Re: Drag and Drop to Item in List Field

2010-11-16 Thread Marty Knapp
On a locked field with "list behavior" set and this script in the field 
works for me.  I found this somewhere (can't remember to give credit):

on mouseMove
   put word 2 of the mouseLine into myLineNr
   if myLineNr is not empty and the hilitedline of me is not myLineNr then
  set the hilitedLine of me to myLineNr
   end if
end mouseMove

Marty Knapp

The following script works very well with one problem. This script hilites the 
line correctly but just keeps hiliting lines as I move the mouse around and 
they stay hilited.

Make a scrolling field with some lines of text and put this handler in it:

on mouseWithin
set the backgroundColor of the mouseLine to "yellow"
end mouseWithin

How do I have it only hilite one line at a time?

Bill Vlahos

On Nov 12, 2010, at 11:12 PM, Bill Vlahos wrote:

I have a list of categories and I want to drag and drop some text from a list 
field onto one of the categories in the target list field. The line of text 
should hilite on the drag (before the drop) so I know which item it is going to 
I should drag into.

I can get most of the coding for drag and drop but there are some things I 
don't know.
1. How do I hilite the line of text in the list field the mouse is over?
2. How do I get the line of text in the target list field when the users drops 
the mouse?

Bill Vlahos
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information with you, accessible, and secure.

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Re: Bring window to front on desktop

2010-11-14 Thread Marty Knapp
On Mac I use this to bring the app to the front (but don't have an 
answer for windows):

put "tell application" && quote & "" & quote & cr & 
"activate" & cr & "end tell" into x

   do x as AppleScript

Marty Knapp

Anyone solved how to bring a stack window to the top on the desktop after a
file dragDrop?

1. drop files
2. bring stack window to top on desktop (ie. in front of the OS source drag
3. show a modal answer dlog
4. carry on

What happens is that the source OS window can obscure the modal answer dlog
so it looks as if the program has hung. Actually there is a window waiting
to be clicked!

Tried these before showing the modal:
- Focus on/ go/ etc do not change the overall window layering.
- Set the style to modeless, but the window runs through its openstack
routine even with 'lock messages', and is still not layered on top anyway.
- Temporarily setting the systemWindow of the stack to true works, but it
then obscures the modal so user is locked out.

I have looked in the archives for a Mac/Win solution and didn't find
anything, except that others have had a problem also.

MSWord does it, so it must be do-able (perhaps an external would be needed
for LiveCode?).

Hugh Senior

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Re: & in a menu?

2010-11-05 Thread Marty Knapp

Thank you!

  "Apples"&&  " Oranges"... double up the ampersand
Have a look at page 262 of the 'User Guide'

be well


Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2010 10:43:03 -0700
Subject:&  in a menu?

For a Mac only program, is there a way to use ampersand "&" in a popup
menu button? I understand its normal use, but I'm needing to emulate a
menu in another program.

Marty Knapp
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& in a menu?

2010-11-05 Thread Marty Knapp
For a Mac only program, is there a way to use ampersand "&" in a popup 
menu button? I understand its normal use, but I'm needing to emulate a 
menu in another program.

Marty Knapp
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Re: plisted off ?

2010-11-03 Thread Marty Knapp

Sarah has a nice plist editor:

toward the bottom.

Marty Knapp
I just released a new version of the Demo of my upcoming Devawriter 
Pro and got this back

from the people at MacUpdate:

"You recently submitted an update request in which you referred to the 
latest version of DevaWriter Pro as simply "RC2", but according to the 
version strings in the info.plist file, it is Is this a 
release candidate for Version 4.0?  Please let me know so that I can 
clarify this version number discrepancy."

Umm . . .

1. Am I missing something? Having set the version number as 'R2' in 
the standalone builder; why does

the info.plist contain the version number of the development IDE?

2. Is there a simple way to circumvent this? Short of cracking open 
the Mac .app package and editing

the info.plist with a text editor?
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Re: Moving 2 object at the same time ...

2010-10-11 Thread Marty Knapp

 You could place both images in a group and move the group.

Marty Knapp


I want to move to image on the screen in the same time. I try to use 
the lockMove property but the image jump directly from start to end of 
the move.

Can anyBody help me with that ?

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Slow On-Rev?

2010-09-25 Thread Marty Knapp
 Anybody experiencing extreme slowness with On-Rev? I'm on Thor, I 
believe, and things are just crawling along . . .

Marty Knapp
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Re: Revolution Search Engine

2010-09-01 Thread Marty Knapp
 I don't think it's a Rev thing - it's an OS thing. Some apps use it in 
conjunction with a PDF which is tucked inside the application bundle. I 
was actually curious as to how one would implement it. For example, open 
TextEdit and use it to see how it can function.

Marty Knapp

Under the HELP menu.

Probably the second time in about 9 years I have ever tried to use this:

it gave what can only be described as "a little fart" on my MacMini, and
that my dears was all.

if it is nothing but flatulence, why is it still there?
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Re: How can I direct revGoURL to a specific browser?

2010-07-21 Thread Marty Knapp

On Mac, I've saved URLs as weblocs and then used the launch command:

launch webLocPath with "/Applications/"

On Windows perhaps you could save a URL as a shortcut and do the same? 
(I've not tried it)

Marty Knapp

I want to open a link on Windows using "revGoURL link". This works great with 
whatever browser the user has as their default browser.

The problem is that the link only works in IE and I can't guarantee that IE is 
the default browser. How can I have a specific browser run the link?

On the Mac I could use AppleScript but I don't know how to do it on Windows.

Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life 
information with you, accessible, and secure.

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Setting a PassKey - can errors be caught?

2010-06-04 Thread Marty Knapp
I just realized that I posted my question under the wrong subject - 
sorry about that. So I thought I should re-post:

When setting the passKey of a protected stack (via script), is there a 
way to catch if is valid or not? I made a change in the password of some 
of my stacks along the way, and so there are two possible passKeys (real 
smart I know . . .). If there's a way for me to try one, then if it 
fails try another, I'd be a lot happier today! My guess is that it can't 
be done, but maybe? BTW these stacks are in the hands of my users. 
Locally it would be no problem to fix, I know.

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Re: Example of scrolling group?

2010-06-04 Thread Marty Knapp
When setting the passKey of a protected stack, is there a way to catch 
if is valid or not? I made a change in the password of some of my stacks 
along the way, and so there are two possible passKeys. If there's a way 
for me to try one, then if it fails try another, I'd be a lot happier 
today! My guess is that it can't be done, but maybe?

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Re: [OT] G4 goes West

2010-06-03 Thread Marty Knapp
I'm running a 2001 Titanium PowerBook (500 MHz) on 10.5 - I had to put 
the drive in another computer to install it though. I think if the 
processor is over 1Ghz the installer will work on a G4, but that's the 
end of the line as far as OS upgrades.

Marty Knapp

You can run a G4 under 10.5???



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Re: Short name and long name

2010-05-28 Thread Marty Knapp
Thanks everyone. In my tests it worked fine. But I wasn't sure if there 
was something I was unaware of that would come back to bite me on the 


Marty Knapp wrote:

Let's say a user creates a stack from one of my templates, then later in
the Finder, changes its name. Now there's a discrepancy between the
short name and the long name. Is that a problem or does Rev understand
this? Or should I construct a routine to parse the file name out and set
the name to correct for this?

What happened when you tried it?

It's a quick test:

1. Make a stack
2. Save it
3. In the Finder/Explorer, change the name of the file
4. Save it again

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Short name and long name

2010-05-28 Thread Marty Knapp
Let's say a user creates a stack from one of my templates, then later in 
the Finder, changes its name. Now there's a discrepancy between the 
short name and the long name. Is that a problem or does Rev understand 
this? Or should I construct a routine to parse the file name out and set 
the name to correct for this?

I'm trying to think of everything that could go wrong with my 
application in the hands of others and account for it. It's a lot easier 
to write apps for your own use (which is what I mostly do), where you 
understand the logic and tend not to do anything to mess things up (most 
of the time!) . . .

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Re: Hard CASE: cracking the nut?

2010-05-28 Thread Marty Knapp
OK, I think I have this worked out. I spread my scripts around (reminded 
me of my HyperCard days and running into the 32k script limit!) and got 
everything below the 10 statement limit and it seems to be working now.


Marty Knapp wrote:
What I have is a standalone that contains template stacks from which 
a user creates their own stacks. These stacks are saved outside of 
the standalone. I wanted to institute an updating feature, where the 
user's stack version is compared to the template (which may have had 
revisions from being updated) on launch and if needed to have the 
standalone copy the scripts from the template into the user stack, 
rather than making them create a new stack. But if any of these 
scripts exceed the 10 statement limit it will not work. So I stripped 
the template stack of as much code as I could, which also minimizes 
the need for updating in the first place :)

But this user stack needs access to the standalone stacks and scripts 
to function properly, so now I've found that if the user launches the 
standalone by double-clicking their stack, that once in a while the 
stacks/scripts it needs are not available and I get errors when the 
user stack loads. Not always, but probably 1 in 10 times. I've tried 
a number of routines to check for this, but these routines need to be 
in the user stack and I run into the 10 statement limit . . .

I hope that's understandable!

Only sort of, I'm still a little confused. But basically when I have a 
system with templates, I put almost nothing in the template except 
very generic handler calls. I put all the actual, working handlers in 
the app's script, where I can change them without updating the templates.

I'm not sure why your templates need to contain any updating code. 
They should just call a handler like "checkUpdates", which the main 
stack executes. It can then act on any stacks it needs to change (with 
the exception of long scripts, but if you use the generic approach to 
handlers, that shouldn't be a problem.)

