Why Does this Behavior Fail?

2010-11-17 Thread Sivakatirswami


I would to put help info in custom props and then call these 
automatically into  display as the user pass his mouse over controls (on 
a preferences card)

A preference might be a check box whose name is

button: __ autoMountServer   type: check box

If I put this script into directly into the check box, it works, but if 
I move the script to another card named GrappleBehaviors  and name 
that button:  Show Prefs Info

whose long id is: button id 1437 of stack Grapple

and then set the behavior of button autoMountServer to button id 1437 
of stack Grapple

with this script (below)

it does not work. Initially I had this card and I thought that was the 
problem, but even after full explicit references to the preferences 
card, it does not respond.

on mousewithin
   put format (set the htmltext of fld \prefsInfo\ of card 
\preferences\ to the u  (the short name of the target)   of card 
\preferences\) into pInfoProp

   do pInfoProp
   show fld prefsInfo  of card preferences with visual effect 
dissolve very fast

end mousewithin

on mouseleave
   hide fld prefsInfo  of card preferences with visual effect 
dissolve very fast

end mouseleave

Any clues?

obviously the goal is to avoid pasting this into *all* the controls on 
the preferences card... I might also like to change the way of 
displaying the info from a field on the card to a modal substack... a 
behavior I can apply to all the controls is obviously best.


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Re: Creative Common Copyright Notice in Standalones

2010-11-15 Thread Sivakatirswami

 On 11/13/10 7:02 AM, Mark Wieder wrote:

Note that the zlib license is very direct. It seems to cover
everything except the part above about putting modifications back into
the open source domain, so I may end up frankensteining this a bit to
handle that.


Mark, thanks for this.. I think the zLib-License is perfect for what I want.


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Creative Common Copyright Notice in Standalones

2010-11-10 Thread Sivakatirswami
 I'm planning to release a [possibly significant] set of stacks 
(splash-engine + Mainstack + ePub tools stack) into the wild  for 
anyone who has a Rev License to use

It is called Grapple - Simple RCS of InDesign and partially addresses 
the huge gap that Adobe left for many publishers when they discontinued 
Version Cue, leaving many, many shops with no version control.

Well, I built one for our own team and everyone loves it. It has it's 
pros and cons, but if your managing editor and page editors-designers 
are all really happy with it -- these are men who have been creating 
books and magazines for 30 years -- it means I must have got something 
right. We have been using it for 4 issues of Hinduism Today and it is 
pretty solid now.

I wont' be issuing it as a stand alone because there are some 
localizations required to make it work. Any savvy LiveCoder can handle 
it... I just created a GUI for a Version Control folder on the LAN 
server, a mirror in the users local /Documents/Local Version Control. 
Folder. The rest is simple checks on file status based on file name (no 
dbase ma!) and use of shell cp and mv  to copy, make archives, rename 
files and launch inDesign. It's lean, no dbase, very little admin 
overhead and it works. If you were ever an admin for Version Cue (used 
MySQL on the server) all your headaches disappear with Grapple.

 I also don't want to get involved in support.  It may turn out to be 
nothing or it may be an entry for both RunRev-LiveCode and some 
developers to break into the  in-house publisher's desktop tools market, 
which is fairly big. Adobe promised to publish an API that big time DAM 
developers could use. But I don't think it is happening. Once publishers 
get a taste of what LiveCode can do for their shop (widgets for all 
kinds of tasks) they will want more.

But I also want to make sure that no one else makes it their 
proprietary app. Any Rev developer can take it, use it modify it and 
even sell it, or bill him-herself as a Grapple Developer... and charge 
for the stacks or the support thereof... but he (or any company that may 
hire shim) should not be able to sue or prevent anyone else from doing 
the same.

Exactly where and how do I put a creative commons license into a stack 
(normally you enter such in the standalone builder) and which creative 
commons license do I use and how do you implement it. Do you copy the 
whole license to an About substack or just have a link to the online 
Creative Commons License.

This Publishing Open Source code is all new to me.


P.S. Any one who has experience with print shops and publications teams 
who use Adobe products, who also has at least 8 years experience with 
LiveCode on the Mac, please contact me off list if you are interested in 
being put a referrals list. If you are also a cross platform developer 
let me know as the demand for a Windows version will be there coming our 
of the gate.

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Re: Photoshop Applescript fails , why?

2010-10-29 Thread Sivakatirswami

 On 10/28/10 5:36 PM, Terry Judd wrote:

What happens if you use system events to activate Photoshop first and then
tell Photoshop to do its action?

tell application System events to tell application Adobe Photoshop CS5
to activate
tell application Adobe Photoshop CS5 to do action [action] from [set]

using the QA center works! Mark replied that he thought there must be a 
bad character in the script... I have no idea why cutting and pasting 
from Script Editor.app would introduce  char that causes LiveCode to 
fail to compile the applescript... but a hard wired approach works:

 local tScript
  put merge(tell application [[quote]]Adobe Photoshop CS5[[quote]])  
return after tScript

  put merge(activate)  return after tScript
  put merge(do action [[quote]]merge leaves[[quote]] from 
[[quote]]Merge Leaves[[quote]])  return after tScript

  put merge(end tell)  return after tScript
  do tScript as applescript

Case closed for now.

I opened a new thread for the next leg of this adventure: looping


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Re: Stress-testing SQLite

2010-10-29 Thread Sivakatirswami

 On 10/29/10 3:10 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

It'll vary, and in my own tests that seems to be the only bottleneck 
with SQLit; queries that return little data are ultra speedy, but once 
we get into large amounts of return data I see the hit.

Just a reminder, which you probably don't need at all, but I had this 
same experience with PostGreSQL recently, but probably for different 

but FWIW...

I was using and old example SQL stack... small data returns were fast, 
but a lot of data (select * from table whatever.. i.e. everything)  
from a PostGreSQL database  adding it to a display field. It took 

Then I remembered Dont' Do That!

When I got all the data in a variable and just posted to the field once, 
it was like 20 times faster.


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Re: revweb plug-in for linux

2010-10-28 Thread Sivakatirswami

 On 10/28/10 11:52 AM, Monte Goulding wrote:

Is the server mounted? If so an alias may do the job.

Another option is to build a standalone that loads the stackfile off the 
server. There are many ways to kill this cat.


In House LAN  ??

I second Monte's motion on this one. I must have a dozen programs 
running in house that are deployed by just creating little splash screen 
standalones ..

 I put the stack on a web site on the server, but no one actually views 
anything in a web browser.  (well occasionally I pass off some resource 
to the web browser) Just to be clear for my own brain, I call the 
widgets that are deployed to client station Launchers

Our macho OS X Server is running apache

I put the stand alone launcher on the web server, I keep all these on a 
single web page

Rev Stacks

with links to the launchers, one URL per standalone

[I tried a single launcher once, that downloaded an index stack for 
all other stacks, but it never worked well. People are so used to having 
a single app for each thing  that now I issue a special splash 
screen for every new app...]



has  a nice graphic on the main card  and this in the stack script

on preopenstack
   set the loc of this stack to the screenloc
   send LaunchGrapple to this stack in 1 seconds
end preopenstack

on LaunchGrapple
   go stack url http://inHouse.domain.org/rev_stacks/grapple.rev;
end LaunchGrapple

By using the web server you avoid all the issues of mounting the server etc.

Now, disclaimer: most of my stacks are very light weight.  After the 
launcher launches the mainstack, if he needs more resource from the 
server, then I'll run an apple script from inside the stack as  needed 
and mount the main server and then call the heavy resources using the 
file system


set the filename of player Grapple Tutorial to url 
(file://Volumes/LanServer/WWW/inHouse.domain./Grapple grapple.mov)

Note that even though we are not using a web browser, I'll maintain 
various resources in the WWW area, even though we are not pulling them 
via a web browser, but I *can* then if necessary, pass something off to 
the web browser...

this works great, all the resources are modular, there is nothing on the 
client station except  a standalone with the above script. I can update 
and swap out resources on the server and every one is always up to 
date.  It's all transparent to the users. They don't even realize that 
the app they are using is actually being call runtime from the server.

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Re: Auto-updating apps, and splash screens.

2010-10-28 Thread Sivakatirswami

 On 10/28/10 1:21 PM, Alex Tweedly wrote:

I have a little app that will be used on a number of computers, so I 
want it to check for a new version being available, and update itself 
if needed (and desired).  I know the easy way to do this is to have 
the executable be basically a 'splash screen' that starts the *real* 
stack, and therefore the real stack can be updated.

Does anyone have a sample stack / app showing this ?

And, what do you as app users prefer

1. The app automatically updates itself when a new version is available.
2. The app downloads the new version automatically, and then (next 
time?) on startup asks if you want to install the update.
3. The app lets yo know there is a new version available, and asks if 
it should download / install the update.

4. Something else.

-- Alex. 
Run Rev really should dedicate some tutorials and or wiki space to 
this... there are at least a dozen different ways I've seen, they all 
work, but still the question keeps coming up.

In house: #1
public: #3

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Photoshop Applescript fails , why?

2010-10-28 Thread Sivakatirswami

 I'm trying to drive some photoshop processes with Livecode.

The idea is small applescripts are easy, bigger file operations are 
easier done in LiveCode.

2 problems

ONE: Apple script dies in LiveCode, but runs in Script Editor.app why?

tell Application Adobe Photoshop CS5
  do action merge leaves from Merge Leaves
end tell

works from  Applescript Editor.app

I can also put this into a custom property

tell application Adobe Photoshop CS5
do action ###Action### from ###Set###
end tell

and this in a button:

on mouseUp
   put the uMergeLeavesAScript of this stack into tScript
   replace ###Action### with fld Action Name in tScript
   replace ###Set### with fld Action Set in tScript
   do tScript as AppleScript
end mouseUp

If I test for my script with a put statement I get exactly what works 
in Applescript Editor.app

tell Application Adobe Photoshop CS5
  do action merge leaves from Merge Leaves
end tell

But Adobe Photoshop is not activated.

If I add this to the script:

tell application Adobe Photoshop CS5
do action ###Action### from ###Set###
end tell

it still does not work

If I test just this:

tell application Adobe Photoshop CS5
end tell

it *does* work... so ... why does the applescript line

do action merge leaves from Merge Leaves when run from LiveCode

a) block the activation of photoshop b) thereby fail to run itself?

Any clues?

TWO: Run another program (via applescript) on a loop from inside LiveCode

then, once I do get it running, is it possible to have LiveCode run 
another application on a loop? once you activate another program.. and 
if the program takes many seconds to run the process, can LiveCode be 
told to wait and when activity stop in Photoshop, to go open the next 
two files?

on mouseUp
   put the uMergeLeavesAScript of this stack into tScript
   replace ###Action### with fld Action Name in tScript
   replace ###Set### with fld Action Set in tScript
   put fld PhotoshopPath into tPhotoShop
   put fld FileDirectory into tFolder
   set the defaultFolder to tFolder
   put the files into tFileList
   filter tFilelist with *.JPG*
   launch (tFolder/ line 1 of tFileList) with tPhotoShop
   launch (tFolder/ line 2 of tFileList) with tPhotoShop
   do tScript as AppleScript
   # put this in a loop to then go back and get the next set of files.
end mouseUp

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Re: Photoshop Applescript fails , why?

2010-10-28 Thread Sivakatirswami

 OK, looks like a bug in LiveCode's API to the Script Editor compiler:

I suspected LiveCode can't even compile the script.

duh, right...  add  put the result  watch...

[field PhotoshopScript]

tell application Adobe Photoshop CS5
end tell

tell application System Events
 Adobe Photoshop CS5
do action merge leaves from Merge Leaves
   end tell
end tell

Button merge Leaves

on mouseUp
   put fld PhotoshopScript  into tScript
do tScript as AppleScript
put the result
end mouseUp

compiler error

I better put this in QA right away, since we are close to next release.

it should not be that complicated:

tell application Adobe Photoshop CS5
 do action merge leaves from Merge Leaves
end tell

should work but also returns  compiler error

The same script compiles without problem and runs in Script Editor.app

On 10/28/10 5:36 PM, Terry Judd wrote:

What happens if you use system events to activate Photoshop first and then
tell Photoshop to do its action?

tell application System events to tell application Adobe Photoshop CS5
to activate
tell application Adobe Photoshop CS5 to do action [action] from [set]


That does not help. I tried it both ways:

tell application System Events
tell application Adobe Photoshop CS5

tell application Adobe Photoshop CS5
do action merge leaves from Merge Leaves
end tell
end tell
end tell

does not work

and also (I use this form for calling menu items from other apps)

tell application Adobe Photoshop CS5
tell application System Events
tell application Adobe Photoshop CS5
do action merge leaves from Merge Leaves
end tell
end tell
end tell

what is odd is that this script works fine to drive thru 4D

tell application 4D
end tell

tell application System Events
tell process 4D
tell menu bar 1
tell menu bar item Selections
tell menu Selections
click menu item Search Clipboard for EMBS
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell

no compile error

LiveCode cannot compile the script for Photoshop?

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Re: LiveCode applications accepted in iOS App Store

2010-10-27 Thread Sivakatirswami

 On 10/27/10 6:50 AM, Fabrice Muller wrote:

The application is available under 

I got up to 38! hehe

Question: can we use the player in the stacks and bundle small movies 
with the app?  (or download from the web server on demand?)

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Sound in Revlets

2010-10-07 Thread Sivakatirswami

 Is anyone doing sound yet in RevLets?  what is working best?

1) call a file from the server into a player object (requires quicktime 
no doubt)

2) bundle small sounds in the revLet itself (makes for a bigger stack 
for any sound of serious duration)

Can you share your experience so far before we start our own revlets 


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Re: Download Beta Test Franklin Audio External for LiveCode

2010-10-05 Thread Sivakatirswami

 On 10/4/10 10:08 AM, Lynn Fredricks wrote:

Run and play. If you don't hear anything, we want to know. And also we are
talking suggestions for the demo. The goal of the 1.0 release is to deliver
multi-channel audio by way of OpenAL.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks

Aloha Lynn - Ruslan

Look Ma no Quicktime! -- wonderful initiative!

Platform: LiveCode 4.5; Mac OS X 10.6.4

installed to my hard drive... I moved it to /Documents/Paradigama 
Software (as I had this already from the bundle you sent last year for 
those who bought that package Rev was selling then)

I ran the install: a copy of the external was placed in:

/Documents/My LiveCode/Externals/FranklinAudio.bundle

quit LiveCode, double clicked your demo, it invoked an old Revolution in 
my apps folder and did not work. I quit. Opened it in LiveCode and from 
the pull down menu FancyPants.wav plays fine, but the Source Sharing 
Buffers does not... I initialized the OpenAL buffers, but clicking on 
Rain (or any other source)

-- Will add a new water drop source to the audio scene.
function AddSource  type1
   -- Create source
   get alGenSources(1, Source);  # breaks on this line

If I leave the substack open and click Stop

I get a script error thrown here:

function KillALData
   put Sources_idx-1 into Sources_idx
   //repeat while (Sources_idx  0)

  get alDeleteSources(Sources_idx, Sources);  # breaks on this line
  //put Sources_idx-1 into Sources_idx

I tried to quit LiveCode, but the IDE is frozen now, spinning beachball 
cursor. check Processes, LiveCode not responding. I force quit

I restart LiveCode, open your demo, FancyPants plays fine. Choose 02. 
Sources Sharing Buffers. Click Initialize... no error... choose Rain.. 
nothing happens, click on Water Drops... no script error window but the 
status window displays Error generating audio source.   clicking on 
other choices nothing happens click twice on any of them (Wind Chimes, 
Rolling Thunder) etc...

Error generating audio source
Error generating audio source
Error generating audio source

click start: clears the status feedback field but nothing plays. I quit 
the demo. This time LiveCode does not hang.

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RSS Feed for revLessons

2010-09-30 Thread Sivakatirswami
 I have  my email client, Thunderbird, subscribed to the revLessons... 
I could have sworn that previously when I opened one of these posts in 
tBird there was a link to click to go to the lesson...

but now  the body of each article in Thunderbird has only this:


This lesson will show you the basics of using AJAX with revServer by 
demonstrating how to create a simple auto-complete box.

With no link to go to the actual lesson..

What am I missing?

After three years being away from web dev and stack dev, I'm back!

This is too much fun.


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INSERT into PostGreSQL triggers RevdbError but no error

2010-09-30 Thread Sivakatirswami

 Slightly OT if this is more about PostGreSQL than LiveCodeServer

I'm doing my very first dbase insertion from an iRev form. finally getting
 a successful a connection ID after fiddling with pg_hba.conf

ASIDE: does RevServer connect on local unix domain socket or local tcp/ip

Then tried this (all copied from the rev lesson on line)

#no password required.

put INSERT INTO rats-w-wings (first_name, last_name, anonymous) \
   VALUES ('Batman', 'MosquitoEater', TRUE); into tSQL

# we have to keep him anonymous because
# he's embarrassed that he eats mosquitos.
# sorry... I'm into kids' stories lately... I like to have fun the names of
# my test objects and vars... lightens up tedious debugging

  -- query the database

put revDataFromQuery(tab, cr, gConnectionID, tSQL) into tData

   -- check the result and display the data or an error message

if item 1 of tData = revdberr then
put There was a problem querying the database:  cr  tData 
into tResponse

put tData into tResponse
end if

Now the odd part:  tData returns revdberr,  but no error verbiage

So I'm scratching my head... I open PhpPgAdmin and check...

