Re: linux question THANK YOU

2010-11-03 Thread Tim Selander

Damien (and Mark),


This is exactly the kind of clear step by step I needed. The 
HighPoint card is up and running and the machine is, as I type 
this, formatting the RAID6.

Man, I have wasted untold hours trying to get this to work. 
HighPoint should hire you as their documentation writer!!!

Extremely grateful in Tokyo,

Tim Selander

On 11/3/10 8:14 AM, Damien Girard wrote:


I have took a look at the website, and the driver that they 
provide does not seems old, they claim that they support linux kernel up to 

But making it working it seems to be an harder things :)

By the way, on Debian before everything you will need to install the meta-package 
build-essential and the package linux-kernel-headers. (apt-get install ...)

Then go to the subfolder (of the archive):
$ cd rr268x-linux-src-v1.xx/product/rr2680/linux/
$ make
And as root
# make install

And to load the driver (as root):
# modprobe rr2680

To launch the driver at boot time, on Debian append the following line to the file 

I hope that I gave you some clues about solving the problem ^^

Kind Regards,

Damien Girard
NativeSoft, France.

-Message d'origine-
De : 
[] De la part de Tim Selander
Envoyé : mardi 2 novembre 2010 03:38
À : How to use Revolution
Objet : OT: linux question

A question to the Linux users here I'm trying to set up a 16
drive Debian NAS to hold our production company's footage
archive. Bought a HighPoint 2680 SATA card because they claimed
Debian compatibility. But their stock drivers are so old, I can't
even find the distribution they match. They also have the source
code so you can compile a new kernel to support the card. I
tried, but being a Linux newbie, failed in all attempts. Can't
even get the 'tree' downloaded, whatever that is!

If, say, I could pay one of you to compile the kernel/driver for
me, is there a way you can do that and then send it to me for an
easy install here? No idea if kernel files can just be swapped
out...  I would make space on my ftp server for you to upload the
finished file(s) too.

Any chance this would work?


Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan
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OT: linux question

2010-11-01 Thread Tim Selander
A question to the Linux users here I'm trying to set up a 16 
drive Debian NAS to hold our production company's footage 
archive. Bought a HighPoint 2680 SATA card because they claimed 
Debian compatibility. But their stock drivers are so old, I can't 
even find the distribution they match. They also have the source 
code so you can compile a new kernel to support the card. I 
tried, but being a Linux newbie, failed in all attempts. Can't 
even get the 'tree' downloaded, whatever that is!

If, say, I could pay one of you to compile the kernel/driver for 
me, is there a way you can do that and then send it to me for an 
easy install here? No idea if kernel files can just be swapped 
out...  I would make space on my ftp server for you to upload the 
finished file(s) too.

Any chance this would work?


Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan
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Re: [OT} (slightly) Anyone knows an affordable HD recovery service?

2010-10-05 Thread Tim Selander
I've had good luck with Prosoft's 'Data Rescue' program, on disks 
that even Disk Warrior could not fix. Data Rescue does not 
attempt to fix the drive, just scans it and copies off anything 
it can salvage to another drive. Takes hours, but recovered a lot 
of stuff for me.

Good luck!

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

On 10/6/10 6:00 AM, Malte Pfaff-Brill wrote:

Hey all,

well, you will have guessed it from the subject. My HD (internal from
the macBook) and also my backup sytem got toasted today. If anyone knows
a recovery service which only charges one arm, not both and a leg, I´d
appreciate any info I can get. Companies in the EU preferred.

All the best,

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Getting started with databases

2010-09-15 Thread Tim Lambert
I am a long time user of Rev but have always developed databases with FMPro 
advanced. Time to try to make the move to Rev. 
With big amounts of data and lots of tables joining etc, it all looks pretty 
arcane to me.

Can anyone recommend any aids memoire  or templates or anything to help a 
database slow-coach along?



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Re: [OT-Rodeo] Last minute call to get onboard New Question

2010-07-20 Thread TIm Selander
Sorry to hijack this thread... sent a question via the rodeoapps web  
site, but no answer yet. Hoping for an answer in time to decide  
whether to sign up or not at the reduced price...

Will Rodeo handle UTF-8? Other text encodings? I need to know for  
both the pages/interface, as well as any local/remote data storage  
that you are planning.

Thanks so much,

Tim Selander
Tokyo,  Japan

On Jul 21, 2010, at 1:36 AM, Devin Asay wrote:

Since this seems to be the day for questions, one more I haven't  
seen asked:

If I spring for Rodeo (and I'm very close to doing it) am I forever  
tied to dependency on the Rodeo server? What about those of us who  
have invested in our own on-rev account or in revServer? Can we  
produce code on the Rodeo server, then copy it to our own revved  


Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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Re: Go to a web page automatically

2010-07-17 Thread Tim Selander


Very detailed response, over my head but the links you included 
have lead to much more study on my part.

This has gotten late, but I would be remiss if I didn't thank you 
for the time you spent on this educational post!

Tim Selander

On 7/11/10 11:03 AM, Jim Ault wrote:

On Jul 10, 2010, at 5:56 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Tim Selander wrote:

Thanks for the reply. Sorry for not being clear. By 'open' I mean I just
want to take the user to another page, as if they had clicked a link.

I'm trying to write a simple form to get user input (based on Sarah's
revForm.irev script) and want to take them to a 'Thank you' page
automatically after they submit the info.

I found that the easiest way was to show or hide info on the same
page, depending on user input.

But if you want to take them to a different page, you can redirect.
Check out the script

Note that the redirect headers have to be put BEFORE anything else
is written to the page.


For web content serving,
there are actually 3 different things being specified in this thread.
I think the bottom of this post has the answer you probably want to use.

UPDATING THE SAME PAGE - sending HTML tags and content to be displayed
in the current browser window
If the user does 'reload' or 'refresh', the original content will be
re-displayed since the browser still thinks it is focused on the
original url.
The new content does not change the browser history since there has been
no real navigation as far as the browser is concerned.

get url;
put it

REDIRECT - tells the browser to keep the current url in history, but now
focus on a new url
This is commonly used to keep old links stored out on the internet
working, but 'bounce' to new web pages or url.

This gets a little complicated when you break down the different
meanings of a url. or or
-- will simply show the default page for the domain or or or
-- will simply show the page for that location
-- will show the page and scroll to the anchor named xx no
-- will show the page with info that a script provides by using the
variable 'loc' with the value homeOffice
The exact data sent back to the browser depends on the script programming
NOTE: PHP and irev and cgi cause scripts to run on the server, but HTML
does not, so sending variables.

The reason scripts are run is that Apache has been told when it started
that those 3 strings mean that Apache should follow its directives and
run the correct script engine. At this time, the only server that knows
about irev is the On-Rev system, thus irev scripts cannot be run on
other systems.

The On-Rev server knows how to run scripts using PHP, cgi, as well as irev.

LOCATION - This is probably what you were looking for
- change the Browser's memory variable that causes the browser to focus
on the new url, keeping the original url in history, and reloading the
new url.
What you probably want to accomplish is sending a raw HTTP header to the

More details here [

Possible headers to send to a browser
Their are two kinds,
Request (from browser) to instruct the Apache server
Accept-Language: da
Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
Response (from server) to instruct the browser
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Refresh: 5; url=
(refresh the same url after 5 seconds)
Set-Cookie: UserID=JohnDoe; Max-Age=3600; Version=1
(store data on the user's hard drive)
(but it expires in 3600 seconds, 60 minutes)

and specifically HTTP_location discussed here

so in irev you would
put HTTP/1.1 302 Found into sendResponse
put cr  Location:; after sendResponse
put sendResponse -- back to browser that started the dialog

Just to let you know, REDIRECTION issues are much more complex
This is a good overview...

Bottom line for your specific task, use the scripting just below the

Hope this helps

HTMLtext doesn't play well with CSS

2010-07-17 Thread Tim Ponn
Hello all!

I'm trying to use the HTMLtext of the contents of a field to modify a CSS web 
page, and it butchers font sizes and style.  Is there something other than 
HTMLtext that I should be using?


Best Regards,

Timothy R. Ponn

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Re: HTMLtext doesn't play well with CSS

2010-07-17 Thread Tim Ponn
OK...let me explain more fully...


There are web geeks (myself included) who create and/or maintain web sites. and are two of mine.  The 
creation is quite easy with all the drag and drop tools available out there.  I 
usually tweak (sometimes heavily, sometimes not so) the graphics or the 
resulting page code.  When it's finished, I turn the keys to the site over to 
whoever owns it.  Unfortunately, 99.9% of the time they are clueless to web 
geekery.  By the time you get to the t in ftp, their eyes have glazed over 
and they're drooling...much the same as I look when an accountant utters more 
than 2 syllables to my engineeringness.  ;=)  So, when it comes time to update 
the site, they return to my doorstep.  Not a big deal if it's once or twice a 
year...but when it's a club site...or the site for a bowling league...or the 
like...I can get requests every day!  And the changes are, in these cases, dirt 
simple...Could you put these latest scores on the site? or Here's this 
months newsletter!

The solution I'm cobbling together:

In a sentence...Let them do it themselves.  When I create the site, I insert a 
comment (or many, if required..maybe one per bowling team...whatever) like 
!--whevIn--!--whevOut-- someplace on a page.  My simple rev app contains 
a field and a button.  There's significant password protection, blahblah, going 
on that I don't need to get into here.  There's additional stuff going on percentages...rankings...blahblah.  But, the bottom line 
is...ANYBODY who can enter text and click a btn can update a page, or a range 
of pages or a portion of a page.  My app gets the url...inserts the text field 
at the markers I've left...then ftp's it back up to the site.  Simple.

Right now, it's just text, but I may add graphics later..jpegs, gifs, whatever.