If your users double-click a stack to launch your app, your app will 
first get all the startup, preOpenStack, openStack etc. messages, and 
then will open the user stack. The mainstack's script should 
automatically be shared as a backscript, but if that isn't always 
happening you can specifically insert it on preOpenStack. That should 
clear up any issues your user stacks may have accessing the mainstack 
script. Also make sure the handlers in the user stack pass any 
necessary system messages if your mainstack needs to operate on those.

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Re: Hard CASE: cracking the nut?

2010-05-26 Thread Marty Knapp
What I have is a standalone that contains template stacks from which a 
user creates their own stacks. These stacks are saved outside of the 
standalone. I wanted to institute an updating feature, where the user's 
stack version is compared to the template (which may have had revisions 
from being updated) on launch and if needed to have the standalone copy 
the scripts from the template into the user stack, rather than making 
them create a new stack. But if any of these scripts exceed the 10 
statement limit it will not work. So I stripped the template stack of as 
much code as I could, which also minimizes the need for updating in the 
first place :)

But this user stack needs access to the standalone stacks and scripts to 
function properly, so now I've found that if the user launches the 
standalone by double-clicking their stack, that once in a while the 
stacks/scripts it needs are not available and I get errors when the user 
stack loads. Not always, but probably 1 in 10 times. I've tried a number 
of routines to check for this, but these routines need to be in the user 
stack and I run into the 10 statement limit . . .

I hope that's understandable!

Marty Knapp wrote:
I've been running into the 10-statement script limit issue myself. Is 
there a way to put a script into a field or custom property and 
execute it without a "do" command? If so, could someone offer an 
example? In my current scenario, speed is not a big issue.

That depends on what you need to do. If you need to create new scripts 
with new functionality on the fly then you'll need to stay within the 
10 line limit. But most of the time, you can substitute backscripts, 
behaviors, or custom functions and handlers that accept passed 
parameters to do whatever you need.

If you can say a little more about what you need to accomplish we can 
probably help better. There's not much that really requires dynamic 

Post your dynamic script for us to look at, maybe?

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Re: Hard CASE: cracking the nut?

2010-05-26 Thread Marty Knapp
I've been running into the 10-statement script limit issue myself. Is 
there a way to put a script into a field or custom property and execute 
it without a "do" command? If so, could someone offer an example? In my 
current scenario, speed is not a big issue.


Richmond Mathewson wrote:

is " Any script that needs "do" in order to execute is dynamic."
adequately documented in the documentation ?

"When using a standalone application created by Revolution, you can 
include up to ten statements in the statementList. This limit is set 
by line 2 of the scriptLimits function. This limitation does not 
apply when using the development environment."

Um . . . not terribly clear (well, at least not to the likes of me); 
how do sillybillies like me
understand that a statementList ( a what ??) refers to a field or 
some other sort of container?

The term "statementlist" here is in italics, which means it's a 
variable name. That's the convention for all syntax descriptions in 
the docs. The variable in this case consists of a list of statements 
or a series of commands (which can be stored anywhere.) The example 
section on the page show several types of "statementlists".

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Re: Stack in memory problem

2010-05-22 Thread Marty Knapp

That's it - a Hindsight plug-in for tRev :)


Saturday, May 22, 2010, 3:51:04 PM, you wrote:


though! Once you figure these things out it seems so clear!

Yeah - hindsight is a wonderful tool. I wish the IDE had it built in
so I could turn in on *before* I get into trouble.


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Re: Stack in memory problem

2010-05-22 Thread Marty Knapp
I figured it out - this stack is a template and I have an openstack 
routine to check a version number to see if it needs to be updated. The 
stack that it checks is the same name as my original so I scripted 
around that and I'm fine. Thanks to Paul, Mark and Jacque for the input 
though! Once you figure these things out it seems so clear!


Marty Knapp wrote:
The name isn't a problem - it's not a plugin or IDE stack name. I've 
been using it for over a year. I do have another stack of the same 
name in a different directory. When I build a standalone I take the 
original and do some things to it, then copy it to a different folder 
before the build. On the rare occasions I've had trouble before, I 
just quit and restarted. The weird part now is that the problem 
persists after quiting and even after rebooting the computer. It's 
like there's something in a cache file or something. I've even loaded 
up the project in a secondary copy of Rev and get the same problem . . .

It sounds like the stack is opening automatically on launch. If it 
isn't a rev-related stack, then look for a plugin or frontscript that 
opens it, puts it in use, or requests data from it. Any of those 
things will load it into memory. Also, the next time you have it open, 
make sure the destroystack property is set to true.

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Re: Stack in memory problem

2010-05-22 Thread Marty Knapp
The name isn't a problem - it's not a plugin or IDE stack name. I've 
been using it for over a year. I do have another stack of the same name 
in a different directory. When I build a standalone I take the original 
and do some things to it, then copy it to a different folder before the 
build. On the rare occasions I've had trouble before, I just quit and 
restarted. The weird part now is that the problem persists after quiting 
and even after rebooting the computer. It's like there's something in a 
cache file or something. I've even loaded up the project in a secondary 
copy of Rev and get the same problem . . .



Saturday, May 22, 2010, 1:27:56 PM, you wrote:


OK, so I got the "A stack with the same name as the one you are trying
to load is already open" message and I've tried all the options: Save -

What's the name of the stack you're trying to open? Could it be the
same as one of the existing stacks in the IDE or a plugin stack?


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Stack in memory problem

2010-05-22 Thread Marty Knapp
OK, so I got the "A stack with the same name as the one you are trying 
to load is already open" message and I've tried all the options: Save - 
Purge - Cancel and nothing gets me anywhere. I quit Rev, start it up 
again and get the same message when I try to open one of the stacks. I 
quit, reboot the computer, try it again and I still can't get the same 
message and the stack won't open . . . Is this weird or what? How can it 
still be in memory after quitting or rebooting?

Thanks for any help,

Mart Knapp
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Re: Weird stack name

2010-05-12 Thread Marty Knapp
Thanks Michael - for now I just implemented a routine to check for these 
errant stacks and delete them when the app quits. Kinda lame, but until 
I can figure this out it will have to do.



As for the specific problem, I think we're stumped.

--- On Wed, 5/12/10, Marty Knapp  wrote:


From: Marty Knapp 
Subject: Re: Weird stack name
To: "How to use Revolution" 
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2010, 10:54 AM
I lost all emails from the list from
about 4 o'clock yesterday (Pacific Daylight Time in the
U.S.) so if anyone responded to this issue, could you please
resend to me? Sorry for the bother.

Marty Knapp

Michael Kann wrote:


I would take a look at all the readable strings in

your standalone binary.

Find the Macintosh version of this type of Windows


The string must be in there somewhere.

I was thinking the same. Marty, you can just open the

stack in BBEdit or any text editor. If that string isn't
there, do you have any printing handlers? Seems like the
name is related to that.


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Re: Weird stack name

2010-05-12 Thread Marty Knapp
I lost all emails from the list from about 4 o'clock yesterday (Pacific 
Daylight Time in the U.S.) so if anyone responded to this issue, could 
you please resend to me? Sorry for the bother.

Marty Knapp

Michael Kann wrote:


I would take a look at all the readable strings in your standalone 

Find the Macintosh version of this type of Windows program: 

The string must be in there somewhere.

I was thinking the same. Marty, you can just open the stack in BBEdit 
or any text editor. If that string isn't there, do you have any 
printing handlers? Seems like the name is related to that.

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Re: Weird stack name

2010-05-11 Thread Marty Knapp
Well I opened the app in TextWrangler, but couldn't find anything . . . 
I have some printing handlers, but nothing that remotely contains the 
mystery name.

Michael Kann wrote:


I would take a look at all the readable strings in your standalone 

Find the Macintosh version of this type of Windows program: 

The string must be in there somewhere.

I was thinking the same. Marty, you can just open the stack in BBEdit 
or any text editor. If that string isn't there, do you have any 
printing handlers? Seems like the name is related to that.

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Re: Weird stack name

2010-05-11 Thread Marty Knapp

I wonder if it's in a printing library that the standalone builder includes?


I would take a look at all the readable strings in your standalone binary.

Find the Macintosh version of this type of Windows program:

The string must be in there somewhere.


--- On Tue, 5/11/10, Marty Knapp  wrote:


From: Marty Knapp 
Subject: Re: Weird stack name
To: "How to use Revolution" 
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 2010, 4:41 PM
Nowhere in my scripting, and nowhere
on my hard drive . . . (except these errant stacks)

Marty Knapp wrote:

I posted this once before a while back . . . but

didn't get any response, so thought I'd try again :)

I have a standalone from which I can create a

stack (from a template stack) and it is stored in a specific
folder so the program can find it. Every once in a while in
this folder there is a stack with some variation of this
name: "/Resources/PrinterInfo.xml"

I can open it up and it's a stack made from my

template, but where the h*ll did this weird name come from?
The stack that I intended to save is there too, with the
correct name. I'm working on an Intel Mac with Leopard and
Rev Studio 4. This does not happen often or predictably, but
I'd like to track this down before I go public with my

How odd. Try searching your scripts for

"PrinterInfo.xml" and see if anything shows up.


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Re: Weird stack name

2010-05-11 Thread Marty Knapp
Nowhere in my scripting, and nowhere on my hard drive . . . (except 
these errant stacks)

Marty Knapp wrote:
I posted this once before a while back . . . but didn't get any 
response, so thought I'd try again :)

I have a standalone from which I can create a stack (from a template 
stack) and it is stored in a specific folder so the program can find 
it. Every once in a while in this folder there is a stack with some 
variation of this name: "/Resources/PrinterInfo.xml"

I can open it up and it's a stack made from my template, but where 
the h*ll did this weird name come from? The stack that I intended to 
save is there too, with the correct name. I'm working on an Intel Mac 
with Leopard and Rev Studio 4. This does not happen often or 
predictably, but I'd like to track this down before I go public with 
my program.

