[UPHPU] Opportunities?

2011-08-01 Thread Brandon Stout
Hello everyone,

Many of you know me from the past.  I frequented IRC as brasto, though I 
have not been there for a while.  I'll likely be getting back on again 
soon.  I've had some opportunities come my way, and I've been in school 
full time going for a masters degree in my ambition: Marriage and Family 
Therapy.  I'm still going that direction, but I miss my techie days too, 
and I want to have reliable full time work to provide for my family a 
little better.  I can make a long term commitment even though I'm in 
graduate school for something else, so that shouldn't be a problem.  Do 
any of you know of any openings in the Salt Lake Valley in Web 
Development or in Linux System Administration?

Thank you,



UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Androids and Tethering

2010-11-04 Thread Brandon Stout
Okay, this worked without rooting the phone:


the instructions are for Ubuntu, with sidenotes for Fedora, but it's
pretty easy to customize for openSUSE and other distros if you know what
you are doing.  Now I can go to Argosy University, and use my phone
network at 4g speed and avoid all their blocked ports.  They practically
lock out everything except port 80.  Really annoying.

Thank you,

Brandon Stout

On 11/01/2010 05:24 PM, Clint Savage wrote:
 So I figured out my problem.  It's my laptop, not the wireless
 tethering app.  Somehow I'm getting some weird log messages.  I'm
 going to dig into that very soon so I don't get stuck somewhere
 without tethering :)



 On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 9:06 PM, Jeremy jer...@edgecast.net wrote:
 I ran across a clear.com booth today. Never seen them before. They seem to 
 have the best offering for mobile hotspots. I just might pick up the same 
 unit marketed through sprint as an overdrive. Unlimited 4G / 5MB 3G for $45 
 or 55/mo. No contract and even cheaper options available. This might be the 
 best option for me. Sprint and ATT lost me at contract and data pricing 

 On Oct 27, 2010, at 8:44 PM, Clint Savage her...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 8:15 PM, MilesTogoe miles.to...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 10/26/2010 11:11 PM, Clint Savage wrote:
 https://code.google.com/p/android-wifi-tether/  -- doesn't work for my
 galaxy s phone, but I hear others have had success.  Maybe you will
 it requires a rooted phone - is yours rooted ?

 Froyo (avail for Evo
 and I think now for Galaxy) should have tethering built in though some
 carriers are disabling it (:
 T-Mobile likes to disable everything they can to charge you money.

 I'm about to buy EVO too (for front facing camera - though new MyTouch
 out on 11/3 should have too)  - was
 told both Sprint and TMobile look other way at minor tethering - though
 downloading distros might be pushing that.   Otherwise they are all
 trying to soak users for another $15-30 / mo for tethering.
 I was downloading at least an ISO's worth of data per month without
 problem on T-Mobile.

 My tethering issues are beyond the basic stuff.  I've not installed
 FroYo and will be trying that soon.



 UPHPU mailing list
 IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

 UPHPU mailing list
 IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Thank you,



UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Androids and Tethering

2010-10-26 Thread Brandon Stout
 Okay, I switched networks to Sprint, and got the HTC Evo.  I should
have mentioned before that my desktop OS is Linux of the openSUSE
variety.  I didn't realize I'd need pdanet client software on the
desktop, so I'm still not tethered, and I'll be working on that later,
after a couple big assignments are out of the way.  I'll keep looking
for other tethering solutions.  Any suggestions from any Linux users out
there?  Until then, I thought of something cool to share.  I have a new
way to get a favorite Linux distribution:

 1. Download entire DVD ISO file to huge flash memory on phone at 4g
speeds while away.
 2. Transfer to desktop when home.


My phone is 5 times as powerful as my first pentium laptop was.  Okay
y'all, go back to your PHP'ing.

Thank you,

Brandon Stout

On 10/19/2010 01:35 PM, Ashley Oviatt wrote:
   Technically, pdanet does beat the system, but V is aware of it and it 
 doesn't affect their bottom line really, so they let it slide. There are 
 people on the forum who use  5 gigs of bandwith a month on rooted 
 phones and V hasn't said boo to them, so ymmv.


 On 10/19/2010 1:19 PM, Brandon Stout wrote:
   On 10/19/2010 01:00 PM, Ashley Oviatt wrote:
 Oh, one thing about the X though, it is a battery hog. I don't
 leave on any of the wireless stuff except 3g, which is not easy to
 turn off, but I need to charge it daily, sometimes twice daily if I
 turn on GPS, bluetooth, and wifi.


 On 10/19/2010 12:54 PM, Ashley Oviatt wrote:
 I have the droid X and it is awesome. Does so much stuff that I
 never knew I needed.

 You can root it pretty easily, but I haven't done it yet, because
 I'm kinda nervous that Big red V might come down on rooters.

 Your only choices for tethering are to root the phone, or use
 pdanet for corded or btooth if you don't want to root your phone,
 or pay the $ to V every month for cordless hotspot.

 There is a really active forum at http://www.droidforums.net/
 They can help you, and have sticky posts about this very topic.

 Thank you Ashley.  That's a cool forum that'll keep me busy for a
 while now.  Sounds like pdanet is a good choice since it'll keep the
 battery charged and I can get what I want without having to beat the
 system, or at least it looks that way.


 UPHPU mailing list
 IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Thank you,



UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Androids and Tethering

2010-10-19 Thread Brandon Stout
 On 10/18/2010 11:59 PM, Michael Hart wrote:

 Check xda developers online, I just got 2.2 on my captivate and it

Is this what you are talking about?


Is this a full OS replacement flashed onto ROM?

Thank you,



UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Androids and Tethering

2010-10-19 Thread Brandon Stout
 On 10/19/2010 03:36 AM, Jeremy wrote:

 2.2 OS supports wi-fi tether, but most carriers remove it in their
 customs builds... so root! There are apps that provide wireless
 tether, but all the ones I have seen for older versions of the OS
 require a rooted phone. If you don't mind the corded tether (1.6
 OS) or Bluetooth (2.1 OS) PdaNet has clients for both windows and
 mac and has worked fine for me not rooted. EasyTether connects to
 windows and ubuntu 10.4.

 3G and 4G does not mean the same thing to all carriers. Do some
 homework. I wish I had a good resource for you right now.

 I went cheap with a Zio (running 1.6) on Cricket when my iPhone was
 stolen, but I have my eye on the Vibrant from T-Mo but the Droid X
 looks like the freakin' Caddy of droids.

 Cricket has a new mobile hotspot with no contract(double check
 that). Sprint requires a 2yr contract with their hotspot, which is
 just to long for that kind of product.

 Good luck!


I'm fine with corded tether or even bluetooth, though bluetooth is my
last choice.  What have you done to gain root access on your phone?
What I've read so far involves replacing the OS with one that has root
access.  Have you done something else?  I'm looking for ways to make a
hotspot off the phone, but I think it's ridiculous to make people pay
for what the phone can do anyway.  I'd rather add an app that makes a
hotspot of the phone to the native OS, but I'll replace it if that's
the only way.


Thank you,



UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Androids and Tethering

2010-10-19 Thread Brandon Stout
 On 10/19/2010 01:00 PM, Ashley Oviatt wrote:
 Oh, one thing about the X though, it is a battery hog. I don't
 leave on any of the wireless stuff except 3g, which is not easy to
 turn off, but I need to charge it daily, sometimes twice daily if I
 turn on GPS, bluetooth, and wifi.


 On 10/19/2010 12:54 PM, Ashley Oviatt wrote:
 I have the droid X and it is awesome. Does so much stuff that I
 never knew I needed.

 You can root it pretty easily, but I haven't done it yet, because
 I'm kinda nervous that Big red V might come down on rooters.

 Your only choices for tethering are to root the phone, or use
 pdanet for corded or btooth if you don't want to root your phone,
 or pay the $ to V every month for cordless hotspot.

 There is a really active forum at http://www.droidforums.net/
 They can help you, and have sticky posts about this very topic.


Thank you Ashley.  That's a cool forum that'll keep me busy for a
while now.  Sounds like pdanet is a good choice since it'll keep the
battery charged and I can get what I want without having to beat the
system, or at least it looks that way.

Thank you,



UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Apache 2.2 mod rewrite issue

2010-02-25 Thread Brandon Stout
On 02/25/2010 12:12 PM, Wade Preston Shearer wrote:

 Sorry, I meant does Apache have the…

In that case yes, because I'm able to use it fine when specifying
index.php/whatever or when using the rewrite rules I commented out of
the vhost by themselves.

I've found a hack I guess I'll live with.  I commented out the
ErrorDocument line here:

# cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf
# This configuration file enables the default Welcome
# page if there is no default index page present for
# the root URL.  To disable the Welcome page, comment
# out all the lines below.
LocationMatch ^/+$
Options Indexes
#ErrorDocument 403 /error/noindex.html

Then I add this to the bottom of the vhost (uncommenting my own rewrite
rule designed redirect any ServerAliase to the ServerName):

RewriteEngine On
RewriteOptions Inherit
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^flfn\.org$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://flfn.org$1 [R=301,L]
ErrorDocument 403 /index.php

Now it all works just fine.  The underlying problem is still there, but
without a real solution, I'll take the hack and move on.



UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Apache 2.2 mod rewrite issue

2010-02-25 Thread Brandon Stout
On 02/25/2010 03:30 PM, David Landry wrote:

 I think that /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf is meant to be commented
 out when your site goes live.  I wonder if removing your hack and just
 commenting out those four lines in welcome.conf would fix your
 David Landry

David, that did it.  They didn't even catch that in the httpd.apache
mail list.  Once again, this mail list shows it's quality.



UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

[UPHPU] Apache 2.2 mod rewrite issue

2010-02-24 Thread Brandon Stout
I talked to a few people on IRC a few days ago and we didn't find the
problem.  Google searches for the entry in the error logs have not
helped me resolve this.  I have this on my new server:

VirtualHost *:80
SuexecUserGroupbrasto brasto
ServerName flfn.org
DocumentRoot   /home/brasto/www/flfn
Directory /home/brasto/www/flfn
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
CustomLog  /var/log/httpd/brasto/flfn/access_log combined
ErrorLog   /var/log/httpd/brasto/flfn/error_log
#Next three lines I'll want after fixing rewrite problem:
#RewriteEngine On
#RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^flfn\.org$ [NC]
#RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://flfn.org$1 [R=301,L]

Don't try to see the issue on FLFN.org since the site is still on my old
server.  I access it by modifying /etc/hosts with the new IP until the
site is working.  I have mod rewrite installed, and I can verify it by
uncommenting the last three lines of that vhost.  That rewrite works
just fine.  However, if I install Wordpress or Drupal and try to turn on
friendly urls, they create a .htaccess file with these lines:

IfModule mod_rewrite.c
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]

With that the whole site seems to work except I can't go to
http://flfn.org/ .  If I ask for http://flfn.org/index.php it works. 
All friendly URLs work.  In the .htaccess file, if I comment out every
line except 'RewritEngine on' I still have the same problem, and can't
request http://flfn.org/ without index.php.  If I move the .htaccess
file and put those lines in the vhost config, I get a browser error but
nothing in the server error logs (not the vhost error logs or the
default error logs).  Here's what I get in the browser with the
.htaccess info added to the vhost:

Bad Request

Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) Server at flfn.org Port 80

Here's what I get in the vhost error logs when I request http://flfn.org
without /index.php:

[Wed Feb 24 15:05:50 2010] [error] [client] Options
FollowSymLinks or SymLinksIfOwnerMatch is off which implies that
RewriteRule directive is forbidden: /home/brasto/www/flfn/, referer:

As you can see, I have Options FollowSymLinks set in the vhost.  The
.htaccess file also has Options +FollowSymLinks in it.

Any ideas?



UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Introductions

2010-02-24 Thread Brandon Stout
Christer Edwards christer.edwa...@gmail.com wrote:

 Who are you?

Brandon Stout, or on IRC 'brasto'.  Linux was my hobby, then my career, and 
it's becoming my hobby again.  I'm starting a nonprofit under my dearly 
departed wife's name to help families with young children who go through a 
sudden loss of a parent or who have a terminally ill parent.  I've been there 
and seen the unique challenges faced by our family.  My goal is to make a 
difference for these families, but to do it without taxes because I don't 
believe the answer lies in more taxes.  I'm chasing a dream, and enjoying my 
new Linode vps on the side.


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Apache 2.2 mod rewrite issue

2010-02-24 Thread Brandon Stout
On 02/24/2010 03:55 PM, Wade Preston Shearer wrote:
 On Wednesday, February 24, 2010, at 02:10PM, Brandon Stout b...@mscis.org 
 With that the whole site seems to work except I can't go to
 http://flfn.org/ .  If I ask for http://flfn.org/index.php it works. 
 Do you have DirectoryIndex set (index.php)?


DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index.php

I tried putting it first in the order and that didn't make a difference.
 I put it back at the end because sometimes I want to troubleshoot
something by putting a temporary index.html without moving index.php.



UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Apache 2.2 mod rewrite issue

2010-02-24 Thread Brandon Stout
On 02/24/2010 03:51 PM, Jon Jensen wrote:
 Two observations.
 1. I imagine you need to add Options SymLinksIfOwnerMatch. Also, are
 /home/brasto/www/flfn and its contents owned by brasto:brasto?
 2. .htaccess rewrite rules are in a per-directory context. If you move
 them into a VirtualHost, you might need to adjust them (unless you
 wrap them in a Directory). e.g. RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1
 [L,QSA] becomes something like RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?q=$1
 [L,QSA] (notice the slash)
 There may be other issues, those are the immediate ones that I'd look at.

Jon, I tried putting SymLinksIfOwnerMatch in there as well as both, and
it didn't resolve it.  I took out SymLinksIfOwnerMatch because it's more
restrictive than just FollowSymLinks .  All files and directories are
owned by brasto:apache , as they were on the old server.  I use apache
for the group because HTTP Server can't write to files it needs to even
though I specify the brasto user, so for files I need it to write to, I
give write access to the group.  It works on the old server, so my
thought is that it should work here as well.

On the second point, I think I tried putting the .htaccess directives in
the Directory section, too.  I'll try again to make sure.



UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Apache 2.2 mod rewrite issue

2010-02-24 Thread Brandon Stout
On 02/24/2010 04:04 PM, Brandon Stout wrote:
 Do you have DirectoryIndex set (index.php)?

 DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index.php

 I tried putting it first in the order and that didn't make a difference.
  I put it back at the end because sometimes I want to troubleshoot
 something by putting a temporary index.html without moving index.php.


I should also add that I tried putting DirectoryIndex index.php in the
vhost as well, which didn't work.



UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Apache 2.2 mod rewrite issue

2010-02-24 Thread Brandon Stout
On 02/24/2010 04:04 PM, Jon Jensen wrote:
 Good call Wade... the giveaway is this line:
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
 That basically says don't apply this rewrite rule to directories, and
 http://flfn.org ==  /home/brasto/www/flfn, which is a directory.

Note that if I comment out all rules and conditions and the only line in
the .htaccess file is RewriteEngine on the problem occurs.



UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Apache 2.2 mod rewrite issue

2010-02-24 Thread Brandon Stout
On 02/24/2010 05:26 PM, Ash wrote:

 I've had weird stuff like this happen that was dns related. I was also
 using the hosts file to bypass my normal dns, and it did something
 similar. When the real dns server finally started resolving the address
 correctly, it started working.
 I don't remember specifics, but you might want to ping to see where your
 domain is pointing with no server name.

Ok, I have a 5 minute ttl, so I pointed dns to the new server in hopes
to resolve this tonight, and to see if this is the issue.  You can now
see what you get if you go to http://flfn.org - it's the default
non-vhost doc root page in /var/www/html - a completely different
directory.  If you go to http://flfn.org/index.php , you get the site.

Here's what the access log shows when viewing http://flfn.org : - - [24/Feb/2010:17:41:04 -0700] GET / HTTP/1.1 403 5043
http://flfn.org/admin/reports/status; Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux
x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091201 SUSE/3.5.6-1.1.1 Firefox/3.5.6 - - [24/Feb/2010:17:41:04 -0700] GET /icons/apache_pb.gif
HTTP/1.1 200 2326 http://flfn.org/; Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux
x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091201 SUSE/3.5.6-1.1.1 Firefox/3.5.6 - - [24/Feb/2010:17:41:04 -0700] GET
/icons/powered_by_rh.png HTTP/1.1 200 1213 http://flfn.org/;
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091201
SUSE/3.5.6-1.1.1 Firefox/3.5.6

Note that it throws a 403.



UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Apache 2.2 mod rewrite issue

2010-02-24 Thread Brandon Stout
On 02/24/2010 06:40 PM, Kirk Cerny wrote:

 does this work? It is what I have for my wordpress.
 It might be the / in front of the index.php
 # BEGIN WordPress
 IfModule mod_rewrite.c
 RewriteEngine On
 RewriteBase /
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
 RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
 # END WordPress

I just tried it and it has the same result.  Any other ideas out there?



UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Apache 2.2 mod rewrite issue

2010-02-24 Thread Brandon Stout
On 02/24/2010 08:57 PM, Wade Preston Shearer wrote:

 Does PHP have the mod_rewrite module compiled in?

I'm not sure:

# php -i | grep modules
extension_dir = /usr/lib64/php/modules = /usr/lib64/php/modules
# ls /usr/lib64/php/modules
curl.so  json.so  pdo_mysql.so   sqlite.so xsl.so
dom.so   mbstring.so  pdo.so wddx.so   zip.so
fileinfo.so  mysqli.sopdo_sqlite.so  xmlreader.so
gd.somysql.so phar.soxmlwriter.so

that seems to tell me no.  However phpinfo() tells me it's loaded.  I
put it here:


At least until this is resolved.

I've now pointed FLFN.org back to the old server, and duplicated the
problem with http://chsalumni.net/ (on the same server) using wordpress.

If I go to Wordpress Admin, Settings, Permalinks, and use any
non-default setting, it creates a .htaccess file with this in it:

# BEGIN WordPress
IfModule mod_rewrite.c
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

# END WordPress

Once again, if I comment out every line except RewriteEngine On, I have
the same problem (with or without wrapping it in IfModule
mod_rewrite.c).  The vhost is almost identical:

VirtualHost *:80
SuexecUserGroupbrasto brasto
ServerName chsalumni.net
ServerAliaswww.chsalumni.net chs91.org www.chs91.org
DocumentRoot   /home/brasto/www/chsalumni
Directory /home/brasto/www/chsalumni
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
CustomLog  /var/log/httpd/brasto/chsalumni/access_log combined
ErrorLog   /var/log/httpd/brasto/chsalumni/error_log
#RewriteEngine On
#RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^chsalumni\.net$ [NC]
#RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://chsalumni.net$1 [R=301,L]

Again, if I turn on Rewrite Engine using the vhost and use the rule and
condition that are commented out right now, they work fine, but if I try
to use the rules and conditions in the .htaccess file within the vhost,
I get the bad request error, with nothing in the error logs anywhere.
With the .htaccess as it is and vhost as it is, I still get these
entries in the logs when requesting http://chsalumni.net :

tail -f /var/log/httpd/brasto/chsalumni/*

snip to when page refresh occurs

== /var/log/httpd/brasto/chsalumni/access_log == - - [24/Feb/2010:23:38:48 -0700] GET / HTTP/1.1 403 5043
http://chsalumni.net/wp-admin/options-permalink.php; Mozilla/5.0 (X11;
U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091201 SUSE/3.5.6-1.1.1

== /var/log/httpd/brasto/chsalumni/error_log ==
[Wed Feb 24 23:38:48 2010] [error] [client] Options
FollowSymLinks or SymLinksIfOwnerMatch is off which implies that
RewriteRule directive is forbidden: /home/brasto/www/chsalumni/,
referer: http://chsalumni.net/wp-admin/options-permalink.php

== /var/log/httpd/brasto/chsalumni/access_log == - - [24/Feb/2010:23:38:48 -0700] GET /icons/apache_pb.gif
HTTP/1.1 200 2326 http://chsalumni.net/; Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux
x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091201 SUSE/3.5.6-1.1.1 Firefox/3.5.6 - - [24/Feb/2010:23:38:48 -0700] GET
/icons/powered_by_rh.png HTTP/1.1 200 1213 http://chsalumni.net/;
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091201
SUSE/3.5.6-1.1.1 Firefox/3.5.6

This site I can leave broken for longer, so I'll leave it this way
hoping we can find a solution soon.  Of course, FollowSymLinks is set,
though I have not tested SymLinksIfOwnerMatch on this site like I did
the other.

Thank you all for your help.



UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Apache 2.2 mod rewrite issue

2010-02-24 Thread Brandon Stout
On 02/24/2010 09:00 PM, Jon Jensen wrote:
 Anything else different on this server? I don't know how the default
 apache packaging is set up in centos, but could be you've got a conf.d
 directory with other apache config files that are getting included (e.g.
 default config for each module). Could be they have some other
 directives getting mixed in that are wreaking havoc.
 403 is interesting ... what are the perms on your doc root directory?

/home/brasto  ls -al www/
total 79836
drwsrwsr-x 16 brasto apache 4096 Feb 24 09:20 .

For config files:

# ls -al /etc/httpd/conf.d/
total 36
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 13 12:18 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Feb 16 15:24 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  674 Nov 20 10:26 php.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  566 Nov 12 16:47 proxy_ajp.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  392 Nov 12 16:47 README
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9677 Nov 12 16:47 ssl.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  298 Feb 12 22:58 welcome.conf

The only thing I found that might be related is welcome.conf, which
probably explains why I get the page served that I do for the 403.  It
only has this (commented lines excluded):

LocationMatch ^/+$
Options Indexes
ErrorDocument 403 /error/noindex.html

Thank you for your help.



UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Managed Hosts

2010-02-08 Thread Brandon Stout
On 02/08/2010 11:47 PM, Daniel C. wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 11:37 PM, Clint Savage her...@gmail.com wrote:
 I personally use linode
 I love Linode so much I wish I could upvote it twice.

I was about to bring up this same topic.  I've been a Verio reseller for
a little while, but I've decided to close that business and part from
Verio since their servers just don't compete anymore, even at reseller
rates.  Add to that the fact that even their newest vps's are old, I
want to move on.  I've looked at Linode since others here have brought
them up.  This also came up:


Has anyone used Tektonic?  They seem to be offering more than Linode for
less.  Can anyone compare them to Linode?  Are there other good VPS
products some of you recommend?



UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

[UPHPU] [On Topic - Trust me] Disneyland

2009-09-01 Thread Brandon Stout
Hash: SHA1

I took my kids to Disneyland in August.  We saw many amazing things.
Among my favorites was Goofy.  I've always loved Goofy.  We saw many
Disney characters, and even some Star Wars characters.  However, only a
true PHP Geek could truly appreciate the family reunion t-shirts I saw
that happened to be lined up in just the right order.  You can meet
Darths Vader and Maul at Disneyland, but not many people get to see PHP



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IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

[UPHPU] Looking for opportunities

2009-08-21 Thread Brandon Stout
Hash: SHA1


I've taken a month off to grieve and recover after the passing of my
wife.  While it's only the beginning of my recovery, I feel ready to
work again.  Indeed, I think I'll go crazy if I can't get away to a
workplace sometime soon.  I'm looking for work as a Linux system admin
first, or a PHP developer second.  I have a resume posted here:


If any of you know a place that is hiring for this type of work, I
appreciate a referral.  I'm eager to return to the workplace and start
providing for my 4 children again.

Brandon Stout

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UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

[UPHPU] Funeral announcement

2009-07-22 Thread Brandon Stout
Hash: SHA1

For those of you who know me who have not already heard, my wife Julie's
two-year battle with a cancerous brain tumor ended last Sunday.  I wrote
about her passing here:


And I posted the obituary here:


I've been busy caring for her, and thus less involved in this channel
over the past few months.  Soon, I'll likely be a more regular
participant again, and I'm looking forward to it.  Thank you to all of
you who have shown your support to us.


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IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] white space between divs

2009-06-10 Thread Brandon Stout
Hash: SHA1

MilesTogoe wrote:
 now I'm getting white space between divs - I've tried a number of
 fixes (ie *{margin:0}, p{margin 0;}, padding: 1px;
 overflow:hidden;) but none of these seem to work - at least in
 firefox, konqueror, arora(webkit).   It especially seens to happen
 with clear: both;

 have any of you css fans had and solved this problem ? or is it
 just the straw that's breaking the camel's back (css frustration)
 and driving me back to tables ?

Put no white space between the divs when you want no white space
between them:


Then you'll have no white space between them.  This is completely
cross-browser compatible, too :).

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UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] white space between divs

2009-06-10 Thread Brandon Stout
Hash: SHA1

MilesTogoe wrote:

 I think that is an issue but goes against neat indented coding:
 div id=whatever pstuff/p !-- spaces instead of tabs --

yea, I don't like messing with the neat indented coding either, but
sometimes I've had to do it with img tags to get rid of space
between the images.  Fortunately, they self-close.  When I have to do
div/div to remove space between divs, I've done it something like

 pThat was my first div/p
 pHere's my second div/p
 !-- etcetera to last div --

So it's almost the same thing.  I kinda like that more anyway,
honestly.  At least it has a close tag.  Since img is self-closing,
it can get ugly when you want to wrap at 80 characters yet keep
multiple img tags next to each other without any space between them.

Maybe you'll find a better solution though, if you send Wade and Velda
a sample page.  If they can't fix something css, nobody can.

Praise given this time free of charge.

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UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Lossless jpg operations

2009-06-07 Thread Brandon Stout
Hash: SHA1

Brandon Stout wrote:

 I sent this message to SLLUG and have not had any responses yet.
 Since UPHPU is the best UG out there, I probably ought to have
 asked here first, but I generally try to keep my questions here on
 web based stuff, and this question is for a Linux-based app.

