Re: Globals in debugger insight?

2010-11-12 Thread Thierry

Le 12 nov. 2010 à 19:33, a écrit :

> Thanks, Jacques.
> I, too have noticed that unchecking the "show Globals" checkbox in the 
> script editor pane of the preferences does not hide system globals. It is not 
> a 
> speed issue, but rather one of overcrowding. The global list is loaded 
> first, and then all the context variables. Hard to debug through all that.
> On another note, I was not able to get Thierry's revDebugger hack to work. 
> No effect...

Umm, work for me.

I'm running LiveCode 4.5.


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Re: Environment variable displayed in the debugger

2010-11-11 Thread Thierry

Le 12 nov. 2010 à 00:14, James Hurley a écrit :

> I just upgraded to 4.5.1 and was surprised to find that the environment 
> variables ($LOGNAME, $SHELL, $PATH etc.) still show up in the debugger ahead 
> of the script variables.
> I had assumed that that was something that going to be changed back to the 
> practice employed in 4.0 where they were not shown.
> Am I missing something? Is there a setting that will make these go away?

Hi James,

If you feel so, you can do that on your own.

Try out this simple script :

on mouseUp
   local G
   put the globals into G
   replace comma with return in G
   filter G without "$*"
   put G
end mouseUp

Then go for the revdebugger.rev stack and open the stack script.

Look for the function below around  line 223 :

# Returns
#   A list of the globals with valid names. I.e not the ones with (x86) in them 
on Vista 64bit.
function revDebuggerValidGlobalNames

And there operate on  the globals as shown above

And last, probably better to make a copy of your LiveCode App before starting :)


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Re: Auto-updating apps, and splash screens.

2010-10-29 Thread Thierry

Le 29 oct. 2010 à 11:59, Alex Tweedly a écrit :

> <.>
> and you're right, lots of good advice, looks like a good system, etc.
>  I was just hoping for some working example to start from.

Hi Alex,

Out of my cloudy memory, there is on RevOnline a stack called
Registration-Update, Registration and update,... or something like that.

Don't know if it is a useful one but as you want something to start :)

My 2 cents.


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Re: >

2010-10-21 Thread Thierry

Le 21 oct. 2010 à 15:42, Robert Mann a écrit :

> Well over here in France, I inquired about reparing my 5 years old G5 which
> motherboard now works only with a hair dryer heating up... due to a kind of
> defective conception...  answer from apple was (i won't comment on how I
> felt!) beyond 5 years, nothing can be done, and "computers are not meant to
> last longer" !!! 
> I looked at my first apple SE/30 still running from nearly 30 years now..
> and I thought whouaou they changed something in their mind!!! 
> And I thought, ok guys, I will no more express the idea that apple = top
> quality from now on... 
> so now, apple is just a commodity like other brand, same hat.. 
> I think I'm ready for Linux now!!! 

But Linux doesn't sell computers !

Couldn't resist :)


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Re: record sound with livecode

2010-10-18 Thread Thierry

Le 18 oct. 2010 à 08:13, Olivier Dussutour a écrit :


une petite idee  a verifier ?

es-tu sur de ton chemin d'acces : tmp & ".wav"

peut-etre que le defaultfoder n'est pas le meme depuis
ta migration en 4.5 ?


ps: Wouahhh. too cl to speak French sometimes :)

> Hello,
> Sorry! I did not change the subject of the mail! :'-(
> My button script:
> on mouseUp
> hide me
> show button "Arrêter"
> record sound file tmp&".wav"
> end mouseUp
> under rev 4.0 in both work (standalone and gui)
> under LiveCode it does'nt work (standalone and gui)

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Re: sqlite: foreign keys

2010-09-29 Thread Thierry

Le 28 sept. 2010 à 23:59, Monte Goulding a écrit :

>> Just use an in-memory db.
> ooo, that's a new one to me. Is it possible to write it out to a file later?


Running SQLite without a database file creates an in-memory database.
Using the .dump command will dump that in-memory DB to a SQL file that
can then be re-read into a file-backed database (or back into a memory

Sqlite  caches data in memory so a file based database and memory based perform 
much the same.

Well, depends of what you want to achieve...



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Re: How to duplicate a stack and its substacks?

2010-09-28 Thread Thierry

Le 28 sept. 2010 à 17:23, Andre.Bisseret a écrit :

> Sorry Richmond (and Craig); I should have specify that I would like to 
> duplicate my stack and its substacks by script.
> What I want is a button where the user clicks to create a stack (and its 
> substacks) for a new year.


Another way to do it :

Open your stack (  which can contain substacks )
do the  modifications you need to change of year, and then
use :

save this stack as "Accounting2011" -- or whatever



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Re: Rev on two minimalist Linux distros

2010-09-16 Thread Thierry

Le 16 sept. 2010 à 09:22, Peter Alcibiades a écrit :

> I have finally fired up Rev Media 4.0 on two minimalist Linux distributions 
> as a start on the effort to discover whether the problems are really due to 
> not having all the necessary files installed, and whether they are due to 
> the mulifarious nature of Linux.

Hi Peter,

Interesting post.

I've been  working with mini-linux too since a while.

I've stopped working with Ubuntu for different reasons,
but let's put that way :

Few of my customers were not happy and after the first "Wouah", they
started complaining on differents things

Otherwise, there is often a lot of misunderstanding on Linux around.

First, they all share the core linux, which is more or less the same on every 
Then we have these collection of distrib which can be seen as supermarkets 
where you can ship
a whole bunch of products in one go, but it's only tools/apps put on the top of 
the core linux.
This can be done with packages tools available on every distro,
and if they have different names, they all do the same jobs. And if you don't 
find a specific app
on your distro , then search it from another distro, convert the package , and 
install it

> tinycore_3.1.iso

I've worked with it, but I wouldn't recommend it as a first choice,
because the main goal of this distro is to run it on RAM with no installation.
Sure you can install it on a hard disk but then you won't find so much support
or help on this topic By the way, the tc forum is a very friendly one.

> slitaz-3.0.iso 

This is my choice since a while.

I've been able to do fast installations, easily packaged for every customer.
And each time I'm doing a new job, I'm building my own tools to run installs
faster and with good qualities ( one is to not miss any specific parameters in
one of those dozens of config files ). I use Rev as a front-end for my install,
and for instance, on my Mac, I have a stack where I can design the whole 
I mean a desktop background image, properties of windows, appareance of the 
menus,the panel, populating
menus,... and doing this too with the Login window ( slim ), and have French 
text everywhere
( well, true a 95% ) then via a ssh connection,
in one click do the  instal or update of a user with a specific environment,
and this takes less than a second, and more, even with old PCs with 128/256 Kb 
of RAM,
old disks, etc

Until now, I've blocked my customers with only one desktop, then Rev runs 
almost allright.
( and nobody complains as they all were microsoft's users. )
Some glitch still, but I'm a RevStudio 4.0 user... waiting for the next 
release So far,
I'm not proposing apps made by Rev to my customers ( except few games for 
children as gifts ),
just use it as an administration tool, but that's already a good deal for me.

In my office, I'm running a PIV box with Slitaz and all the development tools I 
And I use it as a backup server, a svn server and building rev externals with 
it, and
all this with 256 Mb of RAM.

And last, few weeks ago, I was buiding a Rev stack using one my external. All 
this in Slitaz.
Then I make a tar file, send it to a friend ( not a computer geek ) and he 
could play
with the stack and the external instantly on Ubuntu !

Well, another little story :)


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Re: Drag cursor

2010-09-07 Thread Thierry

Le 7 sept. 2010 à 20:02, FlexibleLearning a écrit :

> Does anyone know how to specify the drag cursor type? I am dragging images
> around and want to display a 'copy' cursor (with a little plus sign) when
> the ctrl key is down, a 'move' cursor (no little plus sign) when the ctrl
> key is up, and a 'cantDrop' cursor when appropriate. The engine seems to
> over-ride any attempt to 'set the cursor'.
> Hugh
> FLCo

After setting the cursor , did you lock it ?

See lock cursor in the Dictionary

My 2 French cents

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Re: revCopyFile problems on Mac OS X.6.4

2010-09-06 Thread Thierry

Le 6 sept. 2010 à 00:18, biodan a écrit :

> ... shell from a Terminal session does not work


Yes it works !

> put $HOME &"/Desktop/test.txt" into tInfile
> put $HOME &"/Desktop/outDir" into tOutDir
> put "cp tInfile tOutDir" into tCmd
> put shell(tCmd)

Just commenting your last line and write :

put tCmd

should have given you enough explanation...

Personally,  I never use this error prone syntax of putting vars inside quoted 

# One way to do it :

put "cp" && q( tInfile) && q( tOutDir) into tCmd
put shell( tCmd )
end mouseUp

function q t
   return quote & t & quote
end q

# Another way which I prefer :

get format( "cp   ' %s '   ' %s ' ", tInfile, tOutDir )
put shell( it )

# A variation of it, which is how I code :

on mouseUp
   get shell( format( "cp   '%s' '%s'",  \
  $HOME & "/Desktop/test.txt" , \
  $HOME & "/Desktop/outDir" ) )
end mouseUp

And I'm sure others can point out different writing style.
Be happy with yours, but check/test/test and test your code.
put and answer commands are good friends for that.