How odd. Try searching your scripts for "PrinterInfo.xml" and see if 
anything shows up.

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Weird stack name

2010-05-11 Thread Marty Knapp
I posted this once before a while back . . . but didn't get any 
response, so thought I'd try again :)

I have a standalone from which I can create a stack (from a template 
stack) and it is stored in a specific folder so the program can find it. 
Every once in a while in this folder there is a stack with some 
variation of this name: "/Resources/PrinterInfo.xml"

I can open it up and it's a stack made from my template, but where the 
h*ll did this weird name come from? The stack that I intended to save is 
there too, with the correct name. I'm working on an Intel Mac with 
Leopard and Rev Studio 4. This does not happen often or predictably, but 
I'd like to track this down before I go public with my program.

Marty Knapp
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Re: Printing Resized PNGs

2010-05-07 Thread Marty Knapp

Thanks Jacque,

I did get some improvement when I realized that I needed to set the 
resizeQuality to Best after importing an image, but before any resizing. 
Before I had simply set the quality of my placeholder image to Best. 
Still JPEGs and non-transparent PNGs print best. BTW I'm printing to a 
laser printer - haven't tried much printing to an inkjet yet.


Marty Knapp wrote:
Even though the transparency is set in Photoshop? OK - I'm batting 0 
here! I'll just tell my clients to use only JPEGs and non-transparent 
PNGs. Maybe in the next version of Rev . . .

I found the reference I was looking for before, which is in the engine 
change log for Rev version 3.0:


  Any printed content that can not be rendered by the native OS 
printing system is now rasterized at a higher resolution before being 
sent to the printer as a bitmap. This means that any printouts 
containing gradients, transparency or scaled images look much better.

So apparently it would have been even worse before...and it's 
dependent on the OS print drivers.

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Re: Printing Resized PNGs

2010-05-07 Thread Marty Knapp
Even though the transparency is set in Photoshop? OK - I'm batting 0 
here! I'll just tell my clients to use only JPEGs and non-transparent 
PNGs. Maybe in the next version of Rev . . .


Marty Knapp wrote:
When I print a resized PNG image that has transparency (resizeQuality 
set to best after import, then resized) it is noticeably inferior to 
a resized  PNG without transparency -- does that jive with others' 
experiences? If this is the case, is there anything I can do about 
it? The images I'm printing are usually from 1/2" to 1" square.

I think you're running into the same issue as printing images with 
inks. You'll get a screen shot. Transparency is a type of ink.

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Printing Resized PNGs

2010-05-07 Thread Marty Knapp
When I print a resized PNG image that has transparency (resizeQuality 
set to best after import, then resized) it is noticeably inferior to a 
resized  PNG without transparency -- does that jive with others' 
experiences? If this is the case, is there anything I can do about it? 
The images I'm printing are usually from 1/2" to 1" square.

Marty Knapp
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Re: Barney

2010-05-04 Thread Marty Knapp
Are you suggesting that this is rooted in a lack of sleep or that it was 
so brilliant that it *must* have taken a lot of effort??? :)  (come to 
think of it, I didn't sleep well last night . . .)

Marty Knapp wrote:

Actually Barney is the Antichrist. For proof:

You stayed awake all night thinking this up, right? :)

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Re: Rev and the iPad

2010-05-04 Thread Marty Knapp

Actually Barney is the Antichrist. For proof:

on BarneyCode
  put "CUTE PURPLE DINOSAUR" Into IsBarneyTheAntiChrist
  put 0 into TheNumberThatWillProveIt
  replace "U" with "V" in IsBarneyTheAntiChrist --Should be proper 
Latin- well, because

  repeat with x=1 to the number of chars of IsBarneyTheAntiChrist
 if char x of IsBarneyTheAntiChrist is in "C,V,L,D,I" then --Only 
use letters that are Roman Numerals
add romanToArab(char x of IsBarneyTheAntiChrist) to 

 end if
  end repeat
  answer warning TheNumberThatWillProveIt
end BarneyCode

--function by Mark Schonewille
function romanToArab theNumber
 put "i,v,x,l,c,d,m" into myRomans
 put "1,5,10,50,100,500,1000" into myArabs
 put item itemoffset(last char of theNumber,myRomans) of myArabs 
into myNumber

 repeat with x = (number of chars of theNumber - 1) down to 1
  put item itemoffset(char x of theNumber,myRomans) of myArabs 
into myTemp1
  put item itemoffset(char x + 1 of theNumber,myRomans) of 
myArabs into myTemp2

  if myTemp1 < myTemp2 then
   subtract myTemp1 from myNumber
  else add myTemp1 to myNumber
     end repeat
 return myNumber
end romanToArab

Marty Knapp

P.S. My apologies ahead of time if I offended your religious, 
non-religious, or irreligious sensibilities.

P.S. #2 I hope Mark doesn't mind me using his function for this silliness
Spookier still is to consider what ungodly combination of space alien and furry marmot gave birth to Barney. 


Surely the spookiest thing of all is that Barney is still alive . . .  :)
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Re: Apples actual response to the Flash issue

2010-05-04 Thread Marty Knapp
I have a client that sometimes works for lawyers as an expert witness 
doing economic loss analysis. I think he charges $300 an hour. And he 
does all his calculations on a 1985 SE/30 running Excel 2.0. I put its 
second hard drive in about 5 years ago and recently swapped out the 
motherboard as it was starting to act a little flaky. Not bad for a 25 
year old computer.

Marty Knapp

I still have my working SE-30, which still has big screen capability,
10Base-T Ethernet, and an accelerator.  Last use was to be an SMTP and FTP
server - worked well.

I'm keeping that unit, but am giving my other Mac history items away - any
luddites in SF call me before they become e-waste. I have an 9600,  8100,
and 7100, a cube, and an iMac.


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Re: Apple Anti-Trust (was Apples actual response to the Flash issue)

2010-05-04 Thread Marty Knapp

Well put, Richard. Let's hope that Apple has a change of mind on this one.

Marty Knapp

Kay C Lan wrote:

To that I say, let it happen, let market forces play out, let 
capitalism do

it's thing.

Amen.  I can't help but wonder if underlying all of this may be that 
Steve Jobs doesn't have faith in Apple's ability to deliver an 
unquestionably superior experience.

He writes about how multi-platforms apps -- such as the ones we Rev 
folks make for the desktop -- lower the quality of the user experience.

If that were the case to any degree that mattered, people simply 
wouldn't buy our apps, and would instead choose a truly native 

But in practice I see two factors that support using a "middleware" 
engine like Rev:

1. The quality difference is not significant enough to matter to users.

   My Rev-based app got a 4.5-out-of-5 review at not just any mag,
   but MacWorld, where the reviewer, editorial director Jason Snell,
   knows a thing or two about Mac UI conventions.  His review
   never mentioned that the text in my tab controls is one pixel
   lower than spec.  Instead, he lauded its efficiency and ease
   of use.

   The language doesn't make the software, the developers does.
   You can make sloppy apps in Objective-C, and you can be
   diligent with Rev.

2. In many cases, our is the only Mac offering available.

   Many of the apps I make for my clients do not have Mac-native
   competitors.  Instead, our competitors tell their Mac customers
   to run their Windows apps under Parallels or Bootcamp.  Few
   Windows developers bother to port to Mac -- why double
   development costs only to gain an extra 10% market potential?

   If we weren't able to keep our costs down by using a single code
   base to deliver to all three platforms, we probably wouldn't
   deliver for OS X at all, since we make four to eight times as
   much money from our Windows customers.

   But thanks to cross-platform tools like Rev, it's affordable
   to deliver for the Mac audience, and even on our worst day our
   UX better conforms to the Mac HIG that running a Win app under
   emulation. :)

   If we were prevented from using Rev for OS X, OS X simply wouldn't
   have some software categories addressed at all.

   Today this may not seem relevant on the iPhone OS with its
   200,000 apps, but over time I think it'll start to become
   noticeable, esp. in vertical categories such as those most
   Rev developers make.

If Steve Jobs believes that Apple can deliver an unquestionably 
superior user experience, one that matters enough to drive sales, why 
not let cross-platform tools continue to address vertical needs for 
iPhone OS as they do for OS X?

Is he afraid that he'll see on the iPhone what we've all been seeing 
on the desktop for years, that it really doesn't matter to end-users 
what language is used to make an app as long as it enhances their 

Is he afraid that Apple won't be able to offer sufficiently compelling 
differentiation unless he locks developers into making apps for iPhone 
OS exclusively by arbitrarily raising their development costs to the 
point that they have to choose between iPhone or the rest of the world?

I agree with your statement:

Let the market decide if Rev apps are worthwhile.

One significant irony in all of this is that Apple already allows one 
universal scripting language to be used to make app bundles for iPhone 
OS, with access to the accelerometer, GPS, multitouch, and other 
features common among modern mobile devices:  JavaScript, via WebKit.

With JavaScript you can use a single code base to deliver apps to 
multiple mobile OSes, and you could even make them as ugly as you 
like, and they'll be fully compliant with the new license terms.

If they allow that scripting language, why not also Rev?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 Rev training and consulting:
 Webzine for Rev developers:
 revJournal blog:
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Re: What can an image object display?

2010-05-03 Thread Marty Knapp

Hey Bill ,

Looking in the dictionary under "import" list this:

Importing a paint file creates an image object on the current card. The 
import command can import GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, XWD, XBM, XPM, or PBM, 
PGM, or PPM files. On Mac OS systems, PICT files can also be imported 
(but they cannot be displayed on Unix or Windows systems).

