetting asound.conf.
  05-27 10:58 NZST INFORemoving bt_ from asound.conf
  05-27 10:58 NZST INFO Current contents of /usr/local/etc/pcp/pcp-bt.conf.
  05-27 10:58 NZST INFO00:00:00:00:3C:CF#iTrip Clip#1000#1
  05-27 10:58 NZST DEBUGPCM Devices found dbus.Dictionary({}, 
  05-27 10:58 NZST INFO Starting connection signal handlers.
  05-27 10:59 NZST INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  05-27 10:59 NZST DEBUG/org/bluealsa/hci0/dev_00_00_00_00_3C_CF/hfpag/sink
  05-27 10:59 NZST DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  05-27 10:59 NZST INFOMAC:00:00:00:00:3C:CF
  05-27 10:59 NZST INFOTRANSPORT:hfpag
  05-27 10:59 NZST INFOStarting a2dp background monitor.
  05-27 10:59 NZST INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  05-27 10:59 NZST DEBUG
  05-27 10:59 NZST DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  05-27 10:59 NZST INFOMAC:00:00:00:00:3C:CF
  05-27 10:59 NZST INFOTRANSPORT:hfpag
  05-27 10:59 NZST INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  05-27 10:59 NZST DEBUG
  05-27 10:59 NZST DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  05-27 10:59 NZST INFOMAC:00:00:00:00:3C:CF
  05-27 10:59 NZST INFOTRANSPORT:a2dpsrc
  05-27 10:59 NZST INFOConnected iTrip Clip
  05-27 10:59 NZST INFOStarting squeezelite with output device: 
  05-27 10:59 NZST INFODevice: dev_00_00_00_00_3C_CF, connected 
normally. Monitor exiting.
  05-27 10:59 NZST INFOChecking for squeezelite pid:10830
  05-27 10:59 NZST INFOPlayer Connected to LMS at:
  05-27 10:59 NZST INFOSending Play command for iTrip Clip to LMS at
  05-27 10:59 NZST DEBUG   /usr/bin/wget -T 5 -q -O- 
--post-data='{"id":1,"method":"slim.request","params":[ "iTrip Clip", [ "play" 
]]}' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
  05-27 10:59 NZST DEBUG   Command returned 0

At first the sound was good, but then started stuttering. Moving one of
the dongles onto an extension cable fixed that, presumably interference
between wifi and bluetooth signals caused the stuttering.
(My test set up is a Pi Model B Rev. 2, pCP 6.0.0, web interface v0009;
BT extension build 0011. Wifi and BT both coming from USB dongles)

Digital: Squeezebox Duet Receiver - Yamaha RX-V2700 and Jamo speakers
Analogue: Speakercraft MZC-66 for whole house system
Logitech Music Server: 8.0.0 with piCorePlayer 6 on Raspberry Pi 3B
Library: External USB drive
Ethernet: Squeezebox Duet Receiver
Wifi: Duet controller + Android Squeezer

Viragored's Profile:
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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to for LMS 8.0 on piCorePlayer (on PiZero)?

2020-05-26 Thread Viragored

I'm still pretty new to all the pCP stuff with LMS, but thought I ought
to have a go at moving on to 8.0.0

I'm totally delighted with how easy it all was, using SSH and the steps
in the "How-to" guide (changing the numbers to 8.0.0, as advised

Only a minute or two later, version 8 is running happily. I'm full of
smiles, and offer heart-felt congratulations to the pCP team who have
made things so accessible for people like me who know only a bit about
the insides of computers. Very, very well done!!

Digital: Squeezebox Duet Receiver - Yamaha RX-V2700 and Jamo speakers
Analogue: Speakercraft MZC-66 for whole house system
Logitech Music Server: 7.9.3 on an elderly PC running Win 10 Pro,
headless. And piCorePlayer on Raspberry Pi 3B
Library: External USB drive
Ethernet: Squeezebox Duet Receiver
Wifi: Duet controller + Android Squeezer

Viragored's Profile:
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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 6.x.x - Bluetooth

2020-05-25 Thread Viragored

Continuing from post #63:

I was failing to get sound out of headphones with a BT adapter, from a
Pi Zero W. I've dug out a Pi Model B with WiFi and BT USB-dongles that
all seems to be working OK. I can listen to headphones plugged into the
Pi B's jack socket.