 Some operations on jpg files can be done lossless-ly.  Rotating is
 one of them.  I've  used gwenview for what I think is lossless jpg
 operations since when I rotate images, they do not change in file
 size at all when other applications, such as Gimp will change the
 file size.  I've run into a problem though.  When I look at my
 camera images, gwenview auto-rotates them from the exif data.  Most
 other programs do not do this auto-rotation, including Gallery,
 which I use to put the pictures on the web.  I'd prefer to not let
 gwenview rotate the images so I can fix the file so all apps can
 see the picture the right way.  However, gwenview does not seem to
 have a setting for it. Actually, gwenview has almost nothing in the
 settings I can configure - at least through the gui, only
 background color, transparent background, and mouse wheel behavior.
 There may be a way to manually configure it in
 ~/.kde4/share/config/gwenviewrc , but that still leaves me with a
 problem.  If I rotate the file, the exif data may then throw off
 apps that still use the exif information.  Now my question:

 Is there a simple Linux tool that lets me losslessly rotate a
 camera image, and change the exif 'orientation' tag - hopefully at

 I'd like it to be in the gui, because I don't see much use in
 changing from a gui, which I need to see the picture in the first
 place, to a terminal to run a command, then back to a gui which
 would then need a refresh.  However, if cli is the only way, I'll
 give it a try.


For anyone that wants to know, I found that you can still rotate with
gwenview, and it will change the orientation exif tag while rotating.
You just have to make the Orientation tag show on the right side, and
anything that says 'right' rotate to the right, and anything that says
'left', rotate to the left.  The picture will show up sideways, but
save it anyway and refresh.  You'll find the picture losslessly
rotated.  However, I've once again proven myself wrong and found that
cli is still faster.  There's no need to look at every picture to see
if they are sideways when the exif tag tells you anyway.  I found
exiftran has an option to auto-rotate any pictures according to the
exif orientation tag and then fix the tag so it properly shows the
correct new orientation.  Here's the command:

exiftran -agip Pictures/Some/Folder/*

The -a is for automatically detecting the rotation.

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UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

[UPHPU] Lossless jpg operations

2009-06-05 Thread Brandon Stout
Hash: SHA1

I sent this message to SLLUG and have not had any responses yet.  Since
UPHPU is the best UG out there, I probably ought to have asked here
first, but I generally try to keep my questions here on web based stuff,
and this question is for a Linux-based app.

Some operations on jpg files can be done lossless-ly.  Rotating is one
of them.  I've  used gwenview for what I think is lossless jpg
operations since when I rotate images, they do not change in file size
at all when other applications, such as Gimp will change the file
size.  I've run into a problem though.  When I look at my camera
images, gwenview auto-rotates them from the exif data.  Most other
programs do not do this auto-rotation, including Gallery, which I use
to put the pictures on the web.  I'd prefer to not let gwenview rotate
the images so I can fix the file so all apps can see the picture the
right way.  However, gwenview does not seem to have a setting for it.
Actually, gwenview has almost nothing in the settings I can configure
- - at least through the gui, only background color, transparent
background, and mouse wheel behavior.  There may be a way to manually
configure it in ~/.kde4/share/config/gwenviewrc , but that still
leaves me with a problem.  If I rotate the file, the exif data may
then throw off apps that still use the exif information.  Now my question:

Is there a simple Linux tool that lets me losslessly rotate a camera
image, and change the exif 'orientation' tag - hopefully at once?

I'd like it to be in the gui, because I don't see much use in changing
from a gui, which I need to see the picture in the first place, to a
terminal to run a command, then back to a gui which would then need a
refresh.  However, if cli is the only way, I'll give it a try.

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UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Lossless jpg operations

2009-06-05 Thread Brandon Stout
Hash: SHA1

Gary Thornock wrote:

 jhead can rotate images losslessly (I believe it uses jpegtran to
 do this), based on EXIF data.


 Alternatively, someone posted a shell script to rotate images
 losslessly with jpegtran based on EXIF data, at:


I believe imagemagick can as well.  I've been using exiftran which
also uses jpegtran.  It's fairly simple for cli.  I usually run this:

exiftran -agip Pictures/Some/Folder/somefile.jpg

It auto-rotates the file according to the exif orientation tag, and
then changes the tag properly all-at-once.  However, I still hope
there's a gui tool, or a way to use gwenview.  The gnome product
gthumb has the same problem as gwenview - it auto-rotates, and there's
no setting to dis-allow it.


 1. Open gui
 2. Find a sideways picture
 3. Open terminal and run commands to fix it
 4. Go back to gui tool and refresh to make sure it rotated right

Has got to be slower than this:

 1. Open gui tool
 2. Find a sideways picture
 3. Click rotate button
 4. Click save

On a side note, it looks like gwenview also uses jpegtran.

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UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Lossless jpg operations

2009-06-05 Thread Brandon Stout
Hash: SHA1

Michael Hart wrote:

 What linux distro are you running?

/me braces for a distro war

OpenSuse 11.1

However if there's a product unavailable in this distro by default and
available in another, and it's a gui tool that can do what I want, I'm
happy to try compiling from source to try it out.

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IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] httpd.conf RedirectPermanent

2009-04-09 Thread Brandon Stout
Hash: SHA1

Lonnie Olson wrote:

 How much money have you cost your employer already researching this issue?

Good summary Lonnie.  I think I'll switch to mod_rewrite after all.
Fortunately, I haven't cost the employer anything researching this
issue.  I asked these questions on my own time for my own personal
desire to know what other people do.

This was a good discussion, thank you to all who participated.  If
there's more anyone wants to say, I'm still listening, too :).

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UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

[UPHPU] httpd.conf RedirectPermanent

2009-04-06 Thread Brandon Stout
Hash: SHA1

I've had a couple discussions on IRC about this, and I'd like to expand
this discussion to more of you.  Here's something I see many people do:

VirtualHost *:80
  ServerName example.com
  ServerAlias www.example.com [*.example.com [other.example.domain]]
  [other directives]

This creates at least these problems:

 * Google and other search engines see multiple sites with exactly the
same content.  Maybe this reduces your search rank.
 * SSL either gets more expensive, or screwed up.  If you have multiple
domains for the same site, then you must have a certificate for each
domain.  This would not be expensive if CAcerts.org and other free
certificate authorities were recognized authorities, but they are not.
So you must purchase a certificate for every domain you list in
ServerAlias.  A wildcard certificate which can be /wildly/ expensive
(pardon the pun).  If you don't pay for the extra certs, you must let
your customers deal with errors saying the domain is using a certificate
for another domain.
 * Some coders use full paths for link and script tags, and I've
seen this break a site with multiple domains.

As I see it, any time you have a ServerAlias, you should instead use
RedirectPermanent, unless you are also redirecting the ServerAlias.
Naturally, you can't put the redirect in the same virtual host because
you'd create an infinite loop with the main server redirecting back to
itself.  Thus, I do this:

VirtualHost *:80
  ServerName example.com
  [other directives]
VirtualHost *:80
  Server Name www.example.com
  [ServerAlias *.example.com [other.example.domain]]
  RedirectPermanent / http://example.com/

Some of you might notice that you can do the same with DocumentRewrite,
but I prefer RedirectPermanent for straight domain redirecting because:

 * It sends the appropriate signal to whatever is requesting the domain,
saying that this is a permanent thing.
 * It requires less processing
 * It's almost certainly faster
 * There's less coding involved

I also have a couple of personal reasons for redirecting in general,
whatever the method:

 * It's my private retribution to people who don't listen.  If I say
'mscis.org', I mean 'mscis.org', not 'www.mscis.org'.  People who type
the www in front get the www taken away.  The only improvement would be
for a voice recording to say did I say to put 'www' in front?  Let me
fix it for you.
 * People should lose the www in front of all domains.  The fact that
they are asking for the domain on port 80 or 443 means they are seeking
for web content.  You don't need the www to tell the server to give web
content.  Perhaps a few cases call for enforcing the www, but I think
most cases, you can throw them out.  Either way, I can force it to go
the way I need it to go.

The exception, where you might want to use DocumentRewrite instead of
RedirectPermanent is perhaps SSL domain redirecting (VirtualHost
*:443) because you have to include the certificate information for the
domain you want to forward, even it's just a RedirectPermanent.  There's
also another potential problem.  If client software does it's own
redirecting, and you do the opposite redirect in httpd.conf, you will
end up with an infinite redirect loop that might be hard to find,
especially if the client software stores the domain information in a
database (like Wordpress does).

Those are my thoughts on the matter.  I'd like to see what some of you
have to say about RedirectPermanent usage.  Are my premises for using it
all accurate?

Brandon Stout
Stout Hosting LLC
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UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] UPHPU on Twitter

2009-03-28 Thread Brandon Stout
Hash: SHA1

jim wrote:
 UPHPU Twitter can be found at
 http://twitter.com/uphpu and please

I can get to that URL, but there's no link to follow the group.  I can
click 'following' and 'followers' (whatever the difference is between
those two...), and those links give me a list of thinbegin who is
following and 7 people who are followers, and each of them have a link
where I can follow them, but there's no link to follow the group.  Did I
miss it somewhere?


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IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] CSS drop down menu

2009-02-18 Thread Brandon Stout
Hash: SHA1

Velda wrote:

 It's all about Son of Suckerfish from HTML dog.

Yay! We haven't had a CSS drop down menu discussion in months!  I've
been wondering what is new out there that people have tried.  I've done
suckerfish dropdowns, and Son of Suckerfish, among others, and the one I
like most so far is Son of Suckerfish, though I'd really like to see
support for infinite child menus.

I hope we have some new suggestions here, too.


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IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

[UPHPU] cakephp questions

2009-01-15 Thread Brandon Stout
Hash: SHA1

First a couple questions now that we had a meeting about cakephp.  When
I looked at it a few months ago, I was surprised to see that they were
still writing their product for PHP 4, and the documentation stated they
did not plan to support PHP 5 since 'most people are still using PHP 4'
(loosely quoted).  Since PHP 5 has been out a few years, I thought that
was pretty lame, and went with Kohana ( http://kohanaphp.com ).  Since
then, Mac Newbold mentioned to me that cakephp had a beta product that
does support PHP 5.  Now my questions:

 * If it supports both PHP 4 and 5, does it take advantage sufficiently
of PHP 5 OOP?
 * Is there a lot of bloat since you have to sometimes do the same thing
two different ways: the PHP 4 way and the PHP 5 way?  It seems that an
application should support one or the other, not both at the same time
for that reason.
 * Are there any Kohana PHP users out there that prefer one over the
other, and if so, what?

Brandon Stout
Stout Hosting LLC

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Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE - http://enigmail.mozdev.org



UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

[UPHPU] Looking for work...

2009-01-15 Thread Brandon Stout
Hash: SHA1

I'm currently unemployed.  Most of my experience is system
administration related, but I haven't landed anything yet.  I enjoyed
having Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas months off.  I hope it's
the last time for many years I get to enjoy that much time off.  I've
done some web programming, but I'm not a fast programmer yet.  I'm
looking to expand my skillset since I'm not getting a system
administrator position.  I enjoy a little mix of both web programming
and system admin anyway.

I'm also getting tired of using Drupal for some of my sites, and having
many plug ins to do what I want, having to keep them all updated, and
having them not work like I want them to.  I want to replace my Drupal
sites with code I write from scratch.  I might start with cakephp,
kohana PHP, or something else.

Thus, I'm sending this email for two reasons:

 1. Is there anyone else that would like to work with me at a library,
or anywhere with wireless on a weekly basis to build websites, and to
improve your web development?  I like working in teams, so I'd love to
work with anyone that would like to do this.  Hopefully we can get a
handful of us.  Email me or call the number in my resume if you are

 2. If you are hiring, or know someone who is hiring, please let me
know, and review my resume at http://res.mscis.org .  My first
consideration is medical benefits for my family.  I must have good
medical and dental.  I'll forgo this requirement for any company that
pays me $150,000 or more per year :).

Thank you,

Brandon Stout

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IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] specifying with row is displayed when using MySQL GROUP BY

2009-01-14 Thread Brandon Stout
Hash: SHA1

Wade Preston Shearer wrote:

 Well, if it can be improved, I'd love to improve it:

 SELECT pt.*, LPAD(pt.pt_id, 6, '0') as pt_id_padded, pm.pm_name, pv.pv_name 
 FROM ixd_prodir.prodir_prototypes pt 
   INNER JOIN ixd_prodir.prodir_modules pm 
   ON pt.pt_module=pm.pm_id 
   INNER JOIN ixd_prodir.prodir_prototypes_to_versions ptve 
   ON pt.pt_id=ptve.ptve_pt_id 
   INNER JOIN ixd_prodir.prodir_versions pv 
   ON ptve.ptve_pv_id=pv.pv_id 
 WHERE pt.pt_pj_id=1
 GROUP BY pt.pt_id 
 ORDER BY pt.pt_name asc

Have you tried SELECT DISTINCT instead of GROUP BY?