Importing an EPS file creates an EPS object on the current card.

-Marty Knapp

I've looked in the docs but I don't see a complete listing of all the image 
types that the Rev image object can display. I think it can be png, jpeg, gif, 
animated gif but I'm sure there are more.

Can someone point me to the list?

I want to make an "answer file with type" dialog for all of the data types that 
can be displayed. Does anyone have a canned statement for it?

Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life 
information with you, accessible, and secure.

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Re: Ink Settings and Printing

2010-05-02 Thread Marty Knapp
Thanks Scott - I've played around some with printing snapshots, but the 
resolution is too low for this project. I do have a work-around for what 
I'm doing, for the most part.


Recently, Marty Knapp wrote:


I'm trying to print a card with a jpeg image on it and have noticed that
when I set the Ink to anything other than the standard  srcCopy that the
image quality suffers noticeably. I think I tired every setting that
allows underlaying objects to show through the white bounding box of my
jpeg - which is what I need. Has anyone else tried something like this?

I've tried this also with png images and gif images as well- all seems
to suffer when set to (for example) "blendMultiply."

Marty, have you tried creating a snapshot of the card first, and then
printing the snapshot?  Might work better than trying to force the
inks/image formats.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

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Re: RevStore

2010-05-01 Thread Marty Knapp
My boys made games like that when they were younger! lol - that brings 
back some funny memories.


I confess though, in retrospect I really do wish I'd saved a copy of 
"Man Gets Beheaded By a Ceiling Fan." You had to be there.

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Re: Ink Settings and Printing

2010-05-01 Thread Marty Knapp

I was afraid of that. Oh well - thanks for letting me know.


Marty Knapp wrote:
I'm trying to print a card with a jpeg image on it and have noticed 
that when I set the Ink to anything other than the standard  srcCopy 
that the image quality suffers noticeably. I think I tired every 
setting that allows underlaying objects to show through the white 
bounding box of my jpeg - which is what I need. Has anyone else tried 
something like this?

I've tried this also with png images and gif images as well- all 
seems to suffer when set to (for example) "blendMultiply."

If I remember the change notes right, you bascially get a screen shot 
if there are blended inks on the image. The engine can't render those. 
Wish I could remember which set of notes to point you to, it was 
somewhere around when the revised image capabilities kicked in.

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Ink Settings and Printing

2010-05-01 Thread Marty Knapp
I'm trying to print a card with a jpeg image on it and have noticed that 
when I set the Ink to anything other than the standard  srcCopy that the 
image quality suffers noticeably. I think I tired every setting that 
allows underlaying objects to show through the white bounding box of my 
jpeg - which is what I need. Has anyone else tried something like this?

I've tried this also with png images and gif images as well- all seems 
to suffer when set to (for example) "blendMultiply."

Thanks for any input,
Marty Knapp
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Re: Accessing stacks without opening

2010-04-27 Thread Marty Knapp
Thanks. I figured out, too, that my thinking that things were being 
saved in stacks I'd accessed this way was because they were still loaded 
into memory. When I quit and reopened nothing was there. So you need to 
save the stack. Still I can see where this can be handy in some 
situations as all the normal openCard, etc scripts are not called.


Marty Knapp wrote:
So it appears that you can set custom properties of a stack and "put" 
information into fields of stacks that are not open, from a stack 
that is open. I just did it by accident! That being the case, is 
there anything that I should be aware of when doing this? Is the 
referenced stack loaded into memory? Is this considered bad form?

As Phil said, it can be handy. I use prefs stacks this way sometimes 
because they're available but out of the message path. I make sure to 
close the prefs stack when the main stack quits.

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Accessing stacks without opening

2010-04-26 Thread Marty Knapp
So it appears that you can set custom properties of a stack and "put" 
information into fields of stacks that are not open, from a stack that 
is open. I just did it by accident! That being the case, is there 
anything that I should be aware of when doing this? Is the referenced 
stack loaded into memory? Is this considered bad form?

Marty Knapp
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Re: Updating running apps

2010-03-28 Thread Marty Knapp

Trevor's GLX Frameworks does this, though I couldn't tell you how!

Marty Knapp

I have some apps that when checking for updates, then offer a "Install
& Relaunch" option.
This seems really cool to me, but I haven't worked out how to do it in
my Rev apps.
If I am only updating separate sub-stacks, then I can work it out, but
if I want to update the actual application file what can I do?

I can get the existing app to download the new version, but then what?
Can a running app replace itself on disk?
Then how to tell it to quit & re-launch?

On a Mac, I guess I could spit out an AppleScript to quit the app,
re-locate the downloaded app, then restart it but the apps I have
don't seem to start an AppleScript when doing this.

Any suggestions?


P.S. When I say Andre announce revSparkle I got all excited as I
thought he was offering hooks into the Sparkle updater framework
<>, but it was a different Sparkle
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Re: dragging a stack around

2010-03-27 Thread Marty Knapp

Here's a script from Scott Rossi's WindowLab example stack:
(put it in the stack scripts)

local allowDrag

on mouseDown
  put mouseH() & "," & mouseV() into allowDrag
end mouseDown

on mouseMove x,y
 if allowDrag is empty then exit mouseMove
 set topLeft of this stack to globalLoc(x-item 1 of allowDrag & "," & 
y-item 2 of allowDrag)

end mouseMove

on mouseUp
 put empty into allowDrag
end mouseUp

on mouseRelease
end mouseRelease

-Marty Knapp

How would one drag an entire window/stack around (for example, if the title bar 
becomes obstructed)?  If I hold my mouse down over an empty piece of real 
estate I'd like to be able to drag the whole window from there, just as if I 
were dragging from the title bar.

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splash21 Site

2010-03-26 Thread Marty Knapp
Probably many of you have seen the site which is a 
great example of an On-Rev site. Sign up and you can download the files 
for the whole site. I did so and uploaded to my On-Rev account and have 
been trying to learn its inner workings.

I'm pretty new to most of this, but I have the site up and running, the 
MySQL database setup, but I can't get the signup feature to work. It 
accepts the signup and I can see the name and encrypted password in the 
MySQL database, but I can't login on the site. Has anyone gotten this to 
work? I'm wondering if it's a sendmail problem as I recall there was a 
recent discussion about that not working on On-Rev (though obviously the 
author of splash21 has theirs working . . .)

I did try a note to the author of splash21 through the contact form but 
haven't heard anything. I do appreciate them providing all their hard 
work on this. But like I said most of this is pretty new to me.

If anyone has any help for me that would be great.

Marty Knapp
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Registration Software (OT)

2010-03-19 Thread Marty Knapp
This is a bit off topic, but I was wondering if anyone is using a 
web-based, out-of-the-box software package for tracking registered 
users. I don't need anything too elaborate, but it would be nice if the 
user could update their info and you could do a simple mailing to notify 
people of upgrades (if they opt to receive such).

I've poked around but haven't found anything that looks very appealing 
and I'd rather not roll my own at this point.

Thanks for any input,
Marty Knapp
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Re: AW: OT: locking software to one specific machine?

2010-03-05 Thread Marty Knapp
Thanks Richard and others who've posted on this. Very interesting 
articles. Now *all* I need to to do is wrap my brain around all this and 
decide how to proceed!


Marty Knapp wrote:

I like the idea of pre-generated keys. It seems like a good in-between
method. If your user then registered their key and someone else
subsequently tried to register the same number you would have some
recourse. I don't want to get bogged down in lots of administrative
hassles, so I like this method. Does anyone have suggestions about
setting up something like this? And a method for verifying the key?

Challenging, but fun:

Start by reading these for inspiration:

The Plain Truth about Casual Software Piracy
by Matt Slot, Ambrosia Software

Anti Cracking FAQ
How to make cracking your programs a little harder

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Re: AW: OT: locking software to one specific machine?

2010-03-04 Thread Marty Knapp
I like the idea of pre-generated keys. It seems like a good in-between 
method. If your user then registered their key and someone else 
subsequently tried to register the same number you would have some 
recourse. I don't want to get bogged down in lots of administrative 
hassles, so I like this method. Does anyone have suggestions about 
setting up something like this? And a method for verifying the key? I'm 
no mathematician by any means, unfortunately! Perhaps there is a key 
generator program, though I looked around and couldn't really find 
anything (other than non-Rev code). I'd prefer a Mac program but I have 
XP running in Parallels if there's a Windows only offering.

Any help, tips, leads?

Marty Knapp

"Completely free of copy protection" is very different from the 
industry-standard per-user license keys I described, and not something 
I would advocate for any commercial product.

In markets where piracy is an unusually serious consideration, 
server-based activation can provide reasonable control over license 
key redistribution.  If smartly implemented with grace periods, "phone 
home" activation should pose no inconvenience to the end-user.

But most successful products don't even do that, they merely use 
pre-generated keys.  Per-user license keys have made Adobe, Microsoft, 
Apple, and most other software vendors quite profitable.

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Re: Export image with graphic effect

2010-02-27 Thread Marty Knapp

Hello Vikram,

You could use "export snapshot" with a portion of the card that the 
graphic is on.

Mart Knapp

Graphic effects, in themselves a great feature- cant be used outside the stack 
since the exported image strips the effects. It would be great if the image 
exported has the effect(s) applied.
Is there any other way to do this? Where does one log in feature requests?
Best regards



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Re: How to enter a time of day

2010-02-22 Thread Marty Knapp

Very cool Scott!

Marty Knapp

Recently, Peter Haworth wrote:


I have a need for users to enter a start and end time of an event and
I'm  trying to come up with a graphical way for them to do that to
ensure that the time is in the correct format.

What appeals to me the most is to use some sort of slider that would
increment/decrement the time of day in 15 minute intervals.  I was
hoping the rev slider control would be the answer to it but it only
seems to deal with whole numbers on its scale, haven't been able to
figure out how to deal with time-based numbers.