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Re: Bad grammar

2010-09-04 Thread Thierry
> , Mark Schonewille wrote:
>> if fld "fXXX" is true and fld "fZZZ" is empty...
> what I wanted to 'say' by
> if fld "fXXX" and fld "fZZZ" is empty
> was
> if fld "fXXX" is empty and fld "fZZZ" is empty

And what about this one ?

if ( fld "fXXX" & fld "fZZZ" ) is empty then ...


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Re: snapshot and background problems

2010-06-28 Thread Thierry

just a thought, as I don 't know your context...

Maybe the right time to look at the paintcompression ( Rev dictionary )

my 2 cents


> Recently, Michael D Mays wrote:
>> Thanks Scott. I don't know what is going on. I  tried this before and I 
>> didn't
>> get anything but trash. This morning when I ran the handler the image became
>> grey. I had been saying 'set the imagedata ...' instead of '...text...'. I
>> tried text and the same nothing changed. So I deleted and dragged a new  
>> image
>> into the background ( for the nth time) and ran the handler again and it
>> worked!?? 
> Your image may have been messed up -- I've seen this happen where repeatedly
> setting image data of an image causes it to stop responding.
> Setting imageData by itself is OK, but over the last few years, I've taken
> to setting the text of an image (ironic) to any picture-related data,
> because doing so sets both image/alpha properties at the same time. This is
> important to maintain transparency when it comes to PNG images.  Setting
> image/alphaData properties in 2 separate steps is klunky.
> I have no data to suggest that setting the text of an image is any better or
> worse than the method of putting image-related data into an image.  I've
> only seen references by the programming dudes at RunRev to use the text
> property, so I do.
> Regards,
> Scott Rossi
> Creative Director
> Tactile Media, UX Design
> ___
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Re: Performance

2010-06-20 Thread Thierry

Le 20 juin 2010 à 15:07, René Micout a écrit :

> I have also this case : no variable but object (button) name :
>   repeat with i = 1 to 21
>  put "set the backColor of btn" && quote & "btnHarmo"& i & quote && "to 
> 89,149,218" into vxA ; do vxA
>   end repeat

meme effet que ton code, sans le DO, donc plus rapide
et surement plus simple a lire...

  repeat with i = 1 to 21
 set the backColor of btn ("btnHarmo"& i ) to 89,149,218
  end repeat


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Re: Big Flat Stacks - NULLs

2010-06-17 Thread Thierry

Le 17 juin 2010 à 15:09, Michael Kann a écrit :

> What ASCII number is a NULL?

0 !

if you want to know all, look  here:


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Re: Parent group

2010-06-17 Thread Thierry

Le 17 juin 2010 à 15:22, Simon Lord a écrit :

> In flash there was the notion of asking for the name of _parent to get
> the ID or name of the container movieClip.  I have a scenario where I
> would like to poll a button within a group to tell me which group it's
> in.
> The long way would be to get the long name of target, filter it for a
> string, get the first name in quotes to the right of it etc etc.

Hi Simon, 

What about :

the owner of me
the owner of this button


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Re: Writing to the resource fork

2010-05-28 Thread Thierry
Hi  Mark,

I just tried this in a Terminal :

TdzMacBook:~ tdz$ echo "WEWEWEE" > x.txt

TdzMacBook:~ tdz$ ls -l x.txt/rsrc
-rw-r--r--  1 tdz  staff  0 28 mai 11:08 x.txt/rsrc

TdzMacBook:~ tdz$ echo "ASDASDASDDADSASDASDASD" > x.txt/rsrc

TdzMacBook:~ tdz$ ls -l x*
-rw-r--r--@ 1 tdz  staff  8 28 mai 11:09 x.txt

TdzMacBook:~ tdz$ ls -l x.txt/rsrc
-rw-r--r--  1 tdz  staff  23 28 mai 11:09 x.txt/rsrc

TdzMacBook:~ tdz$ cat x.txt/rsrc

TdzMacBook:~ tdz$ cat x.txt

If this is OK for you, you can use the shell() to do your job.



> Thanks, Scott, but a short delay in the script doesn't make a difference. I 
> have noticed that I can write the entire resource fork at once using 
> /path/to/file.ext/rsrc (note the additional /rsrc) but this doesn't let me 
> set individual resources.
> --
> Best regards,
> Mark Schonewille
>> Hello Mark,
>> I use setResource in an application (in several places) and it seems to 
>> work.  I can't see an error in the script you posted.  (I haven't ever used 
>> the "flaglist" feature, though.)
>> Might giving the OS a short "breather" between creating the file and setting 
>> the resource, help?
>> Scott Morrow

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Re: destroystack wrong behavior...

2010-05-27 Thread Thierry D.
Hi all,

Thanks to all for your suggestions.

I've found a solution to this question.

not sure if it is completely resolved, but seems to work quite well.

So, better share  in the hope it will help few of you...

I've changed the filename of my stack, that's it !

then the name and the filename properties are different, which was not
the case before.

I leave the explanations to the IDE gurus :)

ps: running the stack with "Suspend Development Tools" on, was also working 


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Re: destroystack wrong behavior...

2010-05-20 Thread Thierry D.

Le 19 mai 2010 à 23:05, Malte Pfaff-Brill a écrit :

> Thierry,

Hello Malte,

> does your stack have any substacks that are still open?
> Rev can not destroy it in that case.

Yes, one substack and sometimes it's visible, sometimes not visible.
Then, the mainstack is closed, but still in memory.
But it's not my problem right now. ( I've pass to this one too, especially when
the substack is hidden )

> Do you reference to it with a filePath? ->
> Will be reopened each time you reference to it then.

I did the test with One stack + 1 substack ( which does nothing )
So, where can I reference it with a filePath ?
I guess it's not for my case.

> Does it carry an external that is still used? -> Rev won´t destroy it then 

That's probably the point.
Can someone give a definition of "still in use" ?

In all the externals I made, I always build a sort of ResetExternalFunction
to do all kinds of reset, freeing buffers,...
But nowhere I've seen any information about "closing/unloading an external" 

As for the last 10 years, starting from Metacard on Unix, then using
mostly Metacard, then using kRev, never had one of this problem.

Hmm, and I've make almost 50 externals mainly for specific  customer 
applications and few to be used  within the Rev IDE.
So, I'm not that familiar with the Rev IDE tricks.

> Other than those cases, I have never seen destroystack fail.

Different ways of coding and working with Rev...
Maybe you were lucky or maybe I'm not :)

Another point: this reminds me one thread on this list about someone
who couldn't start an external. I guess/feel that his problem could be that
his stack was still in memory, and when he restarted it, the normal process of
loading the external didn't work because the stack was already in memory.

My 2 cents.

Thanks to all for your suggestions.


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Re: destroystack wrong behavior...

2010-05-19 Thread Thierry D.

Le 19 mai 2010 à 21:34, Andre Garzia a écrit :

> Been there as well, came to a little fix if you can call that a fix, instead
> of closing the stack try something along the lines of:
> delete stack "myStack"
> This will really take it out of the memory, so these days, I close and then
> I delete or vice versa...

So, we are at least 3 to have experienced it !

Sounds a good one.

I'll try it for a while and see...


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Re: destroystack wrong behavior...

2010-05-19 Thread Thierry D.

Le 19 mai 2010 à 21:38, Richmond Mathewson a écrit :

> On 19/05/2010 22:19, J. Landman Gay wrote:
>> Richmond Mathewson wrote:
>>>>> What happens if you type into the message box:
>>>>>  delete stack ""
>>>>> Does it go away then?
>>>>> (Make sure you specify the mainstack, not the substack.)
>>> Yes, it does!

As I said in the last email, sometimes it works just the way is has,
sometimes not.

>>> All that DELETE STACK does is remove it completely
>>> from the memory of the IDE.
>> Right. But that's what he wanted. The issue is whether or not destroystack 
>> is working as it's supposed to. I haven't seen any problems with it but 
>> since two people think they have, that's what's under investigation.

I don't really mind from my side,
but it's annoying for those I'm sending my work...
One problem out of this is when you start again the stack, the init processing
( depending on my own design doesn't work correctly then. )
and from the user's point of view it just doesn't work !
This is the real side effect for me :(

So, I have to investigate this and make a consistent workaround.
Maybe it's because of my code, maybe not... but I need to fix it.

> Is this chap running on Win, Mac or Linux?

Hey , Richmond ! I said on Mac with Rev 4.0 :)


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Re: destroystack wrong behavior...

2010-05-19 Thread Thierry D.

Le 19 mai 2010 à 19:59, J. Landman Gay a écrit :

> What happens if you type into the message box:
>  delete stack ""
> Does it go away then?
> (Make sure you specify the mainstack, not the substack.)

Hmmm, as soon as I sent my email to this list,
it starts to work again :)

and without changing anything in my stack !

So, I'll try this later...


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Re: destroystack wrong behavior...