Now, to clarify my original question:

I want the user to be able to change font sizes, make bold, italic, whatever.  
I also want them to have the freedom to turn some of the text into links, etc.  
When I try to use HTMLtext in rev, the results are not so good.  How do I 
improve it?  I mean, if I have to roll up my sleeves and just write it 
all...fine...but is there a wheel that somebody has created already out there?

I doubt it matters, but...17 MacBook Pro/Snow Leopard 10.6.4/Rev Enterprise 


On Jul 17, 2010, at 8:30 AM, Jim Ault wrote:

 On Jul 17, 2010, at 5:05 AM, Tim Ponn wrote:
 Hello all!
 I'm trying to use the HTMLtext of the contents of a field to modify a CSS 
 web page, and it butchers font sizes and style.  Is there something other 
 than HTMLtext that I should be using?
 HTMLtext is a subset of HTML tags that Rev uses to do formatting in fields.  
 It is not meant to be compliant with browsers, especially the modern day 
 When you render the web pages, do you then run compliance checking?
 Very like you have quite a few conflicts, especially if the DOCTYPE is beyond 
 The CSS javascript will silently at the first error and none of the other CSS 
 will get applied.
 Your description of your process is quite vague, so it is difficult to be 
 more helpful.
 Do go to one of the many compliance checking sites, enter the url, and follow 
 the bouncing error messages, if any.
 Also visit  to study the interpretation variations 
 that each browser.version uses.  The most variant is IE in its many versions.
 Hope this helps.
 Jim Ault
 Las Vegas
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Best Regards,

Timothy R. Ponn

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Re: OT: Free eBook about JQuery for a limited time

2010-07-13 Thread Tim Selander
I had run across this in another news site, signed up for the 
freebie and got my confirmation email with the download link...

But the link in the email shows up 404 Not Found!

Oh well

Tim Selander

On 7/12/10 3:57 PM, Matthias Rebbe wrote:

Dear all,

for a limited time Sitepoint is giving away a very good eBook (normal price 
29,95USD) about jQuery for free.


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Go to a web page automatically

2010-07-10 Thread Tim Selander


Using the server scripting, is there a ?rev  command 
that will open a specified web page? 'launch' URL didn't seem to 
do it for me.


Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan
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Re: Go to a web page automatically

2010-07-10 Thread Tim Selander

Good morning!

Thanks for the reply. Sorry for not being clear. By 'open' I mean 
I just want to take the user to another page, as if they had 
clicked a link.

I'm trying to write a simple form to get user input (based on 
Sarah's revForm.irev script) and want to take them to a 'Thank 
you' page automatically after they submit the info.

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

On 7/11/10 1:36 AM, Michael Kann wrote:


Not quite sure what you mean by open?


--- On Sat, 7/10/10, Tim  wrote:

From: Tim
Subject: Go to a web page automatically
To: How to use
Date: Saturday, July 10, 2010, 11:23 AM

Using the server scripting, is there a
?rev  command that will open a specified web page?
'launch' URL didn't seem to do it for me.


Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan
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Re: Go to a web page automatically

2010-07-10 Thread Tim Selander

Hi again, Mike

That code works for me! Thanks. The page I want to call up is in 
the same directory, so all the graphics, etc., come in fine too.

Thank you!

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

On 7/11/10 2:10 AM, Michael Kann wrote:

Greetings Pierre,

The following works:

get url;
put it

But the script loses some images and formatting along the way. If we just want 
the html source then it works fine.


--- On Sat, 7/10/10, Pierre  wrote:

From: Pierre
Subject: Re: Go to a web page automatically
To: How to use
Date: Saturday, July 10, 2010, 11:45 AM
Try : get url http://yoururl ;
put it

Best, P.

Le 10 juil. 2010 à 18:23, Tim Selander a écrit :


Using the server scripting, is there a

?rev  command that will open a specified web page?
'launch' URL didn't seem to do it for me.


Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan
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manage your subscription preferences:

Pierre Sahores
mobile : (33) 6 03 95 77 70

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Sudden Motion Sensor

2010-05-02 Thread Tim Ponn
Hello all!  It's been hundreds of years since my last post, but I've been 

Does anyone here have a clue as to how to access the SMS output on a MacBook 

Thanks in advance!

Best Regards,

Timothy R. Ponn

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OT'ish: Logs on

2010-04-27 Thread Tim Selander

I've got an account on and am trying to wrap my head
around access logs. What's showing up in the raw logs does not
seem to match what the statistic programs are showing. The cpanel
documents aren't too helpful as they (typical in this industry)
assume more knowledge than a newbie has...

Can anyone point me to an online primer about access logs, exp.
if it relates to the same system uses?

Many thanks,

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan
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Re: [On-Rev] sending email thru sendmail?! -- Heather, Please Read

2010-03-03 Thread Tim Selander
I had the same frustration with sendmail with my on-rev account 
and wrote support. Heather promptly wrote back, explaining that 
because of security problems (I think it was) with sendmail, they 
have disabled it on on-rev.

I pointed out (a little bruskly I'm afraid) that I wasted hours 
and hours trying to make the thing work because it was listed in 
the cPanel, that if they are going to disable it then they should 
TAKE IT OUT OF the cPanel. Since you also were lead astray by 
that, I really hope they read this and either activate sendmail 
or at least take it off the cPanel!!!

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

Andre Garzia wrote:

Just tried the mail + shell commands and it doesn't work as well...

no error is triggered but the email also never arrives. It would be useful
is On-Rev Team would add the sendmail/mail log to the cPanel thing.


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Re: OT: Parallels or VMWare Fusion?

2010-02-18 Thread Tim Selander
There was a recent review on the web of Parallels, Fusion and the
freebie one - forget the name. Parallels was judged the quickest.

I have Fusion on one Mac, using the Bootcamp (Apple's scheme for running
Windows) partition. Parallels on another machine (same speed CPU) using
its own install of WinXP, not Bootcamp.  I don't notice much of a
difference in speed when running apps, but Parallels is much, much
faster at start up and shut down. Not sure if that is the result of
using/not using the Bootcamp partition, but because of that I like
Parallels a lot better.

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan wrote:
 Thanks  for all your comments.
 So the best is i have to look at both programs. Maybe there are trial 
 versions available.
 Now i have to wait about 14 days for my mac to arrive.  There seems to be 
 delivery problems with the iMac. But i can treat with that. What are 14 days 
 compared to the time i am waiting for the conference dvds. ;-)
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Re: [OT] Making videos on a Mac

2010-02-15 Thread Tim Selander

I work in broadcast production; dabble in xTalk...

Colin's method of playing h.264 files via flash is the way to go 
for cross compatibility if you want to roll your own. If you 
Google it, you can find all kinds of step by step instructions, 
if needed.

However, I have found that the YouTube/Vimeo/etc. servers are so 
FAST, that I have moved to using them, embedding the videos on my 
site. Yes, I hate having their logo on my work, but I decided my 
users would have a better impression of us if the video started 
almost immediately than to wait for it to buffer as it streams 
off our web host's server

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

Colin Holgate wrote:

On Feb 15, 2010, at 3:51 PM, Jim Carwardine wrote:

Thanks, Colin... Yes, I do use the player code but I have not seen your simple 
way explained anywhere on the web... Thanks... Jim

For full disclosure, the playback would need to be for Flash Player 9.0.115 or 
later (that was released about 2 or 3 years ago, so most people are way beyond 
that). In other words, an ancient AS2 based player won't be able to play those 

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Re: Getting user's time from web revlet?

2010-01-21 Thread Tim Selander

Mark Wieder wrote:

the user's info. But if you're using a revlet (and that *is* in the
subject, after all) then you should be able to convert the server's
internet time to the user's local time (assuming the local time on
their computer is correct).

Hi Mark - yep, that is exactly what I want to do, but haven't 
figured out how yet. I have learned how to get the user's local 
time via javascript, but don't know how to pass it to the revlet 
(actually, it seems I have my terms wrong, typical for a 
newbie... I'm trying to script this all in an .irev file on my 
on-rev account.)

Someone mentioned cookies, which seems like a logical method -- 
now to learn how to make and read cookies!

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan
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Re: Getting user's time from web revlet?

2010-01-20 Thread Tim Selander
I was the original poster and this has been a very interesting 
thread, though a fair bit of it has been over my head as I don't 
know javascript, nor html, very well.

I'm working on a simple web based To Do list for some family 
members to share. Pops up items based on date. But I'm in Tokyo, 
other users are in China and the US--it's Monday here while still 
Sunday for you in the US. Want to pop up the items based on the 
date of the user, whether in Asia, US or Europe.

I found some javascript solutions on the net, and now Sarah has 
posted a very easy to understand javascript (Sarah, you're 
amazing). Now I have to figure out how to get the javascript 
result into an irev variable... looks like I'll be exploring 

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

Mark Wieder wrote:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 6:26:53 PM, Jim Ault wrote:

The original issue is that the browser does not send its system date
and time to the server so that a sever-side script can use it.

I think by now I've lost track of the why of this. By the time the
post information reaches the server wouldn't the server's date and
time be the important data points? Is there some reason the server
would need to know the browser's perspective?

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Re: Getting user's time from web revlet?

2010-01-19 Thread Tim Selander

Thanks for clearing up the .irev/revlet confusion in my head.

I've read through the thread a couple times... and it seems you 
CANNOT get the user/browser's date and time through RevServer 
scripts. Correct?

Anyone have a javascript snippet they like to use to get the 
user's date and time? thanks.

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

Andre Garzia wrote:


.irev files are not revlets. revlets are the plugin based files to be run in
a browser thru the plugin, they have the .revlet sufix. irev files are text
file scripts to be run by the RevServer engine. This is just so that you
don't mix them two when you search the archives or documentation, for it
would yield bad search results

As for getting the clients time using RevServer files check out the variable
$_SERVER[Date], it will contain a timestamp from the browser perspective.
Hope this helps.