BT pairing was successful, but the BT headphones stay silent. Having
again read through all the previous posts, I've tried:
*  Updated to latest patches, both pCP and BT
*  Stopping LMS player and powering off before each connection attempt
*  Set Squeezelite -C (Idle time before Squeezelite closes output) to 5
*  Tried several Squeezelite permutations of "USB Audio" output and
"Output settings"
*  Tried "Analog audio" out
*  Selected the three variants of device type for the BT adapter, with
all the above (which takes hours!)

Here's the BT log after the most recent change of Squeezelite output
selection and reboot. If anyone can point me to what else I need to do
to get BT sound working I'd be a very happy chappy!


  pCP Bluetooth extension build:0011
  Starting BT Controller
  USB Bluetooth Hardware Address: 00:1A:7D:DA:71:0A
  Starting pCP BT Pairing Agent
  BT Controller Ready
  05-26 15:49 NZST INFO Starting pCP BT Speaker Daemon 
  05-26 15:49 NZST INFO Resetting asound.conf.
  05-26 15:49 NZST INFORemoving bt_ from asound.conf
  05-26 15:49 NZST INFO Current contents of /usr/local/etc/pcp/pcp-bt.conf.
  05-26 15:49 NZST INFO00:00:00:00:3C:CF#iTrip Clip#1000#2
  05-26 15:49 NZST DEBUGPCM Devices found dbus.Dictionary({}, 
  05-26 15:49 NZST INFO Starting connection signal handlers.
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  05-26 15:52 NZST DEBUG/org/bluealsa/hci0/dev_00_00_00_00_3C_CF/hfpag/sink
  05-26 15:52 NZST DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFOMAC:00:00:00:00:3C:CF
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFOTRANSPORT:hfpag
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFOStarting a2dp background monitor.
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  05-26 15:52 NZST DEBUG
  05-26 15:52 NZST DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFOMAC:00:00:00:00:3C:CF
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFOTRANSPORT:hfpag
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  05-26 15:52 NZST DEBUG/org/bluealsa/hci0/dev_00_00_00_00_3C_CF/hspag/sink
  05-26 15:52 NZST DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFOMAC:00:00:00:00:3C:CF
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFOTRANSPORT:hspag
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  05-26 15:52 NZST DEBUG
  05-26 15:52 NZST DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFOMAC:00:00:00:00:3C:CF
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFOTRANSPORT:hspag
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFO  Caught Connect signal 
  05-26 15:52 NZST DEBUG
  05-26 15:52 NZST DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFOMAC:00:00:00:00:3C:CF
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFOTRANSPORT:a2dpsrc
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFOiTrip Clip connected in Speaker mode, but we are 
expecting it to be a Player/Streamer.
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFODevice: dev_00_00_00_00_3C_CF, connected 
normally. Monitor exiting.
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFOAttempting to disconnect Node: 
/org/bluez/hci0/dev_00_00_00_00_3C_CF, profile:A2DP Source
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFOAttempting to connect Node: 
/org/bluez/hci0/dev_00_00_00_00_3C_CF, profile:A2DP Sink
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFO  Caught Disconnect signal 
  05-26 15:52 NZST DEBUG   HCI:hci0
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFOMAC:00:00:00:00:3C:CF
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFOTRANSPORT:a2dpsrc
  05-26 15:52 NZST INFORemoving bt_iTrip_Clip from asound.conf
  05-26 15:53 NZST INFO Starting pCP BT Speaker Daemon 
  05-26 15:53 NZST INFO Resetting asound.conf.
  05-26 15:53 NZST INFORemoving bt_ from asound.conf
  05-26 15:53 NZST INFO Current contents of /usr/local/etc/pcp/pcp-bt.conf.
  05-26 15:53 NZST INFO00:00:00:00:3C:CF#iTrip Clip#1000#3
  05-26 15:53 NZST DEBUGPCM Devices found 
dbus.ObjectPath('/org/bluez/hci0/dev_00_00_00_00_3C_CF', variant_level=1), 
dbus.String('Transport'): dbus.String('HSP-AG', variant_level=1), 
dbus.String('Mode'): dbus.String('sink', variant_level=1), 
dbus.String('Format'): dbus.UInt16(32784, variant_level=1), 
dbus.String('Channels'): dbus.Byte(1, variant_level=1), 
dbus.String('Sampling'): dbus.UInt32(8000, variant_level=1), 
dbus.String('Codec'): dbus.UInt16(1, variant_level=1), dbus.String('Delay'): 
dbus.UInt16(10, variant_level=1), dbus.String('SoftVolume'): dbus.Boolean(True, 