2010-05-19 Thread Thierry D.

> Hi Thierry,
> Yes, I am having the same problem.
> Once in a while, even after explicitly deleting a stack with the delete 
> command,
> the stack still pops up somehow.

Thanks Mark

I'm not alone !  Half the suffering is gone :)

> I think this is due to the compexity of the IDE. Probably, the IDE team has 
> used the long ID of a stack in several places, instead of the short name of 
> the stack. If this reference to the long ID of a stack stays in memory, then 
> the IDE will be able to find the stack even after it has been removed from 
> memory.

As I have only one stack and a substack within
 can't see the "long-id-stack" virus from my side. Agree ?

> I don't think there is a quick solution for this problem,
> besides quitting and re-starting RunRev.

Hmm, so I have to put a Red Banner for my customers :(

> Of course, it is also possible that the long ID of a stack is still available 
> in one of your own stacks.
> You might want to make sure that these references are not there.

I'll check again...


>> Hi all,
>> from time to time, in Rev IDE ( 4.0 MacOS ) when closing a stack,
>> the stack is still in memory, seen in the Application browser too.
>> DestroyStack and DestroyWindow are set properly !
>> and Yes, I refresh the application browser.
>> It had happened few times during my developments,
>> and never I could find a solution ?
>> More, sometimes, it works again after
>> a while without being able to know why.
>> Does it sound familiar to someone and
>> any idea what could cause this wrong behavior ?
>> Regards,
>> Thierry

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destroystack wrong behavior...

2010-05-19 Thread Thierry D.
Hi all,

from time to time, in Rev IDE ( 4.0 MacOS ) when closing a stack,
the stack is still in memory, seen in the Application browser too.

DestroyStack and DestroyWindow are set properly !
and Yes, I refresh the application browser.

It had happened few times during my developments,
and never I could find a solution ? 
More, sometimes, it works again after
a while without being able to know why.

Does it sound familiar to someone and
any idea what could cause this wrong behavior ?


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Re: How exactly does runrev for ipad/iphone work?

2010-05-07 Thread Thierry D.

Le 7 mai 2010 à 11:15, René Micout a écrit :

> <>
> Am I in this case in violation of § 3.3.1 ? In absolute (towards contract), 
> yes, but where are the proof ?
> If I act in this way, I don't see where is there problem...
> René

Bonjour René,

Then, in your next reincarnation,
you will be a vulture, eating only rotten food :)


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Re: AW: AW: need advice for keeping file flags in a zip

2010-05-04 Thread Thierry D.

Le 4 mai 2010 à 20:22, Bob Sneidar a écrit :

> A zip program on the other hand, has to create it's own compressed file 
> structure inside the file the OS knows about. It would then be up to the 
> developer to set the flags appropriately, as the OS has no part to play with 
> what is going on inside the compressed file.

Well, as much as I understood, ditto should be aware of that. It is clearly 
explain in the man doc.
Inside the zip, it creates a special folder __MACOSX/ where all specifics 
extended flags are stored
You can see that doing an unzip -l

From tiger, to Leopard and Snow leopad they have change few default options
but it's globally all the same.

What is strange, is doing a ls -la@ and ls -laO after unzipping, the 
"quarantine" flag is here,
but not seen at the end of the process ?

Sounds a bug to me, or I miss something.

Doing a compress folder from the contextual menu gives the same results.

Hidden flags are propagated, but not the uchg ?


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Re: User Extensions/Externals

2010-05-04 Thread Thierry D.
> Okay, now I'm a little puzzled. I removed all the old stuff about creating a
> template stack, adding the externals property to it, and then using it to
> create a dummy stack. I then added the following code to my main stack
> script:
>  on startup
>if the platform is "Win32" then
>  set the externals of stack "main" to "externals/midi.dll"
>  set the externals of stack "main" to "externals/midi.bundle"
>end if
>  end startup
> I can now successfully call my external, both under the IDE and as a
> standalone. However, when I examine the property sheet for my main stack
> under the IDE, the property doesn't exist. If I go into the Message Box and
> type
>  put the externalPackages of stack "main"
> to see what's actually loaded, it lists nothing either. Yet it must be
> there, because it's working. Shouldn't both properties exist?

Hi Paul,

Sounds it's not that easy !
Welcome to the club :)

A guess : your external is launched from another stack.

A second guess :  you have already launched your external before starting your 
or say  other way,  the previous time you launched your external, it didn't 
properly and keep running in the IDE.

Does this speaks to you ?


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Re: User Extensions/Externals

2010-05-03 Thread Thierry D.

Le 4 mai 2010 à 04:37, Graham & Heather Harrison a écrit :

> Jacque wrote:
>> But look at the nice thread you started. 
> Yes, it has been very informative… and civilised.
> Note: If you reference "externals" or "externalPackages" for "me" or "this 
> stack", your new External will not appear. 

Sorry. it's just wrong !

I'm doing this all the time for years.

and I  second what Mark Wieder says.


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Re: User Extensions/Externals

2010-05-03 Thread Thierry D.

Le 3 mai 2010 à 19:56, J. Landman Gay a écrit :

> The dummy stack trick is just a clever work-around to allow you to load an 
> external on demand. It isn't required. It sounds like what changed was the 
> standalone builder rather than the way externals work, but I'm not sure 
> either how that works under the hood.
> Sometimes I wish that dummy stack trick hadn't been announced. It's very 
> handy when you need it for some reason in particular, but it causes a lot of 
> confusion too. I never use it.

It's a clever trick ( from Mark W. if I remember well ) when one is writing 
This way one can set automatically to the dummy stack the path of the external 
builded in Xcode.

Usually, for one external, we have few builds. the simplest case is one for 
and one for release. They are 2 differents files in your Xcode environment , and
it's tricky to always be aware to upload the right one...
But from the user's point of view, it's not that usefull, maybe a bit 

Concerning  your recipie from the previous email, it works only in your context.
Pass your stack and your external to someone, and you're stuck again !

That was why the lesson about "how to safely attach your external... " was made.
  ( useful  only for those sharing stack + external associated with. )

From my little point of view, if the external property was relative to the path 
the stack instead of the engine. it would be less troublesome

My 2 french centimes


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Re: AW: OT: need advice for keeping file flags in a zip

2010-05-03 Thread Thierry D.

Le 3 mai 2010 à 09:56, Tiemo Hollmann TB a écrit :

Another thought :

Have you all the rights ( user and group )  to do so ?

May be worth a try with this one :

sudo ditto ...

Good luck

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Re: OT: need advice for keeping file flags in a zip

2010-05-03 Thread Thierry D.

Le 3 mai 2010 à 08:54, Tiemo Hollmann TB a écrit :

> Hello,
> still struggeling with keeping the locked flag of a file when zipping and
> unzipping. I followed exactly Thierries advice to use following syntax:
> ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc SrcFolder


> and though a locked file in Thierries environment is still locked after
> unzipping, in my environment (MacOS 10.5.8) the file isn't locked anymore
> after unzipping.

MacOS 10.6 here. Could it be this ? new ditto version in it  ?

> So the difference must be in any other test parameter. What
> I have tried is following:
> -  Actually I am not sure, if the flag gets lost while zipping or
> unzipping. Anyhow, after unzipping, controlling the information of the file,
> the flag is lost
> -  I tried different zip tools for zipping and unzipping (ditto,
> 7zip, gui tar) with same result

No, no !

--sequesterRsrc works only with PKZip

Do in a terminal:  ditto -h

Usage: ditto [  ] src [ ... src ] dst

 are any of:
-X  do not descend into directories with a different device ID
-c  create an archive at dst (by default CPIO format)
-x  src(s) are archives
-z  gzip compress CPIO archive
-j  bzip2 compress CPIO archive
-k  archives are PKZip

--sequesterRsrc copy resources via polite directory (PKZip only)


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Re: AW: How to translate a rev path to an absolut unix path?

2010-05-01 Thread Thierry D.

Le 1 mai 2010 à 17:47, Tiemo Hollmann TB a écrit :

> Bon soir Thierry,
> your proposal seems to be half the way.

Bonsoir Tiemo,

So, did check with your specs.
add a bundle folder in my dir, hide and lock a test file inside the bundle 
and did this :

-- create a zip file keeping all specifics macos flags

> ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc SrcFolder

-- check what is inside the zip file
> unzip -l

  Length Date   TimeName
 6148  04-23-10 19:05.DS_Store
0  05-01-10 21:28__MACOSX/
   82  04-23-10 19:05   __MACOSX/._.DS_Store
0  04-18-10 07:32   .localized
   13  05-01-10 15:32   f1
   82  05-01-10 15:32   __MACOSX/._f1
   15  05-01-10 15:32   f2
0  05-01-10 21:10tdzx.bundle/
0  04-27-10 11:22 tdzx.bundle/Contents/
 1225  04-27-10 11:26 tdzx.bundle/Contents/Info.plist
0  04-29-10 09:17tdzx.bundle/Contents/MacOS/
   216920  04-29-10 09:17   tdzx.bundle/Contents/MacOS/tdzimgdatafilter
0  04-27-10 11:22 tdzx.bundle/Contents/Resources/
0  04-27-10 11:22 tdzx.bundle/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/
   92  04-27-10 11:22   
   13  05-01-10 21:10   tdzx.bundle/test
0  05-01-10 21:28__MACOSX/tdzx.bundle/
   82  05-01-10 21:10   __MACOSX/tdzx.bundle/._test

-- You can see these __MACOSX/ files. they store the flags values.