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IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] How do I make so that my PHP application running on apache can read php modules not in htdocs?

2008-10-24 Thread Brandon Stout
Hash: SHA1

Nathan Lane wrote:

 How do I make so that my PHP application running on apache can read php
 modules not in htdocs? Basically I want to secure my php modules away from
 the user. Is that something I need to set up in the apache conf file?

Look for the include_path directive in your php.ini file.  Place files
in the path, or add another path and put files there.  Use include,
include_once, require, or require_once from a file inside htdocs and use
relative paths from that include directory.

Brandon Stout
Stout Hosting LLC

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Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE - http://enigmail.mozdev.org



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IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] database architecture for type with 2 parents

2008-09-16 Thread Brandon Stout

Hash: SHA1

Richard gets this three times since I kept using the wrong email address
to send my reply sorry Richard.

Richard K Miller wrote:

| Here's a database architecture question:
| I have a domain table (google.com, byu.edu, etc.) and a subdomain
| table (fakesteve.blogspot.com, dev.mysql.com, etc.) A subset of the
| domains and subdomains are my sites (richardkmiller.com,
| richardkmiller.wordpress.com) and have additional attributes that don't
| need to be stored for all domains and subdomains.
| What's the best practice for creating a mysites table that is composed
| of both a subset of domains and a subset of subdomains?  Here's what I
| have:
| CREATE TABLE `mysites` (
|   `id` int(12) NOT NULL auto_increment,
|   `type` enum('domain','subdomain'),
|   `fk_id` int(12),
|   `hosting` varchar(24),
|   PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
|   KEY `fk_id` (`fk_id`)
| When type=domain, fk_id is a foreign key to the domain table. When
| type=subdomain, fk_id refers to the subdomain table. This has a
| hacky feel that I don't like. Also, if I create a VIEW of my sites, I
| can't edit it because the VIEW contains a UNION:
| CREATE VIEW `mysitesview` as
| SELECT mysites.id, type, domain AS site, hosting, fk_id
|   FROM domain JOIN mysites
| ON domain.id = mysites.fk_id AND type = domain
| SELECT mysites.id, type, subdomain AS site, hosting, fk_id
|   FROM subdomain JOIN mysites
| ON subdomain.id = mysites.fk_id AND type =subdomain;
| Any thoughts? How could I do this better?
| Richard

I have a couple questions on your design:

~ 1. I can see a few reasons for having separate domains and subdomains
tables, but I can also see why one might want both to be in one table
since subdomains are really also domains in themselves.  What's your
reason for separating the two?
~ 2. Can you put the two tables together without breaking anything, or
violating something you need normalized that way?

Now for a quick suggestion.  Something like this might work (definitely
check that if clause):

CREATE VIEW `mysitesview` AS
~ mysites.id,
~ type,
~ if(type=domain,domain,subdomain) as site,
~ hosting,
~ fk_id
FROM mysites
~ LEFT JOIN domain ON mysites.fk_id = domain.id AND type = domain
~ LEFT JOIN subdomain ON mysites.fk_id = subdomain.id AND type =

Or maybe you can use a subquery in there.  If you have some sample data
dumps I can test this on, I may have time to test a few ideas.

Brandon Stout

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Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE - http://enigmail.mozdev.org



UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

[UPHPU] Geographic Web Stats?

2008-08-05 Thread Brandon Stout
I currently use Urchin, which is now Google Analytics for web stats.  A 
client would like to track Geographic data.  I explained a little on how 
Geographic data is not very accurate since the Internet uses IP 
addresses rather than geography.  There are /some/ apps that track 
Geographic data based on wherever certain IP addresses /should/ be 
geographically.  What do you use to track Geographic stats?

Brandon Stout
Stout Hosting LLC


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Photo cataloging/tagging software

2008-06-07 Thread Brandon Stout

D. Turnbull wrote:

Hello all,

I've just started work at a human-resources nonprofit, and we have a a
large number of photographs that are largely unorganized. Can anyone
recommend any photo cataloging/tagging software? Our needs are as

* Multiple tags per photo with ability to search tags
* Build photo database by scanning directory structure; add photos by
saving to directory structure (instead of requiring upload via web
* Multiple users accounts, with system tracking user changes
* GUI administration
* Thumbnail/gallery display for albums

I'm currently experimenting with Gallery, but I'd like to know if any
of you have recommendations.



I'm pretty sure Gallery can do all these things.  A Google I'm feeling
lucky search will get there, but here's a direct URL anyway:


Brandon Stout
Stout Hosting LLC


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] How do you lay out your PHP project directories?

2008-05-13 Thread Brandon Stout

Nathan Lane wrote:

Hey, I was messing around with an IDE for developing PHP the other day named
Delphi For PHP. I noticed pretty quickly that it was adding some of its own
PHP libraries and using them, but those libraries weren't located in the
root of my web server, rather they were located in a directory completely
separate from my Apache web root. How does one accomplish this? Namely use
PHP files not in your web root. We do it in ASP.Net at my work, where we
have a service host that resides under Program Files, and the web root for
the particular IIS ASP.Net application is located under the IIS web root. Is
it something that I have to change in my apache config, or my php config to
do this? Can anyone help me do this? Basically the reason I want to do this
is to separate my framework from my web page, so that it is simpler to use
the same installed framework (php) for multiple sites on the same server, or
set of servers.

You can use php.ini's include_path directive as shown on this page:


Or you can specify a full server path with require(), require_once(), 
include(), or include_once(), as shown on this page:


You can also use __autoload and other Object Oriented methods to load 
php files outside the web root.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net


2008-02-27 Thread Brandon Stout
I'm sending this to PLUG, UPHPU, GUBUG, and BYUUUG.  If someone could 
send this on to other user groups that might have interest we at UDBUG 
appreciate it.

I've decided to use Google Groups for the UDBUG mail list. It has 
several features already in place, and it leaves me with one less thing 
to manage on the server side.  If it doesn't work well, I'll probably go 
with mailman - out of the mail list programs I tested, it's the one I'd 
go with.  Perhaps we can write a database-driven mail list sometime as a 
group, but I'm betting Google Groups will work well enough.  I sent an 
invitation to myself so I could get the text from the invitation and 
forward it.  I'll wait a few days and then start a topic about March's 
meeting, so please join the mail list soon if you'd like to participate 
in that discussion.  Now for the invitation:

-- Google Groups Information --

You can accept this invitation by clicking the following URL:


Access to the group on the web requires a Google Account. If you don't 
have a Google Account set up yet, you'll first need to create an account 
before you can access the group. You can create an account at:


Thank you all for your support.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] UPHPU February Meeting

2008-01-29 Thread Brandon Stout
Victor Villa wrote:
 Greets UPHPU,


 For February's meeting we are going to have a combined UPHPU / UDBUG (Utah
 Database Users Group) where UDBUG will be presenting.  


 Some possible topics include:


 - mysql 

 - postgres 

 - SQLite 

 -  sql hierarchy and use php to convert it to xhtml ul's
 -  PDO


 Write back and mention which topic you'd like to hear, or write in your own



Just to clarify a little, the SQL hierarchy presentation might be titled
something like:

  Storing and Retrieving Hierarchical Data in a Database With PHP

If you want this topic, I'd cover this article:


And discuss how to use PHP's mysqli (MySQL Improved) extension to
connect to the database and retrieve the hierarchy in a list format,
like navigation menu on http://mscis.org .  The presentation is MySQL
tiered, but one can apply the same basic concepts to other database
engines as well.

Brandon Stout
Stout Hosting LLC


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] eCommerce - what do you use?

2008-01-29 Thread Brandon Stout
 Quoting Scott Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I've read about RIAs using AJAX.  I have also used PHP to implement a
 service.  Could you enlighten a little more on how your RIA will work
 PHP as a service?  Is it a web service?  Would you use SOAP or JSON?
 to pester but I'm curious.

 Great questions all. Because AJAX has javascript that is easily
 exposed to the client, it's definitely less secure. Logging in through
 a Flex app is tucked away nicely. The short answer on PHP is to return
 an XML string. If you already have a SOAP or JSON service available,
 just use it. The other choice is to use PHPAMF and exchange the data
 in binary. Here's some docs that give some more details:


 And as a nice marketing business case for RIAs, check out:

 -- Cole

Are there any existing PHP-based RIA ecommerce solutions?

Brandon Stout
Stout Hosting LLC


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] eCommerce - what do you use?

2008-01-26 Thread Brandon Stout

My chief complaints:

 1. It's much less customize-friendly than any software I've used.
Many of the things that normally go in a database they place in files.
These files naturally will get over-written on a site upgrade, so to
avoid that, you have to create an 'override' file.  Thus customizing
Zencart becomes a nightmare  - some settings go in the database, others
to files.  You have to check documentation to find where to customize
each thing - is it the database this time, or a file?  It's probably
still fairly simple to do, but I have very limited web development time
available right now.
 2. I couldn't get the override files to work, so I customized the
source, every patch I install a patch I install will overwrite my
changes.  The You've successfully installed... message will return.
Sales message goes here will return.  These things go in the database,
not files.
 3. Also, they don't resize images on the server.  They send full-sized
images to the client and have the browser resize the image.  You end up
with a tiny thumbnail that takes a full minute to load...

My client wants to customize these things:

 1. Custom text on the home page, not just products - probably
something like a welcome message.
 2. Larger Category images - they want something like a galery of
images to show their custom wall art actually on a wall.  Hard to see
this in a 56-pixel-wide image.
 3. Links to other sites.
 4. Keyword SEO.

Brandon Stout
Stout Hosting LLC

Caleb Call wrote:

I forgot to Reply-All so here it is again :-)

I've been using ZenCart for quite some time and have been quite happy with
it.  It does take a fair amount of tweaking to optimize it but once it's
optimized I don't have any complaints.

What kind of customizing?  I always found it quite simple to customize???


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] eCommerce - what do you use?

2008-01-26 Thread Brandon Stout

jay wrote:


I have had great success with cpCommerce - I needed something light 
and very configurable for a client. cpCommerce allows you to pick and 
choose the modules that you want to include.

My client had a very specific page layout in mind (nothing like the 
'usual' eCommerce site) which I produced and then just plugged in the 
module calls where required. It has a few quirks like requiring a 
manufacturer for each item (my client was the manufacturer, so this 
was not required) but overall very easy to implement.

What are your criteria?


My client would like future credit card transaction and paypal ability,
of course, with that, they want a shopping cart.  They want a home page
that can have custom content, and some the things I mentioned in my
response to Caleb Call.  I'd like something they can maintain with the
web gui so I don't have to do special jobs for them every time they want
something changed - something impossible with Zencart since some of its
settings are in 'Override files'.

Anyone can view their site:


They'd like a look-and-feel similar to art.com.

Brandon Stout
Stout Hosting LLC


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] eCommerce - what do you use?

2008-01-26 Thread Brandon Stout

velda wrote:

Brandon Stout wrote:

PHP friends,

I was fairly sold on Zencart from my Google searches, but as some of you
may have noted, I'm not completely satisfied with it.  If I find someone
to help customize it, perhaps I'll go that route, but maybe there are
eCommerce packages some of you recommend over Zencart.  What do some of
you use, and why?

I'd say the vast majority of my cart clients so far have preferred 
x-cart -- it's robust enough to fit most stores needs out of the box, 
it has paid support (so you don't have to patiently rely on the 
kindness of others if you're having difficult issues).  Not only does 
it do almost anything you'd ever need a store to do, but you're also 
able to tweak the code as you'd like, create custom modules, purchase 
modules made by other providers, etc.  It uses smarty templates for 
skinning... the webmaster mode is handy for editing language and 
layout.  They also have a big, friendly online community (for license 
owners only).  And because its a popular cart that does pretty well, 
many hosting companies (like ours but I won't spam our link unless you 
want it) offer a discount on the license with hosting.

On the down side, X-cart does like lots of elbow room.  Some add-on 
modules and combinations of modules can make it a resource hog.  I've 
had a few people get frustrated with it, particularly with applying 
updates or troubleshooting heavy resource usage after heavy 
modification, but we do find more people having success with it than 
with other carts.

I have a handful of clients using CS-cart, and they love it.  I don't 
know much about it other than its supposed to be a side-step to 
x-cart, and is supposedly easier to update after modifications.

Litecommerce (by the makers of X-cart)  is another popular option, but 
I hate it on many levels... for one thing, it's rarely an 
out-of-the-box solution -- people have to add on extra modules to just 
make a basic cart.  On top of that, the code is encrypted.  As a host, 
due to myriad of add-on combinations people end up with just trying to 
run a simple store, the configurations vary widely from site to site.  
This makes it a bear to troubleshoot.