Aha! Batman is there in Row 1! So, why the mysterious revdberr, from 

So I log in via terminal sudo postgres and try the insertion by hand

useful_rodents=# INSERT INTO  rats-w-wings (first_name, last_name, 

   VALUES ('Batman', 'MosquitoEater', TRUE);

% INSERT 0 1

useful_rodents=#  I'm back at the prompt:

Again,quick check and the insertion of the data works... Null is allowed 
in all fields except anonymous,

I'm a complete SQL newbie: what do the params being returned after 
INSERT 0 1 mean?  the useful_rodents table has one row successfully 
added and the useful_rodents_rat-w-wings_seq integer which is linked the 
main table primary key: rat-w-wings_id is incremented by one integer... 
so two things are happening on insertion. and as far as I can tell, no 
errors are being generated... unless one of those two mysterious results 
params INSERT 0 1 are telling us something I don't understand 
(searching the web for the meaning of those two results integers, but 
not getting anything)

so, why the revdberr,  ?

Any ideas?



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Re: loading another stack from splash

2010-09-30 Thread Sivakatirswami

 On 9/28/10 5:11 PM, Mark Smith wrote:

Also, it would be real nice not to have to hard code the path in case I
want to change its location. Having to manage two stacks instead of one does
seems like an added burden.

Stumped. Any help appreciated

-- Mark

We meaning many of us here... do this all the time.
I love keeping stacks inside the OSX application bundle,
 you can develop them from inside there and ship as as single binary..

There are two common approaches These scripts may help

on loadFromDisk
-- Setting the default folder.
set itemdel to /
set the defaultfolder to item 1 to -2 of the effective filename of 
this stack

-- Check for application
if there is not a file MyNoteBook.rev then
if checkNet() then
checkNetworkAndDownload #If you don't have it locally then 
get it from the web server

exit loadFromDisk
answer error Please connect to the internet to install 
this application

exit loadFromDisk
end if
end if

go stack url binfile:MyNoteBook.rev
hide  stack MySplashEngine.rev
end loadFromDisk


on preopenstack
  go stack url (getPath(MyNoteBook.rev)
end preopenstack

function getPath tStack
set the itemdel to /
put the effective filename of this stack into tPath
put tStack into item -1 of tPath
return tPath
end getPath

By separating the function you have the interesting option of offering 
the user the option to open any number stacks you might bundle into the 
same folder:

On the splash screen you can have a pull down menu like this

on mousedown
   set the defaultfolder to item 1 to -2 of the effective filename of 
this stack

   put the files into tFiles
   filter tFiles with (*.livecode)
   put tFiles into me
end mousedown

on menuPick pStack
go stack url (getPath(pStack))
hide this stack # hide the splash screen now...
end menupick

Now you can put what ever stacks you like into that folder.

Don't forget to include quit handlers in all the stacks so that you 
don't leave a hung process Hidden splash screen still running.



Mark assuming that you will always put the data stacks in the same 
folder as the splash-engine stack

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Re: INSERT into PostGreSQL triggers RevdbError but no error

2010-09-30 Thread Sivakatirswami

 Aloha, Pierre:

Thank you!  there is nothing wrong with my SQL

If I use:
put INSERT INTO some-table (first_name, last_name, anonymous) VALUES 
('Batman', 'MosquitoEater', TRUE); into tSQL

revExecuteSQL gConnectionID,tSQL
put the result into tResponse

I get  '1'  which is success

ergo:  if my assumptions are correct, if you use revDataFromQuery for an 
insertion and

query the result you will get an error.

which makes sense... the latter is getting data out, the former is 
putting data in.

Problem solved, or rather, no problem at all except,
I was using the wrong rev dbase command for inserting data.

I guess I should probably study every single one of the revdb cmds in 
the library.

Om shanti

On 9/30/10 12:17 PM, Pierre Sahores wrote:

Have an eye on this about irev=  postgreSQL production state design skills :

put SELECT module_name,activation FROM  CustModules  WHERE module_name = 
'  tparam1  ' into sqlStatement
put revQueryDatabase(myDatabaseID,sqlStatement) into 
if dbCursorID is not a number
then return the result

revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,activation) into nModuleState
if nModuleState is in NY then

if nModuleState is Y
then put N into nModuleState
else if nModuleState is N
then put Y into nModuleState
put UPDATE  CustModules  SET activation = '  nModuleState  
' WHERE module_name = '  tparam1  ' into sqlStatement2
revExecuteSQL myDatabaseID,sqlStatement2
if the result is not a number
then return the result
return MODULE_  nModuleState  
end if


put INSERT INTO  CustModules  (module_name,activation) 
VALUES ('  tparam1  ','Y') into sqlStatement2
revExecuteSQL myDatabaseID,sqlStatement2
if the result is not a number
then return the result # error while 
submitting the INSERT statement ...
else return MODULE_UPDATE_OK

end if

end if

each then return the result will expose the original postgreSQL error message



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Build XMLRPC request to Post to Word Press

2010-09-26 Thread Sivakatirswami
 I'm trying to translate a Ruby frame work for posting to Word press 
into a Revolution upload script.

I don't know what I'm doing, so this is a fishing expedition (smile) and 
tomorrow I will go study the Word Press API and see if it is better 
tackling this without Ruby code in the middle of the R  D.

the listener on the server is the /blog/myblog/xmlrpc.php

script that handles input.

The API in use by the ruby example we already have working on the server 
to post from a  web page on the same box via local host, is using the 

I think I have cornered the key parts of the script:

Ruby has this function:
require  xmlrpc/client

def newPost(content, publish)
  @client.call('metaWeblog.newPost', @blogid, @username,
  @password, content, publish)
where content is

content = {
  'title' = title,
  'description' = post

and publish is a  boolean string, either true or false


I'm assuming I can talk to this xmlrpc.php  remotely, assuming the log 
in details are here. The ruby library client.rb  which is required is 
over my head completely, but I'm assuming that the RevXMLRPC liberay 
should work, if I knew what I was doing, which I don't

I gave it this much of a stab and I will later keep plugging away in 
the dark if anyone has any ideas, let me know.

on mouseUp
  local tRequest
  put revXMLRPC_CreateRequest(field Host,field Port,field 
Path,field Protocol) into tRequest

  revXMLRPC_AddParam tRequest, int, 1 # blog ide
  revXMLRPC_AddParam tRequest, string, user
  revXMLRPC_AddParam tRequest, string, password
  revXMLRPC_AddParam tRequest, string, metaWeblog.newPost # I think 
the xmlrpc.php needs this...

  revXMLRPC_AddParam tRequest, string, Testing # title of the post
  revXMLRPC_AddParam tRequest, string, Cool article # 
description-article content
  revXMLRPC_AddParam tRequest, string, false # send to drafts for 
now, don't publish.

  put revXMLRPC_Execute(tRequest) into  fld result # I get a number
  put tRequest into fld result # I would like to see what the request 
looks like but I don't get anything here...

end mouseUp

How do you get LiveCode to show you the full xml that has been built?  
That is being sent to the server?


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RevIgniter -- Incorporating Existing CMS-Static Content

2010-09-18 Thread Sivakatirswami
 Ralf, thank you for your great contribution in the form of revIgniter. 
I downloaded and installed it on our site, and actually ran thru some 
tutorials. My only problem was that we have an existing site where the 
CMS is already carefully organized for static pages

I installed revIgniter in a top level directory called


to be very generic for future use, but now we have huge content (static 
content 80,000 plus pages on this one site alone) in existing structure 
like this;

/audio  # all things having to do with audio
/donations  # all forms and templates for incoming $
/resources # all static books, translations of books and video
/ssc   # all matter have to do with our institution as a 
geographic place(s)

  /usa  # etc.
/study  # international correspondence
/teaching # all things generic to teaching children, parenting etc.

The DOM on these pages is very simple: we use SSI to pull in head and 
footer and I just a revcgi exec include to pull in side bar links which 
vary depending on the realm where the page lives.

Now my new project has to launch by Oct 1 and I could not wrap my brain 
around beginning a new site area inside Revigniter in time. I can see 
the great value of the MVC framework for interactive web apps, but until 
I can grok how to incorporate the existing static content, which is very 
well organized by category of content such that any of our staff can 
find things just by thinking like a normal human being about the 
content and fold names. Andre says we can link to external content with 
root relative links... I tried asking revIgniter to treat and external 
page as a view... it works already by since it is not delivered by 
Apache, the SSI's are not implemented and they appear with no header, 
footer or side bar links. So, I would either have to convert them to 
iRev pages and convert SSI to this:

  put url file:/home/himalayan/public_html/ssi/site_wide_nav.html

div id=footer
?rev put url file:../../ssi/ha_footer.html?
or write some kind of run time parser, translator to take existing 
apache SSI:

div id=siteWideNavTop
!--#include virtual=/ssi/site_wide_nav.html --

and convert to what I have above, run time...

At that point I stopped with revIgniter and went and am building a new 
area  (fund raising campaign) now in the old structure:

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iRev Input Validation Libraries

2010-09-17 Thread Sivakatirswami
 If any one has any input form validation-sanitizer handlers for web 
forms, (irev includes...) I could use them right now.

I've studied the web on this. It's vast... positive match (i.e. the 
input must be a precise match for a given set of values) is considered 
the simplest and strongest form, and I can do this for most of my 
current form input fields on this project,

But for a max 200 char comments-text field, I need something more 
robust. Our PCI auditor regularly flags some pages for XSS attacks, and 
I need to get a little more professional about sanitizing input.

I'm thinking this should suffice where the positive match is A-z plus 
0-9, comma, period and explanation mark... if allowed should suffice, 
but then I may need to deal with SQL injection  (PostGreSQL) also.  if 
there is no ; then nothing can happen. But I know it is more 
complicated that that.

I know that regEx could help me here but I'm terrible with regular 

into tConstraint

put toLower(tComment) into tComment

replace , with  in tComment

repeat for each char x in tComment
   if x is not among the items of tConstraint then
  Put Only characters and numbers allowed in comments. into tMessage
end repeat


I'm a bit out of my depth here.  This may be an area where over 
simplication doesn't work.


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How to get environment VARS in iRev

2010-09-16 Thread Sivakatirswami
 I need to be able to grab the standard web server runtime environment 
variables in iRev pages.

a string like this:

input name=SourceURL value=!--#echo var=REQUEST_URI -- 
type=hidden /

is not processed by iRev the apache include module is not active.

What are our iRev options?

I tried




on my test page, just see if the environment vars are available, but got 

any help there?


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Re: Grouping checkboxes with label fields

2010-09-13 Thread Sivakatirswami
 To ask the obvious first:  we assume you need, in many cases, two 
lines worth of label for the check box buttons but RunRev does not allow 
multi-line labels for check buttons.

There are many ways to tackle this but if it were me I would add a 
custom property to each of the buttons with the full text that I wanted 
to associate with that button, name it something like uMyLabel

Then your code could be:

on mouseUp
   put the number of buttons of me into nbr
   repeat with n = 1 to nbr
  if (the hilite of button n of me then)
   put (the uMyLabel of button n of me)  ,  after theList
  end if
   end repeat
   delete char -2 to -1 of theList
   put theList into field list
end mouseUp

but then you have the issue of maintenance. What if you want to change the text 
of the button label? you have to fix the label and the custom property.

Another solution could be to make your UI consistent.. and not use custom 
props. You would programatically generate a label field that holds two lines 
and place that next to each check box button and name it with a hook to the 
button, then turn off the name and label of all the buttons. ( I don't know if 
your GUI has space for single line label button to occupy the same vertical 
space as 2 liners)

First, go ahead and enter the full label text property of all your buttons, don't worry 
about the space requirement on the GUI level for now.  You just want all your data for 
the same type of object, all in the same targetable location.

Next make a label field with all the properties you want them all to have. of 
course it will be set to wrap and align right, nice background color, text 
color etc...whatever you want

then have a tools  button on your UI that you can hide later.

on mouseUp
   set the properties of  templateField to the properties of fld MyButtonLabel

   repeat with x = 1 to the number of buttons of this card
  put (Label_  the short name of button x) into tLabelName
  create field tLabelName
  set the topright of fld tLabelName to (item 1 of (the topleft of button 
x)-4,item 2 of the topleft of button x)
# you can move them later or work out the math here to place them 
  put the label of button x into fld tLabelName
  # turn off the label on the button itself
  set the showname of btn x to false
# Let's now let's make the check boxes small so they are only as wide as 
the actual check box itself
# but this will cause the position to change  so we need to get the left 
   put the left of btn x into tLeft
   set the width of btn x to 20
   set the left of btn x to tLeft # restore position
end Repeat
  reset templateField
end mouseUp

Then you get your list like this:

on mouseUp
   put the number of buttons of me into nbr
   repeat with n = 1 to nbr

 if (the hilite of button n of me then)
   put (the Label of button n of me)  ,  after theList
  end if
   end repeat
   delete char -2 to -1 of theList
   put theList into field list
end mouseUp

For maintenance you could have a handler in your tools button to update button 
labels when you change/edit the GUI..

on mouseUp
   put the number of buttons of me into nbr
   repeat with n = 1 to nbr
set the label of button n of me to fld (Label_  the short name of button 
   end repeat
end mouseUp

many ways to tackle it.

Next, since you need to see this in the UI I would programattically 
generate a small transparent field over each of the buttons just to the 
right of the check box and set the check box to for consistency

On 9/13/10 3:25 PM, charles61 wrote:

I have a series of cards that have checkboxes. Some of the checkboxes have
labels fields under them because the label of the checkbox will not hold the
content of the information displayed. Here is my question: I want to modify
the following group script for checkboxes to display the content of the
checkboxes plus the label fields for some of the checkboxes. I have tried
grouping the checkboxes that have an additional label fields but that does
not work.

What changes would I need to make this work both checkboxes that have label
fields and those that do not have label fields?

on mouseUp
put the number of buttons of me into nbr
repeat with n = 1 to nbr
   put the short name of button n of me into tName
   if not the hilite of button n of me then next repeat
   put tName  ,  after theList
   --  put tName  cr after theList
end repeat
delete char -2 to -1 of theList
put theList into field list
end mouseUp

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Menu Accelerators - help!

2010-09-05 Thread Sivakatirswami
 For some reason, I've never been able to get menu accelerator keys to 
work as expected.

the dictionary entry on this makes sense, but could use some examples.  
Seems straight forward enough...

The syntax for menu item strings is:
  [flags] label ['/' accelerator ['|' tag]]

where accelerator

would be, in my case: modifiers char

A very common requirement is Find and Find Again. This looks correct to me:

Find/^ F
Find Again/^G

The menu shows the cmd symbol (os x) and the letter, but cmd-f does 
nothing but invoke the IDE's find dialog; if I turn of development 
tools, it still does not work.  I tried these, since the IDE does not 
use them... as a test...

Find Again/^L

But they are still unresponsive... and, if you enter an upper case 
character, does that mean the user has to use the shift key to make it 
work? I tried both, cmd-shift-U and cmd-U.

neither work.

What am I missing?  Will these *only* work in a standalone?

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The State of the Art of Auto Upgrading - How do You Do It?

2010-08-24 Thread Sivakatirswami
 I'm looking (again) into the various methods used by everyone to do 
auto upgrades where

1) You deliver the engine in a player-splash stack  via the web. This 
engine itself may need to be upgraded from time to time.

2) the engine auto downloads the mainstack.rev that holds your 
application code.

Now, every time I start thinking about this my head starts to spin 
because I see and have seen so many different options.

GLX seems very complicated and though I expect there are lots of great 
reasons to use Trevor's work, I'm concerned about the level of 
complexity and the vulnerability that comes with it.

I tend to always look for the simplest possible solution, but as David 
Allen said in today's GTD newsletter, sometimes choosing an overly 
simplified path, ends up landing you in a much more complicated mess in 
the end.

I have Chipp Walters old method of using a my-cool-app-config.txt file 
on the web server with 8 lines 4 are dedicated to upgrading the engine; 
4 are dedicated to upgrading the main stack. The engine reads this on 
boot and prompts the user for engine updates. the Mainstack reads this 
on boot and prompts for mainstack updates. It's simple enough ad seems 
solid, but weak if proxy support is needed.

Chipp: are you still using and happy with this method?

My own current system is a bit weak and simply takes the user back to a 
web page where they are prompted to download the latest whatever. I 
would much rather being doing some of this in place.

It would be marvelous if someone were to host a page where all the 
various methods you are all using were posted.

At any rate, at the risk of asking you all to detail your method, yet 
again, if anyone feels inspired to reply to this thread with a full 
description of Here is How I Do It

 I will certainly compile all the methods, do the necessary HTML mark 
up  and host them on our site -- though it really should go on a more 
appropriate place in RunRev's site or Richard's site or Ken Rays Site or 
 so many places... Fragmentation of RunRev resources is still a big 
challenge as I'm finding when trying to mentor some young people who 
don't even know programming, to get started...but that's another story.

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OT: Web Based Collaborative Diagramming Applications

2010-07-02 Thread Sivakatirswami

 I'm looking to adopt a web based collaborative diagramming tool.

gliffy.com of course is touted as the world's best and from what I see 
there is a lot to be said for chosing Gliffy.

But, before just jumping on the nearest big bandwagon, I thought to ask 
here if anyone knows other web based collaborative diagramming apps that 
they really like and are easy to use and meets there needs?

Reply here or off list...


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How to hide scroll if field does not require it

2010-05-26 Thread Sivakatirswami
Anyone else wish that fields has a property by which you could turn off 
the appears of the vertical scroll bar, if the field actually did not 
have enough text to require it?

In the absence of that feature, what is the best way to program this?

I have a field that is dynamically filled with a listing from folders on 
the server on the LAN. Sometimes there may only be 1-2 files i the list, 
other times there are many. I would like the field not to have a 
vertical scroll bar if there it only has 1-7 lines of text and then if 
it fills with 8, suddenly the scroll bar appears.

I can think of ways to do this, but How are others doing this?