> ditto -x -k Z

Done !

Tres belles fetes du muguet :)


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Re: How to translate a rev path to an absolut unix path?

2010-05-01 Thread Thierry D.

Le 1 mai 2010 à 14:50, Tiemo Hollmann TB a écrit :

> Hello,
> since I don't find a way how to preserve the lock status of a file,

Hi Tiemo,

This command did work for me on Snow Leopard :

ditto -v -rsrcFork /source /destination

I could keep all hidden and immutable flags !



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Re: Application Browser not showing group items

2009-11-25 Thread Thierry D .

Siince 2 days, the Application browser doesn't show me
any controls belonging to a group !

I can see them on the screen, can list them from the properties  

( top - right inspect button ).

Is the selectGroupedControls property of the group set to false?
If so then the Application Browser won't list the controls.

Hi Trevor,

You Win !

I've seen it, but wat I missed was to close and re-open the
Application Browser after setting this property to true

Thanks a lot,


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Re: How to transfer a UNIX executable through Rev

2009-11-25 Thread Thierry D.

Le 25 nov. 09 à 13:07, Richard Miller a écrit :


Could be. I'm not familiar with this.

I'm trying this:

get shell ("chmod + x MyExecutableFileName")

typo ?

Need to be +x , not + x !

When I run this in the msg box, it returns "1". But I see no change  
to the app. It still looks like a text document... not a Unix  
Executable File

try get shell( "ls -l" ) then.

you should see in  something like this :

-rw-rw-r--   1 thierry  thierry   2979 Feb  5  2007 rev2perlInit.c
-rw-r--r--   1 thierry  thierry   2559 Mar 28  2007 ToCopyInStack.dat
-rwxrwxrwx   1 thierry  thierry   3797 Mar 28  2007
-rw-r--r--   1 thierry  thierry577 Feb  2  2007 rev2perl.c

r: read
w: write
x: executable

1st 3 letters for user, next 3 for group, last 3 for others.

On my samples, you can see that can be executed by all,
but not the other files.


Here's what I am doing. Not sure why this doesn't work.

Could it be that you only need to set the executable bit ?

chmod +x 


I want to transfer the UNIX executable portion of a Mac rev  
application bundle via ftp. I take the file; compress it to a .gz  
file; ftp it; then decompress it. The file size is identical upon  
arrival, but it is no longer recognized as an executable... only  
a text document.

I am using "binfile" throughout (put the compress of url  
"binfile:xxx" into url "binfile:xxx.gz"). What am I missing?  I  
am transferring from a Mac server to a Mac computer.

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Application Browser not showing group items

2009-11-25 Thread Thierry D.


Siince 2 days, the Application browser doesn't show me
any controls belonging to a group !

I can see them on the screen, can list them from the properties palette
( top - right inspect button ).

Running Rev4 on MacOS x

Any insights ?


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Re: How to transfer a UNIX executable through Rev

2009-11-25 Thread Thierry D .

Le 25 nov. 09 à 08:12, Richard Miller a écrit :

Here's what I am doing. Not sure why this doesn't work.

Could it be that you only need to set the executable bit ?

chmod +x 


I want to transfer the UNIX executable portion of a Mac rev  
application bundle via ftp. I take the file; compress it to a .gz  
file; ftp it; then decompress it. The file size is identical upon  
arrival, but it is no longer recognized as an executable... only a  
text document.

I am using "binfile" throughout (put the compress of url  
"binfile:xxx" into url "binfile:xxx.gz"). What am I missing?  I am  
transferring from a Mac server to a Mac computer.

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Re: right click on a list field

2009-11-18 Thread Thierry D.

Le 18 nov. 09 à 12:44, Klaus Major a écrit :

Bonjour Thierry,

Halo Klaus,

Du hast mir den Tag gerettet !

Ich danke dir.

Hi all,

Can someone confirm that we can't select a line in a list field
when right clicking on any line ?

Rev4 - MacOsx

And any quick workaround ?

add this to the field script:

on mouseUp what
  if what = 3 then
select line (word 2 of the mouseline) of me
  end if
end mouseUp


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right click on a list field

2009-11-18 Thread Thierry D.

Hi all,

Can someone confirm that we can't select a line in a list field
when right clicking on any line ?

Rev4 - MacOsx

And any quick workaround ?


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Re: Setting Stack Externals on Mac

2009-11-16 Thread Thierry D .

Le 16 nov. 09 à 18:22, Jim Bufalini a écrit :


Can someone give me the code for setting the externals of a stack  
on a Mac

Standalone? On PC it is:

Have a look at runrev lessons.
Trevor did a nice lesson about this.



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revolution on linux with JWM

2009-11-04 Thread Thierry D .

Hi all,

can someone confirm ( or not ) any success installing
revolution on any linux box with the JWM window manager ?

Thanks for any info or pointers.


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2009-10-21 Thread Thierry

Le 21 oct. 09 à 01:33, Terry Dennis a écrit :

OK, I've finally had my fill of this glitch.  I haven't been able  
to figure out what causes it, so I will describe the process here  
and see if anybody else can figure out a work-around, or agrees  
that it's a bug.

Well, personally don't see this as a bug.

"SEND message TO ME IN nnn SECONDS" works fine as long as there is  
nothing else happening in my PC at the time.  I've had it run for  
entire weekends with no problems.  The interval is set to 7 Minutes.

However, during weekdays when I am doing some other activity, it  
occasionally hiccups.  It happens several  times during the day --  
where "several" can be as many as a dozen, depending on how busy I  
am.  I frequently have multiple non-Rev windows open performing  
several different tasks, some of which are CPU intensive.  That's  
when my Rev application doesn't re-trigger itself.  At least it  
doesn't appear to.

On linux box you have the nice command to
Run Process With Modified Scheduling Priority which would help you in  
this context.

But as I'm an occasional Windows developer, I'm not sure how ( or  
if ) you can manage this

on Windows. ( I guess you can )


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Re: Music ????

2009-10-20 Thread Thierry

Le 20 oct. 09 à 21:53, J. Landman Gay a écrit :

Thierry wrote:

Le 20 oct. 09 à 21:07, Judy Perry a écrit :

Indeed, I have a stack with an onscreen keyboard
for when Ms. Betancourt's external worked...


Hello Judy,
a pointer to this stack ? sharable ?


Thanks Jacqueline,
but I was looking for the stack with a keyboard.
Just not to do it myself, and be able to do a quick demo...


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Re: Music ????

2009-10-20 Thread Thierry

Le 20 oct. 09 à 21:07, Judy Perry a écrit :

Indeed, I have a stack with an onscreen keyboard
for when Ms. Betancourt's external worked...


Hello Judy,

a pointer to this stack ? sharable ?


On Tue, 20 Oct 2009, Thierry wrote:

Hi Sir,

You already can do that in Rev with MaestroJunior.

Use the Maestro_Header() function and then play any note
with Maestro( aNote ).

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Re: Calling all open source developers

2009-10-20 Thread Thierry

LGPL - a less  GPL, .

May be this will give some ideas ?

Copied from

Once and for all, Perl is distributed under both the GPL AND the  
Artistic license. The goal, explicitely stated by Larry, of this  
double licensing is to make everybody happy: suits can use the  
Artistic License (which he describes as an antidote to the GPL) so  
they can use it in commercial software, and rabid GNU zealots see  
their beloved GPL being used.

The goal (once again explicitely stated by Larry) is not to have a  
legally sound scheme, it is to quiet down both sides of the Open- 
Source vs Free Software debate, plus commercial software producers.  
In fact it is designed precisely to avoid that kind of GPL/LGPL nit- 

See this interview(1) for Larry's description of this hack, and a  
legal analysis of the Artistic License in "Essay on the Artistic  

(1) interview:

(2) Artistic license :

And if you read the comments about artistic license, then, it starts  
to be real fun, or not :-)



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Re: Calling all open source developers

2009-10-20 Thread Thierry

Le 20 oct. 09 à 16:14, Richard Gaskin a écrit :

No code is an island.

Every line of code written in any language is dependent on many other
components.  In the Win and OS X worlds, where many good FOSS  
projects live, most of those components are not open source.

But definitely not talking of Linux distros...

That's may be one of the main point with those communities ;
to avoid the scheme you have shown ; a good one by the way.

Bring back to me some memories...
I humbly suggest to read this free ebook available here :

Could give some ideas before starting any project
with some chance of success.

All the best

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Re: Music ????

2009-10-19 Thread Thierry

Le 19 oct. 09 à 20:55, Richmond Mathewson a écrit :

Yup, stirring the soup again:

Hi Sir,

You already can do that in Rev with MaestroJunior.