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 6.x.x - Bluetooth

2020-05-24 Thread Viragored

ppmoore wrote: 
> Hello,
> Sorry to hijack this thread, but it best matches what I want to do. I've
> just installed pCP V6.0 and patched to 009, but that aside I'm a pCP
> newbie.
> I have questions about enabling and using Bluetooth.
> I've enabled Bluetooth and disabled WiFi on the WiFi settings page, and
> rebooted.
> Using as A2DP Src:
> I searched for Bluetooth on the Audio Output Device Settings on the
> Squeezelite Settings page. The option isn't there. I'm currently using a
> Hifiberry DAC + Pro.
> Using as A2DP Sink:
> Is this available? I've read on other posts that it is available, but I
> can't find it. Am I missing something?
> Many thanks for a great product.
> Paul

The Bluetooth button on the main page will take you to the Bluetooth
page, from which you can control all the settings including pairing.

Digital: Squeezebox Duet Receiver - Yamaha RX-V2700 and Jamo speakers
Analogue: Speakercraft MZC-66 for whole house system
Logitech Music Server: 7.9.3 on an elderly PC running Win 10 Pro,
headless. And piCorePlayer on Raspberry Pi 3B
Library: External USB drive
Ethernet: Squeezebox Duet Receiver
Wifi: Duet controller + Android Squeezer

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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 6.x.x - Bluetooth

2020-05-23 Thread Viragored

paul- wrote: 
> Did you set the device type on the Bluetooth web page?

Hi - I've just set up BT on a Pi Zero W via wifi, pCP 6, and have
successfully paired a BT adapter connected to headphones. The player
name shows up on the LMS web interface, and LMS is streaming some music
to the player but there is no sound from the headphones.

The BT adapter device is called a Griffin itrip clip, and can handle
phone conversations in addition to streamed music. I'm wondering if this
is why I can't get it to play the LMS music stream. 

I don't follow much of the content, but it seems the log file shows the
adapter being recognised as something other than a BT speaker, and
attempting to set up speaker mode. 

Is there a setting somewhere that will make a device like this play from
the Pi?

I couldn't find on my (www v0005) Bluetooth page any place to set the
device type - and on the Squeezelite page none of the output options
mentions Bluetooth

|Filename: BT log.log   |

Digital: Squeezebox Duet Receiver - Yamaha RX-V2700 and Jamo speakers
Analogue: Speakercraft MZC-66 for whole house system
Logitech Music Server: 7.9.3 on an elderly PC running Win 10 Pro,
headless. And piCorePlayer on Raspberry Pi 3B
Library: External USB drive
Ethernet: Squeezebox Duet Receiver
Wifi: Duet controller + Android Squeezer

Viragored's Profile:
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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-05-22 Thread Viragored

jd68 wrote: 
> Hi Viragored,
> I will get the "HifiBerry DAC+ DSP" probably next week. Hence, I will
> soon be able to try some of the proposed solutions and I am optimistic
> that we will get it work as expected.

Great - I'll look forward to your story of how it goes.

Digital: Squeezebox Duet Receiver - Yamaha RX-V2700 and Jamo speakers
Analogue: Speakercraft MZC-66 for whole house system
Logitech Music Server: 7.9.3 on an elderly PC running Win 10 Pro,
headless. And piCorePlayer on Raspberry Pi 3B
Library: External USB drive
Ethernet: Squeezebox Duet Receiver
Wifi: Duet controller + Android Squeezer

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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-05-21 Thread Viragored

Grumpy Bob wrote: 
> I haven't got this particular card, but there are sometimes a number of
> further steps to take. For example, with a Raspberry Pi2 I recently set
> up with an old Wolfson (Cirrus Logic) DAC card, I had to select that as
> an option, save, then click the card Control button to define the
> outputs I wanted from the card. Then, in the panel below, I had to
> choose the best output device entry. There were several to choose from,
> as I recall I tried a few before I hit on one that seemed optimal.
> Hope this helps,
> Robert

Thanks, that is helpful. I'm waiting for the HiFiBerry card to arrive,
which looks like it's going to be some weeks, and will add yours to the
list of things to try.