2010/1/18 Tim Selander


I've found some ways using javascript, but does anyone know if
on-rev revlets (.irev files) have a way of getting the user's
date and time from their browser/PC?


Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan
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Re: [ANN] revIgniter v1.0b

2010-01-18 Thread Tim Selander

Hi Ralf,

I'm new to revolution and so also new to revigniter. I have an 
on-rev account ( and put revigniter in the root 
directory and altered the system/application/config.irev file to: 
put; into gConfig[baseUrl]

And created the blog.irev as per the documentation in - but when I try to 
run/load it, I get 500 internal server error.

Any pointers for this newbie?


Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

Ralf Bitter wrote:

revIgniter v1.0 Beta has been released ready
for download. revIgniter is no longer in Alpha state.
It is now stable enough, that anybody who is
interested is encouraged to give it a try.

What's new? This version (1.0b) includes
a new library, which helps in manipulating images.
The image library lets you perform image resizing,
thumbnail creation, image cropping, image rotating
and image watermarking, for display purposes even without
writing images to disk.

Info and download at:

Have fun!

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Re: [ANN] revIgniter v1.0b

2010-01-18 Thread Tim Selander

thanks, Ralf. I'll give that a try.

Tim Selander

Ralf Bitter wrote:

Hi Tim,

sorry, there is a typo in the index.irev file.
I will provide a revised version shortly.

In the meantime you can change the last script line of index.irev to:

include gBASEPATH  revigniter/RevIgniter  gEXT


On 18.01.2010, at 09:42, Tim Selander wrote:

Hi Ralf,

I'm new to revolution and so also new to revigniter. I have an on-rev account ( and 
put revigniter in the root directory and altered the system/application/config.irev file to: put; into gConfig[baseUrl]

And created the blog.irev as per the documentation in - but when I try to run/load it, 
I get 500 internal server error.

Any pointers for this newbie?


Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

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Getting user's time from web revlet?

2010-01-18 Thread Tim Selander

I've found some ways using javascript, but does anyone know if
on-rev revlets (.irev files) have a way of getting the user's
date and time from their browser/PC?


Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan
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Re: Debugger for On-rev

2010-01-15 Thread Tim Selander
Okay, it was by adding the command breakpoint to the script. 
That was a new one for me, coming from Hypercard. Toggling a 
breakpoint with command slash wasn't working

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

Howard Bornstein wrote:

2010/1/14 Tim Selander

Never mind, found it through google. sorry for the noise.

It's always a good idea to answer your own question with specific
information in posts like this when you've found the answer yourself. That
way, people who search this list with the same question can benefit from
your research.

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Re: answer command in .irev file

2010-01-15 Thread Tim Selander
Thanks, Sarah. I found that on your website too -- which I have 
been spelunking for hints and tips. Great resource, thanks for 
putting it up!

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

Sarah Reichelt wrote:

2010/1/15 Tim Selander

More playing with scripting .irev/html files.

Is there any way to put up an answer dialog? I have a variety of
small text files I'd like to pop up over the main page to give
the user extra information

Here is an On-Rev command that I use to create a JavaScript dialog,
similar to an answer dialog:

command doAlert tData
   put script type=  quote  text/javascript  quote into tJScommand
   put alert('  tData  ')/script after tJScommand

   put tJScommand
end doAlert

Use it like this:

doAlert This is just like an answer dialog.

But don't forget that you can put anything on to your web page,
including the contents of a text file.

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Debugger for On-rev

2010-01-14 Thread Tim Selander
How do you set a break point for the debugger in the
for OSX? Trying to learn how to script web pages


Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan
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Re: Debugger for On-rev

2010-01-14 Thread Tim Selander
Never mind, found it through google. sorry for the noise.

Tim Selander wrote:
 How do you set a break point for the debugger in the
 for OSX? Trying to learn how to script web pages
 Tim Selander
 Tokyo, Japan

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answer command in .irev file

2010-01-14 Thread Tim Selander
More playing with scripting .irev/html files.

Is there any way to put up an answer dialog? I have a variety of
small text files I'd like to pop up over the main page to give
the user extra information

the answer command doesn't trigger an error, but nothing seems to


Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan
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2010-01-11 Thread Tim Selander
I made a test stack, changing the cursor to a hand when over
buttons to click. Saved as a web application, put up on the web
and it works fine. (Kinda fun!) BUT the cursor doesn't change. It
stays an arrow. Since web users expect the cursor to change when
hovering over something clickable, I am disappointed.

Can cursors not be set on web revlets?

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan
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Re: Pointers to Quicktime videos in Revlets

2009-12-26 Thread Tim Lambert
Many thanks to all who replied. AlwaysBuffer false and actually putting the 
full URL now works from my server. I appreciate everone's quick help


 Hi Could anyone point me to a 'How-to' to get QT vids to play from an
 uploaded revlet? The vids are in the same folder as the uploaded
 Revlet, but nowr happens.

That's how I do it. The videos are in the same folder with the revlet, 
then the script references them like this:

set the filename of player 1 to;

I don't use the file:// syntax, because a revlet is like a local 
stack, and a fully qualified URL is fine as a reference. The file:// 
designation is only for files you want to retrieve from the user's local 
hard drive, not for those on your server.

Unless it got fixed without my noticing, players in revlets only work 
reliably if the alway___
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Pointers to Quicktime videos in Revlets

2009-12-25 Thread Tim Lambert
Could anyone point me to a 'How-to' to get QT vids to play from an uploaded 
revlet? The vids are in the same folder as the uploaded Revlet, but nowr 


Tim ___
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Smoothly moving a jpeg

2009-12-16 Thread Tim Selander
Thanks to all who replied to my question on interrupting a loop 
with keyboard input, that was an interesting thread.

The next thing I'm trying to do is take a jpeg of vertical, right 
to left Japanese text and move it smoothly across the window at 
reading speed for a teleprompter app. I'm using the move image 
command. The result is a little to jerky and stuttery.

Does Rev have a smoother way to animate/move images on the screen?

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan
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Re: Smoothly moving a jpeg

2009-12-16 Thread Tim Selander


Thanks - shortening the changes in distance helped a lot. So it 
appears Rev doesn't visibly move an image, it jumps it to the 
next location.

If I move the image a pixel at a time, but tighten the loop to 2 
or 3 milliseconds, things get pretty smooth. Now to test the 
reading speed with the on camera talent!

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

Scott Rossi wrote:

well moving large images.  That said, I would try to repeatedly set the
position of the image with short changes in distance in a tight send...
loop.  Here's a simple example:

on mouseUp
end mouseUp

on moveImage
   if right of img 1  10 then exit moveImage
   set left of img 1 to (left of img 1 - 2)
   send moveImage to me in 5 millisecs
end moveImage

This makes for substantial processor use, but also makes for smoother move

Another option I would try is to move the physical position of the stack in
which the image appears across the desktop, instead of moving the image

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interrupting a repeat loop

2009-12-15 Thread Tim Selander
Is there any way in RR to check for user input during a repeat 
loop? I'd like a loop to continue until the user types a certain 
key -- at which point the script would exit the handler.

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan
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Re: interrupting a repeat loop

2009-12-15 Thread Tim Selander

Works great; that's just the thing I was looking for!

Thank you.

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

Jacques Hausser wrote:

Hi Tim

it depends of the kind of loop you are using. Several possibilities For example 
in a card script:

local stoploop

command runTheLoop
   repeat forever
  if stoploop = S then exit repeat
  -- do what you want
  wait 10 milliseconds with message
   end repeat
end runTheLoop

on keyDown thekey
put thekey into stoploop
end keydown

The wait x milliseconds with message is the important trick here.


Le 15 déc. 2009 à 15:37, Tim Selander a écrit :

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Re: Newbie question

2009-12-12 Thread Tim Selander

Hi all,

Thanks for the various tips. The searching from the RevMedia help 
menu did not work. It said something about building indexes, 
failed and now it will search nothing. However I did find the 
Nabble forum, and will now give Richard Gaskin's program a try...

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

On 12/12/2009 20:50, Mark Swindell wrote:
Speaking of Nable is that typo ever going to be corrected in the 
Help pane?

On Dec 11, 2009, at 11:55 PM, Jim Bufalini wrote:


Hi Tim,

Any searchable archives of this mailing list? Would like to check
there first before bothering everyone with basic questions.
On your Revolution menu, go to Help -  Revolution Search Engine and 
on the
second tab over from the left you can select Gmane, Mail Archive or 
and perform your searches right from the Search Engine. There are 
also many

other resources available from the Search Engine.

Oddly enough the database update in RevStudio 4 (Mac) didn't work, 
leaving me
with an unusable Search Engine. Same poo with Ubuntu (both RevStudio 
and RevMedia)

Didn't have that problem with RevMedia 4 (Mac).

Too fried and crispy after that to bother firing up the XP box to see 
what gives over there.

My personal experience is that Richard Gaskin's 4W_RevListSearch.rev 
is the best bet!

It is here:

Aloha from Hawaii,

Jim Bufalini

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Newbie question

2009-12-11 Thread Tim Selander
Any searchable archives of this mailing list? Would like to check
there first before bothering everyone with basic questions.


Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan
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Rev with video on Windoze

2009-03-26 Thread Tim Lambert

I have built a delivery  app for medical students that has a video  
exported from ScreenFlow at 640*360 and a selection panel to choose  
topics and subtopics. There are about 100 minutes and the movs are cut  
into 5-9 minute chunks. The codecs are either H264 at high quality or  
the web-export H264 variety (from QTpro). This seems to work on MAc  
from  a black Macbook core duo 2 (2 Gb) right through to my  
development machine (octamac at 3 GHz, 16Gb RAM). LAtest version of QT  

Now the problem. I 'know' that QT is not tweaked to perform on Windoze  
but using the same app (with various bits of 'if the platform is  
Win32; , the video playback and general robustness of the app is  
useless. I am a bit of a freak for maintaining the crisp quality of  
text and graphics in the original QT vids.  So what are others  
doing for producing video playlists in windoze that have at least same  
quality?  I know I can turn off using QT in windows but then I can't  
find a codec that plays well.

Thanks in much appreciated

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Corrupted Stack!

2009-01-08 Thread Tim Bleiler


I've used Rev/Metacard for years and I've never had this happen  
before. I've got a corrupted stack. When I try to open the stack I  
get the following message Unable to open stack: stack is corrupted,  
check for ~backup file.  I do have a backup but I've been through  
that once and the stack becomes corrupted again after a couple of  
saves. I work with several stacks and I'm not having problems with  
any of the others. Anyone have any suggestions on causes or solutions?


Tim Bleiler
University at Buffalo
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Re: Corrupted Stack!

2009-01-08 Thread Tim Bleiler

Thanks Jacqueline,

I don't have any imported images in the stack. I do have some image  
controls on a few cards but their file name is set at runtime and  
never saved with the stack. All of the controls in the stack have  
customProperties and I've started saving arrays into some of them.  
Maybe a bug somewhere using this very new feature?

Tim Bleiler
University at Buffalo

On Jan 8, 2009, at 5:45 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Tim Bleiler wrote:

I've used Rev/Metacard for years and I've never had this happen  
before. I've got a corrupted stack. When I try to open the stack I  
get the following message Unable to open stack: stack is  
corrupted, check for ~backup file.  I do have a backup but I've  
been through that once and the stack becomes corrupted again  
after a couple of saves. I work with several stacks and I'm not  
having problems with any of the others. Anyone have any  
suggestions on causes or solutions?

The main thing I've seen so far that can cause this is an imported  
image in a non-standard format. Not all image apps create images  
the same way.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |
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Where's the file?

2008-12-23 Thread Tim Ponn

Hello all...

This strikes me as odd.  I frequently use text files as containers of  
data (prefs, and the like) in my stacks.  On openStack, I put the path  
of the folder containing the stack into a global so I can use it  
later.  Not a problem when I'm running as a stack...text files are  
created and modified as expected during use (I use get/put URL).

put Whatever into url (file:appFolderPathHereIAm.txt)
get url (file:appFolderPathHereIAm.txt)

When I open the text file later with a text editor, I see what I  
expect to see.

However, when I make a standalone app of the stack, I no longer see  
the text files in the folder.  Are these text files being set as  
invisible in the finder?

I'm running Enterprise 2.8.1 in OSX 10.5.6.

Best Regards,

Timothy R. Ponn

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Re: Where's the file?

2008-12-23 Thread Tim Ponn

Hi Klaus,

No, but your files can be found INSIDE of the application bundle :-)

the path of the folder containing the stack is this one in a  
standalone on OS X:


Your text files can be found in this folder!
Right-Click on your standalone and select Show contents to check  
it out

Well,  I guess you can now tell that I am a relative newbie at  
OSX...only a couple years into it.  Having lived thru apple's change  
in system 7 years ago, I am VERY cautious about OS change.  So much of  
my perspective on OS X is still pre-OS X.

Thanks for the education!

You will have to take this into account when initializing your  
global variable:

put the filename of stack Mainstack a.k.a. the standalone into  

set itemdel to /
if the platform = MacOS then
  delete item -4 to -1 of tFilename
 delete item -1 of tFilename
end if

global appFolderPath
put tFilename  / into appFolderPath

You get the picture :-)

YesI do something like...

global appFolderPath

on openStack
  set the itemDelimiter to /
  put (item 1 to -2 of the effective filename of this stack)/ into  

  get url (file:appFolderPathAllUserData.txt)
  if it is empty then
answer Sorry, I can't find a user data file! with Oops!
get url (file:appFolderPathAllUserData.txt)
  end if
end openStack

Eventually, I'll add in the other platforms

Thanks again!

Best Regards,

Timothy R. Ponn

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USB barcode scanner?

2008-11-29 Thread Tim Ponn


Can anybody recommend a usb barcode scanner that I can get to work  
with rev?  I using rev 2.81 and a Mac.  I've got my POS app working  
nicely now and it's time for the next step...adding a scanner.


Best Regards,

Timothy R. Ponn

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Tablet PC And Rev

2008-11-20 Thread Tim Bleiler


Anyone try using Rev with a Tablet PC lately. I don't have one of  
these machines but I have a client who is thinking of getting one.  
There hasn't been any discussion on the list about these devices  
recently but in some older posts there were issues with stylus input  
into Rev fields. Is that still an issue? Are there other issues  
related to the touch screen? Is it possible to accommodate the screen  
twisting and changing orientation at runtime? Any comments on Tablet  
PC and Rev from someone with experience is greatly appreciated.


Tim Bleiler
Instructional Designer
University at Buffalo
Phone: 716-829-3867

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Re: Tablet PC And Rev

2008-11-20 Thread Tim Bleiler


Thanks for your reply. It sounds like most simple stacks should run  
fine. Most of my text input would be pretty simple. I wonder if when  
the screen is rotated the working ScreenRect returns values  
consistent with the new screen orientation.

Tim Bleiler
Instructional Designer, HSIT
University at Buffalo
Phone: 716-829-3867

On Nov 20, 2008, at 1:43 PM, Marian Petrides, MD wrote:

On Nov 20, 2008, at 12:23 PM, Tim Bleiler wrote:


Anyone try using Rev with a Tablet PC lately. I don't have one of  
these machines but I have a client who is thinking of getting one.  
There hasn't been any discussion on the list about these devices  
recently but in some older posts there were issues with stylus  
input into Rev fields. Is that still an issue?


I have a tablet but do most of my development on a Mac and then  
port over to Windows.  So I don't have experience actually CREATING  
stacks on a tablet but I do have a little experience running ported  
stacks on it (see my reply to your second question below.

If you are talking about entering text into an input field using  
the stylus, I haven't tried that, but I'll see if I can get around  
to creating a little stack to test it.  If you could give a  
specific example, I'll try to implement that.

Are there other issues related to the touch screen? Is it possible  
to accommodate the screen twisting and changing orientation at  

I have a stack that was initially designed to be 800X400 (to allow  
it to play even in Win 95). It uses graphic buttons, radio buttons  
and check boxes and works fine on my HP 2710p tablet running  
Vista.  The only issue is that when I rotate the screen, the stack  
is a bit too wide to display completely in portrait view.  The fit  
is pretty close, so I didn't even notice it until you asked, but I  
suspect a stack that is much wider than 800 pixels won't work very  


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Re: Tablet PC And Rev

2008-11-20 Thread Tim Bleiler


Thanks. Your experience with text input is consistent with older  
comments I found in the archives of this list. Has this problem been  
reported as a bug or is it more appropriately entered as a feature  
request? Sometimes my searches miss things.


On Nov 20, 2008, at 3:39 PM, Marian Petrides, MD wrote:


I just created a stack with a single button and a single field  
named MyField containing the following script:

On MouseUp
Ask What is your name?
Get it
put it into field MyField
End mouseUp

It runs fine in both orientations, but the sticky wicket is that it  
does not allow input from the stylus--not even if you try to use  
the Tablet PC Input Panel (the insert button is dimmed out on the  
Input Panel).  So the only way to enter text is by the keyboard.
And THAT is problematic when the tablet is in portrait orientation  
because the keyboard is hidden behind the tablet screen.  It IS  
possible but it is very kludgy.  And, more importantly, you can NOT  
enter handwritten text.  Or maybe you can and I just don't know how  
to capture such input.


On Nov 20, 2008, at 2:04 PM, Tim Bleiler wrote:


Thanks for your reply. It sounds like most simple stacks should  
run fine. Most of my text input would be pretty simple. I wonder  
if when the screen is rotated the working ScreenRect returns  
values consistent with the new screen orientation.

Tim Bleiler
Instructional Designer, HSIT
University at Buffalo
Phone: 716-829-3867

On Nov 20, 2008, at 1:43 PM, Marian Petrides, MD wrote:

On Nov 20, 2008, at 12:23 PM, Tim Bleiler wrote:


Anyone try using Rev with a Tablet PC lately. I don't have one  
of these machines but I have a client who is thinking of getting  
one. There hasn't been any discussion on the list about these  
devices recently but in some older posts there were issues with  
stylus input into Rev fields. Is that still an issue?


I have a tablet but do most of my development on a Mac and then  
port over to Windows.  So I don't have experience actually  
CREATING stacks on a tablet but I do have a little experience  
running ported stacks on it (see my reply to your second question  

If you are talking about entering text into an input field using  
the stylus, I haven't tried that, but I'll see if I can get  
around to creating a little stack to test it.  If you could give  
a specific example, I'll try to implement that.

Are there other issues related to the touch screen? Is it  
possible to accommodate the screen twisting and changing  
orientation at runtime?

I have a stack that was initially designed to be 800X400 (to  
allow it to play even in Win 95). It uses graphic buttons, radio  
buttons and check boxes and works fine on my HP 2710p tablet  
running Vista.  The only issue is that when I rotate the screen,  
the stack is a bit too wide to display completely in portrait  
view.  The fit is pretty close, so I didn't even notice it until  
you asked, but I suspect a stack that is much wider than 800  
pixels won't work very well.