Use the Maestro_Header() function and then play any note
with Maestro( aNote ).

Drawing an animated picture of a keyboard is not that difficult.
Associating every  key with a note and roughly you have it.

As MaestroJunior is still in Beta, you'll get a little latence before
playing the note, but as I have seen, there is also one with tilestack.


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Re: Calling all open source developers

2009-10-19 Thread Thierry

Le 19 oct. 09 à 18:48, Richmond Mathewson a écrit :

Richard Gaskin wrote:
I'm putting together some notes for an article at  
on open source projects done with Rev.

If you're working on complete applications or even just components  
for the Rev community, let's use the pages at to  
help raise the visibility of your efforts.

Please reply off-list to me at:

Kindly include a brief description of your project, URL to its  
home page, and please note which FOSS license the project uses.

Thanks -

Pardon my goofiness, but as far as In understand an Open Source  
project is not

possble using RunRev because RunRev is itself proprietary.

I ran up against this several years ago when I offered 2 programs  
of mine to
Ubuntu, who, to put it nicely, got "all hoity-toity" because the  
source code

was not completely open.

Hi Richmond,

The Ubuntu software repository is divided into four components -  
main, restricted, universe and multiverse - on the basis of our  
ability to support that software, and whether or not it meets the  
goals laid out in our Free Software Philosophy.

Read more here :

My 2 cents


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Re: OT - quote of Picasso

2009-10-18 Thread Thierry

Le 19 oct. 09 à 01:57, Mick Collins a écrit :

Computers are useless.
They only give you answers.
Pablo Picasso

The computer can't tell you the emotional story.
It can give you the exact mathematical design,
but what's missing is the eyebrows.
 Frank Zappa

interesting feed-back...

From the book I picked up this quote of Picasso,
I have this one, few pages later :

I never set out to be weird. It was always the other people
who called me weird.
 Frank Zappa.

Enjoy your day.

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Re: storing a stack as a customprop

2009-10-18 Thread Thierry

Le 18 oct. 09 à 17:43, Peter Brigham MD a écrit :


I hate this damn computer.
I wish that I could sell it --
It doesn't do what I want it to...
Only what I tell it.

-- Peter

Computers are useless.
They only give you answers.

   Pablo Picasso

a deep thought on a late sunday afternoon
after having fed my cats.


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Re: RevUp issue 79

2009-10-17 Thread Thierry

Le 17 oct. 09 à 18:10, René Micout a écrit :

Where is RevUp issue # 79 ?



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Re: [ANN] animationEngine 3

2009-10-15 Thread Thierry

Le 15 oct. 09 à 16:37, Malte Pfaff-Brill a écrit :

Hi all,

just wanted to let you know ae3 has been uploaded to RRs server.  
You can grab the trial version here: 

Great job Malte !

or Awesome library :-)


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GLX APP framework with Linux

2009-10-14 Thread Thierry

Le 13 oct. 09 à 22:03, Trevor DeVore a écrit :

The app framework doesn't have much linux code in it yet as I  
haven't deployed apps to that platform. I started working on it a  
few weeks ago but I don't remember how far I got. If you want to  
run on Linux email me off-list as it would be great to have Linux  
support in there.

Hi Trevor,

I'll be pleased to give a bit of my time for linux.
This could fit nicely with one free stuff I'm trying to do since a  

So, if you are interested and have nothing against Perl coders  
( joking ),

let me know how to start and how we could proceed  to go further.


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Re: ANN: MaestroJunior

2009-10-10 Thread Thierry


Seems that some of Beta testers
enjoy some music already :-)

For those having any problems, I have started to fill up
the Faq:

So, check there before reporting bugs. Hope
this will help you.


Thierry Douez
... Rev2Perl, Bioarchimed
... Consulting - Development

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Re: Perl and Revolution at 2009

2009-10-09 Thread Thierry

Le 9 oct. 09 à 17:25, Jim Sims a écrit :

Congratulations for this great achievement!


Sounds like  a nice Wouah ?

I better sit down and read this a few times.

well, sure, there is a lot of stuff... and probably need
a tutorial for a start. ( will come )

Thierry, sounds very cool.



Thierry Douez
... Rev2Perl, Bioarchimed
... Consulting - Development

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Re: ANN: MaestroJunior

2009-10-09 Thread Thierry

Le 9 oct. 09 à 16:48, Richard Gaskin a écrit :

Thierry wrote:

I'm pleased to announce MaestroJunior.
MaestroJunior is a Revolution add-on ( external ) which gives you
the ability to edit-compose-play music with the ABC notation.
Please, go here: <>
Select the Docs menu to read about it, and
the  Download menu to have it.
If you download it, you'll get 2 files :
   the external MaestroJunior.bundle, and
   a Demo stack called MusicSlideShow.rev to help you to use the   

Way cool, Thierry. Thanks for making that available.

Thanks Richard :-)

Glad you like it.


Thierry Douez
... Rev2Perl, Bioarchimed
... Consulting - Development

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Re: Perl and Revolution at 2009

2009-10-09 Thread Thierry

Le 9 oct. 09 à 02:06, capellan a écrit :

Congratulations for this great achievement!

Since ever, I have believed that is in the best interest
of this platform (and all of us) to develop ways of
intercomunication with other programming languages,
like Perl, Python or Java.

Java is coming soon !
have a look to Jan site, he posted this on this list
a month ago:  <>

When will you publish benchmarks of the overhead
of processing data (text, numerical or binary) inside
rev compared with processing the same data within
a Perl function?

I've never made those kind of benchmarks.
But, I did check stressfull communication between Perl and Revolution.

For instance, I've made some animation where all the calculation are  
made in Perl, and
list of hundreds points were passed to and from Perl every 5 ms;  
everything was moving
smoothly and the most consuming task was the redraw of the graphic on  

which you have to deal with anyway, even only with revTalk.

So, what I can say today is I never had any problems concerning  
interaction speed.

The architecture has been made for this.

And, I'm waiting desperately for the new external API which will make  
the next

version of rev2perl much much more powerful.

Keep up your great good work.

Thanks :-)


Thierry Douez
... Rev2Perl, Bioarchimed
... Consulting - Development

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Re: Perl and Revolution at 2009

2009-10-09 Thread Thierry

Thank you for all your kind words and
the interest you show in my developments.

rev2perl is a personal tool that I have improved over
the last 10 years while working on different projects (about a dozen)
and for different clients.

At the moment I'm studying the best possibilities
to make rev2perl available to the public,
and negotiations are underway.

So, I'm sorry, but  it's too early to answer your question right now.

Thank you for your patience,
and I will be happy to get in touch with you as soon as I have more  

With kind regards,

Thierry Douez
... Rev2Perl, Bioarchimed
... Consulting - Development

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ANN: MaestroJunior

2009-10-09 Thread Thierry

Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce MaestroJunior.

MaestroJunior is a Revolution add-on ( external ) which gives you
the ability to edit-compose-play music with the ABC notation.

Please, go here: <>

Select the Docs menu to read about it, and
the  Download menu to have it.

If you download it, you'll get 2 files :
  the external MaestroJunior.bundle, and
  a Demo stack called MusicSlideShow.rev to help you to use the  

MaestroJunior is in Beta Version and runs today only on Macintosh.

This Beta  will  work until Christmas.

Any bug report, comments and ideas are welcome.
Please, send them to info (at), not to this list !


Thierry Douez
... Rev2Perl, Bioarchimed
... Consulting - Development

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Perl and Revolution at 2009

2009-10-08 Thread Thierry

Le 25 sept. 09 à 15:26, Trevor DeVore a écrit :

I just heard that Thierry Douez was accepted to present at  
In his presentation he will be showing off the Perl/Revolution  

he has been working on.


Thierry presented his Perl external for Revolution at RunRevLive 09.

Done !

This presentation was a real success and
I had to answer a lot of questions about Revolution...
OK, mostly in the pubs but still :-)

If you are interested to know what I presented at
( Open Source Developer Conferences ), have a look at


Thierry Douez
... Rev2Perl, Bioarchimed
... Consulting - Development

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the best picture of the IDE

2009-09-29 Thread Thierry


Finishing slowly my slides for a presentation,
I'm looking for THE picture,
a nice one which shows the
Revolution IDE in his best suits

Can someone share one or give me some links to existing one ?


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Re: Synchronized videos with superimposition

2009-09-25 Thread Thierry

Le 23 sept. 09 à 23:21, Ian Wood a écrit :

If you want to combine them into a single video and have iWork on  
your MacBook, Keynote will let you lay them out and resize them  
however you want, then you can export it out as a new video ready  
for use in the Rev slideshow (assuming there are things you want to  
do that can't be done in Keynote).

Hi Ian,

Excellent !
Never used Keynotes before, start it, import the videos and 10  
minutes later

I had my first 'composite' video.
So, I'm save by now.. but will try Scott second option too.

Merci beaucoup

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Re: Synchronized videos with superimposition

2009-09-25 Thread Thierry

Hi Scott,

I managed to play them all together ,
but can't do the superposition ( flashing at the intersection ).