Any recommendations on how to set about implementing this?

This was a good interface challenge...

Instead of using a standard slider, I think a dual slider would be a good
solution (but this might depend on the actual time constraints of your
"day").  Can't do this kind of thing with a stock slider however (you'd need
two separate sliders).

It also occurred to me that mini-calendars are the current de-facto standard
for entering dates in forms, so how about a clock face for time entry?

I posted an example online that shows both time entry options (don't ask me
to explain the math).  Execute the following in your Rev message box:

 go url "";

Each set of controls relies on the behavior script that is present on the
right side of the stack.

Maybe one of these could work.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

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Re: How to enter a time of day

2010-02-20 Thread Marty Knapp

Hi Peter,

I don't know if it would help, but I have a stack at RevOnline called 
"Marty's Sliders" that would give you more flexibility and could perhaps 
be adapted for your use.

At the end of the mouseMove handler there's a line that computes a value 
and puts it into a field to in effect show the thumbPosition of the slider.

Marty Knapp
I have a need for users to enter a start and end time of an event and 
I'm  trying to come up with a graphical way for them to do that to 
ensure that the time is in the correct format.

What appeals to me the most is to use some sort of slider that would 
increment/decrement the time of day in 15 minute intervals.  I was 
hoping the rev slider control would be the answer to it but it only 
seems to deal with whole numbers on its scale, haven't been able to 
figure out how to deal with time-based numbers.

Any recommendations on how to set about implementing this?

Pete Haworth

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Re: Page numbers for marked cards for printing

2010-02-11 Thread Marty Knapp

Hi Charles,

When you say mark card "eligibility" are you looking for a field with 
that word in it? If so then you want to do something like:

mark cards where fld "Status" is "eligibility" or
mark cards where "eligibility" is in fld "Status"

If "eligibility" is a button that users can hilite then:

mark cards where the hilite of button "eligibility" is true

Now you can assign page numbers:

if the number of marked cards =0 then
 answer "No cards selected."
 repeat with x = 1 to the number of marked cards
   put "Page" && x into field "PageNumber" of marked card x
 end repeat
end if

--Do your printing then perhaps clean up when you're done:

repeat with x=1 to the number of marked cards 
 put empty into fld "PageNumber" of marked card x 
end repeat

--and you may want to unmark cards for next time too

I hope that clears things up,
Marty Knapp

Hi Mary!

I have busy trying to finish up my project. As you know, the longer you work on 
a project there is an increased possibility of making some changes to it. I 
decided to add page numbers to my marked cards so the user could see them as 
they go through the cards.

I tried the following in a preOpenCard script for card named "eligibility":

on preOpenCard

mark card "eligibility"
repeat with x = 1 to the number of marked cards
  put "Page" && x into field "PageNumber" of marked card x
end repeat

end preOpenCard

This script does not generates any errors but the field "pageNumber" does not 
get anything and remains blank.  Any ideas or suggestions?

On Jan 6, 2010, at 1:50 PM, Marty Knapp [via Runtime Revolution] wrote:

I would place a field on each card that you can populate just before you 

repeat with x=1 to the number of marked cards 
   put "Page" && x into fld "PageNumber" of marked card x 
end repeat 

--do your printing 
--then clear the field: 

repeat with x=1 to the number of marked cards 
   put empty into fld "PageNumber" of marked card x 
end repeat

I have been working on a project that uses marked cards based on an user's 
input. When the user selects a card or cards, they become marked for 
printing. I want to add a page number at the bottom when printing the marked 
There are around 70 cards which makes it very difficult to include page 
numbers on the cards when printing since they may not be sequential. In my 
situation, only about 6 to 11 cards would been selected by the user. Has 
anybody developed a means of assigning page numbers to marked cards when 
printing them as marked cards?

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Re: File name extensions

2010-01-22 Thread Marty Knapp
Thanks Mark - that's kind of what I thought. The four character idea 
sounds good.

Marty Knapp

Hi Marty,

There are no official lists of file extensions. You are free to use 
whatever you want. The creator type registration at Apple is a relic 
from the past and you're free to ignore it, but I still think it is a 
good thing to register your new creator types there and to adhere to it.

I often use 4-character file extensions to reduce the probability that 
the file extension is widely used by a different application already. 
Whatever 3-char combination you choose, someone has probably already 
used it.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

TwistAWord supports Haiti. Buy a license for this word game at and support the earthquake victims. 

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File name extensions

2010-01-22 Thread Marty Knapp
I'm working on an application (Mac only at the moment) and was wondering 
about file name extensions. I poked around and found web sites that list 
file name extensions, but is there someplace "official" to register or 
search? Or am I free to use whatever I want? I registered a creator code 
with Apple, but don't know what to do from there.

Marty Knapp
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Re: Flash cookies

2010-01-11 Thread Marty Knapp
On the "Global Privacy Settings" you can deny access to your camera and 
microphone? Yikes - didn't know Flash could do that. Very disturbing if 
that is indeed the case.

At this site you can see all the flash cookies that have been stored on your computer. These cookies aren't cleaned out when you "clear cookies." They get through even when you are "private browsing" with Firefox. I don't remember ever giving permission to any of the websites I see on my list.


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Re: On-Rev subdomain (main domain hosted elsewhere)

2010-01-10 Thread Marty Knapp
You could set up the subdomain with you current site, then re-direct to 
something hosted at On-Rev (though technically I don't think it could be 
a sub domain of you main domain) Or use frames?

Marty Knapp

Hi can anyone advise - I've posted to the forums and emailed support a
couple of times, but no reply yet. I'd like to keep the main domain hosted
elsewhere for a site, and then host a subdomain at on-rev. I can't figure
out how to do this without transfering the whole top-level domain to On-Rev.
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Re: Page numbers for marked cards for printing

2010-01-06 Thread Marty Knapp
I would place a field on each card that you can populate just before you 

repeat with x=1 to the number of marked cards
  put "Page" && x into fld "PageNumber" of marked card x
end repeat

--do your printing
--then clear the field:

repeat with x=1 to the number of marked cards
  put empty into fld "PageNumber" of marked card x
end repeat

I have been working on a project that uses marked cards based on an user's
input. When the user selects a card or cards, they become marked for
printing. I want to add a page number at the bottom when printing the marked
There are around 70 cards which makes it very difficult to include page
numbers on the cards when printing since they may not be sequential. In my
situation, only about 6 to 11 cards would been selected by the user. Has
anybody developed a means of assigning page numbers to marked cards when
printing them as marked cards? 

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Re: EASY way to add n days to a date?

2009-12-19 Thread Marty Knapp
You can convert your date to dateItems. Then alter item 3 (day of the 
month) by adding to it, then convert back to whatever date format you want.

Marty Knapp
In FileMaker it is possible to add n (an integer) to a date to get a 
new date n days hence.

Is there an EASY way to do this in Rev? (I don't mean setting the 
idemdel to "/" and fussing with the day/month/year digits.)

Jim Hurley 

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Re: custom slider control

2009-12-18 Thread Marty Knapp

Hey Stephen - you're welcome, glad it worked out for you.

Marty, this is exactly what I needed. Very nicely done. thanks so much...

Stephen Barncard
San Francisco

2009/12/18 Marty Knapp 


You might check out my "Marty's Sliders" in RevOnline.

Marty Knapp

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Re: custom slider control

2009-12-18 Thread Marty Knapp

You might check out my "Marty's Sliders" in RevOnline.

Marty Knapp

This should be easy, but I'm having a bit of trouble wrapping my head around
the clockworks for a simple custom vertical fader control. I want to change
the look to a more life-like representation. Basic start,  end and
thumbposition properties, like the stock one. I mainly want to change the
look of the knob.

Anyone have a recipe ? The fake scrollbar examples have a lot of features I
don't need, and are a bit complex to try and modify if one hasn't written

Thanks in advance,
Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: PasteKey Bug?

2009-12-17 Thread Marty Knapp
That will do the trick for me. Sometimes I want to disallow pasting or 
check the contents of the clipboard before pasting (rather than testing 
the content of the field on exitfield).

Thanks again Mark!

Hi Marty,

Your menuPick handler should call a handler named pasteIt and the 
pasteKey handler should do the same. Your pasteIt handler should do 
exactly the same what currently your pasteKey handler does.

Apparently, sometimes you want to be able to paste and sometimes you 
don't. For this, you need to adjust your pasteIt handler, for example 
something like:

on pasteIt
  if the short name of the selectedField is "Forbidden Field" then
answer error "Paste not allowed"
  end if
end pasteIt

If this isn't what you're trying to do, please explain more.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille 

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Re: PasteKey Bug?

2009-12-17 Thread Marty Knapp

Thanks Mark for taking the time to try this,

I'm on an Intel iMac running OS 10.5.8 and the latest version of Rev 
Studio. My menuPick handler for Paste is just "paste". This is 100% 
repeatable for me, so far. Any other thoughts?

Marty Knapp

Hi Marty,

I don't know whether this is a bug or not, but I have no problem with 
calling the same handler from the pasteKey and the menuPick handler.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Full PayPal integration and automation in web site or 
(Revolution/SuperCard/other) software. Contact me for a quote

Op 17 dec 2009, om 17:35 heeft Marty Knapp het volgende geschreven:

I'm having trouble with the pasteKey message not being caught (I 
understand that it does not function in the IDE without suspending 
the development tools).

I tried this twice - make 2 identical stacks, each with a field. In 
the field script I put:

on pasteKey
 answer "No pasting allowed"
end pasteKey

Then take one of the stacks and install a menubar with the default 
settings. Script the cut - copy - paste commands with cut, copy & 
paste respectively. Then suspend development tools, copy some text 
from somewhere and try to paste into the 2 stacks. The stack without 
the menubar catches the pasteKey message, but the stack with the 
menubar does not and the text is pasted.