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Moving a rev stack to the foreground

2008-11-18 Thread Tim Ponn


I'm using rev 2.8.1 Enterprise edition to write an app.  Part of this  
app's function is to accept a drag/drop from another app.  The  
dragData is always text.  Here's a description of the interaction  
between the other app (FireFox) and mine:

FireFox is in the foreground
I select text on a web page
I drag it to my app (still in the background)
My app receives the drag/drop with no problems...but here's where it  
gets sticky...

My app then asks for a quantity.  The problem is, my app is still in  
the background, so the user has to click twice...once to bring my app  
to the front (make active) and another to click the OK button in the  
ask dialog box.

Is there a way to automatically bring a rev app to the foreground?

Best Regards,

Timothy R. Ponn

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Re: Anyone playing audio successfully under Linux?

2008-05-21 Thread Tim Shields
Hi Malte,

You need to have eSound installed to play audio clips --- I am not
sure if it comes pre installed with Ubuntu. As of course you must have
mPlayer installed to do anything with the player object in Linux.



On 21 May, 14:42, Malte Brill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi gang,

 for the fun of it I compiled drops! for Linux. Performance is pretty  
 good under UBUNTU in a virtual machine. But for the life of me I can  
 not get audioclips to play neither does a player with a path to  
 an .mp3 set. Did anyone succeed playing audio under Linux? If so,  
 which distro did you use? Any special libs that must be installed?

 All the best,

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FrontScripts speed

2008-04-08 Thread Tim Bleiler


Anyone have any ideas why a script inserted into the front would run  
MUCH slower than the same script run from a stack script placed in  
the message path with Start using?


Tim Bleiler
University at Buffalo
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Re: FrontScripts speed

2008-04-08 Thread Tim Bleiler

Thanks for the help Richard.

That's what I was thinking also. I think I solved the problem since I  
posted the request but if anyone is interested this is what I did.

The inserted front script contains a preOpenCard handler that  
rearranges controls. I went this route because I was having problems  
with controls jumping around after doing a lock screen, go to card,  
rearrange controls, unlock card strategy (don't know what the problem  
is with that either). I thought by having the rearrangement occur in  
the PreOpenCard handler I could avoid the problem.  I didn't want the  
PreOpenCard handler hanging around so I was inserting it into the  
front, doing the work, then removing it. When I first tried it I  
didn't think I would need any lock screens because the rearrangement  
was in the preOpenCard handler. It turns out that's wrong. When I  
added a lock screen to the preOpenCard handler the performance  
returned to acceptable levels.

Thanks for the comments,
Tim Bleiler
University at Buffalo

On Apr 8, 2008, at 1:17 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Tim Bleiler wrote:
Anyone have any ideas why a script inserted into the front would  
run  MUCH slower than the same script run from a stack script  
placed in  the message path with Start using?

Execution speed is pretty much unaffected by the location of the  
handler in the message path, with the only exception being a very  
minor (barely measurable) increase in performance the closer a  
handler is to the front of the queue.  This means, however, that a  
frontScript would be a tiny bit faster than a library or backscript.

So whatever's causing the perceived slowdown must be related to the  
interaction of the script with others in the message path.

What does the script do?

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
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Re: Cgi and Database (stick to standards)

2008-02-07 Thread Tim Shields
Hi Hershel,

What platform are you running on? Also, which version of revolution?
There was some DB/CGI related problems with the earlier 2.9 Beta -
although I think we've fixed them in the latest Beta.



On 7 Feb, 16:13, Hershel Fisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2/7/08 10:00 AM, Richard Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi, and thanks,

  I'm not sure if this is the answer to your question, but I have found
  problems with using http-based url's from inside the cgi folder. You
  might try removing the http://localhost/cgi-bin; portion, since it
  appears the database is already inside the cgi-bin directory.

 For the cgi, I don't use the http because I got to understand (after a lot
 of struggle) that that¹s only for the apache server other then that I use
 the regular path, e.g. In the same folder I just put filex.x for the
 document folder I use /filex.x. Also I tried everything I could think of.
 As you could see below in the examples.

  Another option is to use a conventional flat file database (i.e. text
  file). I've been using that with Rev cgi with no problem.

 I don¹t think that it will work with a million record plus, db.


 But what I do see that no way to invest in a non standard item or project
 unless you know it in and out other wise you might end up in trouble. I put
 in a lot of time and effort in a web site doing the front end and it is very
 nice and works good but what does it matter the face if the brain is dead.
 (despite the advise not to because its not standard and might end up in hot
 water in case I will need help and to use PHP)
 Thanks, Hershel

  On Feb 6, 2008, at 8:37 PM, Hershel Fisch wrote:

  Hi all I'm in the works of creating a web site rev CGI  which the
  is almost done, And now I'm stuck when it comes to the database
  part. Have
  no idea how to work this out tried various different way's and 


  on startup
    put 1  getTip1() into theData
    # write minimal set of HTTP headers to stdout
    put Content-Type: text/html  cr
    put Content-Length:  the length of theData  cr  cr
    put  theData
  end startup

  function getTip1
    get  revGetDatabaseDriverPath()
    return it
  end getTip1

  function getTip2
    get revOpenDatabase(sqlite,http://localhost/cgi-bin/
  testdb.db, , , , )
    return it
  end getTip2

  function getTip3
    get revOpenDatabase(sqlite,testdb.db, , , , )
    return it
  end getTip3
  ERROR 500

  Any help would be appreciated.
  Hershel Fisch

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Re: has anybody heard a release date of 2.9?

2008-01-31 Thread Tim Shields
Hi there,

Whilst I can't say _exactly_ when 2.9 is going to ship, I can tell you
that the last beta of 2.9 will stop working in a couple of months - so
I am afraid you can't build/release your application with the Beta.

What sort of timescale are you looking at for the release of your
product? If you are thinking about releasing in a month or so, then I
would suggest hanging on for the 2.9 release. * nuff said *



On 31 Jan, 11:02, Tiemo Hollmann TB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 I am just before the finalization of a new app. Has anybody heard about a
 planned release date of 2.9, where I could wait for, or should I still go
 with 2.8?

 BTW. Is there any reason I should not release an app build with a Beta
 (beside of my own risk). I mean, do the Betas have anything build in, which
 lets them stop working after a certain period or sth. Like this?

 I am asking because the current Beta has solved a problem, which I had In
 2.8 with copying images over the clipboard.



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Re: has anybody heard a release date of 2.9?

2008-01-31 Thread Tim Shields
Interesting --- I've just tried it and Mark is right - Standalone's
don't seem to expire (well, on my Linux installation anyway!) , even
when the Beta IDE does... oh well, you live and learn!


On 31 Jan, 11:55, Tiemo Hollmann TB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hmmm 1:1

  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
  Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:use-revolution-
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Mark Schonewille
  Gesendet: Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2008 12:53
  An: How to use Revolution
  Betreff: Re: has anybody heard a release date of 2.9?


  As far as I know, standalones built with the beta won't expire.

  Best regards,

  Mark Schonewille


  Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

  Quickly extract data from your HyperCard stacks with DIFfersifier.

  Op 31-jan-2008, om 12:41 heeft Tim Shields het volgende geschreven:

   Hi there,

   Whilst I can't say _exactly_ when 2.9 is going to ship, I can tell you
   that the last beta of 2.9 will stop working in a couple of months - so
   I am afraid you can't build/release your application with the Beta.

   What sort of timescale are you looking at for the release of your
   product? If you are thinking about releasing in a month or so, then I
   would suggest hanging on for the 2.9 release. * nuff said *



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Where is the Printer Library

2008-01-23 Thread Tim Lambert
There appears to be some rev calls to a printer library  
(revprintField, and similar) but I can't find how to activate this  
library. The revPrint commands do nothing in the IDE.

The 'documents', once one blows the patina off the clay fascia, does  
not mention a printer library either.

Any suggestions on where to go gratefully received


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Re: Rev on OLPC Sugar OS?

2008-01-16 Thread Tim Shields
Hi there,

We have tested Rev on XO in the office, and I can report that
standalone applications work without any (known) problems - as long as
you keep in mind the limitations of the XO Sugar Windowing system.

XO uses the Matchbox window manager. This window manager ALWAYS has
all windows fullscreen, with the exception of Modal windows. As a
result of this multi-window application will not appear correctly -
each window (or stack) will appear fullscreen and you have to flip
between them.

You can develop apps for the OLPC using Rev very effectively though if
you just use a single stack that is designed to the resolution of the
OLPC screen ( 1200x900 I believe).

On a similar note : Rev also works on the Asus Eee straight out of the
box :-)

Best regards,


On 10 Jan, 17:29, viktoras didziulis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 try LiveCD: I tried running Revolution
 and apps compiled with it on Puppy Linux. It worked there... There is
 probably no reason why it shouldn't run on this XO Sugar thing :-)

 Best wishes

 John Patten wrote:

  Hi All!

  Just curious...

  How possible would it be, now that Rev is also fairly Linux capable, would 
  it be to get a version of Rev to work on the OLPC XO Sugar driven laptop?

  Thank  You!

  John Patten

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Re: Video on Linux

2008-01-14 Thread Tim Shields
Hi Mark,

The Linux version requires that the latest version of mplayer is
installed on your system to enable playing of video's (in the same way
as the Windows and OSX versions require quicktime player to be

If you try and play a video without mplayer installed, there is a bug
in the current DP which does not delete the child window (that it
prepares for the video to play in) - hence the apparent non-redrawing.
It should only be the docs stack that does not redraw - the other
stacks (without video sub-windows) should be unaffected. This bug will
be fixed in DP-4.



On 14 Jan, 15:46, Mark Schonewille [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Linux users,

 I have noticed that the on-line tutorial videos don't play out of
 the box (accessible trough the documentation window). Also, if a
 tutorial video is loaded but can't be displayed, Rev's windows locks
 up. I can still select menus and click in windows to activate them,
 but windows are no longer redrawn.