. but here are 2 things to try:

1) Try setting the alwaysBuffer property of each movie to true -- this
allows you to layer movies just like any other object on the card.   
possible drawback is performance may suffer, the movies may not  
play well.

Well, doing this blocks everything in my case.

2) If the above option doesn't work well, try playing the superimposed
"overlay" movies in small, separate stacks positioned above the  
main stack

that contains your main background movie.  If you set the decorations
property of the overlay stacks to "none", you will remove the  
titlebars from
the windows and the windows will appear to be part of your main  


Great, I'll try that later on


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Synchronized videos with superimposition

2009-09-23 Thread Thierry


I'm in the process of making some animated slides
with RevStudio for a talk
I'm doing soon in Paris.

1) I have to my disposal 3 videos ( .mov ).
2) I'm really dummy with video stuff
3) I'm on a MacBook/Tiger.

 I would like to  have one in the background,
let say , half screen , and the others two, much smaller in size
( 15% each of the first ), superimposed on the first.

I managed to play them all together ,
but can't do the superposition ( flashing at the intersection ).

Then, with iMOvie HD tried to build one Video out of the 3,
but there is only one video track :-(

Any enlightment are very much welcome.


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Re: RevMedia: ca va demenager ( will rock ! )

2009-09-19 Thread Thierry

Le 19 sept. 09 à 17:11, Richard Gaskin a écrit :

My girlfriend is fluent, but my own French is currently quite  

I can barely read it and can't speak more than a few words
(and those still come out with that American twang).

I know what you mean
I had 2 weeks ago, a very powerful experience of talking
your English language in front of mainly  english audiance.
I didn't tell them I was french, but I'm sure they all  knew after my  
first sentence.
Luckily, thery were all nice,  which help me a lot... And don't tell  

but few had a very strong Scottish accent...  :-)

But I like to read what I can in Le Monde now and then to practice,
and reading this open source mag will help my learning a lot.

May be one day, we could organize a  meeting
in Paris, called "RevParle Francais"  ?

Thanks for the link.

lurking on their site, I found something which could interest you.
In the main menu on top of page, select GRATUIT,
then you can download one free magazine,
then send a request to
to receive  a key to be able to read it ( protected pdf )

Bonne lecture :-)


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Re: RevMedia: ca va demenager ( will rock ! )

2009-09-19 Thread Thierry

Le 19 sept. 09 à 15:19, Richard Gaskin a écrit :

Thierry wrote:

Great news from France :-)
This morning, reading a french magazine about Opensource ,
found a short article about RevMedia, RevStudio and Reventerprise !
not very often we can read about Revolution in France and in  

...and even rarer to read about Rev in a venue that focuses on open  


Good to hear - is there an online version of the article?


but , really, was only few lines to present mostly revMedia,
a link to, and finish with
Rev Studio and Enterprise being not free
for standalone applications...

If you want to practise some open-french, here is the source :


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Re: RevMedia: ca va demenager ( will rock ! )

2009-09-19 Thread Thierry

Le 19 sept. 09 à 11:51, Yves COPPE a écrit :

Le 19-sept.-09 à 11:30, Thierry a écrit :

Hi all,

Great news from France :-)

This morning, reading a french magazine about Opensource ,
found a short article about RevMedia, RevStudio and Reventerprise !

not very often we can read about Revolution in France and in  

Indeed ! which magazine ?


You're lucky it is distributed in Belgium too :-)

OpenSource Magazine  No 22 ( Sept-Oct 2009 )

it's a very short text, but still


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RevMedia: ca va demenager ( will rock ! )

2009-09-19 Thread Thierry

Hi all,

Great news from France :-)

This morning, reading a french magazine about Opensource ,
found a short article about RevMedia, RevStudio and Reventerprise !

not very often we can read about Revolution in France and in French


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Re: [SOT] Haiku ???

2009-09-19 Thread Thierry

Le 18 sept. 09 à 21:25, Richmond Mathewson a écrit :

From a personal point of view I can see that Haiku looks quite sexy in
GUI terms and probably boots and runs faster than a lot of Ubuntu  
[and to support this I should point out that I have just put my P3s  
in my

school BACK to Ubuntu 5.10 from 8.04 as 5.10 is significantly less
resource hungry] until there is a port of RunRev or an equivalent RAD
I cannot see myself or any other educational types who "roll their  

going down that route.

Hi Richmond,

Do you know PureOSlight  ?  ( )

PureOSlight est un mini liveCD (350 mo) avec Xfce,
Iceweasel, Icedove, Abiword, Gnumeric, Exaile, VLC..

May be interesting for you  ?


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Re: What makes a line a line in a chunk expression?

2009-09-07 Thread Thierry

Le 7 sept. 09 à 17:09, Len Morgan a écrit :


..." which doesn't work because apparently, "the cards of this  
stack" is not a valid command.


See : CardNames and/or CardIDs in the Dictionary
Should do what you want


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revert not working

2009-07-24 Thread Thierry

Hi all,

I'm experiencing the revert command not working.

encapsulating it inside a try - catch err doesn't fire up any

Mac os x Tiger / Rev 3.0

the interesting thing is my script works the first time,
and not later on.

Any clue or hint what could block the revert command ?


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Re: message path help

2009-07-17 Thread Thierry

Le 17 juil. 09 à 10:39, Shao Sean a écrit :

if i am to understand the message path correctly any groups with  
backgroundBehavior set to TRUE will be behind the card in terms of  
the message path, but the follow does not work

- create new stack
- create three buttons (A, B, C)
- group button A
-- group script: on moo; put the seconds; end moo
-- group properties: set the backgroundBehaior to TRUE
- button B & C script: on mouseUp; moo; end mouseUp
- group button C

click on button B, the code works
click on button C, the code does not work


you may see this bug , probably related ?


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Re: Mac OS X Icon not being copied to Standalone

2009-05-16 Thread Thierry


dealing with icons not showing up properly in the finder,
it happens that all tricks you gave DID NOT worked for me...

In fact, all the bundles files where seen as a normal folder 
plus some Rev file on the Desktop lost their icons too.

So, here is the trick I founded today on the Net.

in /Library/Caches/

there are these 2 files :

-rw---1 thierry   admin   937984 May 16 13:18
-rw-r--r--1 root  admin   937984 May 16 12:18

which I moved away from this folder ( need admin rights )

and then restart and Bingo ! it works :-)

On the desktop, I lost few icons, but then, Get Info, select the top- 
left icon, press Delete

and all my icons come back to life


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Re: installer made by Rev...

2009-05-06 Thread Thierry

Thanks Richard, Mark,...

well, I knew a bundle is a folder.
I was hoping of an unrevealed feature to avoid scanning the bundle  

and dealing with each kind of files inside

So, in the same vein you run a shell command to set exe bit,
i'm using this shell command for all the process :
 get shell(  "tar xf compressedfile")

and files dates,  files permissions are all respected.

Hope all those Mac from 10.4 have /usr/bin/tar !


I'm finishing an installer in Rev which is a basic stack in fact.
After asking some parameters, it will check on the web for versions,
and should dowload few files.
Those files were compressed before.
Rev can download them,
decompress them and save them on the user's disk.
So far so good.
But, I have a external.bundle to download too,
and I'm stuck on how to compress,
zip or package it
so the stack installer can download it  and save it.
I've even tried the gzip/gunzip command line tool
which doesn't work either :-(
Any clever clue ?
It will be good to be done in Rev only.

I've become increasingly annoyed with the build process using any  
other installer maker, so I make my own in Rev too. Freedom +  

As Mark S. noted, an OSX bundle is just a folder, so you can store  
its parts however you would store any other folder.  My installer  
walks through the bundle keep track of folders, and tucking the  
data files and folder references into custom props gzipped at build  
time, spitting them out into created directories at install time.

When you spit out the Mac executable, remember that you'll need to  
set its executable bit -- Mark Waddingham was kind enough to share  
this with me:

  get shell("chmod ugo+x" && quote & tDest & quote)

...where tDest is the path to the executable inside *.app/Contents/ 

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installer made by Rev...

2009-05-06 Thread Thierry

Hi all,

I'm finishing an installer in Rev which is a basic stack in fact.

After asking some parameters, it will check on the web for versions,
and should dowload few files.

Those files were compressed before.

Rev can download them,
decompress them and save them on the user's disk.

So far so good.

But, I have a external.bundle to download too,
and I'm stuck on how to compress,
zip or package it
so the stack installer can download it  and save it.

I've even tried the gzip/gunzip command line tool
which doesn't work either :-(

Any clever clue ?
It will be good to be done in Rev only.

ps: don't have this problem on Windowsxx or Linux.

Thanks for enlightment

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Re: "set the externals" question

2009-05-06 Thread Thierry

Le 6 mai 09 à 14:20, Richard Miller a écrit :

I have a standalone, which opens several other stacks. Is there a  
way to have any of these other stacks access an external WITHOUT  
having to "set the externals" of the standalone?

It's much easier for me if I need only modify one of the stacks.  
I'd like to avoid modifying the standalone.