Is this a bug, or am I not understanding something? (This has been 
driving me crazy for a while)


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PasteKey Bug?

2009-12-17 Thread Marty Knapp
I'm having trouble with the pasteKey message not being caught (I 
understand that it does not function in the IDE without suspending the 
development tools).

I tried this twice - make 2 identical stacks, each with a field. In the 
field script I put:

on pasteKey
  answer "No pasting allowed"
end pasteKey

Then take one of the stacks and install a menubar with the default 
settings. Script the cut - copy - paste commands with cut, copy & paste 
respectively. Then suspend development tools, copy some text from 
somewhere and try to paste into the 2 stacks. The stack without the 
menubar catches the pasteKey message, but the stack with the menubar 
does not and the text is pasted.

Is this a bug, or am I not understanding something? (This has been 
driving me crazy for a while)

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Re: revlets, browsers, OSs and image formats

2009-12-09 Thread Marty Knapp

Safari 4.04, Firefox 3.5.5 - Mac 10.5.8 everything looks fine here

Marty Knapp

Please have a look at this:

and then SHARE with the use-list the following:


Operating System

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson. 

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Re: [ANN] Data Tree 1.0

2009-12-05 Thread Marty Knapp

Nice job Steve!

Marty Knapp

Hi all,

Further to my posts every now and then about beta versions, it's with great 
pleasure that I'm announcing the completion of my first commercial library for 
RunRev: Data Tree 1.0.

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Re: Interesting blog post - comments anyone?

2009-11-29 Thread Marty Knapp
Personally, I felt no compulsion to defend Rev because they let us know 
there was a debate going on at slash dot. Neither was I offended by 
that. When I'm getting ready to make a purchase (software or otherwise) 
I very much want to read what real world users are saying about it (as 
opposed to paid PR) - what's so bad about that? And I will also say that 
there is much more of a community here than I've experienced in 
connection with any other software product. In this light, I did not 
find RunRev's "enlistment" out of line in the least.

Marty Knapp

The idea that the customer services manager of a company would enlist that 
company's own customers in a public debate over the merits of that company's 
product and the rather easy to debase claims it made of its product... Well it 
just feels a little icky.  I am a huge fan of xtalk and any bridge that can be 
built between intent and the horrors of programming.  That is a professional 
opinion, a philosophy.  When I purchase a product, that decision, and the money 
that is exchanged is my argument for that product, and should be sufficient to 
pay for any PR the company uses to attract other customers. And to ask for help 
without explaining how that decision to ask for customer help was made (and 
why) or at a minimum also venturing your own attempt at the same debate seems a 
tad unfair.  Choosing a tool, especially in programming where endless hours are 
eaten up thereafter, well that is argument in itself.  Use it!  Tell the world 
how many rev users there are.  If someone, unabated, wants to defend your 
products in public debate, so be it.  But to ask this of your own customers?  
If the product were free, and if you were an unpaid volunteer, well maybe.


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Re: Stack conversion

2009-11-03 Thread Marty Knapp

Hello Rick,

I don't know anything about ToolBook, but one thing I've done with some 
of my old WindowScript coding from my HyperCard days was to go in and 
copy the scripts (I used ResEdit I believe, as WindowScript was stored 
in the resource fork) and paste them into a text file with a quick note 
about where it came from (button, field, etc) then created a fresh Rev 
stack and pasted in the code from my text file. For me, most everything 
was fairly useful. Not a very elegant solution, but perhaps better than 
starting from scratch.

Marty Knapp
Is there any way to convert a Tool-Book stack, app, executable, I'm 
not sure what the correct description is, into a Rev stack?
I know it can not be done directly like a MC, HC or SC stack but, is 
there some sort of hack which would at least make the conversion a 
little more computer friendly rather than paper hostile? I have access 
to the standalone and the original build. The material was built using 
a recent but, not the most current version of Tool-Book.


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Re: revEnterprise dp-5 / revMedia beta / revWeb beta

2009-10-28 Thread Marty Knapp
I just did some preliminary tests, and it looks like stacks created with 
the "Metal texture" option applied will not work with the new plugin, 
though they did with the old plugin. Apparently that was the source of 
my trouble on that score.

I have Rev Studio and my "check for updates" says that 4.0.0 dp-5 is 
available, but I get the error I reported previously (error,no_such_file).

Marty Knapp
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Re: revEnterprise dp-5 / revMedia beta / revWeb beta

2009-10-28 Thread Marty Knapp
The new plugin locks up both Firefox and Safari on my Mac (Leopard) 
requiring a force quit and the updater for Rev gets an error 
"error,no_such_file" and fails to update. Tried several times, rebooted.

Anybody else having trouble?

Marty Knapp
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Re: Setting the 'Open With'

2009-09-24 Thread Marty Knapp

You can open a specific document with a specific application like this:

launch "/MyDocumentsFolder/TheDocument.doc" with "/Applications/"

using the path of each. and assuming the the application is capable of 
opening it.

Marty Knapp
On kind of a related note, anybody know how to set a file to open with 
a certain application?  This is manually done with the Get Info window 
on the Mac but I need to do this from within a script.


Ray Horsley
LinkIt! Software

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Weird stack appearing

2009-09-18 Thread Marty Knapp
Well I've probably been drinking my bath water, but . . .  I keep 
finding a stack with the name "rces/PrinterInfo.xml" in the same folder 
as a stack I've been working on. When I open the oddly named stack, its 
contents are the stack that I'm working on. I'll delete the weirdly 
named stack, only to find it again soon. For the life of me I cannot 
figure out what I might be doing wrong. I am doing a lot of print 
testing. I'm also using this stack as a template for other stacks. 
Anyone else had this happen? I'm on a Mac, latest OS and version 4 of 
Rev Studio.

Marty Knapp
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Installer & Standalone Settings

2009-08-05 Thread Marty Knapp
I'm getting ready to distribute a Mac only standalone that has some 
stacks that I'll need to put into a folder within the Application 
support folder. Would it be a good choice to make my own installer 
program with Rev and suck up the App and all needed stacks into custom 
properties, then upon installation place things where I need?

I'll be using the splash screen style standalone along with with these 
various stacks, and there will be stacks that the user will create with 
the program - do I keep the .rev extension on these stacks or use 
something else? Are there rules or suggestions related to this? I assume 
that the "Document Type," "Document Extension" and "Signature" fields in 
the Standalone settings (OSX pane) are for this purpose, though I don't 
see anything about these in the docs, nor could I find anything on this 

My current testing shows that stacks saved from my Rev built standalone 
and using the ".rev" extension show as "Metacard Stacks" when I get info 
on them, and the "Open with" menu shows a program that I downloaded some 
time back that was apparently created as a Metacard standalone . . . I 
do have other Rev created standalones on my drive but the Finder doesn't 
think they're the owner of my test stacks. Kinda strange . . .

At any rate, thanks for any input and suggestions.

Marty Knapp
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Re: Barcode-related stack?

2009-05-28 Thread Marty Knapp

Hi Judy,

Sarah Reichelt has a couple of stacks here:



Marty Knapp
I could have sworn that the old revOnline had a stack related to 
barcodes in some manner.  But now I can't find it and find the new 
revOnline pretty but regrettably unusable.

I have a former student who now works in our disabilities solutions 
center who wants to do something tying together a barcode scanner (I 
think) or a tablet PC and Rev (which he actually found on his own, 
having harbored a fondness for HC).

If anyone could point me in the right directions I'd be appreciative; 
if it works, I'll bet the nearly locked-in faculty member would be 
even more appreciative :-)

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Re: [OT] Opinions about On-Rev

2009-05-20 Thread Marty Knapp

Hey Alex,

You'll need to register a domain name with a registrar - many people 
here have recommended GoDaddy, which is what I use. Let's say you 
register "" Then you edit the Nameserver setting with the 
registrar so that it points to On-Rev with the info that On-Rev 
provides, which is probably:

Then you can create an "Add-on" domain in your On-Rev control panel with 
the name you registered. Place your web site files in this new 
directory. Within a short while everything should sync up and requests 
for "" will bring visitors to your On-Rev hosted site. 
And with On-Rev you can host unlimited sites.

A "freebie" you get with On-Rev is a user space with your account name, 
like "". You can host a site at this address 
without further registration.

Marty Knapp

Sarah Reichelt wrote:

I have signed up as
I own the domain and plan to re-locate it's hosting, but I
wanted to test it out before changing the DNS entries.
I created a sub-domain "" so I could migrate my
site & test it, before changing it to an AddOn domain and altering the

Could you expand slightly on how you do this ?

I (think I) unerstand most of it
- create a sub-domain
- copy files over
- test it

But how do you "change a sub-domain to an AddOn domain" ?

-- Alex.
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Re: Sheets at the bottom and the sides?

2009-05-13 Thread Marty Knapp
For a "sheet" effect inside the card window, I fake it using a group of 
buttons, fields and a background image and moving it on/off screen. You 
can slide it in from any side and works on all platforms.

Marty Knapp

2009/5/13 Richmond Mathewson 


It is easy to open a substack as a sheet inside another stack.  The sheet
appears at the top of the parent stack as a drop-down dialogue box.

Is there a way to make the sheet appear at the bottom or at one of the
of the parent stack?

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Re: Stack updater

2009-05-07 Thread Marty Knapp

Thanks Jim - will do.

Obviously I meant to say " revNewScriptEditor" is a rev stack... ;-)

Hi Marty,

Ahh... OK, well that explains everything! ;-) revTemplateScriptEditor is a rev 
stack and only seems to exist in Rev 3.0. Prior there was a 
revTemplateScriptEditor. Neither exist in 3.5. The intention here is to set to 
the font that the user prefers for editing.