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How to deal with unplug from the LAN

2010-05-25 Thread Sivakatirswami
I'm working on an app that requires a remote volume to be mounted (Mac 
OS X 10.6)

I use several basic connectivity tests like

put hostAddressToName ( into the server

# If I get DNS from the XServe box I know the user is at least plugged 
in or has his Airport connection uup and running..

# next, get a ping file which is a little file containing the word true

command CheckForServerIs Mounted
   put url file:/volumes/XServer/Sites/public_html/ping.txt into 

 if tPingTest is True then
  set the enabled of button connected to true (small animated gif 
that show a live connection

  put true into gConnectedToLanServer # a global for later testing.
  answer Sorry, the server is not mounted.. shall I mount it for 
you?  with No or Yes

 # run afp apple script here to mount the remote volume.

 end if

end CheckForServerIsMounted

OK the above works fine if the user is a Tidy Boy and is careful to 
dismount the volume, but if he just up and pulls the ethernet cable out 
with the remote volume mounted and runs off to the dentist with his lap 
top... if he has my app open and tries anything, it goes into a 3 minute 
wait...( this is actually a long standing nuisance with Apple's API to 
the network framework... and can happen with pretty much any other app 
and not just RunRev) *finally* after  3 minutes, the system seems to 
realize he's cut off, gives up, and gives the CPU back to RunRev...my 
dialog pop's up to offer the user the option to mount. But because he's 
unplugged, his is informed he is off line and he's gracefully left to 
work off line...

So, this all works well, but the part where I am unable to test for if 
the user just pulled out his ethernet cable with the volume still 
mounted, without this long hang up...

Any ideas?

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Monitor Shell Copy File Progress

2010-05-22 Thread Sivakatirswami
Work working on an in-house file manager - RCS for Indesign (since Adobe 
did an end of life for Version Cue)

It's coming along well, in fact really well.

One challenge is that I'm using  lots of these:

  put (mv   quote  gLocalFilePath  quote   quote  
(gLocalProjectPath / tShortFileName)  quote) into tShell

   get shell (tShell)

   put (cp   quote  (gLocalProjectPath / tShortFileName)  
quote   quote  (gServerProjectPath / tShortFileName)  quote) 
into tShell

   get shell (tShell)

to more files around and rename them... it works great.

Is there a way to monitor a background shell process like this?

The problem is if you copy from the Big Server on the LAN... to my 
Little MacBook Pro... you won't know when the file is completely copied 
to the local hard drive before doing:

 launch (gLocalProjectPath /  pFileName) with the uInDesignPath 
of this stack

Typically RunRev will issue the unix cp command and then immediately 
launch inDesign, which crokes because the file is incomplete on the 
local hard drive.

Now I have some ideas about how to do this: get the checksum some of the 
remote file, do a send in 30 ticks (repeatedly) test of the local file 
until the local file's checksum matches the remote file and then launch it.

But before I go after this, I was wondering if anyone had any other 
method?  Most cool would be a progress bar, but I'm not sure RunRev 
can monitor a local unix copy file processor, if it can, how to do it.


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Keep Pull down Menus from changing on mousedown

2010-05-18 Thread Sivakatirswami
How can I keep a pull down menu from doing the reversed out thing with 
the foreground color switching to the background color on mouse down, I 
have some white text color pull down menus on a black ground, when the 
user click down we want the button name itself not to change at all, 
just show the items in the menu below.

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Search Many Docs to Return Search Results

2010-05-15 Thread Sivakatirswami
I feel like I'm about to reinvent the wheel here... and I believe I even 
posted this query once before but am having trouble finding the emails 
where some good souls responded previously

Can anyone who has created any search-many-docs scripts  post their 
library or scripts for  returning search results? or point to a stack 
online that has contains scripts that will serve?

We want to the user to enter a term... Rev will dig a number of html 
files. Not many, so, we will just read them from disk.

The search engine will step through the documents and return a list of 
hits. We retrieve the entire line using lineoffset and move on to the 
next instance in the same doc. Then proceed to the next file. For 
display we want to show the user about 100 chars before and after the 
term found and then post this to a search results field, where she can 
see the results, hover over the small excerpt will pop up the whole 
line-paragraph, and a click will open the document (set the html text of 
a field to the doc) and take her to that place in the document.

I have parts of the above here and there in various stacks, especially 
the last part I have some code that steps through a field and sets the 
highlight color of the search term and the user can quickly scan and see 
his term in color...  and I think I can put it together, but... I'm 
guessing many of you already have various flavors of this scenario 
already built and much better coded than I could do. so, if anyone has 
any snippets for any part of the above scenario I can put them together 
with what I have.



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OT: Resources for Data Base Design

2010-05-08 Thread Sivakatirswami
I'm working on a content management database based on the Dublin Core 
and the Media Annotation Initiative. Much of the whole mode of discourse 
and terms translate well into a database scheme but when the discourse 
starts to talking about fine tuning and switches to an RDF framework it 
is difficult to grok in terms of translating some of the principles into 
actual table-field structures in a PostGreSQL dbase. the Dubline Core 
seems in some respects a very abstract realm... but things are different 
where rubber hits the road.

I've looked pretty closely at the databases generated by XOOPS, Drupal 
and Word Press and frankly, they are freaky scary. I see a hodge podge 
of strategies, each differing -- depends on whose design the module 
whose tables you are looking at. That's why I want to stay with Dublin 
Core where the human readability principle is kept in the forefront of 
design.  I'm pretty close to designing a schema that I think can contain 
pretty much all the metadata for any video, text or audio, translations 
pamphlets etc. FAQ  that we have. I supposed we are re-inventing the 
wheel a bit, but in the end we will get something that is a good match 
for our needs and we will not be boxed into framework of a monster CMS 
that we cannot customize without spending huge $ on PHP-module 
consultants... (been there, done that, nightmare)

Metadata for a video or a sound file or an image is simple enough

The part of the data base I'm unable to finish of is that which deals 
with text fragments.  I think I posted this before on this list but got 
no responses. If anyone knows what would be the best list or group I 
should go to, to get help, let me know. What I'm interested in should be 
pretty standard stuff in the world of academia: e.g. if you want a data 
base to contain the most atomic elements of a text resource (one record 
for every single verse of every single poem from a book where the poems 
are divided into chapters and the chapters into sections and the 
sections into parts of a book, and the book is one volume in a 
series...)   what is the best schema which allows you to query the data 
base to re-aggregate all those elements into it's original source 
document, run time (or on a cron or periodically post modifications)  
AND OR what other approaches might better serve  the end game (be able 
to query for a single verse with complete citation; be able to query for 
an entire poem with citation; be able to query for a complete chapter of 
poems with a citation ... etc.)  I have some solutions in mind, and I 
may just proceed with those, and refactor later if something better 
comes along...but I would love to hear from some experts and seem some 
existing models.

Any ideas of where to go looking for mangos?


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Heather Are You All OK with the Ash!

2010-04-19 Thread Sivakatirswami
Just checking... last time the ash was a disaster for Scotland... is our 
RunRev Team OK?

Om Shanti

Production Manager
Web Coordinator

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convert does not understand daylight savings?

2010-04-17 Thread Sivakatirswami

I have a rss reading agent that is super picky...

a feed I generate using rev cgi

put 04/12/2010 into startYear
  convert startYear to seconds
  put (24*60*60) * tLessonNo into tDate
  add startYear to tDate
  convert tDate to long english date
  delete word 1 of tDate


pubDateSat, 17 Apr 2010 00:00:01 PST/pubDate

but it should be returning pubDateSat, 17 Apr 2010 00:00:01 PDT/pubDate

because of this, the feed is invalid by this particular agent's 
standards (it *does validate in any other validator...)

How can I tweak convert to output Sat, 17 Apr 2010 00:00:01 PDT
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Zip Behavior on Windows

2010-04-15 Thread Sivakatirswami
I regularly ship apps to some users by simply packaging it as a zip 
file. Mainstack, engine components all in a folder, right click, 
compress ship...

 On the Mac the user double clicks and a folder pops up, neatly 
extracted, all components inside next to the main stack and engine.

Now something has changed on windows. if the user double clicks on the 
zip file WinZip is exposing the contents of the package in still 
compressed form. Naive users are baffled. If they unzip the .exe file 
they see in there, it still doesn' work.

I left a query at the winzip site and got a nice prompt response saying 
It has always been like this (why are we only now getting problem 
reports then?)   that was 2 pages long! Ouch.

I could ferret out that we now should be making a self-extracting 
archive.  I don't know if that is still a zip file or not.

Of course some will say your really should be using a windows 
installer... but, does it need to be that complicated?


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OT: Metadata for Text Fragments - Help with Dbase Schema

2010-03-28 Thread Sivakatirswami
 keep this thread on the list! and we will



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Postfix-Sendmail problem on new OSX Serve (10.6.2)

2010-03-26 Thread Sivakatirswami
We are setting up an new server here. Upgraded OS to OSX 10.6.2  suspect 
new version of Postfix and sendmail on board:

My old cgi's that handle internal intranet stuff  have this ancient 
call to sendmail that was working up until the upgrade:

on startup
   put /usr/sbin/sendmail -t into mprocess
open process mprocess for write
write From:  ka...@hindu.org  cr to process mprocess
write To:ka...@hindu.org   cr to process mprocess
write Subject:Test sendmail   cr  cr to process 

   writeThis is a test   cr to process mprocess
   close process mprocess
   if the result is not empty then
   put the result into tResponse
Put Email was sent successfully. into tResponse
put Content-Type: text/html  cr
put Content-Length:  the length of tResponse  cr  cr
  put tResponse
end if
end startup

If I ping this cgi in a browser, result is empty and we get Email was 
sent successfully

But not true: no email is sent and the mail.log shows:

Mar 26 16:19:07 hindu postfix/sendmail[68268]: fatal: _www(70): No 
recipient addresses found in message header.

Sendmail is working find verified if I log in as admin in terminal and run

% echo -e This is a test | sendmail -f ka...@hindu.org ka...@hindu.org

and it goes thru with no problems.   Now.. I *could* change my cgi build 
a cmd line string, but I have some more complex scenarios in other cgis 
and I would rather stay with a more verbose revTalk version of talking 
to the process.

Any insights? Perhaps a simple tweak to PostFix config to accept To:  
someem...@somedomain.com as valid input for recipient  ??



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Script for tagging email addresses

2010-03-26 Thread Sivakatirswami

anyone have an efficient script for tagging email address with links?

let's say I have a chunk of plain text made up of one or more of these:

And we want to replace them with links

Mr. Wonder Boy
108 Webster Avenue
1004  Mount Zena,
E-mail:  wonder...@orcon.net.nz ¬

Mr. Wonder Boy
108 Webster Avenue
1004  Mount Zena,
E-mail:  wonder...@orcon.net.nz ¬


Mr. Wonder Boy
108 Webster Avenue
1004  Mount Zena,
E-mail: a href=Mailto:wonder...@orcon.net.nzwonder...@orcon.net.nz/a¬

Mr. Wonder Boy
108 Webster Avenue
1004  Mount Zena,
E-mail: a href=Mailto:wonder...@orcon.net.nzwonder...@orcon.net.nz/a¬

I was hoping to avoid replacetext and regEx as it will make it slow.

anyone have this already wired up?



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Search Inside PDF's that have been OCR'd

2010-03-23 Thread Sivakatirswami
Has any one tried using Revolution to search inside PDF's that have been 
OCR'ed?  I can of course try it yself, but wondering if anyone has done 
it and what insights you may have.

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Re: OT: Best Option for Web Delivered Voice Overs

2010-03-14 Thread Sivakatirswami

On 3/14/10 10:35 AM, Joe F. wrote:
You want your original master recording to be a large file. 
Especially if it's something that needs to be future-proof.

Encoding as mp3 or AAC, or whatever, is compression for file size.
It doesn't make sense to compress an already compressed file like an mp3.
You'd want to always be converting from the original full resolution 
file for optimal results.

Depends what you mean by optimal in my case file size is the key 
variable, download time.

full resolution WAV to mp3  -- 56k
Full resolution WAV to AU -- 114k

56k mp3 (same audio)  to AU  -- 56k  (assumes want to import rev audio 

difference in quality between the 114 K au file converted from full 
resolution file and the same audio.au converted from the mp3 -- 
practically indiscernible to my ear. but  1/2 the size.  So, this 
breaks the rule but does make some kind of sense... 20 VO captions at 
56k - 1MB+  20VO captions at 116K @ = 2MB download

As far as work flow: it's not clear, but it sounds like you want to 
do the recording within your stack.

exactly... benefits:
1) auto scripted naming of the caption VO files to match filenames of 
2) on board teleprompter either by simply viewing the slides and then ad 
lib the audio (for Q and D productions), or set up caption fields, 
script/practice the captions in advance for more careful delivery...

3) apples scripted 'drivers' for external processing

etc. never switch to another program... (set up Switch in the background 
to handle files in a watch folder... )

If the point is simply to get playback in the stack (recording not 
needed) then it would be far more efficient to use dedicated tools to 
create the recordings, then reference the audio from within your project.
If you must record within your stack then you'll have to live with 
some serious limitations. 

I recorded some simple audio using Apple's Sound Track Pro using our 
super hi-end Newman BCM104 broadcaster's microphone (incredible 
quality!) vs Quick and Dirty recording in RunRev saving to WAV using the 
Samson USB mic.  processed both files  (to MP3 using Switch) all the way 
down to 56K mp3 and compare: OK, yes, the Newman gives a bit more 
rounded quality, but the RunRev -- WAV -- mp3 was certainly OK for 
our needs.

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OT: Best Option for Web Delivered Voice Overs

2010-03-11 Thread Sivakatirswami
Looking forward to future slideshows either distributed as revlets or as 
javascripted/jQuery enhanced web slideshows which are produced by a 
RunRev desktop client toolbox (Almost everything I do on our web sites 
is facilitated with some kind of in-house production widgets... as I am 
sure is the case with most old-time RunRevolutionaries)

I am looking any input from experienced sound producers in our field for 
the following. Some of this may be fairly obvious, but everytime I pose 
a query like this to this list I always get some nugget of useful info 
that I did not know or think of before:

1) MP3 Settings: for voice over narration: what would be the best MP3 
(lowest you think is reasonable) settings for files that woudl be played 
along with a slide.

2) Optimum format for Voice Over: Is MP3 the best format for voice 
over?  Will it play out of the box in a hidden QT player object on 
both Mac and Windows?

3) Embedded Clips: Has any one embedded sound clips into a revlet? AIFF 
and WAV seem horribly expensive in terms of bytes added to the stack 
vs streaming short mp3's from the web server. But perhas AU is small and 
OK for voice... comments?

4) Text to Speech: How is text to speech working these days on Windows? 
is this a viable option for revlets... some kinds of kids stuff will 
do just fine with a computer voice reading the English.

5) Production Work Flow Strategies: Any other insights will be 
appreciated. you can get a Samson USB mic these days really cheap on 
Amazon.dot and the quality is excellent. It would be marvelous to build 
a stack, show slides, record on the fly, save and deploy, but I don't 
think it's going to be that easy... Especially if MP3 is the optimum 
format, it means stepping out of revolution into Audacity.. Processing 
clips and going back to set up the QT player to the external file.  Or 
assuming you were really, really good with narration and required no 
edits:  Switch to batch process all the narrations at once after saving 
as aiff -- process out to .mp3 ... 15 short VO's at average 2-8 secs 
each will be fast.

Goal: production-work flow that gets from 15 photos with voice capture 
to a slideshow with VO on the web in under 45min. (assumes of course 
your narration is either ad lib or pre-scripted...)

Thanks for your patience with my mine the list queries


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Re: Spell check

2010-02-13 Thread Sivakatirswami

Jim: I'll give a shameless endorsement for Scott's product


if you can afford it... price is very reasonable. he supports it too!
I needed to trap the messages for when users add words, so I this neat app where
the custom dictrionary is downloaded runtime by users around the world (on mac 
or Windows)
when they add a word, it is posted to a cgi and added to a cue on the web 
periodically I can review this cue and add those worlds to the custom 
dictionary and then everytime users around the world boot up, they get a fresh 
updated custom dictionary.

So, this kind of flexibility and cross platform is marvelous.


On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 4:39 AM, Jim Beckmann 


How is the easiest way to incorporate spell checking into a 
standalone on

different platforms?  Are there spellcheck Rev stacks that have been
that can be placed in the script hierarchy?

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Re: Behavior Nightmare

2010-02-13 Thread Sivakatirswami

Scott Rossi wrote:

 I assume that card-level behaviors
should fall through to stack-level behaviors, but weirdly, I got script
errors saying the handler/function couldn't be found.  I tried a simple test
stack and stack-level behaviors appear to work there, so I can't figure out
what's going on.  

I just getting into behaviors also, I'm curious to better understand 
what you are doing and what works and what does not.

I thought a behavior was placed in an object (typically a button, 
right?) and then you set the behavior of  whatever other object (the 
stack in your case?) to the long ID of the object that has the behavior 
(the aforementioned button)

Now, I'm not sure what you mean by card-level behaviors falling thru to 
stack-level behaviors but  from one point of view it makes sense that 
the behavior cannot be found, because the button that contains the 
behavior is not really in the message path as we normally understand the 
message path.  In fact, I could have sworn that the nature of behaviors 
not being in the message path was part of their charm so to speak... 
i.e. you would deliberaty keep certain handlers segregated from the msg 
path by having them be behaviors.

Of course, I really don't know what I'm talking about so take all of the 
above with a grain of salt.


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Re: OT: Our place in Hawaii....

2010-02-12 Thread Sannyasin Sivakatirswami

Music does not play on safari - iPhone

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 12, 2010, at 7:50 AM, Thomas McGrath III mcgra...@mac.com  

That did the trick! Now I'm rockin

Tom McGrath III
Lazy River Software

iTunes Library Suite - libITS
Information and download can be found on this page:

On Feb 11, 2010, at 9:03 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

Thomas McGrath III wrote:

Slideshow is great but NO music here???