Zencart is fine; OS Commerce and Cubecart less so, but most of our 
customers who us any of those end up converting to x-cart eventually.  
Magento is the up and coming super cart in the open source community.  
I have high hopes for it, but I'm not going to start recommending it 
yet... alot can happen between beta and release ;-p

Anyway I hope that helps..  I'm kinda cranky and tired tonight  - just 
made a major software switch over here - but if you have questions 
about all this feel free to ask. I'm sure I'll be more agreeable by 
Monday... maybe Tuesday ;-)

Take care ... -Velda

You've made a great case for X-cart.  I'll read up on this one more.  Do 
they store settings using override files that ought to be in the 
database (where clients can modify the settings with the admin GUI 
instead of always reverting to a webmaster for these changes?

Brandon Stout
Stout Hosting LLC


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

[UPHPU] UDBUG's February Meeting Combined With UPHPU

2008-01-25 Thread Brandon Stout
I erroneously announced UDBUGs February meeting would be on the fourth
Thursday in February.  Actually, we are having a combined meeting with
UPHPU.  I'll post details on UDBUG soon.  When I do, you can find it here:


The details will also be on UPHPU.org:


We will discuss PHP and SQL in this combined meeting.

Brandon Stout
Stout Hosting LLC


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

[UPHPU] UDBUG - Call for presenters, and topics

2008-01-24 Thread Brandon Stout

I'm still working on a mail list for UDBUG.  In fact, the next UDBUG
announcement will probably announce the mail list.  I have 4 kids who
need my attention, slowing UDBUG development a little more than I
anticipated, but... 'if we build it, they will come', right?

I've been informed that the .NET and Python user groups meet the 2nd
Tuesday of each month.  Since some of these may also have interest in
UDBUG, we'll try the fourth Thursday in February.  This brings me to the
next topic: we need volunteers to present on various database related
topics.  Please respond if you wish to present on a topic or two list
all the topics you'd like to present on.  I'd like to see at least one
presentation for a few of the major database servers and clients out there.

Brandon Stout
Stout Hosting LLC


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Web page data extraction

2008-01-11 Thread Brandon Stout
Mike Mackrory wrote:
 I have an interesting question.

 I wrote an Access application a year or two ago that I'm looking at rewriting 
 as a web app.  One thing I'm not sure I can move over to a web app is a tool 
 I put together to let the users extract data from web pages.

 In the Access App, I open a browser window, they can log into the secure 
 site, find the page with the data they need, then click a button and the 
 program then takes the HTML source, parses out the necessary info and then 
 loads it into the local database.

 Does anyone know if this is possible to do using PHP or JavaScript.  Using an 
 IFrame would be perfect, but since the site they want to extract the info 
 from is on a different domain this doesn't appear to be possible.  Anyone 
 have any idea's of how I could do this?  The big obstacle is just finding a 
 way to get the source code of the web page being viewed.


In addition to the things others have suggested, PHP can interface with
various databases, like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.

Brandon Stout
Stout Hosting LLC


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Database Conventions

2008-01-09 Thread Brandon Stout

Ray Hunter wrote:

- allow lowercase letters with underscores as spaces

I personally like names that don't use the underscore. Instead, 
capitalize the first letter of the second word.  The underscore 
character is way overused in programming and database design.  
Left-pinkey-hit-shift, Right-lazy-finger up 2 rows was never meant to be 
used so much.

Brandon Stout
Stout Hosting LLC


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Database Conventions

2008-01-09 Thread Brandon Stout

Jonathan Duncan wrote:

That would be a good topic for UDBUG:

I agree.  We can throw this into our discussion tomorrow evening if 
anyone is interested.  Otherwise, any volunteers for next months topic?  
If there's a large enough interest?  We don't have a mail list on udbug 
yet.  Registered members can post content, and hopefully it's database 
related.  Tomorrow's topic: database design.


Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

[UPHPU] First UDBUG Meeting

2008-01-03 Thread Brandon Stout
Soon we will have our own mail list.  Until then, please forgive my

About UDBUG:

UDBUG is the Utah Database Users Group - a community for database (db)
users and administrators to discuss, and compare favorite db servers, db
clients, and general ideas common to all db programs, such as SQL. 
UDBUG will have chapters for the specific databases that members can join.

We will hold our UDBUG meetings the second Thursday of every month. 
Thus, the first UDBUG meeting will be January 10th.  I will discuss
database design and normalization rules.  You can view details on this page:


You can also subscribe to the RSS or ICS feed.

RSS: http://udbug.org/event/feed
ICS: http://udbug.org/event/ical/all/all

Please send your RSVP to me via personal email.  Send your questions or
comments to me or to the list, whichever you prefer.

Brandon Stout
Stout Hosting LLC


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Utah Colocation

2007-12-13 Thread Brandon Stout
 I was guessing it was 95th percentile but the quote didn't mention it.

 I'll look into a dedicated/managed server and see if I can find something at 
 a reasonable price. This server won't be just for websites, email, databases, 
 etc. I'd like to have more control over the server than you can with shared 
 hosting so I can use it for subversion, cvs, etc.

Our VPS products are not like shared hosting.  It's a virtual server,
and you can install most of the things available in the freebsd ports
collection, including cvs, svn, etc.

Brandon Stout
Stout Hosting LLC


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Utah Colocation

2007-12-12 Thread Brandon Stout

 I'm looking for a colocation host here in the Salt Lake City (Layton and 
 further north is fine). I've looked at a few places but most are too 
 expensive. The server won't have a lot of traffic so preferably I'd like 
 something under $100 a month.

 I've found a couple places that I like the price but I want to see what 
 others would recommend.


I'm not sure what you mean by colocation, but if you are looking for web
hosting, I own Stout Hosting LLC and I can provide hosting on enterprise
class server clusters with MySQL 5 or Postgres, and PHP 5 for much less
than $100, depending on your needs.  Send me an email for details.  Send
me your phone number if you'd like a call.

Brandon Stout
Stout Hosting LLC


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] FW: Geek Lunch this Friday - New event afterwards! - Dec 14th @ 12:30p Shanghai Lunch

2007-12-11 Thread Brandon Stout
Wade Preston Shearer wrote:
 This week’s lesson

 They hold these Lunch-n-Learn sessions weekly? Are they gratis? Are
 they always after lunch on Fridays? Do they have a calendar?

 is being taught by the Code Greene design team to talk about Graphic

 Who is on their graphic design team?

And if I can't make both events, what time does the Code Greene lesson
take place?  I can make one or the other, but probably not both.

Brandon Stout
Stout Hosting LLC


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

[UPHPU] OpenOffice.org Conference 2008 - Call for Location... In Utah?

2007-12-07 Thread Brandon Stout
I'd love to see this come to Utah County or Salt Lake County, and I
think we have a large enough Open Source support/interest to pull this
off with success.  I've even thought up a slogan:

We did the 2002 Olympics, we can do OOOcon, too!

OK, maybe some of you have a better slogan... send it!  I can't do
something this big myself, but I can help a group like UOS make it
so.  Can someone at UOS send this idea to some of the other OSS

Brandon Stout
Stout Hosting LLC

 Original Message 
Subject:[ooo-announce] OpenOffice.org Annual Conference 2008 - Call
for Location
Date:   Fri, 7 Dec 2007 12:35:01 - (GMT)
From:   John McCreesh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The OpenOffice.org Community eagerly awaits its next annual international
conference, OOoCon. We are looking for engaged and interested groups to
host next year's conference and welcome your proposals.

Since the first conference in 2003, OOoCon has been held in Germany,
Slovenia, France, and Spain - could your local OpenOffice.org community
rise to the challenge in 2008?

Hosting OOoCon is challenging, rewarding, exhilarating, exhausting... and
can provide a huge publicity boost for OpenOffice.org in the host country.
Traditionally, OOoCon takes place in autumn/fall, but there is no fixed

Would your team like to rise the challenge? Full details of the Call For
Location process are available on the website
http://marketing.openoffice.org/ooocon2008/cfl.html and the conference
organisers' mailing list is open for discussions at

You can get impressions of previous conferences at

Deadline for submissions is midnight, January 31st, 2008. Thank you and
good luck with your proposals!

The OpenOffice.org Conference Team


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] jQuery and Opera Bug

2007-10-24 Thread Brandon Stout
Craig Jackson wrote:
 You guys are very helpful, so I am coming to you with this problem I cannot 
 figure out a solution for. Usually the reliable communities have addressed my 
 issues, but I could not find any helpful info.

 In Opera, I have a major layout crisis just from one line of jQuery.


 If that line is taken out, the layout loads exactly how I want it to. But, 
 then the list loads shown. I want the list of blogs hidden onload. However, I 
 want them to toggle on and off with the click of a link.

 $(a#showblogs).click(function() {
   return false;

 I threw together a menu to give you an idea of what I want the HTML to be:

 div id=menu
   lia href=index.htmlHome/a/li
   lia href=index.htmlPortfolio/a/li
   lia id=showblogs href=blogs.htmlBlogs/a
   ul id=blogs
   lia href=index.htmlBlog 1/a/li
   lia href=index.htmlBlog 2/a/li
   lia href=index.htmlAbout Me/a/li
   lia href=index.htmlContact Me/a/li

 There is no problem with viewing this in IE or Firefox. Plus, when you click 
 an index.html link (refreshing itself), then Opera loads the layout in a 
 correct fashion. Im sure it is a simple mistake that is just lapsing my mind.

 Thanks for the help,
 Craig Jackson

The only thing that comes to mind for me is this:  Make sure that you do
not use id=menu, id=showblogs, or id=blogs for any element
anywhere else on that page.  Personally, I'd use class=menu and so
forth instead of id attributes so you can reuse it.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

[UPHPU] Re: NAT vs IPv6 was: Genetically coded website

2007-10-22 Thread Brandon Stout
Lonnie Olson wrote:
 Brandon is right here.  In general limiting by IP is a bad idea.
 However in your (intended) small experiment I think limiting by IP would
 be a quick, easy, legitimate way to get past your initial problem.

 Now, just to ignore Brandon's warning...
 NAT vs IPv6!  

 That controversy is total crap.  The only argument for the NAT side is
 laziness.  NAT proponents say that we already have a solution, and don't
 need to make any changes (laziness).  Sometimes they say that there are
 no providers, which is caused by these lazy people themselves.  IPv6 is
 the future.  China is already deploying it widely, and even the US
 Government has mandated the change.  

Go Lonnie!  I agree totally.  Japan and other countries are picking up
IP v6.  In fact, there are a few websites you cannot access without IP
v6.  Nothing significant yet, for most of us anyway, but there are a few.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Genetically coded website

2007-10-21 Thread Brandon Stout

Justin Giboney wrote:
Thank you Victor for your kind, and professional response. Sorry, if I 
offended anyone. I didn't want to necessarily incriminate anyone. I 
just wanted to kind of find out if someone had any theories on doing 
this test, or thoughts behind it. If they did it for research than I 
am all for it.

I know that this wasn't secure, or protected from bots, or really 
malicious persons. I thought about 1 vote per ip, or even a cookie, to 
control the amount of votes. Maybe I'll do that for any future tests.

But what does the group think about the concept? Imagine a website 
with artificial intelligence.

Justin Giboney

One fairly large problem comes up when limiting by IP.  Many internal 
networks NAT to one web IP.  If several people in one business receive 
an email about this site, and they go to vote, only one of them will be 
able to do so.  Even if there are header() functions that can pull the 
original IP plus the web IP and limit off that, some businesses will not 
support it and will not provide internal ips in the header packets.  I 
don't want to turn your thread into a NAT vs IP v6 war, so I'll stop 
there.  Just be aware that limiting by IP may not be the best way to 
limit your visitors.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] SEO and Flash

2007-10-07 Thread Brandon Stout

justin wrote:

a couple of thoughts on seo for flash sites:

0. don't use flash. really. don't.

1. if you must use flash, minimize it. for seo purposes, less flash is
always better. a few small flash files will often provide just as much
magic as one large, full site monstrosity.

2. avoid flash based navigation. flash is fun for embedded media, cool
animated images, etc. terrible for navigation.

3. if you absolutely must have flash navigation:
a. make sure every navigation click in a flash page actually loads
a new page, not just new flash content.
b. provide an alternate navigation. make sure you can get to every
page on the site without using flash. on this particular site, the
footer navigation would work.

4. consider using javascript flash detection. one side unfortunate
side effect of this is that users with javascript disabled will not be
served flash content. but neither will googlebot.

5. if you use javascript flash detection, provide alternate identical
content. for every paragraph in the flash file, put one in plain text.
hide this content with javascript if you serve them the flash content.

in the case of your client, i'd keep the flash slideshow looking thing
in the middle of the screen. ditch the flash navigation. you'll
prob'ly get more seo mileage out of worrying about everything else you
can do for the site. i don't see the current the flash as a major
problem with this site. but you might try to talk them out of adding a
bunch more...


Thank you for your suggestions Justin.  I have similar thoughts, but the 
navigation may be a challange.  They want the trapezoid-shaped buttons 
since it goes along with the IsoTruss frame's look.

I wonder if there's a way to do the color change effects on the top 
navigation bar's trapezoid-shaped buttons with css?