 I am using the latest Ubuntu with GNOME and 2.9 beta 10. Who is able
 to play the video tutorials under Linux, using Rev's latest beta

 Best regards,

 Mark Schonewille


 Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software 

 Quickly extract data from your HyperCard stacks with DIFfersifier.

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Re: Rev on OLPC Sugar OS?

2008-01-10 Thread Tim Shields
Hi there

We have run Rev standalones under XO Sugar in the office without any
(known) problems. However there are a few issues that should be noted.

XO Sugar uses Matchbox as its windowing manager. Unfortunately (for
us) Matchbox makes all windows fullscreen (with the exception of Modal
windows). As such each stack in your application will run fullscreen
and you have to switch between them.  Short of having our users
install a different window manager (which can be done :-) ) this is a
limitation that we cannot get round. This also means that although the
IDE technically runs, its pretty much unusable.

However, you can still successfully develop applications for the OLPC
if you only use a single stack and design it to the OLPC's screen
resolution ( which I think is 1200x900 ).

On a similar note : Rev works fine straight out-of-the-box on the Asus
Eee too :-)


Senior Developer
Runtime Revolution.

On 10 Jan, 17:29, viktoras didziulis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 try LiveCD: I tried running Revolution
 and apps compiled with it on Puppy Linux. It worked there... There is
 probably no reason why it shouldn't run on this XO Sugar thing :-)

 Best wishes

 John Patten wrote:

  Hi All!

  Just curious...

  How possible would it be, now that Rev is also fairly Linux capable, would 
  it be to get a version of Rev to work on the OLPC XO Sugar driven laptop?

  Thank  You!

  John Patten

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How to embed fonts using 2.8.2-gm3

2007-12-27 Thread Tim Lambert
I've done a search but I can't see how this is done - ie the 'docs'  
are for v2.7. I am developing on Mac for a principal target of  
windoze XP. On the windoze platform all the fonts I used in the Mac  
convert to piddly little arial type fonts of one size.

If anyone knows of a tutorial I would be most grateful.


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Using iTunes Video in Rev

2007-06-04 Thread Tim Bleiler


I'm working on an application for a handicapped child that presents a  
simple interface, custom made to the child's needs. We'd like to be  
able to access and play purchased video from the iTunes store within  
this application. However, the purchased files are .m4v and only seem  
to play in the Quicktime player and iTunes, not Rev. Is this related  
to the copy protection? Is there a workaround OTHER than launching  
Quicktime Player or iTunes? Or is it a bug?

Tim Bleiler

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Re: Vector illustrations in Revolution

2007-05-24 Thread Tim Ponn

On May 24, 2007, at 12:41 AM, Stephen Barncard wrote:

Anybody up for a a DXF-to-Rev object translator?

The good news...I've got a project going that I call chatCAD.   
Scenario: two engineers chatting on aim, yahoo, whatever...exchanging  
design ideas via a whiteboard of sorts.  However, the results from  
a typical whiteboard app is freehand/bitmap and not very usable in  
any CAD program when the skill-pooping session is done.  Besides,  
freehanding something drives most engineers nuts...we'd rather  
define endpoints of lines, etc., to achieve usable accuracy.  So,  
chatCAD will use a stripped down dxf-like document to exchange  
graphic ideas during the session and then be fully importable to a  
CAD program afterwards.  I will also (this is the hopefully part),  
make it 3D wireframe with help from Derbrill's AnimationEngine.

The bad news...this is a spare-time project, so it's not likely to be  
complete anytime soon.

I can offer this...I've written many DXF utilities that we use in  
house to communicate between CAD and our home grown CNC micro- 
driller.  As a result, I've had to read, manipulate and write DXF  
files many times.  DXF file interpretation can get very ugly.  It's  
not as universal as you would think.

Best Regards,

Timothy R. Ponn

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Re: Reading OSX mail attachments

2007-03-12 Thread Tim Ponn


Thanks for your help, but I'm still having problems displaying the  
image correctly.  This snippet from the .eml file says it's base 64:

Content-Type: image/jpeg; name=Pool Table.jpg
Content-disposition: attachment
Content-transfer-encoding: base64

But, when I open the file within rev...strip out all the text ahead  
of the attachment...strip out all the junk past the end of the  
attachment...then set the image data of an image to base64Decode 
(theattachment)...I get mostly a black image with a sliver of hash on  
the left side.

I have got to be missing something basic here!

On Mar 9, 2007, at 4:52 PM, Brent Anderson wrote:


I've done something similar with audio clips and those were in base  
64 format. A quick base64decode function call should do the trick.

Brent Anderson
Christa McAuliffe Space Education Center

On Mar 9, 2007, at 9:51 AM, Ken Ray wrote:

On Fri, 9 Mar 2007 09:55:32 -0500, Tim Ponn wrote:

Hello all,

I have a situation where customer orders come to me via email with a
photo attachment.  It occurred to me that I could use rev to  
create a

db front end that could be pointed at the appropriate mailbox folder
and then have it extract each message.  Then, each message becomes a
record in my db.

Extracting the data is a piece o cake.  Then I come to the
attachment.  Apple apparently uses a compression technique to store
the image (jpg, bmp, whatever) within each individual message.  Has
anybody fiddled with reading and displaying these attachments?  Any
thoughts?  Ideas?  Laughs? ;=)

Well, as a last resort you could leave it in Mail, and then use
AppleScript to get at the message and its attachments. Barring  
that, I
haven't had to read embedded mail attachments directly, but I'd  

they are either BinHexed or AppleDouble encoded...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.

Best Regards,

Timothy R. Ponn

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Re: Reading OSX mail attachments

2007-03-12 Thread Tim Ponn


Yes, I do have the image in my rev stack set to the same as the  
original jpeg this case 350 x 232.

For what it's worth, once I isolate (theAttachment), I also put  
base64Decode(theAttachment) into a field.  I then opened the original  
Pool Table.jpg with a text editor.  They look identical and they are  
the same length...well...the jpg file has 3 extra bytes, but I would  
attribute this to eof.

Because the slice of hash is about 1/16 the width of the image that I  
end up with (the balance being black), is it possible that  
base64Decode is actually hex, and not binary?  Maybe coincidence?

On Mar 12, 2007, at 10:51 AM, Ken Ray wrote:

On Mon, 12 Mar 2007 10:15:59 -0400, Tim Ponn wrote:


Thanks for your help, but I'm still having problems displaying the
image correctly.  This snippet from the .eml file says it's base 64:

Content-Type: image/jpeg; name=Pool Table.jpg
Content-disposition: attachment
Content-transfer-encoding: base64

But, when I open the file within rev...strip out all the text ahead
of the attachment...strip out all the junk past the end of the
attachment...then set the image data of an image to
base64Decode(theattachment)...I get mostly a black image with a
sliver of hash on the left side.

I have got to be missing something basic here!

Do you know ahead of time the size of the image? Because before you  

the imageData of an image, you need to have the rect of the image be
correct otherwise you'll get garbage. I would suggest pumping the
base64Decode(theattachment) to a binary file called Pool Table.jpg
and then importing that image from disk (or set the filename of an
empty image to the file path).

Just my 2 cents,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

Best Regards,

Timothy R. Ponn

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Re: Reading OSX mail attachments

2007-03-12 Thread Tim Ponn


Thanks, but that didn't work either.  What I get now is a completely  
white image, and when I look at it's imageData it's zero length.

On Mar 12, 2007, at 11:23 AM, Dave Cragg wrote:

put base64Decode(theattachment) into image myImage

Best Regards,

Timothy R. Ponn

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Menu Font on Windows

2007-03-12 Thread Tim Bleiler


I'd like my application to respect the user settings for fonts etc.  
in the windows menu bar that I create.
I've queried the registry for the user font information but I can't  
figure out where the font size and font color information is stored.

Anyone know how to do this?

Tim Bleiler
Instructional Designer, University at Buffalo
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Reading OSX mail attachments

2007-03-09 Thread Tim Ponn

Hello all,

I have a situation where customer orders come to me via email with a  
photo attachment.  It occurred to me that I could use rev to create a  
db front end that could be pointed at the appropriate mailbox folder  
and then have it extract each message.  Then, each message becomes a  
record in my db.

Extracting the data is a piece o cake.  Then I come to the  
attachment.  Apple apparently uses a compression technique to store  
the image (jpg, bmp, whatever) within each individual message.  Has  
anybody fiddled with reading and displaying these attachments?  Any  
thoughts?  Ideas?  Laughs? ;=)

Thanks in advance!

Best Regards,

Timothy R. Ponn

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How to use XFCNs XCMDs in Rev?

2007-02-27 Thread Tim MacKenzie

How do you install and use XFCNs and XCMDs in Rev?

- Tim MacKenzie

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Physical Screen Size

2007-01-19 Thread Tim Ponn


I'm working on a project and I would like to get the physical  
screen size of the system.  Is there a way to do this?  I see how to  
get many of the screen attributes...but as to physical siza...nadda.

A cheesy way to do this, I suppose, would be to display an object  
when the app is started up and ask the user to measure it and enter  
the measurement.  Based on that I could calculate the size of the  

Has anyone discovered how to do this?

Best Regards,

Timothy R. Ponn

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Re: Physical Screen Size

2007-01-19 Thread Tim Ponn


I understand why folks set their screen res the way they do...I know  
someone who always sets it at the highest possible...never mind that  
it's nearly impossible to see the icons on their desktop without  
magnification!  ;=)

Here's my application and why it's important to me...