Safari 4.0.4
OSX 10.6.2

Tom McGrath III
Lazy River Software

iTunes Library Suite - libITS
Information and download can be found on this page:

Thomas... try now...

and for the music lovers, we now offer the famed Arunthati Shree  
Ranganathan singing Veda Satiran


but with this embed code...

embed src='http://www.himalayanacademy.com/resources/books/yogaswami/natchintanai/Various-Other-Natchintanai/pg-28_Veyda-Satthiran_AR.mp3' 
 autostart='true' width='0' height='0'/embed

is it running on Window?

On Feb 10, 2010, at 11:32 PM, Jim Ault wrote:

Slide show and music run fine on
OSX  10.5.8  G5 PPC
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv:  
Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7 GTB6

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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Re: OT: Playing MP3's on Web Pages (was Our Place in Hawaii)

2010-02-11 Thread Sivakatirswami

Howard Bornstein wrote:

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 2:49 PM, Sivakatirswami ka...@hindu.org wrote:


Some may wonder where we are and what it's like here. A recent visitor,
with a high end camera did an amazing job and I could not resist putting
this into an iRev slide show.


 Sadly, this link completely and repeatedly crashes Firefox for me :-(


Strange... on Windows or on your Mac?

There sadly still seems to be no on good way to simply play mp3's on a 
web page that runs well on all browsers and platforms. Of course there 
are little flash widgets to drive audio, and they work, but I get a bad 
taste in my mouth every time I cave in to Flash Hegemony (I won't go on 
here about that...)

After hours of research I found this, rather naively accepted the 
statement on the site that it was a crossplatform option:

type=application/x-mplayer2 width=0 height=0
param name=filename 

   param name=autostart value=1
   param name=playcount value=true
width=0 height=0
param name=filename 

   param name=autostart value=1
   param name=playcount value=true

Only to find out later that the x-mplayer2  calls Windows Media Player 
(hence Flip for Mac on OS X)

On one site we are currently staging in Drupal (stalled now, and I'm not 
sure we really want to go there -- Drupal seems to be  an esoteric 
beast! Only dragon slayers can walk in those swamps!)  one module for 
playing sound using this embed code:

autostart='false' width='220' height='30'/embed

Though I think the above is deprecated in favor of object but appears 
to be totally browser, media player agnostic and looks like it is 
hoping to stay out of the way and let the local machine/browser make up 
its mind how to play the media.

Howard, I changed the embed code the simple version above. can you try 

I wonder how RunRev is doing on its cross platform media playing 
capabilities... anyone doing it no in a revlet, successfully, everywhere?


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Re: OT: Our place in Hawaii....

2010-02-11 Thread Sivakatirswami

Mark Wieder wrote:


Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 6:23:44 PM, you wrote:


 Sadly, this link completely and repeatedly crashes Firefox for me :-(

OK - *that* got me to look. Usually I'm the one who has problems with
these things on Firefox, but what I got was a stunning multimedia
display. The only problem was that the music runs a bit longer than
the slideshow, so I watched the beginning of the slides again, unable
to tear myself away until the music had ended.


Aum... yep... my slideshows are like most movies made in Hollywood today...
they just don't know how to do the ending!

I' have to work on that.

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Re: OT: Our place in Hawaii....

2010-02-11 Thread Sivakatirswami

Thomas McGrath III wrote:

Slideshow is great but NO music here???

Safari 4.0.4
OSX 10.6.2

Tom McGrath III
Lazy River Software

iTunes Library Suite - libITS
Information and download can be found on this page:


Thomas... try now...

and for the music lovers, we now offer the famed Arunthati Shree 
Ranganathan singing Veda Satiran


but with this embed code...

 autostart='true' width='0' height='0'/embed

is it running on Window?

On Feb 10, 2010, at 11:32 PM, Jim Ault wrote:


Slide show and music run fine on
OSX  10.5.8  G5 PPC
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091221 
Firefox/3.5.7 GTB6

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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OT: Our place in Hawaii....

2010-02-10 Thread Sivakatirswami
Some may wonder where we are and what it's like here. A recent visitor, 
with a high end camera did an amazing job and I could not resist putting 
this into an iRev slide show.


Music by famed Tamil singer Pon Sundarlingam and his rockin' back up 
group in Toronto.

The song praises a great sage from Sri Lanka, saying that he gave us one 
sweet gift in the words:

This soul is eternal, indeed.

Back on topic... I'm really pleased with this frame work.
I can adjust the size, rates, etc everything all on one page

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Re: ANN: Hinduism Today Navigator - Alpha Test Open

2010-02-04 Thread Sivakatirswami
Amazing... we are all mac users here and somehow a recent change broke 
the site on IE.

Working on it... some crazy thing where if there is an https link on a 
non-secure page, IE this the whole page should be secured.

You can just download Hinduism Today Navigator directly from these links.



Matthias Rebbe wrote:

Dear  Sivakatirswami,

your provided link opens fine here in Firefox, but with IE8 under vista, the 
link opens , i can see the text for a short time and then the main text 

Please see the attached picture, how the website looks.



 Original Message 
Subject: ANN:  Hinduism Today Navigator - Alpha Test Open (04-Feb-2010 6:41)
From:Sivakatirswami ka...@hindu.org
To:  improve-revolution-010...@m-r-d.de


Namaste, Aloha and Oi from Kauai, Hawaii and Niteroi, Brazil:

Hinduism Today and Andre Garzia are happy to announce that the latest 
incarnation of Hinduism Today Digital Edition has been released under a 
new name:

Hinduism Today Navigator

I want to thank both Andre for his hard work on this and Trevor DeVore 
for the brilliant additions to our RunRev world, the data grid, SQL yoga 
and GLX that Andre used to build this and RunRev for the new graphic 
effects which finally make people say Wow, it's beautiful!  And to 
Jerry Daniels for making development process with tRev, so sweet.

We would like anyone who has time to hammer hard on this one:


FYI: this is a broadband product (free)  We bundle a lot of content with 
the standalone, for a 30MB download, after that, online line 
transactions are small unless you ask for a  PDF.

Send any no holds barred feedback  to


Sorry, no Linux version: our media player requires Flash to run inside 
the RevBrowser window.

I'm calling this a beta version but Andre prefers alpha -- in case you 
find any bugs then we can just say:

Well, its an alpha version after all...  (smile)

but in house tests on 8 different Macs and 10 different Windows users 
all look good so we are widening the test group to include all RunRev'ers.

All the best from Chilly Kauai. When I went for a swim in the Wailua 
this morning, air was about 54 and the water 65... that's about as cold 
as it gets here.

Thank you for taking the time to try it out.


ps. Is anyone seeing the 20 pixel menu shift bug? appears as a strip 
of background at the bottom of the stack/card that should not be there.

And if anyone is connecting through a proxy, we would like to know that 
is working.

improve-revolution mailing list

To: improve-revolut...@lists.runrev.com

To: ka...@hindu.org

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ANN: Hinduism Today Navigator - Alpha Test Open

2010-02-03 Thread Sivakatirswami

Namaste, Aloha and Oi from Kauai, Hawaii and Niteroi, Brazil:

Hinduism Today and Andre Garzia are happy to announce that the latest 
incarnation of Hinduism Today Digital Edition has been released under a 
new name:

Hinduism Today Navigator

I want to thank both Andre for his hard work on this and Trevor DeVore 
for the brilliant additions to our RunRev world, the data grid, SQL yoga 
and GLX that Andre used to build this and RunRev for the new graphic 
effects which finally make people say Wow, it's beautiful!  And to 
Jerry Daniels for making development process with tRev, so sweet.

We would like anyone who has time to hammer hard on this one:


FYI: this is a broadband product (free)  We bundle a lot of content with 
the standalone, for a 30MB download, after that, online line 
transactions are small unless you ask for a  PDF.

Send any no holds barred feedback  to


Sorry, no Linux version: our media player requires Flash to run inside 
the RevBrowser window.

I'm calling this a beta version but Andre prefers alpha -- in case you 
find any bugs then we can just say:

Well, its an alpha version after all...  (smile)

but in house tests on 8 different Macs and 10 different Windows users 
all look good so we are widening the test group to include all RunRev'ers.

All the best from Chilly Kauai. When I went for a swim in the Wailua 
this morning, air was about 54 and the water 65... that's about as cold 
as it gets here.

Thank you for taking the time to try it out.


ps. Is anyone seeing the 20 pixel menu shift bug? appears as a strip 
of background at the bottom of the stack/card that should not be there.

And if anyone is connecting through a proxy, we would like to know that 
is working.

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Re: SQL Yoga 1.0.1 Update and New Plugin

2010-01-12 Thread Sivakatirswami

Trevor DeVore wrote:
Version 1.0.1 of the SQL Yoga library is now available for download 
from our site. This version includes a few new features, some bug 
fixes and a new plugin.

You can learn more at the following url:


Aloha, Trevor:

Thanks! the upgrade to Hinduism Today Digital Edition, newly named 
Hinduism Today Navigator, owes a lot to you work (via Andre whose doing 
this for us)

I appreciate the kind of strong support you give to everything you do.

cheers from Kauai

Om Shanti

Production Manager
Web Coordinator

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Re: Franklin3D for Revolution Anyone get it to work - fixed mac

2010-01-04 Thread Sivakatirswami

Ruslan Zasukhin wrote:

Hi Ralf,

Aha, was mistake in RELEASE build. FIXED.
Mac archive uploaded once again 5 min ago.

Tested on clean MAC, works.

OK things are looking better, you might update your notes to tell us all 
that the init string (to add the win and mac serial numbers) is now in 
the START button..

found it.

But I am unable to save the demo

and after looking thru some o the demo scripts  finallly

executing at 7:20:43 PM
TypeDEMO time is over.
Object  START
Line	get 
-- First parameter - serial number for Windows version and second for Mac OS

HintDEMO time is over.


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Franklin3D for Revolution Anyone get it to work?

2010-01-03 Thread Sivakatirswami

Is anyone getting the Franklin 3D external to work?

I installed the external, put the Windows and Mac serial numbers in the 
init string and

a) I get an error when opening that takes me to the initialization line 
in the open card script.

b) if I close the script, and try a tutorial it opens a window, but 
steals the mouse I cannot use the mouse for anything else, and have to 
force quit Revolution.

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Re: iRev - Ajax - jQuery

2009-12-31 Thread Sivakatirswami
I'll second Jim motion that because we have iRev now, doesn't meant that 
stacks on the web server accessed by CGI aren't still very powerful tools.

Like he says: instead of a mess of text files you might call as 
includes, or HTML templates as separate files, just push these all into 
a single project stack. Then, think of your CGI as a front script

or API you use from your iRev page.

It has the advantage that you can push back 80% of the content/code into 
the stack and dev that in the IDE instead of on the iRev page.

Then you just call it with a CGI and  use a little POST or GET call in 
your iRev page to get your data.

here is really simple example. In this case I have a single function I 
want to call from a big stack

on the iRev page:

put url 
http://www.himalayanacademy.com/cgi-bin/getRandomLexiconWord.cgi; into 

getRandomLexiconWord.cgi reads:

#!/opt/web/bin/revolution -ui

on startup
start using stack ../public_html/resources/lexicon/lexicon.rev
put getRandomWord() into buffer
  put Content-Type: text/plain  cr
  put Content-Length:  the length of buffer  cr  cr
  put buffer
end startup

so you could have quite a bit of code, content, custom props etc stored 
in a single project stack, then pull this via cgi into your iRev page.

and it's lightening fast too.

Other advantage: I can outsource work on the back end stack.. I send 
to an editor who uses a RunRev Player to open my stack, she can do 
edits, clean up text, make changes etc. and periodically, I just drop 
that stack back on the server and bingo, updated!

Happy New Year!


Jim Ault wrote:

On-Rev allows both irev and cgi to work on the same web page or web query.
Mix and match depending on your combined environment.

For pure irev scripts, you could use either text files or sql.
In that case, you might want to factor another level or two to make 
coding simpler.

 the following is probably more than you want to
know at this moment
so ignore it if you wish
Now we are a short distance from the power of
multidimensional arrays stored as a single text file,
then use arrayDecode(allTemplates.txt)

The irev script can call multiple Rev cgi (or PHP cgi) scripts that 
reside on any server.

I am building a stack to run as cgi where each card has a web page 
format template that includes HTML, CSS, javascript, php, and jquery.  
Beyond that, it will also build a usage database for tracking a 
multi-site network of pages.  Each card has its own custom properties, 
does not need a forest of text files, and parsing is all done inside Rev 

--- end of advanced ideas

PS  I own but don't use Rapidweaver  Dreamweaver as they mostly create 
more anomalies and head scratching than they solve.

I do most all of my work in BBEdit (just like TextWrangler, same 
author), and use a very valuable tool - Firebug in FireFox

To do the On-Rev desktop backup, build a little scanner app that 
archives the most recent file in the local folder, if it has changed 
since the last backup one minute ago.

Have a good New Year's Eve !!

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On Dec 31, 2009, at 2:26 PM, Thomas McGrath III wrote:

That is much less painful for sure, by an order of magnitude.
I didn't know that the iRev environment can save it self as a stack? 
Is that right?
And then of course if it is true then the custom props is possible too 

This is much easier. Thanks Jim

Tom McGrath III
Lazy River Software

iTunes Library Suite - libITS
Information and download can be found on this page:

On Dec 31, 2009, at 4:43 PM, Jim Ault wrote:

I use a much cleaner system for 'mashing up' code for HTML and 

Try a couple of these tips and see if the pain goes away.

--// a couple notes about browsers
 --// html honors both quote types, ignores extra spaces
 --// javascript honors both quote types

 --build the Rev string without ANY ampersands
 --use single, not double quotes
 get   a href='zhrefz' class='zclassz' rel='zrelz' title='ztitlez'
 put IT  img src='zsrcz/' alt='zaltz'//a   into tImg
 --now do the replacements so they are easily visible/editable
 replace zhrefz with  photos/test/ in tImg
 replace zclassz with pirobox_gall in tImg
 replace zrelz withlightbox in tIm
 replace ztitlez with  Best Photo in tImg
 replace zsrcz with   photos/test/ in tImg
 replace zaltz withtSizeSpec in tImg
 --send to browser
 put tImg

 --the next level of factoring could be custom props
 --create an image link template
 get   a href='zhrefz' class='zclassz' rel='zrelz' title='ztitlez'
 get IT  img src='zsrcz/' alt='zaltz'//a  
 set the cpImgLinkTmpl of this stack to IT
 save this stack
 --now use the image link template
 put the cpImgLinkTmpl of this stack into tImg
 replace zhrefz with  photos/test/ in tImg
 replace zclassz with pirobox_gall in tImg
 replace zrelz withlightbox in tIm
 replace ztitlez

Re: Slideshows in iRev

2009-12-29 Thread Sivakatirswami

-= JB =- wrote:

I could not download the code either.  I am using a Mac and a lot of times
that right click stuff doesn't seem to do what you would expect.

Would love the code if you make if available another way.

Nice looking pictures by the way.


OK I've been working on this every evening for a few days, tweaking things.

I made a page with all the code.

Thanks for everyone's input, I cobbled it all together.

Updated iRev code is here:


One useful bit you will find there is an embed for driving MP3's in 
almost any browser-platform:  I took me hours to find that thing and 
it's been tested on Mac, Windows 7 Vista, EEPC, and HP Notebook running 
Windows. etc.. and so far everyone can hear the music.

No Java Script yet, but I will probably break down sooner or later.

What I love about this: I don't have to touch Flash, SWF template XML 
params, Action Script, there is no back end MySQL Dbase to hold the 
configurations and metadata, captions etc.  (you would be amazed at some 
of the overhead in some slide show frameworks!)

This CMS is the kind I like.

How simple is this and scaleable

1 folder: photos and caption files
1 iRev template file! ( I have three templates now)
1 iFrame (if you want to embed)

It allows for a) scale b) innovation c) content is not buried inside a 
 maze so deep that you can never restructure or refactor your 
presentation without huge man hour overhead.

Next invention will be adding voice over for each slide, where
photo.jpg # is the image
photo.txt # is the caption
photo.mp3 # is the voice over.


1) I never liked having captions popup over photos (the Flash-DHTML 
way)  on the other hand I'm not sure I like scrolling divs (overflow 
css) with such a fat scroller on an HTML page, but it works.

2) without Javascript there are no transitions. But I'm working on the 
principle that it's not the bells and whistles... its the content! If 
you have high quality [images, sound, video, music] then your viewers 
really don't care about the wrapper too much.

3) I'm still fishing for the right rect  and worry that I may be 
making things a bit too big for the steadily growing world of small 


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Re: Slideshows in iRev

2009-12-22 Thread Sivakatirswami

Jim Ault wrote:

meta HTTP-EQUIV=refresh CONTENT=10

I think I'm pretty close to a final product:



The above folder has 180 photos, 1 index.html file and 1 title.txt file:

   source irev: (right click to download the code)


   index page to put into to the folder with the photos.



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Re: Slideshows in iRev

2009-12-21 Thread Sivakatirswami

Sarah Reichelt wrote:

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 4:16 PM, J. Landman Gay
jac...@hyperactivesw.com wrote:

Sarah (and Sivakatirswami) wrote:

I would be very interested to see your code for this slideshow please.

Ok, but it's almost too easy to post. There's a folder called cgiphotos of
flower images in the same directory as the irev page. Inside that folder is
also a text file named cgiphotos.txt, which contains a list of all the
available photos. Each line of the list has a file name as item one and a
description as item two, like this:

Thanks Jacque. The transition was so smooth that I didn't realise you
were using the REFRESH directive.
I too have wrestled with the idea of keeping the slide show in order
instead of just randomising, but it all seems too much like hard work
:-) Maybe next year

I solved that one, a bit convoluted. But here is how it works using next 
and previous buttons.