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] SEO and Flash

2007-10-07 Thread Brandon Stout

Use Flash wisely. Flash has a purpose. In order to get any SEO, you 
must follow the Google recommended processes for how they crawl SWFs. 
I'm not a big fan of Flash-only sites, unless you care nothing for 
SEO, then anything goes. If you need SEO, you can balance excitement 
and SEO successfully. No kidding...

...I have to agree here. Flash has a place, not every place.

Thank you Cole, I was hoping you'd respond to this question since I know 
you would have some good stuff to say about Flash.  Flash definitely has 
a place.  I might use it less than some, but I'll use it when the need 
arises.  I appreciate your counterpoints for Flash.

Um, no, this is old news. Flash Player 8 is already 98% penetration 
and Player 9 is already at 90 and growing fast. Any idiot turning off 
Javascript in today's AJAX-happy world, should not be allowed to use 
the browser anymore. Yes, reallly.

Sometimes I need to use a text-based browser on a text-only FreeBSD web 
server to download software, patches, or for a quick look at a page 
without having to load my GUI based browser.  In that one case I see a 
need for a no JS interface.  Too few sites account for that need.  I 
don't think Lynx supports JS, but I could be wrong...

Unless you are a jaded Linux guy (as I feel compelled to allow this 
exception), if you don't have Flash, again, you should be banned from 
the internet completely. You dweeb.

Or... perhaps... unless you are using Lynx from an OS without a GUI.

I don't think you have a major SEO problem with this site either. 
The Product and 7 Reasons pages are rich in text content. The nice 
Flash at the top is great. The navigation is not a big issue as far as 
pure SEO, because you have it in the footer. I'd take the time to do 
the things Sheri Bigelow mentioned in her presentation this summmer, 
and you should be fine.

Was this ever made available via mp3 or oog?  I missed this meeting, but 
was interested in it.  Is there a text-based outline or even a 
Flash-based slideshow...

Use Flash. Use it wisely. The image produced on this site is pretty 
good, actually. It would be a shame to lose it.

-- Cole

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

[UPHPU] SEO and Flash

2007-10-05 Thread Brandon Stout
I have a client that uses Flash on his site:


He wants SEO optimization.  My question:

How do some of you SEO optimize flash sites that convert text to an images?

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] UPHPU Family Extravaganza!

2007-10-01 Thread Brandon Stout

Mac Newbold wrote:

Yesterday at 12:41pm, Victor Villa said:

We had an awesome planning session in the IRC Channel about the family
extravaganza and here is the way we are leaning right now:

Oct 20
byom and a side dish
Mt. Timpanogos Park

Possible Activities ?

- ultimate Frisbee

Anybody with suggestions, please feel free to reply or come into the IRC
channel #uphpu!

Sounds good to me so far. If nobody else expresses a time preference, 
I'd probably go for something earlier rather than later, gathering at 
4-5pm so we can get the grills going and be eating by 6pm give or 
take. It would be nice to have a few hours before it starts getting 
too dark, too.

On the activities, Ulitimate Frisbee sounds fun, and I assume there 
will be plenty playground equipment for the kiddies. I'm open to other 
stuff too. For those that don't like to run too much, some card games 
or board games might be fun, or a PHP trivia quiz (make sure to throw 
in some questions that spouses etc. can answer), or door prizes perhaps.

Thanks for putting this together, it's been a fun activity each year 
that we've done it.


Just a quick request to place this event on the UPHPU ical/webcal.

/me adds event to cell phone just in case

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] CDBaby Return From Rails to PHP

2007-09-23 Thread Brandon Stout

John David Anderson wrote:

Roberto Mello wrote:

You can keep lying to yourself, but it won't make it any
more true.

Your efforts to enforce my personal intellectual honesty aren't really 
appreciated, or welcome either, for that matter.

I have to agree with John.  What's a language preference got to do with 
personal integrity?

John David Anderson wrote:

Roberto Mello wrote:

If you just admit that PHP has some very, very serious flaws and hacks
in the language, and note that  you have your ways to deal with them,
people will take you more seriously.

When did I deny that? Is there something I did to offend in my last 
message? Your overt effort to belittle me honestly has me surprised.

Goodness. Now I'm all worried people think I'm not serious. ;)

This is a PHP user's group, right?

Yep, we exist precisely because we want to discuss flaws, resolutions, 
and to answer basic usage questions.  I'd say we tend to avoid hacks as 
a group, preferring quality non-hack code, but I'm sure there are some 
in the list that will happily contribute hacks as well.

John David Anderson wrote:

Roberto Mello wrote:

Your ways to deal with PHP's
flaws might not work for everybody. A band-aid hack is still a
band-aid hack.

I hope you don't mean to infer that all PHP developers are hacks. I 
will openly admit PHP has drawbacks and gotchas, but all-in-all it's a 
pleasure to work with. Is any language infallible?

I don't find myself resorting to hacks, no, if you're asking.

I'd say your right with the majority of the UPHPU group, at least from 
reading over 2 years of postings.  See also my above comment on hacks...

John David Anderson wrote:

Roberto Mello wrote:

I'm no ruby person, but PHP has severe limitations that prevent some
rails-like functionality to work similarly to Ruby. PHP, AFAIK, has no
way to pass functions and classes as objects. All you can do is pass a
string with the string of the function name. You can say that you have
no use for that all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that it's
you who's deliberately limiting yourself to the environment. Not the
other way around.

I'd like to respond to this particular scenario, but let's say it's 
absolutely impossible to reproduce in PHP. I might have use for that, 
but does it keep me from reaching some over-arching goal in 
application development? Probably not. Would I use it if it was there? 
Sure: why not. But it's bells and whistles like this that people wave 
around as some sort of rallying cry that on the whole goes unanswered.

PHP is the workhorse of the web. Ruby has yet to prove itself.

Oh, and please don't bother reply if you aren't even going to make an 
effort to be respectful. Starting off with an antagonistic and 
insulting tone, challenging my intellectual honesty, putting words in 
my mouth, and trying to nail me on inconsequential argument points 
isn't a real great way to share and build ideas. I don't believe my 
original message was disrespectful and I ask you to do the same.

-- John

Again, I agree with John.  His reply had no disrespect, and made no 
judgement calls on the original poster's personal integrity.  I value 
Robert Mello's comments about Ruby vs PHP and his personal experiences 
with them, but found his comments about John David Anderson's integrity 
and personal life rather harsh, and quite out of line.  I ask the same, 
Robert.  Please keep your personal judgments about peoples integrity off 
the list.  Let's keep this a valuable resource for everyone.

/me cowers into a corner hoping not to get a verbal lashing from Mr. 
Mello about his personal integrity...

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] UPHPU Family Extravaganza!

2007-09-22 Thread Brandon Stout

Wade Preston Shearer wrote:

Also, Tucano's isn't in Orem, that's technically North Provo.  Right
up on the road (up Provo canyon) is a nice park, not more than 5
minute drive.  Very nice, playground, etc.  Could be worth it!

Also costs a lot though. I love to eat there—it's delicious—I think 
that we would get more people (and families) if it was a 
picnic/barbecue though.
I agree, but considering this rainy day today, we need an 
in-case-of-inclement-weather plan.  IOW, let's plan on a park, but have 
a backup indoor place planned as well.  Tucano's is fun, but it is 
indeed more expensive than some.  I'm a Brick Oven fan.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] UPHPU Meeting next Thursday

2007-09-17 Thread Brandon Stout

Ray Hunter wrote:

i would love to help out and perhaps give a presentation on pgsql or
some database concepts/theories. i think that having a group that
supports many different databases would be a welcome to the oos
community. i think that it will also help developers understand each
database's pros/cons and open them up to new ideas.


I see it the same way.  I could use a little postgres knowledge, and I 
have some MySQL knowledge to share.  I think I'd like to have the first 
meeting in a month or two, after I get the website configured a little 
better and maybe a mail list.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] website enhancements

2007-09-13 Thread Brandon Stout
Wade Preston Shearer wrote:
 I am curious, would you guys like a block in the sidebar for job
 announcements (similar to how UGAF does it [1])?

I'm indifferent here since I've just started a new job, but I think this
may be a good idea.

 Also, what are your thoughts about requiring job announcements to be
 posted through a form on the website instead of via email (similar to
 how UGAF does it [2])? The nice thing about this is that it controls
 quality without the delay of moderation.

Sounds like less work for you - you won't have to manually approve each
job posting.  As Dave pointed out, you also can enforce certain fields.


Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] separate logs for each site?

2007-09-04 Thread Brandon Stout

Jonathan Duncan wrote:
I use separate logs for all of my sub hosts.  Much easier for log 
analysis.  It also allows me to be able to let each sub host view 
their own files without giving them access to logs for other sites.


I'll comment on log rotation, a little off the separate logs topic, 
but a similar topic to your 600 meg log file issue.  Log rotation 
compresses older log files, saving around 75% to 80% of the space a 
non-compressed plain-text file would use.  Verio uses Urchin for log 
analysis software, and the script Verio provides to install Urchin 5 
automatically rotates logs, and compresses them.  This command installs 
it on a Verio VPS:

 vinstall urchin5

Urchin was purchased by Google, and is now known as Google Analytics:


I imagine if you install this software it will also automatically 
install log rotation scripts.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Passing more than one $_GET variable

2007-09-03 Thread Brandon Stout

Wade Preston Shearer wrote:
I tried that and it didn't work. It loaded the default domain on the 
box. Instead of…

VirtualHost [IP]:[port]

…I am using…

VirtualHost *:80

Would that make a different?

I've never tried * in the VirtualHost tag.  I'm not sure if it would 
work.  I'll post if I get a chance to test that idea.  Anyone else tried 
it before?

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Announce List

2007-08-28 Thread Brandon Stout

Wade Preston Shearer wrote:

To be potentially oversimplistic, why not just use a the ical with web
calendar for announcements?  No need for a list - just look at the web
page with the calendar, or look at your ical feed.  Anything that's
ever been sent to the announcement list has been on the calendar.

Already exists:




That's what I was referring to, but I didn't notice my little grammar 
error.  Instead of a the ical, I meant just the ical.  Here's a 
service some of the other groups should have, but UPHPU has had from the 

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] welcome back

2007-08-22 Thread Brandon Stout

Jonathan Duncan wrote:

On 22 Aug 2007, at 08:49, Orson Jones wrote:

Just double checking.

Just triple checking.

Just quadruple checking... what comes after quadruple?

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] So Long, Farewell

2007-08-18 Thread Brandon Stout

Wade Preston Shearer wrote:

Thank you for serving our country.

Ditto!  Cool... Rambo was a Green Baret... ;)

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] GEEK LUNCH! The Pie Pizzeria - 1p - August 10

2007-08-13 Thread Brandon Stout

Ray Hunter, Wade Preston Shearer, Cole Joplin, and others wrote:

[lots of good stuff about acting professionally in this chat room]

Nothing turns me away from a list, or even an irc channel faster than 
prevalent swearing.  This is one of the highest quality lists.  As list 
administrator, Wade did the right when he reminded the whole group not 
to use such language.  He didn't flame anyone, he simply sent a reminder 
not to use one particular word.  call it bubble if you wish, but it 
doesn't matter to me if the irc channel or list is based in Chna (chosen 
for it's location directly opposite the earth from us for this example), 
the list will sound less professional with profanity.  Let this list 
continue to attract high quality contributors.  Do this by keeping our 
language professional, not flaming, and sending quality responses.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] brasto seeks new LAMP OSS opportunities

2007-08-11 Thread Brandon Stout

Wade Preston Shearer wrote:

First, an explanation for a delayed response.  We had a baby this week, 
and I've been away.

Second, thank you for the valuable feedback from everyone.  I'll 
probably not reply to everyone, so I'll write this up-front thank you to 
all who participated.  Hopefully, others will learn from this as well.
Even if OO was a standard, I wouldn't send a document like this (and 
most for that matter, unless I am collaborating/coauthoring something 
with the recipient) out in an editable format. It has always surprised 
me that MS Word is the industry standard for sending resumés, as you 
have no control over how the file is going to look once it is opened. 
I have seem many resumes that I am sure the formatting is not how it 
was authored. I would strongly recommend using PDF so that it is 
exactly how you want it to be seen.

Good point.  I think I will do that for my next version, coming shortly 
after I get through this thread.

My first impression was whoa… data overload. I think that you have 
way too much information on there. I believe that a resumé should 
never be more than a single page.

I've heard it both ways.  Many people cling to the single-page resume 
idea.  I used a single-page resume until just a couple years ago when I 
sought feedback from various BYU alumni placement representatives, and 
_all_ of them said single-page resume's are no longer the standard.  All 
of them said to use as many pages as it takes to list all your 

On the other hand, I've been told the resume seems a bit overwhelming by 
more than a couple people, so I'm not sure what to think.  Hopefully, 
some of the other comments in this thread that I have not read yet 
express more opinion on this matter.  Otherwise, I welcome other 
comments on this subject.