We designed and built an extremely accurate 3 axis cnc micro-driller  
about 7 years ago which is controlled by a HyperCard stack.  We use  
it in production to drill holes as small as .010 dia. through a  
variety of plastics with a guaranteed accuracy of .00025.  The work  
area is small, just 4 square...but it has served our needs  
perfectly.  In my stack, I represent the work area on screen in  
exactly the same size...WYSIWYG-in-extreme, if you will.  When the  
file is loaded, the pattern is displayed.  As each hole is drilled,  
the appropriate circle is filled in on the screen.
I've used Rev for about 5 years now, and am converting this stack  
into a rev app.  If we were only using it in house, no biggie, I  
would just tweak the display like I did last time.  But now we're  
thinking of building and selling these machines (with perhaps a 12  
square work area and higher RPM drill head to allow for smaller  
drills) to others. just occurred to me as I was writing this...a good work  
around may be to tweak it on my monitor until it's the same scale,  
then use my set resolution to recalculate and change size based on  
the resolution of the user.  In fact, I'm certain that will work.

Thanks for your poking, you got me to think!

Best Regards,

Timothy R. Ponn

On Jan 19, 2007, at 7:26 AM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Hi Tim,

Normally, people set the screen resolution to a higher number  
because they want more to fit on their screen. They would be  
surprised to see that your application doesn't show more on screen  
despite a higher resolution, if you manage to do this.

I don't think that the actual screen size is of any importance.  
Sometimes, it could be useful to adjust an application to the  
screen resolution, e.g. if you are making a full-screen interface.  
The physical screen size has nothing to do with this.

So, why would you want to do this?




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Re: Communicate with stepper motors?

2006-09-01 Thread Tim Ponn


I LOVE using steppers in machinery and fixtures around my company.   
You can use Rev very nicely to control them.  Here's the approach  
I've taken...

I prefer to use an existing controller.  I have a lot of experience  
with a particular brand called SimpleStep (   
They are expensive, but I simply don't care.  One machine we designed  
and built years ago cost us about $15,000...$400 of which went for 2  
boards from this company.  This single machine has resulted in close  
to $250K of sales over the years.  I wouldn't care if the boards cost  
me 10x what they did.  They're solid...never skip a beat...are simple  
to use and have a very rich set of features.

Now, if you want a less costly controller (plus oodles more widget  
stuff)...there is a new player that I've gotten some early release  
info can find them at

If you prefer to write your own low level stuff and create your own're a better man (or...person) that I!  ;=)

On motors, I prefer Sanyo-Denki.  Dunno why...but I've never had the  
tiniest of problems with them.  You can find steppers at places like  
Jameco electronics...also a good source for cheap controllers and  
kits.  Just'll probably get what you pay for!

Now the fun starts...I've used Rev to control these boards via  
serial.  But, I prefer using I get one of those Ethernet  
to Serial convertors (specifically SitePlayer Telnet from NetMedia)  
and use the Rev socket commands.  This allows me to control a few  
machines from a single app.  It's all personal taste from  
really depends on the machine and the environment.

That's my 2 cents!  Hope it helps.

Best Regards,

Timothy R. Ponn

On Aug 31, 2006, at 1:08 PM, Marty Knapp wrote:

I was talking with a guy yesterday who said that using Basic you  
could use the printer port on Windows to talk to a stepper motor. I  
know pretty much nothing about robotics (or communicating through  
ports for that matter). Does anyone know if this is possible with  
Rev? I read through the docs and could see that one can read from  
and write data to com ports and LPT ports, but wouldn't a stepper  
motor just need electrical pulses sent to it?

I realize I'm revealing my ignorance to the world here, but any  
help would be appreciated.

Marty Knapp
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copying a variable to the clipboard

2005-08-08 Thread Tim MacKenzie
Is there any way to put the contents of a variable onto the clipboard. 
I can say

copy line 1 to 3 of field abc

But Rev will not accept

put line 1 to 3 of field abc into var1
copy var1

I want it on the clipboard so I can paste it in another application 
such as TextEdit.

- Tim MacKenzie
   University of Tennessee, Knoxvile

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Using libSMTP to send an e-mail

2005-06-30 Thread tim
Hi All,

I'm trying to get to grips with using Shao Sean's libSMTP to send an e-mail.
I've so far had limited success, in that I can send a message, but all of 
the TO,FROM,SUBJECT information is empty. Furthermore, the e-mails I have been
sending must look dodgy because my ISP keeps blocking my account after I use
libSMTP to send something!

I've been reading that there's 
another library by Shao Sean to format the mail (libMail?), but I can't find 
it to download anywhere.

So, I guess I'm wondering...

1. Can I get the libMail library? If so, where? And if not
2. How do I format the data I send using libSMTP so that e-mail clients will 
understand it?

Many thanks,


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Rev Toolbar Group button - How does it work?!

2005-06-27 Thread tim

Hi All,

I am trying to get the same effect as the Rev team have done with the 
Group button on the top toobar.

When you click on an object with the pointer tool, the Group button on the 
toolbar immediately becomes available. Likewise, when you deselect the 
object, the Group button becomes disabled.

How can I do this in my own stack? I can't work out what message to trap, as 
it seems that much fewer messages are sent when the pointer tool is 
selected, as compared to the browse tool.

Many thanks,

Timothy Due
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Keyboard Layout mis-matched under Japanese Windows

2005-06-06 Thread tim
Hi all,

After talking to support, I have submitted this to Bugzilla.

It's at\?id=2874

If you can help confirm this bug and vote for it, that would be a great help!


Tim Due
use-revolution mailing list

Keyboard Layout under Windows 98

2005-06-03 Thread tim

Hi everyone,

This is my first post here. I bought Rev Studio a few weeks ago and I have 
enjoyed working with it, and reading about how to from this list, which has
helped me a great deal!

I have a question, though, that I haven't been able to find an answer for yet.

 I am using Windows 98 Japanese OS. When I open Rev, the text input mode
automatically switches to a US English keyboard layout. Even if I go
into the keyboards control panel and delete this layout, when I open
Rev, it just comes back, almost as if Rev is creating it.

This means that the punctuation characters do not display as typed. For example,
on my
keyboard  is shift-6, but I have to type shift-7 to get it in Rev. Almost all
the other punctuation characters on the right of the keyboard have the same 

What I need to work out is why Rev isn't using the default keyboard
layout and input method editor. I have other English software on this
machine, and all of it honors the keyboard layout setting provided by
the OS. (in fact, I am typing this now in an English version of
Firefox, and there are no problems.)

Although I personally can live with this
problem, I want to distribute my software to people using Japanese
systems - and then it becomes a much bigger issue for me. They will
expect that when they type a bracket, or apostrophe, or ampersand,
then that's what they get! 

Any fix / workaround gratefully appreciated! 


Timothy Due

use-revolution mailing list

Rinaldi's fullFind equivalent for Revolution?

2005-01-12 Thread Tim MacKenzie
I am a long-time Hypercard user and use Rinaldi's fullFind XFCN 
extensively. I am new to Revolution and would like to know if there is 
any equivalent function or command for Revolution?
Thanks for any help.

- Tim MacKenzie
   University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
use-revolution mailing list

answer file vs. building a path manually

2004-04-16 Thread Tim Bobo
I am working in OS X. I have a revolution stack that is set up to play 
all the movies in a given folder.  Everything works fine until I hit a 
movie with a long file name.  When I set the players filename to be the 
full file path, it chokes.  When I use answer file to get the same 
exact file, it puts a truncated file path into the player as the 
filename, and it works.

The problem is I cannot use answer file, because I am trying to play a 
whole folder of clips.  Is there any way to get the truncated name of a 
file without using answer file for each individual file?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Tim Bobo
Left Brain Media, Corp.
972-410-1933 office
972-899-1933 fax
972-345-3989 mobile
use-revolution mailing list


2003-11-24 Thread Tim . Farmer

I will be out of the office starting  11/24/2003 and will not return until

Tim Farmer

use-revolution mailing list


2003-11-24 Thread Tim . Farmer

I will be out of the office starting  11/24/2003 and will not return until

Tim Farmer

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Externals

2003-09-04 Thread Tim Malloroy
Thanks Dar, that is exactly the start I needed. I will be creating an
external for OS X, Linux, and Windows. When finished, I plan to submit it as
a user contribution for all to use.

Tim Malloroy


Message: 14
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2003 09:58:00 -0600
Subject: Re: Externals

On Thursday, September 4, 2003, at 06:40 AM, Tim Malloroy wrote:

 I can't seem to find any information on writing externals. I want to
 SQLite for use in Revolution 2.1. Can anyone give me pointers or hints 
 where to start?

Windows or Linux?  Or are you adapting SQLite for OS X?

Some place I have notes on struggling through my first one on Windows 
using Visual C/C++, but from memory...  Start with the externals folder 
that came with the earlier versions.  I think it can be downloaded.  
That should include some source files, a DLL definition file, a readme 
and a stack.  I don't remember if it had a make file.  Wrap your 
project around that and try it.  Copy the DLL to the same folder as the 
Revolution executable.  Open the stack.  If you change the DLL, close  
purge the stack and reopen it.  If you make your own external, remember 
to set the externals in the stack and reopen it.

Then comes the hard part.  Look at the examples for callback testing 
and variable access.  Look at what they call.  Look at the basic setup 
for adding commands and functions.  Try that.  You might want to add 
comments and make some notes.  Much of this you can infer from the 
code; the rest may need testing or conservative usage.

Dar Scott


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Supercard vs. Rev

2003-03-14 Thread Tim Hart
So now that Supercard 4 is out.  What are your opinions?  I was reading 
in MacWorld and they kind of made a stab at Rev for waiting so long to 
release 2.  I have to say it is funny.  I mean what is the hold up.  I 
don't mean to be a jerk but I don't see how they could possibly miss 
their original announcement by 4 months of just bug fixing.  What is 
going on?

use-revolution mailing list

standardize window locations

2003-03-02 Thread Tim Hart
Is there a way to keep windows in a certain place when switching from 
stack to a substack.  I am closing the stack when going to a substack.  
I want to windows to show up in the same place.  Any ideas?

use-revolution mailing list

Stopping a buttons actions

2003-02-27 Thread Tim Hart
Hello everyone,
	I have a button which starts a script that takes about two minutes to 
get through.  I am scrolling through pictures with it.  My problem is 
stopping in the middle.  How can I stop or pause once the button is hit 
so I don't have to wait 2 minutes.