And in a day or so I will have it auto run in order.

Basic concept is that you update a number post variable with each refresh.

In this case I'm using the model used by a Flash slide framework call 
SlideShowPro director (Cool Iris does the same thing) which is you have 
a single SWF file and you use that as a kind of template for pushing all 
slide shows thru. In my case I set up an iRev template. Called 
slideshow.irev and target and iFrame. You can pass the URL of any 
folder with images in it. And it will run.

e.g. this targets any folder with only images in it and a single 
title.txt file. if there were adjacent text files for each one they 
would be used as captions/descriptions (watch for wraps)

e.g. both use the same irev file:



if I update the template, both slide shows will change accordingly.

Then if you embed the iFrame into a page, then you can add other things 
to that page, in this case, music


body style=background-color: #00;

object data=
[SNIP of an embed I found after 4 hours research that will push an mp3 
to both Mac and Windows (Vista and IE on Window 7 tested]

iframe   name=slides-stage 
style=border:0px;width:1050px;height:760px;background-color: #00; 


The slideshow.irev is too long to post here. if anyone is interested I 
will create a web page were you can see the code.

Eventual goal will be have individual sound files attached to each 
slide or I may bail on this if the plug-in gets there before I do 
with iRev.
It will be sooo much easier. Then just leave this frame work for simple 
photo shows.

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Re: Slideshows in iRev

2009-12-21 Thread Sivakatirswami
OK well I've reduced it to a single iRev template that runs alone or can 
be passed to an iFrame:



for the irev code. s much easier now than doing this via rev cgi's!

It will be easy to hide the next and Previous buttons and simply 
pass the integer to the next slide to the refresh tag.

Then we will have slide shows that take as long as it takes to process 
and upload the files (no thumbs yet in this framework)

Om Shanti

Production Manager
Web Coordinator

stephen barncard wrote:

Years ago I had a Hypercard app that took the file-list of a bunch of photos
in a folder and stitched them together in a gallery.  I had one index.html,
a thumbs.html, and two sets of html detail documents (two for each photo),
one used the 'refresh' tag and the other didn't - thereby the user could
choose which set to use to 'autoplay' or not. I had a flashing red dot gif
to indicate 'running' when using the auto mode.

I batch-generated the reductions and thumbnails with GraphicConverter.  I
could build a photo gallery for the web in about a minute.  Back in 2001
javascript was to be avoided at all costs - it caused crashing and
incompatibilities everywhere.  A lot of text files, but it got the job done.

This was used for years on the Crosby, Stills and Nash sites.
Stephen Barncard
San Francisco

2009/12/20 Sivakatirswami ka...@hindu.org

Stephen barncard wrote:

Oh! that one... yes I remember when (circa 1998)  I went through our old
web sites and removed all these redirects (very bad strategy from a CMS
point of view, a nightmare in fact) and I put all the redirects into a
single matrix file with a Rev cgi to drive 404's  to other pages. (I still
use it today... very sweet and easy to maintain and fast)

But I can see the utility here. No sure if there are pros or cons to using
this vs Javascript. One could add a button on the interface to post run to
the iRev page and then the iRev page would start inserting this into the
head... with the URL for the next slide updated on each round. If the user
clicks a stop button then the iRev page removes this from the head and
reverts to manual drive buttons

I'll try it. Thanks!

 you can do the automatic advance in html using the REFRESH meta


I've built photo galleries around a lot of html pages and refresh tags.

Depreciated by the W3C for redirects, but works like a champ for this

Place inside head to refresh page after 5 seconds:

meta http-equiv=refresh content=5 /

Redirect to http://example.com/ after 5 seconds:

meta http-equiv=refresh content=5;url=http://example.com/; /

Redirect to http://example.com/ immediately:
meta http-equiv=refresh content=0;url=http://example.com/; /.

2009/12/19 Sivakatirswami ka...@hindu.org

while waiting for the plug-in to settle down ( I can't deploy revlets
the update function is working)

Now, I'm wondering if there is a way to make this thing drive itself, so
the user does not have to click the next button, using iRev code.


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Re: Slideshows in iRev

2009-12-21 Thread Sivakatirswami

Sivakatirswami wrote:
Turned out to be too easy

I just commented out the navigation buttons and passed the value I was 
poking into the 'next button into the refresh tag

meta http-equiv=refresh 
put tSlidesPath ?current_slide=?rev put tNext ? /

and it worked straight away:


OK well I've reduced it to a single iRev template that runs alone or 
can be passed to an iFrame:



for the irev code. s much easier now than doing this via rev cgi's!

It will be easy to hide the next and Previous buttons and simply 
pass the integer to the next slide to the refresh tag.

Then we will have slide shows that take as long as it takes to process 
and upload the files (no thumbs yet in this framework)

Om Shanti

Production Manager
Web Coordinator

stephen barncard wrote:
Years ago I had a Hypercard app that took the file-list of a bunch of 
in a folder and stitched them together in a gallery.  I had one 
a thumbs.html, and two sets of html detail documents (two for each 

one used the 'refresh' tag and the other didn't - thereby the user could
choose which set to use to 'autoplay' or not. I had a flashing red 
dot gif

to indicate 'running' when using the auto mode.

I batch-generated the reductions and thumbnails with 
GraphicConverter.  I

could build a photo gallery for the web in about a minute.  Back in 2001
javascript was to be avoided at all costs - it caused crashing and
incompatibilities everywhere.  A lot of text files, but it got the 
job done.

This was used for years on the Crosby, Stills and Nash sites.
Stephen Barncard
San Francisco

2009/12/20 Sivakatirswami ka...@hindu.org

Stephen barncard wrote:

Oh! that one... yes I remember when (circa 1998)  I went through our 

web sites and removed all these redirects (very bad strategy from a CMS
point of view, a nightmare in fact) and I put all the redirects into a
single matrix file with a Rev cgi to drive 404's  to other pages. (I 

use it today... very sweet and easy to maintain and fast)

But I can see the utility here. No sure if there are pros or cons to 
this vs Javascript. One could add a button on the interface to post 
run to
the iRev page and then the iRev page would start inserting this into 
head... with the URL for the next slide updated on each round. If 
the user
clicks a stop button then the iRev page removes this from the head 

reverts to manual drive buttons

I'll try it. Thanks!

 you can do the automatic advance in html using the REFRESH meta


I've built photo galleries around a lot of html pages and refresh 

Depreciated by the W3C for redirects, but works like a champ for this

Place inside head to refresh page after 5 seconds:

meta http-equiv=refresh content=5 /

Redirect to http://example.com/ after 5 seconds:

meta http-equiv=refresh content=5;url=http://example.com/; /

Redirect to http://example.com/ immediately:
meta http-equiv=refresh content=0;url=http://example.com/; /.

2009/12/19 Sivakatirswami ka...@hindu.org

while waiting for the plug-in to settle down ( I can't deploy revlets
the update function is working)

Now, I'm wondering if there is a way to make this thing drive 
itself, so

the user does not have to click the next button, using iRev code.


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Re: Slideshows in iRev

2009-12-20 Thread Sivakatirswami

Aloha, Brian (we're in Hawaii)

No I don't mind messing a bit with JS. Setting aside value judgements 
about obtuse nature of the language, it's is clearly a valuable 
technology -- I'm not really trying to minimize my exposure its more 
about time, learning curve where my creative coding is very much a 
sideline in an otherwise very busy day full of admin and publication 
work. advocacyI could go on at length here about how revTalk slides 
easily into that mind stream because of its' English like nature and 
squeezing JavaScript or PHP into that mind flow never quite works or 
sticks...(I tried with PHP and just got fed up... such a waste of time 
to get the smallest things done) but that would be a digressing into the 
nature of consciousness as it relates to linguistics and that core value 
of revTalk that is a bit deeper than one might think. i.e. it's not just 
english like but is also dances well with the way you think most of 
your day. /advocacy

So, thank you! and Sarah too for the JS snippets and if I knew where to 
go to find more elegant JS functions related to this I would check it out.

Cheers from Kauai

Brian Yennie wrote:
If you don't mind messing with a little Javascript, it could be as 
simple as this:

body onLoad=setTimeout('window.location.href = 
'), 5000)

This would go to the next slide in 5 seconds after the current page is 
loaded. You could of course right more elegant JavaScript functions 
around this, but if you want to minimize your JavaScript exposure, 
this one-liner should work. It just creates a 5 second timer, and then 
changes the URL of the current page.


while waiting for the plug-in to settle down ( I can't deploy revlets 
until the update function is working)

I've been playing with iRev engine.

Here's a slide show that uses an iRev template in an iFrame.


this code is generated by iRev functions to set up links behind the 
previous and next buttons, where the buttons post the next slide and 
previous slide numbers and path to the irev page which then returns 
the slide with a new set of update buttons. I'm not really worried 
about the round trip to the server because the html here is so small, 
the CSS (not shown) is cached and you have to fetch the photos 
anyway, a little more html text is hardly an issue.

Now, I'm wondering if there is a way to make this thing drive itself, 
so the user does not have to click the next button, using iRev code.

I suspect I can't really do that with iRev but will need some 
Javascript (which I don't know at all.)

div id=slideShowStage

div id=storyTitle
 Word of the Day Background Contributions/div
div id=slide
alt= height=420 width=700 /

 div id=caption
 div id=slideNav

 div class=buttonPrevious /div/a

 div class=buttonNext /div




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Re: Slideshows in iRev

2009-12-20 Thread Sivakatirswami

Stephen barncard wrote:

Oh! that one... yes I remember when (circa 1998)  I went through our old 
web sites and removed all these redirects (very bad strategy from a CMS 
point of view, a nightmare in fact) and I put all the redirects into a 
single matrix file with a Rev cgi to drive 404's  to other pages. (I 
still use it today... very sweet and easy to maintain and fast)

But I can see the utility here. No sure if there are pros or cons to 
using this vs Javascript. One could add a button on the interface to 
post run to the iRev page and then the iRev page would start inserting 
this into the head... with the URL for the next slide updated on each 
round. If the user clicks a stop button then the iRev page removes 
this from the head and reverts to manual drive buttons

I'll try it. Thanks!

you can do the automatic advance in html using the REFRESH meta

I've built photo galleries around a lot of html pages and refresh tags.

Depreciated by the W3C for redirects, but works like a champ for this

Place inside head to refresh page after 5 seconds:

meta http-equiv=refresh content=5 /

Redirect to http://example.com/ after 5 seconds:

meta http-equiv=refresh content=5;url=http://example.com/; /

Redirect to http://example.com/ immediately:
meta http-equiv=refresh content=0;url=http://example.com/; /.

2009/12/19 Sivakatirswami ka...@hindu.org


while waiting for the plug-in to settle down ( I can't deploy revlets until
the update function is working)

Now, I'm wondering if there is a way to make this thing drive itself, so
the user does not have to click the next button, using iRev code.

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Re: Slideshows in iRev

2009-12-20 Thread Sivakatirswami

J. Landman Gay wrote:

stephen barncard wrote:

you can do the automatic advance in html using the REFRESH meta

That's how I do it here: 

This presents a slideshow. If you need the iRev code (which doesn't 
show up when you view source) let me know.

Aloha, Jacque:

Yes i would love to see your iRev code



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Re: [OT] Politically Incorrect - Sorry List Mum

2009-12-19 Thread Sivakatirswami

J. Landman Gay wrote:

Kay C Lan wrote:

I would hope the
world would become more like this List, blind to race, creed, sex, 

political bent or whacky opinion.

This is so well said. I add my best wishes to everyone on this list. 
It's so much like home here and I'm so fond of you all.

Echo that from Kauai's Hindu Monastery.

There is so much talk about interfaith, We are part of  the local 
Interfaith Roundtable of Kauai and a team from Hinduism Today has just 
returned from the Parliament of the World's Religions in Australia. It 
was considered such a big deal. In reality, on the ground, outside of 
conferences, or meetings, there is not much collaboration or real dialog 
or co-creation. I've often wished I could go to a RunRev Live 
conference just to say that, romantic as it sounds, that this list 
despite being all about code and a niche software application, 
fulfills,  in a microcosmic way, the higher objectives we would all 
wish  for humanity as a whole: people working together, regardless of 
differences, to help each other and create a better world. Some people 
talk about it, RunRev Revolutionaries do their best to actually do it. 
And it is happening not only here but on many internet collaboration 
sites. (If you were a draftsman using VectorWorks you would find another 
such community.)  The digital fires of software development is helping 
to melt down the icy walls put up by those of a by-gone age.

Wishing everyone the best for the solstice (very special this year as 
there is a conjunction of the earth with the sun and the galactic 
center) and a joyful prosperous 2010.


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Slideshows in iRev

2009-12-19 Thread Sivakatirswami
while waiting for the plug-in to settle down ( I can't deploy revlets 
until the update function is working)

I've been playing with iRev engine.

Here's a slide show that uses an iRev template in an iFrame.


this code is generated by iRev functions to set up links behind the 
previous and next buttons, where the buttons post the next slide and 
previous slide numbers and path to the irev page which then returns the 
slide with a new set of update buttons. I'm not really worried about the 
round trip to the server because the html here is so small, the CSS (not 
shown) is cached and you have to fetch the photos anyway, a little more 
html text is hardly an issue.

Now, I'm wondering if there is a way to make this thing drive itself, so 
the user does not have to click the next button, using iRev code.

I suspect I can't really do that with iRev but will need some 
Javascript (which I don't know at all.)

div id=slideShowStage

div id=storyTitle
   Word of the Day Background Contributions/div
  div id=slide
alt= height=420 width=700 /

   div id=caption
   div id=slideNav

   div class=buttonPrevious /div/a

   div class=buttonNext /div




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Re: A Rev Web Project and On-Rev working together?

2009-12-17 Thread Sivakatirswami

� wrote:

On 17 Dec 2009, at 04:23, John Patten wrote:

Bj?rnke, as for copying the sentence to the clipboard...

Is it because the user might have been saving something else on the clipboard 
and that action replaces what they had previously saved?

Yes. And deleting the users data is a very bad idea. 


Most of my xTalk work through the years has revolved around building in 
house production applications that do all kinds of work. In  many 
instances putting data on the clipboard is part of an otherwise tedious 
work flow that, clipping for them saves the user the burden of using 
the mouse to hit a button or remove hands from he keyboard to mouse to a 
field and drag of click and shift clic to select text and hitting cmd-C 
prior to switch to another app that needs to have that text pasted into 
to proceed. Additionally it prevent user error where they hit cmd-X by 
mistake and wipe out what they are trying to copy.

My users are *very* appreciative of this added tool selecting text for 
them and consider it a cool feature and RunRev gets added points...

Just make sure the users know that this is the behavior. Typically my 
Help or Getting started will explain this, and I always put a tool tip 
saying this will happen where the object is that triggers it. And I 
usually have  status field (not a dialog box, which again requires the 
user to interrupt work and dismiss) that indicates: The member ID you 
need is now on your clipboard just before activating the other program.

For the most part everyone thinks this behavior is really helpful.

Have fun

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OT: Panorama software

2009-12-05 Thread Sivakatirswami
I keep dreaming that one day I will get beyond admin and have time to do 
some creative well it may be soon.

What are everyone recommendations as of 2010

for best tools for creating panoramas (including 360 degree horizontal 
over head ones) on Mac OSX?

I see a an open source package which runs on Macs:

Hugin -- Free


Autopano gets great reviews but $$379.00 seems a bit outrageous?

Panoweaver only outputs Flash...

Lots of windows only options which I can't use.



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Re: ICS functions Library

2009-12-04 Thread Sivakatirswami

On Dec 2, 2009, at 3:23 AM, Andre Garzia wrote:


I lost that library when I lost my laptop! :D

I will get Sivakatirswami copy and post it online. I made that 
library ages

ago, I am a much better programmer now and probably would have coded it
differently, but it works as expected. It was very minimalistic full of


Oi Andre:

Ha! Jai Ganesha... it works and works very well. I think you forget how 
clean it is and how you were into your LISP mode of keeping discrete 
functions separate. Once I understood how they worked I was able to get 
the job done easily.

JB: you can get it here:

go stack url 

(Andre, suggest your get this and host it on your site?)

Notes: Andre's documentation does not tell the user that the library 
is a substack of his main stack.
Use application browser to toplevel the vObjectLib; clone it; Rename if 
you like (I did) then assign it to your own main stack:

then you can generate things like this:

# This app scans an existing calendar for events containing a specific 
string, being the tithi designation
# for a day of the Moon phase, then uses those dates to enter another 
# This allows for repeating events on, e.g. the first day of each moon 
week at

# 4PM when the department heads have a coordination meeting

# repeat loop through each entry,
Stack Script:

on openstack
  set the loc of this stack to the screenloc
  start using stack KA_vObjectLib # andre's functions in the stack script
  start using stack libUUID # Mark's fabulous GUID lib
end openstack

function buildVevent pDate, pStartTime,pEndTime
# uses Eric Chatonet's magical little group/object from timepicker.rev
# to let users choose times
  put empty into gRepeatingEvent
  vObjectBegin gRepeatingEvent, VEvent
  icAddCreationDate gRepeatingEvent, (icConvertDate(the seconds))
  put luiRandomUUID() into tUID
  icAddUID gRepeatingEvent,tUID
  icAddDateTimeStart gRepeatingEvent, (pDateTpStartTime)
  icAddTimeZoneID gRepeatingEvent, DTSTART, Pacific/Honolulu
  icAddSummary gRepeatingEvent, fld Summary
  icAddDescription gRepeatingEvent, fld Description
  icAddDateTimeEnd gRepeatingEvent, (pDateTpEndTime)
  icAddTimeZoneID gRepeatingEvent, DTEND, Pacific/Honolulu
  icAddSequence gRepeatingEvent, 0
  icAddDateTimeStamp   gRepeatingEvent, (icConvertDate(the seconds))
  icAddTransparency gRepeatingEvent, OPAQUE
  vObjectEnd gRepeatingEvent, VEvent
  return gRepeatingEvent 
end buildVevent

Button Create Repeating Events...