I would trim the duties you performed at each job down to a minimum of 
three items and reduce the career summary to a line or two or remove 
it altogether. An example that I see a lot in resumés for graphic 
artists, is them listing Photoshop as a skill. Well, sheesh… you 
better dang well be good at photoshop! Shouldn't that be a given?!? If 
you are degreed and have x number years of experience, that should be 
assumed. Besides, that is just a tool that your skills should be 
external too. List the skills you have; not the tools you use.
Good point Wade.  I'll look into this more.  Some job descriptions 
request knowledge of specific programs though, so maybe a resume should 
list at least some less common programs.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] brasto seeks new LAMP OSS opportunities

2007-08-11 Thread Brandon Stout

I agree totally, but I have found that too many people want Word docs. 
Here's my summer-job-hunting experience. Government wants a doc, 
preferrably Word 2003 format. Headhunters want that same thing, in 
case they want to tweak your resume a bit before sending it out to 
someone. Job openings for open source, flash and LAMP prefer PDF. 
Anyone that even looks like a Mac or Adobe shop wants PDF.

So what to do if you hate using Microsoft apps? Google Documents allow 
you to upload a doc, edit it, and save it as a Wod doc, PDF, even Open 
Office. So I tried it. The only change I had to make was to reset some 
center alignments on my original Word doc, and it was fine. Another 
great advantage is that is is easily accessible from anywhere you have 
internet access.

-- Cole

I have not tried using Google Documents before.  What I have done when 
people want a Word-formatted document might not be the best method, but 
it's worked for me.  I tested saving OpenOffice Text files to various 
Word file-types.  The one that held the formatting best at the time I 
tested (about 24 months ago now) was Rich Text Format (rtf).  Thus, I 
send an rtf file to those who insist on Word-formatted resume's and 
explain it's the best I can do since I don't have Word.  Occasionally, 
if it's a job I'm not quite as interested in but one I want to make a 
point to, I'll add some comment about assuming everyone in the world 
uses Microsoft Word - but usually I avoid that comment :)
I have nothing against using MS products.  I just don't use pirated 
products, and I don't have the money to pay MS for stuff that I can do 
with Open Source software - which includes everything ;).


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] brasto seeks new LAMP OSS opportunities

2007-08-11 Thread Brandon Stout

Victor Villa wrote:

The strategy being that I want to always present my prospective employer
with my name and phone number.  So, I email my cover letter and résumé in.
I get called for interview.  During interview if we talk about my skill set,
I have an additional document I only hand out there with all the particulars
customized to the job requirement, name and phone at the top.  I hand it to
the employer.

I like that idea.  I wonder if others have tried this.  If so, I wonder 
what their experience has been.  I also wonder if any managers out there 
have encountered this from applicants, and how they took it.  I imagine 
the response would be good both ways, especially if you have the add-on 
information page ready as a prepared response to some common interview 

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] brasto seeks new LAMP OSS opportunities

2007-08-11 Thread Brandon Stout


My first impression was whoa? data overload. I think that you have 
  way too much information on there. I believe that a resumé should  
 never be more than a single page.
I would trim the duties you performed at each job down to a minimum  
 of three items and reduce the career summary to a line or two or   
remove it altogether. An example that I see a lot in resumés for   
graphic artists, is them listing Photoshop as a skill. Well,   
sheesh? you better dang well be good at photoshop! Shouldn't that be 
  a given?!? If you are degreed and have x number years of  
experience,  that should be assumed. Besides, that is just a tool  
that your skills  should be external too. List the skills you have;  
not the tools you use.

Well, I can see this, but I never underestimate the inability of the 
reader to assume anything. Because of electronic delivery, more than 
one page is now a good thing. Because now the data can be searched. 
When people have the ability to search hundreds or resume files for 
some keyword, your resume will show up easier. As much as we want to 
believe that our resumes are memorable and kept in a handy place, it's 
just not true. Being searchable is critical.

Even if your skills in something aren't expert, but competent, that's 
what you can expand upon in an interview. I would recommend that if 
the primary skill of something like Photoshop is not at least a 7 out 
of 10 level, then you may not do so well at that interview.

-- Cole

If I remember aright, that's precisely the reason the BYU placement 
specialists gave for /having/ multi-page resumes.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] brasto seeks new LAMP OSS opportunities

2007-08-11 Thread Brandon Stout

Justin Giboney wrote:

What I would do...

1) Your future employer is not going to care what revision number you 
resume is.

The revision number is for the rare case that someone keeps a 
hard-copy.  Since the resume says to check the online version, they can 
then compare versions.  A later online version means their hard copy is 
out-dated.  I realize that most people will not bother to look up an 
online version, so that's why I have the revision number in small text.

2) There is no white space in the document

That's intentional.  Most resume-making documents I've reviewed say to 
avoid white space.  I therefore took painstaking time to make sure 
nearly every line wraps to another nearly-full line whenever wrapping 
takes place.

3) Fit you resume to the employer. For example, you said you didn't 
want a call center job... the why put Call Center Mgmt in your career 

Good point.  I seemed easier to say than manager over other IT people 
but perhaps I can reword it.

4) I wouldn't list all those skills under career summary. In my 
opinion, those aren't a summary of your career, they are your 

True.  Perhaps I should add a knowledge/skills section...

5) I don't know if many people care if you know every single version 
of windows. Or, that you know how to use different types of spreadsheets.

Perhaps it also does not matter for my current ambition to obtain 
LAMP-oriented employment.

6) Listing these skills doesn't say how good you are at them. Try, 
extensive knowledge of css, or 5 years of JavaScript programming 
(as long as they are true)

Right.  I listed them like I did to try and squeeze everything into 2 
pages, given the fact that many believe you should have no more than one 
page.  I'll reconsider how I have these points listed.

7) I wouldn't consider experience with FrontPage as a benefit

I don't either.  In fact, FrontPage seems to make many people /less/ 
capable of writing good web page code.  No, I'm not joking - it really 
does.  I listed it because some jobs request experience with it.  Then 
again, since I'm looking for LAMP-based employment, I should probably 
just loose this point altogether.

8) Change your work experience sentences into super action statements, 
try Assisted 1000s of customers with server administration

I like the way you put that.  I avoid a passive voice.  Try searching my 
resume for passive verbs (is, was, were, are) or prepositional 
phrases (e.g.: phrases that begin with of).  You shouldn't get many 
hits.  As such, I've found I can say twice as much with half the words.  
IOW, I use an active voice.  So long as the statement is still accurate, 
I could reword a few points something like that.

9) I wouldn't list what my degree was.

If I'm looking for CIS employment, and I have a CIS degree, it seems 
natural to list what my degree was.  Also, given search-engine capable 
resume necessities, I'd think one should list the degree for that reason 
as well.  I'm curious what others think on this matter.

10) Don't list the degree that doesn't pertain to the job (Family 
Science), unless it does.

Interesting.  I suppose one can assume I have a BS degree if I have an 
MS...  Perhaps if I remove that degree and use super action statements 
and other suggestions above, I can still squeeze this resume into two pages.

11) the sentences at the top of page 2 don't have bullets

I believe these sentences continue the last bullet from the previous 
page.  I'll double-check.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] brasto seeks new LAMP OSS opportunities

2007-08-11 Thread Brandon Stout

Lonnie Olson wrote:

Side rant:
Please don't refer to PDFs as Acrobat, or Adobe format.  Adobe is the
company that initially created the PDF format.  Acrobat is the program
they wrote to create and edit PDF files.

PDF is an open standard and doesn't have to be tied to Adobe or Acrobat.

Lets advocate open source, and openness in general, by avoiding to
connect PDF to Adobe in any way possible.


Point taken!

/me goes to read more about the open PDF standard on Wikipedia...

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] brasto seeks new LAMP OSS opportunities

2007-08-11 Thread Brandon Stout

Wade Preston Shearer wrote:
Another pet peeve is that people refer to Adobe's free PDF viewer as 
Acrobat. Acrobat is the for-cost PDF creations/editing application. 
Adobe Reader is the free reader/viewer.

True.  Now I'll add my Adobe-related pet peeve.  I call it Acrobat 
Reader still, since that was the original name.  Adobe has renamed it 
Adobe Reader, but that's just not accurate.  Acrobat Reader does not 
read _all_ Adobe product files.  It only reads PDF files - no more, no 
less.  It should therefore not be called Adobe Reader, it should be 
Acrobat Reader.  Couple this with the fact that it does not read Acrobat 
files, but PDF files, and I can see a parallel... it's like calling 
FrontPage the Internet...

/me steps down from his soapbox and sits down.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Animated jpegs?

2007-08-11 Thread Brandon Stout

Ash wrote:

Wade Preston Shearer wrote:
Is there a way to animate jpegs, or rather, using css and maybe some 
Javascript, have place on a page where a group of  jpegs rotates 
every 2 or 3 seconds (for each jpeg)?

There is not a way to have a JPG that contains several frames and is 
animated in and of itself, but yes, you could easily use javascript 
to rotate between several JPGs.

So you have a link to a tutorial that shows how to do this?


I do just this sort of thing on one of the websites I wrote.  It uses 
JavaScript, and some code I borrowed, all referenced within the code itself:


Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net


2007-08-11 Thread Brandon Stout

Clint Savage wrote:


That concerned me too.  I made this comment more than once in meetings
and on the irc channel.  I sent out requests to those who'd like to
present at UPHPU, all to no avail.  I'd love to have someone come and
talk about PHP.  There are tons of talks about programming, technical
topics as well as community.

We're talking about community in the other thread, come see how other
groups do it.  We need businesses too, its important that they
participate in what we love.  If not for them, we'd have no job
prospects and no way or time to attend these meetings we love so
dearly.  Lets get the community involved, that's what I say.



I'd prefer to see someone with much more PHP background teach for this, 
but I'll consider teaching some if someone else does not volunteer.  I'd 
make it short since I'm mostly interested in attending this time around.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Resumes Attracting New Blood

2007-08-11 Thread Brandon Stout

Daniel C. wrote:

What, you want us to ASK them? ;-)

Seriously though - I'd just go in, open the books and pop in the
cards.  If you ask someone they'll get their manager, the manager will
wonder whether it's going to cost him his job and/or next raise if he
lets people do this, he'll defer to the regional manager who will
suggest that, rather than doing something simple and effective like
this we should instead have a Community Programming Night at the
bookstore where we can all gather around and spend money on their
outrageously expensive coffee and have idiots who want to learn about
Java and C# come bug us to join their WoW guilds, and in the end
nothing will get done.

Although, honestly, having one of those Barnes and Noble discussion
group deals (they have them for chess, Russian literature, Harry
Potter, etc. etc.) might not be a bad idea either.

Sounds like a future Geek Lunch location... there's also Borders 
bookstores and the SLC Library has something like this if I remember 

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Firefox view source

2007-08-11 Thread Brandon Stout

Rusty Keele wrote:

I do have the Web Developer plugin installed, and it has the option to
View Generated Source (DOM Source of Selection) which gives me the
source without re-loading the page, but I see that it doesn't include
the !DOCTYPE tags - which is no big deal really.

Hmm... puzzling.


View Generated Source doesn't just omit the dtd, it also shows the 
source after JavaScript changes.  E.g.: if you use JavaScript to open 
external links in a new window, and you don't use the deprecated 
target= attribute, View Generated Source shows a target= attribute 
anyway.  It probably shows other client script changes.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] MySQL dates

2007-08-11 Thread Brandon Stout

Justin Giboney wrote:
I should have designed the db using a date field (or even better a 
long integer with unix timestamp), but I didn't plan well, and now I 

Justin Giboney

I avoid unix timestamp for database time/date data.  A few reasons:

* I like to see the date in a readable format up-front.
* One less function - you don't need to convert the date from unix 
timestamp to date format
* Unless I'm mistaken, Unix Timestamp fields cannot precede January 1, 
1970.  Some movies are older than that.

In addition, I'm considering migrating some information away from 
standard date-time fields to just the way you have done it.  $this, 
because these fields also have constraints.  Consider a geneological 
database - I can't use a standard MySQL date/time field to record births 
1,000 years ago.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Pastebin.org, Would Anybody like to help me create a pastebin?

2007-08-11 Thread Brandon Stout

Jennifer Charrey wrote:

I like this idea. How about a wiki? Or better yet, someone volunteer to
write a custom wiki and framework from scratch! ;D

I have over 2 years of archives from this list that I've kept, and in 
them I've seen a few things resurface.  Often, new things come up for 
old topics.  For example, this has been the most informative To Smarty, 
or not to Smarty discussion so far.  I've thought of doing similar 
things so I can start trimming down my 16+ megs of UPHPU archives - I'd 
summarize all points made for common topics.  If I do this, I'll happily 
post such articles on UPHPU.org.

/me reverts to a James-T-Kirk-like voice

If I.. just-had... more. time..

On the other hand, I'd hate to try and stop further discussion on 
re-curring topics.  Most of the time, something new and informative 
comes up.  As I just mentioned, this has been the most informative 
discussion on Smarty... spawned by yours-truely's comment on not using 

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] brasto seeks new LAMP OSS opportunities

2007-08-06 Thread Brandon Stout

Brandon Stout wrote:

... I'll provide a link to my resume soon ...