I've tried:

1. using the "set the externals" command in the preopenstack  
handler in one of the stacks (i.e. not the standalone app), but  
this didn't work during runtime;

can't work this way.
the property externals has to be set before opening a stack, or the  

way round you must set the external before saving your stack 

2. setting the externals of one of the stacks in the development  
environment (so I can see that the external is being referenced in  
the stack property inspector). This didn't work during runtime.

one way to do this: build a templatestack, setting the externals in  
the templatestack,
then create a stack, open it, and then, may be: "start using your  

this should be cross-platform.


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Re: Dumb Newbie Questions -- 3 of N

2009-05-02 Thread Thierry

Le 2 mai 09 à 10:51, Richmond Mathewson a écrit :

However, when I tried this:

on mouseUp
 put the customProperties of btn "Holder" into fld "fPROPS"
end mouseUp

nothing happened, and, confusingly, I had to do this instead:

customProperties gives you an array !

on mouseUp
 put the customKeys of btn "Holder" into fld "fPROPS"
end mouseUp

at which point I got a list of the names of the customProperties of
button "Holder".

the *names* are in fact the keys of the customproperties.

In Revolution User Guide, chapter 7.9 all this is explain quite  


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Re: rev dictionary blocked

2009-04-30 Thread Thierry

Le 30 avr. 09 à 17:49, Björnke von Gierke a écrit :

I have no clue what it could be, but as the docu is all rev code,
you could theoretically try to find a fix yourself...

Yes, you're right except that I'm very busy finishing a project.
and it's more than annoying , specially at this time of development :-(

If you'd rather just have the documentation without doing any coding,
and reinstalling rev is too hassle some

same remark as above...

maybe i can persuade you to try my documentation replacement:

excellent :-)
I'll have a try.

have fun

surely, I'll have :-)


On 30 Apr 2009, at 17:31, Bernard Devlin wrote:

I've noticed myself that there is about a 10 second delay between
clicking on a dictionary entry and it being displayed below.  I
thought that this was due to the dictionary checking across the
internet for any user notes for the selected dictionary entry.

Well, I hope you're wrong because I'm not always connected to the  

when coding. and probably not the only one...

Thanks for all your answers !


However, since Thierry is on 3.0 and I'm on 3.5, maybe it is not the
user notes feature.  The other thing we have in common is that we are
both on OS X 10.4.11 .

Hi all,

today, I can't use anymore the Revolution Dictionary.

I can open it, choose a keyword, the list appears,
but clicking on any line of the keywords list, nothing happens ?

Any hints ?
Mac oS 10.4.11 / Revolution 3.0

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Re: rev dictionary blocked

2009-04-30 Thread Thierry

Le 30 avr. 09 à 15:36, a écrit :

Something like this happened to me, but I could not even open it.  
All other
rev functions worked fine, just no dictionary. OS 10.4, Rev 3.5.  
Quit rev

and reopened, all fixed.

thanks, but not that luck with me :-(

Craig Newman
In a message dated 4/30/09 9:22:42 AM, writes:

Hi all,

today, I can't use anymore the Revolution Dictionary.

I can open it, choose a keyword, the list appears,
but clicking on any line of the keywords list, nothing happens ?

Any hints ?

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rev dictionary blocked

2009-04-30 Thread Thierry

Hi all,

today, I can't use anymore the Revolution Dictionary.

I can open it, choose a keyword, the list appears,
but clicking on any line of the keywords list, nothing happens ?

Any hints ?

Mac oS 10.4.11 / Revolution 3.0


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Re: strange error in a repeat loop

2009-02-23 Thread Thierry

Le 23 févr. 09 à 15:27, Andre.Bisseret a écrit :

REPEAT FOR each line enil in cmdeDuMois

Test if you have 12 items in your line
and that every item is not empty and is a number !

add item 5 of enil to total5
add item 6 of enil to total6
add item 7 of enil to total7
add item 8 of enil to total8
add item 9 of enil to total9 --  THE ERROR IS POINTED OUT HERE

Guess you have a wrong data line 


add item 10 of enil to totalPort
add item 11 of enil to totalGéné
add item 12 of enil to totalAnnul
END repeat

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Re: [OT] Rev + BBEdit

2009-02-16 Thread Thierry

Le 16 févr. 09 à 03:25, Richard Gaskin a écrit :

Robert Brenstein  wrote:
> Has anyone tried to hack Rev to use BBedit as a script editor?

What would you like to see in an editor that's not in the ones  
available yet?

Using the facilities, functionalities, looking as the ones I'm used  
to when

coding with other languages.


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Re: Arrays and Custom Props

2009-02-13 Thread Thierry

Le 13 févr. 09 à 17:55, Gregory Lypny a écrit :

Hello Everyone,

	If I'm not mistaken, I recall reading something a while back that  
an array can now be a custom prop and that there was an easy way to  
get a listing of all your custom props.  I can't seem to find it.   
If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd much appreciate it.




may be you could look at customProperties in the Dictionnary ?

Seems it is what you need...


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Re: Music duration

2009-02-11 Thread Thierry

Bonjour René,

May be you could shime the thread about "playing multi-sounds",
end of january on this list

Judy, Scott and others gave some good advices ( and pitfalls )
about sounds and Rev...


Hello !
Actually my problem is making music with Rev (hi Beat !) on  
QuickTime Synthesizer via PlayCommand Agent X (Shakobox : hi !  

I have two solution to "do" duration (schematically):
1. First solution :
A. Start sound
B. Wait x millisec
C. Stop sound
2. Second solution :
A. Start sound
B. Send "Stop sound" in x millisec
With the first solution the sequences (and duration of and between  
sounds) of sounds work very well but if I have a second sequence  
the sound of this second sequence stop (and wait...) with the  
"wait" command of the first sequence.
With the second solution the independance of sequences is right (no  
waiting...) but the sequence is not right because sounds overlap  
and do not really follow...

Someone have a third solution to satisfy both requirements ?

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Re: Why doesn't this work now? (Copy & paste of a card with a background)

2009-02-08 Thread Thierry

Le 8 févr. 09 à 16:01, Bernard Devlin a écrit :

Oops, from the link Thierry provided, I see that this discussion  
may be

referreing to 3.5 DP4.  My remarks relate to 3.0 Build 750.


Seems this bug is there since quite a long time; 2.7 ?

See the comment from Revolution's team.


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Re: Why doesn't this work now? (Copy & paste of a card with a background)

2009-02-08 Thread Thierry

Hi Arthur,

We have a very simple system, with three cards being templates, and  
one card
being our 'intro' screen. We also have one group with its  
'background' flag
on, which is a floating 'table of contents' (which we call TOC)  
that resides

on every screen.

Look here :
There is a little stack with to show the bug.
 I guess you are in the same boat I was :-(

Well, as a workaround, I kept the bg group, as I needed it on few cards,
but I moved my *bg* scripts in an object inside the group, and use
the *insert script...* functionality.
This way, the messages get caught again.
Beware that all your cards see these scripts then !


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Re: Format a disk on MacOS X

2009-02-06 Thread Thierry

Le 6 févr. 09 à 11:16, Ludovic Thébault a écrit :


I want to make a button to format a disk with the shell (in FAT16  
which is impossible to do with the GUI of MacoS X).

Here my script :

  get shell("df")
  put line lineoffset("/Volumes/"&the label of btn "disk", it) of  
it into tdisk

  set the itemdel to " "
  put item 1 of tdisk into tdisk
-- return /dev/Disks4s1
  get shell("diskutil umount "&tdisk)

typo or error in your shell ?

the option for diskutil is unmount not umount 

i did try it with success !


 -- Fail to unmount (but works directly in the terminal)
  get shell("diskutil partitionDisk "&tdisk&" 1 MBRFormat  
""e&"MS-DOS FAT16""e&"e&fld "newname""e&&"100%")

-- don't work because the disk is always mounted

Any idea ?

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Re: Format a disk on MacOS X

2009-02-06 Thread Thierry

get shell("diskutil umount "&tdisk)
 -- Fail to unmount (but works directly in the terminal
Any idea ?

A guess; did you try to quote tdisk ?


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Re: playing multi-sounds

2009-01-29 Thread Thierry

Le 28 janv. 09 à 05:14, Judy Perry a écrit :

My guess is that the latency issue increases proportionately with  
the age of
the machine being deployed on and the number of simultaneous sound  

being played.  Would I guess correctly?

Well, I did install yesterday my stack on the kid's PC ( XP on a  
pentium 4 with 512k Ram )
and the latency is about 3-4 seconds !! at the beginning, and  
half a second then.

On my Macbook, it's not really noticeable,

On the big  PC of my beta tester, half a second.

So, that could valid your guess.

In addition to game dev, little
kiddie ware is big on multiple simultaneous sound files playing and  
are the people likely using low-end machines (I mean, who really  
lets their

3 year old with the spilling sippy cup use their MacBookPro/Windows

the case here too :-)

I was thinking to be more responsive, to put all the little sounds in  
one mp3 file,

instead of a lot of little mp3 files
and instead of changing the filename of the player,  play with the  

and manage a list of index to select any sounds ?
Before doing it,
did some of you tried this out and get benefits out of it ?

or experts, do you think I can go in this direction ?