# repeat loop through each VEVENT in existing calendar.ics file,
# if VEVENT contains string Sun 1 (or whatever tithi day the user 
choses from the GUI)

# then build a new VEVENT
# there's more but you get the idea:

 repeat for each item tEvent in tCalendar
 if tEvent contains tTargetPhaseDay then

# parse out  the date entry
put (lineOffset(DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:,tEvent)) into tLine
put (char -8 to -1 of line tLine of tEvent) into pDate

  # build the new entry; see stack script for functions
# that call Andre vObjectLib stack functions   
put buildVevent(pDate,tStartTime,tEndTime) after tNewEntries

 end if
  end repeat

#export tNewEntries to iCal file which user then imports

I suspect today Andre would use some of RunRev's new array magic...

But this is so transparent... I like it, redundant or not.



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Re: ICS functions Library

2009-12-01 Thread Sivakatirswami

stephen barncard wrote:

Andre Garzia wrote a lib a long, long time ago (2005) - I have it right
 here. --  you guys are pals, you should ask him.
Stephen Barncard
San Francisco

Actually I have it, vObjectPackage.rev

and I asked Andre about his date functions, It was he who thought I 
should check with the list...

I think it was late Rio and he did not realize his stack had what I 
wanted... you have to open the application browers to see that the lib 
is in a separate substack that is not exposed anywhere on the main 
stack. but vObjectLib had nearly 100 commands and functions. I need this 
one in particular

function icConvertDate pDate
 convert pDate to dateitems
 put item 1 of pDate into tYear
 put item 2 of pDate into tMonth
 if len(tMonth) is 1 then put 0  tMonth into tMonth
 put item 3 of pDate into tDate
 if len(tDate) is 1 then put 0  tDate into tDate
 put item 4 of pDate into tHours
 if len(tHours) is 1 then put 0  tHours into tHours
 put item 5 of pDate into tMinutes
 if len(tMinutes) is 1 then put 0  tMinutes into tMinutes
 put item 6 of pDate into tSeconds
 if len(tSeconds) is 1 then put 0  tSeconds into tSeconds
 put tYear  tMonth  tDate  T  tHours  tMinutes  tSeconds into 

 return tRetVal
end icConvertDate

(plus 100's of other interesting functions)

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Re: Interesting blog post - comments anyone?

2009-11-30 Thread Sivakatirswami

Scott Rossi wrote

 Rev has been around for years now --
I think it's quite capable of standing on its own, without the crutch of a
bygone development tool to prop it up.
But comments by those ignorant of the history imply that revTalk is a 
new kid on the block and will come and go like so many others.

Is there no value in making it clear that xTalk as a tool (regardless of 
the IDE wrapper, HC, Supercard MC etc.) is as old as the Personal 
Computing Revolution itself?

I tell people, simply:

It's not open source, and it's not a well known as PHP, but it's xTalk 
and xTalk has been around since 1983, and if it is good enough for NASA, 
I think we don't need to worry about vesting content in the RunRev 
platform. The core of the language has been with us for 25 years. Its 
robust, powerful, fast and facile and in RunRev's hands, it is only 
getting better and better every year. It will be around for another 50, 
at least as long as your lifetime.

Why throw away the history?



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ICS functions Library

2009-11-30 Thread Sivakatirswami
Does anyone have a  library of functions already written for dealing 
with vObjects in .ics files?

I'm particularly interested in pre-written date-time functions that can 
parse for and deliver the simple iCal date-time stamps


I could go ahead and start writing these myself, but I'm certain someone 
among us has already written a pile of these.


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Recording with RunRev -- Best Config?

2009-11-27 Thread Sivakatirswami
Hmmm. a little rev stack widget I made years ago for recording no longer 
works... probably lots of changes since 2.1 or whatever rev version I 
was using way back when...

Is anyone doing recording with runRev 4.0?  Can you clue us in to the 
best settings/configuration to use for the best quality recording? I 
really don't care what the output format is... I'll use Switch or 
Audacity to get to MP3 in the end

And OT question, are their *any* USB mic headsets that deliver quality 
voice recording? I'm using a plantronics wireless USB headset now but 
recording with this fellow is quite substand.

We have this incredible Neuman Berlin professional mic, but there's a 
lot of set up overhead...


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Can iRev get the dimensions of an image?

2009-11-14 Thread Sivakatirswami
can the iRev engine get the dimension in width and height of an image 
file on the web server?

The challenge being: if you want to deliver a slide show where images 
are constrained to e.g. 700 px, but that constraint could be either by 
height or by width and you will have x number of images in landscape 
format and x number in vertical format, but you won't know in advance 
and that metadata is not stored elsewhere you just want to do 
something like

set the defaultFolder to 

put the files into tFiles

repeat for each line tImage in tFiles

# now before we present anything we need to get the
# width and height here, this is fanciful code,
# but you get the idea:

get the height of image (url (binfile:  the defaultFolder  tImage)

If it 700 then

 ## we output a small chunk  with CSS that change the orientation of 
the area on the web page to handle a tall photo.


 ## we output a small chunk  with CSS that change the orientation of 
the area on the web page to handle a wide photo.

end if

We have image Magick installed, if that helps.

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Re: Can iRev get the dimensions of an image?

2009-11-14 Thread Sivakatirswami

Sarah Reichelt wrote:

On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Sivakatirswami ka...@hindu.org wrote:

can the iRev engine get the dimension in width and height of an image file
on the web server?

Here is how I do it, using ImageMagick:

-- Rev function that uses ImageMagick to get the dimensions of an image
-- returns width,height
function picSize pPicPath
-- ImageMagick command: identify pic.jpg
-- returns: pic.jpg JPEG 640x480 DirectClass 87kb 0.050u 0:01

put identify   pPicPath into tCmd
put shell(tCmd) into tSize
put word 3 of tSize into tSize
replace x with comma in tSize

return tSize
end picSize


sweet -- it works here too. Thank you Sarah and all the other RunRev'ers 
for being soo helpful!

[...@sat image]# identify 01kanya_kumari.jpg
01kanya_kumari.jpg JPEG 480x320 480x320+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 14.6kb
[...@sat image]#

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Re: Was: openstack or preopenstack confusing... Now User Contributed Notes for RunRev Dictionary

2009-11-09 Thread Sivakatirswami

too bad that

private preopencard
ask Enter your Username with OK
end preopencard

does not work

william humphrey wrote:

Thanks for everyone's replies about openstack message confusion. Putting the
openstack (as well as closestack) items in the first card of the mainstack
solves everything and I think it is  something I used to know along with a
myriad of other knowledge my gradually dying brain cells once contained. But
now the information is in this great searchable resource.

Speaking of information for users that come later.  I just registered for
User contributed notes and I will put the information there about putting
these messages in the first card. I will also suggest a referral to the
onstartup message but that looks a little specialized. The Revolution
Dictionary could become greatly more usable as we add these kind of notes.
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iRev on line Page Editor

2009-11-07 Thread Sivakatirswami
I'm wondering if anyone has already build a page editor, kind of like a 
wiki thing... where you are on an iRev page, you click a button and  (in 
my case) you get the html content for

div id=maincontent

# all the content of the page minus fixed headers and footers etc.
# the area to be edited


put that into a form field for editing, then send it back and update the 

I suspect someone has done this already and if so can you share your 
page code?

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Re: iRev on line Page Editor

2009-11-07 Thread Sivakatirswami
But Firebug does not actually save edits back to the web server...I've 
used it myself from time to time, but I don't see any place to enter FTP 
info for uploading edited content. FB is amazingly useful if you are 
trained but

I'm looking for an interface for very naive users.  Click, edit, save, 
like a wiki, but for an individual page, though they will face the raw 
html in the div where we let them work.

Should be pretty easy to build in iRev and I'll do it myself later this 
week but I just did not want to re-invent this if someone else had done 
it already.

Andre... you had a simple CMS right?

Jim Ault wrote:
One of the tools that is really valuable to those doing web 
programming is:

The free FireBug plugin for FIrefox.
( http://getfirebug.com/ )
Also a lite version for IE, Opera, and Safari

This lets you drill down through all the parts of the web page being 
shown, and then make changes, or copy-paste, or...

In the Firebug panel that pops up on the bottom half of the page,
   Go to 'html' tab, then right-click on html, choose 'Copy Html',
  then paste where you like

The right click menu choices are
Copy Html
Copy Inner Html
Copy XPath
Log Events
Scroll into View
New Attribute...
Inspect in DOM tab
Tons of features and info

This is a very well-supported plugin (add on) and used by most anyone 
serious about web design/management.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On Nov 7, 2009, at 12:59 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

I'm wondering if anyone has already build a page editor, kind of like 
a wiki thing... where you are on an iRev page, you click a button 
and  (in my case) you get the html content for

div id=maincontent

# all the content of the page minus fixed headers and footers etc.
# the area to be edited


put that into a form field for editing, then send it back and update 
the page.

I suspect someone has done this already and if so can you share your 
page code?

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Jim Ault

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Limit Photo Size on Upload

2009-11-05 Thread Sivakatirswami

Thanks to Sarah's wonderful example I'm building a little photo uploader.
( I don't understand all the parsing of the multipart form data, 
exactly, but enough to customize

for my needs...)

I'm worried about abuse... maybe too paranoid... I don't know, but I 
would like to limit file size of uploads to 2.5 MB photos.

When do we do that?  I don't think a file browser
(  input name=image type=file size=25 /) knows how big the file 
is to actually stop the upload...

so you have to handle it *after* receiving the post, right?

if $_POST_RAW is not empty then
# includes headers and filename and caption of course but no need be too 

 if len($_POST_RAW)  2636822 then

 # exit out of processing the post
 # and return some response to the user File Too Big.

have I got this right?

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Minute HTML control in iRev

2009-11-03 Thread Sivakatirswami
I have an interest in dynamically changing html code chunks based on 

This iFrame posted on a Word Press Blog will rotate the background on 
each refresh.
But I want to take it one step further... if the definition is longer 
than 350 chars, then we

want to insert an image into the html


All this works beautifully, in fact it is so light years ahead of 
where we have been with revCGI in the past... its inspiring.

But I sometimes ask for cheese from the moon, so here goes:

I am wondering if there is an easier way to get iRev to decide to use a 
particular chunk of html where we don't have to actually build the html 
strings inside our iRev code... but instead have irev use or not use 
sections on the page in their natural html form.

This works:

[ some functions here, if you want to see them let me know I will post...]

body style=background-image: 
url(/resources/lexicon/images/backgrounds/?rev put tBackground ?); 
background-repeat: repeat;

if len(tDefinition)  350 then
put format (div style=\margin: 15px;padding:2px 15px 2px 15px;\)
put format (img 
style=\float:left; margin-right:12px;\ /)

put format (div style=\margin: 15px;background-color: 
#FF;padding:2px 15px 2px 15px;opacity: 0.90\)

end if
?h1 style=margin-top:0;text-shadow: +10% +10% 10% 
rgb(153,153,153);?rev put tWord ?:/h1

p style:font-size: 115%; ?rev put tDefinition ? /p

but what would be neat easier and clearer would be (this is a fantasy 
chunk.. but gives you the idea...)

if len(tDefinition)  350 then ?

# then use this plain html

div style=\margin: 15px;padding:2px 15px 2px 15px;\
img src=/resources/lexicon/images/backgrounds/EyeGlass.jpg 
style=float:left; margin-right:12px; /


# use this plain html instead

div style=margin: 15px;background-color: #FF;padding:2px 15px 2px 
15px; opacity: 0.90

end if

h1 style=text-shadow: +10% +10% 10% rgb(153,153,153);?rev put tWord 

p style:font-size: 115%; ?rev put tDefinition ? /p

i.e. goal: based on conditionals, case statement etc. swap out entire 
chunks of html without having to build those strings in the code itself, 
but rather talk to the page as in: Use this next section of html or 
skip this next section of html

Any ideas?  Note: I do not know a single drop of javascript,


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Re: Minute HTML control in iRev

2009-11-03 Thread Sivakatirswami

Sarah Reichelt wrote:

but what would be neat easier and clearer would be (this is a fantasy
chunk.. but gives you the idea...)

Nothing fantasy about this. I do it all the time and I reckon it is
a lot easier than trying to quote the html so it can go into a put
statement. So:

?rev if x = 3 then ?
h1x = 3/h1
?rev else ?
h2x  3/h2
?rev end if ?

is perfectly valid iRev code.
It can get a bit messy, but format as neatly as you can, indent and
add blank lines so that it stays readable.


Confirmed, it works... simply marvelous!

body style=background-image: 
url(/resources/lexicon/images/backgrounds/?rev put tBackground ?); 
background-repeat: repeat;

?rev if len(tDefinition)  350 then ?
div style=margin: 15px;padding:2px 15px 2px 15px;
style=float:left; margin-right:12px; /

?rev else ?
  div style=margin: 15px;background-color: #FF;padding:2px 
15px 2px 15px;opacity: 0.90

?rev end if ?

h1 style=margin-top:0;text-shadow: +10% +10% 10% 
rgb(153,153,153);?rev put tWord ?:/h1

p style:font-size: 115%; ?rev put tDefinition ? /p
div style=float:right;margin-right:15px; background-color: 
#FF;padding:2px 4px;opacity: 0.70;p style= 
text-size:50%;margin:0;a href=/resources/lexicon/RandomWord.irev 
target=word-to-ponderOne More/a/p/div

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Irev; Rev Cgi; stack as dBase: runs in iFrame in Word Press

2009-11-02 Thread Sivakatirswami
Thanks to a tip from Andre I have managed to use runRev in a word press 
blog. he says a revlet will also run too...I usually don't contribute 
much here because I feel I'm a baby compared to all the wizards ... 
but perhaps this will be useful to  those interested in incorporating 
runRev in PHP CMS frameworks. In this case a Word Press mu blog.


The chain of elements in the framework are interesting, as we use

-- an iFrame
-- Calls a .irev page
-- .irev page calls a rev-cgi
-- rev-cgi starts using a stack
-- stack function digs for and returns the content
-- results are posted back to word press.

The thing of it is... it's so easy! and so fast... Total lines of code?

22? (spread over three different files and don't forget a 7MB stack is 
loaded on every instance...but there is no lag time)

with one or two caveats.

In case any one is interested here is the code:

Word Press Post
(# space and breaks at the beginning to give a little breathing room 
above the iFrame below the post title)

   nbsp;br /br /iframe name=get-word style=border: 0px solid 
#ff;width:600px;height:400; src=/resources/lexicon/RandomWord.irev  


## the css is needed to eliminate the border. iFrames will always 
borderize so just set the color of the border to the color of your 
background and it effectively disappears.
# Assumes you have the wp plug in that allows for pasting html into the 
blog and this is set to allow

RandomWord.irev # will be displayed into your iFrame, I suspect this 
could be a page that contains a revlet...

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
html lang=en
   meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; 

   Random Word/title
   link href=css/seva.css rel=stylesheet media=screen
body style=background-image: 

   background-repeat: no-repeat;

local tWord, tDefinition
put url 
http://www.himalayanacademy.com/cgi-bin/getRandomLexiconWord.cgi; into 

set the itemdel to |
put item 1 of tWordOfTheDay into tWord
put item 2 of tWordOfTheDay into tDefinition

div style=padding:0px 15px 15px 15px;
h2?rev put tWord ?:/h2
p ?rev put tDefinition ? /p



# it would be nice to be able to call stacks directly with the iRev 
engine and
# I think that is on the roster of future for features but for now you 
need to

# do a GET of a a rev-cgi that Starts Using a stack

#!/opt/web/bin/revolution -ui

on startup
   start using stack ../public_html/resources/lexicon/lexicon.rev
   put getRandomWord() into buffer
 put Content-Type: text/plain  cr
 put Content-Length:  the length of buffer  cr  cr
 put buffer
end startup

in the stack lexicon.rev (a 7 MB stack with about 3500 cards)

I have this function in the stack itself.

function getRandomWord
  put (the number of cards of stack Lexicon) into tCards
  put random(tCards) into tWord
  put (fld word of card  tWord of stack Lexicon)  | \
  (fld definition of card tWord of stack Lexicon) into tOutput
  return tOutput
end getRandomWord

# Caveat on calling functions in stacks using rev-cgi: a rev.cgi has no 
stack context. There fore you need to declare explicitely the stack 
reference to any objects in your stack. If you are working on the 
desktop in the IDE of course you don't need this and then when you post 
the thing to the web it doesn['t work.. .I had gone thru this a few 
years  back but for got about it  and it was until I reviewed some old 
function in other web stack that I realize again that you must do this:

put (the number of cards) into tCards

# works in the desktop in an IDE or standalone; fails when invoked by cgi

# this is required, for it to work when call by a CGI even though the 
function is in the stack Lexicon:

put (the number of cards of stack Lexicon)  into tCards

Again: total lines of runRev code (not including html)


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Re: [ANN] RevLetObject javascript include.

2009-10-30 Thread Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
 Can the two revlets open on the same page talk to each other ?

 i.e. can we do

in the first stack... call it eBook

on OpenTOC
   go to card 1 of stack Table of Contents
end openTOC

where stack Table of Contents is the other stack?

and then in Table of Contents we have a script for

on clickLine
   go to card  ( value of the clickline) of stack eBook
end clickline

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 2:36 PM, capellan capellan2...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Many thanks for sharing this useful script! :-D

 My only worry is: What could happen in the
 specific case that users had disabled javascript,
 just like some Firefox extensions do.