As an open source advocate, I use OpenOffice.org Writer to write my 
resume.  Since many companies don't use it, I publish it to Acrobat 
format as well.  Anyone can download my resume in either format here:


I'll welcome feedback from any who take the time to offer it, whether 
personal or to the list.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] W3 Validation Images

2007-08-03 Thread Brandon Stout

Justin Giboney wrote:

Is there value in adding the w3 validation images to a business site?

Justin Giboney

I believe they hold value, but not for customers.  I like to promote 
well-written code, so I use the badges on many sites, especially for a 
portfolio site (a promote me/hire me site).  I want employers to 
know that I focus on quality, valid code.  For sales, I imagine it holds 
little value unless you use that site in your portfolio for future 
employers or for promotion.  I'm no design specialist, but be careful of 
clutter - if your site has a simple design, maybe use the badges.  If it 
has lots of info per page, consider not using them.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Pastebin.org, Would Anybody like to help me create a pastebin?

2007-08-03 Thread Brandon Stout

Sean wrote:

Hey All,

   I used one of those domain backorder sites, the ones that as soon 
as a domain expires it registars it in your name. So anyways now I 
have pastebin.org and want to create a open source project for a 
pastebin and have pastebin.org use it. If anyone is interested in 
helping, please shoot me a email. I really haven't put to much thought 
in the creation except that I plan on using Smarty, Geshi, PHP, Mysql, 

Also, even if your not interested in helping with the project, any 
suggestions, or feature requests are highly appreciated.

I'd recommend not using Smarty since it's a template system for PHP, 
which is it's own template system.  Don't use a template system for a 
template system.  Many in this list will express the same opinion about 
Smarty when asked.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

[UPHPU] brasto seeks new LAMP OSS opportunities

2007-08-03 Thread Brandon Stout
The thread debating pay rates and legal issues led me to post this.  
I've been pondering this post for some time, but not sure whether 
advertising myself for employment is appropriate.  There's also 
potential undesirable results if my current employment sees this.

/me throws caution to the wind and proceeds

I'm also responding to one of the posts in that thread since it provides 
a good opening:

John David Anderson wrote:

What kind of clients/employers are you people working for?

I work for Verio.  I like working here and recommend it to anyone 
starting with Unix admin and website development - especially 
college-aged individuals.  I'm not just saying this because they might 
read this post, it really is a great place to work.  I enjoy the people 
I work with, and have learned much here.  For ethical reasons, on 
finding new employment, I'll want to give a 2 week notice.  So, why do I 
want to leave?

* I need a shift change.  I'm working a 4x10 weekend swing shift just 
to get a little extra $$ to provide for my family of 5 (to be 6 on 
Monday).  This is perhaps one of the worst shifts for a father to have.
* As the above point suggests, I don't make enough for my family, 
though Verio does provide excellent medical benefits.
* I'm committed to OSS, and although Verio has LAMP servers, it's not 
as OSS oriented as I'd like.  I'd love to have Linux on my workstation. 
I want to code more.
* I've worked in call centers for 7 years.  Honestly, I'm tired of 
taking so many calls.  Many jobs require taking _some_ calls.  I'm 
definitely OK with this, so log as call-taking remains an aspect of the 
job, not the primary duty.  I want to code more and take calls less.

I am well paid by a great open-source friendly company. I feel valued, 
and we look for clients that share that same respect. I'd like to say 
that its been incredibly hard to find a great place to work and great 
people to work with, but it hasn't. This is my first job out of 
school, and though we've had some slow times, we've been consistently 
hiring and growing.

I think a lot of the value you will get as a PHP programmer comes from 
educating (or rejecting) clients/employers who don't understand your 

They'll pay their bottom-dollar for a low-quality solution and need 
your expertise later on anyway. :)

-- John

In the original thread about pay rates and such showed that many have 
found it easy to find OSS employment.  I haven't found it so easy.  
Perhaps this thread will change my experience.  I'll in the Linked In 
network, so I welcome your invites there, and some of you will likely 
receive invites from me when I have the time.

I'll provide a link to my resume soon.

Thank you all,

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] VS.PHP as an IDE

2007-07-30 Thread Brandon Stout

Mike Mackrory wrote:

A few weeks ago, someone asked if anyone had any experience with VS.PHP,
which is a PHP plug-in for Visual Studio...
Just a brief request not to hit reply-all to one thread to start a new 
thread.  Now this completely different (but valid) topic shows up in my 
client as a sub-thread to:

 [UPHPU] Re: [UPHPU-jobs] 1-2 Senior Web Developer(s) - $45K - $65K

Maybe I'm overly picky, but I like to keep these emails grouped by topic 
and starting a new thread with reply-all breaks this functionality.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] PHP 4 EOL Announcement

2007-07-18 Thread Brandon Stout

John Finlay wrote:

But we have to ask ourselves, why haven't the hosts upgraded to PHP 5?
It is because, until just recently all of the Linux distributions still
included PHP 4 by default.  Really, what hosting provider is going to
take the time to compile PHP from source when your OS distribution
provides an RPM, even if it is an out of date RPM.

I wouldn't say *all* Linux distros.  The major one's I tested a couple 
years ago had PHP5 RPM packages.  I tested Fedora, OpenSuse, Mandriva, 
and others.


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] PHP/MySQL Security

2007-07-13 Thread Brandon Stout

Ray Hunter wrote:

I'll send out the links tonight for each ones. Each publisher kinda has
their own guide. I do find that oreilly has a great book review guide
that is built from slashdot. If you did a slashdot review, expect more
free books from the publishers. They will love you if you get on slashdot.


I found the rather extensive slashdot book review guidelines.  The 
incredibly intuitive URL:


Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] group discount to Utah Open Source Conference

2007-07-13 Thread Brandon Stout

John David Anderson wrote:

Anyone else find it a bit ironic that this URL is powered by ASP?


Maybe they're running mono...

-- John

Ironic indeed!  In spite of this terrible problem, I registered anyway.  
How can I otherwise call myself an Open Source Advocate?  Hope to see 
some of you there!

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] PHP/MySQL Security

2007-07-11 Thread Brandon Stout

Justin Giboney wrote:
I want to learn a lot about how to secure PHP and  MySQL. I would like 
to have all this information available in one place, so that I can 
have a sequential learning. Is there a really good book that you would 
recommend, or a website that has everything in one place?

Thank you

Justin Giboney

I've enjoyed:

* Core Web Application Development with PHP and MySQL by Marc Wandschneider
* Beginning PHP and MySQL 5 by Jason Gilmore

Both are probably available at the PHP library.  Which reminds me... 
Wade, I never wrote a review on these books... is it too late?

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] PHP/MySQL Security

2007-07-11 Thread Brandon Stout

Ray Hunter wrote:

It's never too late for a book review.



What exactly do they look for in these reviews?  I'm replying to list 
since perhaps others with UPHPU books have the same question.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Zimbra or other email hosting?

2007-06-28 Thread Brandon Stout

Richard K Miller wrote:
Can anyone recommend a hosted email solution? We currently use the 
built-in email from Bluehost.com, but we need something better. 
Squirrelmail isn't cutting it as a Web interface, and we need better 
spam filtering. I like the idea of finding a Zimbra host, but 
Zimbra.com itself requires 25-seat minimum and we only need 5-10. Has 
anyone used any of the 3rd party Zimbra hosts?

Or is there another suggested email host with good spam filtering, 
POP3/IMAP, and a good Web interface?

SpamAssassin is great, but it's even better coupled with an RBLS 
(SBL/XBL) subscription to spamhaus.org.  This blocks the IP addresses 
for top spammers from even connecting to the box, and saves processing 
power.  What little spam still gets through, SpamAssassin can chew up.


Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] spam v CSS in no holds barred action

2007-06-27 Thread Brandon Stout

Velda Christensen wrote:
Testing that out.  I've got a rather persistent set of losers trying 
to post crap in my niece's guestbook.  I've got it set up now to where 
they haven't been able to spam it for at least a year but I track 
'close calls' (where they passed all tests but one) and there at least 
a dozen per week.  When it gets to a dozen per day I add a new 
security feature.  To give you an idea how .. annoying these  spammers 
are being.. her guestbook script gets roughly 200 times more hits than 
her other pages, and twice the hits of the main site.

But anyway I am thinking I should be able to tell whether they're 
filling out the hidden field, and what they're putting in it, and make 
further plans to foil the spammers that way.

If I could get the field to hide.

For some reason I can't get the stylesheet to cover the input style 
:-(  At least not in FF.  Not without using inline style (which I 
think could be a bit of a dead giveaway)  If you've got ideas you can 
have a look here:  http://lilyharper.org/lily/guestbook/

(Macey's gave me a whole stack of paper bags this morning, so I am 


You can absolute position it, with a lower z-index than another element 
placed over it.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Tables rock!

2007-06-24 Thread Brandon Stout

jtaber wrote:
Who said tables are not amazing, check out this drawing done in html 
with tables and background color.  Who needs CSS?


well, good for a little Sunday humor - found on digg, where else.

of course, there is SVG and Inkscape.

LOL!  Gotta hand it to this person for creativity.  Unfortunately, not 
for much else.  I thought of doing this once, then the sheer 
inefficiency of doing a picture this way struck me, as I'll - pardon the 
pun - illustrate below.  Most of us agree tables are for tabular data, 
and not layout.  This goes to a far greater level of extremity - 
creating an image with something that was never designed to create an 
image.  The most obvious, at least to me...  Start with these simple 

 * The drawing looks like about 256 colors, which means each pixel is 
one byte
 * Each character the person types is one byte in a properly written 
html file
 * A 250 x 250 pixel, 256 color image = 250 x 250 bytes = 62500 bytes = 
61 kb

The image size above is about 61 kb, plus perhaps a little space for 
non-pixel formatting/meta data - not sure how that part works. To do the 
same using background colors in an html table with old-style, bad markup 
code, and assuming an ASCII character set:

body bgcolor=00
table border=0 cellpadding=0
cellspacing=1 bgcolor=ff
tr height=1
td width=2 bgcolor=##/td (repeat this 250 times, manually enter 
an appropriate bgcolor value each time)
/tr (repeat previous 3 tags 250 times - including the 250 td tags 
repeated another 250 times - each time)


Correct me if I'm doing the math incorrectly, but Doctype declaration, 
head tags, meta tags, title, etc all set aside, consider that the 
presenter was using Windows, which uses 2 characters for every line 
return (new line + carriage return) we now have:

* 94 bytes on lines one through four
* 15 bytes on line 5, repeated 250 times: 15 * 250 = 3750 bytes
* 34 bytes on line 6, repeated 250 * 250 times: 34 * 250 * 250 = 
2125000 bytes
   Note that the above bullet, considered by itself, is intuitively 34 
times the size of the image file, all by itself...

* 7 bytes on line 7, repeated 250 times: 7 * 250 bytes = 1750 bytes
* 28 bytes on the remaining lines

Adding it together:  94 + 3750 + 2125000 + 1750 + 28 bytes = 2130622 bytes

We've turned a 61 kb raster image (pixel-based) file into a 2 mb bloated 
monster file.

Lard Ratio:  A little over 34 to 1 - see third-to-last bullet above.  
For properly indented code, add 1 to the 34 for every white space 
character in front of each td tag...

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

Re: [UPHPU] Menus Question

2007-06-22 Thread Brandon Stout



I'm okay with a lot of what I've read, but I'm not exactly thrilled 
with the way people are using buttons. Web 2.0 buttons are better as 
bigger, or badges, and seeing a dozen small web 2.0 images doesn't do 
it for me. Neither do complicated dynamic menus. It turns me off.

Let me give you an example of what I mean. Want some organic feeling 
navigation? Check out:


There's a lot to be said for simplicity of text menus, without going 
crazy. You can still have a beautiful, visual presentation, plus 
easy-to-understand menus, sans images. The SEO is also great. If you 
had a similar design approach, elegant, added some product photos, 
you'd have a fantastic start, IMO.

-- Cole

I'm a fan of text menus also.  You cannot search an image for the text 
in it... and even if a search-engine or two supports the alt attribute 
for images, you can't search the page (ctrl +f) for it.  Whenever 
possible I use text.  When people put text below a picture (eg: 
left-to-right: Joe, Frank, and Fenton Hardy) and save it as part of 
the jpg, I trim it back out and position text near the picture.  This 
makes the page size a bit smaller, more searchable, and more CSS 
friendly.  Besides, if one really wants buttons, you can put background 
colors and borders around text and make it look like a button.  Of 
course, one cannot click background colors.

Generally speaking, your menu system also depends on your content.  I 
like a left nav menu, and a quick-links top-side menu bar for the most 
common things - just the way Drupal does it.  I have, however, noticed a 
recent turn from navigation menus (usually on the left side, sometimes 
on the right), especially for sites with high graphical content.  
Youtube has just top and bottom links.  This may be a good idea for 
graphical content - more screen real-estate for the pictures and videos.

Brandon Stout


UPHPU mailing list
IRC: #uphpu on irc.freenode.net

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