Digital: Squeezebox Duet Receiver - Yamaha RX-V2700 and Jamo speakers
Analogue: Speakercraft MZC-66 for whole house system
Logitech Music Server: 7.9.3 on an elderly PC running Win 10 Pro,
headless. And piCorePlayer on Raspberry Pi 3B
Library: External USB drive
Ethernet: Squeezebox Duet Receiver
Wifi: Duet controller + Android Squeezer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-05-21 Thread Viragored

Yatsushiro wrote: 
> An option you may wish to pursue is to download and install the
> hifiberryOS, which I would assume will support your HAT, and then set it
> be a squeezelite player. In this way you can integrate with your current
> LMS, while hopefully enjoying all of it's features.

Thanks for the ideas. I'll note this with any other options that present
themselves, ready for when the board actually arrives - and that could
still be some weeks as there are a lot of Covid-19 Kms between the UK
and NZ!

Digital: Squeezebox Duet Receiver - Yamaha RX-V2700 and Jamo speakers
Analogue: Speakercraft MZC-66 for whole house system
Logitech Music Server: 7.9.3 on an elderly PC running Win 10 Pro,
headless. And piCorePlayer on Raspberry Pi 3B
Library: External USB drive
Ethernet: Squeezebox Duet Receiver
Wifi: Duet controller + Android Squeezer

Viragored's Profile:
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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-05-20 Thread Viragored

paul- wrote: 
> I have no idea, I don't have the card to play with.   But there is no
> special driver for this card, so music path must be set via a mixer.

Thanks for the reply, Paul. I don't have enough knowledge to understand
the implications of there being no special driver and music path having
to be set via a mixer. The makers (if I've understood their web site
correctly - link below) describe the "HiFiBerry DAC+ DSP" as being like
the DAC+ Standard and Pro series, to which they've added the Digital
Signal Processor input and output.

I was hoping (naively, probably) that selecting in Squeezelite the
output option "HiFiBerry Dac+ (and Pro, AMP2)" might make the board
spring into life. Is that just wishful thinking? I was expecting the
maker's site to provide a download of the install and operating
instructions, but haven't found it so I'll just have to wait and see
what eventually turns up in the box.

I've seen mention of ALSA mixer in the piCorePlayer setup, and have
noticed the "Card Control" button on the "Squeezelite Settings" page. Is
that button likely to be where I'd need to start setting up a mixer to
control the card, if picking one of the existing HiFiBerry output
options doesn't work?

Digital: Squeezebox Duet Receiver - Yamaha RX-V2700 and Jamo speakers
Analogue: Speakercraft MZC-66 for whole house system
Logitech Music Server: 7.9.3 on an elderly PC running Win 10 Pro,
headless. And piCorePlayer on Raspberry Pi 3B
Library: External USB drive
Ethernet: Squeezebox Duet Receiver
Wifi: Duet controller + Android Squeezer

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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-05-18 Thread Viragored

jd68 wrote: 
> Hello,
> first of all I need to thank everybody who is/was involved in developing
> this great software!
> I have already two players running and I am looking for the next one
> because I want to replace my SB Receiver. But I am using both outputs of
> the Receiver: digital goes to my AVR and the analogue output feeds my
> headphone amp.
> The "HifiBerry DAC+ DSP" can provide the same outputs (analogue and
> digital) but the question is whether piCorePlayer supports both outputs
> of the "HifiBerry DAC+ DSP" in parallel (or at all)?
> From the HifiBerry page I learned that the "HifiBerry DAC+ DSP" is able
> to output via both but I found nothing about his HAT here in this forum.
> Any feedback is highly appreciated.

I've just ordered one of these from the UK PiHut. It'll take a while to
reach me in New Zealand! 
I'm also replacing a Squeezebox Duet Receiver from which I use both
And I posted a similar question on another thread, which has not yet
received any replies. You may like to follow in case any wisdom pops up

Digital: Squeezebox Duet Receiver - Yamaha RX-V2700 and Jamo speakers
Analogue: Speakercraft MZC-66 for whole house system
Logitech Music Server: 7.9.3 on an elderly PC running Win 10 Pro,
headless. And piCorePlayer on Raspberry Pi 3B
Library: External USB drive
Ethernet: Squeezebox Duet Receiver
Wifi: Duet controller + Android Squeezer

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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-05-10 Thread Viragored

Cut-Throat wrote: 
> Go over to and look at their DAC
> Boards and Digital Output Boards for the Raspberry Pi. I used to use
> HiFi Berry, but the Allo stuff has them beat. They are very fast at
> shipping stuff Worldwide.