 By the way, Andre, Could you prepare an online demo
 of revlets and javascript interaction?

 I have to ask about this because you are one
 of the participants in this mail list, that have
 extensive knowledge in revTalk and Javascript.

 Thanks in advance!

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 Sent from the Revolution - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [ANN] RevLetObject javascript include.

2009-10-30 Thread Sivakatirswami

Sarah Reichelt wrote:

On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
ka...@hindu.org wrote:

�Can the two revlets open on the same page talk to each other ?

�i.e. can we do

in the first stack... call it eBook

on OpenTOC
� go to card 1 of stack Table of Contents
end openTOC

where stack Table of Contents is the other stack?

and then in Table of Contents we have a script for

on clickLine
� go to card �( value of the clickline) of stack eBook
end clickline

You can have two stacks open on the same page, if they share the same
instance ID. You need to set this ID in the HTML that displays the 2
Outstanding! Most significant is the drawing app... the reference to 
substack  This may be the

solution to my problem of not having substacks open in separate windows.

If the stack is deployed as a single stack, how to you trigger:
the instantiaton/opening of the substack in a separate div

? I don't see anything in the standalong builder that indicates what to 
do... there is an obscure Affiliates option with a place to enter and ID

Where is the documentation? for doing the above?  I looked in 
Beginner's Guide

OH boy... the splash screen example triggered Font Agent Pro to open 
every single font on my system!

(hehe)  Look fabulous though!

There is an example of this here
http://revmedia.runrev.com/revWeb-samples/sketch/ where the 2 stacks
appear together and interact.

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Re: [ANN] RevLetObject javascript include.

2009-10-30 Thread Sivakatirswami

Never mind... I figured it out... it's too easy

one div

# mainstack is called:

param name=stack value=Canvas/
   param name=requestedName value=Canvas/

and second div

# substack is called:

param name=stack value=Tools/
   param name=requestedName value=Tools/

Let us hope this behavior sticks thru the coming iterations

When they announced substacks would not be honored to open independently,
nothing was mentioned about this option as an alternative.

Presumably if you were really good with Javascript you might be able to 
dynamically generate

the second div on demand? and perhaps revWebPlayer would load it?

One would then need a way to trigger the revWebPlayer to
instantiate the substack in the new innerHTML...




with the

Sivakatirswami wrote:

Sarah Reichelt wrote:

On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
ka...@hindu.org wrote:

�Can the two revlets open on the same page talk to each other ?

�i.e. can we do

in the first stack... call it eBook

on OpenTOC
� go to card 1 of stack Table of Contents
end openTOC

where stack Table of Contents is the other stack?

and then in Table of Contents we have a script for

on clickLine
� go to card �( value of the clickline) of stack eBook
end clickline

You can have two stacks open on the same page, if they share the same
instance ID. You need to set this ID in the HTML that displays the 2
Outstanding! Most significant is the drawing app... the reference to 
substack  This may be the
solution to my problem of not having substacks open in separate 

If the stack is deployed as a single stack, how to you trigger:
the instantiaton/opening of the substack in a separate div

? I don't see anything in the standalong builder that indicates what 
to do... there is an obscure Affiliates option with a place to enter 
and ID

Where is the documentation? for doing the above?  I looked in 
Beginner's Guide

OH boy... the splash screen example triggered Font Agent Pro to open 
every single font on my system!

(hehe)  Look fabulous though!

There is an example of this here
http://revmedia.runrev.com/revWeb-samples/sketch/ where the 2 stacks
appear together and interact.

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Re: Container for Multiple Choice Quizes

2009-10-28 Thread Sivakatirswami

Thank you, Kay

All good thoughts. In all likelihood the concept will progress to 
requiring some user tracking and levels tracking and  thus, inevitably 
a dbase may serve better.

The other way to go is have a stack on the webserver as my dBase.

Kay C Lan wrote:

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 8:31 AM, Alex Tweedly a...@tweedly.net wrote:


Answer (b)
instead of a subfolder, I might have a Tab separated spreadsheet with the
quiz/questions/answers. Changes would be pretty obvious

-- Alex.


I'd have to agree with Alex's option b. There's nothing that you

'currently' propose that suggests relational db or arrays to me.  A simple
flat tab delimited file as suggested seems simple enough.

Depending on where you're headed I might suggest a db solution.

Firstly may I suggest that you consider two extra columns, level and
dateTime (the seconds). Depending on your intended audience, having the
ability to choose, Easy, Medium or Hard questions may be appropriate. Also
knowing when the question was last attempted can prevent the same old
questions being asked time and time again.

Which then leads me to the possibility of a db solution. If you are going to
track individual performance against your quiz then you are going to need
some sort of relational tracking system, whether it be a db or multiple flat
files (spreadsheet style again) which you feed into Rev to build your own

You say you like to keep it Rev + plain English and no 'service agents', but
if you are headed for the web, then you're really talking Rev + Internet
Library + files, which isn't really too much different than Rev + DB Library
+ files.

I agree that for only 2000 records a db is a bit of an overkill, but by the
same token, 'for me personally', I find it much easier to get my head around
the relationship of a bunch of flat files where a DB does all the leg work,
than trying to build and manage Rev Arrays - not that Rev arrays are hard,
or that I don't use them, it's just that for me in many cases a DB does it
quicker and for Arrays it can turn very complex and convoluted very fast -
for this old brain.

One of the first things I do when I create a new Rev + db is add a
button/menu item that does a:

 revExecuteSQL databaseID,SELECT * INTO OUTFILE  defaultFolder  FROM

which simply creates a tab delimited plain flat file of the entire table -
if you have multiple tables put it in a repeat loop and create a file for
each table. To me there is very little difference between looking at these
files in Numbers/Excel or just viewing the DB table in Navicat Lite.

You, I and most people can look at a flat file full of info and go, well I'm
only interested in this line, and that line and  You could feed that
file into Rev and do a couple of 'filters' and achieve the same, but I
reckon a simple

revQueryDatabase(dbID,SELECT * FROM Quiz WHERE level = 'Hard' AND category
= Biology)

will be faster to type and yield the results faster.

For what you are intending, I don't see the SQL commands being any more
demanding to learn than anything in Rev - in Rev 'filter' you know * is a
wildcard character for ALL so nothing new there.

revMoveToNextRecord recordSetID

is pretty simple as far as navigation is concerned, and as the data comes in
as a simple one line* list it is pretty simple to figure out which item of
the list goes into which fields for display.

*One big gotcha is if any of you data contains commas, tabs or returns it
can play havoc when pushing/pulling records from a db, but the same is true
with arrays using split and combine.

SQL can seem daunting, but what you are currently proposing is on the EASY
end of the scale, the syntax as easy as Rev. In a Quiz db I run the largest
table is 54MB when exported as a tab delimited text file. It takes less than
a second for Rev to tell mySQL to have OS X produce the file.

So I'd at least give it a go. You never know, once you have that AHA moment
with SQL you might consider a relational variation where you do track
individual performance, and that is where I see the true benefit of a DB.
The more features and size you add the more it becomes suited to a db.

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Re: OT -- AppleScript Help

2009-10-28 Thread Sivakatirswami

Volume is mounted, no question there

working in ScriptEditor.app just to make sure first...

tell application Finder
choose folder
end tell

I get results

alias Varuna:Ekadanta Kulam:Database:EMBs:3675 Amravadee Kownden:

I copy and paste that to

tell application Finder
open alias Varuna:Ekadanta Kulam:Database:EMBs:3675 Amravadee Kownden:
end tell

Her folder doesn't open. Results: missing value

what is strange is: this was working 4 days ago..

cSarah Reichelt wrote:

assume: AFP mount volume Varuna �(server across the LAN)
on desktop...

this used to work fine as of 3 days ago

(I builT the script dynamically in runRev)

tell application Finder
� open alias Varuna:Ekadanta Kulam:Database:EMBs:78585 Chris Brooking:
end tell

but today AppleScript returns
missing value

If I test in the ScriptEditor.app... I get the same error.

In the Script Editor, run this script:

tell application Finder
choose folder
end tell

and select the folder you want. Then check exactly what it gives you
as the result.
I just did that and then opening it worked fine, so the most likely
thing is a tiny error in your file path.

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Re: revEnterprise dp-5 / revMedia beta / revWeb beta

2009-10-28 Thread Sivakatirswami

Richard Miller wrote:
So at the moment, anyway, it's no longer possible to open a second 
stack in a new window (in RevMedia) above the browser window. Meaning, 
if one is in the primary stack and issues the command, go cd 1 of 
stack x, nothing happens. In the alpha version, it would open a new 

From what I've read, I gather it WILL be possible to navigate from the 
initial stack to a different stack, but only within the same browser 
window. It will NOT be possible to open a stack/window above the 
browser (other than answer/ask).

Confirmed here...

A simple call to open a substack fails completely in  revlet. I'm 
definintely using the latest revWebPlayer and I  rebuilt my revlet under 

on mouseup

open wd Table of Contents
open stack Table of Contents

end mouseup

[I have not tried toplevel or palette, but will right now...]

in dp 4 it would open behind the browser and we were all expecting this 
version to allow to open it on top of the browser.

We will  be very surprised if substacks are not allowed...

Is my understanding correct or have I missed something.

Richard Miller
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Re: Revlet Woes - Substacks Don't Open

2009-10-28 Thread Sivakatirswami

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

I got all excited about the new revWeb plugin,
so I installed it on my PPC Mac and built myself
a Q-and-D stack with one substack.

NOW; the previous version of the revWeb plugin
brought palettised substacks up behind the browser
window. A bit of a problem.

I see that the new revWeb has solved this problem:

Palettised substacks DON'T OPEN at all.

Confirmed again... I changed my script to open a stack to

on mouseup
  palette Table of Contents
end mouseup

Went to the stand alone builder and scrutinize options.. .I see a new 
item or one I had not spied earlier stacks

I checked that as well ask disk assess, printing and network.

make revlet, upload and run the web page... this time a new alert 
appears in details

Revlet communications

I'm thinking Oh Good.. that's it! you have to be sure to check stacks 
and the standalone builder is being really stupid not seeing that the 
file has substacks, but since I checked it manually it should work now.

Stack loads. No joy... I click on my Table of Context button (this is a 
simple ebook where each card is a page with a Table of contents 
substack... )

nothing happens... (sigh)

mac os x 10.5.8; Firefox 3.5.4; Safari 4.0.3  all fail to open substacks 
at all, let alone on top

Not tested in Snow Leopard yet.


Checked with Safari 4 and Firefox 3.5.3.
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Re: OT -- AppleScript Help

2009-10-28 Thread Sivakatirswami

Bruce Robertson wrote:
It is best practice to eliminate tell statements where they are not 

Finder is not necessary for this command.

choose folder
set f to result

It does not affect anything: result is the same with or without tell 
on a folder selection

alias Varuna:Ekadanta Kulam:Database:EMBs:733:

then an attempt

tell application Finder
 open alias Varuna:Ekadanta Kulam:Database:EMBs:733:
end tell

fails: result: missing value

Oddly though, reveal works

tell application Finder
   reveal alias Varuna:Ekadanta Kulam:Database:EMBs:733:
end tell

why not open  ??

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Re: OT -- AppleScript Help

2009-10-28 Thread Sivakatirswami

More clues this afternoon:

I have  a stack that builds daily blog entries. I read and write from 
the server, and move a lot of files around... I have in one of my 
utilities stack a script that let's me pull photos from collections and 
move them into the folder where I build the blog content.

I use this:

global gCurrentFolder,gDestinationFolder, glastLine
on mouseUp
  revCopyFile  (gCurrentFolder fld currentImage), (gDestinationFolder)
 -- put gCurrentFolder cr gDestinationFolder  cr the result
  select line gLastline of fld fileList
  send postImage to fld filelist
end mouseUp

suddenly today I am getting execution error in the result.

revCopyfile I believe uses appleScript or AppleEvents under the hood... 
which make me suspicious because another routine I have uses rename:

 repeat for each line theFile in tFiles
  rename file  (TAKADirectorytheFile) to (gArchiveFolder theFile)
 --put the result
   end REPEAT
   ## Move slideshows -- entire folders
   put the folders into tFolders
   repeat for each line theFolder in tFolders
   if char 1 to 2 of theFolder =ss then # it is a slide show
  rename folder (TAKADirectorytheFolder) to (gArchiveFolder 
   end if


and this works perfectly well.

It's as if over night Applescript is no longer happy with some I/O 
routines...because both open alias and revCopyFile are now failing, 
together, same time, same station.  and since I did nothing on my 
box.. I'm asking admin here if they did some kind of upgrade to the 
network or the server...

revCopyFile Sarah Reichelt wrote:

It does not affect anything: result is the same with or without tell on a
folder selection

alias Varuna:Ekadanta Kulam:Database:EMBs:733:

then an attempt

tell application Finder
�open alias Varuna:Ekadanta Kulam:Database:EMBs:733:
end tell

fails: result: missing value

Does it work if you use a local folder?
And what about a different folder on the shared volume?

Can you try working down the file path, so try opening Varuna: and
if that works then Varuna:Ekadanta Kulam: and so on

In Finder, if you use the Go menu to show Computer, do you see a hard
drive called Varuna or is it anything different?

Are there any accented characters in the folder path?

Sorry, no solution, but maybe we can find some more clues.

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Re: OT -- AppleScript Help

2009-10-28 Thread Sivakatirswami
Bruce, your point is well taken for future needs, but in fact I'm not 
actually using choose folder... it was just suggested as a diagnostic 
to verify path...as a test... the path I'm using is correct:

the problem script is:

tell application Finder
 open alias Varuna:Ekadanta Kulam:Database:EMBs:733:
end tell

#result: missing value

and I tried just

open alias Varuna:Ekadanta Kulam:Database:EMBs:733:

sans the tell and that definitely does not work.

I can live with reveal for now... that works...

See other note: revCopyFile (uses applescript in the background) also 
started failing today...  a test to copy a file form the server to my 
hard drive failed...I don't know where that script is, but applescript 
will not even read from the mounted server volume

I better move this over to the Applescript list (can you send me the 
URL?) because it's turning into a bigger issue: some network protocols 
changed or something and Applescript 2.0.1 running on 10.5.8 is no 
longer a happy camper with I/O over the LAN... or the way mount points 
are now configured on the client machine running the scripts.. for 
reasons that are still mysterious. .dunno, I'm no expert I'll check 
with our net/server admin here if any changes/upgrades were made in the 
last 3 days since these all worked fine on Saturday, last...if they 
upgraded OSX Server to Snow Leopard that could be the problem...

But... (he thinks of a work around)

Ha.. Shell is our friend,

  put (open   quote  /Volumes/Varuna/Ekadanta 
Kulam/Database/EMBs/  tStudentFolder  quote) into tShell

  get shell (tShell)

works perfectly! Folder opens as expected.

good by Applescript (for today)

But I will assiduously avoid tell when not needed! thank you for that 


Bruce Robertson wrote:

Not relevant.

You're talking specifics of an extremely simple script.

I'm talking about generalities of applescript programming.

This was the subject of a hundred+ message multi week thread on the 
applescript list.

You can get into performance and conflict and confusion issues when 
tell statements are used where they are not necessary.

In this very case, you're issuing a command to Finder that is not a 
Finder command.

Finder doesn't understand choose folder; so it passes the command up 
the object hierarchy. Your use of the command in this way reveals that 
you don't know what it belongs to. By itself, a marginal error.

But it is like trying to tell some property of a stack to do something 
that it doesn't do.

Bruce Robertson wrote:
It is best practice to eliminate tell statements where they are not 

Finder is not necessary for this command.

choose folder
set f to result

It does not affect anything: result is the same with or without 
tell on a folder selection

alias Varuna:Ekadanta Kulam:Database:EMBs:733:

then an attempt

tell application Finder
open alias Varuna:Ekadanta Kulam:Database:EMBs:733:
end tell

fails: result: missing value

Oddly though, reveal works

tell application Finder
  reveal alias Varuna:Ekadanta Kulam:Database:EMBs:733:
end tell

why not open  ??

Well; why not close?
Or delete, or rename?

Open and reveal are completely different commands.

Maybe it would be clearer if you consider the same command sent to a 
Word document.

Having Finder reveal the document and having Finder open the document 
get very different results.

Having Finder open a folder shows you the contents of the folder.

Having Finder reveal the folder shows you the folder.

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Container for Multiple Choice Quizes

2009-10-27 Thread Sivakatirswami
I'm trying to wrap my head around the container for a multiple choice 
question quizes.

And individual quiz will run inside a revlet eventually. We can them 
successively from the web server.

The GUI will have sounds and images when users make selections etc.
That's the easy part... the back end is still eluding me...

XML files could work, but I would rather use a dBase, but, then I'm not 
sure how I can push it into an array (not having yet familiarized myself 
on the multi-dimensional arrays yet.)

If anyone has insights please fire away.  Here are the elements:

1) Category of Quiz  e.g. Biology -- comprising many quizes
 2) Verbiage for the category of quizes: e.g. some introductory 
or descriptive text
3) Title of Quiz e.g. Let's Study Mammals -- comprising title for a 
single quiz containing 2 or more questions with answers.
 4) Verbiage for a specific Quiz: e.g. some explanatory text 
related to a specific quiz
5) Question: e.g. Which of these are not mammals? -- being the single 
question parent of 4 answers

 6) Verbiage related to a specific question
7) Four answers (ever more, never less) e.g.
8)  Boolean Property for each answer in relation to the question e.g.
Trout is False
Goat is True
Cow is True
Peacock is False

That's it OK, so, yes, I could build an XML file for each individual 
quizes, keep these in a folders named for the category of quiz, one XML 
file per quiz  and Revolution could easily ingest this, apply it to 
button states etc.