So, this raised the question of why I and others are not getting the error and 
you are. ;-)

Just a special talent that I possess!

Marty Knapp
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Re: Stack updater

2009-05-07 Thread Marty Knapp


Here's the offending line:

"put the effective textfont of fld "script" of stack 
"revNewScriptEditor" into tFont"

and the error it's throwing:

stack "Changed Code Picker": execution error at line 140 (Chunk: no such object) near 
"script", char 34

I commented this line (and line 141- effecting the font size) and it 
seems to work fine. I'm just using the default script editor, not GLX.

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Re: Stack updater

2009-05-07 Thread Marty Knapp

I'm on an Intel iMac if that could possibly make a difference.

Eric was an amazing guy. Not only did he create great software, but his 
code was even beautiful to look at!


I just tried CCP with a G5, Leopard 10 5 6,  rev 3.5 rc-2, GLX2  used as a
plugin ... seemed to work fine for me. More than just fine wonderful...
works great. Bravo to the late Eric; the guy could really code responsibly
and creatively.
 The two stacks were identical and it reported that fact. I will try on my

Stephen Barncard
San Francisco

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Re: Stack updater

2009-05-07 Thread Marty Knapp
I tried it with Rev 3 with the same error. It happens when I first open 
the stack, before I try to use it, so protected stacks aren't an issue. 
I tried opening it directly and as a plugin (didn't know if that would 
make a difference) - same result.

Thanks Jim,


Hi Marty,

:-( It's been tested from 2.8.1 to 3.0 on Mac and I've run it on 3.5 on PC
and many others have used this stack and never reported this error. Would
you be so kind as to back up to Rev 3.0 and tell me if you get the same
error? Also, please try downloading again. Otherwise, I'll dig into the

Other question. Do you have any protected stacks in the projects you are
comparing? If so, they need to be unprotected first.

Aloha from Hawaii,

Jim Bufalini


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:use-revolution-] On Behalf Of Marty Knapp
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 6:53 PM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: Stack updater

I have Rev 3.5.0 build 870 running on Mac OS 10.5.6

Thanks Jim,


Hi Marty,


I downloaded the stack, but get this error on openstack:

stack "Changed Code Picker": execution error at line 140 (Chunk: no
object) near "script", char 34

What version of Rev are you running and on which platform?

Aloha from Hawaii

Jim Bufalini

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Re: Stack updater

2009-05-06 Thread Marty Knapp

I have Rev 3.5.0 build 870 running on Mac OS 10.5.6

Thanks Jim,


Hi Marty,


I downloaded the stack, but get this error on openstack:

stack "Changed Code Picker": execution error at line 140 (Chunk: no
object) near "script", char 34

What version of Rev are you running and on which platform? 

Aloha from Hawaii

Jim Bufalini

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Stack updater

2009-05-06 Thread Marty Knapp

Thanks Jim,

I downloaded the stack, but get this error on openstack:

stack "Changed Code Picker": execution error at line 140 (Chunk: no such 
object) near "script", char 34

Marty Knapp

Hi Marty,

Please take a look at Changed Code Picker, fourth one down on:

It's free and it opens and compares all scripts of two identical stacks and
lets you move selected code of a reference stack to your newer stack. If you
want to move all code of one stack to another, just clone the stack.

Aloha from Hawaii,

Jim Bufalini


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:use-revolution-] On Behalf Of Marty Knapp
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 3:25 PM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Stack updater

I'm putting together an updater stack whose purpose will be to take two
stack of identical structure and update the button and field scripts
from the "source" stack and copy them them to the "destination" stack.
What I'm doing now is to open both the source and destination stack and
going back and forth, updating the script of the buttons and fields one
at a time. Then saving and closing when it's done. But if I have a set
of stacks that have substacks (which I may or may not want to update) I
know that Rev doesn't like to have two stacks with the same name open
the same time, should I, for example, get the script of button 1 of
stack 1, close it, go to stack 2 and update the script of button 1,
and close, etc until everything is updated, or is there a better

Thanks for any help,
Marty Knapp
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Stack updater

2009-05-06 Thread Marty Knapp
I'm putting together an updater stack whose purpose will be to take two 
stack of identical structure and update the button and field scripts 
from the "source" stack and copy them them to the "destination" stack. 
What I'm doing now is to open both the source and destination stack and 
going back and forth, updating the script of the buttons and fields one 
at a time. Then saving and closing when it's done. But if I have a set 
of stacks that have substacks (which I may or may not want to update) I 
know that Rev doesn't like to have two stacks with the same name open at 
the same time, should I, for example, get the script of button 1 of 
stack 1, close it, go to stack 2 and update the script of button 1, save 
and close, etc until everything is updated, or is there a better suggestion?

Thanks for any help,
Marty Knapp
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Re: Save Data to stack inside Standalone - Broken?

2009-05-03 Thread Marty Knapp
I just threw together a program with a substack, set the Standalone 
settings for the substack to to moved to individual stackfiles & create 
folder for stackfiles (named mine "MyResources) and it saved the data in 
the substack just fine. This is on Rev 3.5 and Mac 10.5.6

Marty Knapp

On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 2:46 PM, Sivakatirswami  wrote:

I know this has been asked and answered but I thought for sure if you put a
stack inside a standalone, separate from the standalone, that you could save
data in that stack.

I made the usual standalone splash loader that boots an adjacent stack then
hides itself
   MahaLexiconLoader # the stand alone launcher-splash screen

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test - ignore

2009-05-02 Thread Marty Knapp
Please ignore - this is a test. I'm moving my domains and mail to my new 
On-Rev account.

Marty K
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2009-04-18 Thread Marty Knapp
This is slightly off topic, but as there's been a lot of posts about 
On-Rev I thought that I'd let all you Mac users know that there's a sale 
on RapidWeaver at Smith Micro (I have no connection with either 
business). This web site creation software normally sells for $79.99 US, 
but you can get it for $29.99 at the moment. While the posted price is 
79.99, once you click the Buy Now button and go to your shopping cart 
it's listed with the $50 discount (as of me checking just a few minutes 

RapidWeaver is a template based tool, so is great for non-designers, 
though it's Mac only


For what it's worth,
Marty Knapp
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Re: RevOnline server unavailable

2009-04-11 Thread Marty Knapp
I signed up for a new account, received a password, but can't get in, I 
get a "Couldn't connect to server, please try again later." message too.

Marty Knapp
George, I had the same thing happen. You need to set up a new account 
with a new password. Then it'll connect you.

Joe Wilkins

On Apr 11, 2009, at 1:52 PM, George C Brackett wrote:

I've tried several times yesterday and today to log in to the 
RevOnline server, and each time get a "Couldn't connect to server, 
please try again later." message.  Am I missing something, such as a 
schedule for the server or a warning that it's not yet really 
online?  I notice that others have uploaded stacks., and I'd like to 
put up the few of mine that might be useful to people.  The new 
system looks really helpful!


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Re: Creating htpasswd compatible passwords

2009-03-27 Thread Marty Knapp
Just got back from a trade show (National Association of Corrosion 
Engineers - sound exciting?!) I'll download your library and tinker with it.

Thanks Mark.

Marty Knapp

In fact, ig (and a verify function).

It's at:



On 22 Mar 2009, at 14:53, Mark Smith wrote:

If the sha1 type is acceptable, you can use either my sha1 
implementation or the openssl command line to generate a sha1 digest 
of the password to end up with this form:

username:{SHA}W6ph5Mm5Pz8GgiULbPgzG37mj9g= (simple)
username:{SSHA}sVp7Y6h1ZtYAvp3UbsbZlQYACaU= (salted, more secure)

if you were going to use my sha1 (libHash-Hmac) then you could do this

function htpasswd.sha1 pPword
   return "{SHA}" & sha1.b64(pPword)
end htpasswd.sha1

function htpasswd.sha1.salted pPword
   put numtochar(random(255)) & numtochar(random(255)) into tSalt
   return "{SSHA}" & sha1.b64(pPword & tSalt) & base64encode(tSalt)
end htpasswd.sha1.salted

In fact, I might add those to the library.



On 22 Mar 2009, at 00:35, Marty Knapp wrote:

Has anyone used Rev to create encrypted passwords that are 
compatible with htpasswd to protect areas of your web site? I know 
absolutely nothing about encryption. I've spent a few hours poking 
around the internet trying to find something that I can use for a 
utility I need to make. I found lots of web sites that will generate 
an encrypted password, but I don't really want to go that route. 

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Re: Creating htpasswd compatible passwords

2009-03-22 Thread Marty Knapp
Thanks Matthias, Sarah and others. I'm going to be away from the office 
(and email) for a week, so I'll give this some more attention when I 
return. Perhaps there'll be some more input by then as well.


Hi Marty,

i was looking also for a solution some time ago. As far as i know, Revolution cannot 
create such passwords on without "external" help. Please anyone correct me, if 
i am wrong.

For a customer i created an app, which helps him to create and protect folders. 
The complete app creates/modifies/deletes the .htacess and the .htpasswd files 
for him.

This is how i solved the password creation:

1. I created  a php-file with the following content e.g:
" ;
echo crypt($pass , 'sa');
//you can replaces ´sa´ with whatever 2 characters you want


This php file was put on the customers webserver.