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Re: playing multi-sounds

2009-01-27 Thread Thierry

Hi  Scott,

Recently, Thierry wrote:

I would like to go further, and can't see anywhere how
(  if possible )
to manage many sounds together. Let's say one music in a background,
and some
"tchoin" or "boing" when someone pass over a button, image or
Should work on Mac and PCs
a plus if it could work on Linux too.

The only ways I know to play multiple sounds in Rev are:

1) use a combination of audioClips (imported sounds) and a player  
-- an

audioClip can play simultaneously while a player is playing

2) employ multiple players -- you can have many players on a card  
which can
play sounds simultaneously.  But as you've found, there can be a  
delay when

loading an external sound from disk.

Great, I'll try these ones.

I found that there is a small ellapsed time when you start a sound by
setting the filename
of the player Any ways to increase the speed ? ( more  
responsive )

I've found that usually the fastest playback comes from imported  
(audioClips), at the price of only playing one sound at a time.  If  
you use

multiple players, you can preassign sounds to each player.

preassign ?
you mean setting the filename to the sound file during development  
time ?

If your goal is
to do something like sound effects that play over background music,  
a decent
arrangement is to use audioClips for the sound effects (fast  
access) and a

player for the background music file.

Not sure if this helps.

for sure, it helps :-)

thanks a lot


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playing multi-sounds

2009-01-27 Thread Thierry


just released my first full *multimedia* app in Revolution.

A personalized memory game for a 6 years kid as a birthday present.

A lot of animations, many sounds, synchro between sounds and  

It was an interesting work to learn some part of Revolution I never  
played with.

From this, I would like to go further, and can't see anywhere how  
(  if possible )
to manage many sounds together. Let's say one music in a background,  
and some
"tchoin" or "boing" when someone pass over a button, image or  

Should work on Mac and PCs
a plus if it could work on Linux too.

I found that there is a small ellapsed time when you start a sound by  
setting the filename

of the player Any ways to increase the speed ? ( more responsive )

Thanks for any links or hints on this topic


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Re: message path clarification please

2009-01-23 Thread Thierry

Thanks Sarah, but...

button B1
group G1
button B2 inside G1
group G2 with backgroundbehavior set

the buttons: on mouseup Hello end mouseup

put the handler on Hello ...  in the group G2.

the group G2 never catch the message of button B2 ( inside G1 ) ?

Is this a normal behavior of the message path ?

The 2 groups are at the same level of the message hierarchy, so a
message will never flow from one group to another, unless one is
inside the other. In you example, the message passes as follows

  B1  G1   G2

So clicking B2 sends the message to B2, G1, card, stack - but not to
B1 or to G2.

a click on B1, Hello handler  in G2  get fired !

I understand it should work that way:
   ( from page 110, fig 50 on Rev User's guide )

Background ( G2 )
controls ( B1, G1/B2, ... )

So, my question is more about the BackgroundBehavior.
In the Inspector for a group, setting the backgroundBehavior
you have also a little texte ( ... put after card in message path )

Still perplexe why it doesn't work ?

In fact, I found a work-around, and use frontscript instead, but I'm  

a generic model for a tool and I need to clarify this behavior


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message path clarification please

2009-01-23 Thread Thierry


Struggled for a while on trying to share a sound player on multi- 

Then, did a light stack-one card with :

button B1
group G1
button B2 inside G1
group G2 with backgroundbehavior set

the buttons: on mouseup Hello end mouseup

put the handler on Hello ...  in the group G2.

the group G2 never catch the message of button B2 ( inside G1 ) ?

Is this a normal behavior of the message path ?

If someone can clarify ( explain ) , I would be very happy


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Re: externals

2009-01-23 Thread Thierry

Hi  Randall,

Here is a reposting of a link to a page describing the files system  
events reporter fslogger:

If anyone has the inkling or the hankering to fuse this source into  
an external for xTalk on the Mac...

please please please let me know.

From fslogger Doc :


The interface that fslogger uses is private to Apple.
 Currently, there is a caveat regarding the use of this interface by  
third parties (including fslogger).  <.>
fslogger is meant to be a learning tool. If you use it, you must  
understand the aforementioned caveat.


I had a look at the C source, and will be able to do a quick external  
Demo, but with the information above,

well, it seems a bit of a tricky path to go there !  What do you think ?


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Re: nested parentscripts

2009-01-22 Thread Thierry

Hi Richard,

Now that I've been playing with parentScripts,

What do you mean by parent scripts ?

I've the feeling this could help me in one of my project...

Thanks for further explanation.


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Re: Reference Function Name Via Variable?

2009-01-15 Thread Thierry

Hi all,

# Other ways to manage Ref functions...

on mouseup
put "hello" into arg1
put "world" into arg2
put "shout" into NameOfFunc
answer value( format( "%s( %s, %s)", NameOfFunc, arg1, arg2 ) )
end mouseup

# Or substitute value & format with a dispatcher function

answer dispatcher( NameOfFunc, arg1, arg2 )

 function dispatcher NoF, a1, a2
return value( format( "%s( %s, %s)", NoF, a1, a2 ) )
 end dispatcher

# And a more generic dispatcher.

answer dispatcher2( NameOfFunc, arg1, arg2 )

 function dispatcher2 NoF
put  NoF & "("  into tmp
repeat with p=2 to the paramcount
   put quote & param( p)  & quote & ","  after tmp
end repeat
    put ")" into last char of tmp
return value( tmp )
 end dispatcher2


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Re: import animated gif

2009-01-14 Thread Thierry

Hi Richmond  and all others,

Macintosh Recipe:

One of the ways to "sort out" an animated gif so that it will
behave in Runtime Revolution is to open it as a movie using

The save it as an image sequence.
The import those images into Pixen
and produce an animated GIF where all the frames are full-frames.

End of story with the animated clown.gif :-)

After having set the constantmask to true, it works on my Mac.

Trying the stack on Win2K, XP SP1, the appearance of the gif was wrong,
sort of greyish background mixed up in the animation..
But more, crash Revolution on XP SP3 

Then, following Jacqueline advice, import it in Graphic Converter,
export it again with the default option as an animated gif,
and everything works perfectly in the 4 boxes.

Well, find a bit bizarre that it crash on the XP SP3... ???

Thanks to all for your generous advices,


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Re: [1/2 OT] can't see emails i sent to this list

2009-01-14 Thread Thierry

Hi  Kay ,

I changed a week ago my email address.
Since then I have a google one, and use the IMAP protocol
to read them in my Mail app ( Mac OS X ).

Helas, seems google don't send me back the emails  I send to
this list 

You mean you read then in Mail, and reply to them in Mail but your  

don't end up in Mail's Sent folder?

They are in the google mails ( i can see them via Web Mails on google  
site ),

but they are not downloaded into my Mail app... and can't see any option
in the Google profil ?  or something else ?


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[1/2 OT] can't see emails i sent to this list

2009-01-14 Thread Thierry


I changed a week ago my email address.
Since then I have a google one, and use the IMAP protocol
to read them in my Mail app ( Mac OS X ).

Helas, seems google don't send me back the emails  I send to
this list 

If I read them via Webmail , I can see them !!!

So, does someone know how  I could change this behavior.


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Re: Using rev with -ui flag

2009-01-14 Thread Thierry


You wrote:

If there's a problem, it should show up in the error log.

I'm probably being stupid,

don't think so :-)

but what log would that be (on either Mac or Linux)?  (BTW I  
possibly didn't make clear that this isn't in a CGI context - this  
is a standalone app.)

could be catch in stderr

Some native Revolution commands that don't work (and may hang your  
script) are:

* create stack (or any file creation) - CGI permissions  

Does that apply even if running as an ordinary standalone, not as CGI?

You're right.
I'm using Revolution ( Metacard to be honest ) since years with -ui.
and not in a CGI context.

I'm catching some information from the outside world of Revolution  
and out of it
can build a script, create a stack , compile it and send back the  

No problems so far.

But, I've to admit I'm still a bit annoyed, not to say more, that  
there is no

doc at all for these things So, I'm very careful when I develop;
which means test test and test... and multiply by 3 the development  
time to be sure :-(

Without saying that for every new version, one have to check  
everything again

to be sure that it still works !!!

I've opened BZ #7620 to request actual documentation (gasp!) of  
command line options, and included a reference back to Mark's note  
as the nearest there is to RunRev documentation at present.

I'll go there and vote for it !


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Re: import animated gif

2009-01-12 Thread Thierry

Halo Klaus,
You are my Hero for the day !

To be honest, Scott Rossi also mentioned this one in his post,
in smaller fontsize maybe but with nicer graphics :-D

Yep ! you are right.
I was too shy to call everyone my Hero...  :-)

by now, I've a nice smiling Clown in multi-colors :-)

Hip, Hip, Hooray :-)

Yes, it is for children for tomorrow.. they are the most
difficult customers of my life :-) So, with this shiny clown,
i'm safe for a while.


A votre service, monsieur!

Bitteschoen !

So, thanks to all.

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