I *think* I could also wrap my head around created a relational data 
base to contain all these elements as well, which is probably a better idea.

But, then, whether I use XML or a dBase, what I don't yet know how to do 
is pull a single question and answer with all the above elements into a 
single array... is it even possible? What would the array look like? 
Before I run off to search the docs for how to use Multi-dimensional 
arrays any input from all you wizards will be appreciated, especially 
the dBase design experienced. And if anyone knows of tutorials or 
specific places I can go to to study up RunRev's new arrays, please 
point me in the right direction.


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Re: Container for Multiple Choice Quizes

2009-10-27 Thread Sivakatirswami

Alex Tweedly wrote:

Well, I don't much like dBases, or XML, so here's what I'd probably 

Ha! Alex, thank you... a man after my own heart. I've often cogitated 
and cogitated and ended up using flat text files for data that runs in 
the 2000 record or less category because I too had a resistance to 
adding a third layer beyond Rev + Text to the framework. Call it a 
phobia for complexity.

And to find that indeed, it meant less over head and greater clarity in 
the end, assuming one is rigorously consistent with folder, filename 
nomenclature etc. The beauty of well structured plain text data is 
accessibility with no service agents required other than some savvy 
I/O (read and write) in rev...

An interesting solution and keeps is all on the xTalk/plain English  
planet. Sometimes using the cool new tools like XML and SQL, only gets 
you headaches. But I can see our dBase wizards shaking their heads (smile)

At any rate you show quite clearly how to build the array, whatever the 
container might be. And given that I have the same penchant for avoiding 
dBases as you do. I will probably follow your lead.

Another option is to use a stack to hold it on the web server. Which I 
do for a number of other projects.  It's quite efficient.

(http://www.himalayanacademy.com/resources/lexicon/ uses a 7MB/3,500 
card stack on the back end to hold the dictionary... try it... I think 
you will be amazed at the speed.)

But I have not heard yet if the iRevServer Engine will honor start 
using stack Quizes 

Thanks for taking the time to share your vision on this. I really 

Cheers from Kauai


Answer (a)
1. Have a folder for each category.
2. in the folder, have a file (category.tx, maybe?) with the first 
line containing the category name, and subsequent lines containing the 
verbiage for it.

3. have a sub-folder for each quiz
4. within it, have file (quiz.txt ?) with the first line containing 
the title, and subsequent lines with the verbiage

5. within the folder, have a file per question, having
 4 lines for answers, each being :
   answer TAB True or False
  subsequent line holding the verbiage for question

and then the script would do something like

local sArray-- to hold data for testing

on mouseUp
   set the defaultFolder to C:/Users/Alex/Documents/Programming/RunRev
   put the defaultFolder
   readfile category1, quiz1, question
end mouseUp
   on readfile   pCategory, pQuiz, pQuestion
   -- the real version would use the params to set the folder / 

   -- and read the appropriate question file
   local tFile
   put URL file:category.txt into tFile
   put line 1 of tFile into sArray[category]
   put line 2 to -1 of tFile into sArray[category verbiage]
  put URL file:quiz.txt into tFile
   put line 1 of tFile into sArray[quiz]
   put line 2 to -1 of tFile into sArray[quiz verbiage]
  put URL file:question.txt into tFile
   put line 1 of tFile into sArray[question]
   put line 6 to -1 of tFile into sArray[question verbiage]
  repeat with i=2 to 5
  put item 2 of line i of tFile into sArray[answer][item 1 of 
line i of tFile]

   end repeat
   printarray sArray
end readfile
   on printarray pArr
   repeat for each line K in the keys of pArr
  put doing   K  CR after msg
  if pArr[K] is an array then
 repeat for each line K1 in the keys of pArr[K]
put K1  :  pArr[K][K1]  CR after msg
 end repeat
 put K  :  pArr[K]  CR after msg
  end if
   end repeat
end printarray

Answer (b)
instead of a subfolder, I might have a Tab separated spreadsheet 
with the quiz/questions/answers. Changes would be pretty obvious

-- Alex.

Sivakatirswami wrote:
I'm trying to wrap my head around the container for a multiple 
choice question quizes.

And individual quiz will run inside a revlet eventually. We can them 
successively from the web server.

The GUI will have sounds and images when users make selections etc.
That's the easy part... the back end is still eluding me...

XML files could work, but I would rather use a dBase, but, then I'm 
not sure how I can push it into an array (not having yet familiarized 
myself on the multi-dimensional arrays yet.)

If anyone has insights please fire away.  Here are the elements:

1) Category of Quiz  e.g. Biology -- comprising many quizes
 2) Verbiage for the category of quizes: e.g. some 
introductory or descriptive text
3) Title of Quiz e.g. Let's Study Mammals -- comprising title for a 
single quiz containing 2 or more questions with answers.
 4) Verbiage for a specific Quiz: e.g. some explanatory text 
related to a specific quiz
5) Question: e.g. Which of these are not mammals? -- being the 
single question parent of 4 answers

 6) Verbiage related to a specific question
7) Four answers (ever more, never less) e.g.
8)  Boolean

Re: [OT] tip: use jumpcut for multiple clipboards - OS X 10.3.9 or later

2009-10-27 Thread Sivakatirswami

Ian Wood wrote:
I'm still using a several-year-old copy of Quicksilver with the 
clipboard plug-in for this.

I love the Quicksilver clipboard shelf too. Especially that I can drag 
and drop items from it to any other environment and the clipboard shelf 
stays open. and since I live with QS running all the time and hit on it 
every few minutes, it means no third party app to have to think about..

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Resizeable Fields

2009-10-20 Thread Sivakatirswami

Before I go re-inventing the wheel,
has anyone invented user re-sizeable fields?

I suppose sticky palette with the Select and Browse
tools could also work , but not as cool as some mousedown/drag

if so, can you post the code here?

(I'm watching with interest all the open source discussions...we really, 
really need a single respository somewhere!)


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OT: (maybe) Web Radio

2009-10-18 Thread Sivakatirswami
I'm interested in web radio. I know there is a lot of software out there 
that does this, but I'm thinking with iRev engine and a little savvy 
coding and it should be easy as making sweet lassi to build a web radio 

But, I'm totally ignorant and I suspect it would be silly  to re-invent 
the wheel from ground zero. One should at least familiarize oneself with 
the various web radio frameworks that are successful today. At the very 
least it would clue you in to the varous CMS framework and existing 
functional specifications. These could them simply, be implemented using 
iRev... instead of PHP... Drupal and all his friends are scary!

but some of the models are good ones... basic idea is: users tune into 
some URL and everyone is listening to the same tune. I'm already 
familiar with building podcasts, but only with a 1 per day rollover... 
if you have an announcer lead that is 20 seconds, followed by a 6 minute 
music bit, followed by a 40 second announcer lead; followed by a 20 
minutes first person interview.. how do you do that? Is it as simple as 
setting the time codes in the RSS items? Or is the another, better model 
for web radio than RSS?

Assume you have tons of audio content (we do) call them tracks   ready 
to roll and the ability to crank out high quality canned announcements 
and announcer leads (B) in advance for any given track... how do you 
put it all together? set up cron to kick in a lead+track by using an RSS 
type of model.. somehow you would need to know when the track was over, 
to start the next one... you want all users to be hearing the same thing 
at the same time... do a randomizer on a hit (easy to do) doesn't work...

I'm a flat file fan myself, but if a dBase will help, we can always do 
one (

Any one who is familiar with web radio and has a minute to chat with 
me... contact me off line. I need a little coaching on the terms, and 
best practices already hammered out by great ones before me. I would 
really appreciate it.

(I'm off to dig on the web, but I think there are some here that already 
are way ahead of me...)


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Re: ANN: TwistAWord as Facebook Application

2009-10-04 Thread Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Mark, fantastic! Can't wait to show this off to others to give them an idea
of what can be done with the new plug in. Of course we have to wait until
the final (64-bit enabled) plug-in is released. Most everyone here is on
Safari-Snowleopard and so it won't work... -- Yes, I know about the 32 bit
switch, but for naive users that's not an option... it needs to run out of
the box) -- I guess it is still best to wait before unwrapping this outside
our runRev community.

On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 11:55 PM, Mark Schonewille 
m.schonewi...@economy-x-talk.com wrote:


 I have created a light version of TwistAWord as the main component of a
 Facebook application, using the Revolution plug-in.

 While the full version includes large collections of phrases in Catalonian,
 Danish, English, French, German, Latin, Portuguese and Spanish, the lite
 edition of TwistAWord has 600 English phrases and lacks several features.

 You can find the TwistAWord Facebook application at 
 http://apps.facebook.com/twistaword/ and more information about
 TwistAWord is available on its homepage at http://www.twistaword.net.

 If you like the game, you can send me a friend request, or become a fan of
 Economy-x-Talk's Facebook page.
 You can also follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/xtalkprogrammer.

 Best regards,

 Mark Schonewille

 Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

 Submit your software at http://www.quickestpublisher.com

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OT: Disney Announces Ebook Launch

2009-09-29 Thread Sivakatirswami

Big news today here in our world:


Confirms many people's predictions that the small device of the future 
is still a machine with a full OS, at least powerful enough to run a 

RevLets are poised to be able to do things like this. Just wish we had 
some of the cool graphics like page turning... the corner of the page 
even curls up or over as you move...I wonder how that is done

Of course this isn't really new..


has been around a while.

We just need Disney's web dev budget


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Rev Dbase OBDC with 4thDimension

2009-09-07 Thread Sivakatirswami
Is anyone using Rev with 4D?  I've just come into a need to be able to 
create my own GUI to access the dBase, the tables and fields are all 
good, but the layout is not and the team that does this work is way to 
busy to take any input so  I need to cook up my own if I can.

I needs some guidance on the basic connection framework.


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Re: Rev Dbase OBDC with 4thDimension

2009-09-07 Thread Sivakatirswami

Malte Pfaff-Brill wrote:

Hi Sivakatirswami,

I am currently working on a project, where 4d and Rev share the same 
database. The database in this case is mySQL though, so the connection 
is pretty straight forward. As 4d, (and Rev) can work with a multitude 
of databases, it would be best to ask the fellows, which db is working 
under the hood.

All the best,


We are using the latest 4D V 11 which was completely written. the Data 
storage format is SQL compliant, It was a major upgrade (headache) for 
the team to convert, but it runs really well.

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6 Year Old Stack Runs Fine as a Revlet

2009-09-06 Thread Sivakatirswami


Amazing... built in late 2003 I would be embarrassed to
let anyone see the mess of code that runs this thing...
The beauty of RunRev: any amateur with a little concept
can still do something quit amazing.

.. I just built a revlet and put it up. it works...

I dare anyone to do this in Flash in the same time
it took me to build the original

(about 18 man hours or so, first draft,
4-5 hours tweaking later over time.)


1) Known issue:

When you click Begin the substack opens behind the browser.

So go back and bring it forward. Enjoy the artwork

2) Some sub-stacks have no close button, but only a quit ... this 
promptly terminates RevWebPlayer, but leaves all the stack posters as 
artifacts up all over the screen... Not a big problem... just switch to 
the browser and close the web page.

Time to dust off the old edu tools and add some sound and interactive 

Dreams I had back in 1999-2003 can now be realized...long live 


p.s. ideas on what might be done to enhance this would be more than 
welcome. I don't have the mental re-estate right now to build out a 
broader functional specification, but it begs for more...please pile on!

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Re: Line Breaks Dropped on Importing Unicode Text

2009-09-04 Thread Sivakatirswami

Aloha, Joe:

I'm not quite sure how your suggestion relates to the problem of endlines.

The unicode.txt file I have is being read OK in Pages on the mac.
It also loads just fine in Rev, with the exception of the line breaks

I'm not sure where the uniencode/unidecode  could be used to solve the 
line break issue.


Joe F. wrote:

The trick is to use uniencode/unidecode for everything.
Three separate examples:

 ask file Name new file: with NewFile.xml
 put binfile:  it into theNewFileName
 get the unicodetext of cd fld 1
 put unidecode(it,utf8) into url (theNewFileName)
 set the unicodetext of cd fld 1 to uniencode(tMyUnicode,utf8)
 put URL (theFTPRequest) into theDownLoadedText
 put uniencode(theDownLoadedText,utf8) into theDownLoadedText
 put unidecode(theDownLoadedText,ANSI) into cd fld 1 of cd id 4630

On Sep 4, 2009, at 1:39 AM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

I have some UTF-16 unicode raw text. If I import this into Pages, it 
displays the font correctly and also the line breaks between 
paragraphs correctly

But if I use this function:

on mouseUp
answer file Choose a unicode file to read in.
if it is empty then exit mouseUp
put binfile:  it into urlName
replace numtochar(13) with numtochar(10) in urlName
set the unicodeText of fld display to url urlName
end mouseUp

the line breaks are not appearing in the field in revolution.

Also if I try to analyze what chars are there, where the line break 
should be, by selecting across a missing line break and then use this 

on mouseUp
 set the useUnicode to true
 if the selection is empty then
answer No Selection with ok
 end if
 put the selection into tUnicode
 put tUnicode
 repeat for each char x in tUnicode
put  chartonum(x)  cr after tOutput  end repeat
put tOutput # returns empty
end mouseUp

I get nothing in the msg box. If I switch from Tamil Inaimathi (Mac 
unicode font) to Anjal Chittu unicode, The Tamil displays correctly 
and now I can clearly see a two byte block

space+square-box-symbol (somewhat transparent) where the line breaks 
should be. But it still returns empty on an empty to determine what 
the bytes are

How do we deal with/import correctly, line breaks in unicode text in 

I plan to create an editing environment as a revlet for online 
work... and unicode will be imported and exported freely for later 
use in InDesign. Obviously CRLF (or whatever it is in Unicode) needs 
to be preserved.

completely Unicode newbie

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Re: Line Breaks Dropped on Importing Unicode Text

2009-09-04 Thread Sivakatirswami

stephen barncard wrote:

Why are you replacing the CRs with LFs? doesn't the engine's Unicode
functions handle line endings?
Stephen Barncard
San Francisco

2009/9/4 Sivakatirswami ka...@hindu.org


Aloha, Joe:

I'm not quite sure how your suggestion relates to the problem of endlines.

The unicode.txt file I have is being read OK in Pages on the mac.
It also loads just fine in Rev, with the exception of the line breaks

I'm not sure where the uniencode/unidecode  could be used to solve the line
break issu

Sometime on Kauai it rans for so many days (max count on my log 63 
days...) we live in a mud world

Some how my entry into unicode feels like not like a baptism by fire  
but a baptism by mud

welcome to petroglyph land... (smile)

Stephen: the engine only handles line line ending for file:* and not 

A note on the source: This is original Tamil done in MylaiSri which maps 
all chars against 0-127; Muthu Neduraman of Marusu System in Malaysia, 
IT Tamil Master, font designer, systems engineer etc. wrote me a C++ 
program to transform the ASCII input out to a Unicode.txt..  really 
don't have any specs on what his program outputs. ( would love to take 
that thing and turn it into an external if I knew how... that's another 

but, that's what I'm loading... but since he works on OS X I, thought, 
on a hunhc sure he was piping cr's from the original ASCII out to char(13)

Joe Ault: OK we are getting some where:
I obviously made a blooper where I was replacing
char(13) with char (10) in the filename and not the data.

Of course nothing happened... fixed it:

this now works fine! 

on mouseUp
 answer file Choose a unicode file to read in.
 if it is empty then exit mouseUp
 put binfile:  it into urlName
 set the useUnicode to true
 put url urlName into tTamilUnicodeText
 replace numtochar(13) with numtochar(10) in tTamilUnicodeText
 set the unicodeText of fld display to tTamilUnicodeText
end mouseUp

OK so far so good. I'm getting the same line breaks from the original text.

Richard: thanks for the arcane script from Mark, which I only saw 
*after* trying the above... so I did not need it.

but I will keep it as a reference, thank you.

Jim F: thanks for the tip on always encoding... since I have to move 
this stuff back and forth to the web server and possible in and out of 
PostGreSQL..  I will take your advice.

So, for now it works... Read on if you want walk into the morass of 
trying actually see what you have a decimal strings:

Ken Kojima, Thanks: this now works  -- well appears to, on the surface.

on mouseUp
set the useUnicode to true
if the selection is empty then
  answer No Selection with ok
end if
put the selection into tUnicode
 repeat with i=1 to the num of chars of tUnicode step 2
put  chartonum(char i to i+1 of tUnicode)  cr after tOutput
 end repeat
put tOutput
end mouseUp

but I get super irrational results (irrational to me at least)

Tamil lives here:

U+0B80 – U+0BFF   (2944–3071)

if load the text *without* handling the line endings and select across 
the last letters of one line and the beginning of the next:

[note, the editor of this text typically puts two end-of-paragraph (i.e. 
1 blank line) between paragraphs, block style]

2990 - Valid Tamil Character
3021 - Valid Tamil Character
3374 - out of range: should be line break and does show as one in Pages
8205 - out of range: should be line break and does show as one in Pages, 
or in the field if I do the (13) to (10) conversion

2953 - Valid Tamil Character

And if I select the same thing a second time... different results!


OK now... if I select another section of text where there is a text/2 
line breaks/text/2 line breaks/text

I get super bizarre results back

45069 # way out of range.

If I lengthen the selection, left and right I get completely (almost) 
different results)

Even the same characters selected in the short selection are not output 
as the characters:


if I put  replace numtochar(13) with numtochar(10) in tTamilUnicodeText

back into my import script and then select across the end of the same 
line and 2 cr's and the beginning of the 4th line, I get different 
results again. And this time, so beyond my ken as to be a black box. I 
don't think I will even go there in trying to understand what is 
happening, wrong and why we get something like:


There's more bizarre events occuring (selecting text causes characters 
to switch places!)  Wish me luck in creating an online editor as a revlet!


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