Thanks a ton.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Stopping a buttons actions

2003-02-27 Thread Tim Hart
On Thursday, February 27, 2003, at 04:47 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Ctrl-. (Win) or Cmd-. (Mac).
Thanks.  Now how do I do that with a button labeled reset so the user 
can do it to.

use-revolution mailing list

Another question today.

2003-02-27 Thread Tim Hart
Sorry to keep asking question but I just can't figure it out.  I have a 
stack that has a button with the following script in it.  The user 
presses it and then this happens.  It puts images into image 1.jpg.  
I would like to use some of the visual effects, but they don't seem to 
work when you set the filename.  Anyone have any ideas or is it 
impossible?  Thanks a lot in advance.

on mouseup
  set filename of image 1.jpg to pics/sue/1.jpg
  put My daddy left home when I was three into field text
  wait 5 seconds
  put And he didn't leave much to Ma and me... into field text
  wait 5 seconds
  set filename of image 1.jpg to pics/sue/2.jpg
use-revolution mailing list

Getting images from folder

2003-02-23 Thread Tim Hart
I want to keep my pictures seperate from the app itself.  I want to be 
able to call the pictures when i want them.  I just can't seem to get 
the scripting right.  I am trying:

put image whatever into image 1

put URL file:whatever/ehatever.jpg into image 1
please help

use-revolution mailing list

Getting images from folder

2003-02-23 Thread Tim Hart
I want to keep my pictures seperate from the app itself.  I want to be 
able to call the pictures when i want them.  I just can't seem to get 
the scripting right.  I am trying:

put image whatever into image 1

put URL file:whatever/ehatever.jpg into image 1
please help

use-revolution mailing list

Playing Mp3s and keeping them going

2003-02-04 Thread Tim Hart
Hello all,
	Hope 2.0 comes out soon.  Just wondering if anyone can tell me how to 
keep a sound file playing when I go from card to card.  I have set a 
player and set it to play on preopencard.  I want it to keep playing 
when I go to the next card.  Any help?


use-revolution mailing list

Charting with Revolution

2002-11-26 Thread Tim Lambert
Is there any way of doing a variety of charts in Rev?  With a plugin 


use-revolution mailing list

Flow charts

2002-07-23 Thread Tim


Does anyone know of any stacks, tutorials for creating dynamic flow charts
in Hyper, Super, Meta-Card or Rev? Any info would be much appreciated.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: TextFont

2002-05-21 Thread Tim

On 5/20/02 11:40 AM, Björnke von Gierke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Montag, Mai 20, 2002, at 05:01 , Tim wrote:
 I have a twofold question: 1. How can I specify a different default
 font for
 the message box, both upper and lower pane, and
 Well I guess you would want to get access to the revmessagebox.rev
 stack. You have to set Rev to show the Stacks from the RunRev UI (Its
 the first checkbox in the General Preference). Now just search for the
 revmessagebox.rev stack, and choose go editable make any change you
 wish... HOWEVER: RunRev inc. does not grant any guaranty or support if
 you mess up while doing this, and you may have to re-install the
 2. The Option Menu button
 seems to be the only button style that does NOT retain the text
 (read: user set textFont) inside as it's menu items. Can anyone help
 either question?
 Im not sure, but I think I don't understand this question :)
 so here some general infos about buttons:
 I found out that no button does keep any style information (eg.
 underline) however they can change their size/font .
 Also I think that no button stores any formating/visualizing infos in
 the menu items.
 Hope this Helps
Thanks Björnke,

I should have made myself clearer with the second question. Here it is
re-worded: If I set the textfont of any button to a non-English (non-Latin)
font, then that change is reflected, which is what you'd expect. But when
you do that to the Option Button, it does not work.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: TextFont

2002-05-21 Thread Tim

On 5/20/02 3:03 PM, Jeanne A. E. DeVoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At 8:01 AM -0700 5/20/2002, Tim wrote:
 2. The Option Menu button
 seems to be the only button style that does NOT retain the text formatting
 (read: user set textFont) inside as it's menu items. Can anyone help with
 either question?
 (I'm assuming you're on a Mac)
 Popup and option menus are drawn by the OS, so it sets the font used by
 menu items. You can either:
 - set the lookAndFeel to Macintosh instead of Appearance Manager to
 have the engine draw the menus itself, in which case it uses the button
 font instead of the systemwide menus font; or
 - use a stack menu instead of a button menu. A stack menu is an actual
 stack window that you display as a menu and which behaves like a menu.
 Creating one is a little more complicated than just entering menu items
 into the button contents and letting the engine create the menu, but it
 gives you more flexibility in layout.
 Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development
It seems that setting the lookAndFeel to Macintosh will give you OS 9 look
even though you're on OS X. So I suppose I'll opt for the latter approach.

Thank you,

use-revolution mailing list


2002-05-20 Thread Tim


I have a twofold question: 1. How can I specify a different default font for
the message box, both upper and lower pane, and 2. The Option Menu button
seems to be the only button style that does NOT retain the text formatting
(read: user set textFont) inside as it's menu items. Can anyone help with
either question?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Ftp woes

2002-04-22 Thread Tim

On 4/22/02 4:50 PM, Dave Cragg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At 4:10 pm -0400 22/4/02, Tim wrote:
 Hi, I¹m having difficulties compressing and uploading a stack to my
 FTP server. Here¹s the code:
 on mouseUp
   save stack TestStack
   put PowerBookHD/Revolution Projects/TestStack.rev into \
 tLocalFile --TestStack is a Revolution Stack containing 3 other substacks
   put compress(tLocalFile) into URL
   close stack TestStack
 end mouseUp
 Two problems:
 1.  with the file data (need to use url syntax)
 2.  with the user name (need to urlEncode because of the @ character)
 put /PowerBookHD/Revolution Projects/TestStack.rev into tLocalFile
 put [EMAIL PROTECTED] into tName
 put ftp://;  urlEncode(tName)  :mypassword  @ into tUrl
 put after tUrl
 put url (binfile:  tLocalFile) into tData
 put compress(tData) into url tUrl
 if the result is not empty then
  answer the result ##error check
 end if
 If the password contains any funny characters, you should urlEncode
 that too. (but not the : separating the name and password)
 Dave Cragg

That did it. Thanks a bunch! Is there a way to reverse engineer this so that
a shell stack could open this TestStack from the ftp server?

Thanks again,

use-revolution mailing list

Problem with modification dates

2002-03-28 Thread Tim


I have two identical stacks on two machines, a Mac OS X and a Win2K. I want
to have a third stack be able to look up the modification date of both
stacks and open the most recently modified stack. The problem is that when I
open the stack which resides on a Mac with PC Revolution and modify it  and
save it, the modification date does not change on a Mac. This is very weird
stuff indeed. Does anyone have a solution?



use-revolution mailing list

Re: arrow keys in fields

2002-03-08 Thread Tim

On 3/8/02 1:30 PM, Rand Valentine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am having a hard time getting arrow keys to work as I want in a text
 field. I want pressing the arrow keys to move me within the text of the
 field, not jump to another field. The textArrows property is presumably
 designed to handle this, but it doesn't seem to work properly with a
 grouped field-- pressing an arrow key causes a jump to another field (or
 a jump _somewhere_), but does move the cursor within the field. What am
 I doing wrong?
 rand valentine
 use-revolution mailing list

Try putting the following in your startup handler:

set the navigationArrows to false
set the textArrows to true


use-revolution mailing list

QT vs Animation Manager

2002-03-05 Thread Tim Chambers

Hi Marcus,

Thanks for the additional advice. I'm on a steep learning curve at the 
moment. I'm working on the cards now in AppleWorks Paint, saving them as 
JPEGs, then feeding them into QT.  I'll try the PNG. When it's all done 
I'll import the movies to Revolution and link it to the website from 


use-revolution mailing list

Quicktime versus Animation Manager (No subject)

2002-03-04 Thread Tim Chambers


Thanks for your quick response. In answer to your question. I have some 
small animations for an english teaching program.  A few GIFS of 
manipulated clip art and words broken into syllables with sound as they 
display on the screen.  I'm a hobbyist working with an average household 
budget, so low cost solutions are imperative.


use-revolution mailing list

Quicktime vs Animation

2002-03-04 Thread Tim Chambers


Thanks again, you're way beyond my competence at this point. I'm totally 
new to Revolution, animation and programming. Hypercard I can do, and if 
I could import the color stacks I'd do it all in Hypercard and transfer 
it to Revolution. Will keep experimenting with getting the images the 
way I want them then I'll get back to you.

It occurs to me that I could do the imagery and sound in Hypercard, make 
the Quicktime movies from there then import the movies to Revolution. 
But with the images being in PICT format, I wonder what they would look 
like on the Net.


use-revolution mailing list

(no subject)

2002-03-03 Thread Tim Chambers

Does anyone know what to do after importing the control for a Quicktime 
I have know idea what to do in the properties box or how to script it.

Would it be easier to do animations in the Animation Manager?
Tried that too, and couldn't make heads or tails of it.
I'm running an iMac with OSX 1.2.3.

Tim Chambers

use-revolution mailing list

CGI Creation

2002-02-13 Thread Tim Bobo

Can anyone point me in the direction of any documentation about how to use
Revolution for CGI creation?

Tim Bobo

use-revolution mailing list

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