Nice! but - out of stock!! The bundles and combos including the Boss
board are also out of stock.

Fortunately my Squeezebox receiver is still working, so I can wait until
stocks become available again.

|Filename: Capture.JPG  |

Digital: Squeezebox Duet Receiver - Yamaha RX-V2700 and Jamo speakers
Analogue: Speakercraft MZC-66 for whole house system
Logitech Music Server: 7.9.3 on an elderly PC running Win 10 Pro,
Library: External USB drive
Ethernet: Squeezebox Duet Receiver
Wifi: Duet controller + Android Squeezer

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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-05-09 Thread Viragored

zordaz wrote: 
> Buy a HifiBerry DAC or an equivalent for your Pi and you're done.

It turns out the theory is great, but actually buying one may take a
while. I suppose that could be the Covid-19 effect. I think the DAC+ Pro
is the board for me.

There don't appear to be any HiFiBerry boards available at all in New
Zealand, where I live. One "" web site offers some, but the site
looks to me like a dodgy front end for a Chinese seller of all sorts of
things so I'm not getting burned that way again. Pi Hut in the UK lists
the DAC+ Pro but, like every other source I could find, is out of stock
so I'm hoping they'll get new stock before too long. I'm looking forward
to it arriving eventually!

Thanks again for your helpful pointer.

Digital: Squeezebox Duet Receiver - Yamaha RX-V2700 and Jamo speakers
Analogue: Speakercraft MZC-66 for whole house system
Logitech Music Server: 7.9.3 on an elderly PC running Win 10 Pro,
Library: External USB drive
Ethernet: Squeezebox Duet Receiver
Wifi: Duet controller + Android Squeezer

Viragored's Profile:
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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-05-07 Thread Viragored

zordaz wrote: 
> Buy a HifiBerry DAC or an equivalent for your Pi and you're done.

Thanks - I'll start my searching there.

Digital: Squeezebox Duet Receiver - Yamaha RX-V2700 and Jamo speakers
Analogue: Speakercraft MZC-66 for whole house system
Logitech Music Server: 7.9.3 on an elderly PC running Win 10 Pro,
Library: External USB drive
Ethernet: Squeezebox Duet Receiver
Wifi: Duet controller + Android Squeezer

Viragored's Profile:
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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-05-07 Thread Viragored

Hi all. I've just installed piCoreplayer on a Raspberry Pi 3, pretty
much aiming just to prove the concept for when the day comes that my
slowly dying Squeezebox Duet finally dies and has to be replaced.
Frankly, I'm astonished that the team who run this project have produced
such an outstandingly good piece of work. The GUI is very well put
together, the software works like it should, and I've now got a complete
Squeezebox alternative with LMS running on my network. I dug out an old
Soundblaster USB DAC which is hooked into the hifi, all my music is on
an external HD (>1.2TB), SMB share available for updating and backing
up, and all so comparatively easy to do! 
Huge thanks and congratulations to all involved!

Not everything was totally straightforward, however, and I have kept a
note of the various steps where the user guide might benefit from a
little "Tweak". How would I let the team know about that? And yes, I'm
quite prepared to do whatever is needed to improve the wiki if that
would help.

The concept is now proved, and I'll soon be shopping for a DAC to
replace my Duet receiver. Is there a thread somewhere that I should be
using to pick up wisdom on what's available on the market? I've got some
minimum requirements - ethernet or USB in, high quality analog out,
digital out, and a second analog out would be a bonus.

Last words: Great job, team. And I'll be off to PayPal very shortly!!

Digital: Squeezebox Duet Receiver - Yamaha RX-V2700 and Jamo speakers
Analogue: Speakercraft MZC-66 for whole house system
Logitech Music Server: 7.9.3 on an elderly PC running Win 10 Pro,
Library: External USB drive
Ethernet: Squeezebox Duet Receiver
Wifi: Duet controller + Android Squeezer

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