2. the following lines call the php-script and passes the "real" text-password to the 
php, which then returns 2 lines. In the second line there is the encrypted password. To be sure, 
that the php was executed correctly, i check for "Password created" in line 1.

put URL (""; & sPassword) into sOutput  
if line 1 of sOutput is "Password created"  
put line 2 of sOutput into sEncryptedPassword

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Creating htpasswd compatible passwords

2009-03-21 Thread Marty Knapp
Has anyone used Rev to create encrypted passwords that are compatible 
with htpasswd to protect areas of your web site? I know absolutely 
nothing about encryption. I've spent a few hours poking around the 
internet trying to find something that I can use for a utility I need to 
make. I found lots of web sites that will generate an encrypted 
password, but I don't really want to go that route.

Thanks for any help,
Marty Knapp
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Re: Standalone saving

2009-03-09 Thread Marty Knapp

Hi Craig,

If I'm understanding what you're saying, you need to make stack "B" a 
separate stack as opposed to a substack. Then you should be able to save 
data in "B". This is because "B" and "C" are a part of "A" and "A" 
cannot save changes to itself.

Marty Knapp

I cannot save a standalone.

In Rev, I have a mainstack "A" with two substacks "B", and "C". I am trying 
to make a standalone of this file, and be able to save stuff on "B". The file 
seems correct, both "B" and "C" give "A" as their mainstack if I ask, and the 
file is definitely "A".

I make the standalone. I get a file "A". No dialogs, nothing fancy.

I use the stack "A", as recommended, as an introductory screen and go right 
to "B". I add data to a field on "B". Nothing I do seems to save the data on 
"B". If I close the standalone and then reopen, all my data is lost. I invoke 
all sorts of "save" commands all over the file, especially in "B". Nada.


Thanks again...

Craig Newman

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Re: Slider little button in OS X

2009-01-24 Thread Marty Knapp
If you want to make sliders that look however you want (and are the same 
in appearance cross-platform) check out my stack on Rev Online: 
Username: MartyKnapp. The stack is Martys Sliders. The script is 
commented so that you can make changes as you need. You will have to add 
the actual function of the slider yourself. It has the ability to show 
or not show values - positive and/or negative.

For what it's worth.

Marty Knapp
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Re: Rev on Ubuntu

2009-01-12 Thread Marty Knapp

Thanks to all who gave me input on using Rev on Ubuntu, I appreciate it.

Richmond, could you elaborate on these two point:

3. Never churn out generic Linux standalones from a version of
  Runtime Revolution working on another platform.
4. Always compile standalones on the target platform.

I've successfully produced Windows standalones from my Mac (though very 
few). Has your experience shown that with the various flavors of Linux 
that this doesn't work well? Unfortunately I only have Rev Studio for Mac.

Thanks again,

Marty Knapp
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Rev on Ubuntu

2009-01-11 Thread Marty Knapp
Well, I've been thinking about tinkering with Linux + Revolution for a 
while and recently ran into an old friend who's a big Linux fan. He 
recommended that I install Ubuntu (I'm using Parallels on an Intel iMac) 
and the K Desktop Environment. I haver successfully installed Ubuntu but 
thought I'd ask here about KDE. I want to try some Rev projects on Linux 
and  wondered what folks here would recommend. I've been a Mac guys 
since the 80s and know absolutely nothing about Linux. Any 
recommendations for me?

I also hope to introduce my friend and the local Linux user group to 

Thanks for any input,
Marty Knapp
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Re: Backup sort of thing?

2008-12-30 Thread Marty Knapp
I use Chipp's AltArchive - it's a great little plugin for making 
incremental backups.

Marty Knapp

Hi Richard,
I made an App in which customers and clothes are stored (all on their own
I wanted a way to backup the 'store' in TXT files but today I decided to
backup the whole stack on closing the App.
It is primarily needed as backup in case the 'store' gets corrupted.

Any ideas are welcome!



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Re: End of line problem

2008-10-07 Thread Marty Knapp

Thank you Sarah, I'll give that a try!


On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Marty Knapp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a stack from which I create a text file that has to be uploaded to a
server. The file can be either a tab or comma delimited file. I'm creating
it in Rev 3.0 Studio on my iMac with 10.5.5. I'm getting an error that I've
traced to an end-of-line problem. The file looks fine on my Mac but when I
move it over to Windows XP and open it with Notepad it doesn't recognize my
line endings (though Wordpad does). The file shows the little square block
when the line end character should be, which I assume means it's a character
it doesn't recognize. I've tried CR, CRLF and LF. If I fix the line ends in
Notepad the file then uploads properly. I'm stumped . . .

You are being punished by the fact that each system has it's own way
of describing line feeds. Check out the docs for the return constant
for more info. When Rev reads or writes a text file, it converts
automatically, so you always get the right line endings for whatever
system produced the file. If you have to specify a particular line
ending, then you have to alter them manually, and save as a binary
file, not a text file.

To save a file for Windows (that uses CRLF), you will need something like this:

replace cr with CRLF in tData
put tData into URL ("binfile:WindowsData.txt")

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End of line problem

2008-10-07 Thread Marty Knapp
I have a stack from which I create a text file that has to be uploaded 
to a server. The file can be either a tab or comma delimited file. I’m 
creating it in Rev 3.0 Studio on my iMac with 10.5.5. I’m getting an 
error that I’ve traced to an end-of-line problem. The file looks fine on 
my Mac but when I move it over to Windows XP and open it with Notepad it 
doesn’t recognize my line endings (though Wordpad does). The file shows 
the little square block when the line end character should be, which I 
assume means it's a character it doesn't recognize. I’ve tried CR, CRLF 
and LF. If I fix the line ends in Notepad the file then uploads 
properly. I’m stumped . . .

Thanks for any help,
Marty Knapp
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Contextual Menus

2008-07-23 Thread Marty Knapp


I've done this using the target function and a mouseDown handler in a 
card or stack script.

Marty Knapp
OK. So with the help of a few great people on this list I now can do 
popup contextual menus for fields. Thank you.

A user suggested that pretty much every field (regular text field) 
should be able to have a contextual menu for Cut, Copy, and Paste at a 

How would I add this feature to all my editable fields? I can do them 
one at a time but that would be pretty tedious. There must be a more 
global way to do it.


On Jul 21, 2008, at 6:45 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

J. Landman Gay wrote:

If you just want to operate on the text, you can do things like 
"copy the selection".

Actually (she said, replying to herself) it's even easier than that. 
Rev already knows what's selected, so if you are just using the basic 
editing commands, all you need in a menupick is this:

on menupick pwhich
 switch pwhich
 case "copy"
 case "paste"
 case "delete"
 end switch
end menupick

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   | 

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Re: [ANN][EN][FR] Tutorial #25 by So Smart Software

2008-07-22 Thread Marty Knapp
Thank you Eric for all your great contributions to the Revolution 
community. I've used your tutorials many times. They're a great 
inspiration for great coding (especially for hacks like me!).

Marty Knapp

I'm happy to announce that "How to implement clever auto-completion
in entry boxes", 25th tutorial for Revolution is available:

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Re: Number of display lines on a Option Menu

2008-02-12 Thread Marty Knapp
I checked my copy of Rev 2.8.1 (on Mac 10.5.1) and the property 
inspector does not show this. I fired up Rev 2.6.1 and there it does 
show the option to select the number of displayed menu items.


Marty Knapp

Hi Mark,
What Preference page is it on and what is the name of the Preference
I don't see this property on the Inspector for the Option button - it's just
not there.
I do see the following properties: text (a list of the options to display)
and menuName. These are radio buttons.

Am I missing something? And if this is missing, what else am I missing?

Mark Stuart

Mark Wieder wrote:


Depending on how you have your preferences set, the Property Inspector
display this as "menuLines" or as "Display x items". It's right under the 
list of Menu Items.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: (mac) application menu

2007-11-17 Thread Marty Knapp
This was driving me crazy too. After messing around with it, I pieced 
the following together and it's worked for me (I am using Rev 2.6.1):

on appleEvent pClass,pID,pSender  --I got this from Ken Ray's web site
 switch (pClass & pID)
 case "aevtquit"
   answer "Save changes?" with "Don't Save" or "Save"
   if it is "Save" then
 pass appleEvent
   else pass appleEvent
   pass appleEvent
 end switch
end appleEvent

on closeStackrequest
 Global homeStack
 if the short name of this stack is homeStack then
   answer "Save changes?" with "Don't Save" or "Save"
   if it is "Save" then
   end if
 end if
 pass closeStackrequest
end closeStackrequest

on shutdownRequest --I only use this for Windows
 Global homeStack
 if the platform contains "Win" then
   if the short name of this stack is homeStack then
 answer "Save changes?" with "Don't Save" or "Save"
 if it is "Save" then
 end if
   end if
 end if
 pass shutdownRequest
end shutdownRequest

Marty Knapp

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Re: (mac) application menu

2007-11-14 Thread Marty Knapp
In my experience, capturing the shutDownRequest on a Mac is not 
reliable. For me it works most of the time, but then it gets me about 1 
time out of ten. I've implemented the AppleEvent solution (thanks to Ken 
Ray) and that has been 100% reliable.

Marty Knapp

Couldn't he just capture shutDownRequest?

on shutDownRequest
end shutDownRequest

on cleanUpStuff
  # do all your special quit things here
  quit # actually quits when you're done saving or changing or whatever
end cleanUpStuff


on cleanUpStuff
  # do all your special quit things here
  pass shutDownRequest # let's Rev handle the shutDownRequest and quit 
as it normally would

end cleanUpStuff

Hi Peter,

I'm not sure about Problem 2 but regarding Problem 1, you need to 
trap an AppleEvent in order for a standalone to perform some 
activities before quitting. For example, put this script in your main 
stack script and when theClass = "aevt" and theID = "quit", you can 
successfully trap the program before it quits. eg.

on appleEvent theClass,theID
  if theClass = "aevt" and theID = "quit" then
-- do something
  end if
end appleEvent

Best Regards,


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